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Complete the conversations. 1. A What kinds of clothes ______________ (you / like / wear) to work? B Actually, I _______

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Complete the conversations. 1. A What kinds of clothes ______________ (you / like / wear) to work? B Actually, I ______________ (have to / wear) a uniform. 2. A I need to go shopping today. ______________ (you / need / buy) anything at the mall? B Yeah, I ______________ (want / get) a couple of things. Let’s meet after class. 3. A ______________ (your teacher / have to / wear) a suit to work? B No, he doesn’t. But he ______________ (have to / look) good.

 Circle the correct words. 1. A How much is this / these purse? B It’s / They’re $29.95. 2. A How much are that / these shoes? B It’s / They’re $52.50. 3. A How much are this / those sunglasses? B It’s / They’re $11.50. 4. A How much is that / those belt? B It’s / They’re $18.00.

 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one extra word or expression. a backpack

a coat and boots


a suit and tie

a uniform

1. I need to buy ______________ for school. I have a lot of books. 2. I have to look good for work. I usually wear ______________ . 3. My husband is tired after work. He just wants to go home and put on ______________ or something comfortable. 4. It’s cold this winter. I need to buy ______________ .

 Complete the conversation. Circle the correct expressions. A Are you wearing those jeans to the restaurant? B Uh-huh. / Let me think. Let’s go. (1)

A I know jeans are comfortable, but it’s an expensive place. B Um, me too. / Oh, really? (2)

A Well, I’m wearing this suit. . . . B Yeah, you look great. OK. Let’s see. / Really? What do I have? (3)

A How about your new black pants? B Oh, / Well, great! They’re perfect. Good idea! (4)

Complete the questions and answers. Use can or can’t and the verbs in parentheses. Use capital letters where necessary. 1. A What kinds of museums _________ you _________ (visit) in your city? B You _________ _________ (go) to history museums – like the Museum of Peruvian History. 2. A _________ you _________ (get) good Chinese food in this neighborhood?

B No, you _________ _________ (find) good Chinese food around here. But there’s good Mexican food. 3. A _________ you _________ (take) a ferry to the island? B No, but you _________ _________ (drive) there. There’s a bridge.

 Complete the sentences with countries, nationalities, or languages. Example: My best friend is Canadian, but she doesn’t live in _________ Canada . She lives in Brazil. 1. My father is from Turkey, but he can’t speak _________ . 2. My favorite _________ candy store is near here. They have delicious chocolate from France. 3. My best friend is from Germany, but she doesn’t like _________ music. 4. I love Chinese silk, but this silk isn’t from _________ .