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Reading 20 points 1

Read the text and choose the correct answers. (8 points) In 1994, a group of education researchers started an organisation called the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, also known as CASEL. This organisation wanted to teach social and emotional learning skills to school students in the United States. The researchers believed that in order to be successful in life, children need a lot more than academic training. In their opinion, teachers should not only prepare children for exams. Instead, they should also teach students how to get along with other people, even though they don’t always see eye to eye. They felt that if students learned how to manage their emotions and deal with conflicts, they would be less likely to get involved in bullying and violence at school. In addition, they would be much more likely to become positive and considerate adults. Although many people supported CASEL, it faced a number of difficulties. Many schools focus on preparing their students for tests and not on non-academic subjects like sport and music. According to these schools, there simply isn’t enough money to finance social and emotional learning programmes. Despite these challenges, some schools in the US are implementing different kinds of CASEL programmes. One of these is called the Caring School Community. This tries to encourage a sense of belonging within the school by putting younger students with older ones. Yet, although there are people who believe that CASEL programmes are extremely beneficial, there are many who are not convinced that they actually work. Perhaps, if there had been more research into the results of these kinds of programmes, more schools would have adopted them. Supporters of CASEL will have to make sure that this research is done if they truly want to change the face of education in the US.



The founders of CASEL believed that … . a. schools should teach social and emotional skills b. social and emotional skills are more important than academic training c. teaching social and emotional skills prepare students for exams CASEL programmes try to … . a. make people talk to each other b. teach people to deal with conflicts c. get people to see eye to eye

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Burlington Books


According to CASEL supporters, students that manage their emotions will probably … . a. do better in exams b. bully other students c. grow up to be more successful


When CASEL was created, … . a. there were many different reactions to it b. nobody supported it c. everyone in the educational community loved it



Complete the sentences. (12 points) 1. Supporters of CASEL believe that their programmes can reduce ........................................................... . 2. Many schools did not introduce CASEL programmes because .............................................................. . 3. The Caring School Community is an example of ................................................................................... . 4. The Caring School Community wants students to feel ........................................................................... . 5. Many people don’t think that the CASEL programmes .......................................................................... . 6. The writer believes that there should be more ........................................................................................ .

Vocabulary 20 points 1

Choose the correct answer. (4 points) 1. Many workers arrived late because there had been a crime rate / traffic jam / residential area. 2. My city has got many slums / gangs / green spaces where people like to go. 3. Christine felt left out / pulled her weight / got along with at the party because no one talked to her. 4. It was very homeless / low-income / considerate of you to help the old man.


Complete the sentences. (8 points) 1. The walls of the subway are dirty and covered with g … … … … … … i. 2. There is less u … … … … … … … … … … t since the new factories opened. 3. They c … … … … … e to work by bus every day. 4. I s … … … e my bedroom with my older sister. 5. The s … … … … b where my family lives is only a 30-minute drive from the city centre. 6. Tom will l … … d you his warm coat for your skiing trip. 7. They always t … … … t their guests like part of the family. 8. The tourists were shocked to see how many people live in p … … … … … y in India.


Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. (8 points) took advantage of  in charge of  see eye to eye  sense of belonging  reached a compromise litter  juvenile delinquency  well-being 1. I don’t want Luke to join our study group because I don’t ……………………………… with him. 2. We ……………………………… the good weather and went running in the park. 3. It’s important that new students have a ……………………………… in our school. 4. The doctor wants you to change your diet because he has your ……………………………… in mind. 5. Many families are leaving the neighbourhood because there is a problem with ……………………………… . 6. Last year, Lucy was ……………………………… the school volunteer programme. 7. The people who had a picnic here left all their ……………………………… . Let’s find another place. 8. At first we didn’t agree, but we finally ……………………………… .

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Burlington Books


Grammar 30 points 1

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero or First Conditional or time clauses. (8 points) 1. We …………………… (discuss) it as soon as I …………………… (get) home. 2. They …………………… (not enjoy) it unless it …………………… (be) an action film. 3. If Max …………………… (not tell) the truth this time, no one …………………… (believe) him in the future. 4. She usually …………………… (talk) to her mum if she …………………… (need) advice.


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Second Conditional. (6 points) 1. If Andy …………………… (be) taller, he …………………… (try out) for the team. 2. You …………………… (play) the guitar better if you …………………… (practise) every day. 3. People …………………… (like) her more if she …………………… (not complain) all the time.


Write sentences with the words below. Use the Third Conditional. (6 points) 1. the plants / not die / if / you / water / them .......................................................................................................................................... 2. I / arrive / earlier / if / I / not get / lost .......................................................................................................................................... 3. if / she / not forget / her purse / she / pay / the bill ..........................................................................................................................................


Choose the correct answer. (10 points) Many places in the US have started a neighbourhood watch programme in which volunteers walk or drive around the neighbourhood at night. When they 1. see / saw / had seen something suspicious, they 2. call / would call / would have called the police. For example, a volunteer in Syracuse, New York prevented a car theft. If he 3. wouldn’t drive / hadn’t driven / drove past the car park, he 4. won’t notice / wouldn’t have noticed / hadn’t noticed the strangers hanging around. Neighbourhood watch programmes also improve the quality of life in the community. How 5. will you feel / did you feel / would you feel if the house next to you 6. had / will have / had had a garden full of rubbish? In one town, the volunteers solved the problem. Neighbourhood watch programmes 7. would succeed / will succeed / succeeded if neighbours 8. will watch out / watched out / watch out for each other. Many people feel that if they 9. hadn’t started / wouldn’t start / didn’t start a neighbourhood watch programme, the quality of life in their communities 10. would not improve / don’t improve / wouldn’t have improved.

Writing 10 points Write five sentences complaining about the school cafeteria. Include:  your opinion about the food  your opinion about the prices  what you think the school should do

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Burlington Books