Present Simple and Present Continuous

PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS What’s the difference between present simple and present continuous?  PRESENT SI

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PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS What’s the difference between present simple and present continuous?

 PRESENT SIMPLE: routine actions ( I have breakfast at 8.00 and I leave home at 8.00…) • Regular actions (every morning…once a week, often…etc) • Things that are always true (love is beautiful)  PRESENT CONTINUOUS: actions that are happening at the moment of speaking ( I am writing an email ) often used with: NOW, AT THE MOMENT, IN THIS MOMENT, • Actions that are temporary and happening around the time of speaking Some exercises: 1. When ......................................... (he / go) home? 2. She does not study Spanish. She ...................................... (not/know) the translation of this word 3. Vegans are people who .................................................. (not / eat ) meat and eggs. 4. Look out! A rock ................................. (fall) from the cliff. 5. What time .................................................. (you/usually/go) to school on Saturdays? 6. Why ............................................. (you/wait) inside the room? 7. A)......................................... (Luke/like) roast chicken? No, ................................... A) ...................................................... (you/have to switch off) your mobile at school? B: Yes, ........................ 8. We can’t use the copier because it ................................... (not/work) 9. …………………………(I /go) to the gym twice a week 10. …………………………………..(I/read) a very interesting book. I’ve almost finished it. 11. ……………………………………(I/like) rock music, it’s my favourite. 2 Make QUESTIONS for the following answers 1. No, she is not listening to the lesson 2. Ann is married. 3. Pam starts school at nine o’ clock. (when...)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Lisa is reading a magazine They hate physical exercise. Yes, I like hip hop very much No, I haven’t got any pet Yes, he cycles to school every day no, I am not having fun

Put the verbs in the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. a: Where............................................... from (he/come)? b: He’s from Brazil. 2. a: What ................................................. (you/do)? b: I’m a teacher. 3. a: ............................................................. (James/play) the flute? B: yes, he’s a very good musician. 4. a Where .............................................. ( you/live)? B: I …… in Madrid. 5. What ................................................. (you/do)? b: I .................... (try) to fix my car. 6. a: Who ............................................... (drink) wine? B: I …... I don’t like its taste 7. a: Where .............................................. (sun/rise)? B: It ............................ (rise) from the east. 8. a: .................................................................. (your husband/surf) the internet? B: yes! He……………. (check) his e-mail. 9. (she/listen to )? B: yes, she is