Personal Switch Words Work Book

What are Personal Switchwords? Personal Switchwords are words that move you. These special words have power, because the

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What are Personal Switchwords? Personal Switchwords are words that move you. These special words have power, because they have a unique recall: like inhaling a perfume, they evoke specific memories and emotions in an instant. Whenever you want to turn around your mood, increase energy, or find inspiration, call upon your Personal Switches: think them, say them, chant or sing.

How to Find Your Personal Switchwords NOW The questions on page 3 are designed to prompt you to discover your personal Switchwords. Before you turn to the questions, here’s a brief introduction to what personal Switches are, and how to use them. Personal Switches can be: Memory-feeling words: these are words that connect you instantly with a powerful memory or feeling. This can be a place name, a colour, a shape, a flower - even a type of car; it may be the name of a game you excelled at, or a descriptor for something you love doing: music, books, running, woodworking. Sound words: the words that feel good on your tongue: moon, billow, plush, craze. The name of your hero: a sports star, a writer, Nobel Peace Prize-winner, scientist, charity guru, spiritual leader, politician or celebrity you admire. When you think of their name, or visualise their image, your mood lifts; you feel inspired. The name of a person you love or have loved.Their name may kindle memories of laughter, success, compassion, insight, networking, beauty, love, selflessness. This name might be a loved one in your family: the name of your son or daughter or other family member; the name of a loved one who has passed away whom you think of often; or a teacher, community leader or colleague, for example. You can also use a short visualisation technique to get your words, which I’ve included in my book, Switchwords: Use One Word to Get What You Want.

How to Apply Your Personal Switchwords for Extra Everything Say each word to yourself slowly - tune into its vibration as if it’s a musical note. Now repeat the word, so you’re chanting it like a mantra. You can chant as many times as you want to, but when you’re beginning to work with Switchwords, try a count of ten times. Pay attention to how your mantra feels when you chat it, aloud or silently. Allow any images to arise in your mind, or other words (one Switchword can lead to another! See my book to find out more). Now see how you might apply it to situations you’re in. You might:     

Chant when you need to lift your mood Chant when you need to feel strong and empowered Chant when you want to protect your personal space Chant for a confidence boost Chant to connect with your inner wisdom to make a decision 2

Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.

Finally, note how others around react to you, too, on the days that you chant. You might find they respond to you more positively than usual - or you might notice something important about their behaviour. If you get an insight about a person when you’re with them, make a mental note; this can be your subconscious giving you a message you need.

FIND your Personal Switchwords: Questionnaire Write in the words that naturally come to mind in the space to the right of each question. Don’t try too hard; if you don’t instantly get a word, leave the space blank and move on to the next question. The purpose of thee questions is to lead you toward a handful of words you can dedicate as your Personal Switches and write in your Word Cloud on page 5 Go with the flow—see what words arise as you are thinking about these questions. The words you write down may not be the literal answers

Fill in your words here 1.

Where did you spend your most favourite-ever holiday?


What’s important to you? Choose from this list, or add your own words: Family, bliss, peace, love, sharing, security, truth


What is your favourite shape? Choose from this list, or add your own words: Oval, circle, triangle, star, hexagon, heart, square, wave


What textures attract you? You might use words like soft, shiny, fleece, smooth, bark, silk


My favourite colour(s) is/are:


My favourite songs or song lyric: Examples: Pharrell Williams’ Happy; John Lennon’s Imagine


Who’s your music hero?


Who do you feel has changed the world for the better? Examples: Martin Luther King, Ghandi,


Who in your life, past or present, motivates you to be your best - to keep going, to succeed, or be com

3 Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.

Fill in your words here 10.

Name the person who conjures up a feeling of complete love.


Name the person who makes you feel most accepted.


Use one word to describe how you’d like to be remembered in the future. Examples: For kindness, bravery, intelligence, createng social change, artistry, teaching; or for a particular action (saving a life, donating a huge sum to charity).


Who’s your laughter hero? Name a comic who always puts a smile on your face.


Who is your sporting hero?


Name your favourite actor or actors:


At work, which word or words describe(s) you best? Examples: Innovate, share, complete, team, goal, strategy, create Or, add your own:


What’s your favourite food?


As a child, what did you dream of becoming?


What would you have if money were no object?


Write down any other favourite words you’re aware of that don’t appear above: these might be words whose sound you like (abracadabra, for ex ample) or a nonsense word you love the sound of.

4 Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.

Writing Your Personal Switchword Cloud 1.

Look at the words you’ve added to page 3 and 4. Read through them and note which ones you respond to most. Choose around six words - do this quickly, so you’re responding intuitively rather than logically.


At the top of the cloud, you’ll see the master Switchword, TOGETHER. TOGETHER brings your subconscious and conscious selves into alignment, helping you manifest your wishes - so it brings extra power to your personal Switchwords.


Now write your six or so Personal Switchwords underneath.


Set the mental intention that they’ll help you feel more personally empowered. Display your Cloud where you can see it, then say or think TOGETHER plus one or two of your Cloud words to make your unique personal Switchword phrase.


Here’s an example:





Lucy’s Personal Switchword Cloud STAR—came from wanting to be an astronaut when she grew up (Q.18) BOLD—is how Lucy would like to be remembered (Q.12) GABRIEL—from Peter Gabriel, one of Lucy’s favourite singers (Q.7) CRIMSON—her favourite colour (Q.5) HEART—her favourite shape (Q.3) STEVE—the person who Lucy feels accepts her the most (Q.11) 5 Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.


6 Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.

How to Make Your Personal Switchword Phrases Begin with TOGETHER then look at your word cloud and instantly pick two words that speak to you. Write them down in capital letters with hyphens between them. For example, if your two words were SUN and CURVE your phrase would be TOGETHER-SUN-CURVE. You can put your two words in any order, so if you prefer TOGETHER-CURVE-SUN, that’s fine. Now repeat the phrase aloud or in your mind as a mantra ten times. Set a positive intention for the day as you chant. Throughout the day, you will become aware of a positive shift in your mood and attitudes. You can chant again any time you need to feel more empowered, and to lift your mood.


7 Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.

8 Disclaimer: This is for purely entertainment purposes . We are not representing or promising that the use of Switchwords has any effects whatsoever.