Outbreak Undead 2nd Edition - Pocket Book

zombie survival role playing game SECOND EDITION RULEBOOK - - 1 OUTBREAK: UNDEAD.. Second Edition Rulebook–Pocket E

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OUTBREAK: UNDEAD.. Second Edition Rulebook–Pocket Edition

Written by Christopher J. De La Rosa

Lead Developers Christopher J. De La Rosa, Ivan Van Norman

Graphic Design

Beta Testers Tino Marquez, Brett Lynam, Michael Goldrich, Lorena De La Rosa, Mason McDaniel, Robert Watts, Ivan Van Norman, Dewie Sherwood, Bradley Kirwan

Special Thanks to Lorena De La Rosa, Alex Flagg, Kevin O’Donnell, Cassandra Sheade Printed in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Christopher J. De La Rosa

Editor Jean Goldrich

Marketing Manager Ivan Van Norman

Additional Writing Michael Goldrich, Tino Marquez, Brett Lynam

Art and Photography Brian MacElvaine, Eric Anderson, Christopher J. De La Rosa, Elizabeth Hessom, Ivan Van Norman, Tiffany Warch

ISBN: 978-0-9833179-8-2 Outbreak: Undead.. All text and artwork in this book are copyright ©2015 Hunters Books & Apparel unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. “Your Zombie Survival Plan Will Fail” is a registered Trademark of Hunters Books & Apparel. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, xerography, and video recording, without the written permission from the publisher, Hunters Books & Apparel.

Models Hayden Lawrence, Jessica Dru Johnson, Ivan Van Norman, Brett Lynam, Trish Ladd, Cachita Hynes, Alex Bistrevsky, Mason McDaniel, John Kingsley, Austin Floyd, Adam Sass, Cat Lamb, Bryce Palenscar, Justin Brown, Katie Celia, Seth Ayott, Kurt Hauschild, Matthew Lussier

Legal Counsel Ayano Ichida


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Table of Contents Getting Started ...


Gameplay ...


Skills & Character Traits ... Equipment ... Gamemastering ... Opponents ... Index ...

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34 80 126 138 158


Greetings Survivors! Thank you for picking up the Outbreak: Undead.. Second Edition Starter Kit! Before we get started, it is important to note that, despite the contents of the box, this is not a card game. It is, in fact, a role playing game. The cards are to serve as useful references to new players and as randomizing plot elements for veteran players. In this game, one player takes the role of the Gamemaster (GM), who runs the elements of the scenario. The remaining players are the Survivors, those who are thrust into the events of the outbreak, trying their best to live day to day.

encountered Survivors into dangerous Opponents. • Locations – Places the characters can get to, hide in, and search. Unique hazards can come into play. • Equipment – Specific items characters can find or purchase, and use based on the Locations they search. • Survivors – People who the characters may encounter or play as. These have very basic statistics that can be further altered by Character Traits or Hazards (if the Survivor is hostile). • Opponents – A dangerous opponent deployed during Encounters that Survivors can face.

The Cards The cards fall under 3 categories and are easily organized by back design. ENCOUNTER CARDS The most numerous cards are the various missions, hazards, locations, equipment, people, and opponents characters can encounter. They share a backing so the GM can shuffle and deal them randomly during an encounter rather than use as just reference cards. These cards also include Survivors players can use for their own characters. • Missions – Options a character has to get rewards towards campaign progress. • Hazards – Specific one-time effects that can confound the Survivors’ progress in any number of ways. They can upgrade


Aside from Equipment a character uses and Survivors they may play as,, the Encounter Cards can be held and used specifically by the GM for reference. It is not necessary for players see what is on the cards the GM is using.

- Getting Started -

CHARACTER TRAITS Ability, Paradigm, and Disadvantage cards are given to players to give additional features to their character. • Ability – Character-specific traits that alter the ability to advance certain Skills. • Paradigm – Party-specific traits that indicate a character’s role to the other characters. • Disadvantage – Negative coping behaviors and physical ailments.

INJURY Injury cards are reference cards that indicate effects of a character’s Injury, the means of treatment and how long it will take for the Injury to heal.

rds indicated on the ca All the information e Th t. kle boo s thi ed in and more are includ nce t a quick refere Injury cards are jus eplay. Full sets of gam of tool for ease de tegories will be ma cards of various ca er oth be l wil re the ure, available. In the fut that s ok Bo rs nte Hu cards available from settings, characters, will provide alternate l . All new cards wil injuries, hazards, etc re. he d nte se pre follow the categories

- Getting Started -


What is Survival Horror? Outbreak: Undead.. Zombie Survival Role Playing Game is a game of Survival Horror. You should know exactly what that means so you and your fellow players (or Survivors) know what you are getting into. THE CORE CONCEPT What differentiates Survival Horror from any other kind of horror is that the threat is not a supernatural creature, psychopath, monster, or even whole army of monsters. The key word “Survival” the primal instinct to simply survive day-to-day is being explored. Most of us do not wonder where our next meal will come from nor do we live in constant fear of an invader taking what is ours. This is extremely atypical in the grand scheme of history. The irony is that the crucial fear of Survival Horror was once a reality for each and every one of our ancestors at some point in time. It is a shared part of our human condition and history. For this reason, the genre of Survival Horror is one that is ingrained in our collective psyche, as some part of our human nature knows that these same instincts were all that kept our ancestors alive as they huddled in caves, dirt hovels, and ramshackle hunter/ gatherer campsites with a keen awareness of how few supplies they had at their disposal. So where do the Undead come in? THE UNDEAD The Undead are a natural vehicle for Survival Horror. One of the more terrifying aspects of the Undead is that beyond being dangerous on their own, a large enough outbreak


- Getting Started -

will reset civilization, so the comforting insulation of civilization is obliterated. The conveniences we rely upon to make our lives simpler and more than just subsistence level survival will be gone. The once outsourced staples of day-to-day survival that made our lifestyles possible are still needed but may be far removed from our field of knowledge. Because there is a massive stratification from subsistence to specialization within society, some will be effected by the collapse of civilization far more than others. WHO ARE YOU? Chances are you, the reader, fall into the more specialized category of people, whose livelihood depends to a large extent upon “The Grid”. If you do not know what “The Grid” is, you are probably on it and should find ways to prepare yourself for its absence. Character based on such players will realize that they lack certain crucial skills to be self reliant. This is not the end of the world. This is a simulation, after all, and any measured change a player makes means the character will likewise improve. Players can discover what Skills would be beneficial to learn by experimenting with their characters. WHO ARE THEY? “They” are everyone else, the Others. They probably fell into the same category as those unprepared for the worst. This may mean they paid the ultimate price and returned as a zombie. It can also mean they are Survivors who have made it by ruthlessly taking what meager supplies remain from others. Most don’t start out that way. They may have once believed people are basically good, only to realize that not only is this not true, it never

was true to begin with. This harsh realization may force some to resort to remorseless, violent, and cold vigilantism. Those that know the capacity for evil is a permanent fixture within the human condition will be able to have a more measured response, as they are not surprised at the display of savagery they witness. This perspective allows them to balance each encounter with a cost/benefit mentality, often merely just protecting those they care about and their property, but still willing to help or barter. Then again, there are those who are just unhinged, true psychopaths, who no longer fear any repercussions from society. All of these categories of people are dangerous... some just more imminently than others. SCAVENGING VS. STRONGHOLD Some may plan to survive by feeding off of the corpse of civilization by scavenging until there is nothing left. This is a short term goal, and for the scope of most games of Outbreak: Undead.., a sufficient means of strategy when running a game, but it is a strategy that by its very nature will have diminishing returns. Characters wishing to play very long campaigns may want to invest in the creation of a Stronghold, as will be described in the Gamemastering Section. Suffice to say that the creation of a Stronghold does not mean characters have to pick and scrape the ruins of buildings for what they need to survive; instead, they are able to create useful industries on their own to produce supplies and food. These two options provide good frameworks for how the campaign is approached. A Stronghold is a longer affair, possibly with

- Getting Started -


an overarching storyline and a narrative built upon the drama of the characters the players are invested in emotionally. Scavenging means that a character (and by association the player) is not as concerned with rebuilding civilization as just getting from one safe area to the next and finding needed supplies on the way. It’s a faster and less emotionally invested means of scenario construction and a great way to run more causal games with a revolving door of characters for players to use as theirs suffer grisly ends.

Required Materials to Play

• A copy of the Outbreak: Undead.. character sheet (download from www. outbreakundead.com ) • Dice (See “The Dice Pool” for more details.) uu Percentile Dice. Two 10-sided dice (a tens and a ones die) to determine the result of Checks. Also called d%. d6 -  Common 6-sided dice. Often used interchangeably with the d5! described below, but on its own, it will just be a regular 6-sided die. d5! - Outbreak: Undead.. will feature color-coded d6 that are called d5! to allow those playing to build a dice pool to determine all the results of a check with a single roll. They feature a special face on what is normally the 6 side. The special face can mean things that are very good or very bad, as the situation dictates. The dice themselves are a special color coded variety which are as follows: n Damage Dice - d5! rolled in


order to tell how much damage is inflicted to a target. Generally one n is rolled per Degree of Success ( + ) spent on an attack Check. Deadly weapons will add bonus n to the pool that represents greater damage being inflicted with a hit. n Depletion Dice - d5! rolled to determine if a piece of gear is exhausted with repeated use. Add n to the dice pool per Depletion Point on the gear. n Difficulty Dice - d5! rolled, adding their result to the d% roll to reduce the chance of skill check’s success. n Speed Dice - d5! rolled to indicate how long a Survivor or Opponent takes with their Action. Each Action (including movement or other non-check related Actions) will add n or more to the dice pool. Survivors and Opponents will go in order from lowest to highest roll next round. • Pencils and scratch paper • Cards (optional) • At least one other player Beware Survivors, from this point forward your future is uncertain...

- Getting Started -

Getting Started with Cards Players can start by choosing a Survivor card. Once this is done, print out or use one of the tearsheets for the character’s Skill Check lists and other relevant information. SURVIVOR CARD

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The Survivor card represents a notable individual players can take control of and use as a template to build their character. The GM can also use these cards as a way to denote the abilities of non-player characters (NPCs) with whom the characters can encounter and interact with.

Survivor Card Anatomy 1. Name – The name of the Survivor. It can be changed to the player’s liking. 2. Quote – A short quote from the character to get a sense of general attitude. 3. SPEW Attributes – The character’s four core attributes: Strength, Perception,Empathy and Willpower. 4. Damage Threshold (+ ) – How much Damage a character can take before losing a Health Point. Starting + = Sb + Wb 5. Defense - How many n a character can remove from the total allocation of Damage Dice the character has against them during a Round. Most characters have a base Defense of 0. 6. Gestalt Level (v) – The number of Gestalt Dice a character has unspent on skill advancements. 7. Cargo – The number of items a character can carry. The color of dots indicate how many and what kind of gear. 8. Base Dice Pool – The minimum dice a character uses for Skill Checks. 9. Training Value(s) – The various bonuses that characters have when using certain kinds of gear or kits. 10. Traits/Features – Additional character features. They may correspond to existing Traits, such as Abilities, Paradigms, Disadvantages, or unique features all their own. 11. Skill Checks% – The notable starting Skill Checks a character has. Any Check not represented here uses the standard formula to construct the normal percentage chance. 12. Character Portrait – The character’s appearance.

- Getting Started -


Traits 1 2


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Players are able to take Traits in order to give their characters some additional special rules. The Survivor Card provided a template that these cards are meant to build upon. They fall under three categories. They will be illustrated by their respective cards. ABILITIES Abilities intrinsic to a character. They apply to a character regardless of the scenario. They generally allow faster Skill advancement rates, Training Bonuses and/or special rules.


Characters can have any combination of Abilities up to 1 tier per combined Ability Score bonus. Most Ability effects are scaled by tier.


Ability Card Anatomy 1. Name – The name of the Ability. 2. T  ype – The kind of Character Trait this card represents.

S.P.E.W. Attributes

23 32 38 28 10

Two tiers worth of Strength Abilities Three tiers worth of Perception Abilities Three tiers worth of Empathy Abilities Two tiers worth of Willpower Abilities The same Ability can be taken more than once. Each time it’s taken, it counts as a “tier”. Special rules Abilities provide are often scaled by tier. The maximum tier any Ability can be at is 5. This counts as “Mastery”, which can provide an additional special rule.

- Getting Started -

3. SPEW Symbol – Corresponds to the Ability Score bonus that must be used to grant one tier in this Ability. The same Ability can be taken at multiple tiers so long as the characters Attribute Bonus indicates he/she has enough to do so.. See the Character Sheet section and the chart on the opposite page for more information. 4. Tier – The tier (1–5) the Ability is taken at. This is meant to be noted by the player, as it can vary from character to character. 5. Description – A description of what the Ability represents. 6. R  ules – Special rules the Ability grants. Unless mentioned otherwise, these effects combine with multiple tiers in the same Ability. 7. Mastery – A character that has dedicated the effort to bringing an Ability to tier 5 will have an additional special rule for its mastery. Acquiring such a level of competence in this area is generally only possible as a part of a longer campaign, as most characters do not have the ability to start with 5 tiers in any one ability.

Paradigm Card Anatomy 1. Name – The name of the Paradigm. 2. T  ype – The kind of Character Trait this card represents. 3. D  escription – The description of what party role or archetype the character follows. 4. Special Rules – Indicates the (generally) large bonuses that a character gets to Training Values or some other special rule. 5. T  actic(s) – The set of Tactic(s) that a character has the ability to use. They are triggered with the spending of Survival Points (l). 6. Injury Penalty – The amount of l that the party loses when this character is injured. 7. Death Penalty – The amount of l that the party loses when this character dies.

PARADIGMS A Paradigm is a character’s relation to the setting they are in and their party role. While an Ability remains from one scenario to the other, a character’s Paradigm can change entirely to better fit the scenario the GM is running. Paradigms are not scaled like Abilities. They give large bonuses in specific areas or grant access to “Tactics,” which are special rules triggered by spending Survival Points (l) the character earns. Since this is also an indicator of the character’s party role, the loss of the character will have a negative impact to the party’s campaign progression.

- Getting Started -


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There is generally no limit to the number of Paradigms a character can take; however, the penalties for character injury and/or death combine. Most new players will not understand the impact this can have, so it is recommended that new players only take a single Paradigm to start. The Injury and Death Penalties are a good tool for keeping player characters around for longer campaigns. This is otherwise an almost impossible task with how lethal this game is. Instead of making character Injury or Death correspond with the loss of l, a GM can give players the option to avoid Injury or Death by paying the l penalty.

3. C  ategory – The category of Disadvantage this card represents. They can range from physical to psychological ailments. 4. D  escription – A short description of what effect this has on the characters. 5. E  ffect – The passive effect (if any) the Disadvantage may have. 6. Coping Mechanism – The means a character can use to avoid the loss of Morale. This may be involuntary or at the insistence of a character. If a character has 0 Morale, this is in effect constantly until they gain a point of Morale.

DISADVANTAGES A bit of a misleading title, Disadvantages are how characters cope with the inevitable stress of their survival predicament. There is generally a negative penalty to some stat, skill advancement or situation. Like an Ability, a Disadvantage is often scaled by tier. A Disadvantage can also provide a player a useful personality quirk to exploit for roleplaying purposes. Most importantly, a Disadvantage provides a Coping mechanism, which gives characters an option to avoid the loss of Morale by indulging a negative behavior. Disadvantage Card Anatomy 1. Name – The name of the Disadvantage. 2. Type – The kind of Character Trait this card represents.


- Getting Started -

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The Character Sheet The Survivor card and the character’s traits are the unique factors that distinguish a character. However, there is an entire breadth of what a character can do that the cards do not represent. This information is presented on the Character Sheet. Players fill out the sheet using the information on their Survivor Card and any relevant special rules that Traits provide. It helps to fill out the information from the cards first, as those provide the exceptions. The rest of the character sheet is filled out much the same way from character to character. ATTRIBUTE AND ATTRIBUTE BONUSES As you can see on the Survivor card, the numbers for the character’s Strength, Perception, Empathy and Willpower are presented. They are represented by the following symbols: Strength A measure of physical strength and endurance. Perception A measure of sensory perceptiveness and practical intelligence. Empathy A measure of the ability to relate to another person and general emotional intelligence. Willpower A measure of discipline and mental fortitude. These are a character’s “Attributes”. What the players will also need is the “Attribute Bonus” when filling out the character sheet.

The Attribute Bonus is the tens digit of the SPEW Attribute. So for a SPEW Attribute of 32, the bonus would be 3, SPEW Attribute of 24 will have an Attribute bonus of 2, and so on. Whenever this is needed, it’s denoted in the following way: Strength Bonus = Sb Perception Bonus = Pb Empathy Bonus = Eb Willpower Bonus = Wb The Attribute Bonus also determines how many tiers worth of Abilities a character can take. The symbol on the Ability card corresponds to what the character needs to spend in order to take it. Multiple tiers can be taken in the same Ability if the character so desires. It’s often advantageous to do so, as most Abilities are often scaled by tier in their effectiveness. GESTALT LEVEL There is an additional statistic that is a measure of character knowledge versus player knowledge. Generally speaking, the two are one and the same when playing yourself as a character. But even in that situation, there will eventually be a large disparity between what the character knows and what a player knows. For this reason, players that wish to appeal to character knowledge over their own can treat a character’s Gestalt Level as being a Primary Attribute to checks of this kind. However, Gestalt Level is also reduced in order for characters to advance Attributes, Skills and Traits. In this case the generalized knowledge represented by Gestalt Level is given a more specific outlet.

- Getting Started -


DETERMINING SKILL CHECK PERCENTAGE CHANCES By glancing at the character sheet, you can see indicators for determining the percentage chance of success for any given skill check. For Basic and Trained Skills... Full Attribute (the “Primary Attribute”) + Attribute Bonus of a secondary, supporting Attribute. For Expert Skills... Two different Attribute Bonuses added together. Character Sheet Anatomy 1. Vitality – The physical well-being of a character, including the character’s Damage Threshold (+ ), their Health Points, and Viral total. 2. Defense – The location the character’s Defense is determined. 3. Armor – Any additional bonuses against certain kinds of damage. 4.  Survival Points (l) – Where a player indicates how many Survival Points the character has at their disposal. 5. Gestalt Level (v) – The number of Gestalt Dice the character has to spend on Skill Check advancements. Generally speaking, the closer this number is to 0, the closer the character is to playing themselves as a character. 6. Morale – The character’s ability to cope and behave in a civilized fashion. 7. Basic Skills – The group of skills that are easily practiced and advanced. 8. Trained Skills – The group of skills requiring specialized equipment or training in order to practice.


Expert Skills – The group of skills only 9.  advanced with very extensive practice and education. They often require specialized tools or many years of immersion and training in order to improve. Training Values – Characters indicate 10.  their “Training Values” with various categories of gear. These are increased by the multiplier of the Gear they are using. 11. Traits – Characters indicate what Character Traits they have, either Abilities, Paradigms or Disadvantages. A character may not need this if they have cards representing their Traits, but since those are just reference cards, multiple players may want the same Ability for their characters. 12. Advancement Rates – A handy reference as to how each different kind of Skill Check advances with the use of Gestalt Dice. This half-sheet assumes that the players are using Survivor Cards in order to provide the other information they need to play their characters.

Playing Yourself as a Character You can substitute yourself for a Survivor Card to play Outbreak: Undead.. To do this, take the SPEW–AI at... http://outbreakundead.com/spewai/ in order to determine your core SPEW Attributes. Then add 1 Gestalt Level (v) per year of age up to 5x your combined SPEW Attribute bonuses if you are playing a fictionalized version of yourself. If you are playing yourself as-is, then your starting Gestalt Level is 0.

- Getting Started -





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Core Mechanics Outbreak: Undead.. is based on a percentile, or d% system. This means that there is a percentage chance of succeeding in any action on a dice roll ranging from 0% (no chance) to 100% (automatic). This is known as making a ‘Check’. The percentage chance is set by the GM and/or modified depending on the Check the Survivor is attempting. The best dice to use are two d10s, one marking the ‘tens’ die and the other the ‘ones’ die, represented by a uu. S.P.E.W., SKILLS, AND CHECKS The vast majority of Checks in Outbreak: Undead.. are rolled against the “Skills” of a Survivor, which are found on the character sheet. The exception is Opposed Checks, which are discussed later in “Opposed Checks and Degrees of Difference”. Skills are determined by the Core statistics, which are known as their SPEW Attributes: Strength, Perception, Empathy, and Willpower. All Skills are a combination of one or more of these Core statistics (as shown on the character sheet). A Survivor’s SPEW-Assessment Inventory Results (SPEW-AI) are detailed in Character Creation, but a typical average SPEW-AI is 30. Types of Skill Checks Skills come in three increasing degrees of complexity or amount of knowledge needed to use them. These are Basic, Trained, and Expert Skill Checks. For example, grappling an Opponent is much easier to learn than piloting a jet aircraft. See the Skills Chapter


of the Outbreak: Undead.. Core Rulebook and the character sheet for more information. The only mechanical difference among the three Skill Checks is how easily a Survivor advances them. Otherwise, there is no difference in how they are used during gameplay. When a GM asks a Survivor to make a Skill Check, the Survivor will take the number of points in that particular Skill and attempt to roll equal to or under that number on a d% roll. Rolling equal to or below the set number (closer to 0) is considered a success, whereas rolling above the number (closer to 100) is considered a failure. See the reference materials for a guide to Skill abbreviations. Primary Attribute A Skill’s Primary Attribute is whatever SPEW Attribute adds its full value to the percentage chance of success. Secondary Attribute (Bonus) The Secondary Attribute Bonus is the ‘tens’ digit of a SPEW Attribute, abbreviated as Sb, Pb, Eb, or Wb. This bonus is added to the percentage chance of success for a Skill Check. Also, it can add to bonus damage, Labor (@), and Training Value if the Attribute is being improved with the resulting Gear Bonus (explained later). Example 1: Mike is trying to lift his badly injured friend and carry him to safety. As his friend is quite heavy with all of his gear, the GM says Mike must make a Basic Skill Check to ‘Lift/Pull’. His Strength is 35, and his Willpower is 25. On his character sheet, his Lift/Pull Skill score would be his Strength (S) + his Willpower Bonus (Wb) of 2 (the

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tens digit of the core SPEW Attribute, which in this case is 25). There is a third box on the character sheet, where Mike could add Gear or Skill Advancements to increase his Lift/Pull Skill Check, but he does not have anything to help him at this time. Therefore his total Lift/Pull Skill score is 37 (S: 35 + Wb: 2 + Special Bonus Box: 0 = 37)

Lift/Pull {L/P%} PRIMARY










Mike must roll a 37 or less on a d% roll. If Mike rolls above a 37, he would fail and the GM could detail why. For example, Mike was distracted by all the opponents and didn’t pull hard enough, or his friend is a lot heavier than he thought. Mike was unable to get a good enough grip/angle to lift him efficiently. In this case, Mike rolls a 33, which is just barely enough to lift his friend to safety. Rolling 37 out of 100 may seem low (only a little over a one in three chance), but here are a few things to take into consideration: 1. Any actions during the heat of a conflict, called ‘Encounters’, are not easy. 2. High SPEW Attributes (>40) are from specialized training, which the vast majority of people in any population do not possess, especially during a zombie apocalypse. 3. Gear will greatly add to a Survivor’s Skill Checks, so your GM should be nice enough to outfit you with some. 4. This is a Survival Horror game, and Survivors are most likely going to spend their time in tremendous peril with few resources. Please keep this in mind, but have fun trying to make your odds of survival as great

as possible. There will be many options for Survivors to improve their odds.

The Dice Pool Survivors and GMs build ‘dice pools’ to determine a Check’s Result. It is comprised of the d% and one or more of the following d5!: n , n , n , n . The kinds of dice and the situations in which they are used are as follows: n DAMAGE DICE Damage dice are how much damage any attack made is. Weapons will all have the options to add one or more n to the Dice Pool by spending a certain number of + . Damage Dice from the Dice Pool can be allocated however a character chooses to targets they attacked that Round. Defense A Character or Opponent can remove n from the total allocation of Damage Dice made against them during a Round. After all + are resolved, each point of Defense will allow n to be removed before rolling damage. n DEPLETION DICE Depletion dice are rolled when characters use equipment that can break or be exhausted with repeated use. Generally, the amount of Depletion dice rolled are equal to the accumulated Depletion Points (DP) the gear has on it. If this roll is equal to or greater than the Capacity entry of the gear, it is exhausted and cannot be used until at least 1 Depletion Point is removed from it.

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Gear with Durability will break if they get one † on a n per Durability, but only roll n if the H gear accumulates DP or is forced to add n to their dice pool. n DIFFICULTY DICE The GM can (and will for a myriad of reasons) increase the Difficulty of a Check. This is represented by the rolling of an additional d5! for every one-point increase in difficulty when making Checks and adding the result to the d% roll. Difficulty can be reduced as well. Difficulty cannot be reduced below 0. Rolling multiple Difficulty Dice will read as follows: n for 1 Difficulty, n n for 2 Difficulty, n n n for 3 Difficulty, etc. Example 2: Mike is still trying to lift his friend as in Example 1 but wants to hold onto his rifle in his other hand. The GM feels Mike would be under a lot of stress trying to do so, and increases the Difficulty by 1. Using the same Basic Skill Check from Example 1, with an increased Difficulty of 1, will require a n to be rolled. Mike still needs to roll 37% or less, but the result on the d% will be increased by the roll of the extra n . Taking Multiple Actions A Survivor who takes multiple Actions in the same Round will add n to the dice pool per additional Action in addition to adding more n to determine the Resolution order. n SPEED DICE All Actions during Encounters have a Speed requirement to determine how long it takes to complete. When building a dice pool, a


Survivor or GM will add a certain number of Speed Dice (represented by one or more n ). The result from lowest to highest roll will determine the Resolution order of Actions in the this Round, or will determine who, if anyone, goes between a Survivor’s Actions, should they take more than one Action in a Round. All Actions will have an inherent Speed during an Encounter, but it will be further increased by the complexity of the gear they use to provide any bonuses or any other factors that might slow a character down. n Quick Actions. Reactionary Checks such as a Save Throw. n n Average Actions. Most actions are this concentration and degree of skill. n n n Involved Actions. Many Trained Skill Checks operate at this level. n n n n Very Involved Actions. Actions requiring an exceptional amount of concentration. Speed at this level is often a trade-off to spend more time on a complex Action in order to mitigate Difficulty. n n n n n Dedicated Actions. These are Actions requiring the Survivor’s undivided attention and the risk of failure is too great. Movement and Speed Generally, movement will not require a Check, but it will add n to the dice pool of a Survivor or Opponent. Roughly, n is added to move a distance equal to the height of the moving

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Survivor or Opponent at walking speed, but different rates of movement will call for a different distance to n ratio. This will be gone over in greater detail in the “Combat” section on pg. 27. BUILDING THE DICE POOL You will find many references to the Dice Pool. This is simply the group of dice you roll during your Check phase. Sometimes, effects and the events of the Encounter will add dice to the Dice Pool after the initial roll. This is handled slightly differently based on the kind of dice being added. It’s generally left up to common sense as to how to do it, but here are some helpful guidelines: Adding n to the Dice Pool after the check... If a character has not yet taken their turn in a round, or if they have other Triggered Effects yet to take effect in the same Round, then add the n roll to their Result. However, if a character has already taken their turn in a Round and has no more + to use, then any extra n is added to the next Dice Pool they build. Adding n or n to the Dice Pool after the check... This should be fairly obvious, but adding n or n to a Dice Pool are only ever added to the next Dice Pool the characters build, as their effects would only ever apply immediately as a check is made. Adding n to the Dice Pool after the check... This is fairly common, as many Triggered Effects as well as opponent Defense and other factors will alter the number of n that are

in the Dice Pool, and nearly always after the Check Phase. Since n are allocated to targets of various attacks and Triggered Effects after the Check Phase, adding n to the Dice Pool is expected. After a character’s Turn, adding n to their Dice Pool would be a very rare circumstance, but it would be added to the next Dice Pool the character builds.

Degrees of Success and Failure

Outbreak: Undead.. uses a special mechanic to determine the outcome of a Survivor’s Action based on how well or badly they roll, as in real life. After rolling a d%, every full 10% under the target Skill Check Total rolled is called a ‘Degree of Success’ (DoS or + ). A success of any kind will generate at least + . Likewise, for every full 10% over the target Skill Check Total rolled is called a ‘Degree of Failure’ (DoF or - ). Any failed check will generate at least - . A ‘Headshot’ (+ + + + + )is an outstanding success, whereas a ‘Catastrophe’ ( - - - - - ) is a disastrous failure. The specific effects of + and - are detailed in entries or they can be set independently by the GM. Example 3: Mike is trying to lift his injured friend, as in Examples 1 and 2 but rolls a 92% on his Lift/Pull Check of 37%. He fails by 5 full Degrees of Failure (92 – 37 = 55, divided by 10 = 5.5 Degrees of Failure, or - - - - - after rounding down). This is generally considered a ‘Catastrophe’, so the GM determines that not only did Mike fail to help his friend, he tripped in the process and

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was knocked prone to the ground. Mike is lucky he did not injure himself, which could have happened at the GM’s discretion. SPENDING DEGREES OF SUCCESS OR FAILURE AS A RESOURCE Survivors and GM have the option to use + and - in ways that provide a benefit. Combat is the most obvious example of this, where Survivors have the option to spend a + in order to roll extra n when resolving an attack. Special options for using + or - in creative or potentially beneficial ways exist when rolling specific Skill Checks and using certain Gear. If it is unclear what a Survivor or GM can get, or none is specified by the scenario, then use the following guideline to resolve the Round: + : Gain +5 Survival Points (l 5) - : Gain 1 Risk (W 1)

OPPOSED CHECKS AND DEGREES OF DIFFERENCE ( & ) All Checks in the game are done as described in “SPEW, Skills, and Checks” with the exception of Opposed Checks, which are made between Survivors and/or Opponents, such as a Survivor’s Brawl against an Opponent’s Brawl. Both roll their Brawl Skill Checks, and whoever rolls more Degrees of Success or less Degrees of Failure wins (and typically does damage by the amount won). The difference between the two is know as ‘Degrees of Difference’ (DoD or & ). For example, if the Opponent gets + + + + + , and the Survivor gets + + , the Opponent would win with & & & (the result counting as + + + for damage in this example). If


the Opponent still got + + + + + , but the Survivor instead got - - , the Degrees of Difference would then be & & & & & & & . Alternatively, one side getting - - and the other getting - - will still have & , but most beneficial effects require + to trigger. The spectrum typically ranges from + + + + + to - - - - - for a total of 10 (though this could be higher or lower depending on how much the winner succeeded by and how much the loser failed by). When using + to trigger any effects, a victorious Survivor or Opponent is restricted to using no more + than there are & . Unlike + and - , a & is not “spent” on anything. Instead, it usually is an indicator of how much disparity there is between the opponents checks in order to indicate a certain effect. For instance, most zombie opponents do not get their dreaded “Bite” attack unless the difference between the zombie’s and character’s {Grapple%} check is & & or more. This represents that a character, will gladly and willingly take other damage in an effort to prevent being bitten, so the result must be very bad in the favor of the zombie for it to be allowed to spend any + on a “Bite” attack. For Opposed Checks, one side can use their opponent’s - as + of their own or use - directly to trigger benefical effects for themselves or harmful effects to the one who generated the - . This represents very specific ways in which a check or use of their gear can backfire.Many checks that have multiple - results to trigger an effect will be special “Catastrophe” results described earlier. Using - in this way will count as Resolved, so can’t be used to gain W .

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The Round The Round is when players choose and resolve Actions for their characters. What comprises a turn is broken down into distinct phases in which all characters and opponents participate. These phases are as follows: • Intent • Check • Resolution This structure is referred to as the I.C.R. and it refers to all Encounters. Most Encounters feature Combat, not all Encounters result in fighting, so the overview for the structure of the Round will be gone over in general terms first here.

Intent Phase

The Intent phase is where all characters and opponents decide what they are going to do during the round. Characters and opponents make their Intent during the same phase but Resolve in order of their Speed Dice (n ) roll from lowest to highest. Players can collaborate on what Actions they will take (to an extent), but the result of their checks may cause the Round to go a different way. It is strongly recommended that players leave their n results on the table to quickly determine who goes in what order.

Check Phase

During the Check phase, all characters and opponents build their Dice Pools and make the Checks to determine the result of all their Actions. Characters and opponents can utilize any Tactics to grant themselves extra + or

any number of other effects by spending SP. Gamemasters can do something similar if the opponents or available Hazards will provide a similar bonus.

Resolution Phase

This phase is where a character allocates any + that they generated during the Check Phase to trigger any effects that their Skill Check allows in its entirety or utilize the effects of any gear they used. Gamemasters do the same for opponents. The + are used to trigger various effects that will alter the outcome of the turn. Leftover + can grant a small Survival Point (l) bonus to characters. Once all characters and Opponents resolve their respective Degrees of Success and Degrees of Failure, the Round ends and a new round begins.

Advanced Round Rules

Once the players and the Gamemaster have a grasp on the way timing works, more intricate and strategic timing options can be utilized. Until then, it is recommended that characters and opponents take only a single Action a round that can be resolved instantly, so the earlier framework can be utilized without getting into more complex timing issues. MULTIPLE ACTIONS Multiple Actions in the same round can be inherent to what the character wants to do or an attempt to generate more + to trigger more Effects. Each Action that a character takes beyond the first will add n to all Skill Checks made that round. Note: Certain kinds of Movement and other actions that do not require Skill Checks will still add n

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even though Skill Checks are not required. As a general rule of thumb, if it involves the addition of n , then it will count as an Action, even if no Skill Check is needed. INSTANT ACTIONS Instant Actions are those that require few to no n dice to be rolled. They occur as a reaction to another action or can be added to a normal action. These are rare and unless the action specifically states it is Instant, it should be assumed to require n be rolled. SUSTAINED ACTIONS Sustained do not resolve immediately. Sustained Actions are worked on continually until their resolution. All n rolled do not indicate the order next Round; rather, they indicate when the order of events in the current Round are resolved. Players who declare a Sustained in their Intent do not pick up the n from the previous round; rather, they add the n of their declared Action to the total. This means that the Sustained Action will count towards the resolution of the current Round. A Sustained Action must wait until their next turn to resolve (as indicated by the new n roll order). It cannot be counted as resolved beforehand. Sustained Actions can be abandoned, and the character will essentially have no actions that Round and all die roll results are ignored. Abandoning a Sustained or Held Action is generally done if the roll on the n is considered too high. A character who abandons their Action can make another Intent, but it cannot be for a Held or Sustained Action, and a


character will count as having taken another Action this Round, and must add n to the dice pool. MULTIPLE TRIGGERED EFFECTS There are many Triggered Effects that simply add Dice to the Dice Pool or to the Result of the character’s previous Dice Pool or some similarly straightforward effect. However, some Triggered Effects will require the addition of n to the Result or to the character’s next Dice Pool (if they have no other + to use this Round). This means that a character must roll the extra Speed Dice indicated and add it to their Result if they want to use more Triggered Effects in the same Round. If the extra n does not push the character past another character or opponent’s Speed Die total, then the Triggered Effect can be resolved immediately. If another character or Opponent has a turn, then they will get to go before the character or Opponent using multiple Triggered Effects. It should be noted that such Triggered Effects are generally rare, very specialized, or are a tradeoff to have a good Triggered Effect be used for less + than normal. It just gives characters or Opponents the chance to act, and potentially come to the rescue if characters are being pinned down by opponents who have many + to use. Most powerful attacks in combat may come with multiple n that need to be rolled, so using such Triggered Effects may expose an opponent (or character, for that matter) to a counterattack as they perform more involved attacks. Save throws will often add n to a character’s total as well in the same fashion as described here, even though it’s not a Triggered Effect.

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INTENT PHASE: RULE OF 24 If any n totals are greater than 24, then a character or opponent has essentially lost a Round due to delay. They will have to skip their Intent phase the following Round. Characters with totals of 24 or higher who are performing a Sustained Action can maintain their efforts through the lost Round and won’t have to abandon the Sustained. If they choose to abandon their Sustained Action they can choose to make an Intent phase as normal.


The unit of measuring how long between one major event and another is called a period of Time. Time represents 45–90 minutes, so a 24 hour day is roughly 20 periods of Time. Each period of Time, a character can make Checks to determine the result of their efforts within that 45–90 minute span. During a period of Time, the GM is allowed to make an E% for free, spending no Risk in order to do so. SUSTENANCE: FOOD AND WATER A character needs at least one thing that gives them food and one thing that gives them water. This is combined into the general need of “Sustenance”. The GM can distinguish a character’s food and water needs if that sort of realism is desired. Otherwise, just finding Sustenance can be done a couple ways: • Passing a {Survival%} Check • Using Gear that counts towards a character’s Sustenance requirement

In Between Encounters

Much of what a character does actually does not take place during the events of an Encounter, where each moment matters. Instead, characters spend the majority of their time getting from one point to the next, seeking food and shelter and other necessities.

Each character needs 1 “Sustenance” per 10 periods of Time in order to perform without penalty. Each 20 Time that passes without proper Sustenance, characters get 1 Fatigue that cannot be removed, even with rest in most cases, until they get necessary Sustenance. ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFIERS Some Environmental Modifiers will require additional Sustenance per character due to extreme conditions. TRAVEL Characters are able to Travel during periods

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of Time, sometimes crossing great distances. On foot, character’s travel a distance based on their chosen rate of movement and their Sb and Wb. Vehicles can boost this by either altering Sb or providing a different Multiplier. Crawling Speed – (Sb+Wb) x 0.5 Miles Normal Speed – (Sb+Wb) x 1 Miles Doubletime – (Sb +Wb) x 2 Miles* All out Sprint – (Sb +Wb) x 3 Miles* * Add a point of Fatigue W +d3 per mile ,double for all-out sprint.


VEHICLES AND RIDING ANIMALS A lucky character may benefit from a vehicle or some riding animal to carry them further than they could go on foot. They follow similar rules for Travel but they have additional benefits and rules associated with them. Traveling in a Vehicle In the case of traveling during an Outbreak however a vehicle’s range will be significantly shorter. The roads will be clogged with abandoned and wrecked vehicles, in disrepair, blocked by debris and/or roadblocks, forcing survivors to backtrack or take alternate routes to their destinations. Characters are able to make {Pilot-(Vehicle)%} checks in

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order to determine how well they understand their vehicle’s capabilities and how to drive. The check will have n per Environmental Modifier. Each + will allow a character in a vehicle to travel up to the “Range” entry of the vehicle in a single period of Time. Fuel Capacity Most vehicles run on some sort of fuel or power source. The most common form of fuel is gasoline for vehicles. Each period of Time, add a DP to the vehicle’s fuel supply. Like any gear that requires the roll of n , once it exceeds the Capacity of its fuel tank, then the vehicle comes to a sputtering halt. Although many vehicles have an accurate fuel gauge, so this should not come as too much of a surprise. Riding an Animal An animal travels in much the same way as a character on foot, only the Sb of riding animals are typically much higher than humans. In this case, a character uses the Sb of the riding animal when determining distance traveled and they will add their own Wb + 1 per + in a {D–CC%} to ride. Friendlier or more well trained animals will grant Multipliers like gear does when determining the bonus to the {D–CC%} check to ride them. A character can have Training Value with kinds of animal Species. Instead of rolling for fuel capacity, a riding animal has to make {End%} like people on foot.

Combat The Encounter generally takes the form of combat, where characters trade bullets and blows with either zombies or The Living in a desperate bid for survival. Combat uses the I.C.R. structure of a Round, but how attacks are made and resolved, is specific to combat.

Intent Phase

Characters and Opponents declare their Intent during the beginning of the Round. For combat, this means deciding what actions a character is going to take that will allow them to interact with their opponents and vice versa. This will mainly take the from of attack Skill Checks, but it may include others as well.

Check Phase

A character or opponent must Generate + in order to inflict damage or trigger other beneficial effects as determined by their Skill Check type, weapon, armor, etc. Most of the time, this is generated by the results of Skill Checks. Each full 10 below the target percentage chance will generate + to a minimum of a single + (so rolling less than a Degree of Success, but still rolling a successful check will generate + ). All gear has some basic effects triggered by a single + , however some have more specialized or powerful effects that are triggered by even more + . Some gear, Abilities, and Tactics will add bonus + to various kinds of Skill Checks when used to generate + . A character whose Skill Check results in Degrees of Failure (- ) will reduce the + generated by - . They essentially cancel each

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other out. This means that a character must spend l in order to use Tactics to improve the number of + they get or just chalk the round up to a loss. USING TACTICS A character can spend l in order to use Tactics during the Intent or Check Phase. This is primarily used to produce special, beneficial effects to characters. Many of the Tactics a character can use are generalized to all characters, but some characters get special Tactics unique to them as provided by their Paradigm. A common use of a Tactic is to generate extra + after making Checks or to add/remove dice from the Dice Pool before Checks are rolled. This will either allow them to use more powerful effects or to mitigate the effect rolling - by opponents in an Opposed Check canceling out the + of the character with the + in their own Save Throw.

All characters have access to the following basic Tactic: Exploit Advantage l25 A character counts as having rolled an extra + when making Skill Checks to generate + for use this Round. This Tactic can be used multiple times in a Round. A character may have many other Tactics that can increase the number of + when making specific Skill Checks or in specific situations for far less l than the 25 that must be spent to use the “Exploit Advantage” Tactic. Those will mostly be provided by the Paradigm of the character as well as any Formations that the party may adopt.


Resolution Phase Spending + In resolving a Round, a character and their opponents can spend their + in order to trigger the effect of any equipment they used this round or with the Skill Checks they used to generate the + or any other special rule they may have. They can allocate the + in any way they wish. Resolution goes in order of lowest n roll to the highest. Save Throws can be taken outside of the order, but they will count as having taken an Action in the following Round, so will follow the rules of multiple Actions if characters decide to make other Actions in the same Round. Example: Karen used a baseball bat against a zombie. It’s not a terribly lethal weapon, but it is good at stunning opponents. The bat has the following effects: Stun + - One opponent must add an extra n to their Dice Pool. Bash + + - Add n n to the dice pool. Knock Prone + + + - One opponent must add an extra n n n to their Dice Pool. Karen gets + + with her {Melee Attack, Bludgeon%} Check. This means that she can either use the “Stun” ability of the bat twice (spending + on each) to delay one opponent by n n . She can also use both + + in order to make a powerful series of blows with “Bash”, which will allow her to add n to inflict damage. Unfortunately, it also adds a

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n to the dice pool, which for the bat means an increased chance of breaking. A character can mix and match any effects allowed by the Skill Checks they used to generate + as well as any Equipment they used, so long as they have the + to pay for all the effects they wish to do.

{Balance%, Jump/Leap%} which get n n , although {Jump/Leap%} would not get such n penalties as the character often benefits from a running head start when jumping.

Advanced Combat Rules

Playing to a character’s strengths comes in handy with the distributing + . For instance, a character may not be very strong, but may be very sneaky. A character making a {Stealth%} and a {Melee Combat%} check in the same round can allocate extra + generated from the {Stealth%} check to the effects provided by their weapon. This will give physically weaker characters a means of inflicting greater amounts of damage by exploiting their strengths elsewhere.

TARGETED EFFECTS Spending any + on an effect that says “Target opponent/character...” means that the target must be selected from among those targeted by the Skill Check(s) made by the character or opponent to apply the desired effect. This means that the entire effect applies to that particular target. This is different than “Adding to the Dice Pool”which means that a character can allocate dice (typically n ) however they see fit to any among the number of targets they used when making their Skill Checks or Actions.

Movement within Encounters

An example of a common Targeted Effect is as follows:

A character or opponent is able to make Movement as part of their Intent. Movement on foot is based on height. The movement doesn’t require a skill check of any kind unless navigating across some dangerous terrain. Otherwise, different rates of movement will just add certain amounts of dice to the Dice Pool this Round. Crawling (move equal to Height) add n . No n penalties can be added for {Climb%, Stealth%, Balance%} due to the rate of movement. Normal Speed (move up to 3x Height) add n Doubletime (move up to 4x Height) add n n All-Out Sprint (move up to 5x Height) add n n , no other skill checks can be made except

Coup de Grace + + + + - One target takes [n n n Slashing] and counts as having 0 Defense. Next Round, add n to the Character’s dice pool per Def. the target had. This effect is an especially deadly one, inflicting n n n to a single target without allowing them to use their Defense. This means that all three of those n must be rolled against the same target and it does not add n n n to the Dice Pool for a character to distribute among any other targets they may have rolled against that round. However, a character is required to add a n to the Dice Pool, which can mean that a character is able to alter it in some fashion if they have Abilities, Gear

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or some special rule that involves removing or altering n that are in the Dice Pool. This represents a character spending the extra effort to inflict an especially deadly attack against a single target. Unless specified, when it says “adds to the Dice Pool” it is usually referring to the Dice Pool of the character or opponent making the check. It is possible for players and opponents to add dice to each other’s Dice Pool. This is typically done in the form of adding n or n , making a task longer or more difficult. MULTIPLE TARGETS A character may wish to distribute their n to multiple targets from their Dice Pool at the beginning of the Resolution Phase. Character wishing to do so must decide before rolling any Damage Dice how many n from their Dice Pool they are allocating to every target. A character must target each opponent they are allocating n to at least once with a use of their weapon, so it is assumed that the character has taken multiple actions and generated + despite the n penalties that multiple actions require. The targets then reduce the number of n rolled by their Defense normally. Multiple Targets and the Deadly Quality The Deadly quality allows a character to roll a certain number of n as part of the original dice roll. This means that the results for these will be known immediately. A player may be able to spend + on various combat options to add more n to the dice pool after the initial roll. These dice can also be allocated to multiple targets as described earlier, but this must be done before rolling to determine their result. An n rolled as part of the original dice


pool due to the Deadly quality whose results are already known can be allocated as a player wishes. Defense or special abilities that remove n cannot remove the dice with the known result due to Defense unless they have no other choice or the attacker allows it. TIE UP LOOSE ENDS During the Resolution Phase, any leftover + can be spent to gain l 5 for use to trigger another Tactic later or to hold onto for some other chosen benefit. Any - a player or GM has not used to reduce + will generate W 1 during the Resolution phase. All characters and the GM may expend their + and - to create an Advantage or Imperil the group in order to tie up loose ends. Ideally by the end of the Round, all + and - are reduced to 0, having been spent on effects, bonus l, or extra W . Advantage + A character can Gain l 5 or the GM can gain W d3. Imperil W0 Each - a character generates can be removed by adding W 1 to the GM’s Risk Pool. Players can voluntarily do this in order to reduce the number of - they generated. This does not mean + are gained, only that - are removed. Some Effects share the same name and result but may have differing + costs in order to trigger. This represents some Skill Checks or equipment being more suited for a certain Effect to result.

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Fatigue, Resting and Natural Healing

to the Dice Pool per point of Fatigue.

A character must rest from time to time, so as not to over-exert themselves and to heal from their various wounds.

Characters are subject to the n n penalty even if they pass the {End%} check, should they be forced to make checks with points of Fatigue.

FATIGUE Players who over-exert themselves are often unable to do more than simply rest or pace themselves in order to get their strength back. This can come from over-exertion, disease, malnutrition or any number of sources that can erode the fighting strength of a character.

RESTING AND NATURAL HEALING Characters that are “Resting” must spend 1 Time doing nothing. Upon completion of their rest, they may remove 1 point of Fatigue or they can restore Sb+d3 lost Damage points, provided they do not have any untreated Injuries. Characters that manage to get a full night’s sleep (6+d3 Time) in relative safety and in sanitary conditions (such as in most Strongholds or Safehouses) that character may remove all Fatigue Points and restore all lost Damage points, and a single lost Health Point again, provided they don’t have any Injuries, treated or not. Injuries do not allow the restoration of Health Points this way (see page 32).

After each Time, if characters have any “Fatigue” Points, they must make a {End %} Check with one n per point of Fatigue. If the check fails. Players must stop and cannot take any further actions until at least 1 point of Fatigue is removed. If they are forced to continue, such as, by other characters insisting they press onward, then all the character’s Actions will require an extra n n to be added

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Damage Types There are multiple kinds of damage that characters can inflict and be subjected to. There are a few common forms of damage [Bl, Pi, Sl], but there are a few more uncommon varieties that are included for the sake of completeness. Likewise, there are some forms of damage that opponents are more resistant to or weak against, so such distinctions are worth noting. DAMAGE NAME [abbreviation] Special rules - Special features this damage type will have. † result may d5! – Any special rules that a H have on a damage die. Injury: Possible resulting ‘Injuries’ for losing a Health point due to this kind of damage. ACID [AC] Delayed Damage - Acid [Ac] inflicts damage over time. A strong base used to counter the acid can prevent n being rolled in following Rounds as can corrosion-resistant materials. Immersion - A target that is immersed in an acid will ignore the above restriction of ‘Delayed Damage’ and will instead take the full allotment of damage each Round they are submerged. Corrosive - This does full damage to all gear that the acid hits. A character may be able to shed clothing or armor rapidly to prevent taking damage themselves, but their gear will continue to corrode and take damage.


Chemistry - A character can add {Science (Chemistry)%} to the available Checks they or another character can make on their behalf for a Save Throw against Injury from Acid damage. This is providing there are chemicals available that can neutralize the acid. This save throw simply allows a character to know what substance to use when there are multiple options available, and assuming the proper neutralizing substance is among them. Most of the acids characters encounter will not be powerful enough to inflict this kind of damage. This is usually reserved for powerful industrial chemicals. † rolled will inflict 5 damage and d5! – Each H reduce Durability of worn gear by 1. Injury: Flesh Wound, Open Wound BLUDGEONING [BL] Defense - Bludgeoning [Bl] is reduced by Defense. † rolled won a n will inflict 5 d5! – Each H damage and will cause the target to add n to their Dice Pool. Injury: Bone Injury ELECTRICAL [EL] E.M.I. - This does its full damage to electrical equipment carried by the target, so damage is not reduced by Durability. Injury: Flesh Wound

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INFECTION [IN] Damage caused by other Injuries a character may have. Each kind of Injury a character can have will inflict damage on a character under certain circumstances. If the Injury itself causes enough damage for a character to lose a Health point, they will contract an infection. This damage cannot be reduced by Defense. Injury: Infection, Viral PIERCING [PI] Armor Piercing – Piercing damage is not reduced by Defense. † rolled will allow the character d5! – Each H to add an additional n n to their Dice Pool. Injury: Flesh Wound, Open Wound POISON [PO] Delayed Damage - Poison [Po] inflicts + worth of poison damage per turn (the number of n rolled depends upon the source), so it inflicts its damage over time. Subsequent successful Poison attacks simply increase the amount of time a character will continue to roll poison damage. Metabolize - A character can make an ‘Endurance’ Check to prevent poison Damage from being inflicted upon them that turn, but they must test again each turn until the poison has no more effect. The ‘Endurance’ check will have a cumulative +n . Injury: Poisoned

RADIATION [RA] This is damage due to Radiation. It combines the effects of Piercing and Thermal damage. SLASHING [SL] Defense - Slashing [Sl] is reduced by Defense. † rolled will allow the character to d5! – Each H add an additional n to their Dice Pool. Injury: Flesh Wound, Open Wound THERMAL [TH] Thermal [Th] is damage that results from the intense loss or gain of energy in the form of cold or heat. Both are treated the same way for damage purposes. Unavoidable - Living targets will not be allowed to use Defense or a ‘Dodge’ check to reduce incoming Thermal damage except for those kinds of defense that specifically reduce Thermal damage. Injury: Flesh Wound, Open Wound, Burn or Frostbite VIRAL [VI] Viral [Vi] is the damage inflicted by zombies or infected animals who bit a living creature. The Viral entry of an Infected is the number of + needed for a save throw in order to avoid taking an Infection Injury. They are tracked separate from Health Point loss, but only for purposes of determining symptoms. Further information about Viral can be found on page 140. Injury: Flesh Wound, Open Wound, Infection

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Injuries TREATING INJURIES A “Treated” Injury will not have the ill effect listed in the entry. The Health Point will still be lost until the Duration or Heal Time has passed, at which point, the Health Point will be restored and the Injury removed. Aggravating an Injury Taking damage from any source that can inflict the kind of Injury that has been Treated will Aggravate the injury, undoing the treatment. Roleplaying can make the locations of such injuries relevant to this rule. BONE INJURY The damage taken is enough to have broken a bone, which makes it difficult to treat and a long time to heal. A character who has a Bone Injury will add n n to all actions due to Pain. Temporary relief can be granted due to drugs or some special rule, but a bone injury will always inflict a Damage point for each action the character takes when using the broken limb. Save Throws: {Balance% (for falls), Dodge%, Toughness% , Martial Arts%} Treatment: Splint, Sling/Cane/Crutch (depending upon the location of the Injury), Pain Medication Heal Time: d3 weeks per Health Point lost BURN A Burn Injury results from flames or extreme heat. Burn Injuries have all the rules of a Flesh Wound, but require specialized treatment in order to allow a character to restore lost Health Points. This injury will reduce a character’s Damage Threshold by 1 add


n n to all actions. Treatments that include amputation or extensive skin grafts or other reconstruction surgery fall under {Advanced Medicine%}. The other danger of this type of Injury is that it leaves a character highly susceptible to Infection. Save Throw: {Toughness%} Treatment: IV Fluids, Sterile Dressings, Antibiotics, Pain Medication Duration: (First Degree) 1 Health Point - D6 Days. (Second Degree) 2 Health Points - D6 Weeks. (Third Degree) 3 Points - D6 Months FLESH WOUND Flesh wounds are not as overtly dangerous as other injuries, but each injury that causes flesh wounds will reduce a character’s Damage Threshold by 1 until Treated. Unlike other injuries, a Flesh Wound can sometimes be treated without specialized gear. Save Throws: {Dodge%, Toughness%, Martial Arts%} Treatment: Sterile Dressing, Sutures, Antibiotics, Pain Medication Heal Time: d6 days per Health Point lost FROSTBITE Frostbite injuries have all the same rules as a Burn Injury, but results from extreme loss of heat. Taking this kind of Injury multiple times will put a character at serious risk of hypothermia. A character will have to test each period of Time they are exposed with either a {Toughness%} or {Survival%} with n per Environmental Modifier-Cold and Frostbite Injury or the character will require this Injury be treated with amputation an {Advanced Medicine%} before Natural

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Healing can occur. A character that has taken Frostbite injuries but is no longer exposed will not be in danger of this, but they will be in no less of a need for serious medical attention. Save Throw: {Survival%-Cold, Toughness%} Treatment: See Burn Injury Duration: 1d10 Time per Health Point lost INFECTION This is often a meta-injury, meaning that it frequently is an additional hurdle to jump on the road to recovery of another injury described on this list. An infection will inflict [d3 In] per Infection Injury worth of damage whenever Natural Healing is done. Taking a further Health point of damage due to infection will cause ‘Sepsis’. Points of Health lost due to Infection will often result in the arise of “Symptoms” as described on page 140. Save Throws: {Endurance%, Toughness%, Advanced Medicine%} Treatment: Sterile Dressing, Antibiotics, Pain Medication, specific drug to treat the kind of infection. Heal Time: d3 weeks per Health Point lost. Although some infections have no known treatment or cure. OPEN WOUND This is an Injury that is deep enough to have severed a blood vessel. This can be multiple bleeding wounds or a single, deep wound. Each Open Wound Injury will inflict 1 Damage per Time and a character will take 1 Damage per Action taken during an Encounter with Strength as a Primary Attribute.

Save Throws: {Dodge%, Martial Arts%} Treatment: Sterile Dressing, Sutures, Antibiotics, Pain Medication, Clotting Agent Heal Time: 1d3 weeks per Health Point lost POISONED A poisoned character will take Damage per Time, the amount will vary depending upon the strength of the poison. However, a character can make an {Endurance%} in order to resist this damage. Increased activity can also spread the flow of poison, so a character will also take 1 Damage per action taken with Strength as a Primary Attribute. This additional damage due to taking actions cannot be resisted. Save Throw: {Endurance%, Survival%, Toughness%, Science%-Biology, Toxicology, or a field of study relevant to the animal or insect that envenomed the character, such as Herpetology for snakes} Treatment: Activated Charcoal (for chemical ingestion), IV Fluids, Antivenom Duration: 1d3 days SEPSIS An Infection severe enough to cause Sepsis will increase the damage dealt to a character from Injury, Infection. The original Injury, Infection becomes more difficult to treat by n per Health point lost to Injury, Infection. Effectively treating Injury, Infection with this increase of Difficulty will remove ‘Infection, Sepsis’ from a character. Save Throw: {Endurance%, Science%Biology, Toughness%, Advanced Medicine%} Treatment: Antibiotics, IV Fluids, Antipyretic, Pain Medication Duration: 3-5 days

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Skill Summaries Here is a quick list of Skills Checks a character can make and how they could potentially be used. NAME OF SKILL Abbreviation: The way the skill check {SC%} is abbreviated for quick reference in entries. Base: The base formula used to determine the percentage chance of success. The full name of the Attribute is the Skill Check’s “Primary Attribute” the one abbreviated with a “B” after it is the bonus (or tens digit) of the corresponding attribute. If the formula is two Attribute Bonuses, then there is no Primary Attribute. Description of how Skill Check is used. Action/Save Throw - The description of the Check’s use as an Action and/or Save Throw, if any should apply Labor - What, if any, Labor can be generated by this skill. Headshot/Catastrophe - The results of a rolled Headshot or Catastrophe if applicable. Modifiers - Any potential bonuses or penalties that can apply to this particular Skill Check. Speed - Number of n or amount of Time required to undertake the action in the Description.

Basic Skills BALANCE {Bal%} Base %: Perception + Wb A {Bal%} Check represents a character’s


ability to remain on their feet or in some otherwise advantageous posture. Any success in this Check will allow a character to remain upright. Failure to do this will cause a character to become Knocked Prone, requiring n n be spent to stand upright again. Initiated - Players who decide to walk along an exceptionally narrow catwalk or tightrope or along windowsills high above the ground. Balance + - Move 1/4 normal movement rate while balancing. It can also count as in an opponent’s Attack check in Grapple or Melee range. Save Throw - Players pass a ‘Balance’ check to remain on their feet or to maintain their position. Modifiers to {Bal%} Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties. Environmental Modifiers One n per feature that makes gripping or footing difficult, such as strong winds or rain. Speed - Focused (n n n ), Involved (n n ) for ‘Save Throws’ BRAWL {Brl%} Base %: Strength + Pb A character’s {Brl%} is their ability to fight without weapons. This is used in the same fashion as {MA%}, except it only applies for Unarmed attacks. Unarmed Attack + - Add n n to the Dice Pool. n counts as [Bl].

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Feint + - Add n to the opponent’s Dice Pool and n to their next Action. † result on a n die will Special: Rolling an H inflict 1 damage to the attacker. Harm W 1 A character’s insistence or desperation when using no weapons works against them. They take [1 Bl] per & between the Check of the character and the save throw of their opponent. Speed - Involved (n n ) CLIMB {Climb%} Base %: Strength + Wb These Checks represent a character’s ability to heft their own weight and their gear, as they scale a surface not meant to be traversed.

COMPOSURE {Cmps%} Base %: Willpower + Eb This reactionary Check is the ability to resist commands, coercion, bribery and other forms of Diplomacy. Being able to do this well makes a character hard-headed, stubborn, and strong-willed, but being able to resist some forms of Diplomacy is a beneficial ability. To succeed, the Check is an Opposed Check versus the opponent’s {Diplomacy%} Check. Making this Check successfully also allows a character to ignore the effects of Panic. This is always a reactionary Check. A character need to pass this Check only once during an Encounter when an Encounter begins with Panic-causing opponents. Other conditional events that require Checks will likewise require only one Check in order to resist Panic.

Climb + - Move up to the character’s height while climbing. Slip - - - Add n to the character’s next Dice Pool. Fall - - - - - - A character falls. Modifiers to {Climb%} Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties. Environmental Modifiers Sheer Surfaces – n n n n n n n n n n Hand holds (naturally occurring or manmade) – + + Ladders – + + + + Speed - Involved (n n ), 1 Time for Movement outside Encounters

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Save Throw - This is nearly always used as a Save Throw against most Diplomacy Checks, Panic, and Morale loss. Modifiers to {Cmps%} n A character is under duress and has every reason to be intimidated or afraid. n n A character is dealing with someone they trust and is likely to let their guard down or care about the individual in a way that indicates trust. n n n A character is dealing with a close friend or family who they intrinsically trust. Speed - Involved (n n ) per - to a minimum of n . DODGE {Do%} Base %: Perception + Sb This is almost a Save Throw versus an opponent’s “Ranged” attack. After a Ranged attack that causes damage, a character is allowed to attempt a {Do%} Check {Do%}. Making this Check successfully will allow incoming damage to be reduced by the number of Degrees of Success in this Check. Not all damage will allow a {Do%} to attempt reduction. For example, poisonous gas would not allow a {Do%} to resist taking damage. Dodge + - Remove a + from an opponent. Stumble - - - - Add n to a character’s next Dice Pool. Modifiers to {Do%} Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties. Environmental Modifiers Speed - Fast (n ) for ‘Save Throws’


ENDURANCE {End%} Base %: Strength + Wb A character’s {End%} is their physical stamina and ability to metabolize toxic material and poisons. Run + - Maintain Running Speed for this period of Time. Add 1 Fatigue. Hitting a Stride + + + - Maintain Running Speed for this period of Time. Metabolize Poison + - Resist [n Po] inflected from Poisoned injury. Complete Exhaustion - - - - - A character is so exhausted they have to pause and “Rest”. Resisting Poison Damage with a Catastrophe will result in the immediate loss of a Health point. Actions while ‘Resting’ will take n or n (character’s choice) per point of Fatigue. Modifiers to {End%} Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties.* Environmental Modifiers* Strength of Poison attempting to be metabolized Sustaining Action – Add n per Time spent Running + n per Fatigue *Applies to {End%} to maintain speed. Speed - 1 Time, Involved (n n ) for ‘Save Throws’ EXPRESSION {Exp%} Base %: Empathy + Pb This is a character’s ability to convey information. This covers clarity of statements, appropriateness of vocabulary, or skill at

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manipulating their own emotions to convey a performance. This also applies to lying. Convey Information + – Add @d5! when another uses this character’s reference to guide their actions (i.e. following their directions, writing a coded message, etc). Lie + – An opposed check to {Determine Motives%}. Fool or misdirect an Opponent about the nature of your business or the extent of your networks or giving an untruthful response convincingly. Modifiers to {Exp%} Language barrier Relationship with target Outrageousness of lie (if lying)

A character waits for the opportune moment to make their action. Hold + - Remove a n from the character’s Dice Pool. React + - Generate + for the character in the following Round. Perfect Timing + + - Generate + + + for the character in the following Round.

Speed - Focused (n n n )

Grappling is an ‘Opposed’ Check. This involves very close quarters fighting, more akin to wrestling. Haymaker + - Add n to the Dice Pool. Pin + - Add n to an opponent’s Dice Pool. Block + - Add a - to your opponent’s result if they made a combat check at Close or Grapple range, essentially negating a + .

Modifiers to {Grpl%} Environmental Modifiers

HOLD {Hold%} Base %: Willpower + Pb

Modifiers to {Hold%} A ‘Panicked’ character is unable to perform a ‘Hold’ action. n per point of Fatigue

GRAPPLE {Grpl%} Base %: Strength + Wb

Neck Break + + + + nnnnn.

Speed - Fast (n )

- Target takes

JUMP/LEAP {J/L%} Base %: Strength + Pb A character is able to jump vertically or horizontally across obstacles. Modifiers to {J/L%} Difficulty is increased by 1 per 25% of character height and 100% for leaps across. Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties. Speed - Instant, Fast (n ) LIFT/PULL {L/P%} Base %: Strength + Wb A character is able to lift, pull, or push heavy objects. The amount they can lift is based

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on their Strength bonus (Sb) and how they manipulate what is being lifted or pulled.

well as useful objects. This Check represents a very thorough search of an area.

Lifting or pulling objects with • equal to or less than a character’s Sb will still require n to perform the Action, but the Check will be automatically successful.

Area Search + - Add @d5! to “Search and Rescue”, “Lay Low”, “Supply Run”, “Set up Camp” or similar Missions.

Lifting + - 1 Cargo Unit (•) per Sb is lifted. Pulling/Pushing + - •• per Sb pulled or pushed at a character’s normal walking speed. Modifiers to {L/P%} Encumbrance Fatigue Speed - n per • lifted or pulled beyond Sb to a minimum of n . RESIST PAIN {RPai%} Base %: Willpower + Sb A character is able to outright resist or temporarily suppress crippling pain by sheer force of will, and sometimes with the aid of painkilling drugs. Successfully making this Check will allow a character to ignore the effects of pain. This is almost always a Reactionary check; however, taking an action that requires intentionally putting oneself in a situation where pain would normally deter them could make this check voluntary. Speed - Instant, For ‘Save Throw’ (n ) per Health point lost SEARCH {Srch%} Base %: Perception + Wb Characters are able to search for people as


Scrounge + - Add all entries from Resource Lv.1 of the Location to the characters’ Resource Catalog. Scrounge (lv.2) + + - Add all entries from Resource Lv.2 of the Location to the characters’ Resource Catalog. Scrounge (lv.3) + + + - Add all entries from Resource Lv.3 of the Location to the characters’ Resource Catalog. Finding anything at a higher Level than this will require a “Supply Run” Mission. Speed - Varies by size of search area. Generally 1 Time per Size of the structure. SPOT/LISTEN {Spt/Li%} Base %: Perception + Wb This is a superficial scan of an area. Although this implies vision, it is also for listening, hearing, and smell. A success in this check will rarely turn up anything that would be found beyond + in a Search Check for an area. This is also an Opposed Check against {Stealth%}. Detect + - Add a {Stealth%}.

to an opponent’s

Scrounge + - Add all entries from Resource Lv.1 of the Location to the characters’

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Resource Catalog. Scrounge (lv.2) + + + - Add all entries from Resource Lv.2 of the Location to the characters’ Resource Catalog. Speed - Fast (n ) STEALTH {Stlh%} Base %: Perception + Wb A {Stlh%} Check allows a character or party of characters to avoid danger by hiding from view and moving quietly. Difficulties may arise when trying to succeed against opponents with advanced sensory organs or those that use some scanning device. {Stlh%} is an Opposed Check against the GM’s Encounter%.

Within an Encounter already taking place, {Stlh%} is an Opposed Check made against an opponent’s {Spt/Li%} Check. Sneak + - Character can move up to half of their normal rate without detection. Add n to the Dice Pool. Hide + - Add a - to an Opponent’s {Spot/ Listen%, Search%}. Lay Low + - Generate @d5! to “Lay Low” or some similar Mission involving stealth. Evasion + - Add a - to the GM’s Encounter%. Ambush + + + - The character gets a Surprise Round to any Opponents deployed in an Encounter. Evasive Maneuvers + - Reduce the Risk Pool of the GM by W d5! Spotted - - - - - A character is spotted and isn’t aware of it. All opponents get a Surprise Round against the character. Modifiers to {Stlh%} To avoid Encounters, add n per Pb of the opponents being hidden from. Environmental Modifiers* *Many Environmental modifiers can actually reduce Difficulty, such as darkness. Speed - 1 Time, Focused (n per Pb of the opponent) for Opposed Check

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Trained Skills

Hit + + - One target takes [n n Sl] damage. Cannot use with Graze or Accurate Hit.

BOW/CROSSBOW {Bow%} Base %: Perception + Sb This is a character’s ability to use bow and crossbow weapons. Aim + - Remove n from the Dice Pool or Remove all n from the Dice Pool and add + to the next {Bow%} check. This counts as a Sustained Action. Rapid Redraw + - Can utilize Graze, Hit or Accurate Hit again in this Round even if another form of attack is utilized. Counts as another Use of the weapon. Add n n to the Dice Pool. Crossbows add n n n instead. Graze + - One target takes [n Sl] damage. Cannot use with Hit or Accurate Hit.

Accurate Hit + + + - One target takes [n n n Sl] damage. Cannot use with Graze or Hit this Round. Headshot + + + + - One target takes [n n n n Sl] damage. Modifiers to {Bow%} Environmental Modifiers Multiple Uses in the same Round (n per additional Use to all Skill Checks made) Multiple Targets in the same Round (n per additional target past the first to all Skill Checks made) Speed - Focused (n n n ) CALM OTHER {Calm%} Base %: Empathy + Wb This Skill allows a character to bring another character to their senses. It is not unlike Diplomacy, but it only applies to dealing with characters or opponents that are Panicked. A successful Check will remove Panic from a character. This may be used in place of Diplomacy against hostile opponents that aren’t immune to Diplomacy. Soothe Rage + - Give + to another character when using + to resist the effects of any anger or rage effects. Speed - Focused (n n n )


DIPLOMACY {Dipl%} Base %: varies

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The {Dipl%} Skill is how a character interacts with others, generally in order to convince another to act in accordance with the character’s own will. There are multiple methods, each with their own specialty, that must be advanced separately and deal with different ways to interact.

Analyze + - Generate @d5! when undertaking We Know this Much Missions in regards to living, thinking targets.

Persuade {Dipl-P% or P%} (Empathy + Pb) To beg another to act in a way that is the will of the character. This can take the form of begging or pleading.

Intimidate {Dipl–Int% or Int%} (Empathy + Sb) To force, by threat of violence against the target or another, one to act in accordance with the will of the character. Intimidate + - Cause one target to add n this Round or n next Round to their Dice Pool.

Persuade + - Generate @d5! when undertaking Diplomacy Missions. Barter/Bribe {Dipl-BB% or BB%} (Empathy + Wb) To attempt an exchange of goods for either a desired item or items, information, a service or amnesty. Barter + - Opposed check against another character’s {Dipl-BB%}. Each + in the favor of the character will reduce the Value required to acquire a desired good for trade by 1. Command {Dipl–Cd% or CD%} (Empathy + Wb) To force by means of will or authority to get others to act in accordance with a character’s wishes. Command + per Wb - Order an NPC to do what you ask. Determine Motives {Dipl–DM% or DM%} (Empathy + Pb) To see what motivates others by means of analyzing their behavior, rhetorical methods and physical cues.

Detect Lies + – An opposed check to an Opponent’s {Expression%} when they are lying. Add - to the Result of a {Exp%}.

Frighten Off + per Wb - Cause one Living target to Flee an Encounter. Break Will + + per Wb - Target loses 1 Morale. Terrify + + + + - One target adds n n n n n n to their Dice Pool. Speed - Intense (n n n n ) DIGITAL SYSTEMS {DgtlSys%} Base: Perception + Wb This Skill is a character’s familiarity with digital systems such as data processors, data storage, and networks. It does not deal with undermining, altering, or creating the architecture of a digital system, just the normal functioning as well as maintenance, diagnostics, solutions, and workarounds for common problems encountered during the use of a digital systems.

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Speed - Varies tremendously FIREARMS (LONG GUN) {Frm-L%} Base %: Perception + Wb This involves the use of two-handed firearms, mainly rifles and shotguns, although shorter carbine models are also covered by this skill. Successfully making this Check indicate that you have hit your intended target. Many Difficulty penalties may apply to moving targets and those behind cover. Aim + - Remove n from the Dice Pool or Remove all n from the Dice Pool and add + to the result of the next {Frm–L%}. This counts as a Sustained Action. Hit + - Keep all the n in the Dice Pool. Allocate them to any targets the character made {Frm–L%} against. Accurate + - Add n to the dice pool. Focus Fire + - Add 1 extra DP with the Use, but add n n to the dice pool. Semi and fully-auto models only. Headshot + + + + - One target takes [n n n Pi,Sl]. Target has 0 Defense. Modifiers to {Frm-L%} Environmental Modifiers Multiple Uses in the same Round (n per additional Use to all Skill Checks made) Multiple Targets in the same Round (n per additional target past the first to all Skill Checks made) Speed - Varies, generally (n per •)


FIREARMS (PISTOL) {Frm-P%} Base %: Perception + Wb This involves the use of any model of handgun, including both magazine fed and revolvers. Successfully making this Check indicates successfully hitting the intended target. Many Difficulty penalties may apply to moving targets and those behind cover. Aim + - Remove n from the Dice Pool or Remove all n from the Dice Pool and add + to the next {Frm–P%}. This counts as a Sustained Action. Hit + - Keep all the n in the Dice Pool. Allocate them to any targets the character made {Frm–P%} against. Accurate + - Add n to the dice pool.

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Focus Fire + - Add 1 extra DP with the Use, but add n n to the dice pool. Semi-auto models only. Headshot + + + + - One target takes [n n n Pi,Sl]. Target has 0 Defense. Modifiers to {Frm-P%} Environmental Modifiers Multiple Uses in the same Round (n per additional Use to all Skill Checks made) Multiple Targets in the same Round (n per additional target past the first to all Skill Checks made) Speed - Varies, generally (n per •) FIRST AID {FAid%} Base %: Perception + Wb A character is capable of performing {FAid%} to treat minor injuries and to stabilize someone who is wounded. Medical Treatment + - Add @d5! to “Basic First Aid” and “Treat Injury” Missions. First Aid + - Remove 1 point of damage. Cannot be done if target has untreated Injuries. Staunch + per HP lost - Treat one “Open Wound” or “Flesh Wound” Injury. Dress Wound + per HP lost – Treat one “Burn” or “Frostbite” Injury. Splint + per HP lost – Treat one “Bone Injury”.

Stabilize + + + + per HP lost – Stabilize a character who is taking periodic n due to Injuries. The Injures are not counted as treated, but a character no longer takes n until the Injury is Aggravated by making an Action that has Strength as a Primary Attribute. This requires 1 Time. Hurt - - - Take one point of damage. Harm - - - - - - Characters lose an additional Health point if this Check was being used to treat an Injury Modifiers to {FAid%} Environmental Modifiers n per Health point lost by the target. n n Performing the Check on oneself. n n Performing the check without at least a 0x Multiplier.

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Speed - Sustained, Focused (n n n + n n per HP lost), 1 Time MELEE ATTACK {MA%} Base %: Strength + Pb Specialties: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing This is a character’s ability with a specific type of weapon in close combat. Each category of weapon will advance as a different kind of Melee Attack. Any bonus to {Melee Attack%} without specifying a type will apply to all types. A Note about + costs The following are triggered actions that can be utilized with certain kinds of weapons. Since they require a weapon to use, the amount of + needed to trigger it will vary by weapon. Hit – Add n to the Dice Pool. The damage type will be determined by the kind of weapon used. Add n to the Dice Pool next Round. Parry – Add +1 Defense against a Melee or Grapple attack. Piercing weapons cannot Parry. Stun – An opponent adds n to their dice pool. Slash – Add [n Sl] per • to the dice pool. Stab – Add [n Pi] to the dice pool. Add n to the Dice Pool next Round. Bash – Add n n to the dice pool. Knock Prone – One target adds n n n to their Dice Pool and cannot Move until they spend n n to stand upright.


Coup de Grace – One target takes [n n n ] and counts as having 0 Defense. Add n to the dice pool per Defense the target once had. Modifiers to {MA%} Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties. n n per Health point lost. Environmental Modifiers n per feature that obscures vision or restricts freedom of movement, such as confined spaces. Speed - Varies, but typically (n per •) per attack. NAVIGATION{Nav%} Base %: Perception + Wb Characters are able to navigate terrain and avoid potential hazards. This Check is used if characters Flee an Encounter or if their original path has been blocked. This will determine if additional Time passes and if the GM rolls another E% after the characters Flee or how long the characters are delayed by the obstacle. The Check without any modifiers assumes natural navigational ability with no landmarks or signs. This will rarely be the case, save for the most desolate, disorienting, alien, or featureless of terrains or locations. Travel + - Add @d5! to Missions that involve travel and navigation. Clear Path + + + + - A {Nav%} is accomplished without requiring an additional Encounter check to be rolled afterwards. Catastrophe - - - - - Characters think they are successfully avoiding danger,

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but in reality they have been detected and opponents are sneaking around the character in order to surprise them or laying traps ahead of them. Add W 10. d5! Navigation checks using d5! will have the following additional effects: † result. Lost – Add W 1 per n rolled if any H Trapped – Make an additional E% as the character puts themselves and their party in peril with poor directions. Hazards Wrong Turn W 5 - Add a + to an Encounter Check per - in a character’s {Nav%}. Misstep W 0 - Add 1 W per - in a {Nav%}. Recognizable Landmarks + - Clearly marked directional signs + + - Emergency Track Lighting + + + - Temporary Signage to indicate status of road Modifiers to {Nav%} no modifiers – A character is intimately familiar with the area and can navigate without difficulty. n A character has a lot of experience in the area but rarely goes off the beaten path. n n A character has some experience in the area but never venture too far off main thoroughfares. The area is familiar, but characters won’t know many alternate routes. n n n A character knows only the area by a loose knowledge of landmarks. n n n n A character finds the area foreign and only navigates with tremendous difficulty.

+ n per Environmental Modifier for features that obscure vision, such as fog, or greatly restrict one or more form of travel, such as a rainstorm. Difficulty Penalties due to Injuries will also impede Navigation. Speed - 1 Time SWIM {Swim%} Base %: Strength + Wb This represents a character’s ability to Swim. In order to successfully Swim, a character must achieve + in the {Swim%} per Weight of gear being carried. Modifiers to {Swim%} Encumbrance will add n and/or n penalties. Environmental Modifiers, Fatigue Speed - Varies THROW {Thrw%} Base %: Perception + Sb This is a character’s ability with throwing weapons to hit their target at a distance. It also involves weapons that lob or fling their ammunition, such as slings and grenade launchers. A Note about + costs The following are triggered actions that can be utilized with certain kinds of weapons. Since they require a weapon to use, the amount of + needed to trigger it will vary by weapon. Hit + - Add n n to the Dice Pool. The damage type will be determined by the kind of weapon used.

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Accurate + - Add n to the dice pool. Aim + - Remove n from the Dice Pool or Remove all n from the Dice Pool and add + to the next {Thrw%} check. This counts as a Sustained Action. Cook Grenade + - Opponents require an extra + in order to counter the “Blast” triggered Effect from Grenades, requiring + + to count as a single - for the throwing character. This carries some obvious risks to the thrower, so it adds n n to the Dice Pool and n to their next action. Blast (Special) - Weapons with a blast radius will allow its effect to apply to all targets within blast radius. This requires a + per Sb x 20’ in order to take advantage of. Speed - Varies, generally (n per •).

Expert Skills Unlike most skills, Expert Skills are frequently undertaken only once every period of Time instead of being taken as a normal action during an Encounter. For this reason, many Objectives for Missions feature making a successful Expert Skill Check. In this case, the Prerequisites and Time requirement for a Mission’s success are what is required of the characters to be able to attempt an Expert Skill. The tradeoff for having a large amount of Time and additional Prerequisites is that the characters often earn l and other rewards. ADVANCED MEDICINE {AMed%} Base %: Pb + Wb


Specialties: Field of Medicine or treatment of specific Injury type This is a character’s ability to perform advanced medical procedures such as administering proper physical therapy and surgery. This comes from an advanced understanding of the body that goes beyond simply treating injury. Aside from treatment at dedicated medical facilities, this Check is what will be required in order for an injured character to restore lost Health points. Treat Injury – + per lost Health. ‘Treat’ one Injury a character has, so long as all other required prerequisites are met based on Injury type (specific medicine, medical hardware, etc). The character must rest properly for 10d6 Time per Injury (or what is specified by Injury type), or they risk Infection or aggravating the Injury again. If a character has lost Health points and has no ‘Injuries’, then this Check can be used to restore a lost Health Point. This will allow Natural Healing as normal. Labor: Each + will generate @ towards ‘Advanced Medicine’ Missions depending upon the facilities the treatment takes place in: Field - @1d3 per + Clinic, Poor - @1d5! per + Infirmary - @2d5! per + Dedicated Medical Care Facility- @+3d5! per + Speed - 1 Time

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Speed - Fast (n )

CONSTRUCTION/ENGINEERING {Co/En%} Base %: Pb + Wb Specialties: Specific Materials/ Manufacturing Process or product

PILOT {Pil%} Base %: Pb + Wb Specialties: Specific category of vehicle

Labor: This is a character’s ability to manufacture and repair using a specific material or process. Each + in this Check will generate d5! @ towards a Repair, Maintenance and Construction Missions.

The character has the ability to pilot a vehicle. This Skill is broken down into different classes of vehicle and the different classes must be advanced individually unless an advancement applies to all {Pil%} Skill Checks.

Field/Stranger’s Workbench - @1d3 Workshop, Poor - @1d5! per + Workshop - @2d5! per + Dedicated Factory - @3d5! per +

Travel + - Based on the vehicle, travel the distance allowed in its entry.

Make note of any gear or tools that may help add to the Labor generated by a successful {Co/En%} Check as well by simply adding bonus Labor or aid in the {Co/En%} Check. Speed - 1 Time MARTIAL ARTS {MtlA%} Base %: Sb + Pb Specialties: Specific Martial Arts style {MtlA%} are similar to {Grpl%} or {Brl%} only with a reduced n and with a generally lower chance of success without exceptional training. Succeeding in this Check allows characters to roll n normally and decide if it’s to Knock Prone or to deal lethal n . Most injuries resulting from combat can allow a Save Throw using Martial Arts to prevent Injury. Save Throw - This can be used as a Save Throw for most combat checks.

Maneuver + - Avoid a road hazard that costs up to W 5 per + . This includes deploying Opponents. Modifiers to {Pil%} Environmental Modifiers Each 45 degree turn in the span of a single round will add n to the dice pool. Some vehicles are incapable of making turns at certain angles within the span of one turn. For instance, bikes could make a 180 degree turn. Speed - Varies SCIENCE {Sci%} Base %: Pb + Wb Specialties: Specific Scientific discipline A character’s Science is their comprehension of the scientific method as well as current understanding of a specific field of science as and its application. This is also a measure of deductive as will as inductive reasoning as it relates to a specific field. For the purposes of creating/modifying

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something or performing Research, most of those sort of Missions require a Labor cost. Generally speaking, each + in an appropriate {Sci%} Check will add @d5! towards the completion of that mission. There are multiple situations that grant bonus Labor upon a successful {Sci%} Check. Here are some common ones: Field Observation - @2d6! for Research only Laboratory, Poor - @1d6! per + Laboratory - @2d5! per + Dedicated Research Facility - @3d5! per + Make note of any gear or tools that may help add to the Labor generated by a successful {Sci%} Check as well. General Science Specialties Biology Biology is the study of life processes and plant and animal life. It is an essential step in the fields of medicine as well as biological research and the study of species and evolution. This Check can be used to ascertain characteristics of life forms. Chemistry Chemistry is the study of chemicals and requires intimate knowledge of elements and how they react at a molecular level. Characters are able to synthesize chemicals as well as recognize potentially hazardous materials and how to handle them. A character is able to use this Check in order to extract samples from their specimens as well as synthesize and utilize Drugs and Chemicals.


Genetics Genetics are the study of genes. Specific genomes can be isolated, identified and with the proper time and equipment, modified. This can effectively treat multiple disorders and ailments, but it can also be used to artificially introduce traits from one species to another. This Check can be used in order to study, isolate, or even introduce genetic traits. Geology An understanding of geology is the understanding of a region and its natural geologic processes. It can predict seismic activity and help identify the potential location of valuable ores. This check can be used to determine characteristics of regions or specific formations. Physics This is the study of how the physical universe interacts. This field is capable of being applied to multiple different professions and areas of study, such as engineering, but on its own, it is capable of allowing characters to predict the pattern of reactions that will result from a given action on an atomic and subatomic level. While the classical laws of physics fall apart for things that are very small and very fast, physics is a requirement to do any serious research or development. Psychology This is the study of behavior and the human mind. Its practical application includes therapy, identifying personality disorders and predicting behavior. Programming This is a character’s ability to write and use

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software and design computer systems. The level of sophistication can vary tremendously as writing new programs are much more difficult than using or modifying existing programs. Theology This is the study into the nature of God and religious structures that exist to explain said nature. It can also be used to comprehend the cultural attitudes that religion promotes. Modifiers to {Sci%} Science is modified by the accessibility to proper equipment and the field’s current understanding of the subject. Routine Observation/Data Analysis/Repeated Testing Procedure - no modifier Significant Observation - n n Proper Tools/Equipment - no modifier Improper Tools/Equipment - n Impromptu Testing Method - n n New Frontier of Discovery - n n n Discovery completely new to Science nnnn Speed - 1 Time for analysis, Intense (n n n n ) for quick observations. Detailed research can be multiple periods of Time. SURVIVAL {Srvl%} Base %: Pb + Wb Specialties: Specific Biome or Region The character has the ability to survive without the support of a functioning society in the wilderness. The characters are able to find food, water, and shelter. A Survival Check can be specialized by biome.

Survival + – Provide the food and water needs for one character. Shelter + – Generate @ d5! for “Set up Camp” or some similar Mission. Survival Skills + – Start fire without matches, create trail marker, craft simple tool or weapon. Save Throw - This can be used as a Save Throw against an E% in order to determine if a character can survive as described above. Modifiers to {Srvl%} Environmental Modifiers Speed - 1 Time TOUGHNESS {Tgh%} Base %: Sb + Wb A character’s Toughness is their physical resolve and durability. When a character is required to make a Check using their Toughness, it is to spare themselves from death from having taken massive damage. Toughness is frequently used as a Save Throw against most kinds of injury, although there are many more preferred methods of avoiding an Injury than by using {Tgh%}, as it is a generally very low percentage chance of success. This is because making a Save Throw using {Tgh%} means that a character takes the full force of an injury but somehow shrugs it off. Special Speed - Instant, (n n n n ) for Save Throws.

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Character Advancement Characters can improve their baseline stats or they can choose a new Ability or increase an existing Ability by 1 tier. This is done by spending Gestalt Levels. SPEW ATTRIBUTE ADVANCEMENT A character can advance an Attribute by reducing their Gestalt Level by 1 per Bonus of the Attribute. After doing this, the Attribute is increased by d3. SKILL ADVANCEMENT While Resting, a character can spend some of their Gestalt Level to increase a skill. If a character reduces their Gestalt Level by 1, the character can roll Gestalt Dice to grant a permanent increase to one skill. The rate of the increase is based on whether or not the skill is Supported and what category of skill it is. Basic Skills Unsupported – d5! Supported – 2d5! Pick 1 highest Trained Skills Unsupported – 2d5! Pick 1 lowest Supported – d5! Expert Skills Unsupported – can’t advance Supported – 2d5! Pick 1 lowest Skill Advancement and Advancement Rate The final, accepted die roll for the Basic, Trained or Expert skill is increased or decreased by the amount of Advancement Rate


Increases/Decreases the skill may have. The total on the die plus or minus the Advancement Rate Modifier will be the amount the Skill’s Percentage Chance is increased. If a negative Advancement Rate decreases an advancement roll to less than 1, then count it as 1. Note about playing yourself as a character – Players that play themselves as characters have a unique advantage in that they can appeal to their own experience to advance skills. A character is allowed to spend 1 Gestalt Level per (approximate) year of experience they have in the field they wish to advance in this way. These Advances can be done during the game as well, as opposed to waiting to advance characters in-between sessions or when their character is Resting. INCREASE ABILITY TIER A character needs to reduce their Gestalt Level by 1 per existing tier the Ability. NEW ABILITY A character needs to reduce their Gestalt Level by 5 - the Primary Attribute’s SPEW Attribute Bonus to pick a new Ability. INCREASE SPEW ATTRIBUTE If this is done, a character can roll 1d3 and make it a permanent increase to the target SPEW Attribute. GESTALT LEVEL A character can spend l250 to increase their Gestalt Level by 1.

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Morale and Insanity

following coping mechanisms:

A character’s Morale is a general measure of their mental resolve. It may take the form of having high spirits, but even a character who is terse and abrasive may have a high Morale if their wits are about them and they are selfassured. When a character begins to lose Morale due to encounters with ‘Stressors’, the Morale loss may trigger a loss of sanity. Not all parties will have a group Morale. Generally, only those that have adopted a Formation will have a group Morale. How the Group generates their collective Morale will be detailed in the Formation’s entry. If no such entry exists, then the Morale will be as follows:

Panic - A party that loses Morale will be ‘Panicked’. All characters must pass a {Cmps%} or the characters in Point must make a {Dipl%} to command them to return to their original marching orders. Until such time, a Panicked party will add an additional d5! per Morale lost to all their rolls. The GM can decide before the roll whether this die is n , a n or a n . The die is otherwise treated as a normal die of its type. Paranoia - A party begins to turn on each other and begins to fear irrational things. All {Dipl%} have n per Morale lost.

Basic Formation

The Wb + Eb + number of + in any {Dipl%} Check used to form the Formation will be the party’s starting Morale.

Pinned - A party is seeking cover or acting defensively at the expense of mobility and speed. All actions in an Encounter roll an extra n to determine how much of a Delay until a character’s next intent. All l costs for Tactics a character takes is also increased by 50%.

If a character or party loses Morale, they have a few options.

Fragmented Unity - Formations and Tactics require 100% more l to use or maintain.

Characters individually can indulge in a vice or a coping mechanism that they have based on the ‘Disadvantage’ with a Coping mechanism they have chosen for their character. This is why it’s important to have a ‘Disadvantage’ as part of character creation, especially one that has the ability to reduce Morale loss with its Coping mechanism.

Morale 0

Parties of characters will have their party cohesion unravel when they lose Morale. A party has the option to indulge one of the

Characters or parties with 0 Morale will be unable to earn l from missions or secondary objectives in addition to being vulnerable to psychological trauma. Primary objectives can still earn a character l, but the GM may penalize the amount by a number equal to the combined tiers in all Psychosis and Sociopathy Disadvantages if they wish. A character or party at 0 Morale cannot take any Formations, or use any Tactics.

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Most importantly, at 0 Morale, the Formation is considered broken and cannot be rallied again without fulfilling its prerequisite once more.

Extreme Panic ­– Character feels terror and needs to escape any hostile situation they are in. They Automatically ‘Flee’ any encounter and generate 5d5! W .


Gone Native ­– Character has decided that they are on the wrong side, and they must now help the Opponents anyway they can. This is a roleplay choice, but the Character should do whatever they can to undermine the other Players in favor of the Opponents.

A character who loses all Morale will take points of Insanity whenever Morale would normally be lost. If a character’s Insanity is ever greater than their Wb, then the character goes out of control, being blind with fear or simply falling catatonic, shutting themselves off from reality entirely. For each point of Insanity taken, players must increase a Psychosis Disadvantage by 1 tier or choose an Insanity Effect from the list below. Unlike the loss of Morale, a character cannot indulge a Coping mechanism to reduce Insanity. Insanity only applies to individual characters. An entire party cannot be afflicted with the same form of Insanity due to party Morale loss. Parties use the previously mentioned list of options. CHARACTER INSANITY EFFECTS Catatonic –­this Character has blocked all emotion and reaction from their consciousness. The character can only make decisions about gameplay when a successful {Cmps%} is made (this can include a opposed check made by others against them) even then the Character can only take simple commands beyond basic survival. Delusions of Grandeur –­Players believe they are someone they are not, or have an exaggerated sense of competence. Players will attempt any Advanced Skills they have no bonuses in, regardless of kit or gear availability.


Hallucinations ­– Players are struck by visions and voices that are not there. This can be in the form of loved ones, dangerous creatures, or distant callings. Every Time this player must make a {Cmps%} check or their visions add n to all actions. Homicidal Rage – ­Struck with images of pain and rage, this character immediately starts attacking any thing or person that is within it’s contact. This only ends once the target reaches 1Health Point or becomes unconscious. Mania – All characters must make a {Cmps%} or be compelled to sabotage the Party’s efforts. Either this character adds @5d5! to the requirement of one Mission in process or the party loses l5d5!. Paranoia – ­A Character fall prey to their own paranoid delusions. All W costs to upgrade opponents or trigger special effects will cost 1 less W per Morale lost. Suicidal ­– Unable to handle the pressure of the situation any longer, be it from the voices in their head or the terror they’ve witnessed. The Character decides to take his own life,

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they will first attempt some sort of ritualized mortification. Characters make attacks against themselves and get + + + + + when making attacks against themselves. This bonus can extend to others making attacks against a character if the character is embracing their demise. Thanatos – This Character has come to the realization they only want to see the world burn after what has happened. This is purely a roleplay choice by the GM/Character, but this Insanity should take the form against both Opponents and Players. Including, but not limited to: Scrapping all of the players Kits, blocking off path to escape, generating W willingly, Putting a knife in a comrade’s back to escape on their own.

Group Psychosis

A party that succumbs to morale loss has a different effect than when an individual loses it. Not only will the party’s cohesion fray, it may also invite dark and terrifying behavior that can prove quite deadly. A party that loses Morale will begin to succumb to one or more of these effects. GROUP PSYCHOSIS EFFECTS All Terrors Real and Imagined – The party may not use any make any Formation’s special benefit for the duration of the Encounter. Compelled... – As the Mania Insanity Effect, but it applies to the whole party. Despair – An impenetrable pall of hopelessness descends upon the party. All available Tactics will require an additional l20–5 per Wb.

Heightened Senses – All characters are on edge. Every little sound, or movement is interpreted as a grave danger. Characters reduce the rate of their Movement out of Encounters by half. Mutiny – The characters turn on their current leader. The character taking ‘Point’ must make a {Dipl%} with 1 n per Morale lost or the formation is broken. A Catastrophe in the check will result in a violent altercation between characters. Panic – The characters fall into a panic. Each character must pass a {Cmps%} check or add † results will count as 5 an extra n n . All H and require a re-roll. The effect lasts for the duration of an Encounter. Paranoia – As the Paranoia Character Insanity Effect, but effects the whole party.

Restoring Lost Morale

Characters that have lost Morale can restore it gradually as more mental distance is placed between their stressors and their present state. Some psychological wounds may never fully heal, but it can be mitigated. There are two ways characters can restore lost Morale or remove Insanity... Characters can pay l100 -10 per Wb to restore 1 lost Morale or l200 -10 per Wb to remove Insanity. Characters can pay l50 -10 per Wb to Complete a “Counseling/Ministry/Therapy” Mission. The Labor cost is @15 per lost Morale point or @50 per Insanity. The Skill Checks used to generate @ are generally {Calm Other%, Sci.–Psychology%}.

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Abilities What is an “Ability?”

An Ability is a character’s specific personal advantage that is unique to them, independent of the scenario that the character is a part of or who they are in a party with. An Ability will do one or more of four things: SKILL SUPPORT Under most circumstances, an Ability will ‘Support’ one or more Skills. If the Ability is very specialized, then it will likely also increase the rate at which the Supported Skill will advance when characters spend Gestalt Dice to improve a Skill. Any rate of advancement granted by an Ability will be scaled by tier, so if a Skill gets +1 to the rate of advancement and the Skill is at tier 2, then the Skill has a rate of advancement of +2. TRAINING VALUE INCREASE Abilities will often grant a modifier to a Training Value for certain Gear categories or under certain circumstances. The Training Value increase will be repeated per tier of the same Ability, so if an Ability grants a +1 Training Value and the Ability tier is at 3, then the total Training Value increase will be +3. ADVANCEMENT RATE INCREASE Whenever a Gestalt Level is used to advance a Skill, a character may modify it by the total of the Advancement Rate provided by the Ability. MASTERY At Tier 5, a character gains additional abilities, such as a Multiplier or Special Ability.


SPECIAL RULE The Ability can also provide a special rule that is specific to that character. It is often scaled by tier, but sometimes an Ability is so specialized that it has hefty prerequisites in addition to taking up an available Ability option. Unlike Paradigms, an Ability will not provide additional Tactic options, but Abilities also do not carry any Injury or Death Penalties. In addition, unlike Paradigms, a character is generally allowed to have any Ability they are capable of taking, regardless of scenario.


Some Abilities are reflections of the formal, professional training and experience a character had before the events of an Outbreak. For this reason, they are almost impossible to develop past their starting level of experience as settings and opportunities for professional instruction will be largely nonexistent. A character can only choose tiers of Profession Abilities during character creation. The “Profession” Descriptor tag is given to all Abilities that fall under this category that will be the name of the Profession itself, such as Police, Firefighter, Nurse, etc. The tradeoff is that these Abilities rank among the best ones a character can take. A character also gets a bonus +1 to all Training Values per tier to any Check that utilizes their professional training, indicated by a (Profession) entry in a character’s available Training Values. This particular use of the (Profession) Training Value is somewhat subjective and a more creative or liberal use of this rule will often require some roleplaying to justify.

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PROFESSION AND TRAINING VALUES Training Values provided by many Abilities and the Training Value associated with a common tool of a profession can combine. So, for instance, a Rancher will have their Training Value for their profession, but if they have a Training Value bonus to Horse when riding a horse provided by some other Ability or rule, then the Training Value for both Rancher and the other Abilities will apply, as not all people who ride horseback are Ranchers, and the extra experience can be reflected by someone who does something both professionally and recreationally. The same example can apply to Firearms used by Police, Military or Correctional Officers as well as Survival Gear used by professional guides, Search and Rescue, Firefighters, Police, Military, etc.

List of Abilities

The following are a list of Abilities that a character can choose from when they create or advance their character. ACUMEN Primary Attribute: Perception This character has a high degree of situational awareness and is able to come up with solutions quickly. Add any Training Value to @ generated whenever this character generates @with a Skill Check ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT (A.C.L.S.) Primary Attribute: Willpower With medical training and a cool head as part of the job, this training allows first-responders to keep calm and keep their patients alive. Support {FAid%, Cmps%}. Each tier will add +1 to their rate of advancement. Training Value(s): First Aid Kits +1 per tier and Medical Supplies +1 per tier with one form of Injury treating specificity.

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AGILITY Primary Attribute: Perception

animal and multiple advances to this Ability apply to the same animal.

This character is agile and is gifted with quick reaction time.

Mastery: A character can issue Commands to the animal without requiring an Empathy Check. A Check can still be made if + are factored into the result. Failing this Check will count as having the check succeed with + . A ‘Catastrophe’ will still count as a failure.

Support {Do%, Bal%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Mastery: At tier 5, add +1 Defense against Ranged Attacks. ANIMAL HANDLING (SPECIES) Primary Attribute: Empathy, Willpower Each tier will allow this character to instruct an animal in one ‘Command’ that is allowed by the species. The character can instruct multiple animals with this same Command. Multiple tiers in this Ability will allow the character to teach a new Command. Training Value(s): (Species) +1 per tier Mastery: A character can instruct an animal in every Command their species is capable of learning. ANIMAL KINSHIP Primary Attribute: Empathy, Willpower Each Tier will grant a bonus + to all Checks with Willpower as a primary attribute to both character and one animal so long as they are near each other. All Empathy Checks between the two will have a bonus + . This includes issuing commands learned by the ‘Animal Handling’ Ability. Characters lose 1 Morale per tier if this animal comes to any serious harm or dies. This Ability only applies to one


ARTIST Primary Attribute: Perception, Empathy This character is capable of artistic expression. Support {Ex%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): Tools, Artist/Writing +1 per tier ATHLETIC CONDITIONING Primary Attribute: Strength, Willpower This character is highly athletic and plays some sort of organized sport. The nature of the sport will determine what sort of Skills count as Supported by this Ability. Each tier will add +1 to the Advancement Rate of the supported skill. Support Contact Sport - {M-[Bl]%, Grapple} Concentration Sport - {Throw%, Bow%, Frm-L%, or Frm-L%} Agility Sport - {Bal%, Cmps%} Training Value(s): Athletic Gear +1 per tier

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AUTODIDACT Primary Attribute: Willpower This character is self-taught in some area of professional expertise. Training Value: +3 to one kind of Kit. This Ability can be taken at multiple tiers, but each tier will add Training Value: +3 to a different kind of Kit. Mastery: The bonus to all the Training Values increases from +3 to +4. BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING Primary Attribute: Willpower This character has basic first aid training that is extremely useful in survival situations. The ease of instruction is offset by the relatively shallow range of applications. Support {FAid%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): First Aid Kits +1 per tier BIKER Primary Attribute: Perception This character is comfortable with motorcycles and is capable of doing high-speed maneuvers with them in (relative) safety. Support {Pil - Motorcycle%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): Motorcycles +1 per tier BILLY GOAT Primary Attribute: Willpower

This character has a knack for being able to keep down things that are very difficult to eat. If a character wants to purchase any Sustenance from a Resource catalog for their own use, the Depletion roll on n can be reduced by 1 per tier. Another character can eat what this character purchases, but they must pass a {Cmps%} check in order to be able to eat it. BMX Primary Attribute: Strength This character is skilled with bicycle riding

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and is able to traverse even rough terrain while on a bike. Support {Pil–Bicycle%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): {Pil–Bicycle%} +1 per tier Mastery: Add +1x Multiplier to the Gear Bonus provided by Vehicles when determining how far a character is able to travel on a bicycle. BOOKWORM Primary Attribute: Willpower This character is well-read and is capable of working through books quickly with high retention. Each tier will add @d5! per tier whenever a character is Reading or using a Manual. Mastery: Speed Reader. Treat results on the d5! that are less than 3 as having rolled a 3 when generating @. CAGED WISDOM Primary Attribute: None Incarceration is not an ideal position to be in, but a character that has done hard time has a crash course in many hard lessons and has the opportunity to exercise a level of ingenuity that could be useful in a survival situation.

tier and any one Tool category +1 per tier CHARISMA Primary Attribute: Empathy Call it stage presence, charm, wit, bedside manner or any combination thereof; a character has an uncommon charm about their person that makes them well liked and personable and (seemingly) trustworthy. Each tier will allow a free advance in Empathy and any {Diplo%} other than {Int%}. Each tier will also increase the Eb of any Check by 1. A character with this ability will be sorely missed should anything happen to them. Any Checks made to resist the loss of Morale due to this character’s death or peril will be increased in Difficulty by 1 per tier. Mastery: A character is able to substitute any Wb with Eb. Mastery: A character will not have to spend l in order to increase @from 1 to 1d6. CIVILIAN Primary Attribute: Any This character is well suited for some area of the private sector. Like many in the current job climate, a broad skillset is required in order to remain employed. Support one Basic or Trained Skill or {PilAutomobile}.

Support {Int%, MA%, Brl%, or Cmps%}.

Subsequent tiers in this ability will require another Skill be supported in this manner.

Training Value(s): Melee Weapon +1 per

Training Value(s):+1 per tier to the Training


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Value to two different types of kit CLINICAL SKILLS Primary Attribute: Perception, Empathy Those skilled in medicine are able to identify illness, treat common ailments, and provide care to sustain life in all states of acuity. Support {FAid%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): +1 First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies with one form of specificity. Mastery: A character can add a bonus + to {FAid%, AMed%} when generating @. COMBAT REFLEXES Primary Attribute: Perception Choose one Skill Check. That Skill Check will not add n to a character’s dice pool if it is used as a Save Throw. This Ability can be taken more than once. Each time it will apply to a different Skill Check. It will still count as an Action, so it will add n to the Dice Pools of subsequent Checks in the same Round.

Mastery: A character can add the Structure of any location they are hiding in to the amount of W reduced by {Stlh%}. CONTRACTOR Primary Attribute: Perception This character is capable of building or modifying structures. This character can add their Training Value worth of @ towards the creation of a new Stronghold Upgrade’s @costs if a character is Stationed at a Stronghold. Training Value(s): Tools, Construction +1 per tier CRAFTSMAN (MATERIAL) Primary Attribute: Willpower Support {Co/En - Material%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. The character can add their Training Value Worth of @to any ‘Workshop’ upgrade @ costs if they are Stationed at a Stronghold.

CONCEALMENT Primary Attribute: Perception

Training Value(s): Tools–Crafting (material) +1 per tier

This character excels at moving while remaining unseen, a useful ability when mere detection is the difference between life and death.

Mastery: All crafted gear and upgrades will have one higher Durability than what is normal for the type.

Support {Stlh%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate.

CULINARY ARTS Primary Attribute: none

Training Value(s): Reconnaissance Gear +1 per tier

This character is capable of preparing food very well They get a bonus d6 per tier to add

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to the @ generated at a Barracks or some sort of mess hall or kitchen. Any missions undertaken with Sustenance as a descriptor will add +1 Morale per tier in this ability if a ‘Craft , (Food)’ Check was made by this character to accomplish the objective. This character can add their Training Value worth of @ of any Kitchen/Pantry @ costs if a character is Stationed at a Stronghold. Training Value(s): Tools, Cooking +1 per tier Mastery: A character is disciplined in their use of spices and knows just how much to use. They reduce the Depletion of all Tools, Cooking by half. CUSTODIAN Primary Attribute: none

Primary Attribute: Willpower A character is able to add d5! per tier worth of @ generated during periods of Time if they have spent the previous Time trying to generate @ as well. Mastery: Re-roll one die when determining how much @ this character generates. DIVE CERTIFIED Primary Attribute: Strength This character is an exceptional swimmer and knows the finer points of using sophisticated dive equipment. Support {Swim%}.

If this character is Stationed at a Stronghold, they generate 1d5!@ per tier. This extra @ can only be used to pay the Maintenance cost of Stronghold Upgrades. Training Value(s): +1 to any Tool that is used to generate @ to pay the Maintenance cost of a Stronghold or Stronghold Upgrade. It helps to categorize the Training Value as “Custodian” as opposed to the multitude of Tool categories it can apply to. DAMAGE THRESHOLD Primary Attribute: Strength, Willpower

Training Value(s): Diving/Swimming Gear +1 per tier EARLY BIRD Primary Attribute: Willpower This character can function with less sleep than most. Each tier will reduce the amount of Time a character needs to get a full night’s sleep by 1. EFFICIENT Primary Attribute: Willpower

Each tier will allow an increase to Damage Threshold by d3.

Each tier will allow an extra die to be rolled to determine how much @this character generates when stationed at a Stronghold or attempting to trigger a Location feature.

Mastery: +1 Base Defense. DILIGENCE

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Primary Attribute: Willpower


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This character can add their Training Value worth of @to any @construction costs if this character is Stationed at a Stronghold. Training Value(s): Tools, Electrical +1 per tier. Mastery: Reduce n from failed {Cnst/Eng Electrical%} by half. This will not apply when making Checks representing actions with no consideration for safety.

FIREFIGHTER TRAINING Primary Attribute: Strength This character can navigate through and fight fires. This training has many tertiary benefits that are highly beneficial to survival in general. Support {Cmps%, Dipl–CC%, Spt/Li%, Srch% and End%}.

ENGINEER Primary Attribute(s): Perception

Training Value(s): Firefighting Gear +1 per tier and First Aid Kits +1 per tier

This Ability indicates a character with considerable mechanical aptitude and training in addition to a generally well-developed work ethic. Each tier will allow a bonus + when generating @with Skill Checks at any of the following Locations (or Locations with similar features): Garage, Factory, Machine Shop

GRENADIER Primary Attribute: Perception

FARMER/RANCHER Primary Attribute: Willpower

Support {Thrw%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate.

Support {Srvl-one biome}, and {SciFarming%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate.

GUNSLINGER Primary Attribute: Perception

This character can add their Training Value for Tools, Farming/Ranching worth of @ to any Garden or Ranch upgrade’s @ costs if a character is Stationed at a Stronghold. Training Value(s): Tools, Farming/Ranching +1 per tier Mastery: A character is able to treat the Viability of any Stronghold they are in as being 1 higher than normal.

This character is skilled with thrown explosives and incendiary weapons. Training Value(s): +1 to Grenades per tier

This character is a quick-draw and a fast shot without losing much accuracy. Each tier will prevent any n penalties from being added when firing at 1 additional target per tier. Training Value(s): Pistols +1 per tier Mastery: Remove one n from the dice pool to a minimum of n when using Pistols before making a Firearms, Pistol Check.

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HEALTHY Primary Attribute: none Each tier will allow a character to remove an additional Fatigue point when resting. Support {End%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Mastery: A character is able to remove an additional point of damage taken whenever they qualify for Natural Healing. HONOR Primary Attribute: Empathy, Willpower This character is honest and true to their word and steadfast to their principles. They are, above all other things, trustworthy and conduct themselves in a respectable fashion.

This character knows more than one language and has a grasp of the vocabulary and grammar structure of said language. Each tier will allow a character to know one other language fluently. They will be able to speak, read, and write the language without much difficulty. This can be taken multiple times, but each time it applies to a different Language. There are many devices that grant this ability artificially such as phrasebooks and digital translators, but doing so will require a {Dipl%} or {Ex%} with n or more when dealing with a native speaker. A character taking multiple tiers in this Ability can also increase their vocabulary or proficiency in a known language.

Mastery: A character will be able to use {Dipl-P%} as a substitute for any other kind of {Dipl%} and a character will be able to use {Dipl-P%} against The Living, even if their rules normally do not allow it.

Tier 1 - Barely Functional, broken Tier 2 - Conversational Tier 3 - Average to a native speaker. If a character is taking a tier in their native language, they will count as starting at this tier in regards to comprehension. Tier 4 - Articulate - Add d5! @ when Reading Books in this Language. Tier 5 - Erudite - Add 2d5! @ when Reading Books in this Language.

JURY RIG (KIT TYPE) Primary Attribute: Perception

LOCKSMITH Primary Attribute: none

Each tier will allow Extra Supplies from one named of Kit to apply to another kind of Kit for purposes of removing Depletion Points. One of the Kits cannot be a Firearm.

Training Value(s): +2 to Tools (Locksmithing) per tier Mastery: A character starts with a bonus @25 whenever attempting to pick locks or gain entry by such means.

Support {Dipl–P%,Dipl–CC%, Cmps%}.

LANGUAGE Primary Attribute: Empathy, Willpower


MARKSMAN Primary Attribute: Perception

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This character has trained extensively with one kind of specific firearm weapon and has excellent accuracy and speed with it. A character chooses one model of Firearm. This training will allow a character to remove n from the Dice Pool when using that model. This ability can be taken multiple times; each time it applies to a different model of firearm. Training Value(s): +1 to {Frm%} per tier MARTIAL ARTIST Primary Attribute: Strength, Willpower This character is trained in martial arts, which, given time and training, makes their whole body a weapon. Support {MtlA%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): Martial Arts Weaponry +1 per tier

MOUNTAINEER Primary Attribute: Strength, Willpower This character has an iron will when it comes to climbing in high places. Support {Climb%, Cmps%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): +1 to Climbing Gear per tier MULE Primary Attribute: Strength This character is capable of lifting and carrying heavy burdens. Each tier will allow a character to carry an extra l worth of Gear before taking n Encumbrance penalties.

Mastery: Add n to the dice pool when making {MtlA%}, {Brl%} and/or {Grpl%}.

Mastery: A characters can use Gear totaling l l l without requiring n n penalties for Encumbrance.

MECHANIC TRAINING Primary Attribute: none

PACK RAT Primary Attribute: Willpower

Support {Co/En-Machines%}.

This character always has a bunch of knickknacks on their person. Every now and then, they may actually be useful.

This character can add their Profession Training Value worth of @ to any ‘Garage’ or ‘Machine Shop’ @ costs if a character is Stationed at a Stronghold. Mastery: A character can reduce the @ requirement of any Mechanic and Engineering Missions by half.

Each tier will allow a character to reduce n rolls by 1 for any non-firearm gear. Characters will, however, count as always carrying l worth of gear more than they actually have.

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PUGILIST Primary Attribute: Strength This character is an excellent boxer or fistfighter. Support {Brl%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): {Brl%} +1 per tier Mastery: All {Brl%} will add n to the dice pool. RESEARCH, (SPECIFIC FIELD) Primary Attribute: none This character is an excellent researcher in one or more scientific disciplines Support {Sci - one specialty%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. This character can add their Profession Training Value worth of @to any Laboratory @costs if a character is Stationed at a Stronghold or location that features Science skill checks as a means to generate Labor. Training Value(s): +1 to the use of Research Equipment per tier Mastery: A character is well versed in the scientific method enough to treat all {Sci%} specialties as being Supported. Only the original will qualify for the increased rate of advancement, however. RESOURCEFUL (KIT) Primary Attribute: n/a


Being able to make do with very little or improvise heavily is the hallmark of someone who is considered resourceful. It is a highly sought after Skill in trying times. Choose one kind of non-firearm Kit. Characters with this Ability will be able to reroll n per tier when using that kind of Kit. A re-rolled die can be re-rolled so long as the character has enough tiers in this Ability to allow for multiple n to be re-rolled. Training Value(s): +1 to the Kit named in this Ability per tier SALESMANSHIP Primary Attribute: Empathy This character is a skilled negotiator and has well-developed instincts for appealing to a customer. Support {Dipl-BB%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): +1 to Value retaining items per tier SEARCH AND RESCUE Primary Attribute: Perception This character is capable of searching for missing people and treating the wounded in an emergency situation. Support {Srch%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): +1 to Reconnaissance Gear and First Aid Kits per tier

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SHARPSHOOTER Primary Attribute: Perception

SURGICAL SKILLS Primary Attribute: Perception

This Ability will add n per tier if a character’s Intent does not have them take a Move action and they use their Ranged Weapon only once this turn as a Sustained Action.

This character is skilled in performing delicate surgery and is familiar with surgical instruments and procedures.

Mastery: A character may fire upon multiple targets and still claim this bonus. SUPPORT BASIC SKILL Primary Attribute: Skill’s Primary Attribute This character is extensively conditioned in some specific fashion. Support one Basic Skill. This can be taken up to 5 times, but each time it applies to a new Basic Skill. Mastery: Jack of all Trades, all Basic Skills get+1 to their rate of advancement.

Support {AMed%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): +1 to Medical Tools and First Aid Kits per tier SURVIVAL - (BIOME) Primary Attribute: none A character is highly accustomed to surviving within certain biomes and is able to utilize available natural resources effectively. Support {Srvl - one biome%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): Survival Gear +1 per tier

SUPPORT TRAINED SKILL Primary Attribute: Skill’s Primary Attribute

Mastery: Reduce Environmental Modifiers against the character within this biome by n .

This character is well trained in some specific fashion.

SWIMMER Primary Attribute: Strength

Support one Trained Skill. This can be taken up to 5 times, but each time it applies to a new Trained Skill.

This character is a strong swimmer.

Mastery: Renaissance Man. All Trained Skills get +1 to their rate of advancement.

Support {Swim%, End%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. SWITCH HITTER Primary Attribute: Strength Support {MA–[Bl]%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate.

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Each tier will allow a character to make one extra {MA–[Bl]%} per tier without n penalties for attacking multiple targets. TEACHER Primary Attribute: none Characters who are advancing a Skill under the instruction of the character with this ability will get an Advancement Rate bonus of +1 when spending Gestalt Levels to improve the Skill. This will also earn the teaching character l equal to the advancement made by the character under their instruction. In order to instruct, the character must have a higher percentage chance of success in desired skill and a higher Gestalt Level than the student. Mastery: A character can re-roll one die when advancing a skill under this character’s instruction. THERAPIST/SOCIAL WORKER Primary Attribute: Empathy Diplomacy Skill Checks now have a base Multiplier of 1x. Each tier will add a bonus + to {Dipl%} . Mastery: A character will be able to reduce the amount of time they can retry {Calm Other%, Cmps%, or any Dipl%} to restore lost Morale by 1 day per + in a {Sci– Psychology%} Check. TOUGH Primary Attribute: Willpower


This character may not be strong, but they have a surprising resistance to pain. Support {Tgh%}. Each tier increases the rate of advancement by +1. Mastery: A character will not suffer n penalties when using {Tough%} as a Save Throw. TRACEUR Primary Attribute: Perception This character is capable of astounding feats of strength and agility in navigating urban environments. Support {Climb%, Nav%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): +1 to Climbing Gear per tier TRAPPER/HUNTER Primary Attribute: Perception This character is capable of hunting and trapping game and has more than a passing understanding of both traps and basic survival skills. Training Value(s): +1 to Survival Kits and Hunting/Trapping gear per tier TRAINING, BOW/CROSSBOW Primary Attribute: Perception This character is well trained in the use of a bow or crossbow. Support {Bow%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate.

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Training Value(s): Archery Gear +1 per tier Mastery: Add n to the {Bow%} dice pool. TRAINING, KIT/TOOLS Primary Attribute: varies

Mastery: Any {MA%} skill check will add n to the dice pool. TRAINING, PISTOL Primary Attribute: Perception

This character is well trained in the use of some kind of non-weapon equipment.

This character is extensively trained with pistols and is capable of firing shots carefully and accurately.

Training Value(s): +2 to one kind of Kit that is not a weapon per tier

Support {Frm–P%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate.

TRAINING, LONG GUN Primary Attribute: Perception

Training Value(s): {Frm-P%} +1 per tier

This character is extensively trained with long guns and is capable of firing shots carefully and accurately. Support {Frm–L%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): {Frm-L%} +1 per tier Mastery: Add n to the dice pool when making {Frm–L%}. TRAINING, MELEE WEAPON Primary Attribute: Strength This character is trained with a specific kind of melee weapon, generally Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing weapon categories. Support the {MA - [Bl], [Pi], or [Sl]%}. Each tier adds +1 to the Advancement Rate. Training Value(s): {MA–[Bl], [Pi], or [Sl]%} +1 per tier

Mastery: Add n to the dice pool when making {Frm–P%}. TRAINING, (VEHICLE/VESSEL) Primary Attribute: Perception This character is familiar with the working of one kind of motor vehicle or water vessel. Support {Pil - one vehicle/vessel class%}. Training Value(s): {Pil–Vehicle/Vessel%} +1 per tier TRIGGER DISCIPLINE Primary Attribute: Perception This character will excel in the ability to carefully manage ammunition. This is an invaluable asset when ammo is scarce. Each tier will allow the re-roll of one n when using Firearms per tier. This has no effect on firearms that do not requre Depletion rolls, such as bolt action or revolvers.

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Disadvantages Training Value(s): {Frm-L%} or {Frm-P%} +1 per tier Mastery: Once per Encounter, a character is allowed to remove n from the Result when using Firearms. VOLUNTEER Primary Attribute: Empathy Each tier will add +1 to a character’s Eb whenever it applies. They can also Support a Skill relevant to the service provided as a volunteer. WEEKEND WARRIOR Primary Attribute: Willpower A character is an outdoor enthusiast but can’t always pry themselves away from their urban surroundings to the great outdoors. Each tier will support an advancement to {Srvl%} or {Nav%}. A character may also advance {Pil vehicle%} Size: 2-3. Mastery: A character can add 1x to Survival Gear. WHEEDLE Primary Attribute: Empathy The character can use flattery, personality, and other such techniques in order to make people reveal more information. Treat a successful {Dipl%} as having one higher + than normal per tier. This cannot be used with {Int%}.

ADDICTION Physiological • Psychosis • Medical When making purchases from a Resource Catalog, a {Composure%} check with n per tier in this Disadvantage must be passed or some Resource is spent on the substance a character is addicted to. When the ability to make purchases of Supplies–General (if legal) or Supplies–Medical (if illegal) 1 purchase must be made per tier. If the character does not indulge their addiction, they will suffer withdrawal symptoms, which will be n per tier to all Skill Checks. Coping: A character can voluntarily indulge in an addiction described above as a form of stress relief to prevent the loss of Morale as per normal ‘Coping’ rules. AGGRESSIVE Psychosis A character is quick to anger and violence and may even turn their negative attention on those they would normally want to protect. Each tier will prevent + from any attack Skill Check from being turned in for l. Coping: To prevent the loss of Morale, all {Dipl%, Cmps%} checks targeting a character with this Disadvantage will be increased by n per tier for 1d10 Time per tier. IRASCIBLE Psychosis • Sociopathy


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This character has a very quick temper. Any method of Diplomacy used other than {Int%} will be have to add n . Coping: To prevent the loss of Morale, this character can break any formation they are in and cause the party to lose l1d5! per tier. MANIA Psychosis A character is unable to measure their own efforts and limitations in any rational way. They have an elevated energy level which manifests in increased irritability, arousal and attention. Coping: A character can trigger a manic fit to prevent the loss of Morale. During these fits, a character has all checks with Willpower or Empathy as a primary attribute add n per tier. This lasts for 5 Time per tier. ONE EYE TO THE PAST This character is haunted by a past event or tragedy. Such that they willingly embrace the chance of death. Each tier will add n to any Save Throw made to prevent Injury. Coping: A character can have a “Security Blanket” which is an item of personal significance that takes up l l . A character can spend 1 Time per tier contemplating their past in order to prevent the loss of Morale. Losing their “Security Blanket” will count as a Stressor. PARANOIA Psychosis A character starts seeing the world as a

network of elaborate conspiracies that result in harm coming to the character or those around them. A character gets n to all Empathy checks per tier. Coping: A character can lose l2d5! per tier in this Disadvantage in order to prevent the loss of Morale. This is due to a character’s thoughts becoming sidetracked to such a degree that some campaign progress is lost due to oversight or severely misjudging the importance of certain factors that led the character to where they are now. PHOBIA Psychosis A character is afraid of a specific thing or situation. This must be defined when this Disadvantage is taken. Encountering the phobia-inducing thing or situation will count as a Stressor, and will cause the loss of Morale. The {Composure%} Save Throw has n per tier. Coping: A character can avoid the loss of Morale by voluntarily adding - per tier to their result for a check. This cannot be offset by using Tactics or other rules to gain + . Random Disadvantage Table d10 1 – Addiction 2 – Aggressive 3 – Irascible 4 – Mania 5 – One Eye to the Past 6 – Paranoia 7-10 – Phobia

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Character Paradigms A character can have several abilities and traits unique to them, but they also have a party dynamic that indicates how they relate to each other. The character Paradigms reflect their invaluable roles in a given scenario. The Paradigm the character is given or chooses will grant them considerable bonuses in a Specific area that reflects their value to the party. A character does not need a Paradigm in order to play and characters without Paradigms can play with those who do. A character can have more than one Paradigm, but they can only have any Paradigm once. Paradigms do not function like Ability tiers that stack. During a character’s life, Paradigms are extremely effective and useful, but the more Paradigms a character has, the greater the blow dealt to the party by the injury or death of the character. Most bonuses that Paradigms provide are large Training Value bonuses, but there can be multiple other different beneficial effects. Many beneficial effects are endemic to Specific scenarios, but there are some generic ones that can apply to most scenarios.

Paradigms and Scenarios

A Paradigm is a character’s role and relationship to the scenario, their environment and other characters. For this reason, the use of a Paradigm is very much subject to the scrutiny of the GM. Some scenarios may render a Paradigm useless or highly unlikely


to appear. For instance, a character who wants the Child Paradigm for their character would likely be denied their ability to use it if the scenario is based upon what happens to the crew of a navy vessel. In a populous or cosmopolitan area, most Paradigms should be available, but there will be scenarios with either a restricted list of available Paradigms or a list of Paradigms that are unique to the setting or scenario. In published adventures, a list will be provided if such restrictions exist. This Paradigm to Scenario relationship is also why there is an l penalty for a character getting injured or killed. This Injury/Death penalty is also subject to scrutiny, as some Paradigms that are not typical to the setting may be included in a scenario, but the increased rarity of the Paradigm may drastically increase the Injury/Death Penalty. Likewise, a character whose skillset is very common or not as vital will have a lowered l penalty for Injury and Death. The increase in Injury/Death Penalty would be a good way for the GM to handle players who wish to play a Paradigm outside the scope of the scenario. The GM can use the following reference to alter the l penalty for both Injury and Death Penalties based on the Paradigm’s commonality. COMMON This Paradigm is so common that the characters hardly factor in as uniquely suited for the scenario. Even those characters who have Paradigms that normally carry hefty costs to their Injury and Death can still be

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considered Common in the right scenario. For instance, if a Solider were on a military base, their Paradigm is far from unique, which would diffuse the normally hefty l cost upon their Injury or Death because their skillset is far more replaceable. 50% l Penalty UNCOMMON The characters represent unique examples among many with similar experience. 75% l Penalty RARE Even among peers, the character stands alone. Their loss would be felt both within and beyond their immediate circles of influence. It is assumed that in a cosmopolitan setting, most player characters fall into this range. 100% l Penalty VERY RARE This character represents a person so far out of their normal habitat that their presence alone would likely turn heads. 150% l Penalty UNIQUE This character has a Paradigm that is farand-away unlike anything anyone would ever see. They are either so out of place that it is comical, or the Paradigm itself is so specialized or rare that they are restricted to very tight locations. 200% l Penalty FREAK OCCURRENCE Simply put; this configuration or Paradigm should not exist within this scenario, or at all. It doesn’t just defy conventional wisdom and

common sense: it defies all logic or probability. 250% l Penalty

Injury Penalty and Death Penalty

A character must be careful when choosing Paradigms. If they get injured or killed, they penalize the party with massive l loss. Having multiple Paradigms will combine their respective penalties when taking Injuries or being brought to 0 Health points. Injury Penalty: The amount of l the party loses upon the character’s injury Death Penalty: The amount of l the party loses upon the character’s death Campaign Style Gamemasters are able to handle Injury and Death penalties in a couple of ways: 1. The l penalties can be paid to avoid an Injury or character death entirely. This replaces any other Tactic that characters can utilize to grant bonus + in a Save Throw in order to prevent a character from taking an Injury or dying. 2. T  he l penalties can be paid as a result of having acquired an Injury or by a character dying.

List of Paradigms ARTIST This character is creative and driven by a need for artistic expression. This also encompasses the less creative artistic endeavors such as documentary producers and journalists. This role seems to have little use in the realm of

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survival; however, if you are trying to document events or discern what work will be necessary to preserve for the sake of society at large, these individuals become far more valuable. Tactic(s) Journal – Any sort of documenting mission or reconnaissance mission will allow the Artist to add their Training Value with the Tools they use to the @ generated with a successful Check. Injury Penalty: l 2d5! (5) Death Penalty: l 10d5! (25) BACKSEAT DRIVER This character leads from the back. They may be capable intellectually and be talented, but they lack the courage or desire to take lead on a project. If this character is used to generate Labor and another character is generating Labor on the same task, add +1d5! @ per Gestalt Die Spent on this Paradigm. Injury Penalty: l1d5! (3) Death Penalty: l5d5! (15) CHILD This character is actually a child, and has no real life experience or profession to speak of. This character counts as being Size 0. Tactic(s) Hide and Seek (l5) - Add a + to {Stlh%} or {S/L%}.


CIVILIAN This character is any number of white or blue collar workers. It is likely that their side interests will help them in their efforts for survival rather than their professional training. Tactic(s) Weekend Warrior (l20) – Add a + to any {SC%} outside of an Encounter. This character does not have an altered l Injury or Death penalty regardless of the scenario, as the Civilian category is generally very common and covers a variety of professions. Injury Penalty: l 1d5! (3) Death Penalty: l 3d5! (10) CONVICT This character has been incarcerated, and as a result has learned how to carefully navigate dangerous social hierarchies. They are also extremely resourceful. Tactic(s) Shank (l10) – A character produces a makeshift, one use only knife that allows them to add [Pi, Sl] to {Brl%} or {Grpl%}. Among Thieves (l10) – Add + to {DiplInt%} . Injury Penalty: l 2d5! (7) Death Penalty: l 10d5! (30)

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CORRECTIONAL OFFICER This character has experience in the capacity of managing and interacting with dangerous and highly manipulative and conniving populations (in this case, prisoners). They are taught to always be wary of the most dangerous aspects of human nature. Training Value(s): Command Apparatus: +2, Melee Weapon [Bl] +2 Tactic(s) Assess Person (l10) – Add a + to any {Dipl%}. Subdue (l10) – Add a + to the use of any weapon that inflicts [Bl]. This can only be used to ‘Knock Prone’. Injury Penalty: l 3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l 12d5! (40) CRAFTSMAN This character is good with their hands. They are skilled laborers, factory workers, contractors, electricians and other critical service personnel.

or a surgeon would survive in a zombie outbreak. They would be quickly conscripted and likely be early victims due to their high degree of exposure even despite their precautions. Nevertheless, having such valuable medical training makes a character indispensable. Tactic(s) Healer (l5) – Add a + to {FAid%}. Medical Training (l10) – Add a + {AMed%}. Injury Penalty: l 10d5! (30) Death Penalty: l 50d5! (150) ENFORCER This character is in the business of enforcement. This can take the form of legitimate law enforcement, but it can also be contracted, selected enforcement, such as a bouncer or security guard, or even less than legal rule enforcement such as hit-men, mob sergeants and gang members. The important feature of this paradigm is that there is a set of rules that are followed rigidly and the authority to enforce those rules as provided by their superiors.

Tactic(s) Build/Repair (l10) - Add a bonus + to any {SC%} made to generate @ for Stronghold upgrades or Location abilities.

Tactic(s) Strong Arm (l15) – Add a + to {Brl%, Grpl%}.

Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 25d5! (75)

Rule of Law (l10) – Add a + to {DiplInt%}.

DOCTOR/SURGEON It would be a very rare situation where a doctor


Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 25d5! (75)

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EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN The front line fighters of the field of medicine, the EMT will likely be among the first casualties of the outbreak. They are an invaluable team member who can address traumatic injuries with a deft hand and a cool head. Tactic(s) Medical Training (l10) – Add a + {FAid%}.


Rapid Response (l10) – Remove n from the Dice Pool for {FAid%}. Injury Penalty: l 4d5! (12) Death Penalty: l 13d5! (40) FIREFIGHTER A true survivor’s godsend if there ever was one, firefighters are physically strong and are good leaders and team players. They literally are willing to walk headlong into fire. This is not done foolishly, so a firefighter needs not only be in top physical condition but good problem-solvers and quick thinkers as well. Tactic(s) Mighty Swing (l10) – Add a + to {MA%} when wielding a 2 handed weapon. Through the Flames (l10) – Add a + for any Save Throw made to prevent the damage or effects of any attack or Hazard with the ‘Fire’ Descriptor. Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 25d5! (75)


HANDYMAN A jack of all trades, the handyman is by no means an expert in any craft, but their wide range of knowledge will make even the hobbyist a valuable member of any survivors’ team. Training Value(s): Any “Tools” +3. Tactic(s) Maintenance – Add @+1d5! when making a skill check to generate Labor for the Maintenance cost of a Stronghold upgrade. Fix it (l 15) – Add + to any check used to generate @ to fix or repair anything. Injury Penalty: l 3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l 10d5! (30) HARDASS This character is the stereotypical hardass. They are stubborn and brutally honest. Most other people would say they’re a jerk. This character does not lose Morale by the actions of other characters and the characters do not lose Morale or suffer penalties outside of the l penalties for injury and death. Injury Penalty: l 1d5! (3) Death Penalty: l 5d5! (15) LAWYER It may seem that a lawyer has no real place in a survival scenario, but there will be more than a few occasions where a level-headed assessment of legal right and wrong is useful.

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While the courts and the state are what confer legitimacy to the legal profession, the ability to arbitrate and the ability to debate and make sense of evidence to build a case will serve characters well when meeting with members of other strongholds. Tactic(s) Arbitration (l10) – Add a + in any {SC%} made to reduce Unrest. Injury Penalty: l 3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l 5d5! (15) LONE WOLF This character aggressively prefers to work alone. This character cannot take advantage of any party Formation. Tactic(s) The cost for “Exploit Advantage” tactic is reduced from l25 to l 15. Injury Penalty: l 3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l 10d5! (30) MARTINET This character is a harsh taskmaster. This form of leadership may be necessary based on the situation. Tactic(s) Drill (l15) – Add a + to {Dipl-Int%}. Through the breach (l10) – Add a + to another character who has {Cmps%} as one of the {SC%} made during their Intent.

Injury Penalty: l3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l12d5 (36) MECHANIC This is a character who knows their way around machines and engines. Even if they are not familiar with a machine or engine they encounter, their knowledge of the basic function would allow them to figure out how it works. Labor generated by this character at any Location that uses {Co/En%} will be allowed to grant @ +1 per Training Value in Tools, (material). Tactic(s) Machinist (l10) – Add a + to {Co/En%}. Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 25d5! (75) MILITARY This character is a member of the armed forces. There are a number of specializations within this broad field, but all those in the military have a version of basic training. Training Value(s) to Survival Gear +3 , Command Apparatus +3 , Long Guns +3 , and Pistols +3 . Tactic(s) Combat Training (l15) – Add a + to any {SC%} that generates n by spending + . Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 25d5! (75)

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MILITIA This character has had military training but operates as support to full-time soldiers or are themselves paramilitary. They are used to not having the robust supply lines of dedicated military forces. Training Value(s): Survival Gear +2 , Recon. Gear +2, Long Guns +2 , and Pistols +2 . Tactic(s) Supply Conservation (l10) – Remove n from the dice pool when using gear that requires them for Depletion Rolls. Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 30d5! (90) MORAL CENTER This character is always posturing themselves to maintain a higher ideal. They often believe this as opposed to merely espousing the need for virtue. They are crucial elements to maintaining a functioning group, but their deaths are felt deeply. Tactic(s) Resolute (l10) – Add a + to {Cmps%}. Appeal to Reason (l15+Wb of target(s)) – Prevent the loss of 1 point of Morale due to party tension, or remove 1 Unrest from a Stronghold. This character cannot generate @ for a Stronghold’s use if they do this. Injury Penalty: l10d5! (30) Death Penalty: l 20d5! (60)


MUSCLE This character is the strong arm of the party. They are the hammer that sees every problem as a nail. Training Value(s): Melee Weapon [Bl,Pi,Sl] +5 +3 to Damage Threshold Injury Penalty: l2d5! (7) Death Penalty: l 10d5! (30) NATIVE (TERRITORY OR BIOME) The character is a native of the area for several years, has an established network of contacts, and has an exceptional familiarity with the territory. Tactic(s) Network (l10) – Add a + to {Dipl-P%} Gain Bearings (l10) – Add a + to {Nav%}. Injury Penalty: l3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l12d5 (36) NAVIGATOR This character is the designated navigator either because they know the lay of the land, or because they happen to be the one carrying the map. Training Value (s): Recon. Gear +3, Survival Gear +2. Tactic(s) Gain Bearings (l10) – Add a + to {Nav%}.

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Chart Course (l10) – Allow movement for 1 period of Time without Time actually passing. E% are made normally. Injury Penalty: l3d5! (10) Death Penalty: l12d5 (36) NIGHT OWL This character is accustomed to staying up throughout the night. This means that they often volunteer (or are volunteered) for night watch. While operating during Time periods of Night, this character gets to add @ d5! per + made to generate @.

Triage (l10) – Remove n from the Dice Pool when making {FAid%}. Injury Penalty: l10d5! (30) Death Penalty: l 20d5! (60) POLICE This character is a dedicated law enforcement officer. They are well trained and empowered to enforce the law by the state. In the absence of the state, it is unclear how they will act. It will be assumed that even in the absence of their source of authority that they will still be inclined to protect and serve. Training Value(s): Firearms–Pistol +5, Command Apparatus+5

Tactic(s) Nightwatch (l15) – Reduce Environmental Modifiers due to darkness or Night by n during this period of Time.

Tactic(s) Police Training (l10) – Add a + to {Frm%,}, {Cd%}, or {Cmps%} this Round.

Injury Penalty: l2d5! (7) Death Penalty: l 10d5! (30)

Injury Penalty: l5d5! (25) Death Penalty: l25d5! (75)

NURSE The majority of labor done at hospitals and clinics are not done by doctors, but by nurses. This means that they are accustomed to the grizzliest sights that get wheeled into a hospital and are expected to keep composed and do their job regardless.

RELIGIOUS ORDER Dedication to a higher power may prove especially effective when all familiar tenets of society begin to collapse. Those restrained merely by law may be inclined to animalistic regression. Those who believe that law is derived from God will not be effected the same way as those people. Others may also find solace in the strength of such unshakable characters. This character also has many of their religious rites committed to memory as part of their training and experience. Training Value(s): Command Apparatus +5

Training Value(s): First Aid Kits +3 , Medical Supplies +2 . Tactic(s) Med. Training (l10) – Add a + to {FAid%}.

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Tactic(s) Sermon (l15) – Add a + to {SC%} that is used to generate @ for Missions to increase Morale. Injury Penalty: l4d5! (12) Death Penalty: l20d5! (60) SCIENTIST/RESEARCHER A crucial component to any advanced stronghold is its ability to preserve, utilize and even expand upon scientific knowledge. This character is tasked with such a duty. Their keen analytical mind is well respected, even outside the realm of scientific inquiry. Tactic(s) We Know this Much - The Scientist will be able to increase the @ generated by a successful {Sci%} by d5! per Training Value with Tools– Research. Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 30d5! (90) SCOUT This character is the go-to guy to scout for safe passage for the rest of the group. Training Value(s): Reconnaissance Gear +5 Tactic(s) Behind Enemy Lines (l15) – Add a + to {Stlh%}. Spy (l10) – Add a + to {SC%} made to generate @ for “Scout” or “Lay Low” missions.


STUDENT A character has access to knowledge that many older people may have long forgotten, although they may lack occasionally in the wisdom of age and experience. Tactic(s) Book Learning (l10) – Add @+10+Wb to the progress to study or read a book. Applied Knowledge (l10) – Add a + when making an Advanced {SC%}. This check must directly apply to their field of study. Injury Penalty: l5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l25d5! (75) SURVIVALIST This character is the roughneck who does everything possible to not rely upon ‘the grid’. While it’s likely that they are more adept at surviving in a specific and familiar locale, it is also possible that they are well adapted to general survival techniques. Training Value(s): Survival Gear +5 Tactic(s) Roughing It (l10) – Add a + to {Srvl%}. Ration Supplies (l15) – Remove n from the dice pool when using Survival Gear. Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 30d5! (90) S.W.A.T. The character has additional weapons training

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as well as experience with advanced breach and entry tactics. Tactic(s) Advanced Combat Training (l15) – Add a + to any {SC%} that generates n by spending + . Each + will also add n to the Dice Pool. Enter and Clear (l10+5 per Character in Formation) – Entering a new room or Location will allow a Surprise Round for the Formation against Opponents. Injury Penalty: l 10d5! (30) Death Penalty: l 50d5! (150) TACTICIAN This character is the brains behind most of the intricate operations that their group plans.

with this character can Spend l5+Eb to get a bonus + to {Brl%}, {Frm%}, {Grpl%} and {MA%}. Injury Penalty: l 2d5! (7) Death Penalty: l 15d5! (45) WHEELMAN This character’s strength is their ability to drive, even in situations of great duress. Tactic(s) Stunt Driving (l10) – Add a + to {Pil– Automobile%}. Injury Penalty: l 1d5! (3) Death Penalty: l 5d5! (15)

Tactic(s) Rally (l10) – Add a + to {Cd%}. Other characters in formation with this character will be able to Spend l5 to add a + any {Cmps%} they need to make. Injury Penalty: l 5d5! (15) Death Penalty: l 25d5! (75) WARLORD This character is not so much a leader, but just the most warmongering among the party. Their savagery inspires others around them to such similar feats of barbarity. Tactic(s) Savagery (l10) – This character’s ferocity knows no bounds. Any character in Formation

- Skills & Character Traits -


Equipment Characters will need to make use of gear effectively if they are to survive. There are quick reference cards for common equipment, but the range of available equipment is very large. While you can be prepared in mind and spirit, it is also important to have access to appropriate equipment and the knowledge of how to use it. While there are suitably rugged and resourceful individuals who can survive and thrive with only what is around them, the rest of us must acknowledge a certain reliance upon gear. In Outbreak: Undead.., it is important to recognize that gear is not something that makes one magically more effective at survival. Instead it amplifies personal ability. The same piece of gear in one person’s hand will be more useful in another’s if the other has spent more time practicing or has ample improvisational skills. This is why training and personal responsibility for one’s safety is paramount to all other priorities, more than the fanciest survival gadgets or the size of one’s guns. A person must understand what it means to have survival preparedness in order to truly have a fighting chance in a dying society.

Training Value

A Training Value is the Attribute bonus (10s digit) of the Primary SPEW Attribute that the Gear will grant the bonus to (natural aptitude) plus any bonuses due to tiers in certain Abilities (the result of specialized training or practice) and situational bonuses. Training Values are rarely increased directly and are generally tied to Ability tier increases. Tactics


and Formations may provide temporary Training Value bonuses as well. Example: Cy has a First Aid Kit, which adds a Gear bonus to {FAid%}. Since First Aid has Perception as a Primary Attribute, Cy’s Pb will be used as a base Training Value when determining a Gear bonus. Many Abilities add bonus to Training Values when using certain Gear or categories of Gear to reflect their experience with that kind of equipment. If the Gear enhances a Check that doesn’t have a Primary Attribute (such as an Expert Skill), then the Attribute bonus is counted as 0 when determining a Training Value. This represents Gear that requires such a high degree of skill and training to use that natural aptitude hardly factors into it. Example: Cy has a Survival Kit. Survival% does not have a Primary Attribute so Cy cannot add any bonus to the Training Value from an Attribute bonus. But a Training Value can still be added from other sources like Abilities and Tactics.

Multipliers (Mx)

Equipment doesn’t magically grant the ability of knowing its proper function to the user. Also, the same gear will have different levels of effectiveness based upon the training and skill of the user. For these reasons, Gear that provide a “Gear Bonus” does so in the form of a Multiplier. A Multiplier does exactly what its name implies in order to determine what kind of bonus the Gear will provide the user. The Multiplier will multiply the “Training”

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value of a character in order to determine what kind of bonus it provides. 0x – NO MULTIPLIER This is literally only better than nothing. Gear with this Multiplier will simply allow a character to make a certain kind of Check. It will provide no Gear bonus, as any number multiplied by 0 is 0. It is expected that at this ranking, a character is banking on some other special rule that will increase the Mx to a more usable level. This can also offer a ‘Hail Mary’ use of the gear, meaning that using a tool in the manner a character wishes is technically possible, but almost completely reliant upon luck, only slightly enhanced by the skill of the user. 1x – BASIC This is a simple tool or basic supply that is most effective in trained hands. It allows a character’s Training Value to be added to the percentage chance of success for one or more Skill Checks as described in the {SC%} entry of the Kit. 2x – GOOD This is a tool or gear that is simple but has the benefit of being accurate, user friendly or especially high quality. Even in the hands of the untrained, this helpful object will double (2x) a character’s Training Value when determining a Gear bonus. 3x – EXCEPTIONAL This is gear that is of premium quality. It is highly efficient, user-friendly, and extremely functional, even without much training or experience. Those with training and experience, however, will find this gear an

invaluable asset, allowing users to triple (3x) their Training Value when determining a Gear bonus. This generally represents the highest commercially available option. 4x – CUSTOM QUALITY This is gear that is at the top of its class. It will not only serve a rookie reliably, it will make an experienced user super-efficient. This will quadruple (4x) a character’s Training Value when determining a Gear bonus. Such examples of this gear are extremely rare as few things are this high a quality. 5x+ – UNIQUELY SUITED This is so specialized or so unbelievably easy to use or well made that its use almost qualifies as overkill. This will multiply a character’s Training Value by 5 times or greater. Most often, this is the result of already excellent Gear being augmented by special circumstances, as most Gear does not exist higher in any sort of quantity beyond 3x.

Cargo Units (CU) A piece of gear or a kit may have variance between models of the same kind. These differences can be deliberately added or can be inherent in the brand or model. The variance and customizable nature of the gear is described by the Cargo Units gear takes up. Available CU (represented by a l ) represent modifications or add-ons that are somewhat large and can easily take up space on its own. Without being attached to a Kit, it will use up a CU slot. If it is part of a Kit, it will use one of the Kit’s l slots. Such modifications often have rules for use outside of a Kit.

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Partial Cargo Unit (PCU) All Kits and de-facto Kits that are just a bunch of supplies piled into a carrying bag will have a limit to what they can hold. This limit is defined by the number of Partial Cargo Units (represented by a l ) a Kit has. Each item will have a number of l that will use up the number of PCU slots as indicated by the number of dots. A component will either provide special rules all its own, or it will expand the usefulness of any of a character’s Kits. A character does not need to keep an item in the same container as the Kit that it is used with. Not doing so, however will add n to the Dice Pool to use it. Unlike External Attachments, PCU that is not associated with a Kit does not take up a CU, but enough CPU will use up a CU slot just by sheer volume. Each l l l l l will count towards l to a minimum of 1 CU. Note: This is regardless of whether or not the PCU is part of a Kit, as such objects still take up space and have mass. MAXIMUM CARRYING CAPACITY A character is only allowed to carry a certain ‘CU’ or ‘Cargo Units’ worth of equipment overall. For this reason, each character’s Sb + any extra granted by Abilities will be the number of CU a character will be able to carry without Encumbrance penalties. However, just because they have the ability to carry that weight and volume does not mean that they will be able to carry that amount at all times. A character will still have to utilize items like


backpacks in order to carry the full amount allowed. Those sorts of equipment will list how many CU they can hold. Those without such gear will only be able to carry 2 CU. This represents what a character carries with their hands and possibly in pockets.


A character has a base Cargo of l l l without any other gear. This is what a character carries in their hands and on their person (i.e., in pockets). How Much Can a Character Carry? A character can carry 1 Cargo Unit (CU, l ) per Sb without any problems. Any more than this will weigh the character down enough to hinder them. Each l beyond their Sb will ‘Encumber’ a character by 1. Even though a character can always have a Cargo of 3 or more if they have backpacks and the like, characters carrying more CU than their Sb will still encumber the character even if they are capable of carrying far more CU worth of gear than their Sb indicates. Each ‘Encumbrance’ will add the following to the Dice Pool: n to all Actions that have Strength and Perception as Primary Attributes n for all Actions that have Strength and Perception as Primary Attributes n for Movement actions GEAR BONUSES A piece of gear or collection of items in a ‘Kit’ will provide a ‘Gear Bonus’ to a character’s Checks. Realistically speaking, the same object will not provide the exact same

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amount of benefit to two different characters. Different characters may have much better training with certain kinds of gear. This collection of character-provided benefits and gear-provided benefits is described by appropriate Training Values. Most gear and Kits will provide bonuses based on overall Training Values. This way, the same equipment will be able to provide greater bonuses to characters with a higher degree of training or a specialized skill set.

What is a Kit? A Kit is an abstraction that is a collection of physical, sometimes reusable, elements that are used together to maximize the effectiveness of the user’s training for a specific purpose. For instance scissors, a pocket knife, reusable ACE bandages, and a cold compresses can be part of a functioning First Aid kit in addition to the consumable pills and antibiotics that are also typically considered part of it. By comparison, a Survival Kit of cavemen would be comprised of flint tools, a waterskin, or bows and throwing spears. This is a far cry in technological sophistication from what we can enjoy today, but cavemen constantly relied upon their knowledge of hunting and gathering to augment the effectiveness of this stone age gear to allow them to survive for days at a time and bring down prey many times their own size… a feat that few today would be able to accomplish given the same equipment. So the term “Kit” is extremely relative to the setting and the user. This allows an exceptional amount of flexibility in applying and constructing various Kits for character use.

This term, ‘Kit’ may describe things that are not collections of gear, but represent large, important pieces of hardware for a specific purpose. A weapon is a good example of this. A machete can be a piece of survival gear and it can function as a durable, effective weapon. Also, a firearm is a reusable piece of hardware that can allow as many ranged attacks that its supply of ammunition will allow; so it can also be considered a Kit. For this reason, weapons are built using the framework called a ‘Kit Chassis’. A Kit Chassis is basically the size and number of components that can be added to a kit of a certain size or sophistication. COMPONENTS Some equipment is a single piece of gear that is counted as being a part of one or more Kits. The difference between such items and the rest of the Kit is that the usage of the Kit counts as using the collection of gear that make the kit up, whereas a Component is used all by itself and may have additional rules for its usage when doing so. For instance, A Survival Kit that has ‘Rope’ as a Component will allow the Survival Kit to provide a Gear Bonus, but since the Rope is not consumed in the process, it will not add Depletion Points, nor will it require a Depletion roll for the Survival Kit. A Component can also expand the number of Skill Checks that a Kit can be used to provide a Gear bonus to. In the earlier example, the Rope will allow Survival Gear kits to extend their bonus to {Climb%}. A Kit is restricted to how many and what kind of Components it can have. A Kit often has Components as upgrade options, so the character can customize what it is they want

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their kit to do with components. A Component does not take up Cargo space or have its own CU unless the rule for it specifically says that it does. However, characters who take many Components may count as carrying a minimum of one or more CU worth of Gear, despite the Component not taking up CU on its own. The character sheet has a breakdown of how many Components will count as a Cargo Unit.

Kit Chassis The following are the main categories of Kit sizes along with a general description. The Mx is the starting Multiplier that a Kit will have at certain sizes. The CU rating is how many Cargo Units ( l and/ or l ) each kit will take (at minimum) at certain sizes. Important Note: These are abstractions. This framework is provided so that you may not only understand the specific examples we create, but be able to improvise and create your own gear stats. SMALL KIT Generally nothing more than a small pouch or pack worn about the hip or a compartment of a larger pack that has a collection of a few objects of use in it. A weapon of this size is rarely anything more than a sidearm. This is small enough that a character can carry a few small kits like this (just in case) without much impediment. (2–4 entries’ worth of components) Possible Capacity: 10 Starting Mx: 1x CU: l (Min.)


MEDIUM KIT A well-assembled kit that contains tools of a specialized nature. They are slightly bulky. They are typically not carried unless the user knows they’re approaching a situation that has a chance that such collections of gear will be needed. A weapon this large has decent stopping power but displaces other Kits with its greater minimum CU, so some discretion is still needed in deciding whether or not to carry any kit of this size. (5–9 entries’ worth of components) Possible Capacity: 20 Starting Mx: 2x CU: l l (Min.) LARGE KIT Assembled for a very direct purpose, a kit of this size and thoroughness is not carried lightly (figuratively and literally). A weapon this big is not carried unless you expect a fight, a kit this big isn’t carried unless you know for certain you’re going to need it. (10–15 entries’ worth of components) Possible Capacity: 30 Starting Mx: 3x CU: l l l (Min.)

Depletion Points and Depletion Rolls A gear or kit that depletes with use generates a Depletion Point each time the character’s Intent requires use of the gear or kit. A character making a Check with the gear or kit’s additional benefit will roll 1d6 per Depletion point. This is called the “Depletion Roll” (reflected by the roll of Depletion dice, or n ). If this roll ties or beats the gear’s

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“Capacity” entry, the gear, component or kit is no longer usable. This may mean that parts need replacing or reloaded or that the object or kit itself may never be used again. Such distinctions will be made in the entries themselves. If the Depletion roll does not exceed the Capacity, then it may be used again. There are multiple ways to reduce the Depletion Roll and even remove Depletion points to extend the life of equipment. Note: The ammunition loaded into a firearm will function much the same way, but this will be gone over in the Fire Control section of the Firearm General Rules. REPLENISHMENT A kit that uses up its components requires replenishment. Many of the components are consumable, so they have Depletion. A character may replenish any such component by removing Depletion Points. There are several ways to do this, but the most common one is purchasing “Supplies–(Name of Kit)” to remove Depletion points. There are other means of doing this. Coming across a clean water source will automatically allow a canteen to remove all Depletion points for free, for example. Such exceptions will be included in the gear’s entry itself. KITS AND SIZE The CU ( l ) of the Kit represents the physical size as well as the multitude and required accessibility of components that comprise the Kit. A character is normally allowed to carry a maximum l per Sb, so most characters are able to carry multiple kinds of Kits,

occasionally with crossover of components. A character can find, create or otherwise have access to multiple Kits of varying sizes and configurations, and can even share them with other characters under many circumstances. Rules for Encumbrance will apply normally to characters who take a combination of Kits that have greater l than a character’s carrying capacity. Note: Any gear item that has its own l value will take up space as a Kit would. Some still provide Multipliers (in the form of Lethality for Weapons) in addition to adding bonuses to various Kits they carry, so any Weapon will be functionally the same as a Kit in many respects up to and including the space it takes up in l . Firearms, for example, can have multiple add-ons. Scopes, Laser Sights, and different grips can add additional bonuses to the Firearm in the same way items can add other features kits normally.

Making Checks Without Abilities, Kits or Gear The majority of a character’s Actions could be attempted without Kits or appropriate gear. All Basic Skills, for example fall into this category. If a character is attempting a Check without a Kit that has a Multiplier (even 0x in some cases) then the character can claim no gear bonus from Training Bonuses or any other bonus, as the Multiplier would technically be 0x, which in all cases equals 0. This is why it’s good to carry even small kits at 1x to allow bonuses to be added to Checks whenever possible. Some Kits though will have use, even at 0x by providing a special

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rule or function, even if they do not provide any kind of SC% bonus. An example of this is a firearm with a Lethality of 0x at longer ranges. This will mean that using the weapon is theoretically usable at that distance, but it is so inaccurate that the weapon itself provides no enhanced bonus to actually hit, and it would rely solely upon the Skill of the user. It would also be subject to the multitude of special rules (Damage, Depletion, .) regardless of whether or not the actual SC% is enhanced in any way by a Training Value. Characters with Multipliers from Abilities or gear will allow the use of their Training Value to provide a Bonus despite not carrying a Kit that has a Multiplier of at least 1x.

Individual Gear Substituting a Kit A piece of gear can substitute a Kit to allow a character to take advantage of gear bonuses, so as not to be penalized by having a Multiplier of 0x. The gear can count as a Kit and will take up CU appropriate to the Multiplier it provides. Even if the size of the gear is smaller than what would normally be expected, the gear being kept so close at hand for the purpose of making it a Kit will require it to displace other equipment as if the CU were the indicated size of the Kit it is representing. Also, the risk of using a single piece of gear to replace a Kit is that if the GM determines that the gear is unusable in the character’s situation, then it cannot provide any bonuses or Multipliers. An actual Kit will be far more flexible in its use and will often apply its Multiplier to a variety of different Skill Checks, whereas a single piece of gear


may provide its bonus to one, maybe two Skill Checks, and even then sometimes only under very specific circumstances. Example 1 Cy’s kayak capsized, and he lost most of his gear to the rapids. He finally reaches his destination, a lake in the woods. His Axe ( l l , Lethality 2x, [Bl,Sl] was strapped down and he managed to save it. Going to shore, he drags his kayak aground and needs to make shelter and a fire to dry off. The GM grants Cy the ability to treat his 2CU Axe as if it were a Survival Kit (2x) to help build his shelter, as he is using it to cut timber to size for a small lean-to. However, the GM denies him the ability to use the Axe as a Survival Kit to start a fire, as he lacks flint to use against the steel of the blade to start one even though the axe could be used to cut fallen trees into firewood. The inability to start the fire itself prevents the Axe from being used to provide a Multiplier as a Kit in this situation. However, since the gear has a Lethality value, it can be used for purposes of making Melee Attacks and will take up l l of cargo space, even if it’s not being used as a part of any other Kit. See “Example 2” for details. Example 2 Same situation as above, but Cy is attacked by a wolf as he searches for fallen trees to use as timber for his shelter. Because the Axe has Lethality: 2x, it can be used as a weapon because any gear with Lethality can be used by itself as a weapon The Training Bonus for the weapon gets the benefit of the Lethality multiplier when determining Gear bonuses normally.

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Constructing Kits

whatever is lying around.

USING MANUALS A character can construct multiple kinds of Kits based upon their knowledge, available resources, and information at hand. A character who has access to a ‘Manual, Name of Kit (Mx)’ will know how to construct a Kit of that Multiplier and enough l worth of Cargo. Likewise, characters who have Abilities that provide Training Bonuses for the desired Kit they want to construct also know how to construct the Kit. This is done by accomplishing a “Construct - Kit” mission. What makes Manuals even more useful is that they often can provide bonus @ for being such useful references. They are rarely usable during Encounters in this fashion, however, as they require time to reference.

† as having rolled a 5 5 – Treat H

COST Constructing a new Kit will take l2d5! per Mx of the Kit and can be accomplished whenever a character can make purchases from a Resource Catalog. This cost can be altered by 1 per Training Value the character has with the Kit, as well as any component gear they wish to add to it. In addition, constructing a Kit will have a Labor (@) cost associated with it. It will be 15 @ per Mx of the Kit. This cost is generally increased if a character has no manual nor Abilities that would aid in the construction. d5 – A kit can be subject to d5 when † generating @ cost to make it. A 6 or H result can be treated in the following ways: 0 – Treat it as 0. Rolling all 0 results will mean the Kit is constructed by scraps of

† as having rolled a 6 normally. 6 – Treat a H l – The cost to produce this requires some personal sacrifice or scrapping another useful component. The Kit will cause a character to † rolled. The 6 can be counted lose l 1 per H as a 5. Rare – This kit requires a component with Rare +1 per 6 rolled. The Kit cannot be used unless such a purchase is made. The character does not count as having purchased anything extra; rather, that Rare component is considered part of the Kit itself. UPGRADING OR DOWNGRADING A KIT A character can upgrade a Kit to a higher CU and Mx if they have access to Manuals or have Training Values equal to or greater than the character’s target (CU x Mx) for their upgraded Kit. A container capable of handling the CU of the new Kit is required. Without these prerequisites, a character can attempt to upgrade a kit on speculation. Ways to do this can be found in the ‘Construct, Kit’ mission special rules. They typically have l costs and require @ generated by Skill Checks appropriate to the kind of Kit being upgraded. Attempting this without the Prerequisites will increase the n of the required Check and may increase the Resource cost as well. A character who has a Kit can voluntarily downgrade the CU and Mx in order to make room for other Kits or larger gear. If a character does this at a Location

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the character returns to routinely (like a Stronghold or Safehouse), they may upgrade their Kit back to the original Mx and CU when at the Location without any kind of SC% or expenditure of Resource. Gear or weapons that provide Multipliers in the form of Lethality cannot be upgraded or downgraded in the way described here. Even though they count as Kits in every other respect, Lethality is generally fixed and difficult to modify. If Lethality is to be modified at all, it must be modified with proper gear, upgrade kits, or high tiers in appropriate Abilities. This inability to easily alter the Lethality (Mx) and having it be frequently different from CU are the primary reasons for the differentiation of Lethality from normal Multipliers provided by Kits. Despite Lethality and Multipliers being mechanically the same, this distinction is necessary. SCRAPPING A KIT Characters who are scrapping a dedicated Kit can generate l2d5! per l and l1d5! per •. This is typically done for the Kits characters find that they have no use for or simply don’t want to use themselves. Some gear that counts as a Kit cannot be scrapped, especially in the case of individual pieces of gear being treated like a Kit. A Kit can be scrapped whenever a character has access to their Resource Catalog to make purchases. A character can scrap a Kit at any other time but will only get half the l per CU for doing so.

Gear Universal Special Rules DEPLETION Most of characters use gear that has finite uses. This is determined by Depletion rating.


Characters using gear with Depletion roll one n per Depletion Point on the gear. If the total is greater than the gear’s Capacity rating, then the gear is no longer useable until it’s exhausted resource is replenished. If the roll is less than what the Capacity rating is, then the gear can continue to be used, but a Depletion Point is added to the gear. Some special functions of the gear or abilities add additional Depletion points. Similarly, there are many abilities or gear that exist solely to remove Depletion points. Note: Some components that make up a character’s Kit can take Depletion Point upon themselves or allow Depletion Point to be removed from a Kit before Depletion rolls are made. This can extend the life of a Kit. Note: Other things are subject to Depletion that are not gear, such as entries in a Resource Catalog. While they are not actually “using” something by making a purchase from a Resource Catalog, the principle of increased chance of unavailability functions the same way as gear with Depletion, and uses the same rule. Multi-function Extra Supplies Some Extra Supplies can be used to remove DP from multiple kinds of Kits. In this case, each of its varied ‘Uses’ will generate DP for the Extra Supplies, and it will remove a small amount of DP from one of the Kits the supplies are meant to be used on. DURABILITY A character can use certain items multiple times before they are broken. Gear will † rolled generally lose 1 Durability for every H on n n n dice. If gear reaches Durability: 0,

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then the gear becomes broken and useless. If no Durability is listed, then a character will not be able to break gear with their own force or use; or it can otherwise not be broken. † by 1 The Durability of an item will reduce H per point. For example, gear with 2 Durability † H † in order to reduce the points will require H Durability by 1. There are some forms of gear that have this rule bypassed, for instance, † most clothing would not be able to reduce H from [Th] when burning. For worn or carried items, Durability loss † results on Damage will often be due to H † will be Dice rolled against it. A number of H ignored equal to the current Durability of the worn gear. DEGRADING If gear is subject to “Degrading” then it will follow the same rules as “Durability”, only each lost Durability point will increase Difficulty to use the gear by n until the gear reaches 0 Durability. The character using the gear can voluntarily discard something that has lost too many Durability points if the amount of Difficulty using it adds to their dice pool proves too risky or problematic. MISUSE Performing an Action using gear in a fashion considered Misuse will automatically result in 1 lost Durability point. GROSS MISUSE This is similar to Misuse, but results in losing d5! Durability instead of just 1. The roll of † will result in immediate breaking or an H otherwise rendering the item unusable.

Gear Categories NAME OF KIT TYPE {SC%}: These are Skill Checks that this Kit type can augment the chance of success of. The amount of the increase is based on the Training Bonus and any Multipliers. Any SC% entry listed with an asterisk (*) may require another, appropriate situation be in effect in order to allow the use of the Kit to augment that particular {SC%}. Either that or the gear’s use can be construed as “Misuse” as the GM sees fit. Multipliers: These are factors that can alter the Multipliers beyond the normal (Mx) for the Kit. Speed: The number of n added to a Check when using this Kit. Capacity: Ranged weapons and consumable gear only. This is the number that will need to be tied or beaten to indicate a character needs to reload a weapon in order for it to be used again or before a kit needs to be replenished. Speed (Enc./Time): What ‘Speed’ the Kit’s use requires. The first number refers to Moments during Encounters and the second involves the amount of Time required (assuming that the Kit is capable of being used in both circumstances). If a Kit cannot be used during either an Encounter or periods of Time, then there will be a (-) in the appropriate entry. Special: Any additional rules that may apply.

List of Common Kit Types

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ARCHERY GEAR Bows and crossbows have many advantages among the variety of ranged weapons a character can use. They silently propel arrows or bolts towards their target with decent stopping power and have ammunition that is largely reusable. The primary drawback of such a weapon is that it has a much steeper learning curve to master than a firearm and has a much slower rate of fire and effective range.

CLIMBING GEAR This gear is almost essential to climbing sheer surfaces for a long period of time. Some daring freeclimbers are able to make-do with only chalk, gloves, and shoes, but for most professional or recreational climbers, ropes, petons, chocks (and ice screws and ice axes for climbing ice) will be required in order to navigate sheer surfaces or rough terrain with numerous inclines.

{SC%}: {Bow%}, {Srvl%*} Multipliers: Lethality, some Abilities and high quality components Speed: n n n

{SC%}: {Climb%}, {Srvl%*} Multipliers: Abilities and high quality components Speed: varies

Special: Often has the ‘Deadly’ quality

COMMAND APPARATUS This is any gear that amplifies or signifies the authority of law or the galvanization of resistance to authority. It can be as benign as a megaphone, police badge, or police uniform, but it can also be as wicked as a whip or torture instruments.

ATHLETIC GEAR (SPORT) A variety of impact sports and endurance sports benefit greatly from using specialized equipment. Some gear of this kind is designed to be light and durable with impact resistant material. It may substitute as armor in a pinch, or it can be used to make endurance sports easier. It can also be applied to sports equipment that have no other deliberate purpose than within the context of the game they were designed for. The equipment may have other tertiary benefit outside of the sport. Such benefits will be defined by having the sports equipment count as either another kit type or provide bonuses to different Skill Checks other than what is described in this entry. {SC%}: {Climb%}, {End%}, {Swim%}, {MA%}* Multipliers: n/a Speed: varies


{SC%}: {Cmps%}, {Dipl%} Multipliers: n/a Speed: n DIVING/SWIMMING GEAR While navigating the ocean, lakes or large rivers, characters my wish to have dedicated diving gear allowing short-term (one held breath’s worth) to several minutes worth of submersion for exploration beneath the surface of the water. {SC%}: {End%}, {Srvl%}, {Swim%} Multipliers: n/a Speed: Varies

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EXTRA SUPPLIES, (CATEGORY) Instead of being devoted to its own purpose, this Kit bolsters the length of time other gear can be used. Characters who dedicate CU to carrying extra supplies will be able to remove Depletion Points from one or more named kind of Kit. {SC%}: n/a Multipliers: n/a Speed: n/a Special: Consumable – Extra Supplies are all consumable; as a result, they are only replenished by Resource Catalog purchases of appropriate gear. Resupply – A character can use Extra Supplies to remove Depletion Points from another Kit as an Action. The Depletion points are moved from the gear to the Extra Supplies and a Depletion Roll is made to see if the Extra Supplies become exhausted. Ammunition – Characters using Extra Supplies to replenish ammo require that the Extra Supplies must be the appropriate cartridge size, as many firearms could use the same ammunition. This applies to bow weapons as well, since they too have specialized ammunition. In fact, due to the nature of bow weapons, it is expected that some space is dedicated to Extra Supplies for the sake of the arrows or bolts that the bow weapon uses, since neither have the ability to maintain an internal store of ammunition. Limit – A character can only remove 1 Depletion point per CU of the Extra Supplies as an Action.

Inaccessible – If the CU of the Extra Supplies is greater than 2, then the contents are rarely immediately accessible. Using Extra Supplies in this case requires an extra n n . FIREFIGHTING GEAR This is highly specialized gear that allows a person to withstand blistering temperatures. It is generally restricted to firefighters and specialized research teams. {SC%}: {Cmps%}, {End%}, {Nav%}, {Tgh%}. Multipliers: n/a Speed: n n Special: Thermal Shielding – +1 Defense per TP against [Th]. Can survive 1 Time per TP in otherwise lethal temperatures. FIRST AID KIT These are any number of disposable components that allow characters to treat wounds of minor to moderate severity. {SC%}: {AMed%*}, {FAid%} Multipliers: Abilities and high quality components Speed: n n n n + n per Health point lost Special: Wound Severity – A First Aid Kit is only usable on a character who has lost a number of Health points equal to or less than the Multiplier the Kit provides. This means characters with increased ability with such Kits can increase the severity of Injury this Kit can potentially treat. It also means that some Injuries are so serious that they can’t be treated with First Aid Kits.

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Components – Many components expand the types of Injuries a First Aid Kit can treat. A First Aid Kit without any such components will be unable to treat Injuries and only remove a small amount of Damage points. Some components will allow Injuries of greater severity to be treated by counting the Mx as being higher when treating specific injuries. Such components are often highly specialized. MARTIAL ARTS WEAPONRY Some weapons are exceptionally deadly in trained hands. Alternatively, some weapons are seemingly harmless or are very clumsy to use unless in the trained hands of an experienced martial artist. {SC%}: {Brl%*}, {MA%*}, {Grpl%*}, {MtlA%} Multipliers: Lethality and Abilities Speed: n MEDICAL SUPPLIES These are not commonly carried around as they are specifically geared towards treating a specific, serious injury. They are more effective than most First Aid kits, but Medical Supplies are much more difficult to come across and use properly. {SC%}: {AMed%}, {FAid%} Multipliers: Abilities and high quality components Speed: 1 Time Special: Specialized – Many surgical tools are highly specialized and thus not always usable for every surgical procedure or injury treatment. For that reason, some Medical Supplies will have an additional part to the name, such as


“Medical Supplies, Bone Injury”. That means the gear represents medical supplies that specifically treat Bone Injury and cannot be used to treat a different kind of Injury. (NAME OF SKILL) BONUS A kit or Gear with a skill boosting feature will simply have the name of the skill it enhances with a gear bonus. The amount of this bonus will be factored normally using Levels and Multipliers. Common uses for this are protective gear that provides passive protection by adding bonuses to ‘Save Throws’. {SC%}: n/a Multipliers: varies Speed: varies RANGED WEAPON, THROWN These weapons are largely out of place in modern times, as they are inaccurate, very short ranged, and require an incredible degree of skill to use. They are one of the few ranged weapons that benefit from the Strength of the user, often granting additional range. This describes thrown explosive weapons such as grenades and primitive weapons such as slings. {SC%}: {MA%*},{Thrw%} Multipliers: Lethality, some Abilities Speed: n n RECONNAISSANCE GEAR This is gear used for navigating difficult terrain or scouting potentially dangerous locations for safe passage. Most of this equipment is reusable, like binoculars and maps, but some is not, like signal flares.

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{SC%}: {Nav%}, {Sch%}, {Spt/Li%} Multipliers: Formations, Tactics, some Abilities and high quality components Speed: 1 Time

components Speed: varies, typically 1 Time for generating @, and n per CU when used during Encounters

SURVIVAL GEAR (BIOME) Being far removed from safe locations, a character will often want to carry Survival Gear for basic protection against the elements. Survival gear often has a good mix of both reusable components and consumable ones, with the latter being consumed or used to start fires, purify water, etc. These are often subjective and specific to geographic regions.

Special: Labor - Using Tools will add the Training Value of a character to the amount of @ generated should the tools be used to craft gear or on upgrades that are in line with the profession or using the material indicated by the entry.

{SC%}: {Nav%}, {Srvl%} Multipliers: Formations, Tactics, some Abilities and high quality components Speed: 1 Time Special: Prepared – This increases the Risk cost of all Hazards that have region or environmentspecific descriptors. Components – Many components will expand the number of {SC%} this can be used on. TOOLS (MATERIAL/PROFESSION) The tools of the trade to build, maintain, and make repairs are almost as vital as survival gear and weapons. These useful tools allow trained hands to create, repair and modify a specific kind of material or are generalized to the creation and maintenance of a certain product. {SC%}: {Co/En%}, {MA%*}, {FAid%*}, {AMed%} Multipliers: Abilities and high quality

Skill Checks – The profession that uses these tools may utilize them for Checks not related to Crafting or construction in any fashion. It will be up to the GM’s discretion as to whether or not the desired Action will get a bonus when using profession related tools. TRAPPING (OPPONENT) There are multiple advantages to carrying bait or lure for various opponents. Of all kits, this is without a doubt the most subjective, as it is based purely on what motivates the opponents or what can fool them. For more animalistic opponents, it can be what it considers food, but sentient opponents can be motivated by any number of factors that could grant this kit quality to it. {SC%}: {Stlh%}, {Srvl%} Multipliers: Abilities or highly sought after substances by the opponents. This generally varies based upon the Scenario. Speed: 1 Time Special: Outdoorsman – This can be used during a period of Time to reduce Risk by 1 per +

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when Tracking, a {Srvl%}, or to alter the subsequent E% result by up to 1 Degree (either by adding + or - ) per Level. Using this as bait almost always requires a Depletion Roll, but what is considered bait can vary tremendously from campaign to campaign and can be, in some cases, quite macabre to gather and use. Encounters – This can Delay the starting Moment for opponents at the beginning of the Encounter. This Delay will be anywhere from 1d5! to 4d5! Tripwires – A character can use this gear to set up Tripwires. It will be used the same way as ‘Portable Alarm’ special rule as described in the ‘Tripwire Alarm’ Stronghold Upgrade. Each CU of this gear can secure 3 Structure worth of a Location when characters set up camp. Tripwire alarms in this fashion are reusable and are rarely destroyed. As such, their use does not require Depletion rolls unless the characters Flee an Encounter where the Trapping gear is used in this way. Hobble – During Encounters, a character can use Trapping gear to increase the n of nearby Opponents’ Actions by 1 per Mx. VALUE It is hard to tell what will have or retain value. Such things as junk silver, bullion, or fiat currency may hold some value even as the world crumbles around the survivors. This tertiary kit is applied to things that hold a greater value when trading with other Survivors.

Speed: 1 Time Special: Adds a Gear bonus to {Dipl-BB%}. This can only apply to gear that is being traded from one party to the next and only when trading the Gear used to add the bonus. Most gear can be traded without adding a bonus due to ‘Value’, but this bonus indicates something either of greater intrinsic value or sought after by the other party. There are many possible disposable kit components to this, which frequently represent money, bullion coins or anything else considered valuable in your campaign that can be used to trade. Some items will hold this property even though they have another purpose. {SC%}: n/a Multipliers: Bartering items of exceptional value or rarity Speed: n/a VEHICLES A Vehicle will provide a gear bonus to a character’s {Nav%}, but how and under what circumstances they operate vary tremendously. {SC%}: {Nav%} Multipliers: Formations, Roads, Signs, UserFriendly driving, riding or piloting. Speed: 1 Time

{SC%}: {Dipl-BB%} Multipliers: n/a


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Example Gear/Kit Loadouts


It would help to see some loadouts as opposed to being described strictly in the abstract... Body Slots A character has the following “Body Slots” with some limited layering flexibility: Head, Back, Torso, Arms, Hands (2x),  Legs, Feet. Anything not occupying a Body Slot must use the character’s available Cargo dots in accordance with the CU of the gear if a character wants to carry it. Gear occupying a Body Slot still counts its CU towards Encumbrance, as it still has mass and volume.

Cargo: ••• + (Messenger Bag: ••••) Longbow CU: •• 1x/0x/Archery Gear

Knife CU: •• 1x Melee Weapon [Sl]


Cargo: ••• + (Backpack, Medium: ••••••) Backpack, Med. CU: • Adds extra cargo. Worn, as to discount CU. Takes up “Back” slot instead. Crowbar CU: ••• 1x Melee Weapon [Bl], Tool–Srvl. (Urban) Hip Holster CU: • Allows up to •• worth of a Pistol to be carried. Empty.

Heavy Coat CU: • Padding/Insulation - +1 Defense vs. [Bl, Th (cold)] damage

Machete CU: •• 2x Melee Weapon [Sl]


Cargo: ••• + (Backpack, Small: •••••) Hip Holster CU: • Allows up to •• worth of a Pistol to - Equipment -be carried.

Extra Supplies, Small–(Arrows) CU: • Capacity: 10 Worn, as to discount CU. Takes up “Back” slot instead. Messenger Bag CU: • Adds extra Cargo. CU counts because “Back” slot is taken. Shotgun CU: •• 3x/1x/Loaded with “00 Buckshot”

1911 Pistol CU: •• 2x/0x/Pistol using Heavy Pistol Cartridges


Purchasing Equipment A character in any civilized place will be able to find a variety of gear they can purchase and use, but even then, they are often restricted by rarity, specialty, or local laws. BARTER A character is able to barter with other Survivors or with any industrious Rag and Bone Men that make a living by collecting useful items to sell. There is a temptation to rob such people, for certain, but it should be known that there is a tremendous material benefit to keep Rag and Bone men alive; and rumors spread fast about those that do them wrong. A character that enters an Encounter with a friendly Survivor or encountering a Rag and Bone Man can engage in trade. A character must surrender a certain number of Value worth of gear to get something of equivalent worth. The Value of an item is almost completely subjective. It is impossible to tell what will hold any kind of worth in the events of societal collapse. It is safe to say that staples like food and water will always have value, but in areas where food and fresh water is naturally abundant, such things have diminished bargaining power, so even necessities are subject to some variance in their Value. That said, there are some kinds of Gear (conveniently called “Value”) that are able to add Value to what a character is offering to trade. This can literally be anything, from cash (however unlikely), to jewelry, bullion coins or even bric-a-brac like bottles, string,


coils of wire that can be used to barter with. Some things will also add Value just by virtue of their usefulness when offering the to trade. This is a helpful guide when determining how much Value characters need to surrender to trade for an item: Essentials Characters are required to surrender an additional Value per Outbreak Level. Rarity Characters must surrender an additional Value per Rarity the item has in order to obtain it through trade. Luxuries Characters must surrender d5! more Value to obtain anything considered a luxury item. Relationship Characters with tense to poor relations with the trade partner will often have to add extra Value as a show of good faith. Characters must surrender Value to such people at a 1:d3 ratio.

Resource Catalog

Characters can also scavenge various locations to purchase equipment. in order to build up their Resource Catalog, a multitude of places must be searched. A character can make purchases from their search immediately whenever they are at the location or they can take Resource from the Location and add it to the party’s Resource Catalog. Carrying Resource will take up • per Resource Level being unlocked. This Resource can be distributed among multiple characters to carry. Characters must take this Resource

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to a Stronghold or Safehouse. Making purchases immediately at the location will not require that extra material to be carried in order to make any purchases, but characters lose the option to carry Resource back to the Stronghold for later purchase. The benefit of going through the trouble of hauling Resource back to the Stronghold is that everything that is available at the Resource Level of the looted location can be purchased by any character if characters go through the trouble of hauling the Resource back to a safe place to be stored and allocated among party members. RESOURCE CATALOG PURCHASE A character is able to spend l15 per • and l50 per • to purchase something that has

been made available in a Resource Catalog. The catalog entry will either be a specific piece of gear (such as “Baseball Bat”) or it will be a category of gear (such as “First Aid Supplies”). Either way, it will have a corresponding Capacity entry in parenthesis. DEPLETION Each time something is purchased, add a Depletion point for the entry of what is being purchased. Each purchase will require that n be rolled per Depletion Point, just like using gear that can deplete. If the roll on the n is greater than the Capacity of the entry, then that entry is exhausted and cannot be purchased from again.

Resource Catalog Pharmacy:

You’ll notice here that the characters have scavenged three locations and decided to bring “Resource” from those locations back to their Stronghold as opposed to making purchase right there on the location.

Scott’s House:

This means that the entire catalog of unlocked “Levels” are at their disposal when they return and for all future purchases until the entries are exhausted.

Uncle Oinky’s Discount Foodinarium:

It is possible to have the same gear available on a Resource Catalog with different Capacity values. This represents characters having access to caches of various quantity and availability of the same item.

Resource Levels – Lv.1 Supplies–General (10), Lv.2 Supplies–First Aid (30), Containers (10), Lv.3 Supplies-Medical (10), Lv.4 Supplies-Medical (30) Resource Levels – Lv.1 Supplies-General (20), Lv.2 Supplies–Survival (10), Lv.3 SuppliesFirst Aid (10). Resource Levels – Lv.1 Supplies-Sustenance (20), Lv.2 Tools–Cooking (20), Lv.3 Supplies– Survival Gear (10), Lv.4 Supplies–Sustenance (35)

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Equipment Cards


While there is a more comprehensive list in this book, many of the more useful pieces of gear characters can find and use are represented by cards.

5 4


Equipment Card Anatomy


1. N  ame – Name of the equipment. 2. C  ategory – Category of gear; generally used to determine availability of purchase and kinds of Kits the gear counts as for applying a Training Value or what Body Slot the gear utilizes. 3. C  apacity – Rolling equal to or greater than the Capacity with the n rolled will exhaust the gear’s use. 4. Durability – How much damage gear can take before needing repairs. 5. Cargo Units – These dots represent how much space the gear takes up in a character’s inventory. A black dot (•) takes up 1 CU per black dot. A white dot (•) indicates that it takes up some space without being very heavy. Both black and white dots are factored when determining how much a character can carry and use. 6. The Base Dice pool when using the gear. 7. {Skill Checks%}. The kinds of Skill Checks that can be granted a bonus by using this gear. 8. Different special rules, + triggered effects, etc. that gear provides the user. 9. Lethality/Multiplier – How much a Training Value + Attribute Bonus is multiplied by when determining a gear bonus. 10. Capacity Bonus – Bonus added to the Capacity of the listed kinds of kits or gear categories. 11. Cargo – The amount of Cargo Units the gear can support carrying.








2 10

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A character who hopes to have much of a chance must be adequately protected. This means carrying as effective a weapon as the situation dictates. Not every mission requires that characters be clad in armor and carrying the biggest, nastiest weaponry available to them. In fact, there are many situations where dedicating too much space to carrying a larger weapon would jeopardize the character’s efforts by allocating more carry weight to wargear than is necessary.


A weapon or a tool that can be used as a weapon has a “Lethality” value. This serves as a Multiplier (Mx) that determines the effectiveness of any attacks made with the weapon or tool used as a weapon. Lethality is an abstraction based on how effective gear is when used as a weapon. It’s a combination of how accurate/easy it is to use and how deadly it is when the attack lands. Because a static bonus would incorrectly imply that the same gear has the same effect in different hands, Lethality instead serves as a Multiplier. This means that a trained or experienced user will be able to take advantage of a larger bonus than someone who is less trained using the same gear. Attacks add Gear bonuses and Levels from relevant upgrades as well as applying Multipliers that are provided by a weapon’s Lethality. The weapon therefore serves the same function as a kit, and thus melee weapons and ranged weapons of various kinds are listed under ‘kits’ as they can have several factors that add to their effectiveness. Skills and gear can add either Levels or Multipliers

to attacks made with certain weapons. Ranged Weapons have Lethality that varies based on the range the weapon is being fired. What constitutes Short, Medium, and Long Range depends entirely on the type of weapon.

Melee Weapons Many tools and weapons of opportunity follow the rules of Melee Weapons in addition to any other function they may have. Such examples are as follows: MELEE WEAPON [Bl, Pi, Sl] {SC%}: {Grpl%*}, {MA-[Bl], [Pi], or [Sl]%}, {MtlA%} Multipliers: Lethality, Formations, Tactics, some Abilities and high quality weapons Speed: n per • CU: varies Special: Damage Type – A melee weapon will commonly have one or more of the following Damage Types [Bl, Pi, Sl]. Some more esoteric or specialized upgrades can grant others, however. The weapon will have all the special rules associated with the Damage Types they can inflict. Improvised – Until dedicated weaponry is found, a lot of weapons that will fall under this category are not designed to be used as weapons. As such, a n per CU is added to the Dice Pool and all damage dice rolls treat † results as 0. Using an improvised weapon H as a weapon will count as Misuse. Note: An unarmed attack (such as a Grapple or a Brawl) will be considered an Improvised

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† results on n and n will weapon and each H inflict 1 damage to the attacker unless they are protected. Martial Arts does not count as an unarmed attack as Improvised, even if unarmed when making attacks. Heavy – Weapons will add their CU to the number of n in the dice pool.

Tools Generally, tools add bonus Labor to a character’s various efforts around a Stronghold. Some can be used as weapons as well, but this generally counts as Misuse. Sturdy examples of gear will not have any detriment to being used as a weapon. The section below will have the categories in this general order. Some entries will be removed or arranged in a manner most appropriate to what it is the gear does. TOOL, (CATEGORY) The kind of Kit the gear can apply Training Values towards and whose abilities the gear can utilize. Mx/Lethality: the Multiplier with the gear’s use. {SC%}: Varies by tool. See individual entry. Can correspond to a kind of Kit, so would use the same {SC%} as the kit would. Speed: varies CU: the CU dots the tool takes up Capacity: varies Kit Capacity Bonus: This is the bonus that having this gear will add to the Capacity of a named category of Kit when making Depletion rolls. Rarely this will apply to gear with their own Capacity entry, but if they do the Kit


Capacity Bonus only applies so long as the gear itself is not exhausted. Durability: Durability of gear. Base Dice Pool: a shorthand look at what the starting Dice Pool a character would need to build to use the gear. This is basically a summary of all of the various rules listed in the entry. Additional dice may be added with contingencies listed in the entry. Special: A Tool will generate @+d5! per + when one of the listed Skill Checks are used to generate @. TRIGGERING EFFECTS A weapon or tool will usually have a series of effects that are triggered by the spending of Degrees of Success ( + )generated in the kinds of Checks associated with the use of the gear. For weapons, this will often take the form of adding one or more kinds of dice to the dice pool. This can mean that a player may get to add extra damage dice (n ), but there will nearly always be a tradeoff of adding more Speed (n ) dice if the kind of attack requires more of a character’s attention. It can also add Depletion Dice (n ) if it means that the weapon is given increased chance to break or otherwise exhaust with the player’s intended use.

Melee Weapon List AXE Melee Weapon–[Bl], [Sl] • Tool–Survival Mx/Lethality: 2x CU: ••••• Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2 (forest) Speed: n n n Damage: [Sl]

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Durability: 3 SC%: {MA%} Base Dice Pool: uu n n n n

Knock Prone + + + – One opponent must add an extra n n n to their Dice Pool.

Special Heavy - Add an extra n n to use if a character with a Sb of 2 or lower uses it. Unwieldy - Add an extra n to use if a character uses this one-handed. Deadly - n Bash + - Add [n Bl] to the dice pool. Hack + - Add [n Sl] to the dice pool. Add n to the Dice Pool next Round. Coup de Grace + + + + - One target takes [n n n n Sl] damage and counts as having 0 Defense. Add n to the dice pool per Defense the target once had. BAT Melee Weapon–[Bl] • Athletic Gear Mx/Lethality: 1x CU: •• Speed: n n SC%: {MA–[Bl]%} Damage: [Bl] Durability: 1 Base Dice Pool: uu n n n Special Unwieldy – Add an extra n to use if a character uses this one-handed. Stun + – One opponent must add an extra n to their Dice Pool. Bash + + – Add [n Bl] n to the dice pool.

COMBAT KNIFE Melee Weapon–[Pi], [Sl] • Tool–Survival xMx/Lethality: 1x CU: •• Speed: n Damage: [Pi, Sl] Durability: 2 Base Dice Pool: uu n Special: Defensive - Add n to the dice pool when using this to grant a Gear bonus to {Grpl%}. Slash + – Add [n Sl] to the dice pool. Stab + – Add [n Pi] n to the dice pool. Rend + + + – One target takes [n n n n Pi,Sl]. Attacker adds n n to the Dice Pool. CROWBAR Melee Weapon–[Bl] • Tool–Survival (Urban) Mx/Lethality: 1x CU: ••• Kit Capacity Bonus: Recon Gear: +2 (urban), Survival Gear: +2 (urban) Damage: [Bl] Base Dice Pool: uu n n Bash + – Add [n Bl] n to the dice pool. Stun + – An opponent must add n to their Dice Pool. Pry + – Add @2d5! when using {L/P%} to generate @.

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DAGGER Melee Weapon–Piercing, Slashing CU: • Mx/Lethality: 1x Durability: 1 SC%: {MA–[Pi], [Sl]%}, {Grpl%} Base Dice Pool: uu n n

HATCHET Melee Weapon–Slashing • Tool–Survival CU: ••• Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2 (forest) Mx/Lethality: 1x SC%: {MA-[Sl]%}, {Nav%}, {Srvl%} Damage: [Bl], [Sl] Base Dice Pool: uu n n

Special: Improvised – Add n to the dice pool.

Special: Deadly – Add n to the dice pool when making a {MA%} with this weapon

† on n or n will cause 1 Misuse – An H Durability damage. Defensive – Add n n to the dice pool when used with a {Grpl%}. Slash + + – Add [n Sl] n the Dice Pool. Stab + – n count as [Pi]. Add n n n to the dice pool. HAMMER Melee Weapon–Bludgeon • Tool–Crafting CU: ••• Mx/Lethality: 1x SC%: {MA-[Bl]%}, {Nav%}, {Srvl%} Damage: [Bl] Base Dice Pool: uu n n Special: Bash + – Add n [n Bl] to the dice pool. Stun + – An opponent must add n to the Dice Pool. Craft + – Add @2d5! when using {Co/ En%} to generate @ when building or reinforcing structures out of wood.


Hack + – Add n n to the dice pool. Coup de Grace + + + – One target takes [n n n Sl] and counts as having 0 Defense. Add n to the dice pool per Defense the target once had. MACHETE Melee Weapon–Slashing • Tool–Survival CU: •• Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2 (forest) Mx/Lethality: 2x SC%: {MA–[Sl]%} Base Dice Pool: uu n n n Special: Deadly – Add n to the dice pool when making a {MA%} with this weapon Hack + – Add [n n Sl] to the dice pool. Add n to the Dice Pool next Round. Parry + – +1 Defense vs. a melee attack. Coup de Grace + + + - One target takes [n n n Sl] and counts as having 0 Defense. Attacker adds n to the dice pool per Defense

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CU: • Kit Capacity Bonus: All Kits +3 Damage: [Sl,Pi] Durability: 2 Base Dice Pool: uu n n

the target once had. TASER CU: •• Mx/Lethality: 1x SC%: {MA-[Bl]%}, {Frm–P%} Durability: 2

Special: Misuse – Using this as a weapon counts as “Misuse”.

Special: Stun + – Target adds n n to their dice pool. Incapacitate – If the Damage roll is greater than 10, per Sb of the opponent, then the opponent must make an {End%} Save Throw † or be stunned for 1d5! Time instead. The H result will count as a 5 with a re-roll.

Miscellaneous Tools COMPASS Item–Navigation, Survival Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2, Recon. Gear: +5 Mx: 1x CU: • Speed: 1 Time Special: Trained (Survival/Movement) – A character must have a Training Value of at least 3 to use Survival or Reconnaissance Gear in order to know how to use a compass properly.

Short Blade – No more than n can be allocated to any one target in a Round. Slash + + – Add [ n Sl] to the Dice Pool. Stab + + + – Add [ n Pi] to the Dice Pool.

Components This is gear that serves little purpose other than to become part of a Kit’s construction. They will provide additional bonuses to a Kit they are used with, or they can expand the {SC%} it can be used to provide a bonus to. BADGE Command Apparatus Mx: 1x CU: •

Add {Nav%} to the {SC%} that Survival Gear and Recon. Gear can add their bonus to.

BAIT Survival Gear, Hunting/Trapping/Fishing Gear CU: • Capacity: 5

MULTITOOL Tool–General Mx/Lethality: 0x

Special Opponent Specific – Not all opponents are attracted to the same kind of lure.

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BATTERIES Electrical CU: • Capacity: 100

to n n from the Dice Pool per Round whose result is 3 or lower.

Special: Depletion – Used to provide power for Electrical gear. Variable Depletion Points added with use are based on the gear using Batteries for power. High energy usage will add multiple Depletion Points per use, and low usage will add a single Depletion Point or will be negligible. Rechargeable – Rechargeable cells have only Capacity: 50 but can be restored at charging stations.

Addiction – This can be used as a “Coping” mechanism for someone with the “Addiction” Disadvantage for caffeine. CANTEEN Tool–Survival, Sustenance Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear +5 Capacity: 10 CU: •• SC%: {End%}, {Srvl%} Special: Use this to add + to {Srvl%} or supply water needs of a character for a day. As long as this gear is not Exhausted, it can add its Kit Capacity Bonus to any Survival gear.

BINOCULARS Survival Gear, Recon. Gear Mx: 1x CU: •• SC%: {Nav%}, {Srch%}, {Sp/Li%} Base Dice Pool: uu n n n n BOLT CUTTERS Survival Gear (urban), Recon. Gear (urban) CU: • Mx: 1x SC%: {Nav%} Base Dice Pool: uu n n n n CAFFEINE PILLS Drug CU: • Capacity: 10 Base Dice Pool: n per Depletion Point Special: Alert – For d5! periods of Time, remove up


Fidgety – Add n to the Dice Pool for any Skill Checks with Willpower as a Primary Attribute while the Alert rule is in effect.

Ration – Add Depletion Point, but do not roll any n . Lose 1 Morale. Replenish – A fresh water source will remove all Depletion Point from the Canteen. Env. Modifier – Add an additional Depletion Point per Environmental Modifier due to Arid or High Temperature. CIGARETTES Drug CU: • Capacity: 10 Base Dice Pool: n per Depletion Point Special:

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Addiction – This can be used as a “Coping” mechanism for someone with the “Addiction” Disadvantage for tobacco. DRIED RATIONS Survival, Sustenance CU: • Capacity: 5 Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2 SC%: {End%} Special: Use this to add + to {Srvl%} or supply food needs of a character for a day. As long as this gear is not Exhausted, it can add its Kit Capacity Bonus to any Survival gear. Ration – Add Depletion Point, but do not roll any n . Lose 1 Morale. Dried – Using this without water will add n to all {End%} made for the following d5!Time or until a source of fresh water is found and utilized. DUCT TAPE Component–Construction/Engineering CU: •• Capacity: 15 Use this to add a + when generating @ for making or repairing gear no more than •. ENERGY BAR Sustenance CU: • Capacity: 3 Special: Fatigue – When resting, remove 1 extra

Fatigue. Ration – Add Depletion Point, but do not roll any n . Lose 1 Morale. FIRESTARTERS Survival Gear CU: • Capacity: varies Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2 SC%: {Srvl%} Use this to add + to a {Srvl%} or be used to start a fire. Special: Matches - Kit Capacity Bonus: +2 Lighter - Kit Capacity Bonus: +20 FLARE Survival Gear • Recon. Gear CU: • Capacity: 100 Special: Burn – Unless extinguished, this will require a Depletion roll once per Round. Depletion † result will be re-rolled. dice that have an H Illumination – While active, can be held and take up CU: • or it can be dropped. Will reduce Environmental Modifiers for Darkness by 1. Signal – This can be left at a location to provide illumination. Generally, this will generate @2d5! per Round towards “Search and Rescue” Mission taking place in or near the Location of the characters.

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FLASHLIGHT Mx: 1x CU: •• Speed: n SC%: {Nav%}, {Srch%}, {Sp/Li%}

Satellite Network – The G.P.S. relies upon a functioning network of satellites, which may be rendered inoperable in the later stages of an Outbreak.

Special: High Powered – +1 TP will grant +1Mx. It will also add an extra n to the Batteries with each use. GAUZE BANDAGE Component–Medical CU: • Kit Capacity Bonus: First Aid Kit: +2, Med. Supplies: +2 Use this to add a + when undertaking “Basic First Aid” Missions to remove Damage Points. Using it will still allow the Kit Capacity Bonus to be used this turn. This can also add a + when character undertakes “Treat Injury” Missions. Multiple Gauze Bandages cannot add additional + , but their Capacity bonuses can combine. G.P.S. Tool (Navigation), Recon. Gear, Electronic Mx: 3x CU: •• Speed: n n n SC%: {Nav%} Special: Power Source – The G.P.S. is reliant upon electricity and often has an internal battery.


LASER SIGHT Firearm, Ranged CU: •• Capacity: 25 Add +1Mx to the Close Range Lethality of one firearm. Special: Batteries – Depletes batteries with use. Light Rail – Allows a firearm to utilize an EM Light Rail slot for the ‘Laser Sight’ upgrade. M.R.E. Survival, Sustenance CU: •• Capacity: 15 SC%: {End%} Special: Sustenance – When Resting, count a Use of this gear as a character’s Food requirement for a day. It will also remove d3+Wb Fatigue points. Ration – Add Depletion Point, but do not roll any n . Lose 1 Morale.

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REFLEX SIGHT Firearm, Ranged Add n n and make a {Frm%} a Sustained Action in order to add +1Mx to the Close and Medium Range Lethality of one firearm. Special: Sight Rail – Allows a firearm to utilize an EM Sight Rail slot for the ‘Scope’ upgrade. ROPE CU: •• Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear: +2, Recon. Gear: +2, Climbing Gear: +5 Durability: 1 Base Dice Pool: uu n n n

SUPERGLUE Component–Construction/Engineering CU: • Capacity: 10 Use this to add a + when generating @ for making or repairing gear no more than • in size. TENT Survival Gear Mx: 1x CU: •• Kit Capacity Bonus: Survival Gear +2 SC%: {End%, Srvl%}

Special: Add {Climb%} to the {SC%} that Survival Gear and Recon. Gear can add its bonus to.

Special: Climate – Some tents made for extreme climates can reduce all Environmental Modifiers by 1 when it is used.

Add an extra @d5! per + when using {Climb%}, {Srvl%} to generate @.

Share – This can be used by up to 3 Size worth of characters and/or Gear.

Cut – [10 Sl] will slice through the rope. This can only feasibly be done with a melee weapon. SCOPE Firearm, Ranged CU: •• Base Dice Pool: + n n n Add n n n and make a {Frm%} Check a Sustained Action in order to add +1Mx to the Long Range Lethality of one firearm. Special: Sight Rail – Allows a firearm to utilize an EM Sight Rail slot for the ‘Scope’ upgrade.

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Worn Gear

General Modifications

Worn gear constitutes clothing, backpacks, and anything a character wears passively instead of using actively. There are a number of modifications that can be made to gear based on what it is.

Armored CU: •• +1 Defense

CU INCREASES A CU increase is essentially making something bulkier or heavier. They are added to the number of CU dots that indicate how much more Cargo space it takes up or how much heavier it is when worn. FUNCTION DEPLETION A certain amount of modification will specialize worn gear to make it very useful to a specific purpose at the expense of overall storage capacity or general utility. These will reduce the number of CU dots that they can carry. However, some modifications allow for extra CU dots to be carried, but usually only for specific kinds of gear, such as pistol holsters. CARGO INCREASES A Cargo increase allows a character to carry more CU dots worth of gear. WORN Generally, wearing gear will discount • or more from the CU. This represents the lack of encumbrance a character suffers when actually wearing the clothing or worn gear as opposed to packing and carrying it. A character has the following “Body Slots” with some limited layering flexibility: Head, Back, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet.


Ballistic Nylon + 2 Defense against Firearms. Some ammo varieties will negate this upgrade. Cargo CU: • Cargo: •• Can only be taken once + one additional time per • the gear has in CU. This upgrade can sometimes be achieved by rigging another piece of gear, such as rope or paracord securing something to carry something larger.

Pistol Holster/Sheath CU: •• A firearm or knife up to •• can be stored with the worn gear. Quickly accessible. Retrieving only adds n to the Dice Pool. Magazine Holders CU: • Can hold •• worth of Extra Supplies– Ammunition. Padding/Insulation CU: +••

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+1 Defense vs. [Bl, Th (cold)] damage. Pouch/Pocket Cargo: +••

Insulated - +3 Defense [Th] Utility Harness - Can store any Small Kit WORK CLOTHING CU: •• Cargo: •••• Defense: +1

Survival Gear CU: • Add Capacity Bonus: +2 to Survival Gear. Generally restricted to specific biomes or environments. Or can carry a Small Survival Kit or First Aid Kit.

Possible Upgrades Cargo - +• to Cargo Padding - +2 Defense [Bl] Utility Harness - Can store any Small Kit

Utility Harness Cargo: –•• Can hold • worth of a Kit.

BACKPACK, SMALL CU: • Cargo: •••••

Worn Gear

BACKPACK, MEDIUM CU: • Cargo: ••••••

CLOTHES Defense: +0 CU: •• Cargo: • Possible Upgrades Padding/Insulation - +1 Defense vs. [Bl, Th (cold)] damage. Survival Gear – Capacity Bonus +2 to Survival Gear. Cargo - +• SERVICE UNIFORM (Organization) CU: •• Cargo: ••• Defense: +0 Possible Upgrades Armored - +1 Defense Cargo - Cargo: •• Holster - Can store •• worth of Firearms.

BACKPACK, LARGE CU: •• Cargo: ••••••• BACKPACK, MOLLE (LARGE) CU: •••• Cargo: ••••••••• MOLLE – MOLLE straps allow modifications provided by thise kinds of upgrades to be fully transferable to any gear that is MOLLE. Cargo (MOLLE) +1 Rarity Holster (MOLLE) +3 Rarity Magazine Holders (MOLLE) +2 Rarity Survival Gear (MOLLE) +3 Rarity Utility Harness (MOLLE) +2 Rarity BELT Cargo: •

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FIREARM CHASSIS STATS Lethality: varies by model Capacity: varies by model Speed: generally n per CU

Tactic, then the shot is no longer an Instant Action, rather it is a Sustained Action. It will be otherwise treated the same.

Special: Damage Type - [Pi, Sl] Deadly: n Depletion, Noise FIREARM GENERAL RULES A character uses Firearms exactly like they use any other Kit. A firearm and any relevant upgrades made to it and its ammunition is what contributes Levels and Lethality Multipliers to the character’s ‘Firearm’ Checks the way any Kit will add to Skill Checks. A character does not track individual shots, as firefights are heated and crazy, making shot tracking extremely difficult. Likewise, targets hit will sometimes need to be shot multiple times before they are brought down with a successful attack, so instead of tracking every bullet and shell, the Ammunition used has its own Depletion rating like other components to Kits that feature such entries. So a character may have a chance of using all the ammunition loaded in their weapon each time they use it. The chance will be slim at first, but the chance increases as a character fires more shots. Firing Using a Firearm counts as an Instant Action. The ‘Speed’ indicates required time to fire accurately and ready another round (if necessary). In some instances, it also factors in reloading or pulling a lever action. If a character takes time to Aim, with the proper


Firearms and Depletion Other Kits have the option of conserving gear by not using certain components so as not to require Depletion Roll on their behalf. For firearms, this obviously is not an option in regards to their ammunition. A firearm must have un-depleted Ammo gear as one of the weapon’s Kit components in order to use it. This represents the ammunition loaded into the firearm. A firearm can sometimes have ‘firing modes’ that increase the Depletion for the ability to get bonus + to their Check, or to roll more n and sometimes less n as well. A firearm can also naturally have a low rate of fire, or have an exceptional ammo capacity, which suppresses the amount of Depletion with each use. Likewise, a character can possess Abilities that can reduce the rate of Depletion as well. Depletion Each uses produces a Depletion Point normally. When characters make Checks, they will roll n per DP. If the total rolled is equal to or greater than the Capacity of the firearm, it needs to be reloaded before it can be used again. Reloading removes one or more Depletion Point and requires a supply of ammunition from either Extra Supplies, Ammunition or a loaded Magazine (if the firearm supports a magazine).

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It is important to remember that Depletion considers a firearm’s “use” instead of a character declaring how many “shots” they will be taking. Each “use” will have a variable amount of actual rounds fired, which is why a Depletion Roll is necessary. While a character can, in theory, waste all their shots with the first use, it is uncommon. But, more importantly, it does acknowledge the fact that the majority of shots fired miss or are otherwise wasted, or adrenaline rushes in and a character ends up firing far more shots than they intend. These are all very true to reality and are precisely the reason why Depletion is applied to firearms instead of individual shot tracking. Fire Control Fire Control (FC) is an inherent mechanical property of the firearm and control of the user that will allow a greater ability to manage the use of the finite supply of ammunition that the weapon has. Each Fire Control will allow the re-roll of one n . Any single n can be rerolled any number of times so long as there are FC remaining to allow for it. This rule includes rolling n for using alternative firing modes or Tactics that require Depletion rolls to be made. Reloading A character who has a firearm with a fully depleted Ammunition will be forced to reload if they want to use it again. During Encounters, this will take n per Depletion Point on the weapon. Many items of Gear, like extra magazines and speedloaders, will reduce this to a few Moments, generally n per CU unless specified otherwise. Partial Reload A character may do a partial reload, only

removing a single or a few Depletion Points, but leaving others. The firearm can be used if a partial reload is done, but all the Depletion Points remaining are used to determine how many n are rolled for Depletion Rolls. This often means that the character will be forced to reload again much sooner than they would probably like. Topping Off Ammunition During periods of Time, a character can ‘Top Off’ their ammo if they’ve only used a few shots. If they have additional CU worth of Ammunition for their firearm in reserve, they can remove Depletion Point from their equipped firearm. Supplies will generally read: Use to remove X DP from (name of Kit). In this case, ‘Using’ an ‘Supplies - Ammo’, requires the character to make a Depletion Roll on the Extra Supplies’ behalf because its gaining DP with use. Often Extra Supplies of any kind will simply allow the removal of a fixed number of DP from one kind of Kit. In the case of Ammunition, this means removing DP from Firearms. In which case, no Depletion roll is necessary. Armor Penetrating (AP) Some Ranged Weapons have increased ability to punch through defenses and cover. The Armor Penetration quality can either negate a point of Defense, or each AP can be used to ignore 1 point of Structure used as cover. It will not ignore cover due to Environmental Modifiers. An AP must be used to ignore Structure first. If the AP value is sufficient to penetrate cover, then the remaining AP can reduce Defense.

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Bolt-Action/Single Action These firearms have a greatly reduced rate of fire, which means a character is restricted in how many shots per turn they can fire compared to semi and fully automatic weapons. This is not always bad, as it makes shot tracking much easier. Increase the Moments to use this firearm by n , but Depletion Points do not add any n to the dice pool. A ‘Bolt-Action/SingleAction’ weapon will automatically need to be reloaded if the Depletion Points equal the weapon’s Capacity, however. Defensive If the firearm is used to add a Gear bonus to {Grpl%}, then add n or more to the Dice Pool. Firearm Training (X) A firearm is not intuitive hardware and requires training to use. Some are more complicated and dangerous than others. The number in the X place will be the Training Value of ‘Firearm’ that a character must have to prevent the use of the firearm from counting as a ‘Risky Action’. The difference between the X in this quality an a character’s Firearm Training Value will add n n to a character’s dice pool when using it. Firing Mode, 3 Round Burst Making an Intent to use this firing mode will immediately get a bonus + but will add an additional Depletion Point. Opponents targeted and those within a 45 degree firing arc from the user must make a {Cmps%} or they must add n to their Dice Pool. Firing Mode, Fully Automatic Making an Intent to use this firing mode will immediately get d3 bonus + and will add


the same number of extra Depletion Points. Opponents targeted and those within a 45 degree firing arc from the user must make a {Cmps%} or they must add n n to their Dice Pool. Hunting A firearm’s ability to allow the user to hunt for food is one of the key benefits to owning one and knowing how to use it. Weapons built on the pistol chassis are largely useless for this purpose and so can’t benefit. A character can make a {Srvl%} to generate Food instead of just foraging and finding shelter. This will add @ equal to Training Value in Survival Gear and/or Firearms/Bows (or any other weapon used) to any ‘Hunting’ Mission. The kind of game to be hunted will depend on the region and if it can be killed with the weapons a character carries. The categories of game a character can hunt are as follows: Fowl, Small Game, Game, Big Game, and Deadly. The ability to hunt these forms of game takes the form of Levels that a character’s Ability tiers can add multipliers to as normal. Firearms that cannot be used to bring down the appropriate kind of animal cannot be used to accomplish this mission. Encounters An animal that can be hunted for food can be encountered with an E%, in which case, combat with the animal will be resolved in order to see if the animal can be killed. This represents a chance encounter as opposed to a deliberate effort on the part of the characters to hunt the animals for food. An animal will flee immediately if they detect the characters unless the animal is territorial, in which case,

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it will likely attack the characters.

Depletion Points equal the weapon’s Capacity.

Internal Chambers Internal chambers that store ammunition treat ammunition like Internal Upgrades that have the Modular rule for purposes of reloading (like revolvers and most shotguns). They use the weapon’s own Capacity entry and are slower to reload, so they require an extra n per DP to reload.

Revolver This firearm has a smaller ammo capacity and generally a reduced rate of fire, but they are sturdy, and shot tracking is much easier. Revolvers follow the same rules as a ‘Single Action’ firearm but take an additional n per Depletion Point removing in order to reload. Speed loaders exist that function like a Magazine in regards to reload speed.

Magazines Magazine-fed weapons will use Capacity provided by the ammunition magazine and can remove as many Depletion Points as the magazine will allow with a single Action with n n when reloading. Noise All Firearms generate Risk due to the noise they make when used. They will generate W 1 if used in an Encounter. Some models of firearm will be considerably louder, however. Such differences will be noted in the entry themselves. Whenever a new E% is required after 24 Moments, this can again generate Risk, whether or not it is successful. A character cannot turn in + during the Resolution phase for l the way normal checks can. This is because the noise firearms generate are rarely a strategic advantage. This is subject to interpretation and can be overridden when subtlety is not a concern. Pump-Action † results A ‘Pump-Action’ firearm will treat H on Depletion Rolls as 0, but will require n to use. A ‘Pump-Action’ weapon will automatically need to be reloaded if the

Semi-Automatic † results A ‘Semi-Automatic’ weapon treats H on Depletion rolls as 0. A ‘Semi-Automatic’ weapon will automatically need to be reloaded if the Depletion Points equal the weapon’s Capacity. Snub Nose/Sawed Off A firearm sacrifices its barrel length (and thus range and accuracy) in favor of ease of use at very close ranges as well as extra concealment ability. A Snub Nose/Sawed Off weapon loses all Long Range lethality Multipliers and reduces Medium Range Lethality Multipliers by 2x and Close Range by 1x to a minimum of 0x. The firearm gets an extra n to add to the dice pool if the weapon is used to grant a Gear Bonus to Grapple% or Firearms, Long Gun% at Close Range. The Speed to use this weapon is also reduced by n . HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH FIREARMS † results on any n rolled in The GM can have H the dice pool with one of the following effects. Cramped Quarters W 5 The character finds themselves in a situation

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where larger firearms are a disadvantage due to cramped hallways, tangling debris, etc. If a character has a firearm thats use adds n n n or more to the dice pool, also add n n to the dice pool. †H † Jam H The Firearm is jammed and it requires a character n n in order to clear it. The firearm does not count as having been used. †H †H †H † Friendly Fire H A rare, but unfortunate outcome is that a character unintentionally shoots another character. Resolve the attack by rolling n per - rolled.

Firearm Variations The following represent common models of firearm, their statistics, possible upgrades and possible variations of the model that can be found. FIREARM CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS A character can only apply one modification to any of the following points, should a firearm have the “slot” available or the ability to customize such a feature. This can also describe various features between models. Fixed characteristics of a firearm that can’t be modified will simply be reflected in the weapon’s entry without any option to customize it. To do so will require the appropriate Gear and either a Labor cost or a Speed entry if it’s a quick addition that doesn’t require Skill Checks to generate Labor. Barrel (Internal) - A modification to a weapon’s barrel by way of a conversion kit will allow different caliber of ammunition to be fired with the same weapon. @25 Barrel Additions (External) - The barrel can have a few external options. They can have extended or long barrel options to increase range and accuracy, shorter barrels to make it more compact, or feature a silencer or suppressor to muffle the sound of gunfire. Lengthen: n n n n Shorten: @15 Firing Mechanism (Internal) A modification to a firearm’s firing mechanism


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can alter the rate of fire and the amount of pressure the user needs to put on the trigger to fire the weapon. @30 Grip - (External) - A modification to the grip is strictly for the comfort of the user. There is little other material possibility that a different grip will allow. @10 Magazine (External) - A magazine-fed weapon will often have magazine options that feature increased Capacity. Some just have a few additional cartridges, but some feature box or drum feed to grant the user an exceptionally long use of their weapon before needing to reload. These sort of modifications will often not be a part of the weapon, per se; instead, it will represent the other kinds of magazine-style ammunition feed the weapon can have. Applying this upgrade is essentially using a magazine to Reload. Reload: n n Rail, Light (External) - This underslung rail will allow a light attachment such as a flashlight or red dot laser sight. This rail generally cannot be used with other underslung features, such as a bayonet, bipod, or grenade launcher. @25, (n n n n for flashlight) Rail, Sight (External) - This top-mounted rail can support multiple kinds of scopes that can replace the normal iron sights firearms have. A scope is generally the only thing that can occupy this slot, but there are many models of scope that can provide different targeting options.

@30 Stock (External) - A weapon’s stock will generally only feature a lighter or more recoilsuppressing function or a place where a few more shells or cartridges can be kept. Some models that have their Stock slot taken up with a unique feature will be things like a Bull Pup configuration, which places the magazine behind the trigger to shorten the overall length of the weapon. @15

Tech Points (TP)

Weapons generally have one customization option per Tech Point (TP) in the abstract. Known models will follow the earlier parameters, but for fictional models of firearm or ones with a fantastic array of manufacturers and features, using Tech Points as a means of restricting customization option is a helpful guide. Specific models will often not feature Tech Points, as all of their options and variations are presented in the entry or are well known.


Firearms are generally broken down by the cartridge they fire, as both pistols and rifles can potentially take advantage of the same ammunition. The general rule of thumb is that the only real difference is the accuracy and range, which will be represented by the Range and Lethality. In the case of machine pistols, the stats of Pistols will be used, but the weapon may be larger and feature only a higher Capacity and a greater rate of fire. Any variances that can be found in the ammunition itself will be described in the same entries.

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Pistols and Submachine Guns

Rarely more than a sidearm, a pistol has short range, limited capacity and is comparatively inaccurate compared to a long gun. What it lacks in those things, it more than makes up for with portability and is concealable. This describes any number of firearms that use pistol ammunition, as not only true pistols use this but sub-machine guns (SMGs) as well. The difference between a pistol and an SMG is that the SMG has a higher rate of fire and a larger ammunition capacity. Ranges: 0’ to 15’ / 16’ to 45’ / 46’+ CU: 1 Lethality: varies by cartridge Capacity: varies by model, but is equal to the ammo capacity of the actual model of firearm Speed: n n

Deadly – Adds n to the dice pool when using this cartridge size. Models: 5.45x18mm-9mm Steyr. 9mm Parabellum, 8mm Mauser, 40 S&W, .57x28mm, .38 Special Heavy Pistol Cartridge Lethality: 2x / 0x / Special: Heavy Recoil – Add n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. Deadly – Adds n n to the dice pool when using this cartridge size. Models: .38-.45 ACP, .357 Magnum, .45, 10mm Auto

{SC%}: {Int%}, {Frm-P%}, {Grpl%} Special: Capacity – The capacity of the pistol or SMG could be a range of numbers based upon the model and make of the firearm. Defensive – Add n n to the Dice Pool if a Pistol provides a Gear bonus to Grapple%. Small Pistol Cartridge Lethality: 1x / 0x / -

Massive Pistol Cartridge Lethality: 2x / 0x / -

Intermediate Pistol Cartridge Lethality: 1x / 0x / -

Special: Massive Recoil – Add n n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. If the Sb is 3 or more, add only n . Deadly – Adds n n n to the dice pool when using this cartridge size.


Models: .44 Magnum, .55 Boxer

Models: 2.7 Kolibri, .221 Remington, .22


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Pistol Models .22 PISTOL Capacity: 10, 12, 16 Speed: n n TP: 2 Base Dice Pool: n n + n per Depletion Point Special: Cartridges – Uses Small Pistol Cartridges. Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool. Focus Fire + – Add 2 extra Depletion Points, and add n n , which adds a total of n n n n to the dice pool.

Headshot + + + + + – Add n n n to the dice pool. Target gets no Defense and adds n n n n n n to their Actions next Round. 1911 Capacity: 7, 9, 10 Speed: n n TP: 1 Base Dice Pool: n n n n + n per Depletion Point Special: Cartridges – Uses Heavy Pistol Cartridges. Heavy Recoil – Add n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. Deadly – Adds n n to the dice pool.

Headshot + + + + + – Add n n n to the dice pool. Target gets no Defense and adds n n n n n n to their Actions next Round.

Magazine – The 1911 is Magazine loaded.

9MM PISTOL Capacity: 8, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 32 Speed: n n TP: 2 Base Dice Pool: n n n + n per Depletion Point Special: Cartridges – Uses Intermediate Pistol Cartridges.

Focus Fire + – Add an extra Depletion Point, and add n n , which adds a total of n n n to the dice pool.

Deadly – Adds n to the dice pool. Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool. Focus Fire + – Add 2 extra Depletion Points, and add n n , which adds a total of n n n n to the dice pool.

Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool.

Headshot + + + + + – Add n n n n to the dice pool. Target gets no Defense .Target gets no Defense and adds n n n n n n to their Actions next Round. BEAR PISTOL Capacity: 5 Speed: n n TP: 0 Base Dice Pool: n n n n n Special: Cartridges – Uses Massive Pistol Cartridges Defensive – Add n n to the dice pool if this is

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used to provide a Gear bonus to {Grpl%} Massive Recoil – Add n n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. If the Sb is 3 or more, add only n . Deadly – Adds n n n to the dice pool. Revolver – Depletion points do not add n to the dice pool. Reloading requires n per Depletion Point removed in order to reload. Speed loaders exist that function like a Magazine does in regards to reload speed. Snub Nose – This weapon loses all Long Range lethality Multipliers and reduces Medium Range Lethality Multipliers by 2x and Close Range by 1x. The firearm gets an extra n to add to the dice pool if the weapon is used to grant a Gear Bonus to Grapple%. The Speed to use this weapon is also reduced by n (already reflected in the Speed entry). Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool. Headshot + + + + + – Add n n n to the dice pool. Target gets no Defense. Target gets no Defense and adds n n n n n n to their Actions next Round.

Snub Nose – This weapon loses all Long Range lethality Multipliers and reduces Medium Range Lethality Multipliers by 2x and Close Range by 1x. The firearm gets an extra n to add to the dice pool if the weapon is used to grant a Gear Bonus to Grapple%. The Speed to use this weapon is also reduced by n (already reflected in the Speed entry). Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool. Point Blank Shot + – If used during Grapple, add n n to the dice pool.

Submachine Gun/ Machine Pistol Models MAC-10 Capacity: 30, 32 Speed: n n TP: 2 Base Dice Pool: n n n + n per Depletion Point or n n n n + n per Depletion Point. Special: Cartridges – Uses Intermediate or Heavy Pistol Cartridges. Heavy Recoil – If the MAC-10 model uses Heavy Pistol Cartridges, add n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more.

DERRINGER Capacity: 2 Speed: n TP: 0 Base Dice Pool: n n n + n per Depletion Point

Deadly – Adds n or n n to the dice pool depending whether or not it uses Intermediate or Heavy Pistol Cartridges.

Special: Cartridges – Uses either Small or Intermediate Pistol Cartridges.

Firing Mode, Fully Automatic – Making an Intent to use this firing mode will immediately get d3 bonus + and will add the same number


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of extra Depletion Points. Opponents targeted and those within a 45 degree firing arc from the user must make a {Cmps%} or their next Intent is delayed an additional n n . Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool. Suppressive Fire + – One target must make a {Cmps%} Save Throw with n per + spent on “Suppressive Fire”. Each - in the save throw will add n n to their next Check. Headshot + + + + + – Add n n n to the dice pool. Target gets no Defense. Target gets no Defense and adds n n n n n n to their Actions next Round. UZI Capacity: 20, 25, 32 Speed: n n TP: 2 Base Dice Pool: n n n + n per Depletion Point Special: Cartridges – Most factory models use Intermediate Pistol Cartridges. Deadly – Adds n to the dice pool. Heavy Recoil – Add n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. Magazine – The Uzi is magazine loaded. Accurate Hit + – Add n to the dice pool. Focus Fire + – Add 2 extra Depletion Points, and add n n which adds a total of n n n n to the dice pool.

Suppressive Fire + – Add n per + spent. One target must make a {Cmps%} or {Do%} Save Throw with n per + spent on “Suppressive Fire”. Each - in the Save Throw will add n n to their next Check. Headshot + + + + + – Add n n n to the dice pool. Target gets no Defense. Target gets no Defense and adds n n n n n n to their Actions next Round.


A carbine is a shortened barrel firearm that fires pistol ammunition. They fall into the blurry category between pistol and rifle in that they are clearly designed for use in two hands, but they use smaller cartridges that are used primarily in handguns. For a Carbine, a character uses the Lethality of pistol ranges, but uses the range increments of Rifles. The variance between models will be its available firing modes, ammo capacity and capability of taking modifications.

Long Guns

A long gun encompasses both rifles and shotguns. They are the standard weapons given to any military or paramilitary unity. They are designed for reliability and range. A firearm that requires two hands to use effectively is a long gun. As the name implies, it features a longer barrel, which gives the fired rounds better range and accuracy. There is incredible variety between models in their cartridge or shell as well as their firing mechanism. Some shorter models, like carbines or bull pup configurations, may still fall under the Long

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Gun category, even though they are on the small end of the spectrum in terms of overall length.


Intermediate Rifle Cartridge Lethality: 2x / 1x / 0x Models: 5.45x59 Soviet-7.62 Soiviet, 5.56 NATO, 30-06

Range: Undeployed - 6’-30’ / 31’-90’ / 91’+ Deployed - 12’-60’ / 61’-180’ / 181’+

Special: Deadly - Adds n to the dice pool when using this cartidge size.

CU: 2 Lethality: varies by cartridge Capacity: varies by model, but is equal to the ammo capaicty of the actual model of firearm Speed: n n n

Heavy Rifle Cartridge Lethality: 2x / 1x / 0x Models: 7mm 300 WSM, 6.5 Arisaka-.30-40 Krag, 8mm Mauser

{SC%}: {Int%}, {Frm-L%}, {Srvl%*} Special: Capacity - The capacity of a long gun could be a range of numbers based upon the model and make of the firearm. Small Rifle Cartridge Lethality: 2x / 1x / 0x Models: .22


Special: Heavy Recoil - Add n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. Deadly - Adds n n to the dice pool when using this cartridge size. Massive Rifle Cartridge Lethality: 2x / 1x / x0

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Models: .50 BMG, 308 Laputa Magnum Special: Massive Recoil – Add n n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. If the Sb is 3 or more, add only n . Deadly – Adds n n n to the dice pool when using this cartridge size. RIFLE MODELS .22 Rifle Capacity: 10, 15, 17, 21, 30 (tubular or magazine) Speed: n n TP: 2 Special: Cartridges - Uses Small Rifle Cartridges. 30-06 Bolt Action Rifle Capacity: 6 Speed: n n n n TP: 1

Special: Bolt Action – Add n to the dice pool. Already reflected in the “Speed” entry. Depletion Points do not add n to the dice pool, but reloading is necessary when the Depletion Points equals the Capacity entry. Cartridges – Uses Heavy Rifle Cartridges. Heavy Recoil - Add n to the dice pool unless a character’s Sb is 3 or more. Deadly – Adds n n to the dice pool. AK-47 Capacity: 5, 10, 20, 30, 75 Speed: n n n Special: Cartridges – Uses Intermediate Rifle Cartridges. Deadly – Adds n to the dice pool.

- Equipment -


Firing Mode, Fully Automatic – Making an Intent to use this firing mode will immediately get d3 bonus + and will add the same number of extra Depletion Points. Opponents targeted and those within a 45 degree firing arc from the user must make a {Cmps%} or their next Intent is delayed an additional n n .

{SC%}: {Int%}, {Frm-L%}, {Srvl%*} Special: Noise – Each time a character uses a shotgun, it will generate W d3 for the GM to use. 00 Buckshot Lethality: 3x / 1x / Special: Deadly - Add n to the dice pool. 7 1/2 Birdshot Lethality: 2x / 1x / Armor Penetrating/Steel Lethality: 2x / 1x / -

Shotguns The shotgun and its many variants are distinct in that they are designed to fire not single solid rounds, but shot pellets that are designed to hit small, fast-moving targets. Among the most useful traits a shotgun has is that it can utilize multiple specialized shells to accomplish a myriad of different effects. Most models of shotgun will have slow rates of fire, but there are some military grade models that have the rates of fire that compare to rifles with special firing modes. Range: 1’-25’ / 26’-45’ / 46’+ CU: 2 Lethality: varies by shell Capacity: varies by model, but is equal to the ammo capacity of the actual model of firearm Speed: n n n FC: Varies by model


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Special: Armor Piercing 3 Damage – Add [Pi] to damage types Deadly – Add n to the dice pool.

Deadly – Add n n to the dice pool.

Bolo Lethality: 2x / 1x / -

Special: Stun – This does not inflict damage, but it will add n to their next Intent per + in the attack against all the targets. Grenade Lethality: 2x / 1x / -

Gas Lethality: 4x / - / -

Special: Specialty – Add n n n to the dice pool. Bind – The target of this shell will add n n n to the dice pool for movement actions until freed. Buck and Ball Lethality: 3x / 2x / -

Deadly – Add n n n to the dice pool

Brenneke and Foster Lethality: 3x / 2x / 1x Disintegration or Breaching Lethality: 4x Using this will not have any Lethality, except perhaps at point blank. This shell is used for blow out deadbolts, so it will add d6 Labor per + to any attempt to enter a secured location. Fleschette Lethality: 2x / 1x / 0x Special: Damage - add [Sl] to damage types. Tungsten Lethality: 2x / 1x / Special: Armor Piercing 4

Special: Specialty – Add n to the dice pool

Screecher/Flare This is a noisemaker or signal. Either way, it can be used to allow characters searching for the user to add @ 10d5! to any Search and Rescue missions. It will also add 2d5! W when used. SHOTGUN MODELS Assault Shotgun Capacity: 10 Speed: n n n TP: 3 Break, Double Barrel Capacity: Special Speed: n n n TP: 2 Special: Single Action – A double barrel shotgun can only fire twice before needing to be reloaded. Firing both barrels simultaneously will add n n to the dice pool.

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dice pool if the weapon is used to grant a Gear Bonus to {Frm-L%} at Close Range. The Speed to use it is also reduced by n .

Military Grade Shotgun Capacity: 8, 20, 32 Speed: n n n TP: 3

Bows and Crossbows

Pump Action Capacity: 6, 8 Speed: n n n TP: 2 Special: Pump-Action – A ‘Pump-Action’ firearm will † results on Depletion Rolls as 0 but will treat H require n in order to use, which is already reflected in the Speed entry. Sawed-Off Shotgun CU: 1 Capacity: Special Speed: n n TP: 1 Special: Pistol – This weapon can be used in the same manner as one would use a pistol weapon. Single Action – A double barrel shotgun only can fire twice before needing to be reloaded. Firing both barrels simultaneously will add n n to the dice pool. Defensive – If the sawed off shotgun is used to add a Gear bonus to {Grpl%}, then add an additional n n to the dice pool. Sawed-Off – The Sawed Off weapon loses all Long Range lethality Multipliers and reduces Medium Range Lethality Multipliers by 2x and Close Range by 1x to a minimum of 0x. The firearm gets an extra n to add to the


Bow weapons have reliably served humanity for longer than civilization has recorded history. Sadly, despite the tremendous advantages such weapons have in the events of the fall of civilization, its use is relegated to a select few. Modern accouterments have given the humble bow incredible striking power, but it still demands far more practice than does a firearm to produce consistent hits. The crossbow, both historically and in modern times are a small exception. The development of the crossbow changed the face of warfare by allowing common soldiers to replicate the effectiveness of a trained archer. CU: •• Base Dice Pool: uu +n in “Speed” Special Rules Capacity – All bow weapons use the Capacity of the Extra Supplies–Arrows/Bolts they logically must carry in order to use bow weapons. The container itself takes up CU as the appropriate sized Kit normally. Training – Using this kind of weapon without at least a Training Value of 1 In “Archery Gear” will add n n n for Bow weapons and n n for crossbows. BOW/CROSSBOW MODELS Bow Lethality: 1x/0x/Capacity: special

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Speed: n n n Compound Bow Lethality: 2x/1x/Speed: n n n Special: Break – Using this with an Sb of 2 or less will add n n to the dice pool. Crossbow Lethality: 2x/1x/Speed: n n Special: Reload – If a character’s Sb is 2 or less, add n n n when the crossbow needs to be reloaded in order to use in the same Round. If Sb is 3 or higher, only add n n . Compound Crossbow Lethality: 2x/1x/0x Speed: n n

Special: Deadly – Add n to the Dice Pool. Reload – See above. SPECIAL AMMUNITION Broadhead Arrows/Bolts Any + spent on abilities that allow the rolling of n will get an extra n to add to the target of their attack. Target Arrows/Bolts These are commonly available, but are generally only for target sports. Using them as ammunition will add n to the Dice Pool. Handmade Handcrafted arrows are generally not as good as precision factory models. Using them as ammunition will add n n to the Dice Pool.

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Gamemastering To run a session of Outbreak: Undead.. requires a certain willingness to subject characters who may be based on the players themselves to unimaginable horrors. The threat of their demise is ever-present. For this reason, a lot of caution and some planning needs to go into each session so that the players have an enjoyable (if not informative) session.

result from the collapse of society, and they are very unpalatable subjects. Some of those elements are often not distant enough cultural memories to be exploited for the sake of a game without risking outright insensitivity. In some cases, such savage realities exists to this day somewhere in the world, and to make light of it would be disrespectful and particularly immoral to ignore as being a tragic reality of our present human condition.

A Few Words of Caution

The Basics of Storytelling

We cannot stress enough the importance of gauging the general attitude of your group before planning a session. This is almost an issue unique to Outbreak: Undead.. because this is one of the few games that has players playing themselves as characters as a wellintegrated method of gameplay. As such, the players will want to believe themselves capable, composed, intelligent, and qualified. The events of the game may prove this incredibly untrue. Depending upon the personality of the player, this may be news that is not well taken. This caution also extends to the use of family, friends, or even pets of the players as tertiary characters. Of equal importance to consider, the setting of this game invites some incredibly dark and ghastly possibilities for encounters and events. This can expose your players and their characters to the darkest depths of human depravity as realties their characters could face but that are personally revolting to the players. Ruthless vigilantism, cottage industry cannibalism, trafficking, and the reduction of humans to cattle to be bred, brutalized, or even auctioned off as slaves until eaten may


While you are running a game, what you are actually doing is immersing the players into a story that they are participating in. There are many examples of zombie movies, books, television shows, and comics that vary tremendously in their effectiveness in telling a story. With few exceptions, all the ones you are thinking of, whether you like it or not, told the story they set out to tell. The difference is how much the audience can resonate with the characters, and any good story will involve caring deeply about what happens to the characters. Then again, a “slasher” film with the undead will not concern itself so much with the characters but with the delight of killing zombies and maybe saving/losing a few companions in the process (all in good fun in that situation). There may even be a perverse joy in seeing just how badly the characters end up meeting their demise. Since there are a variety of games you can run given the setting, a few examples and any related rule changes that result are listed here.

Survival Horror

The classic Survival Horror scenario is a good default if you don’t know what to do.

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Resources are scarce, the chance of survival is low and there are many avenues a character can attempt in a desperate bid to survive. In this scenario, character personalities and the social roles they adopt are very important to distinguish, as this is a highly story-driven campaign. Realism and elements of horror are married well in this sort of scenario. Rarely does this scenario involve truly digging in and making a dedicated Stronghold, although they may establish encampments as they make their way to their ultimate destination. Recommended for: General interest, fans of horror, and those who enjoy strategizing and managing dwindling resources. Rules Adaptation(s) for “Survival Horror” In a “Survival Horror” scenario, characters start with a fairly large amount of l, which is determined by the amount and difficulty of the Missions that will comprise the session planned. The GM will add the total of all the Primary l Rewards to determine the amount of l the characters start with, and as the scenario progresses, characters will attempt to survive the gauntlet of challenges ahead of them. Characters who do poorly will cause the GM to use various Hazards such as ‘Deus Ex Machina’ in order to reduce their SP total, but it allows characters to survive the harrowing ordeal at the expense of their l rewards. An l total that is reduced to 0 will remove this safety net from the characters, and they will be forced to face the full consequence of their decisions. Any leftover l the characters have not lost or spent at the session’s end will be kept and distributed among the players normally.

Outbreak Level

Much of what happens to characters in-game is determined by the “Outbreak Level”, often abbreviated as “OL”. The higher the number of OL, the further away from an intact society the game takes place. Outbreak Levels

Outbreak Level 0

This is most peoples’ frame of reference for what is normal. There is no disruption of commerce. Citizens go about their day as if nothing is amiss.

Outbreak Level 1

The initial onset of a conflict. Many facilities are intact, and most familiar surroundings are unscathed. Panic is setting in, and the world that the characters know may change forever. The majority of the population could be unaware that anything is awry.

Outbreak Level 2

It is apparent this is severe crisis. Most people have at least heard something is wrong. The threat is escalating, and most people are abandoning their posts if not obligated by the military or government.

Outbreak Level 3

Panic sets in. Martial Law is formally declared, and non-essential business halts.

Outbreak Level 4

History will remember this time as being one of conflict, seemingly without end. Even if the opponents were defeated, the social conscience of the populace will still be forever scarred. There is no assurance that things will be normal again.

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Hack and Slash

This scenario is a straightforward getting from point A to point B to survive sort of game. The goal here is to make the encounters with Opponents fast and fun. This is easily the most story and realism-light way to play, which means that characters can, in fact, inexplicably have access to military grade weapons and face foes that defy reason or any real logical origin. Elements of fantasy and sorcery of some kind can even be a part of your story if you so desire. Recommended for: fans of slasher films, casual gamers, one-off scenarios Rules Adaptation(s) for “Hack and Slash” Characters in a “Hack and Slash” scenario don’t have to obey any logical story cohesion as to how or why they are fighting on the same side. GMs can offer their own Resource Catalogs that include any kind of weapon and include Opponents of any variety. The one and only rule is to make Encounters fast and exciting. There is no greater concern for story in this scenario.

The Aftermath

This is a very involved campaign. It requires a dedicated group that represent likewiseminded dedicated characters who are determined to rebuild civilization by carving an existence in the wasteland the apocalypse left behind. The focus is on not just surviving, but living. For this reason, characters may find themselves finding and working on things that involve more than just day-to-day survival. Things like finding important books and building a nursery may seem trivial, but they may mean everything to the characters


in the scenario. In The Aftermath, the GM must spend some thought and time describing what form the post-apocalypse has taken. This should include what, if any competing forces are at work other than the omnipresent threat of the Undead. Lastly, this scenario has an incredible range of roles the characters can play. They can be very involved and tell a detailed story of this post-apocalypse world, or they can actually play the role of players, and let an Encounter Table and supplementary Encounter Decks decide what dangers the players all face. Rules Adaptation(s) for “The Aftermath” The Aftermath will almost always take place in OL 4. All missions are essentially character initiated or follows a loose story arc provided by the GM. In truth, this could be called Outbreak Level 5, which indicates a purely speculative post-apocalypse society. In this scenario, the characters must make every effort to maintain a Stronghold. The players can continue to use their characters so long as they are alive, but without a Stronghold to run or be a part of, this scenario would be considered a failure. The characters must then resort to Survival Horror until they can establish a new Stronghold. THE STRONGHOLD Characters can establish a Stronghold as a base of operation. This area will me relatively more secure and safe than the surrounding area. A Stronghold can also be upgraded to have new features. Any base Stronghold will have the same establishment Mission; however, the GM can alter the parameters as they feel

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appropriate to the scenario and the specifics of the location. Labor is generated by either inflicting damage to inhabitants to drive them out, or to do repairs or some combination of the two. Establish Stronghold @100 x Size of the Location @5 x Size for upkeep Characters are able to rest a little easier in a secured Stronghold. Secured – While within the perimeter of a Stronghold, the GM cannot make any E% for free during periods of Time. Any Encounters that take place can only do so by spending Risk. Clear Area – The GM may use the Hazards available to them for “Clear Area” missions.

Encounters The Encounter

A GM will be able to deploy Opponents and other challenges by using the + from an E%. Each OL will add a bonus + to the E% result, as high numbers of + will generally result in an Encounter with more or deadlier Opponents. ALTERING THE E% RESULT Many Hazards and Tactics as well as using Checks like {Stealth%} can alter the Encounter Check {E%}. They generally will add either a + or a - . Apply such alterations before deploying any Opponents or playing any additional effects that are based on the result of an E%. Some special rules will alter an Encounter Check for the purposes of triggering a specific

effect. In these cases, the actual E% is not effected, except for the specific purposes of triggering that effect. An Encounter Table can be specific to a scenario, but there is a general table that can be used until the GM can specialize it further with their own unique Opponents. USING AN ENCOUNTER DECK A GM can opt to use an Encounter Deck. This gives an element of randomness to what characters face. This is in place of or supplementary to using the cards as purely a narrative reference. The GM has 5 cards ‘In Play’ that function as different challenges a character can face and draws 3 cards into their hand +1 additional card per OL. The cards in play are what are added to the Encounter Check result and can be a unique set of Opponents, special circumstances, hazards or some special Mission that characters can take. All of these can be utilized at certain results of an Encounter Check as if they were part of the Encounter Table or played as Hazards by paying W costs. Most cards from an Encounter Deck are used only once, then discarded and replaced with the next card on the top of the deck or from a number of cards in the GM’s hand.

Encounter Checks The majority of what a GM does while running a session is making and interpreting Encounter Checks (E%). The question of where and when depends upon the scenario, but there are a few rules of thumb the GM can use to determine when to make Encounter Checks.

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The GM can make an E% when... • One period of Time passes. • Characters enter a new Location. • A certain number of Rounds pass during Encounters. • The GM pays W 5 reduced by W 1 per Outbreak Level. • Characters spend too much time out of game deliberating.

Determining the Percentage Chance of an Encounter Check

Unless a target percentage chance is predetermined by scenario notes, the percentage chance of an Encounter Check (E%) is equal to 10% per Pb of the “Standard” Opponent. Many Opponent special rules such as ‘Improved Sense’ will grant further bonuses. Some Hazards can alter this as well.

Basic Encounter Checks Each Outbreak Level will add a bonus + to the E% result. The GM can also add a bonus + to the E% result by spending W 10 after the roll is made. Standard, Template, and Unique Opponents will be gone over in detail in the Opponents section, but a basic rundown is as follows: Standard Opponents – The most common Opponent possible. It is their Pb that will determine the E% percentage chance. Template Opponents – An upgraded version of a Standard Opponent. Some special Opponents can be deployed if the E% results in


this, or a Standard Opponent can be upgraded with various W purchases. Unique Opponents – An Opponent that is literally one of a kind, extremely rare or particularly deadly. IF THE CHARACTERS WISH TO ALTER THE ENCOUNTER LOCATION... If the characters are at a severe disadvantage where the GM decides to have the Encounter, then the characters will be able to make a {Nav%} as an opposed Check to the GM’s E%. The one with the higher + will be allowed to determine where the Encounter takes place. Ties will go to the GM. However, if the players wish to change the Location of the Encounter, then the characters count as having actually traveled in that direction and entered that Location. This is important, because the GM is often restricted in the kinds of Opponents and Hazards they are able to play, and different Locations will often alter what it is a GM can deploy and use against the characters. The opposed Check of the GM’s E% versus the characters’ {Nav%} does not alter the rolls. The full result of the GM’s E% is what is used to determine the severity of the Encounter. IF THE CHARACTERS WISH TO ALTER THE RESULTS OF AN E%... If characters wish to alter the results of the E% itself, they make either a {Stlh%} against whatever Opponents are deployed against them or the characters will have the encounter with the opponents anyway. In both cases, it is safe to assume that these are considered † results on any ‘Risky’ actions, and as such H

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d5! will compound any negative results the players get or simply generate more Risk. Hiding Characters attempt to hide if they are going to ground and diverting all their efforts into not being detected. The characters stop their Movement at wherever the Encounter takes place and make a {Stlh%} against the Opponents’ {Sp/Li%}. The characters’ Check will be treated as a normal Opposed Check in regards to how it alters the result of the opposing Check. Characters who do not get enough + to reduce the E% to less than 0 + will still have an Encounter, but the reduced + will be what is applied to the results of the E%. This represents the characters avoiding the bulk of the Opponents with their efforts. However, there is no reason why the GM can’t deploy the remaining Opponents determined by the original E% after enough rounds pass. A general rule of thumb is that the additional Opponents arrive (d5!-Pb of the Opponent) Rounds later, to a minimum of 1. The result † could indicate that all the Opponents of an H are deployed, but the characters have the advantage of having a Surprise Round. Sneaking Characters attempt to sneak if they are trying to reduce the results of an E% but still wish to Move. The Difficulty of the Check is increased by n per + in the E%, but the Check is made as an Opposed Check to the {Sp/Li%} of their Opponents. The characters will treat the Check as a normal Opposed Check in regards to how it alters the result of the opposing Check. If the Check is successful, then the Encounter

Check is modified (for better or worse) or avoided entirely based on the result, but the GM decides where it is the characters needed to go in order to effectively sneak around their Opponents. The Location moved to in order to avoid the Encounter may not be any further than any distance that ‘Slow’ movement will allow from the Encounter’s original Location. The GM can present options as to where a character may go in order to attempt a Sneak Check, and bonuses or penalties or some scenario narrative may be altered as a result. The GM must be able to describe this with some narrative, otherwise the GM is just stalling and frustrating the characters for no real reason other than because the rules mechanically allow for it. If the GM cannot come up with a convincing reason as to why characters are stalled or diverted from their original course, then they should not do so.

Narrative Scenarios The GM can opt against using Encounter Checks at all and have every Encounter scripted, planned or determined by the narration of the session. This form is far more informal and requires the GM to be wellinvested in the development of the scenario. When deciding whether to use E% or Narrative Scenarios, it’s important to remember that it is not an either or decision. In fact, even using strictly E%, the GM would benefit their players tremendously by explaining how or in what manner the Opponents encounter the players in the way one does in a purely narrative scenario.

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Characters can undertake Missions to get Survival Points (l) to progress in the scenario or get some other benefit. Regardless of the effect, the means of getting there follow the same structure. Characters must generate Labor (@) to accomplish the mission. How Labor is generated depends upon the mission, but it will be described in the entry. Generally it’s by Skill Checks. Anatomy of a Mission Card 1. Name – The name of the Mission 2. Category –The category of Mission card. Most will simply say “Mission” 3. Labor Cost – The amount of Labor that the party must generate before they can take advantage of the Success entry. The Location of the Mission will provide additional Risk to any Mission that is being undertaken there. 4. Risk Pool – The bonus Risk the GM gets if the characters attempt to accomplish the Mission 5. Skill Checks% – The Skill Checks characters can make to generate Labor (@). 6. Description – A short description of the Mission. 7. Hazards – Hazards the GM can use that are unique to characters accomplishing this Mission 8. Success – The reward characters get for accomplishing this Mission 9. Failure – The result of failing the Mission

can modify this further. GAMEMASTER FIAT Bonus @ can be granted by the GM if the characters demonstrate the capacity for creative thinking and situational awareness. Basically, Labor is meant to be the GM’s tool to gauge progress in a Mission and Campaign. It is not meant to be a restrictive criteria or another tally that players need to track. Reward ingenuity whenever possible, especially if a character or party of characters are close to the @ total they need to reach. However, larger bumps in @ may correspond with extra W for the GM.

1 3

Each + in a relevant Skill Check by any character will add @ d5! to the progress of the Mission. Many gear, or character Traits


5 6



Labor (@)



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The GM must utilize locations where the characters are undertaking missions or even just passing through. Anatomy of a Location Card 1. Name – Name of the Location 2. Category – Category of Location, should any special distinction exist. Location Features will have “Location Features” or “Location Hazard” instead of just Location, for example. 3. Labor – The amount of Labor added to any Mission undertaken at this Location 4. Risk Pool – The amount of Risk the GM gets to use on a party of characters that enter this Location. 5. Survival Points (l) – The bonus Survival Points that a party of characters get by accomplishing a Mission at the Location 6. Description – A short Location description 7. Hazards – Hazards the GM has access to when Characters are in the Location 8. Resource Levels – What category of things can be found at the Location when appropriate Resource Levels are unlocked by “Supply Run” Missions or something similar.

Location Hazards

A gamemaster can utilize Hazards at a location to give some variety to Encounters. Many Locations will have their own unique Hazards, which will be listed in an entry or on a reference card itself, however there are many common Hazards that can apply to nearly every Location or are common across similar Locations. Simply listing the name of the Hazard in an entry or on a reference card will mean that the rules are used in the manner they are presented here. However, an additional line or two may give context as it applies to




5 6



the Location specifically. Similarly, the same Hazard may have different W costs from one Location to the next, so very rarely will a static value be presented here for reference. A GM can, of course, invent their own Location Hazards and set their own W costs to better reflect the reality of their situation. Sample list of Location Hazards BEASTS Animals have devoured a good portion of the food. Add +2d5! Depletion Points to all “Supplies–Sustenance” Resource Levels. Characters can also encounter one kind of “Beast” as a Standard Opponent. The W cost is equal to the deployment cost of the beast or beasts that have taken up residence.

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DARKNESS Add n per Environmental Modifier to all checks with “Perception” as a Primary Attribute. EXPOSED Make an Encounter% due to the visibility of the location to others. HOSTILE SURVIVOR One Survivor that is encountered is hostile to characters. This W cost is equal to the Eb + Pb of the Survivor. This works best when using Survivor Cards as a random game element. Otherwise, using the “Vigilantes” is sufficent. MAKESHIFT GRAVE Characters encounter a grisly mass grave. They must make a {Composure%} check in order to resist the loss of Morale.

ODOR OF ROT Add n to all checks due to the overwhelming odor of rot. PICKED CLEAN The popularity of this location means it’s picked clean quickly. The characters get a bonus @+10 and decrease the l reward by the same amount. Add a DP to all Resource Levels. STANDARD OPPONENT Deploy one Standard Opponent by paying their W cost. TEMPLATE OPPONENT Upgrade any amount of Standard Opponents with their available upgrades by paying the W cost. TRAIL OF GORE An obvious trail of gore leads to a destination that the characters must traverse. Either they add an additional Time and utilize checks that generate @15 in order to circumvent the threat, or the GM gets the W cost back when paying for this Hazard +50% rounding up. VIGILANTES Deploy Vigilantes by paying their W cost. They are neutral unless the GM pays additional Risk equal to their W cost again. In which case, they are hostile.

Location Features

The characters can try to utilize a special feature that is unique to the Location as opposed to just using a Location for shelter and a place to find supplies.


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Location Features vary tremendously and their functions will have various @ costs associated with it. Because of the huge variety of features that characters potentially find and utilize, it is more effective to simply alert a GM to their existence and use for when they appear in an entry or on a reference card.

Risk Risk is abbreviated with the symbol W and is the currency of the GM to make ordinary gameplay more challenging. it can be thought of as the evil twin of Survival Points (l), which generally is used to benefit the characters. Risk is generated by player Actions, Encounter Check results and Mission choice and Locaton. Risk is spent on Hazards, special Actions for Opponents, and Upgrades to Opponents.

Using Risk HAZARDS A Hazard is a one-time effect that will confound the players in some fashion. They are typically situational challenges or additional difficulties to a characters’ situation. There is generally no restriction as to how or when the GM can use a Hazard, although some Hazards require certain situations to present themselves. Such distinctions will be made in the entry, should they exist. UPGRADES These are upgrades to Opponents in an Encounter. Each upgraded Opponent will take up a ‘Template’ slot that will be indicated by the results of the E% Check or Hazard purchase. These upgrades can include increased combat

prowess, additional equipment, or access to one or more special rules opponents can take advantage of during the Encounter. ACTIONS These are played as special Actions that Opponents can utilize during Encounters. These function the way that Tactics do for characters. These Actions will either be Instant Actions, Sustained Actions, provide bonus + to certain kinds of Checks or trigger some special effect. Either way, they function the same way that Instant and Sustained Actions do for characters.

Gaining Risk

An important part of running a game of Outbreak: Undead.. is determining what generates W for your scenario. These are called Risk Factors. There are a few go-to features you can use, but there are many creative ways the GM can accumulate W for use against the players. These are the most common ways a GM can generate W during a session: CHARACTER ACTIONS Characters in Encounters are already in highrisk situations. It would stand to reason that any action that they take could imperil both themselves and their companions. The GM can remove the - a character generates and can negate it and add W for their own use. Each - will generate W 1 per Outbreak Level. CHARACTER MOVEMENT Characters moving during periods of Time who are fortunate enough to avoid an Encounter are still leaving a trail that others can follow. Each period of Time, each character in a party

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will generate 1 W per OL and will add an additional 1 W per - in any {Nav%} they make during this period of Time. HAZARDS Hazards that generate Risk are generally uncommon. Since they require W costs in order to use in the first place, Hazards that generate Risk usually require some other condition to be met in order to gain additional W for the GM’s use. OPPONENTS Some Opponents are capable of making a situation deadlier for the characters by having means to alert others. Generally, this will be a passive effect that will earn a small amount of W for the GM. However, certain Opponents

or Opponents with certain equipment or special features granted by Upgrades will be able to spend Actions to generate large amounts of W to represent them actively calling for reinforcements.

Sample Scenario Outbreak: Undead.. is a survival horror RPG. What this means for designing scenarios is that resources of thin and problems that we would have no problem dealing with are now life-or-death struggles. The example we will be presenting here is one of these trivial issues that, with the end of the world, is now a catastrophic event. The characters are part of a stronghold or caravan with other survivors. One of these others has been injured and that injury has become infected. The group doctor, either one of the characters or an NPC survivor, needs medical supplies to cure the infection. The characters must travel to a nearby town for a supply run. Building this scenario starts with the objective, mainly to treat the injury. Since the survivor has suffered significant injury already (being reduced from 5 to 3 Health Points), this will not be a simple task, and requires an Advanced Medicine {AMed%} check. The characters can attempt to make this check without aid, but failure is almost guaranteed. Instead, they decide to travel to town, avoid zombies, and get antibiotics. This will translate mechanically into providing additional @ from the Supply Run mission to succeeding at the Treat Injury mission by


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using the supplies they find. However, the zombies in town are an additional obstacle the characters need to defeat. This can take the form of clearing the street in front of the store they are going to, which involves a very risky fight that could attract a lot of other zombies, or sneaking in and out of the store, a less of a gamble. So, the final mission selected is to Lay Low. The order of missions therefore is Lay Low → Supply Run→Treat Injury. Each mission should have a list of reasonable Skill Checks {SC%} that will generate Labor. In the case of Lay Low, Stealth {Stlh%}, Spot/Listen {S/L%}, and perhaps Survival {Srvl%} will all help. However, the players may come up with some other ideas that would help them too. A GM can also reward stealthy strategies. For instance, a character that decides to spend the bonus + granted from a {Hold%} the previous round on l5 instead of using it to boost a {Firearm–Pistol%} check.

that mission should then count during the final mission, Treat Injury, to make it easier to treat and heal the injured survivor. Finally, the flavor for the scenario is up to the GM. For this mission, Lay Low would probably be prowling through the alleys of the town, avoiding zombies by the skin of the characters’ teeth, until they get into the store where a few zombies are still shambling around, and finally escaping back to the stronghold or caravan where their friend is on death’s door.

A player doesn’t need to know that @ was generated from a {Hold%}, but the narration, the character options and the nature of the chosen mission make this reward a pretty obvious one. As a GM, always be on the lookout for opportunities for your players to provide some out-of-the-box thinking and strategy that may result in @ in ways that may fall outside the provided parameters. For Supply Run, Labor generation would definitely bed done by Search {Srch%}, Spot/ Listen {S/L%}, but First Aid {FAid%} and Advanced Medicine {AMed%} would help in identifying supplies. The @ generated during

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1 2

The characters will face down many opponents during their efforts to survive. Some are monsters in the most commonly understood sense of the word. Some, however, are familiar faces, normal people who turned desperate when the whole world went mad. Opponent Card Anatomy 1. Name – The name of the opponent. 2. Category – The category of opponent. 3. Portrait – An approximation of what the Opponent may look like. 4. E% to Deploy – The number of + the GM can spend from a successful Encounter% to deploy this Opponent. 5. Risk Cost – Failing to get enough + or wishing to increase the number of Opponents in the Encounter, the GM can pay this Risk cost in order to deploy this Opponent. 6. SPEW Attributes – The Opponent’s core SPEW Attributes. They serve the same function as they do for player Characters. Some opponents have “–” in the entry, which indicates that the Attribute does not apply. 7. Vitality – The Opponent’s Damage Threshold, Defense and number of Health points. 8. Base Dice Pool – The Base Dice Pool that the Opponent uses for all Skill Checks. 9. Skill Checks {SC%} – Notable Skill Check percentage chances that the Opponent has access to. All other Skill Checks can be determined by the SPEW Attributes normally. 10. Special Rules – Where special rules for the Opponent will be listed. 11. Attacks/Effects – The kinds of attacks the Opponent can take by spending + generated from the appropriate kinds of Checks or by the



4 6



8 9 10 11


spending of Risk. 12. Upgrades/Hazards – Either upgrades or triggered effecrts that an Opponent can manifest when the GM spends Risk. Upgrades can only be chosen before the Opponent is Deployed.

Deploying Opponents The GM can deploy Opponents once they determine how many are in the Encounter with characters. Since the location of the Encounter can vary tremendously, the GM deploys Opponents based on relative distance to the characters. Opponents may not be deployed closer than 10’ per Pb of a character. The minimum distance can be altered by 10 feet per + in a {Stlh%} or {Sp/Li%} in the attacking or defending side respectively.

- Opponents -

New Opponents Entering Encounters

Ducts/Pipes: { Climb%, Nav%} Fences: {Climb%, Nav%} Natural Surroundings: {Nav%, Sp/Li%, Srvl%} Roads/Streets/Bodies of Water: {End%, Nav%, Pil–Vehicle%} Walls: {Climb%} Windows: {Brl%, Climb%, MA%}

New Opponents can be deployed in an existing Encounter, as many Opponents and Hazards have the ability to raise an alarm, calling for reinforcements. Some Opponents just draw more attention to themselves naturally. The GM can deploy new Opponents (if allowed by some rule or by the paying of Risk). They are not deployed automatically, however. New Opponents must somehow “Breach” the boundaries of the Encounter.

UNIQUE BREACH OPTIONS Some Opponents have unique options to them when attempting to Breach. They will either ignore normal barriers by being adapted well enough to take advantage of different kinds of Skill Checks to attempt a Breach action or be able to ignore obstacles altogether. For instance, any barrier that can be overcome by {Climb%} can be ignored by Opponents that can fly, and can thus be deployed immediately.

Breach Checks

FLEEING If characters flee an Encounter while there are still Opponents that are Deployed and Out of Bounds, then the GM can add W +d3 per Opponent that was Out of Bounds when the characters flee. Deployed Opponents will typically add W +d5!

Another rule of thumb is that Opponents are to be deployed as obtrusively as possible while still obeying the deployment distance, as an Encounter represents a situation with no obvious escape.

A Breach Check is much like a Save Throw, in that it is not one kind of check. Rather it is a category of check that can be fulfilled by a few different kinds of Skill Check as the situation dictates. Occasionally the opponents must overcome an actual physical barrier, like walls, doors, fences, and windows. Sometimes, it’s distance and time. Either way, the Opponents must succeed in a Check relative to the kind of obstacle they are overcoming in order to be deployed. Failing this Check will have them remain “Out of Bounds” for the Encounter and unable to participate actively in the Encounter. Until their Breach Check is successful, they are considered “Out of Bounds”. POTENTIAL BREACHES Doors, simple wooden: {Brl%, MA%}

RANGED COMBAT AND OPPONENTS OUT OF BOUNDS Characters and Opponents with ranged weapons will be able to make attacks against each other with weapons that feature a Long Range multiplier. In fact, it is precisely for these situations that Long Range Lethality is even provided, as otherwise the ranges represented by that multiplier would never factor into the distances represented in an Encounter.

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“Infected” Opponent.

Outbreak: Undead.. presents different options (symptoms) for multiple types of viral infections. If the Viral total is greater than the Tens digit (or Bonus) of the SPEW stat it effects, then the character succumbs to the Virus and becomes an Opponent with all the Horror Traits of the standard Opponent of the outbreak scenario. If the Virus does not alter a SPEW stat, then the virus will simply damage a character until the virus is somehow removed or the character is killed. The following are a list of ‘Symptoms’ that apply specifically to the Virus that serve as penalties to characters who are infected: Succumbing A character can eventually succumb to the effects of the virus. Upon doing so, they will become one of the undead and will have all of the abilities that are granted by the various Symptoms. When and how a character turns is detailed at the end of this section.


List of Symptoms

NAME OF SYMPTOM Effect of Symptom Special rules that will result from attaining the amount of Viral in the parenthesis. Manifested Horror Traits (Viral Total Needed). An (S) indicates that the Horror Trait manifests once the infected finally succumb to the virus. Outbreak Scenarios that feature a virus with a particular symptom that manifests at (S) will automatically apply to the Standard


LIST OF HORROR TRAITS • Advanced Weaponry (Melee/Ranged) – Undead can make {MA%} or any Ranged attack check, as appropriate. • Defense [Damage Type] – +1 Def. against a certain Damage Type. •Enthralled – Characters will have the “Compelled” Disadvantage. • Evacuation – Has access to Evacuation attack for + + + if they make a {Grpl%}. This attack inflicts 1 Viral. • Hematophagy – + + Add n n n n when making a Grapple check. • Highly Infectious – n to Save Throws vs. [Vi] • Mobility – Bonus + to any Breach check. • OBM – See pg. 143 • Photophobia – being in direct light adds n n to all their Actions. • Tough – Add +3 to Damage Threshold. • Undead – See pg. 144. •V  icious – Add n each time an attack check is made in melee or grapple range.

DELIRIUM The virus damages or suppresses the Cerebellum. Each Viral point adds n to all Skill Checks with Willpower as a primary attribute and will not allow any Wb to be claimed for any other Checks. Advanced Weaponry (S) HALLUCINATION The virus wreaks havoc on the Occipital Lobe

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and Visual Cortex. Each Viral point adds n to all Checks with Perception as a primary attribute and will not allow any Pb to be claimed for any other checks. Advanced Weaponry - Ranged (S) HEMORRHAGIC When healing damage during Natural Healing, prevent the Healing of 1 damage per Viral point. No Sb can be claimed to see how much damage is healed during natural healing. Hematophagy (S), Vicious (4) MUTATION/INVASIVE GROWTH This virus causes rapid mutation or invasive growths fueled by consuming biomass. The resulting monster may barely be recognizable as once being human and be capable of terrifying strength or other unnatural abilities. The mutation will augment their abilities until the mutation becomes rampant. Empathy and one other SPEW Attribute becomes targeted. The combined bonus of these two SPEW Attributes will be the Viral needed for a character to Succumb. The remaining two SPEW Attributes will get a +1 Bonus per Viral until a character Succumbs. A character cannot claim an Eb for any Check. Mobility (4), Regeneration (2), Defense (damage type), OBM (S) NAUSEA/DIARRHEA A character is constantly nauseated and will vomit up whatever they attempt to eat or drink. Each point of Viral will require that a character ingest an additional Food or they

will begin to starve. This lack of nutrition will sap the Strength of a character, so all Skill Checks with Strength as a primary attribute will have +1 to the required Moments per Viral point. Intravenous nutrition solutions and other medicines can prevent this to a certain degree. A character afflicted with this will also reduce the amount of Labor they produce in an amount equal to the Viral total. Evacuation (5) NECROSIS The virus will kill and rot the cells of the body and erode the muscle tissue of the character and/or the Motor Cortex of the brain. Each point of Viral adds 1 Difficulty to all Skill Checks with Str as a primary attribute and will not allow any Sb to be claimed for any other skill checks. Undead (S), Tough (5) PHOTOSENSITIVITY A character is easily disoriented and dazzled by bright lights. While in normal or brightly lit areas, a character will add n for all Actions per Viral point to all Checks with Perception as a primary attribute. Photophobia (7) RAGE The virus suppresses the functions of the Frontal Lobe and will cause a character to become irrational and full of blinding rage, gradually forgetting ties such as kinship or friendship. Each Viral point adds n to all Skill Checks with Empathy as a primary

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attribute and will not allow any Eb to be claimed for any other Checks. Vicious or Advanced Weaponry - Melee (S) SEPTIC Each period of Time, characters take 1 damage per Viral point and any Environmental Modifiers for ‘Unsanitary’. A {Tou%} will reduce this damage by 1 per + . Antiseptic medicine and {AMed%}, {FAid%} can also contribute + to prevent this damage. Highly Infectious (7)

Succumbing Succumbing will require that the Viral total is equal to or greater than the SPEW attribute bonus the Virus affects based on its symptoms. If no attribute is affected, then the character will succumb when they have no Health points remaining. Note: There are some Abilities or gear in the form of vaccines that can artificially increase the threshold where an afflicted character will Succumb. A Symptom may be determined by, or give insight into, the Horror Traits that result from infection, for instance, Nausea/Diarrhea may indicate the early stages of the Virus that gives the standard zombie their Evacuation Horror Trait.

Traits section Symptoms of the Virus. Some Horror Traits will not manifest unless the Opponent is suitably infected. For instance, should a Virus have symptoms that have Endurance (S), and Undead (6), that means that upon succumbing, the Opponent has the Endurance Horror Trait, but only after the Viral: 6 is reached will the Opponent count as being Undead. If the Virus has a combination of symptoms that overlap in what sort of Horror Trait results, always use the lowest Viral total to determine when such a Horror Trait will manifest. If a character’s Viral is high enough, it is possible for Horror Traits to manifest before a character ‘Succumbs’. They will take the form of handicaps or some other penalty. If a character manages to be strong enough or medicated heavily enough to prevent Succumbing at a Viral total that normally indicates a Horror Trait manifests, the Horror Trait is ignored until a character actually ‘Succumbs’, although the other Symptoms will get noticeably more violent. The Biologically Alive Opponents that were once humans or animals that succumb to the Virus no longer suffer the debilitation that the Virus infected. They will become what is considered Standard along with any Horror Traits the Virus causes based on its Symptoms.

A ‘Symptom’ will be a negative status affliction against characters who are infected and will serve as Horror Traits to those Opponents that have succumbed or turned. See the Horror


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The One Big Monster (O.B.M.) There are some Opponents so fierce, so large, and deadly that they cannot be killed by normal means. They are only slowed temporarily, giving characters a much-needed chance to escape. These creatures are called collectively “The One Big Monster” or O.B.M. for short. An O.B.M.’s abilities and morphologies vary tremendously, but their general relation to the campaign is similar. All O.B.M.s have a unique Ability or two as indicated in their entry; however, they will also all have access to the following abilities: Defense: +2 Damage Threshold: +10 Health Points: +2 Dangerous: An O.B.M. can add n to the dice pool for any attack {SC%} they make. O.B.M. UPGRADE(S) Dramatic Entry (W 25) An O.B.M. will automatically pass any Breach Check it needs to make to be deployed in the Encounter. Opponents must make a {Cmps%} or become “Panciked”. Return (W 50 - 5 per OL) A defeated O.B.M. will climb back up to its feet. Characters are able to “Flee” without penalty, or they can stay and fight again. Characters wishing to continue to fight it may do so and the O.B.M. adds n n n n to its dice pool before it gets to act again.

“Survivor Bane” Weapon (W 100) The O.B.M. has a weapon of incredible and obvious lethality. It can be a whirring, goreencrusted chainsaw, rows of razor sharp teeth, or even a supernatural/psychic assault. The attack can be triggered with + + + + and will instantly kill the intended target. Because this is a kind of attack and not a specific weapon, the nature of the attack should have other contingencies, such as being in Grapple range, having more than & & & in an Opposed Check, etc. O.B.M. MISSIONS Characters wishing to take on this immensely powerful Opponent can only do so with tremendous effort. Simple combat is rarely enough. Characters may undertake the following Missions to destroy of the O.B.M.: Trap (@100) {SC%} varies by O.B.M. The O.B.M. is lured into a trap that exploits its apparent weakness. An O.B.M. in a Location where a “Trap” is set will be unable to “Return”. Failure: W 25 We Know this Much... (@40) {Sci%}, {Sp/Li%}, {DM%} This is a common Mission that can apply directly to an O.B.M. Opponent. The Risk cost of all O.B.M. abilities and upgrades are increased by W +10 if this Mission is successful. Failure: none.

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The Undead The unfortunate incurable masses have been reduced to nothing more than meat-puppet shadows of their former selves. For them, there is no exalted truths or elevated purpose, no appreciation for beauty. There is only desire, only the need to endlessly consume until there is nothing left. They are either driven by some disease that renders the higher functions of their brains unable to influence any behavior, or a parasite or some form of infestation hijacks their brains and ultimately their minds to perform some destructive or terrible acts. The truly unfortunate are those that retain their perception and helplessly watch as their bodies do unspeakable acts and their mind slowly withers and becomes an insatiable machine.

UNDEAD SPECIAL RULES Willpower and Empathy: The Undead are utterly mindless. If an Opponent is “Undead” they have 0 Empathy and 0 Willpower, but pass any {SC%} that has Willpower as a Primary Attribute. They also count as having a Wb = 10 Defense: 1 Defense per Size against [Bl], [Th], [El] damage. Immunity: Immune to [Po] and [Ra] Resilience: Remove all damage dealt to the Undead at the end of the Round if not enough was inflicted during the Round to cause the loss of a Health point. Lost Health Points are not restored in this way. Persistence: Fleeing an Encounter with the Undead will allow a GM to make an Encounter% immediately without paying any Risk. Any successful Encounter% will count as taking place during the same period of Time. Characters may need to make a Save Throw or they will lose 1 Morale.


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will generate W 1 per round.

The rank and file zombie, the Undead serve as a baseline Opponent that most characters face. They can vary tremendously by the physiology of the infected host, but they all have additional versatility based on the symptoms of the virus they carry. They have another important feature in common: they are very, very deadly, especially in great numbers.


OPPONENT – (ZOMBIE) Size: 1 Strength: 30 Perception: 20 Empathy: 0 Willpower: Special Movement: 10’ Speed: n n Skill Checks {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 30%}, {Do 25%}, {Grpl 35% [n Sl]}, {Brl 30% [n Bl]}, {Sp/Li 30%} Vitality Health: (1) Defense: 0 Damage Threshold: 10 Viral: 1 + OL Symptoms: Nausea/Diarrhea, Necrosis Special Slam ( + ): [n Bl] Gouge ( + + ): [n Sl] Bite ( + + ,& & & ): [n n n Sl] +1 [Vi]. Adds n n to the Infected’s dice pool. Undead: An Infected is Undead . Shamble: Movement has a Speed of n n n . Infected that are Shambling will not Moan. Moan: Each Infected that is not Shambling

Alternate Morphology (W 1) Strength or Perception: +5 This can only be taken once. Armored (W 2) Speed: +n Defense: +1 Multiple Upgrades: This upgrade can be taken multiple times up to a maximum of +3 Defense. Brute (W 5) Strength: +5 Multiple Upgrades: This upgrade can be taken multiple times up to a maximum of +25 Strength. Crawler (W 0) Strength: -10 Speed: n n n Crawl: Crawlers can move by crawling and get +1 Structure for cover when Ranged Attacks are made against them. They can also be deployed without any minimum distance restrictions. Ghoul (W 10 - 2 per OL) Strength: +10 Speed: n Claws: Attacks get n . Grotesque (W 5) Strength: - 10 Fear: Grotesque will allow the Fear Hazard. Drowned (W 5)

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Dragged to the Depths: This zombie can attack characters who are making a {Swim%} Check. The Drowned will only get a single attack and the GM must pay W – 1 per - in the {Swim%}. Evacuation: One attack of the Drowned will add [Po] and [Vi] to the damage types during a {Grpl%}. Gurgle: Drowned zombies cannot Moan. Waterlogged: n to make {Spt/Li%} to avoid Encounters. Familiar Face (W 5 +5 per OL) All actions against this Opponent by one character will require an additional n n . This can be reduced by the character’s Wb and + in a {Cmps%} Save Throw. Fear (W 1 per Wb of all Characters) Affected targets must make a {Cmps%}. Characters that fail this Check will Panic. This can be triggered at the start of any phase. Using Fear requires that the number of affected targets be declared as the Risk cost is paid. The available targets are as follows: All Opponents in melee or grapple range, all targets in an encounter. Frozen (W 5 - 1 per Cold Env. Modifier) Damage Threshold: +20 Thaw: Bane [Th] Frozen: Does not increase risk of infection with a ‘Bite’ attack. Cannot ‘Moan’. Husk (W 5 - 1 per Arid Env. Modifier) Damage Threshold: +10 Brittle: Bane [Bl] Fear: Husk provide the Fear Hazard. Infectious (W 1 per [Vi])


This infected Opponent is further along in their infection than others and has 1 higher Viral than normal. This may manifest additional Horror Traits based upon whatever Symptoms the Virus indicates. It also increases the Difficulty of Save Throws versus [Vi] damage by 1. Sleeper (W 5) Awaken: Characters must identify corpses as Sleepers by making a {Sp/Li%} or the Infected get a surprise Round and can be deployed without minimum distance restrictions. Urchin (W 1) Size: 0 Strength: 10 Child Abuse: Characters whose Intent is attacking an Urchin must pass a {Cmps%}. Failing to do this will force a character to add n n to all their {SC%} against them. INFECTED ACTIONS Alert (W 1 per & of E% and {Stlh%}) Remove Shamble special rule. Lunge (W 5 – Pb) The Infected doesn’t add n when engaging an Opponent in a grapple.

Glutton Some humans are incredibly obese and unhealthy. This strained physiology and their obvious susceptibility to being early victims of zombies means that the virus progresses in them in a very different fashion and for a longer period of time than most zombies.

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The larger zombies have the ability to shove smaller ones out of the way as they feed on corpses, which in turn makes them even larger still. Those incredible specimens called Gluttons are so full of masticated flesh and bone shards that their stomach has long since ruptured and filled almost the entirety of their body cavities. Their crushing weight and ability to regurgitate the indiscriminately consumed contents of their stomach makes them unbelievably hard (and disgusting) targets to kill in close quarters. OPPONENT – (ZOMBIE) Size: 2 Strength: 35 Perception: 20 Empathy: 0 Willpower: Special Movement: 10’ Speed: n n n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 30%}, {Do 25%}, {Grpl 25% [n n Sl]}, {Brl 30% [n n Bl]}, {Sp/Li 30%} Vitality Health: (1) Defense: 1 Damage Threshold: 15 Viral: 3 + OL Symptoms: Nausea/Diarrhea, Necrosis, Rage Special Body Slam ( + ): [n n Bl] Clumsy: The Glutton will add n to attack any Size 1 targets and n n to attack any Size 0 targets. Disembowel: Any Melee Attack that deals [n Sl] but fails to inflict a Health point worth of damage will burst open the contents

of the Glutton’s body. The attacker and all other characters in Melee range will count as having been Evacuated upon as if the Glutton had won by d6 + . The Glutton can no longer perform Evacuation attacks. Evacuation ( + + ): One target in Grapple range gets 1 [Vi]. Huge: The Glutton automatically passes a {Bal%} Save Throw against attacks made by Size 1 or smaller attackers. Loud: Gluttons will generate W d3 per Round with their general ability to smash through obstacles and their very audible footfalls... as well as their forced, meat choked moans. Squishy: The Glutton has +3 Defense against [Bl] damage. GLUTTON UPGRADES/ ABILITIES Lord of the Flies (W 15) The Glutton is so putrid that they are followed at all times by a buzzing swarm of biting flies. This obscures it from immediate view. Ranged attacks get n to target the Glutton and Melee Attacks and Grapple get n n .
 Rat King (W 15) The glutton is little more than a mobile rat nest, its gigantic body host to hundreds of infected rats. The Rat King no longer has an Evacuation attack, but attacking the Rat King in Melee or Grapple range will provoke

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the swarm of Vermin to attack. O.B.M. - Great Devourer (W 50) The Glutton is no ordinary Opponent. It is the great devourer. It does not chew; it only swallows. The Great Devourer has the following modified profile: Size: 3 Damage Threshold: 25 Swallowed ( + + + ,& & ) Replace “Bite” with the following: Target takes d3 Viral points. Must cut self free with a weapon by inflicting [10 n Sl].

Banshee A Banshee is a zombie that has some resilience to the necrotic effects of the virus but is very prone to the psychological effects. As a result, their bodies look relatively normal, but their minds are just as far gone as any other zombie, just in a different fashion. Their frayed frontal lobes still remember fragments of sentences, phrases, and words. Some even preserve a shred of sentience but are nonetheless incurable. They are hyper-sensitive to light and sound and react to any sudden changes in their environment with primal screams. These screams vary tremendously in their coherency, and some examples are even convincing enough to be easily mistaken for cries for help. OPPONENT – (ZOMBIE) Size: 1 Strength: 20 Perception: 30 Empathy: 0 Willpower: Special


Movement: 10’ Speed: n n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 30%}, {Do 25%}, {Grpl 25% [n Sl]}, {Brl 20% [n Bl]}, {Sp/ Li 40%} Vitality Health: (1) Defense: 0 Damage Threshold: 15 Viral: 3 + OL Symptoms: Delirium, Hallucination, Rage Special Sneak: Characters who avoid being seen by a Banshee by means of a {Stlh%} will be able to avoid the Shriek rule, as they only Shriek when they detect characters. BANSHEE UPGRADES/ABILITIES Alarm Scream (W 1) Speed: n n n The Banshee screams, alerting nearby zombies. Alarm Scream is a Sustained Action. This will add W equal to the n die roll until interrupted or defeated. Battlecry ( W 5 ) Speed: Sustained Action All Zombie Opponents in an Encounter can reduce the n required by all their Actions equal to their [Vi] total. Shriek (W 5) A Banshee shrieks with such an ear-piercing noise it will both stun nearby characters and draw more attention to the fight. All characters in an Encounter with a Banshee add n for Delay. Add W d5! and the W

- Opponents -

cost can be ignored if a character fails a {Stlh%} to avoid the Banshee. Siren (W 10) The Banshee is not shrieking incoherently. It has every indication that it is a victim of attack needing help. The Banshee cannot be targeted unless the attacker makes a Save Throw that is either {Cmps%, D/M%}. Characters not able to do either of these will not be able to target the Banshee with any attack. All Actions not dedicated to attempting to help the Banshee will take a penalty of requiring an additional n to be rolled. Another character can make a {Cd%} to snap another character out of it.

Wail (W 10) The Banshee unleashes an unexpectedly specific torment on a character in Close Range. This character must make a {Cmps%} or lose 1 Morale.

Sobbing (W 5) Characters can hear a Banshee wail as they approach. Characters must make a {Spt/ Li%} or the Banshee gets a surprise Round and can use any Ability that requires up to W 10 for free during that Round.

Feeder The dreaded Feeder is one that maintains an incredible amount of intellect, except they have become willing cannibals. Unlike other kinds of Opponents, the Feeder is one that is still biologically alive and very alert. They feel little pain and are averse to many things that a normal, uninfected human can tolerate without problem, so there are exploitable advantages that one can take to defend against these otherwise very formidable Opponents. OPPONENT – (LIVING) Size: 1 Strength: 30 Perception: 30 Empathy: 0 Willpower: Special Movement: 15’ Speed: n n { SC % } / Attacks: {Bal 30%}, { D o 25%}, {Grpl 25% [n Sl]}, {Brl 20% [n Bl]}, {Sp/Li 30%}

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Vitality Health: 3 Defense: 2 Damage Threshold: 10 Viral: 3 + OL Symptoms: Hemorrhagic Special Zombie: Although living, a Feeder is treated as ‘Undead’. Photosenitivity: Characters who employ light against a Feeder, such as flashlights, headlights, or spotlights will add n n to all their dice pools per Mx. This only works if the Feeder is in direct light. Other Feeders not targeted in this way will not be effected. Wide areas of illumination may repulse multiple Feeders in this manner if the source is strong enough. Nocturnal: The Feeder is extremely repulsed by light. Being forced to attack while subjected to ultraviolet light will reduce their Perception to 10, and they will not be able to claim Pb on any other {SC%}. Their base Speed will also be changed to n n n n . FEEDER UPGRADES/ABILITIES Hematophagy (W 10 - 1 per OL) The feeder is one that feeds specifically on blood. Doing so is represented by being able to spend + + and add n n n n when making a Grapple check Perception: +10 Speed: n . Weakness A Feeder will be incredibly resistant to some kind of damage but has a very exploitable


weakness. A character knowing this weakness can make a called shot against it, overriding the Defense, but the Attack has n n n n n n added to the attacker’s Dice Pool. Health: 1 Defense: +5 Damage Threshold: +10

Beasts Hellcat Hunting cats that fall prey to the virus are no less deadly; in fact, they may be more so. They are stealthy and have access to some of the sharpest fangs and claws in the animal kingdom. They retain their solitary nature, however, so as deadly as they are, they are likely encountered alone. This means that those wandering into their territory are advised to never separate from the group, as this solitary hunting instinct will quickly hone in on those prey that stray from the herd. OPPONENT – (BEAST, ZOMBIE) Size: 1 Strength: 15 per Size Perception: 40 Empathy: 10 Willpower: 30 Movement: 20’ Speed: n n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 60%}, {Do 50%}, {Grpl 55% [n Pi, Sl]}, {Climb 55%}, {Sp/ Li 65%} Vitality Health: (1)

- Opponents -

Defense: 1 Damage Threshold: 15 Viral: 1 HELLCAT UPGRADES/ABILITIES Stalker - Hazard (W 15) The Hellcat has been stalking the characters for quite some time, waiting for the prime opportunity to pounce. Characters must make a {Sp/Li%} against the Hellcat’s {Stlh%}, or the Hellcat can be deployed without obeying minimum distance from the characters. Large (W 5) The Hellcat is a larger variety and is a far deadlier Opponent as a result. Size: +1 Damage: [n n ] to all their attacks. Bite (W 5 - 1 per + in a {Grpl%}) Speed: Instant Action The Hellcat clamps down on a character with their jaws and will inflict [n Pi].


Large breeds of dogs and wild canines like wolves make for especially deadly infected predators. They are in possession of a ferocious bite and exceptional endurance. They are also known to hunt in packs, which exponentially compounds their danger to Survivors. They have highly evolved hunting tactics that rapidly exploit weaknesses in the characters’ formation. OPPONENT – (BEAST, ZOMBIE) Size: 1 Strength: 25 Perception: 35

Empathy: 15 Willpower: Special Movement: 15’ Speed: n n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 40%}, {Do 40%}, {Grpl 35% [n Sl]}, {Nav 60%}, {Sp/Li 55%} Vitality Health: (1) Defense: 1 Damage Threshold: 13 Viral: 1 Special Pack Mentality – The Willpower of a pack of Hellhounds is equal to 5 per Hellhound. HELLHOUND UPGRADES/ABILITIES Alpha (W 1) One Hellhound is the clear Alpha of the group. As long as he is alive, all Hellhounds in the Encounter get a bonus + in all their {SC%}. Strength: +20 Break Formation (W 20 - per Hellhound) Sustained Action Any formation the characters have adopted is broken as the Hellhounds exploit some unforeseen weakness in their ranks. Tactics will add an additional n n for the duration of the Encounter. Pounce (W 5) Speed: Instant Action The Hellhound may initiate a {Grpl%} in the same Intent they move into range without any additional n added to the total for making multiple actions in the same turn.

- Opponents -


Pursue If characters Flee an Encounter with Hellhounds, they have a n to any {SC%} made to evade them. Vicious (W 3) Large breeds of canine will result in deadlier Hellhounds. They count as having n .


The once noble horse is reduced to a frenzied monster. Their powerful legs both propel them quickly into battle and are capable of delivering attacks with their hooves. Their attacks can easily break bone and cause tremendous injury. Their speed makes them even more deadly. OPPONENT – (BEAST, ZOMBIE) Size: 2 Strength: 50 Perception: 35 Empathy: 20 Willpower: 45 Movement: 30’ Speed: n n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 38%}, {Do 25%}, {Grpl 54% [1d6 Sl]}, {Brl 60% [n n Bl]} Vitality Health: (1) Defense: 3 Damage Threshold: 15 Viral: 1 NIGHTMARE UPGRADES/ABILITIES Charge (W 5 per Size) Speed: special A Nightmare can count their movement and a subsequent melee attack as a single action when determining how many n to roll. A charging Nightmare will increase the Difficulty of all attack {SC%} by n . Horns/Antlers (W 10) This variety of Nightmare is not a horse but a deer, goat, or small bull. The ‘Charge’ attack that the Nightmare has will add [Pi] to the


- Opponents -

damage types the Nightmare can inflict. Huge (W 25) This Nightmare is more enormous or powerful than even your average horse. It will be an elk, bison, or moose. There may be varieties of this Nightmare that do not have horns or antlers, so beasts that have such features will need to take that upgrade as well in those cases. Size: +3 Strength: +50 Kick (W 5 - 1 per + in a Melee Attack) Speed: n The Nightmare’s attacks have n per Size. This attack will ‘Knock Prone’ the target if they lose a Health point.


The many varieties of bear make for a diverse, yet uniformly deadly Opponent. The infected bears lack the mental faculties that made non-violent ways of avoiding them, such as frightening them off, futile. They become tanks of muscle and bone with thick skulls and powerful jaws.

Health: (3) Defense: 5 Damage Threshold: 20 Viral: 1 URSUS UPGRADES/ABILITIES Crush (W 50 - 10 per + in a {Grpl%} Speed: Sustained Action The Ursus crushes their Opponent, almost always killing them outright. The Ursus does not roll damage with a successful Grapple Check; rather, their Opponent loses 1d3 Health points outright. This loss of Health points can result in Instant Death and Gruesome Demise normally. Large (W 20) The Ursus is an infected version of a particularly large variety of bear. Size: +1 Strength: +20 Roar (W 10) Speed: Instant Action The Ursus makes a terrifying, loud roar. This will force a {Cmps%} or the characters will lose 1 Morale. If all characters lose morale in this way, then the characters must attempt to Flee the Encounter.

OPPONENT – (BEAST, ZOMBIE) Size: 3 Strength: 60 Perception: 45 Empathy: 5 Willpower: 60 Movement: 15’ Speed: n n n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 66%}, {Do 25%}, {Grpl 65% [n n n Sl]}, {Brl 66% [n n n Bl]}

Shrug Off Wound (W 20 -5 per Size) Speed: Instant Action The Ursus can add + to any Save Throw in order to resist incoming Damage. This cannot be used to shrug off any attack that has the Deadly quality equal to or greater than the Ursus’ Size.


Immunity: The Ursus is immune to [Bl].

- Opponents -


Swipe (W 5) Speed: Instant Action The Ursus can attack all Opponents in front of them with a single Melee Attack Check. The + in the attack must be distributed among all Opponents struck. At least + must be allocated to all reachable Opponents before allocating multiple + worth of Damage dice to any one Opponent.

Swarms Human-sized Opponents are significant threats, but there are others that can be equally dangerous….in some cases more so. Swarms of smaller creatures are ferocious and deadly. They can be defeated individually easily enough, but a swarm can number hundreds, if not thousands of biting, stinging, venomous, diseased creatures. OPPONENT – (BEAST, ZOMBIE) Size: Special Strength: 5 per Size Perception: 10 per Size Empathy: 0 Willpower: Special Movement: 5’ Speed: n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 100%}, {Do 100%}, {Grpl 10+10 per Size% [n Sl]} Vitality Health: (1 per Size) Defense: Special Damage Threshold: 5 per Size Viral: 1 + OL Symptoms: Rage


Special Deadly: Area of Effect weapons will have the Deadly quality against a Swarm. Biome: Since a Swarm represents animals and insects, a (Biome) must be shared with their actual habitat. Immunity: A swarm is immune to [Pi]. Resistance: Any damage that is not dealt by an Area of Effect weapon or shotgun weapon on a Swarm will give the Swarm a +2 Defense against that damage. Size: A Swarm will be deployed at a certain Size. The size will be 1 per + in the E%. Smother: If more than + + + + + worth of damage is distributed to a single target, the damage is altered from n to n n per + . SWARM UPGRADES/ABILITIES Vermin (W 10) Biome: Urban Diseased: Attacks inflict [Po], [Sl], and [Vi] Raptors (W 15) Biome: Any Alert: The noise a swarm of Raptors generate will add W 1 per Size each round. Dive Attack – Raptors can attack any character, and when doing so will inflict [n SL] per Size. Resistance: Melee Attacks Flight: Movement is 30’ Pursue: Opponents that flee an Encounter

- Opponents -

with a Raptor swarm will be pursued by it. The Raptor swarm can either be engaged deliberately, as a result of Encounter Checks, or hidden from. The Raptors will generate 1d5! W per Time per Size they are spending pursuing the characters. Hiding from them will require a {Stlh%} that will get a bonus + per Structure of any building they take refuge in. Characters must Lay Low in order to attempt a {Stlh%} in this manner. Fleeing an Encounter with Raptors will allow Raptors to be deployed for free if another E% is successful after the characters flee. The Raptor swarm will have a Size equal to the size of the swarm fled from +1. Reinforce ( W Special) Paying the W cost of the Opponent again, the GM can increase the Size of the swarm by † will count as a 0. 1d5!, the result of a H Fauna, Stinging/Biting (W 0) A character attacked by stinging and biting swarms are generally not in immediate danger, but they will be very distracted during Encounters. All Actions will add n per Size. Hive/Nest (W 1 per Size Increase) This kind of Swarm cannot be Reinforced as the number in the swarm is fixed by the size of the hive or nest they come from.

Fauna, Venomous (W 5) A character attacked by Venomous insect swarms will take [n Po] per Size each n n . {FAid%} and a variety of medicines can reduce or prevent this.

The Living Unlike the Infected, the Living retain all their faculties during these times of trial. This may be an unfortunate thing, as people are not inherently good. That is to say, being good is not the fundamental human conditioned response. It would seem then that humanity is not some good force that is beset upon by evil, but rather they are evil that somehow manages to become good, if only under the right circumstances. Kindness is the infectious agent that informs the good in people and for all society’s foibles, it has been generous in doling out comforts and panaceas to troubles of the human condition. Stripped of insulating pleasures and continued societal acceptance of the misplacement of priorities, humanity’s true nature is revealed for all its ugliness. And yet, there can still be those who remember and preserve the best of what humanity has to offer. It is up to an observant eye to discern one from the other, and an honest, courageous heart to not become what you fear about them. Even monsters can find a way to survive. It us up to those idealists to remember the sacred, preserve what matters most about life, and learn to survive not as mere animals, but as humans.

- Opponents -


Survivors The mixed bag that are Survivors can be a potential ally or a dangerous enemy. A watchful eye can distinguish one from the other, but even the vigilant can miss some very telling clues as to the nature of this encounter OPPONENT – LIVING Size: 1 Strength: 5d6 (25) Perception: 6d6 (33) Empathy: 5d6 (25) Willpower: 5d6 (25) Movement: 10’ Speed: n {SC%}/Attacks: {Bal 32%}, {Do 25%}, {Grpl 25% [1d6 Sl]}, {Brl 32% [n Bl]} Vitality Health: (2)
 Defense: 0 Damage Threshold: 8 Viral: Varies Symptoms: Varies


Special The Living: There is still sentience in these Opponents. Their psychology and physiology are still defined by their higher cognitive functions. For this reason, the GM must choose at least 1 upgrade to the Survivors or it will default to Panicked. Assimilation: A character may attempt to recruit Survivors to become members of their Stronghold. This will require Diplomacy as described in the various {Dipl%} entries. GMs paying W costs will generally prevent most attempts at peaceful assimilation. In this case, the Survivors brought back to a


Stronghold will likely be prisoners. Recruitment: A character can upgrade the Survivors they Encounter by spending l. This will mean they were able to locate a specific person or identify a useful skill set. For this reason, a Survivor may have an l upgrade cost instead of a W cost. There is no reason a GM can’t add Upgrades to the Survivor characters. Paying a W cost will generally mean they are hostile to player characters, even if the relation or Encounter may be amicable or even friendly under other circumstances. Characters who either defeat or use Diplomacy options against Survivors will allow characters to take advantage of Resource purchases from a limited Resource Catalog to represent what the Survivors carry. Characters can Barter (or attempt to steal) anything presented on the Catalog. Bartering characters must be able to trade as per the description in the {Dipl - B/B%} entry.

Armed - Gunslingers (W 10 or l20) The Survivors are armed with ranged weapons. They will have a variety of pistols, rifles and/ or shotguns interspersed among their group. They will add {Frm-P%} and {Frm-L%} [n Pi, Sl] to their available {SC%}. From my Cold Dead Hands: Survivors, even under ideal circumstances, will rarely barter away their firearms unless they have many specifically for trading. Otherwise, Diplomacy adds n per OL. Capacity: GMs wishing to track the ammo use of armed Survivors can use the Capacity entry of the firearms they use and roll n or more

- Opponents -

per Depletion Point they accumulate. Armed - Melee (W 5,l10) The Survivors are armed with melee weapons. This will grant them access to the following {SC%} and one damage types based on the weapons they carry {MA% [n Pi, Bl or Sl]}. Resource Catalog Melee Weapons [Bl], [Pi], [Sl] Cannibal (W 50 - 5 per OL) The characters encounter, what appears to be a normal group of Survivors. The truth is far more sinister. They have not gotten by this long by scavenging, but hunting their fellow human beings. They will not only see the characters as Opponents competing for dwindling resources, but as prey items. Empathy: 2d6 (10) Dangerous (W 5) The Survivors are not at all willing to enter into any peaceful arrangement. All Empathybased {SC%} against them will get n n . Familiar Face (W 70 - Empathy, l25xOL) The character is encountering someone they know very well, either by design or by coincidence. They do not need any Empathy Check in order to persuade a character to follow along with them. Tragic End: The W cost means that the Friendly Face has either met a tragic end or they have otherwise turned on the character. Looter (W 5,l10) The Survivor is little more than an opportunist. By many accounts, a grave robber. They can be bartered with, but doing so will reduce Morale by 1. The characters can practically

smell the blood on their merchandise. Resource Catalog Survivors carry d5! Resource. Rag and Bone Man (l 10 per OL) The Survivor is a professional Rag and Bone Man, selling whatever he or she has managed to scavenge or barter. They are generally a welcome sight, as everything they have has a price. Empathy: 8d6 (38) Established Storefront: If the Rag and Bone Man is encountered in their (often secret) storefront, then they can sell up to 2d6 worth of Gear. The Rag and Bone Man can be revisited at the same location. The l cost is also cut in half, so long as the characters are in good graces with the Rag and Bone Man and his or her associates. A Rag and Bone Man will not have an established storefront at OL 1 or 2. Wagon Shop: If the Rag and Bone Man is encountered in the field, they will likely only have a wagon load of gear, which has a limited selection of their merchandise. They will only sell 2d6 CU worth of gear. Shattered (W 10) The Survivor is broken, whatever unforeseen tragedy has brought them to this point only years of intense therapy would have a chance to treat. Increase all Empathy based {SC%} † result will mean the by +1d5! n . The H Shattered is a homicidal maniac and will attack at the slightest provocation. Bringing this Survivor back into the fold, however, will decrease Morale by 1, as they reveal their tragic story. They will otherwise be able to be assimilated as Population at a Stronghold, the darkest details of their past being gladly

- Opponents -


buried by the tasks the player characters set them to. Panicked (W 0) The Survivor is in desperate need of help and is clawing their way to freedom or to get supplies as fast as possible, fighting others if necessary. They will be out of their minds with fear and can take the form of mobs. This is very dangerous. There will be 2d6 - OL Panicked deployed. The Empathy is reduced by 5 per Panicked Opponent. Reduction to Empathy 0 means that this is an uncontrollable mob, mad with fear that will attack any character that gets too near.

Index A Ability 5, 10, 54 List of Abilities 55 Actions Instant 22 Multiple Actions 18 Sustained 22 Aftermath 128 Attribute Bonus 16

B Base Dice Pool 9 Body Slots 95 Breach Checks 139

C Cards 4 Character Traits 5 Encounter 4 Equipment 98


Injury 5 Location 133 Mission 132 Opponent 138 Survivor 9 Cargo 9, 82 Increases 108 Cargo Units 81 Increases 108 Partial Cargo Unit 82 Character Advancement 50 Check 25 Check Phase 21 Checks. See Skill Checks Combat 25 Advanced Combat Rules 27 Core Mechanics 16

D Damage Threshold 9 Damage Types

Characters will not be able to Flee an Encounter and will lose l equal to the Result on n while in an Encounter with Panicked. Panicked will decrease the W cost of any other Opponents and Opponent upgrades generated by subsequent E% by 1 per Panicked. Riot Control: If the characters have a Training Value with Command Apparatus of 1 per Panicked, the crowd will lose their Empathy penalty and they can be ordered to disperse with a {Dipl–Cd%}, ending the Encounter.

Acid [Ac] 30 Bludgeoning [Bl] 30 Electrical [El] 30 Infection [In] 30 Piercing [Pi] 31 Poison [Po] 31 Radiation [RA] 31 Slashing [Sl] 31 Thermal [Th] 31 Death Penalty 71 Defense 9, 17 Degree of Difference 20 Degree of Failure 19 Degree of Success 19 Depletion Points 84 Depletion Rolls 84 Dice 8 d5! 8 d6 8 Damage Dice 8, 17 Depletion Dice 8, 17

- Opponents -

Difficulty Dice 8 Percentile Dice 8 Speed Dice 8, 18 Dice Pool 17 Building 19 Disadvantage 5 List of Disadvantages 68

E Encounter Checks 129 Percentage Chance 130 Encounters 129 Encounter Deck 129 Fleeing 139 Environmental Modifiers 23 Equipment 4, 80 Components 83 Purchasing 96

F Fatigue 23, 29 Firearms Carbine 119 Cartridges 115 General Rules 110 Long Guns 119 Formation 51 Formations 26 Fuel 25

G Gear 86 Loadouts 95 Universal Special Rules 88 Worn 108 Gear Bonus 82 Gestalt Level 9 Group Psychosis 53

H Hack and Slash 128 Hazards 4, 133 Sample list 133

I Injuries 32 Aggravating 32 Bone 32 Burn 32 Flesh Wound 32 Frostbite 32 Infection 33 Open Wound 33 Poisoned 33 Sepsis 33 Treating 32 Injury Penalty 71 Insanity 52 Intent 25 Intent Phase 21


Resource Catalog 96 Depletion 97 Resting 29 Riding Animals 24 Round 21

Kit 83 Chassis 84 Components 103 Scrapping 88



Natural Healing 29

Secondary Attribute. See Attribute Bonus Skill Advancement Advancement Rate 54 Basic Skill search 38 Mastery 54 Skill Checks 9, 16 Opposed 20 Skill Summaries 34 Skill Check {SC%} Skill Advancement 50 skill summaries 34 Trained Skills 39 SPEW Attributes 9 Storytelling 126 Supported Skill 54 Survival Horror 6, 126 Survival Points 132 Survivors 4 Sustenance 23



Opponents 4, 138 Outbreak Level 127 Out of Bounds 139

Tactics 26 Targeted Effect 27 Tech Points (TP) 115 Time 23 Tools 100 Training Value 9, 54, 80 Traits 9 Travel 23 Triggered Effect 22 Multiple 22

Lethality 99. See also Multiplier Locations 4, 133

M Manuals 87 Missions 4 Morale 51 Restoring 53 Movement 18 within Encounters 27 Multiple Targets 28 and the Deadly Quality 28 Multipliers 80 Mx. See Multipliers


P Paradigm 5, 11, 70 Primary Attribute 16 Professions 54

R Resolution Phase 21, 26

- Index -

U Undead 6, 144

V Vehicles 24, 94 Viral 140 Symptoms 140

W Weapons 99 Melee 99

Y Yourself as a Character 14