Postcards One Students Book 2nd Edition

Acknowledgments The authors and publisher ".'ish to acknow le d ge with grati tude the follo w ing re viewers, q uestion

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Acknowledgments The authors and publisher ".'ish to acknow le d ge with grati tude the follo w ing re viewers, q uestionnai re respon dents, and co n tributor who hel ped In the d e velopment o t Postcards 7, Sccoll d Edit iOIl:

Reviewers Mexico: Ro cio Ala rcon Mendez, Colcai o Guada lajara • V irgin ia Blanco Fue nt e s, CUDEC • Espe ra n za Carri 110 Rocha, lnstit uto Teres a d e Cepeda • Consuelo Cordoba, Colegi o Anto n io L. Ross • Josue Cortes, In stitu te Jose Vasco ncelos • Rosario Escalada, niversidad Motolinia • Vanessa Galvez Leal, Chr istel Ho use de Mex ico • S usan a Ga ytan, lnst itu to Cobre de Mexico • Gloria Jimenez, Escuela Nac iona l Pre paratoria #2 "Erasrno C a stel la nos Qu in to" • Luis Marin El ias , Co lcgio Irla nde s O 'Farr ill • Lucia Onate de la Fuente, Fra nco Espa nol • Elena Portugal Diaz, Hermanos Rcv ueltas • Aide josefina Sanchez Vicencio, Institu to Cobre d e Mexi co • Yolanda Torres, Ag ustin Ga rda Conde • Arturo Vergara Esteban JUiln, ngl ish Fast Conte • Su sana Zavala Labra, Co leglo Guad a laja ra Guatemala: Cynthia Leticia Marquez, Inst itu te Gua tcm alteco Arn e ricano • Marta Prad o d e Cu y u n, Shad d a i Bilingual Christia n Sc ho o l Braz il : S ever in o Carlos da Silva, Universidade de Pe rn a mbuco and Special Eng lis h Course • Janette Car va lhi n ho d e Olivei ra, UFES-Cent ro de Llng uas • Ana C ris ti na C hag as de Oli vei ra, EBEC-..a lvad o r • Co r i ria Celia Machado Correa, Ass oci ac ao Alumn i • Ad r ian a de Mello Pfeifer Santa Maria, CCBEU -N iten'J i • Claudio Perin asso, Cole gio Doze de Outubro • Adalg isa Pinheiro Rocha, Colegio Itat ia ia • Jansen Sarmento Ribeiro, lnstiruto Brasileiro de l.ingua s • Fa b ia nc Rodrigues Noronha de Maria, Co lt~g io Bial ik • Ma ri a Cl audi a Sil va Pinheiro, Un iao Cultura l Bras il-Es tados Uni d o s-Sa o Pa ulo

Questionnaire Respondents junko A ra k i, Bcness e Kid 's Engl ish Course > Daniel a Araujo Pu ll i, Alt ldio rnas • M ari sa Arras Minchillo C onde, C leg io ngl o-Lat ln o > G islaine R. Bertini Zancheta, Gos h Idiomas • Veroni ca Bez erra da Sil va, Ce nt ro -ult Llra l Bras il-Estados Uni dos • Li lia ne Calhei r os Basile, Uniao ult u ra l Brasil-Estad os Un idos • Yulia Carillo, Centro Ele ctron ico de ldiornas • Ro cio Gonzalez Ro zo , Co legio Alverrua • Mad son Diniz, Assoclacao Bra sil-A me rica • Mara Elman, Colc gic Bial ik s S ueli F. Ern rne r ic k, Co legio Sa n ta Lu zia • Liane Fernand es d e Moraes, COlegll 1Sa0 LUl ~ • Ca rla M ar ia Forlin, Pos itive Franquia s Ltd a. • Doreen Maria Gaylord, Kana zaw T hrucal Coll ege • Ca rme n G e hr ke , Qua trurn Fnghsh Schools > Dhesjree Eller Maggioni, Centro Bati sta de Linguas • Cori na Celi a Ma chad o Correa. A ' '- Andrea rei 00 caffaro, Co leg io A rnc r ica no IPA/rMEC • Rogerio S. S . Pereira, Un iversid ad e Ca 6lica . a ria Claudia Silva Pi nhei ro, Un iiin Cu ltural Brasil­ Estados Unidos • Adalgisa Pi n heiro Rocha, Coleglo Itatia ia • M a r ta Prado d e Cu yiin, Sh addai Bilingua l Chri I.IJ\ _ • • line Ribeiro Pessfia, Un iversidade Carol ica de ~ao · faria Paula Se ibel Bro ck, Ufcl-Carnpu s de Brasilia Tatia n a dd i, C ~-,.jo Ercch im • Maria de lourd G . Mackenzi T rnbo re • Seve ri no Carlos da Silva , Univ e rs idade de and Special English Co u rse • Helen a Silvi a de Sou sa , Cole gio Sa nta Luzi.a • UL1 de C ast ro, Funda cao -.scola Tecn ica Libera to Sa I7...1 no Vieira da Co lYqurJ a le n te, 5 1-Ce ntro de ldiornas • Artu ro Verg a ra Esteb J F em

Contributor and the Foc us o n cu lture section s,



~,1 Brian Abbs • Chris Barker. Ingrid Freeb with JJ Wilson and Stella Reilly

.-... .

Postcards 1, Second Edition

Authoriz ed adaptatio n from the Un ited K in gdom ed ition.

entitle d S 'lIIJ1~ IIU I , first ed ition, published by Pearso n

Education Lim ited p ublishing unde r its Lon gm a n imprint.

Cop y rig h t © 1':J98.

America n English ad ap tation, published by Pearson

Ed ucatio n, Inc. Copyrig ht © 2008.

Cop y righ t C happening: A man i> walking toward hi> house , AS" he is" walki'lg toward the door, itopenS" by it>elf. He walk> into the lil/ing roomj the light> turn 01'1 a'ld hi> fal/orite >ong >tartS' to play. 11'1 the garage. One of hi> car5" i5" making an appointme'lt with the mechanic. The man goe5" to the kitchen and >top> in front of the refrigerator. It is' printing out a )'hopping li5"t. Science fiction? No. EI/erything i5" real! 11'1 'rhiS' h orrie Jab, e'lgi'leerS" are del/eloping intelligent refrigeratori) lampS'. TV >et>, and car>. Some homeoWneri are already te>ting theie inteJJiger,t appliance$". In Virginia, iome re>idellt> can Check that the door$" are locked from

17 Comprehension

18 Speaking

1. Write what each of these things in the futuristic home lab can do.

PAIRS. Close your books and see how much you can remember. Answer this question: What can an intelligent home do?

a. the door It can open by it5elf. b. the refrigerator

c. the car d. the oven

_ _

_ 2. In the future, what can a bathroom scale do?


their office>. I'l 130$"ton, lOme hOmeoWners' are u)'in9 i nt-e IIi 9en1' ovens. They putfood in the oven before going to bed . Thell they program the oven to refrigerate and cook t'h" food for the next day. In thP. fvtvrE', or, illtelligent hov>e can turn up the heat in the bedroom fifteen minute$" before the homeowller wakE'S' UPI tVI'll 01'1 the bedroom li9ht When the alarm clock >ound$"} and turll Oil the coffe e maker. The hOU>E' can al$"o di>play the neW S" 01'1 the I/ideo 5"creen in the bathroom and turn on the )'hoWer. The bathroom ~cale i$" I/ery Intelligellt, too. If the hOmeOW'ler is putting o n INei9htl it can change the homeOWner'S" menu. Now that') pretty cool.

Unit 10

For example:

A: The door can op en by itself. B: The lights ...

Units 9 and 10

Test-taking tip: Work carefu lly.

\.. Work slowl y enou gh and caref ully so you don't make careless errors.

D. Ask information questions about the unde rlined words. (3 po int s each)

Grammar A. Look at the street map and answer the questions . Use the cues. (2 points each) Bank


1. I am sitti ng on a ben ch in the~·u k . ( Where) Where are you si t ting?


2. I am reading a book.

e I...... ­ Offic ---...

(W hat)


3. The kids are play ing soccer. ( What)


4. A woman is jogging. (Wh o)


5. The old man is sleeping on the grass. (W /lere)

1. Where's the res tauran t? (next to)


The restaurant ;s next to the post office.

2. Where's the movie theater? (bettceen . . . and)


3. Whe re's th e ban k? (across froIII)

E. Match the places with the objects. (1 point each) 1. drugstore ~ a. books and magazines

4. Where's th e d rugstore?

( 0 11

2. m useum 3. bookstore 4. post office 5. movi e thea ter 6. supermarket

the corner cf)

look at the map again. Complete the sentences with There is a/There isn 't a or There are/There aren 't any. (2 points each) 1. There aren't any cars on the stre ets. 2.

restau ra nt on th e corn er o f Pau l Street and Second Avenue. .

F. Complete the conversation. (3 points each) A: _ B: N oth in g much . I'm wa tching TV. Why? A: _

bookstore on Paul Street. bank on Second Ave nue.


med icine Spider-Man, popcorn letters, sta mps fruits and vegetables pai ntings, ex hibits


3. _ _ _ ___ ho uses in the area. 4.

b. c. d. e. f.

B: A volleyball ga me ? _ Wh ere is it? A: At the p ark, nex t to the po lice s tation .

Co mplet e the paragraph with the present co nt in uo us. (2 points each) It's a nice day. The sun (1. shille) is shining , a nd I (2. sit)

on a bench in the

park. I (3. read)

a book. Some

pe ople (4. walk)

the ir dogs. Kids

5. play) oman (6.jog)

Now I can ...


mak e suggest ions. t alk about leisure act ivit ies. exp lain what 's hap pening now.

soccer. A ma n and a _

Progress chec k


1 Dialogue


Communication Ta lk about past events Express approva l and disapproval

Cover the dialogue and listen.

And y, w here's Brian? 1 don't know. H e' in. the hou se. H e's on the p ho ne . With Joey? Did he call her aga in toda y? No. Joey's not horne. Good. Listen, let's have a su rp rise party for Bria n. Andy: That's a great idea, Liza ! Robbie: Yeah! And we can inv ite Joey becau se Brian li kes her. Liza: What? Did he say that? Robbie: No, he didn't. But they talked on the p hone all d ay yes te rd ay. And th ey shopped together, too. Andy: Don't gossip, Robbie. Th at 's no t very nice. When do YO l~ want to have the pa rty, Liza? Liza: The twenty-sixth. Andy: OK. Hey, let 's have a costume pa rt y! Liza: Excellent idea, An d y.

Liza: Andy: Robbie: Liza: Robbie: Liza:

Grammar The sim ple past of regu lar verbs Vocabulary Past t ime expressions Emot ico ns and acronyms

2 Compreh nsi A. Answer the questions.

1. Who's looking for Brian? 2. Where's Brian?

3. What does Li za suggest for Brian? 4. When doe s she wan t to have the party? 5. What kind of party does Andy suggest?


Read along as you listen again. Check your answers.



? -'












./ "






, .'



,r J /










3 Useful expressions I

A. ~ Listen and repeat. Draw a smiley (©) next to the expressions of approval and a frownie (®) next to those that express disapprova l. • That's a grea t idea. © • That's not ver y nice. _ _ • Don 't gossip , _ _ • Excellent id ea . _ _ B. PAI RS . Co mp let e the conversation with expressions from Exercise A. Then role-play the conversation. A: What a. beauti ful day! Let's sit outs ide. B: That '$ a great idea. A: Look. The re's Zack and Dana . J think Zack likes Dana, but Dan a doesn' t like him .

B: A: Sorry.

4 Vocabulary Past time expressions A.

e Listen and repeat. • • • •

yesterday last night last week last month

• • • •

last year last Monday a few m inutes ago three days ago

• a week ago

• a month ago • a year ago

B. Look at the calendars. Write the dates, days, or months next to the expressions. 1. yesterday January 16th

5. last Wednesday

2. last n ig ht


6. three days ago

3. last week


7. a week ago

4. last mon th

_ _ _

8. a month ago






16, 1'1

23 21­ 30


31 '


, . I

Unit 11


Practicing grammar 5 Practice

The simple past of regular verbs

Affirmative statements Italked to him yesterday. She smiled at him. He stopped by a few minutes ago. We cried beca use they moved away.

Have a competition! Go to page 133 .

Negative statements Ididn 't talk to him. He didn't smile back. He didn't stop for long. They didn't cry at all.

didn 't =did not

1. Liza (ask)


about Brian a while ago .

3. Brian (stop by) 4. He (try)

Discovering grammar Look at the grammar chart. Complete the grammar rules with expressions from the box.


Complete the sentences with the simple past.

2. Andy and Robbie (play) in the yard this morning.



6 Practice

simple past yesterday

stop bas e

ago last

basketball five minutes ago.

to call Joey an hour ago. that Brian called Joey

5. Liza (worry) agam. 6. Brian and Joey (enjoy) yesterday. 7. Liza (suggest)

shopping a party for Brian.

1. Use the to tal k a bout actions that are finished.

7 Practice

2. _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ , and

A. Write a summary of the conversation on page 98. Use the simple past of the verbs in the box.

_ _ _ _ __ are past time expressions.

3. The base for rn of stopped is


4. To form t he simple past of regular verbs in affirmative statements, add _ __ _ __ or base form of

to the

a verb .

5. To form the simple past of verbs in negative statements, use did + not + the




plan play

stop I suggest

- -----=--~ - -----=-=---

[hie; morning, Andy and Robbie played basketball in the yard. Brian stopped by for a few minutes, Uza

_ _ _ _ _ _ form of a main verb. She



B. PAIRS. Read your classmate's summary. Circle any incorrect information or incorrect use of the simple past. Correct the errors in your stories together.


Unit 11

GROUPS. Liza is not happy because Brian seems to like Joey. Liza feels jealous of Joey. Talk about situations when people get jealous. Useful language: • What situations can make people jealous? • Can you give an example? • Do you think it's natural to feel jealous


• Do you get jealous? • Sometimes. • Of course. • I'm sometimes a little jealous of my brother! sister. • Do you talk to your parents about it? • Why not?

Take notes in class. Taking notes in class helps you understand your lessons.

Here are some note-taking tips: 1. Don't try to write down every word you hear. 2. Listen for answers to who, where, when, and what questions.

For example: 1. Who: Andy 2. What: cake

3. Wh en/Wh at time: be ore 4- ,


9 Listening I'" "


64 4: List en to Caroline's message for Andy, Circle the correct answers.


The pronunciation of -d and -ed endings "'" Listen and repeat. A. 'B42

ItI stopped asked talk ed B.

/dl enjoyed played tried

ladl suggested


d ecid ed

Listen, Circle the verbs that end with t he /t/ sound. B43.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1 stop pe and listened to the mu sic.

They talked while they played. She laughed when he tried to kiss her. We stayed home and watched a video.

1. What did Caroline order for the party? ice crea m G~v

coo ies sand w iches

2. How many kinds of ice cream did she order? one two three four 3. Who cooked for the party? Ca roline Carol in c's mom Liza Liza's mom 4. What did she cook for the party? hot dogs hamburgers spaghetti cake 5. What did Caroline ask Andy to pick up from the supermarket? lemonade candy peanuts ice cream 6. Wh en is Caroline going to Andy's house? at two o'clock at three o'clock at four o'clock at five o'clock

:..r .

Unit 11

11 Practice The simple past of re gu la r verbs Yes/No qu estions Did you talk to Brian yesterday? Did he stop by a few m in utes ago? Did you cry last n ight ?

Short answers Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. Yes, he did. / No. he didn't . Yes, w e did . / No. w e didn't.

Discovering grammar

Look at the grammar chart. Circle the correct answers. 1. Yes/No questions begin w ith (did / do). 2. (Add / Do not add) -d o r -ed to t he ma in verbs in sim ple past questions.

A . PAIRS. Complete the questionnaire for yourself. Put a check (......) next to the ones you did and an X next to the ones you didn't do. Then ask a classmate the questions.

Yesterday, d id you . .. · help clean the house? · wash the dishes after eat ing? · clean your room? • organize your things in your roo m?



Practicing grammar 10 Practice A. Write Yes/No questions. Use the simple

past and the cues. 1. finish your ho mework last nigh t 2 . watch a m ov ie last Sat u rday

3. ca ll your parents this mor ning

l ast weekend, did you . .. · watch a mo vie with friends? • invi te fri ends over to your ho use? · call your friends? · stop by a fri end's house?

4. like the last Harry Potter m ovie

5. clean yo ur roo m last wee kend 6 . text you r friends yesterd ay

l ast weekend. did you .. . • exercise? · walk a lot? · play any sport? · avoid sweets and junk food?



B. PAIRS. Take turn s. Ask and answer the

questions in Exercise A.

For example:

A: Did you finish your ho mew ork last n ight? B: Yes, I d id. Ho w abou t you ? A: No, I d idn' t.







B. GROUPS. Join another pair. Compare your answers . Who is .. . a. helpfu l?

b. stud ious?

c. sociable? d. healthy?


Unit 11

_ ~

_ _

Information questions Who did you r siste r call this morning? When did you talk to Brian? What time did he stop by? Why did you cry?

Short answers Me. Yesterday. A few minutes ago. Because my mom yelled at me.

Long answers My siste r called me this morning. I talked to him yesterday. He stopped by a.few minut es ago. I cried because rl,y mo m yelled at me .

With Who as subject Who called you th is morning?

My sister.

Mysister called me this morning.

Discovering grammar

Look at the grammar chart. Circle the correct answers. 1. When you use did with a main verb, todd -cd / do not add · ed) to the main verb. 2. When the subject Is Who, (use I don't use) did with the main verb .

13 Practice

Write information questions for the underlined words in each sentence.

1. Andy picked up som e snacks. (Who)

Who picked up Borne snacks?

2. Andy invited ~ to the party. (Who)


3. Brian arrived in Miami two mo nt hs ago. (When)

Practicing grammar 12 Practice A. Write information questions using the cues.

1. When / last exercise When did you la5t exercieei'

4. Liza suggested a party for Brian becau se he's leaving . (Why)


5. Brian e-mailed his parents a few days ago. (Who)


6. Annie called Liza at 10:00 this morning.

2. What time fini sh studying / last night 3. What movie / watch / last Saturday


(What time)


14 Communication Talk about past even ts

4. Where / study / yesterday A. J.

Wh en / last clean / your room

6. Why / cal] / me /T ast ni ght


listen to the conversation.

A: Did you watch American Id ol last night?

B: No, 1 didn't. Did you? A: Yeah.l didn't like it at all. B: I'm glad I didn' t watch it. B. Talk about what you did last weekend.

AIRS. Student A, ask your classmate uestions 1-3 in Exercise A. Student B. answ er them. AIRS. Student B, it's your turn. Ask qu est io ns 4-6. Student A, answer them.

Unit 11


15 Reading

17 Vocabulary

Read the instant messages between Liza and Annie. What do the acronyms 84N and TTYL mean?

Emoticons and acronyms

Liza :

Hey, Annie! I waited for you all day yesterday. What happened?

Annie: Oh, sorry. Sam called, and we ta lked for hour s. I didn't realize the time. Liz a :

Sam's your boyfriend now?

Annie: That's so random. Liza . No, he's not my boyfriend!

Liza :

Speaking of rando m . . . Did you hear abo ut Brian and Joey?

Annie: That they shopped together yesterday? Liza :

How d id you know?

Annie: I bumped into them at the mall . Liza :

They tal ked all day yesterday,

too. Annie: Relax, Liza. They're jus t friends. Liza:

I hope so. B4N .

Annie: OK. TTYL.



16 Comprehension PAIRS. Draw a smiley (©) or a frownie (0) to show how each character felt when she wrote each of these sentences. 1. Liza:

I waited for

y Oll

all day yesterday.


2. Annie: Oh , sorry. _ _



3. Annie: Sam called . _ _


4. Liza:


Unit 11

They talked all day yesterday, too .

A. Match the emoticons with the emotions and actions they express. Emoticons



a. b. c. d. e.

2. 3. 4. 5. >:-< " 6. :-D .7. :'( @


I'm sad. I'm angry. That's funny. I'm joking. I'm happy. f . I'm crying. g. I'm su rpris ed .

B. Match the acronyms with the expressions.

1. ASAP \ 2. 84N

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


a. b. c. d. e.

See you lat er.

Parents are watching. Talk to you late r. Got to go. As soon. as possible. f. Bye for no w. g. Be right back.

18 Your tum GROUPS. Put together a list of emoticons that teenagers like to use. Include what each one means. Share your list with the class.

At the costume party

A. ~ First, look at the pictures and identify some of the costumes. Then listen and read.

What a great pa rty, Uza! Did you plan all thi s?

Hey, wha t 's wrong?

You know what's wrong. J oey. Bria n likes you . A nd you like

him. t oo.

55. Discuss this question: Why does Liza say, "Oh, no!"

Unit 11


Add up the question

Useful language

• a die, or write the numbers 1-6 on pieces of paper and fold them up • a game p iece for yo urself (an eraser, etc.)

• OK, yo u can move forward one. • No, that 's not rig ht. • The question should be . ..

Steps: 1. Work in pairs or small groups. 2 . Put your markers on square a. Player A reads the sentence aloud . (Sherri studied Spanish on the stairs fast Saturday.) Player A then rolls the die or picks a folded piece of paper. If the player gets a number from 1-5, he or she asks a question using the question word in that box. (For example, Player A gets a 1: Who studied Spanish on the stairs last Saturday?)


Ask Who

(\. --n \ \


3. If Player A asks the question correctly, he or she moves to the next square. Then it's Player s's turn to read the sentence in square a and roll the die.

a player rolls a 6, or doesn't ask the question correctly, he or she cannot move to the next square.

4 . If

5. The first player to complete square f wi ns.

Ask When

Ask What


.--"- ---- -:;:>"



0.-'- .

\\ 'I ­

i-: -


- v .,

' --.­

\"'r;;\ .





-,... . ~L..- ...--...--..


Ask Did


()~ ~-! / ·_- ~


Sherri studied Spanish on the stairs last Saturday.

J er ry tried sushi at a Japanese restaurant last June.


e t-- - ---. f Cathy washed her brother's car on the corner last Sund ay.



Mark watched a magic show at the ma"~n Monday.

Kim cooked Korean food in her cooking ctass two ~~e kS agt

A snapshot ofafte d trip Imagine your teacher wants your ideas on a field trip. Think of a place you'd like to visit with your class. Post your suggestion on an Internet message board-or write it on a piece of paper to share with the class. Choose photos to go with your post. Use the message and steps below as a guide.

SmartTim writ es: Hey everybody! © Let's go on a field trip to the Natio nal Aquarium in Baltimore! It's not far from Washington, and it's way cool!

-.. .


The National Aquarium has over 500 different fish and animals. They have huge fish tanks. You really feel like you're under water. They have Jots of sharks, of course. And there are snakes and dolphins, too. In fact, we can see a dolphin show there! And right now there's a special exhibit on frogs . They have some great poison frogs, including an awesom e blue po ison dart frog .

The aquarium has some great special tours. The best is "Sleepover with the Sharks." Does that sound cool? ;-) We can learn all about sharks and sleep right next to the shark tank! Breakfast is included!

" ,I'

The aquarium is in Baltimore. To get th ere, we can take the train from Union Station. lt just takes about 40 minutes. Then we can take a bus to the aquarium. It's right next to the Inn er Harbor, on the water. Sound good? Let me know! G2G! B4N! •

.. I


Tope at writ es: Hey SmartTim! Your idea sounds great! Especially the "Sleepover with the Sharks"!! :-0







Project 4


A snapshot ofafield trip

Imagine your teacher wants your ideas on a field trip. Think of a place you'd like to visit with your class. Post your suggestion on an Internet message board-or write it on a piece of paper to share with the class . Choose photos to go with your post. Use the message and steps below as a guide.

SmartTim writ es: Hey everybody! © Let's go on a field trip to the Natio nal Aquarium in Baltimore! It's not far fro m Washington, and it 's way cool!



The National Aquarium has over 500 different fish and animals. They have huge fish tanks. You really feel like you're under w ater. They have lots of sharks, of course. And there are snakes and dolphins, too. In fact, we can see a dolphin show there! And right now there's a special exhibit on frogs . They have some great poison frogs, including an awesome blue po ison dart frog .

The aquarium has some great special tours. The best is "Sleepover with the Sharks." Does that sound cool? ;-) We can learn all about sharks and sleep right next to the shark tank! Breakfast is included!

The aquarium is in Baltimore. To get th ere, w e can take t he train from Union Station. It just takes about 40 minutes. Then we can take a bus to the aqu arium. It's right next to t he Inner Harbor, on the water. Sound good? Let me know! G2G! B4N!

TopCat writes: Hey SmartTim! Your idea so und s great! Especially the "Sleepover with the Sharks"!! :-0

Project 4


gue ~ Cover the dialogue and listen.


Good- bye, Mrs. G ibson. Tha nks for having me th is slim mer. I rea lly had a great time. Mom: We're g lad yo u came, Brian. Jt was fun for us} too. An d you were so good wi th Robbie. Say hi to yo ur parents. Robbie: Uh, Brian. You ca n have my ba seb all. It' s my present for yo u. Brian: Thank you, Robbie. I left some thing for you in yo ur roo m . Joey: An d this is fro m al l of us. It's th e fam ily pic ture yo u took at the picnic. Brian: You're a great frie nd, Joey. Andy, yo u 're coo l. Thanks, m an. Andy: No proble m, dud e. Go od lu ck. Liza: We' ll miss yo u, Br ian. Kee p in to uc h. Brian: OK. Oh, I almost forgot. Th is is for yo u , Liza. Joey though t yo u'd love thi s. Liza: Oh, th ank yo u! It' s bea u tifu l. Brian: Bye, everyone. All: Bye . Hav e a grea t trip. Take ca re.

Communication Talk about t he past Say good -bye Talk abou t occupations Grammar The simple past of be (was/were) The simple past of

irregu lar verbs

Vocabulary Some occupations

2 Comprehension

3 Useful expressions

A. Answer the questions orally.

A. ~ Listen and repeat.

1. Wh at's special about today?

Brian is going back t o Australia.

2. What is Robbi e's presen t for Brian? 3. Where is Bria n's present for Robbi e? 4. Wh at is the fam ily's prese nt for Brian ? 5. Who help ed Brian choose a pr esent for Liza? B.

Read along as you listen again . Check your answers.


1. Good-bye./Bye. - :B =...y=e-=-.


2. Th an ks for havin g me . 3. Good luck.



4. Keep in touch.


5. H ave a g reat trip. 6. Take care.

_ _


B. Write these responses next to the appropriate expressions in Exercise A.

a. Thanks. b. OK c. You, too.

d. Bye. e. No problem.

Keep a list of everyday words and expressions. Keeping a list of everyday words and expressions is a good way to increase your vocabula ry.

PAIRS. List t he exp ressions for greeting and meeting people and fo r saying good -bye that you've learned in this book. Meeting and greeting people

Saying good -bye


f a ke ca re.

PAIRS. Take turn s saying the expre ssion s and responding to th em . Tip: Wh en you greet and say good-bye t o your teacher and to each other, use the expre ssions on your list .


Unit 12


5 Practice A. PAIRS. Match the labels with the pictures.


The sim p le past of be (was, were) Affirmative statements I wa s hap py. You were hap py.

Negative statements

I wasn't sad at a ll.

You weren't sad at all.

He } was ha p py. She

He } wasn't sad at all. She


We we re hap py. They

You } weren't sad at a ll.

We They


wa sn 't == wa s not

weren't =were not

Discovering grammar

Look at the grammar chart. Complete the

rules with words from the box.





weren 't I are was

1. The simple past forms of and were.

2. Use and It.


with He, She,

3. Use and They.


with I, You, We,

Practicing grammar

4 Practice Complete the sentences with was, wasn't, were, or weren't. Last Saturday. I (1)

1. the Beatles/(Great Britain) pop and rock group 2. Thomas Edison/(United Stat es) inventor 3. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera/(Mexico) paint ers 4. A lbert Einstein/(Germany) scientist 5. Pierre and Marie @urie/(France) scientists 6. Mot her Teresa/(Yugoslavia) nun


at a friend 's party. Some of my classmates (2)


a lot of fun. The food

too. The par t y (3) (4)

great. There (5 )


B. PAIRS. Take turns. Say who the people in the pictures were.

cookies, and lots of ice creaml YumJ There (6)

For example:

_ _ _ _ games and lots of fun activities. But

there (7) I






any music. There

any dancing either. But it (9)

because the games (10)

110 Unit 12


_ a lot of fun


A: Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera were Mexican painters. B: Albert Einstein . . .



The simp le past of be (was/were) Yes/No questions Was I sad Were you sad Was he/ she sad to see him go? Were we sad Were you sad Were they sad

Affirmative answers Yes, you were. Yes, l was. Yes, he/sh e was . Yes, we/ you were. Yes, we were. Yes, they were.

Negative answ ers No, you weren't. No, I wasn't. No, he/she wasn't. No, we/you weren't. No, we weren't. No, th ey weren't.

Information questions Who was at th e door? Where were you last week? Why were they absent? What time was your appoin t ment ?

Short answers Brian. On vacation . Because they were sick. At 10:00.

Long answers Brian was at the door. I was on vacation. They were absent because they were sick. My appo intment was at 10:00.

Discovering grammar Look at the grammar chart. Circle the correct answers. 1. In Yes/No quest ions, was and were come (before I af ter) the subject. 2. In information questions, was and were come (before I aftw) the question word.

Practicing grammar 6 Practice A. Answer the questions about some members of your family.

1. Where were you yesterday at 5:00 P.M.?

B. PAIRS. Try to guess where your classmate an d his or her family were by asking Yes! No questions about the information in Exercise A.

For example:

A: Were yOlt at school yesterday at 5:00 P. iVl.? B: No, r wasn't. A: Were you at home? B: No, I wasn't. A: Were you at a friend's house? B: Yes, 1 was! You get three points if you guess correctly on the first try, two points on the second try, and one point on the final try. If you're unable to guess correctly after three tries, ask "Where were you / t hey?" or "Where was he / she?"

{ was at a friend 's house.

2. Where were you last Sat ur day? 3. W here was your dad last ni ght?

7 Pronunciation The pronunciation of was and were A. 85 0 Listen and repeat .

4. Where was your mom las t Saturday? 5. Where were your grandparents last Sunday?

Weak pronunciation Strong pronunciation It was fun. It wasn't boring. Was it fun? Yes, it was. Were you busy yesterday? No, r wasn't. B. PAIRS. Role-play the conversations.

6. Where were some of your cou sin s last w eekend?

1. A: Were your friends at the party? B: No, they w er en't. 2. A: Were you home last night? B: Yes, I was.

Unit 12 111



I: I


The simple past of irregular verbs


Affirmative statements Brian went t o Miami two months ago. Brian spent th e sum mer there.

He didn't go to New York.

He didn't spend t he winter there.


Yes/No questions Did Brian go to Mi ami? Did Brian spend th e summer th ere?

Affirmative answers Yes, he did . Yes, he did .

" I


Negative statements

Negative answers

No, he didn't .

No, he didn't.

Informat ion questions

Short answers

Long answers

When did Brian go to Miami? Wh o went to Miami?

Tw o months ago. Brian.

He went to Miami two months ago.

Brian went to Mi am i. '

Some irregular verbs com e ~ came have ~ had do ~ did get ~ got

go ~ we nt

spend ~ spent

take ~ took tell ~ told

Discovering grammar

9 Practice

look at the grammar chart. Circle the correct answers. 1. Irregular verbs (add / do not add) -d or -ed to the base form to form the simple past. 2. In simple past questions, use the helping verb (do / did) with the base form of a main verb .

Write two sentences to correct the information. 1. Brian went to Canada as an exchange student. Brian didn 't go to Canada . He went to the United


Practicing grammar

2. He came back to Australia last m onth.

8 Practice Read Brian's e-mail. Circle all the verbs in the simple past. Include both affirmative and negative form s.

3. On Sunday, he went to bed at 10 P.M.

Hey! How are you guys doing? I arrive home on Sunday. I wag really tired that day, so I wen fo bed at 8:00 P.M. When I wokc up at 1:00, I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. Of course, I didn't know it was one in the morning I My mom and dad weren't up, so I knocked on their bedroom doorto ask about breakfast. "At one in the morning?" Mom asked.

4. He took a shower at 6 A .M .

5. Brian spen t the sum m er with his grandpar ents.

I'm glad I spent my summer with yourfamily. Your dad's job as a computer animator is so cool! I think I'm going to study computer technology. Myparents said hi. Thanks again for a greatsummer. I miss you all,

10 Practice

Brian ~


I ,

112 Unit 12




.. -


Have a competition! Go to page 133.

11 Writing

13 Vocabulary

A. GROUPS. Write a story using the simple past. Follow the inst ruct io ns.

Some occupations

1. Read the two beginning sentences. Write one of these sentences on a piece of paper. It was a darkand rainy night . OR It was a bright and sunny day. 2. The firs t studen t adds a second sen ten ce to the story and passes the p ap er on to th e n ext s tud en t who the n w rites in the th ird se ntence. (The sentences can be fun ny or rid iculous.) 3. Conti n ue u nti l all studen ts in the g roup have contributed a sen tence. T he last student to ge t the pa per sh ou ld en d the story. B. GROUPS. Read your stories out lo ud to the class.

A. ~ Look at the photos as you listen and repeat.


B. Read the clues. Then complete the crossword puzzle.



4. drives ca rs and truc ks

8. assist s do ctors 9. creates websites (2 words) 10. fixes cars



12 Communication


Talk about past activities


Listen to the conversation . 851

A: Did you do anything fun last week? B: Yes, I d id ! We went to the amusement p ark. A: What d id yo u do th ere? B: My little brother and I tried the new rid e at the park. It was so scary! A: Did yo ur brother scream? B: No, b e di d n't. But I did. B. PAIRS. Role-play the conversation or make up your own about a past weekend activity.

equipment 2. cleans and treats p eop le's teeth 7. cu ts and styles hair

S. make s things out of woo d 6. treats sick people

l 1


1. con nects and rep airs electrical

3 . operates airc ra f t

~ " 4

'2' -






I i I I 10 1 t I


. ",.



e -


!P .. -

~J 6 7




II f-----




I f-----













10 ~

Unit 12


14 Listening /'"

A. 853 ' Listen to the conversation . Circle the occupations you hear.

a. carpenter b. dentist c. nu rse


GROUPS. Talk about your favorite occupations. Ask each other questions about them.

d. doctor g. police officer e. pilot h. engineer f. mechanic 1. actor

Useful language: • What occupations do you like? • Why do you like it/them? • Which would you like to be when you grow up? • Yeah, that's a cool job. • Me, too./I like it, too. • Maybe.

'I I


854; Listen again. Circle the correct answers.

1. "Teen Line's" topic for today is "Occu pations for the (21st/ 221ld) century." 2. Mario's dad is (a car / all airplane) mechanic. 3. Isabel's (grandma / mom) is a doctor. 4. Isabel wants to be a (dentist / doctor). s. The boys on the show want to be

(police officers / firefighters).

15 Reading A. Look up the meaning of the underlined words in the article. B. 8 55, Read along silently as you listen.

Hot jobs for the 21st century

When your parents were very young , they probably wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer oranengineer when they grew up. Those were the hot jobs manyyears ago. But what will the hot jobs be when you grow up? Science and technology continue to change how welive. Wilen you grow up, there will be new occupations that we don't have today. Here are some futuristic occupations from 's "Visions ofthe Century ":

1. Hot 1 i n e han d y men (reoairmen/teclmicians) : Areyour parents afraid to program their VCRs and DVD players? What willthey dowhen 3-D televisions and talking toasters I



become a reality? You, however, do not need toworry. In the future, technicians will be able to take care of your 1!ill!J.i£n.~ problems from their computers, without going to your home. 2 . Vir t u a 1 - rea 1 it y act 0 r s : Do you request pay-per-view movies on your li/? Inpay-per-view, you pay towatch a movie. Inthe future, pay-per-view will become pay-per-play. In pay-per-play, you will pay to bea part of the movie you're watching ,You won't just watch the actors ina movie. You will beable to interact with them. For example, you can tell Tom Cruise to look out when there's! That would be really awesome!

16 Comprehension

17 Speaking

Discuss and answer these questions.

GROUPS. Discuss these questions.

According to the article, ...

1. What other futuristic occupations would you

1. What were some of the popular occupations during your parents' time? 2. What do hotline handymen do? 3. What can you do with virtual-reality ac tors?

like to have? Discuss two. 2. Wh at two inventions or products would you like to see in th e future? Describe what these inventions G l n do .

Unit 12

Units 11 and 12

Test-taking tip : Review yo ur answe rs.

Aft er answering a ll th e q uest io ns, review your answers. Correct a ny e rro rs.



2. He went back to Australia last month . (Wh en)

A. Write the past forms of the verbs . (1 point each) 1. is /a m


6. do

2. are

7. tr y

3. shop

8. tell

4. take

9. go

5. make

3. He was in th e U.S. because he wa s an exchan ge student. (Why)




10. come

1. My friend Sherri and I (be)

E. Write the occupation for each definition. (1 point each) 1. op erates aircraft

at a


3. creates websites

classmates th ere.

th ei r names.

6. We (have)

awesome. a lot of fun .

C. Change sentences 2, 3, 4, and 6 in Exercise B into Yes/No questions . Then


4. cuts and styles hair


s. treats p eople's teeth





F. Talk about what you did on your last birthday. Ask Yes/No and information questions. Use the cues. (2 points each sentence)

answer them. (3 points each sentence) 1. Q: Did we £;ee our classmate£; at the


lJ .,., .

A: (Yes/ No question) Did you have a party?


B: Yea, I had a party with my friends.

A: Ye5, we did. 2. Q :

A: (Information question)

A: 3. Q : A: 4. Q:




5. The concert (be)

pilo t

2. dr ives buses an d trucks

so m e of our

4. But they (not/hear)



rock concert last Saturday.

3. We (ca ll )


4. He invited hi s p a rents to visit him .

B. Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. (1 point each)

2. We (see )




A: (Yes / No question)




A: D. Write information questions about the underlined parts in the sentences. Use the cues. (2 points each) 1. Brian sp ent hi s s u m mer in the


(Wh ere) Where did Brian 5pend hi5

Now I can ••.

o t a lk about past events. o ex press a pproval and disa pproval.


t a lk a bo ut occu pat io ns.


Progress check


Many teens in the Un ited States have part-time jobs, especially during summer vacation, They make new friends, earn money, and learn about the world of work.

I work in a fa st -food rest a urant . I started last summer. h ll my f riends had su mmer j obs. and I was bored because I had nothing t o do. So I int erviewed here and got the j ob. The manager liked my work, and as ked me to work f or him agai n t his summer. I've mad e some good friends here. and it's fun earning my own money. I'm saving up to buy my first car. I'm so sick of ask ing my parente, "Can I bor row the keys'?" Maria Martinez, 16

Some of my friends st ill get allowances from th eir parents, but I wor k for my spending money. Dur ing t he sc hool year, I babysit on weekends. I charge $7 an hour. Jals o t ake care of dogs and cat s at my home when the owners are away. I earn $25 a day. My mom helps with that . In t he spring and su mmer, I al so do yard work. I cha t'ge $10 an hour. I\ nd I wash

Common Teen Jobs

cars, t oo- Jcha r"ge $15 a car. Washing cars is t iring, but it pays well. I get most of my wor k from word- oF-mouth, but I also put up post er's

babysitting washing cars helping children with homework pet sitting working ata restaurant being a lifeguard ata pool dog walking working in a store working at a summer camp doing yard work

being a coach

amund t he neighbor"hood. Jane WeGton, 13

1 Reading - - - - - - ---- - - --- - - - - -----,

A . Read the article and look at the pictures. Then draw lines from the vocabulary items to their meanings.

1. fas t food 2. earn money 3. coach 4. pays we ll 5. allow ance 6. word-of-mouth

a. b. c, d. e. f.

people talking about it sports instructor burgers, French fries, etc. money parents g ive child ren rna ke money by working gives you a lot of money

B. Read the article again, Write short answers to the questions. 1. Why was Maria bored?


2. "What does Brandon want to be?


3. How m