Natural Science. Level 6. Unit 3. Reproduction

REPRODUCTION NEW WORDS Characteristics…caracteres Womb…útero Primary …primarios Walls…paredes Secondary …secundarios vag

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REPRODUCTION NEW WORDS Characteristics…caracteres Womb…útero Primary …primarios Walls…paredes Secondary …secundarios vagina …vagina men …hombres vulva …vulva women…mujeres opening …abertura voice …voz male …masculino breasts…mamas testes …testículos Puberty…pubertad sperm …esperma stage …etapa, fase spermatozoa …espermatozoides develop …desarrollar sperm ducts …conductos mood …carácter deferentes female …femenino prostate gland …próstata ovaries …ovarios mix …mezclar ova …óvulos semen…semen Fallopian tubes…trompas de penis …pene Falopio contain…contener Uterus…útero Sexual characteristics Men and women have different sexual characteristics.  Primary sexual characteristics. They are the reproductive organs  Secondary sexual characteristics. They are physical differences between men and women. For example: the hair, the voice or the breasts. Puberty In this stage of life boys and girls develop secondary sexual characteristics and their reproductive organs start working. It happens at the ages 10-14 in girls and 12-16 in boys. Puberty also changes mood an emotions. The female reproductive system It consists of several organs:  The ovaries contain the ova (female sex cells).  The Fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus.  The uterus or womb, where the baby develops, has muscular walls.  The vagina connects the uterus to the outside.  The vulva is external and protects the opening of the vagina and the urethra. The male reproductive system It has several organs:  The testes produce sperm with spermatozoa (male sex cells).  The sperm ducts connect the testes and the urethra.  The prostate gland produces liquids with nutrients that mix with sperm and produce semen.  The urethra transports semen from the urethra to the outside  The penis is external and contains the urethra.

SEX CELLS AND FERTILIZATION NEW WORDS ova …óvulos spermatozoon …espermatozoide mature …madurar ovum…óvulo embryo…embrión intercourse…relaciones spermatozoa …espermatozoides ovulation…ovulación tail …cola zygote …cigoto Fertilization…fertilización attach…pegarse a Sex cells are an essential part of reproduction Female sex cells The ova are in the ovaries from birth and mature during puberty. They contain nutrients necessary for the embryo. Male sex cells The spermatozoa are produced in the testes, starting at puberty. They are very small and have a head and a long tail to move. Fertilization Fertilization occurs when a spermatozoon joins an ovum. It can happen in the Fallopian tubes, when a spermatozoon (released into the woman’s vagina during sexual intercourse) finds an ovum (released by the ovaries during the ovulation). When fertilization happens, a zygote is formed. The zygote divides into cells that form an embryo. The embryo travels to the uterus and attaches to its walls.

PREGNANCY, BIRTH NEW WORDS Pregnancy Last…durar, último until …hasta sac …saco amnion…bolsa amniótica umbilical cord …cordón umbilical placenta …placenta foetus …feto birth…nacimiento distinguish…distinguir come out …salir

AND LACTATION labour…parto stages…etapas break…romper push…empujar hard …fuerte, duro Caesarean section…cesárea Lactation…lactancia Breastfeeding …amamantamiento Feed…alimentar formula milk…leche artificial

Pregnancy It lasts about nine months (from fertilization until birth)  When the embryo is in the uterus, it is protected by a sac with liquid called amnion.  The placenta is a new organ that forms in the uterus to provide nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the embryo.  The umbilical cord connects the placenta and the embryo. The embryo is now called foetus and grows in the uterus until birth. We can distinguish all his body parts at three months. Birth The baby comes out of the mother’s body by the labour. The labour has three stages:  First stage: the muscles of the uterus contract and the amnion breaks. The liquid is expelled.  Second stage: the mother pushes hard and the baby is born.  Third stage: the placenta is expelled through the vagina. Sometimes the doctor performs a Caesarean section. Lactation Mother’s breasts produce milk. Breastfeeding happens when the baby is fed with the mother’s milk. This milk contains nutrients and substances to grow and to avoid diseases. Babies can also have formula milk.