Natacha Oceane - Breakfast Recipe Guide.pdf

Breakfast Recipe Guide by Contents 3 Before you start 4 5 Favourite ingredients Nutrition & sauces for toppings 6

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Breakfast Recipe Guide by

Contents 3

Before you start

4 5

Favourite ingredients Nutrition & sauces for toppings


Cookie creations •

Cookie dough #1

Cookie dough #2

Oatmeal raisin cookies

10 Pancake creations •

Oat protein pancakes


Savoury oat pancakes

Spinach pancakes


French Toast

16 17

Eggy Crumpets Overnight Oats

18 19

Breakfast Doughnuts Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins

20 Banana Rockcakes 21 Protein Granola 22 Breakfast Crumble 2

before you


Hey my friends!! Firstly, thank you so much for choosing to buy my ebook. This is the first time I’ve ever done something like this and it means the world that you are supporting me and helping me continue doing what I love on YouTube!   

I’ve done absolutely everything in this book (even take the photos!) and I've force-fed friends

and family all the little variations on each recipe as I played about with ingredients. I've had mini obsessions with each one of these recipes and I really hope that you’ll find something you like the look of as you flick through the pages! 

This book is not a set meal plan, it’s a recipe guide designed so that you can tailor each meal

to what you fancy and to your diet as you progress. That's why I've tried to keep each recipe simple and really adaptable so that you can make tweaks to change the macros to suit

you.  And if you don’t calculate macros, that's fine too, ignore the nutrition breakdown and just go by how you feel!

Hopefully the ingredients shouldn't be too difficult to find - I remember when I started cooking healthy foods and I was buying exotic flours from strange places all over the internet!  

As with any balanced lifestyle, I believe in moderation and I didn’t want this book to be full out

clean. You know I love my cheat days and have lots of refeed days too, so I’ve included some

breakfasts that are perfect for these! After all, they really help me stick to my diet over the long term so I couldn't go without them.

Anyway, I’ve rambled on a bit but let the cooking begin!! And don't forget to send me your IG

stories, tag me in your photos or use #noceanecreations so that I can see your take on these recipes. I always love hearing from you!


Favourite ingredients Ingredients to get to help you on your way: •

Egg Whites. I use these a lot because I prefer to keep the calories lower to increase the amount of volume that I eat but of course, feel free to use eggs instead wherever you see egg whites in the ingredients list. 1 egg = approx 60g egg whites •

If you’re vegan then you can make a similar egg consistency using ground flax or chia seeds (mix 1 tbsp seeds with 3 tbsp water).

Protein powder. There are so many different brands and types (vegan too) so pick whichever you prefer but it is always nice when you can find the list of ingredients and that it's been scientifically tested. Your best bet is to get vanilla as it works well with other flavours, but I also love chocolate peanut butter! •

There are times when I am using specific flavours of protein powders, but I've included swaps you can do to get the same taste if you don't have access to them.

If you don’t have protein powder, powdered peanut butter is high in protein. If not, then you can just have more protein for lunch and dinner from other natural sources (tofu, seitan, mycoprotein, lentils, beans etc.)

Powdered peanut butter. I use this a lot to give me the peanut flavour without the excess calories because I prefer eating a lot of volume. I like both P2B and Nuts n' More, both of which are on amazon. However, feel free to omit or add normal peanut butter if you don’t have access to the powdered version.

Sukrin. This is my favourite sweetener out there because it actually tastes like sugar and doesn’t have a weird aftertaste like other sweeteners. Although I’m happy to eat honey or other sugar sources, Sukrin doesn’t contain any calories and works 1:1 for baking. You can find this in some supermarkets and on amazon .


*Nutrition: Extras & Toppings Throughout this ebook, 'extras' can be added inside the base of each recipe, or can replace

some of the ingredients, to play around with the macros. The toppings are serving suggestions and are often how I have mine. If I’m starving I’ll chuck in all the extras and toppings, but on a normal day just a few of the toppings go down a treat.

I’ve included the nutrition breakdown of each recipe at the bottom of the page. This excludes extras and toppings, as these are for you to play around with until you find the recipe that's perfect for you!

Sauces •

Powdered peanut butter sauce (PPB) - Mix 1 tbsp powder with 1 tbsp water/milk or with 2 tbsp egg whites to make a thick sauce just like real peanut butter!

Protein sauce - Mix 1 scoop of protein powder with water 1 tbsp at a time until you’ve reached your desired consistency

Chia jam - Mix chia seeds with blended fruit in a 1:2 ratio for a thicker sauce or 1:3 for a thinner jam, and add your choice of sweetener.

Chocolate sauce - Mix 1 tbsp 100% cocoa powder with 1 tbsp Sukrin (or sweetener of choice) and ~1 tbsp water/nut milk or more until you’ve reached your desired consistency.



T C E F R PE FOR: ’ s r e ‘rush


PERFECT FOR: ‘rushers’

cookie 1 #


I’ve been addicted to this for a long time, it’s really good if you have no time in the morning to make anything fancy and it even works when going abroad (the dry ingredients keep for a long time). I turn to this when I have a tough morning workout because the carbs keep me going throughout! You can swap anything to change the macros so be creative with this one, you really can add anything to it!


Serves 1

100g oats

30g Sukrin or dates

EXTRAS Cacao nibs / chocolate Fruit (dry or fresh!)

Pinch of salt

Chopped nuts

60g egg whites (40ml liquid)

Soya crispies

30g powdered peanut butter

Chopped protein bar

Mix all dry ingredients together and blend them. At this stage, add your chosen ‘extras’. Then add either water/ milk/egg whites and mix well. If you consistency then add more liquid

prefer a thinner

NUTRITION*/ serving| 575kcal | 39g Protein | 71g Carb | 10g Fat



PERFECT FOR: ‘rushers’

2 # DOUGH Here’s a higher fat, lower carb version if that’s what works for you!


Serves 1

75g oats

30g Sukrin or dates

EXTRAS Cacao nibs / chocolate Dried chopped fruit

1/2 scoop protein powder

Chopped nuts

60g egg whites or 40ml liquid

Soya crispies

25g peanut butter

Chopped protein bar

Mix all dry ingredients together and blend them. At this stage, add your chosen ‘extras’. Then add either water/ milk/egg whites and mix well. If you consistency then add more liquid

prefer a thinner

NUTRITION*/serving| 575kcal | 47g Protein | 50g Carb | 19g Fat


Oatmeal raisin

COOKIES INGREDIENTS Makes 100g oats 8 1 egg 1 tbsp peanut butter 40g maple syrup/honey 1 tsp cinnamon 60g raisins

EXTRAS Chopped nuts Chocolate chips


‘meal preppi ng'

Cookies will always have my heart. I used to make them all the time at uni and so having this healthier version brings back a ll the memories and acts as a great preworkout too! You can have them for breakfast, a morning snack or for dessert with some ice-cream in between 2 cookies !

Heat the oven to 180C. Blend 70g of the oats and mix in with the remaining ingredients together including unblended oats. Place the cookie dough into 8 rounded scoops on a tray lined with baking paper. Cook for 7-8 minutes, the centre should still be soft - this is crucial!Serve warm and store the rest for another quick breakfast

NUTRITION*/cookie| 125kcal | 3.8g Protein | 20g Carb | 3.5g Fat




the weeke nd


oat protein PANCAKES

I know I said these are perfect for the weekend but honestly, sometimes it’s worth getting up just a little bit earlier to have these for breakfast!

INGREDIENTS EXTRAS Serves 1 80g oats 2tbsp PPB


the weeke nd

40g protein powder 2tbsp blueberries 100g egg whites 250ml almond milk Blend the oats into a flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend further to make a smooth batter. Heat a pan to medium heat and lightly grease with a little oil. If you want to make small pancakes, add the mix to each corner of the pan to form little circles. Cook until bubbles form on the top or until the top is no longer liquid and then flip until both sides are brown. Serve with your choice of toppings - they're not limited to the suggestions above! Topping suggestions: PPB sauce (p.5) chocolate sauce (p.5), syrup, chocolate/cacao nibs, fruit

NUTRITION*/serving| 670kcal | 45g Protein | 65g Carb | 22g Fat



lazy mornin gs


My all time favourite for breakfast, these are great for the weekend and pancake day of course. Feel free to replace the plain flour with oat flour or wholemeal flour.

Serves 1

INGREDIENTS 100g plain flour 100g egg whites

200ml almond milk/water Sukrin and/or salt (optional) Mix the flour, eggs, Sukrin and salt to make a thick mix, then add the almond milk bit by bit to make a smooth batter.

Heat a pan to medium

heat and lightly grease. Then pour a bit of the mix into the pan and swirl it around to make it thin. Cook until bubbles form on the top or until the top is no longer liquid and then flip until both sides are brown. Serve with your choice of toppings they're not limited to the suggestions above! Topping suggestions: PPB sauce (p.5) chocolate sauce (p.5), syrup, chocolate or cacao nibs, fruit

NUTRITION*/serving| 416kcal | 22g Protein | 71g Carb | 4g Fat


savoury oat PANCAKES

You know the extent of my sweet tooth but I appreciate that we're all different so here’s a savoury recipe for you. I’ve served with an egg, ham and tomatoes but go ahead and add whatever you’d like! It also works for a quick brunch!


100g oats Chopped ham 80g egg whites Cheese 250ml almond milk Chives Salt & pepper

Blend the oats into a flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend further to make a smooth batter. Then heat a pan to medium heat and lightly grease. Once the pan is hot add half the batter and swirl the pan to evenly distribute the pancake mix onto the pan. Cook until bubbles form on the top or until the top is no longer liquid. Then flip until both sides are brown. Topping suggestions: Ham/chicken slices, tomatoes, smoked salmon, avocado, spinach

NUTRITION*/serving| 460kcal | 21g Protein | 63g Carb | 10g Fat




How funny do these look?! I always find it super fun to make interesting-looking food! And the bonus here is that it doesn’t take any extra time to make them! I’ve added spinach but feel free to add other vegetables in there too!

INGREDIENTS EXTRAS 50g fresh spinach leaves 50g flour 100g egg whites Salt & pepper

Parmesan cheese Kale

r e S

1 s ve

Blend the egg whites, spinach, flour, salt and pepper in a food processor. Heat the pan to lowmedium heat and add a little oil. Pour the batter into small pancakes and flip when the top of the pancake is no longer liquid. Remove from the pan and serve with any topping you like! Topping suggestions: Egg, tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, ham slices, mushrooms

NUTRITION*/serving| 230kcal | 17g Protein | 36g Carb | 1g Fat




I stayed well clear of bread for a long time because I’d labelled it bad but I have to say, I’m glad I welcomed it back into my life and making french toast is now one of my favourite things! I like to have thinner slices because it increases the volume of my food, and the longer it lasts, the better!



nc u r b

Serves 1

INGREDIENTS 4 slices toast 200g egg whites Pinch of salt 1tsp cinnamon

Sukrin to taste (optional) Whisk together the egg whites, salt, Sukrin and cinnamon in a large shallow bowl. Then heat a large non-stick frying pan with a spray of oil. Dip one slice at a time into the egg mixture making sure to coat both sides. Place the slices onto the pan (you may have to do this one at a time if your pan is too small) and cook until golden brown on both sides. Topping suggestions: PPB sauce (p.5) chocolate sauce (p.5), syrup, yoghurt, fruit, chia jam

NUTRITION*/serving| 450kcal | 37g Protein | 62g Carb | 3g Fat




If you like French toast and you like crumpets, this one is for you!

Serves 1

INGREDIENTS 3 crumpets 100g egg whites

Heat a non-stick pan to medium heat and lightly grease. .Dip the crumpets on both sides into the egg whites and place on the pan. Cook until golden brown on both sides. Remove and add your chosen toppings! Topping suggestions: Smoked Sa lmon, avocado, spinach, mushrooms, chia jam (pg.5), syrup, PPB sauce (pg.5), peanut butter

NUTRITION*/serving| 344kcal | 20g Protein | 61g Carb




PERFEC T FOR: ‘rusher s’

Porridge isn’t that appealing

during the summer months for me so I’ve been obsessed making different combinations of overnight oats. I reckon you

can make this recipe in under 2 minutes before you go to sleep. The most difficult bit is deciding what to put in it!

INGREDIENTS EXTRAS Serves 1 75g rolled oats Berries 100ml milk (of choice) Fruit & nut mix 3 tbsp powdered peanut butter Chocolate 1 scoop protein powder (optional)

Mix all the ingredients together as well as your chosen ‘extras’ into a small bowl or jar. Cover and put in the fridge overnight. DONE!! Add extra toppings if you wish! Topping suggestions: Chia jam (pg.5), PPB sauce (pg.5), peanut butter, fruit

NUTRITION*/serving| 570kcal | 52g Protein | 60g Carb | 11g Fat





‘on the


It’s true - you can have doughnuts for breakfast. And they go down well with coffee!

INGREDIENTS EXTRAS 130g egg whites Soya crispies 30ml milk (of choice) Cocoa powder 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Berries

1 scoop protein powder (vanilla)

6 s ke 1 tsp baking powder a M 36g oat flour

Heat the over to 180°C. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Then lightly grease a non-stick doughnut tin and spoon the mixture into it. Cook for 6-8mins. Once they’re out of the oven, cover them with your chosen toppings and enjoy. Topping suggestions: Chia jam (pg.5), PPB sauce (pg.5), protein sauce (pg.5), peanut butter, fruit, soya crispies, seeds

NUTRITION*/doughnut | 58kcal | 7g Protein | 4g Carb | 0.6g Fat



e go h t n ‘o


Coming up with recipe ideas has definitely opened my eyes to switching things up for breakfast! I use chocolate peanut butter protein powder but if you only have vanilla then you can add an extra tbsp cocoa powder and more powdered peanut butter as a substitute.

Makes 12

INGREDIENTS EXTRAS 125g oats Cacao nibs/chocolate chips 1 large egg Soya crispies 100ml milk 1 scoop protein powder (Choc PB)

1 tbsp cocoa powder 1 large banana (mashed) 3/4 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp powdered peanut butter 2 tbsp Sukrin Heat the oven to 180C. Blend the oats into a flour and add the rest of the ingredients, add

extras now if you

wish. Pour into muffin cups or a cupcake tray and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve hot, cold, or keep for later!

NUTRITION*/muffin| 65kcal | 5.5g Protein | 9g Carb | 3g Fat







Banana is in my eyes one of the most versatile fruits around, it goes with everything!! These are great for breakfast but really can be eaten anytime. And they keep too, just not when I’m around…!

Makes 8 INGREDIENTS 2 large bananas, mashed 3 tbsp chia seeds 3 tbsp powdered peanut butter 1/4 tsp salt

EXTRAS 2 scoops protein powder Soya crispies Cinnamon Sukrin

Heat the oven to 180C. Mix all the ingredients together and use a tbsp to drop them onto a tray lined with baking paper and cook for 4-5mins! Topping suggestion: Chia jam (pg.5), fruit slices, PPB sauce (pg.5), blended frozen berries

NUTRITION*/cake| 70kcal | 3.5g Protein | 10g Carb | 1.6g Fat



‘meal preppi ng




This is great for those of you who like to food prep at the weekend. It takes a little longer than the other breakfasts but it keeps well and is great to eat on the go or as a snack whilst you’re working! They’re so easy to munch on!

Serves INGREDIENTS 2 100g rolled oats 2 scoops protein powder 50ml water 1 tbsp Sukrin 1 tbsp coconut oil

EXTRAS Almond/coconut flakes Soya crispies Dried fruit (add at the end) Chopped nuts Seeds (chia, flax, pumpkin)

Heat the oven to 180C. Mix the protein powder with the water, Sukrin and coconut oil in a bowl until smooth. Add the oats as well as any nuts, seeds or soya crispies and mix well. The dried fruit should be added once the oats come out of the oven. Place the oats into the oven for 10mins until crunchy. Let cool and store for a week in an airtight container. Serving suggestions: Milk, yoghurt, fruit, porridge

NUTRITION*/serving| 420kcal | 40g Protein | 37g Carb | 10g Fat




This works well for winter but can also be made summery by adding berries! You can increase the fat content here by adding some butter or coconut oil to the crumble mix and if you don’t have sukrin then a liquid sweetener like maple syrup is fine too, just add less egg whites!

Serves 1


200g fruit (apple/berries etc) 30g egg whites 30g Sukrin/sweetener (optional) 15g powdered peanut butter 1 tsp cinnamon

Heat the oven to 180C. Dice the fruit and put into an oven-proof dish with a little cinnamon. Place into the oven for 15-20mins. In the meantime, blend 50g of the oats and mix with sukrin, salt, PPB and

egg whites to form a dough. Take out the fruit and spread the dough on top evenly, then sprinkle over

the remaining oats and place in the oven for a further 15mins or until the top has browned and the fruit is bubbling! Serve straight away with a spoonful of yoghurt or just on its own! Topping suggestions: Yoghurt, coconut cream, custard

NUTRITION*/serving| 450kcal | 19g Protein | 80g Carb | 6g Fat


And that’s it!! Thanks again for buying this ebook, I really hope you found this recipe guide

helpful and please don’t forget to tag me in your photos! I’d love to see your takes on them!!

#noceanecreations natacha.oceane Natacha Océane