My Ideal Home

My ideal home is located a little far from the city. It home is big. there are four bedrooms, one for my parents that is

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My ideal home is located a little far from the city. It home is big. there are four bedrooms, one for my parents that is the biggest of the house, next sister’s bedroom it is so pink because she loves it, and next my bedroom, I would love my ideal bedroom because there are many windows, a big bed, a light, there are books and a wardrobe with my clothes, there is a carpet with flower figures and there is a small tv. A living room, there is a big tv, there are sofas, there are two pictures with family photos, some plants and there is a chimney. One diving room there is a picture of a fruit bowl and an elegant and huge table. One big kitchen there is a fridge freezer; there are many technological devices like toaster, microwave, and a kettle and others, and there are five bathrooms, one for each bedroom and the last for visitors. There is attic, there are windows with curtains and in that place we would keep old things. My ideal home there is a garage with two cars in it, one red and the other black, and one black Motorcycle, in front of the house there are beautiful flowers, roses and plants with a narrow path one of them leads to the door and another to the garage. And finally in the backyard there is a small swimming pool with some plants.