Method of Making Nitrogen Triiodide

Megalomania's Method of Making Nitrogen Triiodide Nitrogen Triiodide melting point --- boiling point --- nitrogen tri

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Megalomania's Method of Making Nitrogen Triiodide

Nitrogen Triiodide melting point ---

boiling point ---

nitrogen triiodide

molecular mass 394.77

density ? g/mL

table key

sensitivity very high

chemical formula NI3

explosive velocity ? m/s

estimated cost $?.00/g

     Nitrogen triiodide, also called ammonium triiodide, is a very unstable explosive that's not really practical due to its tremendous instability and cost. When wet it is stable but when dry the touch of a feather can cause it to detonate. Wet nitrogen triiodide should be spread out as much as possible or numerous small piles made. When dry the nitrogen triiodide will not explode from its own weight if spread out, a single large pile will. A controlled lab demo using a feather to cause detonation:

The high cost of iodine, anywhere from $60 to $100 for a 500 g bottle, and its rarity, make it impractical from an economic standpoint. Those useless anarchist texts say iodine can be purchased in drug stores, it is sold in very tiny amounts heavily diluted with alcohol. The drug dealers have made iodine a restricted chemical, very few drug stores even carry it now, there are safer alternatives. The simplicity in which this explosive can be made gives wanna be punks an excuse to try. THIS EXPLOSIVE IS ONLY A CURIOSITY AND SHOULD NEVER BE MADE EXCEPT FOR A CONTROLLED DEMONSTRATION AS ABOVE! Stories abound about the dangers and ease of making nitrogen triiodide. There was a senior undergraduate student (no not me) given full access to a lab who made some, it exploded in a beaker showering him with glass. He was not wearing safety goggles. By some miracle the glass embedded in his face did not rip his eyes to shreds. Then there were the teenage hoodlums that stole some iodine from their high school chem lab, made the nitrogen triiodide at home, and brought it back to school. With a pop and puff of purple gas the teacher knew what it was. A word of advise to them for next time: Leaving the instructions on top of your desk in full view of teach will save you a lot of time scrubbing iodine stains during your next suspension. It is best to leave it dry where you want to detonate it ASAP. CHEMICALS


ammonium hydroxide



stirring rod


graduated cylinder

     Nitrogen triiodide is formed when iodine atoms displace the hydrogen atoms in ammonia NH 3 + I = NI3 . This reaction occurs when iodine crystals, I 2 are soaked in excess ammonium hydroxide. To begin, select a small beaker or[5/9/2012 8:27:12 AM]

Megalomania's Method of Making Nitrogen Triiodide

even a disposable cup about 50-mL in capacity. This process may permanently stain any container so I suggest the cup. Add 2 g of iodine crystals to the beaker, crush them as much as possible with a stirring rod. Add 40 mL ammonium hydroxide to the beaker. After 2 hours the reaction should be complete. Pour the solution over a filter to collect the crystals, any excess can be rinsed out of the beaker with water. Put the crystals where you want them immediately because there only semblance of stability is when wet. Drying will take about 1 hour. You will need a graduated cylinder for measuring liquids.

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Megalomania's Controversial Chem Lab ©1997-2005 / revised January 31, 2004[5/9/2012 8:27:12 AM]