Maximum Number of Billing Items

Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................

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Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Customizing steps.................................................................................................................................... 2 Define maximum number of billing items ............................................................................................ 2 Maintain copy delivery to billing control settings ................................................................................. 2 System Demo .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Before maintaining maximum number of billing items ......................................................................... 5 After maintaining maximum number of billing items ........................................................................... 7

Introduction Due to various reasons, it is requested by some businesses to have a maximum number of line items per billing document. This can be achieved using standard SAP customizing changes as described below;

Customizing steps Define maximum number of billing items First you need to define maximum number of billing items based on the sales organization. IMG Path:

Maintain copy delivery to billing control settings Above configuration step alone is not sufficient for this functionality. You need to change the delivery to billing copy control settings to access the above configuration table to get the maximum number of billing items per sales organization.

IMG Path:

You need to select the copy control routine under the field "Data VBRK/VBRP" as "006" or a copy of it with additional functionality required by the business.

Below coding in this routine is doing the invoice split based on the configuration by sales organization

System Demo Before maintaining maximum number of billing items 

Maximum number of billing items = Blank

Copy control setting from delivery type LF to billing type F2

Now let's create a billing document and see the results. I have 8 line items in the billing document.

After maintaining maximum number of billing items 

Maximum number of billing items = 5

Copy control setting from delivery type "LF" to billing type "F2" change to "006"

Now let's see how system reacts for the above example which had 8 line items in the billing document. When I try to create the billing document in the transaction VF01, system gives the invoice split window.

Split analysis gives below;

Author: Anupa Wijesinghe E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: View my profile in LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter

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