Magicians - Language Learning RPG - CORE RULES

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Designed and Written by: Kyle Simons Edited by: John Adamus and Ryan Macklin Layout by: Daniel Solis Cover by: Inho Kim Interior Artwork by: Haoran Zhang, Theresa Simons, Jamie Lafond Map by: Tony Dowler Playtesters: The “A” Team; William, Rudy and Alex of the Mom’s Basement Podcast, Adam Bosarge, Grace Lee, Judson Wright, Perry Kennedy. Magicians is © 2013 by Kyle Simons, text and illustrations. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents Magicians Overview



Playing a Session


OVERVIEW������������������������������������������������66 STARTING THE GAME���������������������������� 67


PLOT CARDS���������������������������������������������69



ON BELIEF�������������������������������������������������30

PLAY����������������������������������������������������������� 75

THE MAGIC UNDERGROUND�������������� 34

ROUNDS OF PLAY�����������������������������������76

THE HWARANG��������������������������������������� 35

SCENE FRAMING������������������������������������� 77

BEASTS OF THE WILD����������������������������40

DRAMA TURNS����������������������������������������79

Creating the Cast


OVERVIEW������������������������������������������������50 THE CHARACTER SHEET����������������������50 CONFLICT CHARACTER CARDS���������� 53

CASTING TURNS�������������������������������������80 ENDING A GAME SESSION��������������������84 ON DRAMA TURNS�������������������������������� 85 ON CASTING TURNS������������������������������ 85

BRAINSTORMING THE CAST��������������� 54

Being a Magician


YOUR PROTAGONIST����������������������������� 55





ATTEMPTING MAGIC����������������������������94


THE NEGOTIATION�������������������������������� 95

FINISHING UP������������������������������������������ 63

SPECIAL SITUATIONS AND CASTING SPELLS���������������������������99 TYPES OF MAGIC�����������������������������������101 CONFLICTS AND FIGHTING���������������110


Casting Magic



THE THREE SYSTEMS���������������������������� 118


THE TECH������������������������������������������������ 118

SPELLS WITH TWISTS���������������������������185


ADDING IN THE RANDOM����������������� 186


LIMITING YOURSELF��������������������������� 186

READING AND WRITING:������������������� 120



GOING TRADITIONAL��������������������������188


MORE POINTS��������������������������������������� 189

WITH THE MASTER SYSTEM���������������128

ADDING ADVANCEMENT������������������� 189

The Prodigy System


THE NOUNS�������������������������������������������� 131

FAST FIGHTS������������������������������������������ 190 GRADUATED FAILURE������������������������� 190

THE VERBS�����������������������������������������������132

Nouns and Verbs



TO CAST SPELLS������������������������������������� 133


The Apprentice System137


VERB CONJUGATION����������������������������138

The Master System


ILLUSION MAGIC���������������������������������� 148 TELEKINETIC MAGIC����������������������������156 STRIKING MAGIC�����������������������������������158 AUGMENTING MAGIC��������������������������159 DISPELLING MAGIC����������������������������� 160 HEALING MAGIC�����������������������������������161 CONDITIONING MAGIC����������������������163 CLAIRVOYANCE MAGIC�����������������������165 TEMPORAL MAGIC������������������������������� 169 SUMMONING MAGIC���������������������������173



Optional Rules


Magicians Overview Chapter 1: Introduction

Learn what Magicians is all about, what it aims to achieve and the idea

behind magic in Magicians.

Chapter 2: Setting

Learn about Hwang-Gung College of Magical Pedagogy. The classes

you take; the magic you learn; the professors, students and workers that live, work and study in the halls along with the other players. Learn more about the Korean superstitions, folklore, mythology, creatures and culture that add a unique flavor to a modern-day setting.

Chapter 3: Setting Up the Cast

Create your characters. Figure out your protagonist’s True Name, create a

conflict character that another player will use to stir up trouble, and a robust cast to get a game session started in no time at all.

Chapter 4: Playing a Session

Get started playing a game session of Magicians. The different types

of rounds there are and your role in telling an awesome collaborative story.


Chapter 5: Being a Magician

Brush up on your magic—what it can do, what types there are and what

it means to be a magician.

Chapter 6: Casting Magic

Start throwing around the magic you learned about in Chapter 5 and learn

how to cast spells in the game with the help of your smartphone or computer.

Chapter 7: The Prodigy Magic System

Jump into the basic magic system to get started. Learn thirteen archetypal

nouns and verbs in order to cast any spell you can think of.

Chapter 8: The Apprentice Magic System

Build on your knowledge of Korean and take the training wheels off

by using the familiar noun and verb combo system without the archetypal words to hold you back.

Chapter 9: The Master Magic System

Begin your mastery of the Korean language by casting spells in full,

complete sentences and where certain types of magic use certain grammar patterns and vocabulary.

Chapter 10: Threats

Level up your game by making threats like monsters, villains or other

characters more deadly and dangerous.

Chapter 11: Optional Rules

Play Magicians using a traditional Game Master model, increase creativity

by limiting your characters, take your failures into the dungeon or add a bit of advancement incentives into the mix to add some variety to your game.


Introduction H

ow would you solve your problems if you were a teenager capable of magic? Can someone with the power to remake the world ever truly grow up? Magicians is about teenage drama, emotions, hormones and magic. It’s about students at Hwang-Gung College of Magical

Pedagogy in Seoul, Korea, where students learn there is a reason for Korean

superstitions, and a long history behind Korea’s folklore and mythology. Nine-tailed foxes prowl the night and seduce the weak, dokkaebi roam the mountainside. Dragons live in some of the many rivers and lakes of Korea while other strange and foreign creatures hide in plain sight. Students learn magic, deal with life as a teenager and relearn everything they know about the world—secret underground magical orders sew sesame seeds into their skin and tattoo themselves with blood, creatures flit in and out of shadows, insects carry souls and urban legends come to life in darkened alleyways. Magicians is all about magic. It’s about removing all constraints so that the only thing holding you back is what you know. There is no need for a teacher—all you need is your phone, friends and a few hours every week. If you’ve ever wondered what casting magic would sound like, feel like and if you’ve ever wanted a tangible system you can grab hold of and be creative



with, you ‘ll be learning Korean and casting spells in no time. Knowledge is the only thing that can set power free—so start learning. Unlike most role-playing games, Magicians is based on player skill as much as it is on role-playing a character. As you go through the chapters of this book you will gradually learn the Korean language and by the time you reach the end of the book and have played a few games you will have a firm grasp on it. You will have read it, written it and spoken it. And you will be a magician. A game like this would not have been possible even a few months ago. In order to realistically learn a new language you need coaching. Pronunciation and fluency is essential and not everyone has the fluency in both English and Korean needed to be able to help others through the initial stages. But Siri (iPhone), among other apps (like Dragon Dictation), is now capable of dictation in Korean and Android’s Majel will have the same capability when released. You will be able to tell if you cast a spell well enough for it to succeed simply by seeing if the app understands what you said and if it matches up to the spell you want to cast. In addition, is set up so that I will be coaching and walking you through any problems you may have with the language. Video tutorials are available and there is an ever-growing community forming around the premise of learning a language via roleplaying. Having a gaming group that is interested in exploring and learning another language together promotes a great atmosphere to casually learn a new language. There are three systems of magic in this book: The first is one that requires almost no prep time in order to play; you are given archetypal verbs and nouns you combine to produce the desired spell or effect called the “Prodigy System”. The second, called the Apprentice System, takes the same principle but has you choose your own nouns and verbs to suit your intent and spell. The third system is more involved and requires you to learn grammar so as to be able to speak in full, complete sentences and is called the Master System. The Systems work well in gaining a firm handle on the basic systems allowing for easier learning of the more advanced master system but any of them can be used independent from one another.



More on Magic

Everything has a True Name in the language of magic. It is the language

of dragons and other mythical, magical beasts. One who knows the True Name of a being has power over it. Each character has their own True Name (which only they and the person who gave it to them know) in addition to the name they use and give out freely. In order to gain influence over a person or creature with a True Name, the target’s name must be known by the speaker in order to cast spells that affect the target’s free will. Words act as a shell to contain and release the spell, magic and intent of the caster. This is why casters always cast spells in another language—speaking another language forces focus, perception and limits abstract thought. Your magic is fueled by the drama going on around you, by the love, loss, heartache and betrayal that is part of the everyday life of a teenage magician.

Setting I


f you are reading this, you have been accepted into the Hwang-Gung College of Magical Pedagogy, the most prestigious institution for the study of magic in all of Asia. We test many but only a very select few are accepted into our program. There is a great deal of competition

here as we accept only the very best and we encourage a healthy amount of rivalry between students. You may feel that you are exceptional and excel, that you are a caliber above the students you normally study with. Perhaps you were never challenged in your life, but bear in mind that everyone that

comes to Hwang-Gung is exceptional. You are now not just among your peers, but your betters as well. Welcome to Hwang-Gung. You may be wondering why you have been chosen for Hwang-Gung instead of a more familiar, western school like Hawksleys. Magic must be taught in and spoken in a language completely unfamiliar to the student and studies have shown that all concepts and ideas relating to magic are both more easily grasped when being taught a foreign language in a new environment. The mind must be clear in order to cast magic, free from emotion and cast with clarity and focus. Here at Hwang-Gung we are renowned for our meditation



and casting techniques. Not only does the transition to an Asian culture help with the acquisition of magic and the concepts surrounding it, but it builds character, discipline and facilitates focused study. Your stay here will not be familiar or comfortable. Your studies will not be easy and the teachers will not be lenient. The vast majority of students simply do not make it to their senior year but our promise is this: the process works for those that are tempered in the fire. We produce the vast majority of the finest magicians in the world and we offer that opportunity to you now.

Overview and overhead map of locations: Different buildings for each

Lake Meru

discipline of magic.

Migadaya Forest


Vulture Peak

Professors’ Rooms

The Tree of Enlightenment

Staff Housing


Dining Hall



The Founders' Tombs

Study Hall

Various towers set up for



Shrines—for various religions

Dueling Range

Hall of Healing

The four gates

Headmaster’s Quarters



defense and transportation




Each discipline has a spot on campus where they meet, study, and do

other scholarly activities. Some of the disciplines, like the mixed martial arts (mixed in that the martial art is mixed with magic) use the courtyard or gymnasium. There are a lot of places for clubs and diciplines to get together and pursue their studies. Many disciplines and clubs have their own rules and traditions about admission. For example, the Illusionists are well known for changing their club’s location and it has always been a well-tended tradition that any applicants must find the club house to become a member. This is typical and you will not find the locations of most club houses on your guide map but there is a designated space for each club somewhere on the grounds. Depending on the year and date of birth, students are sorted into one of the elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water). In addition, the beads students receive protect them while on school grounds and act as their means of transport between the gates of the school and the gates in Seoul. These beads tell which year the student is in, as well as bear the student’s zodiac animal, according to their birth year. Remember: When prioritizing the needs of one group over another, a student’s first loyalty is to his discipline, followed by his animal, followed by his element.


All students are separated into female and male dorms with the professors’

rooms and facilities overlooking both of them. Students all share a room with three other roommates and there is a communal bathing facility in each main dorm. Students are not permitted in any dorm other than their own for any reason. Students may search out their professors only during their office hours and are never permitted in the building without an appointment. The staff housing area is off-limits to students and it is expected that they be treated with the greatest of respect as they handle the day-to-day running of the school. Students are expected to let them go about their job in peace. When asked for assistance students are required to provide it.



“Never, ever, ever go to the professor facilities outside of school hours even for the gravest of emergencies. I guarantee it is not worth it.”


The library is on the main floor and Hwang-Gung prides itself on its

collection of texts on magics from all over the world but particularly texts on magics, religion, mythology, culture, traditions, prayers and anything else that any magician may require. Remember: Not all books and facilities are available to students. All students are required to handle books with the utmost of care, comport themselves properly and to follow all the rules of the library to the letter. The main study is found within the library at the center but there are available areas to study on every floor of the library as it extends upward.


The labs, gymnasium and dueling range are where students practice a

great deal of their magic. One must learn by doing and the college ensures the highest security precautions are in place when practicing and working with new and involved magics. In addition to the heavy enchantments, all casters and participants must have their beads on at all times.

“They aren’t joking, the air is positively thick with enchantments in the labs… It can be hard to breathe at times but watching a mixed martial arts match is a pleasure that few pass up, even if it must be done in such a stuffy room. The dueling range can be just as much fun, though not quite as new and cool—but at least it can be done in the open air outside.”




Only two of the four are usable. These gates are gateways that connect

Seoul to the school and are the easiest modes of transportation. The gates are constantly guarded for your protection, closing down at 12:00 midnight exactly without exception.


Lake Meru is about 2 kilometers away on an enormous plateau of the

mountain. Students are no longer permitted in this area as we believe it was the constant badgering of the students, visitors and faculty that led our resident dragon to disappear without a trace. The area is particularly dangerous at night and during winter. At its center is a small island with a tunnel leading deep into the mountain. It is one of the passages that leads to Migadaya Forest, the very same forest where the Buddha was said to have preached. The forest is thick and wild with magic. Students are absolutely not permitted in or around the forest without supervision.

“The forest is the source! Magical creatures escape from there and Professor Kim speculated once in class that deep within it is one of the wells that contain the source of magic. One of the wells? What?”




Vulture Peak is another dangerous place for students to go unattended.

It is, however, a pilgrimage that every student makes each year. Not the true peak of the mountain, it is named after the Vulture Peak where the Buddha often retreated. It is the farthest anyone can go on foot. Many retreats are held here and students have been known to climb up to Vulture Peak to seek enlightenment. Vultures numbering in the thousands nestle and live among the rocks throughout the mountain. It is said that Mara (the Lord of Misfortune) takes the form of a vulture and hampers the meditations of those seeking enlightenment. It is indeed a difficult task to meditate on the mountain, but especially so at Vulture Peak. Those wishing to face their fears and seek true enlightenment make the trip up to Vulture Peak and spelunk the caves that lead in to the mountain. It is said that Mahākāśyapa, one of Buddha’s disciples, still waits in the cave with the cloak he and Buddha exchanged at their first meeting. Legend has it that those who reach true enlightenment will be given the cloak to wear.

“All the hippy students always talk about having visions at the peak—I’m betting it’s just the altitude. You go missing on the mountain and it’s doubtful they’ll even find your body with so many vultures around. Students are required to go every year for a reason—always the same old story about Mara and the vulture. Scary.”




The Tree of Enlightenment is said to be one of the oldest trees in the world.

It sits in the courtyard of the school. Many group meditations are held around or in front of it as it exudes a calming effect that many find soothing. There are always students gathered underneath its branches, studying, meditating or just passing the time. The tree is so large and its trunk so immense that it takes several minutes to walk around it.

“I swear it moves sometimes and in just the right light it appears to have a face. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was sentient but I don’t have the patience to talk to it. I saw Lord of the Rings.”




There are always magics that do not belong out in the real world. This

is where secrets, objects and dark magics that have no place in the real world are kept. The main floor of the Vault also has a bank and safe deposit system, though all are guarded via magics and people rather than computers or cameras.


The school has its own graveyard on site where students or faculty can be

buried. The large hills both on campus and across the mountain are said to be the tombs of the founders and all the headmasters that follow after them. The founders are buried with their most precious possessions and are said to rise and protect the school whenever there is a need.

“It’s common knowledge among the students that the catacombs connect all of the tombs as well. The staff goes down there to keep them clean, repair wards or whatever… but I’ve noticed they never go very far in. Who knows what’s down there! I mean all these weird spell components must be coming from somewhere, right? There are entrances, exits, and secret passageways all over the school that lead into and out of the catacombs. Great for maybe a quick getaway.”


The school is sensitive to the needs of students wishing to practice their

faith. In addition, many classes are held on all various religions and prayers. One of the most exciting fields is patterning, lattice work and arithmancy. Students and teachers alike find themselves believing in far more than they thought. Many believe that science, magic and religion are often at odds when, in fact, they often support one another. How simple prayers can generate such complex spell patterns and lattice structures is still being heavily researched but it poses many questions which are explored in our constantly up-to-date curriculum. The Hall of Healing acts as a medical center for practitioners of various faiths, healers in general and even surgeons trained in both magical and non-magical care. Some of the finest facilities on the planet are maintained and the medical research department is second to none.



“There are few students who deny a higher power after taking some of the religious and prayer classes. How such simple prayers can yield such amazing, intricate work is amazing.”


The headmaster keeps office hours even longer and later into the night

than most professors. Students, teachers and visitors are welcome and the headmaster strives to be as accessible as possible to all those around him when he is not out or tending to the school.

“ Pfft yeah right, I think I’ve seen him twice the entire time I’ve been here? And those were for ceremonies.”


The name of the College comes from Korean mythology—Hwang-Gung

(황궁) being one of the four Heavenly Men who married the four Heavenly Women. They then gave birth to twelve children, who would become the ancestors of all people. From their heavenly fortress, the heavenly people ruled over all living things in honor of their goddess, Mago (마고). These ancestors originally only drank milk from the heart of the Earth (지유). At this time, the lifespan of the people was 10,000 years and they were said to be able to speak without making a noise and could act or “see” without seeing. Unfortunately, as the population of the people grew more and more, the milk of the Earth began to run out. One man, named Jiso (지소), gave up his ration of milk so that others could survive. His pain grew so great that he decided to hurl himself from the cliffs nearby but, when



he arrived, he found vines of grapes growing along the edges of the cliffs. Unable to stand it any longer, he hungrily devoured the vines of grapes, and as he did so, the five tastes became known to man and this incident became known as the incident (or change) of the Five Tastes (sourness, bitterness, spiciness, sweetness and saltiness). Jiso returned to his people and spread word of his discovery and soon everyone began eating the grapes and the vines they hung on. However, those that ate from the grapes began growing teeth and from these teeth spewed saliva that soon soured and turned to venom as punishment for eating another living thing. Soon they began to see but could no longer hear the heavens. They were no longer pure and so began changing. They gave birth to children that resembled animals, their skin grew coarse and their feet became heavy. Jiso was blamed for their fate and he and all those who ate of the grapes were cast into exile. As Jiso was cast out, Hwang-Gung, one of the Four Guardians, Heavenly Men and ancestor of the people, tried to make the exiles feel better by saying that they only need become pure again to relinquish their misery. Unfortunately, upon hearing this, Jiso and the others began to believe that all they needed was the milk of the Earth to become pure again, as they used to. They razed the fortress that surrounded the spring containing the milk but the spring immediately dispersed and soon become nothing but inedible earth. This left everyone without milk to drink or a place to live. A famine began and everyone was forced to eat anything they could get their hands on—even plants and animals. Of them all, only Hwang-Gung begged Mago for forgiveness, swearing that he would not rest until mankind recovered its pure nature again. Mago bestowed upon him Three Heavenly Heirlooms that had control over water, fire and air as well as great knowledge. He taught the people agriculture, arranged the people into clans with respective leaders, gave an heirloom to each of the clan leaders and then sent them off in different directions. Hwang-Gung ruled for a thousand years and after his reign he departed to the Heavenly Mountain and became a stone that spoke the message of Yul-Ryeo (율려), constantly reminding the people to strive to regain their purity. Three thousand years later, under the rule and guidance of his son



and their sons, the people finally lost their animal-like appearance and slowly began to regain their heavenly image. This was when Korea was said to have been established and, afterward, Hwan-Ung (환웅) descended from heaven with Three Heavenly Heirlooms, a group of three thousand servants, and under the protection of the Three Lords of Wind when he could no longer bear watching the people living so poorly. He built the City of the Gods and governed human affairs and it was during this time that a tiger and a bear came to him and pleaded with Hwan-Ung to become human. He gave them each a handful of mugwort and twenty cloves of garlic and told them to fast for 100 days in a dark cave while remaining careful not to see any sunlight during the ritual. The tiger could not endure the trial and soon ran away but the bear endured and was transformed into a beautiful woman on the 21st day and was called Ung-Nyeo (웅녀). Soon Ung-Nyeo began to wish for a child but no one would have her as she had been a beast before her transformation. She prayed everyday underneath a holy tree and Hwan-Ung, having been moved by her prayers, took human form and, through him, she gave birth to a son. This son was the forefather of the Korean people and established the kingdom of Asadal (아사달), later known as Joseon (조선). He lived until he was 1,908 years of age, when he decided to leave the mortal world and sought the quiet of the mountains. He became the divine spirit of the mountain, or the mountain god, Sansillyeong (산신령). The school is named after one of the Heavenly Men who strove for innocent and purity, who taught knowledge, responsibility and discipline and who was entirely selfless. These are ideals we hope every person at our school will strive for.




All students are required to share a room with three other boys or girls

of, most often, differing nationalities. Needless to say boarding school can be challenging for students, especially when grouped with new foreign peers but we stand by the system we have developed here over the years. Students tend to become very independent since, as long as they follow the school’s rules, they can do whatever they want. This freedom of independence can be both good and bad. Graduate programs are offered and the school plays host to a vast and diverse group of magicians who are often on campus for special projects or to use the facilities for research.

Teachers will know your background, where you’re from, if you’re hard working or a rebel, who your friends are, who you date and what you’re like outside of class. The students you meet at boarding school are the people you live, eat, see and sleep with. Everybody becomes close, so even if you do not like the person you still get to know them well. Your friends become your family.




Students are expected to be in uniform at all times when not in their

dorms or off the school grounds. There is a rigid set of rules involving the showing of respect and the way students at Hwang-Gung are expected to conduct themselves. They are reiterated here for emphasis.

Malicious or harmful activity is not permitted. Period. The dueling range is for instructional purposes and not to be used to settle disputes between students. Students are encouraged to use the area for study and to hone their skills and magics.

Cheating at Hwang-Gung is never permitted, any and all students caught cheating will face harsh punishment—most often expulsion.

Respect all those around you. Bowing to show respect to your seniors, professors and staff is required. General courtesy to all is strictly enforced. There are many other rules that you

will pick up on and mostly fall into the common sense category of normal social conduct.




Students are both allowed and encouraged to choose their own classes

according to their interests and talents but some classes are required for all students. These mandatory classes will be marked during the registration period and will show up on your schedule automatically, so you need not register for them at the start of the semester. Hwang-Gung College of Magical Pedagogy leads the magical world in programs especially focused on Asian culture, tradition, customs and magics and is famous for its programs on Korean and Oriental Medicine, Zen meditation, Buddhist beading and enchantment as well as hybrid mixed magical martial arts.


Hwang-Gung College is proud to maintain competitive teams in both

mundane sports like American football, soccer, Korean taekwondo and Jokgu (foot volleyball), as well as magical ones like dueling. Duels are fought under a strict set of rules and always on a dueling court to reduce the chance of fatal injury to zero.


Excursions are held several times a year to various places, mostly within

Korea, to help facilitate the learning of the Korean language as well as customs, traditions and history that are relevant to your magical education. These are wonderful opportunities to see the world and experience it under world-class tutelage.


While Hwang-Gung has all the well-funded clubs a student could think

of, perhaps the most famous of all of them is the drama club. The drama club is one of the most sought-after clubs to get into on campus. At least once a semester an intricate, elaborate and breath-taking play is put on with the full support of the Illusionists. They are showcases of talent and are often attended by members of our sister schools from all over the world. The plays



often involve the retelling of traditional Korean folktales such as Heungbu and Nolbu or The Fox Sister. There is a different one put on every semester and each one draws from a different source for inspiration.


A five-year program at a school as distinguished at Hwang-Gung is not

inexpensive but there are many programs set up for students to help pay off their tuition should they need financial aid. These programs range from scholarships and student loans to volunteer work, such as helping the staff with their duties like: preparing and serving meals, cleaning and laundry. Chores and discipline are good experiences for young students to have in their lives.


The faculty and staff live in separate facilities on-site with the professors

staying in a building next to the (separated) male and female dorms. There is a communal bathhouse and wash facilities in each of the dorms. You may notice that a great deal of the staff and facility are from other countries and Hwang-Gung prides itself on an extremely diverse set of courses and only the best educators. All manner of magics are represented at Hwang-Gung, from all continents and countries.



THE CAMPUS Hwang-Gung College is spread out over a large plateau in the mountains of Korea. For safety reasons students and faculty do not know the exact location of the school but, through the use of magic, travel back and forth via the school’s gates.

“Many students believe that the school doesn’t even actually exist in the normal world and is built atop the Heavenly Mountain. Still others believe that it’s built over top of the ruined City of the Gods after a long history of invasion and destruction. I say they’ve been spending too much time at Vulture Peak if you ask me.”

Students may or may not know that the city of Seoul in South Korea had a great wall built around it that follows the natural geography of the surrounding area as it runs along the ridgeline of the four mountains that surround the upper Cheonggyecheon valley. While most of this wall still remains intact the city has, of course, grown out and expanded well past these walls. There are four great gates built into the wall called Sadaemun (四大門) and four lesser, small gates called Sasomun (四小門). The four great gates include Dongdaemun in the east with Namdaemun in the south (unfortunately a fire in 2008 burned and destroyed a large portion of the gate). Seodaemun (also now long since torn down) in the west and the now accessible Sukjeongmun in the north are the other two great gates.

“While it is common knowledge that Sukjeonmun was closed because of the 1968 attack on the Blue House by North Korean forces, the rumor is that it was closed by the school when a radical North Korea cabal of Magicians used our school’s gate system to teleport themselves right into Seoul from Pyongyang! No wonder the gate is kept under heavy guard. Now do you still think Namdaemun was burned to the ground just by some drunk who was angry about not getting paid?”



When students arrive in Korea, they are picked up in Seoul and given a set of magically-infused beads that allow them to use the transportation system set up between the gates in Seoul and the gates of the school. Two of the gates no longer function and because of this there is improved security protocol and precautions to follow when using them for the safety of everyone and the school. A midnight curfew is strictly enforced and the twelve o’clock drum signals the gates closing down for the night and reopen again at five in the morning everyday.

“Never forget your beads! They’re a pain in the ass to make and it takes months to get another set enchanted. It’s worse than getting a passport and there’s a whole investigation if you lose it. Students get expelled for allowing such powerful magics out of their hands.”

Be aware that technology does not work well when around magic and barely at all at Hwang-Gung. Even simple electronics like radios or calculators do not function so a challenge that all students and professors face is adapting to an older way of doing things. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework, research, etc. must all be done by hand on campus. Electronics all function once removed from the confines of the school but usually not well on the mountain. A trip to Seoul is necessary for some who require the use of their electronics or perhaps for their homework on a computer. Students who decide to leave the school and are not back by twelve o’clock curfew or those that leave without a day pass face harsh penalties—possibly expulsion. The safety of the school, staff and students is taken very seriously.


Of particular great advantage to studying in a foreign country is the

opportunity to travel and experience the culture of the country in which you are staying. Students will be properly educated in Korean culture, tradition, customs and history as it often ties in to the learning of the language and therefore to the act of casting and practicing of magic. We encourage students to take in all that the country and school has to offer.



All students are first evaluated before being allowed into the general population of Korea; since Korean is used as the shell and vehicle of much of the spell casting taught at Hwang-Hung, it is essential that students have control over their abilities. All students must complete Practical Magic 101 and receive a passing grade before they are permitted beyond the walls of the school and through the gates. Students will find Seoul has a great deal to offer. Hongdae, Itaewon and the Gangnam area are always favorite hangouts of students when away from the school and areas around City Hall, the old downtown and shopping areas are easily accessible through Dongdaemun gate. There are some places that are off-limits to students and, should they accidentally forget, their beads will provide a gentle reminder not to enter such areas that are known to be especially dangerous or those that have a great deal of old magic such as the Great Palaces of Seoul (Deoksugung, Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung).


Your eyes are newly opened to the world, you will be constantly be

reevaluating the world and what you know as you progress through your studies. You will find that the stories and tales passed down throughout history are done so for a reason and many have a degree of veracity if you look deep enough. Since you are staying in Korea and at Hwang-Gung College a great deal of your study will be on Asian—specifically Korean—mythology, folklore and fairytales so it is important for students to keep an open mind in this regard. Students who scoff in the face of warning and who try to show off or feign bravery often do not last long at Hwang-Gung. It is better to be safe than sorry, as they say. The area surrounding the school in particular, but also all of Korea, is known to hold a vast array of creatures unseen to the untrained eye and largely ignored or misrepresented by an ignorant population.



On Belief

by Professor Bloom

Belief affects our reality in world-changing ways. It is all the more

important that first year students like yourself understand some of the fundamentals even before arriving in Korea. Peoples’ beliefs and superstitions are manifesting along the magical fault lines of the world and in Seoul in particular. Contemporary beliefs along with superstitions, religious values and ideas have deep roots in Korea and have a firmer grasp on Seoul with each passing day. Korea is a country rich in magic and with a long, tragic history—and many of its people are well aware of such powers, though to varying degrees. There are things which people have believed and followed for centuries and it is that belief in them that is causing them to manifest in certain areas that have a particular presence in everyone’s minds and in the collective unconscious. These places are called Places of Power and is where magic is strongest and are often the focal points for events that bring these things into being or where events that reshape the world as we know it occur. There are many ideas that are dangerous to your well-being that need to be addressed so as to prepare you for life in Korea.

Oriental Medicine and exotic foods have always had a place in most Asian countries, especially China but all over Asia as well. Oriental medicine traces its deep roots back as far as 3000 BCE and is a powerfully believed-in resource and commodity in Korea. An entire black market exists around finding rare items and practitioners of magic are usually involved. Often they are searching for these components for secret agendas. Regardless, it is important that you think no longer in terms of plausibility but rather from faith and belief. Foods like eel and congealed-blood soup, herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, chuna manipulation, aromatherapy and meditation are all ideas that students are expected to remain open to and are also required classes.

Fortune Telling. Whether it be saju, tarot cards, hwatu cards, palm reading or psychics, fortune telling is massively popular in Korea. The



Tojeong bigyeol, written by Yi Ji-ham during the Joseon dynasty, is a book used to make annual horoscope forecasts based on a person’s month, day, year and time of birth in regards to health, business, money, career, knowledge and romance.

Death. The number 4 has a similar pronunciation with the word for death and so is avoided (like the number 13 in western cultures). Sticking chopsticks in a bowl of rice also brings about bad luck as that is what is done during ancestral rites to signify the dead spirit partaking in the food. Also, writing a name in red marker is only done for the deceased and is never done otherwise.

Whistling at night, or playing a Korean flute, summons ghosts and/or snakes to your door. While there is a technique to doing so that you will learn in class, it is not to be practiced without supervision.

Slippery and Sticky foods are observed before big events of importance (mainly by students for exams but other things as well). Eating slippery foods like seaweed soup is bad luck and can contribute to failure which is why sticky foods like Korean rice cakes are eaten instead. For the same reason, you will find that many students do not shave during times of exams or important events.

Nails are never trimmed at night. Mice, insects, crows or vermin that eat your fingernails can either turn into a copy of you, steal your soul, or both. People without souls gradually deteriorate until they eventually become a leech (see below). Symptoms are very similar to other diseases such as pneumonia and “soullessness” is extremely difficult to diagnose; rules for careful grooming are therefore in place with all seriousness. Likewise, insects and mice are never killed at night as they could be carrying someone’s soul or spirit.

Moving is only done on days without evil (or “guests”) and when you leave your old house you do not make a final sweep of the floor in order to confuse ghosts and spirits so that they cannot follow you to your new home. The school is also a special case. When you are given leave in Seoul there is a ritual you will learn that must be done before passing through the gates that lead back into the city. Failure to do so might see you either carrying ghosts or other entities common to the area with



you through the gate or you providing a trail for them to follow—both of which cannot be allowed to happen.

Butterflies and moths have properties that will blind you if they get in or too close to your eyes. Never allow one near your eyes and never touch or rub your eyes after having touched one or if you have been in close proximity.

White dogs are used to ward off ghosts and act as guardians on campus; they are to be treated with the care and respect they deserve.

Fidgeting is not permitted and will be punished in class to rid you of such bad habits as it actively drives good fortune away and invites the opposite. These are some of the beliefs and superstitions that affect our everyday

life here in Korea and that must be followed both on and off campus. Off campus in particular there are certain entities that make themselves known with a certain frequency that requires all students’ attention.

Masked Women. Although their roots seem to stem from Japan, there have been multiple sightings with increasing frequency as the public fear they incite only causes belief in them to grow. Masked women are always beautiful and always wear the surgical masks commonly worn by people suffering or recovering from an illness or cold. Masked women sometimes wear masks of different color that can signify different abilities. Everything from spitting acid to having burning hands has been reported and they always have knives. The urban legends say masked women ask people if they are pretty and kill anyone that says they are not. Conversely, if they say she is, she leaves them with the same disfigurement masked women have and use the masks to cover—a slit along the mouth from ear to ear.

Leeches. Leeches are people that have lost their souls and have succumbed to soullessness. They feed off of ambient noise and light and tend to crowd around areas that have a lot of it like Seoul Plaza or Gangnam. Leeches often do not realize the cause of their illness is due to their soul being separated from their physical body and so often believe they suffer from a chronic illness of some kind. Leeches suffer from long bouts of memory loss in which they revert to base animal instincts and often turn psychotic. Many murderers and serial killers are leeches that



gradually degrade to a point where they only act on the desire to take the life of another human being. It is speculated that they do so because they sense the soul within others and either envy them, wanting the soul for their own or despise others for having one. Restoring a soul to a body is impossible without magic and most leeches are too far along for treatment. But if diagnosed early, treatment of soullessness is possible, assuming of course the patient’s soul can be recovered.

Inmyeon Gyeon. Inmyeon Gyeon resemble dogs or other canines that

have a human face instead of that of a dog. In Korea and Japan these dogs are said to be the deceased of traffic accidents or perhaps the product of experiments probably due to all the sightings of them lurking around accidents that leave the victim(s) injured. These dogs collect the souls of victims while they are in a weakened state and, if the victim survives, sell their soul back to them at a high cost. It is unknown what is done with souls that no longer have an owner. The Gyeon also chase and collect souls from any animal or insect that happens to be carrying around souls at night. An Inmyeon Gyeon often wears the faces of one of the souls it possesses.



The Magic Underground

by Professor Fineheart

There have been many rumors circulating around campus about what

has become known as the “Magic Underground” that exists in Seoul and perhaps other cities. Like you, they are talented individuals that possess the ability to do magic. However, unlike you, there are those that lack the proper discipline, mental and physical fortitude required to cast magic or those that are simply unable to be accepted into a school for magic due to a lack of vacancy or other numerous reasons. We are aware of two groups in the Seoul area that practice magic on some scale that are not former or current students of Hwang-Gung or affiliated with any other school for magic. How these groups came to be are topics of great speculation but it is best to be aware of them so as to keep your distance. Practitioners of magic who become a danger to themselves and others or who require proper training are dealt with by the Hwarang and is no concern of the students here at Hwang-Gung. However, a complete lack of awareness on the subject would not be appropriate either.



The first group calls themselves Seedlings, so named for the black seeds they embed in their skin in different shapes and designs. The kind of magic learned in the so-called underground is dangerous and unpredictable and has since become known as “organic magic”. Due to organic magic becoming popular of late, Hwang-Gung will be offering a course on the subject as we believe students should at least be aware of the different types of magic. However, organic magic is not to be used outside of class or on school grounds without supervision as with all dangerous, volatile or other unknown types of magic. The term organic magic is applied widely to practices of magic that are still being explored and especially to a casting style that is loose and fluid compared with the classical, solid, firm, efficient and more predictable way of casting magic taught at Hwang-Gung. This term will be more properly defined and categorized once a curriculum has been devised that meets the rules, guidelines and needs of both the student body and our faculty here at Hwang-Gung. The second group has become known as the “Bloods” due to the magical techniques they use when inking their skin. Instead of common tattoo ink, this group uses magically infused blood of varying kinds that are drawn on for power when casting magic. While this group falls under the umbrella category of organic magic and has many similarities in practice to seed magic, both seed magic and blood magic will not be taught at the school until further research can be made as to the side-effects and conditions that are associated with the procedures that are required for blood and seed magic. Organic magic classes will focus solely on casting technique but graduate work for labs and testing on said abilities and techniques will be implemented later this semester.

The Hwarang

The Hwarang is a group that dates back to ancient times, more than 2000 years ago when they were formed from children of the aristocracy, were taught the highest of ideals, trained in combat, strategy, arts and performances and anything else required. The Hwarang were thought to be dissolved but instead



became a force to keep order amongst practitioners of magic in Korea and are constantly policing the peninsula. A total of more than 400 individual skills that took more than 10 years of dedicated work, effort and enlightenment to master are said to make up the base of the Hwarang techniques. This group grew very famous, particularly for their ways of war. The Hwarang practiced the Hwarangdo and, because of the techniques’ similarities to Jujitsu and Bushido and because the founder of Jujitsu’s name was Shinna Sabro (or Silla Samrang), meaning “Silla third man” and because, at that time, Koreans who moved to other countries often kept Silla as their maiden name for love of their homeland, some believe that he was actually Korean. The Hwarang became very powerful, particularly in military strength and influence and because of this, the third King of Chosun, King Tae Jong, dissolved the Hwarang. When this happened the Hwarang faded from the texts of history. They exist to protect everyone from the events that cause belief, mythology and superstition to manifest as reality and to punish those that use their gift in such a way as to become a danger to themselves and others. Using magic outside the school grounds is only allowed during emergencies and is only then permitted. The Hwarang act in accordance with the common and known laws everyone is already familiar with as a global community but they also deal with serious crimes like murder when magic is involved. If such crimes are committed using magic then the Hwarang take control of the situation. If not, it is left to the local police force.

Places of Power

The fault lines of magic criss-cross the world and where these fault lines

intersect, and the more of them that do, the more powerful and unpredictable the magic will be in these areas. There are many places of power in Korea, places with many intersecting fault lines and that have rich, deep historical roots in the minds of all Koreans. Places of power are focal points where strange events occur, the collective unconscious is made manifest and are to be avoided at all cost for said reasons. The places of power, and locations to be avoided in Seoul, are:



Gyeongbuk Palace: One of the grandest and oldest of the palaces was destroyed and burned down by the Japanese. When Emperor Gojung’s wife, the Empress Myeongseong was assassinated by the 56 assassins sent by Japan, Emperor Gojung walked away from the palace and never set foot in it again—leaving it to be ransacked and destroyed. The Imperial Family never returned to the palace again. It is located in the heart of the old downtown of Seoul and is off limits to students, especially while the old fortress walls of Seoul are undergoing repair.

Changdeok Palace: Unfortunately often ransacked for material components, the King’s old secret garden there has hundreds of different species of plants, many over 300 years old, and all closed off to all people except those with the express permission of the King. This was also the Palace that Yi Bangwon (later King Taejong) constructed and lived in after he killed both his half-brothers. While vying for the throne Yi Bangwon saw the opportunity to strike when Queen Sindeok passed away suddenly and his father went into mourning; he stormed the palace and killed all of his opposers as well as his two half-brothers (one of whom was the crown prince). When King Taejo crowned his second son King, Yi Bangwon and his elder brother began vying for power. General Pak Po, becoming disgruntled when he was not better taken care of for helping in the raid that saw the death of the crown prince, decided to side with Yi Bangwon’s older brother and lead an army against Yi Bangwon. Yi Bangwon defeated the army, killed General Pak Po and sent his elder brother into exile. Fearing for his life, the second brother relinquished the throne to Yi Bangwon who then became King Taejo. During his reign he ransacked many Buddhist temples for their sacred possessions and founded the royal guard and secret police. He was known for being particularly ruthless and a practitioner of the darkest of arts. He executed the very same supporters that put him in power to strengthen royal authority and, to stop his in-laws from gaining power, he killed four brothers of his own Queen as well as his own son’s (later the great King Sejong) in-laws. Changdeok Palace attracts the worst sorts of creatures and people.



Deoksu Palace: The palace where the last King of Korea lived after the Japanese invasion. It has since been used for peace talks during the Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Russia and is the only palace that was not burned down when the Japanese invaded. Deoksu Palace is one of the only places of power that has positive energy and is often used for sanctioned rituals and school retreats while under supervision.

Gyeonhui Palace: One of the only palaces that is completely impenetrable to the public. Only 33% was reconstructed and is visible above ground. The King usually moved here in times of emergency and it attracts all sorts of people who seek to delve into its dark depths in the hopes of finding treasure and secrets from a time long lost. The site is extremely dangerous and several students are lost every year trying to pilfer its depths.

Changgyeong Palace: During the Japanese occupation a camp, zoo, museum and a botanical garden (the biggest one is Asia at the time) was built on the palace site. The Japanese were using the zoo, museum and gardens as an area for scientific research and as a site for the testing of the black arts. Ancient artifacts and deadly magic crossed. Tests and experiments with rare and dangerous animals as evidence continues to be uncovered. Animals and artifacts twisted by malice and magical energy continue to surface from the palace and the palace is under constant guard. There are other places of power that people often gravitate to—whether

they are magicians or not. The original site of the Wongak Temple in Tapgol Park near Itaewon was originally destroyed because of oppressive Buddhist policies but became a symbol of the Independence movement. There is a tower that has the 1,762 word declaration of Independence inscribed on it in English and Korean alongside statues of leaders of the movement and offers protection in the form of wards for those that need a place of safety.

Hwangudan Altar and Gate was originally built for the Emperor of the Great Han Empire and it was there he made offerings to the Lord of Heaven. Though partially destroyed, the altar, small gates and stone drums remain. This is an important site for binding and banishment but remains a working gate. The Hwangudan Alter and Gate is off-limits to students when not under supervision.



Busan, the port city to the South and second largest city in Korea, is off limits to students this year. There have been reports of certain entities and monsters being sighted near Sorok Island where the Japanese were conducting experiments on a leper colony they established there. The history of the island and the treatment of the lepers by the Japanese and warden of the facility make the area highly susceptible to vengeful spirits, among other things. In addition, Dokdo Island is off limits for reasons that cannot be made known to students at this time. Graveyards , especially older ones like Jongmyo Shrine where all the royal ancestors are enshrined and memorial services for deceased King and Queens are held is also off limits to students. Eighty-three spirit tablets are in the main hall and the Hall of Eternal Peace. The ceremonies were once held by the King himself and were to welcome, entertain and then send off the spirits five times a year but the rites are now only held once a year on the first Sunday of May. The place radiates power both good and bad and the royal families are constantly trying to contact our world for reasons we cannot hope to fathom. They wish to be a part of the world again and are constantly seeking influence over it. Bosingak Bell Tower’s bell used to be rung when the city’s gates were opened and closed. Thirty-three times for the thirty-three heavens at 4:00 am and twenty-eight times for the twenty-eight constellations at 7 pm. Now the bell is only rung on one day: 33 times on New Year’s Eve. The bell was moved to the National Museum where it is now kept under lock and key but the administration has been made aware of a student rite of passage which entails the ringing of the bell at 4 am. This practice and tradition is far too dangerous and cannot be tolerated. Any students caught participating in such dangerous affairs face immediate expulsion.



Beasts of the Wild

by Professor Makar

There are some creatures that originate from and make their home in

Korea. While the school itself is well-protected from the creatures and magical beasts that roam the wild beyond the school walls, a working knowledge of some of these things is both necessary and beneficial to your stay at HwangGung. Hwang-Gung is built near the peak of a mountain, where all the magical fault lines of Korea converge. Here on what is simply referred to as ‘the mountain’, the stuff of legends and myths are real, the world is in constant flux and is a far more wondrous and dangerous place than any location on the planet. A basic field guide for first-year students follows.


The surrounding area is known to hold the demonic, troll-like creatures

known as the dokkaebi. They carry magical clubs that are crafted by their clan and are extremely fond of mischievous, practical jokes. While thought to be generally harmless in fairy tales, we at Hwang-Gung can assure you they are anything but. They have the power of invisibility, bestowed on them by the hats they wear. The clubs they wield grant them the power to summon any item they require. These clubs do not actually create objects, but use powerful magic to procure an existing item from somewhere else in the world. It is not a rare occasion when a group of students, led by a professor of course, are required to venture into theTwilight Forest. The forest is accessible via the tunnel in the middle of the lake or by venturing into the mountains and such ventures are usually to reacquire important goods or artifacts stolen from a individual’s or the school’s possession.



“What the school and faculty are careful about telling first year students is that every year several students are lost to these excursions and so are undertaken less and less and only if the item is of particular value. However, students often use the Dokkaebi hunt as a rite of passage at the school.”




The haechi, when tamed, are amazing creatures that are most famously

used for the prevention of natural disasters and are naturally resistant to magic. They are also extremely quick, as they are able to latch onto the past with their large mouths and have a small degree of control over it. Being very difficult to tame and dangerous in the wild—particularly to magicians—these creatures are often used to protect both Hwang-Gung College and key locations in Seoul from natural disasters, other powerful magics or other creatures that roam the wild, including other haechi.

“The school lost most of its Haechi force mysteriously after Namdaemun was burned down in 2008.”




Students are warned to be careful of meeting new people—especially

outside of the school. There are several well documented nine-tailed foxes known to be operating in both the school and Seoul area. These creatures live for a thousand years and have the ability to shape-shift. They often take on the form of the opposite sex to seduce the unwary. While not always aware or under control of themselves (there have been incidents of nine-tails being controlled by magicians or other external forces), they are always dangerous and crave the liver of their victims. Many of them believe that they can become human if they eat enough human liver or heart.

“I remember hearing rumors about a group of guys that stayed out past curfew to go clubbing in Seoul. Only one of them was heard from again and he recounted a tale of waking up to the beautiful girl he had picked up at the club devouring his best friend’s liver. Only with some quick thinking, his beads and the help of the guards once he got back was he able to survive the ordeal but he was never the same.”




Cheollima are the Korean equivalent of western pegasi or unicorn but

they have wings on the ankles and are known to be able to run from one end of the Korean peninsula to the other in one day. They are often shy and keep to themselves but, like any wild animal, can be particularly dangerous when frightened.

“The North Koreans were always rumored to not only be holding a unicorn against its will but that a mission to recapture it failed. Now North Korea has plastered it all across the front page, I’m sure it’s made the magic community angry but I doubt it’s winning them any political credibility.”


Ghosts in Korea are by far the most well-known of all creatures

as they make themselves apparent quite often and even amongst the general population there are a large number of people who have seen one in some form or another. Many postulate that this is due to the alarmingly high suicide rate in South Korea. The classes on the subject at Hwang-Gung are well known and attract graduate research. Gwishin, or ghosts, are classified and ordered into several different categories but the types of ghosts most famous in Korea are known as maiden ghosts, drowned ghosts, unmarried ghosts and dalgyal ghosts, which are ghosts that have a featureless, egg-shaped head instead of the face of a person.

“Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and has a long, sad history of invasions, massacres and death—some students say they can feel it as soon as they set foot in the country. Sleep paralysis is common and often marks the presence of the supernatural.”




Dragons are a diverse, long-lived species that we still do not know a lot

about as they are particularly reclusive. Korean dragons are often a force for good in the world and are known to have control over the weather. Korean dragons are generally known to live in large bodies of water, like Lake Meru near our school, and many different types of dragons, including Nagas ,have been sighted in Korea. Nagas are known to act as servants for dragons and to be the first pious followers of the Buddha. They can purify the mind and body and are said to have the power to grant wishes. The most famous and greatest of all dragons is said to be a previous King of Shilla, named Munmu, who died in 680AD but was resurrected as a great water dragon to protect his home and lives in the Yellow Sea. Dragon lore also speaks of crystal orbs called yeouiju, which are said to grant the holder omnipotence. Only dragons with four claws are able to forge or possess them, however. Most dragons are ‘lesser dragons’ that look like large serpents called Imugi. Once these lesser Imugi find or catch a yeouji falling from heaven, they are said to become true dragons.



“One group of students thought it would be a good idea to try to charm and follow one particular Naga back to the sacred place it is thought to live, as they are often said to be guardians of sacred treasure. Many still believe that after Munmu’s son, Sinmun died, the famous “Bamboo Flute to Calm Ten Thousand Waves” which, when played, forced attackers to flee, spread plagues to break enemy forces, summon rain to calm droughts, and had control over wind and sea. I think that is what they were after—either that or a yeouiju.

My professor of Dragonology believes that the dragon once thought to live in Lake Meru is none other than the Naga King Gara—the first pious follower of the Buddha”




The Bonghwang is a mythical bird that is now known to exist. At least

one has been sighted near the school and the Dean keeps one as well. as both a pet and friend. The Bonghwang is said to have dominion over all other birds, save perhaps one. It makes itself known during troubling times, protecting those in need. It is also said to have great knowledge of all things. The Bonghwang is made up of the beak of a rooster, the face of a swallow, the forehead of a fowl, the neck of a snake, the breast of a goose, the back of a tortoise, the hindquarters of a stag and the tail of a fish.


The Samjoko looks like a three-legged crow and is said to be more

powerful than all things on heaven and earth. It lives in and has the power of the sun; very little is known about it except that is believed to have the power of resurrection.





Creating the Cast M

agicians is about more than playing just one unhappy, dysfunctional, teenage magician whose dissatisfaction and unhappiness with the world allows them the ability to reshape the world by casting spells; you also play a conflict character of

another player whose sole role in the game is to stir up trouble and create tense, effective teen drama. More than creating your protagonist, this chapter is about creating an entire cast of characters to give a degree of depth and intricacy to your game so as to make generating dramatic stories as easy and intuitive as possible.




First of all, you will start by creating a teenage magician, your protagonist, whose shoes you will step into for most of the game. You wil do this by writing down three words that describe your character, why your character is unhappy and what they think would make them happy. Second, you will create your mentor, a professor whose job it is to look after you, guide you and who bestowed upon you your True Name—which you will also make at the same time as you detail your mentor. Magic that can control, change or kill another magician directly can only be successfully cast with the knowledge of that person’s True Name. Third, you will create another character, called a conflict character, designed with the sole purpose of making your protagonist’s life difficult and dramatic. You then give your conflict character to another player at the table to play; since another player will do the same, you will also end up playing another player’s conflict character in addition to your own protagonist. You will create your conflict character by detailing who your protagonist does not get along with and why that conflict exists between them. Fourth, you will introduce your characters and talk as a group about what relationships each character has with one another. What you need to do all this is a character sheet and conflict character sheet, along with something to write with. You will also need note cards of some kind to make plot cards after creating the cast of characters.

The Character Sheet

Name: Your character’s name is the one you would find in their passport or on their birth certificate, though they may use a nickname. True Name: Your character’s True Name is established by either using the names table or by coming up with your own Korean name. If someone else finds out your True Name, they have power over you—they can cast




True Name




+ -

Favorite Spells



Three Words that Describe Me are... I’m unhappy because... Things would be better if...


1 2 3 4 5 Love

I don’t get along with _________ because...


spells that change or transform you, stop your heart or control your mind and body. True names are kept secret and safe, and only you and your mentor, who performed the ceremony that gave you your True Name, know of it and perhaps one or two friends you trust with your very life. Exchanging true names with someone is a sign of the deepest of friendships. Drama Point categories: There are six placeholders for Drama Points under each category of emotions. The six categories are: Self-Worth, Love, Freedom, Justice, Safety and Trust. Whenever your protagonist is affected negatively in one of said categories, you place the number of Drama Points that scene earned you in the proper category. You can only have a maximum of 5 Drama Points in any one category and topping a category off with 5 points has consequences that are discussed on Page 78 in the Drama Turns section. Wounds: Wounds detail how much physical trauma your character’s body can take before it begins to shut down and then, ultimately, die. As wounds are incurred, your character becomes less agile and able to act and, after sustaining 6 wounds, they die. Conditions: Conditions detail any advantages or disadvantages, physical or mental, your character currently has; whether they are abnormally fast, slow, have protection, etc. “The three words that describe me best are…” is left open for you to fill in the three words that best describe your character in order to flesh out your character’s personality. “I am unhappy because…” is left open to detail the reason why your character is unhappy and, ultimately, the reason they are able to use magic. “Things would be better if…” is left open to detail your character’s current motivations and what they think would make them a happier person. “My favorite spells are…” is left open for you to fill in a few spells you’ve come up with in case you need to let loose a few signature spells should the occasion arise. “I don’t get along with…because…” is left open for you to fill in your conflict character and the reason for conflict between you. Everything on your character sheet is for ease of reference. The sentences are there to lead you through character creation, so have your sheet out and fill in the sentences as the section “Brainstorming the Cast “walks you through character creation.



Conflict Character Cards

Name: the name by which everyone calls and refers to your conflict character. True Name: left blank until such a time, if any, it becomes known. “I don’t get along with [conflict character’s name] because…” is left open



I don’t get along with _________________________ because...

True Name


to to fill in your conflict character and to detail their relationship and conflict.

Brainstorming the Cast

What do you think of when you hear “teenage drama”? Social awkwardness, angst, heartache and pining and everything else that comes with being a teenager is what you should keep in mind when creating the cast for your game. Your characters do not have to be likable—they can be bitter, competitive and narcissistic because more drama is always better—as long as you keep the drama in the game. Your cast will consist of one protagonist, one conflict character, and one mentor for each player at the table. Character interaction is geared towards generating the kind of drama that will affect your protagonist negatively because whenever this happens you earn Drama Points, which you then use later to cast spells, drive the story and make cool things happen.



Your Protagonist

Every character in the game is the protagonist of their own story—your character is a student at a school for magic. Your protagonist’s life is full of drama because they are in the throes of the awkwardness, confusion and angst that most teenagers go through. In order for you to better understand and take on the role of your protagonist, you first have to form a concept and personality of the character in your mind. Here’s how to do that.

Write three things about or words that describe your protagonist and his name. EXA M P L E My character, Richard, is trusting, always looking for acceptance and paranoid. I chose to write down words that will make it easy for Richard to get into trouble. Every single thing on that list is not going to set Richard up on the popularity track but it will be a great source of inspiration for when he acts, or how he behaves and it will be easy to put him in difficult spots. Adam, another player, writes down that his character, Patrick, has a short temper, is a know-it-all and loves spending time in the library. Grace, the last player, writes that Anna is popular, anorexic and insufferably bubbly.

Your True Name and Mentor

Your first day of school involves your protagonist being assigned a mentor,

whom you meet and who then performs a magic ritual on you that reveals your True Name. True Names are different from the name your protagonist was given by their parents or the nicknames other people call your protagonist by. Knowing someone’s True Name gives you power over them and so are closely guarded secrets. Having a True Name means being able to harm or help the person with greater ease, being able to control them, have them do your bidding and forces them to come when called.



When you start a game of Magicians, only you and your mentor know your True Name. You do not know your mentor’s True Name. Your True Name is chosen as per your host country, so your mentor gives you a Korean name. You can either come up with a Korean name yourself,(which consists of three syllables, the family name always coming first), or you can use the following chart to come up with a name easily and quickly. The chart corresponds to your date of birth; use the chart for your birth year for your protagonist’s Korean family name—use only the last number of your birth year, the month of your birth for the first syllable and the day of your birth for the second syllable of your protagonist’s True Name.

GOTCHA! Finding out what someone’s True Name is should never be a matter of finding out when they were born. This table is just a quick, easy way to come up with a True Name without having to think or do any research.




朴(Bak) [essence, nature] 金(Kim) [gold] 造(Jo) [to achieve] 最(Chuey) [to be the best] 㶣(Eem) [bright, warm] 強(Gang) [strong] 韓(Han) [Korea] 李(Ee) [plum tree] 尹(Yoon) [to rule] 正(Jung) [lawful, proper]


First Name First Syllable Table MONTH OF BIRTH January February March April May June July August September October November December



勇(Yong) [courage] 知(Ji) [to know/realize] 弟(Je) [to be young] 惠(Hye) [love/kindness] 東(Dong) [east] 上(Sang) [first] 夏(Ha) [summer] 孝(Hyo) [filial duty] 水(Su) [water] 銀(Eun) [silver, money] 賢(Hyun) [virtuous] 來(Rae) [to come/return]





火(Hwa) [fire] 雨(Oo) [rain] 俊(Joon) [to be exceptional] 希(Hee) [hope] 敎(Gyo) [to teach] 敬(Gyung) [honor, respect] 勖(Ook) [to strive, endeavor] 眞(Jin) [truth] 才(Jae) [to have talent, skill] 訓(Hoon) [to guide, lead] 羅(Ra) [to start, begin] 貧(Bin) [humble] 鮮(Sawn) [to be pretty/ good-looking] 理(Ree) [to govern/rule] 手(Su) [skill, ability] 臨(Rim) [to confront/face] 我(Ah) [stubbornness] 愛(Ae) [love] 貵(Neul) [wealth/riches] 聞(Moon) [to listen, realize] 認(Een) [to know] 美(Mi) [beauty] 旗(Gee) [energy, spirit] 常(Sang) [honorable] 兵(Byung) [soldier] 惜(Sawk) [precious, dear] 健(Gawn) [strong, firm] 儒(Yoo) [scholar, student] 雄(Oong) [to be courageous] 元(Won) [to be the first/beginning, the root] 攝(Sawp) [to control/rule]

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



Write down your protagonist’s True Name. EXA M P L E Richard’s mentor is Professor Canopy, the head nurse who is, unfortunately, quite fed up with him. I was born on July 7th, 1985 so his True Name is. Patrick’s mentor is Professor Filch, who also happens to be the headmaster. He has taken an interest in Patrick, which makes other students jealous—coupled with him being a know-it-all. He is often the butt of a joke, which can be bad since Patrick has a short temper. Adam was born on March 18th, 1980 so Patrick’s True Name is. Anna’s mentor is Professor Candor, who teaches classes on Wards and Defense. Professor Candor is distant and is a bit of an oddball so Anna tries not to spend too much time around him. Grace was born January 4th, 1988 so Anna’s True Name is.



Your Conflict Character

In addition to playing your protagonist, you will also play a character that will be constantly generating and involved in the conflict surrounding another protagonist, called a conflict character.

Write a little bit about another character in the game that your character has the most conflict with (whether it be another protagonist or otherwise).

Write down the conflict and a bit about why that character clashes with your protagonist on a conflict character card and give it to another player. EXA M P L E Richard’s conflict character is the school nurse, Ms. Canopy, who has long since run out of patience for Richard since he is sent to her several times a day or shows up often claiming to need calming spells. She has lost all pity she had for the boy and assumes that he was coddled too much as a boy and raised with a silver-spoon in his mouth. Patrick’s conflict character is Anna. Patrick has a huge crush on her, feels that only he really knows her and that she is very unhappy but Anna is only using him to get her homework done or for errands and favors and has no romantic interest in him at all. Anna’s conflict character is Professor Digsby, her Practical Magic teacher. The teacher believes that she is smart and that she should apply herself and so is trying to mentor her but it’s not going well. Anna resents the unwanted help and attention and wishes to bask in her newfound popularity (she had no friends before coming to Hwang-Gung).

You can use the sentences on the character sheet to write down, in one or two concise sentences, why the protagonist and their conflict character do not get along. Each person should have their own character sheet and at least one other conflict character given to them by another player. Conflict character cards should have a description on them about why that character clashes with a protagonist and a short description of that character. Upon receiving a card,



you are free to add as many additional details to it as you want at any time. In fact, as scenes play out you should feel free to flesh out the character and their relationships with other characters as well. EXA M P L E I give my conflict character to Adam, Adam gives his conflict character to Grace, since she’s playing Anna, and Grace gives her conflict character to me.

Write down what makes your character unhappy in one concise sentence, what your “wound” is. What is it that makes you unhappy, what fuels your magic? Relating it

to one of the negative emotions categories on your character sheet is an easy way to come up with a “root” for their unhappiness. EXA M P L E Richard is paranoid and his paranoia is reinforced by bad things happening to him throughout his life. He is constantly afraid that he might wake up one day and not be able to cast magic. Patrick’s wound stems from being neglected by his family. While he loves books and being in quiet places, he often acts out to get attention and is quick to anger when he doesn’t receive it. Anna’s wound stems from her parents passing away when she was young. She was an orphan and bounced around the system for a long time, she never felt like she fit in anywhere until she got to Hwang-Gung.

Write down your character’s “want”. A protagonist’s need or want works best when tied to their wound—when

the wound is the origin of the want. EXA M P L E Richard wants to become a Magician so powerful that he need not fear anything in the world ever again. Patrick wants everyone’s approval and for Anna to see that no one understands her like he does. Anna wants to stay on top, her popularity and fitting-in is the most important thing to her.



Tying Your Main Cast Together

Now that you have your main cast of characters, it is important that all the characters have opinions on and interact with other cast members— especially other protagonists. How your protagonist feels about the other players’ protagonists and towards other characters, like his or her conflict character, is important to driving the story forward and for when you begin telling a story. If the protagonists have no reason to encounter or never interact with other protagonists, there is not going to be a lot of energy and very little game dynamic going on at the table.

Write down a sentence about how your character sees the other protagonists and what they think of them. EXA M P L E Richard doesn’t pay much attention to Patrick, but he resents Anna and her popularity. Patrick thinks Richard is worse off than him, pities him and thinks Anna is secretly very unhappy so tries to help her. Anna knows of Richard because of his paranoia sometimes raising issues in class and usually uses Patrick to do her homework for her, enjoys the attention she gets from him and everybody else.

Fleshing Out Other Supporting Characters

Most game sessions will see your protagonist and cast of characters playing

out their dramas, fighting fantastic forces and doing other adventurous things at or near the school, so coming up with some other characters to add to the cast can really help to flesh out the school. You do not need to write anything down but talk as a group about some of the cliques that are at the school and how the students being able to cast magic might affect the school experience, how it might change up the typical groups or what teenagers might do and how they would solve their problems if they were able to cast magic.



That ambitious cheerleader girl who always wanted to be beautiful can now really become beautiful, even if only by an illusion. The girl that nobody noticed may literally now be invisible all the time. Those competitive teachers can now try anything to have their class win competitions. The jocks, bullies, overachievers, nerds, bookworms, flirts, preps, emos, drama queens, Goths, and misfits are still very much a part of school life so draw on what you know but try to add a magical spin on it whenever possible.

Finishing Up

Before you move on to other chapters of the book and start playing a game make sure you familiarize yourself with the rest of your character sheet. In addition, when you first start playing you should:

Not have any wounds (out of six) marked.

Not have any conditions marked.

Begin play with as many Drama Points as there are players; these points can be put into any category you see fit.

Have all the sentences filled in on your character sheet.

DRAMA POINT CATEGORIES The Drama Point categories can be used as an interesting, fun way to gauge how your character is feeling. If you put your Drama Points into the “trust” category perhaps your character is feeling untrusting, if they have Points in the “freedom” category maybe they are feeling cooped up or feel like they cannot express themselves.





Playing a Session O

nce you have got your cast characters ready to go, all you need to do is set up the story elements before you can start the game and jump into the roles of your characters. There are two types of turns in Magicians– Drama turns and Casting turns and your goal, as a

player, is different in each one. Drama turns are all about getting Drama Points so that you can use

them later in Casting Turns. CastingTurns are when you use Drama Points to cast spells and advance the story. Magicians uses plot cards, on which you will write down cool ideas you would like to see in the game. They are used during Casting Turns by the Negotiator and help tell fun, unpredictable and collaborative stories.




Before starting the game, you and the rest of the players will need to have three blank index cards each, a character sheet and a conflict character card along with something to write on them with. Before writing anything down, you will come up with a pitch for that game session—an idea or theme for the game session you are about to play. With that pitch in mind, you and the rest of the players will write down cool places, monsters,characters or items that you want to see become key plot elements on these cards. These cards are called plot cards and are entire adventures distilled down into several key plot elements. Once you have a stack of cards ready to go, you will take turns framing scenes to tell stories that either put your character into dramatic situations to earn Drama Points, called Drama Turns, or scenes in which you use the plot cards to add to the story and where you and the other players cast spells by spending Drama Points to advance the plot, called Casting Turns. There is a special role that each player takes on several times a game, called the Negotiator. The role of the Negotiator is to facilitate gameplay and to make sure that there is always interesting consequences for failure. The role of the Negotiator is never held by the same person for the entire session. Every round, after each player has taken a turn earning Drama Points, the role of Negotiator changes. This ensures that everyone gets a chance to add to the overarching plot and keeps the story unpredictable and interesting. A scene will end after a player has either received Drama Points for creating drama and tension in their protagonist’s life (on a drama turn) or after they have added to the story by drawing a plot card and framing a scene that invites players to use their Drama Points by casting spells in order to advance the plot. Once all of the cards in the deck have been used to advance the story and they have all been discarded, the game session is concluded. More about magic and being a Magician can be found in Chapter 5 and rules for the actual usage and casting of magic in Chapters 6. This chapter focuses solely on how to set up, play and conclude a game session.



Starting the Game

When starting a game of Magicians there are two things you need to set-up before you jump in, start roleplaying and start casting spells. The first thing is the pitch—a single, concise, evocative sentence that relays to the other players what you want the game session to be about. The second thing you need is a pack of index cards on which you write down plot elements that will make for an engaging, fun and exciting adventure based on the initial pitch you and the group came up with.

The Pitch

Make sure you and every other player has three index cards in front of

them along with their character sheet and a conflict character card. Write down a single, evocative sentence that either has an idea or theme in it which would make for a great story for everyone at the table—this is your pitch for the game session. Read your sentence aloud to the group and listen to the other players as they give you their pitch. Tell the group what is happening in the school that you and your characters will eventually become a part of. Vote on the coolest idea as a group or perhaps merge some similar ideas into one. The idea should not be too specific — ideas like “a monster is on the loose,” “students are disappearing,” “a professor is found killed” or even “final exams and next semester course placements are coming up” are all interesting ideas that are suitably vague enough to require a lot of exploration. game When deciding on a pitch, choose one that your characters will have an interest or passion in developing. Remember that everyone is the protagonist of their own story so make sure your pitch leaves room for everyone at the table and can incorporate the entire cast of characters. Discovering information and figuring out what is happening is usually the first step in a game of Magicians because there are a lot of cards on the table that have yet to be revealed and you only know what you wrote on your own cards.



Incorporating a strange, mysterious or intriguing element in your pitch works well with plot cards to increase dramatic tension. Themes are great to explore in games, a lot of fun games have come out of taking typical teen issues and putting a magical spin on them. Issues that teenagers face everyday or are just starting to think about for the first time like teen pregnancy, depression, heartbreak, and pressure can be fun to incorporate in your pitch. Troubled teens, issues about body image and self-esteem, balancing studying and play, giving up their senior year and previous life to come to a new, foreign country, peer pressure, physical and emotional health, searching for role-models are all issues that you might like to deal with in-game and explore from a slightly different perspective. Being a teenager is about doing everything for the first time, add magic into the mix and there is a lot of fun topics to explore alongside an exciting adventure. After every player has given their pitch, decide on one as a group that you want to use for that session. You may be able to combine a couple pitches into one if they have similar ideas or themes but keep one cohesive idea or theme in mind when choosing a pitch as it will help focus the story. You can always explore other interesting pitches in future game sessions. EXA M P L E I want to play a game where there is a mystery to solve at the school so I decide on a simple pitch: “a murder mystery at the school”. Perry comes up with “a spell is on the loose that is petrifying anyone that gets in its way, no one knows how to stop it.” Grace comes up with “exams are coming up and a new exchange student from another magic school in France gets transferred to our class.” After some deliberation we decide that the murder mystery is wide enough that it can incorporate both Perry and Graces’ ideas into the story as they can use their plot cards to bring those ideas into the game if they so choose.



Plot Cards

Take out your pen or pencil and the index cards you brought with you — these are your plot cards and will be drawn by the Negotiator on their turn. Whenever a plot card is drawn, the element on the card becomes the focal point for that scene and becomes an integral part of advancing the story. Here is how to write up your set of plot cards.

On one card, write down the name of a character, faction or organization. A character could be an existing conflict character, a protagonist, or a

non-player character like the headmaster of the school, or even a character not yet introduced. A faction or organization could be an established group, perhaps of students like “goths” or “healers” or it could be a new, interesting faction that people are unfamiliar with like “The Council” or “The Cult of the Goddess”. EXA M P L E Grace uses one of her plot cards to write down “foreign exchange student” to bring in the idea she had earlier into the game.

On a second card, write down the name of an object, challenge or location. An object could be something known to be magical like “Ring of

Protection,” something mundane like “Knife with blackened blood on the hilt,” “A love letter” or “locker key”. A challenge could be a puzzle or something that requires further investigation like “a tile, possibly from the roof ” or “a string of words, written in an ancient language”. A location is a key place that will become important to the narrative in some way, whether it is known to the players yet or not, like “Vulture’s Peak” or “the girls’ dormitory”. EXA M P L E To play up the murder mystery aspect of the story, I write down “suspicious note written by headmaster” as my object on one of my plot cards.



On the last card, write down a threat, villain, or monster. A threat is something, whether it is sentient or not, that is a danger

to the cast of characters. It could be actively pursuing them and wishing them harm, like a monster or creature preying on students, or it could be something that by its very existence does harm to the cast or to something the cast of characters cares about, like an airborne disease, spell gone loose or mindless spirit. EXA M P L E Perry decides to write down “spell on the loose” for his threat on one of his plot cards to incorporate his earlier idea into the plot.

Assigning Points

All cards require a point value be assigned to them, this acts both as a

pacing mechanic for the overall story of the game and as a means to tell when a plot card element has been resolved and can be discarded. The number of points you assign a card also indicates how many Drama Points must be spent in a scene where the Negotiator has framed a casting scene that uses that card. Once the number of points on a card is reached, its place in the narrative is cemented and the card can be discarded. EXA M P L E For example, if I write a 3 on my “suspicious note written by headmaster” card that signifies that players must spend 3 Drama Points during a turn when that card is drawn in order for that card’s place in the narrative to be cemented, narrated by the Negotiator and then discarded. The number of points you choose to assign to each card should vary on how long you want to play a session (Note: 1 point for every person at the table makes for an easily resolved scene as everyone gets one action on every casting turn. A player may choose to spend 3 points when casting a spell, that one spell would resolve the card entirely. Likewise, a player may choose to not spend any points on their turn by not casting any spells). Cards do not have to be resolved in one turn, if a card has a higher number of points assigned to it, it just means that it will take more time before the card’s place in the narrative becomes known, resolved and before the card is discarded. If no one spends points during a scene then the card is left on the table, left open for people to use on their turns if they so desire.



Point Values and Threats

When you assign a point value to a threat you do more than signify how

many Drama Points must be spent in a scene involving that threat for it to be resolved and the card discarded; the number of points assigned also dictates how dangerous a threat it is to the cast of characters. The total number of points divided by two, round up, is the amount of wounds a threat can dish out, total, to the cast of characters. If a threat is assigned 12 points then it can deal up to 6 wounds for every turn in a scene— whether it is to one character or spread out among several cast members. It could deal 6 wounds in one attack—it could do 2 attacks that deal 3 wounds each per round or it could have special attacks that deal ongoing wound or other special effects. For your first game, you will want to keep it simple. Write down what the threat is and then give it a total of 6 points. Then, write down in what way the threat deals out wounds - give it one attack that deals 3 wounds. You might write “Claws: 3 wounds” or “fire breath: 3 wounds” depending on what the threat is. It does not always have to do physical harm—a creature could impose a condition like “blind” or “poisoned” or any number of interesting things but you will read about that later, in Chapter 10. If you are feeling confident, here are the rules for creating a threat like you will once you have played a few more games. First, assign the threat a number of points to represent how many Drama Points players will have to spend on the card before it is discarded. Then, divide that number in two and round up. Use that rounded number to calculate how many wounds the threat can deal out or what special abilities it has by subtracting points from that rounded total like so:

For every wound the attack does, subtract a point.

For every ongoing wound it does, subtract 2 points. EXA M P L E If I have a threat called “spell on the loose” and I assign it 10 points then it means I have 5 points to work with. If I want the spell to deal one point of damage, with one point of ongoing damage every turn until it is healed, I would subtract 3 points from my 5 point total—1 for the point of damage and 2 for the ongoing damage capability, leaving me with 2 points to work with.



If an attack is a 3 point physical attack that causes blindness (not a spell) it would cost 6 points total to heal and remove the blindness condition (just three points to dispel the blindness if it is a blindness spell however). Likewise, a 5-point paralysis-inducing attack would require 10 points to heal and 5 points to dispel. Detailed rules for healing will be discussed later, on page 156. However, for now, understand that the cost of healing is based on the total point value of the attack. In the above example, for instance, the Threat has a 3 point physical attack that causes blindness. It would cost 6 points total to heal and remove the blindness condition. If the blindness was a spell instead, it would only require 3 points to dispell the effect. Not all threats will only deal physical wounds, you may have threats that are other students, teachers or even animals that are capable of casting spells.

PLAYER MASTERY You may be thinking that it is the Negotiator’s job to play out scenes in which the threat is present and that if the threat is present and the threat can cast magic, doesn’t that mean that if I’m the Negotiator I have to cast spells. Don’t I need to speak Korean to cast spells? What do I do if I can’t speak Korean, won’t the threat just keep failing to cast spells? The answer is no! First of all - try. Magicians is about learning a language and you have to speak it and try to do so. You can try to say it and simply inform the table that the spell is successful because it is important to the fiction. If the proper pronunciation for the spell is needed type the spell out into google translate or Dragon Dictation or Naver dictationary and have it parrot back the proper pronunciation. Always try first though!

For threat cards that have several monsters in play, the total number of points is divided between each monster. If the threat card has a total of 20 points on it and there are two creatures on it then each monster gets 10 points (and therefore 5 points worth of damage or conditiondealing can be done by each).



For large swarms of creatures with so many creatures in play that you couldn’t divide points between them, count the entire swarm as one entity. If you want to put a villain on your threat card and you want him to have some minions or if you would like to have some lackeys to throw at the characters first then you can divide up the total number of points between the villain and his minions as you see fit—they do not have to be divided equally. Keep in mind that the total number of points on the card should reflect all the monsters and creatures on it—if only certain enemies get eliminated mark them off the card as you reduce the point total when players spend their Drama Points to cast spells. EXA M P L E I want to have a powerful demon be the big, bad boss but I want him to be weak. Since he’s weak, he will need a lot of little demons protecting him but I also want him to be able to do some serious damage when it comes down to it. Out of a total of 20 points, I assign the big bad 10 points, with a psychic attack that deals five wounds—one attack that can almost kill a character. The other 10 points I divide among 10 lesser demon protector minions for the main demon. Each of them gets 1 point and can deal one wound per turn making the threat a really deadly encounter for the cast of characters if they were to face them all directly.

Remember that if the threat does damage by casting spells, you have to write down the spell on the card in advance using whatever system you are using—noun and verb (Prodigy, Apprentice) or full sentence (Master). The Negotiator does not have to correctly pronounce the words of a spell in order to have a Threat use the spell, but it might be a good idea to avoid complicated magic for the first few games while all of the players get used to the other parts of the game system. See Chapter 6 on casting spells for how to come up with a spell for the appropriate magic system and for more information on threats, see Chapter 10.



EXA M P L E I want the demon’s psychic attack to be magical in nature, so I write down psychic trauma spell—5 wounds and, since we are using the Prodigy magic system, I choose “

생물” for my noun, and “해쳐요” for my

verb, meaning “damage living thing”.

Once everyone has finished writing on their cards and have assigned point values to each of them, they are all placed face-down in the middle and shuffled together to make a deck.

YOUR FIRST FEW GAMES For your first few games you will want to keep your threats simple. Give all the threats you come up with 6 points total and one attack that deals 3 wounds. After you play a few games and get an idea about how the number of points on a card will affect the pace of the game, read about threats again in Chapter 10 and start adding more dynamic threats to your game.



The First Session and Ongoing Play

When you first start playing Magicians, create your cast of characters and prepare your plot cards for starting a game session you will not have any previous game sessions under your belt with that cast of characters or any previously stories told. After you have completed your first game session, when all the plot cards you prepared have been narrated and discarded and after players have spent their Drama Points on oveercoming them, you will have an established world, cast of characters and setting with which to base your next game sessions on. What works really well about the use of plot cards is that it allows you to focus the story on what you want to have happen and what plot elements you want to see brought out in the fiction. Just because you have resolved a plot card in a previous game session does not mean you cannot bring it back in the next session—the players, along with the cast of characters they are playing, will have a totally different context with which to reintroduce that plot element and if you had fun with it then other players probably did too. Not only that, but you get to narrate your own scenes both on drama turns and casting turns and you get the chance to introduce story either via narration or by putting it down on your plot cards each game session. Campaign play works well this way because you get to reevaluate what plot elements are important, what should stay resolved and what keeps the story fresh and exciting. That reevaluation, coupled with introducing new plot card elements every game session guarantees that everyone at the table will be playing the game they want to play every session.



Rounds of Play

The number of rounds a game consists of will vary on how many players there are and how many points you assign to your plot cards. A lower point value assigned to cards will mean they are easily resolved in the same scene they are introduced, whereas cards with higher point values can will most likely not be resolved until later in the game. A round is defined as the number of turns it takes for play to make it around the table to the Negotiator.

Step 1: A Casting Turn. Play will start off with a Casting Turn in which the Negotiator will draw a card from the deck, use the element on the plot card to frame a scene, then ask the players what they do. The Negotiator will be chosen at random at the start of the game and given a token to signify their role as Negotiator for that round of play. Each player will take a turn and then the card will either be discarded (if its points are reduced to zero) or placed face-up on the table (if it still has some points remaining).

Step 2: A Drama Turn. After the initial casting turn, the Negotiator token will be passed to the right and play will continue to the left of the player who just narrated the Casting Scene. The next player then takes a drama turn in order to try and accrue Drama Points for use in future Casting Scenes.

Step 3: Play continues to the left, the Negotiator duties circle to the right with each player framing a Drama Turn in order to build up their cache of Drama Points.

Step 4: The Final Turn of the Round. Once play reaches the Negotiator, the Negotiator will narrate a Casting Turn by using a plot card to frame a scene in which players use their Drama Points to reduce the number of points on the card to advance the story. Once each player has taken a turn the card will either be discarded or placed face-up on the table. Once the Negotiator token moves to the right, one round of play is concluded and a new round of play will start with a new Negotiator.



Scene Framing

To frame a scene, start with a general overview of what you want to have happen in that scene (think it as if you were a movie director, explaining the scene and roles of the characters to the people at the table). Begin by telling the table what kind of scene this will be—is the scene going to affect your protagonist’s self-worth? Their freedom?, Tell the group in what way this scene will earn characters Drama Points. Next, state the conflict that is going to occur that will threaten that aspect of your protagonist. At the very least the scene should have both your character and your conflict character in it. Start with where the scene is taking place. What characters are in the scene, where are they, what are they doing. Scenes can be added to and fleshed out by anyone and everyone at the table. Ask for help framing a scene if you are having trouble coming up with something. Give suggestions and collaborate. Once you have established the broad strokes of who is in the scene, what they are doing and where they are, start filling in character roles. You always play both the roles of your protagonist and any conflict character that was given to you and you always have full authority over those characters—no one else can dictate what those characters are doing or thinking but you (note: Be open to suggestions and advice). Other characters that appear in scenes are under control of whoever framed the scene. If you do not have a character in a scene then try to either inject a character of yours into it with a suggestion or take on the role of a character in the scene that does not have a player behind them. Once all the pieces are set, “action” is essentially said by the scene framer, everyone gets in character, and the characters in the scene begin playing out the scene. Once the scene framer is satisfied that the scene is over, it ends—the conflict in the scene has been resolved, tension has been built up; Drama Points have been earned, etc. When the point of the scene is resolved, the scene ends and play continues to the left. Any scenes that require the



resolution of conflict, the action of a character with no player behind them, rules-arbitration or negotiation of failure are handled by whoever has the Negotiator token during that scene. Remember that scenes do not need to happen right after one another, in a linear and-then-this-happened fashion. A player or Negotiator may choose to frame their scene as a flashback or further in the future, between events that have occurred, will occur later on in the story or is even a semester, month or year after events that have just taken place if it jives with the story and the group.

The First Scene

The first scene of a game is usually the most difficult so it is a good idea

to keep it broad. As if the game session were a television show, introduce the session pitch in a vague, mysterious way that leaves a lot of room for future storytelling. Do not feel pressured to be specific in the beginning since the ideas and topics introduced in the beginning can always be cemented or discarded later as play unfolds. Really, you can do no wrong—use the first scene to give the table an idea of what the main idea of the story is and to introduce the element on the plot card. Start off with very little information about the element on the plot card as players have to earn more information to find its place in the narrative by spending Drama Points and casting spells. As players spend Drama Points, use the total point number on the card as a gauge for how much information to give—if the card has a total of two points then spending one point should get them about half-way toward resolving that card and half of the information about its place in the narrative according to your view of the story at that moment. If the card has 20 points then only hint at certain things, or put it behind a series of obstacles that the players must get through in order to find it or get information about it. Maybe the Cast finds out about a mysterious magical ring that is worth 20 points so you tell the players that rumors are circulating and that there is a magic ring deep within the Twilight Forest because you know you can set up obstacles that will require them using lots of Drama Points and casting spells to get into the Twilight Forest and to the ring (if it is even there at all).



Bear in mind that with high number cards you rarely have to worry about having its place in the narrative figured out from the very beginning as the card will not be resolved for several turns. Throw out some tantalizing information that other Negotiators can use later on when wrapping up and resolving that card.

Drama Turns

When it is your turn and you do not have the Negotiator token, you take a Drama Turn. During a Drama Turn you can frame any kind of scene you want but your protagonist should be involved in it in some way with room for as many other players as possible in the scene as well. If a scene you want to frame does not come to mind, think of a scene that will earn you Drama Points. Even though Drama Points are earned by sustaining emotional trauma or generating teenage drama, that does not mean that all scenes have to earn you Drama Points or have traumatic incidents. Take the time to build-up and show the relationship between characters and perhaps set your protagonist up for emotional fallout later on. If another player needs Drama Points or you are getting too close to the five point maximum for comfort in a certain category, you may want to have a breakdown scene to transfer Drama Points to another character or you may wish to cast a spell in order to progress the story, develop characters, or just for the sake of narrating a cool scene. Player scenes can incorporate any open cards on the table into scenes as well. Therefore it is possible for open cards on the table to be resolved on a player’s turn, but the scene and narrative is always resolved by the player who’s turn it is rather than the Negotiator—if a player chooses to incorporate a card and it is resolved, it is up to the player to narrate and resolve the card’s place in the narrative. It is possible to narrate a scene in which points are both spent on open cards on the table as well as one where Drama Points are acquired.



Drama Turn Advice

If you have trouble thinking of a way to get Drama Points look to the

drama point categories on your character sheet and look at the possible ways you can inflict an emotional injury or increase the drama in a certain facet of your protagonist’s life. The categories of emotions that can be affected negatively in some way so as to earn you Drama Points are: Self-Worth, Love, Freedom, Justice, Safety and Trust. Ask other players for help or ideas and think of high school and all the number of things teenagers struggle with during that time in their lives. The conflict characters made during character creation and handed to another player are designed for these kinds of scenes, frame a scene in which your conflict character and your protagonist come into conflict.

Casting Turns

When it is your turn and you have the Negotiator token, you take a Casting Turn. On a Casting Turn you add to the overarching narrative and introduce more conflict into the story. Drama Turns are usually about your protagonist and their conflict character. Casting Turns are about the big overarching storylines that affect everyone. Just because you are taking a casting turn does not mean your character can not be involved in a scene, it just means that you have the additional responsibility of the meta-narrative (what is going on behind the scenes) or whatever narrative thread is currently underway during Casting turns. If you are taking a Casting turn then you are the Negotiator as well, so you also oversee conflict resolution, negotiate the stakes for failure with other players and play characters that are not controlled by any other player when needed. Your goal is to bring the world around the players to life, to fill it with interesting characters and to engage them with challenges. Draw a plot card as soon as you receive the Negotiator token so that you can prepare and think about how you want to incorporate that card into the plot. You should not feel like it is your job to make the players lose or to punish them or mess with the stories they want to tell. Present scenarios in which they need to use the Drama Points they have been building up on Drama turns to cast spells.



Casting Turn Advice

The bigger the threat, the more time should be spent to build on, hint

at or foreshadow the threat. A good rule of thumb is one similar to players building up Drama Points—the more points, the more build-up scenes need to take place before letting the threat loose on the players. This also lets you to work in plots behind the scenes. For every five wounds a threat can deal, a build-up scene should be framed before the threat comes into direct conflict with a player’s protagonist. Think of the game session like a TV episode—you can introduce stuff off-screen without having any players in the scene. Do not be afraid of using scenes to build-up tension as players can still use their turns to cast spells to find out information or do other things.

(Thre at) 

Nin e- Ta iled Fo x Cla w Attac k: 2 Wo und s (2pts) Bite Attac k: 1 Wo und , On goi

Ta il Attac k: 1 Wo und (1pt )

12 pts

ng (3pts)

EXAMPL E Perry draws a card for his Casting Turn coming up in order to prepare. It’s a threat card that says “Nine-tailed Fox” has a point value of 6 and says “claw attack: 2 wounds, bite attack: 1 wound, 1 ongoing, tail attack: 1 wound”. Since the threat has the potential to deal 6 wounds per scene (12 points, divided by two), Perry will use his upcoming scene to first introduce the fox before coming at the cast of characters head on for a fight. He decides to give hints that a nine-tailed fox is around and to give players a chance to reduce its points by casting spells to find information about it before throwing the threat directly at them. On his turn, he says “You all are studying in class when you hear a shriek coming from the dormitory, the professor quickly launches into a short, precise Finnish chant and then slams her hand against the wall.



The whiteboard glosses over like a mirror and you see, on the board in front of you, as if looking through someone else’s eyes, the bloody body of Billy-John, receiver for the team football team laying in a pool of blood with a large hole in his stomach, as if something had reached in and pulled something out of him. What do you do?

Look at the card you drew from the deck and use whatever is on that card to frame a scene. If there were cards drawn previously then there should already be an overarching story forming. Think about what has already happened in the story and think about how your card might be incorporated into it. EXA M P L E Rather than casting spells on their turn, the players decide together that they are too shocked to do anything and decide to use the scene to rake in some Drama Points to put in their Safety category as seeing a fellow student murdered on campus, in the dorms they lived in is pretty traumatic and makes them feel decidedly unsafe. Perry says alright, if no one has any spells they’d like to cast, your Professor gasps in horror and apologizes to the class for being so rash as she rubs out the spell with an eraser. She tells you all to stay put while she goes to find out what has happened, looking pale and shaky. Perry places the card for the Nine-Tailed Fox on the table, face up for everyone to see so that anyone can now tag that card in a scene by bringing the element into their scene, whether it they do so in a Casting Turn or a Drama Turn. If a player chooses to tag it in their Drama Turn and it is resolved, it is up to that player to narrate the element on the card being resolved in the story.

Look at the number of points on the card as well—that is the number of points the players must spend in order to get more information about how it fits into the narrative and plot. Frame the scene and have the players take one turn each—ask them what they do. After everyone has either taken one action or told you what their character does, the Casting Turn ends.



EXA M P L E Perry notes that the card has 12 points; If each of the characters had decided to use Drama Points instead to cast spells they would not only get the Drama Points from their emotional trauma, but all their spells would go to reducing the 12 point total on the spell: Grace and I decide that our characters, Richard and Anna are shaken up but want to figure out what’s going on. Grace says that she remembers reading something about a creature that eats organs in our text book for Practical Magic. Perry tells her the information is readily available so she only needs to spend one Drama Point on her clairvoyance spell (she casts by using the noun “living thing” and the verb “perceive”) but if she fails she will accidentally reactivate the spell that the professor negated before she left. I tell Perry Richard is going to cast an illusion spell to make it look like Anna and Richard are still at their desks as they slip away for a quick minute without anyone noticing, using two points for two separate illusions to last the scene. Perry says if the spell fails then the spell will create a whole slew of illusions of Richard and Anna sitting at every desk so people will know something’s going on. Either way, whether the spells are cast successfully or not, the 12 points on the threat card is reduced by 3 points (1 point spent on the clairvoyance spell, 2 on the illusion spell). After the spells are cast, consequences are observed, Perry will round out the scene by giving us some information about the threat and its place in the story (just a little since the card still has a fair number of points left on it) and will then pass the Negotiator token to the right while play resumes to the left with a Drama Turn.

If it does not seem appropriate or suit the fiction of the game you, as the Negotiatior), can opt to go another round to let players cast more spells and expend more points to find out more information about the card, or to continue a fight with a threat. EXA M P L E It’s the last card for the game session and the story is ready to be resolved, Perry decides to go the traditional “monster’s dead, movie’s over” route so declares the Dragon looks angry and doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere—it’s a fight to the death! Who goes first?



After everyone has gone once you may place the card on the table to signify that your turn (and the casting turn is over). If the points on the card have been reduced to zero, discard the card after doing a final narration to cement that card’s place in the narrative so that everyone knows it will not come up again in the narrative. If the card is unresolved but the casting turns ends, place the card face up on the table to signify that the card is fair game for any future scenes. Threats like monsters or villains need not be fought directly in combat until all their points are resolved, since reducing all the points on a card does not have to signify the death of the threat – just the resolution of it in the narrative for that game session– how the scene is resolved is up to the you as Negotiator for that round. Once every player has had a turn or opportunity to use their Drama Points on a Casting turn, you have the right to end that Casting turn as the Negotiator. Once a Casting scene is finished, play continues to the left of the Negotiator and the Negotiator passes the Negotiator token to right. All cards not resolved are left face-up on the table for everyone to see with the resolved ones discarded in their own area to signify their resolution.

Ending a Game Session

As plot cards begin to dwindle and when only a one or two remain on the table, it should be a signal to everyone that the game is almost done and that the remaining cards are going to be the last big bangs of the game session – the actual murderer is finally revealed; everything you thought you knew is turned on its head; you have the final big showdown with the big bad that you have been looking for or that has been stalking you all game; et cetera. A game session finishes once all the cards have been reduced to zero points and have been discarded. Take a minute to talk about the story and to maybe do a bit of a mini epilogue. Discuss how things are resolved, what the cast of characters do as things are wrapped up and talk about what elements in the plot you liked, what was weird, the twists it took and what elements you really enjoyed that you would like to see in future sessions.



On Drama Turns

When you take on the role of a character or your protagonist during someone else’s Drama Turn you should be asking yourself two questions –

How can I get Drama Points for my protagonist out of this scene?

How can I help other players earn Drama Points as well? In order to do that you need to know how the drama is affecting your

protagonist if they are in the scene. Since you get Drama Points largely on how your scenes are affecting your protagonist, how they feel and how they change, you need to keep in mind how your character might get some Drama Points out of the situation as well, without stealing the spotlight away from the player whose turn it is. If you’re playing the conflict character of the protagonist in that scene you want to roll with what that player is narrating and to help them get Drama Points. Help build the relationship between the two characters, what their problems are, create conflict, build it up and do not be afraid to tear their protagonist down since that is what earns the player Drama Points.

On Casting Turns

When the Negotiator draws a plot card and frames a scene that introduces a plot element you should be looking for ways to get through any obstacles that the Negotiator creates by spending any Drama Points you have. Do not feel like you should be hoarding or biding your time with your points otherwise the story will end up slowing down to a crawl. Anytime there is conflict or an obstacle in your way ask yourself how you can get through it using magic and casting spells. Remember that a protagonist casting any spell during a Negotiator’s turn goes towards reducing the (remaining) value on the card – you do not have to cast spells that directly wound, damage or affect the plot element because you may very well not even know what element is on the plot card yet. Healing other characters, finding out what is going on, doing research, flying up to higher ground to get better vantage points, literally any spell you cast and any point you spend will go towards resolving the plot card and advancing the story so all you need to do is look for situations and obstacles to spend your Drama Points on.





Being a Magician T

he biggest and best part about being a Magician is using magic. Not only is using magic a fun and useful tool for conflict resolution, but it is also the basis for the entire language learning element of the game. Magic is all about language—it forms the shell, and it is the vessel in

which you contain and deliver your will unto the world. Most magicians, and all beginner ones, must use a foreign language when casting a spell because it forces precise thought and focuses a certain kind of perception that is only present when using a language not immediately familiar. Magic is not something everyone can do, even your protagonist did not know that they could use magic until they were recently tested, vetted and accepted into a school for magic. So what is it that allows only a select few to cast magic and why your protagonist? It turns out that in order to cast magic you have to be unhappy, unhappy to the point of your dissatisfaction and dissonance with the world being so great that your will to see the world change begins to manifest as magic. There are a number of unknown factors as well—it could have something to do with abuse or proximity to a magical fault line, the date of your birth or family lineage, it is hard to say for sure. Casting spells and working with magic is painful, you can feel where it comes from and the wound you have makes you different from everyone else. It is also cathartic, you see your will made reality and you are made that much more whole when you use your magic to channel that pain out of you.



MAGIC AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION The whole point of Magicians is to learn and speak Korean and since the only time you are doing that as a player is when you are casting magic, the entire resolution mechanic is built around using magic as the one and only means of resolving conflict. It may not always be appropriate or in line with the fiction to resolve conflict via the use of magic—maybe you do not have any Drama Points to do so in the first place. View conflicts as opportunities for your protagonist—you have two choices as a player: you can either resolve the conflict with magic, by spending Drama Points, so that your protagonist may come out on top or you can break the conflict in the other characters favor. While your character will lose, it is always an opportunity to get Drama Points for use in future conflicts. Since all conflicts that do not use magic are only narrated by the characters involved, the manner in which your protagonist or a character is unsuccessful is up to you and the players. It is an opportunity to earn Drama Points but the character can come out of the conflict in whatever fashion you choose when you Negotiate.

What Magic Can and Can’t Do

There are some things that magic cannot do—a magician cannot directly control another living thing without knowing a True Name and using it in the spell; any spell cast without knowing the target’s True Name or pronouncing it wrong will automatically fail. Magic cannot kill, transform or control without having this vital piece of information; though magic can be used to harm a person indirectly, a magician could not stop someone’s heart or turn their brain to mulch. This is why a magician’s True Name is rarely given and is usually only known by the magician’s mentor (who gave them their True Name.)



Any object or being that is transformed by magic reverts back to its original form once the effects of a spell wears off. Spells are normally never permanent but can still there is still great risk in casting spells that transform a living being. If a magicians were to transform their own self, for example, the magician would actually become what they are turning into—transforming into an eagle would mean becoming an eagle and so, after having done so, the magician would be unable to cast magic and would slowly begin to forget who and what they once were until the spell wore off. Once a spell wears off it does not mean that the effects of a spell does. Burn down your dorm room and it stays burnt down, summon a horse to carry you and when it vanishes the hoof prints do not. Aside from the limitations of the magician (being able to speak the target language) magic can do pretty much anything. A really powerful spell can hurt someone enough to kill them even without knowing their True Name, turn you invisible for days, make illusions indistinguishable from reality and all manner of other things. Magic that operates on an even bigger scale so as to affect a town or city requires many magicians working in unison and pooling their respective abilities, but is entirely possible.

TRUE NAMES Knowing a True Name not only gives you power over the person or creature but gives you the ability to affect, control or harm their mind and body. Not only that, but mechanically you can do much more harm; any Drama Points spent in directly harming a person—making their heart stop, damaging their internal organs, etc., inflicts two wounds instead of the usual one. Spells that control or otherwise influence a person become possible but still require a great deal of energy and magic. The rules for spending Drama Points, found in Chapter 6, apply and are made possible by knowing the person’s True Name.



Emotions and Magical Power

You protagonist’s emotions are what fuel their magic and what gives

them the ability to cast magic in the first place. Their wound is the reason why they can do magic and their current emotional state is what allows them to continue using it. Since a protagonist’s negative emotions are what fuel their magic, only the negative ones are relevant to them casting magic and are divided into categories and put on the character sheet both as a visual reminder of how many Drama Points you have currently but also how your character is feeling and what kinds of scenes you can frame in order to affect those categories and earn yourself some Drama Points. The categories of emotions that can be affected negatively in some way so as to earn you Drama Points are: Self-Worth, Love, Freedom, Justice, Safety and Trust.

Gaining Drama Points

Whenever dramatic scenes are enacted that affect one of the categories

in some way, you get Drama Points which you then put into one or several of the categories affected in that scene. Players should be framing scenes in which their protagonist and the other cast of characters build up drama in their lives in order to gain Drama Points as often as possible, while the Negotiator, on casting turns (as explained in Chapter 4), is encouraged to constantly be setting up scenes in which players cast magic and expend their Drama Points. It is possible to both use Drama Points when casting magic and to gain Drama Points by taking emotional wounds at the same time. If you are unsure of how to affect one of the categories negatively, put your protagonist or other character into situation where they are:

Self-Worth: ashamed, beaten down, criticized, disrespected, embarrassed/humiliated, made to be felt inferior, insulted or invalidated. Mocked, offended, put down, resented, ridiculed or stereotyped, teased, underestimated, made to feel worthless, ennui.



Love: abandoned, alone, brushed-off or ignored, confused, heartbroken, neglected, rejected, apathetic, unheard, unknown, unloved, unsupported, unwanted, depressed or in despair.

Freedom: bossed around, controlled, imposed upon, imprisoned, inhibited, manipulated, obligated, over-ruled, powerless, pressured, trapped.

Justice: accused, blamed, cheated, disbelieved, falsely-accused, guilttripped, interrogated, judged, lied about, lied to, misled, punished or robbed.

Safety: abused, afraid, attacked, defensive, frightened, insecure, intimidated, over-protected, scared, terrified, threatened, under-protected, unsafe or violated.

Trust: cynical, guarded, skeptical, suspicious, untrusted, or betrayed. Whenever you earn Drama Points, you put them in one or more of the

five categories. Here are the guidelines for determining how many Drama Points you earn.

You earn one Drama Point for scenes that leave your protagonist with only slight emotional fallout such that it is quickly forgotten within a few hours of the incident. Having your books knocked down to the floor in passing by somebody would count for one Drama Point if it upsets your protagonist.

You earn two Drama Points for scenes that leave your protagonist with emotional scarring that is memorable and will stick with them for at least a few days. Being humiliated by a teacher in class in front of everybody would probably earn you at least two Drama Points depending on your protagonist.

You earn three Drama Points for scenes that leave your protagonist with emotional scarring that lasts at least a week or two. Confessing your love only to be crushed (depending on your protagonist’s personality and resilience) might earn you three Drama Points.



You earn four Drama Points for scenes that leave your protagonist with emotion scarring and memories that other people, and especially your protagonist, will not forget for at least a semester. Public humiliation or accident, a failed spell in class gone wrong, a mistake that earns you a nickname for the rest of the school year would all earn you four Drama Points.

You earn five Drama Points for scenes when the consequences of a scene affect your protagonist in such a profound way that it changes them and how they are described on your character sheet. Hurting or accidentally killing someone, doing something that earns you a nickname or reputation that haunts you for years to come; the death of a loved one, being betrayed by a confidant or your mentor so that you find it hard to trust someone ever again are all examples of thing that would earn you five Drama Points.

Characters and relationships must first be introduced and built up before a player can cash-in on more than one drama point. If another character appears in a scene with your protagonist for the first time, you can only get one drama point. You have to build up that relationship first before you can cash in on it. Take notes on the back of your character sheet or on a fresh sheet of paper and put a hatch mark next to a character each time your protagonist interacts with them. If you do this it can be of great use when you are unsure of a scene to frame for a Drama Turn - look over your list of characters you have a vested interest in, choose one and start framing.



Gaining Too Many Drama Points

Whenever a magician earns Drama Points they are put into the appropriate

category. When any one category reaches five Drama Points, the maximum, they must either cast a spell in the next scene they appear in or they have to play out a Breakdown. A scene in which a protagonist breaks down is one in which they fly off the handle and do something stupid, hurtful or otherwise malicious to another character. By playing out a Breakdown, the player transfers their Drama Points, one or more, to the target of the breakdown in the scene. A player can willingly play out a breakdown scene at any point. The target does not have to be a player character.

Spending Drama Points

You use Drama Points to power your spells; they are the fuel you burn

that makes casting magic possible. You spend Drama Points to cast spells, advance the story and to resolve conflicts. When you spend Drama Points on magic, there are two types of spells you can cast. Contested spells are spells that are actively being blocked or where the target is someone capable of magic and is resisting the spell you are casting. Uncontested spells are spells you cast where the target is offering no resistance and the only thing stopping the spell from working is your own ability to cast successfully. Contested spells have the potential to be negated or defended against despite you casting the spell perfectly. There is a will on the other end that is trying to stop the spell from happening. Spells cast against someone who cannot counter your magic are not contested spells since the target cannot block the spell via magic—all they can do is try to stop you from casting or finishing a spell or try to minimize any damage. Even spells cast against other magicians may go uncontested if the target magician is too busy, if they choose not to defend themselves or if they have no wards or protection. Uncontested spells are spells that need only be cast correctly in order to work and are always cast on inanimate things or people that are either willing to have a spell cast on them or who cannot use magic. Spells to open locks, make a friend strong, fly or change the weather, etc. are all examples of uncontested spells—as long as your target is willing to have spells cast on



them. Just because a spell is uncontested does not make it easy though, as you will find in the next chapter dealing with spell casting and spell complexity. There is an inherent difficulty in the casting of any spell represented by the number of Drama Points you need to spend in order to cast them. If a plot card is drawn that says “lock” and has two points written on the card, then two Drama Points must be spent in the scene the Negotiator framed using that card—whether it be a spell where you spent two Drama Points to unlock the door or one point to see if anything is on the other side and another to make yourself strong enough to break the lock. If a character, threat, or monster has three points written on their card then three points need to be spent on it in order for the threat to be resolved and the card discarded. Not all spells have to deal wounds and damage—do not think of the points written on a card as how many wounds are needed to kill a monster or take out a threat; even spells cast to figure out information about the element on the card like looking for weaknesses, trapping it or hindering it, all contribute to reducing the value on the card. Players are only limited by their creativity and imagination when thinking of the number of ways to resolve conflicts or cast spells to advance the story.

Attempting Magic

To cast spells and work magic in Magicians you will need to speak Korean. Depending on what difficulty level you use to cast magic, you will need to either choose a noun and verb to suite your intent and what you want the spell to do or you will need to use a complete sentence, using target vocabulary and a grammar pattern that coincides with the type of magic you are casting. Once you have chosen and written down the words you will need to speak to cast your spell, you will speak it aloud into your phone while running a dictation app capable of understanding the Korean language. If the dictation app recognizes what you said and dictates in Korean what you have written down then you will have successfully cast the spell and will achieve your intent. If your pronunciation was incorrect and the dictation program does not understand what you said you will not achieve your intent. Instead, there will be a twist in the story as the Negotiator introduces something into the narrative to complicate your protagonist’s goal, objective or life in general.



Failure is always a negotiation between you and the Negotiator, you will decide together on how the story will progress whether a spell fails or not. All Drama Points spent by a player go to reducing the value on a card whether the spell fails or not and all Drama Points spent by a player are consumed in either event.

The Negotiation

Whenever it is your turn to do something during a Casting Turn and there is obstacle or you want to advance the story in any way, you do so by coming up with a spell. All spells attemped during the game count towards reducing the number of points on a card if the card was used as an element in that scene. Spells should knock down obstacles, creatively side-step complications and be used to gather information about the world and the dangers in it. All spells cast should have a purpose, called your intent. What your protagonist or you, as a player, want to have or expect to have happen if the spell succeeds. Likewise, if the spell fails and you do not achieve your intent there needs to be a consequence for failure different from what your protagonist wanted or expected to have happen. As soon as you know what your intent is and what spell you want to cast, tell it to the table and the Negotiator. It is the Negotiator’s job to tell you what is going to happen if you make a mistake or do not cast your spell properly. Both your intent and the consequence for failure is not a statement set in stone—it is a proposal, a negotiation that is worked out by you and the Negotiator and possibly with the input of the rest of the players. Success should be reasonable and within the realm of possibility as laid out by the rules of the game and the players at the table. Failure never brings the story to a standstill—it should never be as simple as “your spell doesn’t work, now what do you do?” Instead, failure is there to complicate the lives of the protagonists and to introduce unexpected elements into the story. Both success and failure is always agreed upon by both the player casting the spell and the Negotiator before play resumes, the player casts the spell and the results are observed.




Failure is an important part of Magicians because it is going to happen

a lot, especially when you first start playing the game. Whenever you first start learning a language and start getting used to pronunciation and a new alphabet there is going to be a period of time where you will be doing nothing but failing. Since a big chunk of time is going to be spent failing, it is important that failure never stops the story and that it makes it all that more interesting by introducing more conflict or adding in interesting complications. Ensure an interesting story by negotiating exciting stakes for both success and failure. There are also some optional rules for failure in Chapter 11 for those particularly interested in failing.



Failure Outside of Combat

Whenever you are about to cast a spell you need to first state your

intent—what you hope to accomplish by casting the spell in that scene. If the Negotiator agrees that you will receive your intent should you cast the spell properly, then the Negotiator will propose what happens in the event of a failure. This consequence for failure is agreed on by both you and the Negotiator. Both the success and failure of a spell casting should progress the story in a fun and interesting way. The Negotiator will state clearly how many Drama Points are needed in order for the player to achieve their intent and cast the spell along with the consequence for failure. If you fail to achieve your intent and the dictation app does not write down what you wrote down and wanted to say correctly, it could mean that the spell itself succeeds but another complication arises, it could mean the spell gets away from you, has an unintended consequence or takes on a life of its own—maybe it is weakened, negated or perverted or maybe the consequence for failure has nothing to do with the spell. A teacher might catch you casting a spell you should not be casting or should not know, or catch you in a place you should not be. Negotiators determine consequence by looking at what is at stake in the scene, what the protagonist casting the spell wants and by coming up with a way to make getting that more difficult in a way that makes the game even more fun and interesting because the protagonist has to push through more adversity to achieve his intent later on in the story. EXA M P L E Perry wants to cast a spell to unlock a door in the library to get into the next room. The Negotiator states that the lock is fairly simple, and so only requires one drama point spent to be opened. The Negotiator proposes that if the spell fails, another student will spot him trying to get into the room and raise the alarm. Perry agrees and takes out his smartphone to start casting.



Failure In Combat

Combat is choice made by the Negotiator before they begin framing their

Casting Turn. Combat is when the Negotiator decidees to throw the threat on their card at the cast of characters. Negotiators should check how many points are on the card, decide whether to frame a scene in which the threat is not a direct threat to the players (not in combat) or a scene which ends up with the cast of characters confronting the threat in combat. Whenever you are casting spells in combat, the consequence for failure may also be similarly laid out by you and the Negotiator but the Negotiator does not need to tell you how many points are needed take down a threat or resolve a card. A Negotiator might tell you “the air around the creature shimmers as it turns toward you” or other such details but it is up to you and the other players to run with the description’s information as given and decide how big you want to go on your spells. In order to keep things moving quick in combat, you first will state your intent when casting the spell in case you want the spell to do something not obvious to the rest of the table and Negotiator and then you narrate you casting the spell. The Negotiator will finish off the scene and tell you how the scene plays out by saying “Yes and…” or “Yes but…” EXA M P L E Grace: As the creature lumbers forward toward me I pick up a nearby pebble, charge it with magical energy and throw it at the creature! [Grace casts the spell by speaking into her smartphone] [Successful casting] Negotiator: Yes and you see the creature stumble backward in confusion. The shimmer in the air around the creature is no longer apparent. [Unsuccessful casting] Negotiator: Yes but the creature spots the glowing pebble coming and swats it out of the air with its massive claw, while howling in rage.



Special Situations and Casting Spells

When casting spells there is a set of guidelines you need to follow. Spells cannot exceed five points. When determining how many Drama Points you need to spend on spell start with one drama point and then follow these guidelines:

Add a point to affect the scale of a spell. Making a person a few feet taller for a scene only requires one point, making someone as tall as a house for a scene requires an addition point. Lighting a book on fire only requires one point, lighting an entire bookcase on fire requires an additional point.

Add a point for extreme situations i.e. being chased and wanting to cast quickly, hallucinating or sensory deprivation.

Add a point to deal another wound, one point per wound. One Drama Point inflicts one wound.

Add a point to increase the quality of a spell like an illusion or transformation. When casting an illusion, one point will only affect or simulate one sense and an additional point for every two senses is required i.e. if the illusion is visible it will not be tangible, have an odor or taste like anything, etc.

Add a point for each additional property you add or remove from an object. If you want to make a fire not give off any light you only need to spend one point, if you want it to not give off any light and to give off a particular smell or sound instead of heat then you need to spend an additional point.

Add a point to increase the duration of a spell. If you want to maintain an illusion for a scene one point is enough, if you want to sustain the spell for the whole day at least one additional drama point would have to be spent, more if the spell was deemed particularly intricate or complex by the Negotiator and table—particularly spells that wound in combat.



Sustaining a wall of flame costs the number wounds it does to a target per turn in combat, whereas sustaining an illusion for the better part of a day would only require one extra drama point.

NOTE: Negating a spell always requires spending the same number of Drama Points that was required to cast the spell. The counter spell must also be pronounced clearly and properly just like casting a normal spell. These rules depend largely on the table and the negotiation between you

and the Negotiator. All drama point expenditures come down to the deal struck between the magician casting the spell and the Negotiator.

GETTING TRICKY It may happen that a player tries to squeeze out more effects or wounds from a spell than it normally would do. For example, a player with only one drama point to spend may use it to knock over a statue on a target in the hopes of dealing more wounds. In these situations it all comes down to the negotiation between the player and the Negotiator. Encouraging the use of creative spells, especially when a player does not have a lot of Drama Points to spend can be fun but can also set a dangerous precedent. Negotiators need to set hard consequences of such spells and should make the consequence for failure a risky proposition. If the player is trying to squeeze more wounds or extra conditions out of a spell make sure that if they mess the casting up something equally perilous befalls them. Since the players want more out of them, these spells should always be more risky than normal.



Types of Magic

Knowing the different types of magic not only helps you categorize the types of magic for easier reference but can also serve as a spark for inspiration and to give you an idea of what magic can be used to do. More than that, when delving into the casting mechanics behind the master casting system found in Chapter 6, you will learn that different types of magic require knowing certain and specific grammar and vocabulary.


Magic used to enhance or to give a magician’s

magic different, unique qualities fall into the augmentation category of magic. Augmentation magic is how you cast magic with particular properties or qualities that may be necessary in certain situations. It is descriptive in its use and is used to attain the particular or specific effect of magic you require when casting. As such, it is the most common type of magic used. To give your magic properties like burning, freezing, hard, sticky, acidic, etc. you use augmentation magic.

WHY THE NEED TO BE DESCRIPTIVE? Not only does being descriptive in your use of magic make for a more fun, engaging game but it also makes your spell unique, more difficult to negate (see the section for negation magic) and is used to bypass certain obstacles or resistances a target or creature might have. If you are fighting a troll particularly weak against fire, you might want to give your magic the “hot” or “burning” property, to punch a hole through a wall you might give your magic an “acidic” property, etc. Remember that the more descriptive you are, the more fun the game is going to be. Assign your threats certain properties that reward or force creativity!




Magic used to divine information from tarot cards and fortune reading, or

spells designed to scour information from books, are part of clairvoyance. All clairvoyance magic is designed to do one thing and one thing only—retrieve information. The medium with which magicians cast clairvoyance spells varies from magician to magician—it could be looking into a pool of water, praying to a God, exploring dreams or delving into the collective unconscious but at the root of any clairvoyance spell is a question. The magician casts a spell by asking a question and, depending on how hard that question is to answer, the more difficulty the spell has in turning up results. The difficulty, or the number of Drama Points that must be spent retrieving the information a magician requires, depends on the scarcity of that information. This determined by the Negotiator for that round with the guidelines as follows. If the information the magician is looking for is in the immediate vicinity and is well known by many people, (considered common knowledge) only one drama point is required to be spent. Add another drama point for how far away that information is from the caster—another point for within the same building, another if it is miles away, another if it is outside the state and another if it is outside the country. In addition, add a drama point if the information is only known to a select few individuals, another if it is only known to a small group of experts, and another if is only known to an individual.

Clairvoyance Drama Point Costs POINT COST 1



in the immediate vicinity, common knowledge


...within the same building


...miles away


...outside the state


...outside the country


...only known to a select few individuals


...only known to a small group of experts


...only known to an individual


TRUE NAMES? Inevitably, at some point, the clairvoyance magic leads to the question of if it can be used to find out someone’s True Name. While that is up to your group and the Negotiator, I always say “yes” because it makes for a more dramatic and fun game, Just remember, if you can use it to find their True Name, it should be assumed they can find yours.


Magic that makes a living thing, or even an object, better in some way

is what the conditioning type of magic is all about but it can also be used in reverse; magic used to enhance and make a person stronger or faster, make an object more durable can also be used to make a person weaker, slower or an object more fragile. Essentially what this type of magic does is apply certain conditions to a person or object for a certain amount of time. To apply one condition to an object or person for a single scene you must spend one drama point. Each additional condition requires an extra drama point and, beyond that, Drama Points can be used to increase the duration of a spell. Conditional magic is often used to assign protective conditions to a character. Giving a character a resistance to fire or stone skin for a round of combat will protect them at a 1:1 ratio of Drama Points spent to wounds sustained. Any one condition can only affect a character in one way. Giving a character the condition “fast” cannot be applied to both making the character faster by going first in combat and also to being protective by maybe allowing them to dodge out of the way of spells, you would have to choose what effect the condition has on the character at the time of casting. In order to affect a person and their body in any direct way—making it so they can lift something heavy or making it so they become tired or hungry always requires knowing the target’s True Name. You can help or hinder indirectly without knowing a True Name—making the object they want to



lift lighter, making a room warm with dim lighting or simulating the smell of something delicious with an illusion, but without the target’s True Name you are limited to indirect influence. Conditional magic assigns conditions to the target it is cast on, whether it is negative or positive and it is good practice to always note on the character sheet or conflict character card of the character affected—what the condition is, the effect it has and how long it lasts.

AUGMENTATION VS. CONDITIONING Conditions are used on people or objects are generally used to make someone faster or to provide padding or armor to resist wounds in combat or to get through obstacles outside of combat e.g. you might cast a spell to give yourself resistance to fire before launching into combat with a dragon. Augmentation is used on magic only usually to bypass defenses or properties on an object or person e.g. if a troll can only be damaged with fire, you use augmentation magic to hurt it and bypass that property.



TYPES OF CONDITIONS Conditions are further explored later on but knowing what effect a condition has on a character is especially important in combat. Outside of combat a condition is cast simply to get past or to an obstacle but, in combat, conditions are useful for one of two things— affecting damage or affecting who goes first.


Magic used to negate or otherwise remove magic or a spell through the

use of magic itself falls into the Dispelling category of magic. A magician might need to remove the effects of an ongoing spell or to cast a counter spell to make a spell dissipate harmlessly before having the intended effect. The number of Drama Points that must be used to remove or negate a spell is always equal to the number of Drama Points spent to cast the spell. Removing a spell never repairs what the spell has already done but simply negates the spell so that it is no longer active, nor has any continuing effect.


Magic used to repair any damage,

treat wounds and diseases, generally improve the health of a living thing or to repair something that is not alive all falls under the category of Healing magic. Repairing and healing something, especially a person or living creature, requires incredibly complex spells that are actually spells that trigger other, supernatural effects. Essentially, it is a spell that sets off or triggers another spell that forms the complex lattices and spell patterns needed to heal or put back together the target of the spell. Most of these



healing spells have been passed down through generations and are incredibly old prayers from various religions to a diverse range of Gods. Since there are no common elements to these spells, just that they require what we know as prayer and the ability to cast magic, no one can be certain of the source of power behind the triggered effect. Moreover, Healing magic and prayer spells have never required faith in order to be cast. They are simple spells that are amplified by another source that work every time by any Magician belonging to any, or no, faith. As such, the use of healing magic, while widely practiced, is a sensitive topic for most magicians and an area of much study. Healing magic requires the same number of Drama Points spent as the number of wounds need to be healed, or the number of points were used to cause the conditions or properties trying to be removed.


Magic that simulates or tricks one or more of the five senses into believing

that a certain thing or sensation is real, when it is not, is Illusion magic. It can do anything from simulating a noise like the barking of a dog or the sound of a teacher’s voice to creating an object out of nothing and making it so that people not only perceive it, but can touch it, taste it, smell it and perhaps even hear something emanating from it. When casting Illusion magic, one drama point is spent to simulate a single sense—sight, touch, sound, taste or smell. In order to simulate an additional two senses you must spend another drama point. Creating an illusion that simulates all five senses costs 3 Drama Points after which a magician might spend additional points to increase the duration of the spell.



EFFECT One sense simulated


Three senses simulated


All five sesnses simulated



Magic that requires the use of focus and a high level of precision falls

into the Striking magic category. Magicians often use it in conjunction with Augmentation magic in order to give a spell a particular quality as well as to focus it and to ensure it strikes not only the intended target but the exact place the magician intends e.g. flinging a fire ball into the eye of a Cyclops or making wind razor-sharp and using it to cut the Achilles’ tendon of an attacker. The number of Drama Points that must be spent on striking magic depends on how precise a target the Magician is trying to hit or affect. For a part of the body like a limb, the chest, or legs, only one point is required. An additional point is required for the head or similarly sized area and another point for some partially obscured or particularly difficult to hit target like the fingers. In addition, a point must be added for distance if the target is in another room, another point if the target is a significant distance away like across a field and another if the target is barely visible.







Same room


Head or smaller

A different room


Obscured target

Barely Visible if on a flat plane



Magic that calls a target, usually a magical creature or person, to the

magician is called Summoning magic. Summoning any living thing that has a True Name requires first knowing it in order to compel the target to come when called but a Summoning spell can still be cast with a person’s regular name or nickname as long as the magician knows the person or could point them out in a crowd. As many people may have the same name—the more the magician knows about who or what they are calling, the stronger the Summoning is. If a spell is cast without the True Name of the target, or the target does not have a True Name, it is not compelled to answer the summons, whereas calling with a True Name forces the target to come when called as soon as possible for the target. The magician can specify that the target is under an amount of simulated pain that only grows less as the distance between the magician and target closes if cast with a True Name; the spell does not actually do real, physical harm or wounds but feels that way to the target until the distance is closed. The spell does not provide a means of travel for the target but the target does know the location they are being summoned to.


Magic that uses the will of the magician casting the spell to create and

exert a kinetic force that can be used to move or manipulate an object without having to directly exert the force is Telekinetic magic. Telekinetic magic is often used for simple tasks and so only require one drama point to be spent. However, in cases where the magician is using an object to inflict harm or exerting an excessive amount of force on the object for whatever reason, additional Drama Points are required. How far an object can be thrown can be extrapolated from how much damage it would do to a target. Wounds and damage can be found in the following section in Conflicts and Fighting.




Magic that affects time in any way falls into the category of Temporal

magic. Stopping time, slowing it, speeding it up, controlling it so that it affects certain people or areas of space differently are all possible with temporal magic. Temporal magic is very dangerous and difficult to cast, as such it costs one drama point per person or object being affected by the temporal effect per round of combat (or 5 minutes outside of combat). It costs an additional point for every additional round of combat, or five minutes outside of combat, for the spell to continue.

5 MINUTES = 1 ROUND OF COMBAT? One round of combat does not last five minutes in a game. One round of combat lasts however long you need it to in order for the threat and all other participants to take one turn.


Magic that is defensive in nature and used by magicians to cast spells to

protect themselves from future harm fall into the category of wards. There are three different tiers of defensive wards and wards are unique in that they are scriptures read aloud by a magician with focus in order to gain the benefits of these defensive spells and require no drama point expenditure. Characters can only have one ward on them at any time. The first tier Ward gives the magician the ability to counter a spell even if not actively defending—it creates a temporal bubble around the magician so that any spell that hits it slows down enough to give the magician a chance to negate the spell before it hits them; whether successful or not, the ward is consumed and disappears after being struck by a spell. The second tier Ward, in addition to allowing the magician the chance to negate the spell, also reduces the damage a spell does by one wound in case the spell is not negated and is damaging. The ward is consumed and disappears after one use.



The third tier Ward not only reduces any damage received by two but it also creates a superior temporal bubble around the magician that also plays back a short period of the past in which the spell was cast. This is represented in the game by forcing the magician who cast the spell to repeat the words they spoke to cast the spell so that the magician has a better chance of negating the spell.

START-OF-SESSION PRACTICE Wards are there to get you warmed up for speaking in another language and to reward you for having good, clear pronunciation. Wards are card by speaking a tongue twister properly and are a great way to both start a game session and protect your protagonist from harm.

Conflicts and Fighting

Whenever there is a conflict between characters in a scene there is potential for that conflict to lead either to a fight or to casting contested magic. During Drama Turns where what you want to be doing is acquiring Drama Points you will not usually escalate to this level. These activities are usually reserved for Casting turns. However, there is no hard rule against it, so make sure to do what makes sense for the players in the scene.

Magical Conflicts

Whenever you are about to enter a combat scene you have two options. One, you can narrate through the conflict in such a way that your character

acquires Drama Points. This usually means that your character loses the conflict and accrues Drama Points due to the fallout of that tough situation of wanting to do something but choosing not to or being unable to do so. In these cases, what happens in the scene is up to the player who has ownership of that scene—the player who began narrating that scene in the first place. Two, you can choose to spend Drama Points to have the character come out on top by means of magic. Whenever you decide to spend Drama Points



you need to set stakes with the Negotiator as to the terms of you casting the spell—what will happen if you succeed and what will happen if you fail. In cases where one character or protagonist wants to fight another character or protagonist, then the following combat rules are used. They are the same as combat against threats, but there are no values to reduce as on threat cards - just wounds and stakes . Whenever beginning a conflict:

Determine who is a part of the conflict. While this might seem obvious at first, the Negotiator must also come to a decision as to whether their own protagonist or the conflict character they play the role of is taking part in the conflict and in what capacity.

If you are playing the Negotiator during a combat round you are responsible for acting for and as the threat during the combat. Beyond that, you may decide to include your protagonist or conflict character in the fight as well. It is up to you to ask another player to take on any of their roles or to simply not have them take part in the conflict by narrating what they are doing and where they are (whether it be in the conflict or not) but without having the characters participate in a meaningful way that would require casting spells. In short: Negotiators should always try to include as many players' characters in a scene as possible - the decision to play their own character in addition to their Negotiator responsibilities is up to them.

Who Goes First

Who gets to act first in combat can be a great advantage but, during

most fights, everyone will be on equal footing and so everyone will go at the same time. That said, to determine the order the characters go in determine where the character lies in one of the three tiers:

Anyone who is moving faster or who has a positive condition that affects their speed goes first; if multiple characters are moving faster than normal they act at the same time, the character with the highest number of positive conditions goes first. If multiple characters have multiple positive conditions, with characters who have the same number acting at the same time.



Anyone who is moving at normal speed (who does not have any negative conditions) goes next—if multiple characters are moving at normal speed they act at the same time.

Anyone who has a negative condition goes last; if multiple characters are moving slower than normal speed they go at the same time with characters that have multiple negative conditions going last. All characters must write down their spell on a piece of paper before the

combat round begins. By writing it down beforehand you’ve established your action and cannot change it—this makes it feel like everything is happening all at once; in addition, your spell might also need to be negated so by writing it down you both have something to read off of when you cast the spell and will also have something to verify if a caster negates your spell. When everyone has finished writing and the Negotiator announces the start of any given round, the players take turns announcing the action of their character starting from who goes first to who goes last. Once everyone has taken an action that round of combat is finished and both that scene, and the fight (unless using optional rules to prolong fights in order to resolve a threat card faster—see Chapter 11: Optional Rules), is concluded. The Negotiator concludes the scene with a few words to summarize everything that happened in that round. The advantage to going first is that you may be able to act and take out a threat before they wound you or your friends, get away, or impose conditions. These spells take effect before the slower character has a chance to act.


In addition to acquiring conditions by casting spells, characters can also

have conditions imposed upon them via non-magical methods—namely getting hurt. Whenever your character sustains a certain number of wounds they gain a negative condition which slows them down in a fight. There are two kinds of conditions—positive ones that help a character in some way, or negative ones that hinder them. Whenever conditions are imposed on a character, they are named and written down on the character sheet or card of whatever is being affected. The name of the condition is up to the caster but its affect is always written either with a plus or minus sign first (to show a positive or negative condition) and



then, beside it, its effect and how long the condition lasts (if the condition is active or cast during a fight.) A spell that makes a character’s skin as hard as stone might be written as: + Stone Skin reduces wounds taken by one point for one round. A spell that slows a character down and makes them clumsy might be written as: - Slowed acts last in combat and lasts for one round.

Positive Conditions A positive condition can be anything that improves or makes a character better in some way. A spell might be cast to make them think better, run faster, jump higher, or make them appear more handsome. Positive conditions are usually assigned via Conditional magic for a short period of time in order to get past barriers and get through obstacles but they can also be helpful in combat; spells that make your skin as dense as stone or ones that slow down time for everyone but you can provide significant advantages. Positive conditions are particularly useful in combat for either reducing wounds taken or for allowing a character to act before everyone else. In addition, all negative conditions can be removed, at least temporarily, by countering them with positive conditions. The negative condition “wounded” can only be temporarily suppressed as long as the positive condition stays in effect as it is not healing the target, just allowing them to act normal temporarily.

Negative Conditions

A negative condition is anything that hampers or prevents a character

from acting at normal capacity. It might make them slower, dumber, clumsy or make them appear ugly. Like positive conditions, they are usually assigned to a character by way of spell casting but one negative condition in particular, “traumatized” is assigned to a character after they sustain three wounds or more. All other negative conditions wear off or can be countered with a positive condition, “traumatized” can only be removed permanently (at least, until that character is wounded again) by being healed so that the character has less than two wounds total.



Wounds and Recovery

All characters have the capacity to take five wounds without dying as

it is the sixth wound that ends a character’s life. One drama point is equal to one wound and a maximum number of five Drama Points can be used on a single spell. Therefore a powerful spell has the potential to almost kill a character in one successful cast if all the Drama Points are put into doing pure damaging, wounding force. Wounds do not always have to represent purely physical trauma, it could represent psychic as well but always only refers to the type of trauma that requires care and treatment if heavily wounded. Regardless, any kind of trauma that is inflicted on a character takes the same amount of time to heal whether it is physical or mental. When a character is wounded there are two ways for them to recover. The first is via the use of magic that heals the character and is instantaneous, perhaps requiring only a few minutes to repair severe damage and to have the character conscious and well. The second way to recover is by traditional methods—first aid, fluids and rest. This method takes far more time however as it takes a character reducing the number of wounds they have from five to four about three months. From four to three hit points takes two months, three to two takes one month, two to one takes 2 weeks and one to zero takes a couple days.

One wound represents superficial wounds that, when left to their own devices, will heal given some time.

Two wounds represent a sprain, or a deeper wound that is more serious and requires attention.

Three wounds represent a wound like a dislocated shoulder or internal bleeding and bruising.

Four wounds represent something broken that takes a significant amount of time to recover from.

Five wounds represent trauma that leaves a lasting mark on the body— chronic pain in an area or, at the very least, a good scar.

Six wounds represents the damage down to a character that is dead and can no longer be treated or saved.







Casting Magic N

ow that you know what you can do and what is possible with magic, you need to know how to do it. Magicians is designed specifically for learning the Korean language. There are three systems of magic in Magicians that are designed to take you from knowing little to

no Korean all the way up to being semi-conversant and being able to express yourself. In addition to using the book as a reference and guide to the language, you also need a smartphone or computer with a dictation app capable of understanding the Korean language installed.



The Three Systems

The three systems are designed to build up your vocabulary, teach you the Korean alphabet and proper pronunciation and then to give you the proper grammar and syntax you need to speak in full sentences, as follows:

The Prodigy System—needs no knowledge of Korean or the alphabet, you only need to learn thirteen words, (seven nouns and six verbs), one of each are put together depending on the spell you want to cast.

The Apprentice System—builds on your learning of the thirteen words by having you use your new found familiarity with pronunciation to learn the Korean writing system, called Hangeul (한글), and coming up with your own spells based on your intent instead of relying on the thirteen word system.

The Master System—builds on the vocabulary you built after learning Hangeul and choosing nouns and verbs for spells according to the situation and your intent by giving you grammar patterns and key vocabulary to learn according to the type of spell you want to cast.

The Tech

Magicians requires a dictation application on your smartphone or computer in order to determine success or failure. Instead of a random element to determine success or failure, it is your ability as a player of the game and speaker of Korean that determines if your character achieves their intent and the stakes you set out for them. There are many dictation apps out for the smartphone—either on iOS, Android or Blackberry or for the computer as well. A mobile option is the best way to play Magicians because the apps are free and because your phone is something that you probably always keep with you anyway. The applications that have been playtested and work well are:



iOS—Dragon Dictation. Free download from the app store.

Android, Blackberry—Google Translate, Handcent. Free download from the play store.

Computer—Dragon Naturally Speaking. $100 from Often times you can find it bundled with voice recorders. When you cast a spell you need to:

Write down the words that will make up the spell, whether it be a single noun and verb or a full sentence,

Launch your dictation app of choice.

Speak the words you wrote down previous into the phone’s microphone.

Watch as the dictation app computes and then writes down what it heard you say. If the words that the app produces match the words you wrote down to

cast your spell, your spell is a success and the Negotiator tells you what happens as negotiated by you and the Negotiator when determining the stakes and consequences for failure. If the words do not match what you wrote down then you the Negotiator tells you what happens as per the consequences for failure.

Basics of Writing and Pronunciation

The Korean alphabet is completely phonetic and is very easy to master with some dedicated time and energy. At the Prodigy System learning the entire alphabet is not required since you only need to learn the pronunciation of the thirteen different words needed to cast any spell you can think of; you may wish to skip ahead to the chapter on the Prodigy System so that you can learn and memorize the pronunciation of those thirteen words. However, a working understanding of the alphabet will serve you better in the beginning and when you choose to expand into the other systems.



Reading and Writing:

In order to cast spells you must first learn the language of magic, starting with the alphabet. The Korean alphabet is called Hangeul (한글). Sounds are represented by characters made up of a consonant and a vowel (자모), one character represents a single syllable.


ㄱ g as in girl ㅊ c as in change! Lots of aspiration, air should be coming out of your mouth

ㄲ g in gone (but with heavy emphasis) ㅋ k as in kill! Lots of aspiration ㄴ n as in no ㅌ t as in talk! Lots of aspiration ㄷ d as in dog ㅍ p as in pow! Lots of aspiration ㄸ d as in dang it! (heavy emphasis) ㅂ b as in bark ㅈ j as in just ㅃ b as in bang! (heavy emphasis) ㅉ j as in Jamaica (but with heavy emphasis) ㅁ m as in mother ㅅ s as in Seoul(but not quite as strong as an English s), can also be an sh sound sometimes

ㅆ s as in Son of a gun! (Heavy emphasis on the s as if you were cursing, the double ss is very strong

ㅎ h as in hope (but as if you were blowing steam onto your glasses) ㄹ a rolled r as in Spanish ㅇ at the beginning of a syllable (before a vowel) it functions as a “zero” place holder. ㅇ is never pronounced at the beginning of a word, it just sits there looking pretty. At the end of a syllable, however, it signifies an “ng” sound as in singer.

For ease of reading, the double characters will be written as twin consonants (ㄸ as dd, ㄲ as gg, etc.) These are the consonants (자음) of the Korean language.




아 a as in father ㅑ ya as in yard ㅓ aw as in thaw ㅕ yo as in yonder (yaw) ㅗ o as in poke (push your lips out!) ㅛ yo as in yoga (remember those lips) ㅜ oo as in boot (push you lips out!) ㅠ yoo as in yuletide (remember those lips) ㅐ ae (like the a in bat) ㅒ ya as in yap ㅔ eh (like the e in bet) ㅖ ye as in yep ㅡ eu (like the u in pull or put) ㅘ wa is the first vowel of wow ㅣ ee as in feet ㅝ wo as in wonder ㅚ we as in wet (same as ㅞ, ㅙ) ㅙ we as in wet ㅟ wi as in the French oui ㅞ we as in wet (same as ㅚ) ㅢ uh-ee (u as in pull followed by ee as in feet together) These are the vowels (모음) of the Korean language.

Forming words

A consonant must always be written first, so if you wanted to write down

the word for “milk” in Korean, which is pronounced “oo-yoo” you have to use the ㅇ zero placeholder to signifier there is technically no consonant in front. You would write 우(oo) 유(yoo). When written on their own, all the vowels above would have the ㅇ place holder to signify the absence of a consonant. Words are made by placing a consonant (or an ㅇ to signify a lack of consonant), followed by a vowel. 가 (ga) 너 (naw), 비 (bee) would all be examples of this.



It is also possible to add another consonant after a vowel. As in 강 (gang where the “ng” is like the ng in sing) 넌 (nawn), or 빛 (beet) would all be examples. Furthermore, while much rarer, it is possible to add another consonant on the end (but that’s it I promise). However, whenever this is done, the final consonant is the only one pronounced. For example,

있 (eet), 앉

(an), 젊 (jawl). You may have noticed that some characters sound different if they’re in the terminal position of the syllable. Some are the same and otherwise most are pronounced similarly. In the terminal position the consonants are pronounced:

Terminal Position Consonant Pronunciation

ㄱ k as in kiss ㅅ t as in feet (short pronunciation) ㄲ exactly the same as ㄱ ㅆ same as ㅅ ㄴ no change, n as in no ㅊ t as in feet (short pronunciation) ㄷ d as in good (short pronunciation) ㅋ k as in kiss ㄸ same as ㄷ ㅌ d as in good (short pronunciation) ㅈ t as in feet (short pronunciation) ㅍ p as in pot ㅉ same as ㅈ ㅁ no change, m as in mother ㅂ p as in the last p pup (short pronunciation) ㅃ same as ㅂ ㅇ only pronounced when in the terminal position, always ng sound as in sing.



Words made up of multiple syllables:

Some words are made of single syllables, 불 (bool) fire, 물 (mool)

water, 땅 (ddang) earth are examples of this but many words are multiple syllables: 바람 (ba-ram) wind, or 하늘 (ha-neul), 여기 (yaw-gi) here, or

나이 (na-ee) age and 아버지 (ah-baw-ji) father, are examples of this. All these words are easy to pronounce since the Korean language is

completely phonetic, however, there are some rules that must be learnt. For examples, when writing:

받아요 should be pronounced (ba-da-yo) not (bad-a-yo)—it’s a small difference, but it marks a much greater fluency. Whenever there is a syllable ending in a consonant and the next syllable is empty (has an ㅇ) you carry the sound of that syllable over so that it starts the next syllable as in the example above.

먹어요 (maw-gaw-yo), notice the g sound for ㄱ because it is at the beginning of the syllable now when you carry it over. To contrast, 먹다 (mawk-da) you will have the k sound come out for ㄱ because it is in the terminal position. In the case of 읽어요 (il-gaw-yo) or 젊어요 (jawl-maw-yo) you’ll notice that the last terminal character carries over, but the extra terminal character is still pronounced.

아/어요 You may be wondering why they all have the

아/어 요 attached to

them. This signifies the end of a sentence and is a way of conjugating the verb. In Korean, the sentence always ends with the verb. Basically you talk like Yoda all the time. Subject-object-verb, compared to subject-verb-object in English. It takes some getting used to but you’ll pick it up with practice. In Korean there are also various ways of ending a sentence/conjugating a verb to signify different levels of respect. I will always be using the polite form, both for obvious reasons and not-so-obvious reasons I will specify in the next chapter.



Further pronunciation guidelines:

While not absolutely necessary to learn, these extra guidelines will make

your Korean sound much more fluent when speaking quickly. When speaking slowly and pronouncing each syllable they aren’t necessary but if you want to master the language and start whipping around magic like a real caster they will help a lot. You will find most rules make sense in order to make speech smoother and easier to speak faster. Remember that how the word is written doesn’t change, this is purely for pronunciation only. Whenever ㅂ,

ㄷ, ㄱ come before an ㅁ, or an ㄴ they are pronounced

ㅁ, ㄴ, ㅇ, respectively. Also

Note: This does not mean you change how it is written, it still written the same, it is only the pronunciation that changes. When ㅂ comes before a ㅁ or a ㄴ, it changes to an ㅁ (m) sound.

합니다  함니다 (ham-ni-da) 습니다  슴니다 (seum-ni-da) When ㄷ comes before a ㅁ or a ㄴ, it changes to an ㄴ (n) sound. 받는다  받는다 (ban-neun-da) When ㄱ comes before a ㅁor aㄴ, it changes to an ㅇ(ng) sound. (as in sing)


멍는다 (mawng-neun-da)

More on ㄹ:

When ㄴ is next to ㄹ a double L sound is pronounced. Like so:

일년 신라

 

일련 (il-lyawn) 실라 (sil-la)

Whenever ㄹcomes after any consonant other than another ㄹ or ㄴ, it is pronounced as ㄴ

심리 석류


 

심니 (sim-ni) 성뉴 (sawng –nyu)



Wards and their defensive properties were outlined in Chapter 5 but what follows is how to actually cast them—by warming up with tongue twisters before a game session. Though you can use these tongue twisters to cast wards on yourself at any time, they work best as an exercise to be done before the game session starts to get you used to speaking Korean that session. Characters can only have one ward on them at any time, what kind of ward they try to put up is up to them. It does not cost Drama Points to activate a ward—they only need to be said correctly. Two tongue twisters done properly in succession allow for a ward to be cast, and, once cast they cannot be used again for the game session by that character.



First tier wards

First tier wards are simple tongue twisters that are cast by these exercises

designed to help and practice consonant differences: 4 from each column must be completed in order to activate a first tier ward and, once that set is used, it cannot be used again for that game session for that character.



(tal, ddal, dal)


(pal, bbal, bal)














(cha-cha, jja-jja, ja-ja)


(ko-ko, ggo-ggo, go-go)
















Second tier wards

Second tier wards more complicated and must be pronounced both as

perfectly and as quickly as you can while maintaining proper pronunciation.


저 철창의 쇠창살은 새 쇠창살이다. 저 그린 그림이 암 기린 그린 그림이냐 숫기린 그린이냐? 저 산 너머 콩까지 깐 콩깍지냐 안 깐 콩깍지냐 앞집에 사는 법학박사는 박 법학박사이고, 뒷집에 사는 법학박사는 백 법학박사이다. 고려고 교복은 고급 교복이고 고려고 교복은 고급 원단을 사용했다.

Third tier wards

Third tier wards are very difficult are reserved for the truly difficult

tongue twisters. They can only be cast once per game session but any one tongue twister is enough to cast a third tier ward.


목동 로얄 뉴로얄 레스트랑 뉴메뉴 미트소시지스파케티, 크림소시지소스스테이크 간장공장 공장장은 장공장장이고 된장공장 공장장은 강공장장이다. 경찰청 쇠창살 외철창살 검찰청 쇠창살 쌍철창살



Further Learning with the Master System

While learning everything in this chapter is everything you need to know to speak correct Korean pronunciation, the Master System details higher level skills once you have gotten used to Korean and built up a vocabulary in the Apprentice System. The Master System delves into detail on grammar patterns you will need for everyday use as follows:





Healing—asking for things.

Illusion—simple sentences.

Striking—location, body parts.

Summoning—forms of speech—formal and impolite.

Telekinetic—location, direction, prepositions.

Temporal—time, numbers. Because some of the skills you learn in certain types of magic will be

used far more often than others they will be presented to you in an order that addresses the language learning aspect of the game rather than alphabetically for ease of reference.







The Prodigy System T

he Prodigy System is designed so that people can jump into it with no prior knowledge of Korean and without having to learn a lot of vocabulary. Despite that, knowledge of the writing system goes a long way, so if you find yourself getting frustrated, you should go back

and learn the basics.

In the Prodigy System, you choose one of the seven nouns and one of

the six verbs that you place together and speak aloud to cast a spell of any desired effect you can think of.

The Nouns

The nouns can be divided up into the elements—earth, air, water and fire along with the senses, magic and life. When casting spells, a player determines which of these categories they wish to affect and what kind of magic they are using. Nouns always come before verbs. Earth represents anything coming from the ground, including metals. Air has to do with air, wind or weather; water with anything liquid, fire with heat and light, the senses with anything affecting the five senses (smell, taste, touch, sight and sound), power (as well as force, energy, or strength), and living things represent anything alive.


The Prodigy System

Noun Table EARTH 땅

AIR 바람







(bool) (o-gam) (heem)

LIVING THINGS 생물 (saeng-mool)

The Verbs

Verbs are the second half of a spell and signify the action, or effect the spell will have on an object, a person or the environment. Create has to do with the making or creation of something that was not previously there and can be used to add to the properties of the target (a blade could be made hot, an illusion could be created). Compulsions exert your will or force over something, it can also be used to enchant an object, to call a creature, animal or person to you or to move an object. A transmutation is actually a special kind of compulsion that changes one property in a subject to another—it does not remove or create a property, only changes it (changing rain drops into metal, fire into water). The perceive verb deals with divination or the acquisition of information. Damage has to do with spells cast with the intent to do harm in some way. Remove has to do with the removal or elimination of an existing property in the target (the property of heat or light might be removed from fire, for example).

Verb Table

CREATE COMPEL TRANSMUTE PERCEIVE DAMAGE 만들어요 시켜요 변화 시켜요 알아봐요 해쳐요 (man-deulaw-yo)


(byawn-hwa shi-kyaw-yo)



The Prodigy System


REMOVE 없애요 (awpsae-yo)

Using Drama Points to Cast Spells

When casting spells there is a set of guidelines you need to follow. Spells are always a maximum of five points, unless a group of magicians are pooling their energy to do a ritual spell (rituals can be found in Chapter 11). When determining how many Drama Points you need to spend on a spell start with one drama point and then follow these guidelines:

Add a point to affect the scale of a spell. Making a person a few feet taller for a scene only requires one point, making someone as tall as a house for a scene requires an addition point. Lighting a book on fire only requires one point, lighting an entire bookcase on fire requires an additional point.

Add a point for extreme situations i.e. being chased and wanting to cast quickly, hallucinating or sensory deprivation.

Add a point to deal another wound, one point per wound. One Drama Point inflicts one wound.

Add a point to increase the quality of a spell like an illusion or transformation. When casting an illusion, one point will only affect or simulate one sense and an additional point for every two senses is required i.e. if the illusion is visible it will not be tangible, have an odor or taste like anything, etc.

Add a point for each additional property you add or remove from an object. If you want to make a fire not give off any light you only need to spend one point, if you want it to not give off any light and to give off a particular smell or sound instead of heat then you need to spend an additional point.

Add a point to increase the duration of a spell. If you want to maintain an illusion for a scene one point is enough, if you want to sustain the spell for the whole day at least one additional drama point would have to be spent, more if the spell was deemed particularly intricate or complex


The Prodigy System

by the Negotiator and table—particularly spells that wound in combat. Sustaining a wall of flame costs the number wounds it does to a target per turn in combat, whereas sustaining an illusion for the better part of a day would only require one extra drama point.

NOTE: Negating a spell always requires spending the same number of Drama Points that was required to cast the spell. The counter spell must also be pronounced clearly and properly just like casting a normal spell.

Hallestorm— 불


Increases and augments any fire in a room or can be used to augment an already-cast fire spell to make it all that more effective (can be used with any other types of magic by using the appropriate noun) The Victor’s Infinite Variable— 오감


Allows the user to calculate a multitude of variables and “what if ” scenarios in a split second; the more variables the more difficult the spell but is used to choose a best scenario or to unconsciously process a great deal of data and act as if on instinct. Lojka’s Linking Effect— 오감


Causes links and connections between people, places and things to manifest visually between things written down by the caster. Elder Rune Form— 생물


A number of ritual chants spoken aloud while performing Taekwondo katas; effects vary depending on the kata but can be used to increase reaction time or to increase speed or strength.


The Prodigy System

Espiritu’s Million Faces—(noun)

변화 시켜요

Changes or completely transforms the appearance of the caster for a set period of time. Can be used to adjust physical appearance, appear to be someone else or even to transform into a completely different creature Hotson’s Nourishing Wind— 힘


Conjures a faintly transparent, perfect mango; consuming this magical fruit grants immunity to sleep deprivation, hunger and thirst for a period of time. Mezzasalma’s Reality Shift— 오감


Alters probabilities in the caster’s favor for a short time; during said time the caster will find that things go well for them, they are in the right place and the right time and they are just plain lucky. Huang’s Counterbalance— 힘


Nulls or negates a spell being cast or in effect. Words on Wings— 오감


Words are written on a sheet of paper and the recipient’s name is whispered. Upon blowing on the letters, they are carried away by the wind to the recipient (who needs to have a sheet ready to receive the letter.) Rowe’s Repulsion Ray— 생물


Pushes a person or object away from the caster or pushes the caster away from the object or person instead. Hex — 힘


Prevents technology from fizzing out or breaking when around the caster even within the confines of the school and under wards designed to block technology. Information Architecture— 힘


Used to combine two spell effects into one by adding an additional property to a spell.


The Prodigy System


The Prodigy System

The Apprentice System


he Apprentice System requires a familiarity with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul, and practice speaking some Korean words like the thirteen nouns and verbs found in the Prodigy System. The Apprentice System builds on the same foundation established in the Prodigy

System of using a noun and verb in combination to cast a spell that has the desired effect but in the Apprentice System, there are no thirteen words to fall back on. Whenever you cast a spell you must choose a noun and verb to suit the situation you hope to achieve by casting. While some examples and a few nouns and verbs follow, online or portable English to Korean dictionaries are a good idea to have at the table so that you can learn and reference new words whenever you need to cast a spell. Another skill you will have to learn is verb conjugation. In the Prodigy System there are only thirteen words and they are already conjugated for you in present tense, polite speech. Since the most common form of speech to anyone older than you or anyone you are meeting for the first time is polite speech, and the other forms of speech take minutes to learn, polite speech is the standard you will learn from for the rest of the book. When you get to the Master System different forms of speech are addressed in the Summoning section.



Verb Conjugation

When looking up verbs in the dictionary or online, you will find all verbs in their infinitive form. All verbs will end with 다. In order to conjugate the verb in the polite form you remove the 다 ending and put either 아요 or

어요 depending on the vowel in the previous syllable. 아요 / 어요 먹다 is the infinitive form for the verb “to eat”. To make it polite, you remove the 다 ending and replace it with 어요. If you look at the vowel in 먹 you will see that it is a 어 and so you match the vowels when choosing an ending—like with like. 작다 (to be small) changes to 작아요 since the vowel in 작 is an 아. 어  어요 unless the last vowel is 오 or 아  아요. These are the most common endings, most verbs will take on the 어요 ending but there are more rules to learn when conjugating verbs.

Consonant Endings

There are, unfortunately, some more rules to complicate matters. When

a verb ends with either ㄷ, ㅂ or ㅅ there are certain rules that must be followed.

으+ㄷ=ㄹ If a verb ends with ㄷ you have to check and see if the vowel proceeding it was 으, if it was then ㄷ changes to ㄹ. For example, 듣다 (to listen to) changes to 들어요 (deu-law-yo). Whereas 닫다 (to close) doesn’t change and becomes 닫아요 (da-da-yo).

ㅂ워 If a verb ever ends with ㅂ then it must be conjugated with 워요. This ending is only used in this special instance. For example, 아름답다 (to be beautiful) changes to 아름다워요 (a-reum-da-wo-yo) when conjugated.

아 + ㅅ = dropped ㅅ Lastly, any verbs that end with ㅅ and the preceding vowel is 아 then you drop the ㅅ . For example, 낫다 (to be better) changes to 나아요 (na-ah-yo) when conjugated. Whereas 벗다 (to take off (clothes)) holds onto the ㅅ and becomes 벗어요 (baw-saw-yo) when conjugated.



Vowel Endings 이여 If a verb’s last vowel is 이 then it changes to 여요when conjugated. For example, verbs like:

마시다 (to drink)




가르치다 (to teach)


(ga-reu-chi-da 


치다 (to strike/hit)




기다리다 (to wait)




우워 If the verb’s last vowel is 우 then it changes to 워 (because of the 어 in the 어요). For example:

배우다 (to learn)




피우다 (to smoke)




주다 (to give)






오와 If the verb’s last vowel is 오 then it changes to 와 (because of the 아 in 아요). For example:

오다 (to come)




보다 (to look at, see)




lose the

If the last vowel is 으 then it is dropped before adding 어요 or 아요 (if there is a 오 or 아 in the preceding syllable). For example:

크다 (to be big)




바쁘다 (to be busy)




쓰다 (to write)




르  double ㄹ If the last syllable is 르 then the 으 is dropped and an extra ㄹ is added to the next syllable like so:



(to be fast)





모르다 (to not know)




부르다 (to call; to sing a song)




Special Cases: There are also a group a verbs that don’t require an 어요/아요 ending at all, just remove the 다 and slap on a 요 instead. Unfortunately, these must be memorized. Verbs like 자다 (to sleep), 만나다 (to meet), 사다 (to buy), 가다 (to go) all need only their 다 ending to be replaced with 요 (

자요, 만나요, 사요, 가요). 되다 (to become) 이다 (to be) 하다 (to do)

  

되어 (돼) 요 이에요 해요

Some Common verbs to get you started:


태우다 (to burn)




얼다 (to freeze)




다치다 (to hurt)




아물다 (to heal)




만들다 (to make)






깨다 (to break/shatter)




기억하다 (to remember)




잊어버리다 (to forget)




보내다 (to send)




받다 (to receive)




화나다 (to be angry)




진정하다 (to relax/calm down)




사랑하다 (to love)




싫어하다 (to dislike)




던지다 (to throw)




움직이다 (to move)




알아보다 (to identify/investigate)





숨기다 (to hide/conceal)




쓰다 (to write)




읽다 (to write)




알다 (to know)




모르다 (to not know)




변하다 (change/alter)




변화시키다 (to transform)




Hirbel’s Propaganda— 생물들


Bombards an area with psychic trauma in the form of nightmarish, frightening images. Anyone caught in the area while the spell persists can be wounded. Younger’s Adeptus Comprehension—(object)


A spell variation that shows the history of an object in the caster’s mind; the more powerful the spell the more of its history the caster learns. Originally used to learn or recall the contents of a book. Unseen Prevalent Net of Truths— 인터넷


Creates a spell that connects to any existing, widespread network to tap into and gather specific information.



Cat’s String— 운명


Creates a red string of fate in the mind of the caster that leads them to an object or person that can help them with whatever it is they wish to do most when casting the spell. Wellen’s Warmth— 온기


Imbues the caster with continuous warmth and heat; requires whale blubber. Hindley’s Quantum Sink— 중력


Creates a small energy ball that negates gravity around it for a period of time. When under the Quantum Sink effect the target cannot move as they float toward and around the spell. Flavius' Unbreakable Bond— 둘이


Bonds together two things so that they are impossible to break apart. Variations have been used to bond together abstract concepts like spirits and souls. Jaen’s Animal Empathy— 유대


Imbues the caster with the instincts and characteristics of any animal or can be projected onto another. If the spell is cast while touching an animal, the caster can take on the feelings and emotions of the target and project them onto another. Choi’s Confounding Casting— 어이없어요 Used to slow reaction times and disorient the target. Kaz’s Unequalizer—(True Name)


Mutes the target and prevents them from speaking or vocalizing and noise; requires the target’s True Name. Huang’s Decree— 마술


Used to wrest control of a spell away from the caster, a successful casting allows the magician to change the target of the spell or to change the nature of the spell itself (changing a water spell to ice, a haste spell to slow, etc.)



Nick’s Notice Not— 눈치


Creates an effect around the caster that prevents others from noticing and paying attention to the caster. Raven’s Wind Guardians— 바람


Summons intelligent wind spirits that conjure gales to throw back and prevent anyone or anything from attempting to enter a specific area. Eugnot Retsiwt—(name backwards)


By chanting the target’s name backwards, it causes them to stumble over words and phrases when speaking. Childers’ K(no)w Self— 자신이


Through meditation and self-understanding, the student is able to remove themselves from the universe for a short time. During this time they can move about the world as it would have been had they never existed. They can fully interact with the world, but no one will have any memories of the student, and any impact the student has had on the world is, temporarily, removed. This spell is used for self-discovery and cutting class. Redactor’s Revenge—(word unable to speak)


Makes it so the target becomes incapable of saying one specific word, though its synonyms are still able to be spoken. Find Yourself— 스트레스


Calms and alleviates stress and is used to center oneself in stressful times. Breaker Breaker— 위험


Imbues a container with magical energy; any two items that are placed inside react violently and unpredictably to one another within 5 seconds The Oandasan Effect— 종이

변화 시켜요

Removes the moisture from a room and turns everything into paper. Clean Hear, Calm Words— 예의


Allows the caster to avoid any social faux-pas for as long as they remain calm. Strong feelings cause the spell to begin functioning erratically.





The Master System


he Master System requires a working knowledge of the Korean alphabet as well as some basic vocabulary. When casting a spell using the Master System you always use a full, complete sentence. More than that, depending on the type of magic and effect you want the spell to have

there is a certain type of sentence you are required to speak that involves specific, target vocabulary to help you learn a type of speech and grammar pattern associated with that type of magic. It will be assumed that you are starting at the beginning of this Chapter and learning to use different types of magic in order, starting with illusion magic. Illusion magic has the rules for building a complete, simple sentence and the grammar you need to do so. As you progress onward you will build upon that basic foundation and though you may wish to learn certain types of magic first, it is recommended you start with illusion magic first before pursuing any other.



Illusion Magic

Illusions are any spells that simulate one or more of the five senses in a completely life-like manner so as to be indistinguishable from reality. Illusion spells are cast by making complete sentences using the pattern in Korean to say something “is”. Great magicians wield great power over all things; with simple statements they literally change the world around them. However, for young initiates like yourself who do not yet have the power with which to work great change on the world, it is sometimes more effective to appear to affect such change. There is great power in illusions and these fundamental building blocks are the base upon which all the other magics are built. Statements of whether something is true or not, exists or not are always illusions. The difference between casting an illusion that shows your skin turning to rock and actually doing so lies in whether you say something is or is not (illusion) or whether you use certain adverbs and adjective along with verbs that you will learn later. Simple statements such as “My skin is rock” would be classified as an illusion whereas “I turn my skin to rock” would turn the caster’s skin to rock.

(이)에요 In Korean, the verb will always come last in a sentence and, depending on how it is conjugated, will also carry with it a certain meaning (both in terms of politeness and other context like tense, etc.). To build a sentence in Korean, the subject comes first, followed by the object, followed by the verb. Generally speaking, the more crucial or important the words and context the closer to the end of the sentence they will be. SUBJECT then OBJECT then VERB

나의 책은 파란색이에요 My book is blue.



The 의 particle attached to 나 (me) signifies possession, thus 나 (me) becomes my (나의), which is often written and spoken as 내 (my). The same goes for you (너) and your (너의 or 네).

파란색 means blue, and the ~이에요 attached to it means “is”. By speaking this sentence and infusing the words with your will, the book seems to become blue until you release your will. The 은/는 particle marks the topic of a sentence; because 책 (book) has a terminal character the particle with a zero character (ㅇ) in it must be used. If the word was 막대기 (staff/rod), you would attach the 는 particle to it since it doesn’t have a terminal character.

카일이 투명이에요. Kyle is transparent/clear. The subject particle (이/가) marks the subject of a sentence. 이 when there is a terminal character (as in 카일) and 가 for when there isn’t.



아니에요 It is important to know how to dispel every spell you cast. If no one were to dispel Kyle’s illusion, he would remain transparent until the spell wore off. The negative is always the same and never has 이 in front of it because it is never attached to a word; it is always a separate construct. To dispel a previously cast illusion you need only cast its negative.

카일이 투명 아니에요. Kyle is not transparent.

내 책은 파란색 아니에요. The book is not blue. Take some time to familiarize yourself with creating simple illusions. Practice with some of the following combinations and make your own spells.



Being Vague

When first starting out learning a language and using the Master System

you will not be able to be as clear when casting spells as you will be later on after you have built up your vocabulary and grammar, until then, use pronouns when necessary or when you cannot find the word you are looking for. By putting 그 (that) or 이 (this) (ee) in front of a noun it becomes: this/that noun. Since 것 (thing) is used so much, it is often shortened to 거 when both written and spoken.

들 particle makes the noun it is attached to plural. 이 것 this thing becomes 이 것들 these things, 그 것 that thing becomes 그 것들 The

(those things), i.e.

그 사람이 투명이에요 That person is transparent.

이 막대기가 까만 색이에요 This staff is black

MORE ON PARTICLES Particles are a difficult thing to learn for English speakers. In English, our context is mostly derived from word order in a sentence and we extrapolate context from there. In Korean, particles serve as grammatical markers that assign meaning and context. While common sense and context can still allow a sentence to be understood in Korean even without particles, it can be confusing and vague and it is simply incorrect at higher levels of usage to leave them out.



The Subject Particle and the Topic Particle 이/가, 은/는

This is can be one of the more confusing particles to use. The 이/가 particle puts focus on the noun before it (often the subject). The 은/는 particle can be used to either (a) mark a noun as a sentence topic, (b) show contrast or (c) mark the noun as assumed or old information. So what’s the difference? When first mentioning or bringing new information into a conversation, you mark it with the 이/가 particle. After mentioning it, if it is mentioned or repeated again in the same context the

은/는 particle is used instead. 이것이 무엇이에요? What is this (thing)?

그것은 우산이에요. That’s an umbrella. Also, the 은/는 particle is often used to compare or to reflect a question.

이것은요? (What about) this? We use the 은/는 particle here to show a comparison and to mark a new topic, despite it being new information. If I said 이것이요? It would be translated simply as “This?” In the context of “Pass me that thing over there.” “This?”

교수님은 교수님이에요. 그렇지만 나는 학생이에요. The professor is a professor. But I am a student. The 은/는 particles here are placed to show the contrast between the nouns.



Practice combining these words to form sentences Subjects:

나, 내 너, 네 그의 그녀의 그들의 이 것 그 것



투명 까만 색 횐 색 초록색


(this thing)

(that thing)


(me, mine) (you, your) (his)

Objects: (book) Is not: 책 (staff) 막대기 아니에요 (clothes) 옷 (body) 몸 (animal) 동물 (person) 사람 (object) 물건 (living thing) 생물 선생님 (teacher) 학생 (student) (wall) 벽 (floor) 바닥



(black) (white) (green)



The Object Particle을/를

Since there is a subject and an object particle in Korean, it is not really

important which comes first as it does in English (and is the reason why particles can be important in Korean). The 을/를 particle marks the direct object of the verb.

아버지가 애기를 봐요 Father sees baby.

아버지를 애기가 봐요 Baby sees father.

애기를 아버지가 봐요 Father sees baby.

애기가 아버지를 봐요 Baby sees father. So you can see that if both the subject and the object particle were omitted from a sentence it would become ambiguous – we wouldn’t know who was doing what. If only one particle was dropped then we would know what was happening.

있어요/없어요(be, exists/is not, does not exist) The 있어요/없어요 pattern is often used to describe possession but can be similar to using the (이)에요 pattern. For example:

책이에요 It is a book/ They are books

책이 있어요 There is a book (somewhere)/ (Someone) has got a book/There are some books (somewhere)



책 아니에요 It’s not a book/ They aren’t books

책 없어요 There isn’t a book (somewhere)/ (Someone) hasn’t got a book/ There aren’t any books (somewhere)

학교에 있어요 It’s at school/There’s (one/some) at school/ They are at school

학교 아니에요 It’s not a school/They aren’t schools

학교에 없어요 It’s not a school/There’s no one at school/ There isn’t any school at school In game terms, this is a good pattern for the creation or abolition of illusions. With both this and the (이)에요 pattern under your belt you will be able to both create or abolish illusions or modify things already in existence.

있어요 , 없어요 AND POSSESSION 있어요/없어요 can also be used to express possession. 누가 술이 있어요? (who has alcohol?) or 여자친구 있어요 ([I] have a girlfriend)



Telekinetic Magic

Telekinetic magic is all about being able to specify relative location and to express direction.

Here and There with 여기/거기

Since illusions are abstract in themselves it is best to at least specify

vaguely where the illusion you’re casting is. 여기 means here while 거기 means there and they both take the location particle 에.

Relative location

앞/뒤/옆/사이/위/아래/안/밖 all specify location and, if followed by the ~에 particle, mark relative location. They can also be attached to nouns in their basic form to form nouns like front door, 앞문, or the floor above, 위층. 앞에 뒤에 사이에 위에

in front (of) behind between

아래에 below 안에 inside outside 밖에


Right and Left with오른쪽/왼쪽

쪽 is most often used to specify right or left but can is also used for spatial direction. It is most often used with 오른or 왼 to specify either right or left. 아래쪽(에) 있어요

왼쪽 가요

[it] is below

go left

You could also say 아래(에) 있어요, but you would use 쪽 when directing someone so as to point them in the correct direction. You would also use 쪽 when being vague (that direction over there) kind of feeling 그


It’s that way.



Toward or in the direction of,

by means of with ~(으)로 The (으)로 particle is attached to a noun in order to either show

direction or to express by or by means of.

내가 팬을 오른쪽으로 움직여요 I move the pen to [toward] the right

손으로 때려요 (One)strikes with (by means of) the hand

버스로 가요 Go by bus

In/at or to/from with ~에

The 에 particle attaches to a noun in order to show location.

나 앞에 공이 있어요 There is a ball in front of me

교수님이 여기 있어요 The professor is here (either pointing somewhere, or meaning “in the immediate area”)

거기 사람 없어요 There is no person there. (There’s nobody (over) there)

우리는 교실 안에 있어요 We’re in the classroom

어디에 있어요? Where is it?

나는 여기 없어요 I am not here.



Striking Magic

Striking magic is used for hitting precise targets or locations. The size of your target, whether it be on the human body or not, is represented by the approximate size equivalent of parts of the body. In particular, striking magic is used most often in conjunction with augmentation magic so as to create spells with both precision and the specific qualities desired by the magician casting the spell like a beam of heat designed to strike a specific target or a cold ray that needs to hit an enemy behind a door that is just visible through the door lock.

머리(가락) Head 머리 Ears 귀 Eyes 눈 Nose 코 Mouth 입 Neck/throat 목 Shoulders 어깨 Back 등 Chest 가슴 Hair

Arms Elbow Hands Fingers Waist Legs Knee Feet Toes

내가 구미호 얼굴에 때려요 I hit the nine-tailed fox in the face.

괴물 아킬레스건을 잘라요 (I) cut the monster’s Achilles’ tendon.



팔 팔꿈치 손 손가락 허리 다리 무릎 발 발가락

Augmenting Magic

Adjectives can be used to express performing an action in a different or special way — essentially it is a way of assigning particular, specific conditions and qualities to a spell. To make an adjective out of a descriptive or processive verb ending with 하다, simply remove the 다 and attach ㄴ to the base of the dictionary 하다 ending. With almost all other verbs, removing the

다 ending and adding either 는 (if there is a terminal character) or just ㄴ (if there is not a terminal character) will make a verb an adjective. The only exception are verbs that end with ㅂ in the terminal character. In this case, instead of adding the 워요 ending, you remove the 어요part of


(so that you are left with 우) and then place ㄴ in the terminal position.

그녀에 뜨거운 산을 뱉어요 (뜨겁다  뜨거워요  뜨거운) I spit hot acid on her.

내 차가운 입김으로 그녀를 얼려요 I freeze her [solid] with my cold breath.

내 딱딱한 주먹으로 카일 때려요 I hit Kyle with my hard fist.

끈적끈적한 거미줄을 그에 던져요 I throw a sticky spider web on him.

내 강한 다리로 담을 뛰어넘어요 With my augmented [strong] legs, I jump over the wall.



Dispelling Magic

Dispelling magic is used when you need or want to negate an existing spell or magic in your immediate area.

Short Negatives with 안/못

In order to make a verb negative either 안 or 못 is placed immediately

before the verb.

안 means not while 못 means cannot. 안 가요

won’t go

못 가요

can’t go

This form does not work with descriptive verbs (verbs translated as is ~)

Long Negatives with 지 않아요/지 못해요

Verbs that have –지 attached to them are in the suspective form. This form

is made by simply by taking the dictionary form of a verb and substituting the

다 on the end for 지. Once in the suspective form, various endings can be added to change the meaning of a sentence. The 지 않아요 (ji a-na-yo) and 지 못해요 (ji mot-hae-yo) express negation and they never change form. Note the difference with the other systems, instead of casting the same spell with the same amount of spell points used, with the Master System you are required to cast its negative.

교수님이 여기 있지 않아요 The teacher is not here.

나는 피아노 치지 못 해요 I can’t play piano.



In order to make negative commands you attach the

지 ending and

then add 말아요.

가지 말아요 Don’t go.

보지 말아요 Don’t look.

Healing Magic

Healing works a bit differently from normal spells. If one were to look at a healing spell they would see an extremely complex weaving of patterns so intricate that most mages would have to spend a great deal of time just to parse. However, magicians have found that is possible to create complex spells, like healing, indirectly through ancient rituals and prayers which have been collected, restored, taught and passed down through the generations. Magicians found that through the use of these ancient, simple prayers incredibly complex patterns and spells are essentially woven for the magician. It is a vast field of study in the magics and some view it as extremely dangerous since a magician cannot be sure who the source of said magics is. While a prayer spell does not require faith in order to be cast, the fact that these prayers work often leads to magicians struggling with or finding newfound faith on their own. Prayers are ancient and far ranging, dedicated any number of deities, Gods and prophets. Healing magic is represented mechanically by the grammar patterns required for asking for things.



Asking for things with 줘요/주세요 or 해 주세요

The easiest way to ask for something is with the verb 주다 (give) which

when conjugated (주+어+요) becomes 줘요. Also commonly used is the highest polite speech (found in summoning magic) which is the 주세요 form, used far more often. In addition, instead of using 내 or 나 (my or me)

제 is more commonly used (for both). 제 is a diminutive form (therefore polite way) of saying “me” or “my”. The ~해 주세요 form means “please do (something) for me), 해

하다 (to do). So while 주세요 would be used for “give me (something)”, 해 주세요 would be used to say “please do (such and coming from

such) for me.”

제 친구 치료 해 주세요 Please heal my friend.

제 다리 고쳐 주세요 Please fix my leg.



Conditioning Magic

Conditioning magic is used to add conditions to someone or something, good or bad, and conditioning spells are cast by using adverbs. Change or modify a verb by removing the다 ending on it and attaching

게 해요, 게 만들어요 or 시켜요. Just by taking the 다 ending off and attaching 게 you make an adverb. Using the 시켜요 pattern after a condition signifies making or forcing a condition on somebody or something. This type of spell could be used to knock someone out by saying “내가

그를 케이오시켜요” I K.O. him (literally: I make it so he is K.Oed) 행복하다 (happy)

행복하게 (happily)

슬프다 (sad)

슬프게 (sadly)

내가 카일을 피곤하게 만들어요 I make Kyle tired.

내가 제이슨을 강하게 해요 I make Jason strong.

내가 제이슨을 더 강하게, 빠르게, 좋게 만들어요 I make Jason stronger, faster, better



Connecting Sentences

After a previous sentence, you can follow up with another and show a

connection between them by starting off with one of the following:

그래서 (so…) 그래도 (even so…) 그리고 (and also…) 그런데/근데

(but…/and then…/by the way…)

An easy way to build a complex sentence is to attach –고 (and) to the verb after removing the 다 ending. -하고 can be attached to a noun and means “and/as well” but can also mean “with”—especially when attached to a person’s name. In the same way, -는데 can be attached the end of a verb to connect it to the next sentence. It often simply signifies you are going to reveal more information about what you were speaking about so can be either a continuation or could also add a “and/but then…” nuance to a sentence.

내 피부가 딱딱하게 만들고 불이 참아요 I make my skin hard and withstand the fire.

여기 술하고 담배 없어요 There are no cigarettes or alcohol here.

내가 카일하고 밥을 먹어요 I am eating [a meal] with Kyle.

내가 제이슨 강하게 만들어요. 근데 카일이 피곤하게 만들어요 I make Jason strong. But I make Kyle tired.



Clairvoyance Magic

Spells that allow for clairvoyance can be extremely powerful spells and work a bit different from spells where a creature is summoned and then questioned. Summoned creatures are not beholden to the caster and so are free to reply or not, tell the truth or not, etc. Where clairvoyant spells draw their knowledge from is the subject of much discourse in the wizard community. Many believe it is from the collective unconscious, but it is a difficult theory to prove. In order to cast spells that predict the future or to glean required information, questions are put forth in the language of magic. While questions can be asked by simply taking a sentence and changing the intonation, these spells require a different pattern. Sentences are made in the same way except for verbs; the 다 base is removed and, instead, 나요 is added for spells seeking information (not having to do with the future). These spells are less, or more, difficult depending on how readily available the information is (how many people know said information).

지금 카일이 어디 있나요? Where is Kyle now? If everybody around me knows where Kyle is, the spell is much easier to cast compared to a spell where no one around me does. If the information that is needed is readily available and common knowledge, it is a simple one point spell. Depending on how difficult or how rare the information is to find, more Drama Points will need to be spent, as per the chart in the section for Clairvoyance magic.. In addition, due to the nature of the spell, it may be important as to where the spell is cast so as to draw from the proper pool of knowledge.



The Future

When asking questions to do with the future, the future is signified

with the removal of the 다 base of a verb and the addition of 으 (if there is a terminal character) and ㄹ in the terminal character. There are several patterns that use this concept, the most common being the (으)ㄹ거예요 form. This can be used to either state a future action or to ask about a future one. The (으)ㄹ 까요? is always used as a question as it means “shall we?” or perhaps, “shall I?”.

이 것은 먹을 거예요? Are you going to it this?

할 거예요? Are you going to do [it]?

이 것이 먹을까요? Shall I[we] eat this?

할까요? Shall I[we] do [it]? The (으)ㄹ 까요 can be used or interpreted as “should I/we?” as well when posing questions to the magical ether. When casting spells that seek out information it is a fairly simple decision made by both the player and the GM when negotiating the intent of the spell. If the information is possible to retrieve a point total is agreed upon, failure negotiated (maybe the spell fails, is corrupted, maybe the caster receives wrong information, etc.) and then the spell cast. However, when casting spells that seek to look into the future spells work a bit differently. These spells allow players to declare what happens in the future within a time frame decided upon by the player and the Negotiator certain. As always, intent of the spell and failure is negotiated and, if successful, the player may ask a question and then answer his own question or the Negotiator may answer it if the answer is dependent on knowledge only the



GM has. These spells are a fun way to foreshadow events or just all around good fun. Depending on the specificity, time frame of the question, and effect on other characters, more points are needed to cast the spell. For example: (QUESTION)

이 것이 먹을까요? Should I eat this? (ANSWER)

아니요 No. Would be a very general sequence, not much information is revealed whereas: (QUESTION)

제이슨이 카일을 죽을 거예요? Will Jason kill Kyle? (ANSWER)

네. Yes. While relatively simple a question, it affects a character other than his own. This forces another character to incorporate this into the story so, while very cool, it costs an extra point per character involved. As the spell becomes more specific and/or complicated in order to carry out (one point per scene necessary to “play out” the events—even if the events are no longer thought to be happening). In addition, all characters involved must agree to the negotiating and result of the spell beforehand—the same goes for any non-player characters not controlled by the players (and therefore controlled by the GM). This limits spells to being able to predict scenes up to five scenes in advance or for up to five characters to be involved.



A sage may also try to reel in knowledge or a “flash of the future” in a general way from a pool of knowledge surrounding him by expressing a want or wish. This spell is also very contingent on the GM and the players agreeing to the negotiation of intent and it can never be specific. Visions such as these always have no answers and only a series of visual images are broadcast to the caster—narrated by either the GM or caster as per prior negotiation. For example:

내가 부자 되고 싶어요 I want to become rich (a rich person) After such spells, if cast successfully, the GM or player may describe a montage of images depicting buried treasure and immediate surroundings, a valuable artifact, a nearby student with a lot of money, etc. The results should be vague, general and fun.

내가 결혼을 하고 싶어요 I want to get married.

내가 여기에 나가고 싶어요 I want to leave (get out) of here.

누구 뭐 언제 어디 왜 어떻게


(Who) (What) (When (Where) (Why) (How)


Temporal Magic

A master of time is able to speed up or stop time. In order to cast spells having to do with freezing or the slowing down of time a caster casts a spell by telling time and using the past tense. Korean is unfortunately a bit difficult when it comes to numbers due to there being two sets of numbers used for different things. Just for telling time you need to learn both Systems—the pure Korean numbers and the Sino-Korean ones derived from Chinese.

Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



일 (eel) 이(ee) 삼(sam) 사(sa) 오(o) 육(yook) 칠(chil) 팔(pal) 구(goo) 십(ship) 십일(ship-eel) 십이(ship-ee)

하나 (한) (ha-na, han) 둘 (두)(dool, doo) 셋 (세)(seht, seh) 넷 (네)(neht, neh) 다섯(da-sawt) 여섯(yaw-sawt) 일곱(eel-gop) 여덟(yaw-dawl) 아홉(a-hop) 열(yawl) 열하나 (열한)(yawl-ha-na, yawl-han) 열둘 (열두)(yawl-dool, yawl-doo)

The good news is that once you learn 1-10 it is easy to learn the rest for the Sino-Korean system and it is used more often in Korean for bigger numbers. When telling time the hour always uses pure Korean number and for minutes Sino-Korean numbers are used. For example:




열두 시, 삼십 분 The 시 here means hour, and 분 means minute. For time, the abbreviated form for pure Korean numbers are always used, or when coming before a noun:

한살 One year [old]

한 달에 두 번 Twice a month (twice in one month) 10:30

열 시 반 11:15

열한 시 십오 분 12:12

열두 시 십이 분 The 반 (ban) here means “half ”. In order to cast a spell that stops time, a magician must look at the current time in real life and say from what time it will stop and from what time will time resume. For every one turn (five minutes of “real world” time—this does not mean that a round in game actually corresponds to five minutes of real-world time) a Drama Point is needed to slow down time (or speed it up). In addition, for every character the spell affects (excluding the caster) in the immediate area (re: room) an additional Drama Point must be expended. If there are two people in the room and the caster wishes to stop time for 5 minutes (one turn) for both parties, two Drama Points would be needed in order to cast the spell, 3 if there was another person (or for another 5 minutes/one turn), etc.



FROM (부터) UNTIL (까지) If the caster wanted to stop time from 11:12 until 11:17 he would say:

열한 시 십이 분부터 열한 시 십칠 분까지 시간이 멈췄어요 (I) stopped time from 11:12 until 11:17 The past tense is used here because of the intent—to stop time. If the caster wanted to speed up time (to cast a haste spell on the room), he would say:

열한 시 십이 분부터 열한 시 십칠 분까지 시간이 변화 시킬 거예요 I am going to change the time from 11:12 to 11:17

Past Tense

The past tense is signified by conjugating a verb as per normal but adding

ㅆ to the terminal character of the verb. There are no irregular verbs, so follow rules for conjugation and add the ㅆ to signify past.











Future Tense

The future tense follows the same rules as per the clairvoyant/sage section.

Take the verb, remove the 다ending, and then add 으 (if there is a terminal character) plus ㄹ to signify future tense. There are a few patterns that most commonly used with future tense however.

먹을 거예요 [I] am going to eat it (probable future—will happen at some point)

먹을게요 [I] will eat it (immediate future—promise, done in the near future)

먹을 것 같아요 [I] will probably eat it (presumptive future—guessing, vague) The 같다 (gat-da) verb here means “like” or “similar” so can it could be interpreted as “It seems like [I’ll] eat it”.



Summoning Magic

Summoning a creature is an easy task for any magician but forcing the receiver of the summons to obey can only be done if the magician casting the spell has the target’s True Name. All creatures have a True Name that can be drawn out via magic. If a creature’s True Name has not been drawn out it can be summoned by using its general name (a cat may be summoned by calling it a cat) whereas intelligent magical creatures all have True Names with which you must cast the spell to compel and force the summoned target to answer the spell. The verb to summon is 부르다 (to call/say) for non-magical creatures or 소환하다 (summon) for magical ones. Summoned creatures are under no obligation to be contained, restricted or forced to talk. The summoner will have to use other spells to contain, restrict or compel the summoned creature. However, any summoned creature forms a bond with the summoner in that they are able to communicate through the language of magic if otherwise unable to communicate. The creature only understands and speaks in the language of magic via the bond and may speak normally, if possible, via the traditional method. In order to converse with beings summoned via the 부른 (called) method, characters must use low speech. In order to converse with beings summoned via the 소환한 (summoned) method, characters must use high speech. Conversing in this way is limited to simple commands and questions.

Low Speech

Low speech, or impolite speech, is very easy. Sentences are spoken as

they are normally would be with the verb conjugated as usual but when by dropping the 요 at the end of the verb after conjugation. With that single omission, the phrase becomes impolite speech—everything else is the sentence remains exactly the same.

날 따라와요

날 따라와

뭘 필요해?

(follow me)

무엇을 필요해요?


(What do you need?) THE MASTER SYSTEM

High Speech

High speech, or polite speech, is a bit trickier to learn. In order to make

a sentence formal, an honorary suffix is attached to the verb. When questioning or suggesting something like polite commands using formal language, the 다 is removed from the verb and 으세요 (eu-sehyo) is attached to verbs that have terminal characters minus the 으 for verbs without a terminal character. In addition, 나 and 내 should is always replaced with 제 and you never use the (으)세요 pattern in reference to your own actions, if you are asked a question you always respond with polite speech, the 요 speech you have learned and by using 제 instead of 나 or 내.

나 따라와요

저 따라오세요

무엇을 필요해요?

무엇을 필요하세요?

Simple commands are often shortened to just the verb, whether it is polite or not.


[please] do it

앉아 [please] sit down




Threats C

oming up with threats can be one of the harder parts of the game since they have to be challenging and interesting. If they are a lone threat they need to be able to take a beating from multiple characters if they get into a fight. Keep in mind that the number of points the threat is

worth does not necessarily mean how many wounds must be inflicted until the threat is defeated or is killed. When a number on a threat card is reduced to zero it simply means they are no longer a threat that session or their place in the narrative is known and resolved in that game session’s story.



Fights versus creatures capable of magic play out like a fight between magicians—any creatures capable of magic can choose to defend or cast for their round just like player characters. Depending on how many characters are going up against the threat, you might give the threat some wards, scrolls or minions to help them out. Do not be afraid to just narrate the enemy casting a spell successfully if you are not confident in your own ability to speak the language when you are the Negotiator. It is your job to provide conflict and to make sure threats are threatening so do not hesitate to use a translation program to play a sentence aloud for you or to take a stab at the sentence yourself and saying that the spell succeeds because it needs to in order to keep tension in the fight. Try to get as much language learning in as possible. Fights with threats that do not cast spells work differently since they cannot defend themselves against magic so, to compensate, give these kinds of threats properties based on what it should have in order to be dangerous and challenging for the group. If there are multiple characters it should be tough and should be able to take several hits. Maybe it is has a magical resistance or has cool abilities like seeing into the future or dazing characters just by looking at them. There are any number of properties you can assign a monster to make it more challenging—make it fast (maybe it can hit twice in one round or act as if hasted), make it magically resistant (maybe it only takes half damage from spells), make it smart (maybe it sends out minions to deal with the characters first or it runs away when in trouble), make it dangerous so it deals tons of wounds in one hit. When you write down a threat on your threat card and assign a point value there are a number of things you can do mechanically to make it more interesting. First, divide the total value assigned to the threat by two and then round up. This is the number of points you use to assign the threat abilities to wound, impose conditions and make it unique.



Assigning wounds: For every wound an attack inflicts, it costs one point. For every ongoing wound it does, it costs two points.

Assigning negative conditions to attacks: Special conditions like blindness or paralysis are made more potent by how many points are put into them as it requires as many points to cure a character of that condition. Giving a threat’s claw attack the ability to also inflicts an easily curable blindness. They only need to spend a point to remove the condition. If you spend 5 points to inflict a 5-point blindness then it is far more serious and difficult to heal.

Assigning threats positive conditions: it costs one point per positive condition. Assigning conditions is a great way to make a threat more difficult to defeat—give it a condition like “resistant to fire” for one point will reduce anything fire related by one point, “hasted” for one point will allow them to act first in a fight, “shrouded in mystery” for one point will reduce any magic used to find out information about it by one point. Note that positive conditions do not replenish—after they reduce a wound by one or an attempt to find information by one, etc. they are no longer in effect and should be crossed off the card.

For threat cards that have several monsters in play (but are not swarms), the total number of points are divvied up between each monster as the player sees fit, equally or not e.g. If you want to put a villain on your threat card and you want him to have some minions then you can divide up the total number of points between the villain and his minions as you see fit. Keep in mind that the total number of points on the card should reflect all the monsters and creatures on it—if only certain enemies get eliminated mark them off the card as players spend Drama Points to cast spells and lower the assigned value on the card. For large swarms of creatures, count the entire swarm as one entity.



Here are some tricks to consider when creating threats—monsters in particular:

If the opposition can cast spells make them as good as, or better, than you and the cast of characters.


Give them minions to take hits for them.

Give them a ward to keep them going for at least an extra round.


Do not be afraid to give the threat magic items or scrolls with which they can cast spells or put up wards, cast higher level spells even if you, as the Negotiator, do not yet have the fluency to cast difficult spells. Remember though, as soon as the threat goes down all the players and the cast of characters will be all over those items so know that the items may end up in the hands of a protagonist or two. Establish rules for items like scrolls—if it benefits enemies it should benefit players (maybe it allows the automatic casting of a spell despite pronunciation errors but still requires Drama Points being used, or maybe it crumbles into dust after a single use).

Try to make everything new, dangerous and unique as a Negotiator. When introducing a threat into the narrative describe it to everyone as if they have never seen it before. If they ask you if it is a troll, reply by giving a cool description of what it looks like using at least two of the senses and try to keep them guessing—even if it really is just a troll.

For the Master System, design challenges or threats (or at least most of them) to be solved with the level of magic you and the other players are currently at. Not all challenges need to be surmountable on the first run through but remember that if the players can only do illusionary magic, try to make it so challenges can be solved with illusionary magic. All threats that do not cast spells are assumed to hit every turn. As the

total number of points on a threat card drops, the threat will start to act slower. After losing 20% of its original value it drops down a speed tier. When it drops so that it only has 20% remaining, it drops into the slowest speed tier. Some things to keep in mind:

Positive conditions do not last forever, when the effects of a positive condition are used once they are gone.

Positive conditions usually go toward stopping the number of points on a threat card from being reduced or to make them act sooner in a fight.

As a threat’s points are reduced, it does not change how many wounds they inflict, only their speed when deciding who goes first.





Optional Rules T


his section is here to tweak how Magician plays or to add in some more elements in play to spice things up or add a little variation as needed.



Rituals are spells that are cast by multiple magicians instead of just one. This allows for the casting of spells that would normally be well beyond an individual magician. Mechanically, rituals work the same way spells do except magicians can pool their Drama Points together in any combination they see fit in order to meet the number of points a spell requires. This allows for some really great, flavorful and powerful spell casting. For example:

Lambe’s Gift

Three wooden Hahoe figures bearing claws or little blade-like weapons

have one sentence carved into each figure in Korean and are made from alder wood (1.) Who rules the Kingdom? The King. (2.) Who rules the King? The Duke. (3.) Who rules the Duke? The Devil! Under a full moon an alder tree is magically grown. Wood is hewn from the tree and the magical figures use it to carve a wooden figure of the magician’s choosing that bestows either good or bad luck on the individual it is given to. The shavings left over from the carving bestow the opposite effect of the figurine on whoever carries them.

The Ninth Level Abstraction of the Eternal Library

Completion of the ritual (which must be done in a Library under strange and idiosyncratic auspices) aligns the casters with the mystic heart of their paired library—giving them enhanced senses while inside the library. This explains why the creepiest librarians “have eyes in the back of their head” (a rare side effect of the abstraction is that some wizards will grow actual eyes in the back of their head). Being connected to the library in this way provides other benefits to those enchanted—moving silently through the stacks, eidetic recall of any book’s position and contents, etc. Few magicians are willing to take on the spell due to the unfortunate sympathetic effect that any damage to the library is also felt by the enchanter.



Mirror of Korea’s Eighth Circle

Summons a magical spirit named Ryunho that provides the caster with

his magical mirror. The mirror itself takes the shape and form that reflects the caster’s inner beauty. The mirror is used to see through lies or disguises when light is reflected off the mirror and onto the target. If artificial light is used, the mirror displays an image of the target’s true inner-self and can be used to detect lies, disguises or intent. If natural light (sun or moonlight) is used, the target’s outer appearance physically changes to reflect the target’s true inner-self for a short time. By doing so the target may lose any traces of plastic surgery, an evil-hearted person will look monstrous and ugly, a cripple may walk or grow limbs, an old person may look young, etc. If both sunlight and moonlight is used the physical changes becomes permanent and both the caster and the target loses all memories related to ever having their previous outer appearance. If sources of light used is other than natural or artificial (fire, electricity, or chemical), the effects of this mirror is unpredictable. The mirror is returned to the spirit afterwards, who follows the carrier of the mirror, appearing or not appearing in whatever form it pleases. It can shape shift into anyone that has been the target of the mirror and collects the physical appearances and the memories lost.

Bridic Binding Contract

Binds two beings together under a pact and set of rules and conditions.

If a party breaks the contract the binding kills them but the spell can only be cast if both parties are willing.

Montes’ Coils of Ethereal Animation

Creates a tattoo on the target’s skin which in which tiny serpents are

summoned and injected in until called upon. When activated, the serpents flow out and animate objects or dead matter with a life of their own but under the control of the caster for a set period of time.



Xuan Kun

Opens a localized, micro black hole that sucks in everything around it. The number of points required for rituals should be quite high as most

of them bestow permanent effects so will affect campaign play greatly. During brief campaigns or single play sessions they are unlikely to affect the game all that much and, as such, I assign points required by how much it will affect the game. Casting spells in Magicians always moves the story forward so assign points based on how fast it will make the story end. If the ritual is going to affect cards on the table or discard threats then make them cost more points, if they are mostly for flavor assign them a lower number of points. Rituals always require more than one person, so a low number of points should be around 10 (if the ritual is mostly for flavor and does not affect any cards) to 20 (if the ritual will affect one or more cards in the game).



Spells with Twists

Coming up with your own spells in the game can be a lot of fun. Some ways to make spells a bit more interesting or give them a unique flavor is to make it so that the spell changes depending on how many points you spend on casting the spell:

Peltier’s Oracle of Ages

Used to observe, see and listen, to people from afar. Depending on how

many points are spent in casting the spell, the spell behaves differently (in effect making each point level a different spell).

1: Scrying Portal (allows the magician to create a scrying mirror from a physical or energy interface such as a candle flame, pool of water, crystal ball, etc.)

2: Open the Inner Eye- Allows the Magician to scry without the use of an external interface

3: Guiding Star- A creature is conjured (such as a will-o-wisp) and guides the caster to whatever they seek.

4: Reflections of the Shadows of the Past: The Magician casting the spell gets the information they seek via accurate visions of the past.

5: It happened before and will do so once more- The Magician casting the spell gets the information they seek via accurate visions of the future. A random element can be added to the spell for some unpredictable

and interesting results:

Healing of Garvock the Water Dragon

When casting a coin is flipped before speaking the words to cast the spell.

If the casting is successful and the coin lands on tails then the target is healed as a normal healing spell, if heads then the number of points used to heal the target is divided between all targets in the immediate area (at least one wound



is healed for each person); if the spell is unsuccessful and the coin lands on tails then the spell inflicts wounds instead of healing them, if the coin lands on heads then the damage is divvied up between all those in the immediate area (at least one wound is inflicted on each person).

Adding In the Random

One way to make threats less devastating or a good way to add a dice element in play is to add a hit range for threats when they attack and, should you so choose, for players when casting a spell. Roll a six sided die to determine if a character is hit by an incoming, non-magical attack to make things more random. When writing down a threat on a threat card, you can add “misses on a 1 or misses on a 1, 2 or 3, etc.” This is also a good way to add the ability to fail for players that have a high competence level in the target language.

Limiting Yourself

The Prodigy and Apprentice Systems of magic allow for some pretty powerful spells to be cast if the players are creative enough. I find this extremely fun and it helps gets players into trouble quickly but another option to consider is limiting the amount of Drama Points able to be spent by players according to either time spent playing (every few sessions bump it up perhaps) or the characters’ in-game school year. First years can spend one point, second years two points, etc. If all the players are fine with merging the three systems together simply state that the Prodigy System can only be used for one or two point spells, Apprentice System for three or four point spells and five point spells require using the Master System. This way, players can fall back on some tried and true spells while also venturing into more difficult levels of casting as well. Another really great and fun way of limiting yourselves is by setting up a class schedule—fill out a class time table based on professors in the Book of NPCs (downloadable from and what classes they teach or brainstorm and write down on your own what classes your protagonist is



taking. You protagonist can only cast spells that fall into the subject matter covered for those classes or classes previously taken in campaign play. Spells can also be made more exotic and interesting through the use of component materials like holy water or a particular metal being necessary to cast them or other conditions such as time of day or year, position of the planets or stars, etc. On the other hand, your group may want to remove as many restrictions as possible—making it possible to cast spells with as many points as a caster is able (not just five) as well as making it so that a caster is only limited by his creativity is a great way to encourage language learning in a game.

Pace and SingleSession Games If playing a one-shot or a game at a convention, the group may decide that it wants to forego some of the game elements that require a slower pace. Letting players go for broke on each scene and the ability to try and get as many Drama Points as possible instead of making them build up their relationships and taking smaller payouts on Drama Points that eventually lead up to larger, five-point scenes, may be more appropriate when there is not enough time to do so. This can change the mood of the game to more of a slapstick style where characters try to earn as many Drama Points as possible each time though so it is something to consider first. Players may want to have at least one or two scenes with conflict characters and the like to at least build up some tension and background before going for scenes with larger payouts but it will ultimately be up to a group’s play style. Also, players may want to play with fewer limits on magic as well as more Drama Points from the very beginning. This allows for big spells to be cast right off the bat, perhaps more creativity, and a faster pace to the resolution of scenes.



Going Traditional Gaming groups that wish to have a more traditional set-up can opt for one person being the Negotiator for the entire game; everything works the same except there would be no need for a Negotiator token and the Negotiator would not have a protagonist to play, rather they would play any roles that need defining and would be the arbiter every turn when assigning consequences for failure. Essentially, that player would always take Casting Turns and never Drama Turns as they would have no protagonist to earn points for. When doing this, I still recommend that everyone go through the same process of writing elements on their three cards with assigned point values and then have them shuffled together and placed on the table as per usual. The only thing that would work differently is the Negotiator would always be the same, always take Casting Turns by drawing a card, adding to the narrative and negotiating consequences for failure for players on all turns. Another option, particularly for single-session or con games is for the Negotiator to either prepare their own cards in advance or, for all the cards to simply be handed over to the Negotiator. The Negotiator will then incorporate those elements on the card into each scene by drawing a card on each casting turn. This way point values can be assigned by the Negotiator on the fly as needed depending on pace and what elements are working well in the story and it keeps it simple for first time players. The Negotiator may not even assign point values to the cards as long as they have an idea of what conditions and number of wounds a threat can inflict and once the element on the card has had its time in the sun and the Negotiator wants to move on he can simply discard the card.



More Points

Depending on the mood you want for your game, you may wish to allow other ways of acquiring points. In order to create a sense of group cohesion or heroism, whenever a player does something particularly heroic or selfless some points may be added to a communal point pool in the center of the table to be used by anyone who needs them. You could also play a game with five points set aside for each player each game session that can be thrown into the pot whenever a player does something particularly cool like casting a particularly creative spell, pulling off a really difficult sentence, narrate a scene particularly well or just enhances the overall enjoyment of the game in some way. Adding rules for when and how a player earns Drama Points can drastically change the tone and mood of a game.

Adding Advancement

The core idea behind Magicians is tying advancement to education—as you learn and gain mastery over different parts of the language, your character will also be able to cast different kinds of spells, grow in power and look cool doing so. When using the Prodigy or Apprentice magic rules there is no extra advancement beyond learning the language and building up your vocabulary. However, the Master System has titles associated with different grammar patterns. As you gain mastery over the types of magic you might give yourself and your character bonuses to casting spells or other cool abilities. Here are some ideas you could do as added bonuses for advancement:

Magicians who master three types of magic have learned to control themselves and their emotions better and so do not have to either have a breakdown or cast a spell immediately when reaching five points, but six instead.

Magicians who master five types of magic may cast spells that cost only one drama point at no cost (but must still speak them properly in order to cast them).



Magicians who master seven types of magic automatically gain one first tier ward for free each day, in order to invoke a second tier ward they need only recite first tier ward tongue twisters and in order to invoke third tier wards they need only recite second tier tongue twisters.

Magicians who master ten types of magic reduce the cost of casting all spells by one drama point. (This does not mean you somehow acquire Drama Points when casting one-point spells).

Fast Fights

There are times when you may want a fight to progress faster, a card to be resolved quicker or play in general to speed up. An easy way to make this happen is to play out more rounds in a fight, allowing for an additional turn. Additional turns allow plot cards to be resolved much more quickly and are a good way to finish up a game session or to end a scene when you have a great idea to resolve the card. A group may wish to play this way for some or all fights but it is best left to the Negotiator to decide since they are the one to frame and continue the scene. A Negotiator might opt to continue a fight or have the threat to continue to play a part in the narrative by finishing a casting turn as per usual (after each player has had one turn to cast a spell.)

Graduated Failure While consequences for failure always make it so that failure is interesting, there will be many times when you fail to cast a spell because of a single mistake. Since messing up the noun in a spell or even a single character will happen often, you can add that partial success into the negotiation part of failure before speaking the spell aloud to cast it. An optional rule is to say that whenever a partial success occurs, a concession is made so that the caster achieves his intent but the Negotiator still gets to throw a wrench in the plan



as a result of that successful spell casting. So a successful casting means you achieve your intent, a failure means the consequence for failure happens, but a partial success means that you achieve your intent but the Negotiator gets a “but” at the end of your success. Taking the idea a step further, one could easily fit the partial success system from Apocalypse World, particularly the Dungeon World style of play when dealing with partial successes. For example, whenever a partial success occurs, the Negotiator may choose one of the following things to happen in addition to the character achieving their intent:

Introduce a new threat or danger that can be resolved with one Drama Point.

Introduce an unexpected location.

Give the character unwelcome information.

Hint at a threat or a plot element to come.

Deal one wound of damage.

Put the character in a position that can only be resolved by casting spells and spending Drama Points.

Offer an opportunity that requires the expenditure of Drama Points.

Use their success against them.

Separate the character from the rest of the group.

Give them a hard choice to make. Example: Richard wants to get through a magically locked door in the

library in order to find the source of a strange light coming from beneath the door. Richard’s intent is to find out where the light is coming from by opening the door, the Negotiator tells him that, if he fails, his unlock spell will unlock every magically sealed door on the floor. Richard casts his spell by saying using the noun for power and the verb for remove but messes up the character for power. The Negotiator says:

The door glows for a second but then you see the knocker on the door begin to change into the face of the head librarian, it looks like the face is getting ready to call out the alarm! (introduce a new danger that can



be resolved with one Drama Point.)

The door glows for a second and then you hear a click as the door gently swings inward but as you peer inside you see a sunny, tropical beach with the sun blazing in the sky. (introduce an unexpected location.)

The door glows and you hear a satisfying click as the lock disengages but just as you’re about to take a look inside you get the distinct impression of someone watching you. (Give the character unwelcome information.)

The door glows for a second and unlocks but just as you’re about to step inside your gaze is drawn to the floor where there looks to be claw or scratch marks of some kind, despite the floor being made of stone in this particular room. (Hint at a threat to come.)

The door glows but then a needle shoots out of the lock into your thigh. You feel woozy but the door clicks open. Take one wound. (Deal a wound of damage)

The door glows and clicks open but suddenly the ground beneath you begins destabilize, the stone floor appears to have turned to something like quicksand. (Put a character in a position that requires more Drama Points being used.)

The door glows and clicks open but upon entering the room something glinting in the moonlight catches your eyes. The light from the window is causing something shiny to glint up in the rafter above you. (Offer an opportunity that requires the expenditure of Drama Points).

The door glows and clicks open but as the door swings open you see a tall, dark figure with a bright light emanating from their staff, as the door opens the figure turns toward you. (Use their success against them).

The door glows and clicks open but as you step through the door suddenly slams shut behind you, leaving the rest of the cast of characters on the other side of the door. (Separate the characters)

The door glows and swings open but as you step forward the door begins to glow and a wave of power knocks you off your feet. The door starts to close almost immediately and when you were knocked down your wand went skidding in the opposite direction. (Give them a hard choice to make.)



Nouns and Verbs F

or an English to Korea dictionary, visit: On that site, type the word you’d like to translate in the first box on the left.










Boat, pear, stomach




Agony, torture 







Animal Answer Apartment Apple 









아파트 사과 팔

Arm Art








Characteristic, feature






Feeling (senses)




Feelings (emotion)






Clothing Color



Condition/state of being











대화, 이야기





발 숲

Conversation Computer Dark












방향 병

Disease, bottle 

Future 미래 쓰레기









목표 평가









Earth, the ground


총 할아버지 할머니 중력






Head, hair













Energy/power/strength  Environment Eye














Homework, assignment





Facial expression


Influence, effect







아버지 (아빠)




이미지 / 모습



Object, thing 






Leg(s), bridge 








Life, existence 









Living thing








Machine, gadget










Picture그림 (art), 사진 (camera)








Me Meaning



Price, value 






Product, goods














문제 제품, 상품 교수님




Month, moon





Relation, connection


Mood, atmosphere Mother




어머니 (엄마)













Result /conclusion




Rice, food, a meal











Seat, place



















날씨 무게














뭐 (무엇)


















Words (the spoken word, language)






Work, situation/day





















That (thing) 


(over) There

거기 것

Thing (object) This (thing) 














Tree, wood








To acquire, get, gain To answer, respond


얻다/얻어요 대답하다/대답해요

To appear


To arrive


To ask


To attach, stick


To avoid, dodge


To be (to exist)

있다 / 있어요

To be bad To be beautiful To be big

나쁘다/나빠요 아름답다/아름다워요 크다 / 커요

To be bright


To be cheap


To be clear, pure


To be close


To be cold


To be complicated To be correct, accurate

복잡하다/복잡해요 맞다/맞아요, 정확하다/정확해요

To be crazy

미치다 /미쳐요

To be dark


To be different

다르다/ 달라요

To be difficult, hard 어렵다/어려워요, 힘들다/힘들어요 (physically taxing) To be drunk


To (be) dry 


To be easy To be expensive


To be far


To be fast


To be good

좋다 /좋아요

To be happy


To be hard


To be heavy To be high, tall




무겁다/무거워요 높다/높아요

To be hot To be interesting


To be in pain, hurt


To be kind


To be lacking To be light To be important  To be many To be serious, grave To be sad

부족하다/부족해요 가볍다/가벼워요 중요하다/중요해요 많다 /많아요 심각하다/심각해요 슬프다/슬퍼요

To be similar


To be simple


To be slow To be soft To be strange To be strong

늘리다/늘려요 부드럽다/부드러워요 이상하다/이상해요 강하다/강해요

To be new

새롭다/ 새로워요

To be not

않다 / 않아요

To be obvious, clear To be old

분명하다/분명해요 늙다/늙어요

To be ok, fine


To be possible


To be scary


To be thankful

고맙다/고마워요, 감사하다/감사해요

To be the same


To be unable

못하다/ 못해요

To be weak


To be young


To become

되다 / 됐어요

To believe


To block


To buy To call (someone) To change To (double) check (something)




사다/사요 부르다/불려요 바꾸다/바꿔요, 변하다/변해요 확인하다/확인해요

To choose To chop, slice


To clean


To climb, to rise


To close


To come

오다/ 와요

To come down


To come out 

나오다/ 나와요

To continue


To cry


To cut


To deceive, trick


To decide


To demand


To depart


To die To disappear To discard, to throw away To do

죽다/ 죽어요 없어지다/없어져요, 살아지다/살아져요 버리다/ 버려요 하다 / 해요

To draw


To drink

마시다/ 마셔요

To eat

먹다/ 먹어요

To end, finish


To endeavor 


To enter, to go inside

들어가다/ 들어가요

To examine


To explode


To express


To fall, drop


To feel


To fight


To forget To fly To frighten, scare To give




잊어버리다/잊어버려요 날다/날아요 놀래다/놀래요 주다 / 줘요

가다 / 가요

To go


To grasp, to grab To guess


To happen

생기다/생겨요 싫어하다/싫어해요

To hate, dislike

가지다/ 가져요

To have, carry, own

도와 주다/두와 줘요

To help


To hit, strike


To hurt To investigate, check out 


To know

알다 /알아요

To laugh


To learn

배우다/배워요 좋아하다/ 좋아해요

To like To listen

듣다/ 들어요

To live

살다/ 살아요 보다 / 봐요

To look


To lose (something)


To love

만들다/ 만들어요

To make To make a mistake


To misunderstand


To move

움직이다/움직여요 (one’s body), 옮기다/옮겨요 (an object)

To need


To not know

모르다/ 몰라요

To not need

필요 없다/필요 없어요 발생하다/발생해요

To occur To open –열다

명령하다/명령해요, 시키다/시켜요

To order, command To pass

지나다/지나요 (movement), 지내다/지내요 (time)

To pick (out)


To place, set down


To play, have fun


To prepare, get ready To protect, guard



준비하다, 준비해요 지키다/지켜요, 보호하다/보호해요

To pull To push


To read


To realize, to come to be known To receive To research To restrain oneself To rise, to get up

알려지다/알려져요 받다/ 받아요 연구하다/연구해요 참다/참아요 일어나다/일어나요

To save, rescue


To search (for)


To sell


To send


To shake


To sleep


To solve, resolve


To speak, to say

말하다 / 말해요

To split (up), divide To stack (up), pile up To start To stand To stop, halt To tear, rip

나눠다/나눠요 쌓다/쌓아요 시작하다/ 시작해요 서다 /서요 멈추다/멈춰요 찢다, 찢어요

To teach


To think

생각하다/ 생각해요

To throw


To turn, spin


To try To understand To use

해보다/해봐요, 애를 쓰다/애를 써요 이해하다/이해해요 쓰다/써요, 사용하다/사용해요

To wait


To walk


To want (something) To watch, gaze



원하다/ 원해요 바라보다/바라봐요

To win


To work





EN L I G HT EN ED Ralf Achenbach


Andrew Wooldridge

Miranda Horner

Somnelius Frond

Xavier Galindo

Cara Noverio


Grant Ian Silversmith

Michael Zenke

Dylan Edwin Hoover

Role Playing Public Radio

Lauren Williams

Curt Sampson

Professor Roger Thompson, MA, FRSA

Timo Newton

Rolando Guerra, Jr.

Tyler Giesel

Karen McKenna

Michael (Doran) Zummo

Reuben McCallum

Verice Lewis

Ryan Hixson

Juan Adolfo Lucha Garcia

Nick Wesselmann

Sarah Lynne Bowman

Tamsin Mehew

Justin Rising

Davide Mana

Lester Ward

Elizabeth Brooke Phipps

Nate Miller

Dylan Kintanar

Adrian J Geroge III

Christopher W. Reynolds

Kasper Hermansen

Andrew Watkins

David Miessler-Kubanek

Peter DeKoekkoek

Paul R. Dillinger

Anders Kronquist

Ken Widmer

Randall Dederick

Brandon Smith

David Bowers

Dennis Klass

Joseph Melendez

Justin Hall

Hull Breach! The Tactical Card Game


Tim Rodriguez

Jarvis Mishler

Logan Blosser

David Rolton

Bryan Campbell

Michael D. Ranalli Jr.

Max Keenan

Mike D.

Brad Arndt

Ty Barbary

Marcin Jankowski

Justin McDaniel

Jim Stutz

Matthew Gollschewski

Michael Steven Towns Jenn Malak Jim Ryan Andrew



Anne-Sylvie Betsch


Usha maru

Jesse Reynolds

Celena Haslett

Austin Conley


Steve Mix

Thomas Sniadecki

Xian the Undying

Kevin Kulp

Kenny “Krivvin” Bailey

William F. B. Hoek

James Ojaste

Mike “ElfIRL” Bitter

Monte Cook

Olivier Darles

Jessica Hammer


Miles Gaborit

Justin Smith

Antoine Bertier

Adam M. Coleman

Michael “Minder” Riabov

Craig Bishell

Curt Meyer

Kevin Heckman


Angelo Pileggi

Claytonian JP

Tóth “Theon” József

David Shelley

Paul Mansfield (Dicephera)

Neral the Purple

Raymond E. Chong

James ME Patterson

Derek Guder

Brian “Chainsaw” Campbell

Ben W Bell

Oliver Juang

Cameron Neville

Daniel S filligoi

Wei-Hua, Hsieh

Bryan Rennekamp

Michael Brewer

Colin Fahrion

Eric G


Wes Price

Kate Malloy

Mai-Anh Tran

Max W. Chase

Olna Jenn Smith

Aaron “Mage-ou” Alberg

Alexei Robyn

Jared Leisner

Uli Troyo

Matthew Hartwell

Justin C

Emanuele “millenomi” 

Kevin Maynard

Larry Lade

Shannon Ryke

John Santin

Mike Chuck Bretzlaff

Jason Genser 

Ewen Cluney

Sam Wright

Grégoire Pinson

Max Kaehn

Dave Chalker

Magic Pixel Games



Adam Fink

Knut Bjørnar Wålberg

Rob Wieland


Dominique D.

Carol Darnell

Galahad de Corbenic

Don Hayes

Brian ‘Psychochild’ Green

Joe Maron

Evan Ringo

Robert Stehwien

Jenny + Scott Barnes

Dan Gerold

David Steiner

Reverance Pavane

Eric Rossing

Travis Scott

Spike Barlow

Tony Love

J.A. Miller

Michael De Rosa

Kristan Heleloa Alicesun

Fábio “Dash” Nunes

Aakin N. Patel

Sean Knapp

Ean Moody


James D. Crane

John P Jones

Rafe Ball

Meera Barry

Ed Oviedo

Dan Cetorelli

Justin Schmid

Cody Black

Xiphos Games Studio

Daniel Moore


Jason Wayne Keesey

Jim Heath

Michael Mancini

Ben L

Chris Eng

Pat Gamblin

Sam Kenkel

Grant Chen

Colin Fredericks


Jacob Carpenter

Anthony “evilgouki” Escasa

G. Hartman

Mark Parker

DI V I N E R Matt Herron

Michelle Fullwood

William ‘Beej’ Carson

A Terrible Idea

Judson Criswell Wright


F. Wesley Schneider

Andrew Wilson


Martin Wagner

Barac Wiley

Todd Zircher

Jonathan Bristow

Eeshwar Rajagopalan

Matthew C H Winder

James P. Lofshult ((Solav))

Jeanne & Graham Cotter

Seana McGuinness

Anibal J Delgado


Matthias Nagy

Joshua Buergel

Jason A. Joyce

John Lowell Kelly

Jason Walther

Jelle “Yazza” Meersman

Sybil Collas

Ken Arthur

Horst Ragnarök

Sage Brush

Marc Majcher

Eric Altmyer


James Vogel

Ryan & Beth Perrin


Jeremy Kostiew

Peter Galehouse



Pete Figtree’s Ruthless Diastema BlogCast

Jacob Trewe

Pete Woodworth Steve Dodge

Electronic Old Men

Matthew Sullivan-Barrett

Francisco Martellini

Ben Stevens

Michael Zautner

Joseph J. Croner

Mircea Ungureanu

Victor Wyatt

Michael Harrel

Leo Turem

Vojtech Pribyl

Ian Tong


Jack Gulick

Ng Junyuan Manu Marron Eric Coates Marc Puig Ferré John Girgis Gino Chong Inhin Davis Morgan Laura Heilman Brad Johnston Eyal Teler Malcolm Coull Tom Gebbie Jean-Charles Thériault Eric Ladd Daniele Di Rubbo James Iles


Jason Ramboz


IN ITIATED Jong Woo Chung

Emanuel James Miller

N Phillip Cole

Ryan Nagel

Halo Pumpkin

Daneen McDermott

Simon ‘’Xuevehc’’ Gagnon

Carl L Gilchrist

Adrian Muñoz

Adam Hill

Markus Viklund

Matthew Ramsey

Epistolary Richard

Barry Morgan

Harrison Venette

Eli Ramthun

Randall Wunder-Smith

J. Stuart Pate

Samson Weiser

Jason Miller


Chris Chinn

Ed Kowalczewski


게으른 농부

Brennan Taylor

Thomas Murphy


Jake Killchine Foster

Kay Lee

Peter Clay

Rafaël Lopez

DragonDon Belmore


Bryan Gerding

Steven Tiberius Metcalf

Sebastián Brugnoli

Nathaniel Hahn

Kai Börner

Ernesto Yip

Matthew B

Steve Huntsberry

Aaron Garrett

Adam Rajski

Taylor Chase

David Zelasco

Daniel Emery

Ahmad Nasser


Ryno Lourens


Maniac von Hannover spielt!

Zach Bondurant

Danielle Linder

Michael Stevens

Daniel Johnson

Brian Daeho Casey

Leo S

Christopher Rhoades

Florian Hübner


Andrew Whittle

Sarah Newton



Derek C Taylor

Allison Cuva

Becky Roe


Daniel Thoreson

Ian Johnson

David Kononen

Antoine Boegli

Estevan Garcia

Donald White

Ignatius Montenegro

Daniel Brown

Colleen Morgan

Erica Galvan

Sascha Müller



Nat “woodelf ” Barmore

Travis Mueller

Ryan Sanden

Ariele Agostini

Dash Anderson

Jessie Newcomb

Josh Young

Ian McDougall

Shane Jackson

Steve Lord

Ben Mandall

Chris Harvey

Alec Henry

Pavel Ojeda


Curtis Tom

Herman Duyker

Ted Hahn

Marco Valente, Area42Games


Jen Ramon

Grey Maixner

Steven Meredith

Brandon Schmelz

Max Mahem


James Murphy

Joshua Wehner



Adrian P

Anthony Damiani Josh Medin Laurel Halbany Mordin



Amaniyah Ummairah Haziqah Haji Haris

Matthew Swerid

Ben Bonds

Richard “Fullpint” Gautier


Colin Matter

Gregory Allyn Lipscomb

Al Billings

Stephane Chopard

Colin Creitz

Tony Patterson

Chris Pramas


Stephen Sinclair

Jeffrey “Koala” Wong

Joshua Ramsey

Travis Stout

Darren Davis

Andrew Brunelle

Josh Webb


Travis Bryant

Brian Goubeaux

Craig Hargraves

Brendan O’Donnell

Phillip and Amanda Skaggs

Brian Peters

Jim Burzelic

S. Adam S.

David Godin

Zhuge Zhe

Soren Haurberg

Nathan Owen

Taun Curtis

Paul Hachmann


Matteo Turini

Matthew Hocking

Christopher Weeks


Travis “Archer” Enright

Lloyd Eley-Smith

Christopher Alan Slater

David Chart

Robert Dowsett

Lionel Jeannerat

Zach Michel

Ken Shogren



Igor “Bone” Toscano

Daniel Skrivanek

Jürgen Mayer

Jordan Voltz & Natalie de Gyarfas

Phillip Bailey

Michael Beck

Simon Forster


Anika Page

Brian E. Williams

Douglas Snyder

Renato Retz

Jonathan Walton

Stephen Ho

John Mehrholz


Ash Law

Kevin Galloway

Devin Fitzgerald

Gregory Milken


Christopher Menezes

M. W. II


Erik Emrys Carl

Mark Stefan

Craig McElroy

Adam Day

Kathryn Parsons

Language Hunters

Serenade X

Sara Williamson

Nicolás Brian S. T. Erik Tenkar David A. Stern III Charlie Payne Michele Gelli Magmoo Tyson of the Northwest Luke Moran Okami Udgawa Jordan Lane Jason Schindler David Saggers Adam Walck Yann Sagala Lamoureux

Amelia Johnson-Smith


M. Sean Molley

Alistair Morrison

Jimi Kathryn Bonogofsky

Russ Walsh

Joseph Choe

Ross Cheung

Hunter Harris

Cedric LEVY

Randel N. Evans II

Jerry L. Meyer Jr. CWT

Max “Ego” Hervieux

Jamie Reid

Justin Loudermilk

Aaron Broder

Gerry James

John Young J Aaron Farr Spellforger Juz’am



Wayne West

Jake Kuska

John Colagioia

Nick Small

Jonathan Romulo Geronimo

William Duryea

PJ Deyo

Neal Tanner

Michael and Ashley Grenon

Alexander “Almacov” Overton


Dominic Davies-Tagg

A Benningfield

Ed Goehe

Ashley Bankes

Fraser Ronald

Matt Shoemaker

Jemilla Cook

Neal Iden

Ricky Dang

Charles Siegel

Mathias Exner


Scott Rubin

Carly Ho

Stephen Dewey

Alexis Hoarau
David G. Krone

Colin McLaughlin

Jason P Harris Shaun Hayworth

Stefan Fuhs

Joshua Ferdinands

Chris W

Mendel Schmiedekamp

Mauro Ghibaudo

bruce novakowski


Alexander Zhou

Sam Zeitlin

Dave Weiss


The Mayer Family

Doyle Clemence

Kurrene Rickards

Seto Konowa

Lester Smith

Joseph Kogin

Erkos Reika

Daniel Gaghan

Aaron Lin

Duane Moore

Matt & Nykki

Scott Acker

Karl Barbosa

Benoit Devost


Steven Chin

Richard Frost

Brian Fowler

Kyle Baird

Ghislain “MutantMaker” Morel

Jason Pitre

Orion Cooper Jason “J-Peg” Porath TAK Ainom Vera Vartanian Adam Koebel Jeff ‘foxxtrot’ Craig

Sean M. Dunstan Kelly Brown Jonathan “Buddha” Davis J.A. Lauritzen Matt Leitzen James Orr Blane Elferdink

Kel Cecil Brian Gresko Stacey Chancellor Stan Yamane Dave Rezak

Allen Bartley


Kyle Wallace

Leslie J. Furlong

T.J. Thomas

Roy Blumenthal

Nathaniel Adi Sukarno Adell

Bryce Perry

John Halsey

Thomas Siemens

Michael Camacho

Jesse R

David A. Blair Brian Holmberg Greg Chatham


Keith Stetson


el Mīko William SIau and Joey Wong Chris McEligot

Ryan Percival

David Millians Christophe Massin Mitt Romney Cédric Jeanneret Cassandra Whittington Irven “Myrkwell” Keppen DW Luna El Tiburón Grande Gordon Duffy Troels Paw Christensen Carl Howard Sam Angove Jim Matt Pierre Gavard-Colenny John Gaskell Alex Constantino

WJ Walton


Tess Snider

David Farnell

STU DE N T Kayleigh Early

René John Kerkdyk

Ivan Finch

James Martin

Dominic Robertson



Tobias Niemitz

Alex Kartzoff

Leonardo “Montagna” Colombo

Daniel Steadman Simon Gough Guillaume Boutigny José Luis Porfírio Pedro Ziviani Ernesto “The Norman Duke” Pavan


Carsten Insertcoin Propach Samantha Renaud Poulet

그리고리 Chris Andreas Listl

Patrice Hédé

Daniel Gray

DK Lee

Rengyee Lee

Albertina Ou

Vad Koi

Jose Luiz “Tzimiscedracul” Cardoso

Dan Dogwild Berry

Renato Ramonda


J. H. Frank



Lisa Ferus


Justin Matthew Phillips

Matt Schlotte

Tobias Southworth-Barlow


Kyle Pezzolla


Ray Mitchell

Pete Hurley

Raphael Pinthus

Fabio Succi Cimentini


Ruth Woodrow

Alessandro La Valle


Elisabeth Espiritu

Michael MacKinnon

John-Paul Cheyne

Adam Everman

Lauren Buxton

Chris Bernhardi

David Wolf

Maxim Kuschpel

Kevin Lambert

Machine Age Productions


Oliver Graf


Tommi Krogerus

뻬뜨르 토끼

Felix Girke

Kit Hartford

Shane Phillips

Daniel Luces

Paul Watson

James Mendez Hodes

Daniel Sandoval

Nicholas Decker

Shannon Simmons

Shiroka Jinrai


Andrew Tressler


Jennifer Steen

Donald Edgar

John D. Kennedy

Alexander DeVries

Rose Pauline Campo

Oletia Faircloth

Tyler Seitz

Alexis Hodieux

Connor Willson

James R Flannery III

An Owomoyela

George P Burdell

Edmundo xman Savassi

Karl The Good

Druin Roberts

Seya Miyu


Lucine Blue

Drew Ness

Evan Saft

Tom Ladegard

Zachary T. Cross


Joe Iglesias

Geza Letso


Paweł “nimdil” Matysiak

Aurelio Tellez


Robert I. Lee

Erik H. Maier

Guy Shalev

Greg White

Emily Paliszewski

Greg Walters

Chad Long

Benjamin Bangsberg

Gregory Lincoln

Richard ‘Vecna’ Hussey

Edouard Contesse

Kane Bergman

Jules Brindisi

Chris Bugyi

Drew “Industrial Scribe” Scarr

Scott Johnson

Stephen ‘Slovien’ Cowart

Christian Turkiewicz

Rebecca Dawson

Sara Hoffpauir

Phillip Wong

Jason Maltzen

Eduardo “Du²” Oliveira

Kim Jae-Min


Chip & Katie

Ralph Pizarro

Casidhe Nebulosa

Joe Butler


Will Hensley

Philip McElmurray


Barnesaby Blackjack

Rabbit Stoddard

John Vincent Reyes

Jonathan Korman


Bob Darko

남윤해 (Nam Yun-Hae)

Jordan Newton

Nadia Cerezo

Masurs Artemyura




Jonathan Finke

Nathaniel Pearson

Andrew Meltzer

Salvador Luminari

Luis Velasco

Stephanie Franklin


Hannah Lee

Kendall Uyeji

Robert Johnson

Kitty O’Neal

Adam J. Piskel

Laura Packer


Kyle Porter

Tim C Kryselmire

Philip James

Richard Garfinkle


B.T. McGee

Nick Farley

Adam Szpakowski

Sean K.I.W. Steele



Kyle Frazier

Brandon Doxtater

Kashmir Maleki

Kim Stalbovs

Greg Roy

Patty Kirsch

Andy Zeiner

T. Oakerson



HEA D P R EF EC T Judd M. Goswick Peddro Ribeiro Tolcace

Andy Kitkowski

Laura Hamilton

Oren Geshuri

Ben McKenzie 

Kristi McConnell

Rachael McCormick

Tiarna-Shea Maslin

Stephanie Romm

Brandon Nazario

Jerome Anderson

Serah Min


Kevin Schantz


Mark P Grace

Anne Wiesner

Cameron Watchorn

Robert Silva

Matthew Edwards

Randy Nelson

Kyle MacKay

Edward Boudreaux

Benedict Layng

Ana “The Littlest Shinobi” Silva

Edward Saxton

Lars Gawronsky

Peter Ward

Venn Sable

Morgan Pelham

Joseph Simons

Joseph Hokum

Anthony “Runeslinger” Boyd

Sara Kinney

Achim Oppelt

Stevie P.

Andrew Balderrama

Guillaume “Nocker”

Justin Colledge

Brendan Rein

Chad “DIGJAM” Moulder

Ken Finlayson

Michelle Ho

Drew (Andrew) South

Markku Tuovinen

Michael Stephens


Jean-Marc Comeau

Kathy Daniels

David Wild (U2mad)

Noam Rosen

Erik Lagerstedt


Håvard Krugerud

Zachary Brown

BSLB Davis

Daniel Gonzalez da Costa Campos

Alexander Cheth

Chris Fazio Jeremy “Flare” Scherer Fraser Simons Gabriela Guevara Adam “blinks” Blinkinsop Mike Norris Morgan Weeks M. Tobolla Stras Acimovic Dean Barclay David Morgans Eljas Sandra Wegner


P R O D I GY Brad Dancer

Matthew McFarland & Michelle LyonsMcFarland—Play Attention Games, Inc.


Conan Brasher Nancy Calvert-Warren

Bourcy Mark

AP P RENTI C E Patrick Burden

M AG U S Andreas Jakob

Vincent Ecuyer

Anna Aleta P. Oandasan

MASTE R Marco Andre Urbach Mezzasalma

Brianna Vincent

Kevin Kaz

Nick Roberts

Paolo Ramello

Billy Wellen

Raven Daegmorgan

Andrew Lloyd

Paoc Garcia Jaen

Emmett Cooper

David M. Johnson

Gary Younger

Dr. Juris L Purins

Jennifer Fuss

Wei Seong Quah

Shigeji Suyama

Adam W Roy

H E A D MASTE R 9th Level Games

Andrea Sokal


Ronald Steeves

Sören Kohlmeyer

A Hindley

Oliver Peltier

Travis Prow

Patrick Joynt

Andrew Garvock

Silvio Herrera Gea

Stephen Slaby

Luke McCampbell

Jason Thai

Matt and Cat Williams

Mark Hotson

Rice Honeywell

Flavio Mortarino

Ryun Rhee

Andrew Gorman

Dimitar Mihaylov

Aaron Wong

Keith Preston

Edgardo A. Montes Rosa 

Bryce Undy

Blake Baranowski

CABAL Hsile Amune, Munashii

Nathan Johndro

Darcey Wunker

Derek Cardwell

Nathalie Hauzeur

Gary Thompson

Matthew Fleming

Adam Hurd

C R E ATO R Lawrence Huang

Brian Anderson

SOR C ER ER Edna Stafford Nicholas Laune

Kryptovidicus Mark W. H. Lambe Rob Rowe

Eugene Kaplanis Cody Tornow Raul Salas; Reaper Media  Grant Edwards Joseph Le May Neal Kingsley Jamie Lafond

I’d also like to thank Paul H., Arnold Cassell, Jordan (CyroPulse), Craig Hargraves, Justin (Masq), M. Tobolla, 오승한, Runeslinger, Emily (Genidoxian), Anne (Nocturama), Andra (yirna), Cameron (Ikatono) and Mark Hotson for their help editing Magicians and making it as good as it is.




True Name




+ -

Favorite Spells



Three Words that Describe Me are... I’m unhappy because... Things would be better if...


1 2 3 4 5 Love

I don’t get along with _________ because...
