BESM - Anime Rpg Rules

Anime d20 — System Reference Document v1.0 A d20 System Licensed Product. This publication is designated as Open Game Co

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Anime d20 — System Reference Document v1.0 A d20 System Licensed Product. This publication is designated as Open Game Content and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0. 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizard of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. Silver Age Sentinels d20 Copyright 2002, Guardians Of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. MacKinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble. BESM d20 Copyright 2003, Guardians Of Order, Inc.; Author Mark C. MacKinnon.

Chapter 2: Character Creation Step 1: GM Discussion You and the other players should discuss the nature of the upcoming game with the GM. Before any characters are created, the GM should outline such details as genre, setting, campaign duration, story boundaries, and expected time commitment. As a player, you should listen closely to the GM’s descriptions since it will impact directly on the character you wish to create. Ask for clarification of any rule modifications the GM plans to use as well as any background restrictions on your character. If you have any game preferences involving issues such as combat intensity, maturity level, or drama versus comedy ratio, let the GM know about them. Help the GM create the game that you all want to play. Starting Character Level One of the most important things that the Game Master should discuss with his or her players is the starting character Level. While characters traditionally start at 1st Level in most d20 System games, the GM and players may want to adventure with more experienced — and thus more powerful and capable — characters. Table 2-1 shows the relationship between starting character Level and power level. Characters that begin higher than 1st Level gain all the benefits and special abilities granted from 1st Level to their current Level and begin the game with an appropriate number of Experience Points (see the PHB for more information on Experience Points). This includes the additional Feats and Ability Score increases presented in Table 5-3: Level-Dependent Benefits. Table 2-1: Starting Character Level Starting


Power Level

Character Level

Character Points

Low-powered game

1st to 4th

40 (or 34 + 1d10)

Average-powered game

5th to 8th

42 (or 36 + 1d10)

High-powered game

9th to 12th

44 (or 38 + 1d10)

Very high-powered game

13th to 16th

46 (or 40 + 1d10)

Extremely high-powered game

17th to 20th

48 (or 42 + 1d10)

Epic-powered game

Above 20th

50 (or 44 + 1d10)

Discretionary Character Points The characters’ starting Level also determines the number of discretionary Character Points assigned. These discretionary Character Points are used to pay for his or her Ability Score Values, Race, Attributes, Skills, and Feats. The GM can either assign all players an equal number of Character Points, or ask each player to roll dice to generate a random number (see Table 2-1: Starting Character Level) Character Points During Level Progression

If the characters start higher than 1st Level, they may also start with extra Character Points gained from the Special Ability Level progression of their Class (or Classes). In these instances, the additional Character Points are added to the discretionary Character Point total. See the Class Progression charts for more information. Step 2: Character Outline A character outline is a broad concept that provides you with a frame on which to build your character. It is not fully detailed; there is no need for you to concern yourself with the character’s specific skills, powers, or background details at this stage. Use the game boundaries established in your discussion with the GM as the starting point for your character and build your outline on that foundation. Discuss your character ideas with the GM to ensure your character will work with those of the other players and with the overall themes and focus of the campaign.

Chapter 3: Abilities Step 3: Generate Ability Scores A character’s core, base abilities are determined by six values known as Ability Scores. These values describe the character’s innate, natural aptitude at interacting with the world. The six Ability Scores are: Strength (Str) Dexterity (Dex) Constitution (Con) Intelligence (Int) Wisdom (Wis) Charisma (Cha) The values of these abilities range from 0 to infinity, with a normal human range from 3 to 18. The normal human maximum is 24, but superhuman or supernatural characters may have higher ratings. A value of none for an Ability Score, which is different from 0, is a special case appropriate for specific character ideas. Establishing Ability Scores Determine your character’s Ability Scores as outlined in the PHB. Ability Score Cost Abilities cost a number of Character Points equal to half the value of the Ability Score (round up), which are paid for by the character’s starting discretionary Character Points. Players may choose to modify the character’s generated Ability Scores up or down by increasing or decreasing the number of Character Points assigned to the Ability Score, on a 1 for 2 basis (1 Character Point equals 2 Ability Scores). If the power level of the campaign provides insufficient discretionary Character Points to pay for the Ability Scores generated by the players for their characters, players must reduce the Ability Scores to (or below) a value that they can afford with Character Points available. Zero Rating and “None” Ability Scores It is possible for some constructs (including the Giant Robot class) or alien creatures to have a score of “none.” None is not the same as a score of 0. A score of none means that the creature does not possess the Ability at all. The modifier for a score of none is +0. A character’s Ability Score can never drop below 0. Str 0 means that the character cannot move at all. He or she lies helpless on the ground. Dex 0 means that the character cannot move at all. He or she is motionless and helpless. Con 0 means that the character is dead. Int 0 means that the character cannot think and is in a coma-like stupor, helpless. Wis 0 means that the character is withdrawn in a deep sleep filled with nightmares, helpless. Cha 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a catatonic, coma-like stupor, helpless.

Ability Modifiers Each Ability has a modifier that is the number you add to or subtract from the die roll when your character tries to accomplish something related to that Ability. A positive modifier is called a bonus, and a negative modifier is called a penalty. Definition of Ability Scores Strength Strength is a measure of the character’s physical power. Strength provides a modifier to: • Damage rolls in melee or unarmed combat or when using weapons that are Muscle Powered. •

Strength-based Skill checks.

Strength checks.

Any creature that can physically manipulate other objects has at least 1 Point of Strength. A character with no Strength score can’t exert force, usually because it has no physical body or because it doesn’t move. Such a creature automatically fails Strength checks. Note: since armour is handled differently in Anime d20 than in other d20 games, Strength always provides a +0 modifier to melee attack rolls (the “to hit” roll), regardless of the character’s Strength rating. Dexterity Dexterity is a measure of the character’s hand-eye co-ordination, agility, reflexes, and balance. Dexterity provides modifiers to: •

The character’s Armour Class.

Dexterity-based Skill checks.

Initiative rolls.

Reflex saving throws.

Dexterity checks.

Any creature that can move has at least 1 Point of Dexterity. A creature with no Dexterity score can’t move, but if it can act, it applies its Intelligence modifier to Initiative checks instead of a Dexterity modifier (for example, an artificially intelligent computer that has no moving body adds its Intelligence modifier to Initiative rolls). A creature with no Dexterity fails all Reflex saves and Dexterity checks. Dexterity always provides a +0 modifier to ranged attack rolls, regardless of the character’s Dexterity rating. Constitution Constitution determines your character’s health and stamina. Constitution provides modifiers to: • Hit Points earned per Level (though the value can never be reduced below 1 — a character always gains at least one Hit Point per Level). •

Fortitude saving throws.

Constitution-based Skill checks.

Constitution checks.

Any living creature has at least 1 Point of Constitution. A creature with no Constitution has no body or no metabolism. It is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect works on objects. The creature is also immune to Ability damage, Ability drain, and energy drain, and always fails Constitution checks. Intelligence Intelligence is a measure of the character’s reason and ability to learn. Intelligence provides modifiers to: • The number of Skill Points gained at each Level (though the value can never be reduced below 1 — a character always gains at least one Skill Point per Level). •

Intelligence-based Skill checks.

Intelligence checks.

Any creature that can think, learn, or remember has at least 1 Point of Intelligence. A creature with no Intelligence score is an automaton, operating on simple instincts or programmed instructions. It is immune to all mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects) and automatically fails Intelligence checks. Wisdom Wisdom is a reflection of the character’s willpower, common sense, intuition, perception, and life experience. Wisdom provides modifiers to: •

Will saving throws.

Wisdom-based Skill checks.

Wisdom checks.

Any creature that can perceive its environment in any fashion has at least 1 Point of Wisdom. Anything without a Wisdom score is an object, not a creature. Additionally, anything without a Wisdom score also has no Charisma score, and vice versa. Charisma Charisma describes the characters strength of persuasion, personality, and the character’s appearance. Charisma provides modifiers to: •

Charisma-based Skill checks.

Charisma checks.

Any creature capable of telling the difference between itself and things that are not itself has at least 1 Point of Charisma. Table 3-1: Ability Score Value Descriptions Ability Score




Description Inept









Significantly below adult human average; youth



Below adult human average; teenager



Adult human average



Above human average



Significantly above human average



Highly capable



Extremely capable



Best in the region



Best in the country



World-class ability; maximum human potential



Above human achievement



Significantly above human achievement


+10 (and up)

Legendary ability

Chapter 4: Races Step 4: Select Race At this stage in the creation process you should select a race as outlined in the PHB, paying the appropriate Character Point cost as listed in Table 4-1 (using the discretionary Character Points granted in Step 1). With your GM’s permission, you may design your own racial package and pay the appropriate cost out of your starting Character Points. Included herein is a Character Point break down of the races found in the PHB, as well as for an artificial construct (such as the Giant Robot class). Racial Cost Determination When the special abilities were being assigned Points, each talent was examined closely. If the ability had a direct comparison to an Attribute in Anime d20, that value was used (for example, 4 Skill Points are worth 1 Point; acute vision is worth 1 Point; +1 to a Will save is worth 1 Point; etc.). Other abilities were modified depending on whether it was applicable in a wide variety of situations, or only useful in limited circumstances. Occasionally, an ability was valued at a half Point (if its utility seemed to be worth less than a full Point), and sometimes the final total was rounded appropriately. The Game Master may alter the Point cost assigned to each race as desired. See the PHB for more information about racial abilities. In Anime d20, the default race for a character is human (normally worth 6 Character Points). Consequently, the final number of Character Points assigned to a race equals the calculated value minus 6. This adjustment means being a human is “free;” no Points must be assigned for this race. Other races are adjusted accordingly. As a result, half-orc characters have 5 Character Points return to them to compensate for their lack of abilities (when compared to humans and other races Table 4-1: Race Costs Artificial Construct


Point Cost

Base movement


No Constitution


Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stun


Immune to disease, death, necromantic effects


Cannot heal (must be repaired)


Not subject to critical hits or subdual damage


Not subject to Ability damage, Ability drain, or energy drain


Automatic Fortitude saves unless effect can target objects


Total Value


Final Cost

4 Point Cost

Slow movement


+2 Constitution


-2 Charisma






+2 save vs. poison


+2 save vs. spells


+1 attack vs. orcs/goblinoids


+4 dodge defence vs. giants


+2 Appraise Skill checks


+2 Craft Skill checks


Total Value


Final Cost



Point Cost Base movement


+2 Dexterity


-2 Constitution


Immunity to magical sleep spells


+2 save vs. enchantment


Low-light vision


+2 Listen, Search, and Spot Skill checks


Detect secret doors


Total Value


Final Cost



Point Cost Base movement


+2 Constitution


-2 Strength


Low-light vision


+2 save vs. illusions


+1 attack vs. kobolds/goblinoids


+4 dodge defence vs. giants


+2 Listen Skill checks


+2 Alchemy Skill checks


Free 0th Level spells (cantrips)


Total Value


Final Cost



Point Cost

Base movement


Immunity to sleep


+2 save vs. enchantment


Low-light vision


+1 Listen, Search, and Spot Skill checks


Elven blood


Any favoured class (when multiclassing)


Total Value


Final Cost



Point Cost

Base movement


+2 Strength


-2 Intelligence


-2 Charisma




Orc blood


Total Value


Final Cost



Point Cost

Base movement


+2 Dexterity


-2 Strength


+2 Climb, Jump, and Move Silently Skill checks


+1 all saving throws


+2 save vs. fear


+1 attack with thrown weapons


+2 Listen Skill checks


Total Value


Final Cost



Point Cost

Base movement


+1 Feat at 1st Level


+4 Skill Points at 1st Level


+1 Skill Point each Level


Any favoured class (when multiclassing)


Total Value


Final Cost


Chapter 5: Classes Step 5: Select Class A class is an archetype that helps you define the baseline capabilities of your character, a template from which you build your anime hero. It is also a label of convenience that tells the Game Master and other players your character’s strengths and abilities (the class name) as well as his or her rank of achievement (the class Level). Each class presents its own progression chart that indicates what new Skills, abilities, Feats, Attributes, and bonus Character Points your character gains as he or she advances in Level. Players should select a class (or possibly classes, if starting at higher than 1st Level) for their characters as outlined in the PHB. Table 5-1: Anime d20 Classes Adventurer

Magical Girl


Dynamic Sorcerer

Martial Artist

Sentai Member

Giant Robot

Mecha Pilot


Gun Bunny



Hot Rod

Pet Monster Trainer

Tech Genius

The Multiclass Character As your character acquires experience and advances in Level (or if your character starts above 1st Level), he or she may choose to gain Levels in one or more new classes instead of only advancing in a single class. Adding secondary or tertiary classes gives the character different advantages, but progression in the new classes occur at the expense of advancement in the character’s other classes. For more information on the multiclass character, see the PHB. Though Anime d20 characters do not usually suffer Experience Point (XP) penalties for multiclassing, the Game Master may decide otherwise. Level Bonuses All classes gain various character bonuses at each Level, the exact type and when depends on the specific class. The bonuses granted to each class are presented in a chart in their respective sections. Base Save Bonus The two numbers listed under Base Save Bonus in Table 5-2 are added to your character’s saving throws — Fortitude (Fort) Save, Reflex (Ref) Save, and Willpower (Will) Save. To determine whether the lower or higher bonus applies to each specific saving throw, see the appropriate class progression chart for your character. These bonuses are cumulative for multiclass characters. Base Attack Bonus

When attacking in combat, your character adds his or her Base Attack Bonus to the attack check. The bonus associated with each class is listed in Table 5-2. The first number reflects the bonus applied to the character’s first attack, and any additional attacks provided by the Extra Attacks Attribute. Numbers after the slash indicate additional attacks at reduced bonuses. For example, “+15/+10/+5” means the character has three attacks each round: the first at a +15 bonus, the second at a +10 bonus, and the third at a +5 bonus. The first Base Attack Bonus is cumulative for multiclass characters, which will determine how many additional attacks the character can make and their bonuses. Additional attacks are gained once the character’s lowest Base Attack Bonus reaches +6, +11, or +16; an additional attack is then gained at a +1. For example, a 12th Level Samurai/8th Level Giant Robot has individual Base Attack Bonuses of +12/+7/+2 and +6/+1. The character’s combined first bonus equals +18 (12 + 6 = 18). Consequently, the character’s combined Base Attack Bonus is +18/+13/+8/+3. Gaining Attribute Ranks When an Attribute is listed in the Special section of each specific class progression chart, your character gains a Rank in that Attribute upon achieving that class Level. If the character already possesses one or more Ranks in that Attribute, his or her Rank is increased by one. If the Attribute is new for the character, he or she gains the Attribute at Rank 1. You can determine specific details regarding the Attribute with GM approval. For example, if your character gains the Special Attack Attribute, you should add Attack Abilities and Disabilities as appropriate for your character, and then discuss your ideas with your Game Master. With the Game Master’s approval, any Attribute Ranks gained through Level progression can be exchanged for a number of Character Points equivalent to the cost of the Attribute through the Incomplete Training Defect. Unless specified otherwise, abilities listed in the Special section refer to Attributes. Character Point Bonuses When Character Points are listed as a Level progression Special bonus, you can spend them to: increase Ability Scores, increase Attribute Ranks, obtain new Attributes, add new Feats, acquire new or raise existing Skills (through the Highly Skilled Attribute), or eliminate current Defects. The Character Point cost for these modifications is the same as it is during character creation. If you prefer, Character Points can be saved for future allocation (with GM permission). Level Benefits See Table 5-3: Level-Dependent Benefits and the PHB for information regarding Level advancement. Maximum Skill Ranks (Optional) The maximum number of Skill Ranks your character can have in a class Skill, if your Game Master uses this optional rule, is equal to his or her character Level + 3. For cross-class Skills, the maximum is one-half the maximum for a class Skill. Class and cross-class Skills are listed with the descriptions for each class. Feats

In addition to specific class benefits, your character gain one Feat at 1st Level (two if he or she is a human) and an additional Feat at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th character (not class) Level, as listed in Table 5-3. Ability Score Increase At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th character (not class) Level, your character increases one of his or her Ability Scores (your choice which Ability) by one Point. Table 5-2: Base Attack Bonuses Giant Robot Hot Rod Magical Girl


Mecha Pilot

Dynamic Sorcerer


Gun Bunny


Pet Monster Trainer



Martial Artist

Sentai Member






Tech Genius





































































































Table 5-3: Level-Dependent Benefits Maximum Skill Maximum Skill Character


Ranks (Optional) Ranks (Optional)

Ability Feats































































































































Beyond 20th Level Once a character reaches 20th Level, advancing beyond is handled a little differently. While the XP needed to achieve higher Levels follows a logical progression [XP needed for Level Y = (Level Y-1) x 1,000], the character no longer receives anything automatically at reaching a higher Level: no Base Attack Bonus increase, no save increase, no extra Hit Points, no additional

Skills, etc. Instead, the character gains +10 Character Points at each new Level, which can be used to acquire Attributes, Feats, and Ability Scores the character desires. Class Descriptions Anime d20 presents 15 new character classes appropriate for a wide range of anime adventures. The classes are presented in alphabetical order, and outline important information you need to better understand the nature and game mechanics of the class. Alternatively, you may select a class from the PHB for your character (with GM approval). Details on how Anime d20 converts the standard fantasy classes to a point-based system are presented at the end of this chapter. Adventurer Abandoned ruins, secured locations, and tales of lost or hard-to-get treasure are like a siren’s call for the Adventurer, whose penchant for getting into trouble gives him or her endless opportunities to develop potential that would otherwise remain untapped. Adventurers are a varied lot, as likely to find themselves exchanging witticisms in a social gathering as they are to swing from a dangling chain in a crumbling tomb. Depending on their personal preferences, they can specialise in particular areas, but one thing will always remain true: wherever they are, they can expect to run into trouble ... even if they are not actively seeking it out. Characteristics Adventurers are flexibility personified. With no particular feature to distinguish them, they have the freedom to become whatever they want to be. They are not particularly strong or innately talented, but they make up for it with dedication and courage. They can learn any trade they want and become increasingly better at it as they grow in experience. During their adventures, they discover many things about themselves and can awaken abilities that lay dormant until then, surprising friends and foes alike with each new development. They have few limits except those that they set for themselves. Other Classes The adaptability that characterises an Adventurer helps him or her get along well with almost everybody, although this does not exempt personality clashes and romantic rivalries with other people without regard to their callings. Their insatiable thirst for excitement brings them closer to Hot Rods and Gun Bunnies. Sentai Members and Magical Girls are natural trouble magnets and “trouble” may be the Adventurer’s presence itself. They have no particular relationship with Giant Robots, Tech Geniuses, or Dynamic Sorcerers, but their oddities attract an Adventurer’s curiosity. They adapt easily to the rest of the classes if they have a common interest, complicating each other’s existence just by being close. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Adventurer uses d4 Hit Dice. Any Ability can be useful to the Adventurer — the “classless” class of Anime d20. The most important Ability depends on the character concept. Class Skills and Skill Points All non-combat Skills are class Skills for the Adventurer.

• Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Special Note The power level of an Adventurer is lower than that for all other classes (6% fewer Character Points over 20 Levels), but the Adventurer’s unrestricted gain of 5 Character Points each Level provides the greatest degree of flexibility. Consequently, the Adventurer class balances well with other classes. Table 5-4: Adventurer Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points

Dynamic Sorcerer

Magic is a very real force and there is no one better to prove it than the Dynamic Sorcerer. A being of power incarnate, the Dynamic Sorcerer knows how to harness the hidden energies that move the world and shape them into whatever form he or she desires. Such mystical knowledge can come from a variety of sources, whether wrenched from the secrets of an ancient civilisation, inherited from an occult tradition, or granted by powerful entities. Sometimes, the Dynamic Sorcerer may not even be human, but an otherworldly being whose very nature allows it to use magic at will. Characteristics The main feature that distinguishes Dynamic Sorcerers from other people is their ability to use magic. This power develops slowly over time, manifesting in the spells they can cast and in the deepening of their understanding. The Dynamic Sorcerer’s stores of energy also expand to fuel his or her increasing mystical might. The path of magic requires that the sorcerer be knowledgeable in order to understand what he or she is doing and, more importantly, how. Magic offers insight as well, and Dynamic Sorcerers grow as people at the same time that they grow in power. Other Classes Dynamic Sorcerers feel more comfortable with other classes that have a relationship with the occult, such as Magical Girls, Shapechangers, and some Pet Monster Trainers. Martial Artists and Ninja, with their limited command of mystical forces, sometimes associate cautiously with these magicians. Dynamic Sorcerers feel out of place when dealing with a Tech Genius or Giant Robot and try to keep their distance from them, as they do with the violent approach of Hot Rods, Gun Bunnies, Mecha Pilots, and Sentai Members. Samurai distrust the Dynamic Sorcerers unless their power comes from a traditional source, while Students and Adventurers feel the pull of the sorcerer’s enigmatic nature. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Dynamic Sorcerer uses d4 Hit Dice. At first Level, the Dynamic Sorcerer must choose one of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. This choice will determine the Ability used to determine how powerful his or her spells are. To cast a spell, the Dynamic Sorcerer must have their chosen Ability Score equal to or greater than 10 + the spell’s Level. The Difficulty Class of a saving throw against a Dynamic Sorcerer’s spell is 10 + the spell’s Level + the modifier for the Dynamic Sorcerer’s chosen Ability. Both a high Dexterity and a high Constitution are useful to a Dynamic Sorcerer since he or she lacks heavy combat abilities and Hit Points. Class Skills and Skill Points The Dynamic Sorcerer’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge: Arcane (Int), Knowledge: Foreign Culture (Int), Knowledge: Occult (Int), Knowledge: Religion (Int), Knowledge: Streetwise (Int), Profession (Int), Research (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis), and Special Ranged Attack. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier

Table 5-5: Dynamic Sorcerer Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points, Energy Bonus +1






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points, Energy Bonus +1






Dynamic Sorcery +1






+2 Character Points

Giant Robot An observer should not be fooled by the unchanging expression of the Giant Robot’s electronic eyes, because there is surely something deep going on behind them. Giant Robots are the last step in technological evolution, scientific wonders that astound everyone by their lifelike movements and, above all, their free will. Giant Robots range in temperament from the angstridden soul-searchers and psychopathic war machines to the naïve innocents and the stalwart protectors ... just like other beings, but with rocket thrusters and deadly weapons. A Giant Robot is certainly more than meets the eye. Characteristics Despite appearances, Giant Robots are not really alive; they are machines that do not get sick, do not need food, and do not even need to breathe. As machines, they have certain

advantages over living organisms: they can customise their bodies. Under thick metal armour, Giant Robots can hide all sorts of equipment and can keep adding and changing parts as desired. Further tinkering gives them the power to fly, adds even tougher armour, increases their size, and gives them the power to destroy buildings ... and their opponents. Other Classes A Tech Genius is the Giant Robot’s best friend, with the Sentai Member the most trusted companion. Mecha Pilots relate strangely with Giant Robots, mostly because they keep looking for the cockpit. There are tales of Giant Robots that can interface with the mystical forces of Dynamic Sorcerers and Magical Girls, but such models are extremely rare. Martial Artists, Samurai, and Ninja do not hold mechanical power in high esteem, and Pet Monster Trainers, Hot Rods, and Gun Bunnies prefer their own “mascots.” Students and Adventurers regularly befriend Giant Robots. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Giant Robot uses d10 Hit Dice Dexterity is important to a Giant Robot because of its lack of Constitution. Avoiding attacks means damage will make it through the Armour less frequently. Strength is important for any Giant Robot engaging in melee combat and a high Intelligence will help with its Skills. A Giant Robot must acquire the Construct race (costs 4 Character Points) to represent its mechanical body. Class Skills and Skill Points The Giant Robot’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Computer Use (Int), Drive (Int or Dex), Knowledge: Electronics (Int), Knowledge: Mechanics (Int), Knowledge: Military Sciences (Int), Knowledge: Police Sciences (Int), Powerlifting (Str), Repair (Int), Speak Languages (Int), Heavy Weapons, Melee Attack, Special Ranged Attack, and Unarmed Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 2 + Int modifier Table 5-6: Giant Robot Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Features +1






Armour +1






+2 Character Points






Flight +1






+3 Character Points






Massive Damage +1






Armour +1, Features +1






+2 Character Points






Flight +1






Size Change (Growth) +1






Features +1, Flight +1






Armour +1






+2 Character Points






Massive Damage +1






+3 Character Points






Features +1






Armour +1






Flight +1






+2 Character Points






+4 Character Points

Gun Bunny The smell of smoking gunpowder is the perfect drug for a Gun Bunny — male or female. Those who walk technology’s razor edge will prefer burning ozone, but the effect is the same. Gun Bunnies are all about their personal weapons, sharp-shooting, and blasting their way through any obstacle. Although many people see the Gun Bunny as a crazed force of destruction, there are as many cool, silent, and dark strangers as there are trigger-happy psychos. Snipers, law enforcement, outlaws, bounty hunters (and bounty hunted) are amongst the most common careers for the Gun Bunnies, where their talent is appreciated and they can get easy permit to carry their beloved guns. Characteristics When a Gun Bunny enters combat, he or she enters it with style. Gun Bunnies’ reflexes and cool hands are almost superhuman and they can draw a gun at an opponent’s head before anyone can blink. As they become better, they learn to carry more weapons than physically possible, not to mention the variety of trick shots they master, such as shooting with their eyes closed and doing the damage of a mortar shell with a simple submachine gun. People think that there must be a higher power looking out for the Gun Bunny for all the gunfights he or she walks away from. Other Classes Hot Rods give wheels to Gun Bunnies’ firepower. A Gun Bunny grins with glee when facing the challenge of a Giant Robot, and scoffs at the antiquated (and in their opinion, obsolete) fighting styles of Martial Artists, Samurai, and Ninja. They like Mecha Pilots if only because they are good bragging buddies. To their eyes, a Tech Genius is the techie version of a Dynamic Sorcerer — both nerds that rely on huge power sources to do their thing. Pet Monster Trainers

fall under the same wimpy category along with Students. Sentai Members and Adventurers can gain the Gun Bunny’s friendship and respect with their deeds, not their words. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Gun Bunny uses d8 Hit Dice. Dexterity is the most important Ability for a Gun Bunny. Most combat is ranged, and a Gun Bunny is more focused on avoiding damage than enduring it. Strength and Constitution are also important since a Gun Bunny does engage in many battles. Finally, a high Charisma is useful as well; several vital class Skills depend on it. Class Skills and Skill Points The Gun Bunny’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Demolitions (Int), Gamble (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Police Sciences (Int), Listen (Wis), Powerlifting (Str), Read Lips (Int), Seduction (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Languages (Int), Sports (Str, Dex, or Con), Spot (Wis), Archery, Gun Combat, and Ranged Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Table 5-7: Gun Bunny Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Improved Initiative Feat






Divine Relationship +1






Massive Damage +1






Blind-Shoot Feat






Portable Armoury Feat






Weapons Encyclopaedia Feat






Divine Relationship +1






Judge Opponent Feat, Massive Damage +1






+2 Character Points






Defensive Combat Mastery +1






+2 Character Points






Steady Hand Feat






Divine Relationship +1, Massive Damage +1






Defensive Combat Mastery +1






+2 Character Points, Accuracy Feat

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10



Two-Weapon Fighting Feat

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10



Divine Relationship +1

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11



Massive Damage +1

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11



Defensive Combat Mastery +1

20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12



+2 Character Points, Improved Initiative Feat

Hot Rod Hot Rods feel the need — the need for speed. Leading as fast a life as they can, they live with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the clutch (no self-respecting Hot Rod will drive an automatic!). Cocky and self-assured, Hot Rods have a certain magnetism that they carry with them even when they get out of their cars and off their motorcycles. They are damn proud of their vehicle and will do anything to make sure it is always in top condition, going so far as to risk their lives for a part they want or mouthing off to the fool who dares to sit on the chromed bumper. Characteristics The telltale sign of a Hot Rod is his or her set of wheels; it is a badge of honour, a trusted friend, and a symbol of freedom. Not content to just drive it, the Hot Rod has enough mechanical skills to fix and enhance it. Since top-notch parts cost money, however, the Hot Rod often develops ties with an organisation that funds his expenses or gives him work to pay for them. Their natural charisma attracts followers in the form of pit crews, gear heads, co-pilots, and navigators. They can keep their cool under the most harrowing circumstances, never losing their grip on the wheel and the stick shift. Other Classes Hot Rods and Mecha Pilots have a lot in common and therefore share a friendly rivalry. They understand the spiritual connection of the Samurai with their katana, as well as the Gun Bunnies’ attachment to their guns. Magical Girls, Pet Monster Trainers, and Sentai Members are targets to be run over more often than they are friends. Martial Artists and Ninja get grouped under the “crazy kung-fu” banner, but Hot Rods can respect their fighting prowess. A Tech Genius is a highly useful mechanic by his or her standards, while Students and Adventurers make for good flunkies. Dynamic Sorcerers and Giant Robots are two questions that a Hot Rod prefers to leave unanswered. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Hot Rod uses d8 Hit Dice. Intelligence and Dexterity are the two key Abilities for a Hot Rod. Dexterity helps with his or her reflexes and agility and Intelligence helps with Skills and Attributes. Charisma is also important, since many activities of this class involve social situations. Class Skills and Skill Points The Hot Rod’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Bluff (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Int or Dex), Gamble (Wis), Investigate (Int), Knowledge: Area (Int), Knowledge:

Mechanics (Int), Knowledge: Police Sciences (Int), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Int or Dex), Read Lips (Int), Repair (Int), Ride (Dex), Seduction (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis), Gun Combat, Melee Attack, Unarmed Attack, and Unarmed Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Table 5-8: Hot Rod Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Personal Gear (Car) +1






Mechanical Genius +1






Flunkies +1, Item of Power (Car-related) +1






Organisational Ties +1, Personal Gear (Car) +1






+5 Character Points, Divine Relationship +1






Steady Hand Feat






Personal Gear (Car) +1






Aura of Command +1, Wealth +1






Item of Power (Car-related) +1






+5 Character Points, Personal Gear (Car) +1






Flunkies +1, Organisational Ties +1






Mechanical Genius +1






Personal Gear (Car) +1






Improved Initiative Feat, Item of Power (Car-related) +1






+3 Character Points, Divine Relationship +1






Aura of Command +1, Personal Gear (Car) +1






Defensive Combat Mastery +1, Wealth +1






Flunkies +1, Organisational Ties +1






Defensive Combat Mastery +1






+5 Character Points, Divine Relationship +1

Magical Girl

The forces of light sometimes choose the least likely candidate to be their defender. Enter the Magical Girl (or Magical Guy) — once a normal person with normal worries like snagging a boyfriend (or girlfriend, as the case may be), preparing for exams, or just eating the right food. With the appearance of a strange little creature, however, everything changed. Now wielding a strange artefact that grants weird and wonderful powers, the Magical Girl is charged with protecting friends, family, and often the rest of humanity. Oddly enough, nobody seems to recognise her (or him) under the costume. Characteristics All Magical Girls have mentor friends, creatures that guide and advise them about their new role as protectors. The mentors try to teach them about magical powers as well, often with mixed results. Depending on the source of their powers, Magical Girls display special attacks that varies greatly for each individual, usually linked to a relic or special tool that unlocked their magical abilities. Battling against monsters much uglier than their worst nightmare, Magical Girls learn to jump very high, and with time to even fly as they learn new special attacks and unlock more power from their Items of Power. Other Classes Pet Monster Trainers understand Magical Girls’ plights with their servant/mentor and the two get along well. Dynamic Sorcerers are also good companions, since they usually share the same goals and methods. Students and Adventurers will often be objects of the Magical Girls’ affection or trusted allies. They admire the abilities of the Martial Artists, Samurai, and Ninja and wish they could fight just as well. They tend to dislike Hot Rods and Gun Bunnies, although they too, can become a romantic focus for a Magical Girl. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Magical Girl uses d8 Hit Dice A Magical Girl usually has a high Dexterity; she does not typically wear armour preferring to use a variety of flips and tumbles during combat. Wisdom is also important since the Magical Girl is usually on a path of higher understanding. A Magical Girl will often have a higher-thanaverage Charisma as well. Class Skills and Skill Points The Magical Girl’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Balance (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Arcane (Int), Knowledge: Cultural Arts (Int), Knowledge: Occult (Int), Perform (Cha), Power Usage (Varies), Profession (Int), Speak Languages (Int), Sports (Str, Dex, or Con), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Archery, Ranged Defence, Special Ranged Attack, and Thrown Weapons. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 2 + Int modifier Table 5-9: Magical Girl Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Servant +4






Special Attack +1






Item of Power +1






Jumping +1, Rejuvenation +1






+2 Character Points, Flight +1






Item of Power +1






Special Attack +1






+1 Character Point, Rejuvenation +1






Item of Power +1






+2 Character Points






Flight +1






Special Attack +1






Item of Power +1






+1 Character Point, Rejuvenation +1






+3 Character Points, Item of Power +1






Flight +1






Special Attack +1






Item of Power +1






Special Attack +1






+3 Character Points, Rejuvenation +1

Martial Artist The idea that one’s own body is the best weapon is central to the martial artist’s philosophy — they make a very convincing argument when they break a wall with their bare fists. Products of rigorous training and discipline, Martial Artists are masters of unarmed combat, achieving with punches and kicks what others need weapons to do, and they are much flashier. A Martial Artist is protective of his abilities, treasuring his or her master’s teachings and upholding the honour of their fighting school against any opponent, particularly against other Martial Artists. Characteristics Martial Artists do not need a weapon to inflict grievous bodily harm on their enemies. The best Martial Artists can even punch holes through armour. Coupled with such talent for hurting, Martial Artists also learn to avoid being hurt either by deflecting attacks or simply by not being there. As they become skilled at harnessing their inner energies, they acquire special attacks that can strike foes at a distance, suck the breath out of opponents, ignite flammable materials, and

other effects that border on the magical. Their mystical awareness also allows them to fight under the most adverse conditions. Other Classes Although Martial Artists respect a Samurai’s discipline and a Ninja’s prowess, they still see their methods as inferior. Gun Bunnies, Hot Rods, Mecha Pilots, and Tech Geniuses are beneath their notice, since they abuse tools and ignore their inner strength. Pet Monster Trainers are similar in this regard. They see an echo of their pursuit for perfection in the Magical Girl’s and Dynamic Sorcerer’s struggle to master their powers. Adventurers are somewhat of an annoyance, while Students and Shapechangers are either allies to be protected or bullies and monsters to be defeated. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Martial Artist uses d10 Hit Dice. A pairing of high Abilities is important for a Martial Artist: at least one physical (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) and one social (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). The Martial Artist is a combatant that endeavours to balance him or herself both spiritually and physically. Class Skills and Skill Points The Martial Artist’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Controlled Breathing (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Cultural Arts (Int), Knowledge: Occult (Int), Listen (Wis), Medical (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex). Melee Attack, Melee Defence, Special Ranged Attack, Unarmed Attack, and Unarmed Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 2 + Int modifier Table 5-10: Martial Artist Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Unarmed Attack Skill +2, Unarmed Defence Skill +2






Massive Damage (Unarmed Strikes) +1






Improved Initiative Feat






Judge Opponent Feat






Speed +1






Special Attack +1






Massive Damage (Unarmed Strikes) +1






Defence Combat Mastery +1






Special Attack +1






Improved Initiative Feat






+2 Character Points






Speed +1






Massive Damage (Unarmed Strikes) +1






Special Attack +1






Blind-Fight Feat

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10



+2 Character Points

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10



Special Attack +1

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11



+2 Character Points

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11



Massive Damage (Unarmed Strikes) +1

20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12



+1 Character Point, Defence Combat Mastery +1

Mecha Pilot The field of battle looks very different when commanding a large, powerful war machine. Mecha Pilots know that they are the elite of any army, even if they stumbled upon their mecha by accident or they were saddled with the responsibility to pilot it. The Mecha Pilot’s life is marked by growth both as a warrior and a person, learning the controls of his or her great machine at the same time that they try to understand the basics of human behaviour. Although the mecha gives meaning to the Mecha Pilot’s existence, he or she must learn that real life starts once they leave their cockpits. Characteristics The mecha dominates the Mecha Pilot’s life. They can own more equipment depending on their affiliations, but eventually they return to their great machine. They have a skill that precious few people have, and they develop an aura of mystique even if they hate themselves for it. Paramount to the mecha’s maintenance is the Mecha Pilot’s dependency on an organisation, which is often a country’s or planet’s military, but might even be a private concern bent on protecting the planet from outside threats. Other Classes Hot Rods and Mecha Pilots engage in friendly rivalries over their respective vehicles, and Sentai Members will often have mecha of their own. Giant Robots are a big and attractive enigma to the Mecha Pilot, and they make friends with Tech Geniuses in order to get improvements to their machine. Since they may have been Students earlier in their lives, Mecha Pilots have many friends amongst them and may know one or two Magical Girls without even realising it. Shapechangers and Dynamic Sorcerers belong to an unexplainable world, and Martial Artists, Samurai, and Ninja to a bygone era. Hit Dice and Ability Scores

The Mecha Pilot uses d8 Hit Dice. A high Dexterity is essential for a Mecha Pilot since many Skills are derived from manual dexterity and reaction speed. A high Charisma and Intelligence are also important; the Mecha Pilots must make informed decisions and rally the troops to carry on the good fight. Class Skills and Skill Points The Mecha Pilot’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Computer Use (Int), Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex or Int), Knowledge: Electronics (Int), Knowledge: Law (Int), Knowledge: Mechanics (Int), Knowledge: Military Sciences (Int), Knowledge: Police Sciences (Int), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex or Int), Repair (Int), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis), Heavy Weapons, Ranged Defence, and Special Ranged Attack. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Table 5-11: Mecha Pilot Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Own a Big Mecha +1






Personal Gear +1






Aura of Command +1






Own a Big Mecha +1






Organisational Ties +1






Aura of Command +1






+2 Character Points






Own a Big Mecha +1






Aura of Command +1






Organisational Ties +1






+2 Character Points






Own a Big Mecha +1






+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points






Aura of Command +1, Organisational Ties +1






Own a Big Mecha +1






+2 Character Points






Organisational Ties +1






Aura of Command +1






+2 Character Points, Own a Big Mecha +1

Ninja Wrapped in mystery and shadow, Ninja have haunted the sleep of the powerful for centuries. Heirs to an ancestral tradition, the Ninja know a great variety of mystical secrets and guard them with great zeal from outsiders. The veil of secrecy they foster makes ordinary people believe them to be legends, and they would not have it any other way. A fearful reality clothed in myth, Ninja fight for many purposes; some are ruthless assassins for hire while, at the other extreme, they can also be like knights-errant, serving justice against tyrants, striking from anonymity. Characteristics As masters of the shadow arts, Ninja learn various techniques dealing with agility and stealth. With practice, they can become as light as air and just as fast, capable of jumping to great heights, balancing on impossibly narrow surfaces, and always landing on their feet. They eventually learn to bend shadows and silence around them by sheer force of will, giving rise to the many legends about their powers. A vast array of exotic weaponry is another of their trademarks, along with the ability to disappear. A Ninja’s awareness does not stop with enhanced senses, but extend to mystical forces and even to the spirit world. Other Classes Ninja do not often associate with other classes except by necessity or by virtue of their normal lives. Their respect for Samurai and Martial Artists tends to be one-sided, and they enjoy besting Gun Bunnies in trickery vs. firepower combats. They share the Dynamic Sorcerer’s interest in the mystical arts and the Shapechanger’s aura of mystery. Some Ninja can be a close ally with a Magical Girl or a Sentai Member, but prefer to maintain a distance from the technological focus of Mecha Pilots, Giant Robots, Hot Rods, and Tech Geniuses. Students, Adventurers, and Pet Monster Trainers are treated on a case-by-case basis. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Ninja uses d8 Hit Dice. Dexterity is the key for a Ninja. This nimble and fast assassin needs agility for acrobatics and stealth. Wisdom and Intelligence are also important since it is important to know when and how to strike at an opponent. Class Skills and Skill Points The Ninja’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Controlled Breathing (Con), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Area (Int), Knowledge: Architecture (Int), Knowledge: Occult (Int), Knowledge: Streetwise (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Poisons (Int), Read Lips (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis),

Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex), Wilderness Lore (Wis), Wilderness Tracking (Int or Wis), Archery, Melee Attack, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed Attack, and Unarmed Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Special Note Ninja may only use the Teleport Attribute at the maximum safe distance. Table 5-12: Ninja Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Jumping +1, Personal Gear +1






Improved Initiative Feat






Heightened Senses (Hearing) +1, Sneak Attack Feat






Special Movement (Light-Footed) +1






+4 Character Points, Personal Gear +1






Jumping +1






Teleport +1, Sixth Sense (Sense Ki-Energy) +1






Sneak Attack Feat, Environmental Control (Darkness)






Speed +1, Heightened Sense (Sight) +1






+3 Character Points, Improved Initiative Feat






Jumping +1, Blind-Fight Feat






Defensive Combat Mastery, Special Movement (Balance)






Sneak Attack Feat






Sixth Sense (Sense Spirits) +1, Teleport +1






+2 Character Points, Environmental Control (Silence) +1






Jumping +1, Special Movement (Cat-Like) +1






Invisibility +1, Defensive Combat Mastery +1






Speed +1, Sneak Attack Feat






Heightened Senses (Smell) +1






+2 Character Points, Special Movement (Wall-Crawling) +1

Pet Monster Trainer Born of magic, technology, or simply part of the natural order of things, there are monsters roaming around. Some of them can be disgustingly cute and docile even if they can unleash fire from their eyes and shoot bolts of lightning from their ... tails. Pet Monster Trainers take it upon themselves to tame these creatures and use their potentially deadly natural weapons towards some particular goal — perhaps as silly as gladiatorial badge collecting. A few Pet Monster Trainers organise tournaments to see who can work better with their pet and cultivate its innate abilities. Others prefer to pursue personal gain, but are opposed by the rest who wish to defend their friends. Characteristics Pet Monster Trainers gain a powerful ally in the form of their monster, befriending it readily and learning about its abilities, which they develop through training, exercise, and fights against other monsters or even other kinds of opponents. The bond between master and pet monster is so strong that the Pet Monster Trainer perceives his or her monster’s thoughts, increasing their coordination and teamwork. As part of a fighting ring, the Pet Monster Trainer gains a measure of wealth that he uses to treat both him or herself and the pet too. Other Classes Pet Monster Trainers get along with Magical Girls, but sometimes wonder why their own monster keeps all the power to itself. If the pet monster is a product of science or technology, the Pet Monster Trainer will befriend Tech Geniuses and Giant Robots but, if it is a magical creature, then his or her attention shifts to Dynamic Sorcerers and Shapechangers. They keep many Student and Adventurer friends, but do not move in the same circles as Hot Rods, Gun Bunnies, and Mecha Pilots to form an opinion. Trainers often avoid the snobbish Samurai, Martial Artists, and Ninja. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Pet Monster Trainer uses d4 Hit Dice. A Pet Monster Trainer must be aware and empathic in order to raise and care for their pets, and thus Intelligence and Wisdom are key Abilities. Charisma can also be useful to exude a calming influence on nearby people and animals. Class Skills and Skill Points The Pet Monster Trainer’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Disable Device (Int), Gamble (Wis), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge: Biological Sciences (Int), Knowledge: Nature) (Int), Medical (Wis), and Speak Languages (Int). • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier

Table 5-13: Pet Monster Trainer Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Pet Monster +1, Animal Friendship +1






+3 Character Points, Train a Cute Monster +1






Pet Monster +1






+3 Character Points






Pet Monster +1, Train a Cute Monster +1






Animal Friendship +1, Telepathy (With Pet Monster) +1






Pet Monster +1






+3 Character Points, Train a Cute Monster +1






Pet Monster +1






+3 Character Points, Animal Friendship +1






Pet Monster +1, Train a Cute Monster +1






Telepathy (With Pet Monster) +1






Pet Monster +1






+4 Character Points, Train a Cute Monster +1






Pet Monster +1, Wealth +1






+4 Character Points, Animal Friendship +1






Pet Monster +1, Train a Cute Monster +1






+4 Character Points, Telepathy (With Pet Monster) +1






Pet Monster +1






+5 Character Points, Train a Cute Monster +1

Samurai The code of Bushido demands that the Samurai hold him or herself to the ideals of Justice, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Veracity, Honour, and Loyalty. They are virtuous warriors that seek perfection at the edge of their blades, tempering their spirits in the heat of combat and

honing their values at the same time that they sharpen their swords. They enter combat with aplomb and deadly calm, hesitating to unsheathe their katana because once they do, they are honour-bound to finish a battle for good or ill. The most experienced Samurai can infuse their souls into their weapons and cut through steel and stone as if they were paper. Characteristics Walking the Way of the Sword bestows upon the Samurai a great power and responsibility. They can strike like lightning and move like a hurricane, sometimes cutting down their enemies in a single stroke. Despite their tremendous skill, Samurai are careful to take an opponent’s measure before engaging in combat, cutting off any escape with their speed and agility. They feel the flow of combat in their veins and gain a superhuman awareness of their surroundings to the point that they can fight without seeing. Wielding a katana in one hand, a wakizashi in the other, and their strong personality at the fore, Samurai are a perfect match for almost anything. Other Classes Valuing honour and discipline, Samurai feel a kinship with Martial Artists. Dynamic Sorcerers and Pet Monster Trainers are seen as cheaters who use outside forces to serve them. They wait to see a Shapechanger’s deeds before passing judgement, but are held in as much distrust as the loathed Ninja. They recognise the mission of Magical Girls and Sentai Members and see Gun Bunnies and Hot Rods as modern reflections of their own bond with their weapons. They have no particular attitude towards Mecha Pilots, Giant Robots, and Tech Geniuses, and judge Students and Adventurers by their potential. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Samurai uses d10 Hit Dice. A Samurai is very physical, with a high Strength and often higher Constitution. A Samurai also refines him or herself culturally, reflected by his or her respectable Wisdom and Charisma Scores. Class Skills and Skill Points The Samurai’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Controlled Breathing (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge: Cultural Arts (Int), Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge: Foreign Culture (Int), Knowledge: Religion (Int), Knowledge: Social Sciences (Int), Knowledge: Streetwise (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Wilderness Tracking (Int or Wis), Archery, Melee Attack, and Melee Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Table 5-14: Samurai Base




Level Attack Bonus Save








Special Improved Initiative Feat






Personal Gear +1, Speed +1






+2 Character Points






Judge Opponent Feat






+3 Character Points, Aura of Command +1






Massive Damage (Sword) +1






Jumping +1, Leap Attack Feat






Heightened Awareness +1






+2 Character Points






Aura of Command +1, Blind-Fight Feat






Special Attack +1






Massive Damage (Sword) +1






Two-Weapon Fighting Feat






Jumping +1, Divine Relationship +1






Aura of Command +1

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5



Heightened Awareness +1

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5



+3 Character Points

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6



Massive Damage (Sword) +1

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6



Aura of Command +1

20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6



+4 Character Points

Sentai Member The Sentai Member cannot conceive fighting for truth and justice without a group of companions. Assuming the role of follower or teammate, the Sentai Member charges into combat trusting the strength of the group and using all of his or her skill and power towards the good of all. Some people believe that Sentai Members lack intelligence and need to colour-code their uniforms to tell each other apart, but Sentai Members wear their colours with pride as a mark of their own individuality, at the same time that they identify their allegiance to their team. Characteristics Sentai Members are team players to the core. When they gain their personal equipment as members of the group, they also form a bond with their companions that becomes stronger with time. A Sentai Member knows if one of his friends is in danger and can quickly arrive for a rescue. They learn their own personal attacks that can be very devastating on their own, but increase in power when combined with those of their friends. Sentai Members appear to lead a charmed life, rarely failing in any task they set for themselves. Other Classes

The Sentai Member’s sense of teamwork translates easily to any ally with whom they work, although Magical Girls and Mecha Pilots are favourites, since they too can be team players. They do not understand the lone ranger mentality of Samurai, Ninja, or Gun Bunnies, and must be restrained before they attack a Dynamic Sorcerer or a Shapechanger out of habit. They struggle to gain the respect of Martial Artists but bask in the admiration of Students. Hot Rods and Adventurers make for ideal rivals, and Tech Geniuses and Pet Monster Trainers are good friends and supporters. Giant Robots are highly prized. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Sentai Member uses d6 Hit Dice. A Sentai Member focuses on teamwork and tactics, and thus usually has a high Wisdom and Dexterity. A high Charisma is also common, reflecting his or her flamboyant attitude. Class Skills and Skill Points The Sentai Member’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Balance (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Occult (Int), Perform (Cha), Power Usage (Varies), Speak Languages (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Melee Attack, and Melee Defence. • Skill Points at 1st Level = (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 4 + Int modifier Special Note Attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are only useable when working with another character with at least one Level of Sentai Member. Close proximity is also required (the exact distance depends on the task and situation). This restriction is a Defect, which returns a total of 6 Character Points over 20 Levels (already calculated into the Level progression). Table 5-15: Sentai Member Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Sixth Sense (Danger to team members) +1, Personal Gear +1






Massive Damage* (Specific Attack) +1






Divine Relationship* +1






Combined Attack +1, Rejuvenation +1






+3 Character Points, Attack Combat Mastery* +1






Art of Distraction* +1






Telepathy (Other Sentai Members) +1






+4 Character Points, Divine Relationship* +1






Attack Combat Mastery* +1, Rejuvenation +1






+3 Character Points, Extra Attacks* +1






Combined Attack +1, Heightened Awareness* +1






Massive Damage* (Specific Attack) +1, Personal Gear +1






Attack Combat Mastery* +1, Divine Relationship* +1






Telepathy (Other Sentai Members) +1






+3 Character Points, Rejuvenation +1






+3 Character Points, Special Movement* +1






+3 Character Points, Attack Combat Mastery* +1






Combined Attack +1, Divine Relationship* +1






+3 Character Points, Rejuvenation +1






+4 Character Points

Shapechanger Form is fluid and appearances are transient. That is the lesson every Shapechanger learns upon gaining his or her powers. It is redundant to say that Shapechangers are not what they appear, but it is true in more than one way. They can be aliens, suffer from a curse, or may be inherently supernatural creatures. Unless they know and explain the source of their powers, it is nearly impossible to tell just what they are. The power to assume many forms can create great heroes or heinous villains. No enemy base, or locker room either, will ever be safe again. Characteristics The Shapechanger starts with the ability to perform only minor changes to his or her form, but it does not take long to determine the techniques of shapeshifting and learn to transform into entirely different beings. Shapechangers’ bodies are flexible by necessity, and they can stretch or compress at will to accommodate new shapes or simply to reach for the remote. Soon enough, their complete mastery over their bodies lets them heal wounds at a much faster pace and even mimic the precise appearance of another person or creature. As they grow in experience, Shapechangers can turn into more powerful forms to meet any challenge. Other Classes

Shapechangers’ knack for impersonating others can grate on everybody’s nerves but, unless they make a point of being obnoxious, Shapechangers can get along with anyone. They prefer the company of Students and Adventurers, but enjoy teasing Pet Monster Trainers and Magical Girls by turning into copies of their companions. Dynamic Sorcerers, Martial Artists, and Ninja are good allies if the Shapechanger is a supernatural creature, but Tech Geniuses, Giant Robots, and Mecha Pilots are a better choice if they are aliens. They have little contact with Hot Rods, Gun Bunnies, or Samurai. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Shapechanger uses d8 Hit Dice. As a being that mimics others constantly, Charisma is the most important Ability for a Shapechanger. Dexterity and Intelligence also help with the disguises, and escaping capture if discovered. Class Skills and Skill Points The Shapechanger’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Controlled Breathing (Con), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Cultural Arts (Int), Knowledge: Foreign Culture (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Powerlifting (Str), Seduction (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Languages (Int) and Spot (Wis). • Skill Points at 1st Level = (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 2 + Int modifier Table 5-16: Shapechanger Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Alternate Form (Cosmetic Changes) Level 0






Elasticity +1






Alternate Form (Full-Powered) +1






+1 Character Point






Regeneration +1






Alternate Form (Full-Powered) +1






+1 Character Point






Elasticity +1






Mimic (All) +1






Regeneration +1






+1 Character Point






Alternate Form (Full-Powered) +1






Elasticity +1






Regeneration +1






Mimic (All) +1






+1 Character Point






Elasticity +1






+1 Character Point






Alternate Form (Full-Powered) +1






+2 Character Points

Student Normal life is adventure enough without the need to go gallivanting after lost treasures or joining armies at the unlikely age of 14. A Student’s life is full of little challenges like weird teachers, romantic rivals, and cultural festivals. The best prospect of adventure being is school trip, but some Students hardly have such an idyllic life. The friends they make tend to get them into trouble with gangs, psychopathic fiancées, and crazy relatives, not to mention obnoxious aliens, ancient awakened demons, or erstwhile goddesses. Moreover, they must still make some time to prepare for finals and the dreaded college entrance exams. Characteristics For all their normality, Students seem surrounded by a special aura. They make friends easily and not only because of the cool uniforms and eerily attractive pleated skirts. Their utter normality seems to have the secondary effect of shielding them from all the weirdness they might encounter. Most students are insanely lucky as they dodge and duck during fights or have divine flashes of inspiration. Students can count on their friends to lend a hand, and adventures force them to learn skills they did not know they needed, such as fixing things and befriending bizarre creatures. Other Classes The rest of the classes are the bane of a Student’s dreams of a normal life. His or her friendliness has a special appeal for all of them with no particular preference. They play aspirant Mecha Pilot with equal ease as becoming Dynamic Sorcerers’ apprentices, Tech Genius’ test subjects, Magical Girls’ romantic interests, or sidekicks to Adventurers, Hot Rods, Gun Bunnies, and Giant Robots. They are valuable friends to Martial Artists, Pet Monster Trainers, and Sentai Members, and can be the moral compass to Samurai and Ninja. They are everybody’s friends, and they have the luck to live to regret it. Hit Dice and Ability Scores A Student uses d4 Hit Dice. A Student (at least a successful Student) has a high Intelligence and Dexterity, necessary to earn good grades and avoid the local bully. Class Skills and Skill Points

The Student’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Computer Use (Int), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gamble (Wis), Knowledge: Area (Int), Knowledge: Architecture (Int), Knowledge: Biological Sciences) (Int), Knowledge: Business (Int), Knowledge: Cultural Arts (Int), Knowledge: Domestic Arts (Int), Knowledge: Foreign Culture (Int), Knowledge: Law (Int), Knowledge: Nature (Int), Knowledge: Physical Sciences (Int), Knowledge: Religion (Int), Knowledge: Social Sciences (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Int), Research (Int), Speak Languages (Int), Sports (Str, Dex, or Con), and Swim (Str). • Skill Points at 1st Level = (8 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 8 + Int modifier Table 5-17: Student Base




Level Attack Bonus Save









Divine Relationship +1, Sixth Sense +1






Flunkies +1, Mind Shield +1






+3 Character Points, Art of Distraction +1, Personal Gear +1






+3 Character Points, Aura of Command +1






Animal Friendship +1, Divine Relationship +1, Flunkies +1






+5 Character Points, Organisational Ties +1






Art of Distraction +1, Personal Gear +1






+5 Character Points, Flunkies +1, Aura of Command +1






Animal Friendship +1, Divine Relationship +1






+5 Character Points, Special Movement +1






Flunkies +1, Item of Power +1






+3 Character Points, Organisational Ties +1






+4 Character Points, Divine Relationship +1






Flunkies +1, Mechanical Genius +1






+3 Character Points, Special Attack +1






+3 Character Points, Mind Shield +1






Divine Relationship +1, Flunkies +1






+4 Character Points, Organisational Ties +1






+4 Character Points, Mind Shield +1






+5 Character Points

Tech Genius There are people who enjoy the blessings of technology, but it is the Tech Genius who creates his or her own. Gifted with an innate understanding of the science behind technology, the Tech Genius can assemble the most astounding machines known to the world ... and a lot of the unknown ones, too. His or her focus on the world of machines distances a Tech Genius from others, often creating odd personality quirks. The most creative Tech Geniuses are unjustly labelled as “mad scientists” by everyone around them, but they know they can be patient. Praise will come when their next invention starts working. Characteristics There is no machine that can hide from the attentions of the Tech Genius. He or she can take anything apart and put it together better than it was before — with parts to spare! They apply their talent to one pet project after another, building amazing gizmos and gadgets for their own use. Of course, no mad scientist is complete without assistants, and every Tech Genius tends to attract them, no matter how much he or she denies being mad. Research and development is not cheap, but fortunately the Tech Genius usually has access to wealth to pay for all of his or her projects. Other Classes The Tech Genius cannot keep away from Giant Robots and may even be the creator of one. He or she also loves to tinker with the Hot Rod’s car, the Mecha Pilot’s vehicle, the Gun Bunny’s weapons, and the Student’s life. His or her relationships with others depend on how much they use gadgets, with Sentai Members and Adventurers being frequent clients, and Pet Monster Trainers and Magical Girls as protégés. They find the powers of Dynamic Sorcerers and Shapechangers utterly fascinating, possibly even being the source of that power themselves. They could improve the abilities of Martial Artists, Samurai, and Ninja if only they were allowed. Hit Dice and Ability Scores The Tech Genius uses d4 Hit Dice. The Tech Genius is knowledgeable and insightful, usually possessing a high Intelligence. Additionally, high Dexterity reflects his or her fine motor control and construction agility. Class Skills and Skill Points The Tech Genius’s class Skills (and the key Ability for each) are: Computer Use (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex or Int), Knowledge: Electronics (Int), Knowledge : Mechanics (Int), Knowledge: Physical Sciences (Int), Profession (Int), Repair (Int), Research (Int), and Speak Languages (Int). • Skill Points at 1st Level = (8 + Int Modifier) x 4 • Skill Points at Each Additional Level = 8 + Int modifier Table 5-18: Tech Genius





Level Attack Bonus Save









Mechanical Genius +1, Personal Gear +1






Flunkies +1






Computer Scanning +1






Item of Power +1, Personal Gear +1






+5 Character Points, Mechanical Genius +1






Flunkies +1, Wealth +1






Personal Gear +1






Item of Power +1, Mechanical Genius +1






Computer Scanning +1






+3 Character Points, Flunkies +1, Personal Gear +1






+3 Character Points, Mechanical Genius +1






Item of Power +1, Wealth +1






Personal Gear +1






Flunkies +1, Mechanical Genius +1






+5 Character Points, Computer Scanning +1






Item of Power +1, Personal Gear +1






Mechanical Genius +1






Flunkies +1, Wealth +1






+2 Character Points, Item of Power +1






+4 Character Points

Deconstruction of the d20 System Fantasy Classes The Anime d20 classes are ideal for a wide range of anime campaign adventures, but some players may want to use a standard d20 System fantasy class from the PHB. Unfortunately, not all the classes have balanced Level progression when compared to the Point totals for the new Anime d20 classes. The Problem Although some d20 System advocates may disagree, we do not believe that the standard fantasy classes are balanced well. In particular, the spellcasting classes are more powerful and versatile than the others. That’s not to say that a Fighter or Rogue can’t take down a Wizard of the same Level in specific circumstances. Indeed, in their respective areas of expertise, the

classes have their own unique advantages. When examining the entire range of character activity, though, spellcasters clearly have the upper hand. The Solution We needed to assign every talent, effect, and power listed in the class Level progressions a Character Point value before we could balance the classes. By comparing the class abilities with Attributes that exhibit similar effects, we could better understand the relative power levels of each class. Over 20 Levels, the more powerful classes (Wizard, Sorcerer, etc.) were on par with the new Anime d20 classes. For the other classes, additional Character Points were built into their progression to increase their breadth and depth and achieve balance. The Approach Over 20 Levels, the abilities and talents granted through the class progression charts needed to add up to 200 Character Points (+/- 2%) — the same as the new Anime d20 classes. The Points assigned to the various standard advantages (Save bonuses, Base Attack Bonuses, etc.) are listed in Table 5-19: Point Costs Assigned to d20 Classes. Unique advantages (such as Barbarian Rage, Quivering Palm, or Special Mount) are assigned an appropriate number of Points. Although the number of Character Points assigned to each class to reflect Skill knowledge is usually not affected by the character’s potential Intelligence score, Wizards are the exception. Since they are the only class with Intelligence as the primary Ability Score — and thus will usually have a high Intelligence — the number of Skill Points they gain each level more closely represents the (4 + Int modifier) progression than the (2 + Int modifier) at which they are rated. As a result, their level progression includes an additional 0.5 Character Points/Level associated with their high Intelligence bonus for Skills. Assigning Character Points proved to be an interesting exercise. The capability of casting a spell costs a base of 0.5 Points times the spell Level (0.25 Points for 0 Level spells; one-half value for all Cleric domain spells), but this is only the base cost. Since some classes have a much wider range of spells from which to choose, all casting classes needed an “accessible spells multiplication factor” to provide appropriate balance (see Table 5-20: Accessible Spells Factor for Casting Classes). This factor is equal to the number of potential of spells available to the class divided by the number available to the Wizard class — resulting in a factor between 0 and 1. To determine the total number of Character Points assigned to spellcasting ability, the base Point cost total is multiplied by the spells factor for each class. For example, Wizards can potentially access more spells than any other class, and thus were assigned a multiplication factor of 1.00. Using the Point costs from Table 5-19, Wizards have a base of 91 Points assigned to spellcasting. This base is multiplied by the factor of 1.00, to give a final Character Point total of 91 for spellcasting. Similarly, Clerics have a base of 110 Points assigned to spellcasting. This base is multiplied by the 0.62 (a Cleric’s multiplication factor) to give a final Character Points total of 68 for spellcasting. Although Sorcerers have the same potential spell access as Wizards, and thus could have the same multiplication factor of 1, Sorcerers have two aspects that set them apart from Wizards. Sorcerers do not need to prepare their spells in advance each day — a powerful advantage — and Sorcerers know far fewer spells than Wizards at each level — a severe disadvantage. Consequently, the Sorcerer’s multiplication factor of 0.85 is derived more from these two differences than the potential spell access that is considered for all other spellcasting classes.

The Result The Point-based rebuilding of the d20 System standard classes is presented in Tables 5-23 through 5-33. Although Anime d20 only presents the alternate class progression charts for the 11 classes in the PHB, GM and players can use the guidelines presented in this chapter to deconstruct and rebuild any other d20 System class or prestige class as well. For more information the special abilities for each class, consult the PHB. Table 5-19: Point Costs Assigned to d20 Classes Character Point Class Advantage


+1 to Fort, Ref, or Will Save


+1 to first Base Attack Bonus


(2 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

0.5 each Level

(4 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

1 each Level

(6 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

1.5 each Level

(8 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

2 each Level

Wizard Class Skill bonus each Level

0.5 each Level

d4 Hit Dice

1 each Level

d6 Hit Dice

1.5 each Level

d8 Hit Dice

2 each Level

d10 Hit Dice

2.5 each Level

d12 Hit Dice

3 each Level

0th Level spells (further modified by spell breadth) 1st-9th Level spells (modified by spell breadth) Cleric domain spells Special class talents and abilities Table 5-20: Accessible Spells Factor for Casting Classes Class

Multiplication Factor









0.25 each 0.5 times spell Level 0.5 times normal value Variable







Examining d20 Modern Classes The character classes in d20 Modern have less variation in their design compared to the fantasy classes, which makes assigning appropriate Character Point values to them easier. Table 5-21: d20 Modern Classes Point Costs gives the value for each class ability. Smart Heroes, like Wizards, include an additional 0.5 Character Points/Level in their progression associated with their high Intelligence bonus for Skills. Table 5-22: Balancing d20 Modern Classes shows the Character Points totals associated with each class over 10 Levels (rounded down), plus the number of discretionary Character Points that should be added to the class by Level 10 to more closely balance them when using Anime d20. Table 5-21: d20 Modern Classes Point Costs Character Point Class Advantage


(3 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

0.75 each Level

(5 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

1.25 each Level

(7 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

1.75 each Level

(9 + Int modifier) Skills gained each Level

2.25 each Level

Smart Hero Class Skill bonus each Level

0.5 each Level

+1 Defence Bonus


+1 Reputation Bonus


+1 Talent


Table 5-22: Balancing d20 Modern Classes Initial


Final Point




Strong Hero




Fast Hero




Tough Hero




Smart Hero




Dedicated Hero





Charismatic Hero




Table 5-23: Barbarian Hit Dice: d12

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Base Attack














Rage 1/day, +10 move






Uncanny dodge (Dex)






+2 Character Points






Rage 2/day






Uncanny dodge (Flanking)






+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points






Rage 3/day






+2 Character Points






Uncanny dodge (+1 Traps)






Damage reduction 1/-






Rage 4/day






Uncanny dodge (+2 Traps)






Damage reduction 2/-






Greater rage, 2 Points

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5



Rage 5/day, Uncanny dodge (+3 traps)

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5



Damage reduction 3/-

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6



+2 Character Points

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6



Uncanny dodge (+4 traps)

20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6



Rage 6/day, No longer winded, Damage reduction 4/-


Table 5-24: Bard Hit Dice: d6

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier Base
















Bardic knowledge, Bardic music (3 songs), +2 0th Level spells






+4 Character Points, +1 0th Level spell






Bardic Music, +1 1st Level spell






+4 Character Points, +1 1st Level spell






+1 1st, +1 2nd Level spell






Bardic music, +1 2nd Level spell






+5 Character Points






+4 Character Points, +1 2nd, +1 3rd Level spell






Bardic music, +1 3rd Level spell






+5 Character Points






+1 3rd, +1 4th Level spell






+5 Character Points, +1 4th Level spell






+5 Character Points






+1 0th, +1 4th, +1 5th Level spell






+5 Character Points, +1 1st, +1 5th Level spell






+5 Character Points, +1 2nd Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 6th Level spell






+3 Character Points, +1 4th, +1 6th Level spell






+1 5th, +1 6th Level spell






+3 Character Points, +1 6th Level spell

Table 5-25: Cleric Hit Dice: d8

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier Base















Turn undead, 2 Domains, Spontaneous casting, +3 0th, +1 1st, +1 domain 1st Level spell






+1 0th, +1 1st Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 domain 2nd Level spell






+1 0th, +1 1st, +1 2nd Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 domain 3rd Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 3rd Level spell






+1 0th, +1 1st, +1 4th, +1 domain 4th Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 4th Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 5th, +1 domain 5th Level spell






+1 4th, +1 5th Level spell






+1 1st, +1 3rd, +1 6th, +1 domain 6th Level spell






+1 5th, +1 6th Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 4th, +1 7th, +1 domain 7th Level spell






+1 6th, +1 7th Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 5th, +1 8th, +1 domain 8th Level spell






+1 7th, +1 8th Level spell






+1 4th, +1 6th, +1 9th, +1 domain 9th Level spell






+1 8th, +1 9th Level spell






+1 5th, +1 7th, +1 9th Level spell






+1 8th, +1 9th Level spell

Table 5-26: Druid


Hit Dice: d8

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier Base















Special Nature sense, Animal companion, +3 0th, +1 1st Level spell






Woodland stride, +1 0th, +1 1st Level spell






Trackless step, +1 2nd Level spell






Resist nature’s lure, +1 0th, +1 1st, +1 2nd Level spell






Wild shape 1/day, +1 3rd Level spell






Wild shape 2/day, +1 2nd, +1 3rd Level spell






Wild shape 3/day, +1 0th, +1 1st, +1 4th Level spell






Wild shape (Large), +1 3rd, +1 4th Level spell






Venom immunity, +1 2nd, +1 5th Level spell






Wild shape 4/day, +1 4th, +1 5th Level spell






Wild shape (Tiny), +1 1st, +1 3rd, +1 6th Level spell






Wild shape (Dire), +1 5th, +1 6th Level spell






A thousand faces, +1 2nd, +1 4th, +1 7th Level spell






Wild shape 5/day, +1 6th, +1 7th Level spell






Wild shape (Huge), Timeless Body,

+1 5th, +1 8th Level spell 16





Wild shape (Elemental) 1/day, +1 3rd, +1 7th, +1 8th Level spell






+1 4th, +1 6th, +1 9th Level spell






Wild shape 6/day, Elemental wild shape 3/day, +1 8th, +1 9th Level spell






+1 5th, +1 7th, +1 9th Level spell






+1 8th, +1 9th Level spell

Table 5-27: Fighter Hit Dice: d10

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Base Attack














Bonus Feat






Bonus Feat






+4 Character Points






Bonus Feat






+4 Character Points






Bonus Feat






+3 Character Points






Bonus Feat






+4 Character Points






Bonus Feat






+4 Character Points






Bonus Feat






+4 Character Points






Bonus Feat






+4 Character Points

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5



Bonus Feat

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5



+4 Character Points

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6



Bonus Feat

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6



+3 Character Points


20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6



Bonus Feat

Table 5-28: Monk Hit Dice: d8

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier Base















Unarmed strike, Stunning attack, Evasion, d6 Damage, AC +0






Deflect Arrows Feat






Still mind, +10 ft. Move






Slow fall (20 ft.), d8 Damage






Purity of body, AC +1






Slow fall (30 ft.), Improved Trip Feat, +10 ft. Move






Wholeness of body, Leap of clouds






Slow fall (50 ft.), d10 Damage






Improved evasion, +10 ft. Move






Ki strike +1, AC +2






Diamond body






Abundant step, d12 Damage, +10 ft. Move






Diamond Soul, Ki strike +2






+3 Character Points






Quivering Palm, AC +3, +10 ft. Move






Ki strike +3, d20 Damage






Timeless body, Tongue of sun and moon






Slow fall (any distance), +10 ft. Move






Empty body






Perfect self, AC +4


Table 5-29: Paladin Hit Dice: d10 Base

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier















Detect evil, Divine grace, Lay on hands, Divine health






Aura of courage, Smite evil






Remove disease 1/week, Turn undead






+3 Character Points






Special Mount






Remove Disease 2/week,


+1 1st Level spell 7





+3 Character Points






+4 Character Points






Remove Disease 3/week






+3 Character Points, +1 2nd Level spell






+3 Character Points






Remove Disease 4/week, +1 3rd Level spell






+4 Character Points






+3 Character Points, +1 1st Level spell






Remove Disease 5/week, +1 4th Level spell

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5



+3 Character Points, +1 2nd Level spell

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5



+3 Character Points, +1 3rd Level spell

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6



Remove Disease 6/week, +1 1st Level spell

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6



+1 2nd, +1 3rd, +1 4th Level spell

20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6



+4 Character Points, +1 4th Level spell

Table 5-30: Ranger Hit Dice: d10

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Base Attack














Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting Feat, Track, Favoured Enemy






+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points






Favoured Enemy






+2 Character Points,


+1 1st Level spell 7





+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points






Favoured Enemy, +1 2nd Level spell






+3 Character Points






+2 Character Points, +1 3rd Level spell






+2 Character Points






+2 Character Points, +1 1st Level spell






Favoured Enemy, +1 4th Level spell

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5



+2 Character Points, +1 2nd Level spell

17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5



+3 Character Points, +1 3rd Level spell

18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6



+2 Character Points, +1 1st Level spell

19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6



+1 2nd, +1 3rd,

+1 4th Level spell 20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6



Favoured Enemy, +1 4th Level spell

Table 5-31: Rogue Hit Dice: d6

Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int modifier Base















Sneak attack +1d6












Uncanny dodge (Dex), Sneak attack +2d6






+3 Character Points






+3 Character Points, Sneak attack +3d6






Uncanny dodge (Flanking)






Sneak attack +4d6






+3 Character Points






Sneak Attack +5d6






+3 Character Points, Special Ability






Uncanny dodge (+1 traps), Sneak attack +6d6






+3 Character Points






Sneak attack +7d6, Special ability






Uncanny dodge (+2 traps)






+3 Character Points, Sneak attack +8d6






Special ability






Uncanny dodge (+3 traps), Sneak attack +9d6






+3 Character Points






Sneak Attack +10d6, Special ability






+4 Character Points, Uncanny dodge (+4 traps)


Table 5-32: Sorcerer Hit Dice: d4

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier Base















Special Summon familiar +5 0th, +3 1st Level spell






+1 0th, +1 1st Level spell






+1 1st Level spell






+1 1st, +3 2nd Level spell






+1 2nd Level spell






+1 2nd, +3 3rd Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 3rd Level spell






+1 3rd, +3 4th Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 4th Level spell






+1 4th, +3 5th Level spell






+1 4th, +1 5th Level spell






+1 5th, +3 6th Level spell






+1 5th, +1 6th Level spell






+1 6th, +3 7th Level spell






+1 6th, +1 7th Level spell






+1 7th, +3 8th Level spell






+1 7th, +1 8th Level spell






+1 8th, +3 9th Level spell






+1 8th, +1 9th Level spell






+2 9th Level spell

Table 5-33: Wizard Hit Dice: d4

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier Base















Special Summon familiar, Scribe scroll,

+3 0th, +1 1st Level spell 2





+1 0th, +1 1st Level spell






+1 2nd Level spell






+1 1st, +1 2nd Level spell






Bonus Feat, +1 3rd Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 3rd Level spell






+1 1st, +1 4th Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 4th Level spell






+1 2nd, +1 5th Level spell






Bonus Feat, +1 4th, +1 5th Level spell






+1 3rd, +1 6th Level spell






+1 5th, +1 6th Level spell






+1 4th, +1 7th Level spell






+1 6th, +1 7th Level spell






Bonus Feat, +1 5th, +1 8th Level spell






+1 7th, +1 8th Level spell






+1 6th, +1 9th Level spell






+1 8th, +1 9th Level spell






+1 7th, +1 9th Level spell






Bonus Feat, +1 8th, +1 9th Level spell

Chapter 6: Attributes Step 6: Assign Attributes The six core Ability Scores represent your character’s basic abilities, but his or her more specific acquired or innate talents and abilities are known as Character Attributes. Any Character Points remaining after you have purchased your character’s Abilities, Race, and Class are available to acquire Attributes. Character Points may be used to acquire Attributes, but since some represent exotic abilities (such as magical or superhuman powers or abilities innate to non-human races), the GM may choose to place certain restrictions on their availability in his or her particular game setting. There are many different Character Attributes, each representing a particular talent or special ability. Each Attribute is rated with a Rank from 1-6 (or in a few cases, 1-10), but you can extend it beyond Rank 6 with GM permission. Acquiring an Attribute or increasing it in Rank requires the expenditure of one or more Character Points depending on the Attribute’s Character Point cost per Rank. The Attribute descriptions indicate the Character Point cost, its game effects and limitations, and the Ability most relevant to the Attribute’s use should a Ability check dice roll be needed. The selection of Attributes is one of the most important steps during character creation. Through Attributes, you define your character’s unique capabilities compared to other individuals. Think carefully about the balance between a few high-rank Attributes and a large number of low-rank Attributes. If you find yourself needing more Character Points than you have been assigned, consider burdening your character with one or more Character Defects. Each Defect can provide you with an additional Character Point or two, which can be used to acquire more Character Attributes or further increase your character’s Ability Scores. Modifying Attributes and Adjusting Point Costs Players may occasionally find that an Attribute does not exactly match their concept of how a particular power or capability should function. The GM (and, with GM permission, the players) may redefine the effects of existing Attributes to better suit particular character concepts. If the GM feels a changed effect makes the Attribute significantly more or less powerful, he or she may alter its Point cost to reflect this. Additionally, the value of Attributes assumes the setting of the game gives them a good chance of actually being useful in play. If a character is given an Attribute that the GM decides is unlikely to have much, if any, utility in the campaign, he or she can reduce its Character Point Cost or even give the Attribute away for free. If circumstances change and the Attribute becomes useful on a regular basis, the character should pay for the Attribute with Character Points granted through Level progression. Trading Experience Points for Character Points In most other d20 System games, Character Points and Attributes do not exist. If you would like to add Anime d20 Attributes to your character from a different d20 System game, your Game Master may allow you to trade Experience Points (XP) for Character Points. Since the

number of XP required to obtain the next Level is equal to your character’s current character Level multiplied by 1,000 XP, adding 1 Character Point to your character reduces his or her XP total by 100 x current character Level. For example, if you want to add one Rank of the Regeneration Attribute (4 Points) to your 4th Level crafty spy character from another d20 System game, your character’s current Experience Point total would be reduced by 1,600 XP (4 Points x 100 x 4th Level = 1,600 XP). Similarly, adding one Rank of the Own A Big Mecha Attribute (8 Points) to your 10th Level ever-questing knight d20 character reduces his or her XP total by 8,000 XP (8 Points x 100 x 10th Level = 8,000 XP). Of course, this Point exchange also applies for Defects. Each Defect Bonus Point added to your other d20 System character increases his or her XP total by 100 x current character Level. Using this conversion guideline, any Anime d20 Attribute or Defect can be added to the d20 System game of your choice! Table 6-1: Character Attributes Attributes

Point Cost

Ability Score


1 / Rank


2, 3 or 9 / Rank


1 / Rank


2 or 4 / Rank


Art of Distraction

1 / Rank


Attack Combat Mastery

3 / Rank


Aura of Command

1 / Rank


Combination Attack

3 / Rank


Computer Scanning

2 / Rank



2 or 4 / Rank


Damn Healthy!

2 / Rank


Defence Combat Mastery

2 / Rank


Divine Relationship

1 / Rank


6 or 8 / Rank


Dynamic Sorcery

8 / Rank



2 / Rank


Energy Bonus

3 / Rank


Enhanced [Ability]

1 / Rank


1-2 / Rank


Alternate Form Animal Friendship Armour


Environmental Control


1 / Rank


Extra Arms

1 / Rank


Extra Attacks

8 / Rank


Extra Defences

3 / Rank



1 / Rank



2-4 / Rank



1-2 / Rank


Force Field

2-4 / Rank



4 / Rank


Heightened Awareness

1 / Rank


Heightened Senses

1 / Rank


Highly Skilled

1 / Rank



1 / Rank



10 / Rank



3 / Rank



3 / Rank


3-4 / Rank



1 / Rank



4 / Rank


Point Cost

Ability Score

2 or 5 / Rank


Mechanical Genius

2 / Rank



5 / Rank


7 or 10 / Rank


Mind Control

3-6 / Rank


Mind Shield

1 / Rank


Natural Weapons

1 / Rank


Organisational Ties

1-3 / Rank


Own a Big Mecha

8 / Rank


Personal Gear

2 / Rank


Pet Monster

6 / Rank


Place of Power

1 / Rank


2-4 / Rank


Item of Power

Attributes Massive Damage


Pocket Dimension

Power Defence

1 / Rank


1-4 / Rank



4 / Rank



2 or 4 / Rank



1 / Rank


Sensory Block

1 / Rank


2 or 5 / Rank


Sixth Sense

1 / Rank


Size Change

1, 5, or 6 / Rank


1 or 4 / Rank


Special Defence

1 / Rank


Special Movement

1 / Rank



2 / Rank


Spirit Ward

1 / Rank



4 / Rank



2 / Rank



1-2 / Rank



1-3 / Rank



5 / Rank


Train a Cute Monster

1 / Rank


3-5 / Rank


2 / Rank


1-5 / Rank


Unknown Superhuman Power



Water Speed

2 / Rank



3 / Rank




Special Attack

Transmutation Tunnelling Unique Attribute

Adaptation Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

The character is adapted to 1 environment/Rank

The character can adapt to survive in a number of environments hostile to ordinary humans equal to his or her Adaptation Rank. Examples of hostile environments include: acidic/basic

liquids, extra dimensional, extreme pressure, intense cold, intense heat, noxious gases, radiation, underwater (the ability to “breathe” water), and vacuum (low pressure, not the absence of air). Adaptation does not apply to non-human characters whose natural environment is not the Earth’s atmosphere (such as a mermaid living in the ocean). In these cases, the character must assign Adaptation (Earth Atmosphere) to survive in normal human environments. Surviving in low- or no-oxygen environments is a Special Defence Attribute, not Adaptation. The Attribute also provides 2 Points of Armour against environmental conditions and attacks similar to the adapted environment. For example, Adaptation (Heat) provides Armour while in the desert heat and against fiery blasts, while Adaptation (Pressure) provides Armour while deepsea diving and against a crushing gravity attack. In most natural Earth environments, this Armour provides complete protection against the elements. Adaptation can thus be viewed as a very limited form of the Armour Attribute in many situations. A character with even Rank 1 Armour gains the benefits of Adaptation against normal environmental conditions. Armour does not protect against specific hostile environments that have less tangible damaging effects, such as extra dimensional, noxious gases, and underwater. Alternate Form Costs:

2, 3 or 9 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

The character’s alternate form is built from 10 Character Points/Rank

A character with Alternate Form can instantaneously transform into one other specific form that is determined during character creation and approved by the Game Master. Once selected, the form cannot be altered. Alternate Form allows the character to possess a radically different body shape than his or her normal human form, and exhibit exotic physical features as well. If a character only has a single, permanent, non-human form, this Attribute should not be applied. Instead, the character must acquire the relevant Attributes and Defects that best represent the form’s capabilities. A character with several different Alternate Forms should assign this Attribute multiple times. The Attributes gained in the character’s Alternate Form obviously cannot be Dependent upon the Alternate Form Attribute. Different Alternate Forms can be built with different Attribute Ranks as well. Partial-Powered Form (3 Points/Rank) The form is built from 10 Character Points for each Alternate Form Rank, which can be used to acquire Abilities, Attributes, and Defects. The character’s Abilities all drop to zero and thus must be raised with the Alternate Form’s new Character Points; Calculated Values also must be recalculated. Additionally, the character’s regular Attributes, Skills, and Defects no longer function in the Alternate Form, though the GM may decide that some Attributes (such as Personal Gear, Flunkies, Organisational Ties, Wealth, and others) and some Defects still retain their effects. Defects can also be assigned to the new Form to provide additional Character Points. Unless the GM indicates otherwise, normal clothing becomes part of the Alternate Form as well. Full-Powered Form (9 Points/Rank) The form is built from 10 Character Points for each Alternate Form Rank, which can be used to acquire Attributes, and Defects. The character retains all the Abilities, Attribute Ranks, Skill

Ranks, and Defect Bonus Points associated with his or her regular form. The newly acquired Attributes and Defects add to the character’s normal form. If the character’s Abilities are modified by the Enhanced [Ability] Attribute or Less Capable [Ability] Defect, the Calculated Values should be recalculated as necessary. Unless the GM indicates otherwise, normal clothing becomes part of the Alternate Form as well. Cosmetic Changes (2 Points) A “Rank 0” option of the Alternate Form Attribute is also available at the cost of 2 Character Points. This Rank allows a character to undergo cosmetic changes that confer no additional abilities on the target. This includes: a 10% size increase or decrease, change of gender, 50% age increase or decrease, colour changes (eye, skin, or hair), and minor physical changes (shape of ears, facial features, or bodily proportions). d20 Monsters If using other d20 source material containing monster write-ups, GMs may simply allow characters to adopt the form and abilities of a given monster using its Challenge Rating as a measure of its Character Point cost. Multiply the monster’s Challenge Rating by 10 and add 40 to determine the Character Point value of the given creature. For example, a CR 5 creature is roughly equal to 90 Points (5 x 10 = 50; 50 + 40 = 90). Thus, a character with Rank 9 Alternate Form could assume the form of a CR 5 creature. GMs must remember that Anime d20 and other d20 products are not 100% compatible and consequently some abilities must be translated to use other d20 source material for Anime d20 (such as natural armour bonuses for Armour Class). Sample Alternate Forms The examples herein suggest some Attributes that may be appropriate for the Alternate Forms, but the GM can modify them if desired. Other types of alternate forms can include electricity, radiation, light, emotion, data, dream, sound, and many others. • Animal Forms Many nature-based shapeshifters (and cursed martial artists) have one or more PartialPowered animal forms. Suggested Attributes: any that are relevant to the specific animal form, such as Armour, Attack Combat Mastery, Damn Healthy!, Features, Flight, Heightened Senses, Jumping, Natural Weapons, Special Movement, Tunnelling, etc. • Elemental/Chemical Forms This option covers a wide range of possible forms, including: acid, base, gold, granite, ice, mercury, water, sulphur, synthetic drugs, etc. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation, Armour, Duplicate, Damn Healthy!, Elasticity, Enhanced [Ability], Extra Arms, Insubstantial, Massive Damage, Regeneration, Special Attack, Special Defence, Special Movement, Superstrength, Swarm, Water Speed. • Flame Form The character is composed of fire, and can ignite flammable objects on contact. Any person near the character may suffer burn damage as well. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation (Heat), Armour (Optimised to heat), Environmental Influence (Heat), Flight, Force Field, Special Attack (Aura). • Gaseous Form

This form is less substantial than a liquid form. The character cannot pick up solid objects and can only exert the pushing force of a gentle wind. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation, Extra Attacks, Flight, Heightened Awareness, Invisibility, Insubstantial, Projection, Regeneration, Sixth Sense, Size Change, Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed. • Incorporeal Form An Incorporeal form is without physical substance (for example, a ghost or living shadow). The character can pass through walls, walk on air or water, and perform similar ghost-like feats. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation, Flight, Invisibility, Insubstantial, Special Defence. • Melding Form The character can meld into any inanimate object, and still perceive nearby events as though he or she is still human. Once merged, the character cannot be harmed unless the object is damaged. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation, Insubstantial, Teleport (Within melded object), Tunnelling. • Two-Dimensional Form A 2-D character has height and width, but not depth. He or she can squeeze through the spaces between atoms, and is completely invisible when viewed from the side. An entire new two-dimensional universe may be waiting to be explored by such a character. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation, Insubstantial, Pocket Dimension, Special Defence, Special Movement, Speed. Animal Friendship Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Charisma Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A character with this Attribute has an unusual, instinctive empathy towards animals. On a successful Charisma check, the character can befriend an otherwise hostile or even ferocious animal. For example, this would allow a character to get past a police dog or guard dog. Utilising this ability requires behaving in a calm and friendly manner; a friendship cannot be made if the character or his or her friends have already attacked the animal. An “animal” is defined as a natural creature with Intelligence of 1-2 that lacks the ability to communicate via a structured language (that is, it cannot speak). The GM can apply difficulty penalties or bonuses to the Charisma check based on the character’s actions and the situation. For example, the dice roll modifier could be -4 if the animal is especially fierce or very loyal to its current owner, or +4 if the characters just saved the animal from some nasty fate. When befriending a pack of animals, a dice roll penalty of -2 is assigned for two animals, -4 for 3-4 animals, -6 for 5-8 animals, -8 for 9-16 animals, and higher penalties for larger packs. If the attempt fails, the animal(s) may attack, threaten the character, or slink away, depending on its nature. A second attempt is usually not possible within a short period of time. If an animal is befriended, it will let the character and companions approach it, and will not attack or act aggressively unless it or the members of its pack or family are threatened. At the GM’s option, it may be affectionate enough to want to follow behind the character or somehow assist him or her.

An animal that has been befriended simply likes the character. Actual training of the animal takes time and requires the application of Handle Animal Skill. The character’s Rank in this Attribute (round up) is added to his or her Handle Animal Skill. Rank 1

+1 to the Handle Animal Skill.

Rank 2 An additional +1 modifier is applied to the Charisma check. +2 to the Handle Animal Skill. Rank 3 An additional +2 modifier is applied to the Charisma check. +3 to the Handle Animal Skill. Rank 4 An additional +3 modifier is applied to the Charisma check. +4 to the Handle Animal Skill. Rank 5 An additional +4 modifier is applied to the Charisma check. +5 to the Handle Animal Skill. Rank 6 An additional +5 modifier is applied to the Charisma check. +6 to the Handle Animal Skill. Armour Cost:

2 or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

All attack damage the character receives is reduced by 4 points/Rank

The Armour Attribute represents actual armoured plates, or simply skin or clothing that is highly resistant to damage. It is most often found on combat vehicles, cyborgs, androids, giant monsters, and, powerful magical beings. Armour reduces the damage that is inflicted on the character or structure. Armour reduces the damage of each attack by 4 Points per Rank. The base cost for Armour is 4 Points/Rank. A number of options are available for the Armour Attribute, which alter the Attribute’s Point cost or modify the Armour’s effectiveness. The minimum Point cost of Armour, regardless of options, is 1 Character Point. Partial The Armour has a small thin area (half Armour value, -1 to Point cost) or an unarmoured area (no Armour value, -2 to Point cost) that can be targeted using a Called Shot. Point cost reductions apply to the total cost of Armour, not the cost per Rank. Optimised Armour The Armour is focused against a particular uncommon attack form. Eligible attack forms include electricity, cold, laser beams, fire/heat, energy blasts, etc. Armour cannot be optimised against broad categories such as blunt impacts or piercing weapons, however. Optimised Armour provides doubled protection against the chosen attack form only, and no protection against other forms. A character can acquire both Optimised Armour and ordinary Armour by assigning the Armour Attribute twice. Shield Only

The Armour does not cover the character’s entire body. Instead, it is a shield that the user must deliberately interpose in front of a melee or unarmed attack using a Block Defence. The character must also possess the Combat Technique (Block Ranged Attacks) Attribute to use the shield in a Block Defence against ranged attacks. If the character successfully defends, the shield’s Armour can protect against damage associated with the Attribute Rank. This option reduces the cost of Armour to 2 Points/Rank (rather than 4 Points/Rank), and increases the protection provided from 4 Points/Rank to 8 Points/Rank. Armour and Force Fields in other d20 Games If converting an Anime d20 character to another d20 System game, or vice verse, Armour (and Force Fields) is handled very simply. In Anime d20, Armour is treated as Damage Reduction of an amount equal to the protective value of the Armour while the Rank divided by two indicates the type of weapon that can overcome the damage reduction. For example, a character with Rank 6 Armour, which provides protection against 24 damage, would have Damage Reduction 24/+3 in other d20 System games. In most cases, this system will also work in reverse. For example, a creature with Damage Reduction 8/+1 would have Rank 2 Armour in Anime d20. Some portions of a character/creature’s Armour Class in other d20 System games factor into its Armour rating, rather than Armour Class, in Anime d20. If a creature gains a “natural,” “hide,” “armour,” or other naturally-occurring Armour Class bonus, that bonus is treated as protection provided via the Armour Attribute in Anime d20. For example, a creature from another d20 System game that has an AC of 28 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +19 natural) would, in Anime d20, have an Armour Class Modifier of -1 (28 less the +19 natural bonus minus the base of 10) but would have Armour that stops 19 damage (effectively equal to Rank 5 Armour with a 1 BP Restriction: -1 point of protection). Any attack that hit the creature would have its damage reduced by 19. Similarly, a character who was wearing chainmail armour, who had an Armour Class of 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armour) would have an Armour Class Modifier of +2 (16 - 4 for the chainmail armour - the base of 10) and 4 points of Armour in Anime d20. Art of Distraction Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Charisma Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Art of Distraction may represent oratorical ability, innate charisma, or even a beautiful or resonant voice. This Attribute allows a character to distract a number of people or animals at a critical moment, provided he or she has some method of communicating with them (for example, talking, dancing, television broadcast, illusionary image, written word, etc.) If the character is trying to directly distract a potentially hostile group, such as an angry mob or a group of security guards, his or her Rank dictates how many people are distracted. If the character has an audience that is already prepared to listen, the Rank determines the percentage of that audience that is distracted or moved enough to take action, whether that involves buying the character’s next CD, donating money to a charity, or voting for the character in an election. If multiple people with this Attribute work as a team, the total number of people distracted is added together. Charisma is used both when distracting people physically (for example, with sex appeal) and when distracting someone through emotion, rhetoric, or force of personality.

Rank 1 motivated.

The character can distract one individuals, or 5% of an audience will be

Rank 2 motivated.

The character can distract up to two individuals, or 10% of an audience will be

Rank 3 The character can distract a small crowd (1-10 individuals), or 20% of an audience will be motivated. Rank 4 The character can distract a medium crowd (11-50 individuals), or 50% of an audience will be motivated. Rank 5 The character can distract a large crowd (50-200 individuals), or 75% of an audience will be motivated. Rank 6 The character can distract a very large crowd (200-1000 individuals), or 95-100% of an audience will be motivated. Attack Combat Mastery Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character’s Base Attack Bonus is increased by 1 Point/Rank

Combat Mastery denotes either an innate “killer instinct” or the character’s intimate knowledge of a wide range of offensive combat techniques covering all aspects of armed and unarmed encounters (including ranged weapons). Individual Combat Skills let a character specialise with particular weapons or specific styles, but Combat Mastery allows a character to pick up any weapon (or use none at all) and still be dangerously proficient. Each Rank in this Attribute raises the character’s Base Attack Bonus by one. This may provide a character with additional, secondary attacks should it increase the character’s Base Attack Bonus above +5, +10, or +15. Aura of Command Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Charisma Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character possesses a natural knack for leadership. This Attribute is similar to Art of Distraction, except it only works on allies or subordinates or possibly with leaderless individuals looking for guidance (such as ordinary people caught in an emergency). Instead of distracting them, the character is able to inspire allies or neutrals into following him or her into dangerous situations that they might otherwise avoid. Simply because a character is in a position of authority over other people does not automatically imply that he or she possesses the Aura of Command Attribute. In a military structure, subordinates will usually follow most orders (even dangerous ones) without hesitation because it is part of their job. Aura of Command reflects a character’s almost unnatural ability to inspire others to engage in actions that few people would ever consider undertaking. Note that few leaders have an Aura of Command sufficient to inspire their entire force at once.

Commanders usually concentrate on key individuals (such as immediate subordinates) and hope the actions of these people will encourage others to follow them. Rank 1

The character can inspire one person.

Rank 2

The character can inspire up to two people.

Rank 3

The character can inspire a small team (1-10 people).

Rank 4

The character can inspire a medium team (11-50 people).

Rank 5

The character can inspire a large team (50-200 people).

Rank 6

The character can inspire a very large team (200-1000 people).

Combination Attack Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character can combine attacks with up to 2 other characters/Rank

With training, individual characters can learn to combine their Special Attack Attribute into awesome displays of power. In order to do this, all the characters must have both the Combination Attack Attribute and the Special Attack Attribute. The number of characters that can combine at once is dependant on the Rank of Combination Attack; a character can combine with up to 2 other characters for each Rank. There is also an Energy Point cost associated with Combination Attack: 2 Energy Points per person involved in the attack. Each character must pay this cost separately. For example, if four characters are combining, they each must pay 8 Energy Points. The attack takes place on the Initiative of the character with the lowest Initiative and uses the character with the lowest attack modifier to determine if it hits. A single attack roll is made. The target has a defence penalty of -1 per character involved in the attack. If the attack succeeds, it inflicts double damage (for example, if two character combine, one with a 2d8 Special Attack and one with a 3d8 Special Attack, the total damage inflicted would be 10d8 — 5d8 doubled). Note that characters with the Combination Attack Attribute are not subject to the same restrictions as normal characters that perform a similar action. Computer Scanning Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute allows a character to access, read, and understand data from all computers or “Silicon Age” technology in the Surrounding area. The DC for the check is determined by the complexity and security of the computer; most home computers are DC 10 while high-tech secure machines are DC 20 to 30. When trying to access a computer built as an Item of Power, the character suffers a penalty of -2 for each Rank of the Item of Power. The Attribute Rank determines the maximum distance in which scanning can take place. To read multiple computers over a network, the area must be sufficient to encompass the target computers. Since this

Attribute can be a very powerful tool in a campaign, the GM and players should ensure it is used appropriately. Rank 1

Scanning can happen at the range of 1 foot.

Rank 2

Scanning can happen at the range of 10 feet.

Rank 3

Scanning can happen at the range of 100 feet.

Rank 4

Scanning can happen at the range of 1 mile.

Rank 5

Scanning can happen at the range of 10 miles.

Rank 6

Scanning can happen at the range of 100 miles.

Contamination Cost:

2 or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute represents the character’s ability to transform other people (or animals, or objects) into entities like him or herself. Frequently, this victim can then contaminate even more people. The method should be specified when the character is created. It might be similar to myths behind the vampire legend — the character’s blood carries a “plague” that, when ingested, mutates the person over a matter of hours or days. Alternatively, the character might lay an egg or seed (real or metaphorical) in the body of his or her prey, which will later hatch within the victim, killing him or her as a new monster is born. The character might even need to perform some special ritual that alters the victim. Whatever the case, the conditions under which the victim can become “contaminated” must be specified. For 2 Points/Rank, contamination is “difficult” — the victim must be willing, unconscious, or restrained for deliberate contagion to occur, or the target must perform an unusual activity (such as eating a morsel of the character’s flesh). For 4 Points/Rank contamination is “easy” — the contagion might be similar to a traditional werewolf attack, where a scratch or bite results in a victim becoming a werewolf. The GM can add special conditions, limitations, or effects to ensure that becoming a monster is a curse and not a blessing. The higher the Rank of Contamination, the faster the transformation occurs. There should always be some means of curing or delaying the eventual mutation, however. Possible cures include the death of the creature that inflicted the contaminant, radical surgery, blood transfusion, or a successful mystical healing. The GM will decide whether a player character who is turned into a monster remains in the player’s control or is reclassified as an NPC. Any retention (dreams, memories, etc.) of the victim’s former existence depends on the nature of the contamination and whether the victim has been “transformed,” “devoured,” or “reborn” in the process. A person who has been successfully contaminated will usually gain a certain number of Attributes “paid for” with the Bonus Points acquired by assigning new character Defects (often including Cursed, Ism, Marked, Permanent, and Owned, the last one representing servitude to his or her new master). Usually the mutation will result in a monstrous form similar to that of the character responsible. Thus, a spider alien

that laid an egg in its victim may produce another spider alien, the victim of a vampire will grow fangs, etc. The GM should be wary of potentially undesirable possibilities such as a werewolf character infecting the entire group of characters, thereby creating an entire group of werewolves. The Contamination Attribute usually allows the creator or mother some measure of control over the newly transformed character. In these instances, the Rank of Contamination is added as a favourable modifier to any Mind Control attempts performed against the subject. A variation to Contamination inflicts the target with some sort of curse or disease, rather than transforming him or her into a different type of creature. Examples of these afflictions include rapid ageing, debilitating diseases, sensitivity to specific elements, etc. Rank 1

The transformation occurs over several months.

Rank 2

The transformation occurs over several weeks.

Rank 3

The transformation occurs over several days.

Rank 4

The transformation occurs over several hours.

Rank 5

The transformation occurs over several minutes.

Rank 6

The transformation occurs over several rounds.

Damn Healthy! Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character’s Hit Points are increased by 1d8/Rank (plus Con modifiers)

Possessing this Attribute increases the Hit Points of the character, allowing him or her to withstand more damage in combat. Note that characters with high Constitution scores may be very healthy even without this Attribute. A character with Damn Healthy! cannot also possess the Not So Tough Defect. Defence Combat Mastery Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character’s Armour Class is increased by 1/Rank

Defence Combat Mastery denotes either an innate “danger instinct,” or the character’s intimate knowledge of a wide range of defensive combat techniques covering all aspects of armed and unarmed encounters (including Special Attacks and ranged weapons). Individual defence combat Skills let a character specialise with particular weapons or specific styles, but Defence Combat Mastery allows character to defend him or herself proficiently at all times. Divine Relationship Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: None


The player may re-roll a number of dice rolls each game session equal to 1/Rank

A character possessing a Divine Relationship may have powerful forces acting as his or her guardian, which can beneficially influence the outcome of important events. Alternatively, the character may be really lucky, have great karma, or can subtly influence his or her surroundings with thought alone. This relationship is represented through the re-rolling of undesirable dice rolls (this includes undesirable re-rolls as well). The player may choose to use the original roll, or any of the re-rolls, when determining the success of the action. The Rank dictates the number of times dice can be re-rolled in a single role-playing session, though the GM can alter this time frame as desired. Duplicate Cost:

6 or 8 Points/Rank

Relevant Stat:



The duplicate is built from 10 Character Points/Rank

A character with this ability can create one or more independent, self-aware duplicates of him or herself, each of which have a maximum number of Character Points dictated by the Attribute Rank. The duplicate is not under the character’s control, but will act in a manner consistent with the original character. Multiple duplicates can be in existence at any time, but creating a duplicate requires one non-combat action. Duplicates only remain in existence for a limited time, usually for a single scene or long enough to complete a single task. Since this Attribute can have tremendous impact on a campaign if used too frequently, the GM should impose restrictions on its use as necessary. For example, the GM may limit the total number of simultaneously existing duplicates. The player should consider what consequences, if any, will arise should an enemy kill the duplicate. There are two different types of Duplicate: Customised (8 Points/Rank) and Proportionate (6 Points/Rank). Customised Duplicate The character can assign the duplicate’s Character Points as desired when this Attribute is first acquired, provided the duplicate does not gain any Attributes or Defects the original character does not possess. Additionally, Attributes and Defects cannot be raised to Ranks that would exceed the original character’s Ranks. The GM may waive this restriction if it seems appropriate. Once the Character Points are allocated to the duplicate in a specific pattern during character creation, the distribution cannot be changed; all duplicates ever made will be identical. Proportionate Duplicate If the Duplicate Rank is not sufficiently high to create a duplicate with the exact same number of Character Points as the original, a less-powerful duplicate is created. In these cases, the reduced Character Points are distributed over the duplicate’s Abilities, Attributes, Skills, and Defects proportionately with the original character. The one exception to this rule involves the Duplicate Attribute; the character may decide that his or her twin does not have the Duplicate Attribute. Dynamic Sorcery


8 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Variable Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This is the ability to use the mystical forces of Nature to alter reality. In anime, this can represent either the ability to improvise magical spells at a moment’s notice or the realitybending capabilities of powerful entities like gods, goddesses, or angels. Dynamic Sorcery is a very powerful Attribute and should be discussed with the GM at length to determine the effects and limitations in his or her game. Proper use of Dynamic Sorcery will not unbalance the game but can provide many opportunities for character innovation. A character with this Attribute has the potential to cast spells from a vast variety of magical disciplines. Limiting the character’s knowledge to just one discipline, however, reduces the Attribute cost to only 4 Points/Rank. Such specialisations can include protection spells, elemental spells, weather spells, charm spells, necromantic spells, spells involving animal spirits, etc., or spells restricted to one of the magical schools (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation). A common variation on Dynamic Sorcery is magic whose effects are restricted to a particular reality different from the main reality of the campaign, such as the world of dreams, a cyberspace, or another pocket dimension. Such a heavy restriction may only cost 2 Points/Rank; the effects normally disappear when their subject leaves that reality (jacks out, wakes up, etc.). Casting a spell requires the character to draw upon the power of his or her soul to reach a new Balance with Nature. This link with the mystical world allows reality to be altered to accommodate the existence of the spell. Such spell creation is quite exhausting, however, drawing on the character’s Energy Points at a rate determined by the minimum Rank of the Attribute needed to produce a desired effect (whether the casting was a success or a failure). Should the spell effects target more than one person or object, the GM may choose to increase the effective Rank required by one if affecting two people, by two if affecting 3-6 people, by three if affecting 7-20 people, and by four if affecting 21-50 people. The GM will decide the Attribute Rank needed to cast a particular spell. In addition, any spell that is an attack on another entity also requires an Attack dice roll to hit. If the spell inflicts direct damage, the target will normally be allowed a Defence roll to avoid its effects. If the spell is something that has a more indirect effect, an appropriate saving throw (usually Will or Fortitude) should be allowed to resist or see through the effects. The Level of a spell is determined by its application, power, usefulness, and duration. The spell Levels 0 through 9 are equivalent to those given in the PHB and other d20 System products. A character can cast a spell from one of these other d20 System books, or can create their own spell effect with power approximating other spells at a similar Level. Thus, a character with Rank 3 Dynamic Sorcery could use Energy Points to cast any number of 0th, 1st, or 2nd Level spells in the PHB (or other d20 System book), or spells of similar power, provided the character has sufficient Energy Points remaining. All characters gain 1d2 Energy Point each Level, but characters with the Dynamic Sorcery Attribute gain additional Energy Points as they increase their Attribute Rank as well. The die type that these characters use to determine their Energy Point gain each Level increases from 1d2 at Rank 1 to 3d10 at Rank 10.

Rank 1 The character can cast spells of no real power (0th Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 1 Energy Point to cast. The character rolls 1d2 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 0th Level spells are Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light, Mending, and Open/Close. Rank 2 The character can cast weak spells of little power (1st Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 4 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 1d4 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 1st Level spells are Change Self, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Erase, and Sleep. Rank 3 The character can cast spells of minor power (2nd Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 9 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 1d6 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 2nd Level spells are Darkness, Hold Person, Levitate, Speak with Animals, and Summon Swarm. Rank 4 The character can cast spells of moderate power (3rd Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 16 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 1d8 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 3rd Level spells are Bestow Curse, Blink, Remove Disease, Speak with Plants, and Summon Nature’s Ally III (summons one black bear or wolverine or 2 - 5 badgers). Rank 5 The character can cast spells of major power (4th Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 25 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 1d10 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 4th Level spells are Cure Critical Wounds, Improved Invisibility, Sleet Storm, and Stoneskin. Rank 6 The character can cast spells of great power (5th Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 36 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 1d12 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 5th Level spells are Raise Dead, Summon Nature’s Ally V (summons one rhinoceros or tiger or 2 — 5 black bears), Teleport, and Wall of Stone. Rank 7 The character can cast spells that are exceptionally powerful (6th Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 49 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 2d8 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 6th Level spells are Antilife Shell, Control Weather, Geas/Quest, and Heal. Rank 8 The character can cast spells that are extraordinarily powerful (7th Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 64 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 1d20 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 7th Level spells are Greater Scrying, Resurrection, Reverse Gravity, and Summon Nature’s Ally VII (summons one elephant or 2 — 5 tigers). Rank 9 The character can cast spells that are of primal power (8th Level d20 System spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 81 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 2d12 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 8th Level spells are Discern Location, Earthquake, Finger of Death, and Sunburst. Rank 10 The character can cast spells that are of godlike power (9th Level spells or the equivalent). Spells cost 100 Energy Points to cast. The character rolls 3d10 to determine Energy Points gained each Level. Examples of 9th Level spells are Soul Bind, Summon Nature’s Ally IX (summons one elder elemental or 2 — 5 elephants), Time Stop, and True Resurrection.

Dynamic Sorcery Without Energy Points The Game Master may allow players to assign an even more powerful version of the Dynamic Sorcery Attribute as well, at the cost of 20 Points/Rank. This variation is similar to the original one, except the character does not burn Energy Points when casting spells. Consequently, the character can cast any number of spells (as appropriate for his or her Rank) without growing tired or running out of Energy. GMs and players should understand that this alternative is very powerful, and should only use it if they believe it will not unbalance their game. Elasticity Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character can stretch or contort his or her limbs and/or body to a superhuman degree. Increased Ranks not only provide greater flexibility, but also the control over fine manipulation (such as using a stretched finger to move specific tumbling mechanisms on a key lock). At high Ranks, characters can squeeze under doors and through small holes and cracks, as well as mimic crude shapes (an excellent way to represent a character who has a liquid-like form as well). While stretched, the character receives +1 Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill bonuses for each Rank of Elasticity. In anime, this is most appropriate for monsters (especially those with serpentine or tentacle limbs) or giant robots with extendable arms. Rank 1 The character can stretch one body part up to 5x its regular dimensions and receives +1 to Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill checks. Rank 2 The character can stretch two body parts up to 5x their regular dimensions and receives +2 to Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill checks. Rank 3 The character can stretch three body parts up to 5x their regular dimensions and receives +3 to Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill checks. Rank 4 The character can stretch his or her entire body up to 5x its regular dimensions and receives +4 to Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill checks. Rank 5 The character can stretch his or her entire body up to 10x its regular dimensions and receives +5 to Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill checks. Rank 6 The character can stretch his or her entire body up to 20x its regular dimensions and receives +6 to Unarmed Attack/Defence (Grappling) Skill checks. Energy Bonus Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The characters’ Energy Points are increased by 20 Points/Rank

Possessing this Attribute increases the Energy Points of the character, allowing him or her to draw on a greater pool of energy reserves in times of need. This Attribute is particularly important for characters with the Dynamic Sorcery or Magic Attributes.

Enhanced [Ability] Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Stat:



One of the character’s Ability Scores is increased by 2/Rank

This Attribute is useful when a character should have one or more high Ability Values, but the player wants to indicate that the elevated Abilities were gained after a supernatural event occurred (or during character advancement). In most instances, assigning Character Points to the Enhanced [Ability] Attribute or to the Ability directly results in the same benefit: a character with a Constitution of 18 or a Constitution of 10 with Enhanced [Constitution] at Level 4 both have a Constitution of 18. Environmental Control Cost:

1-2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character can affect environmental conditions such as light, heat, darkness, or weather. This is most appropriate for characters with magical control over a particular element or facet of nature such as sorcerers, demons, and spirits, but it could also represent various technological devices. If a character wishes to perform multiple effects (for example, control light and darkness) he or she should acquire the Attribute multiple times. • Light The character can illuminate an area with light as bright as a sunny day on Earth. Light control costs 1 Point/Rank. • Darkness The character can summon smoke, fog, darkness, or the like to enshroud an area, blocking normal vision. Darkness control costs 2 Points/Rank if the character can create total darkness that completely obscures light sources, or 1 Point/Rank if the darkness is only partial. • Silence The character can block out sounds within the area of effect. It costs 1 Point/Rank to create a barrier that prevents anyone outside from hearing sounds coming from within or vice versa, or 2 Points/Rank to create a zone of silence where no sounds exists. • Temperature The character can alter temperatures in the area from arctic cold to desert heat. If the character wishes to produce heat or cold sufficient to start fires or instantly freeze someone solid, the player should assign the Special Attack Attribute instead. Temperature control costs 1 Point/Rank if the character is limited to either increasing or decreasing temperature, or 2 Points/Rank if he or she can do both. • Weather

The character can alter the weather to create or still weather conditions of various sorts such as breezes, winds, rain, snow, fog, or storms. For weather that is reasonable for the local climate, the area affected depends on the character’s Level. For weather that is abnormal (rain in a desert, snow in a hot summer) or violent (lightning storm, blizzard, hurricane), the character’s Rank is treated as one less for purposes of area affected or two less if both violent and abnormal. If this would reduce the Rank below 1, the effect cannot be produced. For focused attacks, such as lightning bolts or tornadoes, use the Special Attack Attribute instead. To produce precise effects or keep abnormal or violent weather under control, the GM may require a Wisdom check with a penalty equal to the area Rank (for example, -4 if affecting a regional area) and a bonus equal to the character’s Attribute Rank (for example, +5 if the character has Rank 5). It will often take several rounds for weather to build up or disperse. Abnormal weather effects will return to normal soon after a character ceases to use this Attribute. Weather control costs 2 Points/Rank if general in nature, or 1 Point/Rank if very specific (such as, “rain making”). Maintaining Environmental Control requires a slight amount of concentration: the character can perform other actions while doing so, but can only affect one area at any given time. The size of the environment the character can control is determined by the character’s Rank. Rank 1

The character can affect a small area (like a room).

Rank 2

The character can affect a modest area (like a house).

Rank 3

The character can affect a local area (like a neighbourhood or village).

Rank 4

The character can affect a regional area (like an entire city).

Rank 5

The character can affect a large area (like an entire county).

Rank 6

The character can affect an entire region (like a state, province, or small country).

Exorcism Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A character with this Attribute knows how to perform or create rituals, charms, or spells capable of driving out, binding, or banishing demons (or possibly other supernatural entities). In anime, this ability is often possessed by Buddhist monks, Shinto priests or priestesses, and wandering mediums. Exactly what entities qualify will depend on the nature of the game world; in some settings, undead, such as zombies or ghosts, may be vulnerable to exorcism. Normal characters and creatures are not affected by Exorcism. Each attempt at exorcism counts as an attack and requires a Wisdom check with a +1 bonus per Rank of the Attribute. A ritual action is also necessary in most cases, such as a chant or mystical gestures, or use of particular objects, such as holy water or spirit wards. During the exorcism attempt, the character is completely focused on the exorcism and cannot defend against other attacks. In addition, the target entity must fail a Will Save, with a penalty equal to the Rank of the Exorcism Attribute. If the attack succeeds (the exorcist makes his or her Wisdom check and the entity fails his or her own Will save) the entity will be affected. It cannot attack the exorcist (and any companions

sheltered behind him or her) for one round. In addition, the entity loses Energy Points equal to 5 Points times the attacker’s Exorcism Rank. Although prevented from attacking the exorcist for one round, the creature may choose to take other actions, such as taunting or threatening the exorcist, fleeing, or even vanishing. Exorcism may be repeated each round with successes draining additional Energy from the target, and failures having no effect (and leaving the demon free to attack the character). If the entity is ever reduced to 0 or fewer Energy Points as a result of the spiritual attack, it is either banished to its own dimension (if normally extra-dimensional), turned to dust, or permanently “sealed” in an object or in a mystic location (an Item or Place of Power may be ideal) until a specific action is taken that breaks the seal (GM’s option). Spiritual entities from other d20 System games that do not have Energy Points outlined in their description have, on average, 4 Energy Points times their Effective Character Level (ECL). Rank 1 The exorcist’s Wisdom check is made at +1 bonus. The target’s Will save made at -1 penalty. Success drains 5 Energy Points from the target. Rank 2 The exorcist’s Wisdom check is made at +2 bonus. The target’s Will save made at -2 penalty. Success drains 10 Energy Points from the target. Rank 3 The exorcist’s Wisdom check is made at +3 bonus. The target’s Will save made at -3 penalty. Success drains 15 Energy Points from the target. Rank 4 The exorcist’s Wisdom check is made at +4 bonus. The target’s Will save made at -4 penalty. Success drains 20 Energy Points from the target. Rank 5 The exorcist’s Wisdom check is made at +5 bonus. The target’s Will save made at -5 penalty. Success drains 25 Energy Points from the target. Rank 6 The exorcist’s Wisdom check is made at +6 bonus. The target’s Will save made at -6 penalty. Success drains 30 Energy Points from the target. Extra Arms Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Unless indicated otherwise, all characters possess two arms (or similar appendages) and hands. By assigning this Attribute, the character can acquire more. In anime, robots, tentacled monsters and non-humans with prehensile tails often have Extra Arms. Some long-haired sorcerers or demons also make their hair “come alive” to work as an Extra Arm. An “arm” is defined loosely as an appendage that can reach out and manipulate objects with some finesse. A trunk, tentacle, or prehensile tail is an arm; a limb that simply ends in a gunbarrel, melee weapon, or tool mount is not. Legs with paws or feet are not usually considered to be “arms” unless the character has good manipulation ability when using them (such as the way chimpanzees can use their feet to grasp objects). Extra arms are useful for holding onto several things at once, but do not give extra attacks (for that ability, see Extra Attacks Attribute). A tractor beam is a specialised “arm” best simulated by the Telekinesis Attribute. Possessing only one arm or no arms is reflected by the Physical Impairment Defect.

Rank 1

The character possesses 1 extra arm.

Rank 2

The character possesses 2-3 extra arms.

Rank 3

The character possesses 4-8 extra arms.

Rank 4

The character possesses 9-15 extra arms.

Rank 5

The character possesses 16-25 extra arms.

Rank 6

The character possesses 26-50 extra arms.

Extra Attacks Cost:

8 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character gains 1 extra attack each round/Rank

This Attribute reflects the character’s ability to use every combat situation to his or her benefit. Each round, the character may make one or more additional offensive actions at the character’s maximum Base Attack Bonus, provided that the attacks are all similar in nature (for example, all hand-to-hand, all ranged, etc.) Also, unless two or more opponents are very close together, armed or unarmed hand-to-hand attacks must target the same person. The GM must decide when the character can use his or her extra attacks. The suggested method spreads the actions roughly evenly over the character’s Initiative range. For example, if a character had three attacks and rolled an Initiative of 18, he or she would attack on Initiative numbers 18, 12, and 6. If the enemy rolls an Initiative of 20 and has 5 attacks (Extra Attacks Rank 4), he or she can attack on Initiative numbers 20, 16, 12, 8, and 4. This option has the advantage that it spreads actions over the entire combat round, but it involves the player paying closer attention to the Initiative numbers. Alternatively, the attacks may be carried out at the same time during the character’s single Initiative. Extra Defences Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character gains 1 extra defence each round/Rank

This Attribute reflects the character’s ability to use every defensive combat situation to his or her benefit. Each round, the character may make one or more additional defensive or non-combat actions. Additionally, penalties for performing more than one defensive action each round only apply after the extra defences are used. For example, a -2 penalty is applied to the fifth defence for a character with Rank 3 Extra Defences. Features Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character has 1 feature/Rank

The character possesses one or more secondary abilities that grant useful but mundane, noncombat related advantages. Features are typically possessed by non-humans and reflect various, minor biological or technological advantages. Examples of racial features include homing instinct, longevity, moulting ability, a pouch, scent glands, secondary eyelids, etc. Examples of technological features suitable for building into cyborgs, robots, or androids include diagnostic equipment, gyrocompass, modem, radio, selfcleaning mechanism, etc. A wide range of other Attributes cover other more useful features such as gills, wings, fangs, and enhanced senses. Flight Cost:

2, 3, or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Dexterity Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A character with Flight can fly through an atmosphere or in space (in space, he or she would still need protection from the environment). This is a common ability for non-humans, mecha, and people with paranormal powers. The method used to achieve flight can vary greatly: wings, propellers, rotors, rockets, anti-gravity, hot air, psionic levitation, magic, or some other technique. Depending on the speed at which the character is moving, opponents may suffer a penalty to hit the character. A fast-moving character may have an attack penalty as well. Flight costs 4 Points/Rank if the character can hover and fly at variable speeds, take off and land vertically, or stop in mid-air. This is the most common type of flight possessed by characters. Flight costs 3 Points/Rank if the flyer cannot hover, but instead flies like a normal airplane. Thus, the character needs a smooth surface for landing and take off, and must maintain a minimum speed (at least 1/10 of its maximum speed) once airborne to avoid crashing. Flight costs 2 Point/Rank if the flyer is either a Skimmer/Hovercraft or a Glider. • Skimmer / Hovercraft The character is limited to skimming no more than a yard or two off the ground or water. He or she may be riding on a cushion of air, magnetic lines of force, or even travelling along magical lines. • Glider The flyer can only become airborne if he or she launches from a high place (like a tree or rooftop) or from a fast-moving vehicle. Additionally, he or she can only gain speed by diving, or gain altitude by riding thermals. Rank 1

The character can fly at speeds up to 10 mph (approximately 18 feet/round).

Rank 2

The character can fly at speeds up to 50 mph (approximately 90 feet/round).

Rank 3

The character can fly at speeds up to 100 mph.

Rank 4

The character can fly at speeds up to 500 mph.

Rank 5

The character can fly at speeds up to 1,000 mph.

Rank 6

The character can fly at speeds up to 5,000 mph.

Flunkies Cost:

1 or 2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Charisma Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Flunkies hang around the character doing whatever he or she wants and never ask for anything in return. They can provide a character with more free time (“Got some more homework for you, my faithful friend....”), can keep the character safe from danger (“Quickly! Interpose yourself between me and that rabid wolf....”), or can simply make the character’s life easier (“My shoe is untied. Fix it!”) Flunkies aim to please, even at their own expense. They are also known as groupies, stooges, or toadies. For 1 Point/Rank, the Flunkies are not warriors; they may get in the way of an enemy, or fight in self-defence, but will not attack. For 2 Points/Rank, the Flunkies will take up arms at the request of their master. For specific talented and loyal battle-ready followers, see the Servant Attribute. Mercenaries who the character hires for specific tasks are not Flunkies, since they have their own agenda and expect compensation. Individual Flunkies are NPCs. A character’s Flunkies normally have identical Abilities and Attributes, although Skills may vary. A character may have Flunkies with varied Abilities or Attributes, but each one with a different set of Abilities or Attributes counts as two Flunkies. A Flunky should be built on 20 Character Points (plus any Defects) and (2 + Int Modifier) x4 Skills. All Skills are cross-class for a Flunky. Rank 1

The character controls 1 flunky.

Rank 2

The character controls 2 flunkies.

Rank 3

The character controls 3 or 4 flunkies.

Rank 4

The character controls 5 to 7 flunkies.

Rank 5

The character controls 8 to 12 flunkies.

Rank 6

The character controls 13 to 20 flunkies.

Force Field Cost:

2, 3, or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The Force Field reduces damage by 10 Points/Rank

A Force Field is an energy field around the character that protects against incoming attacks. Force Fields can represent magical barriers, telekinetic shields, or technological “screens” that protect mecha. A typical anime Force Field is different from Armour, since it can be battered down by a sufficiently powerful attack. A Force Field can be “up” or “down.” When down, it does not stop any damage. Unless the Detectable Defect is assigned, an up Force Field is invisible. Force Field

status must be determined at the start of the character’s actions for the round and cannot be changed until his or her turn to act in the next round. Attack damage is first applied to the Force Field, with any additional penetrating damage applied against Armour (if any). Thus, if a weapon hit successfully penetrates a Force Field, the Armour Attribute can still protect against it. A Force Field can be reduced or even knocked down by a sufficiently powerful attack. If an attack does more damage than the Force Field prevents (even if the rest of the damage is absorbed by Armour), the Force Field temporarily loses one Rank of effectiveness. The character can only regain Ranks if the field is down and regenerating, unless the Regenerating Ability is assigned. A Force Field recovers one Rank every round it is turned off and not in operation (“down”). A Force Field that is knocked down to zero Ranks automatically shuts off to regenerate. The cost is 4 Points/Rank if it is an area Force Field that is extendable to protect others nearby, 3 Points/Rank if it only protects the character, or 2 Points/Rank if it is a two-dimensional wall (up to 100 square feet) or shield that acts as a barrier. A wall can be projected out to a distance of up to 15 feet away from the character. An extendable Force Field can be assumed to cover a diameter out to about 25% more than the character’s longest dimension (for example, the Force Field of a six-foot human would be about eight feet across). A wall is assumed to be about 100 square feet (such as a 10’x10’ wall), while an ordinary Force Field is form-fitting. All Fields will block anyone who is not Insubstantial at Rank 6 from moving through it. If a character with an extended Force Field also has Flight or Hyperflight, the GM may allow the character to carry other people who are inside the Force Field with him or her while flying. A Force Field can be given additional customised Abilities or Disabilities. Each Ability taken reduces the protection provided by the Field by 10 Points, but gives it some special capability. Each Disability taken increases the protection of the Field by 10 Points but adds some sort of weakness. Force Field Abilities • Air-Tight The Field prevents the passage of gas molecules. While this is a beneficial defence against toxic gas attacks, a character in the Field will eventually deplete all breathable oxygen. • Blocks Incorporeal The Field prevents the passage of astral or extra dimensional characters through it. It also stops characters currently using Rank 6 Insubstantial. • Blocks Teleport A character cannot teleport into or out of the Field. This is mostly useful only for extendable Force Fields or those that protect mecha. It cannot be used with the Shield Only Disability. • Field-Penetrating The Force Field can be used to interpenetrate other Force Fields while making attacks (or moving through them). If the character’s Field is in direct contact with an enemy Force Field, and can stop more damage than the foe’s, the enemy’s Field is neutralised and offers no

protection against the character’s attack, but is still up. In the case of an extended Field or wall, the character can actually move through the Field. • Offensive The Field delivers a powerful electric or energy shock to anyone who touches it, inflicting 1d6 damage for every 10 damage the Force Field currently blocks. Consequently, the damage delivered by an Offensive Force Field decreases as the Field becomes damaged and is knocked down in Ranks of effectiveness. • Regenerating If the character uses one non-combat action to regenerate the Force Field, it regains one lost Rank of effectiveness. A character with the Extra Attacks Attribute can regenerate multiples Ranks each round. Force Field Disabilities • Both Directions The Force Field blocks attacks moving in any direction, both inwards and outwards, thereby virtually preventing the user from attacking when the Force Field is up. This means that when the Force Field is active and the user makes an attack, the Force Field will affect their attack as it would an outside attacker’s (reducing the damage inflicted and going down in Ranks if its protection value is exceeded). This Disability cannot be used with the Shield Only Disability. • Internal The field is only usable inside a specific mecha or other structure. This can be used to represent a Field that protects a vital part of a mecha’s interior such as the power plant or dungeon cells, or a character who draws his or her personal Force Field’s energy from some sort of power source inside his or her headquarters. • Limited The field has a major or minor limitation. An example of a minor limitation would be a Force Field that is effective against ranged attacks but not melee, one that offers full-strength frontal and rear protection but only half-strength protection from above, or one that requires one minute to reach full strength. An example of a major limitation would be a Force Field that prevents the character from making any attacks during operation, one that is unstable in certain types of environments (such as sub-zero temperatures or near water), or one that only works against a very specific type of weapon (such as lasers). A minor limitation counts as one Disability, a major limitation as two Disabilities. • Shield Only This type of Field is one of the 2 Points/Rank versions. The Field does not entirely surround the character. Instead, it is a shield (maximum of about 1 yard in diameter) that the user must deliberately interpose between an attack using a Block Defence. The character must also possess the Combat Technique (Block Ranged Attacks) Attribute to us the Field in a Block Defence against ranged attacks. If the character successfully defends, the Force Shield provides protection as normal. This Disability cannot be used with the Block Teleport Ability or Both Directions Disability. It counts as two Disabilities.

• Static The character cannot move when generating the Field. He or she may still attack or otherwise act, but must stay in one place (or continue to drift if floating through space, continue to fall if falling, etc.) • Uses Energy The Force Field drains Energy Points from the character. Upon activation, the Field burns a number of the character’s Energy Points equal to half the total Point cost of the Attribute. The same number of Energy Points are consumed each minute the Field is up. This is not available for Force Fields acquired with the Magic Attribute since they ordinarily burn Energy Points. Healing Cost:

4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The character can restore up to 10 Hit Points/Rank to a target

This Attribute allows a character to heal a target’s injuries (including him or herself; for continuous healing, see the Regeneration Attribute). In anime, characters with healing power include holy individuals, psychic healers, and sorcerers, while mecha may be equipped with high-tech medical bays with similar abilities. The maximum number of Hit Points that a Healer can restore to a particular person in any single day equals 10 per Rank. This cannot be exceeded, even if multiple healers work on a subject; the combined Hit Points restored cannot exceed the maximum Hit Points that the character with the highest Rank could restore. The subject must have at least a full day’s rest before he or she can benefit from any additional healing. Hit Points are restored over a 10-minute period, rather than instantly. A character with Healing Rank 4+ can cause a subject to regenerate lost body parts or organs, such as a severed hand. One with Rank 5+ can restore massive damage, such as putting a character together who was literally cut in half. No healer can repair someone who was blown to bits, disintegrated, or dead for more than a few minutes, however. A subject must normally be alive to benefit from Healing. A character with Healing Rank 3+ may, however, revive someone who is “clinically” dead (serious injury, heart stopped) but not actually brain dead. A character is considered “dead” if his or her Hit Points are reduced to a bigger negative number than the characters maximum Hit Points. A healer can revive a mortally wounded character, however, if he or she can bring the subject’s Hit Points back up from beneath the negative threshold to a positive value quickly. This grace period can be extended indefinitely if the subject’s remains have been somehow placed in suspended animation. Heightened Awareness Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The character gains a +2 bonus/Rank to specific Ability/Skill checks

The character possesses a high degree of situational awareness. He or she is usually very alert and receives a bonus on Ability and Skill checks relevant to noticing otherwise hidden things,

such as concealed objects, ambushes, or anything else related to sensory awareness. The bonuses of Heightened Awareness are cumulative with those of Heightened Senses. Heightened Senses Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The character gains one heightened sense or technique/Rank

A character with Heightened Senses has one or more senses that have been sharpened to a superhuman level of acuity. It can represent either the preternatural sharpening of a specific sense honed by special training (such as a blind person’s trained sense of touch) or the enhanced senses of a paranormal or technologically augmented character. Additionally, several Ranks of Heightened Senses reflect the capabilities of sensors built into spaceships and other commercial or military vehicles. For each Rank of the Heightened Senses Attribute, the character will either gain one enhanced sense (Type I), one sense technique (Type II), or a combination of Type I and Type II senses. The character must make a successful Wisdom or relevant Skill check against an appropriate DC to detect and pinpoint a specific target within a large area (for example, to listen to a specific conversation thought the background noise of the city). Type I One of the character’s five senses — hearing, smell, vision, taste, or touch — is enhanced, and can operate over an area of several city blocks. The character may take the same sense twice, which doubles the effect and extends the area of detection. A character using a Heightened Sense has a +4 bonus (+8 if the sense was heightened twice) on Ability and relevant Skill checks that relate to using that sense to perceive things that someone with human-level senses might conceivably notice. Type II The character has one Heightened Sense technique, which extends beyond human capabilities. Examples of techniques include: darkvision, electric current detection; infravision; magnetic field detection; microscopic vision; radar sense; radio reception; sonar detection; ultrasonic hearing; ultravision; vibration detection; X-ray vision. Most techniques only work at short range, often requiring line of sight. The Heightened Awareness Attribute allows a lower Rank of enhancement for all of a character’s senses. Highly Skilled Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Variable Progression:

The character gains an additional 4 Skill Points/Rank

A character with this Attribute is more experienced or better trained than an ordinary person, and as a result has more Skill Points than an average adult. Extending this Attribute beyond Rank 6 provides 4 additional Skill Points per Rank (for example, Rank 11 would provide a total of 44 Skill Points). Acquiring several Ranks of the Highly Skilled Attribute is the ideal method for creating a versatile character.

Hyperflight Cost:

1 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute is intended for use in star-spanning campaigns, involving travel between solar systems or galaxies (or even planets at low Ranks). A character with Hyperflight can fly in the vacuum of space (but not in an atmosphere) between planets, starts, asteroids, solar systems, and galaxies, at speeds equal to or exceeding the speed of light. The player can determine whether this Attribute represents warp technology, jump point formation, or the breaking of known physical laws. The Flight Attribute is required to escape from the atmosphere and gravity of a planet similar to Earth. Without Flight, the character can only achieve Hyperflight speeds by taking off when already in space. Rank 1

The character can travel at the speed of light.

Rank 2

The character can travel at 10 times the speed of light.

Rank 3

The character can travel at 100 times the speed of light.

Rank 4

The character can travel at 1,000 times the speed of light.

Rank 5

The character can travel at 10,000 times the speed of light.

Rank 6

The character can travel at 100,000 times the speed of light.

Immunity Cost:

10 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

Descriptive; see below

With this Attribute, the character is completely immune to damage and adverse effects that stem from a particular weapon, element, application, or event. For example, a character with Rank 1 Immunity to silver cannot be hurt by silver weapons and will not feel pain if clubbed with a sack of silver dollars. Similarly, a character with Rank 4 Immunity to fire/heat could walk into the most intensive firestorm possible and emerge unscathed. Rank 1 The Immunity plays a small role in the game. Typical examples include: weapons made from a rare substance (such as gold, silver, or adamantine); attacks from a specific opponent (such as a brother, single animal type, or oneself); under specific conditions (such as in water, one hour during the day, or at home). Rank 2 The Immunity plays a moderate role in the game. Typical examples include: weapons made from an uncommon substance (such as wood, bronze, or iron); attacks from a broad opponent group (such as blood relatives, demons, or animals); under broad conditions (such as during the night, on weekends, or in holy places). Rank 3 The Immunity plays a large role in the game. Typical examples include: electricity; cold; a specific weapon type (such as daggers, arrows, or rapiers).

Rank 4 The Immunity plays a major role in the game. Typical examples include: fire/heat; a broad weapon type (such as swords or clubs); mental attacks. Rank 5 The Immunity plays an extreme role in the game. Typical examples include: gunfire (including forms of artillery); bladed weapons; unarmed attacks. Rank 6 The Immunity plays a primal role in the game. Typical examples include: weapons; energy; blunt trauma. Insubstantial Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Each Rank of this Attribute reduces a character’s density so much that he or she can pass through certain types of objects (including weapons) as though insubstantial. If a specific substance is not listed in Rank progression, the GM should use the entry that it most closely resembles. The density of the human body, for example, falls approximately at Rank 2 (water); consequently, a punch from an enemy would harmlessly pass through a character with Rank 3 Insubstantial. Characters with Rank 6 Insubstantial are effectively incorporeal and can pass through virtually anything, including most forms of energy. Rank 1

The character can pass through paper and cloth.

Rank 2

The character can pass through wood and water.

Rank 3

The character can pass through concrete and earth.

Rank 4

The character can pass through iron and steel.

Rank 5

The character can pass through lead and gold .

Rank 6

The character can pass through energy.

Invisibility Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character is invisible to one sense or technique/Rank

This Attribute will completely hide the character from one or more senses or detection methods. The character may possess a supernatural concealment ability or a technological cloaking device, or have a psychic or magical talent that causes observers to overlook him or her. To represent partially invisibility, see the Sensory Block Attribute. For each Invisibility Rank, the player selects one sense or technique to which the character is “invisible.” Senses include the human range for sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell. Detection techniques include: astral; ethereal; infrared; mental; radar; radiation; sonar; spiritual; ultraviolet; vibration. The GM may decide that the most common forms of Invisibility — often sight and hearing — cost 2 Attribute slots rather than only 1. While the character may not be detected using specific methods, indirect evidence can still reveal the character’s presence. For example, a character who is invisible to sight will still leave

footprints in muddy ground. Similarly, a vase that is knocked from a table by a character who is invisible to sound will still make noise as it smashes on the floor. In normal combat situations involving human or nearly human opponents, a character who is invisible to sight has a great advantage. Once the invisible character gives away his or her general position (for example, by firing a gun, attacking with a sword, or shouting) he or she can be attacked, but there is a -4 penalty for anyone within melee range and -8 for anyone at a greater distance. Heightened Awareness and Heightened Senses can reduce this penalty, as can the Blind-Fight or Blind-Shoot Feats. This penalty is halved if using an Area or Spreading Special Attack on the invisible character. Item of Power Cost:

3-4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Usually none, but sometimes Wisdom Progression:

The item is built using 5 Character Points/Rank

This Attribute describes any exotic, portable item that directly enhances a character in some way (perhaps by conferring Attributes). An Item of Power represents advanced technology or a relic with paranormal powers. More ordinary but useful items (such as a sword or a medical kit) are covered by the Personal Gear Attribute. Special weapons that others can use are often designed with Item of Power, with Points allocated to the Special Attack Attribute. Each item is built using up to 5 Character Points per Rank of the Item of Power Attribute, which can be used to assign other Attributes. For some character concepts, Items of Power above Rank 6 are not unreasonable. Assigning Defects to the item earns Bonus Points, which are used to acquire additional Attributes for the item. Defects that cannot usually be assigned include: Conditional Ownership, Ism, Marked, Nemesis, Owned, Red Tape, Significant Other, Skeleton in the Closet, and Wanted. Players selecting this Attribute must have a discussion with the GM to determine what abilities the Item of Power possesses and how it works. The player, with GM approval, may also create specific abilities for Items of Power using the Unique Attribute. An Item of Power may be combined with a mundane, minor, or major Gadget (such as a car that can fly, or a sword that can teleport people). The item costs 4 Points/Rank if it is difficult for the character to misplace or for an enemy to steal/knock away, or it is almost always with the character. Examples include jewellery, frequently worn clothing, or equipment the character carries with them always. The item costs 3 Points/Rank if it is easier for the character to misplace or for an enemy to steal/knock away, or it is often distant from the character. Examples include thrown weapons, armour that is stored when not in use, and vehicles or equipment that stay at the character’s home until needed. Additionally, the total Point cost (not cost per Rank) for the Item is increased by 1 if it can only be used by a small subset of individuals (Restricted Use). For example: only characters with a Strength above 18, only magicians, only members of a specific religion, or only goddesses. The total Point cost is increased by 2 if the Item can only be used by the character (Personal Use); this restriction cannot be reconfigured by someone with the Mechanical Genius Attribute. Items that cannot be lost or stolen, such as objects that are implanted in or fused to the character’s body (often true for cyborgs), are not Items of Power. In these cases, the items are considered part of the character and thus the player should use Points to acquire the Attributes

directly. If a character requires a specific object, or group of objects, to act as a focus when using one or more of his or her innate Attributes, the Special Requirement Defect applies instead of Item of Power. Jumping Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Strength Progression:

The character adds 20 to his or her Jump Skill each Rank

With this Attribute, the character can make very high, unaided vertical jumps but cannot actually fly. This ability is very appropriate for anime martial artists, bouncy non-human races like cat-people, and agile or jump-jet equipped robots or powered suits. Magic Cost:

4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

The character receives 10 Magic Points/Rank to acquire magical powers

This Attribute is rarely used in campaigns that also use the Dynamic Sorcery Attribute. Additionally, Magic does not compliment the traditional spell casting rules in most other d20 System games. If Anime d20 is being used with another d20 game, GMs may consider restricting access to the Magic Attribute. A character with the Magic Attribute has the ability to manipulate arcane energies to produce a specific set of effects that seemingly defy physical laws. The player should define the character’s magical ability and establish a consistent theme for his or her powers. Themes that are common in anime include: • Elemental magic such as mastery over traditional elements like wind, water, or fire, or less traditional “elements” like darkness, the moon, or even love. • Spells or powers that involve contacting or controlling natural spirits (shamanism) or the dead (necromancy). •

Black magic, involving destructive forces or evil or negative energies.

• Magical powers with an exotic or whimsical theme such as a set of abilities whose “special effects” all relate to tarot cards, flowers, cats (“nekomancy”), or pretty much anything else. • Psionic abilities that produce psychic effects such as Telepathy, Telekinesis, or Precognition; psi powers are normally assumed to be talents with which the character was born, although they may have required special training to awaken. • Ki-based magic, where the character focuses his or her inner spirit through martial arts training to produce various exotic attacks and abilities. •

Divine powers granted by a deity to a priest, priestess or other holy individual.

• Legendary powers innate to a magical entity such as a fox spirit’s ability to change shape or possess people or the myriad powers of a vampire.

The GM may rule that only certain types of magic exist within his or her campaign setting and that all characters with a Magic Attribute should conform to them. For example, in a game aimed at simulating a particular “magical girl” show, any character with the Magic Attribute may be expected to emulate the way the magical powers work in the show. It is perfectly reasonable for a character to take the Magic Attribute multiple times to represent a character who has two or more different types of magic. A character with the Magic Attribute receives 10 Magic Points per Rank of this Attribute. Magic Points may be used like Character Points to acquire individual Attributes. Attributes acquired using Magic Points are designated “Magical Powers” and represent the extent of the character’s magic. A Magical Power is used just like an ordinary Attribute, except each time the character uses it he or she must perform an invocation and expend Energy Points. This can represent casting a spell, concentrating on his or her inner ki, focusing a psychic power, etc. Characters can acquire almost any Attributes as Magical Powers using their Magic Points with these exceptions: Dynamic Sorcery, Energy Bonus, Magic/Psionics, and perhaps Own a Big Mecha. The GM should exercise caution in allowing characters to acquire Highly Skilled or Organisational Ties, since either can be inappropriate or unbalancing. In addition, each Magical Power should be given its own descriptive name or special effects. Thus, while a Magical Power may be acquired as “Special Attack Rank 2,” on a character sheet it should be written down as “Lightning Bolt: Weapon Attack Rank 2,” etc. An invocation normally involves a short verbal incantation or magic phrase combined with gestures, which should take one action; the character must be able to speak and have his or her hands free to perform it. (For ways to get around this, see Magic Options). If the power is an offensive one (such as Mind Control or Special Attack), the character can make his or her attack as part of the invocation. Each invocation normally drains Energy Points from the character equal to one half (round up) the Magic Points that were spent to acquire that Rank of the Attribute. For example, acquiring the Elasticity Attribute at Rank 5 as a Magical Power, costs 10 Magic Points. Invoking the Elasticity Magical Power at Rank 5 drains 5 Energy Points from the character (10 ÷ 2 = 5). A character can choose to use a Magical Power as if it were acquired at a lower Rank to conserve Energy Points, however. Continuing the example, the character can use Elasticity at Rank 2 instead (even though it can be used at a maximum of Rank 5), which only drains 2 Energy Points. If the Magical Power is an Attribute with instantaneous effects, such as Exorcism, Teleportation or Weapon Attack, the character must invoke the power anew (and spend Energy Points) each time he or she wishes to make use of it. If it has continuing effects (as in the case for most other Attributes), these effects will last for one minute; the character can maintain it for a greater duration by spending additional Energy Points equal to the Magic Point cost every minute. The Game Master can adjust this time up or down as necessary for his or her campaign. Maintaining a Magical Power requires no special concentration, but if the Power is not maintained it will cease to function and need to be invoked all over again in order to reactivate it. Magic Options A specific Magical Power may be further customised by assigning it one or more of the following Magic Options when the character’s powers are being designed. Note that a character

may assign different Magic Options to each of his or her Magical Powers. All effects are cumulative. • Focus In order to invoke a Magical Power that was given the Focus option, the character requires a special tool. This may be a talisman, magic wand, or other device, or a set of exotic “spell components” such as the traditional eye of newt and wing of bat. A Magical Power that requires a Focus costs half as many Energy Points to invoke (round down). The Energy Points required to maintain the Magical Power are unaffected. • Ritual Invoking a Magical Power that has this option requires a special ceremony taking several minutes to several hours to perform (GM’s option), however, the Energy Points required to invoke the power and maintain it are halved (round down). If the character is interrupted during the Ritual or does anything other than concentrate on it, the Ritual fails and the character must begin again if he or she wishes to invoke the power. If a Ritual is interrupted at the last minute (when nearly complete) the GM may optionally have it go out of control, producing an undesirable or disastrous effect rather than simply fail. The GM may allow the magic-using character a Concentration Skill Check to avoid this. The magnitude of the disaster will depend on how powerful the Magical Power is and will usually be somehow related to what the character was trying to achieve. • Silent A Magical Power that has this option does not require magic words. A Silent Power costs twice as many Energy Points to invoke (but regular cost to maintain). This option is very common for innate or psychic powers. • Still A Magical Power that has this option does not require any gestures or motions. A Still Power costs twice as many Energy Points to invoke (but regular cost to maintain). Again, this option is very common for innate or psychic powers. Massive Damage Cost:

2 or 5 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Damage the character delivers is increased by 2 Points.

A character with the Massive Damage Attribute knows precisely how and where to hit any opponent in order to inflict incredible amounts of damage. For 2 Points/Rank, additional damage is only inflicted when the character uses one specific weapon type, Special Attack, or method of attack; this attack is defined during character creation. For example, it might represent a special talent with a weapon (such as guns, blades, blunt weapons), knowledge of a particular martial arts technique, or ability with a specific Special Attack.

For 5 Points/Rank, this knowledge can be applied to all forms of physical combat including armed, unarmed, martial arts, and ranged weapons, as well as Special Attacks such as energy blasts, magical spells that inflict damage, or vehicle weapons. Naturally, the character’s attack must be successful to inflict any damage. Physical strength is not the key to delivering massive damage in an attack; the ability to sense a weakness is far more important. The capacity of Massive Damage to augment any kind of attack makes it a very useful Attribute for a combat-oriented character. Mechanical Genius Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character has an innate knack for creating, modifying, and working with complex machines. Unlike someone who is merely well trained in a particular technical skill, a Mechanical Genius is a natural and is able to flip through a tech manual for an advanced technology in 30 seconds and figure out a way to repair the machine in an hour or so. Such characters often have high Ranks in Electronics and Mechanical Skills as well. A character with this Attribute can also build new and modify existing gadgets at an astonishing rate, provided he or she has appropriate parts and facilities. In game terms, this means he or she can modify existing Personal Gear or technology-based Items of Power by exchanging Attributes and Defects, as long as the overall Point total is unchanged. A Mechanical Genius can also build Gear and Items of Power, but their creation requires the character to allocate the appropriate number of Character Points. Alternatively, the GM may describe this Attribute as “Magical Genius,” that allows a character to modify magical Items of Power by exchanging Attributes and Defects. Rank 1

The character can build/repair machines at 2 times normal speed.

Rank 2

The character can build/repair machines at 5 times normal speed.

Rank 3

The character can build/repair machines at 10 times normal speed.

Rank 4

The character can build/repair machines at 20 times normal speed.

Rank 5

The character can build/repair machines at 50 times normal speed.

Rank 6

The character can build/repair machines at 100 times normal speed.

Metamorphosis Cost:

5 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Physical transformations are a major part of Japanese folklore, and a common ability for supernatural anime creatures or individuals labouring under a curse. Technological transformations are also possible, such as the robot who can shed its human guise and sprout

weapons pods and rocket engines. Sorcerers, witches, or demons may also know how to transform others, usually through powerful magic. The Metamorphosis Attribute allows a character to transform a target into alternate forms by adding Attributes to, or adding/removing Defects from, the target character. The maximum duration of this change is dictated by the Attribute Rank. If the target character successfully makes a Fortitude save (DC 14 + Rank of Metamorphosis), the Metamorphosis attempt does not work. The GM may rule that Metamorphosis automatically fails if the subject’s new form could not survive in the present environment. Consequently, a character could turn an enemy into a goldfish, but the attempt would only work if the target was currently in water. This prevents this ability from being used as a quick way to instantly kill an opponent. Again, GMs may waive this restriction where appropriate (such as for a villain in a supernatural horror campaign). In order to transform him or herself, the character needs the Alternate Form Attribute. For each Rank of Metamorphosis, the character can assign 1 Character Point to a target’s Attributes. This can either raise the target’s current Attribute Rank, or result in the target gaining a new power. Alternatively, for each Rank the character can add 3 Defect Bonus Points to, or remove 3 Defect Bonus Points from, a target. Cosmetic changes that confer no additional abilities on the target, but do not fall under the Marked Defect, are considered a 1 Bonus Point change total (for all changes). This includes: change of sex, 50% apparent age increase or decrease, colour changes (eye, skin, or hair), and minor physical changes (shape of ears, facial features, or bodily proportions). Unless the GM indicates otherwise, Character Points gained through Metamorphosis can only be used to add Ranks to the following Attributes: Adaptation, Armour, Elasticity, Extra Arms, Features, Flight, Heightened Senses, Insubstantial, Jumping, Natural Weapons, Regeneration, Special Defence, Special Movement, Speed, Superstrength, Tunnelling, and Water Speed. Additionally, only the following Defects can be changed: Awkward Size, Diminutive, Ism, Less Capable, Marked, Not So Tough, Physical Impairment, Sensory Impairment, and Unappealing. Metamorphosis is not intended for transforming people into stone or other forms where they would be effectively immobilised. In order to do that, use the Special Attack Attribute with the Incapacitating Ability. Rank 1 The character may change up to 1 Character Point or 3 Defect Points. The Metamorphosis lasts for 1 minute. Rank 2 The character may change up to 2 Character Points or 6 Defect Points. The Metamorphosis lasts for 2 minutes. Rank 3 The character may change up to 3 Character Points or 9 Defect Points. The Metamorphosis lasts for 5 minutes. Rank 4 The character may change up to 4 Character Points or 12 Defect Points. The Metamorphosis lasts for 10 minutes. Rank 5 The character may change up to 5 Character Points or 15 Defect Points. The Metamorphosis lasts for 30 minutes. Rank 6 The character may change up to 6 Character Points or 18 Defect Points. The Metamorphosis lasts for 1 hour. Mimic


7 or 10 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Upon a successful Power Usage: Mimic Skill check against a DC of 15 plus the Rank of the target Attribute or Skill, the character can temporarily mimic any Attribute or Skill Rank of any single target character within range. The Rank of Mimic equals the maximum Attribute Rank that can be mimicked (doubled to determine the maximum Skill Rank). The Rank of a mimicked Attribute/Skill only replaces the character’s corresponding Rank (if applicable) if it is higher; the character’s Attribute/Skill Rank cannot decrease through Mimic unless a specific Restriction is assigned. Alternatively, upon a successful Power Usage: Mimic Skill check against a DC equal to the target Ability Score, the character can temporarily mimic any Ability Score of any single target character within range. For 7 Points/Rank the character can only mimic one Attribute/Ability/Skill at any single time. For 10 Points/Rank, the character can mimic as many Attributes/Abilities/Skills simultaneously at the appropriate Ranks (as indicated) as he or she desires (each mimicked Attribute/Ability/Skill must be copied separately, each requiring a separate Skill check). Rank 1 The character can mimic up to Rank 1 Attributes or Rank 2 Skills, at a range of 15 feet and a duration of 5 rounds. Rank 2 The character can mimic up to Rank 2 Attributes or Rank 4 Skills, at a range of 30 feet and a duration of 1 minutes. Rank 3 The character can mimic up to Rank 3 Attributes or Rank 6 Skills, at a range of 45 feet and a duration of 2 minutes. Rank 4 The character can mimic up to Rank 4 Attributes or Rank 8 Skills, at a range of 60 feet and a duration of 4 minutes. Rank 4 The character can mimic up to Rank 5 Attributes or Rank 10 Skills, at a range of 75 feet and a duration of 8 minutes. Rank 6 The character can mimic up to Rank 6 Attributes or Rank 12 Skills, at a range of 90 feet and a duration of 16 minutes. Mind Control Cost:

3-6 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute allows the character to mentally dominate other individuals. Sorcerers, some psionic adepts, and creatures with hypnotic Powers (such as many demons or vampires) are among those likely to have Mind Control. Mind Control costs 6 Points/Rank if it can be used on any human or alien with an Intelligence of 3 or higher (animals are excluded). It costs 5 Points/Rank if it works on broad categories of humans (“any Japanese” or “any male,” for example). It costs 4 Points/Rank if the

category is more specific and less useful (“Shinto priestesses” or “people obsessed with beauty”). Finally, it costs 3 Points/Rank if the category is very specific (members of the character’s family, or members of a specific military unit). The effects of Mind Control should be role-played. If necessary, the GM can take over the character, although it is more fun if the player (with GM guidance) continues to play the character. Initiating Mind Control requires a full round. The character must successfully make a Power Usage: Mind Control Skill check (if attacking multiple targets, roll only once) against DC 10 plus the Intelligence modifier of the target (use the highest modifier if targeting multiple people). At Ranks 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, the character receives a +1 bonus to his or her attempt to Mind Control a target. If the check is successful, the target must make a Willpower save against DC 10 plus the attacker’s Wisdom modifier plus the attacker’s Rank in Power Usage: Mind Control. When controlling a large number of people, an average Will save for the entire group could be used. At Ranks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, the target also receives a -1 penalty when attempting to defend against Mind Control (or when trying to break established contact). At Rank 7, for instance, the character gains a +4 bonus while the target suffers a -3 penalty. A character needs to defeat an opponent in Mind Combat to toy with the target’s emotions (for example, giving the opponent new fears or a prejudice). Once Mind Control is established, it remains in effect until the dominating character willingly relinquishes control, or until the target breaks free from the control. A target may attempt to break control under two circumstances: whenever he or she is given a command that conflicts with the nature of the character, and whenever the GM deems it appropriate for dramatic effect. To sever the connection, the target must make a successful Willpower save against DC 10 plus the attacker’s Intelligence modifier and Power Usage: Mind Control Skill Rank plus the modifiers based on the controller’s Mind Control Rank. Against Target’s Nature If a Mind Controlled target is commanded to perform an action that he or she would not willingly do under normal circumstances, the target can attempt to break control. Additionally, the target may receive a bonus if the action goes against his or her nature. The more distasteful the target finds the command, the greater the bonus. For mildly distasteful actions (such as licking an enemy’s boots), no bonus is given. For highly distasteful or undesirable actions (such as stealing from an ally), a +4 bonus is given. Finally, for exceptionally distasteful or undesirable actions (such as attacking an ally), a +8 bonus is given. Note that these bonuses are cumulative with penalties associated with the controlling character’s Mind Control Rank. When the GM Deems Appropriate If the character commands his or her target to perform a number of mundane activities (clean the house, fetching a drink of water, etc.), the GM may decide the target does not receive an opportunity to break established control. Even a seemingly inoffensive command such as “sit in the closet” or “go to sleep,” however, may have a drastic impact on the lives of others if a bomb is about to explode in the shrine or the target is piloting a mecha at the time. In these instances, the GM may give the target a chance to break free of the Mind Control even if the target does not regard a command as dangerous or distasteful (which would present an opportunity to end the control). This option puts the GM in direct control of the situation, which will benefit the campaign. Naturally, the GM can also apply modifiers to the save attempt that are cumulative with penalties associated with the controlling character’s Mind Control Rank.

A character need not control every thought and action of his or her victims but can allow them to live normal lives until they are needed; these targets are known as “sleepers.” Additionally, people who have been Mind Controlled will not usually remember events that occurred during the time period they are controlled and will have a gap in their memories. The GM may allow a character to temporarily boost his or her Mind Control Attribute by one or two Ranks against a single individual who is his or her captive by “working” on the subject for a day or more. This bonus can represent concentrated brainwashing techniques or dedicated study of a subject. Player Characters should only be placed under Mind Control for extended periods of time in exceptional circumstances. Rank 1

The character can control the mind of 1 target for a duration of several minutes.

Rank 2

The character can control the minds of 2-3 targets for a duration of several hours.

Rank 3

The character can control the minds of 4-8 targets for a duration of several days.

Rank 4 weeks.

The character can control the minds of 9-15 targets for a duration of several

Rank 5 months.

The character can control the minds of 16-25 targets for a duration of several

Rank 6 years.

The character can control the minds of 26-50 targets for a duration of several

Mind Shield Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The character gains a +2/Rank for Willpower saves involving mind invasion

A character with Mind Shield is protected against psychic intrusion. This may be a reflection of his or her own psychic abilities, a protective spell, special training, or some innate ability. A character with Mind Shield can detect and block attempts to read his or her mind by a character with Telepathy of equal or lower Rank to the Mind Shield. The character may also add the twice the Rank of Mind Shield to his or her Will save (as appropriate) when defending against a Mind Control attempt, telepathic Mind Combat, or a Special Attack with the Mind or Soul Attack Ability. Natural Weapons Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character gains 1 Natural Weapon/Rank

The character has one or more relatively mundane natural weapons, such as sharp teeth, claws, tentacles, etc. Natural weapons are normally possessed by animals, monsters, and similar characters, but could also represent technological capabilities that mimic such abilities such as an

android or cyborg with retractable claws. More powerful Natural Weapons can be designed using the Special Attack Attribute, with the Melee Disability. The character possesses one such attack form per Rank. Possessing more than one such natural weapon gives the character a wider variety of attack forms. Hands, feet, a heavy tail, ordinary teeth, or hooves are not normally counted as Natural Weapons since they are (relatively) blunt; and thus inflict usual Unarmed damage. • Claws or Spikes The character possesses sharp talons or spikes on his or her fingers, paws, or feet. In addition to regular damage, the claws inflict 1d4 additional damage when used in melee combat. This attack uses the Unarmed Attack (Strikes) Skill. • Fangs, Beak, or Mandibles The character has very sharp teeth, or alternatively, a beak or insect-like mandibles. This natural weapon inflicts only 2 damage above normal damage in melee combat, but a successful strike that penetrates Armour gives the character the option to maintain a biting grip and continue to inflict equivalent damage in subsequent rounds. These additional attacks are automatically successful, but the opponent can break the hold with a successful Strength check. While the attacker is maintaining a biting grip, his or her own ability to defend is impeded: the attacker cannot use weapons to defend, and suffers a -4 AC penalty against any attack. This attack uses the Unarmed Attack (Bites) Skill. • Horns These are large horns for butting or stabbing. Horns add 2 extra damage to normal damage in melee combat but are exceptionally effective if the character charges into battle. If the character wins Initiative against an opponent and has room for a running start, he or she can lower his or her head and charge. A successful attack will deliver normal attack damage, plus 1d6 (rather than the normal +2). If a charge fails to connect, the charging character will be off balance and suffers a -2 penalty to his or her AC for the remainder of the round and a -4 Initiative roll penalty on the following combat round. This attack uses the Unarmed Attack (Strikes) Skill. • Spines The character is covered in nasty spikes, quills, or sharp scales. Anyone who wrestles with the character automatically suffers 2 damage each round. This damage is in addition to any attack damage delivered. During these struggles, the opponent’s clothes will also be ripped and shredded unless they are armoured. • Tail Striker If the character has a combat-ready tail, it can be equipped with spikes, a stinger, or other similarly nasty weapon. The attack inflicts an additional 2 damage (in addition to normal damage). Upon a successful attack, the target must make a Dexterity check or suffer a -4 Initiative penalty the following combat round (the target is off balance). This attack uses the Unarmed Attack (Strikes) Skill. • Tentacles

One or more of the character’s limbs — or possibly his or her hair — are actually tentacles. A character with tentacles gains a +2 bonus to his or her Unarmed Attack and Unarmed Defence Skill Rank when engaged in a wrestling attack or defending against one. Tentacles are also difficult to avoid in combat (opponent suffers a -1 AC penalty). Organisational Ties Cost:

1-3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Charisma Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Organisational Ties represents a character’s close relationship with a hierarchy of some sort that grants him or her access to respect and privileges. Monetary advantages are usually covered by the Wealth Attribute, while access to special equipment may be represented by the Personal Gear Attribute. Examples of organisations include the feudal system, powerful corporations, organised crime rings, secret guilds and societies, governmental positions, military organisations, and some religions. For campaigns in which all players belong to the same organised group, the GM may decide that Organisational Ties are not required. Consequently, this Attribute is optional; the GM may prefer to treat organisation membership as a background detail instead. The value of Organisational Ties depends on its importance in the setting. An organisation that exerts moderate power within the setting is worth 1 Point/Rank, one that has significant power costs 2 Points/Rank, and one that has great power in the setting costs 3 Points/Rank. Players should not assign this Attribute to represent organisations that have very little power. The GM determines the extent of the organisation’s influence. In a high school comedy campaign, the school’s autocratic Student Council might wield “significant power,” while in most other settings it would be completely trivial and not worth any Points. Similarly, a criminal organisation like the Mafia or Yakuza might count as “great power” (3 Points/Rank) in a traditional low-powered game set in modern times, but merely as “moderate power” (1 Point/Rank) in a high-powered magical girl campaign. Normal organisations should be limited to a geopolitical area, such as a single country. Global organisations, or those that span multiple geopolitical areas, function at 1 Rank lower. Multi-planetary organisations function at 2 Ranks lower, while multi-galaxy organisations function at 3 Ranks lower. For example, the president of a global megacorporation needs to assign Rank 6 to gain access to the Controlling Rank category (1 Rank lower). Similarly, a character who has Senior Rank in a universe-wide military organisation should have Rank 7 Organisational Ties (3 Ranks lower). Some organisations may be ostensibly limited to a single country, but the higher ranks still have global or multi-planetary influence. For example, the President of the United States is a Controlling Rank (Rank 6). Since the US has great influence across the world, however, the position would be Rank 7 (as if it was a global organisation). These far-ranging organisation positions are only relevant, however, if the character can actually gain access to the resources of all branches of the group. If an Earth character is Connected to a multi-planetary police organisation, for instance, but can only interact with and be influenced by the Earth chapter of the organisation, the group is only considered to be a global organisation (1 Rank lower) for that character. The group is not categorised as multi-planetary (2 Rank lower), since the extensive resource benefits normally associated with an organisation that size are not available to the character.

Rank 1 The character is connected to the organisation and can rely on it for occasional support and favours (and expect to be called on in return). Rank 2 The character has respected status in an organisation such as a landed knight in the feudal system, a junior executive in a corporation, a city council member, or a Mafia “Wise Guy” in an organised crime family. The organisation brings the character status and some wealth. Rank 3 The character has middle rank in an organisation such as a corporate vice president in charge of a department, a lesser feudal lord with a castle and lands, or a Mafia “captain” who runs a neighbourhood, or a junior congressman or member of parliament. Rank 4 The character has senior rank in an organisation, such as the senior vice-president of a large corporation, a high-ranking officer in the JSDF, or a US senator. Rank 5 The character has controlling rank in an organisation, such as the president of a megacorp, the boss of a large crime family, or a US state governor. Rank 6 The character has a controlling rank that spans multiple organisations, such as the ruler of a small nation, or “boss of bosses” of many different crime families. Own a Big Mecha (OBM) Cost:

8 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A mecha is a vehicle or construct of some sort such as a giant robot, spaceship, tank, submarine, sports car, motorcycle, helicopter, powered armour suit. Piloting is usually done from a cockpit inside the mecha, though lower-technology or “retro” mecha may be operated from the outside or via remote control. The mecha’s aptitude for combat is determined by the pilot character’s ability. Mecha often appear in modern or future settings, but they can also be pre-modern such as sailing ships or science-fantasy gear like magical clockwork golems. “Mecha” that characters do not ride, pilot, occupy, or wear, such as robot companions, are best acquired through the Flunkies or Servant Attributes. The basic capabilities of the mecha are outlined in the Rank progression chart. The exact details regarding the mecha’s form, function, storage, and design are up to the player. With GM permission, a player can modify his or her character’s mecha from this baseline by assigning Attributes and Defects to the mecha rather than the character. The Character Points associated with Attributes, and Bonus Points associated with Defects, assigned in this way are divided by two to determine the actual cost. For example, adding a Force Field (4 Points/Rank) to the mecha would cost only 2 Points/Rank. Similarly, adding a 2 Bonus Point Defect to the mecha would only return 1 Bonus Point to the character. The GM has final approval over all mecha modifications. Rank 1 The character owns a weak mecha with: 2d8 Hit Points, 4 Armour, 2 arms, top speed of 30 mph, 2d6 damage in unarmed melee combat, and Rank 1 Special Attack.

Rank 2 The character owns a average mecha with: 4d8 Hit Points, 8 Armour, 2 arms, top speed of 60 mph, 4d6 damage in unarmed melee combat, and Rank 2 Special Attack. Rank 3 The character owns a strong mecha with: 6d8 Hit Points, 12 Armour, 2 arms, top speed of 100 mph, 6d6 damage in unarmed melee combat, and Rank 3 Special Attack. Rank 4 The character owns a powerful mecha with: 8d8 Hit Points, 16 Armour, 2 arms, top speed of 300 mph, 8d6 damage in unarmed melee combat, and Rank 4 Special Attack. Rank 5 The character owns a very powerful mecha with: 10d8 Hit Points, 20 Armour, 2 arms, top speed of 600 mph, 10d6 damage in unarmed melee combat, and Rank 5 Special Attack. Rank 6 The character owns a extraordinarily powerful mecha with: 12d8 Hit Points, 24 Armour, 2 arms, top speed of 1000 mph, 12d6 damage in unarmed melee combat, and Rank 6 Special Attack. Anime d20 and d20 Mecha If you want an even more detailed and customisable version of Own a Big Mecha, our d20 Mecha (#02-601) book is exactly what you are looking for. Each rank of Own a Big Mecha gives you 400 Mecha Points with which you can build your machine. Personal Gear Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character gains 1 major and 4 minor items of Personal Gear/Rank

The Personal Gear Attribute represents a character’s access to useful equipment. Characters do not need to spend Character Points for items that are legal, inexpensive, and mundane in the campaign setting (such as clothing, a backpack, a knife, or consumer goods). GMs may require players to allot Points to this Attribute, however, if their characters will begin the game with numerous pieces of equipment to which the average person might not have easy access such as weapons, body armour, or specialised professional equipment. The GM may give starting players a weapon of choice and a few other inexpensive items for free. Personal Gear cannot include magic items, secret prototypes, or technology more advanced than what is standard in the setting. It can include common civilian vehicles appropriate to the setting (for example, a car, truck, light airplane, or motorbike in the present day; perhaps a horse for fantasy campaigns). For less common or more expensive mecha, see Own a Big Mecha Attribute. The GM always has the final say on whether or not an item is available to the characters. Some examples of Personal Gear can be found in Chapter 12: Combat; the GM can create the statistics of other items. Although characters may have items that are owned by the organisations to which they belong, they still must acquire these items as Personal Gear if they will make regular use of them (though the Conditional Ownership Defect may apply). Thus, a police officer would use Gear for a pistol, police car, or handcuffs, although these items are property of the police department. This rule is intended mainly for play balance and, naturally, the GM has final say on this issue.

Each Rank in this Attribute permits the character to take one major and four minor items. Alternatively, the character can exchange one major item for four minor items, or vice versa. Use these guidelines to differentiate between major and minor items: • Minor The item is somewhat hard to get, or rather expensive. It is something available in a shop or store or from a skilled artisan, but it costs as much as an average person’s monthly wage. Alternatively, the Gear can be less expensive but needs a license or black market contact to acquire. Non-standard items that modify or improve other items of Gear, but are not functional by themselves (for example, a scope for a rifle, silencer for a pistol, or supercharged engine for an automobile) are also minor items of Gear. Modern examples of minor items include weapon and vehicle modifications, handguns, premium medical kits, night vision goggles, full camping gear, burglary tools, expensive tool kits, and personal computers. Ancient or medieval examples include swords, longbows, crossbows, shields, lightweight armour (such as leather or a light mail shirt), lock picks, poisons, or a mule. Gear must be appropriate to the world setting — a pistol is a minor item in a modernday or future setting, but an Item of Power in a medieval fantasy game! • Major The gear is usually illegal for civilians, but it may be issued to an elite law enforcement agency, an average soldier, or a government spy may be issued. Modern-day examples of major items include machine guns, tactical armour, and grenade launchers. Major gear items can also include quite expensive but commercially available equipment such as a science lab, workshop, car, or motorbike. The GM can rule that an occasional, very expensive item (for example, an airplane or semi truck) counts as two or more major items of Gear. Ancient or medieval examples of major items include a full suit of chain or plate armour, a cavalry horse, a smith’s forge, an alchemist’s lab, or a wagon and team of draft animals. • Mundane Items that are easy to acquire, legal, and inexpensive count as “mundane items” and do not count as Personal Gear unless taken in quantity (GM’s option). For example, “a complete tool box” would be a single a minor item; a single wrench is mundane. Pet Monster Cost:

6 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character owns one or more pet monsters, constructed from 20 Character Points plus 20/Rank

A Pet Monster is the ultimate friend and servant, ready to perform nearly any task for its master. Unlike a Servant, Pet Monsters have few desires beyond pleasing their master and rarely disobey orders. Frequently, Pet Monsters fight in gladiatorial combats for their owners’ glory since they eager to please (and are usually more powerful than their owners as well). For other types of companions, see the Servant Attribute. A Pet Monster is a 1st Level Adventurer, created with his or her own Ability Scores, Attributes, Defects, and Skills as normal but with only 20 Discretionary Character Points. Each

Rank of the Pet Monster Attribute also gives the player 20 additional Character Points to add to the Pet Monster (for example, 40 Points at Rank 1, 60 Points at Rank 2, etc.). Pet Monsters do not gain Experience Points themselves and never progress in class beyond Level 1, though; instead, a Pet Monster gets more powerful when its owner advances in Rank in the Pet Monster Attribute and gives his or her pet more Character Points (to acquire Feats, Attributes, Skills, etc.). The Pet Monster may not have the Pet Monster Attributes, and some relationship-based Defects should not be assigned due to its innate role as a character’s pet. Thus, it is inappropriate for a Pet Monster to have the following Defects: Owned, Red Tape, or Significant Other. If creating more than one monster (for populating a monster farm or ranch), the character can divide the Pet Monster Points amongst them in any way he or she desires. Each new Pet Monster added is created as a 1st Level Adventurer as normal with 20 Discretionary Character Points. If the GM wishes to encourage players to own multiple Pet Monsters instead of just one, the Rank Progression could be changed from “+20 Character Points/Rank” to “+15 Points/Rank +5 Points added to each Pet Monster.” For example, if a character with six Pet Monsters increases from Rank 3 to Rank 4 in this Attribute, each Pet Monster gains an additional 5 Points and the player has 15 more Points to divide amongst the six pets as he or she sees fit. In addition to Character Point assignment, players should consider the following five aspects for his or her character’s Pet Monster: •

What is its name? Make sure it’s a cute name.

What does the Pet Monster look like? Make sure it’s cute.

• What species is it? Common species types include: aquatic, beast, bird, bug, dragon/reptile, eyeball, gerbil/rodent, golem, metamorph, slime, spirit, and veggie. • From what elemental force does the Pet Monster derive its powers? Common elements include: celestial, darkness, death, earth, electricity, fire, gas, ice, light, metal, psionics, sonic, water, and wind. • How is the Pet Monster stored when not in use? All Pet Monsters come with their own device for free, which may include an electronic toy, a magical pocket ball, or an extra dimensional gadget. When the owner needs the Pet Monster, he or she summons them from the device, most commonly with a command phrase. Experience Point Pet Monster Advancement Rather than increasing the Pet Monster’s point total to reflect advancement, players and GMs may wish to advance pet monsters as Adventurers. The Pet Monster begins play as a 1st Level Adventurer and gains Experience Points at the same pace as the character. If a character has multiple Pet Monsters, the XP award is divided amongst the monsters (assigning the most XP to those monsters that saw the most action in the adventure). If the character increases his or her Rank in the Pet Monster Attribute, the Monster gains the additional points as normal, reflecting additional power, not additional experience. Using this method, however, player’s should ignore the “Pet Monster +1” gained from character advancement for the Pet Monster Trainer class — the XP advancement gained through adventuring reflects the increased ability of the monsters.

Place of Power Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A Place of Power is a home base or lair that is infused with magical or holy energies. It might be a shrine, magical circle, a sacrificial altar, a ring of standing stones or something less traditional. The place usually radiates good or evil energy, and a nearby character with an appropriate Sixth Sense can detect its presence. While within his or her Place of Power, the character alone can perform activities using either Dynamic Sorcery or Magic more easily. The Place of Power has a pool of 10 Energy Points for each Rank of this Attribute. While the character is standing somewhere within the Place of Power, he or she can draw on these Energy Points as if they were the character’s own. Once used, the Energy Points replenish at a rate of 1 Energy Point for each Rank of the Place of Power Attribute per hour. Several characters may share the same Place of Power. While this option does not reduce the Attribute’s cost, it can provide greater convenience. Each character sharing the Power has his or her own source of additional Energy Points. At the GM’s discretion, a Place of Power may also offer additional advantages. In particular, one usually exerts a subtle, long-term, emotional influence on people who live in or near it, which may be positive if the owner of the Place of Power is a good person or negative if he or she is an evil one. In addition, individuals born or raised in a Place of Power are more likely to develop supernatural abilities. Rank 1

The Place of Power is the size of a small rug and provides 10 Energy Points.

Rank 2

The Place of Power is the size of a small room and provides 20 Energy Points.

Rank 3

The Place of Power is the size of a large room and provides 30 Energy Points.

Rank 4

The Place of Power is the size of a house and provides 40 Energy Points.

Rank 5

The Place of Power is the size of a city block and provides 50 Energy Points

Rank 6 Points.

The Place of Power is the size of several city blocks and provides 60 Energy

Pocket Dimension Cost:

2, 3 or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute allows the opening of a hole or doorway — a portal — into another dimension. In anime, this power is sometimes possessed by demons or even vampires, or, in Western myth, by fairies. Mages often create dimensional portals leading from closets or doors into other places. In less serious games, Pocket Dimension can also represent the ability some characters have to suddenly produce big items (like huge hammers or swords) seemingly out of

nowhere. A Pocket Dimension could also represent an object that is simply bigger on the inside than on the outside. The Rank of Pocket Dimension determines the maximum size of the dimension. The environment and furnishings of the dimension are up to the player within the GM’s limitations; extensive furnishings should be acquired as Personal Gear. A dimension could even be partially unexplored or dangerous territory, providing adventuring opportunities to the characters. The cost of Pocket Dimension is 2 Points/Rank if it is limited to a single fixed portal (such as a house closet), 3 Points/Rank if the portal is in a mobile location (such as inside a vehicle, or attached to an item), or 4 Points/Rank if the character can use a particular class of objects as a portal (such as “any mirror” or “any pool of water”). A character with this ability at 2 or 3 Points/Rank cannot create new portals leading out of the dimension; he or she may only leave by the one that was entered. A character can usually only have a single portal opened to his or her dimension at a time, but additional apertures to the same dimension may be possessed for 1 extra Character Point each. At the 4 Points/Rank version, the character can leave the Pocket Dimension through any other appropriate exit within 1 mile times the Rank (for example, within a 6 mile radius for Rank 6); the character is not required to leave through the same one he or she entered. Once opened, a portal can stay open for as long as the creator is in the dimension. The creator may also be able to “leave the door open” if he or she wishes to allow individuals to enter or leave while the creator is not present within the dimensional pocket. Pocket Dimensions may optionally be designated as only one-way, restricting access in or out until the character or machine maintaining them is destroyed, or some other condition is fulfilled. This Attribute may be taken multiple times to give access to multiple different dimensions. If so, it may be taken at different Ranks for each individual dimension. Using Pocket Dimension Offensively Some characters may have the exotic ability of being able to suck or warp unwilling targets into their alternate dimension (at the 3 or 4 Points/Rank version only). To indicate this, assign the Pocket Dimension Attribute and think acquire the Special Attack Attribute with the Linked (Pocket Dimension) Ability. Characters who have an ability to travel between dimensions should possess the Dimension Hop Special Movement Attribute. Rank 1

The dimension can be as large as a closet.

Rank 2

The dimension can be as large as a room.

Rank 3

The dimension can be as large as a house.

Rank 4

The dimension can be as large as a city block.

Rank 5

The dimension can be the size of an entire village.

Rank 6

The dimension can be the size of an entire city (or even larger).

Power Defence Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Variable Progression: The character reduces the DC of saving throws related to the defensive use of an Attribute by 1/Rank Power Defence is acquired in conjunction with another Attribute not normally used for defence (Attribute must be defined when Power Defence is assigned). Power Defence allows a character to use the other Attribute to defend against attacks, possibly avoiding all damage entirely. The character must make a save (as appropriate for the situation or Attribute) with a bonus of +1 per Power Defence Rank against a DC equal to the attacker’s final to hit roll result. If successful, the character activates his or her Attribute in time to defend against the attack and avoids all damage (and effects) from the attack. The player should consult with the Game Master to determine which Attributes are appropriate for a Power Defence. A character may only attempt one Power Defence each round unless he or she also possesses the Extra Defences Attribute, in which case he or she may sacrifice one extra defence to attempt an additionally Power Defence (the two may not be used in conjunction, through). Characters must assign this Attribute once for each Attribute they wish to use defensively. Projection Cost:

1 to 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character can projected images that fools one or more senses. The Projection cannot be touched because it is not substantial. Closer inspection will usually reveal the Projection for what it is, which may cause it to disappear (GM’s discretion). The GM may require a Will save to “see through” a Projection against a DC equal to: 10 plus the projector’s Wisdom modifier plus the projector’s Rank in Power Usage: Projection. A Projection may be of a particular object or entity, or of a complete scene (such as a furnished room or crowd). It may also be thrown over an existing person, scene, or object to make it appear different than it really is. A Projection that is untended is normally static, either remaining in one place or (if created over something) moving as the underlying object or entity moves. To give a Projection the semblance of independent activity (such as a projected image of a person who moves and speaks), the character must actively concentrate on manipulating the Projection, and perform no other actions. For 1 Point/Rank the character can create Projections that can be detected by one sense, usually sight (sense must be determined during character creation). For 2 Points/Rank the Projections can be detected by two senses, usually sight and hearing. For 3 Points/Rank the Projections can be detected by three senses. For 4 Points/Rank the Projections can be detected by all senses. No matter how realistic the Projections, however, they can never cause physical sensations intense enough to inflict pain or damage. An image of a roaring fire may feel hot, and a character may believe that he or she is burning, but the fire cannot actually deliver damage. To create Projections capable of injuring targets, the character should possess a Special Attack Attribute which is tied to the Illusion Attribute through the Dependent Defect.

A character can normally maintain only a single Projection at a time. To be able to maintain multiple Projections at once costs the character an extra 1 Point for every distinct Projection the character can sustain simultaneously after the first. Thus, “Projection Rank 3 (one sense, four Projections)” would cost six Points: three Points for Rank 3 (one sense) and three more Points for being able to sustain four Projections at a time. The GM can assume that a group of objects or entities in close proximity, such as a furnished room, a swarm of insects, or a horde of charging warriors, counts as a single Projection rather than several. If a character is already sustaining his or her maximum number of Projections and wishes to create another one, an existing Projection must first be dispelled. In order for the character to create a convincing Projections of something complex, the GM may require a Power Usage: Projection Skill check against an appropriate DC. The GM can adjust the DC depending on how familiar or unfamiliar the character is with the scene that is being simulated. The GM may also give the character a +1 bonus for every Rank he or she has in excess of the minimum Rank needed to create the Projection. For example, if a character with Projection Rank 5 decides to create a merely human-sized Projection (which needs only Rank 1), a +4 bonus applies. If the roll fails, the character’s Projection has some subtle flaw in it; the character creating it may not be aware of this until someone else points it out, however. Rank 1

The character can an create small illusions, about the size of a single person.

Rank 2 The character can create medium illusions, large enough for an entire room, or a large object like a car or elephant. Rank 3

The character can create large illusions that can cover a house-sized area.

Rank 4 The character can create very large illusions that can cover an entire neighbourhood (or a few hundred square yards). Rank 5

The character can create huge illusions that cover a village-sized area.

Rank 6

The character can create great illusions that can cover a town-sized area.

Regeneration Cost:

4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character can regenerate 1 Hit Point each round/Rank

Characters with this Attribute automatically heal their own injuries, whether the characters are awake, asleep, or unconscious. The character’s Hit Points cannot exceed their original total. At higher Healing Ranks, the character’s body will revive itself if “clinically” dead but not actually brain-dead (Rank 3+), repair massive trauma such as lost limbs or organs (Rank 6+), or restore the character if cut into several pieces (Rank 6+). The body cannot repair itself if it is blown to bits or disintegrated, however. Reincarnation Cost:

2 or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

If the character is destroyed, some of his or her essence may still survive. This may be in spiritual or digital form, or it may be something that must be retrieved from the corpse. A robot whose memory can be copied or uploaded, a creature that leaves an egg in its body upon death, or an undead monster that will reform a few minutes, hours, or days after its apparent death are all examples of this. If this remnant can be salvaged or otherwise recovered, in a matter of days or weeks and with proper care, it will develop a new body similar to the original. A reincarnated character usually starts with 1 Hit Point. Reincarnation can be prevented in some way. This may be as simple as burning, blowing up, or dismembering a body, or as obscure as requiring a special ritual. For 2 Points/Rank, the Reincarnation is easy to stop; for 4 Points/Rank, the Reincarnation is difficult to stop. The GM and player must work together to determine the parameters involved in preventing the rebirth. Rank 1

The reincarnation occurs within a few weeks.

Rank 2

The reincarnation occurs within a few days.

Rank 3

The reincarnation occurs within a single day.

Rank 4

The reincarnation occurs within a few hours.

Rank 5

The reincarnation occurs within a single hour.

Rank 6

The reincarnation occurs within a few minutes.

Rejuvenation Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

Under specific conditions, the character instantly regain 5 Hit Points or Energy Points/Rank

Characters with this Attribute can focus on their adrenaline rush and internal reserves to restore lost Hit Points or Energy Points. Rejuvenation can only take place under certain circumstances (like a crowd getting behind a wrestler, a sound that triggers a certain memory or the presence of a master, or a dashing knight inspiring a magical girl) and can happen only once in a scene. The GM and player should work together to determine when Rejuvenation can occur. Rejuvenation requires one combat round, during which the character can only dodge or avoid attacks. Neither Hit Points nor Energy Points can be raised above their maximum. Sensory Block Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A character with Sensory Block can cover an area (size is determined by the Rank) with a field that partially blocks specific senses or detection techniques. This can represent a magical ability, technological enhancement, or paranormal effect. Each time this Attribute is assigned, the character can either block one sense or enhanced sense (Type I) or one detection technique (Type II), which is determined during character creation. The GM may allow multiple

assignments to the same sense or technique, which results in cumulative penalties. To fully block a detection technique, see the Invisibility Attribute. Type I One of the five senses — hearing, smell, vision, taste, or touch — is partially blocked. This may mean that individuals within the area covered cannot see well (vision), cannot hear well (hearing), etc. Checks made by these individuals when pertaining to the specific senses suffer a 4 penalty, which is cumulative with any Heightened Senses bonus. Type II A detection technique is partially blocked. Examples of techniques include: darkvision, electric current detection; homing weapons; infravision; magnetic field detection; microscopic vision; radar detection; radio reception; sonar detection; a specific Sixth Sense technique; ultrasonic hearing; ultravision; vibration detection; X-ray vision. Ability or Skill checks relating to these detection techniques suffer a -4 penalty. Rank 1

The Sensory block covers up to 100 ft radius.

Rank 2

The Sensory block covers up to 500 ft radius.

Rank 3

The Sensory block covers up to 1 mile radius.

Rank 4

The Sensory block covers up to 5 mile radius.

Rank 5

The Sensory block covers up to 50 mile radius.

Rank 6

The Sensory block covers up to 500 mile radius.

Servant Cost:

2 or 5 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The servant is constructed from 10 Character Points plus 10/Rank

The character has a servant or companion entity. It serves as a familiar, pet, companion, or bodyguard. Examples of Servants could include: a magical girl’s talking animal companion, a pet robot, a sorcerer’s apprentice, a fierce wolf, a bound demon or ghost, a mage’s familiar cat, or a vampire’s enslaved servants. For a more powerful pet monster servant (usually associated with gladiatorial combat), see the Pet Monster Attribute. Servants are NPCs controlled by the GM, but they will normally work toward the character’s best interests. Nevertheless, they should have their own personalities and may occasionally get into trouble of their own. A Servant is assumed to be around “all the time.” To create a servant that the character summons for a brief period of time, acquire the Attribute as a Magical Power — this will result in the servant only remaining around as long as the character spends appropriate Energy Points. This Attribute costs 2 Point/Rank if the character is limited to one particular Servant. If the character can dismiss the Servant and replace it with a different one between adventures or during an adventure with suitable effort (GM’s option such as casting a summoning spell or taming a new animal), then the Attribute costs 5 Points/Rank. A character can take the Attribute several times to have multiple Servants.

A Servant is a 1st Level Adventurer, created with his or her own Ability Scores, Attributes, Defects, and Skills as normal but with only 10 Discretionary Character Points. Each Rank of the Servant Attribute also gives the player 10 additional Character Points to add to the Servant (for example, 20 Points at Rank 1, 30 Points at Rank 2, etc.). The Servant may not have the Servant or Own a Big Mecha Attributes, and some relationship-based Defects should not be assigned due to its innate role as a character’s Servant. Thus, it is inappropriate for a Servant to have the following Defects: Owned, Red Tape, or Significant Other. Sixth Sense Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The character gains 1 Sixth Sense/Rank

Some characters have the ability to detect things that are hidden to normal senses or technological sensors, while others have affinities for specific objects or people. Sixth Sense typically represents psychic or magical ability, but can also reflect trained and acute senses or divine intervention. The character may sense one particular category of phenomena per Rank. The player should define the category with the GM’s approval (Sixth Sense is very much a GM-defined ability). As a guideline, the character is automatically alerted when something his or her Sixth Sense detects is in close proximity (roughly 20 foot radius area). The GM may require a Wisdom check to do this, with difficulty modifiers depending on the strength of the source of whatever emanations the character can sense. In some cases, the GM may allow detection at greater distances if the source is very strong. The GM should give a bonus (+2 modifier or more) if the character is touching the source. A character who specifically concentrates on using his or her Sixth Sense may gain more precise information on a successful Wisdom Check. The exact content of this information is up to the GM. If the check succeeds, the GM may provide the character with a few extra clues about the source such as “the magic is coming from those buildings over there” or “you sense the evil presence feels otherworldly... and hungry.” If the check fails, the character will not gain any additional information unless something happens, such as the phenomena becoming stronger, or coming much closer. The GM should always try to use Sixth Sense to plant clues that make a story more exciting, but not allow it to short-circuit the process of discovery in a mystery plot. Examples of phenomena to which the character may be sensitive include astral/ethereal beings, danger, Pocket Dimensions, electricity, elements, emotions, evil, illusions, interpersonal dynamics, magic, magnetics, paranormal nexus points, particular objects, places of power, psionics, spirits, telepathy, truth, virtue, or the use of specific Attributes or Defects. Precognition and Postcognition Alternatively, Sixth Sense can be assigned to represent precognition and postcognition — the ability to access visions of past and future events. This option is a GM-defined Attribute, however, which allows him or her limit its application and scope within the campaign. For precognition and postcognition, the Attribute’s Rank reflects the maximum time difference between the present situation and a perceived future or past event (the higher the Rank, the longer the time difference). Low-Ranking character may only perceive events within minutes or

hours of the current time; high-Ranking characters can extend this time to hundreds or even thousands of years. Size Change Cost:

1, 5, or 6 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute reflects the ability to increase or decrease the stature of the character. A character may have the ability to both shrink and grow for 6 Points/Rank. Alternatively, the character can choose to shrink only at a cost of 1 Point/Rank or to grow only at a cost of 5 Points/Rank; this restricts the character to changing size in one direction (with the ability to return to his or her normal size). For example, a character with Size Change (Shrinking Only) Rank 2 could shrink to half size and once shrunk could grow back, but he or she could never increase his or her height beyond normal. It takes one round for a character to change size. Size Change is normally designed to affect only the user, but it can be specified as usable on others instead. If so, it only affects a single willing subject, whom the user must touch. For it to be used as an attack against unwilling persons or over a distance, the character must also acquire the Special Attack Attribute with the Linked (Size Change) Ability. Rank 1 The character’s size can increase or decrease one size category (a Medium character can either grow to Large or shrink to Small). Rank 2 The character’s size can increase or decrease two size categories (a Medium character can either grow to Huge or shrink to Tiny). Rank 3 The character’s size can increase or decrease three size categories (a Medium character can either grow to Gargantuan or shrink to Diminutive). Rank 4 The character’s size can increase or decrease four size categories (a Medium character can either grow to Colossal or shrink to Fine). Rank 5 The character’s size can increase or decrease five size categories (a Small character can grow to Colossal; a Large character could shrink to Fine). Rank 6 The character’s size can increase or decrease six size categories (a Tiny character can grow to Colossal; a Huge character could shrink to Fine). Special Attack Cost:

1 or 4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character possesses an attack that delivers 1d8 damage/Rank

Anime characters sometimes wield powerful offensive energies, such as electric zaps, magical fireballs, ki-powered martial arts strikes, or energy swords. Some characters, such as cyborgs or robots, as well as mecha, may have guns, missiles, or beam weapons built into their bodies. Special Attack costs 4 Points/Rank, and delivers 1d8 damage per Rank.

Special Attacks may be further customised by assigning one or more attack Abilities. Each attack Ability taken reduces the damage by 1d8 but adds an additional capability. Attacks may also be assigned one or more attack Disabilities. Each attack Disability increases the damage by 1d8 but reduces the attack’s utility by imposing some form of limitation. The player must assign Abilities and Disabilities when the Special Attack is designed. On the player’s character sheet, they are listed in parentheses following the attack’s modified damage. He or she may assign a combination of Abilities and Disabilities that would reduce its damage to a minimum of 1d8. To create a “zero damage” Special Attack, one would select the No Damage Disability. For example, suppose a character has a Special Attack at Rank 2. He or she would only be able to purchase one Ability, which would reduced the attack’s damage from 2d8 to 1d8. If the character wanted to purchase a second Ability, he or she must first assign a Disability, which would raise the attack’s damage back to 2d8. The character could then purchase a second Ability, reducing the damage back to 1d8. A Weapon Attack should always be given a descriptive name such as “90mm Auto-Cannon” or “Raging Thunder Dragon Fist.” When designing the attack, the player (with GM input) should determine what Skill and Specialisation is appropriate for its use. For most magical or superpowered ranged attacks, it will be Special Ranged Attacks. For mecha Attacks, it is usually Heavy Weapons (Gunnery). For ranged weapons designed as Personal Gear, it is usually Guns or Thrown Weapon with an appropriate Specialisation depending on the description. Any weapon with the Melee Disability uses the Melee Attack or Unarmed Attack Skills depending on its description. For example, Melee Attack (Sword) is appropriate to an energy sword, while Unarmed Attack (Striking) would be suitable for a wraith that drained energy by its touch or a ki-energised martial arts strike. • Alternate Attacks Although a character or mecha often uses his or her highest-Rank “primary” weapon, alternate or backup ones may also be possessed. The Point cost of these additional “secondary” attacks are one quarter the cost of the primary attack at 1 Point/Rank. The primary attack — the attack with the highest Rank — is the only one that costs the standard 4 Points/Rank. Secondary attacks may each possess different damages, Abilities and Disabilities. If acquiring alternate attacks as Magical Powers the secondary attacks drain the regular 4 Energy Points/Rank, not 1 Energy Point/Rank. • Mecha Weapon Attacks and Different Gunners If a mecha has the Special Attack Ability, each armament is normally designed for use by whomever is controlling the mecha. An operator can only fire one of the weapons each round, unless he or she possesses the Extra Attacks Attribute and the Special Attack has the Flurry Ability. If the mecha carries multiple people, however, it may be designed with many independently operated weapons, each manned by a different character, which allows simultaneous attacks. If a weapon is created from this category, it should be noted as requiring a “Different Gunner” and purchased at an additional flat cost of 2 Points each (this is the half-cost discounted version). Special Attacks in Other d20 System Games If importing an Anime d20 character into another d20 System game, or vice versa, treat Special Attacks as if they possessed an enchantment bonus equal to one half the Rank of the

attack (round down). For example, a Rank 6 Special Attack is treated as a +3 weapon in other d20 games. Do not increase the damage of the attack nor the character’s ability to hit with it — this is purely for determining whether or not the Special Attack can overcome a target’s Damage Reduction or other similar abilities. Special Effects The special effects of Area Effect, Drain (Any), Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant, Spreading, and Tangle are determined by the Rank of the Special Attack only. Massive Damage, Superstrength, and critical hit multipliers are not included in the calculation. Additionally, Armour and Force Fields do not normally protect against Drain (Any), Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant, or Tangle. Before making an attack, a character can choose to inflict less damage than the normal 1d8/Rank, or reduce the power of their special effects. Effects Based on Damage Inflicted The scope of the special effects for attacks with the Area Effect, Drain (Any), Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant, Linked, Spreading, or Tangle Abilities depend on the rank of the Special Attack. For example, Drain (Mind) reduced the target’s Intelligence Score by 2 for every Special Attack Rank; similarly, Tangle creates restraints that have 4 Health Points for every Special Attack Rank. To introduce randomness into these special effects, their scopes could instead be based on every 5 damage that the attack inflicts (or would have inflicted in the case of attacks with the No Damage Disability). For the examples, Drain (Mind) would reduce a target’s Intelligence Score by 2 for every 5 damage, and Tangle would create restraints that have 4 Health Points for every 5 damage. If this alternate rule is used, damage must be rolled for all attacks — including ones with the No Damage Disability — to determine the special effect scope. Special Attack Abilities The following Abilities may be assigned to a Special Attack. The GM may disallow any combination of Abilities that seems inappropriate. Table 6-2: Weapon Abilities Ability

# of Slots



Affects Incorporeal


Area Effect











2 or 4

Drain Body


Drain Energy


Drain Mind


Drain Soul











1 or 2









Linked (Attack)


Linked (Attribute)


Long Range


Mind or Soul Attack




No Regeneration


Penetrating (Armour)


Penetrating (Force Field)











1 or 2





Unique Ability




• Accurate The attack is unusually accurate giving a +4 bonus to Attack rolls (or Ability checks if the attack has the Mind or Soul Attack Ability). This Ability can be assigned two or three times for a +8 or +12 bonus, but may not be combined with the Linked (Attack) Ability.

• Affects Incorporeal This attack will affect characters who are currently Astral or Incorporeal as if they were solid. • Area Effect This is an attack, like an explosive blast, that affects not only the direct target, but also anyone in the immediate area. All affected characters are allowed a Reflex Save (diving for cover, swerving out of the way) for half damage. Characters and mecha that can shield themselves with very solid objects or terrain in the vicinity may avoid damage completely (GM’s discretion) on a successful Reflex save. This represents the character ducking or moving behind cover. The GM will decide whether an object or person is within the area of effect, and may assume the area radius is equivalent to 5 feet for every Special Attack Rank. Area Effect can be assigned multiple times; each Ability doubles the area radius. • Aura Rather than having to make an actual attack, the character instead automatically damages anyone who touches his or her body. An example might be a character who was sheathed in flame or electrified. If this Ability is combined with the Area Effect Ability, it automatically damages anyone in the designated area around the character. Aura counts as two Abilities. • Auto-Fire The attack consists of a burst of multiple shots like a machine gun or rapid sequence of energy bolts. Instead of scoring one hit when an attack is successful, the attacker scores hits (minimum of one, maximum of five) equal to the difference between his or her final to hit roll (including all modifiers) and the target’s defence roll (including all modifiers) divided by five, rounded down. For example, if a character (with a final hit roll result of 27) attempts to hit a target who rolls a final defence value of 16, he or she would score 2 hits (27 - 16 = 11; 11 ÷ 5 = 2.2; round down to 2). Each hit delivers separate damage (important when considering Armour and Force Fields). Bonuses from Massive Damage, Superstrength, and critical hit multipliers are only applied to the first hit in an Auto-Fire burst — all others only inflict the normal damage of the Special Attack. The Game Master may increase the maximum number of hits scored to 10 to reflect more potentially damaging attacks. Auto-Fire counts as three Abilities. • Burning This represents acid, flaming liquid, or similar attacks that deliver continuing damage over several rounds. If the initial attack damage penetrates the opponent’s Armour, the target will suffer an additional 1 damage/Rank of the Special Attack each round for 5 rounds or until the effect is somehow neutralised (GM’s discretion; it should depend on the type of attack, and may require several rounds for full neutralisation). Armour does not protect against the extra burning damage in subsequent rounds. Alternatively, Burning can be defined as a “hourly burn,” in which case the damage is 2 per Rank rather than 1 but is applied on a daily basis (rather than round-by-round). Finally, a “slow burn” inflicts 4 damage/Rank inflicted daily (rather than round-by-round). This Ability may best represent a disease or slow poison attack. Unlike a regular Burning attack, the hourly burn and slow burn damage will continue until the victim is dead or makes a successful Fortitude save against a DC or 15 + the Rank of the Special Attack (made on an hourly or daily basis).

• Concealable This option is only available for Hand-Held weapons, mecha weapons, or personal gear. Such weapons are normally assumed to be visible — a weapon built into a mecha has obvious barrels or gun ports, for example. A Concealable weapon is not so obvious; it may extend out from the mecha or be disguised as something else. If built as a Hand-Held Weapon or Personal Gear, this means it is small enough to be used with one hand and concealed under clothing. Most pistol-sized or knife-sized weapons are Concealable. For more cinematic games, larger weapons such as swords and machine guns can be designed as Concealable as well. • Contagious Some or all of the attack’s damage or other effects will be passed on to others who touch (or otherwise contact) a victim. If mildly contagious, not everyone will be infected; a prospective victim must fail a Fortitude save versus a DC 15 + Rank of Special Attack to be affected. If taken twice, it is highly contagious; someone must fail the Save at a -4 penalty in order to be affected. Alternatively, the contagion may be automated under some circumstances. The save is normally a Fortitude save, but some contagion may require a Will save. The GM should adjudicate Effects and countermeasures. The Ability is usually combined with the Toxic Disability. Contagious counts as two Abilities if mildly contagious or four Abilities if highly contagious. • Drain Body The attack causes the victim to suffer weakness and/or loss of co-ordination. The victim’s Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (chosen when the attack is designed) is reduced by 2 per Rank of the attack. The Ability drain is in addition to any Hit Point losses from the attack. To design an attack that only drains the chosen Ability, but inflicts no other punishment, the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. If a target’s Constitution is drained to 0, he or she is rendered unconscious but does not die as normal. Lost Ability Score Points are recovered at two Points per hour of rest. • Drain Energy The attack drains away the victim’s personal energy supply, causing him or her to become fatigued and/or despondent. In addition to the damage delivered to the victim’s Hit Points, the attack causes the same loss of Energy Points. To design an attack that only drains Energy Points, the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. Lost Energy Points recover at their normal rate. • Drain Mind The attack causes the victim to lose his or her mind. The attack may be a psionic attack, a tranquilliser or similar drug, or another form of attack. The victim’s Intelligence is reduced by 2 multiplied by the Special Attack Rank. This Intelligence drain is in addition to any Hit Point losses from the attack. To design an attack that only drains Intelligence, the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. The drained Points return at the rate of two every hour. • Drain Soul The Attack affects the victim’s spirit. This attack may be a wave of fear, despair, or some other willpower-destroying emotion. The victim’s Wisdom or Charisma (chosen when the attack is designed) is reduced by 2 multiplied by the Special Attack Rank. This drainage is in addition to any Hit Point losses from the attack. To design an attack that only drains the chosen Ability,

the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. The drained Points return at the rate of two every hour. • Enduring Enduring can only be assigned in conjunction with Area Effect. The attack remains active within the affected area over multiple rounds. Examples of this type of attack include chemical clouds, sheets of fire, electrical charges, or supercooled vapours. Anyone entering or remaining in the area is immediately subject to the attack; defence checks are outlined under Area Effect. Each time Enduring is assigned, the Area Effect attack remains active for 1 additional round. • Flare If the target is hit (or in the radius of an Area Effect weapon attack) the defending character may be blinded. Every target looking at the attack must roll a Fortitude save against DC 10 + 2 per Rank of the Special Attack. If a target character fails his or her Fortitude save, he or she is blinded for a number of combat rounds equal to the amount by which the save was failed. Characters with appropriate Special Defences will not be blinded. Flare may be taken multiple times; each time it is taken, add an extra 2 to the DC of the Fortitude save. Flare can also be generalised to cover other sense-overloading attacks. For example, the attack might cause deafness. • Flexible This Ability represents long, flexible, or extendible attacks such as a prehensile whip, energy-lash, razor-ribbon, or similar attack mode. The target’s defence rolls are at a -2 penalty. If the attacker is strong enough to physically lift the target, a successful attack can trip or disarm an opponent (snagging a hand-held weapon) in lieu of delivering damage. Such non-damaging attack stunts are made at a -4 penalty to the attack roll since they require great talent to execute accurately. • Flurry This Ability allows a character to use his or her Special Attack multiple times in a round if that character has multiple attacks — one extra use per round each time it is assigned, in addition to the first regular use. Normally, a Special Attack can only be used once each round. The second attack would be made using the characters second Base Attack Bonus, the third using the third Base Attack Bonus, and the fourth using the fourth Base Attack Bonus. For example, if a character had a Base Attack of +17/+12/+7 and had this Ability twice, he or she would make three Weapon Attacks at +17/+12/+7. If he or she only had it once, the character would be able to attack twice at +17/+12. • Homing The attack or weapon fires a projectile or energy bolt that can track and follow its target. The character receives a +4 bonus to his or her attack roll, and if the attack misses or the target successfully defends, the weapon will return to try again (only one more time) in the next combat round. A Homing attack is vulnerable to Sensory Block, however. In a setting where electronic Sensory Block is not common (such as ancient Japan), Homing counts as two Abilities. • Incapacitating

This represents any form of attack that can instantly incapacitate a foe even if it does not inflict actual damage. This includes putting an opponent to sleep or turning him or her to stone. Regardless of whether the attack does physical damage, the victim must make a saving throw (either Fortitude or Will — decide when the attack is designed) against DC 10 + 2 per Special Attack Rank to avoid being completely incapacitated. When designing the attack, specify the form the incapacitation takes: asleep, awake but paralysed, turned to stone, transformed into an inert doll, etc. The effects will wear off in several minutes, unless the Incurable Ability is also taken. To design an attack that only incapacitates the target, the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. Incapacitating counts as three Abilities. • Incurable The attack produces wounds or other effects that do not heal naturally, and are incurable by normal methods. Rather than recovering at a normal rate or being amenable to standard medical treatment, recovery cannot take place until some exotic event or treatment has occurred. This requirement must be specified when the attack is designed, subject to GM approval. Incurable counts as four Abilities. • Indirect The weapon can fire shots in a high ballistic arc. Examples include grenade launchers and artillery guns. This allows the attacker to shoot at targets hidden behind buildings, hills, or other obstacles (or even shoot over the horizon, if the Long Range Ability is also assigned). Indirect fire is tricky, however. To effectively fire at an indirect location, the attacker must be able to “see” the target (sensors can be used), or someone else must spot the target and relay its position to the attacker. Indirect fire results in a -2 penalty to the attack roll with an additional -6 penalty if the target cannot be physically seen by the attacker (for a total of -8). A weapon with the Indirect Ability can be used under normal medium and short ranges without any penalty. • Irritant This represents pepper spray, a skunk’s musk, an itching spell, or similar effect. Whether or not damage penetrated Armour, the subject must make a Fortitude save against DC 10 + 2 per Special Attack Rank. If the target fails, the character is partially blinded and distracted (-2 penalty on all rolls to do anything) for a number of rounds equal to the amount by which he or she failed the save. Irritant is usually taken in conjunction with the Toxic Disability to simulate an attack against which a gas mask or the like offers protection. • Linked (Attack) An attack with this Ability is “attached” to another (or “master”) attack. The master attack may be an ordinary weapon (such as an item of Personal Gear, like a sword or gun), a Natural Weapon or unarmed attack, or a different Special Attack. If that master attack is successful, this linked attack automatically hits as well (no defence allowed), but if it misses or fails to penetrate the target’s defences (Armour, Force Fields, etc.), the linked attack automatically fails too (with full Energy Point cost, if applicable). If the master attack hits and delivered enough damage to successfully penetrate Armour, then the Armour does not protect at all against the damage of the second linked attack. Damage bonuses from Massive Damage, Superstrength, and critical hit multipliers only apply to the master attack, not to each attack. An attack with the Linked Ability may not be given the Accurate or Long Range Abilities or the Inaccurate, Low Penetration, Melee, or Short Range Disabilities; its range and accuracy are dependent on the attack to which

it is linked. The attack can only be used in conjunction with the master attack; it cannot be used separately, on its own. Unless the GM indicates otherwise, only one Special Attack can be attached to each master attack. Linked (Attack) counts as two Abilities. • Linked (Attribute) An attack with this Ability is attached to one of the following Attributes, which the character must also possess: Dimensional Portal, Insubstantiality, Metamorphosis, Shape Change, Size Change, or Teleport. If the attack hits, a living subject will be affected by that Attribute provided he or she fails a Fortitude save to resist against DC 10 + 2 per Special Attack Rank. • Long Range An ordinary attack is assumed to have an effective range of about 500 feet (2 miles in space). This Ability extends the range to 1 mile (20 miles in space). Long Range weapons are typical of beam cannons on spaceships, guided missiles, or the guns of tanks or mecha. It can be assigned multiple times: each time it is taken after the first doubles the actual range. Since the Earth’s horizon limits line-of-sight for characters standing on the ground, multiple Long Range Abilities are often combined with the Indirect Ability. This Ability is incompatible with the Melee and Short Range Disabilities. • Mind or Soul Attack The attack is not a physical attack but rather is a mental assault (Mind Attack) or contest of spirit or will (Soul Attack). During creation, the player must specify either Mind or Soul as the focus of the Ability. Instead of using the character’s base attack bonus to hit, the character must roll a successful Intelligence (Mind Attack) or Wisdom (Soul Attack) check for his or her character (though appropriate Skills can modify this). Furthermore, instead of a normal defence roll, the subject makes a Will save plus any bonuses for the Mind Shield Attribute (DC is the attacker’s Intelligence or Wisdom check total). Soul Attack ignores Armour and Force Fields, and affects Insubstantial or Astral characters normally. Both versions count as five Abilities. • Muscle-Powered This ability normally is only appropriate for melee or thrown weapons. The character adds any damage modifier due to Strength to the attack’s base damage. • No Regeneration This is a lesser form of Incurable. The damage from the attack cannot be restored using the Healing or Regeneration Attributes but can otherwise recover or be repaired normally. • Penetrating (Armour) Armour does not stop damage from these attacks as efficiently as usual. Each time Penetrating (Armour) is assigned, Armour stops 10 less damage than normal from the attack (up to the Armour’s maximum rating). • Penetrating (Force Field) The Force Field Attribute does not stop damage from these attacks as efficiently as usual. Each time Penetrating (Force Field) is assigned, the Force Field stops 10 less damage than normal from the attack (up to the Field’s maximum rating). • Quake

This attack causes a linear shock wave in the ground, causing rumbling and fractures. The quake “fault” will only be large enough for one person to fall into its depths unless it is combined with the Area Effect Ability. A victim may fall into the crevasse if he or she fails a Reflex save (DC 15 + Special Attack Rank). The fissure will be approximately 3 feet deep for the first 5 damage (including bonuses for Strength and Massive Damage) and is doubled for every additional 5 damage the attack inflicts. Thus a quake that delivers a total of 15 damage creates a fissure 12 feet deep, while one that delivers 30 damage creates a crevice 96 feet deep. Quake can only be used on a solid surface (which may be earth, sand, cement, or asphalt), and may not be combined with the Aura Ability or No Damage Disability. • Spreading This type of attack spreads to cover an expanding area like a cone of energy or a spray of projectiles or energy bolts. The defender receives a -1 penalty to his or her Defence roll. Multiple adjacent targets in the attack path may also receive damage if they are lined up or in a dense formation, up to a maximum of one extra target for every Special Attack Rank. The Spreading Ability can be acquired multiple times; each one further penalises the target’s Defence roll by -1 and doubles the number of possible adjacent targets. Spreading is often assigned in conjunction with the Short Range Disability. • Stun An attack with this Ability inflicts temporary damage such as an electric shock that shorts out electronics and renders people unconscious. Lost Hit Points are recovered or repaired at one Point every minute rather than at the normal rate. Stun damage cannot kill. Although the attack only inflicts temporary damage (compared to the real damage of a regular attack), it has the advantage that it may be used to incapacitate a foe without the risk of killing him or her. • Tangle Attacks that can entangle the victim may include a spray that freezes the target in ice, or traps him or her in the branches of an animated plant, simple webbing, etc. The entanglement has 4 Hit Points for every Special Attack Rank. If a target does not successfully defend a Tangle attack, he or she is trapped until sufficient damage is delivered to the entanglement to reduce its Hit Points to zero or lower (at this point it is destroyed). A trapped character has restricted movement and attacks physically at a -4 penalty, cannot defend (ignore Dexterity bonuses for AC), and cannot perform actions that require complex gestures. A character is usually able to speak, however. A victim who has partially destroyed an entanglement may regain additional body movement (GM’s discretion). A Tangle attack also inflicts damage as normal unless the No Damage Disability is also assigned to the attack. An “Incurable” entanglement can only be damaged by some special means (such as fire or water) defined when the Tangle attack is created. Tangle counts as two Abilities. • Targeted The attack inflicts double damage to a specific group of targets and normal or no damage to everyone else. Thus, an attack could be good energy (double damage to evil creatures), chaos energy (double damage to lawful creatures), life energy (double damage to undead creatures), or detrimental to a specific race. Targeted counts as one Ability if no damage is delivered to nonTargeted opponents, or two Abilities if normal damage is delivered. • Trap

The attack lays a mine, booby trap, or some other similar device, which “sits and waits” until someone triggers it. A successful Spot Skill check (DC 10 + Special Attack Rank) will reveal the trap’s presence. The Trap Ability can be paired with the Melee Disability to simulate a booby trap that must be carefully planted. Without the Melee Disability, the trap can be deployed at a range; a successful attack roll indicates that the Trap was fired or tossed into the correct area. • Undetectable Most Special Attacks have a visible component that makes it easy for targets to determine who is attacking them. An attack with the Undetectable Ability does not provide any indication that it is about to strike and cannot be traced back to the attacker using normal methods. This may result in the attacker gaining surprise (target is flat-footed). If the target knows he or she is under attack, he or she may still defend but does not gain his or her Dexterity bonus to AC. This Ability is most often associated with non-physical attacks such as ones with the Drain (Any), or Mind or Soul Attack Abilities. Undetectable counts as four Abilities. • Unique Ability The attack has some other unspecified Ability that is not listed, and is subject to GM approval. Examples can include an attack that alters the target’s memories, one that affects the appearance of the target, and many more. The number of Ability slots is determined by the GM based on the benefit the Unique Ability provides. • Vampiric This Ability can be added to any attack that causes normal damage or one that drains Ability Score values. Upon a successful attack, the lost Hit Points or Ability Scores are transferred to the attacker. Vampiric counts as two Abilities if the attack can only restore lost Points or Ranks (thus, the character could heal him or herself). It counts as three Abilities if the attack can increase the character’s Hit Points above their normal maximum value (no more than twice normal, however). Finally, it counts as four Abilities if it can increase the character’s Ability Scores above their normal maximum value). Any values or Points in excess of the user’s normal Rank fade at a rate of 10 Hit Points or two Ability Score values per hour. This Ability may not be combined with the Area Effect or Spreading Abilities. Vampiric costs 2, 3, or 4 Ability slots. Attack Disabilities Some, none, or many of these Disabilities may be assigned to a Special Attack. The GM may disallow any combination that seems inappropriate. Table 6-3: Attack Disabilities Disability

# of Slots



Drop Shields


Extra Energy






Limited Shots


Low Penetration




No Damage


Only In (Environment)

1 or 2



Short Range










Unique Disability




Uses Energy


• Backblast The attack produces some sort of backblast or other side effect that affects anyone or anything standing directly behind the attacker (within 5 feet). An example is a rocket launcher that produces a hazardous backblast to anyone standing behind the gunner, but some spells or other abilities might have similar risks. The damage of the backblast is normally one quarter the damage of the actual attack. If this Disability is taken twice, it affects everyone in a 5-foot radius around it, including the attacking character (unless he or she also has Immunity to one’s own attacks). Backblast cannot be combined with the Area Effect and Aura Abilities at the same time. • Drop Shields This Disability can only be taken if the character also has a Force Field. It requires the character to turn off all Force Fields before using the attack, and they must remain down until the character’s turn to act on the following round. • Extra Energy This is only appropriate for characters acquiring the attack as a Magical Power. The attack costs twice as many Energy Points as normal. Extra Energy can be taken multiple times, with each time doubling the Energy Points requirement. • Inaccurate The attack is not as accurate as normal ones, and imposes a -4 penalty to all attack rolls. This Disability can be taken two or three times for a -8 or -12 penalty. • Internal The attack is only usable inside a specific mecha or other structure. This may represent a mecha’s built-in internal security systems or an attack for which the character draws power from a mechanism inside and channels it through his or her body.

• Limited Shots The attack is only usable for a few combat rounds, after which it either runs out of ammunition or power, or simply burns out. Assigning this Disability once means it can make up to six attacks; if taken twice, up to three attacks; if taken three times, only one attack. If the attack also has the Auto-Fire Ability, one “attack” means a single Auto-Fire burst. The base number of Disability slots are for attacks that take several minutes or more to “reload.” If the attack can be “reloaded” with one action, the number of Disability slots is reduced by 1 (minimum of 1 slot). If the attack can be “reloaded” instantly (an ammunition source is still required), the Disability is worth two fewer slots (minimum of 1 slot). • Low Penetration The attack has an inferior ability to penetrate Armour and Force Fields relative to its damage. Examples include shotgun blasts, hollow-point bullets, or phased plasma guns. Any Armour or Force Field Attribute stops an additional 10 damage. This Disability is incompatible with either of the two Penetrating Abilities. GMs must approve Special Attacks with multiple assignments of Low Penetration. • Melee The attack is only usable against adjacent opponents and may require physical contact. An example of a Melee attack is a physical or energy sword or a touch that inflicts debilitating effects. Of course, many Melee weapons can be thrown as well in desperate situation, but the attack suffers a -4 attack penalty and the damage is divided in half. The Melee Disability cannot be combined with the Long Range Ability or Short Range Disability. It is sufficiently limiting that it is equivalent to two Disabilities. • No Damage The attack does not deliver ordinary physical damage. This Disability is usually only taken if combined with Abilities such as Drain (Any), Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant, Linked (Attribute), or Tangle that produce effects that do not rely on physical damage. The damage value of the attack is used only to rate the effectiveness of these special abilities — the greater the damage value, the more effective the attack. Characters that use Special Attacks with the No Damage Disability may still need to roll to determined the effectiveness of some attack Abilities, however. • Only In (Environment) The attack or weapon can only target objects that are on or in a particular limited environment, for example, “only in water” (representing a torpedo) or “only in space” (representing a powerful weapon that requires a vacuum to work). The environment should not be one that is ubiquitous in the campaign (for example, “only in air” is not valid unless a lot of the game action will take place in airless environments). If the environment is very rare in the campaign, the GM may allow this to count as two Disabilities. • Self-Destruct Use of this attack destroys the weapon (characters obviously assign this Disability to themselves very rarely). This Disability is usually combined with Melee and Area-Effect to

represent an explosive self-destruct system. It may not be combined with Limited Uses. It counts as four Disability slots. • Short Range This attack is only usable at fairly close range (effective range of about 50 feet). The Short Range Disability cannot be combined with the Long Range Ability or the Melee Disability. • Slow The attacker must use one combat action to aim, charge, chant an incantation, load the weapon, or perform some other necessary activity before each attack. Someone with the Extra Attacks Attribute can use one of his or her extra actions to prepare the attack rather than wasting the entire round. The Slow Disability can be taken more than once to represent an attack that takes even longer to initiate. Assigning it twice increases the time to three rounds; three assignments increases the time to 10 rounds (about a minute); four increases the time to two-six hours; five increases the preparation to days. This Disability may not be used with the Linked (Attack) Ability. • Static The attack cannot be used while the character is moving (or if a mecha weapon, while the mecha is moving under its own power). This could be due to a need for precise aim or total concentration. The weapon might also require all power to be diverted to its energy supply, or might be static because of recoil, or another reason. The character is considered flat-footed while preparing to fire the attack. Static is worth two Disabilities. • Stoppable The attack fires a projectile or energy bolt that is massive or slow enough to be shot down and does not reach the target until Initiative zero. Consequently, the attack can be stopped in mid-flight. A cannon shell would probably not qualify, but a missile or plasma-ball might. Anyone with an unused combat attack action during the same round may make a ranged attack against the projectile. To stop the attack, a successful hit (or hits) must deliver at least 3 damage for every 1d8 of damage of the attack. Stoppable may not be combined with the Melee Disability. Stoppable may be purchased more than once to reflect an attack that takes even longer to reach the target. Assigning Stoppable twice increases the time to reach the target to two rounds; each further assignment doubles the transit time. Slow moving missiles and plasma bolts are examples of attacks that might have Stoppable two or three times. • Toxic The attack is a gas, toxin, biological weapon, sound, radiation, or other harmful effect that only damages living things. Non-living material (such as most mecha) or characters who have the appropriate Adaptation or Special Defence Attributes are immune to its effects. • Unique Disability The attack has some other unspecified limitation, which is subject to GM approval. Examples could include a weapon that fires in a random direction, one that is extremely costly to operate, an attack that drains Hit Points from the user, etc. • Unreliable

Any time this attack is used and the attack roll is an unmodified (or “natural”) 1, the attack fails to take place and the weapon or ability either burns out, jams, overheats, or otherwise malfunctions. The Special Attack will not work again until some condition is fulfilled. For example, repairing a mecha weapon requires a skilled individual to make a successful Intelligence check (one attempt each round), and while the character is making repairs, he or she cannot carry out other activities. The same could apply to a magical attack with a Intelligence check needed to remember the correct words. Other remedies might be appropriate for recovering different attacks (for example, a dragon whose breath weapon has “burned out” might have to eat a hearty meal first). • Uses Energy The attack draws upon the user’s personal energy, each attack draining 5 Energy Points. This Disability can be taken twice, and, if so, it uses 5 Energy Points per Rank. This Disability is not available for Magical Powers, which automatically use energy (see the Extra Energy Disability instead). Special Defence Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

The character gains 1 Special Defence slot/Rank

A character with this Attribute is resistant or completely immune to a specific type of uncommon ailment or injury, normally one whose effects are otherwise insidious in nature. Special Defence can be acquired multiple times to represent a character who is resistant or immune to different kinds of attacks/events. If a category is assigned one slot, the character is partially resistant; for two slots, the character has complete or enhanced resistance. For ability to survive under harsh physical conditions, see the Adaptation Attribute. Several examples of Special Defences and their effects are shown. The GM and players are encouraged to develop their own as well. Table 6-4: Special Defence Effect

1 Slot

2 Slots


Ages slowly

Does not age

Survive in low-oxygen environment

Does not breathe

Need to eat once every 2-4 days

Never need to eat

+3 Defence and saves

+6 Defence and saves


Unwanted sensation is reduced

No pain is felt


Sleep once every 3-7 days

Never need to sleep

+3 Defence and saves

+6 Defence and saves

Air/Oxygen to Breathe Hunger One Type of Magic

Specific Attack Ability Special Movement


1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Dexterity Progression:

The character gains 1 type of movement/Rank

This Attribute is appropriate for characters such as non-humans, super martial artists or super ninja who may possess exotic ki-based abilities that let them perform unusual stunts like running over water, etc. The character may select one special movement ability for every Rank of this Attribute. GMs may also develop a selection of other special movement abilities. • Cat-Like The character will take half damage (round down) from most falls and always lands on his or her feet. • Dimension Hop Upon a successful Wisdom check against DC 10, the character can instantly travel between his or her home dimension to one other dimension, such as Asgard, Heaven, Hell, alternate Earth, the astral plane (the body is left behind), etc. Each time this method is assigned, the character can travel to another single dimension. The GM will determine if Dimension Hop is appropriate for his or her campaign. • Light-Footed The character can skim over sand, snow, or ice at full speed. • Slithering The character can slither along the ground at normal walking/running speeds. This allows a character to move quickly while maintaining a very low profile. • Swinging/Brachiating The character can swing through forests and cities (areas with natural or artificial structures above swinging height) using vines/ropes/webbing or simply his or her arms. • Untrackable The character never leaves footprints, tracks, or a scent when he or she walks or runs. • Wall-Bouncing The character can move at regular walking speed without touching the ground by bounding back and forth between nearby vertical surfaces (walls). For example, he or she can proceed down hallways or climb an alleyway between two buildings (bouncing from wall to wall). • Wall-Crawling The character can cling to walls or ceilings as though they were on the ground or floor. This counts as two Special Movement abilities. • Water-Walking The character can run over water as if he or she were on land. This counts as two Special Movement abilities. • Zen Direction

When the character opens his or her mind to the natural world, he or she will always move in the “right” direction. The “right” direction is not always the desired direction, however. Speed Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Dexterity Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A character with Speed can move much faster than a normal character, as well as perceive the world at an increased pace. In an anime game, a fast-moving character can still interact with the world. This means that the character will not run into buildings along city streets because he or she can perceive them early enough and make sharp turns to avoid them. Fast characters can also read books quickly, write at incredible speeds, and perform normal chores and activities at enhanced rates. In addition to gaining +2 Initiative at each Rank, the character is harder to hit when moving quickly due to the incredible speed at which the character is moving. Many characters with Speed will also possess one or more Ranks in the following Attributes: Combat Technique (Lightning Reflexes), Extra Attacks, Extra Defences, Heightened Awareness, Massive Damage, Regeneration, Special Movement. Rank 1

The character can move at speeds up to 50 mph, and gains +2 Initiative.

Rank 2

The character can move at speeds up to 100 mph, and gains +4 Initiative.

Rank 3

The character can move at speeds up to 200 mph, and gains +6 Initiative.

Rank 4

The character can move at speeds up to 400 mph, and gains +8 Initiative.

Rank 5

The character can move at speeds up to 800 mph, and gains +10 Initiative.

Rank 6

The character can move at speeds up to 1,600 mph, and gains +12 Initiative.

Spirit Ward Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression: The character’s Spirit Ward inflicts 1d8 damage/Rank; targets suffer a -1 Will save penalty/Rank. A character with this Attribute can create potent spirit wards against demons, ghosts, or other supernatural spirits. This might only be possible at an appropriate holy place such as a shrine, temple, or church; this is up to the GM. A supernatural entity cannot pass through a doorway, window, or other portal with a ward on it unless the entity expends great effort (spending 5 Energy Points per Rank of the ward and making a successful Will Save against DC 15 plus the Rank of the ward). Repeated attempts are possible as long as the creature still has Energy Points to spend. If the entity does pass through, the spirit ward might burst into flame or otherwise vanish, its power overcome by the intruder. If a supernatural entity is struck with a spirit ward (this requires a successful attack in combat), it suffers 1d8 damage per Rank of the ward for every round the ward is in contact with it. If a Spirit Ward is placed on a person who is possessed by or under the Mind Control of a supernatural entity, the controlled character receives a chance to break free.

Superstrength Cost:

4 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Strength Progression:

The character’s Strength is increased by 8/Rank

While Enhanced [Ability] allows players to increase their character’s Ability Scores, it is somewhat limiting to superstrong characters and mecha. Anime heroes and giant monsters are will known for possessing strength well beyond mortal limits. Such characters possess the Superstrength Attribute. Swarm Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Constitution Progression:

The character can transform into 1 critter/Rank for every current Hit Point

A character with this Attribute can transform into a swarm of small creatures: rats, bats, wasps, crows or other creatures or things (such as tiny attack robots). Anime vampires or demons most often possess this dramatic ability. The type of swarm must be determined during character creation. The character can create one critter from his or her body for every current Hit Point multiplied by the Rank in this Attribute. Thus, a character with 50 current Hit Points who has Swarm at Rank 4 could transform into a mass of 200 creatures (50 x 4 = 200). When transformed into a swarm, the character cannot use any of his or her existing Attributes or Skills. The actions of the swarm are basically limited to three options: move, observe, and attack. Additionally, all the critters of the swarm must remain within close proximity of each other (within a radius of 10 feet per Rank). A swarm’s Base Attack Bonus is equal to its Attribute Rank + 4. It inflicts 1 damage for every 10 critters (round up; minimum one damage) in the swarm. A swarm has zero Energy Points, but does not fall unconscious as a normal character would. In many instances, the Armour and Force Field Attributes will protect the target character from all damage, since the Attributes stop sufficient damage from each critter attack. Against some critters, even regular clothing may be enough to stop some or all damage. Each situation will be different; the GM must determine how much damage, if any, will penetrate the target’s defences. A swarm can be attacked normally, and each creature in it dies if it is hit (no Defence roll is allowed). Unless an opponent is using an attack with the Area Effect or Spreading Abilities, however, only a single member of the swarm can be killed per attack (GM’s discretion). Consequently, a swarm of 200 creatures requires 200 attacks to be completely destroyed. Attacks with the Spreading Ability can affect multiple critters at time, while attacks with the Area Effect Ability can be devastating to the swarm. A character who dissolved into a swarm may choose to use an action to revert into normal form. To accomplish this, all available critters in the swarm (those not killed or trapped) must join together. Transforming back to normal form requires a character’s action for that round, but does not cost any Energy Points. The character will return to normal form with Hit Points equal

to the number of critters that recombined divided by the Swarm Attribute Rank (round down). For example, if a character with 50 current Hit Points and Swarm at Rank 4 divided into 200 creatures, and after a battle, recombined with only 130 available critters, the character would then have a current total of 32 Hit Points (130 ÷ 4=32). Telekinesis Cost:

1-2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character can concentrate on an object and move it without physically touching it. Telekinesis may represent psionic ability, magic, or some form of tractor beam. Characters with the ability to magically control a particular element (Earth, Water, etc.) may also use Telekinesis to represent their particular ability. A character using Telekinesis can lift an object or group of adjacent objects and move it at walking speed (30 feet/round) or manipulate it with the dexterity of a human hand. Telekinesis works over a close distance (up to about 15 feet) at full strength; effective strength declines by one Rank if used within a short range (up to 50 feet), or by two Ranks if used at medium range (up to 500 feet). Ranges multiply by 1,000 in space. The weight that a character can lift depends on his or her Rank, as does the degree of fine motor control. The character can also levitate an object (or group of objects) and have it strike another person as if it were a short-ranged thrown weapon. The weight Telekinesis can lift is reduced by a factor of 10 when throwing an object hard enough to inflict damage. For example, a character with Rank 5 could lift up to 10 tons but could only throw objects weighing up to 1 ton. This is treated as a normal attack and thus can be negated by a successful defence roll. Damage depends on the weight of the object hurled: 1d4 damage for an object weighing up to 2 pounds, 1d8 damage for up to 20 pounds, 2d8 damage for one up to 200 pounds, 3d8 damage for one up to one ton, and so on. The same damage applies to the object being hurled. If Telekinesis is used to directly crush or constrict a target, damage delivered equals 2 Points/Rank. A character who uses Telekinesis to grab another person and throw him or her uses the same procedure, but this requires a successful Power Usage: Telekinesis Skill check against a DC equal to the target’s defence roll. Accurately tossing an opponent so that he or she hits another target requires a successful to hit roll. If attempting to disarm a character with Telekinesis, the subject should be allowed a Strength check against DC 10 + 1 per Telekinesis Rank to retain the weapon. If a character wishes to fly at speed exceeding 30 feet/round, he or she needs Flight rather than Telekinesis. Ordinary Telekinesis (capable of lifting anything physical, but not forms of energy) costs 4 Points/Rank. At a cost of only 2 Point/Rank, the character may have a more focused Telekinesis. This restricts the character to telekinetically moving (or sculpting) a particular type of matter. Some examples are provided. • Air The character can only move air (or other gases). A cubic yard of air weighs about 2.1 pounds. Enough air to fill a roughly 10’ x 10’ x 10’ room weighs 75 pounds.

• Earth The character can only move dirt, rock, stone, sand, etc. He or she cannot affect treated metals. A cubic yard of packed dirt masses about 2 tons; the same mass of concrete weighs about 2.5 tons, while a cubic yard of solid granite weights about 2.7 tons. • Fire The character can only affect flames of an existing fire, or can possibly start them with his or her mind as well (GM’s discretion). Since fire does not have mass, the Rank indicates the size of the flames that can be controlled and manipulated: small fires at Rank 1 (like a candle or match flame), up to raging infernos that cover several city blocks at Rank 6. • Metal The character’s Telekinesis only works on metal. This may be a mystical limitation, or it may be the character’s power is actually based on magnetic. A cubic yard of steel weighs about 8 tons. • Water The character can lift and move water. A cubic yard of water weights about 1700 lbs. (close to a ton). A gallon of water weights about 8 pounds. • Wood The character’s power only works on wood (living or dead). This ability is usually mystical in nature and common to nature priests and spirits. A cubic yard of wood weighs less than a ton. Rank 1

The character can lift up to 2 lbs.

Rank 2

The character can lift up to 20 lbs.

Rank 3

The character can lift up to 200 lbs. (a person).

Rank 4

The character can lift up to 1 ton (a car).

Rank 5

The character can lift up to 10 tons (a large truck).

Rank 6

The character can lift up to 100 tons (a small spaceship or house).

Telepathy Cost:

1-3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Telepathy is the classic psionic ability, and anime characters with ESP will often possess it. Versions of telepathy may also represent other magical capabilities; demons who can tempt their victims often possess Telepathy, for example. Telepathy costs 1 Point/Rank if its utility is quite restricted (for example, “only works with canines” or “only with close friends”). It costs 2 Points/Rank if its utility is somewhat restricted (for example, “only with humans” or “only with beasts”). It costs 3 Points/Rank if it has universal utility.

This Attribute allows the character to read and transmit thoughts, and at higher Ranks, to actually “invade” a person’s mind and probe their memories or alter their thoughts. Telepathy normally works only if a subject is in sight, or can be otherwise perceived (touched, heard, etc.). If the subject is beyond normal perceptions, mental invasion is impossible, while transmitting thoughts, reading surface thoughts or sharing the subject’s sensory impressions only works if that particular subject is someone the character is close to, such as a parent, sibling, long-term coworker, close friend, or lover. A subject cannot detect a telepath reading thoughts or sensory impressions unless he or she has the Telepathy or Mind Shield Attribute at an equal or higher Rank. If so, he or she can choose to block the telepath (or attempt to block it with the Mind Shield), in which case the only way to get through is via mental invasion. A subject will always be aware of a mental invasion (although a non-telepath may not understand exactly what is going on). Rank 1 The character can, by concentrating, use mind reading to pick up the “loud” surface thoughts of a particular subject. A “loud” thought is something about which the subject is thinking hard or that has a very strong emotional content. The character can also transmit a single feeling, such as “fear” or “love” to another person. Rank 2 The character can, by concentrating, use mind reading to pick up the ordinary surface thoughts of a particular subject. The character can only read what a person is actually thinking at the time. Two telepaths can communicate with one another at conversational speeds by reading each other’s thoughts. The character can also transmit a word, simple image, or simple concept (like “flower” or a person’s face) to a non-telepath on which he or she concentrates. It requires an entire round of concentration to convey one concept, which makes telepath to non-telepath communication slow. Rank 3 The character can, by concentrating, pick up a single subject’s surface thoughts and sensory impressions (i.e., see through a subject’s eyes, feel what he or she feels, etc.). The character can choose to edit out some senses if desired. Alternatively, the character can concentrate and read “loud” surface thoughts from 2-6 people. The character can transmit subvocalised speech to a single non-telepath at normal conversational speeds or send a single powerful image or word to 2-6 people. Rank 4 The character has the same capabilities as at Rank 3 Telepathy. In addition, he or she can invade another person’s mind. This counts as an attack, and if the subject is unwilling or unaware, the character will enter Mind Combat with him or her. If the subject is willing or loses the mental combat, the telepath can probe his or her memory for information he or she needs. The character will also instinctively read “loud” surface thoughts of anyone he or she touches (unless deliberately blocking the ability) without any need for concentration. The character can transmit thoughts at conversational speeds to 2-6 people at a time, simultaneously. Rank 5 The character has the same capabilities as Rank 4 Telepathy, except that he or she can read “loud” surface thoughts of anyone in the general vicinity without any need for concentration, unless deliberately blocking the ability. A successful mental invasion can even probe memories that the subject can no longer consciously remember. The character can transmit thoughts at conversational speeds to 7-20 people at a time, simultaneously. Rank 6 The character has the same capabilities as Rank 5 Telepathy. He or she automatically reads the surface thoughts of everyone in the vicinity and automatically shares the

sensory experiences of anyone he or she is actually touching without any need for concentration, unless he or she deliberately tries to block this ability. The character can transmit thoughts at conversational speeds to 21-50 people at a time, simultaneously. If the character succeeds with a mental invasion, he or she may not only probe memories but may also alter them, deleting existing memories or giving the subject false ones. Teleport Cost:

5 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

Teleport enables the character to transport him or herself instantly from place to place without crossing the intervening space. It is a common ability for psionic anime characters and not unusual for sorcerers and various superhumans. Teleporting is only possible if the character has visited the intended destination or can clearly see or otherwise sense the destination (possibly through the Heightened Senses or Sixth Sense Attributes). The GM may allow characters to teleport to unknown destinations (such as “100 yards up” or “to the other side of the door”), perhaps for an additional 1 or 2 Character Points total. Accidentally teleporting into a solid object may be fatal or simply cause a failed teleport at the GM’s option. A character can carry anything while teleporting that he or she could normally carry. Teleporting is much quicker than any other means of travel (Flight, Space Flight, etc.), however, it is often risky. A Power Usage: Teleport Skill check against DC 15 should be required to perform a teleport beyond a “safe” distance. Failure means the character ends up in the wrong place (GM option) and his or her power “burns out” or “malfunctions” for hours or days. When Teleport is first assigned, the GM may ask the player to decide if velocity (speed and direction) is conserved during travel. Alternatively, the character might adapt velocity to each Teleport individually. In many campaigns, the effects of velocity will simply be ignored. Rank 1

The maximum teleportation distance is 1 miles, while the safe distance is 30 feet.

Rank 2 feet.

The maximum teleportation distance is 10 miles, while the safe distance is 300

Rank 3 mile.

The maximum teleportation distance is 1,000 miles, while the safe distance is 1

Rank 4 miles.

The maximum teleportation distance is 10,000 miles, while the safe distance is 10

Rank 5 100 miles.

The maximum teleportation distance is 100,000 miles, while the safe distance is

Rank 6 1,000 miles.

The maximum teleportation distance is 1,000,000 miles, while the safe distance is

Train a Cute Monster Cost:

1 Point/Rank

Relevant Ability: Wisdom Progression:

The character gains 1 trainer technique/Rank

A character with Train a Cute Monster is experienced in the arts and sciences of pet monster instruction and fighting. Through painful experience, mostly on the part of the pets, the trainer learned to effectively control the creatures in battle and to properly care for their needs in daily life. Only characters with the Pet Monster Attribute may take Train a Cute Monster. Each Rank of Train a Cute Monster gives the character one trainer technique. • Analyse Monster The character can identify all commonly known species of pet monster. He or she also receives a +2 bonus to any Intelligence check (DC 20 to 25) required to identify rare types or newly evolved versions of existing species. He or she can judge another monster’s Base Attack Bonus, remaining Hit Points and elemental association from its size, species, attitude, apparent health, and even posture, without seeing it actually fight. • Battle Motto The character has mastered the hideous rhyming battle motto. If chanted within listening range of an opposing trainer just prior to a duel, it fills the motto-using character with pride while simultaneously revolting, boring and/or irritating his or her enemy. The opposing trainer loses 4 Energy Points, which are immediately transferred to the motto-using character for the duration of the encounter. Note that if two trainers have mottoes, the effects cancel each other out; a motto can only be used once in a particular encounter. • Breed Monster This is the ability to breed two monsters together that do not normally mate, and have them produce viable offspring. The GM may require a Wisdom check, with a DC determined by the strangeness of the combination (usually 15 to 20). On a successful roll, the union of the two monsters is a positive, viable hybrid. On a very bad roll something goes hideously wrong — they start fighting each other, or they mate, but the resulting offspring is a horrifying menace. • Feed Monster The character knows exactly what to feed his or her monsters to ensure they have a properly balanced diet. As long as the character can supervise his or her monster’s nutrition (which takes a half-hour per creature per day) the monsters will be healthier and happier. They will not catch diseases and will recover lost Hit Points and Energy Points twice as fast as normal. The GM can require characters to devote time to finding special food, vitamins, or ingredients. • Inspire Monster The trainer is especially good at inspiring his or her monster in combat through shouts of encouragement, cheerleading, yelling “banzai!” and other energetic techniques. At the start of any combat round the trainer can spend 4 of his or her own Energy Points. This either adds a temporary +2 to the monster’s Base Attack Bonus and a +2 bonus to defence checks (this lasts for one round) or restores the monster’s lost Hit Points. The character can repeat the expenditure every round, to continue giving the monster a bonus. • Instil Discipline

The character is especially good at making his or her monsters obey orders and resist their natural urges. Instilling discipline takes a one-hour training session and costs the trainer and monster 4 Energy Points each. The effects last for 24 hours, minus one hour times the Wisdom of the disciplined monster (24-[1hr x Wisdom] = hours). A disciplined pet will be cautious during fighting, and will not lose control or expose itself recklessly. It receives a +1 defence check bonus. • Instil Ferocity The trainer can instil the fighting spirit in his or her monster and teach it to go for the jugular. This technique takes a one-hour training session and costs the trainer and monster 4 Energy Points each. The effects last for (4 + the monster’s Wisdom) hours. A ferocious monster receives a +1 bonus to its Base Attack Bonus. It is also likely to be bad tempered, and may snap at or otherwise harass anyone nearby. A trainer can Instil Ferocity against a specific opponent (such as type of monster) — this requires appropriate training aids (such as a picture or look-alike doll). This doubles the normal bonus, but only against that target; the monster does not gain an attack bonus against any other opponent. This option is useful if the trainer has a good idea who his or her monster will face. • Monster Tactics The character has carefully studied cute monsters in battle. He or she understands which attack to use for the greatest effect, when to order a finishing blow at the right moment, and when to sound the retreat. The trouble is, it is the monster fighting, not the character. If the character is supervising the duel, however, and is in a position to shout orders, then his or her monsters receives a +4 bonus on their Initiative rolls through the battle. This can be used in conjunction with Inspire Monster. • Nurse Monster The character is a natural monster physician. As long as the monster is under his or her tender care, it heals Hit Points three times faster then it would otherwise. If the character also has Feed Monster, the monster heals five times as quickly as it would otherwise. • Stat Master The character possesses an encyclopaedic knowledge of other trainers, as well as teams and monster dojo (if they exist). The character keeps track of who they are, how they Rank in any league or organisation, and what pet monsters they possess. The GM may require a Intelligence check (DC 20) to see if the trainer knows anything about someone specifically. Transmutation Cost:

3-5 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Intelligence Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute allows a character to transmute one non-living object (or set of connected objects) into another, or even create them an object from nothing. Transmutation costs 5 Points/Rank if the character can transmute any object into another (within the limits of his or her Rank). It costs 4 Points/Rank if the character can only transmute (to or from) a general class of objects such as “metal,” “weapons,” “clothing,” or “food.” It also costs 4 Points/Rank if the

character can only transmute one object to another of similar mass; the types of objects are unrestricted. The cost is 3 Points/Rank if the character is limited to a transmutation within a specific category and of similar mass, such as “regular clothes to battle costume,” “lead to gold,” or “spoiled food to edible food.” Finally, if the character can only create objects in one of the categories, but not transmute one object to another, the cost is reduced by 1 Point/Rank. The GM may restrict any categories that seem overly broad or too powerful. The character cannot transmute material into new objects outside the character’s experience. The character could transmute a weapon into a book, painting or videotape, but the content must be something with which he or she was already familiar. Likewise, a character who had no familiarity with computers could not transmute a television into one using Transmutation. The GM may choose to require a Intelligence Ability check (or relevant Skill check) if the character attempts a particularly complex transmutation. Failure may indicate the new object does not function properly; this is especially applicable when creating complex technological devices. Unless the GM decides otherwise, Transmutation is only able to make objects that could be classified as Personal Gear; it cannot create Items of Power. When attempting to transmute an Item of Power, the character suffers a penalty to the Intelligence Ability check of -2 for each Rank of the Item of Power. Rank 1

The character can transmutate objects weighing up to 1 lb.

Rank 2

The character can transmutate objects weighing up to 5 lbs.

Rank 3

The character can transmutate objects weighing up to 10 lbs.

Rank 4

The character can transmutate objects weighing up to 50 lbs

Rank 5

The character can transmutate objects weighing up to 100 lbs.

Rank 6

The character can transmutate objects weighing up to 500 lbs.

Tunnelling Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The Tunnelling Attribute allows a character to move earth and/or burrow underground. Tunnelling assumes that the character is going through sand or packed earth; boring through solid rock is one Rank slower. The tunnel the character leaves behind will either be permanent or will collapse immediately (must be specified during creation of each tunnel). Rank 1 shovels.

The character tunnels very slowly, similar to the tunnelling speed of ten men with

Rank 2

The character tunnels slowly, similar to the tunnelling speed of a bulldozer.

Rank 3

The character tunnels at a snail’s pace (up to 60 feet per minute).

Rank 4

The character tunnels at a walking speed (up to 10 mph).

Rank 5

The character tunnels at slow vehicle speeds (up to 50 mph).

Rank 6

The character tunnels at fast vehicle speeds (up to 100 mph).

Unique Attribute Cost:

1-5 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: Varies Progression:

Descriptive; see below

This Attribute covers any abilities not detailed in the rules. Often a single Point is sufficient to give the character “flavour,” but more Points can be allocated to enhance the effects on game play and must be added if the Attribute would be of considerable benefit. Discuss the Attribute with the GM to determine what specific game effects the Attribute possesses. The GM should assign a Point cost per Rank based on how the Attribute compares to other Attributes and how useful it is. In general, an Attribute that is somewhat useful in the game should cost 1 Point/Rank, one that is very useful should cost 2-3 Points/Rank, and one that is extremely useful should cost 4-5 Points/Rank (or more). Rank 1

The Attribute has little character or game effect.

Rank 2

The Attribute has a moderate character or game effect.

Rank 3

The Attribute has a large character or game effect.

Rank 4

The Attribute has a major character or game effect.

Rank 5

The Attribute has an extreme effect on the character or game.

Rank 6

The Attribute has a primal effect on the character or game.

Unknown Superhuman Power Cost:


Relevant Ability: Variable Progression:


In some campaigns, the characters may be unaware of their superhuman abilities until they manifest at crucial moments. To represent this, the player can allocate some Points to Unknown Superhuman Power when creating the character. The player does not purchase Ranks in this Attribute — he or she simply spends a selected amount of Character Points. The GM takes those Points and adds a bonus of 50% (rounding up) and uses them to assign other Attributes to the character. The GM does not tell the player which Attributes have been assigned; they are revealed to the player (and character) as the game unfolds and the powers manifest. GMs are encouraged to reveal the character’s powers slowly and when it is appropriate for the campaign’s story. The GM should never feel pressured to tell the player what his or her character’s unknown Attributes are before the time is right. Water Speed Cost:

2 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

A character with Water Speed can float and travel on or under water. The character can swim on the surface at high speeds and dive underwater for brief periods by holding his or her breath, or indefinitely if he or she has the Adaptation (Underwater) Attribute. To survive the pressure associated with deep diving, the Adaptation (Pressure) Attribute must also be assigned. Also, depending on the speed at which the character is moving, opponents may suffer a penalty to hit the character. A character without Water Speed can still swim but much more slowly (about 2 mph). Rank 1

The character is as fast as a slow fish or rowboat (up to 10 mph).

Rank 2

The character is as fast as a swift fish or yacht (up to 20 mph).

Rank 3

The character is as fast as a modern steamship (up to 40 mph).

Rank 4

The character is as fast as a speedboat (up to 80 mph).

Rank 5

The character is as fast as a hydrofoil (up to 160 mph).

Rank 6

The character is faster than any fish or watercraft (to 320 mph).

Wealth Cost:

3 Points/Rank

Relevant Ability: None Progression:

Descriptive; see below

The character is more financially stable (“liquid”) than an average person. This will allow him or her to easily acquire commercially available goods, and bribe or hire people. Note that hirelings that are intensely loyal to the character should still be acquired through Flunkies or the Servant Attributes. The character can be assumed to have non-liquid assets (like houses or real estate) commensurate with his or her wealth. In order to have access to things that are difficult to acquire without special licenses, or which are illegal, he or she should still take Organisational Ties, Own a Big Mecha, or Personal Gear Attributes. Rank 1 The character is well off. In a modern-day setting, he or she has assets totalling about $500,000. Rank 2 The character is wealthy. In a modern day setting, he or she has assets totalling about $1,000,000. Rank 3 The character is rich. In a modern day setting, he or she has assets totalling a about $10 million. Rank 4 The character is very rich. In a modern day setting, he or she has assets totalling about $100 million. Rank 5 The character is extremely rich. In a modern day setting, he or she has assets totalling about $1 billion. Rank 6 The character is fantastically rich. In a modern day setting, he or she has assets totalling about a $10 billion.

Chapter 7: Skills Step 7: Select Skills The following outlines the rules for using Skills in Anime d20. See the PHB for the rules for acquiring Skill Ranks. Skill Points and Skill Ranks Characters have a number of Skill Points based on their class Levels, as outlined in the class descriptions. Depending on a character’s class, some Skills are “class Skills” and some Skills are “cross-class Skills.” For non-combat Skills, cross-class Skills require 2 Skill Points per Rank while class Skills require 1 Skill Point per Rank. For combat Skills, the cost is tripled to 6 and 3 Skill Points, respectively. If the GM desires, the maximum number of Ranks a character can have in a class Skill is equal to that character’s Rank +3 (a common limit in many d20 System games). The maximum Rank a character can have in a cross-class Skill is half that number (round down). Optionally, the GM can add the Skill’s relevant Ability Score modifier to this maximum Skill Rank for the character. Of course, the Game Master can also ignore these limitations (and possibly develop his or her own Skill Rank maximums). Using Skills When a character uses a Skill, the character makes a Skill check to see how well the character performs the action. The higher the result on the character’s Skill check, the more successful the attempt. Based on the circumstances, the character’s result must match or exceed a particular number (called a DC, or Difficulty Class) to use the Skill successfully. The harder the task, the higher the number the character needs to roll. Skill Description Format Relevant Ability This is the Ability modifier that most often applies to the Skill check. If two (or more) Abilities are listed, it indicates that different Abilities may be relevant, depending on the situation. The GM should select the one most appropriate to the circumstances. For example, the Pilot Skill has the Relevant Ability: Intelligence or Dexterity. When a character attempts to pilot a large cruise ship, the GM should require a Skill check using the Intelligence modifier — the character’s knowledge of the boat’s controls are more important when driving such a massive ship. When the character hops into a small ski boat, however, his or her Dexterity is more important and thus the GM should require a Skill check using the Dexterity modifier instead of the Intelligence Modifier. Specialisations (Optional Rule) A selection of Specialisations is provided. When a character gains a new Skill, he or she may select one Specialisation for free. Any time the character makes a Skill check (a character attempting to balance on a thin ledge using Acrobatics: Balance, for example), the character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Skill check. With GM permission, players may select a Specialisation that is not listed if it fits with their character concept. Also, GMs may allow characters to gain two additional Specialisations for a particular Skill by paying the normal cost associated with gaining a Rank in that Skill.

Description The Skill name line is followed by a general description of what using the Skill represents. Combat Feats and Anime d20 To provide more player options and better reflect common elements in anime shows, Anime d20 replaces several combat Feats with combat Skills. The three weapon proficiency Feats (Exotic, Martial, and Simple) have been eliminated, indicating that all characters are proficient with all weapons, and thus do not suffer the -4 attack penalty. Additionally, the Weapon Focus Feat (which gives a +1 with a specific weapon) has been removed in favour of combat Skills that can provide much greater attack bonuses. As a result, Anime d20 characters who specialise in combat prowess by assigning many combat Skills can become much more deadly in battle than standard d20 characters. If you prefer to use combat Feats from the standard d20 System instead, simply remove the combat Skills option from Anime d20 and make the appropriate Feats available to characters once again. Table 7-1: Class and Cross Class Skills









Adventurer Sorcerer















Pet Monster



Samurai MemberShapechangerStudent



























Computer Use

























Controlled Breathing























Decipher Script




































Disable Device




































Escape Artist





































Gather Information











Handle Animal


































Adventurer Sorcerer








Pet Monster Trainer



Samurai Member Shapechanger Student Genius



































Knowledge (Arcane)













Knowledge (Architecture)













Knowledge (Area)












Knowledge (Biological Sciences) •













Knowledge (Business)














Knowledge (Cultural Arts)










Knowledge (Domestic Arts)













Knowledge (Electronics)












Knowledge (Foreign Culture)











Knowledge (Law)













Knowledge (Mechanics)











Knowledge (Military Sciences)













Knowledge (Nature)













Knowledge (Occult)










Knowledge (Physical Sciences)













Knowledge (Police Sciences)











Knowledge (Religion)












Knowledge (Social Sciences)













Knowledge (Streetwise)




































Move Silently

























Open Lock
























Pick Pocket








































Power Usage




































Read Lips








































































Sense Motive









Sleight of Hand












Speak Languages























































Use Rope














Wilderness Lore














Wilderness Tracking




















Adventurer Sorcerer








Pet Monster Trainer











Samurai Member Shapechanger Student Genius





Gun Combat














Heavy Weapons














Melee Attack










Melee Defence













Ranged Defence













Special Ranged Attack











Thrown Weapons














Unarmed Attack












Unarmed Defence












General Skills Balance Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Shaking Surface, Slippery Surface, Tightrope

The ability to maintain balance under adverse conditions. Bluff Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Acting, Fast-talk, Misdirection, Misleading Body Language

The ability to make the untrue seem plausible. Climb Relevant Ability: Strength Specialisations:

Natural Surfaces, Poles, Ropes, Vegetation, Walls

The ability to scale vertical surfaces with or without the use of specialised climbing equipment. Computer Use Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Programming

Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Intrusion/Security, Networks,

Practical knowledge of computer use. Computer engineering (hardware) is covered by Knowledge: Electronics. Concentration Relevant Ability: Constitution Specialisations:

Clearing One’s Mind, Magic Focus, Single Minded

The ability to ignore distractions and interference when focusing on a task. Controlled Breathing Relevant Ability: Constitution Specialisations:

Cyclic Breathing, Holding Breath, Slow Heart Rate

The ability to control respiratory functions in order to maximise breathing efficiency or to perform tricks such as “playing dead.” Craft Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Woodworking

Carpentry, Leatherworking, Metalworking, Plumbing, Tailoring,

This Skill represents a character’s ability to work with a variety of materials to repair or produce useful or aesthetically pleasing objects not electronic or mechanical in nature. Decipher Script Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Ancient Languages, Code Cracking, Hieroglyphics, Runes

The ability to decipher texts either foreign to the character or encoded. Demolitions Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Underwater

Artificial Structures, Bomb Disposal, Natural Structures, Safe Cracking,

The ability to set explosive charges without getting hurt in the process or inflicting undesired collateral damage. It is also used for deactivating explosives set by someone else. Diplomacy Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Etiquette, Social Grace, Heraldry, Negotiation

The knowledge concerning the proper way to interact during social situations, and negotiations, including rules of conduct and persuasion. Disable Device Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Jamming, By Passing, Traps

The ability to circumvent traps, jam mechanical devices, by pass securities. Disguise Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Costume, Dialects, Impersonation, Make-up, Prosthetics

The ability to change one’s personal appearance and/or demeanour in an attempt to deceive others. Drive Relevant Ability: Dexterity or Intelligence Specialisations: pick-ups, hi-cubes)

Big Rig (large tractor/trailer trucks), Car, Motorcycle, Small Truck (vans,

The ability to operate a powered ground vehicle. Skill checks are only necessary in difficult situations such as performing vehicular stunts, avoiding hazards, etc. Escape Artist Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Grappling, Restraints, Tight Spaces

The ability to escape restraints and grips of opponents, or squeeze through tight spaces. Forgery Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Detection, Electronic Documents, Handwriting, Paper Documents

The ability to counterfeit documents and papers or to identify forgeries. This Skill can be used in conjunction with the Computer Use Skill. Gamble Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations:

Card Games, Computer Games, Dice Games, Strategy, Role Playing

The ability to play various games (including betting strategies) well. Gather Information Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Contacts, Gossip, Rumour-mongering

The ability to find out information about an area, from the day-to-day events to specific pieces of information. Handle Animal Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Any single animal such as dogs, dolphins, horses, etc.

The ability to teach and train animals with an intellect above that of instinctive insects. An animal usually has an Intelligence of 1-3. Hide Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Concealment, Skulking, Tailing

The ability to hide from detection. Intimidation Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Business, Interrogation, Political, Psychological, Street,

The ability to convincingly project a “tough guy” image through verbal and body language. A successful check means someone witnessing your performance is convinced you mean any threats you make. How they react after that will depend on how tough they are themselves in relation to the kind of threat you present — they may respond with respect, fear, hatred, or amusement. Investigate Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Government, Police, Underworld

The ability to track a piece of information or person through red tape and electronic media. Jump Relevant Ability: Strength Specialisations:

Long, High, Pole Vault

The ability to jump well and consistently. A character can normally jump about 6 feet forward or 3 feel up/back (double range with a running start). This Skill increases the character’s maximum horizontal distance by +1 foot for every two Skill ranks. This modifier is doubled for running starts and halved for vertical or backwards jumps. Knowledge: Arcane Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Arcane Symbols, Magic, Rituals, Spells

Knowledge of magic, its history, and basics of how it works. Knowledge: Architecture Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Aquatic, Bridges, Fortifications, Small Buildings, Skyscrapers

Knowledge of construction methods, architectural drafting, etc. A successful use of this Skill can also find weak points in constructions or help in locating old structural plans. Knowledge: Area

Relevant Stat:



One specific area (city, village, forest, sea, etc.)

This Skill reflects knowledge of the geography and people of a single area. The smaller the area, the more detailed and extensive the character’s knowledge. This Skill may be assigned multiple times to indicate knowledge of several areas. Knowledge: Biological Sciences Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Bacteria/Viruses, Botany, Ecology, Genetics, Physiology, Zoology

This field covers scientific knowledge of how living things function. Knowledge: Business Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Business

Accounting, Banking, Executive, Fraud, Government, Marketing, Small

The ability to organise, run, and understand part or all of an organisation (such as a business, government, or association). Knowledge: Cultural Arts Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Archaeology, Art Appraisal, History, Literature, Urban Legends

Knowledge of aspects of human culture (or another species’ culture). Knowledge: Domestic Arts Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Cleaning, Cooking, Decorating, Home Budgeting

The ability to efficiently organise and run a domestic household. Knowledge: Electronics Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Sensors

Communications, Computers, Consumer Electronics, Robotics, Security,

The ability to maintain, repair, build, modify (and at high Ranks, design) electronic equipment. Knowledge: Foreign Culture Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

One Specific Culture

Reflects knowledge of the history, religion, ethics, and lifestyle of one or more foreign countries or cultures. Each Rank in this Skill provides familiarity with a distinct culture (a

Specialisation). Thus, multiple Specialisations may be listed for Foreign Culture depending on the Skill Rank. Knowledge: Law Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Civil, Criminal, Customs, Family, International, Political

Knowledge of legal procedure and practice. GMs may assume that anyone with Rank 6 or more has a license to practice law. All Specialisations, except International, are specific to one country or region only (for example, “Japanese Criminal Law”). Knowledge: Mechanics Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Aeronautical, Armourer, Automotive, Gunsmith, Locksmith, Micro, Traps

The ability to maintain, repair, or build mechanical and electro-mechanical devices. This also includes knowledge of tool use, welding, etc. Armourer applies to heavy vehicle-mounted weapons while Gunsmith covers personal weaponry. Use Artisan for archaic weapons. Knowledge: Military Sciences Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Teamwork

Hardware Recognition, Intelligence Analysis, Logistics, Strategy, Tactics,

The character has military-style tactical, staff, or leadership training. In addition, SWAT (or other tactical police units) often includes individuals who pick up similar Skills (and often recruit ex-military personnel). Knowledge: Nature Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Animals, Cycles, Plants, Seasons, Weather

Knowledge of the interactions of the natural world. Knowledge: Occult Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Witchcraft

Astrology, Channelling, Numerology, Rituals, Spirits, Tarot, Voodoo,

Knowledge of the arcane and mystical arts, and their applications in both historical and modern society. Knowledge: Physical Sciences Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Astronomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics

Scientific training in the way the universe works, including the necessary background knowledge.

Knowledge: Police Sciences Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Ballistics, Criminology, Forensics

This is the science behind detective work. Ballistics is the study of the wounds inflicted by projectiles; criminology focuses on studies of criminal behaviour and strategies; forensics covers evidence gathering (including hair-and-fibre, fingerprint and DNA-based identification techniques). Knowledge: Religion Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

One Specific Religion (Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim, Satanism, etc.)

The knowledge of how current and historical religions and mythology worked. Knowledge: Social Sciences Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations: Theology

Anthropology, Geography, Politics, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology,

Understanding of the way people function in society as well as societal behavioural patterns. Knowledge: Streetwise Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Gang Activity, Influential Individuals, Territorial Divisions (all by region)

The knowledge of street activity within a particular region or city. This is a vital survival Skill for a person on the streets. Listen Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations:

Background Noise, Eavesdropping, Rural, Urban

The ability to listen attentively or to perceive unusual or out of place noises. Medical Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations: Acupuncture, Dentistry, Diagnosis, Emergency Response, Homeopathy, Pathology, Pharmacy, Surgery, Veterinary Knowledge of how to heal the body. GMs may assume that anyone with Rank 6 or more has a license to practice medicine. A typical general practitioner would Specialise in Diagnosis, while most police officers or paramedics Specialise in Emergency Response. Move Silently Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Soft Step, Rural, Urban

The ability to move without being detected audibly. Navigate Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Air, Highway, Sea, Space, Urban, Wilderness

The ability to read maps or use specialised navigation equipment. The Navigate Skill will help a character find the fastest/safest route to a destination. Open Lock Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Combination, Electronic, Padlocks, Puzzle Lock

The ability to open locking devices. Perform Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Comedy, Dance, Drama, Music, Public Speaking, Singing, Fast Talking

The ability to perform well before an audience, and to evoke an emotional response through the art form. Pick Pocket Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Palm, Legerdemain, Lift Object

The ability to make a small object disappear without notice. Pilot Relevant Ability: Dexterity or Intelligence Specialisations: Heavy Airplane (usually multi-engine), Helicopter, Hovercraft, Jet Fighter, Large Ships, Light Airplane (usually single-engine), Lighter than Air Craft, Small Boats, Spacecraft, Submarines The ability to operate air, water or space vehicles. Skill checks are normally only necessary when performing an unusual manoeuvre, avoiding a hazard, piloting an unfamiliar aircraft, etc. Poisons Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Alien, Natural, Synthetic

The ability to recognise, concoct, apply, and neutralise a variety of poisons and toxins. Power Usage Relevant Ability: Based on Power’s Relevant Ability Specialisations:

One specific Power only

Unlike other Skills, Power Usage only offers a bonus to any check for the use of one specific Power. To receive a bonus on multiple Powers, this Skill must be assigned multiple times, once for each Power. The Skill is useful to a character who may not have a high ability (such as Intelligence) that is associated with one of his or her Powers (such as Mind Control or Telepathy). When the character must make a check for the specific Power, the Power Usage Skill adds a bonus as though the check is actually a Skill check. Powerlifting Relevant Ability: Strength Specialisations: (Hand-Held)

Bulky Objects, Free Weights, Humans, Moving Objects, Small Objects

The ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance for injury. This includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects in motion, and supporting large masses. Profession Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations: Sailor, Writer, etc.)

One Specific Profession (Bookkeeper, Cook, Driver, Farmer, Miner,

The character is trained in a specific form of livelihood. Read Lips Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Crowded Places, Distance, Sub Vocalisation

This allows a character to understood what is being said by reading lips. Repair Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Mechanics, Computerised, Electronics

The ability to carry out permanent or temporary repairs to equipment. Research Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Legal, Historical, Scientific

This Skill allows a character to locate difficult to find pieces of data by searching journals, the web, and other media. Ride Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

One Specific Species (Camel, Horse, Tiger, etc.).

This is the knowledge of how to care for a riding beast, how to saddle, mount, and dismount the animal, how to get it to perform difficult or dangerous manoeuvres safely and without balking, and how to best pace it for long distance rides.

Search Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Compartments, Detail Work, Irregularities

This Skill allows the character to find hidden or concealed objects. Seduction Relevant Ability: Charisma Specialisations:

Alien, Female, Male

A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex appeal. A successful Skill check will convince another person that the character is genuinely interested in them. Whether or not the subject actually responds will depend on his or her own romantic inclinations and sexual preference. Sense Motive Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations:

Body Language, Mannerisms, Speech

This represents the knowledge of determining when a person is not being honest or forth coming. Sleight of Hand Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Card Sharking, Fine Manipulation, Stage Magic

A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity, greater than that suggested by his or her Dexterity score. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc. Speak Languages Relevant Ability: Intelligence Specialisations:

Any One Language, Braille, Code Language, Sign Language

This Skill reflects an aptitude for languages and their historical usage. Additionally, a character will be able to speak and write one foreign Language for each Rank in this Skill. Thus, multiple Specialisations will be listed for Languages — the first is the character’s native language(s), while the others are foreign languages. Sports Relevant Ability: Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Specialisations:

Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Volleyball, etc.

The ability to play well in a team or individual sporting event with specialised rules. Spot Relevant Ability: Wisdom


Ambush, Movement, Tailing

This the ability to locate people or creature trying to hide their presence. Survival Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations:

Aquatic, Artic, Desert, Wilderness, Urban

The ability to survive in harsh environments. Swim Relevant Ability: Strength Specialisations:

Competition, Deep-Sea Diving, Free Diving, Scuba, Snorkelling

The character is skilled at swimming or diving. The GM may assume that any character in a modern setting (or perhaps any setting) can swim even without this Skill. Tumble Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Dive, Flip, Roll, Somersault

The character is skilled at acrobatic tumbling and flips. Use Rope Relevant Ability: Dexterity Specialisations:

Knots, Handling Loads, Securing

This Skill allows a character to adeptly use rope for any number of purposes. Wilderness Lore Relevant Ability: Wisdom Specialisations:

Guide, Hunting, Identification, Natural Hazards

The character is familiar with local wilderness areas. The character can find subsistence for him or herself and others and avoid natural dangers. Wilderness Tracking Relevant Ability: Intelligence or Wisdom Specialisations:

Aquatic, Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains

The ability to successfully trail or track someone or something while outdoors in a rural or wilderness setting. Combat Skills Archery Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

Bow, Crossbow

The ability to accurately shoot with a bow or crossbow. Gun Combat Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

Auto-fire, Pistol, Rifle

The ability to accurately shoot with a hand-held firearm and to keep it properly maintained. Auto-fire applies to firing bursts of fully automatic fire from any gun, whether it is a small submachine gun, a big assault rifle, or a heavy machine gun. Pistol applies to firing single shots from a handgun. Rifle covers firing single shots from guns with a shoulder stock including rifles and shotguns. Heavy Weapons Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations: Artillery (indirect fire weapons such as Howitzers), Gunnery (heavy machine guns, tank guns and other vehicle-mounted direct-fire weapons), Launchers (rocket and missile launchers) The ability to accurately fire vehicle-, shoulder-, or tripod-mounted weapons such as a tank cannon or heavy machine gun, and to perform routine maintenance. Melee Attack Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations: Axe, Baton/Club, Knife, Improvised Weapons (chairs, lamps, ladders, etc.), Polearms (spears, naginata, etc.), Shield, Sword, Whips/Chains The ability to attack effectively with a hand-to-hand melee weapon. Melee Defence Relevant Ability: None (Defensive Combat Skill) Specialisations: Axe, Baton/Club, Knife, Improvised Weapons, Polearms (spears, naginata, etc.), Shield, Sword, Whips/Chains The ability to defend well with a hand-to-hand melee weapon. Ranged Defence Relevant Ability: None (Defensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

Personal, Air Vehicle, Ground Vehicle, Water Vehicle, Space Vehicle

The ability to avoid ranged attacks, but this does not enable a character to actually dodge bullets. Rather, it is a combination of situational awareness and tactical movement as well as knowing when to keep moving (to present a more difficult target) and when to drop for cover. Special Ranged Attack Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

One specific Special Attack

This Skill is used for weapons created using the Special Attack Attribute that emanate from the character’s body, rather than a device or weapon. For example, eye beams, fireballs fired from the hand, or sonic blast shot from the mouth would qualify for this Skill use, but a laser gun (Gun Combat Skill) or a deadly boomerang (Thrown Weapon Skill) would not. Thrown Weapons Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

Blades, Cards, Grenades, Rocks, Shields

The ability to accurately throw weapons or objects at a target. Unarmed Attack Relevant Ability: None (Offensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

Strikes, Holds, Throws, Grappling

The ability to attack without weapons. Unarmed Defence Relevant Ability: None (Defensive Combat Skill) Specialisations:

Strikes, Holds, Throws, Grappling

The ability to block armed or unarmed melee attacks without using a weapon.

Chapter 7: Feats Step 8: Select Feats While Feats will have a place in your anime campaign, Anime d20’s Attribute power creation system (particularly combat Skills) reduces the scope of Feats. Additionally, since Anime d20 abstracts combat movement and position (thus there are no attacks of opportunity), many Feats no longer apply to anime characters. Finally, some Feats (such as Expertise) allow characters to perform actions that every character is capable of performing in Anime d20. GMs may also allow players to use approved Feats from any d20 System game. See the PHB for the rules for acquiring Feats. The Game Master will decide whether the benefits derived from a Feat are cumulative if it is assigned multiple times. Feat Costs Feats cost 2 Character Points each. New Feats The following new Feats are introduce in Anime d20: Accuracy, Blind-Shoot, Block Ranged Attacks, Concealment, Deflection, Judge Opponent, Leap Attack, One Shot Left, Portable Armoury, Reflection, Sneak Attack, Steady Hand, Weapons Encyclopaedia Appropriate Feats The following Feats are appropriate for an Anime d20 game: Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Ambidexterity, Armour Proficiency (all), Blind-Fight, Brawl, Burst Fire, Cleave, Combat Martial Arts, Dodge, Double Tap, Empower Spell, Endurance, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Far Shot, Force Stop, Frightful Presence, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Heighten Spell, Improved Brawl, Improved Initiative, Improved Knockout Punch, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Knockout Punch, Lightning Reflexes, Maximise Spell, Mounted Combat, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Rapid Shot, Run, Silent Spell, Spell Focus, Spirited Charge, Still Spell, Streetfighting, Stunning Fist, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vehicle Dodge, Whirlwind Attack Inappropriate Feats The following Feats are not appropriate for an Anime d20 game, and should probably not be used unless the GM decides otherwise: Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Agile Riposte, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dead Aim, Elusive Target, Expertise, Extra Turning, Heroic Surge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Throw, Improved Critical, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Disarm, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Low Profile, Mobility, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Renown, Ride-By Attack, Shield Proficiency, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus, Skip Shot, Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Strafe, Sunder, Trample, Unbalance Opponent, Weapon Finesse Table 8-1: Replaced Feats

The following Feats can be replaced by elements of the Anime d20 system, as indicated: Acrobatic

Replace with Jump and Tumble Skills

Advanced Firearms Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skill

Aircraft Operation

Replace with Pilot Skill


Replace with Heightened Awareness Attribute

Animal Affinity

Replace with Handle Animal and Ride Skills

Archaic Weapon Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skill


Replace with Climb and Swim Skills


Replace with Investigate and Sense Motive Skills

Brew Potion

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes


Replace with appropriate Skills


Replace with Demolitions Skill

Craft Magic Arms and Armour

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes

Craft Rod

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes

Craft Staff

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes

Craft Wand

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes

Craft Wondrous Item

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes

Combat Throw

Replace with Unarmed Attack and Unarmed Defence Skills


Replace with Gamble and Intimidate Skills


Replace with appropriate Skills


Replace with Bluff and Disguise Skills

Defensive Martial Arts

Replace with Combat Skills

Deflect Arrows

Replace with Deflection Feat

Drive-By Attack

Replace with Steady Hand Feat


Replace with appropriate Skills

Exotic Firearms Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skills

Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skills

Exotic Weapon Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skill


Replace with Balance and Concentration Skills

Forge Ring

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes


Replace with Computer Use and Repair Skills


Replace with Navigate and Survival Skills

Improved Feint

Replace with Bluff Skill


Replace with Flunkies Attribute

Martial Weapon Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skill

Medical Expert

Replace with Medical Skill


Replace with Forgery and Search Skills

Mounted Archery

Replace with Steady Hand Feat


Replace with Escape Artist and Sleight of Hand Skills

Personal Firearms Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skills

Scribe Scroll

Replace with Item of Power and Magical Genius (variant of Mechanical Genius) Attributes

Simple Weapon Proficiency

Replace with Combat Skill

Skill Focus

Replace with appropriate Skill


Replace with Hide and Move Silently Skills


Replace with Decipher Script and Research Skills

Surface Vehicle Operation

Replace with Drive or Pilot Skills


Replace with Medical Skill


Replace with Damn Healthy! Attribute


Replace with Wilderness Tracking Skill


Replace with Diplomacy and Gather Information Skills

Vehicle Expert

Replace with Drive and Pilot Skills

Weapon Focus

Replace with Combat Skill

Weapon Specialisation

Replace with Massive Damage Attribute (2 Points/Rank option)


Replace with Wealth Attribute

Table 8-2: Approved Feats Feat Name



Base Attack Bonus +2

Advanced Combat Martial Arts

Combat Martial Arts


Dexterity 15+ Base Attack Bonus +8

Armour Proficiency (Heavy)

Armour Proficiency (Light) Armour Proficiency (Medium)

Armour Proficiency (Light)


Armour Proficiency (Medium)

Armour Proficiency (Light)





Block Ranged Attacks

Dexterity 13+



Burst Fire

Wisdom 13+


Strength 13+ Power Attack

Combat Martial Arts

Base Attack Bonus +1




Dexterity 13+


Dexterity 13+

Double Tap

Dexterity 13+ Point Blank Shot

Empower Spell




Enlarge Spell


Extend Spell


Far Shot

Point Blank Shot

Force Stop

Drive Skill 4+ Ranks

Frightful Presence

Charisma 15+ Intimidate Skill 9+ Ranks

Great Cleave

Strength 13+ Cleave Power Attack Base Attack Bonus +4

Great Fortitude


Heighten Spell


Improved Brawl

Brawl Base Attack Bonus +3

Improved Initiative


Improved Knockout Punch

Brawl Knockout Punch Base Attack Bonus +6

Improved Trip

Intelligence 13+

Iron Will


Judge Opponent


Knockout Punch

Brawl Base Attack Bonus +3

Leap Attack

Dexterity 13+ Base Attack Bonus +3

Lightning Reflexes


Maximise Spell


Mounted Combat

Ride Skill

One Shot Left


Point Blank Shot


Portable Armoury


Power Attack

Strength 13+



Quicken Spell


Rapid Shot

Dexterity 13+ Point Blank Shot



Sneak Attack


Silent Spell


Spell Focus


Spirited Charge

Mounted Combat Ride Skill

Still Spell



Brawl Base Attack Bonus +2

Steady Hand

Dexterity 13+

Stunning Fist

Dexterity 13+ Wisdom 13+ Base Attack Bonus +8

Two-Weapon Fighting

Dexterity 13+

Vehicle Dodge

Dexterity 13+ Drive Skill 6+ Ranks

Weapons Encyclopaedia


Whirlwind Attack

Dexterity 13+ Intelligence 13+ Dodge Base Attack Bonus +4

Approved Feat Descriptions The Feat entries herein detail information in the following format: Feat Name Prerequisites: Some Feats have prerequisites. A character must have the prerequisite in order to select or use that Feat. A character can gain a Feat at the same time that he or she gains the prerequisite. A character can’t use a Feat if he or she has lost a prerequisite. Benefit: What the Feat enables the character to do. Accuracy Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +2 Benefit: The character suffers reduced dice penalties when attempting an accurate attack, such as striking at partial Armour, weak points, or vital spots, shooting at longer-than-usual ranges. Accuracy is also used when attempting a special trick shot, such as carving an initial on someone’s body or ricocheting an arrow off a wall to shoot a target around a corner, and when using the Deflection Feat. Each difficulty penalty is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 0). For example, attacking a vital spot (-8 penalty) would become a -6 penalty, while firing at double range (-4 penalty) would receive -2 penalty. This Feat can be assigned more than once. Advanced Combat Martial Arts Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts, Base Attack Bonus +8 Benefit: When the character scores a critical hit on an opponent with an unarmed strike, the character deals triple damage.

Ambidexterity Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+ Benefit: The character ignores all penalties for using an off hand. The character is neither left-handed nor right-handed. Without this Feat, a character who uses his or her off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls, Ability checks, and Skill checks. Armour Proficiency (Heavy) Prerequisites: Armour Proficiency (Light), Armour Proficiency (Medium) Benefit: When a character wears heavy armour, the armour check penalty applies only to Skill checks that involve moving. A character who is not proficient suffers the armour check penalty on attack rolls as well. Armour Proficiency (Light) Benefit: When a character wears light armour, the armour check penalty applies only to Skill checks that involve moving. A character who is not proficient suffers the armour check penalty on attack rolls as well. Armour Proficiency (Medium) Prerequisites: Armour Proficiency (Light) Benefit: When a character wears medium armour, the armour check penalty applies only to Skill checks that involve moving. A character who is not proficient suffers the armour check penalty on attack rolls as well. Blind-Fight Benefit: The character does not suffer penalties associated with attacking or defending with melee weapons or while unarmed in poor light, absolute darkness, or against an invisible opponent. Blind-Shoot Benefit: The character suffers half penalties associated with attacking with ranged weapons in poor light, absolute darkness, or against an invisible opponent. This Feat can be assigned twice to reduce the penalty to zero. The character must be capable of detecting the general presence of the target, however, through one of his or her senses (smell, hearing, sixth sense, etc.). Block Ranged Attacks Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+ Benefit: Under normal circumstances, a character cannot use a Block Defence against a ranged attack. With this Feat, a character gains this defensive option. Brawl Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a +1 bonus on attack rolls, and delivers damage equal to 1d6 + his or her Strength modifier. Burst Fire Prerequisites: Wisdom 13+

Benefit: When using an automatic firearm with at least five bullets loaded, the character may fire a short burst as a single attack against a single target (instead of using the normal auto-fire rules). The character receives a -4 penalty on the attack roll, but deal +2 dice of damage. Cleave Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Power Attack Benefit: If the character deals an opponent enough damage to make the opponent drop (either by knocking the opponent out or by reducing the opponent’s Hit Points to less than 0), the character gets an immediate extra melee attack against another opponent adjacent to the character. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous opponent. The character can use this ability once per round. Combat Martial Arts Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1 Benefit: With an unarmed strike, the character inflicts damage equal to 1d4 + Strength modifier. Concealment Benefit: The character has an unearthly ability to conceal weapons about his or her person. As long as the character has something to hide the weapons (even if it only long hair or a light robe) the character’s weapons will not be noticed by anything short of an actual physical search, and such a search is conducted at a -8 penalty. A Special Attack weapon with the Concealable Ability is even harder to find: searches suffer a -12 penalty. Deflection Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+ Benefit: If the character makes a successful Block Defence, he or she can deflect a standard melee or ranged attack away harmlessly without damaging the blocking object. The GM may decide that some types of attacks cannot be deflected. When trying to deflect a Special Attack, the Block Defence roll is penalised: -2 for each Rank of the Special Attack. Dodge Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+ Benefit: During the character’s action, the character designates an opponent and receives a +1 dodge bonus to Defence against any subsequent attacks from that opponent. The character can select a new opponent on any action. A condition that makes the character lose his or her Dexterity bonus to Defence also makes the character lose dodge bonuses. Double Tap Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Point Blank Shot Benefit: When using a semiautomatic firearm with at least two bullets loaded, the character may fire two bullets as a single attack against a single target. The character receives a -2 penalty on this attack, but deals +1 die of damage with a successful hit. Empower Spell

Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. An empowered spell deals half again as much damage as normal, cures half again as many Hit Points, affects half again as many targets, etc., as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls (such as the one the character makes when the character casts dispel magic) are not affected. Spells without random variables are not affected. An empowered spell uses up a spell slot two Ranks higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Endurance Benefit: Whenever the character makes a check for performing a physical action that extends over a period of time (running, swimming, holding the character’s breath, and so on), the character gets a +4 bonus to the check. Enlarge Spell Benefit: An enlarged spell has its range doubled. Spells whose ranges are not defined by distance do not have their ranges increased. A spell whose area or effect is determined by its range has the dimensions of its area or effect increased proportionally. An enlarged spell uses up a spell slot one Rank higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Extend Spell Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. Spells with a concentration, instantaneous, or permanent duration are not affected by this Feat. An extended spell uses up a spell slot one Rank higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Far Shot Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot Benefit: When the character uses a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1.5). When the character uses a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled. Force Stop Prerequisites: Drive Skill 4+ Ranks Benefit: When the character attempts to sideswipe a surface vehicle with his or her own, the character can force the other vehicle to a stop by nudging it into a controlled sideways skid. Frightful Presence Prerequisites: Charisma 15+, Intimidate Skill 9+ Ranks Benefit: When the character uses this Feat, all opponents within 10 feet who have fewer Ranks than the character must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the character’s Rank + the character’s Charisma modifier). An opponent who fails his or her save is shaken, taking a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and Skill checks for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the character’s Charisma modifier. The character can use the Feat once per round as a free action. A successful save indicates that the opponent is immune to the character’s use of this Feat for 24 hours. This Feat does not affect creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower. Great Cleave Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Cleave, Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus +4

Benefit: As Cleave, except that the character has no limit to the number of times he or she can use it per round. Great Fortitude Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws. Heighten Spell Benefit: A heightened spell has a higher spell Rank than normal (up to 9th Rank). Unlike other magical Feats, Heighten Spell actually increases the effective Rank of the spell that it modifies. All effects dependent on spell Rank (such as saving throw DCs) are calculated according to the heightened Rank. The heightened spell is as difficult to prepare and cast as a spell of its effective Rank. Improved Brawl Prerequisites: Brawl, Base Attack Bonus +3 Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a +2 competence bonus on his or her attack roll, and the character inflicts damage equal to 1d8 + the character’s Strength modifier. Improved Initiative Benefit: The character gets a +4 bonus on Initiative checks. Improved Knockout Punch Prerequisites: Brawl, Knockout Punch, Base Attack Bonus +6 Benefit: When making the character’s first unarmed attack against a flat-footed opponent, treat a successful attack as a critical hit. This critical hit deals triple damage. Improved Trip Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+ Benefit: If the character trips an opponent in melee combat, the character immediately gets to make a melee attack against that opponent as if the character had not used his or her attack action for the trip attempt. Iron Will Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. Judge Opponent Benefit: The character can judge his or her opponent’s approximate Base Attack Bonus and weapon Skill Rank from the foe’s attitude and posture even without actually seeing him or her fight. Additionally, the character can accurately estimate the opponent’s remaining Hit Points. For both of these advantages, the GM may decide to provide descriptive indications such as “your enemy is much better than you with a sword, but if you connect a few times with your ki blast, it will drop him,” rather than saying “the enemy’s base attack bonus is +10, with a Melee Attack (Sword) Skill of 2, and he has 60 Hit Points remaining.” Knockout Punch

Prerequisites: Brawl, Base Attack Bonus +3 Benefit: When making the character’s first unarmed attack against a flat-footed opponent, treat a successful attack as a critical hit. Leap Attack Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Base Attack Bonus +3 Benefit: The character can make leaping attacks with his or her melee weapon, delivering additional damage due to momentum. Any time the character has a higher Initiative than his or her opponent, he or she may attempt a leaping attack. If the strike is successful (it hits and the target fails a defence) the character gets an extra +2 bonus to damage and may additionally add half his or her Jump Skill Ranks (if any) to the damage. If the character fails to hit, however, or the opponent succeeds with his or her defence, the character is off balance and receives a -4 penalty to any further defence checks until his or her turn to act in the following round. Lightning Reflexes Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws. Maximise Spell Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a maximised spell are maximised. A maximised spell deals maximum damage, cures the maximum number of Hit Points, affects the maximum number of targets, etc., as appropriate. Spells without random variables are not affected. A maximised spell uses up a spell slot three Ranks higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Mounted Combat Prerequisite: Ride Skill Benefit: Once per round when the character’s mount is hit in combat, the character may make a Ride check to negate the hit. The hit is negated if the character’s Ride check is greater than the attack roll (essentially, the Ride check becomes the mount’s Armour Class if it’s higher than the mount’s regular AC). One Shot Left Benefit: The character will always have at least one projectile remaining for his or her ranged weapon, even after an extended combat. This might be a final bullet in a gun, arrow in a quiver, plasma unit in a wrist blaster, or stone in a sling. This option does not remove the need to reload weapons in a game that uses realistic ammunition rules, but rather assures that the character will not be forced to reload at a critical moment. One Shot Left does not affect weapons or Special Attacks built using the Limited Shots Disability. Point Blank Shot Benefit: The character gets a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within 30 feet. Portable Armoury Benefit: The character will always have easy access to any weapon required for a particular task, including illegal weapons and accessories not available to the general public. The actual weapons and accessories must still be acquired via the Personal Gear Attribute, but remarkably,

the character can access them whenever he or she needs them instead of being forced to return to where they are normally stored. Characters with Portable Armoury may also make field modifications on their weapons, switching options such as laser sights or scopes in a single round. Power Attack Prerequisite: Strength 13+ Benefit: On the character’s action, before making attack rolls for a round, the character may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed the character’s base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage applies until the character’s next action. Reflection Prerequisite:

Deflection Feat

Benefit: If the character makes a successful Deflection defence and a successful attack roll (which uses an attack action), he or she can reflect a standard melee or ranged attack towards any target within range (including the attacker) without damaging the blocking object. This Reflection is treated as a normal attack against the target using standard attack rules. The GM may decide that some types of attacks cannot be reflected. Quicken Spell Benefit: Casting a quickened spell is a free action. The character can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as the character casts a quickened spell. The character may only cast one quickened spell per round. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round cannot be quickened. A quickened spell uses up a spell slot four Ranks higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Rapid Shot Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Point Blank Shot Benefit: The character can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at the character’s highest base attack bonus, but each attack (the extra one and the normal ones) suffers a -2 penalty. The character must use the full attack action to use this Feat. Run Benefit: When sprinting, the character moves five times normal speed instead of four times normal speed. If the character makes a running jump, increase the distance or height cleared by one-fourth, but not past the maximum. Sneak Attack Benefit: If the character attacks a target who cannot defend him or herself effectively (the target has a situational defence roll or Armour Class penalty), the attacker adds an additional +1d6 damage each time this Feat is assigned. Silent Spell

Benefit: A silent spell can be cast with no verbal components. Spells without verbal components are not affected. A silent spell uses up a spell slot one Rank higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Spell Focus Benefit: Choose a school of magic, such as Illusion. The character’s spells of that school are more potent than normal. Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic the character selects to focus on. The character can gain this Feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the Feat, it applies to a new school of magic. Spirited Charge Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Ride Skill Benefit: When mounted and charging into combat, the character deals double damage with a melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance). Still Spell Benefit: A still spell can be cast with no somatic (movement) components. Spells without somatic components are not affected. A still spell uses up a spell slot one Rank higher than the spell’s actual Rank. Streetfighting Prerequisites: Brawl, Base Attack Bonus +2 Benefit: Once per round, if the character makes a successful melee attack with an unarmed strike or a light weapon, the character deals an extra 1d4 damage. Steady Hand Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+ Benefit: This is the ability to attack with ease while moving quickly (running or sprinting, flying at high speeds, etc.) or otherwise engaged in complex stunts. This reduces the penalties suffered for attacking while in motion. Each penalty is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 0). A character with this Feat may also use weapons in conjunction with the Tumble Skill, and may aim while they are moving. This Feat may be assigned more than once. Stunning Fist Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Wisdom13+, Base Attack Bonus +8 Benefit: Declare that the character is using the Feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). It forces a foe damaged by the character’s unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the character’s Rank + Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. If the defender fails his saving throw, he is stunned for 1 round (until just before the character’s next action). A stunned character can’t act and loses any Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Attackers get a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a stunned opponent. The character may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four Ranks attained, and no more than once per round. Two-Weapon Fighting

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+ Benefit: The character can effectively fight with two melee or ranged weapons at once against the same or different targets, provided both weapons are designed for one-handed use. When using two weapons, the character can attack twice using the normal Two Weapons rules, but the penalties for doing so are reduced by 2 each time this Feat is assigned (to a minimum of 0). Alternatively, the character can attack with one weapon and defend with another receiving a 2 penalty to Attack checks he or she makes but adding a +2 bonus to his or her Defence checks vs. melee or unarmed attacks. This bonus lasts until the character’s turn in the following round. Vehicle Dodge Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Drive Skill 6+ Ranks Benefit: When driving a vehicle, during the character’s action the character designates an opposing vehicle or a single opponent. The character’s vehicle and everyone aboard it receive a +1 dodge bonus to Defence against attacks from that vehicle or opponent. The character can select a new vehicle or opponent on any action. Weapons Encyclopaedia Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+ Benefit: A character has the ability to recall the vital statistics and important quirks of practically all known commercially available weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, its general level of reliability as well as all vital statistics — material composition, ammunition capacity, calibre, possible outfitted accessories, etc. Characters without this ability will only have such information on weapons they actually own or use regularly and will need to successfully roll an Intelligence based Knowledge: Military Science (Hardware Recognition) Skill check to recall important details. In addition, Weapons Encyclopaedia also includes knowledge on acquiring weapons, so characters will have a +4 bonus on any Knowledge: Streetwise or Knowledge: Business Skill checks needed to locate or buy weapons. Whirlwind Attack Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Dodge, Base Attack Bonus +4 Benefit: A character can give up all his or her regular attacks for the round and instead make one melee attack at the character’s highest Base Attack Bonus against each adjacent opponent.

Chapter 9: Defects Step 9: Select Defects Defects are disadvantages through which your character must suffer in order to overcome the hardships of day-to-day life. Defects serve as an excellent and often comical role-playing opportunity. They only impede your character to a limited extent and are not intended to totally negate his or her many abilities. The Defects that have “Linked to Attribute” in their description are direct limitations on your character’s Attributes, rather than more general disadvantages. The combined Character Points and Bonus Points associated with the Attribute cannot be lower than 1. For example, if a character’s Rank 1 Teleport (5 Character Points) is restricted with a 9 BP Limited Use, Instantaneous Defect, the Defect actually only returns 4 BP to the character (since Teleport costs at least 1 Point). By taking a character Defect you can gain up to three (or occasionally more) Bonus Points (BP) to increase Ability Scores or Attributes Ranks, or select additional Attributes. The number of Points you receive is directly proportional to how much the Defect hinders your character; Defects that do not inflict a significant disadvantage (such as a weakness to bullets made from the earth of planet Neptune) are not worth any BP. After you have selected your character’s Defects, return to the previous steps to use your Bonus Points (treat Bonus Points as extra Character Points). It is recommended that you assign no more than eight Defects to your character. In most cases two-five Defects are appropriate. Table 9-1: Defects Defect Achilles Heel Activation Time Backlash Bane Blind Fury Concentration Conditional Ownership Confined Movement Cursed Dependent Detectable Easily Distracted Famous

Girl/Guy Magnet Incomplete Training Inept Attack Inept Defence Involuntary Physical Change Ism Limited Use, Instantaneous Limited Use, Ongoing Magical Restrictions Marked Maximum Force Nemesis Not So Tough One-Way Transformation Owned Part of Body Permanent Phobia Physical Impairment Recurring Nightmares Red Tape Reduction Restriction Sensory Impairment Significant Other (S.O.) Skeleton in the Closet Special Requirement Unique Defect Unreliable Power Unskilled Vulnerability Wanted Weak Point

Achilles Heel The character loses twice as many Hit Points as normal from a particular attack form, which must fit with the character concept. It might be something with appropriate mystic resonance, such as wooden stakes for vampires or silver for werewolves. It could also reflect the character’s nature such as a robot taking extra damage from water (as it causes short circuits), or an alien’s weakness to weapons from his or her home planet. The GM must approve any Achilles Heel Defects. A character may have an Achilles Heel to either a common, uncommon, or rare attack form (in the context of the campaign). 1 BP

The attack form is rare.

2 BP

The attack form is uncommon.

3 BP

The attack form is common.

Activation Time Linked to Attribute. A character with this Defect cannot use one of his or her Attributes whenever desired because it requires a short time to activate. Once activation has started, only the character can stop it from becoming active when the appropriate time is up. This could represent a physical change that is not instantaneous, the collection of spiritual energies to perform a task, a device that takes time to “power up,” or an Attribute that only works when the character is mentally prepared (or angry, or overcome with another emotion). One additional BP is granted if the activation can be interrupted temporarily, but restarted where it left off. One example of this is an Item of Power body suit that the character must put on. If the character stops activating the Power (i.e. stops dressing) to make a phone call, he or she can continue afterwards. 2 additional BP are granted if the activation must start again from the beginning if it is interrupted before the Activation Time has elapsed. An example of this is a spell that must be chanted completely before the Power activates; if it is interrupted, the spell must be started again from the beginning. The Concentration Defect is often linked to these two applications of Activation Time. 1 BP

The Attribute requires a round to initiate.

2 BP

The Attribute requires a minute to initiate.

3 BP

The Attribute requires an hour to initiate.

Backlash Linked to Attribute that requires a check to activate (GM’s discretion). The character suffers from an unfortunate side effect whenever an associated Attribute fails to work. If the character fails his or her check when using the Attribute, the character is hit with the energy or essence that would have powered the Attribute’s use. The Backlash could be physical damage, memory loss, Ability Score drain, disorientation, or many other effects that make the character’s life more difficult. The player and GM should determine the game effect of the Backlash. 1 BP

The backlash occurs if the character fails the check by 6 or more.

2 BP

The backlash occurs if the character fails the check by 3 or more.

3 BP

The backlash occurs if the character fails the check by 1 or more.

Bane A character with the Bane Defect is vulnerable to an otherwise non-damaging substance such as water, sunlight, or a specific element, material, or object. The Bane should relate to the character’s background or powers in some way. For example, a fire demon’s bane might be water, while myths indicate that a vampire suffers damage when touched by a crucifix. The character suffers damage if his or her skin is physically touched by the Bane. If the Bane does not require direct physical contact (such as sunlight, seeing one’s reflection, hearing the noise of a church or temple bell, or having the Bane in close proximity), the damage is halved. Alternatively, if the Bane only affects the character when ingested, the damage is doubled. Finally, the damage rating assumes that the Bane is common, such as water, sunlight, steel, or wood. If it is less common such as a holy symbol, Buddhist scripture, or rare element, the damage is also doubled. If it is even more rare, such as one particular artefact, the damage may be tripled or quadrupled. 1 BP

The Bane causes minor damage (1d6/round of exposure).

2 BP

The Bane causes moderate damage (2d6/round of exposure).

3 BP

The Bane causes severe damage (3d6/round of exposure).

Blind Fury Under specific conditions selected by the player (and approved by the GM), the character will enter a state of unbridled anger. While enraged, the character will furiously attack the closest person, whether that individual is a friend or foe. Once that person is defeated or flees, the berserk character will attack the next closest “threat.” Examples of conditions that might initiate Blind Fury include: receiving a certain amount of damage, sight of blood, a specific sound or smell, being outnumbered in combat, seeing a friend in mortal danger, confrontation with a specific opponent, etc. The character can only return to a normal emotional state under another specific condition. This return could involve a Willpower save, or could be an automatic reversion. Examples of return conditions include: no opponents in the vicinity, a specific calming technique performed by an ally, solitude, injection of a particular drug, being knocked unconscious, etc. 1 BP

Initiating the Blind Fury is difficult; reverting to normal emotional state is easy.

2 BP Initiating the Blind Fury and reverting to a normal emotional state are both moderately difficult. 3 BP

Initiating the Blind Fury is easy; reverting to normal emotional state is difficult.

Concentration Linked to Attribute. The character must concentrate while using a specific Attribute that functions over a period of time; it does not apply to Attributes with an instantaneous effect. If the character’s concentration is interrupted voluntarily or by an outside event, the Attribute ceases to function. 1 BP The Attribute requires slight concentration. The character can still perform other non-combat actions, but cannot engage in combat or use other Attributes that also require Concentration.

2 BP The Attribute requires intense concentration. The character can move at a slow speed and talk with others while using the Attribute, but cannot perform any complex actions or use any other Attribute. 3 BP The Attribute requires full concentration. The character cannot do anything else while using the Attribute; he or she must remain still and devote full attention to the Power. Conditional Ownership Linked to Attribute. Only a character who possesses the Item of Power, Own a Big Mecha, or Personal Gear Attributes can acquire this Defect. The character’s possessions granted by those Attributes actually belong to another person or organisation. They are issued to the character, but the agency imposes “mild,” “strict,” or “severe” conditions on their use. “Mild conditions” indicate that the character can use the objects for some personal business (such as travelling), but if he or she is released from the organisation or disobeys direct orders, the objects can be taken away. The character can also be assigned different objects at any time. For example, a police detective might have conditional use of an unmarked police car. “Strict conditions” indicate that the character is only permitted to use the objects for activities as ordered by the organisation. This is the way most military and police equipment is issued. If the character is caught using the objects for personal activities, he or she will receive a severe reprimand. “Severe conditions” indicate that the character can only use the objects under specific orders. A government owned time travel device would probably fall under these conditions. Using the objects at any other time results in incarceration, physical punishment, or even death. 1 BP

Mild conditions are imposed on the objects’ ownership and usage.

2 BP

Strict conditions are imposed on the objects’ ownership and usage.

3 BP

Severe conditions are imposed on the objects’ ownership and usage.

Confined Movement This Defect prevents the character from leaving a narrowly defined area. This may represent, for example, an undead villain that is cursed to haunt a particular place, an android that is programmed to follow a specific guard route, or a government-licensed magical girl that is only registered for travel in a specific region. 2 BP

Restricted to a large area (100-mile radius), such as a single county or large city.

4 BP Restricted to a small area (1-mile radius), such as a small town or large, multistructure complex. 6 BP building.

Restricted to a tiny area (300-foot radius), such as a small village or single

Cursed A Cursed character has likely offended a great being of power in his or her past, or is the direct descendent of someone who did (Curses often pass through bloodlines). The Curse can take a near limitless number of forms, but should not provide a character with an obvious advantage (remember, it’s a curse!). The exact nature, background, and limitations of the Curse should be discussed with the GM.

1 BP

The character suffers from a slight disadvantage.

2 BP

The character suffers from a moderate disadvantage.

3 BP

The character suffers from a severe disadvantage.

Dependent Linked to Attribute. The character cannot use the chosen Attribute without first using a second (or more) Attribute. If the character fails to activate the second Attribute, he or she cannot use the other one either. Examples of the Dependent Defect include: a character who can fly after activating his Force Field (Flight dependent upon Force Field), a character who gains additional Armour when invisible (Armour dependent upon Invisibility), a character that can run much more quickly after stretching his or her legs and growing (Speed dependent upon Elasticity and Size Change), etc. The player must justify the Dependent Defect to the GM to avoid silly combinations. 1 BP

The Dependent Attribute cannot work until 1 other Attribute is activated.

2 BP

The Dependent Attribute cannot work until 2 other Attributes are activated.

3 BP

The Dependent Attribute cannot work until 3 other Attributes are activated.

Detectable Linked to Attribute. While using a specific Attribute, the character can be pinpointed and possibly identified by others who have specific detection techniques. For example, the Attribute’s use may make a loud noise or a bright flash, send vibrations through the ground, or emanate mental shock waves. Detection techniques include: astral; ethereal; human sight, hearing, or sense of smell; infrared; mental; radar; radiation; sonar; spiritual; ultraviolet; vibration; and others. The Special Attack Attribute is an exception to this Defect — characters must acquire an Attack Ability to make the attack undetectable. 1 BP

The Attribute’s use can be detected using 1-2 methods.

2 BP

The Attribute’s use can be detected using 3-5 methods.

3 BP

The Attribute’s use can be detected using 6-9 methods.

Easily Distracted Some characters are Easily Distracted by events, objects, people, or ideas, which are collectively known as triggers. Notable examples of triggers include attractive members of the opposite (or same) sex, wealth, food, movie stars, hobbies, gossip, hot cars, music, one’s own looks, books or scrolls of ancient lore, and magical items. A character with this Defect will become enthralled with the trigger until it can no longer influence him or her. Many characters have interests in a variety of triggers but do not possess this Defect because their interest is moderated by their sense of judgement. 1 BP

The character is distracted by a trigger that is encountered infrequently.

2 BP The character is distracted by a few infrequent triggers, or by one trigger that is encountered frequently. 3 BP The character is distracted by several infrequent triggers, or by one trigger that is encountered constantly.

Famous The character is recognisable by many people, and thus it is difficult for him or her to keep secrets or maintain a private life. Journalists and photographers may hound the character regularly, and report his or her actions on television, in newspapers, and on websites. While being Famous may have some privileges (preferred seating at restaurants, daily special treatment, etc.), it is a significant disadvantage for a character that maintains a secret identity (such as a magical girl). 1 BP

The character has regional fame.

2 BP

The character has national fame.

3 BP

The character has international fame

Girl/Guy Magnet The character attracts susceptible girls (or guys, or even both sexes) like bees to nectar. For some reason they are just drawn to the character, fall helplessly in love (or lust), and will not let go nor give the character a minute’s peace. Even worse, they will fight each other over the character to keep one another from consummating the relationship. The Girl/Guy Magnet does not represent some unusual charisma on the part of the character but rather his or her fate to constantly meet obsessed people. 1 BP

Only a couple of girl/guy characters are actively chasing the character.

2 BP

Several girls/guys are actively chasing the character.

3 BP Swarms of girls/guys are actively chasing the character; a new one appears every adventure or two. Incomplete Training This Defect requires GM permission. The character’s training and development in his or her class was not as extensive as it should have been. The character does not gain one or more “Special” benefits associated with class progression upon gaining a new Rank. The Bonus Points returned by this Defect is equal to the Character Point cost of the specific benefit (though the GM may penalise the character by returning one less Point). The Bonus Points returned are typically used to acquire alternative Attributes. Inept Attack This Defect reflects a character’s poor judgement in offensive combat situations, which makes it much more difficult to strike an opponent successfully. A character with the Inept Attack Defect suffers a penalty to his or her base attack bonus. 3 BP

The character’s Base Attack Bonus is decreased by 1.

6 BP

The character’s Base Attack Bonus is decreased by 2.

9 BP

The character’s Base Attack Bonus is decreased by 3.

Inept Defence This Defect reflects a character’s poor judgement in defensive combat situations, which can often place him or her in precarious positions. A character with the Inept Defence Defect suffers a penalty to his or her Armour Class.

2 BP

The character’s Armour Class is decreased by 1.

4 BP

The character’s Armour Class is decreased by 2.

6 BP

The character’s Armour Class is decreased by 3.

Involuntary Physical Change This Defect is only available to characters who have the Alternate Form Attribute. The character may accidentally change from normal form to the Alternate Form (or vice versa), or an external trigger (cold water, natural force, etc.) may induce the change. This Defect may represent a character who: transforms between identities upon hearing or uttering a specific sound or word, reverts to normal form when a particular chemical in the body is in low quantities (such as sugar or salt), transforms when a button on a gadget or Item of Power is pushed, transforms in times of stress, etc. This Defect is assigned once to indicate the character can accidentally change from normal to Alternate Form or from Alternate Form to normal form. The Defect is assigned twice if the character can transform both ways unintentionally. 1 BP

It is difficult to trigger the Involuntary Change.

2 BP

It is moderately easy to trigger the Involuntary Change.

3 BP

It is easy to trigger the Involuntary Change.

Ism Ism is discrimination based solely on one particular aspect of a character. Examples of Ism include: ageism, elitism, racism, sexism, or discrimination based on education, species, genetics, sexual preference, occupation, religion, physical features, etc. The players and GM are strongly encouraged to discuss these contentious discrimination issues, and their role in the game, before play begins. 1 BP

The character experiences a small degree of discrimination.

2 BP

The character experiences a large degree of discrimination.

3 BP

The character experiences a severe degree of discrimination.

Limited Use, Instantaneous Linked to Attribute with an instantaneous effect. The character can only use a specific Attribute occasionally. This may result from a need to recharge the Attribute (or a device), an incredible drain on the character’s internal reserves, or a different form of limitation. Only under exceptional circumstances (and at a great sacrifice) can the character use the Attribute more often than indicated by this Defect. 3 BP

The character can only use the Attribute three times a day.

6 BP

The character can only use the Attribute twice a day.

9 BP

The character can only use the Attribute once a day.

Limited Use, Ongoing Linked to an Attribute that can be used on an ongoing basis. After the character uses a specific Attribute, he or she cannot use it again for a specific period of time; the longer the

Attribute is used, the longer the rest period must be. For example, the muscles of a character with Superstrength may need time to recuperate after use, or an Item of Power that grants Flight may need to be recharged between uses. Only under exceptional circumstances (and at a great sacrifice) can the character use the Attribute again before the waiting period has elapsed. 1 BP For every minute the character uses the Power, he or she must wait 1 minute before the Attribute functions once again. 2 BP For every minute the character uses the Power, he or she must wait 5 minutes before the Attribute functions once again. 3 BP For every minute the character uses the Power, he or she must wait 10 minutes before the Attribute functions once again. Magical Restrictions Only someone with the Dynamic Sorcery or Magic Attributes can take this Defect. The character’s magic is either difficult to perform or occasionally ceases to function or both. Magical restrictions can be minor or major. Some examples of minor restrictions are: • The character must always dress in a peculiar set of ritual clothing (or body paint, or whatever) to use magic. • The character must transform into a special costume in order to use his or magic. This is very common for “magical girl” type characters. • The character’s magic works at the pleasure of a patron spirit, god, goddess, or demon and may cease to function if the character disobeys the patron’s commands or violates particular religious or other strictures. •

The character’s magic is limited if the character violates certain minor taboos.

• About half of the character’s magic powers are dependent on possession of a particular item, which may or may not also be an Item of Power. Should the character ever lose or misplace the item, he or she cannot access these powers. Some examples of major restrictions are: • The character’s magic ceases to function if he or she is in contact with metal, carrying it, or wearing it on his or her body. •

The character must perform blood sacrifices for his or her magic to work.

• The character’s magic only functions half or less of the time; for example, it may not work during daylight or only work when the moon is visible. • Nearly all the character’s magic (except possibly a minor power or two) is dependent on possession of a particular item, which may or may not also be an Item of Power. Should the character ever lose or misplace the item, he or she cannot access the item-dependent powers. Magical Restrictions of this sort are a good way to establish the nature of a particular form or school of magic. This Defect cannot be taken if its BP value would be equal to or greater than the Points the character spent to acquire Magic or Dynamic Sorcery. 1 BP

The character’s magic suffers from one or a few minor restrictions.

2 BP

The character’s magic suffers from a major restriction.

3 BP

The character’s magic suffers from several minor and 1-2 major restrictions.

Marked A character is considered Marked if his or her body hosts a permanent and distinguishing design that may be difficult to conceal. The design may be a family symbol, an identifying birthmark, a permanent scar, or a unique tattoo. If the mark is not considered out of the ordinary (such as freckles or a common tattoo), this Defect does not apply. Characters who are obviously non-human (robotic, demonic, alien, etc.) in a setting where most people are human (or vice versa) would also have the Marked Defect. In a standard high-fantasy setting, none of the typical races (dwarves, elves, halflings, etc.) have this Defect. 1 BP

The mark is easily concealable because it is small or in an inconspicuous location.

2 BP location.

The mark can be concealed, but this is difficult because it is large or in an obvious

3 BP Under most circumstances, the mark cannot be concealed because it affects the character’s entire body. Maximum Force Linked to Attribute. The character cannot use a specific Attribute at the lowest end of its power range. This could represent a character who is too talented for his or her own good, an item that only functions within certain parameters, a powerful character who pushes the Attribute’s limits so often that he or she has forgotten how to use it at a low Rank, or something different. This Defect is only appropriate for the following Attributes: Elasticity, Flight, Insubstantial, Jumping, Projection, Size Change, Special Attack (applies to damage only), Speed, Teleport, Transmutation, and Water Speed. Maximum Force extends to Rank 6, providing 1 BP each Rank. The restriction on an Attribute’s use is given below, where X is the number of Bonus Points granted and (X+1) is one Rank higher than the BP Rank. X BP The character cannot use up to Rank X of the Attribute. The Attribute must be at Rank (X+1) or higher. Nemesis The character has someone in his or her life that actively interferes with goal achievement on a regular basis. This Nemesis can take several forms. He or she could be a professional rival such as someone competing for the favour of the character’s boss. The Nemesis could also be personal; for example, a thief may be pursued by a cop who devotes his or her existence to putting the character behind bars. The Nemesis may even be a romantic rival such as someone chasing the same person the character is pursuing. The Nemesis should be someone who makes the character’s life difficult frequently (and cannot easily be removed), but the Nemesis does not need to be a mortal enemy. It might be someone the character loves very much, but one whom they cannot avoid. An overbearing parent who lives at home is an example of this. If for any reason the Nemesis is defeated or goes away,

the GM should create another Nemesis, unless the player also wishes to use Power Points gained through advancement to eliminate the Defect permanently. 1 BP

The Nemesis is merely annoying and/or interferes infrequently.

2 BP

The Nemesis may actively try to harm the character and/or interferes frequently.

3 BP The Nemesis will always harm the character given the opportunity, and/or interferes constantly. Not So Tough The character is less durable than his character Level would otherwise suggest. This Defect is appropriate for characters with a “glass jaw,” or those who succumb to physical trauma easily. A character may not take this Defect if it would reduce his or her Hit Points below 1. 1 BP

The character’s Hit Points are decreased by 5 Points.

2 BP

The character’s Hit Points are decreased by 10 Points.

3 BP

The character’s Hit Points are decreased by 15 Points.

One-Way Transformation Linked to Attribute. This Defect is usually only be taken in conjunction with the Alternate Form, Elasticity, Insubstantial, Invisibility, or, Size Change Attributes. Once the character has transformed from a normal state, he or she cannot transform back to a prior form without meeting certain conditions. This might include a magical ritual, work by mechanics or lab technicians, consuming a specific substance, or simply the passage of time. 1 BP It takes several hours of work or special circumstances to enable the character to transform back to an earlier form. 2 BP As 1 BP, but the process requires expensive (or hard to find) replacement components, ingredients, or other prerequisites. 3 BP

As 2 BP, but the process takes several days.

Owned Free will has little meaning for a character who is Owned by a corporation, government, crime ring, or other organisation or individual. Control over the character can be exerted through a variety of methods including blackmail, brainwashing, legal contract, technology, or just highly effective propaganda. Dire consequences await a character whose actions conflict with the mandate of the owning body. 1 BP The organisation has partial ownership of the character; the character is subject to slight punishment for opposing the owners. 2 BP The organisation has significant ownership of the character; the character is subject to moderate punishment for opposing the owners. 3 BP The organisation has total ownership of the character; the character is subject to severe punishment for opposing the owners. Part of Body

Linked to Attribute. Only part of the character’s body is affected by a specific Attribute, most commonly used for: Adaptation, Alternate Form, Armour, Invisibility, and Superstrength. For example, a character might only receive Armour benefits against abdominal attacks, possess the ability to turn his or her left arm invisible, or have bionic legs with Superstrength. 1 BP

The Attribute affects a large part of the body (torso, both legs, both arms, etc.).

2 BP head, etc.)

The Attribute affects a small part of the body (one leg, one arm, abdomen, chest,

3 BP etc.).

The Attribute affects a tiny part of the body (one hand, face, one foot, groin, knee,

Permanent Linked to Attribute. A specific Attribute is always functioning, and the character cannot turn it off. This Defect only applies to Attributes that would inconvenience the character if the Power were always active, such as: Force Field, Invisibility, or Size Change. The player and GM should discuss the problems and limitations associated with an eternally active Power. 1 BP

The Attribute is a slight inconvenience to the character.

2 BP

The Attribute is a moderate inconvenience to the character.

3 BP

The Attribute is a severe inconvenience to the character.

Phobia A Phobia is a fear (often irrational) of an event, object, or person that can limit a character’s choice of actions. Avoiding situations that could trigger the phobia may take a high priority in the character’s life. Note that a Phobia that effectively cripples the character with fear does not add constructively to the role-playing experience. 1 BP

The character has a slight phobia or one that is encountered infrequently.

2 BP

The character has a moderate phobia or one that is encountered frequently.

3 BP

The character has a severe phobia or one that is encountered constantly.

Physical Impairment The character has a physical impairment that makes aspects of daily life more challenging. Possible impairments include: one or more missing (or unusable) limbs, loss of speech, constant sickness, nagging injury, severe headaches, an android that requires frequent repairs, etc. The player and GM should discuss the problems and limitations associated with the impairment. 1 BP

The impairment is a slight inconvenience to the character.

2 BP

The impairment is a moderate inconvenience to the character.

3 BP

The impairment is a severe inconvenience to the character.

Recurring Nightmares When the Recurring Nightmare Defect haunts a character, he or she has trouble sleeping at nights and functions at less-than-optimum performance during the day. The nightmare can be a

memory of a tragic event or traumatic experience, or it might be something else such as a prophetic vision or warning. The nightmare may not occur every night but it will haunt the character on a regular basis. Additionally, the nightmares do not need to portray the exact same events repeatedly, but the visions should be related in some way. The details concerning the subject matter of the nightmares and why they occur is the responsibility of the GM and the player to create. 1 BP lifestyle.

The nightmares occur infrequently and have a slight effect on the character’s

2 BP lifestyle.

The nightmares occur frequently and have a moderate effect on the character’s

3 BP lifestyle.

The nightmares occur constantly and have a severe effect on the character’s

Red Tape The character must negotiate his or her way through a complicated bureaucracy in order to accomplish tasks. This Defect is often associated with characters who are members of lawenforcement organisations or similar government agencies that require paperwork. A large criminal organisation, however, may also require a character to receive permission from several levels of bosses before undertaking certain high-profile jobs. Red Tape also includes whatever measures the character must take “after the fact” to appease the organisation to which he or she belongs. For example, a cop may need to fill out a report every time his or her weapon is fired or may have to follow a complicated series of steps to obtain a search warrant. A criminal may be required to pay a percentage of his or her take to the local crime boss or face some very strict penalties. The Red Tape Defect is usually inappropriate for characters created via the Flunkies or Servant Attributes. 1 BP The Red Tape only impedes the character before or after a major action (but not both) and/or the Red Tape is easy to manage most of the time. 2 BP The Red Tape impedes a character both before and after a major action, and/or is difficult to manage most of the time. 3 BP The Red Tape impedes a character before, after, and during a major action, and/or is extremely difficult to manage most of the time. Reduction Linked to Attribute. One of the character’s Attributes is limited greatly, resulting in a Reduction of its Point cost per Rank. This Defect offers a near-endless number of limitations, and consequently the player and GM should discuss the game ramifications and the Attribute’s new Rank costs. Unlike other Defects, Reduction does not return Bonus Points to the character; the Attribute cost changes instead. The Point cost change is directly related to the original cost of the Attribute. For example, a Reduction that limits a 4 Points/Rank Attribute to half of its power might be a 2 Points/Rank Reduction; the same limitation on a 10 Points/Rank Attribute could be a 5 Points/Rank Reduction. This Defect is not usually appropriate for 1 Point/Rank Attributes.

A list of suggested Reductions are shown in Table 9-2: Sample Reductions. Table 9-2: Sample Reductions Attribute always used in same way Fewer sub-Points awarded Less frequent usage Limited control One aspect Partial effectiveness Smaller target group Very specific utility Restriction Linked to Attribute. One of the character’s Attributes is associated with one or more disadvantages that limit its use. This Defect offers a near-endless number of limitations, and consequently the player and GM should discuss the ramifications of the selected Restriction. A list of suggested Restrictions are shown in Table 9-3: Sample Restrictions. The GM may increase the Bonus Points returned to the character to an alternate progression (such as 2 BP, 4 BP, 6 BP; or 3 BP, 6 BP, 9 BP) if the Attribute this Defect is restricting has a high Character Point cost at each Rank (see Dynamic Sorcery or Extra Attacks for examples). Severe limitations on an Attribute, which will affect the Point cost per Rank, are covered by the Reduction Defect. 1 BP

The Attribute has a minor Restriction.

2 BP

The Attribute has a moderate Restriction.

3 BP

The Attribute has a major Restriction.

Table 9-3: Sample Restrictions Cannot use on oneself Check needed to maintain control During specific times of the day Easy to counteract Flawed results In particular locations Initiative penalty to use Limited functioning

Loss of specific effect Naked form only Requires consumable focus Requires maintenance Requires special equipment Requires Ability checks Restricts movement Specific targets Time limit Under certain conditions Usage inflicts pain Use weakens character Sensory Impairment One or more of the character’s senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) are either diminished or lost. An example of a diminished sense is being near-sighted or hard of hearing; the GM should take the impairment into consideration when deciding what the character is able to perceive, and may apply a -4 penalty on checks to notice things with that sense. An example of a lost sense is blindness or deafness. Any diminishment or loss is based on the character’s status after benefiting from any technological aids such as eyeglasses or hearing aids in the setting. For example, if a character has a hearing aid but is still hard of hearing, he or she has Sensory Impairment (Diminished Hearing, 1 BP). In a setting where a hearing aid was unavailable or could not correct his or her particular impairment, he or she would have Sensory Impairment (Deaf, 2 BP) instead. 1 BP BP The character has a diminished primary sense (such as short-sightedness or being hard of hearing), or has lost a secondary sense (such as taste or smell). 2 BP The character has completely lost a primary sense (sight or hearing), or has two diminished primary senses, or has completely lost multiple secondary senses. 3 BP The character has completely lost a primary sense (sight or hearing) and multiple secondary senses. Significant Other (S.O.) A character with this Defect has someone for whom he or she must go to any lengths to keep safe from harm, even at the risk of his or her own life. The S.O. should be a regular fixture in the campaign. A one-night stand, or a cousin visiting for two weeks is a plot complication and not an appropriate S.O. The character’s sense of obligation towards the S.O. is enough that the character will take great pains to ensure his or her safety and well-being. Examples include spouses and steady boy or girl friends, immediate relatives (parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters, perhaps very close cousins), and close co-workers (such as a cop’s partner). It is acceptable for a

character to take another character as an S.O., provided the players role-play this relationship appropriately. In this case, the S.O. relationship is always worth just 1 BP but is treated as a 3 BP Defect by the GM in terms of the frequency with which it affects the game. S.O. is inappropriate for most Flunkies and Servant characters. 1 BP

The S.O. is rarely placed in grave danger and appears infrequently.

2 BP

The S.O. is often placed in grave danger and appears frequently.

3 BP

The S.O. is always placed in grave danger and appears constantly.

Skeleton in the Closet The character has a dark secret. Exposure of this secret could cause harm to the character in the form of public humiliation, loss of a job, arrest, injury, or even death. The number of BP gained from this Defect is based on the severity the consequences if the secret is revealed. The secret must be important enough that the character will actively take steps to keep others from learning of it. If the Skeleton is ever revealed, the character will suffer the associated consequences, and the GM should replace it with an appropriate Defect or Defects worth at least as many BP as Skeleton in the Closet. Skeleton in the Closet is inappropriate for most Flunkies and Servant characters. 1 BP The Skeleton is difficult to discover, and/or the consequences of discovery are slight, and/or the character’s reputation will be impacted slightly. 2 BP The Skeleton is relatively easy to discover, and/or the consequences of discovery are moderate, and/or the character’s reputation will be seriously impacted. 3 BP The Skeleton is very easy to discover, and/or the consequences of discovery are severe, and/or the character’s reputation will be devastated. Special Requirement This Defect forces the character to meet a Special Requirement before an action or task can be completed. The Special Requirement may involve a physical object, an event, an action, an environmental condition, or even a state of mind. Everyday activities, such as eating and sleeping, are not considered to be Special Requirements unless they must be carried out under unusual conditions or more frequently for some reason. This Defect covers a wide range of possibilities, and thus the details should be discussed with the GM. 1 BP

The Special Requirement is easy to obtain and/or needed infrequently.

2 BP

The Special Requirement is difficult to obtain and/or needed often.

3 BP constantly.

The Special Requirement is extremely difficult to obtain and/or needed

Unique Defect This section covers any and all possible Defects that a character might possess but are not detailed in the rules. The boundaries and limitations of the Defect should be discussed with the GM. 1 BP

The Defect occurs infrequently and/or has a slight effect.

2 BP

The Defect occurs frequently and/or has a moderate effect.

3 BP

The Defect occurs constantly and/or has a severe effect.

Unique Defect Example: Attack Restriction A character with the Attack Restriction Defect has limitations on whom he or she can attack due to a reduction of free will (such as “hard coded” commands). The attack restriction can only be overcome during exceptional circumstances and may result in harsh consequences, including unbearable guilt or punishment by superiors. This Defect obviously does not apply to heroic characters who cannot “attack innocent people.” 1 BP The character’s restriction applies to very few people, or the character has slight reservations. 2 BP The character’s restriction applies to many people, or the character has strong reservations. 3 BP The character’s restriction applies to a large group of people, or the character has extremely strong reservations. Unreliable Power Linked to Attribute. One of the character’s Attributes frequently does not function when desired. Before the character can use the Attribute, he or she must make a successful Ability check. If the Attribute does not have a “Relevant Ability” entry, the character’s Wisdom should be used as a default. If the Ability check fails, the character can try to use the Attribute again during the next round (when the character is in combat), or in a short period of time (when the character is not in combat). At the GM’s and player’s discretion, Unreliable Power can also represent an Attribute that does not always function in the manner desired. For example, a character with Size Change might not always grow to the desired size, or a Force Field might not always appear in the correct place. For this alternative, the Ability check determines if the Attribute operates properly; a failed check indicates that it activates in an unexpected manner. 1 BP The character must make the check against DC 14. In non-combat situations, the character cannot attempt to use the Attribute again for 1 to 10 minutes. 2 BP The character must make the check against DC 17. In non-combat situations, the character cannot attempt to use the Attribute again for 10 to 30 minutes. 3 BP The character must make the check against DC 20. In non-combat situations, the character cannot attempt to use the Attribute again for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Unskilled An Unskilled character starts with less than the usual number of Skill Points. This Defect cannot be combined with the Highly Skilled Attribute. Additionally, characters may not take this Defect if it would reduce his or her Skill Points below zero. 1 BP

The character has 4 fewer starting Skill Points.

2 BP

The character has 8 fewer starting Skill Points.

3 BP

The character has 12 fewer starting Skill Points.


The character has a critical weakness to a specific object, environment, thought, activity, or condition. When in close proximity to the Vulnerability, it can temporarily strip the character of some of his or her Attributes (GM determines which Attributes are affected). The Vulnerability should only affect the character rarely, however, since it impacts him or her so severely. 1 BP The character’s accessible Attribute Ranks all drop by up to 2 Ranks when affected by the Vulnerability. 2 BP The character’s accessible Attribute Ranks all drop by up to 4 Ranks when affected by the Vulnerability. 3 BP

The character cannot use any Attributes when affected by the Vulnerability.

Wanted The character is wanted by the law, a powerful criminal, or private organisation that has placed a price on his or her head. Being Wanted is different from having a Nemesis; there is no single person devoting his or her life to annoying or hunting down the character. The character will need to conceal his or her identity or move around regularly to avoid having complete strangers calling the police or pursuing the character (depending on the circumstances). 1 BP The incentive to hunt the character is minor. For example, he or she may be wanted on outstanding warrants, but there may be no actual reward posted, or the reward is fairly small. 2 BP significant. 3 BP

The reward, contract, or other incentive offered to hunt the character is The reward, contract, or other incentive offered to hunt the character is extreme.

Weak Point The character’s body possesses an abnormal weak point (in addition to the normal human weak points, like the heart and head). If the weak point is ever hit during combat with a Called Shot, the result is an automatic critical hit. If the attacker rolls a natural critical hit (a natural 20), the target is immediately reduced to 0 Hit Points and falls unconscious. The opponent, or even the character, may not be aware the weak point exists, however, until its presence is discovered by accident or through careful study. 1 BP

The weak point is tiny (-6 Called Shot attack penalty).

2 BP

The weak point is small (-4 Called Shot attack penalty).

3 BP

The weak point is large (-2 Called Shot attack penalty).

Chapter 10: Finishing Touches Step 10: Determine Calculated Values Now that the majority of character creation is finished, you can determine your character’s Calculated Values. Base Attack Bonus Every character has a Base Attack Bonus (even if the bonus is +0). The Base Attack Bonus is a representation of the character’s skill in combat. It is determined by taking the characters Base Attack Bonus earned from character Level and adding any Ranks of the Attack Combat Mastery Attribute acquired during creation. Armour Class Bonus (Optional Rule) A character may decide, for each Level gained, whether he or she wants to use the Base Attack Bonus for that Level either as Base Attack Bonus or as an Armour Class Bonus. Once this is decided, the character may not change it. The character also does not gain any Character Points for choosing one way or the other. For example, when a character advances to a 3rd Level Samurai, gaining an additional +1 Base Attack Bonus, she could assign the +1 to her Armour Class Bonus rather than increase her Base Attack Bonus. Armour Class Every character (and items in some circumstances) has an Armour Class (AC) that is a reflection of how hard a character is to hit in combat. Anime d20 uses the Defence Roll variant rule from the DMG. Armour Class is determined by adding the character’s modifier from Dexterity, any Ranks of the Defence Combat Mastery Attribute, Size Modifier (see Table 10-1: Size Categories), and any other appropriate bonuses or penalties. When a character defends against an attack, his or her Defence Roll is equal to d20 + the character’s Armour Class, plus any other applicable modifiers. Note that characters lose their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class when they are flatfooted, unaware of the attacker, or otherwise unable to fully benefit from their Dexterity bonus. If the character is not moving at all (by choice or because he or she is hindered), the character does not gain benefits from Dexterity or Defence Combat Mastery, and no d20 Defence Roll is made. Hit Points This value dictates the amount of physical damage your character’s body can sustain before it ceases to function (for example, your character dies). Damage delivered in combat is subtracted from your character’s current Hit Point total. If the total ever falls below zero, the character falls unconscious. If the total even drops to a negative number that is lower that the negative number of the characters total Hit Points (for example, a character has 45 HP and drops below -45 HP) then the character is dead. A characters’ Hit Points are determined by the Hit Dice appropriate for their class Rank, plus any Ranks of Damn Healthy!, plus their Constitution modifier per die rolled, minus any modifier for the Not So Tough Defect, plus any other modifiers. For instance, a Level 5 Samurai (d10 Hit Dice) with a Con of 14 (+2 modifier) and 2 Ranks of Damn Healthy! (+2d8 + Con modifier) would have Hit Points equal to 5d10 + 2d8 + 14. Anime d20 assumes character death is rare. Characters are more frequently knocked unconscious than killed, thought that may not suit the specific style of game the GM wishes to

run. If character death should be more common, the GM may have characters die when they fall to -10 Hit Points, which is how most d20 System games handle death. Energy Points This value represents the personal reserves and fortitude your character has at his or her disposal when carrying out difficult or spiritual tasks. Energy Points are needed to fuels certain Attributes such as Dynamic Sorcery and Magic, but they can also be used to temporarily increase Ability Scores or Hit Points. This advantage only lasts for a few minutes — the duration of an important task. Any Ability can be raised by 1 value for every 5 Energy Points drained from your character’s total. Hit Points can also be increased by 2 for every 5 Energy Points sacrificed and may keep a character who has fallen deep into the negatives alive long enough to receive medical attention. Finally, your GM may decide that Energy Points can be used in other ways as well, such as altering game events or re-rolling dice. If your character’s Energy Points total is ever reduced to 0, he or she will fall unconscious from exhaustion. A character’s Energy Point total is determined by taking the lowest modifier of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (the weakest aspect of the character determines his or her energy reserves) and adding 1d2 per character Level (with a minimum of 1 per Level). For example, a Level 8 character with an Int 12, Wis 16, and Cha 8 (the lowest modifier, Charisma, is -1) would have Energy Points equal to 8d2-8. Characters with Ranks in the Dynamic Sorcery Attribute gains increased dice for Energy Points. Additionally, the Energy Bonus Attribute provides extra Points. Saving Throws When your character is subjected to an unusual attack such as Mind Control or an attempt to Teleport the character in front of a truck, he or she is allowed to make a saving throw to reduce or completely avoid the effects. A saving throw roll is d20 + the character’s base save bonus + other modifiers due to equipment, active effects, environment, circumstance, etc. The saving throw succeeds if the total of the die roll plus modifiers equals or exceeds the DC. The three different kinds of saving throws are these: Fortitude These saves measure a combatant’s ability to stand up to massive physical trauma, or attacks against a character’s vitality and health. Apply a character’s Constitution modifier to Fortitude saving throws. Reflex These saves test a combatant’s ability to evade attacks or otherwise avoid deadly situations. Apply the character’s Dexterity modifier to Reflex Saving throws. Willpower These saves reflect a character’s resistance to mental influence and domination. Apply the character’s Wisdom modifier to Will saving throws. Movement

To determine a character’s base speed in feet per round, multiplier the appropriate size movement modifier by his or her Dexterity (see Table 10-1: Size Categories). Size Classes Characters are classified into nine size categories, as outlined in Table 10-1: Size Categories. If a character changes sizes (perhaps using the Size Change Attribute), his or her Ability Scores, Natural Armour, Armour Class, and Base Attack Bonus may change as well. Table 10-2: Changing Sizes outlines the affects of increasing or decreasing size by one category. Should the character change more than one size category, all modifiers are cumulative. Table 10-1: Size Categories Armour Approximate




Example Size






1/8 lbs or less





1/8 — 1 lbs.





1 — 8 lbs.





8 — 60 lbs.





60 — 500 lbs.





500 lbs — 2 tons





2 — 16 tons



Humpback Whale

16 — 125 tons



Blue Whale

125 — 1,000 tons



Gargantuan Colossal

Table 10-2: Changing Sizes Base Old Size




New Size














Diminutive =>








Diminutive =>




































































































Gargantuan =>








Gargantuan =>

















Step 11: Earn Background Points Now that the numerical component of your character is complete (Abilities, Attributes, Defects, Skills, and Calculated Values), you should concentrate on fine-tuning his or her personality, while still leaving room for the character to grow in the future. One of the most effective ways to better visualise your creation is to provide detail through a background history, a character story, or a character drawing. Spending time to develop your character without a rule structure will enhance your role-playing greatly, and can give the GM a window into your character’s motivations. As an incentive, the GM will award you 1-3 Background Points for each contribution you complete, which are then distributed among the Ability Scores or Character Attributes. If any of your character’s Abilities are changed after using the Background Points, you must recalculate any appropriate Calculated Values.

Chapter 11: Equipment Anime Toys The following section provides quick and simple rules that help players and Game Masters create a plethora of weapons and vehicles with which to outfit characters. The equipment created with the following rules is intended for use with the Personal Gear Attribute. If a character requires a more powerful item, such as power armour or a magical ring, it should be created using the Item of Power Attribute. Item of Power reflects magical or supertech items that are exceedingly difficult to create. Gear, however, may be high-tech or incredibly expensive, but are within the ability of modern science. While a character’s vehicle may be the best car on the road, anyone with enough funding and skill could build one. Power armour, however, requires far more than money and skill to create. Ensure that the desired item is, in fact, Personal Gear before attempting to build it with the rules herein. Weapons Table 11-2: Weapons lists the damage values and other characteristics of common weapons. If a weapon is not listed, the GM should assign a damage value based on one that is similar in form and function. Some weapons possess Abilities and Disabilities to reflect their unique capabilities. Note that special or magical weapons might cause additional damage or possess unique abilities beyond those listed here. The Armour Ratings and Hit Points of operation weapons, such as firearms, are indicated in the table as well. Improvised Weapons In combat between anime characters, it is not uncommon for someone to pick up a nearby object and wield it is a weapon. It is impossible to account for every conceivable weapon that the player characters may decide to throw at their opponents, but Table 11-1: Improvised Weapons provides commonly encountered examples of improvised weapons and their statistics. GMs are encouraged to use this table as a guideline should their players decide to grab something in the middle of combat that is not listed. Naturally, most weapons have the Melee Disability as well, though they can be thrown in combat if necessary. Table 11-1: Improvised Weapons Strength Object Bus






Area Effect


Strength 56

Low Penetration Car


Area Effect


Strength 42

Low Penetration Dumpster



Inaccurate Low Penetration

Strength 40

Manhole Cover 2d10


Low Penetration Strength 28

Park Bench



Low Penetration Strength 32

Steel Girder




Strength 48

Telephone Pole 2d8



Strength 40



Strength 18








Melee (Axe)

Stop Sign


Table 11-2: Weapons Weapon Melee Weapons Bladed Weapons Axe

Melee Broadsword




Melee (Sword)

Knife or Dagger




Melee (Knife)

Muscle-Powered Long Sword




Melee (Sword)

Short Sword




Melee (Sword)

Muscle-Powered Spear




Melee (Polearm)




Melee (Polearm)

Blunt Weapons Bo, Staff or Pipe

Muscle-Powered Club, Baseball Bat




Melee (Club)

Muscle-Powered Nunchuku or Chain



Melee Melee (Whips/Chains)

Muscle-Powered Whip, Rope, or Belt



Low Penetration



Melee (Whips)

Muscle-Powered Bows Crossbow




Archery (Crossbow)

Limited Shots (1) Long Bow



Limited Shots (1) Archery (Bow)

Guns Pistols Light Pistol Heavy Pistol

1d6+1 1d8+1

Concealable Concealable

Low Penetration

Gun Combat

Short Range


Short Range

Gun Combat (Pistol)

Machine Pistol

Magnum Revolver Medium Pistol


1d8+2 1d8



Gun Combat


Limited Shots (6)



Short Range


Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat

Short Range


Short Range

Gun Combat


(Pistol) Revolver



Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat

Short Range


Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat





Gun Combat


Limited Shots (6)


Rifles Assault Rifle Heavy Assault Rifle

1d8+2 2d6+2


Hunting Rifle




Gun Combat (Rifle)

Light Rifle




Gun Combat (Rifle)

Sniper Rifle



Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat (Rifle)

Shotguns Shotgun



Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat

Low Penetration


Short Range Heavy Shotgun



Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat

Low Penetration


Short Range Assault Weapons Light Mini-Gun



Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat





Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat






Heavy Weapons

Spreading Heavy Mini-Gun Machine Gun

2d8+2 2d8+1

Spreading Submachine Gun


(Machine Gun)


Limited Shots (6)

Gun Combat


Short Range


Area Effect


Heavy Weapons


Limited Shots (1)




Heavy Weapons 66 mm LAW


Light Anti-Tank Weapon

Slow Static Thrown Weapons Concussion


Area Effect x3

Limited Shots (1)


Weapons (Grenades) Grenade


Self-Destruct Short Range

Thrown Knife



Limited Shots (1)


Short Range Weapons (Blades) Non Lethal Ranged Weapons Tear Gas Grenade


Area Effect x2


Heavy Weapons


Limited Shots (1)


Self-Destruct Slow Stun Toxic Taser



Low Penetration

Gun Combat

Short Range


Slow Pepper Spray



Melee Range


Limited Shots (6)




Ordnance 120 mm Heat


Area Effect

Limited Shots (1) Heavy Weapons



Long Range Penetrating 120 mm Sabot



Limited Shots (1) Heavy Weapons

Long Range


Penetrating x2 Stinger Missile


Area Effect


Heavy Weapons


Limited Shots (1)


Long Range

Only Air Targets


Self-Destruct Slow Static

Tomahawk Missile


Accurate x4

Limited Shots (1) Heavy Weapons

Area Effect x3

Self Destruct

Long Range x8


Penetrating x2



Stoppable Weapon Table Notes “Damage” is how much punishment the weapon inflicts (the damage of the attack). “Abilities” or “Disabilities” are any special capabilities or limitations the weapon possesses. Unless noted otherwise, a weapon has Medium range. All Improvised Weapons have the Muscle-Powered Ability, indicating that the attacker’s Strength modifier is added to damage. “Skill” is the Skill and Specialization that provides a bonus when firing the weapon. * Requires two hands to wield properly; delivers +2 damage when wielded two-handed. ** Some shotguns are “double-barrelled” and can fire both barrels at once. If so, an additional +1d6 damage is delivered. Double Barrelled shotguns have the Limited Shots (2) Disability. “Strength Requirement” indicates the minimum Strength Ability Score required to wield the object as a weapon effectively. If any improvised weapon is thrown, it is treated as a Short Range weapon. The range increases by one category every 8 Points of Strength above the Strength requirement. For example, if a Giant Robot character who has Strength of 56, threw a

manhole cover, it would be treated as a Long Range weapon (a Manhole cover has a Strength requirement of 28; the base Short range increases to Medium for a Strength of 36 and Long for a Strength of 44). Conversely, if the character throws a car, which requires Strength 42, it would be treated as a Medium Range weapon (Medium range for a Strength of 50 but requires Strength of 58 for Long range). If it wished to throw a bus at an opponent, it would be treated as a shortrange weapon because it is only two above the Strength Requirement to wield a bus as a weapon. Customising Firearms Sometimes, nothing gets the trick done like a reliable firearm. The following options can be added to different types of weapons to enhance performance or otherwise alter them. Each accessory or feature normally counts as a minor item of Personal Gear. Some options are considered “mundane” (their advantages and disadvantages cancel), and do not cost Points. Options for weapons are classed as either accessories or features. A feature is a change to the basic weapon template that reflects a particular factory model, or extensive after-market customisation. This requires the Knowledge: Mechanics (Gunsmith) Skill to install, and may require several hours or more. An accessory is something that can be easily attached or removed from the weapon within a few seconds to several minutes. Weapon options are available for any class of weapon unless otherwise noted. Accurised Modification Type:


The weapon has been specially modified (custom grips, improved sights, polygonal rifling, heavier barrel, etc.) to improve its accuracy. This is typical of target pistols and competition or sniper rifles. This modification grants a +1 bonus to any attack check when firing single shots, but no bonus if used with Auto-Fire. An accurised weapon must be in excellent condition with its sights precisely aligned — it will lose its bonus if knocked about, dropped, or otherwise mistreated. Bayonet Modification Type:


The weapon is fitted with a lug to accept a bayonet (included with this option). When attached, the weapon is a bit more awkward, but it can be used in melee combat as a spear. When detached (requires one round), the bayonet is also usable as a knife. A bayonet is available for any rifle. Bipod Attachment Modification Type:


When the bipod is unfolded, the weapon is treated as if it is Accurate (cumulative with any other Accurate bonuses) and Static. The weapon must be fired at rest with the shooter lying prone behind it. Folding or unfolding the bipod requires one round. A bipod is available for any rifle. Brass Catcher Modification Type:


This attachment collects cartridges as they are fired out of the weapon, and thus either saves them for hand loading or prevents any incriminating ballistics evidence from being left behind. A brass catcher is available for any rifle or assault weapon. Briefcase-Firing Modification Type:


The weapon is designed to be concealed in and fired from a briefcase or attaché case without removing it, using a hidden trigger in the case handle. The weapon must be an auto-loading pistol, machine pistol, or a submachine gun. The weapon suffers a -4 penalty to the attack check when fired from within a brief case. The gun can usually be unclamped from the case and used normally (takes one round). GMs may use similar rules for umbrella guns or other disguised weaponry. Carbine-Format Modification Type:

Mundane Feature

The weapon has a shorter barrel and stock. A carbine format subtracts 1 damage but allows the weapon to be concealed under a long coat (see the Concealable Ability) as if it were a submachine gun. A carbine-format weapon is available for any rifle. Flash Suppressor Modification Type:


The hot gasses produced when a bullet is fired are quite visible at night. A flash suppressor is a long device that can be attached to the end of a weapon, masking this signature. A weapon with a flash suppressor attached is easier to detect if hidden (+1 bonus). A flash suppressor is not available for a grenade launcher, LAW, taser, or minigun. Flashlight Attachment Modification Type:


This attachment allows any weapon to be used with a flashlight, and permits illumination of targets at short range so that attackers can target them without any penalties for darkness. Of course, someone using a flashlight at night can also be detected at a greater distance. Folding or Telescoping Stock Modification Type:


The stock on the weapon can be folded or telescoped down, making it handier and more concealable. Unfortunately, a weapon with this feature also suffers from the Inaccurate Disability (-4 penalty) when firing at targets at over half its effective range. It requires one round (one attack if the character has the Extra Attacks Attribute) to fold or unfold the stock. If the weapon is also carbine-format, sawed-off, or a submachine gun, there is an extra -1 penalty to any check to spot the weapon while concealed, which is cumulative with other modifiers. This feature can be assigned to any rifle, shotgun, or assault weapon. Laser Sight Modification Type:


A laser sight projects a small, bright dot of laser light exactly where the weapon is pointing, which helps the attacker determine whether or not he or she is on target. In game terms, the attacker receives a +1 bonus to their appropriate attack check in situations where they can see the laser dot on the target (usually up to Short Range unless combined with a scope). Laser sights with an infrared beam (visible only to people with night vision scopes or goggles) are also available. Night Vision Scope Modification Type:

Accessory (counts as 2 minor Personal Gear)

This scope uses thermal imaging or light intensification technology to “turn night into day.” This functions exactly like a regular scope, except that it also eliminates any penalties for darkness. Sawed-Off Barrel Modification Type:


This modification is for shotguns only. Sawing off the barrel of a shotgun means that it is easier to conceal, but is also shorter ranged. A sawed-off shotgun can be concealed under a long coat (see the Concealable Ability) as if it were a submachine gun. At up to Melee Range (10 feet or less) it has a wider spread of pellets (+1 bonus on attack checks), but suffers -4 penalty to damage at ranges beyond Melee Range. Snub-Nose Modification Type:

Mundane Feature

A snub-nose is a shorter-barrel versions of any auto-loading pistol, revolver, or machine pistol. The weapon suffers a -2 attack check penalty at any range greater than 10 feet and delivers less damage (-1 to damage), but is substantially easier to conceal (-1 penalty to spot the hidden weapon, cumulative with other bonuses or penalties of the weapon). Scope Modification Type:


A telescopic sight mounted atop the weapon gives the shooter an extra +1 bonus to his or her attack check when taking an entire turn to aim at a target. This bonus only applies to targets further away than Melee Range (over 10 feet). Scopes are available for all guns. Silencer Modification Type:


A silencer, or more technically, a sound-suppressor, is a tube that attaches to the weapons barrel and reduces the noise the weapon makes while firing. A silenced weapon cannot be heard at a range of greater than 10 feet unless a nearby character makes a successful Listen Skill check. The GM should modify this distance/check for conditions such as ambient noise, range, and Heightened Senses. Auto-loading pistols, machine pistols, submachine guns, and rifles may be fitted with silencers. A silenced weapon cannot be concealed or holstered until the silencer is removed, which requires one round. Speed Loader

Modification Type: Accessory A speed loader is a device that holds a number of revolver cartridges and permits them to be rapidly inserted into a cylinder. If a character has this minor Personal Gear, he or she can ignore the Limited Shots Disability of any revolver. Trigger Lock Modification Type:

Mundane Feature

An integral lock that prevents the gun from being used without the right key or combination. It takes an extra round to unlock the gun before it can be ready to fire. In some areas, the law may require trigger locks on some or all firearms. Types of Ammunition It is assumed that characters have access to ammunition of whatever type they need for their standard weapons. Standard ammunition for auto-loading pistols, revolvers, rifles, and machine guns is a lead bullet; this type of bullet is called “ball” in military parlance. Standard ammunition for shotguns is shot. If characters have more than one type of ammunition, each extra type that is carried counts as a minor Personal Gear. Armour Piercing (AP) This is a bullet specifically designed to punch through Armour, using a steel or tungsten core rather than jacketed lead. Some brands of Armour-piercing ammunition are Teflon-coated, but contrary to myth, the coating on AP bullets has nothing to do with the Armour-piercing qualities — it simply helps protect the rifling inside the gun from the tougher material from which the bullet is made. Weapons using AP bullets are assigned the Penetrating (Armour) Ability. AP bullets are somewhat less lethal against flesh, and thus the actual damage is always halved (round up) after the effects of Armour are considered. These bullets are available for autoloading pistols, machine guns, shotguns, revolvers, and rifles. AP pistol or revolver ammunition (“cop killer bullets”) is usually illegal. Bird Shot The statistics given for shotguns assume they are using buckshot, which is the usual combat load. If using birdshot (with a greater number of smaller pellets) damage is reduced by 4 (minimum 1 damage) but the attacker gains a +1 bonus to his or her attack check. Bird shot is only available for shotguns. Blanks A blank is a cartridge without the bullet that also has a reduced powder load. A blank normally does not deliver any damage when fired, but if the gun’s muzzle is directly in contact with someone, the hot gasses expelled can still be dangerous or fatal. When a character is using a blank-firing gun in combat, the gun is treated as if it is firing a rubber bullet, but range is limited to Melee Range. Blanks are available for auto-loading pistols, machine guns, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. Hollow Point (HP) This is a bullet designed to expand after entering a target, therefore doing greater damage. Hollow Point bullets are known by various trade names, and include bullets described as

“expanding,” “dumdum,” or pre-fragmented rounds such as “safety slugs.” HP ammo is standard issue in many police departments, since the rounds are better man-stoppers and are less likely to pierce walls and injure bystanders on the other side. The Hague Convention prohibits HP bullets for military use in international conflicts. Hollow Point bullets have less Armour-penetrating power: Armour protection is doubled against the bullets. These disadvantages are cumulative with any Low Penetration modifiers. If even 1 damage succeeds in penetrating Armour, however, or if the target was unarmoured, 1d6 bonus damage is added to the damage that a living target suffers (the bullets “mushroom” inside living tissue), but only if the base damage penetrates the target’s Armour. No extra damage is inflicted on machines or structures by HP bullets. HP bullets are available for auto-loading pistols, machine guns, revolvers, and rifles. Rubber These are bullets encased in rubber or plastic, which are designed to be “less lethal.” A weapon using rubber bullets automatically suffers from the Low Penetration Disability and delivers 4 less damage (minimum 1 damage). Rubber bullets are available for auto-loading pistols, machine guns, revolvers and rifles, and for shotguns firing slug ammunition. Shotgun Slugs A shotgun can fire big bullets instead of shot. Police will often use slugs to stop cars or blow open barricades. When using slugs, a shotgun loses both the Spreading Ability and the Low Penetrating Disability. Slugs are available for shotguns only. Incendiary Shells Special shells are also available for shotguns; these shells contain phosphorous chemicals that convert the shotgun into an improvised flamethrower. Damage is reduced by 4 (minimum 1), but if any damage penetrates Armour, the target receives fire damage, and suffers one quarter (round up) the basic damage per round for the next five rounds. This damage is also very painful, imposing a -2 penalty on all checks. The ammunition tends to foul the gun after use, however. Any further shots fired before the gun can be carefully cleaned suffer a -2 attack check penalty, and the gun will jam on any roll of 1 or 2 (requiring cleaning before the gun can be reused). These shells are available for shotguns only. Grenades and Explosives The user throws these hand-held explosive weapons at a target. Their use uses the Thrown Weapons (Grenade) Skill. All of these explosives count as minor Personal Gear except a satchel charge, which is treated as a major Personal Gear. Concussion Grenade This grenade is filled with high explosives. 2d10 damage is delivered to everyone in a 15foot radius who fails a Reflex save vs. DC 15 (those who make the save take half damage). Tear Gas Grenade This grenade bursts to fill a room-sized area (10 foot radius) with (usually) non-lethal irritant gas. Damage is the same as concussion grenade (2d10 damage with a Fortitude save, instead of a Reflex save), but is “stun only” — it wears off after a few minutes, and it does not affect nonliving things or anyone wearing a gas mask. Anyone exposed to the gas also suffers a -2 penalty on all checks due to irritation if they fail Fortitude save. This penalty lasts for a number of

rounds equal to the amount by which the save was failed. Tear gas grenades also release a lot of smoke and may occasionally (GM’s option) start fires if they explode next to paper or other flammable substances. Flash-Bang Grenade These special grenades produce a super firecracker effect, stunning people with sound and light. This weapon is a favourite of hostage-rescue teams. No physical damage will be suffered, but the victims must make a Fortitude save against a DC of 20 or be blinded and deafened for a number of combat rounds equal to the difference between the save DC and the roll. The character suffers a -2 save penalty if he or she is right next to the grenade when it explodes. Characters wearing anti-flare goggles (such as a welding mask) and ear protectors will receive a +6 bonus to their save to avoid the grenade’s effects. Smoke Grenade This grenade fills a room-sized area (10 foot radius) with non-toxic chemical smoke for 3 to 8 rounds (depending on wind). Anyone without night vision goggles or a night vision scope will suffer a -4 attack check penalty when attacking a target obscured by smoke. Dynamite Stick This explosive functions like a concussion grenade, except the blast covers only a 10 foot radius, and the damage is 2d8 with a save DC of 13 for half damage. Satchel Charge This is a knapsack full of plastic explosive or multiple dynamite sticks. The explosion is treated as a concussion grenade, but the blast covers a 25 foot radius and the delivers 5d6 damage with a save DC of 18 for half damage. Unlike a grenade, a satchel charge is too heavy to throw far, so its range is limited to melee range for average humans — the attacker will be caught in the charge’s blast unless it has a timer. Timed or Remote Detonator This device is used to explode a satchel charge (or other bomb) from a distance, either at a specific time or in response to an electrical or radio signal. Attaching the detonator to the explosive and properly setting it requires a Demolitions Skill check, with failure indicating a late or premature blast. Vehicles Along with their specialised weaponry, many modern era characters use rigged and modified vehicles. Additionally, many international organisations use high tech vehicles in their quests to keep their interests safe. This section describes the standard vehicles likely to appear in a modern-day game. Some vehicles are suitable for use as personal vehicles by characters, while a desperate individual may commandeer others (such as a city bus) when no better transportation is available. This section concentrates on general types that are in common use, rather than providing individual statistics for specific models. All costs are approximate US dollar (USD) values, which can vary greatly. Each vehicle counts as a major item of Personal Gear, with the exception of the motor scooter and ultra-light (minor Personal Gear). These basic templates can be modified using the

Customising Vehicles guidelines. Using the customisation options, the vehicle can be further modified to match the character’s personal vision (adding options such as supercharged engines or armoured glass windows) with each option normally considered to be as a minor Personal Gear. Table 11-3:Vehicles Hit Vehicle




People Cargo Armour Points


Compact Car





200 lbs.



Driving (Car)

Passenger Car





400 lbs.



Driving (Car)

Pickup Truck





1 ton



Driving (Car)

Race Car








Driving (Car)

Sports Car





400 lbs.



Driving (Car)






400 lbs.



Driving (Car)

Stretched Limousine 160




1000 lbs.



Driving (Car)






1 ton **



Driving (Van)

Dirt Bike








Driving (Motorcycle)






50 lbs.



Driving (Motorcycle)






100 lbs.



Driving (Motorcycle)

Big Rig





10 ton



Driving (Big Rig)






1 ton



Driving (Big Rig)

Heavy Truck





5 tons



Driving (Van)

Combat Helicopter





2 tons



Piloting (Helicopter)

Light Helicopter





500 lbs.



Piloting (Helicopter)

Utility Helicopter





2 tons **



Piloting (Helicopter)





500 lbs.






Oversized Vehicles


Airplanes Light Airplane

(Light Airplane) Heavy Airplane




4 40 tons ** 11


Piloting (Heavy Airplane)










(Light Airplane) Speed Boats Off-shore Racer





1000 lbs.



Boating (Small Boat)

Recreational Boat





200 lbs.



Boating (Small Boat)

Military Ground Vehicles APC





2 tons



Driving (Tank)

Heavy Tank





2 tons



Driving (Tank)

Speed is the top speed in miles per hour. Pickup trucks, sport/utility vehicles, and dirt bikes move at half speed off-road. Other non-military ground vehicles are road-bound and can move a maximum of one-quarter speed off road. MB is the Manoeuvre Bonus. +1 means a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls (only), while a -1 or -2 means that penalty is applied to both Initiative rolls and to Driving Skill checks. Size is a relative measure of the vehicle’s mass and volume. “1” means the vehicle is about the size of a motorcycle — you could drive it through a house’s door, or stow it in the back of a van (weighs up to 1000 lbs.). “2” means it is about the size of a car or pickup truck, and you can park it in a normal garage (weighs 1-5 tons). “3” means it is the size of a large truck (uses multiple parking spaces, often masses 6-10+ tons when loaded). “4” means it is even larger, such as a big tractor-trailer combination that might haul 20+ tons. People is how many people the vehicle is designed to seat, including the driver or pilot. Cargo is how many tons or pounds of cargo the vehicle can typically carry without suffering movement penalties. An ** indicates that the cargo area can be converted into passenger space at a ratio of 5 people per ton. Armour is the number of damage points that the Armour stops. An * indicates that the Armour only protects the vehicle, not the driver or passengers. Hit Points indicate how much damage the vehicle can sustain before it ceases to function. The vehicle is not necessarily destroyed when its Hit Points are reduced to zero — it has merely sustained enough damage to shut the engine down, hinder the control systems, or in some other way prevent the vehicle from working. For rules on destroying a vehicle, see Breaking Objects. No range is listed, since all vehicles except the ultra-light can operate for 3-10 hours before requiring refuelling. The ultra-light’s endurance is under one hour. Oversized vehicles (trucks, big rigs, busses) usually burn diesel fuel, while most other vehicles use gasoline. Automobile The basic motor vehicle of the 20th century. Automobiles have four wheels and are normally powered by a gasoline internal combustion engine. Standard features on modern vehicles include headlights, seat belts, air bags, and air conditioning. Passenger Car

An ordinary compact or mid-sized automobile. Cars are available in coupe (two doors, often with a hatch back and extra cargo space), sedan (four door), or station wagon (extra room in back, but reduced rear visibility for driver) body styles. Year 2003 cost: $12,000+ USD. For an expensive luxury car, add custom options such as Big Engine and Luxury Interior. Sub-Compact Car A small, somewhat cramped passenger car. It seats four, but with a lot less comfort than a comparable mid-sized vehicle. It is easier to park, but not as robust. Year 2003 cost: $10,000+ USD. Pickup Truck or Sport/Utility Vehicle A light truck with cab seating (2-3 people), off-road suspension, and four-wheel drive and either an open cargo bed (pickup truck) or extra passenger capacity (sport/utility vehicle). Year 2003 cost: $20,000+ USD. Race Car A dedicated race car (such as a Formula 1 racer or funny car) with an aerodynamic body, a single seat, and very powerful engine. Such a vehicle is not “street legal.” Race cars are “hangar queens” that require periodic maintenance every few hours just to keep their finely tuned engines and transmissions in working order. Year 2003 cost: $100,000+ USD. Sports Car A car with good aerodynamics, a powerful engine, and superior transmission and suspension. Some sports cars carry two people, while others sacrifice already-meagre cargo space to carry an extra person or two in cramped back seats. Year 2003 cost: $50,000+ USD. Stretched Limousine An oversized passenger car. It will usually have a number of posh features, such as a luxury interior. Year 2003 cost: $50,000+ USD. Van A light panel truck or mini-van, with one or two big rear doors and sliding side doors. Use this template with appropriate customisation for ambulances. Year 2003 cost: $15,000+ USD. Motorcycle A two-wheeled bike powered by a gasoline engine. Standard features include headlights and rear-view mirrors. Motorbike A big bike with a reasonably powerful engine. A second person can usually be carried without much difficulty. Year 2003 cost: $3,000+ USD. Scooter A small bike with an anaemic engine. Scooters are suitable for a single rider only. A minor gadget. Year 2003 cost: $2,000+ USD. Dirt Bike

A motorbike designed for off-road operations. Dirt bikes include the Off-Road Suspension option at no extra cost. Year 2003 cost: $4,000+ USD. Oversized Vehicle A big ground vehicle with six or more wheels, usually powered by a diesel engine rather than gasoline engine (diesel fuel is cheaper, and less flammable). Standard features include headlights, seat belts, airbags, and air conditioning. Big Rig An 18-wheel tractor-trailer combination, with a powerful tractor cab designed to tow a big trailer. With trailer, a big rig may be 20 yards long. Pick one of these options for the cargo area: flat bed (open cargo), van (enclosed cargo), refrigerated (“reefer”), tanker. If the trailer is unhooked from the “fifth wheel” (this takes at least two rounds outside the vehicle to do this), the rig’s speed can increase by 10-20 mph. Year 2003 cost: $60,000+ USD. Bus A city, school, or excursion bus. In action series, these usually make their appearance when someone hijacks or plants a bomb on them. A typical bus seats 35-45 people (with plenty of standing and cargo room) and is about 10-15 yards long. Year 2003 cost: $50,000+ USD. Heavy Truck A large truck, bigger than an ordinary van. Pick one of these options for the cargo area: flat bed (open cargo), van (enclosed cargo), refrigerated (“reefer”), tanker. A heavy truck may also be a cement mixer, dump truck, street cleaner, fire engine, etc. Year 2003 cost: $30,000+ USD. Helicopter A rotary winged vehicle. Modern helicopters are usually powered by a gas turbine engine, and require a pilot’s license to operate. They have a horizontal main rotor that provides lift and (by tilting the helicopter) propulsion, and a small vertical tail rotor to act as a stabiliser. A helicopter is capable of executing vertical takeoffs or landings, and hovering. Standard features include landing lights (treat as headlights), seat belts, and often air conditioning. Combat Helicopter A devastatingly offensive helicopter (such as the AH-1W Super Cobra), typically used in battle against combat forces and either very powerful or very large monster threats. A combat helicopter counts as three major Gadgets. Year 2003 cost: $10,000,000+ USD. Light Helicopter A small helicopter that can carry a couple of people. This is a typical news or police helicopter. Year 2003 cost: $100,000+ USD. Utility Helicopter A larger helicopter that is often a civilian version of a military troop-carrying model. These choppers are designed to carry a dozen people or a decent cargo load. Helicopters of this sort are often used as air ambulances. Year 2003 cost: $1,000,000+ USD. Airplane

An airplane relies on wings for lift and a propeller or jet engine for propulsion. It requires a smooth, flat runway for takeoffs and landings. While airborne it must maintain a minimum speed (usually about 1/10 its maximum speed) to avoid stalling. Standard features include landing lights (treat as headlights), seatbelts, emergency parachutes, and often air conditioning. Light Airplane A single-engine propeller-driven passenger airplane, capable of operating out of grass strips or landing on a smooth stretch of highway if necessary. Light aircraft are a favourite of drug runners. Use Pilot (Light Plane) Skill. Year 2003 cost: $100,000+ USD. Heavy Airplane A large plane, often with two or four engines, which is used primarily to transport large numbers of people or cargo. Heavy airplanes often require longer runways in order to take off or land. A heavy airplane counts as two major Personal Gear. Year 2003 cost: $10,000,000+ USD. Combat Jet Military jets and bombers (such as the F/A-18 Hornet or B-2 Spirit) are incredibly powerful machines used to assist ground assaults or carry out missions alone. A combat jet counts as four major Gadgets. Year 2003 cost: $50,000,000+ USD (sometimes exceeding $1 Billion USD). Ultra-Light A small one-man powered hang-glider that is used mainly for recreation. Counts as a minor Personal Gear. Year 2003 cost: $10,000+ USD. Speed Boat Boat designs come in a variety of shapes, depending on their desired function. Speed boats have sleek hull designs and powerful engines in order to travel at high speeds. Standard features include a VHF radio (treat as a CB radio), convertible tops, running lights, and lifejackets. Recreational Speed Boat A medium-sized powerboat, usually with an outboard engine. These boats are often used for water-skiing. Year 2003 cost: $10,000+ USD. Offshore Racer These large race boats, usually measuring between 10 and 18 yards in length, are used in offshore racing. Smugglers often utilise these sleek, fast boats to transport illegal goods. Year 2003 cost: $80,000+ USD. Military Ground Vehicles When battling against foreign incursions or giant monsters, the army will come to the rescue with their awesome firepower. Unfortunately, sometimes even that is not enough. Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) A lightly armoured, full-tracked, air-transportable personnel carrier designed to carry and protect personnel and certain types of cargo. Year 2003 cost: $500,000+ USD. Heavy Tank

Heavy tanks (such as the M1 Abrams) are the backbone of military forces. They provide strong mobile firepower while providing heavy protection for its crew in almost any environment. A heavy tank counts as three major Personal Gear. Year 2003 cost: $4,000,000+ USD. Customising Vehicles Options can be added to different types of vehicles to enhance performance or give them additional capabilities. Unless otherwise noted, each accessory counts as one minor Personal Gear and can only be taken once. Note that Engine Rebuild, Turbocharger, and Big Engine have approximately the same effect in game terms. A superfast vehicle may have all three options assigned, however. Some vehicles possess supertechnology, which grants them abilities beyond those outlined below. These abilities are covered using the Item of Power Attribute. Creating a vehicle such as this not only requires minor and major Personal Gear for the base abilities of the vehicle plus any modifications but also requires a Rank in Item of Power sufficient to purchase the Attribute(s) granted by the supertechnology. Airfoils An aerodynamic feature (airdams, spoilers, etc.) that improves traction by increasing the downward force on a car. Gives a +1 bonus to any Drive (Car) Skill check at speeds over 100 mph. Airfoils are available for any automobile and some exceptionally fast boats. Armour The vehicle is retro-fitted with armoured panels, Kevlar inserts, and bullet proof glass on the windows. Each time the armour is assigned, the extra weight reduces top speed by 10 mph but increases the vehicle’s Armour Rating by 3. Armour is available for any vehicle except an ultralight aircraft, and counts as two minor Personal Gear. Big Engine An upgraded engine, such as a big V8 in a passenger car, or a V12 in a sports car. The engine often differentiates an ordinary passenger car from a luxury model, or a basic sports car from a racer. A big engine adds 20 mph to the top speed of any vehicle. Burglar Alarm If a door, trunk, or window is opened without the proper key, an alarm will sound to alert (and annoy) everyone in the vicinity. Defeating the alarm requires an appropriate Skill check against a DC of 25. Marginal failure means the thief realises he or she cannot disarm it while a worse failure means will trigger the alarm. Citizen’s Band (CB) Radio With a range of a few miles, truckers favour CBs for exchanging information on road conditions, speed traps, and general gossip. Unlike a personal cell phone, a CB broadcasts to everyone in the area — it is not useful for private communication, but is great for distress calls. A similar option can be taken for taxi dispatcher radios. A CB radio can be installed in any vehicle. Consumer Electronics

These electronic gadgets include small TV sets, a vehicular computer, fax machines, etc. A cassette or CD player in a car can be considered a fairly mundane item. Electronics can be added to any vehicle, provided the size seems reasonable. Convertible Top The vehicle with this option has a removable or retractable plastic, fibreglass, or fabric top. Removing the top gives a better view and nice breeze, but also means that the driver and passengers are now “partially exposed,” and are at the mercy of the weather. Exposed occupants are also completely unprotected from overhead attacks and can be attacked (bypassing vehicle Armour/Hit Points) more easily from the side or rear (-4 attack check penalty to ignore the car’s Armour). On the plus side, those occupants can also fire out of the vehicle without any difficulty, and jump in or out more easily. This feature is available for automobiles; recreational speed boats and most offshore racers automatically possess this option. Door Mount This option is a post and bracket for mounting a light or heavy machine gun out a helicopter’s or van’s open side door. Electronic Countermeasures This advanced defence system enables the vehicle to avoid detection by radar and other sensors. Any attempt to mechanically detect the vehicle (except through the basic senses such as sight or hearing) incurs a -6 penalty. Engine Rebuild A rebuild is major custom upgrade to the engine, rather than just simply increasing its size. In a car, this may involve removing and completely cleaning the existing system (including “hot tanking” the engine block in a chemical bath to remove grime), then adding various modifications (known as “blueprinting”). Other engine “buzz-words” include forged dome pistons, tuneable fuel injection, strengthened rods and bearings, adjustable or hot cam socket, tubular headers, custom intake manifolds, big valves, and a bored-out throttle body. This option adds 20 mph to the top speed of any vehicle. Furnishings Furnishings include a mini-bar, mini-fridge, kitchenette, chemical toilet, bunk bed, etc. For larger furnishings (kitchenette, bunks, etc.) each one added also requires replacing one or two seats, depending on the size. Furnishings can be added to any vehicle with Size 2 or more. Global Positioning System (GPS) This option uses satellite systems to provide precise navigational co-ordinators, which prevents the driver from becoming lost. Naturally, it is still possible to miss a turn through human error. A GPS can be added to any vehicle. Hidden Cargo Space This space is often used in vehicles that are designed to smuggle goods across borders or past highway patrols. Up to 10% of the vehicle’s cargo capacity can be considered “hidden” under fake panels and bogus fixtures. Hidden space can be added to any vehicle with cargo capacity. Improved Brakes

This option includes high quality brakes, drag chutes, or spiked tires that allow the vehicle to stop faster than normal. Those breaks provide a +2 bonus to Drive Skill checks on any manoeuvre where sudden, sharp deceleration is important. Improved breaks can be added to any ground-based vehicle. Improved Shocks Some vehicles have high quality or adjustable shock absorbers or springs, which provide an extra +1 bonus to Drive Skill checks in any circumstance where the suspension would be important (such as crossing over obstacles). Lights and Siren Any vehicle can be fitted with a noisy siren and flashing lights. This option can also provide a powerful spot search light. Luxury Interior Leather upholstery, lots of chrome, extra head room, or other items on a vehicle are a sure way to impress someone special. A plethora of luxury options are available for most vehicles. Manual Transmission There are two types of transmissions: manual and automatic. An automatic transmission is assumed to be standard issue for automobiles (but not other vehicles), and means that the gear mechanism changes by itself. In a manual transmission, the driver must shift the gears on his or her own, usually with a stick and the clutch pedal. In the case of automobiles, a manual transmission gives an additional -1 penalty to characters who are trying to do something else while they drive, such as shoot a gun. If, however, a vehicle with an automatic transmission and one with a manual transmission are competing in a race, the GM should give any driver who has both the Drive Skill and a manual transmission an extra +1 bonus to reflect the greater speed control the manual transmission provides. This is a mundane option for automobiles. Nitrous Oxide Tank This option adds a nitrous oxide tank and push-button injection system. Nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) can be injected into the engine, which releases more free oxygen and improves cylinder pressures and engine temperature. This action allows extra fuel to be burned in a more controlled fashion, resulting in a quick power boost for a short sprint. A single injection adds 30 mph to speed and +2 to Initiative on any round it is used. A tank can be used for up to five rounds before depleting the nitrous oxide bottle. This performance enhancer is available for any vehicle except helicopters. Off-Road Suspension A raised suspension and special tires allow the vehicle to drive cross-country at two-thirds of the on-road top speed. The extra suspension weight also means -5 mph to road speed. For airplanes, this option corresponds to Rough-Field Landing Gear that lets the aircraft land without a proper runway. Off-road suspension is available for any ground vehicle or light aircraft. Police-Band Radio

This radio allows the driver to listen to, and communicate on, police and emergency frequencies. If the cops find one of these in a vehicle, they may be a little suspicious, however. This radio is available for any vehicle. Pontoons Pontoons allow an aircraft to land in, or take off from, water. The extra air drag reduces the aircraft’s top speed by 5 mph. Pontoons are available for any helicopter or light airplane. Radar Detector A detector can warn the driver if a police radar trap is within a few miles. Recent models also detect police laser scanners. Rocket Engine The vehicle is outfitted with a rocket engine (either replacing propellers for an airplane or as a booster rocket for ground vehicles). The engine drastically increases the speed of the vehicle by an additional 100 mph but the expensive modification counts as a major Personal Gear. Additionally, for ground based vehicles, the driver incurs a -2 penalty on all Drive Skill checks while the rocket booster is activated. Rotating License Plate With a flick of a switch, the license plate can flip to reveal an alternative identity for a vehicle. This illegal modification is available for any automobile or oversized ground vehicle. Sidecar Sidecars are attached to motorcycles, allowing an extra person to ride. This option reduces the top speed by 10 mph. A motorbike sidecar requires three rounds to attach or detach. Slick Tires A vehicle may be outfitted with flat racing tires (no grooves) for better traction. Slicks give a +1 bonus to any Drive checks on smooth, dry tracks, but unfortunately have a poor grip on wet roads: an additional -2 penalty is assigned to any penalties suffered by a vehicle for the weather conditions. Slicks are available for any ground vehicle. Smoke Screen/Oil Slick This option releases smoke behind the vehicle, obscuring view in a cloud about 10 yards in diameter. The screen will last for 1-6 rounds depending on the wind. Alternatively, it could act as an oil slick, which creates a slippery area that hampers the control of any vehicle driving through it. A driver may avoid the oil slick if he or she spots it in time. At GM’s option, a character caught in a smoke screen/oil slick might be required to make a successful Driving Skill check to avoid an accident. A fully charged smoke screen/oil slick is good for three rounds of use, and is available for any automobile or oversized ground vehicle. Special Tires or Puncture-Resistant Tires may be designed with various special abilities. These include solid puncture-resistant tires that run while flat (halve penalties for losing a tire) or special snow tires (reduce or negate any penalties that the GM may assign for manoeuvring on snow or ice). Any ground based vehicle can be equipped with special tires.

Stretchers and Medical Equipment This option differentiates ambulances from regular vehicles. Each stretcher replaces two seats for passenger capacity purposes. Medical equipment can be added to any van or utility helicopter. Stripped These vehicles are carefully stripped down to improve their power to weight ratio. In a car, this might mean removing glass from side windows (replacing them with nets), taking out the headlights, stripping out the doors (the driver will now climb through the window), modifying the seats, and otherwise removing items that are required for regular driving but unnecessary or unsafe for a high-speed race. Stripping a vehicle will add 20 mph to top speed if the vehicle is still “street legal” or 30 mph if enough stuff is removed so that the vehicle no longer meets minimum safety standards. All vehicles, except an ultra-light, can be stripped. Sun Roof A sun roof is an open hatch in the top of the vehicle, which can be added to any car or van. Characters who lean out the opening can be attacked, but receive a benefit for partial cover (-4 penalty to the attacker’s check). A sun roof is available for any automobile or oversized ground vehicle. Supercharger A supercharger is designed to increase an engine’s power. The supercharger uses a belt-andpulley mechanism linked to an engine’s crankshaft. It functions by forcing extra air and fuel into the engine’s combustion chambers. A supercharger adds 20 mph to top speed and the extra acceleration gives a +2 Initiative bonus. Superchargers count as two minor Personal Gear, and are available for any vehicle except a helicopter or ultra-light. Tow Winch A winch allows the vehicle to tow other vehicles of equal or smaller size (similar to pulling a trailer — see Trailer below). A winch is available for any pickup truck or oversized ground vehicle. Trailer A trailer lets the vehicle tow extra cargo. A typical trailer is designed for a car or van and can hold a half-ton (for a car-sized trailer) or 1-2 tons (for a larger trailer). The vehicle’s top speed will be reduced by 25 mph and it will have a -4 initiative penalty while towing the trailer. Trailers can be added to any automobile or oversized vehicle. Turbocharger This device uses the engine’s exhaust stream to drive an air compressor, which increases the engine’s power output. This extra power adds 20 mph to top speed, but there is no extra initiative bonus, due to “turbo lag” — the delay it takes for the turbocharger to respond. Tuberchargers are available for any vehicle except a helicopter or ultra-light. Weapon Mount - Light A weapon mount is a bracket or pintle for mounting a light or heavy machine gun on the vehicle’s roof, deck, or the underside of a wing.

Weapon Mount - Heavy This mount is used for mounting heavy weapons such as rockets. Body Armour and Protective Devices Most armour only covers some of the body, leaving the face and often other extremities unprotected. An attacker can aim for an unprotected spot in exchange for suffering a penalty on his or her attack check (see Called Shot to Partial Armour). The Armour values listed in this section represent average-quality construction and materials. Shoddy workmanship, poor construction techniques, or weak materials can penalise the given Armour values by -1 to -4. Exceptional workmanship, advanced construction techniques, or resilient materials can increase the given Armour values by +1 to +4. Table 11-4: Armour and Protective Devices Armour Type

Armour Value


Ancient Armour Light Mail


-2 on physically-oriented Skill checks

Partial Metal Armour


-4 on physically-oriented Skill checks

6 to 8

-6 on physically-oriented Skill checks

Full Metal Armour Modern Armour Leather Jacket



Soft Body Armour


-3 on physically-oriented Skill checks



-5 on physically-oriented Skill checks




Standard Shield


Requires one free hand to use

Heavy Shield


Requires one free hand to use,


-4 on physically-oriented checks Tactical Shield


Requires one free hand to use, -2 on physically-oriented checks

Ancient Armour Light Mail A light shirt of fine metal links that can be hidden under a normal jacket and stops 4 damage. Due to the armour’s weight, the character suffers a -2 penalty on physically-oriented Skill checks. Minor Personal Gear. Partial Metal Armour

A mail hauberk or cuirass, open helmet, and arm or leg protection. It stops 5 damage. Due to the armour’s weight, the character suffers a -4 penalty on physically-oriented Skill checks. Minor Personal Gear. Full Metal Armour A complete head-to-foot suit of metal armour, similar to those worn by medieval knights in battle. It stops 6 to 8 damage. Due to the armour’s bulk, the character makes physically-oriented Skill checks at a -6 penalty. Major Personal Gear. Modern Armour Leather Jacket or Riding Suit This mundane item stops 1 damage from melee attacks or concussion damage. Soft Body Armour This armour is a light-weight ballistic-fibre “flak jacket” or “bullet proof vest.” The armour works by catching the bullet in fibres and rapidly distributing the impact energy, often turning a potentially lethal penetration into a bruising blow. Armour is usually made of poly-aramid plastic fibres (Kevlar or Twaron) or extended-chain polyethylene (Spectra). A typical vest subtracts 4 from the damage inflicted on the character, but can be worn concealed under a jacket or coat. It is cumbersome, however, and penalises the wearer with a -2 penalty on physically-oriented Skill checks. Spotting the armour requires a Spot Skill check; it will be obvious if anyone does a patdown search. Minor Personal Gear. Tactical Armour This armour is a heavy armoured outfit (with a helmet) of the sort worn by SWAT teams and soldiers. It consists of a rigid ballistic jacket, usually made of composite material such as Spectra Shield (Spectra fibres held in a special Kraton resin), sometimes with ceramic or metal plate inserts. The armour is resistant to nearly all pistol fire and some less powerful rifle rounds. Tactical armour cannot be concealed — everyone seeing the character will know he or she is wearing body armour. Tactical armour is uncomfortable to wear all the time, and characters will not be able to rest and relax while wearing it. Someone who wears the armour for several hours on a hot day may have to make Fortitude saves (against an appropriate DC) to avoid passing out from heat stroke. Tactical armour subtracts 8 from the damage inflicted to the wearer. The armour requires at least three rounds to strap on or take off, and is sufficiently heavy that physically-oriented Skill checks suffer a -4 penalty. Major Personal Gear. Shields Shields stop a significant amount of damage if they are interposed between an attack and the target with a successful Block Defence. If the damage exceeds the Armour rating, the remaining damage is delivered to the intended target. This damage can reflect several events: penetration of the weapon through the shield; damage delivered to the target’s arm through a forceful impact; the shield slamming against the head or body of the target; a piece of the shield splintering away into the target; a target’s physical exhaustion after successive shield impacts; etc. The reason why the target receives the excess damage is best determined by the combat situation. Buckler

This small shield can be strapped to a character’s arm and be used to block attacks. Since it is strapped to the character’s arm, it does not require a free hand to use. Stops 4 damage. Minor Personal Gear. Standard Shield This shield is approximately 3 feet in diameter and provides excellent protection for the character. Due to its size, however, the character must have one free hand with which to wield the shield. Stops 6 damage. Minor Personal Gear. Heavy Shield This shield is approximately one to two yards in height and acts as a virtual wall, protecting the character from damage. Not only does it require a free hand for use, but its large size also makes it difficult for the character to accomplish physically-oriented Skill checks, imposing a -4 penalty. Stops 8 damage. Minor Personal Gear. Tactical Shield This modern version of a Heavy Shield is built from light-weight materials. Due to its advanced construction, it not only provides greater protection but also is easier to wield, imposing only a -2 penalty on physically-oriented Skill checks. Stops 10 damage. Major Personal Gear. Special Protective Devices Goggles and Ear Protectors This gear provides a +6 bonus to resist the stunning effects of flash-bang grenades, but prevents the character from hearing any normal conversations. They require one round to put on or remove. Minor Personal Gear. Gas Mask A gas mask protects against tear gas and similar attacks, but imposes a -4 penalty on all checks for actions requiring peripheral vision. It requires one round to put on or remove. Minor Personal Gear. Breaking Objects Battles between powerful foes often result in a great deal of collateral damage. How effective is a manhole cover as a shield? How much damage can a telephone pole deliver before it breaks? Objects are divided into two main categories: static and operational. Static objects are those that exist without working parts, such as most melee weapons, furniture, buildings, etc. Operational objects are things that have moving parts that work together in some way to accomplish a task. Examples include firearms, vehicles, computers, and other similar objects. Static Objects Static objects possess an Armour Rating. This is an amount of damage that the object is capable of stopping. If the object is hit with more damage than this, it suffers damage up to its Armour Rating and any remaining damage passes through it (possibly injuring characters behind it). Though the object is damaged, it still maintains its structure but will require repairs later. If an object suffers repeated damage, roughly 5 to 10 times within a short period of time (GM discretion), it has suffered sufficient damage to break. If the object suffers five times its Armour

Rating in damage in one attack, it is completely destroyed — it is beyond repair and must be completely rebuilt or replaced. Operational Objects Operational objects have both an Armour Rating and Hit Points. If the object suffers more damage than its Armour Rating, the excess damage is deducted from its Hit Points. If its HP are ever reduced to zero, it ceases to function in its given task; a car will no longer run, a gun will no longer fire, etc. The object is not destroyed — it is simply rendered non-functional. It can be repaired later and returned to normal. Additionally, as with Static objects, if the item suffers five times its Armour Rating in damage in one attack, regardless of how many Hit Points it has remaining, it is completely destroyed — it is beyond repair and must be completely rebuilt or replaced. Penetrating (Armour) vs. Objects When a character uses a Special Attack with the Penetrating (Armour) Ability, the attack is more likely to destroy an object. Each assignment of Penetrating (Armour) reduces the multiplier required to destroy an object by 1. For example, if a character attacks a steel girder, he or she must inflict over 75 damage (Armour Rating of 15 times 5) to destroy it. If the character had special claws with Penetrating (Armour) assigned three times, however, the character only needs to inflict over 30 damage (Armour Rating of 15 times [5 minus 3 due to three assignments of Penetrating: Armour = 2] = 30). Armour Ratings of Objects The Armour Rating of an object indicates how much damage the object can stop and it is dependent on the material from which the object is made, the size of the object, and how well it is constructed. A hollow, aluminium pole will be far weaker than a solid aluminium pole of the same size. Table 11-5: Static Object Armour Ratings provides rough Armour Ratings for common Static objects. GMs are encouraged to use this chart as a basis when determining the Armour Rating of other objects encountered in their games, adjusting for the material from which the object is made, the thickness of the material, the quality of construction, and other similar factors. The Armour Ratings and Hit Points for common operational objects are listed in Tables 11-2: Weapons and 11-3: Vehicle . In most cases, the Hit Points of an operational object is equal to 10 plus five times the object’s Armour Rating. Table 11-5: Static Object Armour Ratings Object

Armour Rating


Armour Rating

Bench/Table, Metal


Steel Cables


Bench/Table, Wood


Steel Girder


Cement Barrier


Stop Sign


Door, Wooden


Telephone Pole, Metal


Door, Vault


Telephone Pole, Wood


Dumpster, Metal


Tree, Giant


Furniture, Wood


Tree, Large


Ladder, Metal


Tree, Medium


Manhole Cover


Tree, Small


Melee Weapons

Equal to the weapon’s maximum damage, see Table 11-2: Weapons


See Table 11-6: Building Armour Ratings

Planetary Objects

See Table 11-7: Planetoid Armour Ratings

Damage to Weapons When a character uses a melee weapon against an armoured foe, there is a risk of the attack’s force breaking the object. The damage from an attack must either be delivered to the target, or (if the target is armoured) delivered to the weapon itself. If the target’s Armour prevents damage equal to five times the weapon’s Armour Rating in one attack, the weapon breaks, snapping under the strain. When a character scores a critical hit, his or her weapon will not break, regardless of any damage prevented. Breaking Items of Power Items of Power are treated as if they possess an additional 5 Armour per Rank of the Item of Power when determining whether or not they break. For example, a character with a long sword that is a Rank 4 Item of Power attacks a dragon. The character strikes a fantastic blow, delivering 42 damage. The dragon has 45 Armour. Under normal circumstances, a typical long sword, which can inflict a maximum of 8 damage, would break if 40 damage was prevented (5 times it’s Armour Rating of its maximum damage value of 8). Since the character’s sword is an Item of Power, however, it will only break if 140 damage is stopped by an attack (8 Armour Rating + 5 damage per Rank of Item of Power = 28; 28 x 5 = 140). Destroying Buildings Characters usually gain automatic successes when they target a building in a melee or ranged attack. Most buildings, whether they are mainly comprised of stone, brick, wood, or steel, have 5 Armour for each size ranking. If a building suffers more damage than its armour rating, it has suffered structural damage; there will be holes in walls and/or floors, powered systems begin to cease working, etc. If the building ever suffers five times its armour rating in damage in one attack, some or all of the building will collapse. For example, a mid-sized office building partially collapses if it suffers 125 damage in one attack. Characters within or adjacent to a collapsing building may suffer damage equal to half the building’s original Hit Points total, unless they can reach safety (possibly via a movement Attribute or with a successful Reflex save, GM’s discretion). As with normal Static objects, repeated damage may eventually destroy a building. Weapons without the Area Effect or Spreading Abilities are much less effective against large structures such as buildings: any damage that penetrates the building’s Armour is halved, representing the attack only damaging a small area of the structure.

Table 11-6: Building Armour Ratings Type of Building

Size Ranking

Armour Rating

Phone Booth



Wood Shed



Three-Bedroom House



Small Office Building (6 Floors)



Mid-Sized Office Building (12 Floors)



Large Office Building (24 Floors)



Skyscraper (50 Floors)



Blowing Up Worlds Really large and dense objects like an asteroid, moon, or planet has an exceptionally high armour rating (15 Points for each size ranking) representing the massive thickness of rock or gas that surrounds its core. In order to do any significant damage to the planet itself (rather than just blowing away cities, vegetation, or other surface features) this Armour value must also be penetrated. Only weapons with Area Effect assigned multiple times are useful — all other attacks simply do not affect a large enough section of the object to be noticeable. Table 11-7: Planetoid Armour Ratings shows the armour rating of planetoids. If an attack delivers more damage than this value, the object has suffered damage necessary to blow away its atmosphere, cause massive earthquakes and (if it has oceans) tsunamis, and other similar disasters. If an attack inflicts five times this value in one blast, it will actually destroy the world, blasting it into smaller chunks or an asteroid belt. As with normal Static objects, repeated damage may eventually destroy a planetoid. Table 11-7: Planetoid Armour Ratings Size of Object

Size Ranking

Armour Rating

Meteor (100 yard diameter)



Small asteroid (1 mile diameter)



Medium asteroid (10 miles diameter)



Big asteroid (100 miles radius)



The Moon or Mercury






Earth or Venus



Chapter 12: Combat Combat Introduction In a role-playing game, most character or NPC actions do not require any particular rules. A player simply says his or her character walks across a room, picks up an object, drives a vehicle, or talks to someone, etc., and if the GM agrees that it is possible, this simply happens. Personal interaction between characters or NPCs normally consists of the players and GM talking “in character” and describing what their characters are doing. In the GM’s case, he or she describes what the characters are seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting. In the course of a game, circumstances may arise where specific rules can help determine what happens. This is usually the case when the outcome of an action or event is uncertain and the result is important to the story. If a character needs to fix a broken reactor pump to prevent a nuclear meltdown, can he or she do it in time? If a character’s car drives off a cliff, can he or she jump clear in time, and if not, how badly will the crash injure the character? If two people fight, who wins? A character’s Ability Scores, Attributes, Skills, and Calculated Values help resolve these dramatic questions. In many cases, dice rolls can add additional hazard and drama to the action. The dice rolls represent elements beyond the direct control of the character or the uncertainty that results when opposing characters interact. In some situations, the GM may elect to determine the results by simple fiat, without rolling dice. The GM may do so if he or she thinks a particular outcome is certain or is dramatically necessary to the game. One situation the rules cover in greater detail is combat. The rules for combat are extensive, giving players a greater sense that they are in control of their characters’ every step. If they lose, they will know the GM has not arbitrarily killed or injured their characters. The GM can also follow a similar procedure with any other actions that affect a character’s fate: treat routine activities in passing and delve into more detail whenever an action influences the player character physically or emotionally. Anime d20 Versus Normal d20 In the creation of an anime game, certain rules changes have been made from the traditional d20 System to suit the style. Players familiar with d20 may notice some of those changes (some are specifically called out). It is recommended, when running a game of Anime d20, that GM’s use the modified, anime-specific mechanic over the traditional d20 mechanic. The mechanics have been designed with achieving a cinematic, anime feel in mind. In the end, however, you are the final arbiter of what mechanics you do and do not use and should always select the mechanics with which you feel most comfortable. Since there is a wealth of material published by numerous companies for the d20 System, players and GMs may prefer either the traditional, core d20 system published by Wizards of the Coast or third party d20 material. Feel free to use the mechanics that best suit your style and preference of play. So long as you and your fellow players are having fun, there is no wrong way to use the d20 System. IMPORTANT! Do not hesitate to go beyond the rules if you are the Game Master. If you dislike a rule presented in the Anime d20 RPG, you are encouraged to modify it to suit your

needs and those of the players. Do not let your own vision of an anime role-playing game be superseded by anything you read in this book. This book is filled with guidelines and suggestions, but certainly do not reflect the “One True Way” to role-playing success. Use what you like, discard what you do not, and fill in the blanks with your own ideas. The Passage of Time “In game” passage of time in a role-playing game is fluid, just as it is in anime movies or TV series. In some situations, like a conversation between two characters, the movement of game time normally matches real world time. More often, the amount of time that passes depends on the characters’ activities as set by the players’ actions and officiated by the GM, who may something like “It takes you two hours to reach the castle” or fixing the computer takes 20 minutes.” The GM should telescope time until something interesting happens: “Two weeks pass as you go about your jobs and engage in routine training. Then the Empress summons you for a special mission....” Finally, in very dramatic situations such as combat, the GM may keep very precise track of time, using individual “combat rounds.” GMs may go back in time as well to employ flashback scenes. A flashback is a useful tool to establish the background for a story without simply recounting the information in dry lecture fashion, allowing the player to work through the event. Scene, Round, and Initiative Three common measures of game time in Anime d20 are a scene, round, and Initiative. A scene is any situation where the events remain linked, moment-to-moment. Think of it in anime terms — a scene lasts until the camera cuts to an entirely new setting, potentially with new characters. If, for example, a character is listening to the pleading of a distraught farmer, the conversation constitutes a scene. Once the GM switches scenes to the character entering a dark uninhabited section of the forest, the farm scene ends and a new scene begins in the forest. If a bandit interrupted the conversation by attacking the farmer, intent on shutting him up before he could reveal any important information, the scene would not yet end when the character chased after the bandits toward the forest. Since the events are still linked moment-to-moment, it is still a part of a scene although the setting has changed. A round is a measure of time of approximately 6 seconds in length, while an Initiative is one specific moment in time. When combat occurs, characters roll Initiative and each is allowed to act on his or her Initiative. The round is broken into a number of Initiatives equal to the highest Initiative rolled for the round. For example, in a combat between three characters who roll an 11, 19, and 24, the combat round has 24 Initiatives. The round remains 6 seconds in length, but for the purposes of action within the conflict, there are 24 potential individual moments — 24 instances where a character could decide to act. Taking Action Every character is capable of performing or attempting a nearly endless list of actions. These can be mundane activities (talking, breathing, thinking), skilled activities (building a suit of power armour, hacking into a computer, moving silently, climbing the side of a building), or combat activities (fighting, dodging, shooting). A later section on combat covers combat action in detail and thus is not discussed here. Additionally, players can assume that characters carry out routine skilled activities successfully on a regular basis unless specified otherwise by the

GM. For example, the GM can assume that characters with the Gun Combat Skill routinely keep their weapons clean, safely stored, and properly maintained. Every GM has a preferred method for having players describe their characters’ actions. Usually this involves the GM moving from player to player asking, “What is your character doing?” Experienced GMs try to give each person equal role-playing time so that everyone is an important facet of the story (switching between characters as necessary). Conversely, players are responsible for relating their characters’ intended actions to the GM. In return, the GM will describe the results of those actions or will request an Ability or Skill check to determine the outcome. Attributes and Actions In some situations, it is important to know how many Attributes a character can activate at one time and how quickly he or she can activate the Attribute. Innate Attributes, such as Armour or Superstrength, are considered always active, unless the character selects a Restriction Defect whereby the Attribute is not always active. Powers which must be activated but do not usually require a dice roll, such as Force Field, can be activated at a rate of one per Initiative starting on the character’s Initiative roll; these activations do not require the character to use an action. Powers that must be activated and do require a dice roll demand focus, and thus the character must spend one or more actions to activate the Attribute. A character can have any number of Attributes active at any moment, though GMs may wish to impose penalties if the character is focusing on too many things. It is usually obvious which Attributes fall into which category, but the final classification is at the Game Master’s discretion. Using Attributes at Reduced Ranks Unless a character assigns the Maximum Force Defect to an Attribute, he or she can voluntarily use the Attribute at reduced Attribute Ranks. For example, a Ninja with Rank 6 Teleport (maximum safe distance of 1,000 miles) could choose to teleport any distance up to 1,000 miles. Fractional Attribute Use The GM might also allow the character to use a fraction of an Attribute’s effect. A character with Rank 4 Insubstantial, for instance, may only want to turn a single body part, such as a hand or head, incorporeal. The GM could decide that fractional Attribute use is more or less difficult than using an Attribute’s full effect, assigning appropriate modifiers to the Attribute’s use. Dice and Dice Rolls Anime d20 uses one twenty-sided die (1d20) to handle many aspects of the game mechanics. The core mechanic is a d20 dice roll plus modifiers against a number called the Difficulty Class (DC). If the dice roll plus modifiers is equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class, the attempted task is successful. There are three major types of dice rolls, or checks, a GM or player may use during game play: an Ability check dice roll, a Skill check dice roll, and one of two combat checks (a “to hit” roll and a defence check). When a player announces the intended actions of his or her character, the GM must decide if a dice roll is necessary. Should a roll be required, the GM chooses which type of check is most appropriate.

In most cases, a player rolls dice to determine the success of an action his or her character performs, while the GM rolls the dice to determine the results of NPC actions when they impact the characters. In situations where NPCs are only involved with other NPCs, the GM should simply decide what happens rather than rolling dice. In some circumstances, the GM may roll the dice to determine the results of a character’s action instead of having a player roll, keeping the actual dice roll — and the reason for rolling — secret. This is normally done when the player rolling would give away an event that should remain unknown to the character. If, for example, there is something hidden that the character may or may not notice, the GM can secretly roll dice to see if the character spots it. If the GM allowed the player to roll the dice, the player would know that a clue existed even if the character did not succeed in noticing it. Should I Make My Players Roll Dice? It is important for the GM to realise that not all actions require a dice roll. Obviously mundane character activities, such as hammering a nail, riding a horse down a road, or eating lunch, should never need dice rolls unless there are exceptional circumstances surrounding the character’s actions. In other situations, the necessity to roll dice is less obvious. If a character is virtually guaranteed to succeed at a task, then the GM should consider whether the check is really necessary. While it is true that the character might fail, having the player roll the dice will slow the game down. Thus, GMs should recognise when a character is almost certainly going to succeed at a task and, in those situations, not request the check and allow game play to continue, uninterrupted. Conversely, one might think that if a character only succeeds if the player rolls a 20, then the GM should similarly not request a check and, instead, state that the action fails. This, however, is not the case — player characters should always be given that one slim chance of success, even at difficult tasks that seem doomed to failure (with the exception of tasks that the GM deems impossible). While the dice roll may slow game-play down a bit, that slim chance of success allows characters to accomplish heroic feats that will be remembered for years. GMs may wish to allow only player characters to make this roll, even in the face of near-certain failure — since NPCs are not the stars of the game, they should not be allowed the same chance of pulling off superhuman feats. The following is a list of suggestions when the dice should and should not be rolled. If a check is unnecessary, the character should gain an automatic success for the action. Roll dice when... •

the unpredictability of dice adds to the excitement of the game

the action is foreign to the character

the action has been a weakness for the character in the past

the character is distracted or cannot concentrate

another character or NPC is working directly against the character

the action is not of trivial difficulty

outside forces influence the actions

the player wants to roll the dice

Do not roll dice when... •

a roll would reduce the enjoyment of the game

the action is routine for the character

the action requires a trivial amount of talent compared to the character’s Skill rank

Ability Checks An Ability check is used when the GM believes that innate ability is more important than any learned expertise or combat capability. During an Ability check, the GM decides which Ability Score would be most relevant to the action in question. For actions that fall under the domain of an Attribute, the relevant Ability Score is usually given in the Attribute description. A successful Ability check involves the player rolling equal to or greater than the difficulty class for the given task with 1d20 + the character’s modifier for the applicable Ability Score. DCs usually fall between 5 (rather easy task) and 30 (very challenging task) though they can certainly be higher for exceptionally difficult or near impossible tasks. The check is unsuccessful if the value is less than the DC. The greater the difference between the value and the DC, the greater the degree of success or failure (see Table 12-1: Degrees of Success). Table 12-1: Degrees of Success Roll is less than the DC by 16+

Overwhelming Failure

Roll is less than the DC by 11 to 15

Extreme Failure

Roll is less than the DC by 7 to 10

Major Failure

Roll is less than the DC by 4 to 6

Minor Failure

Roll is less than the DC by 1 to 3

Marginal Failure

Roll is equal to or 1 greater than the DC

Marginal Success

Roll is greater than the DC by 2 or 3

Minor Success

Roll is greater than the DC by 4 to 6

Major Success

Roll is greater than the DC by 7 to 10

Extreme Success

Roll is greater than the DC by 11+

Overwhelming Success

Task Difficulty Classes The Difficulty Class (DC) is a number set by the GM that reflects how easy or challenging any given task is to complete. Providing a list of sample DCs is pointless because the DC of each task changes based on the situations involved. Walking across a tightrope may be a DC 15 task one time but may be a DC 12 task the next time (the GM decides the rope is thicker or more stable this time) or the DC may be 22 (a thinner rope with a stiff and erratic cross-breeze). The

GM must take all variables into account when assigning a DC to a task and should endeavour to remain as consistent in selecting the DC of a task as possible. If the GM decides a “difficult” task has a DC of 20, then all “difficult” tasks should have a DC of 20. GMs should use Table 12-2: Difficulty Classes as a rough guideline when determining the DC of a task. Table 12-2: Difficulty Classes DC

Task Difficulty


Practically Guaranteed (why roll dice?)


Extremely Easy




Average Difficulty


Above Average Difficulty


Difficult — success above this DC is possible only under favourable conditions (when a situational bonus is applied) or by talented characters (who have a Skill Rank and/or Ability bonus)


Quite Difficult


Extremely Difficult


Supremely Difficult


Practically Impossible

Critical Success or Failure Regardless of the actual DC, an unmodified or “natural” roll of 20 always succeeds (it is considered at least a “marginal success”), and an unmodified roll of 1 always fails (it is considered at least a “marginal failure”). This rule is important because it reflects the extreme possibilities that even the most talented characters sometimes fail in their tasks, while even the most awkward characters can succeed. Contested Actions If two or more characters are working directly or indirectly against each other (such as two people pulling on a contested object), each character must make a check. The character with the greatest degree of success (or least degree of failure if both characters fail) is considered to have the advantage over the contested action. In the event of a tie, the characters are locked in contest and may re-roll next round. Retries Often, a character can try a Skill check again if he or she fails, and can keep trying indefinitely. Some actions have consequences to failure that must be taken into account, however, as determined by the situation and GM.

In some instances, the GM shouldn’t even bother to make the player roll dice and instead allow the player to Take 10 or Take 20. Checks Without Rolls — Taking 10 When the character is not in a rush and is not being threatened or distracted, the character may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the Skill check, calculate the character’s result as if the character had rolled a 10. Checks Without Rolls — Taking 20 When the character has plenty of time, and when the Skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, the character can take 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the Skill check, calculate the character’s result as if the character had rolled a 20 (but its is not considered a “natural” 20). Taking 20 means the character is trying until the character gets it right. Taking 20 takes about twenty times as long as making a single check would take. Unless the GM deems the task is considered impossible (such as performing brain surgery without any training), the character automatically succeeds. For example, a character who is attempting to break the coding on a computer disk to read the top secret files can take a 20 — nothing bad will happen if the character fails and the character has all the time in the world to slowly break the code. If the character had to break the code in ten minutes to learn the location of the bomb that is about to explode, however, he or she could not take a 20. The character is working against the clock and doesn’t have the luxury of slowly puzzling the coding out. Further, if the character was instead attempting to disarm the explosive, he or she similarly could not take a 20 since failure will probably result in the bomb exploding. Skill Checks A Skill check is similar to an Ability check, except it is used when the task is one that the GM decides would be governed by both a particular ability and a particular Skill. For example, if a task required general intellectual ability (such as remembering the name of a person the character had met), an Intelligence check would be made. Determining the origin of a rare alien species would also require an Intelligence check, but this task is governed by the Knowledge: Biological Sciences Skill (more specifically, the Xenobiology Specialisation, if Specialisation optional rule is used). In game terminology, this task would require a “Intelligence-based Knowledge: Biological Sciences (Xenobiology) Skill check.” The DC of a Skill check is determined by the difficulty of the task. If the character possesses the appropriate Skill (even without the exact Specialisation), he or she receives a bonus to the check. This bonus is equal to the character’s Skill Rank (if the task does not fall under his or her Specialisation) or one more than the character’s Skill Rank (if his or her Specialisation does apply). A successful Skill check involves the player rolling equal to or greater than the DC. The GM is responsible for deciding which Ability Score, Skill, and specialisation are relevant to a particular task, using the Ability Score and Skill descriptions given in Chapter 7: Skills. Since these questions can often be tricky, the GM should listen to the player’s reasoning why a particular Skill or Specialisation might apply. The final decision belongs to the GM, however. Combining Skill Checks

When more than one character tries the same Skill at the same time towards the same goal, their efforts may overlap — they can work together and help each other out. In this case, one character is considered the leader of the effort and makes a Skill check against the assigned DC, while each helper makes a Skill check against DC 10 (the character can’t take 10 on this check). For each helper who succeeds, the leader gets a +2 circumstance bonus to his or her Skill check. In many cases, a character’s help won’t be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at once. The GM limits co-operation as she sees fit for the given conditions. Skill Synergy It is possible for a character to have two Skills that work well together, such as Investigate and Knowledge: Streetwise, or Computer Use and Open Lock for a computerised lock. Having 5 or more Ranks in one Skill gives the character a +2 synergy bonus on Skill checks with its synergistic Skills, as determined by the situation and the GM. Unskilled Attempts Often, a character will attempt an action for which he or she does not possess the relative Skill. Familiar Action If the character is undertaking a familiar action, the Skill check is unchanged — the task is treated as a simple Ability check without a bonus from the relevant Skill. The familiarity should have been established previously, such as in the character’s background story, or be consistent with the character’s role within the setting. The player should explain to the GM why his or her character is familiar with the current task. The GM, of course, has final say whether the character is sufficiently familiar to avoid an unfamiliar action penalty. For example, a student who attends university to study astronomy undoubtedly has at least a cursory familiarity with many academic fields. Similarly, almost all characters living in New York City will be familiar with the process of driving a car, even if they do not possess the Drive Skill; in North America, attempting car-related actions is familiar to nearly everyone. A hermit living in the depths of the Amazon, however, is likely not familiar with motor vehicles and therefore driving would be an unfamiliar action. Unfamiliar Action If the character is undertaking an action with which he or she is unfamiliar, the task should be treated as a normal Ability check with an unskilled penalty applied to the roll. This reflects how difficult it is for an unskilled character to accomplish the task. The unskilled penalty should range from -2 to -10, depending on how much the GM feels training is required and how background aspects of the character could affect the attempt. The DC does not change; rather, the character’s chance of succeeding is reduced. For example, keeping a plane in the air after the cabin crew suddenly falls unconscious is a daunting task for anyone who is not trained as a pilot. An average character might therefore suffer a -8 penalty to the check. A character who is an aficionado of combat jets and aircraft documentaries might only suffer a -4 penalty ... even if he or she has never actually piloted a plane before. Required Skill

The GM may decide certain tasks automatically fail when performed by characters lacking the required Skill. Examples of required Skill activities include: performing brain surgery, deciphering ancient hieroglyphics, concocting an antidote for a poison, estimating the value of a rare piece of art, etc. Power Usage Skills Some characters may select the Power Usage Skill for one or more of their Powers. This Skill provides a bonus when the character makes any check involving the specific Power. Unlike other Skills, Power Usage does not provide an additional +1 bonus for Specialisations. For example, a teleporter with an Intelligence of 16 (+3 bonus) and the Power Usage: Teleportation Skill at Rank 4 (+4 bonus) makes Teleportation checks with a +7 bonus. Combat Dice Rolls The combat check resolves any type of physical combat including armed, unarmed, martial arts, and ranged weapons attacks. The combat check is very similar to a Skill check except the DC is now the target’s defence roll. A character can attack or defend with a weapon (or unarmed) even if he or she does not possess the relevant attack combat Skill (combat is a Familiar Action). Consequently, attacking characters lacking the appropriate Skill do not suffer a penalty; a character without the appropriate combat Skill simply does not receive a bonus. Skills adjust the dice roll, but other Attributes may also provide modifiers as well. A natural dice roll of 20 is a critical success and cannot be negated by an opponent’s defence (the defender does not even have the opportunity to make a defence check). Combat Skills Unlike most other d20 System games, Anime d20 uses combat Skills in addition to combat Feats. Offensive combat Skills are treated exactly like Skills for any other action — they serve as a bonus to a character’s dice roll. Defensive combat Skills are applied to the character’s defence roll when defending in an appropriate situation. For example, a character with Defence Combat Mastery at Rank 2, a Dexterity of 11, and Melee Defence (Sword) at Rank 3 is wielding a sword and attacked by an opponent in melee combat. His Armour Class is normally 2 (+0 Dex modifier and +2 from the Defence Combat Mastery). When defending with his sword, he gains a +4 bonus to his defence roll (+3 for the Melee Defence Skill Rank, and +1 for the Sword Specialisation), but only against melee or unarmed attacks. If another character attacks him with a gun, thus initiating a ranged combat attack, he makes a defence roll without a bonus since he does not have the Ranged Defence Skill. Using Attributes If an Attribute does not specifically require an Ability check, Skill check, or a combat check, GMs can assume they function automatically in most situations, though the Game Master may decide that a check is necessary in unusual circumstances. For example, a character with the Aura of Command always commands some attention, but the GM might require a Charisma check were he or she attempting to convince someone to do something specific. Certain Attributes occasionally require checks (sometimes Skill checks) to properly use the Attribute. Other Attributes provide favourable modifiers to Ability checks or Skill checks. If an

Attribute interacts with Ability or Skill checks, this is noted in the Attribute’s description in Character Creation. Combat Conflict is an essential component of any role-playing game, and certainly of most anime games. Physical conflict, or combat, is an important element of the Anime d20, but important is not the same as frequent. Combat should be a vital element of a scene, and not just a distraction that the GM uses to pass the time. The combat rules for Anime d20 were designed to mimic dynamic, fast-paced combat. Whenever a character enters physical conflict with another character or NPC, the physical Combat Phase begins. Each round of combat covers 6 seconds of time from the characters’ perspectives, depending on the characters’ actions and the circumstances. Characters are permitted to take one action (attack or non-combat action) each round. Should the conflict not be resolved at the end of the first combat round, subsequent rounds of combat will follow. The Physical Combat Phase is subdivided into four parts: Initiative, Character Action, Defence, and Damage. Initiative Initiative determines the order in which characters act and is checked at the beginning of each combat to determine the character’s Initiative in the battle as is normal for most d20 System games. Alternatively, the players and Game Master can roll at the beginning of each combat round to determine their characters’ Initiatives for that particular round. Each player involved in the fracas roll d20 plus the character’s Dexterity modifier and adds bonuses for certain Attributes and Feats (such as the Speed Attribute and Improved Initiative Feat). The GM does the same for any NPCs engaged in the conflict. The GM may also grant bonuses or penalties if he or she believes the situations calls for it. The character with the highest total has “gained Initiative” and acts first, followed by others in descending order. Should two or more characters or NPCs have the same Initiative, the character with the highest Dexterity acts first. If the characters have the same Dexterity as well, their actions are simultaneous. This means both characters attack and deliver damage at the same time; if one character drops below zero Hit Points as a result, he or she still acts before falling unconscious. A character may delay his or her action until any time later in the round to see what the other characters intend to do. If all his or her opponents also delay their actions waiting for something to happen, the round ends in a dramatic stand-off and a new one begins. If a character holds one or more actions until the end of a round and does not act, he or she acts on the first Initiative in the next round. The character does not gain an additional action — he or she simply acts first regardless of Initiative rolls. All held actions occur during the first Initiative. If two (or more) characters hold their actions until the following round, then both characters act simultaneously (assuming neither continues to hold their action) and then everyone else involved in the combat acts based on Initiative rolls. Character Action

Characters act in the sequence determined by the Initiative roll. When it is time for a character to act, he or she may make one offensive action (i.e. attack) or one non-combat action, unless the character has the Extra Attacks Attribute. Attacks are normally against a single target, though some weapons or attack Abilities may allow the character to engage multiple targets simultaneously. Before rolling the dice, the player should clearly describe the method of attack, the weapon his or her character uses (if any), and the target. If the character is trying something unusual (such as a Called Shot or attacking with two weapons), he or she should specify this beforehand. To successfully attack an opponent, the player (or GM for an NPC) must roll equal to or greater than the target’s AC. Remember to include all relevant Attribute, Skill, Defect, and Weapon Abilities/Disabilities. If the Attack check succeeds, the character is on target and will hit unless the opponent can defend against the attack. Refer to defence checks for more information. If the target fails the defence roll or does not defend at all, he or she suffers the effects of the attack. This is normally damage and/or any other special effects associated with the attack. To reflect some of the brutally successful attacks demonstrated in real life, movies and TV series, a natural dice roll of 20 is a critical success and cannot be negated by an opponent’s defence. If an Attack check fails, the character has missed. The attacker’s action is over, and the attack has no effect, though a miss with a ranged weapon may cause collateral damage if the shot strikes somewhere else instead (this is up to the GM). A natural roll of 1 will always miss and may result in an exceptional failure, such as hitting an innocent bystander or a weapon malfunctioning. Multiple Attacks From Base Attack Bonus Characters with a Base Attack Bonus of +6 or higher may make multiple attacks against a target. If the character decides to use these additional attacks, the character is assumed to be highly focused on combat and thus may only perform minimal other actions (move only a short distance, for example). Additional attacks gained through the Extra Attacks Attribute do not impose this restriction — only additional attacks gained via a high Base Attack Bonus. Furthermore, additional attacks gained via a high Base Attack Bonus occur after a character completes all bonus actions gained through the Extra Attacks Attribute. Lastly, unlike standard attacks, these additional attacks may not be used for non-combat actions — they may only be used for extra attacks. Melee vs. Ranged Attacks Some attacks are useful at a distance, while others are limited to close, hand-to-hand fighting. For simplicity, ranges are grouped into four categories. It is up to the GM to decide whether he or she wishes to track ranges and distances, or abstract them. The distance given for each attack range is the effective reach of that attack — the maximum distance at which the attack is most effective. Some may be fired out to twice that range at -4 penalty or four times the distance at -8, though the GM may decide that some attacks or weapons cannot exceed their listed ranges. Melee

The attack is only usable against adjacent opponents within touching distance (usually five to ten feet). This is the range for swords, melee combat, etc. Short The attack has an effective range out to about 30 feet. Most pistols, shotguns, grenades, submachine guns, and hurled weapons such as a thrown rock or throwing knife, are short-ranged. Medium The attack has an effective range out to about 300 feet. The energy blasts from most characters, as well as bows, crossbows, rifles, and machine guns, are medium-ranged. This is the default range for weapons if none other is listed. Long The attack is effective out to considerable ranges: about one to five miles (or more if specifically noted). A surface-to-air missile, an anti-tank rocket, or a tank’s main gun are examples of long-range weapons. Range Increments and Anime d20 Anime d20 uses a simpler, abstract system for range rather than the traditional, detailed d20 System method of range increments. If GMs would prefer to use the standard d20 System method of range, simply consider half of the indicated Anime d20 range as the range increment for the attack. Thus, if an attack is “short range” (a range of 30 feet in Anime d20), its range increment is 15 feet. For each 15 feet beyond the initial 15, the attacker suffers a -2 to his or her attack roll, to a maximum range of 10 range increments. Conversely, when converting existing d20 System material to the Anime d20 range, simply double the attack’s range increment and use this as the attack’s range in Anime d20. Special Combat Situations The following are special situations that can occur during combat. Attacking Multiple Targets with One Attack When a character absolutely must take down a number of targets but he or she does not have enough Extra Attacks to do so, the character may attempt to use one attack to strike multiple targets. For each additional target beyond the first, the character suffers a -4 check penalty. Only one attack check is made, not one check per target. Each target, however, is allowed to make a defence check as normal. Additionally, the damage inflicted to each target is reduced by one half. For example, if a character attempted to swing his sword and strike three people in one blow, he would make one attack check with a -8 penalty (-4 for each of the two extra targets). If he successfully hits any of the targets, his damage is reduced by half. Characters with certain Feats (for example, Cleave or Whirlwind Attack) are exempt from these penalties. Attacking Multiple Weaker Opponents Sometimes a character wants to attack multiple significantly weaker opponents with one offensive action. This action is very cinematic (representative of a powerful warrior battling hoards of lowly minions), and consequently the attack penalties are not as severe. For each additional target who is at least 5 character Levels (or 5 CRs) lower than the attacker, the penalty is only -2 instead of -4. The attacker does not suffer any penalties for each additional target who

is at least 10 character Ranks (or 5 CR Ranks) lower than the attacker. Characters represented by the Flunkies Attribute are considered CR 1 characters for the purpose of determining these modifiers. For example, a 12th Rank Magical Girl uses her magical tiara Item of Power to combat a hoard of 8 Ninja with the following Ranks: 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, and 8. The Magical Girl suffers no penalty for the two Rank 1 and two Rank 2 Ninja (since they are at least 10 Ranks lower than she), a -2 penalty for the two Rank 4 and one Rank 6 Ninja (since they are at least 5 Ranks lower), and a full -4 for the Rank 8 Ninja (since he is only 4 Ranks lower, which is less than 5). The final attack check penalty the Magical Girl suffers for her one attack is -10 (-2 -2 -2 -4 = 10). Mooks in Anime d20 The rules for Attacking Multiple Weaker Opponents is for cinematic games where the heroes are able to dispatch significantly weaker foes without much concern. The rules should not be used in grittier, realistic games. Attacks With Two Weapons A character with a one-handed weapon in each hand may use both at once against the same target or attack two different targets (even if he or she does not have Extra Attacks) but at a severe penalty to both checks. A two-weapon attack incurs a -6 penalty for the primary or first hand and a -10 for the other hand (the off hand). An additional -2 penalty is applied on each attack (-8 and -12 penalties) if the attacks are aimed at different targets. If a character has Extra Attacks, he or she can only use this option with one attack and not every attack. The penalty applied to the off hand attack is reduced by 4 if the character has the Ambidexterity Feat. Additionally, each time the Two-Weapon Fighting Feat is assigned, penalties applied to both attacks are reduced by 2. Called Shots An attacking character may opt to suffer a penalty to hit in exchange for a Called Shot that provides some special advantage. For example, a Called Shot may ignore Armour (by attacking a small, unarmoured spot) or strike a vital point, inflicting greater-than-normal damage results. Players must specify a Called Shot before rolling the dice. Called Shot - Disarming A character may attempt to shoot or knock a weapon out of another person’s hand. If using a ranged attack, this requires an attack at a -8 penalty. If the attack hits, the character knocks away the weapon (probably damaging it). If using a melee weapon or unarmed attack to disarm, the character only suffers a -4 penalty, but the target may make a Strength check to retain control of the weapon. If the check succeeds, the weapon’s user still suffers a -4 penalty on his or her next action with that weapon (since it is off balance), but he or she retains control of it. Called Shot to Partial Armour Some armour may provide partial protection, like a flak vest only protecting a person’s torso. An attack aimed at a thin or unarmoured area suffers a -4 attack check penalty and ignores the effects of the armour if successful. Called Shot to Vital Spot

A character attacking a living being can specify he or she is aiming for a vital spot (heart, brain, spine, etc.) rather than simply shooting at the centre of mass as usual. He or she suffers a 8 attack check penalty, but, if successful, the damage dice used in the attack increases to the next size: d4 becomes d6; 6d becomes d8; d8 becomes d10; d10 becomes d12; and d12 becomes d20. For example, a character with a Rank 6 Special Attack, which normally delivers 6d8 damage, would inflict 6d10 damage if he or she made a successful Called Shot to Vital Spot. Called Shot to Weak Point If the character knows his or her enemy has a Weak Point Defect, a Called Shot can be made to hit it in combat. The attack check penalty depends on the size of the Weak Point: a tiny spot gives a -6 penalty; a small spot gives a -4 penalty; and a large spot gives a -2 penalty. Combined Attacks Sometimes, characters will find themselves facing an extremely tough opponent whose Armour or Force Field is tough enough to prevent the characters from inflicting harm. In these situations, characters will often co-ordinate their attacks, attempting to strike the same point at the same time in the hopes of overwhelming the target’s defences. For each character attempting a combined attack after the first, the attackers each suffer a -2 penalty to their attack check. Each character must hold his or her attack until the slowest character’s Initiative (or later) before launching the attack. Each character makes an attack check to see if he or she hits the target. If the character hits, he or she determines how much damage is inflicted by the attack normally. All successful attackers combine their damage values into one total and this amount is inflicted upon the target as if from one attack. If one attack fails to hit with the combined attack penalty but otherwise would normally hit, the character still hits the target but does not successfully co-ordinate with the other characters. Naturally, if only one character co-ordinates, a combined attack does not occur. The character determines how much damage is inflicted but reduces the damage delivered by half (round down). If the character misses, no damage is delivered. The target of a successful combined attack is only required to make a single defence roll to determine if she or he is hit by the incoming combined attack. A penalty of -1 is applied to the roll for each opponent beyond the first who participates in the combined attack. Characters who possess the Combination Attack Attribute have special rules for performing this manoeuvre, and are not subject to the same limitations. Extra Aim A character making a ranged attack may deliberately take extra time to aim. If a character aims a ranged weapon for an entire round and does not move during that period, he or she receives a +4 attack check bonus, or +6 if he or she is using a scope. If an aiming character chooses to move or suffers any damage before he or she can fire, the character loses the benefit of Extra Aim. Striking to Incapacitate A character attacking in hand-to-hand combat or with a blunt melee weapon may attempt to knock a surprised opponent unconscious. The target of the attack must be unaware of the attack to be vulnerable. The attacker makes his or her attack check with a -6 penalty. If the target suffers any damage (after all defensive Attributes are applied), he or she must make a Fort Save

(DC 10 + attacker’s Strength modifier). If the target succeeds on this save, he or she maintains consciousness. If the target fails this check, however, he or she falls unconscious. Damage inflicted by an Incapacitating Strike is one-quarter of the attack’s maximum damage (round down). For example, a character wants to capture an opponent so she strikes to Incapacitate. Her punch (with three Ranks of Massive Damage) normally inflicts 1d3 + 6, for a maximum of 9 damage. She rolls to hit with a -6 penalty and successfully hits her opponent, forcing the target to make a Fort save. Regardless of whether or not the target remains conscious, he takes 2 (9 ÷ 4 = 2.25, rounded down to 2) damage from the blow. Striking to Wound A character in combat can elect to reduce his or her delivered damage below the normal damage value to a minimum of 1 (known as striking to wound). He or she may not attempt this with attacks possessing the Area Effect, Auto-Fire, or Spreading Ability, however. Throwing Heavy Things A character with a high Strength Ability (sometimes gained through the Superstrength Attribute) can lift heavy things — up to 10% of his or her maximum capacity — and throw them to deliver damage. It takes one action to grab and lift a large, awkward object, and another to throw it. Consequently, throwing objects is slower than firing most weapons. The advantage of throwing an object is that big things are harder to dodge than smaller ones. The GM should assign each object a size category based on its size and weight. The attack delivers damage, and receives an attack roll bonus, based on the size of the object (see Table 12-3: Throwing Damage Bonuses). The damage is increased by the attacker’s Strength modifier plus any bonuses for Massive Damage. TABLE 12-3: Throwing Damage Bonuses Size Category

Damage (*)

Attack Roll Bonus
















* Plus the attacker’s Strength modifier and any other bonuses Total Attack A character can take this option in conjunction with an attack. It means he or she focuses intently on an offensive action with little thought given to defence. The character gains a +2 bonus to a single attack check, but the character’s Armour Class decreases by 2 for the entire round in which he or she is making an Total Attack. A character with the Extra Attacks Attribute

can initiate more than one Total Attack each round, but each Total Attack reduces his or her AC by 2. Touching a Target Some Attributes require a character simply touch his or her target. It is much easier to just touch a person than it is to physically strike him or her with enough force to cause damage. Thus, any character who is simply attempting to touch an opponent gains a +6 bonus to his or her attack check. Touching a specific part of a target’s body may require a Called Shot. This assumes the character is simply attempting to make physical contact with the target. If prolonged contact is required, the target must either be willing or the character must grapple the target. This rule replaces the standard d20 System method for resolving Touch Attacks. Grappling Instead of striking to inflict damage in melee combat, a character can attempt to grab someone and pin him or her. This is a grappling attack, and a character must have at least one empty hand free. Grabbing a small, inanimate object not that is not held by someone else (see Sphere of Control) does not require a full action. Game Masters resolve a grappling attempt like a normal attack using the Unarmed Attack (Grappling) Skill. If the attack hits and the target’s defence (if any) fails, then the attacker successfully grabbed his or her opponent. The attacker gains a grappling advantage if he or she has more free hands than the defender. “Free” means not holding weapons or other objects, or not otherwise incapacitated. In this case, the defender suffers a cumulative -2 penalty for each free hand the attacker uses to grapple in excess of the number of free hands the defender is using. The maximum penalty assigned for this disadvantage is -8. For example, if a Mecha Pilot (two hands) tries to escape from the grasp of a Mantis Man (four hands), she suffers a -4 penalty (4 — 2 = 2; 2 x -2 = -4). If the Mantis Man is holding an object in one of its four hands, however, the Magical Girl only suffers a -2 check penalty (3 — 2 = 1; 1 x -2 = -2). Characters with the Elasticity Attribute gain a bonus to attempts to grapple. The attacker can hold a grabbed character relatively stationary. The target suffers a -4 penalty on all checks when performing other melee attacks (including grabbing, biting, kneeing, etc.) or 8 when attempting to perform other tasks requiring freedom of movement like using hand-held equipment. Exception: if the grabbed character is much stronger (or more agile, at the GM’s discretion) than the opponent, his or her penalty is halved, and the character can still move freely. The GM may consider a character much stronger if his or her Strength is at least 8 points higher. Thus, a small child (Strength 4) could not stop a strong man (Strength 16) from pinning him or her, while the strong man would be able to move freely if grabbed by the small child. It is, of course, possible for one character to grab an opponent who then grabs the character in return (this is what often happens when grappling). Grappling Manoeuvres Once a character grabs an opponent, he or she can attempt a grappling special manoeuvre (Lock, Throw, or Pin) as his or her next attack. Lock

Instead of attacking normally, the grabbing character can choke, crush, or strangle his or her foe. This attack automatically hits and inflicts damage equal to 1d4, plus bonuses from Strength and Massive Damage. Throw Instead of attacking normally, a grabbing character can hurl the foe to the ground. A character must make an attack check at a +4 bonus, modified by the Unarmed Attack (Throws) Skill. If successful, a throw delivers 1d6 damage (as well as bonuses from Strength). Additionally, if the defender fails his or her defence check, the attacker may throw the character out a window or off a ledge, and the GM can assign extra damage based on the situation. If the attacker throws the opponent at another enemy, he or she may make an attack check. If the attack is successful, the grabbed opponent hits the target and both suffer equal damage. A throw normally breaks the grip on the target unless the attacker attempts to maintain a hold and succeeds in an Unarmed Attack (Grappling) check against a DC of 15 (which must be made whether the throw is successful or not). Pin A character who has grabbed someone may attempt to improve his or her hold during the next attack by completely immobilising the opponent in a pin. Treat this manoeuvre the same as the first grab attack. If the attack succeeds, then the foe is pinned, usually under the weight of the attacker’s body. Attackers may not attempt a pin if the opponent is much stronger (see earlier for definition of much stronger). Once a character pins an opponent, the target suffers a -6 penalty on checks when attempting to escape. A pinned character cannot attack or move. Biting Since biting does not require the use of hands, it is an effective tactic when a character has either grabbed or been grabbed by an opponent. Game Masters should treat this as a normal attack that inflicts 1d3 damage, unless the aggressor is using a Natural Weapons Attribute (Fangs, Beak, or Mandibles). Escaping A grabbed character may attempt to struggle free. On the character’s Initiative, he or she can attempt to escape instead of attack. Both characters roll a Strength or Dexterity check (as appropriate) with modifiers for the Unarmed Attack (Grappling) Skill. The character with the highest degree of success (or least degree of failure) wins. If the grabbed character wins, he or she escapes, and may also attack or take another action. If the characters tie, the grabbed character escapes, but forfeits his or her current action. If the grabbed character loses, he or she is immobilised and forfeits one attack action that round. If a grabbed character chooses to attack the person who grabbed him or her (with appropriate penalties) and inflicts damage equal to or greater than his or her foe’s Constitution, he or she automatically escapes the grab. Fighting from the Ground Fighters thrown to the ground or who are otherwise forced to fight from a prone position make all attacks at a -4 penalty. Movement in Combat

The GM decides whether he or she wishes to keep detailed track of movement, ranges, and distances. In most close-in combat situations, GMs should not worry about exact speeds and distances — a general idea of the overall situation is sufficient. Alternatively, GMs can measure ranges in a more abstract fashion: “you’re behind him and in melee range” or “you can reach her in three rounds, if you hurry.” The GM should judge how quickly range shifts from relative speeds to dramatic necessity. For example, in a race between two opponents with equal speeds, the GM can allow the character who keeps winning Initiative to increase the gap gradually between him or her and the other runner. If the GM wishes to keep precise track of movement and distances, assume an average character moves a number of feet equal to his or her size-related moment modifier (3 for an human) times his or her Dexterity while walking (one-half foot times Dexterity if swimming or crawling). Jogging is a double move, running a triple move and sprinting a quadruple move. This guideline assumes six-seconds per round, but the GM can modify exact speeds when necessary. Jumping GMs can allow characters to jump as far as seems dramatically appropriate for the game. If distance is important, a person can jump about 6 feet forward, or 3 feet up or back, with range doubled on a short running start. Use the Jump Skill to determine exact distances for trained characters and for characters with the Jumping or Speed Attribute. A wheeled or tracked vehicle or a boat can only jump if it has a ramp. Movement Attack Penalties When a character is moving in combat, he or she may incur penalties to attack and Block Defence checks (see Table 12-4: Movement Attack Penalties). The penalty incurred depends on how quickly the character is moving relative to his or her maximum movement ability. The following chart indicates the movement rates and penalties incurred. For a normal character who does not have or is not using an Attribute to move (Speed, Flight, Hyperflight, or Water Speed), the character’s movement rate is dictated by his or her Dexterity, as outlined in the Normal Character column. Characters who are using a movement Power refer to the Movement Attribute column to determine their rate of movement. If a character is sprinting, he or she incurs a -4 penalty to attack and Block Defence checks. If the character is running, he or she incurs a -2 penalty on attack and Block Defence checks. Characters who are jogging do not incur penalties. Additionally, characters do not incur penalties when attempting Parry/Dodge Defence checks regardless of their speed. GMs do not need to keep exact track of movement rates unless they wish; they may simply keep movement abstract. Table 12-4: Movement Attack Penalties Normal Character

Movement Attribute



Up to Maximum

no penalty

(up to Base Movement x 2)

Attribute Rank -2



(Base Movement x 3)

Attribute Rank -1



Maximum Attribute Rank


(Base Movement x 4) Firing Weapons from Moving Vehicles Characters who are inside a fast-moving vehicle fire their weapons at a penalty. Firing weapons when moving at moderate speeds incurs a -4 penalty, while moving very quickly earns a -8 attack check penalty. Game Masters should impose an additional -4 penalty for characters also piloting the vehicle while firing. Attacking Moving Targets Attempting to hit a target that is moving at exceptional speeds is very challenging. When attempting to hit a target that is moving quickly, the character suffers an attack check penalty. See Table 12-5: Attack Situation Modifiers for the appropriate penalty based on the target’s speed. Attack Check Modifiers The GM may impose appropriate modifiers when the players make an attack check. An attack action normally assumes characters are engaged in active combat — dodging enemy attacks, making quick strikes when the opportunity arises, moving about, etc. The GM should not apply any penalties for this sort of normal combat-related activity. If circumstances are such that a character’s aim or concentration seems likely impeded (such as shooting someone whom the character cannot clearly see or attacking a foe while hanging upside down), the GM may assign penalties to the attack check. Likewise, in stress-free situations (such as whacking an immobile victim, or target range shooting with nothing riding on the outcome), the GM can apply favourable bonuses or assume automatic success. A number of possible penalties or bonuses are described on Table 12-5: Attack Situation Modifiers. The GM may adjust or ignore these modifiers if he or she prefers. Table 12-5: Attack Situation Modifiers Attacker is: Taking an action to aim Attacking Multiple Targets with one action

+2, or +3 with scope 0, -2, or -4 per additional target

Attacking with two weapons (same target)

-6 and -10

Attacking with two weapons (different targets)

-8 and -12

Attempting a Combined Attack

-2 per attacker after the first

Attempting to Touch the Target


Making a Total Attack


Firing personal weapons from a moving vehicle

-2 or -4

Firing personal weapons while piloting a vehicle


Firing personal weapons while swimming or performing acrobatics


In an awkward position (on the ground, etc.)


Attacker is: Jogging: At Base Movement x 2 or lower

no modifier

Running: At Base Movement x 3 per round


Sprinting: At Base Movement x 4 per round


Jogging: At two Ranks below maximum Attribute movement rate

no modifier

Running: At one Rank below maximum Attribute movement rate


Sprinting: At maximum Attribute movement rate


Attacker is Attempting a Called Shot: Disarming (with melee attack)


Disarming (with a ranged attack)


Targeting a partially armoured point


Targeting a vital spot


Targeting a Weak Point

-2, -4, or -6

Target is Moving at: up to 99 mph

no modifier

100 to 499 mph


500 to 999 mph


1,000 to 4,999 mph


5,000 to 10,000 mph


10,000 mph or more


Target within melee range, and: Concealed by trees or brush

-2 to -6

Partially concealed by darkness, fog, or smoke

-2 to -4

Fully concealed by darkness, fog, or smoke Taking cover

-6 and up -2 to -8

Target beyond melee range, and: Concealed by trees or brush

-4 to -8

Partially concealed by darkness, fog, or smoke

-4 to -6

Fully concealed by darkness, fog, or smoke Taking cover Range Modifiers:

-12 and up -4 to -10

Attacking at up to twice range


Attacking at up to four times range


Non-Combat Actions Rather than taking an offensive action during any combat round, a character may use a noncombat action on his or her Initiative. Such actions include untying a rescued captive, running, changing weapons, climbing into or out of a vehicle, writing a note, changing clothes, etc. Players may also use non-combat actions to safely withdraw from armed or melee combat, provided the opposition does not attack at a later Initiative number in the same round. Note that speaking a few words during combat, running about while attacking, or making a short dramatic speech does not constitute an action. A non-combat action may succeed automatically, or the GM can require an Ability check or Skill check to determine whether it succeeds. Some non-combat actions may require several rounds to perform at the GM’s option. Other Actions Some activities do not count as attack or non-combat actions. A character can perform either of the following activities in addition to an attack or non-combat action: • Move a short distance or manoeuvre his or her vehicle. • Say anything that fits within the span of 6 seconds. • Perform Defensive Actions in response to any attacks against him or her. Note that if the character performs more than one defensive action in a round, subsequent defensives after the first (or later, if he or she has the Extra Defences Attribute) in the same round suffer penalties. Defence If a character is the target of a successful attack (any attack check that is equal to or greater than the character’s Armour Class), he or she may attempt to defend against it with a Dodge/Parry defence (avoiding the attack by moving out of the way, or using a weapon to push the attack to the side or “off-line”), an Attribute defence, or a Block Defence (interposing an object between the attack and the target). Defensive actions are not dependent on Initiative order but resolved immediately after the attack before the attack damage is calculated or revealed. To successfully defend, the player must roll greater than the attacker’s modified attack roll. The character’s defence roll is equal to 1d20 + the character’s base Armour Class + any additional appropriate modifiers. Each character can attempt a defence only once against a particular attack (including grapples). A character may defend against more than one attack in a round, but with an appropriate penalty to each defence after the first (unless the character has the Extra Defences Attribute; the penalty then applies to each defence after the final bonus defence). Should the opponent not defend (perhaps in anticipation of a more powerful attack still to come), he or she cannot change that decision later in the round. If a vehicle is the target of an attack, its driver or pilot makes the defence checks. If a vehicle is unable to manoeuvre (trapped in a confined space, for example) the GM may rule that it

cannot defend at all. Likewise, a vehicle cannot normally defend against attacks made by a character who is riding in or on it. A defence combat check of a natural 1 is an automatic failure, regardless of the modifiers. In this case, the GM may decide the character automatically suffers full damage from the attack or perhaps even double damage. Defending Against Multiple Attacks When defending against multiple attacks in a single round, each defence after the first incurs a cumulative defence roll penalty of -2 penalty: -2 for the second defence, -4 for the third, -6 for the fourth, etc. This means that even the greatest fighter may be overwhelmed if badly outnumbered. Remember to include all relevant Attribute, Skill, Feat, and Defect modifiers. If successful, the defender blocks, dodges, or otherwise negates the attack, and suffers no damage. The Extra Defences Attribute allows the character to make a certain number of additional defences without penalty. Relevant Defence Skills When a character defends against a ranged attack, the relevant Skill is Ranged Defence. For a hand-to-hand or other melee attack, the relevant Skill is either Unarmed Defence (if the character is dodging, or blocking the attack with his or her body), or Melee Defence (if the character is using a weapon to parry). Block Defence Rather than attempting to avoid an attack with a Dodge/Parry defence, the character may instead choose to block the attack with a shield or other suitably large and resistant object (a Block defence). When a character attempts to block, he or she gains a +2 bonus to his or her defence roll. If the defence is successful, the character has interposed the object in front of the attack. The object’s Armour Rating provides protection to the character. Thus, a plank of wood can be used to block a powerful energy blast but, if the attack does more damage than the wood’s Armour Rating, it will still strike the character, inflicting reduced damage. See Breaking Objects for suggested Armour Ratings of common items or Table 11-4: Armour and Protective Devices for shields. If the attack delivers five times the object’s Armour Rating, the object is destroyed. Characters may only attempt to block melee or unarmed attacks unless they have the Block Ranged Attack Feat. Indefensible Attacks and Flat-Footed A character may not attempt a defence check if he or she is completely unaware of the attack, unable to move, or is struck with a Critical Hit. If a character is caught unprepared but who is aware of the attack (such as when surprised), however, he or she is considered flat-footed and may still attempt a defence but does not gain any bonuses from a high Dexterity score. Total Defence A character can elect to forgo any attempt to act and focus solely on defence. Instead of attacking or engaging in another activity, he or she concentrates completely on defence. A character performing a Total Defence may still move normally, but may not attack or take noncombat actions; the character is dodging and weaving, parrying frantically, ducking, and hiding. The character receives a +4 bonus to his or her defence roll for the round, starting on the

character’s Initiative, lasting until the character acts again next round. Total Defence is a good tactic for anyone retreating, or someone buying time until his or her allies arrive. Table 12-6: Defence Situation Modifiers Defence Situation

Defence Roll Modifier

Dodge/Parry Defence

No Modifier

Block Defence


Total Defence

+4 per attack sacrificed

Defending Against Multiple Attacks

-2 per additional attack (cumulative)

Defending Against Undetectable Assailant


Defending When Surprised or Flat-Footed

No Dex Bonus

Defending Against Critical Hit

No Defence Possible

Defending Others A character can defend the target of an attack in three ways: by pushing/pulling him or her out of the way, by interposing an object (such as a shield, or the character’s body) between the target and the attacker, or using an Attribute. The first two methods are described, while the final method is detailed under Defending With an Attack. The first option, pushing or pulling (or grabbing a target as the character swing by), is similar to a Dodge/Parry Defence. The character uses a defence action, and rolls a defence check. It is difficult to defend someone else, however, and the attempt usually suffers a significant penalty (see Table 12-7). Obviously the action has to make sense — if the character has no way to reach a target, he or she cannot defend the individual. To shield another person is akin to a Block defence. Like any other Block defence, the character gains a +2 to his or her Amour Class, and must have the Block Ranged Attacks Feat in order to defend against missile weapons. A character can Block for another person with a Shield, weapon, extendable Force Field, or simply by standing in the way and absorbing the brunt of the attack. If the character is out of defence actions, however, he or she normally cannot attempt to defend another (although in dire situations a GM might allow the character to make a roll with the normal cumulative penalty for additional defences, plus any other modifiers). Table 12-7: Defending Others Defence Situation


Target is within reach


Target is at medium range


Target is at long range


Target is in an awkward position


Defender is in an awkward position


Target concealed by trees or bush


Target concealed by darkness, smoke


Defending against additional attacks

-4 (cumulative)

Defender is surprised

Defence Not Possible

Defending against Undetectable assailant

Defence Not Possible

Damage Characters suffer damage through combat, accidents, or other hazards. Damage ratings indicate the dice roll required to determine the amount of damage inflicted. The target character subtracts any damage inflicted from his or her Hit Points if the attack successfully penetrates Armour, Force Fields, and other defences. Amount of Damage Inflicted Each attack has a damage rating, which is equal to the base damage of the attack (which includes a weapon’s damage value) plus any bonuses from Massive Damage and Strength, as is appropriate for the attack. When the character successfully strikes an opponent, he or she rolls the number of dice indicated, plus any bonuses, to determine the amount of damage the attack inflicts. Characters may choose to inflict less damage than the dice roll indicates, if they desire. Thus, a heroic character who scores a crushing blow against her opponent on his last legs can reduce the damage inflicted to ensure that he does not kill her foe by mistake, rendering him unconscious instead. For example, a character attacking with an 5d8 Special Attack that scores 32 damage may elect to only inflict 15 damage if he or she sees the target is about to collapse. Unarmed Combat The attack’s damage is equal to 1d3 plus the character’s bonuses for Strength and Massive Damage. Melee Weapons The attack’s damage is equal to the weapon’s damage value, plus bonuses for Strength and Massive Damage. If the weapon has Abilities or Disabilities, refer to the relevant section for their effects. See Table 11-2: Weapons for damages delivered by various melee weapons. Ranged Weapons The attack’s damage is equal to the weapon’s damage value, plus bonuses for Massive Damage. A Strength bonus may also be added when appropriate (such as for thrown weapons). If the weapon has Abilities or Disabilities, refer to the relevant section for their effects. See Table 11-2: Weapons for damages delivered by various ranged weapons. Special Attacks

The attack’s damage is equal to the Special Attack’s damage value, plus bonuses for Strength (as appropriate) and Massive Damage. Impact Damage Damage may also result from a non-combat action such as crashing a speedboat into land or falling from a tree. Naturally, some non-combat actions may result in an NPC’s death, but these events should only kill a player character in exceptional circumstances. Crashing During the course of an adventure, a character’s vehicle may accidentally (or deliberately) crash into objects along the road, in the sky, in or on water, or in space. GMs should assess whatever damage they deem appropriate upon both the vehicle and occupants in a crash. The Armour and Force Field Attributes may protect against this damage. Similar damage can be applied to a character who jumps or is pushed from a speeding vehicle, or is struck by one. Table 12-8: Crashing and Falling Damage assists the GM in determining the damage for hitting the ground, water, a building, or some other immovable object based on how fast the vehicle was moving during that round. If a speed falls between two damage values, use the greater of the two. Falling A character who falls a great distance will suffer damage depending on the height he or she plummeted. He or she may also make an Acrobatics Skill check with success halving the sustained damage to indicate a proper break fall (DC of 15 + 1 per foot fallen above 10 feet). The Armour and Force Field Attributes may protect against this damage (GM’s discretion). Table 12-8: Crashing and Falling Speed

Falling Distance

Damage Delivered

10 mph

10 ft


20 mph

20 ft


30 mph

30 ft


45 mph

40 ft


60 mph

50 ft


75 mph

60 ft


90 mph

70 ft


120 mph

80 ft


150 mph

90 ft


180 mph

100 ft


300 mph

110 ft


400 mph

120 ft


500 mph

130 ft


1,000 mph

140 ft


2,000 mph

150 ft


3,000 mph

160 ft


4,000 mph

170 ft


5,000 mph

180 ft


7,500 mph

190 ft


10,000 mph

200 ft


above 200 ft.


each additional 2,500 mph

Armour or Force Fields and Damage If a character has Armour or a Force Field, this reduces the delivered damage from each successful attack by an amount equal to its rating. The character suffers any damage not negated by the Armour or Force Field, subtracting it from his or her current Hit Points. See Effects of Damage to a Character for the result. Critical Hits In the event of a natural attack dice roll of 20, the attacker inflicts a critical strike. Unlike other d20 games, the character is not required to make a second to hit roll to see if the critical is, in fact, delivered. A roll of 20 always inflicts a double-damage critical hit, unless the GM decides otherwise. For example, a 6d8 attack inflicts 12d8 damage when a critical is scored. GMs may wish, alternatively, to use the normal rules from traditional d20, requiring a player to roll a second to hit roll to see if the attack is a critical hit. Effects of Damage to a Character Total loss of Hit Points can cause a character to pass out or die. Should a character or NPC’s Hit Points ever drop below zero, he or she suffered a severe wound and is rendered unconscious. If a character is reduced to the negative value of his or her Hit Points, he or she has suffered a mortal wound and will die (or fall into a coma, depending on the tone of the game) unless medical attention arrives immediately. The GM may allow the character to linger long enough to say a few last words or perform some other final, heroic action. Unlike most d20 System games, characters in Anime d20 do not die when they reach -10 Hit Points (unless they only have 10 Hit Points normally). Anime d20 is a cinematic game that rarely inflicts lethal wounds. If the GM wishes to have a grittier, more realistic game, they may use the standard d20 rule for Hit Points — when a character drops to -10 Hit Points, they die. Wound Difficulty Penalties The Game Master may wish to assign difficulty penalties to characters who have been injured in combat. When the character’s Hit Points are reduced to 75% of their original value or less, all tasks suffer a -2 penalty. This penalty applies to all Ability, Skill, and combat checks. At 50% Hit Points, tasks suffer a -4 penalty; at 25%, tasks suffer a -6 penalty.

Second Wind If an event occurs during the course of combat that induces an affect (a powerful emotional response) within a damaged character, the character is given an opportunity to refocus on the combat and eliminate all damage difficulty penalties — getting a “second wind.” The GM decides which events are significant enough to evoke such a reaction. In these situations, the penalties are removed if the character makes a successful Willpower or Fortitude save (player’s choice) against a DC of 10. If a character drops below one of the remaining damage tiers (50% or 25% of original Hit Points) after getting a second wind, he or she will immediately suffer from the corresponding damage difficulty penalties once again: -4 at 50% or -6 at 25%. A character can only get a second wind once during any combat scene. Table 12-9: Damage Difficulty Penalties Percentage of Original Health Points










Shock Value and Critical Injury (Optional Rule) The rules for Shock Value and Critical Injuries are only appropriate for dark and gritty and are not recommended for the average light-hearted anime game. If a character suffers an amount of damage equal to his or her Shock Value, there is a danger that the character will be stunned. If the attack penetrates the skin (such as a bullet or knife), the Shock Value also represents the damage necessary to inflict a major wound, which, if untreated, can result in the character bleeding to death. The Shock Value is equal to the character’s maximum Hit Points divided by 5. Shock If a character suffers more damage from a single attack than his or her Shock Value, he or she must make a Fortitude save vs a DC of 15 + 1 per 5 damage inflicted above the character’s Shock Value (round down). If the check fails, the character is stunned and will collapse. The character will also let go of anything he or she is holding. The character’s incapacitation will last for a number of rounds equal to the amount by which the save was failed. An incapacitated character is effectively out of action, either knocked out or awake but immobilised by pain or shock. He or she may not take any offensive, defensive, or non-combat actions. The duration of incapacitation from multiple failed saves from several injuries occurring in a short period of time is cumulative. Critical Injury

A character that suffers more damage than his or her Shock Value from an attack that breaks the skin (such as a bullet, knife, arrow, grenade fragment, etc.) has taken a critical injury. A character who suffers a critical injury loses one additional Hit Point every round (every minute, if out of combat) until given successful first aid. Just stopping the bleeding through first aid is not enough, however — it only slows the loss of Hit Points. A critically injured character that has undergone successful first aid will lose one Hit Point every 10 minutes until he or she undergoes successful surgery (best performed in a hospital) or magical healing. Thus, a character who is badly hurt might die because of shock and internal injuries before he or she can be stabilised. A character can suffer multiple critical injuries. If so, each must be treated separately, and Hit Point losses are cumulative. Medical Treatment for Critical Injuries If a character suffered a critical injury, he or she will lose one Hit Point every round (or every minute if out of combat) until treated via first aid. This requires a successful Medical (Emergency Response) Skill check against a DC of 15 + 1 per critical injury suffered. Each attempt takes 10 rounds (or one minute); several tries can be made until successful. If the character is trying to perform first aid on him or herself, apply a -2 penalty. If the character does not have an actual first aid kit handy but is forced to improvise dressings, etc., apply a -2 penalty. As mentioned before, a critical injury that is treated will still result in the loss of one additional Hit Point every 10 minutes until the character undergoes surgery or magical healing. This requires a Medical (Surgery) Skill check against a DC of 15 + 1 per critical injury suffered. There is no penalty if performed with a full staff in a modern hospital, but a -4 penalty applies if it is performed with less adequate medical facilities (for example, in a doctor’s office or a poor third-world hospital) or -8 if performed with completely improvised equipment. Each attempt will take at least 10 minutes. Success stabilises the patient while failure causes him or her to lose additional Hit Points equal to twice the margin of failure. Another try is possible, however. Optionally, a character who has been badly injured (negative Hit Points) because of cumulative Hit Point loss may also require treatment, even if he or she did not suffer a critical injury. This may be dependent on the nature of the injuries — someone who was badly burned may be in worse condition than someone who was beaten up. The GM can rule that keeping the character alive until adequate medical attention is available requires a successful Medical (Emergency Response) Skill check and that full recovery (at doubled healing rate) will require a Medical (Surgery) Skill check. Mind Combat Mind combat is a special type of conflict, that uses the Telepathy Attribute to forcibly invade another’s mind. Most telepaths make mental attacks using the Special Attack Attribute with the Mind Attack Ability. This mental conflict, however, is a clashing of two psyches, each struggling to subdue the other — it is akin to two people getting into a mental fist fight. Mental combat can become lethal if either person begins tearing down neural pathways, erasing memories, or destroying brain cells. Physical strength does not play a role in this battle, only the power of the mind. Each round of mind combat covers 6 seconds of time from the characters’ perspectives, the same amount of time as one round of physical combat. Mind combat can only be carried out once mental contact has been established, usually using the Telepathy Attribute. Once two minds have touched, the initiator of the contact may withdraw

at any time. Alternatively, physical damage to the initiator or perhaps use of an appropriate Item of Power can break the contact. For the target to break unwanted mind contact, the player cannot initiate any other actions for one round and must make a successful Willpower save against a DC of 15 plus the attacker’s Telepathy Attribute Rank. If the check is successful, the aggressor is forced from the character’s mind and the mind combat ends immediately. If any character in mental contact forfeits all physical actions for the round, he or she can attack through mind combat. A successful attack requires the player to make a successful Wisdom check against a DC of 10 plus the target’s Wisdom modifier (plus any bonuses from Mind Shield or other appropriate abilities). The GM has the option of modifying the DC should the attack be particularly easy or difficult. The psychic damage of a successful attack is equal to the attacker’s Intelligence modifier (thus, only characters with a positive Intelligence modifier can inflict damage in mind combat). The damage is removed from the target’s Hit Points. If a character is ever reduced to or below zero Hit Points while in mind combat, his or her mind has been broken and is now at the mercy of the opponent. The victor can end the character’s life, search through memories, plant powerful suggestions, erase thoughts, or simply render the character unconscious. Any changes to a character’s mind (other than death) will remain until reversed by another character skilled in the Telepathy Attribute. The GM should decide exactly how this must be accomplished. Roleplaying a character whose mind has been altered is challenging but can also be very rewarding when played with consistency. A telepath who wishes to alter a target’s mind after winning a mind combat battle must spend a great deal of time to alter it. Minor changes such as removing unimportant memories or implanting unessential false memories can take a couple of hours. Massive changes, such as instilling (or removing) a prejudice or phobia, rebuilding a large portion of the target’s memories, or similar large scale remodelling should take days to complete. Characters may rush the procedure, if pressed, but there is a risk of the alteration failing over time. The target may notice a gap in his or her memory and question what happened, or a personality adjustment (new phobia, for example) may weaken over time. If the character wishes to perform a change quickly, the character may perform minor changes in a matter of rounds while the character can accomplish massive changes in about an hour. When a character attempts to alter a target’s mind, he or she must make a Knowledge: Social Sciences (Psychology) Skill check against a DC appropriate for the extent of the change; 10 for minor changes, 20 for major changes, 30+ for massive changes. The GM may increase the DC further if the alteration is particularly severe or drastic. The character’s margin of success determines how long the modification lasts, measured in years if the character took his or her time with the procedure or measured in days if the character rushed things. GMs should make this Skill check secretly and not inform the player of the result unless it is a failure — he or she will not know how long the change will hold, only that it has occurred or not. The Mind Shield Attribute provides a bonus to the character’s attempt to resist mind combat and mental alterations, as well as Armour against mind combat damage. Recovery A character who suffers lost Hit Points due to damage may heal naturally (or be repaired, for mechanical characters).

Recovering Hit Points Hit Points regenerate at a rate equal to one Hit Point per character Level for each day (or each hour for less “realistic” campaigns) of rest. For example, a Level 5 character rejuvenates 5 Hit Points every day while resting. The healing rate doubles if the character is in the care of someone with Medical Skill but halved if he or she does not spend time resting. Recovering Energy Points The highest of the character’s Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers equals the number of Energy Points the character recovers every hour whether the character rests or not. Repairing Equipment Equipment, such as weapons, vehicles, or other gadgets can become damaged in the course of fighting crime. Characters can repair damage to equipment by making a Knowledge: Mechanics Skill check. If the object has Hit Points, each successful Skill check repairs 10 Hit Points. Each Skill check should take approximately one day of work (approximately six to ten hours), depending on the extent of the repairs required. Using Attributes in Combat In some situations, players will want to use various Attributes in inventive ways in the middle of a fight. The following rules outline the use of Attributes in combat. In many instances, the appropriate Power Usage Skill can influence the chances of success. Using Attributes Against Opponents Creative characters can use a number of seemingly inoffensive Attributes in very effective ways in the middle of combat. Special Attacks are obviously designed for offensive use against an opponent, but what about Teleportation? Could a character not teleport an opponent in front of a moving truck or simply out of a fight entirely? When a character wishes to use a normally inoffensive Attribute against an unwilling opponent, the character must use a non-combat action to make a Power Usage Skill check. If the check is successful, the target is allowed a save (whichever type of save is most appropriate) to defend against the Attribute’s effect. The DC of the save is equal to 10 + 1 per Rank of the Attribute being used against him or her. Sphere of Control If a character attempts to use an Attribute on an object within the sphere of control of a character, the character is allowed to make a save to resist the effect as though he or she was the target of the attack. For example, a teleporter who wished to teleport the bullets out of an opponent’s gun would still be required to make an Intelligence check against the target’s AC (the appropriate DC for the action) and the person holding the gun would be allowed a Willpower save to resist the effect. Other common objects usually in a target’s sphere of control include: the ground beneath the target, air around the target, objects the target holds or carries, etc. The GM determines what objects are under the defender’s sphere of control. All-or-Nothing or Partial Effects When an Attribute is used against a group of targets, GMs may use one of two options for resolving the resistance check. When a large group of people attempt to resist the effect of a

Power, the GM makes one save, using the average save modifier of the targets. Important characters (player characters or key NPCs) should be allowed to make individual rolls for themselves to prevent villains from teleporting a group of 50 people, including the players characters, thereby using the more vulnerable citizens to avoid the player characters’ higher saves. In this way, either all of the targets are affected by the Attribute (on a failed save) or none are affected (on a successful save). Alternatively, the GM may wish to use one dice roll which is used as the same roll for each character’s check — characters with high saves bonuses within the group may successfully resist the effects of the Attribute while characters with low saves are affected. Attribute vs. Attribute When two characters pit their Attributes against each other, who wins? In most situations, the character with the highest Rank wins. For example, a criminal alien is attempting to make his get-away by Flight. The hero grabs the alien with Telekinesis and tries to hold the character back, preventing him from flying away. The hero has Telekinesis at Rank 5 while the alien has Flight at Rank 3. The hero, therefore, is strong enough to prevent the alien from escaping. If the two Attributes are close in Rank (usually the same or differing by one Rank), the GM may request an opposed check to see who wins the contested action. Using the above example, if the alien’s Flight Rank was 4, instead of 3, the GM could request an opposed check. The alien makes a Dexterity check (since Dexterity is the relevant Ability for Flight) and scores a result of 16. The hero must now make an Intelligence check (since Intelligence is the relevant Ability for Telekinesis) and score a result of 16 or higher to prevent the alien from escaping. What if a character has two or more Attributes that can be used in the opposed check? What if the alien, in the first example, also has Telekinesis at Rank 4? In a situation like this, the GM should simply add the two Attribute Ranks together to determine who wins the opposed action. Thus, the alien has Flight at Rank 3 and Telekinesis at Rank 4 for a total of 7 which is much higher than the hero’s Telekinesis Rank of 5. The alien is therefore able to make his escape (possibly lifting the hero into the air or simply breaking free of his hold, depending on the GM’s discretion). Using Attributes as Attacks In anime movies and TV series, characters regularly use seemingly passive, non-hostile Attributes to attack opponents, causing harm. A character who can teleport may disorient foes by teleporting them repeatedly within one combat round or selectively teleporting portions of nonliving foes away, causing massive trauma, for example. The list of possible attack applications of an Attribute is endless — anime characters are well known for pushing the bounds of innovation. Most Attributes, however, do not account for these offensive tricks and stunts — they are accomplished using Special Attacks. A Special Attack is not limited simply to powerful energy blasts — it can be any “attack” that causes harm or detriment to an opponent. The teleporter who repeatedly teleports a target in a combat round may have a Special Attack with the Drain Body Ability and the No Damage Disability, reflecting the sudden disorientation the target feels after the attack and the fact that no real physical harm is inflicted on the opponent. Alternatively, if the teleporter is capable of teleporting just a select portion of a target away causing harm to the target, the Special Attack may be designed to do an incredible amount of damage. By using the Attack Abilities and Disabilities, players can create any sort of attack, which will account for the

numerous and creative ways that characters utilise their abilities. Some Special Attacks designed this way will have the Linked (Attribute) or Dependent Defect. Using Attributes Defensively Just as characters can find imaginative ways to use their Attributes against opponents, they are just as likely to think of ways to use their Attributes to defend themselves from harm. For a character to utilise such a Attribute defensively, he or she must select the Power Defence Attribute. If the character does not select this Attribute, he or she does not have the experience required to use the Power defensively. Thus, a character with Teleportation who does not have the Power Defence: Teleportation Attribute may be able to teleport but he does not have the training or knowledge needed to teleport at a moment’s notice and avoid an incoming attack. Defending with an Attack By holding an action until attacked by an opponent, a character can defend him or herself with the offensive use of an Attribute. This simultaneous attack and defence option combines the advice under Using Attributes Against Opponents and Using Attributes Defensively into a single action. To succeed, the character must activate the Attribute with an appropriate check and also make a successful save (for the Power Defence Attribute) to activate the effect properly. For instance, when a character attacks a criminal who has a held action remaining, the criminal might attempt to use Teleportation to place a bystander between him and the character’s ki blast. The criminal must first make a successful Intelligence check to see if the Teleportation works. If the attempt is successful, and the bystander fails to resist, a Reflex save determines if the criminal activates the Teleportation in time. This method can also be used to defend others with an Attribute. If an ally (or innocent bystander, etc.) is attacked, the character can attempt to Teleport (for example) the target out of the way of the attack with a successful use of Teleportation and Power Defence. Character Advancement Character advancement is unnecessary in a short adventure, but during a lengthy campaign, players may wish to improve their characters. Advancement is not a requirement, but it can reflect the characters’ learned knowledge through conflicts with the environment, with other characters or NPCs, or even with themselves. The GM is encouraged to award all characters Experience Points (XP) at the end of each game session. The amount of the award should depend on the events of the game session as well as the quality of the role-playing of the player. Use the following as a guideline for determining the XP award for each player: See the PHB for rules on the application of XP. TABLE 12-10: XP Awards Base Award = 100 times the average character Level of the player group Add half the base award if the characters overcame weak/inferior conflict Add the base award if the characters overcame moderate/comparable conflict

Add 1.5 to 2 times the base award if the characters overcame strong/superior conflict Add 10% of the base award if the characters fail to overcome minor/inferior conflict Add 20% of the base award if the characters fail to moderate/comparable conflict Add 30% of the base award if the characters fail to overcome strong/superior conflict Add half the award for good, heroic, in-character role-playing Add the base award for strong, heroic, in-character role-playing Add 1.5 to 2 times the base award for exceptional, heroic, in-character role-playing Base Award All players who participate in a game session should earn a number of XP equal to 100 times the average character Level (not class Level) of the characters in the group. Overcoming Conflict When determining the XP awards for conflict, GMs must remember that conflict does not necessarily mean combat. While combat is a type of conflict, it is not the only form. Solving a mystery, saving someone from a raging fire, escaping a magician’s death trap, negotiating the release of hostages, or other similar situations where the character is pitted against an opposing force, is considered conflict. Any situation where there is a consequence for the character failing his or her attempted course of action is conflict. For conflicts of note, GMs should award a number of XP, which represents the characters learning from the events. All characters involved in a conflict earn the XP, regardless of their involvement. For example, the Samurai who went toe-to-toe with the main villain while his Tech Genius ally attempted to diffuse the bomb while the third member of the team flew the innocent bystanders to safety all earn the same number of XP for the conflict. Each character played a role in successfully resolving the situation. The quantity of the award depends on how much of a challenge it was for the characters to overcome. If the characters are virtually guaranteed of success, the GM should not provide an XP bonus — it is essentially a mundane activity and is subsumed in the base XP award. If the conflict presents a minor challenge to the characters but one they are likely to overcome, such as the skilled Gun Bunny thwarting a simple bank-robbery or a team of characters saving residents from a burning building, the GM should provide a bonus of one half the base award. If the conflict is comparable to the characters, such as the characters defeating a group of criminals of similar level or solving a complex mystery, the GM should provide a bonus award equal to the base award. Lastly, if the conflict is superior to the characters, such as defeating a powerful archmagi in her lair, thwarting a world-threatening plot, or something similar, the characters should earn a bonus award equal to 1.5 to 2 times the base award. This award should be provided per conflict overcome but GMs should keep in mind that the average 4- to 6-hour game session usually has one or two conflicts-of-note — most situations are covered through the base XP award.

Failing in Conflict Characters can learn something even when they fail — what not to do. When characters fail to overcome conflict, GMs should provide a bonus equal to 10% of the base award for a minor conflict, 20% of the base award for a moderate conflict, or 30% for a superior conflict (round down). Exceptional Role-Playing Exceptionally talented or active players (those who remain true-to-character, encourage other players to participate, help advance the plot of the game, etc.) may earn a bonus XP award. When a player does a good job role-playing his or her character, the GM should provide a bonus equal to half the base award. For strong role-playing, a bonus equal to the base award should be provided. For exceptional role-playing, a bonus equal to 1.5 to 2 times the base award should be provided. GMs should not feel obliged to provide this award — it is only for role-playing that stands out. The base award covers players who simply show up for the game and role-play adequately.

BESM d20 Errata

This errata applies to both the regular and Deluxe Limited Edition versions of BESM d20.

Page 29 Level 3 in the Student class progression chart (Table 5-17) is formatted incorrectly. The Table should read: Level 3

BAB +1

REF +3

WIL +1

FOR +1

Page 49 The Rank progression for Hyperflight is missing. It should read: Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6

The The The The The The

character character character character character character

can can can can can can

travel travel travel travel travel travel

at at at at at at

the speed of light. 10 times the speed of light. 100 times the speed of light. 1,000 times the speed of light. 10,000 times the speed of light. 100,000 times the speed of light.

Page 62 The example for the Auto-Fire Ability is incomplete. It should read: For example, if a character (with a final hit roll result of 27) attempts to hit a target who rolls a final defense value of 16, he or she would score 2 hits (27 - 16 = 11; 11 ÷ 5 = 2.2; round down to 2).

Page 72 The progression chart for Transmutation is incorrect. It should read: Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6

The The The The The The

character character character character character character

can can can can can can

transmutate transmutate transmutate transmutate transmutate transmutate

objects objects objects objects objects objects

weighing weighing weighing weighing weighing weighing

up up up up up up

to to to to to to

1 lb. 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 500 lbs.

Page 117 The first two lines on the page are a duplication of the last two lines on page 116. The paragraph should read: Called Shot to Vital Spot A character attacking a living being can specify he or she is aiming for a vital spot (heart, brain, spine, etc.) rather than simply shooting at the centre of mass as usual. He or she suffers a -8 attack check penalty, but, if successful, the damage dice used in the attack increases to the next size: d4 becomes d6; 6d becomes d8; d8 becomes d10; d10 becomes d12; and d12 becomes d20. For example, a character with a Rank 6 Special Attack, which normally delivers 6d8 damage, would inflict 6d10 damage if he or she made a successful Called Shot to Vital Spot.





Calculated Values












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