Loquendo Text to Speech 7.5

Loquendo Text To Speech 7.5.4 [Multilenguaje] (download torrent) - TPB 1 of 3 http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/6165352

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Loquendo Text To Speech 7.5.4 [Multilenguaje] Type: Files: Size:

Applications > Windows 13 501.15 MiB (525494197 Bytes)

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2011-02-10 19:23:21 GMT webchella 45 1 12

Info Hash: D71EE3E0D0B83922718DD6B80FD2DB1678C19A8F

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Loquendo Text To Speech 7.5.4 [Multilenguaje] http://www.loquendo.com/es/productos/sintetizador-de-voz/ http://www.loquendo.com/en/products/text-to-speech/ =========== ::English:: =========== Category: Programs Language: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German Format: Exe Loquendo TTS software brings you truly natural sounding voices that can read any data and prompts in your server-based, multimedia, embedded and multimodal voice applications. Loquendo is the first company to bring expressive synthetic speech to the market: the new high-quality voices guarantee Loquendo market leadership in quality, efficiency and portability, as well as the accuracy of pronunciation, natural timbre and intonation. Loquendo is the only speech technology vendor that provides a complete line of products guaranteeing the same wide range of high quality voices and languages, and the same engine for any environment. =========== ::Spanish:: =========== Categoria: Programas Idioma: Ingles, Español, Frances, Italiano, Aleman Formato: Exe Loquendo TTS software le trae voces verdaderamente naturales que pueden leer cualquier dato y comando en su basadas en servidor, multimedia, embebidas y aplicaciones multimodales de voz. Loquendo es la primera compañÃa para poner voz sintética expresiva al mercado: las nuevas voces de alta calidad permiten a Loquendo liderazgo en el mercado en calidad, eficiencia y portabilidad, asà como en la precisión de la pronunciación, naturaleza del timbre y la entonación. Loquendo es el único proveedor de tecnologÃas vocales que proporciona una lÃnea completa de productos que garantiza la misma amplia gama de voces de alta calidad y los idiomas, y el mismo motor para cualquier ambiente.



Comments yosoyusuario at 2011-02-12 16:35 CET: Excelente Webchella. Muy buen programa. Una pregunta. Es ésta la última versión? yulunga at 2011-05-12 01:26 CET: Gracias..im going to try it yagami22 at 2011-06-09 09:37 CET: Muchas gracias por el programa ;) dicentiu at 2011-07-30 23:15 CET: it works great ! follow these steps: 1. right click part01.rar and choose "extract here" 2. open the folder extracted and launch autorun.exe 3. install in this order: TTS 7 Engine, TTS 7 SDK, Espanol, Ingles, TTS 7 Patch, Complemento 4. you can install whatever voice you want(there 4 spanish, 4 us english, 3 gb english) 5. go to start, find loquendo and launch loquendo tts 7 voice experience

6/13/2013 1:54 PM

Loquendo Text To Speech 7.5.4 [Multilenguaje] (download torrent) - TPB

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6. select voice, type some text... you can save as .wav Goooooobers at 2011-11-01 23:04 CET: Joke. Windows 7 64bit followed the instructions exactly. When you play a voice is say "the license is not valid for this computer". The voices also SUCK.. real bad. Microsoft Sam quality and low def. Stay away from this. the_one_one at 2011-11-22 15:17 CET: Use the crack at http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/5351530/Loquendo_TTS_7 prlpaulo at 2012-02-23 12:28 CET: Loquendo_Text_to_Speech_v7.5.4_Multilingual files: Allison english_A.exe 41,2 MB Carlos spanish.exe 41,6 MB Carmen spanish.exe 36,0 MB Dave english_A.exe 49,5 MB Elizabeth english_B.exe 40,0 MB Engine.exe 14,8 MB English.exe 3,16 MB Jorge spanish.exe 32,1 MB Kate english_B.exe 53,8 MB Patch.exe 402 KB SDK.exe 28,6 MB Simon english_B.exe 50,7 MB Soledad spanish.exe 36,9 MB Spanish.exe 2,16 MB spchapi.exe 752 KB Steven english_A.exe 39,4 MB Susan english_A.exe 51,9 MB ************************************************************************************* ********************** Bad News... This install is in Spanish :( Good News... I translated it, virus checked it, and took it for a test spin to make sure it worked :) A) Expand The Files (Just unpack part one and it will unpack all three) B) You Should See 3 Files, Run "autorun.exe" This Should Open The Custom Install Panel Installation From Panel ----------------------1) Click the "TTS 7 Engine" button, accept the Terms and Agreements, and pick any name to install it under 2) Click the "TTS 7 SDK" button, accept the Terms and Agreements, and pick any name to install it under 3) Choose your language by clicking "InglÚs" for English or "Espa±ol" for Spanish 4) Patch the program by clicking "TTS 7 Patch" 5) To finish click the button marked "Complemento" but DO NOT click anything after that 6) Go to Start->All Programs->Accessories-> Click the "Command Prompt" icon 7) In the black command screen type "ipconfig /all" (without the " " obviously) and press enter 8) Look for an entry that says "Physical Address" that's your MAC address 9) Now go back to the grey box from Step 5 and click the drop down to select your MAC address and activate If you'd like to add any of the voices for the program (I highly suggest you do) just click on the voice's name and it will prompt you to install. Each voice file is only roughly 40mb. They are stored in computer path: "Program Files\Loquendo\LTTS7 \data\voices". My reccomendation is you install them all then delete the ones you do not use. Enjoy the program! ************************************************************************************* ********************** richardg8092 at 2012-02-24 02:10 CET: Thanx to prlpaulo for translating the instructions. You also have to install the various voices to (by clicking on them in the "My Project" screen). That being said, unfortunately I do not think that this program lives up to it's claim of "truly natural sounding voices". Na-ah. Not on this planet. Moltres_Rider at 2012-11-04 04:05 CET: I NEED HELP WITH THE MAC ADDRESS PART IT SHOWS UP AS ALL 0'S IN COMMAND PROMPT AND THAT MAC ADDRESS IS NOT IN THE PATCH!!! Moltres_Rider at 2012-11-04 06:20 CET: Am I the only one that is having issues with the voices NOT saying exactly what I type??? it changes specific words when spoken!!! like saying "chooses" when I typed "chose"!!! vampzcore at 2013-02-22 23:20 CET: thanks!!

GRACIAS!! SALAMAT!! Oditros at 2013-04-06 13:47 CET: Let's try!

6/13/2013 1:54 PM

Loquendo Text To Speech 7.5.4 [Multilenguaje] (download torrent) - TPB

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6/13/2013 1:54 PM