Learning activity 2 Evidence: The happiness advantage

Learning activity 2 Evidence: The happiness advantage Shawn Achor considers that happiness is the key to success and st

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Learning activity 2 Evidence: The happiness advantage

Shawn Achor considers that happiness is the key to success and states that if you can find a way to get your brain positive; your success rate will increase. Taking into account Achor’s statement, share an anecdote where you describe a story that shaped your personal view about success and happiness. Use the anecdote template from the study material. Also, make sure you use the past perfect, at least eight adjectives from the introductory material, and the time expressions you have practiced in this learning activity. To stop time ...

I will never forget the day when I had to present my first exhibition at the university in front of all the students. That day at 6 am, my mom spoke to me and reminded me how strong I am and the importance of being calm. I had just finished my work at 7:15 am after being awake all night. Check again and again that everything has been able to forget absolutely nothing. It seemed too good, it seemed perfect. Then I began to relax and prepare a great coffee for the day. Then I recorded in my mind everything I had to say word by word, but it was a horror when I realized that I could not, I panicked, I was restless and fear seized me. I could not register anything and my head was cloudy, entangled only with meaningless words. I decided to put my mind to the blank, breathe and try again. Nobody could help me. I had to record everything I would say that day on a record, so listen to everything on the road, I felt brave. When I arrived at the university I realized what I feared most. They will not believe what I forgot all the exhibition, essays and other written works, I felt confused and angry. At that time, it was very late, unable to stop it. Finally, I had to take the reins of the situation and expose without visual aid and be creative so as not to be left behind. So, the moral of the story is: if you can´t stop time, take the initiative and create tools to achieve your goal ...

It is not an option to give up.