Lab Report 6 Soap and Detergent Uitm

1.ABSTRACT: The experiment which is to prepare the soap and detergent had been conducted on 20th May 2013. This experime

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1.ABSTRACT: The experiment which is to prepare the soap and detergent had been conducted on 20th May 2013. This experiment is conducted to prepare soap and compare its properties to that of a synthetic detergent. Basically, the experiment used to prepare the soap and thus, to compare the properties between the soap that had been prepared early with the synthetic detergent in the form of precipitation, emulsification and cleaning abilities. Based on the experiment that had been conducted, it can be concluded that the soap has the properties of emulsifying oil whereas the detergent has not. This is because the soap has the abilities of forming precipitates and it can be seen clearly in the soap solution while doing the experiment. Whereas the detergent has not forms precipitates at all. Thus, the experiment is completed and successfully conducted.

2. Introduction Soaps and detergents are used frequently in our daily day our life. We use them in many kind of ways such as wash hand, clean clothes, bathing and other. But we still do not paying attention on how they work and the background of them. First of all, it is hard to explain who was first invented the soap. Some hypothesize believe that the soap had been invented by the Babylonian in 2800 BC where soap have been excavated in clay cylinders and the Phoenicians around 600 BC. By 1500 BC Egyptians medical scrolls recommend a soap made from alkaline salt and animals and vegetables oil for skin conditions. In the early history, soap was used for the purpose of cleaning textile fibres such as wool and cotton in preparation for the dyeing process instead of personal hygiene. In today’s progressive world of science and technology, soap is manufactured much like it was back then where the fats and oils are technically heated with the presence of strong base which commonly used is sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide to produce fatty acid salts and glycerol in a process termed as saponification process. As a matter of fact, the salt of a fatty acid is the soap, which is a soft and waxy material that brush up the ability for cleaning purpose of water. While processing of soap, a positive ion, usually Na+ or K+ and a negative ion usually the anions of long-chained carboxylic acids yielded by the hydrolysis of either animals or vegetables fats. Soap is a generic term for the sodium or potassium salts of long-chain organic acids (fatty acids) made from naturally occurring esters in animal fats and vegetable oils. All organic acids contain the RCO2H functional group, where R is shorthand notation for methyl, CH3-, ethyl CH3CH2-, propyl, CH3CH2CH2-, or more complex hydrocarbon chains called alkyl groups. Chemists use the R shorthand notation because these groups can be very large and the hydrocarbon chain has little effect on the compound's chemical reactivity. All esters contain the RCO2R functional group. The R groups in soaps are hydrocarbon chains that generally contain 12 to 18 carbon atoms. Sodium fatty acids such as lauric (vegetable oil), palmitic (palm oil), and stearic (animal fat) acids are just a few examples of soaps.


sodium laurate


sodium stearate

The hydrocarbon chain in soaps may contain saturated (no double bonds) or unsaturated (contains double bonds) chains. Sodium salts are usually solid therefore; most bars of soap are of sodium salts. Potassium salts are the basis of liquid soaps, shaving creams, and greases. Fats and vegetable oils are triglycerides. Triglycerides are esters derived from three fatty acids. A triglyceride made from three lauric acid molecules is shown in Figure 7-1. Saponification is the basic hydrolysis of an ester producing a carboxylic acid salt and an alcohol (Eq.7-1). A lone pair of electrons on the OH- is attracted to the partially positively charged C atom in the C=O bond in the ester (Eq.3-1). The C-OR' bond breaks generating a carboxylic acid (RCO2H) and an alcohol (R'OH). In the presence of NaOH carboxylic acids are converted to their sodium salts (RCO2-Na+). When a triglyceride is saponified, three fatty acid salts (soaps) and glycerol are produced as shown in Equation 7-2. The R groups in the triglyceride may or may not have the same chain length (same number of carbons). Thus, different types of soaps may be produced from the saponification of a particular triglyceride.

Figure 0-1: A Triglyceride molecule made from lauric acid and glycerol

(Equation 0-1)

(Equation 0-2)

3. Objectives of the Experiment 

To prepare a soap and a synthetic detergent. Besides, the experiment is conducted to study and compare the properties between the soap and synthetic detergent in the form of precipitation, emulsification and also cleaning abilities.

4. Theory From lab engenerring chemical lab:Soap is a mixture of sodium salts of various naturally occuring fatty acids. Air buubles added to a molten soap will decrease the density of the soap thus it will float on the water. If the fatty acid salt has potassium rather than a sodium, a softer lather is the result. This is because the bar soap produced in the presence of sodium hydroxide while the liquid soap is formed in the presence of potassium hydroxide.Soap is the salt of a weak acid. Most organic acids arc weak acids. Consequently, hydrolysis occurs to some extent when soap dissolves in water. Soap solutions tend to be slightly alkaline (basic) due to partial hydrolysis of the acid . Theorytically, the soap is produced by a saponification or basic hydrolysis reaction of a fat or oil. Currently, sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide is used to neutralize the fatty acid and convert it to the salt.

(Equation 4-3)

The cleansing action of soaps results from two effects. Soaps are wetting agents that reduce the surface tension of water, allowing the water molecules to encounter the dirty object. They are also emulsifying agents. "Dirt" frequently consists of a grease or oil along with other organic species. In general, organic compounds are nonpolar. Water is a polar species. These two substances will not dissolve in each other because of their dissimilar characteristics (the "Like Dissolves Like" rule). Soaps cross the boundary between polar and nonpolar because they contain a polar hydrophobic (water-hating) end and a polar hydrophilic (water loving) end as shown in figure (4-2).

Figure 4-2: a) A molecular line drawing and b) a skeletal representation of sodium stearate. Soaps have both polar and nonpolar molecular regions, hence they are soluble in both polar and nonpolar species. The hydrophobic (nonpolar) portion of soap is soluble in non polar compounds like grease and oils and the hydrophilic (polar) end dissolves in water. Soap molecules surround grease and oils and break them up into microscopic droplets, which can remain suspended in water. These suspended microscopic droplets are called micelles (Figure 43). Micelles contain very small amounts of oil or grease in their center. Thus oil or grease dissolved in water forms an emulsion; a form of suspension in water.

Figure 4-3: Formation of micelle

Water supplies in certain areas are acidic as a result of acid rain or pollution, or "hard" due to dissolved mineral content. Both acidic and "hard" water reduce the cleansing action of soap. Soap is the salt of a weak acid and in the presence of a stronger acid, the sodium salt is converted to an insoluble organic acid (Equation 4-4).

(Equation 4-4) "Hard water" contains dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe


ions from the minerals that the water

passes over. Normally, soaps made from sodium and potassium fatty acid salts are soluble in water. However, in the presence of these metal ions, the Na+ and K+ convert to insoluble Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe 3+ salts (Equation 4-5).

(Equation 4-5) In either acidic or "hard" water, the soluble soaps form insoluble salts which leave scummy rings on bathtubs and black areas on shirt collars. The cleansing ability of soap is reduced because soap molecules are removed from solution. There are several techniques used to circumvent the problems generated by hard water. Water can be "softened" via removing hard water ions from solution using ion exchange techniques or by adding water-softening agents, such as sodium phosphate (Na3PO4) or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Water-softening agents react with the Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe 3+ removing them from water (Equations 4-6 and 4-7) and preventing the reaction of these ions with soap (Equations 4-4 and 4-5).

3Ca2+(aq) + 2 PO43- (aq) → Ca3(PO4)2 (S)

(Equation 4-6)

Mg2+(aq) + CO32- (aq) → MgCO3 (S)

(Equation 4-7)

Thus “Syndets” were developed to overcome the soap “hard water” problem. Syndets differ from soaps in that the nonpolar fatty acids groups are replaced with alkyl or aryl sulfonic acids (ROSO3H). The alkyl or aryl sulfonic acids have long hydrophobic carbon chains and a hydrophilic sulfonate end. The difference in polar groups is one of the key distinctions between a soap and a synthetic detergent. Syndets form micelles and cleanse in the same manner as soaps. Two examples of synthetic detergents are shown in Figure (4-8).

Figure 4-8: Examples of synthetics detergents Sulfonic acids are stronger than carboxylic acids, hence Syndets do not precipitate in acidic solutions. Furthermore, alkyl and aryl sulfonates do not form insoluble salts in the presence of typical hard water ions. Thus, synthetic detergents remain soluble in both acidic and "hard" water. Overall theory in these experiment is in the other words, soap is a generic term for the sodium or potassium salts of long-chain organic acid which is fatty acid that are made from naturally occuring esters in animal fats and also the vegetable oils. All organic acid contain the RCOOH functional group, where R is the shorthen notation for the complex hydrocarbon which famously known as alkyl group. The term for R is used because the group can be very large and

for the addition for each chain has a litter effect for the chemical reactivity. While for the ester it contain RCOOR functional group. A soap is the sodium or potassium salt of a long chain fatty acid. The fatty acid usually contain 12 to 18 carbon atoms which can be expressed as term R.Furthermore, the hydrocarbon chain in the soap may contain saturated and unsaturated chains. Sodium salts are usually solid therefore, most bars of soap are sodium salts. While potassium salts are the basis of liquid soaps, shaving cream, and greases. Triglycerides is formed by the combination of three molecules of fatty acid which are fats and vegetable oils. Triglycerides included in the ester group which is RCOOR which derived from three fatty acids. A triglyceride made from three lauric acid molecules which shown as below:

General overall hydrolysis reaction: Fat

Figure 4-9


NaOH 


- The Hydrolysis of Triglycerides


sodium salts/ fatty acid

For the figure above, it formed by the saponification of a triglyceride with the sodium hydroxide. Actually, saponification is a process that produce soap usually from fats and lye. In the other words, saponification involves base hydrolysis of triglycerides, which are esters of fatty acid to produce a product which is sodium salt od a carboxylate. Besides, saponification processes also produce glycerol. The mechanism by which esters are cleaved by base involves nucleophilic acyl substitution. Then the hydroxide anion, OH- adds to attacks the carbonyl group of the ester. Then the intermediate product is formed is orthoester.

Figure 4-10

- The Mechanism of Ester (1)

At this stage, the alkoxide is more basic than the conjugate base of the carboxylic acid, and hence the proton is transfer rapidly and directly it form a stabe carboxylic acid compound.

Figure 4-11

- The Mechanism of Ester (2)

After that, it continue by reaction between the RCOOH with the alkoxide anion and then formed a product of carboxylic anion and a alcohol. But with the presence of NaOH, the carboxylic acida are converted to their sodium salts which is RCOO-Na+.

The saponification of triglyceride produced 3 fatty acid which is soap and the glycerol but the alkyl group in the triglyceride may or may not have the same chain length which known as the number of carbons.

Figure 4-12

- The Hydrolysis of Triglycerides

Since the cleansing action of soaps depend upon the fact that they ionize readily in water,.thus, the soap would no longer clean and emulsify the oil and dirt. This is because due to the hard water contain metal cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ that will react with the charged ends of the soaps and directly form the insoluble salts. As the conclusion, the synthetic detergent were developed to overcome this kind of problems. The difference in polar groups is one of the key distinctions between a soap and a synthetic detergent. The synthetic detergent form micelles and cleanse in the same manner as soaps but if it released into rivers and lakes it can cause explosive growth of algae. Thus, it can cause decay of the aquatic ecosystem due to deoxygenation from the decomposition of dead algae. A micelle is a spherical shape that is formed resulting from the negatively charged heads on the soap molecules. They then orient between them, where the non polar tails rearrange towards the centre of the micelle and then the hydrophilic site facing the water. In the presence of oil and dirt, the non-polar head interact with them and gathered it to the centre of the micelle. In fact, this is how mechanicms the soap works. When rinsed with water, the micelle together

qith the dirt washed away. Soap is theoretically acting as an emulsifying agent, where emulsion is the dispersion of a liquid in asecond immiscible liquid.

Figure 4-13

- The Micelle of the Soap

The structure below is a sodium lauryl sulfonate that contain in the synthetic detergent. In facts the sulfonic acids are more stronger than carboxylic acids, hence the synthetic detergent does not form any precipitate in the acidic solution. Besides, in the hard water, the detergent do not form insoluble salts compare with the soap. As a conclusion, the synthetic detergents remain soluble in both acidic and hard water.

Figure 4-14

- the structure for synthetic detergent

5. Apparatus and Material



Vegetable oil

Magnetic stirer


magnetic stirring bar

Sodium Hydroxide

250-mL Erlenmeyer flask

Saturated Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

Vacuum Filtration Apparatus

Synthetic detergent (dynamo)


Mineral oil

Test tube with racks

1% CaCl2 solution

Cloth strip

1% MgCl2 solution

Measuring cylinder

1% FeCl2 solution


Glass rod

Ph meter electronic

Retord stand and Clamp

Petric dish

Mass weight electronic

Erlenmeyer Flask

Tomato Sauce

Distilled water

1M hydrochloric acid

Ice bath

The figure in shown in appendix.

6. Methodology 6.1 .Part A Soap preparation 1. 12.5 ml of vegetable is placed in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. 10mL of ethanol and 12.5mL of 6 M sodium hydroxide solution are added to the flask. The mixture is stirred using a stirring bar to mix the contents of the flask. The alcohol is carefully smelled by wafting it towards our nose. 2. The 250 mL of flask is heated in a 600mL boiling water bath.

Figure 6.1heating the mixture in the boiling water bath

3. The mixture is stirred continuously during the heating process to prevent the mixture from foaming. If the mixture should foam to the point of nearly overflowing, the flask is removed from the boiling water until the foaming subsides, then the heating is continued. The mixture is heated for 20-30 minutes or until the alcohol odor is no longer detectable.

4. The paste like mixture is removed from the water bath and the flask is cooled in a ice bath fro 10-15 minutes.

Figure 6.2-Cooled in ice bath. 5. While the flask is cooling, the vacuum filtration apparatus is assembled as shown in the figure below. The vacuum filtration secured to a ring stand with a utility clamp to prevent the apparatus from toppling over.

Figure 6.3- the vacuum filtration apparatus

6. A piece of filter paper is weighed to the nearest 0.001g and the mass is recorded. The filter paper is placed inside the Buchner funnel. The paper is moistered with water so that it fits flush in the bottom of the funnel. 7. Once the flask has cooled, 150 mL of saturated sodium chloride NaCl solution is added to the flask to “salt out” the soap. 8. The water at the aspirator is slowly turned on. The mixture from the flask is poured into the Buchner funnel. Once all of the liquid has filtered through the funnel, the soap was

washed with 10 mL of ice-cold water. The suction filtration is continued until all of the water is removed from the soap. 9. The soap is removed from the funnel and pressed between two paper towels to dry it. The filter paper and dried soap are weighed and the mass is recorded to the nearest 0.001 g and the mass of the soap determined by difference and then the mass is then recorded.

Figure 6.4 :-Weight using the weight electronic lab. 6.2









(PRECIPITATION AND EMULSIFYING ) 1. A stock soap solution is prepared by dissolving 2g of the prepared soap in 100 mL of boiling distiiled water. The mixture is stirred until the soap has dissolved and the solution is allowed to cool. 2. Step 1 is repeated using 2 g of synthetic detergent. When both solution are cool, the pH of each solution is determined using pH meter. 3. Three test tubes are labelled as test 1, 2 and 3. 4 drops of minerals oil are added to each test tube. 5 mL of distilled water is added to test tube 1. 5 mL of stock solution is added to test 2 and 5 mL of synthetic detergent is added to test tube 3. 4. Each solution is mixed by shaking and let stand for three to five minutes. The solution, if any that emulsifies the oil by forming a single layer is noted.

5. The mixtures are poured into the Waste Container. The three test tubes are cleaned and dried. 6. Three more test tubes are labelled as test tube 1,2 and 3. 2mL of stock solution is placed in each of the three test tubes. 2mL 1% CaCl2 solution is added to test 1. 2mL of 1% MgCl2 solution is added to test tube 2 while 2mL of 1% FeCl2 solution is added to test tube 3. Each test tube is shaken to mix the solutions. The observations are recorded. 7. 4 drops of mineral oils are added to each of the test tubes in step 6. Each test tube is shaken to mix the solutions and the solutions are left to stand for three to five minutes. The solutions, if any, that emulsifies the oil by forming a single layer is noted. 8. Step 6-7 is repeated using 2 mL of stock detergent solution. The solutions that precipitated are observed. 9. The solution, if any, that emulsifies the oil by forming a single layer is noted. 10. The mixtures are poured into the Waste Container. The test tube are cleaned and dried. 11. 5 mL of stock soap solution is poured in cine clean test tube and 5 mL of stock detergent solution in a second test tube. 1M HCl is added one drop at a time to both solution until the pH in each tube is equal to 3. The number of drops of acid added to each mixture is counted. Any precipitate formed in either mixture is observed. 12. 1 drop of mineral oil is added to each test tube in step 11. Each test tube is shaken to mix the solution. Any emulsification formed in either mixture is observed.

6.3 PART C: COMPARISON OF CLEANING ABILITIES OF SOAP AND DETERGENT. 1. The three beakers are cleaned, dried and labeled. Then 20 mL of stock soap solution that from step 1 is placed in the first beaker. After that, 20 mL of stock detergent solution from step 2 is placed in the second beaker. 20 mL of tap water is added in a third beaker. 2. Three cloth test strips that have been soaked in tomato souce are obtained and then one strip is placed in each of the beakers. Repeatedly, each solution is stirred with a stirrer bar for 5 minutes. 3. The cloth strips is removed from the soap and detergent solution and then the excess water is squeezed out. Each cloth strip is observed and compared to determine their relative cleanliness.

7. Results and Calculations 7.1 A. Soap preparation Mass of Filter (g)


Mass of filter paper + soap (g)


Mass of soap recovered (g)


7.2 B. Comparison of soap and detergent properties Test (1)

: The comparison of the pH value of soap and detergent.

Brand name of synthetic detergent


pH of soap solution


pH of synthetics detergent solution


Name of the sample

Soap prepared



2.0 g

2.0 g

pH value



Conclusion: The soap that had been prepared is more basic that the detergent because the pH value of soap is more than the detergent

 Based on the result above, between soap and detergent, the pH value of detergent is 8.90 while the soap is 11.85. Thus, the soap prepared is more basic compare to the detergent.

Test (2)

: The comparison of emulsification of soap and detergent

Before reaction with minerals oil and test After reaction reaction with minerals solution

oil and test solution


Test 1

Test 2

Test 3


Distilled water

Stock soap

Stock detergent


4 drops mineral oils + 5 mL 4 drops mineral oils + 5 mL 4drops mineral oils distilled water

stock soap

+ 5 mL synthetic detergent


The solution 2 layer form. The The solution become half The



bottom layer part is colorless water cloudy and singles any layer.

white solution form

meanwhile upper part layer is oil.

and single layer.

Emulsification No



Emulsification can be described as the solution that form is in a single layer. Thus, based on the test above, the emulsification had occured in the stock soap solution and stock detergent. . While the distilled water do not occur any emulsification because there are oil layer at the upper part of the solution samples. System

Emulsification Occurred

Distilled water






7.3 Hard and acidic Test (3)

: The comparison of properties of soap and detergent in hard solution

The solution of soap solution with 1) Cacl2, The solution of detergent solution with 1) 2) MgCl2 and 3) FeCl2.

Cacl2, 2) MgCl2 and 3) FeCl2.



Oil emulsified




Synthetic detergent


Form single layer.


Form single layer.


Form single layer.

detergent 2 mL CaCl2 + 4 Colourless drops mineral oils

with No,colour

white precipitate

change to pale blue

2 mL MgCl2 + 4 Milky and have a No,colour drops mineral oils

white precipitate

change to pale blue

2 mL FeCl2 + 4 Orange in solution No,colour drops mineral oils

and have orange change precipitate


Precipitate System Soap


Oil emulsified Synthetic detergent


Synthetic detergent






MgCl 2










 Based on the test above, the soap have the precipitate of properties if compare with the synthetic detergent that does not formed any precipitate although react with either CaCl 2, MgCl2 nor FeCl2.  From the result above, we can observe that when soap mixed with CaCl2, the soap solution change to colourless with the present of white precipitate and oil emulsion mean while the synthetic detergent change colour into pale blue and and have oil emulsified.  When mixed with MgCl2, the soap become milky solution and also presence the white precipitate while but no emlusion of oil .But,for the synthetic detergent only change pale blue colour and consist oil emulsification in the form of 1 layers.  Lastly, the soap change into orange colour in solution with the presence of orange precipitate and no emulsion of oil.But, compare to the synthetic detergent does not form any precipitate it only change into yellowish colour and also have oil emulsion.

Test (4)

: The comparison of soap and detergent in acidic solution by using 1M HCl Sample


Synthetic detergent

Initial pH



Final pH



Drops of 1M HCl

8 drops

3 drops




become The solution is clear and not

milky while droping the form any precipitate HCl solution. Add the mineral oil for both samples Observations

Form white precipitate

Not change

 For the test in the acidic solution we can observe that the soap has a high value of pH reading compare with the synthetic detergent and the soap formed the precipitate when react with the acid and not for the synthetic detergent.

 7.4 Cleaning comparison of a soap and detergents

Test (5)

: Cleaning comparison of a soap and detergent

The cleaning ability by 1) soap, 2) synthetic detergent and 3) distilled water Samples

Tap water



detergent Cleanliness

Not clean


The solution seen Not have a precipitate

Very clean effect


Slightly clean the Not




 For the test above, it more concentrate to determine the relative cleanliness for the tap water, synthetic detergent and soap.  Based on experiment conducted, the synthetic detergent shown the high relative cleanliness compare with the soap and the tap water.  The relative cleanliness can be conclude as: tap water < soap < synthetic detergent

8. Discussion . This experiment was performed successfully and the objective was achieved. The objective of this experiment is to prepare soap and compare its properties to that of a synthetic detergent. The first procedure was conducted on 20 March 2013. Then the experiment was completed on 31 March 2013 followed by the second and third experimental procedure. There are 3 parts in these experiments. The first part which is part A is about preparation of soap. Part B is about comparison of soap and detergent properties to test precipitation and emulsifying conducted on 31 March 2013 followed by the part C is comparison of cleaning abilities of soap and detergent. In this experiment, for the part B and part C there are 5 tests for two of the cleaning agents (soap and syndets).Part B only have 4 tests which is test 1, 2, 3 and 4.But for part C is test 5. After the preparation of soap in these experiment part A,will followed by the part B.This procedure was conducted to compare the soap properties with the synthetic detergent by observing the precipitation and emulsification that occurs. For this process, we are using the soap produced in the first procedure in part A. During the soap preparation, saponification process occur where the fatty acid carboxylate ions are formed in the presence of the strong base which is used sodium hydroxide, NaOH for this experiment. Then, these carboxylate ions are the conjugate bases of the fatty acids therefore, it is able to accept a proton to formed the stable compound. When it placed into water, these conjugate bases are able to accept the proton from any souces including the water. For test 1on this experiment is about to test the comparison of the pH value of soap and detergent .For the ph of soap solution that was prepared on part A is 11.85 mean while the ph of synthetic detergent solution is 8.90.In overview,based on that what can conlcude is the ph value of soap is more basic than synthethic detergent. For the test 2 is to comparison of emulsification of soap and detergent.Emulsification in test 2 ,occured only for test in soap and synthetics solution.But for distilled water no emulsification. Emulsification can be described as the solution that form is in a single layer. Thus, based on the test above, the emulsification had occured in the stock soap solution and stock detergent. . While the distilled water do not occur any emulsification because there are oil layer at the upper part of the solution samples. For the part B in the test 3 is comparison of properties of soap and detergent in hard solution , it represents the water condition is in “hard water” which contains Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe 3+ ions. The experiment was conducted using 3 different test tubes. By using our soap, precipitate

form in three of the test tubes. This is because the metal ions from the “hard water” will cause the soap to form an insoluble salt. That’s why the water does not mix with the soap forming precipitate. Then, mineral oil was added to all of the three mixtures. In this process, the precipitate that forms in the three of our test was dissolved for the soap test. The hydrocarbon is hydrophobic and soluble with grease or oil; micelles will still be form even though the metal ions causing the soap to be insoluble with water. But, for the syndets tests, there are no precipitates and oil emulsifications formed. Means, the syndet are suitable to be used in the “hard water”, so as the function to remove any grease or oil from cloth, since the formation micelles occur. From the observations obtained from the experiement, the soap form the precipitate in all of the solutions added which are CaCl2, MgCl2 and FeCl2 as well emulsifies the oil. So that, this may not appear as a good characteristics for the soap as the cleaning agent if there formed precipitate and emulsifies oil on the cloth. In our daily day,what can applied is for the hard water, it can be known as the water that consist of calcium ion, Ca2+ and magnesium ions, Mg2+. These ions are leached from the ground water flowing over rock formations containing limestone and also other minerals. Thus, the hard water interferes with the cleaning action of soap. That why when the soap is react with the mineral ions that contain in the hard water, it will formed the precipitate. So that, the precipitate leaves a deposit on clothes, skin and hair. For the test 4 , in these experiment test to the comparison of soap and detergent in acidic solution by using 1M Hydrochloric Acid. For the soap solution test in acidic solution by using 1M Hydrochloric Acid what can conclude is the initial ph of soap is 7.2 change to 2.96 which required only for 8 drops only and the observation is the solution become milky white precipitate when dropping the Hydrochloric Acid solution .But, for the ph synthetic detergent solution test change from is 6.88 change to 2.53 which required only for 3 drops only and the observation is the solution is clear and not form any precipitate when dropping the Hydrochloric Acid solution. For the test in the acidic solution we can observe that the soap has a high value of pH reading compare with the synthetic detergent and the soap formed the precipitate when react with the acid and not for the synthetic detergent. For the part C in the final test (test 5), both of the cleaning agent are tested in the acidic water condition. This experiment is conducted to determine the effectiveness of soap and detergent in cleaning stain on the cloth strip. The cloth strips that have been soaked in tomato sauce are put into the beaker containing soap solution in detergent solution. Both solutions are

stirred repeatedly by using stirring rod for 5 minutes. Then, the cloth strips is removed from the soap and detergent solution and the excess of water is squeeze out. The observation obtained from this experiment is the cloth strip that soaked in the detergent is cleaner than in soap solution and tap water. Thus the relative cleanliness can be conclude tap water < soap < synthetic detergent Based on the theory, detergent is more effective cleaning agent than the soap as it is effective in both hard and soft water. It is because detergent contains one or more surfactants that increase cleanliness. Surfactants is defined as surface active agents which functioned to modify the surface of the liquid it is dissolved in, reducing the surface tension and allowing oils and water to mix. As we know, water is the liquid commonly used for cleaning which has a property called surface tension. In the body of water, each molecule is surrounded and attracted by other water molecules. At the surface, those molecules are surrounded by other water molecules only on the water side. A tension is created as the water molecules at the surface are pulled into the body of the water. This tension causes water to bead up on surfaces which slows wetting of the surface and inhibits the cleaning process. Therefore, more surfactants can reduce more surface tension and increase the cleaning process. However, soap is also a good cleaning agent but the effectiveness of the soap will decrease as it used in hard water. Hardness in water is caused by the presence of the mineral salts such as calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese. These mineral salts will react with the soap and forming an insoluble precipitate known as soap film or scum. The presence of the scum will decrease the effectiveness of soap as it tends to remain behind and deposits on the cloth. This reduces the amount of soap available for cleaning. Thus, soap is less effective than detergent in cleaning process. Therefore, as the result of this experiment is vice versa, experimental accepted during conducting this experiment. The synthetic detergents have undeniably replaced soap for many cleaning jobs around the home. Thus, the development of synthetic detergent by chemist actually was a great advantage for people with relatively hard tap water in their homes.The synthetic detergent have the advantages compare to the soap, but there is a significant issue regarding the use of synthetic detergent that is the biodegradability of some of its components.

10. Conclusion In conclusion, followed by the objectives of the experiment which are to prepared the soap and used to compare the properties of soap and detergent which are precipitation, emulsification and cleaning abilities. thus, the soap is succesfully prepared and all the comparison of properties had been observed and recorded. For the test 1 ,the experiment acually want to deterime the comparison of oil emulsification for the 3 types of sample which are distilled water,soap solution and finally the synthetic detergent.From the observation,the distilled water do not emulsified the oil meanwhile the synthethic detergent emulsified the oil which formed the half cloudy solution and soap emulsified become white solutions.In fact,what can conclude is the soap The pH value of the soap produced are higher that the synthetic detergent. Thus, this shows that the soap is more alkali. 

Soap and synthetic detergent are soluble in water due to the presents of Hydrophilic polar end of the atomic structure. That’s why, no emulsification occur if water is added.

Soap is not suitable to be used in “hard water”. It is because the presents of metal ions making the soap become insoluble in water.

By using soap in “hard water”, micelles will still occur due to the Hydrocarbon of the soap structure.

Soap is not suitable to be used in acidic water.

The syndets are suitable to be used in “hard water” and also acidic water since the syndets are remains soluble in the solution.

11. RECOMMENDATIONS: There are a few recommendations that will significantly produce better observations which will not deviate much from the theoretical observations. 

Wear the gloves that have been provided when conduct the experiment to avoid any error occurs because the tip of our fingers is acidic.

During filling the solution of mixture putting the paper to the same level of solution at the back of measuring cylinder and flask to avoid the parallax error.

Before conduct the experiment, make sure all apparatus in good condition especially the pH electrode and pH meter. Rinsed complete the pH electrode before used it to read the other pH of the solution using distilled water to neutralize to get accurate result.

All steps in the procedure should be following to get accurate result.

The more important thing is use safety equipment and avoids any contact with any chemical reagents involved.

Make sure the apparatus in the stable position.

Take alert for any recorded change of result in the condition of physical condition likes the colour changes and other. Tabulated the data.

Repeat the experiment for a few times to get a better and accurate result.

12. References 

Engineering Chemistry Lab (CHE 485).

Chemistry The Central Science 11th edition, Pearson International Edition (2009); BROWN, LeMAY, BURSTEN, MURPHY.

Mithu Majumdar. (2012). Cleansing Actionof Soap. Retrieved May 19,2013, from

Organic Chemistry(third editions), R.T.Morrison & R.N.Boyd,1973, Allyn and Bacon,Boston. date accesed 1/6/2013.

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13. Appendix

Test tube with Racks

Tomato sauce


Ice Bath

Mass Weight Electronic

Synthetic Detergent (dynamo)

Ph meter electonic

1% FeCl2 Solution

1% CaCl2 Solution

1% MgCl2 Solution

Cooking Oil

Measuring Cylinder

magnetic stirring bar Beaker

Heater Electronic Lab

Distilled water

Retord Stand with Clamp

Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

Glass Rod

Saturated Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

Petric Dish

Vacuum Filtration Apparatus

Cloth Strip

Erlenmenyer Flask