Katie Sonier - 6 Week Glute Building Program 2


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3 Before You Start Before you begin the program, please read about our terms and conditions as well as our legal disclaimers. By accessing and using this guide, you agree to be bound by these terms.

4 Important Info Make sure you read, understand, and apply all of this important info to really get the most out of your training!

8 Your 6-Week Program Your 6-Week Glute Training Programming.

26 Train With Katie Membership Learn more about my TRAIN WITH KATIE membership program where you have access to new full training videos every week along with 24/7 communication with me as your coach.



LEGAL DISCLAIMER The information in this document is intended for general reference purposes only and is not intended to address specific medical conditions. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice or a medical exam. Prior to participating in any exercise program or activity, you should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional.  No health information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. 

The recommendations, instructions and advice contained within this document and e-mail are in no way intended to replace or to be construed as medical advice and are offered for informational purposes only. Katie Sonier Inc. and its respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors and employee’s shall not be liable for any claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected to the use of any of the information contained in this Website, including any injuries resulting there from.


INFO YOU SHOULD KNOW: GYM REQUIRED FOR THIS PROGRAM: You will need access to a fully equipped gym for this program.  HIP CIRCLE RESISTANCE BAND: We will be doing a ton of band work in this program. The band I recommend is Mark Bell's Slingshot Hip Circle 2.0. You can get one here: https://markbellslingshot.com/#a_aid=KatieSonier HIP THRUST PAD: We will be doing a ton of hip thrusting in this program and you will need a pad to protect your hips. The brand I recommend is Iron Bull Strength. You can get off Amazon.  THE BENEFITS OF GLUTE BUILDING: The glutes are the biggest muscle group in the body and arguably the most important when it comes to improving overall performance and athleticism, preventing injury, and maintaining optimal posture. They are the pillar of strength and stability for your entire body. That being said, having weak, underdeveloped glutes can cause problems with overall health and performance. And of course from an aesthetic standpoint, well developed glutes just look good! 



INFO YOU SHOULD KNOW: ROLE OF THE GLUTES: The gluteal muscles or the "glutes" are a group of three muscles: gluteus maximus (main role being hip extension), gluteus medius (main role being hip abduction), and gluteus minimus (also plays a role in hip abduction and internal rotation of femur at hip joint). In this program, you will optimize your glute training by working all of these muscles.  THE HIP THRUST AND WHY IT'S THE BEST GLUTE BUILDING EXERCISE: To put it shortly, peak glute activation occurs when your hips are fully extended while shoulders are in line with hips. This is why the hip thrust is the BEST glute building exercise you can do and this is why we will be doing a ton of them in this program! WARMING UP & MOBILITY: Make sure you are warming up appropriately before getting into your training. Some prefer a short cardiovascular warm up; some prefer more of a dynamic stretch warm up and some prefer both. Do what you prefer, but I always encourage implementing some hip mobility stretches to really optimize your movement when training. BAND WORK AS GLUTE ACTIVATION AND BURNOUTS: We will be doing a ton of band work in this program to serve as "glute activation" to wake the glutes up and as "burnouts" at the end of the sessions to put the glutes through more metabolic stress for growth. 


INFO YOU SHOULD KNOW: MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION: Mastering the mind muscle connection is so important. Do you feel your glutes working? Connect your mind to your glutes. Slow things down and dial into your form. Make sure you feel what you want to feel with every rep! THE PUMP: You want to walk away from each session feeling "the pump" or a swollen sensation in your glutes. This is a sign of metabolic stress and cell swelling from working the muscle. This is a good thing and means you are headed in the right direction! HIGH VOLUME TRAINING: This program is a high volume training program. Meaning, we're doing a lot of reps and focusing on getting stronger (lifting more load) in all rep ranges. COMPOUND LIFTS: A compound lift is a multi joint movement pattern that works multiple muscle groups. In other words, they're the "biggest bang for your buck" when it comes to building muscle and gaining overall strength. Compound lifts should be the staple to any program and you should plan on always implementing them into your training. COMPOUND LIFTS IN THIS PROGRAM: The compound lifts we will be focusing on will be hip thrusts, deadlifts, and squats and different variations of each.



INFO YOU SHOULD KNOW: FORM: Form is SO important. Doing exercises is one thing, but executing exercises well and optimally is a whole other thing. Optimize your movement patterns; optimize your results. Slow things down and keep it light if you need to. Form always first! If you need more guidance with your form, never hesitate to reach out to me via email!  CHOOSING APPROPRIATE WEIGHT FOR YOU: Master the movement pattern (form), then progress with load. The last few reps of each working set should be a challenge. You should never just breeze through a set. Form first, then challenge yourself appropriately.  SUPERSETS: We will be doing supersets in this program, which is 2 exercises performed back to back. Then rest appropriately and repeat the superset for 3-4 rounds.. Give yourself enough rest so you can perform your best with each working set. PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD: To put it simply, in order for muscle to grow, strength to be gained, or performance to improve, the human body must be forced to adapt to a tension that is above what it has previously experienced. This is called progressive overload. That being said, challenge yourself and focus on getting stronger (lifting more load) in ALL rep ranges thrown at you in this program. That is how we grow! CHOOSING WEIGHT FOR VARYING HIP THRUST REPS AND OTHER VARIATIONS: As mentioned above, we will be doing a ton of hip thrusting variations in this program. We will be doing them in the 10-30 rep ranges, with isometric holds, abductions, unilateral loading, and more. Obviously with higher rep ranges, you will choose a weight that is relatively lighter. And with lower-medium rep ranges, you will choose a weight that is moderately heavier. Whatever rep range you are working in, choose a weight that challenges you and work towards getting stronger (lifting more load) in that rep range with time. ONGOING COACHING/HELP FROM ME: Any questions at all, never hesitate to reach out to me via email. I am always here to help! [email protected]

WEEK 1: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri MONDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 20 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 12 reps (moderately heavy load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Sumo Deadlift x 12 reps

Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 20 reps

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Goblet Sumo Squat x 12 reps

Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 20 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Glute Bridge x 20 reps Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 25 reps each leg 

WEEK 1: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri WEDNESDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Seated Abduction  x 30-50 reps Barbell Hip Thrust x 20 reps (relatively lighter load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Deadlift x 12 reps

Kettlebell Swing x 15 reps 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Cable Pull Through x 15 reps

Frog Pump x 30-50 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Glute Bridge x 10 into 15 Bridged Abductions x 3  Banded Clam Shell x 20 reps each leg 

WEEK 1: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri FRIDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 20 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 10 reps (moderately heavy load) with 3 Second Isometric Hold at Top of each rep

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Back Squat x 12 reps

Single Leg Hip Thrust x 12 reps each leg

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Glute Focused Back Extension x 15 reps

Prone Hamstring Curl x 15 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Seated Abduction x 30 reps Banded Glute Bridge x 25 reps

WEEK 2: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri MONDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 20 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 10 reps weighted (moderately heavy load) into 20 reps bodyweight

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Sumo Deadlift x 12 

Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 10 reps into 20 abductions x 2 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Cable Lateral Raise  x 12 reps each leg  Banded Frog Pump Thrust x 20 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 30 reps each leg Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 20

WEEK 2: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri WEDNESDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Cha Cha x 30 reps each leg

Barbell Hip Thrust x 20 reps (relatively lighter load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Deadlift x 12 reps

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 reps each leg 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Kettlebell Swing x 15 reps

Cable Kick Back x 12 reps each leg 

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Clam Shell x 20 reps each leg Banded Seated Abduction x 30 reps

WEEK 2: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri FRIDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 20 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 5 reps (moderately heavy load) into 20 Seated Abductions x 2

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Back Squat x 12 reps

Frog Pump x 30-50 reps

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Glute Focused Back Extension x 15 reps Single Leg Prone Hamstring Curl x 12 reps each leg

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Seated Abduction x 30 reps Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 20 reps

WEEK 3: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri MONDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 12 reps (moderately heavy load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Sumo Deadlift x 15 reps 

Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 10 bridges into 20 abductions x 3 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Kettlebell Swing x 20

Banded Frog Pump Thrust x 25

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Glute Bridge x 30 reps Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 35 reps each leg 

WEEK 3: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri WEDNESDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Cha Cha x 30 reps each leg into Banded Seated Abduction x 30 reps

Barbell Hip Thrust x 25 reps (relatively lighter load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Deadlift x 15

Single Leg Hip Thrust x 12 reps each leg 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Cable Pull Through x 15 reps

Cable Lateral Raise x 12 reps each leg 

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Clam Shell x 25 reps each leg Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 25 reps 

WEEK 3: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri FRIDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 5 reps (moderately heavy load) into 10 Second Isometric Hold at Top x 2 

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Back Squat x 15 reps

Glute Focused Back Extension x 20 reps 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 10 reps into 20 abductions x 3

Prone Hamstring Curl x 20 reps 

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 30 reps Banded Seated Abduction x 40 reps

WEEK 4: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri MONDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way into Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 35 reps each leg  Barbell Hip Thrust x 12 reps weighted (moderately heavy load) into 24 reps bodyweight

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Pause Sumo Deadlift (pause 2 seconds below knee) x 10 reps  Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 12 reps each leg 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift x 10 reps each leg  Banded Frog Pump Thrust x 30 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 40 reps each leg  Banded Glute Bridge x 40 reps

WEEK 4: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri WEDNESDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Elevated Glute Bridge x 10 reps into 25 abductions x 3 Barbell Hip Thrust x 25 reps (relatively lighter load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds   Barbell Deficit Deadlift x 10 reps

Kettlebell Swing Reset x 10

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Cable Pull Through x 15 reps

Frog Pump x 50 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Glute Bridge x 10 reps into 25 abductions x 3 Banded Clam Shell x 25 reps each leg 

WEEK 4: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri FRIDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way Barbell B-Stance (Stagger Stance) Hip Thrust x 10 reps (relatively lighter load) each leg 

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Pause Back Squat (pause at bottom for 2 seconds) x 10 reps Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 10 reps into 25 abductions x 3

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Single Leg Glute Focused Back Extension x 15 reps each leg  Eccentric Prone Hamstring Curl (3 seconds on way down) x 12 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 10 reps into 25 abductions x 3 Banded Seated Abduction x 40 reps

WEEK 5: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri MONDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way into Banded Glute Bridge x 30 reps

Barbell Hip Thrust x 12 (moderately heavy load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Sumo Deadlift x 12 reps

Single Leg Hip Thrust x 15 reps each leg 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Goblet Squat x 15 reps

Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift x 12 reps each leg 

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Frog Pump Thrust x 30 reps Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 40 reps each leg 

WEEK 5: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri WEDNESDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Seated Abduction x 30 reps Hinge Forward x 30 reps Lean Back

Barbell Hip Thrust x 25 reps (relatively lighter load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Deadlift x 12 reps Glute Focused Back Extension x 20 reps

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Dumbbell Deficit Reverse Lunge x 10 reps each leg

Kettlebell Swing x 20 reps

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Clam Shell x 30 reps each leg Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 30 reps

WEEK 5: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri FRIDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way Barbell Hip Thrust x 12 reps (moderately heavy load) with 3 Second Isometric Hold at Top of each rep

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Back Squat x 12 reps

Cable Pull Through x 20 reps

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Frog Pump x 50 reps Prone Hamstring Curl Dropset x 10 reps heavier weight into 20 reps lighter weight (50% less weight)

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Glute Bridge x 15 reps with 3 Sec Iso Hold at Top each rep Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 45 reps each leg

WEEK 6: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri MONDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 25 reps each way into Banded Cha Cha x 25 reps each leg Barbell Hip Thrust x 15 reps weighted (moderately heavy load) into bodyweight x 30 reps

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Pause Sumo Deadlift (pause below knee 2 seconds) x 12 reps Banded Frog Pump Thrust x 30 reps

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Kettlebell Swing Reset x 12 reps

Cable Kick Back x 15 reps each leg 

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Seated Abduction x 50 reps  Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 35 reps

WEEK 6: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri WEDNESDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Elevated Glute Bridge x 10 reps into 30 abductions x 3 Barbell Hip Thrust x 30 reps (relatively lighter load)

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Deficit Deadlift x 12 reps Cable Lateral Raise x 15 reps each leg 

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Dumbbell Deficit Reverse Lunge x 12 reps each leg  Single Leg Glute Focused Back Extension x 15 reps each leg 

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Clam Shell x 30 reps each leg Banded Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 15 reps with 3 Second Iso Hold at Top of each rep

WEEK 6: Glute Training Mon,Wed,Fri FRIDAY: Superset 1: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Banded Lateral Step x 30 reps each way  Barbell B-Stance (Stagger Stance) Hip Thrust x 12 reps (relatively lighter load) each leg 

Superset 2: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Barbell Pause Squat (pause 2 seconds at bottom) x 12 reps Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift x 12 reps each leg

Superset 3: Repeat superset 3-4 rounds  Cable Pull Through x 20 reps Prone Hamstring Curl Dropset x 12 reps heavier weight into 24 reps lighter weight (50% less weight)

Banded Burnout: Repeat burnout 3-5 rounds. No rest Banded Glute Bridge x 10 reps into 30 abductions x 3  Banded Lying Lateral Raise x 50 reps each leg 

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