Jack C Richards

Quiz N, 1 Jack C. Richards on Communicative Competence - Part 1 of 2 (Downloaded on youtube.com) Presented by: LIZETH PE

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Quiz N, 1 Jack C. Richards on Communicative Competence - Part 1 of 2 (Downloaded on youtube.com) Presented by: LIZETH PERALTA Ten line summary:

 The main topic is how we understand and approach language learning in terms of communicative competence  The difference between linguistic and communicative competences is that linguistic competence approaches to the grammar, aspect of the language knowledge, which is the ability to create sentence accurately so,  What linguistic competence tells us what sentence in a language is grammatically correct,  Communicative competence tells us what utterances in a language communicative are appropriate, in other words, how we explain things, how we give instruction, so on.  Communicative Competence is the capacity we have to use language in ways that are appropriate for the context, for the participant in a relationship between them.  Master the language means mastering the language in the way that is communicatively appropriate for the circumstances in which we are going to use it.  It makes us think in an appropriate syllabus for a language teaching course: the organization, focused on tasks, themes, topics…  We have to look the scope of sequence, function, accuracy activities.  While teaching we are teaching both, linguistic competence and a communicative competence.  We teach how sentences are created, and how to develop the capacity the students have to acquire how use this sentences is part of communicative competence.

5 line ref lection: In my own words, communicative competence is the capacity of a person to behave in an effective and appropriate way in a determined speaking community, so that we have to respect certain rules that include grammar and other linguistic description levels like the use of the rules of the language, related with the social and cultural context in which communication takes place. .