Interchange4thEd Level1 Unit16 Grammar Worksheet

Unit 16 Grammar Worksheet CHANGES How have you changed in the last year? How about your best friend? Write sentences.

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Unit 16

Grammar Worksheet

CHANGES How have you changed in the last year? How about your best friend? Write sentences. 1. With the present tense: I wear contact lenses now. a. I b. My best friend 2. With the comparative: I’m more independent than before. a. I b. My best friend 3. With the past tense: My best friend had a baby last year. a. I b. My best friend 4. With the present perfect: My best friend has moved to a new apartment. a. I b. My best friend


Think about your personal and professional life. What are your plans? Complete the sentences. 1. I hope to get a new job.

2. I’d like to 3. I’d love to 4. I plan to 5. I don’t want to 6. I don’t plan to 7. I’m not going to


PAIR WORK Compare your plans. Take turns asking and answering

questions. A: What are your plans for the future? B: Well, first I hope to get a new job. I don’t want to work at a store anymore.

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2013
