Interchange 1 Unit 11

Interchange 1 Unit 11 It’s a very exciting place! 1. WORD POWER Adjectives A. Pair work – Match each word in column A

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Interchange 1 Unit 11 It’s a very exciting place!

1. WORD POWER Adjectives A. Pair work – Match each word in column A with it’s opposite in column B. Then ad two more pairs of adjectives to the list.

A h 1. Beautiful ……. d 2. Cheap…….. f 3. Clean…….. a 4. Interesting……… e 5. Quiet……… g 6. Relaxing……….. c 7. Safe…….. b 8. Spacious ……….. la 9. ……………...... rg ho 10.……………….. e t

B a. boring b. crowded c. dangerous d. expensive e. noisy f. polluted g. stressful h. ugly sma i. …………….. ll co j. …………….. ld

B. Pair Work – Choose two places you know. Describe them to your partner using the words in part A

2. CONVERSATION It’s a fairly big city. Eric is asking Carman about her hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico. What do you know about Puerto Rico? Where is it? What’s it like? 1. Weather: Okay or great? 2. Beaches: polluted or fantastic? 3. Prices: reasonable or expensive?

2. CONVERSATION It’s a fairly big city. A. Listen and practice Eric: So where are you from, Carmen? Carmen: I’m from San Juan, Puerto, Rico. Eric: Wow, I’ve heard that’s a really nice city. Carmen: Yeah, it is. The weather is great, and there are some fantastic beaches just outside the city. Eric: Is it expensive there? Carmen: No, it’s not very expensive. Prices are pretty reasonable. Eric: How big is the city? Carmen: It’s a fairly bit city, but it’s not too big. Eric: It sounds perfect I should B. Listen to the resttoofme. theMaybe conversation plan a trip there sometime. . What does Carmen say about entertainment in San Juan? There are a lot of night clubs and some excellent restaurants.

3. GRAMMAR FOCUS Adverbs before adjectives What has Eric heard about San Juan? It’s really nice. How big is San Juan? It’s fairly big?

There are times when we use adverbs like very, really, and fairly to modify adjectives. Organized from most to least


Extremely Very Really Pretty Fairly


3. GRAMMAR FOCUS Adverbs before adjectives ADVERBS Extremely Very Really RULE: X is X is a/an noun

Pretty adverb + adjective adverb + adjective +

Fairly Somewhat

Too means “more than you want” We usually use it with negative adjectives (too bad; NOT too nice) We cannot use too with an adverb + adjective + noun (too expensive; NOT a too expensive city)

3. GRAMMAR FOCUS Adverbs before adjectives A. Match the questions with the answers. Then practice the conversations. 1. What’s Seoul like? Is it an interesting place? 2. Do you like your hometown? Why or why not? 3. What’s Sydney like? I’ve never been there. 4. Have you ever been to San Paulo?

a. Oh, really? It’s beautiful and very clean. It has a great harbor and beautiful beaches. b. Yes, I have. It’s an extremely large crowded place, but I love it. It has excellent restaurants. c. Yes. It has amazing shopping, and the people are pretty friendly. d. Not really. It’s too small, and it’s really boring. That’s

3. GRAMMAR FOCUS Conjunctions

We use and to connect two positive or two negative ideas. “The city is ugly, and the weather is terrible.” What punctuation comes before and? A comma

Look at the three sentences. Are they positive + positive, negative + negative, positive + negative? Answer: positive + negative

We use but, though and however to connect a positive idea and a negative idea.

3. GRAMMAR FOCUS Conjunctions B. Choose the correct conjunctions and rewrite the sentences. 1. Taipei is very nice. Everyone is extremely friendly. Taipei is very nice, and everyone is extremely friendly. (and/but)

The streets are crowded. It’s easy to get around, though. ___________________________________________ __ is nice. SummerIt’s getseasy pretty 2. The weather streets are crowded. to hot, get however. around. (and/though) Shopping is great, but you have to bargain in the market.

___________________________________________ __ The food is delicious, and it’s not too expensive. 3.The weather is nice. Summers get pretty hot. It’s an amazing city, and I love to go there. (and/however) ___________________________________________ __ Group Work – Describe three cities or towns in your C. 4. Shopping is great. You have to bargain in the country. State two positive and one negative feature for markets. (and/but)

4. LISTENING My hometown BOOKS CLOSED!!! Joyce and Nicholas are talking about their hometowns Do Joyce and Nicholas like their hometowns? Joyce doesn’t like her hometown, but Nicholas likes his. Listen to Joyce and Nicholas talk about their hometowns. What do they say? Check the correct boxes.

5. WRITING A magazine article A. Imagine you work for an airline magazine. Think of an interesting place for tourists to visit in your country and write a short article.

B. Pair work – Exchange papers and read each others’ articles. Which place sounds the most interesting?