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Comenzado el Estado Finalizado en Tiempo empleado Puntos Calificación Comentario - miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019,

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Comenzado el Estado Finalizado en Tiempo empleado Puntos Calificación Comentario -

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019, 23:29 Finalizado miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019, 23:58 28 minutos 27 segundos 13,00/15,00 21,67 de 25,00 (87%) You have done an excellent process. Keep it up!

Pregunta 1 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta Answer the question according to the listening Reproducción Silenciar Cargado: 0% Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00

: A trip to Denmark Josh asks Lisa how long she is going to relax during her trip to Denmark. She is going to relax for____ Seleccione una: a. Lisa is going to relax for a long time b. Lisa is going to relax for many years c. a few days d. three weeks Pregunta 2 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta Select the word that makes the sentence grammatically incorrect :I can to run very fast up the hills. Seleccione una: a. to run b. fast c. can d. hills Pregunta 3 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta Select the word that has a mistake in SPELLING in the following sentence. Carlos feels really sleeppy. He is tired Seleccione una: a. Tired b. feels c. Sleeppy d. Really Pregunta 4 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta Answer the question according to the listening Reproducción

Silenciar Cargado: 0% Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00

: A trip to Denmark Josh asks Lisa if it is necessary to take a phrase book (dictionary) to Denmark, because Seleccione una: a. People speak English b. She can't speak English c. People speak other language d. She needs to shop Pregunta 5 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta Based on the given question, choose the right option: Well, since you need a Biology book, you have to leave your identification card. Do you have any? Seleccione una: a. Yes, I does. b. Yes, I am c. No, I do d. No, I don’t Pregunta 6 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Which option is correct?

Seleccione una: a. The

childrens' room is upstairs.

b. The

children's room is upstairs.

c. The

childrens room is upstairs.

Pregunta 7 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta The correct definition of_________ is: to look at or observe closely or attentively Seleccione una: a. Choose b. Many c. Sleep d. Watch Pregunta 8 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the best option according to the picture.

Where can you find this?

Seleccione una: a. Inside the houses b. In the hospitals c. In the streets and parks d. In the post-offices Pregunta 9 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Answer this question. What place is it? All THE VEGETABLES ARE IN DISCOUNT TODAY .

Seleccione una: a. The police station b. The post office c. The supermarket. d. The church. Pregunta 10 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta Do you enjoy eating ice-cream? Yes, I _____ eating ice-cream. Seleccione una: a. enjoy b. enjoys c. doing d. thinking Pregunta 11 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Which sentence is correct? Seleccione una: a. They

is Italy.

b. They


c. They

are Italian.

Pregunta 12 Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Which word completes the sentence? We don't go ...... train. Seleccione una: a. to

b. by Pregunta 13 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Which is the correct answer? Are you there? Seleccione una: a. Yes

I'm here.

b. Yes

I'm there.

Pregunta 14 Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Which word completes the sentence? I live ...... Rosemary Road. Seleccione una: a. at b. on Pregunta 15 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00


Enunciado de la pregunta

Which sentence is correct? Seleccione una:

a. She

is born in Paris.

b. She

was born in Paris.

c. She

be born in Paris.