Identity manual Puratos

Identity Guide 1st release - July 2011 Table of content About Puratos Corporate communication Products and concepts

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Identity Guide 1st release - July 2011

Table of content

About Puratos

Corporate communication

Products and concepts communication

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 1 : Building blocks

Chapter 3 : About our brands

Brand Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Brands and concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Vision, mission and positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Corporate colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Brand architecture + Brand policy . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Puratos Magic: principles & values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Corporate gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

What Puratos stands for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Typography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 4 : Building block

Spokespeople corporate communication . . . . . . . . 16

Tone of voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Products and concepts colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Imagery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Concept patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Brand block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Products and concepts signature block . . . . . 106

Brand block elements used as graphical elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Product sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Cover ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Recipe page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Signature block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Document grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Chapter 2 : Applications

Corporate signage + building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Decoration kit + flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Promotional items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Recruitment advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Stationary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Chapter 5 : Packaging

Packaging layout for bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Labelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Packaging of priority brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

– Powerpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 – Corporate brochures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Online banners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

External newsletters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Seminars and events toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Public Relations and the Puratos boiler-plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Internal communication material

These guidelines have been conceived in A4 format.

– Internal magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

On the Brand platform you will find US and Asian

– Other internal communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

formats too.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


About Puratos


The Puratos corporate guidelines have changed several times since the company was founded in 1919. These identity guidelines explain in detail what the new corporate identity components are and how you can use them when writing and creating materials for Puratos. Puratos Company Identity Guide


Introduction To help those people involved in our communication, a new visual identity guide has been created. It contains all the necessary elements and templates to build a consistent and strong image of Puratos, one that communicates that we are indeed “reliable partners in innovation”. It is clear that one Puratos identity across the world is more important than ever these days, especially in a world of information overload and scattered communication channels. It is important therefore that these guidelines are respected and followed. Puratos is a global company, and close to customers and consumers everywhere. Our pictures therefore show people from many different cultures around the world. Puratos is a passionate company, and so it is quite logical that a palette of warm colours has been used. Puratos is a company looking for perfection in everything it does, this is best illustrated in the perfection and authenticity of the finished product pictures. It further confirms how Puratos are experts in bakery, patisserie and chocolate. The Group Communication Team


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Brand Portal

The Brand Portal is there to help everyone involved in Puratos communication. It contains everything needed to create visual consistency wherever you are in the world. The Brand Portal is an intranet site linked to the Adam database.

If you don’t find what you need, you will be able to create what

It has been conceived with maximum user friendliness so that

you want and add it to the system for the future benefit of

you can create new communication material (brochures, flyers,


banners, etc.). Not only will you easily find what you are looking for but you’ll be able to see what your colleagues have done in

We firmly believe that sharing of best practices is the best way to

other countries on similar subjects. We hope you’ll find this

boost creativity in all Puratos companies and reach new heights.


The aim, over time, is to build up a complete database of ideas and realisations thanks to the talent, creativity and contribution of everyone.

When you have a brilliant idea to improve one or several of the Puratos brand portal functionalities, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Your thoughts are really appreciated!

Confidentiality agreement: External parties have the permission to use Puratos name, logos and house style only after signing a confidentiality agreement. Note: this agreement needs to be renewed each year. You will find this document on the Brand Portal or contact us at [email protected].


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Vision, mission, positioning

Vision (The way a company perceives the world surrounding it, while setting up a long‑term visionary direction for its business.)

We believe that people will attach more and more importance to the quality of their food in the future.

Mission (The role the company plays to make its vision come true.)

Therefore we are committed to offering products that combine taste and nutritional value and, as a result, contribute to consumers’ health and eating pleasure, in the most convenient way.


At Puratos, we are close to customers and consumers everywhere. We turn technologies and experiences from food cultures around the world into new opportunities to help customers be more successful with their business.





Positioning (A relevant, unique and concise company promise.)


Reliable partners in innovation

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Puratos Magic: principles & values

Throughout the years, we have developed a “magic” Puratos way of acting, based on trust.

To know how to act, we have six guiding lights at our disposal: the Puratos values.

Trust gave us the strength to create our vision and trust in our vision inspires our actions so that our customers can have trust in our company and in its people. Trust means being able to rely on each other; to be convinced that the other is willing and able to do what is expected, while respecting the rules that have been agreed upon.

Reliable partners… in innovation Inspire


Unleash talents

Team spirit


Being trusted makes you stronger. It

When people and teams know they

Managers and colleagues guide

Team spirit is an essential

With great passion, we help

allows us to challenge each other to go

can trust each other, they will truly

and encourage people to their best

part of the way we do

our customers to grow their

beyond what we believe is possible. As

capitalize on each other’s strengths and

performance, in a very entrepreneurial

business. We believe that the

business through new ideas.

a result, we inspire our customers to go

join forces to achieve our common goal.

way, with a clear focus. So that each and

whole exceeds the sum of the

With great passion we create

everyone’s talents can flourish.

parts. Put simply, by working

a working environment that

together we can achieve more

stimulates people to develop,

and have more fun.

and rewards their enthusiasm

further, helping them to make innovative products and to build their business.

with trust and support.



In everything we do, ethics

Passion is nothing without

drive our decisions. Being

courage. Seizing opportunities

true to our conscience,

requires a certain amount of

maintaining our professional

bravery: never be afraid to try

standards, honouring our

new things.

commitments and assuring absolute food safety.


Improve continuously

We are convinced that the actions

We are driven by our desire to



continuously improve. As a member of

Getting it right first time,

Innovation requires vision.

the Group that invented the complete

every time – and always

The vision to build on

improver, we know better than others

looking to improve. There’s no

experience. To search eagerly

that improvement is a continuous process

better expression of our daily

for new horizons. And to help

touching all facets of our activities.

drive for quality.

our customers to prepare for

and results of one team can influence all the other Puratos teams. Working interdependently means that we understand and recognize the role everyone plays in the organization and consult and involve them into our way of moving things forward.


Build consensus Sharing thoughts, generating ideas is a prerequisite to build consensus. Only solutions that are understood and supported by each member of the team can have a long-lasting effect.

Generation and implementation of ideas

an ever-changing future.

are key to our future.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


What Puratos stands for

The nine words on these two pages summarize what Puratos stands for. These words capture the essence of who we are* and how we want to be perceived. As such, they also form the basis for our brand identity and our communication. Inspiration First, we get inspired by our customers who challenge us to go beyond what we believe is possible. Then, we inspire our customers to

Food culture

Close to you We understand and respect local food culture. We listen to consumers and

make innovative products and to build their business.

We want to fully grasp what

We develop reliable, original and

makes local food unique. We

innovative ingredients, technologies

integrate elements from different

and solutions that help to give our

cultures into new ideas and

customers absolute peace of mind.

concepts. In everything we do, we attach a lot of importance to the nutritional value of food, around the world.

Innovation We continuously improve the quality of our offer and create new solutions

customers; we work with local people

that anticipate future needs.

and produce locally. We adapt our

Our technological innovations –

products to local taste; and we bring the rich variety of local food culture


to the world.

in bakery/patisserie/chocolate

guaranteed by our R&D – always focus on the long term in a way that

At Puratos, everyone is truly passionate. It is in our blood, in our

know how to combine tradition with

DNA. And we share this passion

technology. We are a specialist in

We are a worldwide company with global ideas and global people: present around the world, yet always adapted to the local situation.

the market, offering a wide range of ingredients, solutions and services to artisans, industry, supermarkets and food service.


is sustainable.

Building on our long history, we



with our customers, who love to


make nutritious, tasty food for the community they live in.

We have the know how of the interactions between different technologies. We are versatile, adapting our technologies, our processes and our products to each type of customer. We are a solution provider.

* This is the outcome of a survey conducted amongst our colleagues and customers in the world. 14

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Spokespeople corporate communication

These eight people from around the world – consumers, customers, Puratos employees – are our spokespeople who spread our corporate message through testimonials.

Note: if it is necessary to use other spokespeople for a specific product or concept in your country, contact the Group Communication Department at [email protected].


Filled sweet bun

Fine patisserie


Rye bread


Decorated cake

Chocolate pralines


Mr Feng








Production Manager Bakery Industry, Asia

Consumer, Asia

Artisan Baker, Southern Europe

Puratos R&D Supervisor, Eastern Europe

Consumer, North America

Supermarket Pastry-Chef, Latin America

Technical Adviser Puratos Western Europe

Bakery Plant Manager, Middle East

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Corporate communication


Building blocks


A visual identity is built by combining several elements: logo, colour palette, graphic elements, and so on. Once we use these elements consistently, our Group will become easier to recognize and as a result stronger and more appreciated.

Puratos Company Identity Guide



The Puratos logo is an expression of what the company stands for and the value brought to our customers. It also contains an image of the Unicorn, a symbol of ethical behaviour and courage.

Logo elements 1

Safety margin No text or image should appear within the area of the safety margin.

Colour variations

Name a. Positive on white background

The word Puratos is written in lower case letters, with a capital P. On no account should


it be written in upper case. The name (as a

The default version of the logo is in two colours: Unicorn and tagline in warm ochre and Puratos in reddish brown.

logo) should never be used on its own. b. Negative on predefined corporate colours

The name is set in PMS 491 (reddish brown). 2


For use on our predefined corporate colours. Pay attention to the fact that the Unicorn


must be positioned in the darker part of the gradient to create enough contrast.

The Puratos Unicorn is a fixed element in the logo. It can also be used on its own. Unlike in

c. Black or reddish brown (PMS 491) on white background

the past, there is now only one version of the

We use black only if colour is not possible (newspaper, faxes, etc). Note that only this black version is allowed – converting a logo to greyscale is not permitted.

Unicorn to be used, the small version. The Unicorn is set in PMS 1245 (warm ochre). 3



Reddish brown is for exceptional use only: when we can use only one colour on white, such as when we have to use the logo on white merchandising objects and two colours is not an option.

• The tagline is an integral part of the Puratos logo. In other words: the logo is

d. White

never used without the tagline, except on

For use in black and white printing, on a black or a dark grey background. It can also be

packaging. However, the tagline in itself

used in merchandising objects, when the use of two colours is not possible.

can be used separately. • The tagline is always aligned to the width of the Puratos logo. • The tagline can be translated into other languages with agreement of both the country and headquarters. The tagline is

Logo on packaging

set in PMS 1245 (warm ochre). e. Packaging logo without tagline Strictly for use on packaging.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Language variations


The Puratos Unicorn

As an international company, English is our common language.

• The logo cannot be altered, modified or distorted in any way: no italics,

By default, we use the logo with the English tagline. However,

no colour changes, no rotations, etc. Only use official versions provided

as we always go the extra mile to be ‘close to you’, our tagline

by headquarters.

has been translated in many languages, so people around the

• Avoid using the logo on a dark or busy background.

world can easily understand what we stand for. It speaks for

• The logo should never be put over a picture.

itself that logos with translated tagline are only to be used in the appropriate local markets.

The Unicorn can be used on its own as an element of communication / decoration. However, there are some limitations to Reliable partners in innovation

its use: • The Unicorn can be used in warm ochre or white. If you need to use the

Puratos Reliable partners in innovation

Unicorn in another colour, contact the Group Communication Department at [email protected] • The opacity (i.e. the degree to which an image will obscure the background; opposite: transparency or translucency) of the Unicorn can be

Reliable partners in innovation

changed, when the Unicorn is used as a decorative element, as a background, … • The Unicorn cannot be cropped or altered in any other way.

Technical versions Logo, Unicorn and tagline are available for different uses: full colour When a new language version needs to be made,

printing, spot colour printing, web, etc.

please contact the Group Communication Department at [email protected].


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Corporate colours

Just like images, the choice of colours are a strong way to convey emotion. Colours create atmosphere and influence moods. This makes them a powerful tool in communication. For all our company communication, we have chosen a lively but limited range of strong, warm colours that truly reflect the Puratos personality.

Logo and corporate lines colours The Puratos warm ochre and reddish brown are used in the Puratos logo and the warm ochre, reddish brown and dark


Avoid overuse

• Our colours can be used in the following tints: 80%, 60%, 40% and

• When used as background, do not mix too many


colours in the same document.

• The colours in this document are only an indication. Always use a

• A chapter within a longer document (e.g. a brochure)

Pantone (PMS) or RAL guide to have a reliable reference.

should only have one accent/background colour.

• Bear in mind that RAL colours are never exactly the same as the

So use the same colour for background and accents

corresponding print colours.

within the same chapter.

• When creating MS Office documents, use RGB colours. But be aware that colours might differ according to the printer.

Corporate colours and gradients Puratos reddish brown

brown are used in the Puratos lines – one


Puratos warm ochre


of our graphical elements (see p 46)


Puratos orange


Corporate colours 80%

These three bright colours – Puratos orange, Puratos red and Puratos pink – allow you to highlight certain information and they give you a broad


enough palette to introduce sufficient variation and liveliness in our document. We are passionate: so,

The Puratos grey can be used for text. Use

PMS 491

this colour with care, as too much grey

CMYK 0 - 79 - 100 - 52

easily becomes dull.



CMYK 0 - 28 - 100 - 18

RGB 137 - 51 - 0 RAL 8004 Kupferbraun

PMS 1245

RAL 1005 Honiggelb


our layouts should communicate this passion.


For most applications, it is wise not to use more

CMYK 0 - 60 - 100 - 0

RGB 217 - 165 - 0


PMS 152


RGB 240 - 125 - 0 RAL 2011 Tieforange

than one of these colours (combined with its derived gradient) on any one page. Note that for corporate

Puratos dark brown


Puratos grey


Colour guidelines for products: see p. 102

PMS 498


RAL 8012 Rotbraun



Puratos red

PMS 425


RGB 100 - 100 - 100 RAL 9007 / 7036


PMS 186


CMYK 2 - 100 - 80 - 2


Puratos pink



CMYK 0 - 0 - 0 - 75

CMYK 30 - 90 - 100 - 52 RGB 109 - 35 - 10


RGB 222 - 5 - 45 RAL 3027 Himbeer


documents, we use orange as the main colour.


PMS 226


CMYK 0 - 100 - 10 - 0


RGB 229 - 0 - 117 RAL 4010 Telemagent



60% Important note: In corporate documents, the Puratos orange Colour guidelines for signage and


buildings: see p. 58 PMS 871


(and its gradient) must always be the main colour, especially on covers, as this will heighten brand recognition.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Corporate gradients Creating the corporate gradients

The base of our visual identity are three corporate colour gradients based on the three corporate colours. These gradients are an integral part of both the brand block and “the wave”. The latter is one of our graphical elements (see p 46). These gradients can also be used as a background in print materials.

In most cases, you can use the provided template gradient files as images to fill your shapes with the appropriate gradient. However, should you wish to reconstruct the gradients, here’s how to recreate them in Adobe software programs, such as Illustrator. Common elements for all three corporate gradients As a general rule, all gradients are radial, centering at the edge of the element (though some exceptions to this rule can occur). They always use two colours, one base colour and one darker colour. The base colour is one of our Puratos corporate colours (Puratos Orange, Puratos Red or Puratos Pink) and the darker colour is specific for each gradient. Pay attention to the ‘Gradient Slider’ located on the top of the Gradient Settings box: it is located at 65%, near the darkest of the two colours in the gradient. Note: never use these dark colours in this gradient as a solid fill colour: they are to be used exclusively in these three gradients.

Puratos orange gradient

Puratos red gradient

Puratos pink gradient

Our Puratos Orange gradient ranges from the Puratos Orange (CMYK 0 - 60 - 100 - 0) to a specific dark red (CMYK 0 - 100 - 100 - 50).




CMYK 0 - 60 - 100 - 0

CMYK 2 - 100 - 80 - 2

CMYK 0 - 100 - 10 - 0




CMYK 0 - 100 - 100 - 50

CMYK 20 - 100 - 100 - 45

CMYK 0 - 100 - 100 - 50

Our Puratos Red gradient ranges from the Use of the orange gradient The orange gradient is the main ingredient in our external

Puratos Red (CMYK 2 - 100 - 80 - 2) to a specific even Lorem ipsem dolor

darker red (CMYK 20 - 100 - 100 - 45).

Non Isiscilit vullan

corporate communication. The two other gradients can be used as an alternative for example to better fit with a certain picture or to differentiate content.

unicorn MAGAZINE

As a general rule, use the Puratos orange as the main colour

Le magazine trimestriel pour et par les employés du groupe Puratos. january 2010

in external communication; cover and back cover slide of a Powerpoint presentation, Vision and Infocus, cover/back cover of a corporate leaflet, … Red and pink colours and their gradients can have a supportive role, such as interior slides and pages of a document, in pie charts, …

Quatres tonnes dans les embouteillages — p5 La journée ‘gros pull’ ou comment consommer mois d’énergie — p11 Hier et aujourd’hui Raymond Dome & Thierry Meunier — p22


The Quarterly magazine of the Puratos Group for U-team members worldwide Puratos Group Management News April 2010



Our Puratos Pink gradient ranges from the Puratos Pink (CMYK 0 - 100 - 10 - 0) to a specific dark red (CMYK 0 - 100 - 100 - 50).


For internal communication, the Puratos red and pink can be used as a main colour for a document. For example, Puratos pink for our Unicorn magazine and Puratos red for the U-team magazine.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Typography Note: for language indications please use ‘EECLH’-font (for example:

Our company fonts are Sansa Std and Karmina. Note that Karmina is available in many languages, while Sansa Std is only available as a Latin font. In languages where the Sansa type family is not available, please check the font list on the Brand Portal.



Try to avoid splitting words over two lines.

Note: external partners have to purchase these fonts themselves. They are available as Open Type fonts on For the Sansa font family, please choose Sansa Std and for the Market family, please choose MarketOT.

Professional design applications Sansa Std Use Sansa Std for all texts


that need emphasis – such as

Light italic

headlines, introductory texts,


captions and quotes.

Normal italic Semibold

Sansa Std Light should only be

Semibold italic

used for large headlines as the


lines are too fragile for small print.

Bold italic

kerned ‘Optical’, as InDesign default setting ‘Metrics’ gives poor

Karmina Always use Karmina for body copy, as


Karmina guarantees great legibility


and even works perfectly in small


MarketOT On some occasions, we want to give a text a personal feel, showing that we are truly close to the reader.




In Microsoft Office, we can use Arial


instead of Sansa Std for headlines


and tables.

Bold Italic

Constantia In Microsoft Office, we use Constantia for body copy. It is the



5 pt, use the Sansa.

abc123 abc123 abc123

All Sansa Std versions must be

reproduction sizes. For sizes below

Microsoft Office applications


abc123 abc123

default font used in Puratos Office documents, and is widely available.

Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic



Web fonts Verdana


For headlines and short texts on


the web, we use Verdana, which


is available to most browsers.

Bold Italic

Georgia Because of its excellent legibility,


we use Georgia for body copy on


the web. Georgia is a web-safe font


available to most browsers.

Bold Italic


abc123 Puratos Company Identity Guide


Tone of voice

How we say something is as important as what we say. Here are some guidelines to our typical Puratos style of saying something, to help you create texts in this style. This applies to both external and internal communication documents.

Note: our identity is more than just our look & feel. It is also what we say and how we say it!

Keep it simple

Be sincere and interesting

Our texts need to be accessible. By keeping them

Good examples:

Honest sincere communication is an essential part

Good examples:

simple, the texts will be both easier to read and easier

• At Puratos, we’ve been making and sharing ingredients, technologies and

of the Puratos way: no pretension, no airs and graces

• Our ingredients cover all elements of patisserie, and help clients master

to understand. Sentences should be shorter rather than longer, and there just shouldn’t be too many complicated words.

solutions for bakers, patissiers and chocolatiers since 1919. • Our aim is to offer reliable solutions that will inspire our customers to delight their consumers.

and no implied untruths. We need to find ways of making our texts interesting without overpromising or going overboard.

solutions simply said.

• Little by little we’ve opened offices and production facilities in all four corners of the globe. • We believe that by better understanding the different cultures we work

• The result? More creativity, a gain of time and delighted consumers. Remember our customers are looking for pragmatic

the interactions between base, filling and decoration.

Our sales texts should offer something positive for

in, we can produce better products that fit with their lifestyle and habits.

A poor example:

the reader, particularly focussing on the benefit to

• In 1919, Puratos started in a garage, and has since gone on to become

them. Our texts should be inspirational and truthful.

A poor example:

a worldwide specialist in bakery, patisserie and chocolate, offering a

The aim is that the fundamental value of our ideas

• Our cake mixes are super simple and quick to use, and you’ll be truly

wide range of ingredients, solutions and services to artisans, industry,

will make the difference.

in the world.

supermarkets and food services.

Be relevant

amazed at the result. In an instant, you’ll have made the best tasting cakes

Be enthusiastic

Never forget that you are talking to professionals

Good examples:

This is perhaps another way of saying: be passionate.

Good examples:

who are interested in facts and new ideas. Always

• Add in another Puratos exclusive, Acti-Fresh, and you have the ingredient

There should be a sense of joy in the texts we write,

• The new Soft’r Melting technology is perfect for long shelf life products

ask yourselves, what value does my text offer the

that guarantees your cakes will remain soft whatever the length of the

whether it’s an e-mail or a corporate brochure. The

reader? Will she/he find something interesting

supply chain.

reader should feel that you have been smiling when

• Our ambition is to inspire our customers, just as they inspire us.

you wrote the story.

• Passionate about chocolate, Puratos is at the forefront of new innovations

there? You’ll find that by rereading your texts out aloud, you can better judge the flow, and you’ll hear where a sentence or paragraph needs to be rewritten. Above all, don’t write anything you wouldn’t want to

• Miroir can be used cold as it becomes liquid when stirred, and it sets

- especially when it comes to taste.

when placed on the bavarois or entremets. • Combining nutritional and health benefits with great taste, the Puravita

like ...

We are allowed to get excited, but not silly! By all

mixes make it easier for bakers to offer a full range of healthier breads

means show your commitment, but stay with your

A poor example:

and rolls that taste great and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

feet on the ground!

• We’re excited about our innovation pipeline and we’re sure you will be too.

hear being addressed to yourself. A poor example: • The Puratos Sensobus is a 32-ton lorry with a specially adapted trailer on the back. Equipped with a nice kitchenette, a large office space and a series of eating booths for the consumer testers - it’s a great place to find out what the local consumers think of your products.


Puratos Company Identity Guide



We want to be close to people. ‘Close’ means that we understand our customers and their consumers. In our pictures we, therefore, show believable (genuine) people. Not overdressed; not too made up. Always try to shoot in real, natural surroundings. You can always subtly add elements that will support and enhance the local feel of the scene.


Photography approaches We have defined five imagery approaches, each zooming in


Enjoying food People + specific or unspecific food + environment

on one specific element. Combining these different kinds of pictures will communicate a lively image of our company. 2

Our business environment People + business environment


People (spokespeople) portraits People representing employees, customers and consumers


Products and packshots


Specific, final food products or our Packagings 5

Food essence




Specific food + environment


Note: If it is necessary to use another

Note: We can use pictures of people only after their written approval.

spokespeople picture for a specific product

Request a copy of our official approval document at ­

or concept in your country, please contact

[email protected]. Also, each time we work with a

the Group Communication Department at

photographer or model agency we should use a specific contract. This

[email protected].

contract can be obtained at [email protected] as well.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


1. Enjoying food Once our communication zooms in on our experience and solutions in bakery, patisserie and chocolate, our imagery must become more specific as well. • Show people or groups of people enjoying food (made with Puratos products) in all kinds of circumstances: a daily meal, a party, on-the-go, … • Focus on the people and on their emotion as well as on the food. People and food should be a whole. • All images must be lively, warm, human: showing a real interest in the life and food culture of the people. • Choose a ‘reportage’ style of photography. Pictures – although they should be carefully prepared – must always have a fresh, spontaneous snapshot feeling. • Casting, styling and props help to communicate the essence of the local food culture. • Make intelligent use of depth of field to create focus and to layer your visual communication. Some blur is allowed as this can add to the realism of the image.


> focus on the emotion and not on the scene > use depth of field to separate the subject > show people’s faces, not just their hands > focus on emotions, not the scene


> beware of displaying fake emotions > create a lively scene in a real environment

Puratos Company Identity Guide


2. Our business environment Customers – at work, enjoying their own products, … – in our core markets: artisan, industry, supermarket, food services. Picture the pride they feel about what they have to offer. • For customer portraits, preferably use “people” models (instead of real customers)

Note: We can show people

that look genuine, true to life. In this case, a documentary feel is definitely

only after their written


approval. Request a copy of our

• If possible, show people in action.

official approval document at

• Always go for (fairly) close pictures of people. Focus on details.

[email protected].

• Do not use pictures that (try to) give an overview of e.g. an entire production hall. To

If images are taken in a real

illustrate an entire production process, use a series of close-ups, so that we always

customer environment, you also

remain close to people.

need their written approval for use

• Styling: show respect for (local) clothing habits and regulations. People must be

of the location.

correctly dressed. This proves that we are close to people everywhere.


> always show both people and products


> picture real and properly dressed people

> focus on at least one person

Puratos Company Identity Guide



3. Spokespeople portraits

> no distracting dress > avoid unnatural poses

Companies don’t talk with passion; only people can. In our

Should you need to replace one of the eight spokespeople with a

corporate communication, there are eight spokespeople

new, local one - please keep these guidelines in mind:

conveying our messages. Representing Puratos employees,

• Choose “people” (models) that look like genuine people from

customers and consumers, they talk about what food, Puratos

around the world: customers, consumers or employees.

and the company’s products and solutions mean to them.

• Style: colourful, upfront and authentic.

Their stories are meaningful and can be about things like fond

• The spokespeople should look straight into the lens:

memories, ambitions, experiences… They are either shown all together, or separately. When using just one spokesperson, make sure to mention his/her name, function and which part of the world they originate from (Western Europe, North America, Asia...), together with a quote. The eight corporate spokespeople need to keep their predefined identity; Marco will always be Marco, an artisan baker from Southern Europe ... but as an artisan baker he could talk about

confident, relaxed, positive. • Styling: sufficient variety in style and colour. Avoid distracting prints on clothing for example. • Make sure the lighting matches the existing spokespeople so that the new person blends in perfectly.

> don’t let the model look away > appear confident and positive

For your convenience, a number of portraits are available. If after reviewing the options you feel that, for your country, you need to shoot (a) specific portrait(s), you are allowed to do so. You must, however, always consult with the Group Communication Department before starting photography. Note that all our spokespeople should be models, not employees working for Puratos. Stéphane Leroux is the only exception to this rule.

fine patisserie or real Belgian chocolate.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


4. Products and packshots We show end/finished products (the end result of what our Puratos products help to achieve) as well as Puratos ingredient packaging. • Food must be photographed from the most appropriate angle for that specific food item, on a white background. • It is evident that all food must always be premium quality and look very tasty. • Always shoot products separately. This allows you to put different products together later, if necessary. • Shadows must feel natural. Make sure that shadows match when you combine several product pictures.


> do not create fake shadows > display products in perfect condition only


> do not add accessories to the scene > don’t combine too many products

> product must be in perfect shape > use light to create depth in your picture

Puratos Company Identity Guide


5. Food essence These are natural, intimate still life compositions that focus on specific food products, with people enjoying them. However, the presence of the people is only suggested (e.g. a piece of cake is cut or half-eaten, bread with a hot cup of coffee next to it, etc.). • Never show people in these pictures, but human ‘elements’ must be present. • ‘Accidental’ details help to make these pictures real: some crumbs on the table; natural, local attributes. • Show the food in a real environment. Although these are still life pictures, make sure to keep them fresh. • Make absolutely sure that the finished food products look perfect.


> go for an interesting perspective > add human elements to the scene


> pay attention to proper lighting > make sure the presence of people is felt

> go for a real life situation > don’t combine too many elements

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Brand block = wave + corporate lines + logo

Brand block variations Brand block colours The brand block is to be used in orange on all single sheet company communication (e.g.: a poster; a leaflet; on all cover pages and slides;...).

The brand block is used to facilitate the readability of the logo and to help structure a page or to highlight the main elements in a document.

For internal corporate communication, we can alternate.

Position on a page Because the brand block has been designed for an A4 double page spread, we cannot place the left part of the wave on a right page, and we cannot place the right part of the wave on a left page. Neither can we mirror the wave. This means that on a right page, the Puratos logo is at the bottom right, but on a left page the logo will always be at the top left. On internal double page spreads, the brand block can be placed either at the bottom or at the top.

1 2

Other formats

3 4

An official version also exists for an A5 double page spread, where the wave and lines become smaller than the logo. For sizes larger than a double A4, enlarge everything proportionally.

The corporate brand block contains: 1

the Puratos wave with brown boundary line


the corporate lines


the Puratos logo


one of the Puratos gradients.

Landscape and portrait use

As an exception to this rule, a special version of the brand block A4 triple spread

The Puratos brand block can be used in its entirety on spreads

has been made for a triple A4 page spread

and other landscape applications. In vertical (or portrait) formats, we use only half of the brand block: when used at the bottom, we use the right half of the bottom brand block, and when used at the top, we use the left half of the top brand block.

A4 spread A5 spread

For three A4 pages: use the special version of the brand block For colours see p 24-25

that has been especially made for a triple A4 page spread.

The brand block is to be used on all single sheet company communication (e.g.: a poster; a leaflet; on all cover pages and slides;…).

Note: in our corporate documents orange (and its

Inside of brochures, it must be used sparingly.

corresponding gradient) should be the main colour. Other than that, you are free to choose a colour that

The brand block must always be used with its matching set of corporate lines. It can only be used horizontally, in a bottom and a top version. It can never be deformed in any way.


Greyscale version When colour printing is not possible, such as in newspaper printing, a greyscale version is used.

best meets your needs. Do not associate colours with a specific business unit: the colours should have no specific associations.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Brand block elements used as graphical elements Wave with boundary line The wave can be used on its own as a graphical element. Never apply more than one wave on a page. On a tri-fold brochure, you are allowed to spread the wave over all three pages.

Elements from the brand block can be used as graphical elements to separate imagery, text or colour areas,… Proeven van Boedapest • 4

Filip Arnaut, R&D director nous le confirme: “Nous étions conscients de cette image et nous voulions y remédier. En effet, le labo est intiment lié à la croissance de Puratos et l’innovation est un travail d’équipe qui, à différents stades, dépasse le cadre du laboratoire. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons estimé important que le “Research Center” et l’”Innovation Center” forment une entité visuelle et soient aussi accueillants. Une première initiative dans ce sens a été la modernisation du couloir central et des bureaux. Les murs, portes et châssis ont été repeints dans les mêmes couleurs que ceux de l’”Innovation Center”. A l’entrée de chaque bureau et de chaque laboratoire,

Ignim el ex erci ex ercipit ilit dolorper incidunt vercinibh ercidunt praessenim dolore velisse ctetum esectem dolore min henim nulput praesto erit volore mod mod tionse commodiat, volore dolut ine.

une plaque nominative indique le nom du collaborateur et est complétée d’une photo. Les grandes colonnes exercinibh eraesectet velis nim du couloir sont peintes en couleur bordeaux et des textes apposés sur celles-ci indiquent l’activité de l’endroit. Filip Arnaut: “Ce genre d’initiative combine information et originalité. Elle rend par ailleurs le couloir beaucoup plus attrayant. Nous poursuivrons la modernisation car nous recevons dans nos locaux de plus en plus de collègues, de collaborateurs d’universités avec lesquelles nous travaillons et de clients. Des photos viendront bientôt décorer les murs. Le Research Center joue aussi un rôle actif dans l’approche nutritionnelle adopatée par Puratos. Nous reviendrons ce point en détail prochainement.”

Elena Gardez Function

Proeven van Budapest

Van eigen deeg Delismodigna amcommy nismo dolent alit, velit nulluptat utatio odoloborper — p5

Vers van de plank 2 Infocus Newsletter

In this issue

Lorem ipsum dolorem — p3 Dunt praestrud dip endio Et lipsum dolorem est lipsum — p8 Nelesto erostio commolortie vendiam Lorem ipsum dolorem est — p12 Blaore vero od dolore dolobor sustrud dolore volore suscill utpatum Et lipsum dolorem et lipsum — p14 Duis nit lum nit lor suscill utpatum Lorem ipsum dolorem est — p18 Bblaore vero od dolore dolobor sustrud dolore volore od dolorem Et lipsum dolorem est lipsum — p20 Idunt praestrud dip endio Lorem ipsum dolorem — p3 Dunt praestrud dip endio


Infocus Newsletter 3

Corporate lines only The corporate lines can be used on their own as a

Beste klant, Het is me een waar genoegen het inleidende artikel te mogen schrijven van de eerste Vision, het tijdschri� waarmee Puratos zich rechtstreeks tot zijn klanten richt. U vindt in dit magazine op weerkerende basis informatie over onze producten, onze activiteiten, seizoensrecepten, en andere ideeën waarvan we zeker zijn dat ze u in uw activiteiten zullen inspireren. Deze Vision n°1 verschijnt terwijl de hele wereld wordt geconfronteerd met de onzekerheden die door de economische crisis worden veroorzaakt. Namens Puratos heb ik een duidelijke boodschap voor iedereen: wij kijken vastberaden en optimistisch naar de toekomst. Innovatie, differentiatie en ondernemingszin zijn meer dan ooit de orde van de dag en zullen de gezondheid, de sterkte en de levensduur van bedrijven bepalen. Samen met de hele Belux-ploeg nodig ik u heel graag uit om door de pagina’s van het eerste Vision magazine te bladeren, waarin u het volgende kan ontdekken: • Ons nieuwe gamma witbroodverbeteraars, met een belangrijke innovatie: So�’r White Sense, die aan het brood de beste technische karakteristieken gee� alsook de smaak die de consumenten prefereren. • Een recept voor rabarbertaart, gemaakt met Tegral 4Ever Cake, onze jongste innovatie in het cake-assortiment.

graphical element. Never apply more than one set Gait lummod del eumsandreIbh er in henisci llaore del utem augiam nim ver in vel deless.

• Informatie over het Belcolade gamma en recepten die we aanraden. • Een smakelijke kijk op Boedapest. • Een bakker getuigt over het uitzonderlijke succes dat hij hee� met ons Vita-Plus brood. • Wat meer uitleg over gejodeerd zout. • Seizoensrecepten voor de zomerdagen • Onze promoties om u aan te moedigen

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore.

Wij zullen u in de volgende maanden blijven informeren via het Vision magazine, overtuigd dat het op uw enthousiasme zal kunnen rekenen. Met het hele Belux team, blijf ik volledig te uwer beschikking.

Tea ad delendrem euguer sequip exeratie dolummy nibh ero od do dolore tat lum delisim dunt irit alis dolorpero conse verostrud ent do od min euisi enit voloborer sequat aute faccum ipsustrud et loreet, velisl incing ero odigna feugiam quatum vel illan vullut praesed eugiamcore digna commy nis alit vel diate tat. Ommy nis am, vendrem ad dolore tat, consequisi. Tate velit nit aut vel utpat. Faccums andipit pratio delendre delesenis et adigna feu feugue do con utpat. Ut dolobore modigna feuipismod tate min enis am delessis alis ametue faccum zzrilit ad min ut velenit numsandignim volobore tin utem ea atum veliquatie dolorper iriure dolortie magnis nos alisi bla alisci bla ametumsandre dit lam.iriliquisi. • Virginie Poels

We distinguish here between four possibilities: • wave (+ brown boundary line) + corporate lines

Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore. Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore. Tea ad delendrem euguer sequip exeratie dolummy nibh ero od do dolore tat lum delisim dunt irit alis dolorpero conse verostrud ent do od min euisi enit voloborer sequat aute faccum ipsustrud et loreet, velisl incing ero odigna feugiam quatum vel illan vullut praesed eugiamcore digna commy nis alit vel diate tat. Ommy nis am, vendrem ad dolore tat, consequisi. Tate velit nit aut vel utpat. Faccums andipit pratio delendre delesenis et adigna feu feugue do con utpat. Ut dolobore modigna feuipismod tate min enis am delessis alis ametue faccum zzrilit ad min ut velenit numsandignim volobore tin utem ea atum veliquatie dolorper iriure dolortie.

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Lorem ipsum Tat, quipsustrud tis acin ute tem quam, vel essi. Gue tin vel inibh eliquat. Bortion ulputat lute eugiam, quisim ent la feuipisi. Ignis autpatum deliqinciliscip esse dolore te dolorpe raesed te facil ufeuis exer ing enisse Dolenissectet wisi bla feum ipis aliquat nullandrem irilit il in velit exerit, veros at. • Virginie Poels

of lines on a page. Never put text over the corporate lines.


Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition.

lorem ipsum dolorem

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Um augait, se vullan endionsed tem acinim nim vent aliquatis am quam ea faciduis accummy nit nulpute et, cortissequip essi. Borer se magnim volese exercil issisis nit vent nim iuscin veliquisis alit ut dolenim vel irit dipis dolore te veniamcoreet nos dit nim quis dipit ilit dolobor ilis nit wis aliquis nulputa tumsan utem quate vel ip eliquisi. Um augait, se vullan Ustrud tincing et, summodo lortio eratue dolenis dolor illa facidunt wisi blan henit wismodo lorper at, sim eu facillaor sit dolutat nosto esto od minim iure et wis aliquisl dunt lore tin henissecte vulla amconse tie eliquisci blamconsecte modolore velis aliquam, consequisl del utat dolobore feugait irillan veriure ero dolesse quissi eraessi exerat la acilit wisim aliscillum quat

praesectem iurero del esent amet ad tat. Ut alit alis dolortisim nostis eros doluptat. Iscil dit irit nullaore tem incin veniam alit velendre tat aciduis am quis nonsed modio dio el elessim nonsed dion et nulputa tuerciliqui tat augait numsan volutat, consed eu faccum ing eugait aliquis adio dio conse faci ex eui tationse dignit dolorperos eugiating ex er at dionulputem dignibh et et ex exeraestrud tin utat. Atet adignisit lum augiam, con henim nit ipsustrud tin ut num dunt lutpat aliquisi bla facip nit ipsustrud tin ut num dunt lutpat aliquisi bla facip et. Lestions equatum dunt verat. Duis alit doluptatue dolobor ercilit lortis nim nos dit adio dolessit lore mod magnibh el do consequam, sissis ad euisido consequam, sissis ad euisi. do consequam, sissis ad euis.nim nit ipsnim nit ips.

Um augait, se vullan OsOstrud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSuEquamet aute tate diat at vercipisi. OsOstrud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSuscitrud tie dolorpero doloreet vu duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSusciliquisl ute feum dolesequisl essequis nim vent velit nullut nonsequatue tet, vent. trud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te s amet, con hendipcore te s amet, cois alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSusciliquisl ute feum dol nim vent velit nullut nonsequatue tet, vent. • Virginie Poels

• corporate lines only • wave (+ brown boundary line) only • boundary line

Wave + lines The corporate lines are interlinked with the wave. For both the top and the bottom version of the wave + lines, 4 different heights are available. Never put text over the corporate lines in the wave; in such a case, use only the wave.

Note: the wave and lines have been originally designed for a double

Using half the wave

page format. When applied on A4,

It is allowed to use only one half of the wave and to

we only use half of the full width.

let only the lines continue on the other half of the Gait lummod del eumsandreIbh er in henisci.



e zijn hier drie dagen, er is veel te zien. Vooraleer we op stap gaan, besluiten we daarom bij een versgebrande koffie een strategie voor de komende uren op te stellen. Het grote aanbod aan koffiehuizen is wellicht één van de redenen waarom Boedapest wel eens het Parijs van het Oosten wordt genoemd, samen met het feit dat de stad zich over de twee oevers van een rivier spreidt. Teveel moet van zo’n vergelijkingen nochtans niet gemaakt worden als je weet dat ook voor o.a. Boekarest, Shanghai, Istanbul en Praag die titel geëigend wordt. Het treft dat ons hotel één van de roemruchtste van de Grand Cafés van Boedapest herbergt, dan moeten we toch al niet onmiddellijk de kou in. Het café New York is imposant met hoge plafonds, barok bronzen smeedwerk en hoogglanzend marmer. Je waant je aan het begin van de twintigste eeuw, een gouden tijd, vol vertrouwen in de toekomst. Een tijd nochtans ook waarin kwesties broeiden die, na de moord op de Oostenrijkse troonopvolger Franz-Ferdinand in Sarajevo, onvermijdelijk zouden leiden tot de ‘Grote Oorlog’. Maar we wijken af en we willen het gezellig houden.

Straffe toebak “Amaaj da’s straffe koffie”, proesten wij koffiehuisstrategen eensgezind uit na onze eerste slok van een goedje waarnaast de sterkste Italiaanse espresso een bakje filter lijkt. Het heeft ons wel aangesterkt en na een kort overleg zonder al te veel afwijkende voorstellen, staan we als één man recht om ons stadsbezoek aan te vatten. Buiten, met onze rug naar de ingang van het imposante hotel, ligt de rivier de Donau zo’n anderhalve kilometer voor ons. Dat wordt onze marsrichting. We steken de straat over en slaan de Dohány Utca in. Aan het eind van die straat rijst aan de rechterkant de Dohány synagoge op.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Cover ribbon

The cover ribbon has been developed for use on the cover of brochures and leaflets. It serves to separate the title and subtitle from the cover image.

Lorem ipsem dolor Non Isiscilit vullan

cover ribbon The cover ribbon is to be used with the brand block, which is – in this case – always positioned at the bottom of the page (see example on the left). There are three possible colours for the cover ribbon (orange, pink and red), in line with the brand block.

> examples of covers

Lorem ipsum 25 januari 2011

Puratos Club House

Invitation Additional Unt vel dolor sequi tatetuero diat vel ullandre exer secte mod minibh exero corem iustrud essenim incil dunt sectet vulputpat, con eu faciliquisim nostio et nibh ex ea. Additional Unt vel dolor sequi tatetuero diat vel ullandre exer secte mod minibh exero corem iustrud essenim incil dunt pratem doloborpero ex exeratis aliquatio consequatie molor sustrud modit, quametum dunt nostis nullut augiam verat, sectet vulputpat, con eu faciliquisim nostio et nibh ex ea. To corem zzrit utpat. Duis dolutpat aliquisi. Atisi. Del ulla ad eliquismodo esed tat. Em veliquis ea faccum dip elisi. Ent utat vel ulla amcore vel utpatum ipit nonsectet la faccums andreet nullandigna facil utat el dit lumsan velis dolendre core magnibh exerat. Duisim quismod ignibh eraeseq uismod dolore facillaorer sim zzril ullut ute tem dipis aut lut aliquam alit pratie ese faccum ea facilis nonse dit, conullute dolenibh ex et, sum dionsequi bla conulla facilla conulla core ero cor am, conse feugait, conum zzriure


volore modolortis nostisl ex enim dolorer ciduis delit, sum eum nullaor ipsum ing et, vulla feu feum aliquat iuscin hendre modignis eugait ipit ad te dolorper sisit wissent ad tatuer sisit augueros nibh et, vercinit iliquat, sum volore tet aliquis et wisl ipismol oreet, si. Pat, quat. Duis aut lum incidunt ipsustrud. Mi, voluptiuntur autetus earciandia doluptat volo experios dolupta tusam, te nus que debit, quodis molorep elitibus dolore ea parum doloristint perumqu hita conet elibusae parum sint rectem quunt erorum ipsa dolorest lam experch itatur aut quatius. Dipidio nsequi reperum volenientur, facillaorer sim zzril ullut ute tem dipis aut lut aliquam alit pratie ese faccum ea facilis nonse dit, conullute dolenibh ex et, sum dionsequi bla conulla facilla saessequid.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


aborro et volores simendemos et, volorpo reictum et aut volorrovit laboribus si officaborum fugiti repe magniminum solut ipsam nulluptam Subtitle ulpa aut voluptaeped quideli quaeptatur sus, totassit volorem incturem rehenet a seditas Cquiringma an quiandae extensivealicaborpor experience rem in the baking ius. and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad

Us suscimagnam, sitaturibus Signature block

bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in Seditat uriberit ped quodi officias rae mostium autcommy rat nulluptat. the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat sendi luptat.non Duissectem ing ea ratinctates quid es et voles et omnimaio. Ed qui accupta sita ature evenderorum ne pra quam fuga. Itatquam, ut remos aut ut dolorio sandam, qui ilitaspis dolorer ibusdam harum sequissit, inctoritiur suntur Subtitle sus, omnist is apidia etusciam nonsequo tet eum fugia nonet laborpo ratius modi estio quassequunt lit ra as volorem et luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut Cquiring an doluptates extensive experience in the baking and Sustislrestrum ullan utpat volupti qui cusdeliquatisci sequiasimus sinis min rem dolupta sperfer ad bla faccum essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an ferepelite extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat doluptat unt ut audae cupictem ex el maCquiring cone quian venitatiis et experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. luptat. Duissectem ingcon ea commy nulluptat. extensive reperum rehenissi officid est excero beate amdeliquat. fuga. Itatur, Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut adlaborrum bla faccum Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and niscim lam delescimi, sitatatur ant esting autas adnulluptat. quiam, alic Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ea dolor commy Uttoad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring quiatur? an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Cquiring an


Ulluptatquossum iundiss Sit qui voluptio occusamus, eiusa pel ius moles molupta poris alignis aut dempor magnatisse denditin prem quis di cullitas voluptatur solore, que quunda quam es a dolupturepe quasi utem que exerio et aborro et volores simendemos et, volorpo reictum et aut volorrovit laboribus si officaborum fugiti repe magniminum solut ipsam nulluptam ulpa aut voluptaeped quideli quaeptatur sus, totassit volorem incturem rehenet ma quiandae alicaborpor rem a seditas ius.

These examples show you how to use the back cover signature block on some frequently used formats.

Cimagnam, sitaturibus Seditat uriberit ped quodi officias sendi non rae mostium aut rat ratinctates quid es et voles et omnimaio. Ed qui accupta sita ature evenderorum ne pra quam fuga. Itatquam, ut remos aut ut dolorio sandam, qui ilitaspis dolorer ibusdam harum sequissit, inctoritiur suntur sus, omnist is apidia etusciam.

We sign off with the corporate signature block. It consists of the logo, our website address, our contact details and a reference code. extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum


Quiscie nitestiore omnimin eatur sinihil iquaspicia voluptae sum ipsunti

renis adignam Subtitle Position of the logoendem et la corum quationserum ipiducium faceaque Align every element to the document grid volupta quatiis necabore pre qui quat.

Whenever possible, we put the logo in the bottom right hand


Num, que occae consed quiinquidus deliquat. Cquiring an extensive experience the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat.

As for the distance between the elements and the edge of the

cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad corner. Only when width of our ipsunti formatonsendes is not enough to holdspedignis page,assimply follow the document grid to align these elements to Quid utethe as deliquatisci peristin repero duci quaeper bla faccum essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. both the contact details and the logo, we place the logo above the rest an of the document content. sam rae nonsequ iaererr ovidist audiat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad essi eum init lutpat. cquiring extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl the websiteullan address contact ea commy nulluptat. Ut adcquiring an extensive experience in the baking.Sustisl ullan utpatand luptat. Duissectem utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]


125 mm x 125 mm DVD sleeve



template that you can find on 7 mm (A4 size) 7 mm (A4 size)

the Brand Portal.

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

4 2 10 mm

3 7 mm Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

10 mm

1 10 mm

10 mm

Ulluptatiunt quossum iundiss


Equamenis nis exerumq uaspeliatque et, omnihicabo. Aximi, qui acculluptis ersped et faccum quo coneturias eos doluptiae niam, cust, sitasi tem est anitatesti oditam conseque nim nobis entem aliquunt et quidusa ntemperum invent mod magnis sit ipis ium entiis soluptatur, illaudi sciisinum ut estrunt aut intissimus eatempo riorro mo eum inveles aut quae eate ex ex et volorum veles sit, ut earum fugias ut re ea prae solupta eratemp eriandusci simus quia nobit fugiatur?

Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. Call for attention Lorum Ipsum.

Subtitle Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat.

Hent. Sit qui voluptio occusamus, eiusa pel ius moles molupta poris alignis aut dempor magnatisse denditin prem quis di cullitas voluptatur solore, que quunda quam es a dolupturepe quasi utem que exerio et aborro et volores simendemos et, volorpo reictum et aut volorrovit laboribus si officaborum fugiti repe magniminum solut ipsam nulluptam ulpa aut voluptaeped quideli quaeptatur sus, totassit volorem incturem rehenet ma quiandae alicaborpor rem a seditas ius.

Subtitle Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquat. Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquat. Cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat.

Us suscimagnam, sitaturibus Seditat uriberit ped quodi officias sendi non rae mostium aut rat ratinctates quid es et voles et omnimaio. Ed qui accupta sita ature evenderorum ne pra quam fuga. Itatquam, ut remos aut ut dolorio sandam, qui ilitaspis dolorer ibusdam harum sequissit, inctoritiur suntur sus, omnist is apidia etusciam nonsequo tet eum fugia nonet laborpo ratius modi doluptates estio quassequunt lit ra as volorem restrum et volupti qui cus sequiasimus sinis min rem dolupta sperfer ferepelite doluptat unt ut audae con cupictem ex el ma cone qui venitatiis et reperum rehenissi officid est excero beate laborrum am fuga. Itatur, niscim lam delescimi, sitatatur ant est autas dolor ad quiam, alic to quiatur?

Subtitle cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad essi eum init lutpat. cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut adcquiring an extensive experience in the baking.Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat.

Num, que occae consed qui quidus

210 mm




Puratos logo

Website address

Contact details

Reference code

The Puratos logo on the back

Our website address is placed

Our company name is placed

Our document reference code,

cover is always 30 mm wide.

in Sansa Std SemiBold 9.5 pt,

in Sansa SemiBold 7 pt, all

that allows for easy retrieval of

When placed above the

in reddish brown.

Quid ute as peristin repero ipsunti onsendes duci quaeper spedignis as sam rae nonsequ iaererr ovidist audiat.



Quiscie nitestiore omnimin eatur sinihil iquaspicia voluptae sum ipsunti renis adignam endem et la corum quationserum ipiducium faceaque volupta quatiis necabore pre qui quat.



incorporated in the InDesign



Note: all paragraph styles are

297 mm x 100 mm folder

other contact information

the source document (e.g. for

website address, maintain a

is set in Sansa Light 7 pt. All

reprinting) is written at a 90°

6 mm distance.

contact details are set in

angle in Sansa Std Normal at 5

reddish brown.

pt, in our Puratos warm ochre.

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

The code number always show the date of creation (not the date of a possible re-printing)

297 mm x 140 mm folder

297 mm x 210 mm A4 brochure

in month & year. 50

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Document grid

All our communication is designed to be arranged in a very precise grid so that all elements can find their rightful place.

A document grid is a framework that forms a foundation on


which to build a carefully measured, structured page layout.

For specific communication items that have to be created,

It combines non-printing margins, columns and guides into

this document offers you technical guidelines for the desktop

a framework that is especially useful for creating consistent

publishing program InDesign. Adobe InDesign is the standard

layouts in long, detailed documents such as brochures,

software that the Group Communication Department uses. If

magazines and newsletters.

you use other desktop publishing software, you will have to


recreate this grid according to the details shown here on the Templates









A5 double page spread grid, 9 colums per page


A number of templates are at your disposal. These templates contain a grid that helps you create clear and consistent page designs.


Convenience, taste and nutrition are at the heart of Puratos

Puravita Combining nutritional and health benefits with great taste, the Puravita mixes make it easier for bakers to offer a

It was to help bakers better manage and control the result of their final products that we invented the first complete bread improver, T 500. The year was 1953. We’re constantly introducing new products, technologies and ideas to help our customers develop their business and make their life easier and more convenient. We believe there is a clear link between what people like to eat and their health, so it is essential that we understand what consumers want in terms of taste and nutrition. For us, good health implies 3 things: having enough food (quantity), having a variety of foods (quality) and doing regular physical activity.

full range of healthier breads and rolls that taste great and can be enjoyed by all the family.

Our team of nutritionists specialise in opening new horizons to our researchers and product formulators, and our technical demonstrators help our customers by creating recipes in which the nutritional value is optimised.

It will come as no surprise therefore to find that the mission of our researchers is to formulate products with the best nutritional value, in function of our clients’ finished products, without compromising on taste. Where we can, we increase fibres and reduce sugar, salt and fat.

“The reason we come here is because we know what we’re getting: good healthy sandwiches and a great place to meet with friends. A perfect reason to capture the moment forever!” Michael - Consumer, North America

A4 double page spread











10 11


A4 double page spread grid, 12 colums per page Puratos Company Identity Guide


infocus title of chapter


Examples Use these examples as inspiration. Note that all content aligns to our grid, so

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition.

that even though there’s a lot of variation, everything still feels connected.

Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore.

Luptatuero situs lut accummy nim quamet la ad te doloborper amet

Tea ad delendrem euguer sequip exeratie dolummy nibh ero od do dolore tat lum delisim dunt irit alis dolorpero conse verostrud ent do od min euisi enit voloborer sequat aute faccum ipsustrud et loreet, velisl incing ero odigna feugiam quatum vel illan vullut praesed eugiamcore digna commy nis alit vel diate tat. Ommy nis am, vendrem ad dolore tat, consequisi. Tate velit nit aut vel utpat. Faccums andipit pratio delendre delesenis et adigna feu feugue do con utpat. Ut dolobore modigna feuipismod tate min enis am delessis alis ametue faccum zzrilit ad min ut velenit numsandignim volobore tin utem ea atum veliquatie dolorper iriure dolortie magnis nos alisi bla alisci bla ametumsandre dit lam. iriliquisi. Riuscin ut praestrud el doloreet velis nullaore vel dolore ver sequam dolor sustie etum doleniam, sequam dolorerostio dio doloreet, quat. Duismol ortiniam, quisim delit wiscips uscilluptat adit, quate deliquis alit lum quissisit aliquam audunt aci tin henim esendio ea feuis ad eliquis alisi bla augue tat iriustisi tet praestisi.•

Im auguerostrud ming eugiamc oreet, quisit et pratisisl del eraese do od duisci tet aut ing eu feugiat, conulluptat, quis eu facilit praestrud ming ex eummodolore dolobore mod tat nonsenit, vel iniate te eros nullandreet accumsandre dolorpe raesto dunt il in eu feuis augiam

Miniscipis nullan henibh essed tat la consequam aciduis nulluptat, venim vel dolore core do et, si essectem dignisci te magna feuis at lut ilis nit iriliqu ationsecte magnis autpatummy nulputa tuerosto dolore dolesectem iuscil inibh euisl el iuscil dion utpat. Wis el dio od endipisl dolore minim zzrilis nos nulla feu facipis acip essecte volobor susto commolobor sequi er

Xer alisl et eugait lamcon henim doleniam ero deliqua tionsen diatem dolor sustin utpat iustrud dolobore tate er autpat iriliqui ea acipsum velit vel erciliq uatuerit, cor irit lut lam zzriure velisl esectet acidunt velit lor sequis ex et, conummo doloborpero odo core corpero odo doluptat. Met at. Em ing et luptat. Iquamcommy nis augue duis dip etum vendrerilla am iliquat adion

eumsan veliquat am, quatie feuguero dolore faccummod ercincidunt lu In euisci tat am volorti onsequisl ex el eniatum iurem digna alit am, consectet augue essequisim accum alis dit utatue et dignis do conumsan ulla augue eum iustrud tatisi tin ver sequisi etummy nonsenim ing eu faci tis atisse eugiamcon vel exer acilla feugiam dolortie dit irit wis alit iriure feugiam zzriure magnibh ea at. Dui blamet, sit

Gait lummod del eumsandreIbh er in henisci llaore del utem augiam nim ver in vel deless. Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore. Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore. Tea ad delendrem euguer sequip exeratie dolummy nibh ero od do dolore tat lum delisim dunt irit alis dolorpero conse verostrud ent do od min euisi enit voloborer sequat aute faccum ipsustrud et loreet, velisl incing ero odigna feugiam quatum vel illan vullut praesed eugiamcore digna commy nis alit vel diate tat. Ommy nis am, vendrem ad dolore tat, consequisi. Tate velit nit aut vel utpat. Faccums andipit pratio delendre delesenis et adigna feu feugue do con utpat. Ut dolobore modigna feuipismod tate min enis am delessis alis ametue faccum zzrilit ad min ut velenit numsandignim volobore tin utem ea atum veliquatie dolorper iriure dolortie. •

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Lorem ipsum Tat, quipsustrud tis acin ute tem quam, vel essi. Gue tin vel inibh eliquat. Bortion ulputat lute eugiam, quisim ent la feuipisi. Ignis autpatum deliqinciliscip esse dolore te dolorpe raesed te facil ufeuis exer ing enisse Dolenissectet wisi bla feum ipis aliquat nullandrem irilit il in velit exerit, veros at. •

Jean-Marc Fiers loremipsum dolorem Spain


Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition.

lorem ipsum dolorem

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Um augait, se vullan endionsed tem acinim nim vent aliquatis am quam ea faciduis accummy nit nulpute et, cortissequip essi. Borer se magnim volese exercil issisis nit vent nim iuscin veliquisis alit ut dolenim vel irit dipis dolore te veniamcoreet nos dit nim quis dipit ilit dolobor ilis nit wis aliquis nulputa tumsan utem quate vel ip eliquisi. Um augait, se vullan Ustrud tincing et, summodo lortio eratue dolenis dolor illa facidunt wisi blan henit wismodo lorper at, sim eu facillaor sit dolutat nosto esto od minim iure et wis aliquisl dunt lore tin henissecte vulla amconse tie eliquisci blamconsecte modolore velis aliquam, consequisl del utat dolobore

feugait irillan veriure ero dolesse quissi eraessi exerat la acilit wisim aliscillum quat praesectem iurero del esent amet ad tat. Ut alit alis dolortisim nostis eros doluptat. Iscil dit irit nullaore tem incin veniam alit velendre tat aciduis am quis nonsed modio dio el elessim nonsed dion et nulputa tuerciliqui tat augait numsan volutat, consed eu faccum ing eugait aliquis adio dio conse faci ex eui tationse dignit dolorperos eugiating ex er at dionulputem dignibh et et ex exeraestrud tin utat. Atet adignisit lum augiam, con henim nit ipsustrud tin ut num dunt lutpat aliquisi bla facip et. Lestions equatum dunt verat. Duis alit doluptatue dolobor ercilit lortis nim nos dit adio dolessit lore mod magnibh el do consequam, sissis ad euisido consequam, sissis ad euisi. do consequam, sissis ad euis.nim nit ipsnim nit ips.

Um augait, se vullan OsOstrud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSuEquamet aute tate diat at vercipisi. OsOstrud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSuscitrud tie dolorpero doloreet vu duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSusciliquisl ute feum dolesequisl essequis nim vent velit nullut nonsequatue tet, vent. trud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te s amet, con hendipcore te s amet, cois alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSusciliquisl ute feum dolesequisl essequis nim vent velit nullut nonsequatue tet, vent. •

A5 double page spread A4 double page spread

Proeven van Boedapest • 3

Kwaliteitscontrole Delismodigna amcommy_p8

Van eigen deeg Delismodigna amcommy nismo dolent alit, velit nulluptat utatio odoloborper_p5

Vers van de plank Delismodigna amcommy nismo dolent alit, velit nulluptat utatio odoloborper_p12


Dagelijks brood Nuttige lessen over de 5 s’en



Van eigen deeg Nog lekkerder en nog verser wit brood Proeven van Budapest Zes mannen aan de rand van een groot avontuur



Bakkerspraat Op bezoek bij bakkerij Keller-Verstappen Vers van de plank Bakkers strooien met gejodeerd zout


Zomerrecepten BBQ-broodjes en heerlijke aardbeientaartjes


Beste klant, Het is me een waar genoegen het inleidende artikel te mogen schrijven van de eerste Vision, het tijdschrift waarmee Puratos zich rechtstreeks tot zijn klanten richt. U vindt in dit magazine op weerkerende basis informatie over onze producten, onze activiteiten, seizoensrecepten, en andere ideeën waarvan we zeker zijn dat ze u in uw activiteiten zullen inspireren. Deze Vision n°1 verschijnt terwijl de hele wereld wordt geconfronteerd met de onzekerheden die door de economische crisis worden veroorzaakt. Namens Puratos heb ik een duidelijke boodschap voor iedereen: wij kijken vastberaden en optimistisch naar de toekomst. Innovatie, differentiatie en ondernemingszin zijn meer dan ooit de orde van de dag en zullen de gezondheid, de sterkte en de levensduur van bedrijven bepalen. Samen met de hele Belux-ploeg nodig ik u heel graag uit om door de pagina’s van het eerste Vision magazine te bladeren, waarin u het volgende kan ontdekken: • Ons nieuwe gamma witbroodverbeteraars, met een belangrijke innovatie: Soft’r White Sense, die aan het brood de beste technische karakteristieken geeft alsook de smaak die de consumenten prefereren. • Een recept voor rabarbertaart, gemaakt met Tegral 4Ever Cake, onze jongste innovatie in het cake-assortiment.

• Informatie over het Belcolade gamma en recepten die we aanraden. • Een smakelijke kijk op Boedapest. • Een bakker getuigt over het uitzonderlijke succes dat hij heeft met ons Vita-Plus brood. • Wat meer uitleg over gejodeerd zout. • Seizoensrecepten voor de zomerdagen • Onze promoties om u aan te moedigen

Wij zullen u in de volgende maanden blijven informeren via het Vision magazine, overtuigd dat het op uw enthousiasme zal kunnen rekenen. Met het hele Belux team, blijf ik volledig te uwer beschikking.

A4 double page spread


Our customers expect 100% commitment Total quality


Safety and Health

We commit to develop, produce and distribute top quality products and services. The implementation of an integrated Total Quality Management programme is a key success factor in the level of excellence and in the reliability of our products and services.

We commit to develop, produce and distribute products throughout the world that meet and exceed legal, international food safety requirements. A healthy working environment, where training and safety promotion is our common duty toward our employees, subcontractors, suppliers and customers is of utmost importance to us.

We commit to achieve our strategic, economic and operational goals while managing our ecological footprint, and respecting all our stakeholders and local communities.

“As production manager, I keep an eye on every product that we make and ensure that it meets the required quality standards. I do appreciate working with Puratos as they are just as committed as I am.” Mr Feng - Production Manager Bakery Industry, Asia

A4 double page spread Puratos Company Identity Guide


Corporate communication


Applications The building blocks are used in all our company communication. We communicate via one-to-one sales material (business cards, letters and presentations,…), online media (website, e-newsletters, banners,…), seminars and events material (invitation, program,…) and public relation (press articles,…). But also our recruitment ad, the decoration of our buildings and vehicles and our signage are often the first contact with Puratos. First impression and company image are very important.

2 Puratos Company Identity Guide


Corporate signage + building

The main buildings of each Puratos company should bear the Puratos logo. The exact positioning and size need to be defined according to the characteristics, shape and size of the building. Façade signs should stand out and be clearly visible from a distance. Always make sure the placing of a façade sign is in agreement with local regulation. We don’t always have to brand the entire building –

Totem and sign board

sometimes a few touches can make the difference.

1350 mm

Please consult the Group Communication The signage, whether external or internal, needs to follow these

Department for advice.


650 mm

• font: Sansa Std • colour of background: For metallic elements (beams, windows…) and doors use beton grey RAL 7023. Meeting rooms are always called by the names of the country’s most famous Puratos products.

500 mm

• font: Sansa Std Reliable partners in innovation

• colour of background: For metallic elements (beams; windows…) and


doors use beton grey RAL 7023. Innovation Centers are always called as such and have no specific logo.

4000 mm

500 mm


500 mm


500 mm

Industrialaan 25-28 > interior signage: wall mounted signs

1350 mm > exterior signage: large totem


RAL colours Puratos reddish brown

RAL 8004 Kupferbraun

Puratos warm ochre

RAL 1005 Honiggelb

Puratos dark brown

RAL 8012 Rotbraun

Puratos grey

RAL 7023 Beton Grey

Puratos orange

RAL 2011 Tieforange

Puratos red

RAL 3027 Himbeer

Puratos pink

RAL 4010 Telemagent Puratos Company Identity Guide


Decoration kit + flags Flags On events and outside our buildings, we can use flags to highlight our presence. If we have the opportunity to use three flags (or a multiple of three), we use the orange, red and pink flags

> banner flag 1500 mm x 3000 mm

described here. In all other cases, we will use only the orange flag, as orange is our base

Interior decoration

corporate colour.

> horizontal flag 2000 mm x 1500 mm


Puratos Company Identity Guide



As a very visible carrier of the Puratos brand, our vehicles have an important role to play in our corporate communication. All vehicles carry our logo , our orange wave and three pictures of consumers enjoying a bakery, patisserie and chocolate finished product. Adapting these designs for your vehicles Because of the large variety of vehicles in our global fleet, each and every application of these designs will differ slightly. Contact the Group Communication Department (see back cover for contact details), they can help you to adapt these designs to the technical drawings of your vehicle fleet.

under construction

under construction


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Promotional items

Scrapers, piping bags, plastic sheets to cover the dough … practical tools that are much appreciated by our customers are very important bearers of our visual identity. So are carrier bags, mouse mats, etc. If you need specific items, the Group Communication Department is at your disposal to help you create them.

All give-aways, special utensils and other promotional items should reflect the Puratos brand in the right way.

Visit also to see what items are available and to order what you need.

> mouse mat

> pen > shirt

> usb stick > lanyard

> business card holder

> coffee mug


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Recruitment advertising DAILY NEWSPAPER - JOB SECTION

In recruitment advertising, it is important that potential candidates are immediately able to grasp what Puratos is about and see that Puratos is an interesting and important employer.

Fuga. Is aut officat magniti orporia mporeictis voluptatum aut libus qu tenderia solorio riassit aut eatiae sim velis res cum sitaquatur, nectatis al

Technic Strictly follow the template. resources communication will help us to stand out in the ever more challenging recruitment market and position Puratos as the important player it is. For specific functions, we can use appropriate imagery (see ‘Our business environment, page 36). At other times, we can use a general

Headline lorum Ipsum dolor sit General introduction ut qui ventorio. Neque nullecae ent que pro ius, veliqi quis et aut vel magnatatur sequi utem fugiam sequibus sum ipsam ut pre verum fugiam quunt fuga Itat.

Function Description

Evendis es a volorum: erum que con nosande llanda cusa parumquunt aut ex et ex est, quatem is modi culpa sum quae quam res dolento ipsapicim que pos atibusam qui volupta spicim non rest, et untota con re consente dolut veles veriti officiae. Et la volupitas ea dio et quiduci destia que quis alit, volo officia am, nos aut dolorrum quam rerro et re num qui quate dolori non nus cusdam imolupt.

Comniende: aditian danduciet, volore si ut quia si rerferum fugit, sequibusdam ipiciento te cuscimusa dit licidia sequaepu eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperemp Comniende: aditian danduciet, volore si ut quia si rerferum fugit, sequibusdam ipiciento te cuscimusa dit licidia sequaepudaes re dolupta tiosandus ulparum sinis eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperemp.


Consistency in our human

Puratos, Industrialaan 25, B-1702 Groot Bijgaarden


food, page 34).

Do you have the appetite?


Evendis es a volorum: erum que con nosande llanda cusa parumquunt aut ex et ex est, quatem is modi culpa sum quae quam res dolento ipsapicim que pos atibusam qui volupta spicim non rest, et untota con re consente dolut veles veriti officiae. Et la volupitas ea dio et quiduci destia que quis alit, volo officia am, nos aut dolorrum quam rerro et re num qui quate dolori non nus cusdam imolupt.

> 165 x 111 mm example

Consumers are increasingly conscious of the quality of the food they eat and therefore are becoming more demanding. Puratos creates, produces and distributes worldwide a range of ingredients for bakers, pastry-chefs and chocolatiers. Puratos is a global company with a workforce of 5,300, known for its passion for innovation in over 100 countries. The more our company grows, the stronger our pioneering spirit becomes. This, coupled with a commitment to our employees and partners, is what makes working at Puratos so unique.

General introduction ut qui ventorio. Neque nullecae ent que pro ius, veliquae necepel endio. Ga. Ut aut vitaeped eari dolorei untotate pra nos sandandi dolorun desciat uressi od quam quiam repelicto conet magnihil maxime sum facipicto et intio excest, que cus ea quia sunti quis et aut vel magnatatur sequi utem fugiam sequibus sum ipsam ut pre verum fugiam quunt fuga. Itat.

Headline lorum Ipsum dolor sit eari dolorei


ambiance picture (see ‘Enjoying

Just one question counts when it comes to your career:

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Function title

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queIbus vollaccum quas verions endunti

essin nisquae sit expliquisqui beaquossit

quae aliqui soluptae vitatincto bea dolen

More detailed description of function

aut moloreiur?

Nam et as dolorib uscilis antibusam, qui

Evendis es a volorum: erum que con nosande llanda cusa parumquunt aut ex et ex est, quatem is modi culpa sum quae quam res

Just one question counts when it comes to your career:

atquidus sinusti umenis di volupiet aceatem dest. dolupta tiosandus ulparum sinis eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperemp orrorectur magnis rectenda dolores est, accus cume ese volorro


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Puratos, Industrialaan 25, B-1702 Groot Bijgaarden


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Puratos creates, produces and distributes worldwide a range of ingredients for bakers, pastry-chefs and chocolatiers.

Comniende: aditian danduciet, volore si ut quia si rerferum fugit, sequibusdam ipiciento te cuscimusa dit licidia sequaepudaes re

dolupta tiosandus ulparum sinis eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperemp orrorectur magnis rectenda dolores est, accus cume ese volorro


Do you have the appetite?

dio et quiduci destia que quis alit, volo officia am, nos aut dolorrum quam rerro et re num qui quate dolori non nus cusdam imolupt

Comniende: aditian danduciet, volore si ut quia si rerferum fugit, sequibusdam ipiciento te cuscimusa dit licidia sequaepudaes re dolupta tiosandus ulparum sinis eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperempet untota con re consente dolut veles veriti officiae. Et la volupitas ea dio et quiduci destia que quis alit, volo officia am, nos aut dolorrum quam rerro et re num qui quate dolori non nus cusdam imolupt..

Interested? Puratos, Industrialaan 25, B-1702 Groot Bijgaarden

Puratos, Industrialaan 25, B-1702 Groot Bijgaarden

> 111 x 111 mm example, greyscale


dolento ipsapicim que pos atibusam qui volupta spicim non rest, et untota con re consente dolut veles veriti officiae. Et la volupitas ea

corehenietur alibusam quisim aborupta


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> 332 x 111 mm example

> A4 example


Puratos Company Identity Guide



The importance of business cards, letters and presentations should not be underestimated. While it goes without saying that the actual letterhead and type should be the same around the world, we should go further and make sure that all our presentation and typed layouts look as though they are from the same company, and conform to the Puratos style.

Henk Willems Duval Guillaume Uitbreidingsstraat 2 2000 Antwerpen Belgium

Onze referentie:



31 mei 2010

Uw referentie: UREF2010/0310201

Uw contactpersoon:

Geoffrey McDowell, Communication Manager, tel. 02 666 88 77, [email protected]

Beste, Nusciis ut qui ventorio. Neque nullecae ent que pro ius, veliquae necepel endio. Ga. Ut aut vitaeped eari dolorei untotate pra nos sandandi dolorun desciat uressi od quam quiam repelicto conet magnihil maxime sum facipicto et intio excest, que cus ea quia sunti quis et aut vel magnatatur sequi utem fugiam sequibus sum ipsam ut pre verum fugiam quunt fuga. Itat. Evendis es a volorum erum que con nosande llanda cusa parumquunt aut ex et ex est, quatem is modi culpa sum quae quam res dolento ipsapicim que pos atibusam qui volupta spicim non rest, et untota con re consente dolut veles veriti officiae. Et la volupitas ea dio et quiduci destia que quis alit, volo officia am, nos aut dolorrum quam rerro et re num qui quate dolori non nus cusdam imolupt atquidus sinusti umenis di volupiet aceatem dest, officie nihitiscimet optinciatium nus nimil ipsaecu ptaepro berere voluptio escietur acerrum in rerita num, auta id utem qui utempostrum exerro beat quaerae sequiat fugiatestrum et aliquundus verum rem rem volorro rempostotas voloreprat liquam, cuptaectecab iditis et fugit od mod modis netum, et est, comniende aditian danduciet, volore si ut quia si rerferum fugit, sequibusdam ipiciento te cuscimusa dit licidia sequaepudaes re dolupta tiosandus ulparum sinis eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperemp orrorectur magnis rectenda dolores est, accus cume ese volorro rporemolo corrovit rempores ut doluptatur aut labora asped quiam quiatis eos adipieni simus earum ducipsum eatem net pliquid et velia nonsediam, quiam excea dolupta qui doluptae erspelecera dus, occus.

> business card

Ecte vollitisqui qui conseditatur sitaecu lparuntiat ut a volupta secepedias ipsaepe rspiciis que omnimporat. Fugiandae. Tiaecturem quod quiaecu sapite nit, corem elenimod quam, cus perumqui voleseq uatusa int ea aut evelique pa volor ma volorep erunt. ./..

Geoffrey McDowell Communication Manager

[email protected] Tel: +32 2 123 45 56 - Mobile: +32 476 12 34 56

Met onze beste groeten Avec nos compliments With our compliments Mit unseren besten Empfehlungen Con nuestros mejores deseos


Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium -

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected] KBC 432-4016331-92 - IBAN BE12 4324 0163 3192 - Swift KREDBEBB Fortis 210-0150700-14 - IBAN BE94 2100 1507 0014 - Swift GEBABEBB BTW/TVA//MWS: BE 0438.632.416 - RPR/RPM: 0438.632.416 - Kh. Brussel / Comm. Bruxelles


Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

> letterhead

> greeting card

Dear all, Voloreptatur, sam enderat quia quatiae pero berfersped maximin ullupic temporia La quo totatemque quaerum quam re occus nes ante prat ut dolorem. Nempos etus et magnit expernatem voluptibus sit dolorec ulparciatur alist evelecus. Kind regards,

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium

Geoffrey McDowell - Communication Manager Robert Schuman Duval Guillaume Uitbreidingsstraat 2 2000 Antwerpen Belgium

Tel: +32 2 123 45 67 - Mobile: +32 476 12 34 56 Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium -

Reliable partners in innovation Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing

> email footer

> envelope


Puratos Company Identity Guide


RGB colours


Presentations are crucial for communicating, convincing, motivating and selling. The PowerPoint templates document is created with multiple slide types.

Puratos reddish brown


137 - 51 - 0

Puratos warm ochre


217 - 165 - 0

Puratos dark brown


109 - 35 - 10

Puratos grey


100 - 100 - 100

Puratos orange


0 - 60 - 100 - 0

Puratos red


222 - 5 - 45

Puratos pink


229 - 0 - 117

The finished presentation slides should always be tested beforehand. It is recommended to carry out a test under the actual lighting and spatial conditions pertaining to the presentation room. Never crowd your slides with content, and keep slide titles on one line: this makes it easier for your audience to follow. To install this template on your own pc, open a presentation template, then choose ‘Save As’ and then select ‘Template’. PowerPoint will save the template in its appropriate template folder for future use.


Puratos Company Identity Guide



Building the future, through partnership and innovation

Corporate brochures

The Corporate brochures (both the large one and the small one) are good examples of what Puratos communication should look like today. They are ideal for use in one-to-one communication with clients, prospects and new partners as they explain in quite some detail, the Puratos philosophy and vision.

Puratos started life in a garage in 1919, and it was there that the first innovative patisserie ingredients were created and produced. Since then, Puratos has developed into a worldwide specialist in bakery, patisserie and chocolate, offering a wide range of solutions and services to artisans, industry, supermarkets and food services. Eddy Van Belle, Chairman of the Board, and Daniel Malcorps, CEO, express their thoughts on how the company has achieved the success it has, and what the future holds:

Daniel Malcorps: “From day one, our company has been built on breakthroughs and innovations. We’ve always understood that good new products come from working closely with customers and applying technology smartly, and so we continue to make major investments in R&D and consumer research. We want to help our customers around the world be more successful with their business and offer them all the possibilities they need to create the mouth-watering products their clients love.” Eddy Van Belle: “We have always been a close-knit family business - not just with our own personnel but with our customers too. This unity of purpose has been instrumental in developing our business around the world. We have opened offices and production facilities in all four corners of the globe. Over the years, we have built an international team of dedicated and talented people who understand and deliver what our customers and their consumers truly want.”

Daniel Malcorps: “Indeed, our ambition to get closer to the customer led to the creation of a unique sensory analysis approach to identify local taste preferences in the different parts of the world. In Europe and North America, we’ve gone even further. We have the Puratos Sensobus, a sensory testing lab on wheels, to better evaluate consumer insights at source. All this information provides our researchers and developers with incomparable vision on new trends worldwide. We are happy to share this knowledge with our customers. It also allows us to adapt our products and to innovate accordingly in our numerous Research and Innovation Centers around the world.” Eddy Van Belle: “We believe that by better understanding the different cultures we work in, we can produce better products that fit with their lifestyle and habits. We are equally committed to offering products that combine taste and nutritional value - as well as convenience - and, as a result, contribute to consumers’ well being and eating pleasure.

“Our aim is to develop innovative solutions for our customers and so build long-term partnerships for the future.” Eddy Van Belle, Chairman of the Board and Daniel Malcorps, CEO


Convenience, taste and nutrition are at the heart of Puratos

Puravita Combining nutritional and health benefits with great taste, the

It was to help bakers better manage and control the result of their final products that we invented the first complete bread improver, T 500. The year was 1953. We’re constantly introducing new products, technologies and ideas to help our customers develop their business and make their life easier and more convenient. We believe there is a clear link between what people like to eat and their health, so it is essential that we understand what consumers want in terms of taste and nutrition. For us, good health implies 3 things: having enough food (quantity), having a variety of foods (quality) and doing regular physical activity. It will come as no surprise therefore to find that the mission of our researchers is to formulate products with the best nutritional value, in function of our clients’ finished products, without compromising on taste. Where we can, we increase fibres and reduce sugar, salt and fat.

Puravita mixes make it easier for bakers to offer a full range of healthy breads and rolls that taste great and can be enjoyed by all the family.

Our team of nutritionists specialise in opening new horizons to our researchers and product formulators, and our technical demonstrators help our customers creating recipes in which the nutritional value is optimised.

“The reason we come here is because we know what we’re getting: good healthy sandwiches and a great place to meet with friends. A perfect reason to capture the moment forever!” Michael - Consumer, North America


In touch with customers and consumers worldwide Our Puratos Sensobus* is a unique, fully equipped sensory analysis lab on wheels that can host hundreds of consumers a day, near to where they actually buy their food. It means we can quickly and easily discover what consumers think about the taste, the shape, the colour, the texture, the smell, etc. of any products we might offer them. This in turn, helps our customers and our researchers understand which solution fits best with specific local preferences.

Expertise in bakery, patisserie and chocolate

* Sensobus The Puratos Sensobus conducts sensory analysis tests all over Europe, as well as in both North and South America. We offer this service to our clients who are developing new products, so they

Significant resources have always been allocated to long-term basic research (internal and together with universities) to develop the innovations of the future. This research has resulted in emulsifiers, enzymes, sourdoughs, bread improvers, glazes, fruit fillings, chocolates... Investment in long-term research also helps build competences such as understanding the mechanisms of the action of enzymes in the dough, rheology, crystallisation of fat, sensory analysis and nutrition. Thorough knowledge of our customers with the aim of helping them identify the expectations and aspirations of consumers, have led to the creation of an impressive range of products, concepts and services tailor-made for each customer segment and culture.



In 1923 the company launches the first branded bread Pura-Malté, a bread with roasted wheat germs. Since then Puratos is recognised as the world bakery expert with innovations such as T500, S500, O-tentic and many more.

1953 A pioneer in the use of emulsifiers, Puratos invents the first complete bread improver: T500.

Our bakery product range

1975 Launch of the S500 powder bread improver. This product quickly becomes the flagship product of the company, and is still the undisputed leader in its field today.

• Bread improvers • Modular ingredient solution enhancing one functionality • Bread flavours and sourdoughs • Active bakery component for an authentic taste: O-tentic • Bread mixes • Margarines and specialty fats • Enzymes and emulsifiers • And many other products

2004 Creation of the O-tentic range. A completely new type of product that combines traditional taste and today’s technology.


Puratos is a specialist in the taste of chocolate, offering a complete range of delicious chocolate and chocolate products. We are passionate about rare chocolates those with their origins in select places around the world. We are always looking to push the frontiers of innovation, especially when it comes to taste.

Puratos launched the first cake mix in 1919, providing unknown production consistency. In course of the years, company’s researchers discovered how the ingredients interacted together. This led to the creation of major innovations.

Through our long experience in bakery, we are able to design and manufacture every component of our products ourselves:

can better test local consumer

1988 Puratos discovers how to apply the thixotropic principle for glazes and launches Miroir. It can be used cold as it becomes liquid when stirred, and it sets when still. 2005 Puratos innovates with Ambiante, the first topping that can be kept at ambient temperature, hence its name. It offers exceptional volume and stability. 2007 Launch of Acti-Fresh, a cake improver based on enzyme and emulsifier technology. It improves the freshness of cakes of all kinds, staying soft and delicious once packed and in a retailer’s supply chain.

Our patisserie product range

Patisserie is part spectacle and part seduction, and a good deal of talent and expertise is required. With our products, clients can easily master the interactions between base, filling and decoration. • • • • • • • • • • •

Cake, sponge and choux mixes Custard cream mixes French specialty mixes Mousse and bavarois mixes Fruit and cream fillings Flavouring preparations Glazes Icings, fudges and ganaches Non-dairy toppings UHT specialties And many other products

1979 Puratos diversifies in chocolate and launches the Carat assortment of chocolate coatings. 1988 Puratos creates Belcolade, its flagship brand for real Belgian chocolate. It has since become world-renowned and is the preferred chocolate of many chocolatiers and patissiers around the world.

Our chocolate product range

A full range is available, from 100% organic and fair trade solely made in Belgium Belcolade, to an assortment of locally produced high quality chocolate and nut based fillings for all applications in bakery, patisserie and chocolate. • Real Belgian chocolate • Real chocolate • Compound chocolate • Chocolate, cocoa and nut-based fillings • Pralinés and nut pastes

2006 Launch of Cryst-o-fil, a pre-crystallised filling with Belcolade real Belgian chocolate.


Puratos Center for Bread Flavour

The Chocolate Centers organise training and seminars throughout the year. There you can learn from some of the great chocolate and pastry chefs just what it takes to make chocolate so special in pastry and baking. Combining technical, taste and production expertise, the Chocolate Centers work on developing new products and new technologies.

Our acute understanding of the patisserie specialties and cultures, including the knowledge of the interactions between the different ingredients, as well as the development of the patisserie industry, led to the creation of the Industrial Patisserie Competence Center (IPCC). In our IPCC we focus on researching industrial processes, the development of industrial applications and customer training.

“Puratos has a magnificent range of ingredients to choose from, and each one helps me create something original and tasty.”

We listen to our customers, consumers and food specialists by asking their opinions, either via sensory labs or using our mobile Sensobus*.

Marco - Artisan Baker, Southern Europe

* Visit to know more about our baking product range.

* Visit to know more about our patisserie product range.


From insights to innovations

Puratos, reliable partners in innovation

Chocolate Centers

Industrial Patisserie Competence Center

The Puratos Center for Bread Flavour is an inspirational place. In this multi-functional facility our customers can discover more about the fascinating world of bread and sourdough fermentation. They are in the ideal place to create new and innovative breads with tastes and flavours that both surprise and delight the consumers.

Valuable information and ideas come from all over the world, but our main source of inspiration is the customers we work with on a daily basis. They are constantly challenging us to go beyond the norm, and create new breakthrough products for tomorrow. It’s often these discussions that reveal the insights for our researchers to base their new developments on, and it’s one of our most important ingredients. Puratos has a team of more than 500 specialists including researchers, food technicians and technical advisors - and they work in the different Puratos Innovation Centers around the world. There, they work on adapting the products, processes and services to continuously improve quality and so create new added value solutions that anticipate future needs. Our aim is to offer reliable solutions that will inspire our customers to delight their consumers.


From innovation to inspiration Ambiante Topping Ambiante Topping is a sweet and delicious non-dairy topping that offers exceptional volume and excellent stability. It provides optimal results for all sorts of cake creations, and the decoration stays as perfect as when it was made, for up to 5 days in the fridge.

We are convinced that innovation is the most important business driver: it creates a point of differentiation against competition and helps attract new customers. Our ambition is to inspire our customers, just as they inspire us. In our Innovation Centers around the world, and at the client’s own premises we stimulate creativity and offer practical technical solutions, such as chocolate fillings, extended shelf life, frozen solutions, ready-to use mixes and glazes for maximum convenience to name just a few.

* Visit to know more about our chocolate product range.


Global presen 21

A clear focus from the start Belcolade Collection Belcolade’s Collection range comprises Origin chocolates with specific and unique flavours and varied bouquets. Each is made using carefully selected cocoa beans which reflect the differences of the regions where they are grown.

90’s 80’s To create our Origin range within Belcolade Collection we developed a method of sensory analysis to identify and describe the flavour profiles of chocolate. We call it “Les Arômes de Cyrano” which explores the language of chocolate. In this way we can better help clients create unique products with differentiating & exceptional taste profiles.

1919 Puratos is founded in Brussels, Belgium to create, produce and sell ingredients for bakers and patissiers.

70’s 20’s

40’s - 50’s


Puratos launches Pura-Malté, a branded bread based on wheat germs, roasted in a machine invented by Professor Picard, known for his bathyscaphe.

The age of the pioneers: François Van Belle and Pierre Demanet join Puratos.

Puratos moves to Groot-Bijgaarden on the outskirts of Brussels, Belgium.

Creation of T500, the first complete bread improver. This product marks a turning point in the history of Puratos.

Launch of S500, a powderbased bread improver. It has since grown into a major product for the group and is still the leader today. Opening of subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Canada and the USA.

Diversification into chocolate - with the creation of Belcolade, compound coatings, glazes and margarine. Puratos opens its first Quality and Research Center in Groot-Bijgaarden. Puratos establishes itself in Asia and in the rest of Latin America and creates subsidiaries in France and Germany.

2000 and beyond

The Sapore sourdough range is launched, as are enzymes, fruit-based products and non-dairy creams.

Creation of the O-tentic range: it’s a completely new type of product allowing traditional breads to be made.

Creation of the Puratos Group.

Launch of Sublimo cold setting glazes.

Puratos opens up subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Cryst-o-fil, made with 50% real Belgian chocolate is launched on the long shelf-life fillings market. Launch of Ambiante, a delicious non-dairy topping that offers exceptional volume and excellent stability. Launch of Acti-Fresh technology, which gives Puratos technological supremacy in cake freshness. Puratos creates Oxanti, a chocolate with high anti-oxidant power.

“ I love amazing my customers with spectacular wedding cakes. Puratos pastry chefs have made my life a pleasure with their new Ambiante Topping, its remarkable stability and high elasticity make it a dream to work with.“ Elena - Supermarket pastry-chef, Latin America


“As Ouvrier de France Pâtissier’ , myafocus “ As‘Meilleur a “Meilleur Ouvrier de France”, I know lot about good is chocolate. on the quality of the raw I use infor myBelcolade, as I’m proud to bematerials a demonstrator products. Belcolade fully meets my great expectations terms of taste clearly they also respect and love tasting inchocolate, as and especially with their ‘Origins’ theydiversity, show with their fabulous origin range.”range.”

Puratos establishes subsidiaries in the rest of Central & Eastern Europe and Australia.

Stéphane - International technical adviser Belcolade Stephane - Puratos International Belcolade demonstrator, Belgium

Puratos Company Identity Guide



Website flow

Global Puratos website Most visitors’ first encounter with Puratos online will be through the global homepage. From here, our online visitors can easily click through to our

All of our websites have been created within the Tridion system. It allows you to easily change the content and the pictures yourselves as well as regularly generate new ones. Even though you have some degree of flexibility in terms of creating your local content pages, you should always adhere to the group communication strategy, principles and values.

local websites through the use of the country selector.

As we want to show our customers that we are close to them, that we want to inspire them and innovate with them to grow their business, each of our local website should express this by developing the specific contents customers of a particular country are expecting from their local Puratos company. At the same time, every Puratos website must be clearly identifiable as part of the Puratos Group. It is therefore crucial that you create appropriate local content while retaining the visual look and feel of all Puratos websites. Keep your site alive and interesting by making constantly new content available. The local website consists of several content areas, but only the primary and secondary content area should be adapted to your regional needs. You may not adapt the background, the banner nor the breadcrumbs areas.

Writing for the web Put the most important

Make your text easy to scan.

Navigational links.

information first.

• Provide meaningful headings and

• Make sure the user is always able to get

• Start your text by telling the reader the conclusion, then relay the most important supporting information, and conclude with the background.

subheadings that let the reader know

back to where they came from.

what each section is about. • Graphics, captions and tables of contents can also make information easier to scan on the web.

Break up the text.

Keep it simple.

Links and buttons.

• Divide your text into coherent sections

• Write in simple, short and clear

• Link copy must highlight descriptive

or chunks to make it easier for the

• Use the active voice.

without unnecessary scrolling.

• Eliminate superfluous words and

• Use hyperlinks to provide multiple complementary explanations that the readers can choose to explore according to their personal interests. • Remember that readers can enter a site on any page, so make sure each one is independent and provides relevant context so as not to disorient the reader.



user to get the information they want

phrases. • Have also a look at the overall tone of voice on page 30-31

words that are easy to understand. • Links should invite action, supply additional information or address questions arising from page content. • Buttons are a call to action. Local Puratos website On the local home page, our visitors are greeted with links to several interesting items, allowing them to easily find new, engaging content. All of these content pages should follow the predefined pattern.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Page structure basics

Around the world, Puratos websites should differ in content

Background image (cannot be changed))

to provide an engaging website that answers to your local customer needs. At the same time, every Puratos website

Header (can be changed)

must be clearly identifiable as part of the Puratos Group. It is therefore vital that you create appropriate local content while

Banner and login area (may not be changed)

retaining the visual look and feel of the global website. Primary navigation (can be changed, only with These guidelines will help you use the Puratos website

agreement of the group communication department)

template in the best possible way. And remember, it is only by providing engaging content that our websites will help our

Banner area (may not be changed)

customers connect to Puratos in a meaningful way. Keep your sites alive and rewarding, by making constantly new content

Breadcrumbs (cannot be changed)

available. Secondary navigation (cannot be changed) Every website consists of several content areas, but only the primary and secondary content area should be adapted to

Primary content area

your regional needs. You may not adapt the background, the

The main information goes here, such as the article text,

banner nor the breadcrumbs areas.

photographs and tables. For details, please consult the next page. Secondary content area Content related to the primary content, but of secondary importance, goes here. For example, related links or downloads. You can also add attention-grabbing ‘Did you know?’, ‘Information’ or ‘Download’ boxes. This area enables you to link through to different content across your site, which makes visiting your site a more rewarding experience. Doormat (cannot be changed) Footer (can be changed)

area that cannot be changed


area that may not be changed Puratos Company Identity Guide


Primary content area

Text content Make sure your paragraphs are not too long, and add paragraph titles every few paragraphs in order to make the text easier to read.

Secondary content area

In this area you can provide the user of your website with additional functionality and secondary information. Don’t try to fill this column with redundant information, but rather keep things on topic and to the point. As a general rule, you should not add more than three items to this column. Here are some sample items.

Titles: Verdana 21 pt, Orange Introduction: Georgia Bold 13 pt, Dark Grey Body: Georgia Bold 13 pt, Dark Grey Paragraph title: Georgia Bold 13 pt, Dark Grey

‘Did you know?’ box Grab your audience’s attention with some interesting facts concerning the main content. For example: tell them about where you found that sourdough used in a specific product, mentioned in the primary content area. Titles: Verdana 21 pt, Body: Georgia 13 pt, Link: Georgia Bold Underlined 11 pt, White

Related articles Quote box

Help the user of your website discover other relevant content by providing him with direct links to

Adding quotes to long articles makes a page more inviting to read.

some interesting articles on the subject.

Quote: Verdana Italic 14 pt.

Titles: Verdana 21 pt, Light Blue, Link: Georgia Bold Underlined 13 pt, Dark Grey

Quotation colors can be chosen. There are two versions: Orange and Dark Grey

Ingredients box

Associated documents

This box provides you with a frame for displaying the ingredients.

Sometimes you want to offer downloadable content that is associated with the main content. In this

Title: Verdana 21 pt, Pink, Quote: Georgia 14 pt, Dark Grey

case, you can provide links to the downloadable documents in a list. Titles: Verdana 21 pt, Light Blue, Link: Georgia Bold Underlined 11 pt, Dark Grey

Selection element This control element provides dropdown boxes for easy access to selectable

Download box


If you have only one related download, and you want to draw special attention to this document, you

Tab text: Verdana 16 pt, Dark Grey, Field label: Georgia 13 pt, Dark Grey

can use a ‘Download’ box for emphasis. Titles: Verdana 21 pt, Body: Georgia 13 pt, Link: Georgia Bold Underlined 11 pt, White

Information box Information on which you want to place special emphasis.

Related recipes

Title: Verdana Bold 14 pt, Dark Grey, Other text: Georgia 13 pt, Dark Grey

A special case of the related links list, is this recipes list. Here, small photographs serve as a visual reminder of the recipes in which you can use the product mentioned in the main content area. Titles: Verdana 21 pt, Light Blue, Link: Georgia Bold Underlined 13 pt, Dark Grey

Buttons By default, buttons are 25 pixels high and use an orange gradient. Call-toaction buttons are 30 pixels high and use a red gradient. The sign in and log out buttons are fixed at 20 pixels and cannot be changed. Button text: Sansa Normal, 10, 13 or 16 pt, White Background: orange or red gradient

Note: creating separate mini sites or other websites is not allowed, except for promotional campaigns



limited in time. Contact the Group Communication

Photographs should be either 220 or 440 pixels wide.

Department to discuss.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Online banners

Some important tips to make your banner effective • Make sure that the content of your banner is relevant for your audiences. They must immediately grasp that is worthwhile to click the banner. • Use influential, activating words in your text. • Often, it is a good idea to keep the same headline on your banner that you have on your landing page or entry page. When people click through the banner, they will come to see the same headline that sparked an interest in them in the first place. • Do not forget to always put the “click here” button. People are still used to off-line advertising and don’t realize that

160 pixels x 600 pixels

they are actually meant to click on it to find out more. The “click here” call to action improves the effectiveness of your banner. • Always include the Puratos logo: it will increase brand recognition even if the banner isn’t clicked.

300 pixels x 250 pixels Typography Text in banners is put in Sansa Normal or in Sansa Semibold (eventually, with a soft shadow), but only if this is necessary to guarantee legibility (for example, when the text is partly put over the image).

It iustisl ulla fegiat ad te et, vel ullandi amconulla amequat.

It iustisl ulla fegiat ad te et, vel ullandi amconulla amequat.

It iustisl ulla fegiat ad te et, vel ullandi amconulla amequat.





Tue dignim zrit iure min henit iustisl ulla

Use one of the three Puratos gradients as a background for text in banners; and have it fade out over the picture. Buttons


see guidelines p 78

782 pixels x 90 pixels

Tue dignim rit iure min henit iustisl ulla

Note: Dimensions used here are

Important note: In corporate documents, the

just examples and can be adapted

Puratos orange (and its gradient) must always be

whenever necessary.

the main colour, especially on covers, as this will


heighten brand recognition.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


External newsletters Did you know that Puratos invested in the ‘Campaign Commander’ software to create your electronic newsletters? You can use it for a very low price! For more info contact

Newsletters help your company to be regularly in touch with your customers and prospects.

[email protected].

At Puratos we have two types of external newsletters:

> electronic newsletter

• Vision, for the craft sector • Infocus, for large accounts Both exist in electronic and printed versions. They are designed to maintain the corporate image and to offer a large degree of freedom for customization. The title, Vision, should be used in all companies but it may be translated if necessary while Infocus is mandatory in all languages. All Puratos companies are free to define the content of these magazines the way they want, according to the communication strategy of the group. Keep the right balance between our three core activities – bakery, patisserie and chocolate – which need to be


promoted equally. Add the consumer dimension as it is a way to differentiate ourselves from our competitors. Please send a PDF of all newsletters to the Group Communication dpt for further information of the affiliates.





Magazine destiné aux proffessionels de la boulangerie, de la patisserie et aux chocolatiers du monde entier.

The newsletter of Puratos Industry Solutions

The newsletter of Puratos Industry Solutions

January 2010

january 2012

January 2012

Praktijklessen Am zzriustrud voor magna bakkermeesters feumsandre — p5 — p3

In this issue:

In this issue

Panerex, Vel dui bla gekroonde facipit am mobakkers diam ex — eu p12 facilla velisl dolore consent ad — p11

Lorem ipsum dolorem — p3 Dunt praestrud dip endio Et lipsum dolorem est lipsum — p8 Nelesto erostio commolortie vendiam

Minit ipsumsandre molut prat velisit elesequi velisl dolore — p22

Lorem ipsum dolorem est — p12 Blaore vero od dolore dolobor sustrud dolore volore suscill utpatum Et lipsum dolorem et lipsum — p14 Duis nit lum nit lor suscill utpatum

• Tem ing eu faciliq uismodo lobore modit alisit lorercipis nonumsan.

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition

Dear customer, welcome to the first 2009 edition of our Asian Infocus magazine. The consumption of baked goods in Asia keeps growing, as confirmed by all sources and statistics at our disposal, and this in spite of the worldwide economic crisis. In such circumstances, we as Puratos are more than ever convinced about the need to help you to create value in the bread, rolls, pastry and cakes that you are producing and selling. Focusing on price and cost is, of course, a relevant concern in tougher times. What is more important however is to stand out from the crowd and make products which respond to consumer preferences. Asian consumers want to eat bread or cakes with the right taste, texture (a broad concept which covers freshness, softness, bite and many more aspects) and appearance. They clearly desire healthier products which comply with the highest food safety and quality standards. We at Puratos are focusing more than ever on

• Tullandre del ip eugue dolorpe raessenisit aliquat. • Pute feum ipis ad modolent laore dunt utat augait ut loboreetum duisissenim • Ferit illam, vulputet la facilisim volortinci blaortiscip et dolorero con utem

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition.

helping our customers to develop, produce & market their baked goods along these lines. We are therefore also increasing the number of consumer (sensory) analyses to ensure we offer you the right solutions. Our Second Industry Seminar, now called Innovation & Nutrition Summit, being held in Guangzhou on March 31st & April 1st 2009 , is zooming in on creating value in baked goods through textural solutions & nutritional benefits, and is a sign of our continued commitment to help you develop your business. Our Puratos Account Managers, R&D and Marketing teams across the region will be following up on all sim irit laor iureetu msandigna feu feuismo dolore enis ad et dolor ipi. Rud eugueri uscidui smodolore minit iandre prat velisit elesequi eu faccum zzrit venit lorem dolesse ndionsequam eummy nulla acin velisl dolore faccummy niat iandre prat velisit elesequi. •

Tie conse con henisl ut lorem zzriustie del utem ing exer sim dolesto elese tat do del dolesed tem zzrit nulla ad tisl ut ulputatem dip elisl ut voloboreet lorperit ex elit vel utpat laorem et wissi bla facipsuscil duisi et wisl utet, commod te velisl doluptat, summod magnit iureet alit lum zzriustrud tat velit augait la feuisit estissi.Si bla feugiam, core feugait inisis nisc.

Virginie Poels


> vision magazine (for artisanal clients)

> printed newsletter (for large account clients) Proeven van Boedapest 4

Ud te dignisl er ipsustrud te min hent acip

2 Infocus Newsletter Infocus Newsletter 3

Proeven van Budapest

Van eigen deeg Delismodigna amcommy nismo dolent alit, velit nulluptat utatio odoloborper — p5

Vers van de plank

Gait lummod del eumsandreIbh er in henisci llaore del utem augiam nim ver in vel deless. Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore.

In this issue

Lorem ipsum dolorem — p3 Dunt praestrud dip endio Et lipsum dolorem est lipsum — p8 Nelesto erostio commolortie vendiam Lorem ipsum dolorem est — p12 Blaore vero od dolore dolobor sustrud dolore volore suscill utpatum Et lipsum dolorem et lipsum — p14 Duis nit lum nit lor suscill utpatum Lorem ipsum dolorem est — p18 Bblaore vero od dolore dolobor sustrud dolore volore od dolorem Et lipsum dolorem est lipsum — p20 Idunt praestrud dip endio Lorem ipsum dolorem — p3 Dunt praestrud dip endio



Beste klant, Het is me een waar genoegen het inleidende artikel te mogen schrijven van de eerste Vision, het tijdschri� waarmee Puratos zich rechtstreeks tot zijn klanten richt. U vindt in dit magazine op weerkerende basis informatie over onze producten, onze activiteiten, seizoensrecepten, en andere ideeën waarvan we zeker zijn dat ze u in uw activiteiten zullen inspireren. Deze Vision n°1 verschijnt terwijl de hele wereld wordt geconfronteerd met de onzekerheden die door de economische crisis worden veroorzaakt. Namens Puratos heb ik een duidelijke boodschap voor iedereen: wij kijken vastberaden en optimistisch naar de toekomst. Innovatie, differentiatie en ondernemingszin zijn meer dan ooit de orde van de dag en zullen de gezondheid, de sterkte en de levensduur van bedrijven bepalen. Samen met de hele Belux-ploeg nodig ik u heel graag uit om door de pagina’s van het eerste Vision magazine te bladeren, waarin u het volgende kan ontdekken: • Ons nieuwe gamma witbroodverbeteraars, met een belangrijke innovatie: So�’r White Sense, die aan het brood de beste technische karakteristieken gee� alsook de smaak die de consumenten prefereren. • Een recept voor rabarbertaart, gemaakt met Tegral 4Ever Cake, onze jongste innovatie in het cake-assortiment.

• Informatie over het Belcolade gamma en recepten die we aanraden. • Een smakelijke kijk op Boedapest. • Een bakker getuigt over het uitzonderlijke succes dat hij hee� met ons Vita-Plus brood. • Wat meer uitleg over gejodeerd zout. • Seizoensrecepten voor de zomerdagen • Onze promoties om u aan te moedigen

Wij zullen u in de volgende maanden blijven informeren via het Vision magazine, overtuigd dat het op uw enthousiasme zal kunnen rekenen. Met het hele Belux team, blijf ik volledig te uwer beschikking.

Tea ad delendrem euguer sequip exeratie dolummy nibh ero od do dolore tat lum delisim dunt irit alis dolorpero conse verostrud ent do od min euisi enit voloborer sequat aute faccum ipsustrud et loreet, velisl incing ero odigna feugiam quatum vel illan vullut praesed eugiamcore digna commy nis alit vel diate tat. Ommy nis am, vendrem ad dolore tat, consequisi. Tate velit nit aut vel utpat. Faccums andipit pratio delendre delesenis et adigna feu feugue do con utpat. Ut dolobore modigna feuipismod tate min enis am delessis alis ametue faccum zzrilit ad min ut velenit numsandignim volobore tin utem ea atum veliquatie dolorper iriure dolortie magnis nos alisi bla alisci bla ametumsandre dit lam.iriliquisi. • Virginie Poels

Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore. Del dolor sed elent inibh exerit, velit wisi blaore te tet aute dignim incinci tis aliquat, vero doloreet nullaor sit doloreet ad eugueratum dolore. Tea ad delendrem euguer sequip exeratie dolummy nibh ero od do dolore tat lum delisim dunt irit alis dolorpero conse verostrud ent do od min euisi enit voloborer sequat aute faccum ipsustrud et loreet, velisl incing ero odigna feugiam quatum vel illan vullut praesed eugiamcore digna commy nis alit vel diate tat. Ommy nis am, vendrem ad dolore tat, consequisi. Tate velit nit aut vel utpat. Faccums andipit pratio delendre delesenis et adigna feu feugue do con utpat. Ut dolobore modigna feuipismod tate min enis am delessis alis ametue faccum zzrilit ad min ut velenit numsandignim volobore tin utem ea atum veliquatie dolorper iriure dolortie.

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Lorem ipsum Tat, quipsustrud tis acin ute tem quam, vel essi. Gue tin vel inibh eliquat. Bortion ulputat lute eugiam, quisim ent la feuipisi. Ignis autpatum deliqinciliscip esse dolore te dolorpe raesed te facil ufeuis exer ing enisse Dolenissectet wisi bla feum ipis aliquat nullandrem irilit il in velit exerit, veros at. • Virginie Poels


Ad ea atue dolore del delenis nonsequi te mincidui tion hent vulput ad elessi er iriure conse eu faciliquat. Im vulla con eum er alit ip eriliquis nostrud te dignisl er ipsustrud te min hent acip et vullam, sum init adit nim numsandipit praessectem nullaorem veliqui blaor iu tueraestin hendiam conulla conullut venisi blandre consed eugiamet, vent lan hendre facilit, susto ex exerat laore duissim nit lortincidunt laorem veliquamet lobor at. Magnism olendignit. GET MORE INFO

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition.

lorem ipsum dolorem

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Um augait, se vullan endionsed tem acinim nim vent aliquatis am quam ea faciduis accummy nit nulpute et, cortissequip essi. Borer se magnim volese exercil issisis nit vent nim iuscin veliquisis alit ut dolenim vel irit dipis dolore te veniamcoreet nos dit nim quis dipit ilit dolobor ilis nit wis aliquis nulputa tumsan utem quate vel ip eliquisi. Um augait, se vullan Ustrud tincing et, summodo lortio eratue dolenis dolor illa facidunt wisi blan henit wismodo lorper at, sim eu facillaor sit dolutat nosto esto od minim iure et wis aliquisl dunt lore tin henissecte vulla amconse tie eliquisci blamconsecte modolore velis aliquam, consequisl del utat dolobore feugait irillan veriure ero dolesse quissi eraessi exerat la acilit wisim aliscillum quat

praesectem iurero del esent amet ad tat. Ut alit alis dolortisim nostis eros doluptat. Iscil dit irit nullaore tem incin veniam alit velendre tat aciduis am quis nonsed modio dio el elessim nonsed dion et nulputa tuerciliqui tat augait numsan volutat, consed eu faccum ing eugait aliquis adio dio conse faci ex eui tationse dignit dolorperos eugiating ex er at dionulputem dignibh et et ex exeraestrud tin utat. Atet adignisit lum augiam, con henim nit ipsustrud tin ut num dunt lutpat aliquisi bla facip nit ipsustrud tin ut num dunt lutpat aliquisi bla facip et. Lestions equatum dunt verat. Duis alit doluptatue dolobor ercilit lortis nim nos dit adio dolessit lore mod magnibh el do consequam, sissis ad euisido consequam, sissis ad euisi. do consequam, sissis ad euis.nim nit ipsnim nit ips.

Um augait, se vullan OsOstrud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSuEquamet aute tate diat at vercipisi. OsOstrud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSuscitrud tie dolorpero doloreet vu duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSusciliquisl ute feum dolesequisl essequis nim vent velit nullut nonsequatue tet, vent. trud tie dolorpero doloreet vullaorer iliquate duis amet, con hendipis alit am, vulputat. Ro core te s amet, con hendipcore te s amet, cois alit am, vulputat. Ro core te ming er iure dolumSusciliquisl ute feum dol nim vent velit nullut nonsequatue tet, vent. • Virginie Poels

Ecte ent dolore minit velenim Ecte ent dolore minit velenim quam, quisl dolessed tat, vercing er sis nostie magnim niscing erat lum il ipsumsan ulla feu facilisl irit dolobor perciliquat nim vullaore magnim iurem nonse do ea coaut nim eliquipsum quatum nim in euisl ercin ut nummy nostis nibh eumsan henismod nt vent num zzrit dolore feu facin utat. Uptat wis amcon ut nos alit prat ut et, susci eraestrud ex ea feu feugiam nonullaore dionsed tveliquamet lobor at. Magnism olendignt. GET MORE INFO

Puratos Company Identity Guide Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition. Ud et ad minibh etum ipit praese dunt wismod magna augue


Seminars and events toolkit

> tri-fold invitation folder

Title Invitation Subtitle Invitation with a maximum of two lines

Title euis nit endionummy non eum delendiamcon utat, quissequam volorer cidunt erat illuptat.

4 mm radius

Uptat lore veliqui bla commy nisiet.

How to use rounded


Intro Landrem euisi blam conum verostrud molesectem zzriureet sum ver ing euguero doloreet wismoluptat. Duis aciliquamcon venim quip era consequat alit

Our seminars and events toolkit, consisting of various templates for invitations, forms and posters will help you to quickly create a consistent and attractive look & feel for your seminar or event so that you can focus on the creating of the added-value content. > invitation with fax back registration page

Explanation Volor sed magna facipisl ullametue deleniatisci tie conse magna faccums andrem veraesto eu facil ulput am, quipisis dolenit, commy nos erat praese tat. Dunt at, si exeraes equisl utpat alis nisi. Luptat. Duisit utat, sed tismolum init aut ip et niat. Sumsandre tet iuscilisim nim quisisit iliquat irit aciliquip ea feugait iusto elit am quam aciduisi elesecte tie delit iuscinim adigna am etum accum quametue mincipis dolum quisl doloreet adit init nim dunt vercin utpat euguero


Date Table title

Table title

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

Table title

Table title

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

Program item

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation


00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation


00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

Program item

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation


00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00

Program item Explanation

Subsubtitle cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad min ver irilisi ea feu feu feummodo od moloborem zzriuscilit lam, sequisi smolorperat, velit aliqui tie mincinciduis elisi bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat. Subsubtitle Od endion velent ute core commolor sequiscilla feum at luptat ate tetumsan ullam augiam, si bla aliquat. Lessenit, vel ipsum ex esse magna consequ isiscil utpat. Uptat vullutpat at vulputpat alit loborem

Question: Lorem Accum dolenis modigna faccum volor si blan verci bla facilisi eugiat dolor ipsum iril irit lorem

Send to +32 2 466 25 81

o Lorum

o Ipsum

o Ipsum

o Lorum

o Ipsum

o Ipsum

Rounded corners will be applied to freestanding

Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

> evaluation form

FAX BACK Registration

00:00 – 00:00


autpat ullandiat. Giat. Ecte vendre dolore min utpatin eum voluptat. Magna con ent la consecte feuisis dolumsandion vendre consequip eugait autpat. Lenit amcon elendip euismol oreriurem incilla adiam

verit velit pratie magna feuipsusci Introduction text Obore tem euipit enim quipis nostrud dunt wisci erosto esto consecte et praestrud lobortio estrud digna feuguer acipisl delendrem quamet praesed dolumsa ndreet lore minibh eugait nonsequi ipsummod eugue feu faci bla feublan ercilit lortin hendio do conse feuguero doluptatin vullaoreet gait dit del duip euis nostrud tatisl veliquat. exero dunt nulla feuSubsubtitle feu faciliq uipit, Wiscil ulla feuguer cipisis duis nos quis dolortis exer sed Ure commy autat nisi bla feugue min vullutat nit wisi tie venit ulla feugait ad erostis nim vel dui tation vendreetum ent non euisis dunt duipisisl iure venis nim digna accum euis del dolutpate amet, quatue dolore ea faciliquam, con hent eu feuipsustrud dunt utat, se modigna faccummy nullamcon ex elenis aliquat vero od ero odiam veliscipit et, conummodiat wisis hendre magnisi ese del el euisis nulputpat ent num veliquamet iure dolummy nos aute miniatin utat, quisl enissi.

are positioned at any edge of the page, or pictures are


Event title line

Title job: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Company: e-mail:

o Lorum

o Ipsum

o Ipsum

Language preferred for presentations

o Lorum

o Ipsum

o Ipsum

o Lorum

o Ipsum

o Ipsum

Question: Lorem Accum dolenis modigna faccum volor si blan verci bla facilisi eugiat dolor ipsum iril irit lorem

o Ipsum

il utatums andit? o Lorum

The seminar will be held in the Hotel Royal Marina Plaza. Please specify the type and number of room(s) needed: ........................................

x Double Room(s)

Check in Date(Y/M/D)


Check in Date(Y/M/D)

On substantially bigger formats, such as posters,

o Ipsum

o Lorum o Ipsum o Ipsum Background information

Puratos will cover your hotel room of March 30th & 31st

Name: During the seminar, you will have the opportunity to schedule a one to one meeting with one of our speakers.

Evaluation form

o Ipsum

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Introduction Magna am zzrit praestio consecte tie velessi ea corem qui te minim quipis essent amconsequam velesto el ut in ulputat iure modit incip ero dolobor tionulputat. Duismod olorerate tis






5.7 mm < A2: 8 mm < A1: 11.3 mm < A0: 16 mm,...

numsan hent aci tis alis do dio od tatismodolor suscidunt aliquamet, vullumsan velit vullam, quatinci Title job: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What are the topics, treated during the seminar, you would like to discuss?

we can increase the radius proportionally: A4: 4mm < A3:

irit praeseq uissim nit ut irilisi tat. Ut venis dunt nulla autat. Ut alit velisim ver irilisit diametumsan er sectem

Accommodation x Single Room(s)

4mm radius for an A4 format.

il utatums andit?

................................................................................................................................... Tel: .......................................................................................................................................


in Indesign will always be

irit praeseq uissim nit ut irilisi tat. Ut venis dunt nulla autat. Ut alit velisim ver irilisit diametumsan er sectem

Thank you for your collaboration.


The corner radius as defined

Quid ute as peristin repero ipsunti onsendes duci quaeper spedignis as sam rae nonsequ iaererr ovidist audiat.

Question: Lorem Accum dolenis modigna faccum volor si blan verci bla facilisi eugiat dolor ipsum iril irit lorem

Subtitle description

.......................................................................................................................... Country: .........................................................................................................................

o Lorum

o Ipsum

Seditat uriberit ped quodi officias sendi non rae mostium aut rat ratinctates quid es et voles et omnimaio. Ed qui accupta sita ature evenderorum ne pra quam fuga. Itatquam, ut remos aut ut dolorio sandam, qui ilitaspis dolorer ibusdam harum sequissit, inctoritiur suntur sus, omnist is apidia etusciam nonsequo tet eum fugia nonet laborpo ratius modi doluptates estio quassequunt lit ra as volorem restrum et volupti qui cus sequiasimus sinis min rem dolupta sperfer ferepelite doluptat unt ut audae con cupictem ex el ma cone qui venitatiis et reperum rehenissi officid est excero beate laborrum am fuga. Itatur, niscim lam delescimi, sitatatur ant est autas dolor ad quiam, alic to quiatur?



o Ipsum

we don’t use rounded corners.

Us suscimagnam, sitaturibus

Quiscie nitestiore omnimin eatur sinihil iquaspicia voluptae sum ipsunti renis adignam endem et la corum quationserum ipiducium faceaque volupta quatiis necabore pre qui quat.

il utatums andit? o Lorum

combined in a ‘picture strip’,

rehenet ma quiandae alicaborpor rem a seditas ius.

Num, que occae consed qui quidus

irit praeseq uissim nit ut irilisi tat. Ut venis dunt nulla autat. Ut alit velisim ver irilisit diametumsan er sectem

Date Location

other pictures. When pictures

nit wisi tie venit ulla feugait ad Hent. Sitdel qui voluptio occusamus, eiusa pel ius moles molupta poris erostis nim digna accum euis alignis aut dempor magnatisse denditin prem quis di cullitas voluptatur dolutpate con hent eu feuipsustrud solore, que quunda quam es a dolupturepe quasi utem que exerio et feuipsustrud dunt utat, veliscipit et, aborro volores simendemos et, volorpo reictum et aut volorrovit conummodiat wisis adio oditetendit laboribus aliscil iquipiscilit adion ulla facilsi officaborum fugiti repe magniminum solut ipsam nulluptam ulpa aut voluptaeped quideli quaeptatur sus, totassit volorem incturem exerosting erilis exeraese

il utatums andit?


or immediately adjacent to

quidusa ntemperum invent mod magnis sit ipis ium entiis soluptatur, illaudi sciisinum ut estrunt aut intissimus eatempo riorro mo eum Subsubtitle inveles autnos quae eate ex ex et volorum veles sit, ut earum fugias ut re ea Wiscil ulla feuguer cipisis duis solupta eratemp eriandusci simus quia nobit fugiatur? autat nisi bla feugue prae min vullutat

Question: Lorem Accum dolenis modigna faccum volor si blan verci bla facilisi eugiat dolor ipsum iril irit lorem

Please complete the registration zzrit il ipsumsan elesequis aut.

located on the edge of a page

adio odit endit aliscil iquipiscilit adion ulla facil exerosting erilis exeraese dolorper sit lum enibh erilit alit ad erci ero consequat wississim dio dolobortie min venis nosto dolessequisi nos numsan utpat. Re faciliq Ulluptatiunt quossum iundiss uismodio commy nonsecte delisit iurer in ulluptatue dio odionse Equamenis nis exerumq uaspeliatque et, omnihicabo. Aximi, qui dipit lore magna feuiscil utem inim ersped et faccum quo coneturias eos doluptiae niam, cust, uptatue dio odionse acculluptis dipit lore magna feuiscil utem inim sitasi tem est anitatesti oditam conseque nim nobis entem aliquunt et

> dvd sleeve

irit praeseq uissim nit ut irilisi tat. Ut venis dunt nulla autat. Ut alit velisim ver irilisit diametumsan er sectem

pictures: pictures that are not

ad erci ero consequat wississim

tionse magnibh eugiat. Ut veliquat landit wis er sequisi exerostrud mincil exeratum nit lum zzrit

.......................................................................................................................... Country: .........................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... Tel: .......................................................................................................................................

Thank you for your collaboration.



Legal information Obore ea adionum irilla feugait lobore esectet, secte tie feu feu facincidunt ea alit luptat lum dolor autetueratie magna feugait lor iusto od dit il enim zzrit ulla feugue molorpe rationsectem dolorpe rostrud dolent nulla adit, conullan ut er at, conse el ulpute faccum ad tat at. In vel dolorem zzrit eugait, si.Ro dolortio et, si. Lor sum et luptat, quisit vulla at. Duis augiat, consequis nonsequ atuerae ssequatue consed magnis nit dolor suscin volorpero consectem Lorting ex et lorem dolorti ncipis at atis estinisci tie volorerit et alisim zzrit exer sum vulputatio et, quisi tem vullamc oreros amconsequis


General question:

Once we will receive your confirmation, we will send you more detailed information on the seminar. Thank you.

Very poor



Very good


1. The overall content of the seminar according to your expectations? 2. The ratio theory (presentations) / practical?

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]


3. The presentation on Bakery Trends in Asia - the added value of the information delivered

> two-fold program folder

- the level of detail of the information - the speakers’ knowledge of the topic 4. The presentation on Creating Value in Baked Goods through Texture and Nutrition - the added value of the information delivered - the level of detail of the information

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium 5. The presentation on Technical Basics for Understanding Finished T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected] goods’ texture

Title Program Subtitle

Please complete the registration at

Register on line

- the added value of the information delivered

Title euis nit endionummy non eum delendiamcon utat, quissequam.

- the level of detail of the information - the speakers’ knowledge of the topic 6. Workshop 1 on Create more Value in your Cakes through Texture and Nutrition

Tatue modit iurem iliquis nostrud tisi. Onulla facilis dolor summy numsandit dolorperat. Gait la acipsum alit, con henim in et, qui bla facinci lissendre tin ullaorper accumsan henibh euguer am, sectetum velendre do con volor sit in et nim dolorem velit wiscilissit nosto dionsectem velit num zzriustis nim num ad magna faccum vercillut vel ipis dolore modigna feuguercilit velit et pratum venit, velisciniat iurercing el et, sustismodit, sequat. Ortin henisim el ut inciliquam, sum amet iustis at velessecte cortio dolum illandrero conse magnim irit, conse feu facil ercillum zzril ilit, consequat, sim dolor sustion sequam el ero conulput essit lum nibh elit utem et incip ex esectet, consequipit nonulla feuip ea feuisl do dionum vel deli.

- the speakers’ knowledge of the topic

euguero doloreet wismoluptat. Duis aciliquamcon venim autpat, quat praesse quamet vullametuero odolent nostrud enibh eu feuisci tet, vendit adit. Explanation Volor sed magna facipisl ullametue deleniatisci tie conse magna faccums andrem veraesto eu facil ulput am, quipisis dolenit, commy nos erat praese tat. Dunt at, si exeraes equisl utpat alis nisi. Luptat. Duisit utat, sed tismolum init aut ip et niat. Sumsandre tet iuscilisim nim quisisit iliquat irit aciliquip ea feugait iusto elit am quatummy nos nulputpat, quatetum nos aliquation verit loreros nisi ex exerat. Ut lor accummy nim non hent

> online invitation


praessed doluptat, quisl inisim at velenibh ex et ut in volore feui tat wis at wis exercil lumsandit iureet, quam nonsed magna consendre modigna ad dionsequis amcoreet diam aciduisi elesecte tie delit iuscinim adigna am etum accum quametue mincipis dolum quisl doloreet adit init nim dunt vercin utpat euguero Uptat augiamcommod tie magna feu feu feugiametum digna con vulla ametue ming euipis eugiatu msandipsum dolorperos acidunt.



Location Date

Table title

Table title

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

Program item

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation


> contact form

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

Program item

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation


dolor sit


dolor sit






feusit ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Subtitle Subsubtitle cquiring an extensive experience in the baking and Sustisl ullan utpat luptat. Duissectem ing ea commy nulluptat. Ut ad min ver irilisi ea feu feu feummodo od moloborem zzriuscilit lam, sequisi smolorperat, velit aliqui tie mincinciduis elisi bla faccum deliquatisci essi eum init lutpat.

Subsubtitle Wiscil ulla feuguer cipisis duis nos autat nisi bla feugue min vullutat nit wisi tie venit ulla feugait ad erostis nim

digna accum euis del dolutpate con hent eu feuipsustrud dunt utat, veliscipit et, conummodiat wisis adio odit endit aliscil iquipiscilit adion ulla facil exerosting erilis exeraese

In this issue:


• Tem ing eu faciliq uismodo lobore modit alisit lorercipis nonumsan.


Title job: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

• Tullandre del ip eugue dolorpe raessenisit aliquat.


• Pute feum ipis ad modolent laore dunt utat augait ut loboreetum duisissenim

.......................................................................................................................... Country: .........................................................................................................................

• Ferit illam, vulputet la facilisim volortinci blaortiscip et dolorero con utem

E-mail: ................................................................................................................................... Tel: ....................................................................................................................................... Thank you for your collaboration.

Create value in baked goods through texture and nutrition.

Legal information Obore ea adionum irilla feugait lobore esectet, secte tie feu feu facincidunt ea alit luptat lum dolor autetueratie magna feugait lor iusto od dit il enim zzrit ulla feugue molorpe rationsectem dolorpe rostrud dolent nulla adit, conullan ut er at, conse el ulpute faccum ad tat at. In vel dolorem zzrit eugait, si.Ro dolortio et, si. Lor sum et luptat, quisit vulla at. Duis augiat, consequis nonsequ atuerae ssequatue consed magnis nit dolor suscin volorpero consectem Lorting ex et lorem dolorti ncipis at atis estinisci tie volorerit et alisim zzrit exer sum vulputatio et, quisi tem vullamc oreros amconsequis


Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]



Call to Action Agna feuisit wisl exerillamet autat wisi. Sandre mod dolor sum qui bla feugait amet amet vulputpat lum iliqui esto ea conum feugait amet amet vulputpat lum iliqui esto ea conum

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Tie conse con henisl ut lorem zzriustie del utem ing exer sim dolesto elese tat do del dolesed tem zzrit nulla ad tisl ut ulputatem dip elisl ut voloboreet lorperit ex elit vel utpat laorem et wissi bla facipsuscil duisi et wisl utet, commod te velisl doluptat, summod magnit iureet alit lum zzriustrud tat velit augait la feuisit estissi.Si bla feugiam, core feugait inisis nisc. GET MORE INFO

Please amet amet vulputpat: o


o exerillamet



o feusit


dolor sit

o dolor sit

Please complete the registration at



o dolor sut

Register on line



Hent. Sit qui voluptio occusamus, eiusa pel ius moles molupta poris alignis aut dempor magnatisse denditin prem quis di cullitas voluptatur solore, que quunda quam es a dolupturepe quasi utem que exerio et aborro et volores simendemos et, volorpo reictum et aut volorrovit laboribus si officaborum fugiti repe magniminum solut ipsam nulluptam ulpa aut voluptaeped quideli quaeptatur sus, totassit volorem incturem rehenet ma quiandae alicaborpor rem a seditas ius.

Seditat uriberit ped quodi officias sendi non rae mostium aut rat ratinctates quid es et voles et omnimaio. Ed qui accupta sita ature evenderorum ne pra quam fuga. Itatquam, ut remos aut ut dolorio sandam, qui ilitaspis dolorer ibusdam harum sequissit, inctoritiur suntur sus, omnist is apidia etusciam nonsequo tet eum fugia nonet laborpo ratius modi doluptates estio quassequunt lit ra as volorem restrum et volupti qui cus sequiasimus sinis min rem dolupta sperfer ferepelite doluptat unt ut audae con cupictem ex el ma cone qui venitatiis et reperum rehenissi officid est excero beate laborrum am fuga. Itatur, niscim lam delescimi, sitatatur ant est autas dolor ad quiam, alic to quiatur?

Num, que occae consed qui quidus Quiscie nitestiore omnimin eatur sinihil iquaspicia voluptae sum ipsunti renis adignam endem et la corum quationserum ipiducium faceaque volupta quatiis necabore pre qui quat. Quid ute as peristin repero ipsunti onsendes duci quaeper spedignis as sam rae nonsequ iaererr ovidist audiat.Ratiae voluptas expe imi, alit, sust harume ilia delenis dendici llatam, nem event. Facculles ma dit, quiatiur aperibus, ilictur sit ipsantia dolut volorrorerio eost que ipsam fugia vit quam quae nullaborit plitae sunt ut acepelit venda dis minveliaecti aut aci odit perumen isciasi tiistotassum is anim nis aut volore rerit am fugit aliscim sequatem alicta pra assima perit aut imus, aut quisqui corrore nimint eossuntio. Itas quam quatia con corerupti doluption plias utem eos alia cum net volupta ssimin pa et fugia nimilit aturibus.

dolorper sit lum enibh erilit alit ad erci ero consequat wississim dio dolobortie min venis nosto dolessequisi nos numsan utpat. Re faciliq uismodio commy nonsecte delisit iurer in ulluptatue dio odionse dipit lore magna feuiscil utem inim uptatue dio odionse dipit lore magna feuiscil utem inim Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]









Decorcrem light


Consecte dolorer iurerci

Lorem ipsum

25 Lbs. Bag

Title Sansa Bold Condensed 8pt.


Decorcrem dark


Cedorer iurerci

Lorem ipsum

25 Lbs. Bag


Decorcrem heavy


Medira set contesti

Lorem ipsum

25 Lbs. Bag


Decorcrem medium


Consecte dolorer franca

Lorem ipsum

25 Lbs. Bag

Ud te dignisl er ipsustrud te min hent acip Ad ea atue dolore del delenis nonsequi te mincidui tion hent vulput ad elessi er iriure conse eu faciliquat. Im vulla con eum er alit ip eriliquis nostrud te dignisl er ipsustrud te min hent acip et vullam, sum init adit nim numsandipit praessectem nullaorem veliqui blaor iu tueraestin hendiam conulla conullut venisi blandre consed eugiamet, vent lan hendre facilit, susto ex exerat laore duissim nit lortincidunt laorem veliquamet lobor at. Magnism olendignit.

Equamenis nis exerumq uaspeliatque et, omnihicabo. Aximi, qui acculluptis ersped et faccum quo coneturias eos doluptiae niam, cust, sitasi tem est anitatesti oditam conseque nim nobis entem aliquunt et quidusa ntemperum invent mod magnis sit ipis ium entiis soluptatur, illaudi sciisinum ut estrunt aut intissimus eatempo riorro mo eum inveles aut quae eate ex ex et volorum veles sit, ut earum fugias ut re ea prae solupta eratemp eriandusci simus quia nobit fugiatur?

Icatempost evera que quibea eniendae el ipissin tionseri que porem quuntio. Ibus et untiusa ndendignam nus es dem fuga. Tur simus, anducienimin parunte mporeprepre, nonse volorem peliquibus.

January 2010

Please complete the registration zzrit il ipsumsan elesequis aut.

Ulluptatiunt quossum iundiss

Es suscimagnam, sitaturibus

Subsubtitle Od endion velent ute core commolor sequiscilla feum at luptat ate tetumsan ullam augiam, si bla aliquat. Lessenit, vel ipsum ex esse magna consequ isiscil utpat. Uptat vullutpat at vulputpat alit loborem nim vel dui tation vendreetum ent amet, quatue dolore ea faciliquam, se modigna faccummy nullamcon hendre magnisi ese del el euisis autpat ullandiat. Giat. Ecte vendre dolore min utpatin eum voluptat. Magna con ent la consecte feuisis dolumsandion vendre consequip eugait autpat. Lenit amcon elendip euismol oreriurem incilla adiam verit velit pratie magna feuipsusci enim quipis nostrud dunt wisci erosto esto consecte et praestrud delendrem quamet praesed dolumsa ndreet lore minibh eugait nonsequi blan ercilit lortin hendio do conse feuguero doluptatin vullaoreet veliquat.


00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation


00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

The newsletter of Puratos Industry Solutions

Do dolor amet sit :

Once we will receive your confirmation, we will send you more detailed information on the seminar. Thank you. henibh euguer am, sectetum velendre do con volor sit in et nim dolorem velit wiscilissit nosto dionsectem velit num zzriustis nim num ad magna faccum vercillut vel ipis dolore modigna feuguercilit velit et pratum venit, velisciniat iurercing el et, sustismodit, sequat. Ortin henisim el ut inciliquam, sum amet iustis at velessecte cortio dolum illandrero conse magnim irit, conse feu facil ercillum zzril ilit, consequat, sim dolor sustion sequam el ero conulput essit lum nibh elit utem et incip ex esectet, consequipit nonulla feuip ea feuisl do dionum vel deli.


Table title

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

00:00 – 00:00 Program item Explanation

Intro Landrem euisi blam, conum verostrud molesectem zzriureet, sum ver ing


Table title

- the level of detail of the information


> square invitation folder

Uptat lore veliqui bla commy nisiet.

- the added value of the information delivered



- the speakers’ knowledge of the topic


Once we will receive your confirmation, we will send you more detailed information on the seminar. Thank you.

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]


Text Sansa Condensed 8 pt, leading 10 pt strokes: 0,5 pt rounded corner radius: 4 mm Colour = colour of the wave


Ecte ent dolore minit velenim Ecte ent dolore minit velenim quam, quisl dolessed tat, vercing er sis nostie magnim niscing erat lum il ipsumsan ulla feu facilisl irit dolobor perciliquat nim vullaore magnim iurem nonse do ea coaut nim eliquipsum quatum nim in euisl ercin ut nummy nostis nibh eumsan henismod nt vent

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Public Relations and the Puratos boiler-plate

PRESS RELEASE January 17, 2012

A boiler-plate is a descriptive text about Puratos. The new Puratos boiler-plate text should be used when we want to describe our Group in a nutshell. You’ll see it’s been used in the corporate brochures and will in the future become a constant feature of all Public Relations press releases. It can also be used on the website of a partner or in a leaflet for a project we sponsor,...

Hil ipsapisquia dest odita dolo Lor mi, ium sandant et quo esed ullo temollo reiunt laut fuga. Magnis aut alis quam, sequat doluptat expe necepratatet abore eveliquatis aut perupta sinimus sitas derati ut quas mintorum Nusciis ut qui ventorio. Neque nullecae ent que pro ius, veliquae necepel endio. Ga. Ut aut vitaeped eari dolorei untotate pra nos sandandi dolorun desciat uressi od quam quiam repelicto conet magnihil maxime sum facipicto et intio excest, que cus ea quia sunti quis et aut vel magnatatur sequi utem fugiam sequibus sum ipsam ut pre verum fugiam quunt fuga. Itat.

“Puratos is an international group with a full range of innovative products and application expertise in the bakery, patisserie and chocolate sectors. Products and services are available in more than 100 countries around the world, and in many cases actually produced there by our subsidiaries. Clients are artisans, industrial, retailers and food service.

Evendis es a volorum erum que con nosande llanda cusa parumquunt aut ex et ex est, quatem is modi culpa sum quae quam res dolento ipsapicim que pos atibusam qui volupta spicim non rest, et untota con re consente dolut veles veriti officiae. Et la volupitas ea dio et quiduci destia que quis alit, volo officia am, nos aut dolorrum quam rerro et re num qui quate dolori non nus cusdam imolupt atquidus sinusti

About Puratos

Our head office is in Groot-Bijgaarden, near Brussels in Belgium.”

To add some more up to date facts and figures, have a look at the fact sheet on our Puranet (search for Puratos facts & figures in

ptaepro berere voluptio escietur acerrum in rerita num, auta id utem qui utempos-

Puratos is an international group with a full

trum exerro beat quaerae sequiat fugiatestrum et aliquundus verum rem rem volorro

range of innovative products and application

rempostotas voloreprat liquam, cuptaectecab iditis et fugit od mod modis netum,

expertise in the bakery, patisserie and chocolate sectors. Products and services are available in more than 100 countries around the world, and in many cases actually

We aim to be ‘reliable partners in innovation’ wherever we are in the world, and so help our customers deliver nutritious, tasty food for the communities they live in.

umenis di volupiet aceatem dest, officie nihitiscimet optinciatium nus nimil ipsaecu

produced there by our subsidiaries. Clients

et est, comniende aditian danduciet, volore si ut quia si rerferum fugit, sequibusdam ipiciento te cuscimusa dit licidia sequaepudaes re dolupta tiosandus ulparum sinis eatas magnatur recti quiatur eperemp orrorectur magnis rectenda dolores est, accus

are artisans, industry, retailers and food

cume ese volorro rporemolo corrovit rempores ut doluptatur aut labora asped quiam

service. We aim to be ‘reliable partners in

quiatis eos adipieni simus earum ducipsum eatem net pliquid et velia nonsediam,

innovation’ wherever we are in the world,

quiam excea dolupta qui doluptae erspelecera dus, occus.

and so help our customers deliver nutritious, tasty food for the communities they live in. Our head office is in Groot-Bijgaarden, near

Ecte vollitisqui qui conseditatur sitaecu lparuntiat ut a volupta secepedias ipsaepe

Brussels in Belgium.

rspiciis que omnimporat. Fugiandae. Tiaecturem quod quiaecu sapite nit, corem

The Puratos Team,

lorep erunt. Sam re aligene scipid ea conecatur maionsed quam et reptat laciendit

reliable partners in innovation.

labo. Atur?

elenimod quam, cus perumqui voleseq uatusa int ea aut evelique pa volor ma vo-

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected] KBC 432-4016331-92 - IBAN BE12 4324 0163 3192 - Swift KREDBEBB Fortis 210-0150700-14 - IBAN BE94 2100 1507 0014 - Swift GEBABEBB BTW/TVA//MWS: BE 0438.632.416 - RPR/RPM: 0438.632.416 - Kh. Brussel / Comm. Bruxelles

the search box on the homepage) or contact [email protected].


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Internal communication material

Internal magazines

Other internal communication

The Unicorn magazine is our local, internal newsletter aimed at all our personnel. It is created and published by the country. The U-Team magazine is our international magazine aimed at managers of the Puratos Group. It is made in our company headquarters in Brussels.

The Puratos Passport is an internal brochure, informing all our collaborators about where we come from, who we are, what we stand for and how we do things. And inciting all employees to behave like a true Puratos spokesperson themselves.

> Unicorn local magazine cover design

> U-team international magazine cover design

unicorn MAGAZINE

Le magazine trimestriel pour et par les employés du groupe Puratos. january 2010


The Quarterly magazine of the Puratos Group for U-team members worldwide Puratos Group Management News April 2010

This passport belongs to

Quatres tonnes dans les embouteillages — p5 La journée ‘gros pull’ ou comment consommer mois d’énergie — p11






Jantcheff Willems 2.




Hier et aujourd’hui Raymond Dome & Thierry Meunier — p22 5.

Given nameS

Pascale Henk

What does Puratos stand for?*

iSSuinG country

As a specialist in bakery, patisserie and chocolate, we inspire our customers with new ideas.

innovative products, technologies and services, that we’re able to deliver concrete solutions our clients can rely on. It’s through

United States Belgium

We want to be

Delivery Date

close to people

everywhere in the world.

Mai June 15th 2011 21 2011

SiGnature of the paSSport owner

We respect local food cultures, and do what we can to be a part of them.

Everything we do, we do with passion. * this is the outcome of a survey conducted in 2010 amongst our colleagues and customers in the world


Our Vision

Our Mission

We believe that all over the world people will attach more and more importance to the quality of their food in the future.

At Puratos, we are close to customers and consumers everywhere.



We turn technologies and experiences from food cultures around the world into new opportunities to help our customers to be more successful with their business.

The Puratos magic:

our values Six values guide our behaviour to be true reliable partners in innovation.

Team spirit








Therefore we are commi�ed to offering products that combine taste and nutritional value and, as a result, contribute to consumers’ health and eating pleasure, in the most convenient way.



Our positioning Reliable partners in innovation

Team spirit vision

ethics quality courage


The three first values relate to the way we are “reliable partners”.

The next three relate to the way we “innovate”.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Products and concepts communication 90

About our brands We have chosen to create one strong corporate brand : Puratos. It’s not just our corporate communications that are subject to a strict set of guidelines. Our products and concepts also need to be easily and readily identified as coming from Puratos.

3 Puratos Company Identity Guide


Brands and concepts Note: we don’t make a difference in look & feel between products and concepts.


Product categories Bakery


SKU (stock keeping unit)

ex. Tigris, Crealis, praliné

Product range

A collection of products

ex. Argenta, Topfil, Selection

Priority brand

A product or a range of products carry a priority brand and get a focussed attention and communication

when they are important (potential) sales drivers (focus = business development). We have a current list

of 22 priority brands.

ex. O-tentic, Acti-Fresh, Carat

Product category A collection of products and ranges that are considered to form 1 business entity.

ex. Specialty mixes, Glazes, Real Chocolate


A common Puratos approach to facilitate sales of 1 or more priority brands, ranges and/or products.

A concept can also be technology based or application based.

ex. Breads of the world, French patisserie, integrated filling approach


A finished product purchased by consumers and that contains Puratos products.

ex. Donuts, muffins, pralines


• Bread improvers

• Cake, sponge & choux mixes

• Real Belgian chocolate

• Modulars

• Custard cream mixes

• Real chocolate

• Flavours & sourdoughs

• French specialty mixes

• Compound chocolate

• O-tentic

• Mousse & bavarois mixes

• Chocolate, cocoa & nut-based fillings

• Bread mixes

• Fruit & cream fillings

• Pralinés & Nut pastes

• Margarines & specialty fats

• Flavouring preparations

• Enzymes

• Glazes

• Emulsifiers

• Icings, fudges & ganaches

• Other products

• Non-diary toppings • UHT specialties

Priority brands Bakery


• Other products

Concepts Patisserie


• Frostec

• French patisserie

• Cyrano

• Breads of the world

• American sweet goods

• Food pairing

• S500

• Satin

• Belcolade

• What’s your texture

• Donuts

• Chocolate applications

• Soft’r

• Cremyvit

• Chocolanté

• Donut platform

• Packed or LSL patisserie

• Chocolate in patisserie

• Kimo

• Acti-Fresh

• Carat

• Melting

• Danish/viennoiserie

• Integrated filling approach

• Sapore

• Harmony

• PatisFrance

• Muffins

• Frozen patisserie

• O-tentic

• Miroir

• Cupcakes

• Croissants

• Puravita

• Cremfil

• Aristo

• Ambiante

• Puraslim

• Chantypak • Deli • Sunset Glaze • PatisFrance


Puratos Company Identity Guide



Brand architecture + Brand policy




Product categories

Product categories

Product categories

The Group Brand Committee decides on the brand policy of the Puratos Group. When it comes to creating a new brand, a specific procedure must be followed as explained below. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Group procedure: Trademark protection Priority brands

Product ranges


Priority brands

Product ranges


Priority brands

Product ranges


The objective of this Trademark protection policy is to set up a

This procedure is mandatory for all Puratos Group Subsidiaries.

procedure in order to efficiently manage the legal protection of the Puratos Group Trademarks.

The Puratos Group Subsidiaries are not allowed to register Trademarks in their own name.

Trademark registrations of Existing and New Trademarks

Customer segments

worldwide, as well as the renewal hereof, can only be done

The implementation of this policy is primarily the responsibility

in name of Puratos NV and this only by the Group Legal

of the Group Legal Department. All Regional Directors, General


Managers, Finance Managers and Marketing Managers are expected to be fully acquainted with the present procedure and

Once a Trademark is registered it is extremely important to






to ensure that it is fully implemented.

use the Trademark correctly and to take all proper measures to maintain the Trademark rights so that legal action can be taken against any third party who is infringing the Puratos Group Trademark rights.

The complete text of the procedure can be found on the Brand Portal or Puranet.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Role of the Brand Committee The Brand Committee is composed by the Group Marketing Services Director, the Communication

How to choose a New Trademark? A New Trademark should be: • Distinctive: this means that the Trademark should be able to

Registration of a New Trademark A New Trademark for a new product can be proposed by the respective (S)BU or the Puratos Group Subsidiaries.

Manager, the Company Lawyer responsible for

distinguish the goods from those of other companies. Therefore, the New

Trademark protection and the Product Manager of

Trademark should be non-descriptive of the goods to which it is applied.

All Puratos Group Subsidiaries shall submit a New Trademark

the concerned SBU’s (or someone delegated).

Some fanciful character with respect to the goods is required.

Request (available on PuraNet) to the BU director.

Regular meetings will be held by the Brand

Distinctiveness can be either strong or weak.

In case that the BU director approves the proposed New

Committee. If necessary, other persons can be

However, a Trademark with a low distinctive character will be considered

Trademark, the New Trademark Request shall be submitted

invited on an ad hoc basis depending on the topics to

as a weak Trademark. A weak Trademark will not result easy to register

to the Brand Committee (Group Marketing Services Director

be discussed.

and even in case that it gets finally registered, it will be very difficult to

and the Group Legal Department should be contacted). For

act against third parties who use a similar Trademark.

this purpose, a New Trademark Request form is available on

The Brand Committee will detect the needs for Trademark registration and shall discuss the registration requests submitted by the Puratos Group Subsidiaries and the (S)BU’s. Priority shall always be given to Priority Assortment Brands and Trademarks used in more than one country. The Brand Committee will each year draw up a list of

On the other hand, Trademarks with a strong distinctive character are considered as strong Trademarks and have therefore a larger scope of protection. Strong trademarks result easy to protect against infringement by third parties.

PuraNet. The request should be submitted ASAP and in any case before any packaging, brochures and/or commercial communications are prepared. Ideally the request should be submitted at least 3 months before the preparations for the launch get started.

Examples: SUPERPOMME for fruit fillings: descriptive, weak trademark

The Brand Committee will examine the request and the Group

APPLE for computers: not-descriptive, strong trademark

Legal Department will conduct a preliminary availability search.

When the proposed Trademark fits into the Puratos brand strategy and when the preliminary availability search did not reveal any conflicting Trademarks, the new Trademark will be submitted for final approval to the IP Steering Committee. The Brand Committee will also make a recommendation for the registration of the new Trademark if necessary, and the timing of this. If the IP Steering Committee decides that the Trademark can be used, a full availability check will be done by the Group Legal Department. If no conflicting Trademarks appear from this search, the Trademark can be used. When the Brand Committee and the IP Steering Committee deem it necessary, the New Trademark will be registered. Trademark registration can only be done by the Group Legal Department in name of Puratos NV.

Trademarks that will be registered the following year and the corresponding budget necessary to proceed with the registration. This list will be submitted to the IP Steering Committee for approval.

• Available: the New Trademark should not be the same or confusingly similar to Trademarks used for competing products or well-known trademarks used on non-competing products.

All Registration Requests not included in the above mentioned list (i.e. not timely submitted or registration with short notice necessary) shall be

Example: MILKO for chocolate: confusingly similar to MILKA

examined by the Brand Committee. If the Brand Committee is of the opinion that the Trademark can be registered within the existing budget, the applicant will be informed and the registration procedure shall be started by the Group Legal

• Allowable: the New Trademark should not be contrary to public order and morality, and not be deceptive or misleading in relation to the goods to which it is applied.

Department. In case that the Brand Committee does


not approve the Trademark registration, the Brand

SUPERPOMME for raspberry filling: misleading

Committee shall inform the applicant of its decision and shall submit the registration request to the IP Steering Committee that will take a final decision. The Brand Committee will also monitor the budget for Trademark registration and make proposals for adjustment where necessary. The IP Steering Committee will be informed on these proposals and shall take a final decision.

For more information on the strength of a New Trademark, please contact the legal department ([email protected]).


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Some practical guidelines to use the Puratos registered trademarks correctly 1. Ensure that the trademark stands out from its surroundings. This will be achieved by following these rules: - always write the first letter of each word in a trademark as a capital letter, the remaining letters in small letters; - in the ingredient list of a recipe, write the trademark in bold letters; - on all packaging and labels, use the defined font and write the whole trademark in capital letters and in italic; Examples:

Trademark license agreements

Trademark infringement

For trademarks used by our clients, i.e. Puravita, it is important

The Group Legal Department should be informed ASAP of any

to conclude a Trademark license agreements with the client.

infringement or imminent infringement of the Puratos Group Trademarks worldwide ([email protected]).

This is not only a requirement to maintain our trademark rights but it also excludes every doubt concerning the ownership of the

There can be an infringement when a third party uses an

trademark. Moreover, the agreement will contain stipulations

identical or similar trademark for identical or similar products.

on the conditions to use the Trademark and the quality level of the products sold under the Puratos Group Trademark.

• in the ingredient list of a recipe (in bold): Soft’r

The Group Legal Department will examine the case in detail and shall discuss it within the Brand Committee, and with the IP

• on labels and packaging: TEGRAL SPONGE

Having a signed Trademark license agreement with our clients

• in a text: Paso Doble bread improver

can be an essential element to take legal action in case of Trademark infringement by a third party.

2. Use the trademark in association with a generic description of the product

Steering Committee if necessary. The appropriate steps will then be taken by the Group Legal Department in order to defend the Puratos Trademark rights.

Example: Soft’r bread improver The Trademark should always be used in combination with the generic name of the product, this

The Group Legal Department will also monitor the Priority

in order to avoid that the Trademark becomes a commonly used name in trade which can lead to

Assortment Brands through a trademark watch service. If

the dilution of Puratos Trademark rights.

necessary, oppositions will be filed against third parties who All Trademark license agreements should be

apply for the registration of identical or similar trademarks for

3. Use a trademark in the form that it is registered

drafted or reviewed by the Group Legal Department

identical or similar products. The oppositions will be discussed


([email protected]).

within the Brand Committee, and submitted to the IP Steering Committee for a final decision if necessary.

• Miroir – not Mirroir • O-tentic – not Authentique • O-tentic – not Easy O-tentic 4. A trademark should not be used in the possessive Incorrect use:

Use of ™ or ®


® may only be used to identify registered trademarks. In

Trademarks are one of the most valuable assets of the Puratos

certain countries, it is a criminal offence to identify an

Group. Trademarks allow customers to recognize the Puratos

unregistered trade mark with the symbol ®. In case of doubt,

Group products and to distinguish them from the products of

please contact the Group Legal Department


Belcolade’s taste … Correct use: Belcolade, its taste … 5. Only use a trademark for products sold under that mark

([email protected]).

Do not use a trademark to describe a product or article that is not sold under that mark. Incorrect use: Collect the Belcolade mug given away with each pack of white chocolate. Correct use: Collect the mug given away with each pack of Belcolade white chocolate. 6. A trademark should be used in the singular Do not use a trademark in the plural. Incorrect use:

Problems can arise when competitors copy the Puratos Group may be used to identify both registered and unregistered


trademarks for goods.

Trademarks or use a Trademark that can be confused with the Puratos Group Trademarks. In order to overcome these problems, complying with this Group Trademark Protection Policy is utmost important. For any further information concerning Trademark protection, please contact the Group Legal Department ([email protected]).

S500’s may be obtained from all reputable representatives. Correct use: S500 bread improvers may be obtained from all reputable representatives.


The entire procedure can be found on PuraNet (Puratos intranet).

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Products and concepts communication 100

Building blocks


Not only our corporate communication is subject to a strict set of guidelines. When we communicate about our products and concepts, it must be fully in line with the overall corporate identity. Both our corporate image and products and concepts images will benefit from it and reinforce each other.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Product and concept colours



Lorem ipsum dolorem et lipsu

Lorem ipsum dolorem et lipsu

Chocolanté PMS 7421C CMYK 60 - 100 - 100 - 40

Ambiante PMS 1385C CMYK 0 - 53 - 100 - 2

Each priority brand is identified by a specific colour (see below). This colour is only used for the brand name (see opposite page).

Priority brand colours Bakery S500




PMS 872C

PMS 298C

PMS 144C

PMS 491C

CMYK 40/47/77/16

CMYK 66/8/2/0

CMYK 3/58/100/0

CMYK 34/85/69/36

Soft’r PMS VioletC 65% CMYK 98/100/0/0 65%


Sapore PMS 202C CMYK 30 - 95 - 73 - 31

Lorem ipsum dolorem et lipsu




PMS 202C

PMS 200C

PMS 471C

CMYK 30/95/73/31

CMYK 0/100/70/20

CMYK 11/69/100/15

Priority brand colours Patisserie Satin





PMS 689C

PMS 155C

PMS 144C

PMS 661C

PMS 279C

CMYK 7/77/0/34

CMYK 0/12/34/7

CMYK 3/58/100/0

CMYK 100/87/0/2

CMYK 68/35/0/0





Sunset Glaze


PMS 272C

PMS 124C

PMS 1385C

PMS 2758C

PMS 4695C

PMS 207C

colours (orange, red,

CMYK 58/55/0/0

CMYK 7/34/100/0

CMYK 0/53/100/2

CMYK 100/94/30/25

CMYK 43/75/75/57

CMYK 15/100/43/0

pink) do not refer to

Our three corporate

specific business units or product groups. While they can be used at random, Puratos orange

Priority brand colours Chocolate

remains the preferred





PMS 4975C

PMS 7421C

PMS 1535C

PMS 207C

CMYK 64/98/98/75

CMYK 60/100/100/40

CMYK 0/79/100/52

CMYK 15/100/43/0

choice. However, if the red or pink matches better with the picture, feel free to use those corporate gradients.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Concept patch

Applying the concept patch

A concept is a common Puratos approach to facilitate sales of 1 or more priority brands, ranges and/or products. A concept can also be technology based or application based, ex. Breads of the world; French patisserie; integrated filling approach. Constructing the concept patch

On the cover

Product name

On a cover page format, we use the concept block extending from underneath the top wave element.

Lorem ipsum dolorem et lipsu

A In this case, the concept patch is aligned on the Puratos logo. The distance to the top of the page

Great taste & Wellness

Example concepts

is a result of the location of the top wave element:

A When a concept needs the support of a logotype, than a concept patch is designed as a 44 mm

• Frostec

x 44 mm block (with 4 mm radius rounded corners) when used on an A4 page format. It has a

• Breads of the world

disctinctive look and feel that fits within our corporate styling.

• What’s your texture

we have to make sure the full height of the concept block remains visible.

• Donut platform

44 mm

4 mm radius

• Melting • Muffins • Cupcakes • French patisserie

Name concept

• American sweet goods • Donuts • Packed or LSL patisserie • Danish/viennoiserie

44 mm

• Frozen patisserie • Croissants • Cyrano • Food pairing • Chocolate applications • Chocolate in patisserie • Integrated filling approach

On the inside spread > Concept block example

Great taste & Wellness

Great taste & Wellness Am dolore tincipsummy nim dolenia mconum quam dolorpe rcidunt at. Illa consequipit ad tisse tio do do ex exerosto do odigna commy nullaore vel dolore dolut dolorpe rcidunt nos nostrud tinisl el il do odit la faccummy nostio coreros ad tat. Cumsandignit digniam iliquvelendrem duismodolore el irit in eu feuguerit ad tatie dolore magnim dolesenim quam irilissecte vel utatio dolore dolutat umsandio commy nulputat.


Fabuloso. Consecte dolorer Great taste & Wellness iurerci tet. Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat lum quipit ipit alisl ipit numsandipit, quis adigna facipisl utpat. Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore etue consenissed dit, velendit lutat. Andre tat, volenisl iriustrud eu feuipit nibh exer accumsan utat. Am dolore tincipsummy nim Doloborem zzriurero conullandre te magnisit nisit dolenia mconum quam dolorpe rcidunt at. Illa consequipit ad utat accum quat, qui blam doluptat, volorem nit tisse tio do do ex exerosto do at atum ipsummy nim inibh et, velendre tatum et odigna commy nullaore vel autem am dolestrud endrem ipis niat. dolore dolut dolorpe rcidunt nos nostrud tinisl el il do odit la faccummy nostio coreros Se vullum zzril ad tat. Cumsandignit digniam Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet iliquvelendrem duismodolore el vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet irit in eu feuguerit ad tatie nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor dolore magnim dolesenim sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor quam irilissecte vel utatio si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore dolutat umsandio dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait commy nulputat. alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet • • • •

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim Num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do

On the inside of a brochure, we can either use Fabuloso. the concept block as a stand alone element, or Consecte dolorer iurerci tet. combine it with a picture. When combining it Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat lum quipit ipit alisl ipit numsandipit, quis adigna facipisl utpat. Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore etue consenissed dit, velendit lutat. Andre tat, volenisl iriustrud eu feuipit nibh exer accumsan utat. Doloborem zzriurero conullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat, qui blam doluptat, volorem nit at atum ipsummy nim inibh et, velendre tatum et autem am dolestrud endrem ipis niat.

with a picture, we can use the wave shape as the edge between the concept block and the picture.

Se vullum zzril Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet • • • •

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim Num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Sit amed Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolor.

Products and concepts signature block Re cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Doloborem zzriurero conullandre Obor suscil er aliquipsum nis dion vendignibh el iusci ercipit, quipit alit volobore magna faciduisi eugiam zzrit duipisis er sit utpat num eugait lor aciliquisi. Tem nos autpat, venim do commodolore ercipit acin venisl utet, si. Lisi blaore molesecte do commy

Sit amed

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et

On all of our corporate documents consisting of vent multiple pages, voluptatue doloreet iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del we ulput nul sign off with the back cover signature block. It consists of the logo, our url and our contact details. Lorum ipsum dolor

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Call to action Riuscidunt velit adiat. Pit laor sum nosto et, verostisim nullam ver sum delestisit modiam dit, consequat iure mod min.Estibus et est, omnihil loreperor sit labo. Cat fuga.

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor.

407240 - 02.01.2008 - PURATOS DESIGN

Lorum ipsum dolor

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

5 4

Cem do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolor.


Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]





The white Puratos


Contact details

Reference code

Call to action box


Our website is placed in

Our company name

Our document

This element can

The Puratos logo on the

Sansa Std SemiBold

is placed in Sansa

reference code, that

be added to the back

back cover is always

15 pt, in white.

SemiBold 8 pt, all other

allows for easy retrieval

cover. It consists of a

contact information

of the source document

shape with rounded

is set in Sansa Normal

(e.g. for reprinting) is

corners that extends

8 pt. If more lines are

written at a 90° angle in

from the wave, in a

required, make sure

Sansa Std Normal at 5

20% tint of the wave

the bottom line of

pt, in our Puratos warm

colour. Please, align the

the contact details is

ochre. The code number

width of the box with

always aligned to the

always show the date of

graphical elements on


creation (not the date of

the page. This box can

a possible re-printing)

be put on top of the

in month & year.

wave or underneath the

30 mm wide.

Doloborem zzriurero conullandre

Sit amed

Lorum ipsum dolor

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolor.

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Re cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit. Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nulpute facinim zzrit lor sectet nullutpat num dolore veliquis dignim nibh eugiat vendre dolore cor sustrud eugait alisim ea feugue mod elis atuerae ssissit.

Se tet inci tate tem velit, consequat diam do et voluptatue doloreet vent iril irillaor si. Pat lam el del ulput nul

Beremque non net landebit, con ra ne es et vellatem faccus alit, ut volorio. Ut od eumquatio mo esequam as a volenis ciatquiscius ut voluptae pel imolupti sit, quodit eate pedit qui conectis eum earum ea ilique veratur alit aperat rest, aut harchic te lam dolore 407240 - 02.01.2008 - PURATOS DESIGN


Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Obor suscil er aliquipsum nis dion vendignibh el iusci ercipit, quipit alit volobore magna faciduisi eugiam zzrit duipisis er sit utpat num eugait lor aciliquisi. Tem nos autpat, venim do commodolore ercipit acin venisl utet, si. Lisi blaore molesecte do commy


1 407240 - 02.01.2008 - PURATOS DESIGN

Call to action Riuscidunt velit adiat. Pit laor sum nosto et, verostisim nullam ver sum delestisit modiam dit, consequat iure mod min.Estibus et est, omnihil loreperor sit labo. Cat fuga. Opta voluptibus suntiur, quo to vollab imagnis aut eosam vollabo recusam quos rest, to inust, simporp orrum, cori ut am adiatus a vent,

Call to action Riuscidunt velit adiat. Pit laor sum nosto et, verostisim nullam ver sum delestisit modiam dit, consequat iure mod min.

Note: the back cover of each product brochure should contain the Puratos logo, contact information and website. It should always be placed at the same precise location. Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

wave. 106

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Product sheet



Product name Perit utpatet veliquip ex euis erat, susto odion elit lore volobore min vel ercilla feum zzriurer sisit in exerati ncipsum ir.

Title Lorem Ipsum



Font: Sansa SemiBold 36 pt Leading 36 pt


Character colour = colour

Obor suscil er aliquipsum nis dion vendignibh el iusci ercipit, quipit alit volobore magna faciduisi eugiam zzrit duipisis er sit utpat num eugait lor aciliquisi. Tem nos autpat, venim do commodolore ercipit acin venisl utet, si. Lisi blaore molesecte do commy

wave or priority brand colour See p 102

Lorem Lupienis ilignam sitio. Ut dolorporum voles verovitatet ipieniae od est lam rerferit qui dis sequis evelit omnihil iusape eum volupta coratus

Loremipsum dolorem Ut magnis nossit, simus idebitatur aliquae rroribus rempostia nobis peditatqui nessequi rere et pro explaci psandis itestius sant volut facea eic torerciati as alibea quosam doluptat. Il magnim dolori arum ant. Ri aut est, voluptiatem voloribusda non culpa quid quid quassitatum nus mo te liquos acid ut eniendi sitatis aut labo. Ut qui vit as quam rempore pores accus erepror epudici psamet quo cum ex explia illabor iorestior sum et, occabor eperror sit volorum della idem non eossit pa voluptatus aliquat usanditat.

Flavour profile


5 Title Lorem ipsum

• •

Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed do odipis nullam, commod tin vullandip ex euisci tie ea at ipis dolore modit at iurer incidunt venim am velit Issecte eraessi.ullandip ex euisci tie ea at ipis dolore modit at iurer incidunt venim am velit nonsequ issecte eraessi.

• • •


Leading 20 pt Character colour = Puratos grey 3

Title Font: Semi Bold 15 pt Leading 15 pt

Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed

Character colour = colour

Tilte lorem ipsum

• • •

• Nose: fruity fermentation, flavour in balance with prickling acidity, rye sourdough notes • Taste: fermented rye, instant acidity on tongue, yeasty notes. Advantages

• • • •

a ready-to-use sourdough improved bread volume higher dough yield improved crumb elasticity


Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed Del dunt pratem delenibh eum verilit at, quis dolore dionsenit ute doloreetuer sendiam zzrit vullaor perillan ut duisl ullaor iriusti nissit lobore mincidunt nisit ad te doloreet non vel exer sequamet lum alis dolore consed ercilis Numsan eum inim dolesed eniat. Ure veros adit lutem nullamet aut nonse tatet, quis nullaorerit ing estrud eu facilis nis autat non eui ea ad ex et lutatem zzril delit non er in utat. Iduisse quipit augiam essi.


Lorem Wae none volecabora ipsunt quam ulpa accus exeribusti im nobisqui tempelique velleca boribus dantust issiti omniet.

A touch of Germany in your breads. Aroldo is a liquid sourdough, designed for mixed rye, mixed wheat breads and for multigrain bread. Aroldo has its origins in Germany, known for its huge variety of rye breads such as Pumpernickel or Krustenbrot. Traditionally, rye flour is used for these types of bread although it is often mixed with some wheat flour.

Flavour profile

• Nose: fruity fermentation, flavour in balance with prickling acidity, rye sourdough notes • Taste: fermented rye, instant acidity on tongue, yeasty notes. Advantages

• • • •


a ready-to-use sourdough improved bread volume higher dough yield improved crumb elasticity






Azym Bread Acetic


• 7-8% on rye flour • 2-3% on wheat flour


Technical info

• 7-8% on rye flour • 2-3% on wheat flour

• Shelf life: 9 months at 25° C • Packaging: 10 kg (bag in box) • Del dunt pratem delenibh eum verilit at, quis dolore dionsenit ute doloreetuer sendiam zzrit vullaor perillan ut duisl ullaor iriusti nissit lobore mincidunt nisit ad te doloreet non vel exer sequamet lum alis dolore consed ercilis • Numsan eum inim dolesed eniat. Ure veros adit lutem nullamet aut nonse tatet, quis nullaorerit ing estrud eu facilis nis autat non eui ea ad ex et lutatem zzril delit non er in utat. Iduisse quipit augiam essi.

Technical info

Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed Ulla feugait, conse tissi Ulla feugait, conse tissi bla feu feugait ver sed

Tilte lorem ipsum

• •

Introduction product Font: Karmina regular 16 pt

Tilte lorem ipsum


Product name

• Shelf life: 9 months at 25° C • Packaging: 10 kg (bag in box) • Del dunt pratem delenibh eum verilit at, quis dolore dionsenit ute doloreetuer sendiam zzrit vullaor perillan ut duisl ullaor iriusti nissit lobore mincidunt nisit ad te doloreet non vel exer sequamet lum alis do • Numsan eum inim dolesed eniat. Ure veros adit lutem nullamet aut nonse tatet, quis nullaorerit ing estrud eu facilis nis autat non eui ea ad ex et lutatem zzril delit non er in utat. Iduisse quipit augiam essi. • Del dunt pratem delenibh eum verilit at, quis dolore dionsenit ute doloreetuer sendiam zzrit vullaor perillan ut duisl ullaor iriusti nissit lobore mincidunt nisit ad te doloreet non vel exer sequamet lum • Numsan eum inim dolesed eniat. Ure veros adit lutem nullamet aut nonse tatet, quis nullaorerit ing estrud eu facilis nis autat non eui ea ad ex et lutatem zzril delit non er in utat. Iduisse quipit augiam essi.

407240 - 02.01.2008 - PURATOS DESIGN


Introduction Font: Sansa normal 12 pt

Leading 16 pt

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Character colour = Puratos grey 5

Paragraph title text

> product sheet front example

> product sheet back example

407240 - 02.01.2008 - PURATOS DESIGN

Font: Sansa Bold 9 pt name

Leading 13 pt Character colour = colour wave 6

Paragraph text Font: Karmina Regular 10 pt

Puratos NV/SA - Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek - B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 - F +32 2 466 25 81 - E [email protected]

Leading 13 pt Character colour = Puratos grey 7

Products and packshot pictures


Line Dotted line 1 pt


Color = Puratos grey

Puratos Company Identity Guide


Recipe page Loremelias

Dolores magnteico


Dolores magnteico A wholesome loaf bread with a sprinkle of yin and yang.

1 Product name

Benefit: Carat compound chips add an indulgent touch to this nutritious recipe.Offictibus. Totas rehen-

Font: Sansa Light 18 pt

Am dolore tincipsummy

300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

Colour: Puratos grey

350 g


225 g


2 Recipe name Font: Sansa Semibold 28 pt 9

125 g

Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat

250 g

Re eugait ullam


Energy (kcal) 100

Nutritional value per 100g*

Fat (g) 3%

GDA** per serving of xxg

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Energy (kcal)

Sugars (g)



Fat (g)

Saturated fat (g)

Sodium (g)







Carbohydrates (g) 12,78

Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11


Sodium (g) 16,87

Colour: colour of the brand

Ipsum Dolores



Ut adignim essit ip el irilla facilit

3 Introduction Font: Sansa Light 12 pt

Make the best ever triple chocolate cake with this easy recipe. Benefit: Carat compound chips add an indulgent touch to this nutritious recipe.

300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi Doloborem

350 g


225 g


60 g

Doloborem zzriurero

125 g

Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat

250 g 40 g

Benefit: Easily infuse chocolate indulgence into all your bakery with Carat chips. Am dolore tincipsummy

350 g


225 g


100 g

Doloborem zzriurero

Nutritional value per 100g*

GDA** per serving of xxg


Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Energy (kcal)

Sugars (g)



Carbohydrates (g) 12,78


Fat (g)


Saturated fat (g)

Sodium (g)





Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11

1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip.

1000 g


150 g

60 g

300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

Sisim qui blaore magnit

Re eugait ullam

Benefit text ‘Benefit’:

A sinful brioche with a ménage à trois of chocolate chips.



Colour: Puratos grey

Magnelium carmen

1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip erate del eum iure dit duis nibh elessis alis nos alit wisis alis nim quat utpatue min venibh. 4. Iliquate velesed: Am dolore tincipsummy nim dolenia mconum quam dolorpe rcidunt at.

1000 g

Doloborem zzriurero conullandre

Leading 12 pt


Am dolore tincipsummy

60 g 125 g

GDA** per serving of xxg

Sodium (g) 16,87

Nutritional value per 100g*

Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Energy (kcal)

Sugars (g)



Fat (g)

Saturated fat (g)

Sodium (g)








Carbohydrates (g) 12,78

Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11


Sodium (g) 16,87


Product name

60 g

Doloborem zzriurero



1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip erate del eum iure dit duis nibh elessis alis nos alit wisis alis nim quat utpatue min venibh. 4. Iliquate velesed: Am dolore tinci

1000 g


Font: Sansa Semibold 8,5 pt Character colour = colour wave Other text: Font: Karmina Regular 8,5 pt Character colour = Puratos grey > recipe example

5 Ingredients text Font: Sansa Normal 7 pt Leading 14 pt Consenes ipsum alitate maiorro videbis autas explant et


Benefit: CErum nonsecte eatquo voluptiant dolorro est, nonsequo maxim quiae nonem et optaepe rcipsun damusandam qui secep


Am dolore tincipsummy

300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

1000 g


350 g


225 g


60 g

Doloborem zzriurero

125 g

Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat

250 g

Doloborem zzriurero conullandre

40 g


150 g

Sisim qui blaore magnit

100 g


1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip erate del eum iure dit duis nibh elessis alis nos alit wisis alis nim quat utpatue min venibh. 4. Iliquate velesed: Am dolore tincipsummy nim dolenia mconum quam dolorpe rcidunt at.

60 g

Re eugait ullam


GDA** per serving of xxg

Energy (kcal)

137 7%


Nutritional value per 100g*

Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Carbohydrates (g) 12,78

Sugars (g)



Fat (g)

Saturated fat (g)

Sodium (g)





Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11


6 Preparation text Font: Karmina Regular 8,5 pt Leading 11 pt Character colour = Puratos grey 7


Sodium (g) 16,87

7 Guideline Daily Amounts Font: Sansa Condensed 5pt



Character colour = Puratos grey

Leading 5 pt Font: Sansa Normal 6/8 pt, Colour: reddish brown

Sunshine glaze

Chocolate Orange Bread

Chocolate Orange Bread

A wholesome loaf bread with a sprinkle of yin and yang.

A wholesome loaf bread with a sprinkle of yin and yang.

Benefit: Carat compound chips add an indulgent touch to this nutritious recipe.

Benefit: Carat compound chips add an indulgent touch to this nutritious recipe.

Am dolore tincipsummy

Am dolore tincipsummy

300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

1000 g


350 g


225 g


60 g

Doloborem zzriurero

125 g

Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat

250 g

Re eugait ullam

Nutritional value per 100g*


Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

Font: Karmina Bold 5,5 pt

GDA** per serving of xxg

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Font: Sansa Normal 5 pt

Sugars (g)



Fat (g)

Saturated fat (g)

Sodium (g)






Carbohydrates (g) 12,78

Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11

1000 g


350 g


225 g


60 g

Doloborem zzriurero

125 g

Veliquisl eugiam ip exerciliquat

250 g

Re eugait ullam



Sodium (g) 16,87

Nutritional value per 100g*

Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip erate del eum iure dit duis nibh elessis alis nos alit wisis alis nim quat utpatue min venibh. 4. Iliquate velesed: Am dolore tinci GDA** per serving of xxg

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Energy (kcal)

Sugars (g)



Fat (g)

Saturated fat (g)






Carbohydrates (g) 12,78

Sugars (g) 34,58

3X Chocolates Brioche A sinful brioche with a ménage à trois of chocolate chips.

Benefit: Easily infuse chocolate indulgence into all your bakery with Carat chips.

Benefit: Easily infuse chocolate indulgence into all your bakery with Carat chips.

Am dolore tincipsummy

Am dolore tincipsummy

300 g 1000 g


350 g


225 g


60 g

Doloborem zzriurero

1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip.

125 g GDA** per serving of xxg

Nutritional value per 100g*

Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Energy (kcal)

Sugars (g)



Carbohydrates (g) 12,78


Fat (g)


Saturated fat (g)

Sodium (g)





Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11

300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

1000 g


350 g


225 g


60 g

Doloborem zzriurero

Sodium (g) 16,87

GDA** per serving of xxg

Nutritional value per 100g*

Energy (kcal) 100

Fat (g) 3%

Sodium (g)

143 6%

Sodium (g) 16,87

1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip.

125 g



Protein (g) 28,11

A sinful brioche with a ménage à trois of chocolate chips.

Leading 7 pt 10

Energy (kcal)


300 g

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

3X Chocolates Brioche

Consecte dolorer iurerci ver sissi

8 Nutrional Value

1. Preparation step one: Ut utet augue commy num exer se min velit alisci blaore. 2. Se vullum zzril dolore: Monullandre te magnisit nisit utat accum quat. 3. Veliquisl eugiam: Sisim qui blaore magnit nisit augait wissi tat, conseni sisismolore corting eugiate molorpe rcidunt wiscili quipsum zzriuscip erate del eum iure dit duis nibh elessis alis nos alit wisis alis nim quat utpatue min venibh. 4. Iliquate velesed: Am dolore tinci

Saturated fat (g) 14,47

Energy (kcal)

Sugars (g)



Fat (g)

Saturated fat (g)






Carbohydrates (g) 12,78

Sugars (g) 34,58


Protein (g) 28,11

Sodium (g)

143 6%

Sodium (g) 16,87

Leading 7 pt 9 Line Dotted line 1 pt Colour: colour of the wave 10 Brand block See page 44-45


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Products and concepts communication 112

Packaging Puratos packaging is present in all customers’ work places and is therefore the most visible communication tool. Its quality and specifications must therefore be very carefully monitored before each delivery. Packaging remains unchanged until 2013.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Packaging layout for bags

All bakery and patisserie bags, cardboard boxes and bag-in-boxes should be printed in 3 colours.

Front side Upper part •  has a white background

Product name

•  for product names: a big

Note that the label is not

Puratos logo (without tagline)

centered on the front side, but

•  for priority brands: a smaller 360. mm

160. mm

aligned to the right edge of the

Puratos logo (without tagline)

bag. The brand name is always

and the strong brand name in

centered on the Puratos logo.

Frutiger Italic Bold.

Make sure your operators are

310. mm

informed about it. A brown line PMS 491 separates the two parts and goes all around the packaging. This line will be partly covered by the label. Lower part

For bags, the visible upper

Bears the colour of the SBU:

part and the lower part are

•  Bakery: PMS 467

always of the same size.

•  Patisserie: PMS 474

For other packaging, please

•  Chocolate: PMS 4595.

contact Headquarters [email protected]

PMS 467

> Normal product name pack

PMS 474

PMS 4595

> Priority brand pack

Back side Don’t hesitate to contact Group

The back of the bag is an ideal place for additional

Communication Departement at


[email protected]

For instance, you can promote your assortment of products or a specific new product during a defined period of time. At the headquarters, this space is used to list different addresses of countries that are supplied by the headquarters.


The “trinity” is printed in duotone (two colours) and the tagline is written in Meridien Italic.

Puratos Company Identity Guide


20. mm

50. mm

300. mm

S06060271 (25 kg; 480 x 800 + 180) •

480. mm

180. mm

249. mm

800. mm

180. mm

90. mm 194SMP 5421SMP 474SMP 27206060S )gk 52( gaB yrekaB cisaB

> Puratos 25kg bag


Puratos Company Identity Guide




> label for bag 52 cm



boxes, bag-in-boxes, buchets, pots and

To know the colour of a product,

The size of the label is determined

jerrycans are identified by a label.

to obtain the files for these specific

by the size of the bag. Please contact

•  All products packed in bags, carton

•  The label can be included in the

cases, or for more information on

Group Communication Departement at

printing of the packaging

packaging and production, contact the

[email protected].

(for high sales volume products) or

Group Communication Department at

applied separately.

[email protected].

• Product name is set up in Frutiger Black Italic and is inversed on a brown background.

Production of the labels In Belgium, Spain and some other countries, most of the labels are printed on a colour photocopier. This is the cheapest way to produce labels and avoid any left-overs.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Packaging of priority brands

Priority brands have a particular visual treatment compared to product names. Priority brands are bigger in size and the Puratos logo is reduced in defined proportions according to the length of the strong brand, like this:

The blue grid shows the proportions to respect between the

You find all the grids on the Adam database. For further

Strong brands have other particularities such as their photographic style, colours, etc. Please

Puratos logo and the priority brand. The longer the priority

information contact the Group Communication Department in

download the specific templates from the Adam database or contact the Group Communication

brand the less high it is.

Brussels at [email protected].

Department in Brussels at [email protected] to receive them.

All Puratos chocolate packaging must have a dark brown top, including the pails.


Puratos Company Identity Guide


Questions? If you have any questions regarding this identity guide, please contact the Group Communication Department:


by phone: +32 2 481 44 44 by email: [email protected] or [email protected] Puratos NV/SA – Industrialaan 25, Zone Maalbeek – B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium T +32 2 481 44 44 – F +32 2 466 25 81 – E [email protected]