HelpScout Customer Service Questions

These questions are for a job application at HelpScout:

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These questions are for a job application at HelpScout: The 3 questions I am looking to get answered are these: 1) Pretend you've got the job and answer the following customer questions: "Help! We get a ton of emails with the subject line “Order Shipped”, and we’ve been manually adding the tag ‘order-email’ to each of those conversations so we can track them. Is there a way we can automate this? We’re so tired of tagging." 2) I got this bounce back message from an email I sent to a customer from Help Scout. I don't understand what it means - can you help? See the content of the email at this URL: 3) I'm trying to set up a custom domain for my Docs site. Godaddy is requesting an IP address to set up the subdomain: I cannot find one anywhere on Help Scout. Help!