Geomant tarot (with cards)

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GEOMANT TAROT (with cards)

GEOMANT TAROT (with cards) martina smrzlić

Martina Smrzlić

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Martina Smrzlić 1


PREFACE Geomant tarot has emerged in a twenty-year study of tarot, astrology, numerology, spiritualism and psychology. It is a modern day symbiosis of the Rider-Waite tarot, the Toth Tarot, Osho zen , Ji Ching, numerology and the spiritual aspects hidden in Mayan astrology. It‘s purpose is meditation and reflection. With the aid of symbolism and causality, it provides the subject a possibility to find the answers to certain questions, through play and relaxation in an embrace with ancient wisdoms of collective consciousness of mankind, filtered through time. In addition to this relatively ground-level dimension, its purpose is to facilitate the search for answers to philosophical questions and spiritual progress, and also wisdom, of course, through the continuous observation of patterns in time and knowledge acquired in the process itself. It is a completely new tarot, a tarot of the twenty-first century, and I sincerely hope it shall find the way to its audience and that certain individuals will reap its benefits. It consists of the Major and the Minor Arcana, of which the Major Arcana cards are, of course, the backbone, and the Minor Arcana ones are used for more detailed explanations. The spread method which it was designed for is the Celtic cross. For those who are encountering tarot for the first time, a more detailed explanation of the spread and reading in general are to be found further in the book. I wish you a pleasant journey. Martina Smrzlić






0-THE FOOL -madman, beggar -wanderer, checkmate - original position between XX I XXI - joker, excuse, misery -one of the wild cards -vulnerability, elusiveness -journey THE FOOL is an extremely important card in the tarot and represents new beginnings, the ending of one stage of life and freedom. The position of the card in the thread explains which aspect of life it refers to. There are some new decisions at hand that carry certain risks, but also courage and mindlessness . It is recommended to approach the situation with optimism for optimum outcome.New beginnings. Enjoying life. Good time to realize new ideas. -Aleph, fire, sulfur, Rajas, cabalistic zero 7

- le Mat (madman); Mat- Egyptian goddess of the vultures, modification of Nuit, spiral energy of the universe, kundalini - beneficiary- air -Wandering Prince; obsession, saint, prophet, innocence - The Green man, spring, Bacchus, Pan, the Holy Spirit - Savior, resurrection -Parsifal, the quest for the holy grail - Jewish Mythology- Noah - Northern star -Kether; a pure being invented as the aspect of pure Nothingness. In its manifestation he is One but he is Two, he can only be One as being Zero. –Logos, king Mithras Getting this card in the reading can also be considered as a call to taking chances. The fool inspires courage as he realizes that every day is an opportunity to open new areas in your life, and that brings a mixture of expectations, wonder, awe and curiosity. The fool is here to show you how you can never know what lays on the road ahead , and you can only greet it with joy. You have to trust your intuition, you might seem crazy to yourself or others, but if you listen to your inner voice, you are leading yourself on right path. The innocence and joy of life, in spite of any negative experience in the past, builds character and brings liberation.


I-THE MAGICIAN -magus, wizard, juggler - as above, so below -Microcosmos is the Macrocosmos -a bridge between Heaven and Earth -divine aspirations in man -talents, abilities -infinity, to be reborn -creative power and energy to manifest desires -extremely positive card -Beth, Mercury, the carrier of the Wand of Phoenix -Sin, manifestation of ideas -Wisdom, Will -the Messenger of Gods 9

-understanding, knowledge -Shiva, -The Master of Illusions

You might notice many synchronicities that suggest deep spiritual events, despite how significant or not they seem on the surface. You should discover that You have the knowledge, strength and inspiration required to fulfill the challenges that lay ahead. In general this is a very positive time for You. It is important, however to say that the most of this era You will have to spend doing Your part. Although the Magician is a very positive card, it speaks about the potential that you have to take advantage of. -presence, existence -Insight in the Togetherness with the Earth and the entire Universe. Connecting. Letting go. Acceptance. Mental power.


II- THE HIGH PRIESTESS -Wisdom, feminine aspect of The Magician -inner Voice -Isis, Eternal Virgin - sits between the two pillars of the temple of king Solomon - The Guardian of the Subconscious mind - temperance, wisdom, knowledge, enlightenment -Persephone, Artemis -the triple goddess -The High Priestess of the Moon -harmony, balance The High Priestess in the tarot spread can imply the unknown and suggest that your life is changing. Things that used to seem certain can no longer be


taken for granted. Some mysteries become clearer, but all is still not uncovered at this point. On the plus side, you will find your intuitive powers increasing and you could be inspired for some creative work. This card is extremely benevolent for poets and writers -The Moon, Gimel, Camel - Eternal Spirit - The Golden mean -possibilities -Yin -light and the body of light -the soul of energy -the idea beyond its form The clearness of mind that comes by listening to your inner voice. Calmness, potential without manifestation. Balance, harmony. A simple reminder that sometimes we have to search for answers inside ourselves. By understanding the truth we break the chains. By removing the veils, looking for the right path in our own selves as well as the answer, because we alone know best what we want and how. No-one but us can guess our path. As the answers to the questions we have about the past stay hidden in us, if nothing in our subconscious, so do the rest of them. This card suggests reflection, meditation, tranquility and understanding.



-Venus, fertility, vegetation, life -Anima, soul -feminine principle, Demeter -love, beauty, creativity, art, harmony -power over life, domination -productivity of the subconscious -growth of ideas -connected to The Death card -Aphrodite -Refugium Peccatorum -Mother Earth The Empress is the archetype of female power; she is like the water, hard to understand, mysterious, fertile and sexual. It is needed to get in tune with our feminine side, to listen to our intuition and to consider our emotions and passions a bit more. The Empress does not play by the rules. She has her own way of operating and her own idea of right and wrong. That does not mean everything will always be as she has imagined it, but it’s a reminder not to neglect your intuition and will.


A possible era of prosperity at hand, not always of financial kind. There are many sorts of riches in life and money is just one of them. The Empress can cover all or some of them. -Daleth -lotus, holy birds sparrow and the dove - symbol of a woman, Natrium, Salt - flor de lis and the mystical rose -pelican and the alchemic white eagle - The Gates of Heaven -transition -the road between Chokmah and Binah - unity, incarnation into the physical realm Time for creativity. Creating without expectations and bondage. Unification of various aspects of life into a creative force. Expressing oneself. The Empress thinks only about things she can experience with all of her senses, so this card tells you if you had any ideas or plans you have been playing around with it might be the right time to place them into the real world where everyone can share and experience them. Her energy will assist the blooming of any beginning or project. She tells you to be happy with what you do, otherwise there is no sense in doing it. When you enjoy yourself and feel connected with your work or life, you feel strong and capable of conquering the world.



-the absolute ruler of the world -ego, strength and authority -masculine principle -Mars -order, firmness -reason over emotions -logic, the material -manifestation -efficiency -structure, organization The Emperor shows us that the domination of mind over matters of the hearth sometimes is not desirable but in some cases might be necessary and even welcome so that is what we should think about when this card shows up in our thread. When there are some difficult choices to be made it is important to maintain our concentration and focus and that is something this period will ease us. Enjoy the assertiveness and be confident that self control and focus bring their benefits. Go right ahead and do what you know best. If you can contain yourself you shouldn’t have problems handling the world and all the things in it. -Tzaddi, Aries, Caesar,Tzar, Ram 15

-Sulphur, Rajas -witty, creative energy -Wisdom and organization. Success after study and effort -sudden, unexpected, inconstant activity - two-headed eagle, gold You will accomplish your goals if you are confident, realistic and behaving like an alpha-wolf. This card invites you to impose and move ahead with enough inner and outer forces to express yourself. Do not hesitate when you decide to do something. It’s time to show stability , trust and realism. You will still have to work hard on achieving your goals but it is crucial to continue. You can rest after you reach your goal but don’t waste your time on the road towards there. This fierce and authoritative figure is the ruler of his destiny, a rebel living his own truth. He asks us to be brave enough to take the helm of our life and apply in practice what we have learned so far. Sometimes one has to be determined and hasty in action to accomplish our goals and not depend on the opinions and activities of the people around us. If there is something we believe needs to be done, we might as well do it ourselves. Or at least start. Activity. Manifestation. Turning ideas into actions. Unwavering will.


V-THE HIEROPHANT -the priest, a shaman -a bridge between heavens and men -a teacher of wisdom -law and liberty -Jupiter -ice, poles -iron -builder, architect -Master of Ceremony - The Creator of the Temple -knowledge as a fruit of life -guardian of knowledge, scribe -astronomer, mathematician , scientist -Taurus Hierophant is a card of spirituality in conjunct with the material world. The Guardian of the Gates of the Worlds, a card of morality, dedication, ancient teachings and transfer of knowledge to new generations. The Hierophant guards the doors of perception on this side. His task is to elevate he spirit and care for the ones in need. -Vau, unity of the spiritual and the material world 17

-a dove and a snake -the law of the dying God -Bull-kerub, Nuit, under Venus - color indigo , Saturn, The Ruler of Time -mysticism, negative aspect, cynicism, sadism -shunyata-nothingness -The state of pure potential before the creation of the World. -Silence. Wisdom. Knowledge. Virtue. Grounding. Hierophant might be a warning to you about stubbornness , fear of changes, especially in the matters of theology, ethics or tradition. It may come as a reminder that the goal of tradition is not to blindly follow it but to use it to revive the spirit and the faith of the people. When things are going wrong in the world, the Hierophant is here to calm the panic and offer good, practical advice as well as spiritual guidance. He is a teacher, a therapist, a counselor, priest or a rabbi. He answers the questions people would seek of the divine but also acts as a voice of the community, talking to men. The Hierophant symbolizes the tradition of the community, ethics and faith, spirituality that define and unites them from one generation to another. Remember where you came from is what this card is saying. In the worst of times of loss and fear, the Hierophant is here to remind you that you are never alone. Also it might represent those individuals in our lives that blindly follow instructions and refuse to step away from some old and redundant beliefs. However, try to have in mind that these offensive, orthodox sorts of people usually act out of fear. They are afraid that any change might weaken the community. Ironically, the task of these communities is to create peace and harmony, not more fear.


VI-THE LOVERS -twins - Air, Mercury -Zayin, Gemini -relations and choices -change and a lasting effect of the consequences of a certain decision The choice- whenever you come across this card, you are at the crossroads. Will you acknowledge the third soul in your relationship or not? You are the first soul, the second person is the second one but there is also the third, the soul of the relationship. Your choice is between the unchanged state of the relationship as it is now or to dig deeper, to feel, understand and communicate with the soul of your relationship to discover subconscious secrets, unexpressed energies and the karmic purpose of your relationship. Also it might symbolize important decisions concerning the choice of partners as well as growing up also the choice between a protected life in a family nest and all those sort of relations or something completely different as an adult individual. -dual, obscure and difficult card, hermaphrodite - Zain, the sword, royal marriage -Solve et coagula -the Myth of Creation 19

-Cain, Abel, Eve and Lilith -the card represents The Creation of the World -analysis, synthesis, connected to The Hermit card, spiritual marriage -Cupid, Thelema, The word of The Law -manifestation of he masculine and the feminine principle -Eros, The Children of The Voice, Psyche -spiritual intelligence -Archer, The carrier of The Arrow, Orion Unconditional, universal love that lays on freedom and individuality. People often wonder is it about finding love. Yes and no. It is possible that the original name of the card was Love. The oldest decks call it The Lover. Lovers are a wrong translation. It is actually about a person that is in love. Many books, however, define this card not as ‘’love’’ but ‘’choice’’. And the images used for this card make it even more confusing. The original version had a man and a woman with a sorcerer above them with the Arrow of Cupid. Newer decks had a man that was choosing between two women or the man that was encountering his true love with someone’s assistance. Later, in the Waite deck, we have an angel above Adam and Eve. The angel refers to Raphael, who is a symbol of Mercury and Air, with Adam and Eve that refer to Gemini, the sign of Mercury. And fruit of the Three of knowledge suggests that Adam and Eve choose to know each other in every possible way. This connection to The Gemini suggests that lovers are not about romance and passion. Romantic emotions are usually connected with water and passion is connected to fire. Gemini, the sign of Air refers to messages and making contact. It’s about the Psyche.


VII-THE CHARIOT -triumph -centurion, victory -control over polarities, harmony and efficiency - discipline, power -taking care of details and resisting the temptation to aggressively face our problems -astrological sign of Cancer -inspiration, unity of the light and darkness -Babylon before the fall. The Chariot is one of the most difficult cards to define. On it’s basic level, it’s about getting what you want. That means war, fighting and eventual difficult to obtain victory over enemies, obstacles, nature, uncertainty inside you. But there is also a lot more. It carries the signs of The Sun but the sign behind this card is Cancer, The Moon. It’s all about motion, and still, it’s often displayed as stationary. It means a unity of the opposites, like black and white heroes. They usually move in different directions but they can be directed into one. That might be The Chariots most important message. Together, differences are unstoppable. It takes security, as the unity of purpose and control and especially motivation. This card might actually suggest new motivation or inspiration as well as a journey. 21

-summer solsticium -abrahadabra - The Holy Grail -Amethyst, Jupiter -full moon, number four, square, four dimensions -Supernals come out of the veil of water to give man inspiration. Removing the veil of illusions, perceiving reality as it is. Consciousness, testimony, opening communication canals , openness . The person that gets this card most probably has many contradictions in it’s life. The card implies to become the driver of the chariot. You must decide your goal and take control to come where you want to be. Self confidence . The one with unwavering will can convince others in the purpose of his goal. Also, that sort of person can overpower doubts and insecurities and achieve victory. You must believe that there is nothing that can stand in your way. However this unity and trust will last only until victory is obtained. So, the Chariot is not interested in unity for the sake of togetherness .Only unity with the purpose of obtaining victory. The Chariot is a wonderful card, it predicts triumph no matter the odds. But it also stands as a warning that driving towards this victory might lead to ruthless, defeated behavior, wanting to win at any cause. It’s good to remind ourselves that winning is nor all neither the only thing. It is the beginning of things.


VIII- STRENGHT -power -a woman and a lion -a bridge between enlightenment , spiritual power and animal desires and earthly things - control over material situations -courage, moderation -composure, stoicism -self confidence -inner strength and peace, patience, continuity The eight card of the Major Arcana represents inner strength and the power to overcome obstacles. It also speaks about compassion. It refers to a time to be very aware of your instinctive stimulus and reactions and balance them out with greater good and purpose in life. This is not a card of anger and hate, the situation should be observed with love and understanding. -8 transfers to 11 and vice versa. -Leo, fire, Sun -lust -the original alchemy of nature 23

-7, babalon, - divine drunkenness and ecstasy -The Beast of the apocalypse and the Scarlet Woman -opening of the third eye -duality with the card of Justice, synchronization Courage. Resisting challenges. Transformation, growth. Fearlessness. Infinity. Eternal life. The Strenght card implies the importance of victory of the mind over matter and reminds you to concentrate to what you want and not what you don’t want in your life. It’s main claim is that you have the ability to use your thoughts to use them for highest values. Not only you have the ability, you have the responsibility. So, conquer your fears, control your impulses and never lose patience with yourself or what you do. In the spiritual aspect, growth and progress are usually impossible because of the fear of the unknown. Or at least slower. We have many doubts but if we are sure that certain aspects of life are a road we are interested in, it is needed to have courage and strength to face certain doors of perception mind all take a peak of the world on the other side. In spirituality and other aspects of life also.


IX-THE HERMIT -recluse, wise man, -loner on a quest towards enlightenment -a spiritual master -The Carrier of the Light of Truth and Knowledge -full circle, perfect individual -alones , isolation, asceticism -real spiritual power -introspection -wondering, pursuit This is a special time. Like and artist that hides for days and than appears to paint his master piece. That silent time makes all the pieces of the puzzle falling into place possible. Your mind is alive and it can see things that couldn’t be seen before. So go forward and encourage yourself to late night drives, long walks, hide in your room or isolate yourself for a moth. When you come back, you will have a new understanding of the world, your life and yourself. It will be the best thing for you and everybody else. -YOD-secret fire -the Hand of Creation 25

-father, wisdom - Mercury, -Logos, The Creator of the Worlds -fluid essence of light - the life of the Universe -Caronte, the boatman - Virgo as a membrane over Had Solitude. To be your own light. To guide yourself through life. Presence and awareness of your own conscience. A search. Strong vision, a calling. This is not a time for socializing. Rather a desire for peace and solitude. It is not a time for action, discussion nor decisions. It is a time for thinking, organizing and evaluation. In the moment of retreat there may come a feeling of frustration and discontent. But those times lead to enlightenment, luminescence, clarity. Concerning people, a Hermit might represent a wise, inspirational person, a friend, a teacher or a therapist, someone you usually meet alone, someone other people in your life might even not know of. That person can put some light over things that used to be mysterious and confusing and help you to understand better and find what you are looking for.


X- WHEEL OF FORTUNE -the circle of life, the circle of luck -destiny -inconstancy of time -karma -infinite circle -Anubis and Typhon -T-A-R-O-, JHVH -4 elements -4 evangelist -lion, ox, man, eagle -Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio -good fortune -life cycles -a turning point With Jupiter as it’s ruling planet, The Wheel of Fortune card is all about happiness and change. The wheel symbolizes wholeness as the rise and fall of wealth but it is also a message that we reap what we sow .Almost every definition of this card suggests prosperity, happiness, ascension or sudden twists of faith that bring enormous joy. -Kaph 27

-lines on the palm of one’s hand, destiny -Continouos change of the Universe - three forms of energy (conditions) that govern change -four mystical virtues: to know, to want, to dare, to stay silent -Mercury, Natrium, Salt -Eye of Shiva -Vision and Voice -cycle Patterns of Time, repetition, learning, growth. Changeability. Transformation. The Wheel of Fortune might suggest motion, change, evolution and we can say that we are all changing positions, some rise and some fall. Most of the time however, this card says the changes will bring happiness. Call it a karmic payoff for all of the good things you did in life, destiny or just good fortune, but regardless the lottery being big or small, you just won one.


XI-JUSTICE -justice -Venus -tuning in -synchronisation -balance -temperance and strenght -honesty, truth, law -judgement -right measure -the golden mean -Libra With Libra as it’s ruling sign, the card of Justice talks about cold, objective balance through reason or natural force. This is a card that tells us that some excesses had it’s consequences . It is important to establish balance , the right measure of things. Extremes and exaggerations in any thing are not good for us. It also explains how some things must balance out for optimal growth weather it is in our own life or in relations with the people around us. --8 in 11 and vice versa -justice 29

- probity and precision of Nature -Maat, the female equivalent of The Fool -Saturn -The Lord of Life and Death -Alpha iandOmega -manifestation, 31 -karma -„Love is the Law, Love under Will“ -Time -every form of energy is directed to it’s destiny Progress. Breaking the chains. Evolution of consciousness . Liberation. Going through darkness towards the light. One thing to remember about The Justice card is that it is not about punishment, good, bad, right or wrong. It is about adjustment. Sometimes that will not be pleasant. It represents the mind and suggests that Justice only listens to reason, logic and facts. It will not be tricked with emotional distress or passions nor bribed. It will be rational and cold. The message is to stay calm and do what is necessary to create and maintain balance. It is not a beautiful nor a nice card but it is a very wise one. .


XII-THE HANGED MAN -dedication -sacrifice in a search for knowledge -Odin -life in suspension -martyr, without suffering -Neptune, Water -opposition to The World card -secure entrance, beginning This is a card about suspension, not about life and death. The subject might have a feeling that one thing has ended and the other has not begun yet and like he is stuck in some sort of a waiting room. Life will continue for a moment but for now it floats, timeless, Still it is not just a position of rest, because the subject is upside down. His view of the world is very different than the others that are standing right. So this time of waiting becomes a time of trial or meditation, altruism, sacrifice, prophecy. This new way of observing the world often leads to insights and enlightenment. The answers that were avoided become clearer, solutions of the problems appear. Everything The Hanged Man hoped to obtain through his sacrifice.


-Mem -student -descending light into darkness with the hope to redeem it - hope of love -The card of the Dying God -Return to Eternal Silence, AUM -sacrifice of intelligence and innocence -philosophers stone , elixir of life -the Mountain of Salvation Multidimensional spirit. New vision. Transcendence . Opening of the inner being. Disclosure of consciousness. First step in esotery is to throw away worldliness and to be reborn. To do that, we have to hand over everything we thought we know, all resistance to new ways of thinking. We must rely on visions and psychic energies. We have to, if you wish, return to the uterus, to the journey to the spiritual womb. This is what The Hanged man does when he willingly hangs or sacrifices himself. Neptune is a symbol of spirituality , dreams and psychic abilities, and The Hanged man has allowed descending to the deep waters, floating there, absorbing everything that is offered to him. He waits for the moment to be reborn into a new consciousness.


XIII-DEATH -death -nameless - new thinking -the end, the beggining -change, transition -metamorphosis The Death card speaks about endings and that includes an ending of a life. However, apparently it is easy to forget that death is not exclusively connected to the end of one’s life. Actually it is far likely that this card says some important change will come. Death card may mean an ending of whatever, an end of an era for instance. The Death card is not concerned with what is dying but it talks about how to handle endings. -Nun -the fish, life under waters -the underground -Scorpio, Mars - Holy snake and Eagle, phoenix, resurrection -Quetzalcoatl 33

-the dance of Death, Saturn, Mercury -universal energy -the redeemer

Enlightenment. Going from one dimension into another. Transformation. We mainly see ‘Death’ as a terrifying card because we often see death as an ending which we hate. But still, in other traditions, Death is just a natural and a crucial element, even if it is sad, an essential part of a cycle. In the karmic sense we die to be reborn. The winter goes so spring may come and we usually appreciate things when we know that there is a possibility of losing them. The Death card symbolizes those moments. This is a time of change. Before or even while the change is happening, a person morns, grieves and weeps. It is obvious a time of sorrow is coming but we can be certain it will not last forever . Our sadness will end in a sunrise, with a newborn phoenix coming out of the ashes of the old


XIV-TEMPERANCE -moderity -art -virtue, skill -talent -balance -patience -purpose -long term vision -wide view of the world -openness -self confidence, piece -alchemy -synthess of the opposites This card often reprsents a situation in which a questioner can not balance the opposites ( choices, belief systems, family, friends) and there may come a feeling how he must dismiss something. The Temperance card says that that will not be necessary and synthesis might be obtained if one is willing to continue trying to experiment and adapt ratios. Try to focus your ambition more realistically and you will reach your goal more easily. 35

-consummation of the royal marriage -the art of love -rainbow, the prism , one of the states of the alchemical process - the underground search for the philosopher’s stone -Universal medicine -Vitriol, sulfur, mercury, salt -directional will Integration. Mystic alliance . Alchemy. The Temperance stands as a key of higher levels of consciousness . Elevation to the higher level might lead to a faster development of intuitive and psychic senses. A card of vibration, frequencies and energy . It talks about measurement and exchange of experience, balance of our inner powers and recommends temperance in everything. It combines art and beauty with firm grounds offering a balanced life in all spheres.


XVI-THE DEVIL -satan , the devil -sexuality -seduction with the material world and sensual pleasures -hunger, jealousy , lust -life in fear and imprisonment of passion -chained lovers -exaggeration Maybe the most misinterpreted card of all of the Major Arcana, The Devil is not evil Satan at all but a God with goat’s nature or Dionysus (Bacchus). They are the gods of pleasure and indulgence, wild untamed desires . Sometimes, this card says, it is good to dance with Bacchus, let go of control or be Bacchus and manipulate. Too much limitations might put you further away from achieving your goals . In that sense, we can say that this card says to be honest with yourself. With Capricorn as it’s ruling sign, The Devil is a cards about ambition, dedication and resourcefulness. This is a mountain goat whose goal is to climb the mountain and it does anything necessary to get there.


As a person, The Devil might symbolize a man or a woman of money or erotic power, an aggressive, dominant or confident being. It does not mean a bad person, but surely a powerful person that is hard to resist. One has to look at one self to stay protected. On the other hand the questioner might find himself in the Death card, persuing others to accomplish his goals by playing the puppeteer. -AYIN, the eye -the thought, bliss, existance -Pan -Saturn, Mars -creative energy of the main scholar -perfect, pure will -the power of the spiral energy Awakening out of conditioning. The clearness of insight of your own self. Most cards demand balance, unity, restraint, ying-yang. Not this one. The Devil is on the contrary the card that enjoys extremes, excess and loss of control. There is a convincing argument that says it is the most powerful and the most dangerous car of the whole deck. In it’s absolutely worst version it is a card of an addict or a spy, completely possessed, enslaved, helpless man. In it’s best version it is a card about letting go, freedom, gold quest, climbing every mountain.


XVI-THE TOWER -turret, tower -the tower of Babylon -decomposition, destruction, -coming out of Eden -danger, crisis -sudden change -destruction -despair -suicidal states of mind -escape -sinking ship With Mars as it’s ruling planet, The Tower is a card about war, war between structures of lie and the lightning strike of truth . This card is about everything we believe is true but later we see that teaching was false. This realization usually comes as a shock , violence, a moment in every story where someone reveals the shocking truth that breaks their perception and makes them question their beliefs -PE, war -Mars -manifestation of cosmic energy through destruction 39

-Shiva - destruction of illusions - The Eye of Horus -will for life, will for death - recognizing the futility of the past A storm. Lighting. Cleanse. Destruction of old ideas and views of life. When a person gets this card, he might expect to be shaken, blinded with revelation. Sometimes it takes a very strong light to discover the truth that was very well hidden. Sometimes it takes an earthquake to break down believes that were so well constructed. What is most important to remember is that taking down this structure, however painful has made this acknowledgement of truth possible. Something that will stand instead of falling apart.



-the star -new ideas, growth -purpose -inspiration, desire -opportunity -destiny -calm -hope -renewal With Aquarius as it’s ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks into the future. It does not predict some instant, powerful change but it does bring hope and healing even unexpected aid in the sunset So, the card says that help is on the way. That help can be a friend or a counselor , anything that comes into our lives and burtures our wounded spirit. -He -Nuit -Lady of the Stars 41

-nectar - The Scarlet woman -eternity The silence of the night, peace, depth, understanding. Dedication. Connecting to the Universe. The Star is one of those cards everyone loves. It suggests peace and harmony. Although this card gives hopes and possibilities, the reader must remember that it is all in the distance. Only time of healing and peace is in the present. It predicts success, but later. It means if the questioner is looking for love, career, fame, wealth or even spiritual enlightenment, you can only say that it is a possibility. It will not happen soon. But if, as a ship traveling it’s course keeps his eye on his guiding star it will eventually reach the land they are looking for . The Star does not offer any guaranties that the traveler will not have any worries on the road, give up something, or be lured into the wrong direction. And it does not talk about the obstacles on the way. The Star offers peace and recovery and an insight of the possibility of the desired future.


XVIII- THE MOON -the moon -fantasy, lunatic, insanity -imagination -daydreaming -dreams -sensitivity, alones - discontent -intuition, subconscious - vague voyage to the higher spheres Here are the secrets you are looking for, darkest mysteries, ones concerning primary and ancient forces. The earthly poets, artists, musicians and madmen know it well, that terrifying attractive place with very different rules than we are used to. The wolves pass over this country, hunting with bows and arrows. Creatures from nightmares and fantasies come out of the shadows With a glow in their eyes. -QOPH -a passage towards resurrection -a portal to other dimensions 43

-a mental echo of subconscious realisation -a road of sorcery guarded by Tabu -supreme restlessness of the mystic - dark night of the soul Past life influences, communication with the keepers of subconscious Patterns. Fractals. A call for wakening and continuation of the journey. The Moon refers to visions and illusions, madness, ingenuity and poetry. In it’s darkest version it can be a terrifying card that warns about hidden enemies, mental illnesses , addiction or misfortune. In it’s best version, however, The Moon is a card of ingenuity, mental discoveries, astonishing creativity, powerful magic and intuition. You should be warned that you might be going through a time of emotional and mental disharmony, and you will do things that do not seem to make sense and when you come out of this era it might be possible you will not understand why you did some things at all. This is not a good time to make decisions that require rational thought and a clear head.


XIX- THE SUN -the sun -gathered knowledge -victory of consciousness -happiness, contentment -victory, vitality, fulfillment -self confidence, success -optimism, activity The Sun is ruled…by The Sun of course and as The Moon was your inner darkness, wild, subconscious part of You, The Sun is Your inner light, civilized and rational, yang next to yin, Apollo next to Diana. The Sun promises your day in the sun. Glory, victory, simple pleasures and truth. The Moon symbolizes inspiration coming out of dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries that have awaken you. That are science and mathematics, nicely composed music, carefully explained philosophy . It is a card of the intellect and youthful energy. 45

As the sun, the questioner will most probably glow in his interactions with others and you might say that it is also a good time for making decisions. -Heru-ra-ha -The Lord of the Moral and the physical -The Lord of Light, Life, Freedom and Love -alliance of the earthly and the heavenly -Aries, Freedom brings Reason , eternal youth Innocent thrill with the world and it’s beauty. Inspiration. Living life to the fullest. Joy. Apollonian ideal. Youth, strength. Everything is falling into place. Good sign. Success. The Sun card represents discoveries, life and energy. Growth and new beginnings, like death, but in brighter and better perspective. Clarity, vitality, understanding, luminescence. Sun is an image of happiness and optimism and it does not hide any dark secrets. It also implies fun, warmth and positivity. It is a card of the intellect and energy and without a doubt the most positive card of the deck. Complete openness and freedom.


XX-JUDGEMENT - judgement day - apocalypse, revelation -the song of Metatron -conclusion -a decision on a crossroad - a messenger of wonderful news With fire as it’s ruling element, Judgement is a card about rebirth and resurrection. The idea behind Judgement day is the ascension of the dead so their sins may be forgiven so they can move to the heavens. The Judgement card is similar to that, asking us to resurrect the past, forgive and set ourselves free. There wounds from the past we are not capable of healing, or deeds we have done we refuse to forgive, bad habits we have no courage to lose. This card advises us to finaly face all that, confess the past is gone so we can let it rst absolutely and irrevocably.. -AEON 47

-the final judgement -Angel -the birth of Horus -The Messenger of the new era Beyond illusions The questioner might need to forgive someone or he/she needs to be forgiven, to gather courage to finally finish something that is not good for him. It is time to move on. This is a card of healing, literally out of misfortune or illness. That might mean a time in the hospital or a time of a significant change. In the spiritual sense it refers to completely new eras where the ties with the past are irreversibly broken.


XXI-THE WORLD -the world, the Universe -cosmic, collective consciousness -the end of a life cycle -potential of a perfect union with the oneness of the Universe -well deserved rest -success, satisfaction, achievement -new journey The World card mainly speaks about endings and competence. The questioner might have reached the end of a long term project or has finished a certain degree of his studies. Praise, celebration, success. Saturn, the ruling planet of the card amplifies it. Saturn is a card of a scholar and it points out that the questioner is now an expert in a certain field and is entering the next circle as a professional. -Tau -the essence 49

-core, being, constancy -Saturn - Knowlegde,wisdom -The Master of Knowledge, The Teacher -the ending Final piece of the puzzle. Completion. Wholeness. Everything is finally reaching it’s end, successfully and permanently. The student becomes the Master and the whole world is his home and he can easily find everything he needs in it. Practical liberation with the aid of insight, elevation. A beautifull card of unity, contentment and independence. This is not an end like death, but rather a change of frequency.






-kabalistic sphere: Malkhut -archangel: Uriel -angel: Phorlakh -ruler: Kerub -elementary weapon: Pentagram In the occult use the Element of earth is connected with the classical element of earth, physical body, wealth and fortune. It represents the feudal class of merchants and with it earthly things in general. Connected physical characteristics include dark hair and eyes, dark skin and firm body. Prosperity. The root and foundation of all the elements is the Earth. Earth is an object; subject and the dish of all heavenly rays and influences and it holds the seed of everything. Earth is fruitful and she brings all things out of herself. 53

It is the first fountain everything else comes from. It is the center, foundation and mother of all things. The earth is an element of stability, foundation and body. Earth is the area of wisdom, knowledge, strength, growth and prosperity. It is also the physical ground we live on and the hearth of life. It is essential in the rituals of prosperity, business , fruitfulness and stability. Earth is a feminine element and it controls magical stones and knots. Earth can be observed as our mother, with it’s fruitful and nurtured agricultural land, giving all creatures of the planet food and shelter. The Earth takes the qualities of the other elements for instance those that are dry, dusty, hot aspects of fire and air, what we can find in the deserts, or moist and fluid aspects of water, in swamps and other areas.In it’s physical manifestations like stones, rocks, crystals and jewels, the element of Earth represents the thickest element. Earth is the uterus everything becomes from, by pressing our hand on the fresh soil, we can feel it’s vitality and stability. In it’s fruitful soil we have grown food that gives life, on her surface we live our lives and when the time comes, we return to the earth. We cannot exist in this form without Earth. But our planet is simply a manifestation of this element on the physical plane, each and every element exist in the astral spheres as pure energy. The Earth’s energy does not exist only here, but in the entire Universe.


ACE, EARTH -Ace of the element of Earth -garden of Eden -prosperity -innocence -pure friendship -new possibilities -prosperity


2: To juggle, to fight, maintaining positive influence, maintaining balance 3: Art, skill, virtue, talent at work, perfection, artistic abilities, dignity 56

4: Miser. Obsession with money and material belongings, selfishness, calculating everything. 5: Difficult situation in which we will be able to assist someone despite initial hesitation and the type of a problem 57

6: Charity, helping people in need 7: Motion, moving, change of career, spiritual pleasure 58

8: Business, dedication, virtue, continuous work, discipline 9: Aristocracy , wealth, luxury, financial independence 59

10: Wealth, family and finance Page : Young persons, studies, teachings, change, new responsibility 60

Knight: Youth, stubbornness, persistence Queen: Fruitfulness, maturity, knowledge, security, 61

King: Mature man of significant earthly powers, diplomacy, professionalism, pragmatism. Wisdom. Earthly treasures and sensual pleasures. Danger of an enormous ego. 62


-connected to the Moon, feelings, intuition -archangel: Gabrijel -angel: Taliahad -ruler: Tharsis -elementary weapon: chalice Water is a very important element and powerful. Nothing can resist the power of water. And nothing can live without it. Only earth and water can challenge a living soul. That is the greatness of water and the spiritual renewal cannot happen without it. Water is purification, a healing, psychic and a tender element. It is a feeling of friendship and love that flows over us when we are among family and friends. 63

When we swim, water is here to support us, when we are thirsty, water extinguishes thirst. Another manifestation of this element are rain storms or dew that forms over plants. The power of the energy of water can be felt by the taste of the spring water, by moving your hand through the stream, lake, pool or a dish full of water. You can feel it’s cool liquidity, that soft and tender touch. This motion and fluidity are the qualities of air inside water. This energy of water is also contained inside, and bodies are mainly water also. Except being crucial for life, inside this element is the essence of love. Love is the fundamental reason for all magic. Water is love. Water is a feminine element, it is also the element of emotion and subconscious, purification, intuition, compassion and family. It is connected to psychic powers, water can be used as a a medium of dispersion or as a meditation obect. Water is important in the rituals of friendship, marriage, happiness, fruitfulness, healing, pleasure, psychic abilities and rituals that involve mirrors. .


ACE OF WATER Ace of the element of Water - a new beginning of an emotional kind - birth of a child, the beginning of a romantic relationship -happiness -blessings -success


2: Duality, two minds and souls unite into one, strength, courage 3: Time of fulfillment , festivity and happiness, the joy of life 66

4: Time of discontent and boredom, waiting 5: Loss, grief, hopes shattered, but all is not lost yet 67

6:Beautiful memories, too much clinging to the past, return of a dear person from the past into our lives 7: Castles in the sky, idealizing the situation, daydreaming, a need for firm foundations


8: Leaving a good and perspective situation searching for something new, 9: Fulfillment of desires 69

10: Happines, accomplishing goals, happy marriage and family Page: Intuition, insight, ease and joy of existence, beauty, art 70

Knight: A man that is in love, truthfulness, kindness, hope and events of an emotional kind Queen: Wise woman that offers good advice or wishes to share a secret 71

King: The dying symbol of quiet strength. Mild, wise, kind person. A counselor, teacher or a doctor.



-kabalistic sphere: Netzach -planet: Venus -archangel: Michael -angel: Aral -ruler: Seraph -elementary weapon: wand The element of Fire is creative and destructive, her qualities are light and motion and her way activity. 73

Fire’s purpose is to warm our homes, help us make food, sit around it to protect ourselves in the dark night and ignite our passions. Fire, unlike other elements does not exist in a natural state. Her physical form may happen only with the aid of other elements. Fire is a transformer, transforming energy of other things to other forms: heat, light, ash, smoke. Feel the manifestation of this power, go out on a sunny day and feel the warmth and the light of the Sun, listen to the crackling of the logs and smell of smoke out of fire. While You observe the transforming flame of the candle, dive into the energy of fire. Fire is a natural element of animals and mankind, we all have it in our nature. The strongest force, and also comes from heavenly sources. To have use of the energy of this element, we must control the Fire’s destructive aspect. When we ignite a candle, not only we call for the energy of fire, but we limit her power. This destructive aspect must not be seen as negative , through forest fires, fire is actually helping to remove the old and encouraging the seeds thy lay sleepy inside of Earth to growth and development, so new life might happen.


ACE OF FIRE Ace of the element of Fire -new idea, new thought -self- realization - gift of a great power - energy of the new beginnings -creation, inspiration, consciousness -enlightenment -excitement -the root of will


2: Plans, progress, anxiety, stress, goal 3: Options, strength, leadership, good opportunities 76

4: Good news, celebration, happy times, joy and a harmonic home 5: Conflict, change, tension, competitive spirit 77

6: Success, victory, public recognition 7: Grounding, standing firm for your-self and your ideas, firmness, persistence


8: Change, movement, a trip, open road without obstacles 9: Hope, encouragement, goal is achieved through persistence


10: Harves, the end of a cycle after effort and struggle, prizes Page: Creative energy, potential, idea 80

Knight: Lack of patience, action, realization Queen: A hard worker, successful career , kindness, precision, following one’s passions 81

King: Ambition and charisma, success at work, change, new projects



-reason -archangel: Rafael -angel: Chassan -ruler: Aral -elementary weapon: a dagger

The element of Air is of vital significance to human survival, without it we just couldn’t live on Earth. It’s aspects are motion and darkness and it’s quality is active. The Air is a manifestation of movement, freshness, communication and intelligence. The sound is another manifestation of this element. As an element it is invisible, but it’s presence can be felt in the air that we breathe every day. 83

To connect with the power of this element, find a place of fresh air and breathe deep, touch a feather or inhale the sent of an extremely wonderful smelling flower. Allow yourself to feel the energy of this element. The energy of air we also reflect inside ourselves. In the mystical sense, Air is the power of the mind, the force of the intellect, inspiration and imagination. These are ideas, knowledge, dream, desires. The Air is the element of new life and new possibilities and is crucial for ceremonies of travel, teaching, finding lost objects and liberty. It helps with visualization, an essential technique of the occult. Air is a masculine element and it controls the wizard of the four winds. That is the spirit of life, traveling through all thing, giving life to everything, moving and fulfilling . With its presence this element connects all things.


ACE OF AIR The Ace of the element of Air -reaper - decisive capability -firm ending of confusion - a capability to see and disclose lies -radical decision -firm ground -freedom -authority -responsibility -quick changes


2: Choice, doubt, weakness, apathy, fear, biasness 3: Open wound, overly self-critical mind, the lack of a purpose, broken hearth, pain 86

4: Avoiding problems, indecisiveness, surrender, pacifism 5: Betrayal, victory by betrayal, emptiness after a difficult struggle 87

6: A man in a boat, a dangerous journey, a curse, damnation, bad luck, help in difficulties or coming out of a storm 7: A thief, lies, deceit, selfishness, levity 88

8: A prisoner, a feeling powerlessness and being trapped, stubbornness , ideals 9: Terror, night mares , fear 89

10: Divorce, corpse, exhaustion , bad ending of a bad era Page: A spy, watching others while hiding one’s true face, danger, hypocrisy 90

Knight: Adultery, fanaticism, impatience, acting blindly, mindlessness Queen: A widow, necromancer, strength, intelligence, tact, isolation, depression, cruelty 91

King: The Lord of War, discipline and passion, power, tyranny


INSTRUCTION MANUAL First we mix the cards while we think about what is bothering us and the questions we are looking the answers for. Than we spread them as a Celtic cross. The card nr. 1 refers to the past . The cards 2,3,4 are about the present and the card nr. 5 about the future. Cards 6,7,8,9, are a more detail and precise explanation of future events. The cards that we get in our spread that are from Major Arcana are our answers and the cards from Minor Arcana are here to help us understand better the answers we got from Major Arcana. To understand the cards that represent the future better it is recommended to reflect over the ones that come in our spread on the positions of past and present.




















































































XII-THE HANGED MAN………….31 XIII-DEATH…………….33 XIV-TEMPERANCE………………..35 XV-THE DEVIL……………………….37 XVI-THE TOWER……………39 XVII-THE STAR…………………..41 XVIII-THE MOON……………………43 XIX-THE SUN…………..45 XX-JUDGEMENT………………………….47 XXI-THE WORLD……………………….49

MINOR ARCANA……………….51 THE ELEMENT OF EARTH…………………..53 ACE…………………………..55 II,III……………….56 IV,V………….57 VI,VII…………………58 174

VIII,IX…………….59 X, PAGE…………….60 KNIGHT,QUEEN……………..61 KING………………..62

THE ELEMENT OF WATER…………..63 ACE…………….65 II,III………………66 IV,V………………………….67 VI,VII………………68 VIII,IX……………………….69 X,PAGE………………………70 KNIGHT,QUEEN……………………71 KING……………………………………..72

THE ELEMENT OF FIRE…………………73 ACE……………75 II,III…………………………………76 IV,V………………….77 175

VI,VII………………………78 VIII,IX……………..79 X,PAGE……………………………..8O KNIGHT,QUEEN…………………………81 KING………………………..82

THE ELEMENT OF AIR…………………83 ACE………………….85 II,III……………………86 IV,V………………..87 VI,VII…………………………88 VIII,IX……………89 X,PAGE…………………90 KNIGHT,QUEEN…………………..91 KING…………………………..92

INSTRUCTION MANUAL……………….93 THE CARDS……………………………94


