Formatted/Edited by: 27Snowball

Fiora Bible By:  ForgottenProject  Formatted/Edited by:  27Snowball Last Updated: 3/19/20 (Patch 10.5) I made this for

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Fiora Bible By:  ForgottenProject  Formatted/Edited by:  27Snowball Last Updated: 3/19/20 (Patch 10.5)

I made this for ​FREE​ for everyone, if you’d like to tip me here is my donation link: ​link here​ ​(this also appears on stream if live) Current Build: Ravenous Hydra-> Merc Treads/Ninja Tabis-> Trinity Force->Black Cleaver/Deaths Dance-> Sterak’s Gage/Mercurial Scimitar/Hexdrinker-> Guardian Angel

DON'T GO MANAMUNE ON PATCH 10.5 Tiamat->Manamune->Merc Treads/Ninja Tabis->Ravenous->Trinity Force->Sterak’s Gage/Mercurial Scimitar/Hexdrinker/Death Dance/Guardian Angel IF YOU GO MANAMUNE BUILD, REMEMBER TO GO PRESENCE OF MIND

Current Rune Pages: Precision Page: Conqueror->Presence of Mind ->Legend: Bloodline-> Coup de Grace->Nimbus Cloak/Gathering Storm->Transcendence NIMBUS CLOAK IF IGNITE, GATHERING STORM IF TP

Resolve Page: Grasp of the Undying->Demolish->Second Wind/Bone Plating->Revitalize/Overgrowth-> Transcendence-> Gathering Storm If no rune page is specified in the matchup, take the conqueror page!

Per Patch Notes: ​NEW RAV HYDRA IS INSANE Rush it every game, ignore the manamune build now, its too strong of an item for you not to rush it.

RUNES:  Ignite + Flash Page

Teleport + Flash Page

Matchups: Aatrox ❖ Parry his last Q as it does the most damage ❖ In high elo, Aatrox players will time their W with their Q, so in that case, Parry the W and Dash out of his Q3 ❖ Even if you are ahead, DO NOT underestimate his damage ❖ His empowered auto (Passive) has a long cool down, but hits hard, so ​try not to let him AA you on the first minion wave

Akali ❖ Early game is very difficult ❖ Play around her W Cooldown (25 Seconds at Rank 1) ❖ After she uses Shroud, run away, so that she has to trade with you outside her safety ❖ Parry one of her empowered AAs

Camille ❖ Do not Q into her Level 1 unless she is trying to W you

❖ Dash to the side of her W cone, or Dash to the inside of it, so her W does reduced damage, and doesn’t heal her ❖ Parrying her Q and E both work, but only E will give you the stun ❖ All in her level 6 (unless she is ahead) ❖ If her E is off cooldown, don’t ult her, because she can just run away with it

Cho’Gath ❖ Cho’Gath takes Grasp of the Undying ➢ When he uses his E spikes and autos you, that’s the main source of damage, so Parry the AA ❖ I don’t parry his Q knockup because he can silence you before using it

Darius ❖ If he starts Q, use Q to poke him Level 1, and use Vital MS to dodge his ➢ If he starts W, don’t try and fight him Level 1 ❖ Parry his W Pre-Level 6 to slow his MS and AS (so he stacks slower) ❖ Take short trades when Parry is Up ❖ Hit all Ult Vitals after Parrying his W ❖ YOU WIN IF: you dodge his outer q, he won't heal, bleed stacks won't apply and its a large chunk of his damage

❖ TAKE IGNITE ​because he will have ghost 100% of the time, thus you don't need TP to help your team because he won't either. Also ​take​ ​Last Stand

Dr. Mundo ❖ Don’t underestimate his damage ➢ His cleavers hurt, and his AD skyrockets when he is low on HP with his E ❖ Parry his Q in a 1v1 ➢ Blocks the damage, and slows his AS, so his E won’t be as useful ❖ Get Executioner’s Calling after Tiamat ❖ Don’t int early because you burst him hard after your Core Items


❖ Take Corrupting Potion to stop his Q Poke ❖ Parry his Grasp Qs/Burn Passive to slow him and get your combo off ❖ Play around his burn passive and predict his barrel combos ➢ You can always AA Barrels to deny him from using them

Garen ❖ Don’t fight him Level 1 ➢ His Grasp+Q hurts, and you will lose the trade ❖ Level 2, you can parry his Q and trade with him ❖ Tiamat will reset his passive healing ➢ You can AA a minion near him and stop his healing without actually going up to trade

Gnar ❖ Level 1 you can’t do much, just sit back and farm what you can while waiting for Level 2 ❖ Parry his Mega form W to stun him ❖ If he is far away from transforming into Mega, parry his 3rd W hit ❖ Be careful after Level 6 if he is in mega form ❖ His escape has a 22 Second Cooldown, and it’s a double jump if used on a unit ➢ If he uses it in a bad spot, you can all in him without him escaping

Illaoi ❖ Dodge her early game Qs and poke with your Qs

❖ Bait out her R and dash away ❖ Parry her E to reduce a lot of her damage output ❖ Her tentacle skillshots are all her damage, so you can win the lane if you focus on dodging them!

Irelia ❖ She is VERY weak Level 1 vs Fiora ➢ If she dashes to/autos a minion, attack her ❖ She has 0 self peel Level 1 if she starts Q ❖ Parry her E is ideal ➢ If you miss it, you can still parry her R or Q and still win ❖ Make sure to R her, even if you think you can win without it ➢ Her outplay potential after 2 full items is very strong

Jax ❖

Remember only C H A D S like Hashinshin (Super Top) play Jax, so be careful ;)

Don’t try to Q poke him at Level 1, he will have E and win every 1v1

After Level 2, you can start to Q pooke Jax, and if he fights you, you can parry his E

Always Parry at the end of Counterstrike ➢

Even if he stuns early, you will still have Parry to stun an AA after counterstrike

If you Parry before his E ends, you get mega fucked

Jayce ❖ Jayce is a poking lane bully who can burst you if you don’t play it right, so be careful ❖ Personally, I parry when he jumps on me with Hammer Form because Jayce Players in High Elo will not let you parry his knockback ❖ Start with Corrupting Potion and Farm what you can ➢ Early game is a shitshow, but you outscale him very hard ❖ Dodge his Ranged Form E+Q since that is his main form of damage

Kayle ❖ Q poke her early game ❖ Kayle has no keystone so she’s weak early/mid ❖ Parry her R damage. It negates the slow and slows her so you can finish her off ❖ Usually you can fast combo her, force her ult. Parry it and finish the job ❖ Don't let her free farm after you smash her, she will come back strong.

Kennen ❖ Start Corrupting Potion ❖ Stay away from his empowered W which applies the Mark of the Storm

❖ When you go up for Q poke, make sure you do it in your minions ➢ He can’t Q you back ❖ Parrying his 3rd Passive Proc ​WILL​ stun him ❖ He is a strong lane bully, so just play for Mid-Late Game, and don’t get too behind on CS

Kled ❖ If Kled Qs you, Parry the second part (the pull) ➢ He either gets stunned for it, or has to waste his dash to dodge it ❖ Remember he goes untargetable for a short period after he jumps off Skaarl ❖ Watch for ganks early ➢ Kled will not win the matchup if he doesn’t get ganks vs Fiora

Malphite ❖ FARM IT OUT ➢ Bring Corrupting Potion and focus on farming ❖ You outscale the fuck out of him ❖ Don’t fight him if he builds Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis ➢ You will get fucked if you try to fight against Bramble Vest Malphite ❖ He runs out of Mana quickly, so abuse his high Mana costs and all in him when he is OOM ❖ Remember that he gets 3x Armor when his shield is active, so be careful about fighting him when it is up

Mordekaiser ❖

Parry his E

❖ Hold your Q to dodge his Q ❖ Deathrealm usually isn't an issue ❖ Remember that Deathrealm can cancel abilities and auto attacks on cast ➢ This can cancel your last auto on your 4th ult vital for example, can go really bad if he does this.

Nasus ❖ Poke him with Q early ❖ Deny him as much CS as possible ❖ You don’t have to kill him, just deny him CS by freezing the wave and fighting him if he tries to walk up ❖ Waste his R by parrying his W (wither) and baiting it ➢ If you can’t parry wither, then parry one of his Qs and dash away, and then fight him later when you have R and he doesn’t ❖ Keep pressure on him Mid to Late game constantly, and don’t let him free stack, even for a few minutes

Olaf ❖ Olaf is really strong Level 1

➢ Be careful Level 1, and don’t get hit by his Q ❖ At level 3, you can usually out damage him if you parry his E (true damage lightning ability) ❖ At level 6, your Parry will not slow his MS or AS if he uses his R ❖ You outscale Olaf, and beat him at all the later stages of the game

Ornn ​

❖ Parry his Brittle Empowered auto attack after his W and or R, it will stun him ❖ You can also parry his E ❖ Dodge q spam, it does a lot of damage but easy to dodge ❖ After level 5, q away from his W so it doesn't apply so you can parry his R, it does much more in a all in.

Pantheon ❖ D Blade Start if ur good, D Shield if ur new ❖ Do NOT get hit by his empowered Q, dodge it at all costs ❖ Get all the CS that you can, but be really careful not to die ❖ Spam MIA if he is missing after Level 5 ➢ Pantheon has really good roams, and you don’t want him to get ahead off your Bot Lane ❖ Mid-Late game, you can start to stand up to him ❖ You are much more useful in 5v5 team fights than him

Poppy ❖ Don’t get hit by both parts of her Q, walk out of the 2nd part if you don’t dodge the 1st part ❖ Don’t let her stop your Q with her W ➢ You will almost always lose the trade if you let her Block her Dash ❖ If you are between her and a wall, she will try to use her E to stun you ➢ In this case, Parry the E to stun her ❖ Poppy’s main damage is her Q and her Grasp ➢ Q is a Skillshot so focus on dodging it, and cut her damage by more than half ❖ Like most tanks, she can build Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis and if she does, she’s unkillable for all of laning phase, so just farm what you can

Quinn ❖ You lose Level 1 ❖ Don’t trade because she starts E and cucks you ❖ If she overextends post Level 3, you can fight her ❖ Play back because she probably will take Ignite because Quinn players are cancer ❖ Similarly to Pantheon, Spam Ping MIA if she roams after Level 6 ❖ You beat her post Level 6

Renekton GRASP MATCHUP (unless ur confident on Fiora)

❖ Q poke and use MS from Vitals to get out of his Q range ❖ Most Renektons will W right after an AA, so if you see him doing this, then try to predict the stun with your Parry ❖ Remember he has 2 Dashes because he can reset the first off of minions, monsters, and champions ❖ Don’t fuck up early, just survive and you will outscale ❖ Play a skin with Vitals that are easy to see because his model is very big ➢ Use Ex: Use Default, IG, Project, Royal Guard ➢ Don’t Use Ex: Heartpiercer, Pool Party

Rengar ❖ You lose Level 1, respect his damage and don’t try to trade ❖ Parry one of his Qs to slow his AS and reduces his damage by a lot if you parry his empowered Q ❖ When he has Ult, Parry as soon as he jumps on you ❖ Against AD Rengar: You can burst him and win ❖ Against Tank Rengar: He won’t have the damage to kill you, so you win anyways ❖ In High Elo, kindly ask for ganks because Rengars are very hard to lane against

Riven ❖ You win Level 1 IF SHE GOES ONTO YOU FIRST ➢ Be careful for minion aggro ❖ Parry 3rd Q or Predict W ❖ DON’T walk up when Parry is on cooldown ❖ She is very hard to deal with if she gets a few kills, be careful ❖ After level 5, if you both don't have R, you win.

Rumble One of the harder matchups for Fiora if its Higher Elo

❖ You win level 1 and 2 but you still can get bullied if you’re not experienced ❖ Parry one of his E’s, nothing else really to parry ❖ Use your ult movement speed to get out of his ult. ❖ First item vampiric scepter is good into him ❖ Start Doran’s Blade

Shen ❖ Will outrade you level 1 ❖ Level 2 you hard win

❖ Parry one of his empowered Qs unless you know you will parry his taunt ❖ Don't try to hit vitals when he casts his W, you can’t. ❖ If you’re behind don't try to fight early, wait for your rav hydra unless you know you will win ❖ If he uses his E onto you, you can force, he has no escape

Sett ❖ You LOSE level 1 ❖ Parry his W unless you’re very very confident in parrying his E ❖ You outscale so you don't have to force a lead early ❖ Once you have Rav Hydra you win ❖ Parry backwords to stun him off his R ❖ Kite out his passive, it does a ton of damage

Sion ❖ Sion is a very annoying matchup for newer Fiora players ❖ Save your Parry for his R that you can predict easily ❖ Don’t waste parry on his Q, just dash behind him or out of it ❖ You win after level 6 unless he builds Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis ❖ If you are winning the fight and he runs away, walk in front of him, so he can’t ult away ➢ Use your ult/vital MS to do this

Sylas ❖ Very easy matchup for Fiora ❖ Parry his E if you can, if not parry anything.. ❖ Dodge his Q and his DPS is much lower than you ❖ Hit vitals faster than him and you win, most sylas players won’t be good at it.. ❖ Build Executioners after Tiamat to stop him from healing half ur all in..

Tahm Kench ❖ This cool Champ means anti-fun early game ❖ His Q is his main damage and it’s a skillshot, so try to dodge it ❖ You can parry his W and stun him (but higher elo players won’t let you do this) ❖ Parrying his Q will stun him if you have 3 stacks ❖ You win after level 6 because your R is a lot better than his in fights

Teemo ❖ Teemo starts E in lane, so you can fight him Level 1 if you get a minion advantage ❖ Parry his Q (it is purple and thicker than his normal shots) ➢ If you do, you win the fight easily ❖ Don’t let him zone you when you can beat his ass in reality

Trundle ❖ Parry his chomp to slow his AS ❖ Bait his R and Q away ❖ He has a very strong Level 6, so don’t try to fight him then ❖ Don’t 1v1 if he has ult unless you are fed

Tryndamere ❖ Watch his rage bar, and don’t fight him if it’s close to full ❖ Parry is a MS and AS debuff, so Parry one of his AAs and then bully him ❖ Take Nimbus Cloak vs Tryndamere in order to kite his R ❖ If he has ghost with sorcery tree be safe, he has nimbus cloak and will get really fast

Urgot ❖ Q poke throughout the lane ❖ Try to abuse him before his level 9 power spike when his W is maxed and it becomes a toggle ❖ Until then, play around his W Cooldown ❖ Path randomly in order to dodge his Qs

❖ Parry his E ➢ It has a slow cast time, so it is easy, and it will stun him ❖ If you see a shield appear, press W ❖ Level 1, you can Q poke and take safe trades if he uses his passive on the minions ➢ You will need to dodge his Q in order to win trades ❖ Level 2, he will have his W ➢ You can let him push and then Level 2 Cheese him by baiting his W and use your passive MS to get out of range. After that, you can W him, slowing him and his AS hard. Make sure he uses his passive on minions first though.

Vladimir ❖ Never walk up to him during his empowered Q ❖ Parry his empowered Q or his charged E ❖ Get Executioners AFTER your tiamat and tier 1 boots ❖ Bait his pool before a tower dive ❖ You can take ignite in lower elos vs vlad, in diamond+ I wouldn't

Yorick ❖ You win level 1 trades if he does NOT have grasp ❖ Dodge his E ➢ If he hits his E you will take a bad trade no matter what ❖ After 6, if he misses his E and you have a decent amount of HP you can kill his maiden and then all in him

❖ He will mop you all game if you get behind, no stress :)

Yasuo ❖ Don’t die to him early ❖ Get Tiamat and Ninja Tabis as soon as possible ❖ Q minions with Tiamat to pop his Passive Shield ❖ If he E+Qs you with his Tornado ready, Q behind yourself in order to land the stun

Parry Tips: There are a couple guidelines to using Riposte effectively, I follow these guidelines almost exclusively. 1. There are TWO parts of Riposte: Damage negation and CC. Damage negation is MUCH MORE important than the CC because you still get compensation for the latter if you do not riposte a hard CC. While if you focus on using it to stun people, you will often not negate as much damage as you would. The logical conclusion to this is you should try to riposte the biggest source of damage rather than the CC. (e.g Darius W instead of E) 2. Always favour consistency and reliability. Being able to riposte Renekton’s W is cool and all, but it is often very tough to do so if the opponent puts even slightly more

thoughts to using it. Instead, try to riposte something easier and that the opponent wouldn’t think to be riposted like Renekton’s Q. 3. Dodge what you can, riposte what you cannot. This is pretty self explanatory, do not waste Riposte on something that you can easily just walk out of. 4. Practice to improve discipline. When you get surprised by something, maybe you face checked a bush and there was someone. DO NOT PANIC. Assess the situation first, do not just waste your riposte especially when the enemy isn’t even throwing any spells yet. -Aegis Engarde (Master Tier Fiora OTP)

IMPORTANT NOTES:  -Grasp is good into a lot more of these matchups now since Conqueror sucks early 



-Remember that your W does a lot more damage now, 110 at level 1 is A LOT of  damage...