Examen 6 unit 1

6 READING 1 TEST Name: Mark: .............................................. 20 points Read the text. Then complete t

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Name: Mark: ..............................................

20 points

Read the text. Then complete the sentences. (10 points) A very interesting phenomenon is happening in the city of Moscow, Russia. Dogs are becoming very intelligent. They are more intelligent than dogs in other places! According to a study by scientists at the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, there are about 35,000 dogs in Moscow’s streets. Many of these “street dogs” begin life as pets, but then people leave them in the streets. The dogs haven’t got homes, so they must find food and a place to sleep. Only about 3% of the dogs survive, and these survivors are changing. They look like wolves and they aren’t as friendly as dogs in the past. They have got some new and very unusual skills, too. These skills help them survive. According to the Severtsov study, there are four different groups of dogs. One group helps the guards in the city and the guards give them food. Another group looks for food in the streets. The third group of dogs is the wildest group. They eat mice, rats and cats. The fourth group of dogs is the cleverest group. These dogs ride on the metro and receive food from travellers. Some people are more generous than others and the dogs recognise the difference. They recognise the different metro stations so they can return “home” at night. 1 In Moscow, about 35,000 dogs live in .............................. . 2 People sometimes abandon their .............................. dogs. These dogs become street dogs. 3 The street dogs are similar to .............................. . 4 .............................. and .............................. sometimes give food to street dogs. 5 The metro dogs can go home at night because ............................................................ .


Answer the questions. (10 points) 1 Who is studying Moscow’s street dogs? ................................................................................................ 2 What do street dogs need to survive? ................................................................................................ 3 What percentage of street dogs don’t survive? ................................................................................................ 4 Why does the text mention mice, rats and cats? ................................................................................................ 5 What type of people do street dogs look for on the metro?

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Burlington Books


UNIT 6 TEST ................................................................................................


20 points

Circle the animal that doesn’t belong in each group. Then match the groups to the explanations below. (6 points) 1 fly  mosquito  worm 2 fox  wolf  rat 3 cow  giraffe  sheep 4 rabbit  snake  crocodile 5 lion  gorilla  tiger 6 goldfish  salamander  frog ..... a They are farm animals. ..... b They are from the cat family. ..... c They are similar to dogs. ..... d They are reptiles. ..... e They are amphibians. ..... f They are insects.


Complete the names of the animals according to the clues. (8 points) 1 A tarantula is one type of this animal. It’s got eight legs. s.............................. 2 It’s got wings and it can fly. It’s a mammal. b.............................. 3 It’s a tiny hard-working insect. It’s usually black but it can be red. a.............................. 4 It’s an insect with beautiful, colourful wings. b.............................. 5 It’s a popular domesticated animal. People enjoy riding on it. h.............................. 6 This big fish has got many big teeth. It’s often dangerous. s.............................. 7 This huge mammal lives in the ocean. It’s bigger than a cow. w.............................. 8 This reptile is like a short snake but it has got four feet. l..............................


Complete the adjectives according to the definitions. (6 points) 1 easy to love, like a baby animal: ..... ..... t ..... 2 very big: ..... u ..... ..... 3 very small: ..... ..... n ..... 4 opposite of domesticated: ..... ..... ..... d 5 synonym for usual. ..... r ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... y 6 extraordinary: a ..... ..... z ..... ..... .....

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Burlington Books



30 points

Complete the sentences with the adjectives below. Use the comparative or the superlative. (6 points) fat  adventurous  creative  strong  good  dangerous 1 Mosquitos can give people malaria. They are ............................................. spiders. 2 Jim wants to go to the jungle. Ellie prefers the beach. Jim is ............................................. Ellie. 3 That black bear never stops eating. It is ............................................. bear in the zoo. 4 Some people like the film, but I prefer the book. In my opinion, the book is ............................................. the film. 5 A weightlifter is ............................................. a young child. 6 Anna can act, write songs and draw cartoons. She is ............................................. student in my class.


Look at the fact file about two chimpanzees. Write five sentences about them with (not) as … as and the adjectives below. (10 points) old  tall  heavy  dark  friendly Lucy (female)

Ricky (male)


7 years

7 years


1 metre

1.2 metres


25 kilos

32 kilos

Colour: black Activities: play with other chimpanzees

black play with other chimpanzees

1 ................................................................................................ 2 ................................................................................................ 3 ................................................................................................ 4 ................................................................................................ 5 ................................................................................................

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Burlington Books



Complete the text about sharks with the adjectives in brackets. Use (not) as ... as, the comparative or the superlative. (14 points) Diving with sharks is becoming a very popular activity. Diving is 1. ............................................. (adventurous) ordinary water sports, and diving with sharks is 2. ............................................. (exciting) type of diving. It is an amazing experience! People often dive with sand tiger sharks. These sharks are 3. ............................................. (strong) ordinary fish, but don’t worry – they never eat people. They are big sharks, but they are 4. ............................................. (huge) great white sharks. At 3 metres from head to tail, they are 5. ............................................. (long) any human. Sand tiger sharks are 6. ............................................. (shy) other fish, so you can swim near them. But they aren’t 7. ............................................. (friendly) fish, so you can’t play with them. However, you can watch them and take photos of them.


10 points

Write a report about an imaginary animal. Include the type of animal, its size and colour, where it lives, what it eats and some other interesting facts.

Way to English ESO 1 Photocopiable ©

Burlington Books