Evidence Wiki Home Remedies

Learning activity 1 Evidence: Wiki “Home remedies” For this evidence, you must describe home remedies to address common

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Learning activity 1 Evidence: Wiki “Home remedies” For this evidence, you must describe home remedies to address common health problems. Based on the following health problems table list, it is expected that you make your comments to some of them.

an allergy an earache a toothache

Health Problems the flu a burn a stomachache a sore throat a backache chicken pox

a rash an injury

Wiki Example Health Problem: The flu

Hello Friends! The home remedy to the flu is ginger. Prepare this infusion: pour a spoonful of fresh ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water. Also, you should add honey and a little lemon for a better taste. Drink it three times a day.

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Wiki Health Problem: stomachache

The home remedy to the stomachache is chamomile tea, pour an envelope of chamomile tea in hot water and dissolve take drink tea before meals for two days so relieve pain.


Wiki Health Problem: a sore throat

The home remedy for a sore throat; put milk to boil, then add honey and take this in aids for three days.

Wiki Health Problem: an earache

The home remedy for an earache "Drops" this preparation is disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and helps to calm the pain. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of virgin olive oil. 1 tablespoon of the mixture of chamomile and thyme. Preparation: Simmer the ingredients for 5 minutes. Let rest 5 and filter. Apply 3 drops to the ear 2 times a day you will see how the pain will calm you down.

Wiki Health Problem: a toothache

The home remedy for a toothache: you can put ice wrapped in gauze (never put it directly on the skin) on the painful cheek, or apply cold compresses on the area. Mouth rinses with salt and warm water several times a day also relieve pain (do not swallow, just rinse and discard the mixture) you'll feel better.

Wiki Health Problem: a burn

The home remedy for a a burn: uses vinegar with astringent and antiseptic properties, vinegar helps the treatment of minor burns and the prevention of any type of infection. Dilute any type of vinegar with water, use the solution to rinse the burned area. This works as an analgesic when covering the injured area with a cloth soaked in the mixture. Change the gauze for a new one every three hours.