English II Evaluative workshop First test

English II Unit 3 Evaluative Workshop Author’s name (with ID) Juan Diego Lozano ID 595597 Teacher’s name Viviana Boni

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English II

Unit 3 Evaluative Workshop

Author’s name (with ID) Juan Diego Lozano ID 595597

Teacher’s name Viviana Bonilla Leon Nrc: 6813


March, 20


This workshop has 4 parts (grammar, Reading, writing and share your opinion). You must read carefully each statement and give your answer.

Choose the best answer 1. My family and I visited a museum … weekend. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


We moved to this city three years …. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


We ate some rice and vegetables for lunch ... afternoon. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


Where did you and your family go on holiday … year? a) ago b) last c) yesterday


I went to bed at ten o’clock … night. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


Frodo decided to visit his uncle … November. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


Sam travelled to Australia a few months …. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


Mary and her sister were at the library two days …. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


(A) Where’s Jenny? (B) I saw her just a minute … a) ago b) last c) yesterday


What time did you arrive at the shopping mall …? a) ago b) last c) yesterday


My brother and I saw a great movie … evening. a) ago


How many years … did you change your job? a) ago

b) last c) yesterday

b) last c) yesterday


Did you pass the grammar test … Monday? a) ago b) last c) yesterday


I saw a doctor … week because I was sick. a) ago b) last c) yesterday


I was late for work … morning. My boss was furious! a) ago b) last c) yesterday


(A) When did the class start? (B) It started an hour …. a) ago b) last c) yesterday

17. The auxiliary of past simple Select one: a. will b. does c. do d. did 18. You only add ed to irregular verbs. Select one: True False 19.which sentence is wrong X ? a.She didn´t speak English b.She didn´t spoke English 20.Which of the following are past expressions(you can select more than one option)? select one or more: a. right now b. today c. last night d. yesterday 21We use in past simple the auxiliary ‘have’ to form questions and negatives. Select one: True False


Martin had a terrible day yesterday. It was the day of his vacation to Spain but it was a nightmare. He left the house at 10 o'clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport. Martin went to the check-in with his luggage. When the man who worked for the airline asked for his passport, Martin became very upset. Where was his passport? Martin realized he didn't have his passport with him. What a disaster! He jumped back into the taxi and told the driver to take him home. The driver drove quickly and Martin arrived back at his house in twenty minutes. He ran into the house and went into his bedroom. He found his passport on the bedside table and left the house again. But the taxi wasn't there! Where was the taxi! Martin jumped up and down angrily. "I don't believe it. The taxi left!" he shouted. He ran down the street and looked for another taxi. After a few minutes, Martin found another taxi and told the driver to take him to the airport as quickly as possible. The traffic on the roads was very bad and, unfortunately, Martin's taxi arrived at the airport late. His plane left for Spain at 11.30 and Martin missed it. He was very sad and went to speak to the airline. They promised to get him a seat on an evening flight and Martin went home on another taxi to wait.

After reading "Martin's Vacation", answer these reading comprehension questions about it. 1. Where was Martin going on vacation? Spain.__________________________________________________________________________

22. What time did he leave the house? 10 o´clock in the morning._________________________________________________________

23. How did he get to the airport? He went by taxi.____________________________________________________________________

24. When did he realize that he didn't have his passport? At the check-in desk._______________________________________________________________

25. How long did it take to go back to his house in the taxi? Twenty minutes.___________________________________________________________________

26. Where was the passport?_ In his bedroom.______________________________________________________

27. What did Martin discover when he went back outside? The taxi wasn´t there_______________________________________________________________

28. How did Martin get to the airport the second time? He caught_another taxi._____________________________________________________________

29. Why did he arrive late at the airport? The traffic was bad._________________________________________________________________

30. Why did Martin go home? He was too late for his flight._________________________________________________________

31.Search on internet, a book or an article about an author who have spoken about the career you are studying.Taking into account the arguments or postures of that autor build and write a short paragraph where

Write here: Articule: https://www.dineroenimagen.com/management/contador-la-profesion-masaburrida-del-mundo/99478 As published on the money page, being a public accountant is a boring profession, but with many authorities, this career has been of great importance to me as it has made me grow as a person has left me very positive lessons and that you have to fight for your dreams

32. write about : how was your childhood? (your memories and remarkable events) include a photo In my childhood I had great moments in which I shared with family and friends I went out to play a lot what I played most was soccer in the school I also had a great time and thanks to that I think I had a very good childhood