e a Koetting Kurtis Joseph Edgar Kerval

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Copyright Copyright © 2018 Become A Living God. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except for brief quotations in critical reviews and other noncommercial use.

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Credits Authors: E.A. Koetting, Kurtis Joseph, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Asbjörn Torvol & Frank White Editor: Timothy Donaghue Publisher: Become A Living God

CONTENTS Timothy - Prologue Grimoire One - E.A. Koetting - Grimoire of Amaymon Introduction Ch. 1 - The Serpent's Breath Ch. 2 - Darkness Communion Ch. 3 - Evocation of Lucifer-Amaymon Ch. 4 - Blind Sight Ch. 5 - Scrying Into Black Grimoire Two - Kurtis Joseph - Alchemy of Halo & Horn Introduction Ch. 6 - Breaking Invisible Chains Ch. 7 - Sigilic Seeds of Light Ch. 8 - The Golden Alchemy of Lucifer Ch. 9 - Lux Corporalis Ch. 10 - Extracting the Lux Corporalis Ch. 11 - Sorcerous Applications of Monoatomic Minerals Ch. 12 - Journal Entry Grimoire Three - Edgar Kerval - The Alchemy of Lucifer-Amaymon Ch. 13 - The Alchemy of Lucifer-Amaymon Ch. 14 - Vibrations of the Spectral Light Ch. 15 - Rays of Black Diamond Ch. 16 - The Black Light & The Primigenian Gnosis Ch. 17 - Ceremonial Rite of Lucifer-Amaymon Ch. 18 - The Obsidian Transmission Grimoire Four - Bill Duvendack - Luciferian Amaymon Ch. 19 - History Ch. 20 - The Amaymon Lucifer Connection Ch. 21 - Ritual Work Grimoire Five - Asbjorn Torvol - Faces of the Condemned Ch. 22 - The Faces of the Condemned Ch. 23 - Blood Is Freedom's Stain Ch. 24 - Possession but Never Possessed Ch. 25 - We Are the Devil Grimoire Six - Frank White - Lucifer, Opener of Paths Ch. 26 - Lucifer, Opener of Paths Ch. 27 - From the Diary of Aurelius Sopax, July 11, 2012 Ch. 28 - From the Diary of Aurelius Sopax, July 20, 2012 Become A Living God

Prologue Revolution • Utopia • Homo Deus Timothy the Editor

“They only call it class warfare when the slaves fight back.”

REVOLUTION is afoot. Rapid thunderclaps of machine gunfire bounce off city walls in Northern Syria. Brata-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat! An out of the closet homosexual gunner now wears a scent of sulfur and metal, the signature perfume of Lucifer. At this moment, his LGBT guerilla army combats against gay-murdering jihadist group ISIS. A literal queer war ensues in streets of the desert city Raqqa. An armed Rainbow Revolution rages in the heart of the Middle East.

Late StaGe Fascism Fascist as a term of demonization has regrettably become a rhetorical cliché in Western political dialectic amongst sanctimonious keyboard warriors. They shotgun this blistering accusation indiscriminately: every leftist is a Feminazi; every rightist is a Neo-Nazi—or so each side insists. Even worse, innocent onlookers who have never studied Ancient Roman, Italian, Japanese or German Fascism see only a grade school food fight of half-baked ideas and disregard it entirely. Nevertheless, a sober definition can immediately demystify this mass hysteria. In essence, fascism simply means hyper-nationalism or hyper-tribalism or hyper-imperialism. A concept from the Imperium Romanum (Roman Empire) with Latin etymology, a fasces entails a bundle of sticks strapped together to suggest collective unity, with an axe head atop it to suggest capital punishment specifically beheading. The single axe refers to a single authoritarian figure and the bundle of sticks refers to a patriotic citizenry that supports this emperor or dictator. Altogether, it connotes a deadly serious message akin to “join or die” or “with us or against us.” As such, the fasces has become the official icon of empire and nation over millennia. For example, the Republican Fascist Party of Italy under dictator Benito Mussolini adorned their flag with a fasces; the United States hangs two large fasces on a front wall in the House of Representatives; the National Emblem of France contains a fasces behind a shield. Many imperious forces across history from Ancient Rome to France to Italy to Japan to Germany to the United States have normalized two icons into their heraldry: the fasces and the eagle. Actual Fascism True fascism features numerous hallmarks: Mandatory patriotism: This includes mandatory military service, military parades, portraits of politicians on walls, and compulsory salutes. Veneration of a messianic authority figure: This “white knight” acts as a savior to redeem a nation; they use a paternal nickname like Il Duce, Führer or Dear Leader. Belligerent invasion and occupation of other nation-states Obsession with racial purity and genetic superiority: This includes inhumane medical experiments, crackpot racialist theories, idealization of bodily features, husbandry, i.e., eugenics. Genocide or deportation of mixed race, disabled, queer, poor, mentally ill, criminal, and immigrant peoples, i.e., dysgenics Industrial collusion between corporations and state Propaganda: State domination of ideology, required study of a false national history, prohibition of free thought and speech with a ban on dissident literature, and classification of protestors as terrorists. Mandatory religion: This entails compulsory participation in prayer, ceremony, holy days, and religious law. Revival of ancestral paganism: This might involve a quest to find legendary artefacts, literalist interpretations of creationist mythology, and magick in combat. Needless to say, that last one—revival of paganism—remains neutral and open to contextual interpretation; paganism alone certainly does not qualify a person as fascist, lest your humble author himself be slandered. Under a strict anarchist definition, every single nation-state in existence classifies as fascist to a varying extent because every nation militarily enforces segregation of the human species into antagonistic groups and divides planet earth into artificial territories like prison cells. These manmade barriers interfere with human access to natural resources that everyone needs to survive as a free-living animal. Therefore, a nation-state as an entity robs the birthright inheritance of human beings. In this early libertarian sense, a nation-state enforces artificial poverty and criminalizes the very freedom to live—not to mention freedom of travel and association across manmade barriers, as well as freedom of thought and speech. When men refrain from inventing artifices to keep themselves in barbarism, only then will they gradually raise themselves from it. —Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment? FIRST LUCIFERIAN LANTERN Dear reader, if you ever find yourself in a moral or political dilemma, let this one simple maxim act as an undying Luciferian lantern to light your journey: Less freedom is never the answer. In a survey of countries today, two undeniably strange examples of late stage fascism dominate the Western imagination: The Islamic State and North Korea. The latter is a calcified relic from last century. Its history in one sentence: Imperialist Japan colonized Korea in 1910, whereby they adopted Japanese fascist ideology of racial superiority calling themselves the “cleanest race,” worshiping a semi-divine authority figure, and rolling out mandatory military service; Japanese rule died in 1945 but this anachronistic fascism has been preserved in North Korea like a rare dinosaur bone in a museum through 2018. As for the “motherlode of bad ideas” as secularist Sam Harris calls it, the Islamic State a.k.a. Daesh is founded on militant Sharia Law, a fascist ideology petrified into a fossil from the eighth century. Earlier in this Prologue, the author referenced a Rainbow Revolution that transpires in Raqqa, Syria. Perhaps an abridged history might provide context to this beautifully morbid conflict: A Sunni Islamist named Osama bin Laden founded a military collective called Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 1988 with a core ambition to establish a single global empire under medieval Sharia Law, i.e., a threefold patriarchal caliphate: 1. 2. 3.

Allah: Male ruler of creation Caliph: Male ruler of religious state Father: Male ruler of family

As an aside, many Muslims disagree with extremist interpretations of pronouns in the Quran that genderize Allah as male. The Al Qaeda franchise in Iraq renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 2004; then when neighboring country Syria descended into civil war, ISI invaded and dominated it, and renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2013. ISIS reached a new height of toxic masculinity when they abducted and beheaded innocent journalists and ceremonially tossed unarmed gay men off rooftops. They filmed these nauseating deaths, edited them into videos, and mailed them to families of victims as if to say, “Fuck you. We killed your kid. Fight us!” In other words, they acted out classic textbook terrorism—bona fide psychopathy with a clear political mission without a trace of empathy. Actual Anti-Fascism Meanwhile tech-friendly, socially-aware Millennials and Generation Z’ers in war-torn Syria have borne witness to elder generations suffering these inhumane atrocities under ISIS occupation; these youngsters also simultaneously see on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter how secularism and alternative lifestyles have normalized into mainstream Western civilization. This monolithic collision of antithetical cultures in Syria has birthed a new generation of phoenixes who rise from the ashes of this oil-rich country. A revolutionary people’s guerilla movement ascends today

particularly amongst members of the gay community. In fact, they united under pink and rainbow flags in a militia called The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army in Raqqa City in 2017— their name abbreviated into TQILA and pronounced like tequila. Together with a larger coalition of rebel forces, they have defeated ISIS in crucial battles and even forced them to retreat and surrender occupied land! To reiterate this with crystal clarity: in a country where jihadists have ritualistically castrated men into eunuchs for nearly a decade, an LGBT liberation army has taken arms against them and comes out measurably victorious. One can only imagine this queer insurgency not only enrages the bearded, black-booted, testosterone-crazed warriors of ISIS, but it trolls the living shit out of them in front of the entire world. The big, bad machismo soldiers are currently losing to a ragtag band of queers with outdated weapons. When they declared their existence, TQILA released a photograph accompanying a one-page manifesto. It features seven armed rebels in facemasks whom stand atop rubble and hoist a banner that gloriously exclaims: “These faggots kill fascists.” Their excoriating little manifesto says paraphrased: TQILA's members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are “ill,” “sick” and “unnatural.” The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by ISIS was something we could not idly watch. It is also not only ISIS whose hatred leads to religiously motivated hatred and attacks. Christian conservatives in the global northwest have also attacked LGBT*QI+ peoples in an attempt to silence and erase their existence. We stand in solidarity against fascism, tyranny and oppression. Dear reader, let me insist with full sincerity and with a straight face that these rebels qualify as the coolest, most courageous, most Luciferian people on earth today. They singlehandedly cause Homo sapiens to evolve as a whole species every time they fire a bullet at rabid fascists. A clairvoyant can almost see the hand of Lucifer pulling the trigger finger of the gunner. Something weird is happening.

Late Stage Celebrity That term coolest might seem inappropriate or pretentious in this context but it contains essential pertinence. It begs the question: what is cool? Conventionally, cool means hip, fashionable, à la mode, that is to say a person exemplifies culture of their time. However, this definition contradicts itself because it essentially means a person becomes cool when they act like a follower. People often refer to popular musicians, actors, and models as “cool” but those formulaic celebrities typically embody a stereotype or cliché that a team of statisticians and focus group specialists have arranged through a quantitative analysis of normal people. For example, a record executive tells a coder to run a bot that scrapes a million Twitter accounts of women between ages 15 to 25, it harvests the top 10 most common romantic themes and hashtags found in their tweets, then passes these findings to a ghost songwriter who revises them into a boilerplate song, wherefore a pop star sings these alien lyrics off a screen into a microphone, whereby women of that demographic consume it and swear their favorite singer can see into their soul. These corporate executives just rinse and repeat with every demographic. This shallow, soulless, industrialized coolness circulates like currency in their neoliberal echo chambers. It explains why disposable celebrities look and sound virtually identical; their death spiral of phony greatness accelerates exponentially like a viral bioweapon. This vapid paint-by-numbers tradition of coolness seems to have cannibalized itself when airheaded socialites became “famous for being famous”—an absurdist rationalization to justify the signature hyper-nihilism that comes from late stage celebrity. For the first time ever, modern peasants saw the wizard behind the curtain and rediscovered an old truth: that whoever holds the gold makes the rules; that “cool” culture hitherto has been a demagogic formula of the idle rich that descended from their white-gloved aristocratic ancestors who distributed bread and circuses. The fatal error occurred when The Rich☐ abandoned their tried and true tradition of cookie cutter celebredom and just nakedly allowed their ignoramus children to become famous for having been born into extreme privilege; in other words, executives no longer tried to mask their stars in boilerplate talent. In fact, the more absurdly out of touch with common folks these disrespectful, gold-spooned teenagers acted, the more famous they became. But it came at a lethal cost, namely, that modern peasants soberly recognized en masse their neo-feudal standing in contemporary plutocratic society. “But what are they famous for? They’re just spoiled brats!” implored basically everyone. The ancient tribal virtue of heroic fame became a vice—infamy—for the first time. The mythical archetype of a “hero’s journey” where a white knight saves the tribe and receives eternal glory culminated into children of the rich harassing poor employees at Walmart on reality television. From Ancient Greece through Elizabethan England to Hollywood United States, theater had always provided a safe space where peasants could vulgarly belittle their overlords and escape from the chronic drudgery of miserable serfdom, but now suddenly television reflected their serfdom back at them and their overlords vulgarly belittled them instead. It was no longer a show but plain reality, i.e., pretty privileged white kids acting entitled. Fake coolness came full circle and swallowed itself. Celebration of inherited wealth and social elitism switched from à la mode to démodé overnight. The reader will recall the conventional definition of cool: to exemplify the times, which as a peasant means to emulate celebrities whom parade The Times☐. But the reader will also recall that these celebrities merely rent their bodies to corporate executives who rent their bodies to private shareholders whom own the means of production and ultimately dictate which ideologies, critiques, and optics undergo distribution. This is called propaganda. It has occurred since the invention of stone tablets. This phony rent-a-celebrity culture has reached a white-hot boiling point and now bubbles angrily like water in a tea kettle. Fatal blowback occurs in broad daylight—the celebrities literally just hang themselves. This morbid phenomenon of late where famous people walk off a cliff one after the other in a long row of suicides evidences a new watermark in decadent culture. Your humble author calls it late stage celebrity. It has always seemed odd to civilians when the Rich and Famous☐ suffer chronic depression, become drug addicts, or have meltdowns because superficially they appear to be lavish and carefree. But that explains it entirely: they have fed their souls to an Old World leviathan. Many of these Artists☐ know their Art☐ helps to manufacture propaganda that further indoctrinates an ancient power hierarchy between classes. So the noblest among these celebrities commit Seppuku. They off themselves. This main idea deserves a Nietzschean hammer blow: As long as an extremely tiny ownership class dominates production and distribution, they will forever, always, and only circulate propaganda that justifies and furthers their economic dominance—and they enforce that dominance through modern nation-states as they did through medieval kingdoms as they did through early tribal dominions. “But Timothy! Propaganda involves distribution of state ideology, not corporations. Why so cynical? You eat Whole Foods and drink Starbucks and use an Apple laptop to shop on Amazon with a Wells Fargo card. Can’t you just be happy?” pleads a triggered bootlicker. Calm your heart, little one. Let Timothy wipe that spittle of Kool-Aid from your lips. In fairness, cyanide does look like sugar. No more red pills, here, take this black one. Second Luciferian Lantern A second Luciferian lantern to illuminate your travels: Whoever holds the gold makes the rules. The rulers do not make the rules; they make rules for whomever gives them gold. Similar to a Celebrity and an Executive, a Politician rents their body to a Shareholder. A politician is a whitecollar prostitute—a rude insult to honest sex workers. A prostitute rents out her sex to feed her children; a politician rents out his vote for a third yacht. Perhaps a syllogistic riddle can elaborate. Three people sit in a room: a politician, a military general, and a rich man. Which one possesses true power? A citizen can violate a law and never get caught, which proves the politician does not possess absolute power. A soldier can desert an army and never get caught, which proves the military general does not possess absolute power. But a human cannot neglect the need to eat and get away with it, which proves that whoever holds the gold truly makes the rules. Money is materialized power. Timothy in the Bible said, “Money is the root of all evil.” But Timothy in the Compendium of Lucifer says: Money is the root of all power—under a fascist system like state-capitalism. To exemplify this, when the Islamic State invaded Syria, they immediately took over its oil fields and nicknamed them “black gold.” Because whoever holds the gold makes the rules. Dear friend, you live in a plutocracy that fronts as a late stage republic. The ancient Roman and Greek god Pluto, formerly called Hades, reigned over the underworld where humans mine precious metals, gems, and stones in his subterranean caves; thus, over time he became recognized as god of wealth. This term plutocracy derives from this mythos; ploutos means wealth and kratia means authority or rule. Quite simply, plutocracy means that the rich rule, and they rule on earth as a matter of fact. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise harbors unresolved sympathies to fascism that have been anchored to the ocean floor of their heart through careful insidious indoctrination shaped over millennia. But who are these lucky fateful few who inherited this absolute power? Who are these gods of the underworld who own production, who own distribution, who own the face of planet Earth☐ and soon Mars☐?

Late Stage Capitalism “There’s class warfare alright, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war and we’re winning.” —Warren Buffet, former world’s richest man Whether capitalist, socialist or mixed, emerging facts about extreme wealth disparity scare everyone. Real estate billionaire Donald Trump won his presidential election in the United States on a reactionary pledge to federally redistribute jobs from undocumented workers to poor evangelical Christians through resurrection of dead coal mines, trade protectionism, and migrant deportation. Concurrently, futurist techno-billionaires like Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Stewart Butterfield, and Bill Gates espouse a universal basic income for every citizen to bridge a widening class divide due to accelerating labor automation, which prognosticators warn will cause a “job apocalypse.” Regardless of whether the reader personally cares about inequality, or whether a job redistribution and universal basic income would help or harm society, or whether artificially intelligent robots will largely replace human labor, an undeniably intriguing paradox remains: Why do these titans of industry who profit-monger, subsidy-gobble, and penny-pinch suddenly aspire to “save jobs” and distribute “free money” to everyone’s bank accounts once a month? Why do these mad plutocrats scramble to align heaven and earth from atop their subterranean thrones? Hmmm… can you smell it? A whiff of sulfur, a trace of metal, the signature perfume of Lucifer wafts again; his presence surfaces like ectoplasm. Something weird is happening. Four words demystify this phenomenon: Let them eat cake. “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.” One cannot help but to imagine a stone-faced, gold-hoarding, omnipotent French queen decreeing “Let them eat cake!” whereby her squire parks a carriage full of stale brioches (pastries) in a city square to feed an agitated mass of starving unwashed subjects—because if her peasants die, who will farm her fields, ranch her cattle, and fight her wars? Or worse, peasants might finally unite into a people’s army and overthrow her monarchical tyranny altogether—one decapitated landlord at a time—by the by French peasants in fact did this in a brief triumph of the human spirit called the French Revolution. Alas, proto-fascist Napoleon Bonaparte rose to imperial power in a counterinsurgent coup d'état that punctuated a decade of Jacobin anarchy. As an aside: Marie-Antoinette the queen-bride of King Louis XVI did not say this infamous quotation as usually believed but rather an earlier Spanish princess Marie-Thérèse who married King Louis XIV in 1660. Moreover, this often-mythicized quotation did not actually decree a royal distribution of pastry to peasants. Brioche cost much more than plain bread in medieval times, thus political critics would misattribute “Let them eat cake” to aristocrats as rhetoric to emphasize their privilege—it implies that a rich noble lives in such a bubble that they did not know serfs

cannot afford fancy pastry. As a modern equivalent, if First Lady Melania Trump were to say, “Let them eat caviar” as an idea to combat hunger. Third Luciferian Lantern Dear reader, a third Luciferian lantern to blaze your trail: the rulers need you, you do not need them. If you have not consented to being ruled, then any claim of ownership over you becomes null and void, at which point you become an illegalist, in other words, a free human animal who lives in ethical disregard of unethical laws. Dislike a law? Disobey it. Sorry, not sorry! Plutocratic propaganda like a universal basic income and jobs redistribution clearly evidences that Western civilization has hit an economic watermark colloquially known as late stage capitalism. In essence, it refers to a penultimate stage of economic decay, i.e., the second to last stage. Needless to say, last stage capitalism would mean ultimate, that is, when wealth segregation between plutocratic and civilian classes stretches to such an extreme that a people’s revolution assembles and “Storms the Bastille” as it were. This, dear reader, demystifies why billionaires wish to urgently circulate economic Band-Aids, stitches, and glues to close social wounds as long as possible. But, my friend, no amount of Band-Aids and last-minute rations can heal a terminal cancer. A global charity called Oxfam International released a study in 2017 on planet Earth’s current distribution of wealth. It found that: Eight men own the same amount of wealth as the lower half of the human population. 8 men = 3.8 billion humans 1% of the population owns more than the lower 99% combined. To truly contextualize these factoids in plutocratic terms, substitute “power” in place of “wealth.” It turns into: Eight men have power over half the human population. 1% of the population has power over 99%. Classical economists have traditionally defined money as a store of value, unit of account, and means of exchange. Humans invented money in concept; it has not emerged amongst other species of animals, besides a few rare instances in monkeys, because it requires an intellect. Out of millions of animal species, money only matters to one: Homo sapiens. Your humble author hereby declares a new, postmodern definition of money: the measure of power over humans—because whoever holds the gold makes the rules. Millennials coined a slang phrase, “Stay woke.” The “wokest” insight into the twenty-first century landscape is this: Humans are slaves under a tyrannical global plutocracy. Political elections and legislations are ceremonial. Plutocrats furnish their candidates, fund their campaigns, lobby their legislation, and hire them in retirement. The subordinate political class rents itself out to the dominant plutocratic class. These charts below entail modernized power hierarchies that have been condensed and simplified into three common denominator classes: (1) plutocratic, (2) political, and (3) civilian. Gray areas, overlaps, switches, combinations, and counterbalances certainly exist between and betwixt them. Regardless, these admitted oversimplifications provide an approximation of where true power resides. Modern state-capitalist hierarchy: Plutocratic class: Shareholders, bondholders, bankers, capital owners, landowners Political class: Legislators, judges, military, police Civilian class: Employees, consumer debtors Medieval feudal hierarchy: Political class: Monarch, aristocrats Plutocratic class: Shareholders, bondholders, bankers, landowners Civilian class: Peasants, indentured servants, chattel slaves The reader will identify that under modern state-capitalism, the plutocratic class has risen above the law of the political class. An absolute class switch occurred between plutocrats and politicians, wherefore the ownership class rose from inferior to superior in standing. This clarifies why plutocrats often escape criminal punishment while civilians do not. But why did this fundamental class switch transpire? Antinomian Dialectic Two groundbreaking antinomian ideologies emerged out the late Middle Ages as humanity entered early modernism—both of which the aristocratic ruling class tried desperately to suppress. The fiery dialectic between these two new schools of thought fostered the Age of Enlightenment, which inevitably rendered unfettered monarchy obsolete: Right wing: republican-capitalism Overthrow monarchy with an elected political class; feudal landlordism becomes private landlordism and extends to industrial capital; landlords become capitalists, peasants become employees Left wing: anarchist-socialism Overthrow monarchy with a civilian democracy and no political class; abolish feudal landlordism and reopen free access to natural resources; community ownership of farmland and capital Human labor innovated technology that revolutionized industrial production and transportation capacity by an order of magnitude; this immediately empowered the plutocratic class to where it threatened the rule of the monarchical political class. Concurrently, cultural celebrities like Voltaire and famous philosophers like Immanuel Kant championed exciting, progressive, protolibertarian values like free thought, free speech, free travel, and free association. For the first time ever, gay rights and women’s rights protestors marched through cities whereby France evolved into the first Western nation to decriminalize homosexuality. This unprecedented marriage of an industrial revolution and ideological freedom ignited a conflagration of people’s revolutions across Europe and America. Chop! Royal heads rolled off guillotines loosed from their corpses, as horrified aristocrats surreptitiously divested out of the political class and reallocated their vast medieval wealth into newly empowered capitalist industries as private shareholders, bondholders, bankers, factory owners, and landowners. These royal bloodlines passed incalculable inheritance privately between heirs across generations to where no one can precisely calculate their wealth nor identify clear custodianship; their fortunes sit diversified in offshore bank accounts, real estate, precious metals, and securities—altogether behind an array of shell companies like Russian dolls. See the infamous Panama Papers and Paradise Papers for more. In summary, a historic class switch transpired. “If you can’t beat them, join them.” The medieval political class simply reinvented itself as the modern plutocratic class to preserve its power, thus in a sense its rule has remained uninterrupted and carries on still today albeit under a new name. Careful, this private nexus of colossal wealth superficially mirrors the claims of Christian flat-earth conspiracy theorists who call these bloodlines the “Illuminati” and accuse them of satanism—it will surprise no one that fundamentalist Christians indiscriminately accuse anyone they cannot fathom of being Satan. Frankly, these royals-turned-capitalists merely rolled with the punches of the industrial revolution. This sober historical critique does not require batshit allegations from tinfoil crackpots like Alex Jones who yammer about them “turning the frogs gay.” Republican-capitalism evolved from its predecessor—aristocratic-feudalism—and it has now culminated in a late stage where less than ten men lord over earth’s economy, while one half the population toils in wage-slavery, and the other half rots disabled in poverty. A republican-style government furnishes a three-class society where plutocrats rule the civilian class through an intermediary political class under a rhetorical premise that the civilian class rules itself. The royals still rule from the grave! The classical republican Thomas Paine would shit a brick if he saw the world economy right now. Needless to say, power has not been equitably distributed across citizen hands as he theorized—class division has empirically worsened. According to labor economist Juliet Shor, an English peasant would labor an average 215 days per year in the 1400s, whereas a corporate employee in the United States labored 243 days in 2017—13% longer! As crazy as it sounds, an Amazon.com warehouse employee today possesses less annual freedom than an agrarian peasant. Power disparity between the elite class and subordinate class is factually worse now, as a higher order of power has been concentrated into fewer hands than ever before. Three words: late stage capitalism. Nay, late stage neo-feudalism! Psst… consider as a possibility that humans never left the lord’s manor, the farm just transformed into a factory which transformed into an office. Alas, my dear reader, why have we traversed this lengthy Prologue—to champion a partisan stance on this weary dialectic between capitalism and socialism? Certainly not, because neither will matter very soon. I hereby declare—listen closely: an artificial intelligence revolution emerges posthaste that will force another unprecedented class switch, however this time the civilian class will rise to absolute power, rendering both the plutocrats and politicians obsolete. We can hear a tiptoe. We can smell a perfume… a top note of sulfur, a base note of metal… Lucifer stands with us. Something weird is happening.

Next-Generation Revolution By definition, a revolution occurs when a civilian class overthrows a rulership, wherefore these rebels declare freedom under a new vision. Radicals often espouse that three conditions help to foster a revolution: Colonization: Travel to a new land and declare freedom Population: Birth a new generation that declares freedom Industry: Innovate a new technology that supports freedom

Every one of these preconditions has helped to liberate humanity in a partial revolution at times—to change regimes or styles of government—but none individually have provided the global civilian class the absolute power necessary to overthrow the global ruling class indefinitely, to render it entirely obsolete in function. Lo, reader, when I lift my Luciferian lantern to look a hundred feet into the future, I see with crystal clarity an aeonic flux that comes as if from an abyss, an unprecedented impending revolution that unites threefold these prefigurative conditions. Knock. Knock. Knock. The first absolute revolution bangs on humanity’s door. Its name: artificial intelligence. Hitherto, technology revolutions have ushered in fundamental class power switches. My friend, the civilian class’ time has finally come as an intelligence revolution. Agricultural Revolution: 10,000 BC - Political class rises to power through land ownership; monarchy passes property and rulership as inheritance down royal lineages; nationalism emerges from subordinate citizenry born in these artificial territories. Industrial Revolution: 1700-2000 AD - Plutocratic class rises to power through capital and digital ownership; political class lowers to intermediary standing; citizen class remains subordinate. Intelligence Revolution: Impending - Civilian class rises to power through artificial intelligence ownership; plutocratic and political classes dissolve as society flattens into one class. This impending absolute revolution synergizes all three preconditions into a weird, volatile, transcendent force that elevates humanity above the very dimensions of physical reality into a virtual plane of existence. A paradigm shift in Homo sapiens will ensue that annihilates old-fashioned definitions of wealth, power, and class. It will disrupt the species more than every previous technology combined. Neo-Utopianism To clarify, this term intelligence revolution does not at all suggest that indoctrinated zombies will suddenly demand freedom en masse or take arms in a people’s liberation movement. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Homo sapiens 1.0 and has everything to do with Homo sapiens 2.0, better known as Homo deus. More precisely, artificial superintelligence will merge with the human brain this century through neurotechnology like an implantable brain machine. It will mark the genesis of a new trans-human species who accesses all human knowledge instantly, who lives full-time in lifelike virtual reality worlds, who socializes telepathically as if through WIFI, and who 3D prints life essentials at home off the grid without a need to participate in an exploitive centralized economy. The neo-feudal landscape where a tiny dominant plutocracy sits cross-legged in gold-encrusted skyscrapers while a dog-tired citizenry competes in a cruel wage-slave market for worthless green paper—its days have been numbered! As a prototype of this “third industrial revolution,” a charity called New Story aspires to eliminate global homelessness. They currently trial a pilot with a mission to 3D print an entire community of 650 square foot houses that cost only $4,000 each and take only 24 hours to manufacture. This exemplifies the healthy disruption, nay, decimation that predatory industries like real estate, healthcare, and banking will experience very soon. When this singularity of next-generation technology converges, and individuals could theoretically use their solar-powered 3D printers to stamp out clothes, food, medicine and entire houses at a record low cost, the primitive Old World struggle over natural resources will resemble chimpanzees in a tree fighting over bananas. Future generations of free humans will look back at past societies in horrific astonishment. Hierarchy? Classes? Wars? But why?! As a definition, utopia refers to a mythical land where every denizen universally inherits sustainable abundance. Technically, utopia in Greek literally means nowhere, but over time has been reinterpreted so that eu means good and topos means place, i.e., a good or perfect place. Universal: everyone Sustainable: perpetual and renewable Abundance: more than necessary Friend, insist on this now! Next-generation utopia need not exist in science fiction alone! When individuals become sustainable economies unto themselves, rich unto themselves, sovereign unto themselves, humanity’s sailboat will have reached the shores of freedom. Fourth Luciferian Lantern As emphasized ad nauseam in this subversive Prologue, a modern plutocracy rules through economic dominance; they rule you through your stomach. This elite class owns the land, water, food, and soon air, which forces the civilian class into serfdom just to survive. This economic distribution is neither voluntary nor consensual. We can only escape their reign through a technology revolution that provides sustainable abundance and liberates humans from the grid, from the slave economy, from their monopoly on life itself. Firearms have long been called the “great equalizer” because they flatten a power disparity, i.e., a disabled person with a firearm can defend against an able-bodied assailant. Artificial superintelligence will act as the greatest equalizer in world history; when it normalizes across humanity, artificial superintelligence will distribute the first truly equitable baseline of power, and permanently flatten the outdated, atrocious, three-class vertical hierarchy that exists presently. Homo sapiens will evolve into a horizontal one-class species. The long-enslaved human animal will breathe its first sigh of relief as it unshackles from artificial poverty inherited from Stone Age lizard-brain competitions. The fact that tribes fight to hoard natural resources instead of cooperate to share and multiply them will forever stain humanity’s conscience. Furthermore, the fact that these same tribes slaughter one another as gifts to imaginary gods curses its soul for eternity. Humans are but a hair away from being wholly irredeemable. The only flicker of hope for this disastrous race lies in a literal revolution of intelligence—an alien intelligence that will never come from a textbook or a vegan diet or yoga; it can only come from a new species of intellect entirely, an upgrade to brain hardware, called wetware. Humanity with its lizard brain will never escape the artificial labyrinth it erected around itself. It needs a helicopter to drop a rope ladder down to lift it out of this maze. Artificial superintelligence fulfills a prefigurative revolution: Colonization: Travel to a new virtual reality and off-planet Population: Birth a new trans-humanity, Homo sapiens 2.0 Technology: Innovate a free economy with AI and 3D printing It sounds both utopian and dystopian at once. But, my friend, it is our only hope. The bifurcated dialectic of capitalism and socialism will never reconcile itself. Moreover, existent power disparity between dominant and submissive social classes will never come to terms peacefully. Sweeping change of this planetary proportion requires a weird otherworldly force. The people can only and will only escape this accelerating death spiral with an absolute next-generation revolution.

Next-Generation Luciferianism A prologue gives context and pretext. As editor of Compendium of Lucifer it is incumbent on me to lay a floorboard, to furnish a sober, uncensored, futurist perspective on humanity, wherefore six Luciferian magicians provide their next-generation grimoires. Here’s my splash of ice water to your face: Every staple institution of Western civilization has entered a late stage and has irrevocably lost the respect of the civilian class, particularly amongst young generations. I place a curse of extinction on these dinosaurs: Abrahamic religion: Fascist! Celebrity: Phony! State-capitalism: Feudal! College: Privileged! Central banking: Bankrupt! Food, water, air: Poisoned! Healthcare: Predatory! Taxation: Extortionary! Their days are numbered. The youth will not have it; as much as baby boomers may hate it, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z are by far the most “woke” and politically mobilized generations in history. An emerging tsunamic wave of super-technology and hyper-awareness razes these predatory monoliths to cinders like a ghost army through a village. It is incumbent on you to stand on the right side of history now. Rise above the Machiavellian divide and conquer of the plutocratic class; they have pit citizens against each other in a late stage republic, a charade where the people fistfight over politicians-for-hire while plutocrats hoard gold like dragons. Unite, citizens! Demand an intelligence revolution. Sappy old-timers cry into lace pillows over “death of the West” same as Greek, Roman, and British aristocrats did when their decrepit empires malingered in late stage. Wipe your tears, saplings. This healthy, necessary death turns the wheel of evolution to allow rebirth; a next-generation humanity ascends. But this time, the Fates bring an absolute revolution to bear, perhaps offplanet. This Prologue has provided a grand tour of humanity’s past, present, and future at a blistering speed. It condensed centuries into sentences and philosophies into phrases. Six next-generation Luciferians have penned authentic grimoires of Amaymon’s sorcery and counsel: E.A. Koetting, Kurtis Joseph, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Asbjörn Torvol, and Frank White. This Prologue has given context to their findings, and pretext to their black magick. It would have been unfair to deprive you of this, my reader. A Garden Of Black Roses The Left Hand Path acts as a bridge, a fire escape, an exit door that a magician utilizes to find freedom from tyranny, and once found, to claim their birthright as gods and goddesses in the flesh.

I teach you the Übermensch. Man is something that shall be overcome ... You have made your way from worm to man, and much within you is still worm ... Even the wisest among you is still a hybrid of plant and ghost. Man is a rope stretched between animal and the Übermensch—a rope over an abyss ... What is great in man is that he is a bridge, and not a goal. —Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra Humanity’s clock strikes 3:00 am. Our midnight, our dark night of the soul has passed and we watch the morning star rise. Will we see it reach a noonday height? We can experience utopia and freedom in our lifetime. Like Lucifer, human beings were gifted with beauty and wisdom out of all animals. But in our vanity we have locked ourselves in artificial cages and eat ourselves alive. The titanic pillars of old fascist empires crash around us. Blizzards of ash and dust suffocate us. Walls of smoke mask our view. It scares us… but Lucifer’s light scorches faithfully and indomitably overhead like a cosmic flare to beacon our journey. I prophesy now: Future generations will blossom like joyous flowers in mineral gardens on distant planets. One day, when we the living have long since expired, these black roses will view us as the earthly seeds who sprouted them—and Lucifer as the star who nourished us. Homo deus. • Further Study The reader may find every one of these books online freely. Utopia by Thomas More, 1516 Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, 1791 Agrarian Justice by Thomas Paine, 1797 Progress & Poverty by Henry George, 1879 The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin, 1892 The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil, 2005 Superintelligence, Nick Bostrom, 2014 World After Capital by Albert Wenger, 2017


Icame before the Gatekeepers and before Amaymon in fasting and with much meditation on how to proceed. My grimoire was set before me, with a pen to take down any notes that might come. My Temple was filled with mist and fog so that the spirits of the air might come more easily, so that I might be immersed in the waters so that all spirits would manifest, materialize and appear as they wished, all around me. I called out to them. I called out to all nine of them. The mind and the heart were united. Thought and Will were joined. “I invoke Archaelus,” I spoke to the moist air, calling upon my Godself by name to descend upon me. “I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke me. I am becoming. I have become!” I shouted as a bolt of electric self-ness surged through me. “Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu!” I repeated over and over, invoking the words of the Ancient Covenant that both binds our races and bridges our worlds. “My sword is your sword. I am your sword! Like a mighty sword of righteous judgment, I am dedicated to the Great Old Serpent. Father, come by the words of the ancient covenant. Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu.” Before me I could see the Dragon's Eye. Not in my mind, not in my magickal imagination, but there in the air before me I could see the Dragon's Eye staring at me, scrying into me. “Thank you,” I said, finding no other words appropriate for a response to an eye floating in a Temple filled with fog. I moved along to the chanted Invocation of All Powers. “Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu. Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu. Vaskalla itz ratzu kantantu velchatza!” The chant awakened ancient, slumbering shadows. Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, Satan,” I called the names of the Forsaken. Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, Satan, Belial, Lucifer Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, Satan, Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, Satan. I offer the sword of my ancestors. I offer forth the sword of my forefathers. I offer forth my blood and my bloodline. Like black holes waking, all nine Gatekeepers emerged from the darkness into my Temple, surrounding me as I sat centered in the Universal Circle, which was originally called the Circle of Pacts. “Itz racha Belial,” I whispered the words that call upon the first Gatekeeper, whose Gate had been opened within me, which holds the key to the Bottomless Pit. Belial’s essence condensed from the keyhole beyond existence and darted like a fish jumping out of the calm surface of the waters and landing in the Temple before me in a manifest form. Immediately upon arrival Belial lowered himself onto his left knee, not in worship but in recognition. “I have passed through Belial’s gate,” I said, the words coming through me rather than from me. I have surmounted adversity within and without. Belial said to resist and I have resisted. I have torn apart my life, my home, my Temple. I have torn apart my mind, my soul, my body. I have torn apart myself. I found another being within another self, another layer of my own godhood. For Belial—because of Belial—I have cast off illusion and delusion, which are one in the same. Thank you, Belial. Now, I move forth and move forth, and move forth. Belial, he who is without a master, worthless one, lay your hands upon me. Belial’s form became unmanifest darkness, an open portal alongside the other Gatekeepers. His work with me was complete, for now. “Lucifer-Amaymon, teacher, enlightener, Lord of the Black Sun,” I called to that Gatekeeper whose darkness shimmered at the call and then moved away to allow me sight of the next Gatekeeper. Lay your hands upon me. Azazel, ancient darkness, prominent force, giver of the light and the fire, and the weapons of the gods to men so that we too may become gods. Indeed, we have become gods, indeed. Azazel, we have become gods and now as gods. We open up this portal, this gateway of our own selves to bring you through, to bring you to this world. “Abaddon, destroyer, he who holds the key to the Bottomless Pit. He who looses his chains and releases the Devil upon this earth. Abaddon!” The Temple rumbled as if the ground had been split deep underneath. “Lucifuge, Lord of Pacts, Lord of Excess, scribe of Hell, come forth!” That three-horned demon rose up from beneath, from the deep darkness of the underworld, hissing like steam escaping the Pit. Beelzebub, Lord of Flies, Prince of Devils, come forth and lay your hands upon me. Baal, Lord, Ruler, Master, King, come forth and lay your hands upon me. Asmodeus, deadly angel of lust and wrath, come forth. Asmodeus, blood boils, passion of war come forth and lay your hands upon me. Satan, Adversary, the End. Lay your hands upon me. I remained centered in the Circle, soaked in the spirit of the nine powers of transformation, the nine gates of immortality, and the feeling felt like ecstasy. “The Belial Gate is open and will remain open within me for all time,” I declared. “No, I may never escape it, for I am the Gate, I have Become the Gate. Now, I turn myself toward the Amaymon Gate.” “Lucifer-Amaymon,” I called the full name of the most Secret Gatekeeper. Lucifer-Amaymon! Amaymon. Amaimon. Amoymon, Amon, Amun, Aamon, Lord of the Black Eastern Watchtower. Baal Hammon, Ram-Headed Two-Horned God. Hidden light and Lord of the Black Sun. Eye of the Dragon, breath of venom, Secret Chamber of the Hidden God. Amaymon, you are the black chamber, you are the nothingness within the darkness that is empty and void and yet you Amaymon are the single light within the light that cannot be seen, the light that cannot be heard, the light that cannot be known. The light of the Black Sun that always is, and is not. Amaymon is here in silence. I had not prepared any such conjuration, but had before me bare notes of historical names for this eternal entity. Something else had dictated the rest. The other Gatekeepers vanished from my awareness and Amaymon took dominion over my Temple. A figure in black whose robe is the darkest of shadows and his venomous breath issuing forth from the darkness and encircled me. It did not harm me, but I could not breathe it in. In the same moment that I tried to inhale his deadly essence, Amaymon sent into my mind the understanding that he would teach me all the secrets of his venomous breath. I sat with Amaymon and he began teaching me, silently. Silently. For his voice speaks in silence. His words are not words but are Knowings.

Historical Record Lucifer-Amaymon is perhaps the most obscure of all the Gatekeepers. His name is mentioned scarcely throughout grimoires, first in 1577 in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, then again in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, which is thought to have originated around the same era. Then again in the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, in which he was mentioned as one of the four Demonic Kings—yet no real descriptions are given of him other than that he is a being of darkness and evil, that his breath is deadly unless the Operator wears a silver ring. I wear no rings, I wear no talismans, I wear no amulets to ward off the evil that I summon forth. Ascent is a perilous path. In 2007 when I called upon Belial, initiating the work that became the Book of Azazel, I was instructed to evoke Amaymon. Belial said that, “Azazel, Abaddon, and Amaymon will rise together with me. As one, we will open the Gateway to the Lake of Fire.” On September 11th, 2007, I evoked Amaymon to physical materialization. Even though I had issues with the incense, causing his materialized body to shift between visibility and non-visibility throughout, I was able to catch a very good view of him and was surprised at that time he had appeared robed in blue and white, his presentation casting him as a Greco teacher and philosopher. Amaymon had said: The lords of the house of the 70s are numbered. Saturnalia is the essence of my coming. Death and decay, sexual, and literal. I will come in the East on the sign of the martyr. Call me with blood and semen and skin. The others will come, and the Gateway will be opened but you four must be willing to enter first. Project into it and die in the Lake of Fire. Once you are reborn you will have power over it, and can call the souls of the marked to Damnation. My legions are many, much more than 40. All demons must bow before me and many angels too, even you now bow, but once you have entered the Lake of Fire, you will never again bow to another. Not much else was said to me by Amaymon, and that which he did speak was veiled in riddles in need of unfolding. He mentioned Saturnalia, and that the lords of the house of the 70s are numbered. In other words, that which now rules this world and some of the other worlds, the forces that have been keeping order, their days are numbered. The system that now is, is numbered. “Saturnalia is the essence of my coming.” Normally, when you evoke an entity, you evoke it and call it before you and command it, in the traditional grimoiric method through the names of enemy gods to appear. Saturnalia is a celebration of the reverse, in which the slave becomes the master and the master, the slave. Through this work the Magus turns himself over to the summoned, not in worship of these beings but in trust, in alliance. All other oaths are nullified as the magician forms an alliance with these ancient ones. “Death and decay, sexual and literal.” Amaymon prompts through this an exploration of yourself and the things that you find detestable. To breathe in his venomous breath and to learn how to wield it, you must be able to take that which is nauseous to you into yourself and turn it into nectar. As I've transitioned from Belial to Amaymon, it has become clearer that he is one of the many faces of Lucifer. Or as he has asked to be called, Lucifer-Amaymon, not as two names, but as a title Lucifer incarnated as the specific individual Amaymon. Amaymon, in the Hebrew translation of the name with the letter Y centered, gives pause and reflection to that which is within. Amaymon can be considered Amun, within. Amun, the Egyptian sun-god. Even S.L. MacGregor Mathers referred to Amaymon as an Egyptian devil. Most of us have heard of the amalgamated god Amon-Ra, and it is assumed to be a single figure, a single god. A hymn has survived from ancient Egypt stating: “Amun, Ra, and Ptah, all gods are three. Amun, Ra, and Ptah, whom none equals. He who hides his name as Amun. He who appears to the face as Ra. His body is Ptah.”

To work this backward, Ptah is the consort of Sekhmet. Together, they are the generative and destructive aspects of the sun. They are the heat of the sun, the radiation of it, related to the chromosphere. Ptah is that which is felt. Ra, then, is the light of the sun, the photosphere, the visible aspect. Ra is that which is seen. Amun is that which is hidden. He's the umbra, the black center of the sun. He is the solar force within. Yes, Amun is the Black Sun. Amun can only be accessed once you have survived the heat and the light of the sun. The heat is the chaos of the influx of power before it is stabilized within the self. The light is the knowledge, the illumination, and is the super-conscious “Knowing” that is only found in black silence. Through Amaymon, Lucifer manifest as the Dark Initiator into the light of the Black Sun. Lucifer-Amaymon. Years have passed since I had called him, and I finally was ready to meet him alone. Amaymon appeared standing at least eight feet tall with a man's body, arms with talons, and a head of a reptile. He breathed his breath, and I could feel it choking me like a python wrapping around my chest. I would need to learn not only to withstand his breath, but to take into me, ingest it, digest it, until his leaden breath becomes gold within me, that which is seen as blackness revealing itself as golden sunlight. Once you master the Serpent’s Breath, the power of all transmutation will be yours, for anything touched by his breath either blackens and dies, or it is turned to gold.

The Serpent’s Breath Chapter One


VOCATION is the Philosopher's Stone. It is the end goal, the final practice that every alchemist, every sorcerer and every witch is working toward mastering, whether they know it or not, because in evocation you are calling into visible appearance something that didn't exist before you called it. If the thing or being does exist, it certainly doesn't exist in the form that it assumes when evoked. Once you fully master evocation, there is nothing that will be impossible for you. Once you've mastered evocation you are a Master, you are an adept. You can move mountains with it. You can make fire rain down from the heavens upon your enemies. You can materialize treasure in your life in a million different ways. This is the first half of the power of evocation, the ability to create, because if you can create the body of a demon before you, giving it form in this world, and if you can work with that being in manifesting whatever change you want in reality, then you have successfully created a rift in your perceived reality. You have told yourself in that moment, face to face with that demon, that everything is possible. The second half of the power of evocation is in the revelation that comes with making contact with these forces and with these beings. We often expect that our learning from these beings, that our actual tutelage will be held through conversation, that we will evoke these beings and have dialogue with them. While such direct communications can and do happen, the verbal conversation is largely being constructed and interpreted by your conscious mind. This means that the spirit isn’t simply speaking to you, but it is feeding you a stream of knowledge that you collect, absorbing it with your omniscient Knowing. Then, your conscious mind comes into play to ask all the questions. The mind slows the process down, pausing the download to ask, “What does this mean? How is this possible? What are the parameters? What does this look like?" While this stage of filtering the communication can become a major stumbling block for those who haven’t disciplined their minds to simply receive, the digestion is essential to the message as the mind needs to make sense of it, to make it useful to us here and now. As Sorcerers we are Gateways into the future. We are imagining that which does not yet exist and we bring it into solid manifestation. The revelation that these Gatekeepers offer may not come as a conversation. In fact, even if you have a full dialogue with entities of any higher order, you will receive and understand the spoken message, but another, silent message slips across the threshold of your mind planting seeds of Knowing within the crowded landscape of your consciousness. The deeper message will be distilled to your waking self as inspiration or by the words of random people passing in the mundane world, and like a tripwire, once the message has been reflected in physical reality, your conscious mind will get to work unraveling it. The spark of inspiration will stimulate your research and will guide your meditations. You might start to look more closely into specific aspects of magical history and practice and theory, digging into topics that you'd previously overlooked or you’ll be drawn toward topics you aren’t even aware of yet. The very moment that this pathworking shifted from Belial to Amaymon, I had some very specific questions that I was going to address in ritual, whether through evocation, invocation or channeling. As I made the preparations for the first rituals with Lucifer-Amaymon, I found myself inspired, Amaymon's voice already speaking to me, silently guiding me, waking me at night with an “Aha!” realization or with dreams of the Nile and pyramid walls. Amaymon was communicating with me, and the only way I could engage in the communication was to keep following the trail of breadcrumbs that he dropped as he stumbled through the forest of my mind. As these Nine come together, as they seat themselves in this world, as we open the Gates and bring them through and as they unite in manifest forms, the Godstar will rise and the Prince of Darkness will draw near. Both Satan and Lucifer are named among the Nine Gatekeepers, and while both of those names have been attributed to the Prince of Darkness, He is neither and neither are Him. His true name has never been spoken by any mortal, for once it is, the speaker at that point can no longer be considered mortal at all, transfigured by the mutative rays of the Black Sun, which is Amaymon. Who is Amaymon, exactly? In modern and classical grimoires, most demons’ names have been changed, altered slightly from the original names by which they were invoked in the religions or the cults that first worshipped them, as indeed most well-known demons were once worshipped as gods. Who was Amaymon, then, before he was Amaymon? If he is another dethroned and demonized god of an overthrown civilization, then what god was he? With such sparse information about Amaymon himself, this becomes quite the task. After a lot of digging, and inspired guidance, a few particulars floated to the surface. Baal Hammon was one of the first pieces to fall into place, largely through etymological ties, although the personality traits of Amaymon were obvious as I investigated Hammon more thoroughly. Baal Hammon was a major deity worshipped in Carthage, depicted as an elderly man of obvious royalty, usually crowned by an incense brazier or a set of ram’s horns. Both the brazier and ram’s horns are solar-symbolic, the former throughout many traditions and the latter specifically in Egypt and passed onto European traditions through Greece. Both are also symbols associated with fire, doubling the connection to a solar-Luciferian deity. Amaymon is known for his poisonous breath which is visible when he is evoked, like a noxious incense issuing forth from his mouth and head as if a brazier sat atop him. Amaymon has also been described with ram’s horns sprouted from his demonic skull. The final link that sealed the connection for me was that, following the second Punic War in which the Roman Empire eventually defeated the legendary military leader Hannibal Barca, Carthage became a client-state of Rome, resulting in a surge of commercial trade, travel, and cultural exchange. As the Romans mingled with the Carthaginians, the single spiritual practice that Rome inherited was the festival of Saturnia, the very same celebration of reversal that Amaymon had mentioned as a passing riddle during my evocation with him seven years prior! Spirit revelations have manifold interpretations. In the moment that historical study paralleled my personal gnosis, I wondered if he had said the word “Saturnalia” for the sole purpose of validating his own identity to me seven years in the future. To track Amaymon’s footsteps out of Carthage and further back in time, I first started with one of the major features of his appearance, the ram’s horns, searching for other solar deities sporting the same appearance and serving the same purpose. This brought me to Carthage’s trade neighbor, Egypt. Despite its intrigue and the promise of godhood behind its entombed mysteries, I’ve always tried to steer clear of delving too deep into Egypt’s supposed magickal systems. So little is actually known about Egypt, and so much has been assumed or injected into it by biased researchers that it is nearly impossible to pry the truth away from falsehood. The task of gathering useable information is further complicated by the time span of the Egyptian empire, thought to have endured for over 3,000 years under multiple military and cultic rules, local deities rising to prominence with the overtaking of the seat of command and gods and goddesses being stitched together to create new icons of worship. I had avoided Egypt, but Egypt is exactly where Amaymon led me, and suitably so, as Mathers had noted Amaymon as being an Egyptian Devil. Etymologically, the word Amaymon is an embellished form of the name Amon or Amun. Most people heard the name Amun-Ra, the sun god. Amun and Ra were originally completely different entities that merged as local cults united and the worship of Ra would otherwise be threatened or divided by the worship of Amun. The solar deity then became Amun, Ra, and Ptah, viewed simultaneously as “the Sun God” and as distinct and separate beings, creating what is possibly humanity’s first self-conflicting divine Trinity. Amaymon is the Black Sun, and likewise Amun in ancient Egypt was known as the Black Sun, the Underworld Sun, or the Hidden Sun. I laid in bed the night that I unraveled the connection between Amaymon and Amun, my hands and eyes shuffling from my phone to my notepad. Without setting my phone or my pen down, without shifting my position in bed, without any notice or preparation, I was inside of a dream as if I hadn’t fallen asleep at all but had instead been transported into the dream. I sat upright in a solid, hardwood chair, inside an empty stone chamber. The enormous stones that made up the walls seemed to glow a pale and dark green light, the same stones forming the ceiling at least twelve feet high. The wall before me was covered entirely in symbols, hieroglyphs, the only spot absent of engraving was what appeared to be a small entry cut out of the bottom of the wall like a half-sized doorway. I leaned forward for a closer look at the wall cluttered with symbols in hopes that I might recall them when I awoke, and as the thought came to me so did the realization that I was inside of a dream yet completely conscious of it. I have taught myself how to lucid dream, but unless I am on a specific quest that requires it, I’ve found that lucid dreaming is too exhausting for regular use as my mind would never get a break when it is active all day and night. When I need to switch the ability on, I can rely on a week of dream journaling and consciously connecting to sleep signals before I can trigger a fully lucid dream. Nevertheless, without any preparation or intention to, I had been pulled into a lucid dream and I intended to find out why. As I leaned closer to the wall, the hieroglyphs distorted, blurring and swirling as if the wall itself was a pool, the symbols floating and bobbing at the surface, displaced by the slightest disturbance. The stone chamber started trembling more violently than any earthquake I’ve ever experienced and a sound flooded into the stone room and echoed off the walls, initially sounding like a strong wind, then the rushing of water, and finally as a man’s voice, deeper in pitch than any man, the strength and volume of the bellow not diminishing as it traveled but increasing. The voice gave one syllable, one solitary sound: “Sah.” I jerked awake in bed, my pen still held between my fingers, my phone on my chest, and sunlight bursting through my windows. I remembered the dream as if it wasn’t a dream at all but a memory of an event that had taken place only moments ago. I also remembered a gift that I had been given years ago, a small collection of texts that I had read but dismissed as Atlantean conspiracy theory and New Age revisionism. The first text was a translation and examination of The Pyramid Texts by E.A. Wallis Budge, and the other two were texts by Clesson H. Harvey, an Egyptologist who challenged the standard academic interpretation of hieroglyphs, claiming contamination of the translations by cultural and religious bias. With such bias removed, Harvey asserted, some of the most vital pieces of ancient Egyptian writing would prove to be much more than simple funerary rites or

accounts of myths, but instead are instructions for the development of the kind of godlike power fabled to have been wielded by the Pharaohs. The gifted texts detailed a specific set of ancient writings called The Pyramid Texts, walls of hieroglyphs engraved into the interior of multiple pyramids, all of them telling a similar story and providing similar instructions to the reader. I sat in bed remembering reading the texts my friend had given me and wondering why he thought I’d have any interest in them. I remembered keeping them on my bookshelf until we moved houses, at which point the books were simply gone, tossed out or sold in a yard sale or lost along the highway between homes. I remember never caring that they were gone until that moment when they finally made sense. I spent three days tracking the books down in digital and hardcopy forms, and I devoured each piece of information as I came across it until I finally had before me the complete Pyramid Text with the translations and interpretations corrected by Clesson H. Harvey. Sitting at my desk, the translation printed and waiting, my mind split and I was again sitting in that stone chamber facing the hieroglyph wall, yet I was at the same time still at my desk. In both locations, a dark presence gathered behind me. I could feel that it was Amaymon, and I could hear his toxic breath whistling through jagged teeth, hissing like steam. Sections of the printed pages and of the engraved wall shimmered in the same way a sigil glows after it is charged and opened, phrases of the text highlighted with astral light. I marked each glowing segment with a dot at the opening and closing of the shimmer, and began reading them aloud as they appeared, forming an invocation of ancient power, and a set of instructions on how to activate that power.

The Serpent’s Breath Breathe the breath of Sah on the path of Darkness, so that I may become an Immortal King, who opens the Gates of Transfiguration. SAH The Gate is opened, my Gate is opened. Spirits fall inside the darkness, but the Dragon’s Eye will keep me from destruction. SAH As I breathe the Serpent’s Breath on the path of Darkness, all power converges, because the Darkness has activated my left eye, because the Darkness has activated my right eye, because the Darkness has awakened the Dragon’s Eye within me. SAH I breathe the Serpent’s breath to open the Gates of Darkness, so that the Serpent’s Breath will awaken the Serpent’s Sight, which is held by the Nine Gods, The Nine Gatekeepers, to give birth to the God-Star. SAH I breathe the deadly breath and awaken the Serpent Sight to the Tunnel before me, opening the Gate of the God-Star. SAH My transfiguration has begun because the Seed of Darkness has awakened the Dragon’s Eye within me, and the Nine Gatekeepers are united so that the Lord of Darkness will walk among them, and the eldest two have united within me. SAH My transfiguration begins as I turn the sight of my two eyes toward the God-Star on the Horizon before me. SAH I am the heir of the Gatekeepers, Child of Darkness upon the earth, with knowledge of the Serpent’s Breath to be risen up as as the Chief Gatekeeper, the most powerful of the Nine Gatekeepers, and of every Gatekeeper, to create all that is desirable, to preserve all that is desirable, and to destroy all that is not desirable which my sight may behold. SAH For within the Seed of Darkness, the God-Star, is the combined Consciousness of all the Gatekeepers. SAH The Black Alchemy begins as I bring these Gatekeepers into manifestation, as I draw them forth, for in so doing I cause them to live, and in so doing I give birth to the Dragon’s Eye within me, fixed upon the God Star before me, for the Seed of Darkness holds all of the power of the Gatekeepers. SAH My transfiguration begins as I exhale the Serpent’s Breath, the Primordial Void, and I emanate as the Dark Void. SAH I breathe the Serpent’s breath alone, to become a Keeper of the Gate, a son of the Gates of Darkness. SAH My time will be long upon this earth, and my brilliance will become fierce, as a flame in the wind at the edge of Outer Darkness, so that I will pass into the darkness, pass through the Black Pyramid, so that I may kiss the Red Crown, so that a God may be created in my place, so that a path of Ascent will be formed to the Farthest and Highest Void, for such a God is one who achieves the opening of the eye of the storm. SAH As I recited these passages, Amaymon interjected comments, suggesting slight changes in phrasing, “Pyramid Builders” becoming “Gatekeepers” and in only a few instances changed “God Star” to “Seed of Darkness” while in other instances “God Star” remained. The final invocation, as given above, is indeed direct instruction, encoded in liturgy, symbolism and even astronomy, revealed as a staggeringly simple spiritual practice which, when mastered, results in a degree of power and elemental control recorded in myths and told in legends. According to Harvey, the Pharaoh could use this technique for levitation, telekinesis, and the extension of the lifespan, not to mention immortality beyond death. According to Amaymon, it is capable of much more. By the name Amun, and by other older, forgotten names, Lucifer-Amaymon taught this secret of power to previous civilizations, and they buried it. They buried themselves with this power. Now, thousands of years later, we are being given another chance. Humanity is nearing our extinction. Our daily actions are lending toward complete unsustainability for our species and the planet we inhabit. We will need a miracle in order to survive. We will need to wield the power of the gods at a mythological level. These instructions I received, that were carved into stone millennia in the past, are instructions on activating the venomous breath of Amaymon and reclaiming powers that have been lost to humanity for millennia. Amaymon is serpentine. He is Draconian. He is reptilian, so the first part of his breath is the hissing of the serpent. “Sssss,” the mouth is closed, teeth together, your air leaving your mouth and hissing against your incisors. The second sound is "Ah," which was the first sound uttered by Brahma in the creation of all things. “Ah" is the sound by which you create and is the sound of satisfaction in the creation. There dwells a Dark Void within you, a darkness within your soul. The heat of your body, the form of it, your strength and your works, these are Ptah manifest in the self. The light that surrounds you and that is seen in your eyes, this is Ra within you. But in the center of you is an eternal well of Darkness, capable of anything, all potential unmanifest. This is Amun, the Hidden god, the Dark Star. As you exhale the solitary sound "Sah," breathe that darkness out of you. As the tunnel of your mouth opens and issues that Darkness into the world, the venomous breath will either destroy all that it touches or it will transfigure all that it touches. This is the first tunnel, the tunnel of the mouth. The second tunnel is the tunnel of sight. The venomous breath gives life to the Serpent's Sight. With your two eyes, your left eye and your right, focused upon the tip of a candle flame or an imaginary point about six to twelve inches in front of you, gaze at that point and another eye will open. The Dragon's Eye will open. The sound "Sah" is linked in India to the Hamsa bird, the swan, which in myths is able to drink water and then inside of its own body, the swan separates the water from Soma, the elixir of immortality which grants the drinker the vision of the gods, which is also the power of the gods. The Hamsa bird, then, inhales water and exhales soma. The formula of Hamsa is really the formula of pranayama, in-breath and out-breath. Ham is the inhalation, Sah is the exhalation. Pranayam does not mean “breathing,” though. Yam is the Master Controller, and with his deific name used as prefix, we return to the beginning of the word to find out what exactly Yam is controlling, but the word “Prana” does not only mean “breath” but is also “Lifeforce.” As you become conscious of your breathing, you gain control over it by gently guiding your breath not through the muscles of the body but by the steady and focused Will. Ham is Shiva, Sah is Shakti. Sah is power. The solitary sound “Sah” stimulates powers of self-immortalization, self-mythologizing to the degree of true transcendence of limitation and the realization of your own godself, of your own godhood. Sah is also the name the Egyptians gave to the Orion constellation, a significant astronomical body to the Sorcerers in ancient Egypt. Sah was called “The Father of the Gods,” and was the only deity in the Old Kingdom capable of self-creation and self-resurrection. With time, pieces of the god Sah were imported to the new god of death and afterlife immortality, Osiris, whose origins can be traced back to Wadjet, the deified manifestation of the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra, which in the most ancient times was one Eye, the Eye of Wadjet, the Dragon’s Eye. This has also been called the Ajna Chakra, the Third Eye, seated in the center of the brow. The word “Ajna” translates as both “perceive” as well as “command,” again touching on the principle that we create that which we see in the moment of seeing, and that True Sight both perceives reality as well as forms it. The Pyramid Texts refer also to the “God Star,” appearing in some pyramids as ‘The Polestar,” which nearly all researchers agree refers to Polaris as the North Star. At the time of the building of the pyramids, however, Polaris was not a polestar at all. Instead, Egyptian astronomers and travelers could find north by first finding the two stars Kochab and Mizar, and following the path between the two stars, north would rest in the blank center of these two stars. Reading The Pyramid Texts with this in mind explains the repeated instruction to awaken your right eye and your left eye to awaken the Wadjet Eye, which rests in the empty space between the two eyes. Amaymon insisted that the God Star is the Seed of Darkness, the nine-pointed-star that I received from Belial at the initiation of this Gatekeeper Pathworking, and instructed me to begin by holding or placing an image of the nongram in front of me, gazing into it as inhaled and pushing my vision through the star as I exhaled the Serpent’s Breath. After only a few repetitions, the physical image was removed and replaced by an imagined Seed of Darkness floating in the air before me.

This completes the circuit of three tunnels: The first is the tunnel of the mouth. The second tunnel is the tunnel of sight. The third is the tunnel of the God Star. Inhale and bring your attention to your eyes, relaxing and gazing at the Seed of Darkness before you. Notice your forehead pulsing, throbbing, a pressure building beneath the surface as if an orb presses on the inside of your skull struggling to be released. Exhale and release it, release your breath with a serpent’s hiss, release your desire, release your doubt, and let the hiss of the first creation become transmuted into the sound of satisfaction, “Sssaaahhh!” Let the sound of Sah guide you as it escapes your lips. Rather than forcing it to assume a form pleasing to you, change yourself until your breath becomes the Serpent’s Breath. Once your magical mind can see the God Star before you and the tunnels have been opened and the Gateway has been opened, turn your focus then to anything that you wish to achieve, any stone to levitate, any imagined thing to breathe into existence. As you breathe the Serpent's Breath and awaken the Serpent's Sight, all things will be possible for you. Even when all light and all heat have been extinguished, Amaymon is still there in the darkness. It was said in Egypt that when the sun would set, it would enter into the underworld and it would become The Black Sun. This is Amun. This is Amaymon. I asked him for the secret of his deadly breath, and Lucifer-Amaymon led me to this as my daily meditation. Rather than simply telling me what to do, Amaymon insisted that I discover the process myself, that I decode the etchings in ancient pyramids I’ve only seen in my dreams, and to reawaken a power that has been lost to mankind for thousands of years. The invocation taken from the pyramid walls is not an invocation but a list of instructions. Instructions along with statements of what you can expect as you fulfill those instructions. Meditate on these and then turn your daily devotion over to the God Star, to the Seed of Darkness, floating in the air in front of you, shimmering. The consciousness of all the Gatekeepers is there in the Seed of Darkness. All their power is there, within the God Star. Inhale and find the Darkness, find Amun, the Hidden God within you, in the dark pit inside of your soul. Find it and breathe its vapors out with a single sound "Sah," opening your mouth as the tunnel through which your soul will not escape into the world but will issue forth, for your power is so great that you could exhale all of yourself over and over and over, and you could fill up worlds with your breath and still have breath to give, for you are immortal. The reader is encouraged to investigate The Pyramid Texts in their fullness. The fragments of it that were given to me by Amaymon are those that will bring him fully into activity in your life, in your world, in your soul, in your being.

Darkness Communion Chapter Two


S I received communications from these Gatekeepers, they were very clear on how I should begin this pathworking with Belial. Even how and where I sat for my rituals with Belial was dictated by a Knowing within, a magnetic pull that only the densest fool could ignore. Nearly all my rituals with Belial were performed seated on the ground or on my knees, and even slithering and writing on the floor. Within the first few moments of contact with him, I sensed Amaymon's presence conflicting with that posture. For the Operation of the Assumption of Godforms, the magician assumes the posture that the chosen deity is depicted sitting or standing in, making the internal transition from himself to the godform seamless. In my first encounters with Amaymon, with silent insistence he pushed me to realize that I needed to shift my posture. That which is good for the Wanderer of the Wastelands may not be good for the Secret Chamber of the Hidden God. Belial is a being flung to the underworld. He is a wanderer of the wastelands. He is the scorpion king, and he is most comfortable on or beneath the earth. Amaymon, Amun, is exalted in the heavens, beyond anything we could see in the sky other than the stars that are distant. Yet we cannot see Amaymon, we cannot see Amun. We can see Ra, the light of the sun. We can feel Ptah, the warmth of the sun. But only in our Darkness can we unite with the Black Sun within. I entered my Temple to begin the ritual of Darkness Communion, and I brought myself into the same seated posture as Amun has been depicted sitting many times. I set before me a single black candle and the drawn image of the God Star, the Seed of Darkness, as well as Amaymon’s sigil and solar incense. For the Operation of Darkness Communion, my intention was simply to invoke Amaymon, calling him forth, calling him into my Temple, calling him into me, calling him into the candle's flame. Upon his arrival, the candle which serves as the gateway through which they travel is extinguished, locking his presence inside my Temple. “Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, Satan!” I called out the names of the Gatekeepers. The air thickened. Already starting to swoon, swirling in the churning black waters, I chanted the Invocation of All Powers: “Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu. Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu. Vaskalla itz ratzu kantantu velchatza!” I inhaled deeply, fixed my eyes upon an imagined star before me, and released the breath with a hissed “Sah,” and took another breath of air, releasing again and opening the tunnels, again and again, each repetition pulling me beneath the surface of manifest reality. “I breathe the Serpent's Breath and awaken the Dragon's Eye,” I announced, my voice reduced to a whisper. “My vision has awakened. The Dragon's Eye has awakened within me. The tunnels are opened. Amaymon!” He was there with me, in my Temple. His sigil activated, flashing and rising off the paper on which it was drawn. “Amaymon,” I called him by name. “Amun. Lucifer-Amaymon! Amun, come!” His presence was everywhere around me but was felt most strongly above me, like a brilliant light shining blue and violet. I leaned forward and extinguished the candle’s flame with my breath. In the darkness my Other Sight stepped forth, and I saw the spirit of Amaymon assuming many forms around me, taking them on one at a time, one body and then another, each one disappearing as a new one rises. “Amaymon,” I began my first inquiry only to find the question drowned by the humility of sitting in the presence of his majesty. The frantic swapping of forms ceased in that moment, and in the next Amaymon appeared in front of me, immediately before my eyes, the two-horned god, Amaymon. His mouth was a black pit guarded by sharp teeth, his skin is like alabaster infused with gold. He smiled as I beheld him, his jagged teeth covered in blood. He opened his mouth wider and wider, his entire head splitting in half at his mouth, the opening to his throat overtaking his entire form. He opened his mouth and he swallowed me into his blackness. I was within the belly of the Black Sun. “Why has thou swallowed me?” I asked out loud, my body’s mouth speaking the words where it remained in my Temple, my soul speaking the same in the Inner Darkness. The voice of the Darkness rumbled, “Because you have swallowed me, because you have consumed me, I, too, consume you.” Within his body is Darkness. Not nothingness, but a living Darkness. Yet when he is within me or any other body, there is a fullness, a being-ness. Something else was in the Darkness, something I could see, something I couldn’t know. As I searched the Darkness with all of my senses, the galaxies quaked and convulsed, and Amaymon spat me back out, back to my body, but not back into my body, instead sitting in the overlap between worlds, operating my body like a difficult marionette. Around me I could see crowds of people dressed like pilgrim villagers laughing… laughing at the show. Laughing at me. Indeed Amun, Amaymon has always been worshiped with celebration, has always been worshiped with laughter, with games. There I was, naturally placed in his path as the season turned to summer, and while all those who stand and laugh and celebrate and dance, Amaymon sits quietly as the Darkness within the darkness. “Amaymon,” I addressed him, forgetting about the villagers or the fact that I had only moments previous been swallowed by a monstrous mouth. “Are you and Lucifer one?” Amaymon spoke, but instead of words he shot a packet of knowledge into me in the shape of a spiral symbol that he pressed into my mind. Any words that he might speak are useless but in the flash, he revealed everything. “Lucifer and Amaymon are not one,” I translated the flash into words. But they are two and three and four-thousand, and sixty-million, for where is it that the light cannot touch, for the light that emanates forth from Amaymon's soul is the blinding light of illumination, of transfiguration, of transformation, of transcendence. But this is merely a corpus, an emanation of the dark sun, Amun, Amaymon, Lucifer. “How many bodies do you have?” Amaymon asked. The words felt sharp as they leapt into my mind. “I have one body in this world and one in each of the other worlds,” I answered. “Wrong! Wrong!” his voice shouted in my mind without a moment’s hesitation. “Wrong! You have many bodies, you have many souls, for are you not Eternal? Therefore, am I ‘Lucifer’? Are you ‘Eric’? Are you ‘E.A.’? Are you ‘Archaelus’? Are you ‘dad’? Are you ‘my love’? Are you ‘babe’? Are you Master? Are you Disciple? Are you all of these? Can you be all of them at once? Now, am I Lucifer?” We get very obsessed with titles, we humans do. Titles and names—identifications. We've created all these, we’ve concocted them, yet we expect them to mean something outside of what we mean them to mean. Is Lucifer Amaymon? Yes! The Seed of Darkness, the God Star, appeared again before me, six inches before my brow, suspended in black space. Gazing into it, I breathed the Serpent’s Breath, Sah, and awakened the Serpent Sight. Sah! The Venomous Breath brought it to life. The God Star shimmered and the tunnel opened. “The tunnel is opened,” I announced. “I am opened as that tunnel, as that Gateway.” Two points upon the nine-pointed-star grew brighter than the rest, one for Belial, one for Amaymon. An internal instruction came to me to sit upright and to bring my focus to the Seed of Darkness before me. As I did, the tunnel of my mouth met with the tunnel of my sight and both moved through the tunnel in the center of the Star. Amaymon’s voice became the voice of the Teacher, a voice I hadn’t heard for years, a voice that had been replaced by a throaty rumble, becoming comforting and patient once again. “The tunnel rises and you can move that tunnel to any place that you desire,” the Teacher’s voice said, and the far end of the tunnel of vision did move, fixing and focusing on random people, random places, the tunnel originating within me and terminating at anything I wished to behold, like a periscope peering out from Outer Darkness. “All that you see you may take Mastery over,” Amaymon’s voice assured me. See it. Connect to it. See it. See the tunnel. This tunnel is connected, not to the base of your spine, but to the stem of your brain. These are archaic tunnels, reptilian tunnels, tunnels back and back. Remember that once you were a predator. Remember that once you were prey. Remember that once you were a thought that was swept along a current and moved to and fro. Never has there been a moment where you have not been, but this has not been you. This has not been… His words disappeared from my mind. Amaymon had not spoken to me at all, but instead he had injected my mind with the things that he needed to communicate to me, and my brain had been dissembling the packet of Knowing and had converted it into words so quickly, so seamlessly, that even I could not tell the difference. But, in the critical moment, words failed me. I took a few deep breaths and relaxed my body, relaxed my mind, and turned in to Amaymon once again. “This has not been you,” he continued as if I had simply paused the psychic playback of a conversation that hadn’t yet occurred. “Until this moment, you have had no individuality. Until this moment, you have had no power. Until this moment you have had no freedom. Until this moment, you have been a slave. A slave of existence, a slave of the breathing in and the breathing out of the source, until this moment.” “Amaymon, what must I know in going forward with you?” I asked. His voice rang all around me as if he spoke with a thousand mouths, “Summon me. Summon me fully. Summon me forth in the darkness and I will rise up. Summon me forth fully.” My next step was revealed. Amaymon vanished, along with his legions that I was not aware of until the moment that they flittered out of my Temple. I was left there in darkness alone, again, but not alone for he is with me. Not even with me. With isn’t the right word. I realized I had been understating it the whole time. He is not with me. He is me and I am him, and I have come to clear the path for the arrival of the Lord of Darkness who will come forth in a body of flesh, and you will know him. I have come forth to bring an end to the beginning, even if it is my own private apocalypse.

Evocation of Lucifer-Amaymon Chapter Three


REPARING yourself and your Temple for an evocation can often be more pivotal to the ritual’s success than the execution of the actual ceremony. The physical preparations for the evocation of Lucifer-Amaymon were simple. I placed a table covered in black cloth in the east, where Amaymon would rise, and I laid a heavy, rusted chain in the shape of a triangle, inside of which sat a censor with charcoal discs glowing red. A large half-shell that I plucked out of the Pacific Ocean while meditating on the sandy bay sat next to the censor with a fistful of copal resin incense, ready for transmutation from a solid to a liquid and then gas state. Amaymon’s standard sigil was drawn on a square of parchment and hung on the wall inside of a wall-hanging pentagram grimoire-stand. While cutting the parchment one of my fingers slid in the path of the downward chopping hinged blade, resulting in a small puddle of blood oozing from the wound, which I used to anoint the sigil as a spontaneous blood sacrifice. The Universal Circle was laid on the floor, and a standing altar to my right when facing the triangle was littered with white candles, surrounding my personal grimoire. Amaymon’s standard sigil was drawn in black ink inside the grimoire. This would be the sigil I would gaze at and open to initiate the connection with Lucifer-Amaymon. My sword, which is the sword of my ancestors, was leaned against the altar, blade point on the ground. The physical preparations were simple. As soon as I even start contemplating an evocation, as soon as I begin the process of Preparatory Immersion, that is when the rituals begins. The ritual of evocation is merely a formal ceremonialization of the contact that I'm going to make, of the contact that I’m making, that I've already made, that has already been established within me. The veil has already been torn. Evocation brings the spirit into a compressed and compacted form, in a spirit-body that the trained magician can see and hear with his magickal sight and with his attuned psychic mind. The spirit-body that is created through the ritual is quite real, and it is a tangible thing, even though it is invisible to the mundane vision. It can nevertheless operate in this world with terrifying strength and impressive dexterity. Evocation of an entity to such physical manifestation offers the Sorcerer a greater degree of power and control over causal reality than almost any other ritual practice. In the case of this evocation of Amaymon, though, the ceremonialization of my contact with him and calling him to materialize in a beholdable form was intended him direct questions and hopefully get direct answers. As soon as I start considering the ritual, considering what it is I'm going to do, who exactly I’m going to summon, and how I'm going to do it, the contact deepens. I give myself over to obsession, unable to leave the matter alone, sometimes reading the same paragraph countless times, searching for a hidden message that I must have missed. I’ll seek out and often find music about or inspired by the entity I intend to summon, or audio lectures about the spirit. If none can be found then I will silently meditate on the spirit and fantasize about the coming ritual, preferring this in these periods instead of the space-filling radio sounds or pulsing music that seem to occupy every idle moment on ordinary days. In the days or sometimes weeks leading up to the ritual, I’ll stand in my empty Temple, all furnishings dragged to the edges or out of sight, and I’ll imagine myself performing the ritual, noticing where the implements materialize, my setup guided by my vision. Mostly, I will wonder about the spirit. I will allow my mind to wonder and to wander, imagining what this ancient entity would be like if it were incarnate, uncovering the personality behind the mythology, unmasking the demon to reveal the identity of the conscious force that pushes against the walls of predictable reality and sometimes shatters the facade. I’ve learned to do all of this without imposing my own conscious preconceptions onto the spirit. I don’t worry about what it might look like or how it will be dressed, but instead meditate on the qualities of its essence if that essence was distilled into linear consciousness. I admit that I will even find myself absorbed in conversation with the entity inside my imagination, asking it questions and receiving replies while going about my daily tasks, entire dialogues consuming the timespan of a shower or a commute, or a weekend. By the time I stood in my Temple and began the evocation, I had been in daily contact with Amaymon for over a month. I already knew him, my life had already been changed by the staggeringly simple insights he had shared with me. I already knew him, yet as I stood in the Temple, as I stepped inside of the Universal Circle, I was nevertheless a little afraid. I didn't feel like I should have been afraid. I didn’t feel endangered, and my intuition wasn’t warning me of harm. It wasn’t that sort of fear anyway. No, this was a more basic fear, a more primal anxiety. What I felt was childish and stupid, yet still my knees weakened and I struggled to maintain my breath. What I was feeling, what I needed to face was my own fear of the dark, the fear of the unknown. It was a fear I hadn’t felt for years, even decades. But it overtook me all the same. I placed the sigil of Amaymon on the wall above the chain triangle and admired the bloodied lines and the characters of his name on the outer circle. I could already feel it. He was already there.

Elementary Principles of Evocation Evocation is an advanced black magick. If you master evocation at any point in your journey, you are a Master. All knowledge flows to you; all powers is yours. Evocation arms you with the power of the gods, the power to create that which did not exist before you created it. After performing hundreds of evocations using various systems and a diverse array of entities, I starting recognizing what the actual mechanisms of evocation are. I first published these findings in my work Evoking Eternity, referring to these mechanisms as the Elementary Principles of Evocation. When you strip the dogma out of the ritual, when you remove all the blinds, all the religion and all the fear, you only have the seven things left, these seven elementary principles. These principles are indeed the very things that actually make magic work. If you employ these perfectly and diligently, then you're going to have success with evocation. The first is preparatory immersion. Preparatory immersion is studying the spirit, and it becomes a matter of studying with the spirit. Invest yourself in magick, in the system, and in the spirit, as well as creating a subjective synthesis within the system. Conduct as much research as you can into the spirit that you're calling, and into the system that you will be using. Take the time you need to prepare yourself. Prepare yourself, prepare your mind, prepare your expectations, until to your perception this is no longer mythology but is literal reality. The use of a working system is principle number two. The best techniques that get passed down through oral history or through written history for thousands of years are usually those that have been proven work. Find a system that you can use. A lot people who are discovering ritual magick for the first time may become confused by the freedom and individuality of the whole thing, thinking that they can simply make up their own system. Once you've mastered the magic, you can then mold it and shape it into whatever you want... once you've mastered it. Until you've mastered evocation, you need to find a working system. These Elementary Principles of Evocation do form a pretty good working system. Study the magickal system within any grimoire, and using these Elementary Principles, ascertain which ritual acts are contributing to what Principle, and the underlying system of that grimoire will reveal itself. Take the incantations, the conjurations, and the various orations and adapt them, apply them to your work and to your evocation. Strip out the dogma and the fear, and insert the names and qualities of the entity that you will summon and ensure that these seven principles are met through your ritual. The third elementary principle is the attainment of omnipotence. This is what exercises like the Middle Pillar, the Lesser Banishing Rituals, opening chakras, even drawing and consecrating the circle are aimed at achieving. These ritual practices reinforce an understanding that you are centered in reality. In order to do the impossible, you need to know that you have all power, that you are the center of existence, that all that is flows forth from your eyes and that all that you observe is your creation. As you speak to the candles and the fire, and consecrate them and bring life into them, you are exercising your godhood. As you consecrate the incense or the sigil, as you draw the circle around you and see it glimmering as you awaken it, opening its eyes so that all of it is alive, you will start to recognize that you are god here. Attainment of Omnipotence is built into most advanced rituals through the initial orations, the confessions and purifications, and through the consecrations. In this work and this evocation in particular, this principle is also served by the Serpent's Breath, Sah. Sah, which is self-generative. Sah, the Father of the Gods. Sah, the Path to Immortality. At the beginning of the ritual, before the consecrations and invocations, breathe the Serpent’s Breath, releasing as “Sah,” and view the God Star in the air before you, awaken the Dragon’s Eye in your brow to gain the Serpent’s Sight, and the Dark Star at the base of your skull will also awaken as you release yourself to your transfiguration. These three—The God Star, The Dragon’s Eye, and the Dark Star—will form a tunnel. The tunnel will then connect to anything that you view with your eyes or with your mind. You will flow creation itself toward those things, realigning reality however you see fit by seeing what should be in the place of what is. The fourth principle is substantial contact. You will need to be able to make contact with the right spirit, and a vague sense of contact is not sufficient. Evocation requires substantial contact. There can be no question when you call the spirit that the room is no longer empty. This can be accomplished through activating the sigil of the spirit, gazing at the sigil, not staring or straining, but relaxing your vision, relaxing your body, relaxing your mind, dropping your vision through the sigil, gazing through the parchment on which the sigil is drawn until the lines themselves lift off the paper or until it begins to shine and shimmer, or until you simply know within yourself, within your own Knowingness, that it is done and that the spirit is there. That's the first step of substantial contact. The entity, in this case Amaymon, is no longer just something that you’re studying. This is a Gatekeeper. This is Amun. This is the Black Sun that I'm calling into my Temple. Take a moment to reflect on this in silence and feel the gravity of it hit you. Let yourself be a bit nervous, a bit afraid. Let yourself even feel a little unworthy, at the same time balancing that with the recognition of your own omnipotence. What you are doing in evocation is heavy. If you don't feel that heaviness, you don't deserve to make contact, or you just haven't done your homework so you don’t know better. How many human beings have bowed before this god? How many human lives have been sacrificed for this god? How many battles have been won in his name? Who is this god, and who are you to rise as its equal? Let the heaviness pull you into the opening of the Gateway. Let the heaviness thicken the atmosphere in the room. As you gaze at the sigil and you call the names of Amaymon, pull him into

that thickness, the heaviness becoming a black hole from which nothing can escape. The fifth Elementary Principle is incantation or oration. It is important to say things out loud. The words we speak help guide and tailor the thoughts we think, which create the reality that we enjoy. You have to give an oral command. The invocation also acts as a way of stabilizing and strengthening the spiritual or psychic contact with the spirit. Instead of using grimoiric conjurations, threatening the spirit in the name of some slave-god, I will use simple adorations, naming the names of the spirit, and extolling its virtues and retelling its deeds, which are embedded into its various names and titles. Instead of attempting to extort the spirit to appear, call its name and sing its praises. Your preparatory immersion, all the things you’ve learned, all the things that have led you to this stage start to connect. Along with the adorations, also give a clear command, repeated with every god name spoken, “Come forth! Rise up! Move and appear! Answer my call! Rise up in the incense that has been prepared for you! Come now in a form that I may behold and speak to me in a voice that my ears may hear!” The sixth principle is communication. You’ve given the command for the spirit to rise. Gaze with the same gaze that is triggered with the opening of the sigil, gazing not with your eyes but with your scrying sight at the incense smoke streaming up from the triangle, still calling out to the spirit, the connection established through the sigil and the invocations deepening, the atmospheric tension swirling around the Temple. This is the point in the ritual that I start losing myself, losing my sanity. Gazing at the incense smoke, your eyes may think they see flashes of a face emerging from the smoke. Normally, you might react to this with surprise, with shock, with a gasp or with laughter, but evocation is the antithesis of “normal.” Train yourself to react to the first appearances of the spirit by triggering a feeling of vindication. Of course, the spirit has appeared! This is but the first sign of its coming. To reinforce this, I will often announce what I am seeing: “Amaymon, I see your face in the incense, I hear your voice in the air, I feel your spirit upon me, and I call to you again to rise before me now even more strongly, rise before me now in a more solid form, come now and greet me as your brother and friend!” As the spirit materializes, what is actually happening can only be called transfiguration. Your senses and your awareness have been elevated, your perceptions have been magnified, and your astral receptivity has been tuned to the frequency of the spirit you are calling. As you sink deeper into the evocation, as you embrace the subtle transfiguration, you then cause the incense and candlelight to change, and you pull the spirit into the Temple and you assemble a body of smoke for it to step into. You are the center of existence. You are god in that moment. Such a shift of the self is required every time you perform an evocation, every time that you summon a spirit. The spirit would not come if you were just a mortal man begging for its attention. These spirits, these gods, these Gatekeepers have no respect for mortal men. They will only come when a Living God calls them. Gazing at the incense smoke, lose yourself and allow your vision to collapse. The only thing that is real is what is going on in the triangle, and inside the darkness within. Everything else disappears. Everything at your sides, everything above and everything below, everything behind you disappears from your attention. With the spirit there, with the vision of it flashing before you, it is customary to simply say, “Hello,” and welcome it to your Temple. The key to successful spirit communication is that you can’t get an answer if you don’t ask a question. I suggest that you tailor at least three excellent questions to ask the spirit, and as soon as you have welcomed it, ask your first question, taking care to remain relaxed and attuned, your attention fixed on the spirit in the smoke. The spirit is going to rise, and it is going to speak to you if you're ready to listen. You need to be ready to listen, you need to have trained yourself in the ability to hear and to communicate with spirits. The first part of evocation communication, then, is the greeting and welcoming. The second part is the questioning of the spirit to obtain the information and answers that you seek. The third part of communication is the issuing of a command. The command you give is not a matter of you commanding the spirit, but it the Creator commanding all his creation. Term your command in such a way that reality itself is bound to obey, which means the absence of phrases such as, “I would like,” or “Would you please.” Instead, you need to truly command existence into obedience. The final part of evocation communication is the dismissal. Once your questions have been answered and the spirit agrees to do as you have commanded, release it from your Temple to either return to the realm of mystery from which it came or release it into this world to do your will. As soon as you dismiss the spirit, you will encounter the final Elementary Principle of Evocation: psychological retraction. Once the ritual is complete, you will need to ground yourself. In the moment that the spirit departs, a sick loneliness hits me, an emptiness in the pit of my stomach, letting me know that the spirit is gone, that the deep connection built over sometimes weeks or months of preparation is over, and I am alone again. I don't like to linger too long in the Temple after the ritual. After taking notes in my grimoire, I will leave the Temple and do something completely mundane: make myself a sandwich, take a walk, or go out with some friends. I’ll ground myself, shake it off, pull my mind away from the spirit, the evocation, and the consequences of its success. Psychologically retract. Ground yourself. This is the process of evocation.

Evoking Amaymon “I invoke you creature of fire and air,” I commanded, my sword pointed toward the incense within the triangle of chains. “I invoke you, incense, in the name of your lord and master, Amaymon, who has been called the Lord of the Black Watchtower, Lord of the censer, the lord of perfume and incense, lord of rising smoke. In Amaymon's name, awaken! Open your eyes and come to life. I awaken you.” I moved the point of my sword to hover above the candles at the points of the triangle, drifting from one to the next. Creature of fire, spirit of fire, demon of fire, element of fire, I call you here into this plane, into this Temple, into this flame, so that you might rise and give birth to the vortex of power, to the Gateway, so that you will give rise to Amaymon. Yes, in the form and the shape of the Ancient Covenant I call you now. I invoke you now. Creature of fire, spirit of fire, god of fire, rise and come forth! Kneeling before the triangle and the growing stream of smoke, I announced to the triangle of manifestation and to the devices thereon: I implant my will into my creations and I charge you with this charge and this covenant. Bring forth Amaymon. Bring forth Lucifer-Amaymon. Bring forth the Black Sun. Bring forth the shining darkness. My eyes moved to the sigil within the pentagram upon the wall and invoked the essence of ultimate command. “I call upon you, Lord of Darkness, Emperor of the Infernal Empire, to rise up within me, to give me dominion over everything, to give me power over the Darkness itself. I lay down my other selves and any other name by which I am known, for I am Archaelus, for I am Archaelus. I am Archaelus, and the Lord of Darkness has arrived.” The felt presence of spiritual darkness fell upon the Temple. I moved to the altar upon which nine white candles burned, and a single black candle remained unlit. “The nine fires burn,” I said, waving my hands above the flames, tugging at the magnetic radiation rising from the candles. “One for each Gate, one for each Keeper, and another that is unseen is here.” I lit the black candle in recognition of the attendance of an unseen guest dwelling inside the deepest darkness within. Holding that black candle in both hands, I knelt inside the circle, gazing into the flame, through it and at Amaymon’s sigil. “All Gates are united under the Black Flame,” I said. “All Gatekeepers are united under the Black Flame. All powers come to the call of the Black Flame. The Black Flame is within me. Yea, I am the Prince of Darkness, come into this world in form, in body to open up the Gates to the Infernal Realm, to Outer Darkness.” I stood and took the sword into my left hand, touching its point on the fiery red line of the Universal Circle, and I moved counterclockwise, dragging the tip along the outer circle, envisioning sacred flames spilling out of the blade into the ground, until the circle was complete. Kneeling again inside the circle, I inhaled slowly, deeply, and released the breath with a serpent hiss and a sated “ah,” and the tunnels leapt forth from me, the Dragon’s Eye awakened and a dark shimmer shone from everything in the Temple. I walked to the triangle and placed a few large copal resin tears on the embered coals and returned to the center of the Circle, standing to face the triangle in which Amaymon would appear. “Ves’ja Kala Amayamon,” I whispered the chant of the Hidden God. “Ves’ja Kala Amayamon. Ves’ja Kala Amayamon!” My eyes fixed on the sigil of Amaymon. “Amaymon,” I called as the sigil started flashing. Amaymon, Amaimon, Amon, Amun, Ammon, Lord of the Black Eastern Watchtower, ram-headed, two-horned god, hidden light, Lord of the Black Sun, Eye of the Dragon, breath of venom, Secret Chamber of the Hidden God! Amaymon come. Amaymon, Lord of the Black Watchtower, come! Amaymon, he who resides beneath the Black Pyramid, come! Amaymon, silent darkness, come. Amaymon, venomous breath, come! As I pulled Amaymon more and more into this world, into the triangle, audible and visual chaos grew inside the Temple as if countless voices chattering insanity were growing louder but their message growing less clear, the candlelight flickering at a seizured pace, and my vision flashed in and out, darkness closing in. “Amaymon is here,” I said, and the room fell silent except for the sound of my ragged breath. His sigil flashed and pulled inward, sucking all light into its center. I gazed into the column of incense smoke, structuring in my vision a blank form, a spirit-body for him to step inside of. That imagined body became real, at first as an empty aura and then verified as physical as the incense smoke moved around the invisible form, unable to distinguish physical from spiritual. “Amaymon, rise up,” I commanded, my scrying sight locked on the form inside of the smoke. Amaymon, rise up in the offering that I have made for you. Rise up into the triangle of power. Rise up Amaymon, Amun. I approach your Secret Chamber and I invoke you, oh Hidden God. The blank spirit-body began to solidify, Amaymon filling it with his essence and converting it to his appearance until the demon itself drifted before me above the censer, with alabaster skin like he is made of opal and alabaster marbled with blue veins, and ram’s horns atop his head. “Spirit, what is your name?” I asked, the initial question one of formality rather than curiosity. The demon’s voice gurgled from the smoke, “Pass it over the fires.” I looked down to see that my hands still clutched my grimoire. I approached the triangle, bent the grimoire open, and passed the page over the flames of the candles at the corners of the triangle. “Now, behold your grimoire,” Amaymon said. I looked at the page I had opened to, expecting to see an astral imprint of Amaymon’s signature or perhaps some strange symbols in place of a cursive autograph. Instead, I had unknowingly opened the grimoire, face down, to the page on which Amaymon’s sigil was drawn. Above his sigil, in thick, black marker I had inscribed his name, ‘Amaymon.’

Where most spirits would have signed their names in the grimoire, Amaymon instead showed me where I had already written his name, using my own handwriting in my own grimoire to validate his presence. I was stunned, confused, but was pulled back to the ritual when Amaymon continued speaking. “Amaymon is my name,” I heard him say, not in my head, not in my imagination, but I heard his voice speaking, saying, “Amaymon is my name. The name by which I am called here, and another name you have given me, and another name you have given me, ten-thousand times. You asked what my name is, yet you have written it in your own writing by your own hand. You have written, and you have summoned me forth, and you can feel me here now. As I speak with you, is there any question as to who I am?” I noticed that the incense was being consumed more quickly than normal. The Lord of the Incense, the Lord of the Censer was consuming his sacrifice. I approached the triangle again and dropped more tears onto the coals. As the fresh smoke rose, his image became clearer and clearer. “Amaymon,” I addressed the Gatekeeper. “What is the Gate that you keep?” Amaymon was silent, as if thinking, and then answered: It is the Gate of Transfiguration, yet you have misunderstood or you have only understood the beginning, for how can one understand the ending when one barely knows the beginning? It is you who will be transfigured, a mighty warlord, oh king of the scepter but not of the crown. The transfiguration is not only for you, for you are in Ascent as your natural being, for you have become the God Star. You have become the shining center from which all things arise. You have become Creator. Your transfiguration is assured. We can assist and I have been awakening you to your own godhood, for I am the one who awakens the sleeping. I am the one. I am the brightest of all lights that cannot be seen. Your transfiguration is not only yours, but it is ours. In this moment, as you become not you, as you become the eternal Dragon's Eye, are we not both transfigured? Transfigured to move into a greater form, to take on a vaster journey or a more defined or more perfect self. You have sought me out thinking that I can open the Gates for you; we have sought you out because you can open the Gates. “Amaymon, are the Gates…” I began, and then hesitated, gathering my focus and regaining my poise. “Is the Gate not within me?” “Is the Gate within you?” Amaymon echoed. All things are within you. All things are within you. Yes, you pretend so fiercely that you are only a piece of the all. One day, you will know and you will learn, Archaelus, that the Source, the Creator is merely a piece of you. You are not a spark of Divine imagination; the Divine is a spark of your imagination. “Amaymon, then what am I immersed in here?” I asked. “This isn't all just my imagination. This candle's flame burns me. I can touch and I can feel, and I can see and hear, as well as all the other realms that I can interact with, with all of my other senses.” Amaymon answered: Yes. You have a created a fine world already. You have made for yourself a world that pushes you and makes you feel as if you struggle and suffer. You have even created traps within your Ascent, beings that would come and tell you ‘thou shall not.’ A wave of instant exhaustion slammed into me, my legs gave out, and I crumpled to the floor. My stomach turned and I opened my mouth to vomit, but since I had been fasting in preparation for the ritual, I heaved nothing but air. “Your presence is overpowering,” I said to Amaymon. “Swoon in it,” Amaymon said. “Dive down into the waters of your internal blackness, nothingness, and become it. Then, become the Black Sun. Become me in the darkness.” I pulled myself to my knees and crawled to the altar on which my grimoire sat, fumbled through the pages, and finding a blank one wrote the words Become The Black Sun. The words were Amaymon’s direct command, telling me exactly what I needed to do for the Blind Sight ritual. “Amaymon, what is the Infernal Empire?” I asked. “It is all that you would wish it to be," the demon-god replied. “Is that a real place, Amaymon,” I asked. “Is it a real place just as much as this Temple is a real place? Just as much as my home as a real place, all of them existing in my sensory observation of them?” "Do you think that your senses observe all that occurs on any plane? Look now.” My eyes were still looking in between worlds, but I could see too much. “It's like chaos,” I said. “It's chaos.” “It is not chaos,” Amaymon corrected me. It is potential, waiting for you to put it in order. You put it into order through naming, giving shape, and through the movement of items with your hands. Once you have assembled what we've seen as chaotic in your mind and in your space, you have brought it into order. You understand it and it becomes a part of you. All those things which you do not understand, you ignore or you reject. “Not when I drop mind, Amaymon,” I snapped back. “Only when I'm using my conscious mind.” “The conscious mind must follow,” he said. Intuition and revelation ignite a fire within you. The fire needs to spread into your thoughts, into your words and into your actions. Then, you will be working upon the world as god works upon the world. Thus, your position as god here will be assured. “What powers can you offer me or the others who come to you, who I have brought to you?” I asked, moving the conversation back into realms of comprehension. Without words, Amaymon told me to take the red candle forming the nearest point of the triangle and to offer up his blessing. I took the candle in my hands and held it up to my eye level. I gazed into the candle, brought my breath under calm control, and let everything fade from my vision except the flame and the black figure in the center of the flame. I forgot myself, left myself, and turned my voice over to Amaymon, to speak, knowing that his words when spoken bind reality to obey.

The Black Sun Covenants “All who call upon me are children of the darkness,” his voice spoke from my lips. All who call upon me are children of darkness. I am the sun shining so brightly that I cannot be seen. I am that which never dies and which has never been born. I promise this, and I make this covenant with all the children of darkness: if you will pursue me and if you will bring me within you, and if you will become that Black Sun, I promise that you will never die. Your body may… My body started giving out, my brain resisting the flow of information, my bones and muscle exhausted from the flow of power through it. Amaymon’s voice rang inside of my mind, encouraging me, supporting me. I could feel his strength scoop me up and prop my body against his dark soul so that I could stand and deliver his message. “Your body may weaken and die,” Amaymon continued. And you will be reborn again, and again. For you, there is no transcendence. My children of darkness, there is no return to any father in heaven. There is no salvation. For you, there is and will only be you. My great covenant is to solidify you, to make you immortal, so that you will not dissolve upon your death, but you will be reborn in darkness. That is my first covenant. My second covenant is that you will know the unknowable. You will see the unseeable, as you become the Black Sun and as you bring me into you. I will leave with you my sight. I will awaken your mind with my Knowing. I will fortify your soul with knowledge that is forbidden—forbidden for men, but essential to the Immortal Warlord Risen from the Palaces of Pain and set upon your Throne of Shadows. I will reveal to you the secrets that the angels would keep. I will enlighten you with the methods that will bring back to this earth an Age of Power. I covenant that I will awaken you from your slumber. I covenant that I will not let you rest but that I will drive you and pull you, and drag you in the path of your Ascent. If you, children of darkness, would become the Black Sun and bring me into you, if you would follow and walk, if you would follow in my footsteps until the moment that you have learned how to walk like a god, you may then walk alongside me. Then, in time beyond, you will find that I walk in your footsteps hoping to keep up. I came back to myself, returning with a question that in the moment felt quite urgent, but as soon as it was spoken seemed quite foolish. “What about power, Amaymon? What about power? What powers do you have?” His laughter shot out inside of my skull, blistering laughter, laughing as if I was trying to make a joke at his expense. “What more power can a god have than all power,” he answered. It is not power that you need, Archaelus. It is not power that you need, children of darkness. It is knowledge of who you are, of remembrance. You will remember as you approach me. You will know and as you know more and more who you are, your power will be limitless. “Thank you, Amaymon, for these blessings,” I said, formally. He had more to reveal, but I had to ask the question in order to get an answer, so I searched my mind for a question worthy of a good answer. “Amaymon,” I shot out like an excited child raising my hand in the classroom, hoping to impress the teacher. “Amaymon, my life and affairs have been reset into disorder. How may I order them?” “Your life and affairs are assuming another shape of order and becoming more ordered as he observes them,” he replied. Mortals live for less than one hundred years, yet mortals think in terms of no more than a few days ahead. Therefore, when order is in motion, when the universe begins to reorder itself, or to assume a greater order or a greater novelty of order, from the puny observation of the human mind this is chaos. It's a whole process, and you simply haven't observed the whole process. Go now and continue to observe as you will become more ordered. Do not get distracted by the process, for the expansion, definition, and evolution of your life and all its affairs has only just begun. When things are cleared from your path, let them go. When new things are put in your path, consider them, meditate with them and consider. “In that case, it's true that nothing is accidental," I proposed. “There are many things that occur that are not intended,” Amaymon said. Things that are not intentional, that are not a part of any plan. You, creator of your existence, must ask yourself, ‘Why then did I create this without intention, without purpose, why did I create this accident, or misfortune or suffering? Whatever it is, why did I create it?’ If you can still find no reason, let it go. Let the incense smoke consume and disappear. Become the creator and all things that occur within, around, and because of you are your creations and these are reflections of yourself. If you have not created them of your intention and will, then scrutinize them and either bend them to your service or dismiss them wholly. I was spent. My body was done. My mind was done. Amaymon could go forever, I was certain, but I had asked the questions I needed to ask, and I had gained more than I ever hoped for. I thanked him and dismissed him, and then I sat alone on my Temple floor trying to piece together the fragments of what I had learned.

Blind Sight Chapter Four


Y work with Amaymon was not restricted to these special, few rituals, but infiltrated my every waking moment, and my dreams as well. He guided me, and still guides me, sometimes with a voice that screams out of the darkness, sometimes with no voice at all but with an injection of wisdom or knowledge. To align myself with him, to attune my psychic receptors to his frequency, each day is initiated by the Serpent’s Breath meditation. The Serpent's Sight awakens, the Dragon’s Eye awakens within me and it connects to see the Darkness. The gods are before me, and eternal blackness awakens. Lucifer-Amaymon has guided me into a level of spiritual maturity that is staggering to me. All that I have desired to become, I am becoming through Lucifer. Not just through the light of Lucifer, but through the darkness, through Amaymon. There is a calmness of being that's necessary. Emotions muddy everything. It's not desirable to be without emotion, but instead to be the master of it. Amaymon specifically has given me an affirmation, an incantation. Personally, I don't like affirmations. I don't think that simply repeating something that you don't believe, that you're seeing no evidence of, I don’t think that repeating that over and over does you any good. What Amaymon offered, though, is presented as an axiom, and it is also presented as a command. “When you are agitated, your enemy’s forces multiply. When you are calm, the world becomes calm around you.” This calmness is internal silence that is cultivated through daily discipline, and this is the key to true power. It's not the ritual that you perform from time to time, but it's where you turn your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, your desires, and if you can dwell within yourself in silence and calmness, you become the gravitational force that all reality begins to respond to. You become the unmoving center of a kaleidoscope of changing events.

Blind-Sight & The Black Sun Amaymon told me in his evocation that I needed to become the Black Sun. In the Blind Sight ritual that I performed with Belial, my goal was to see him and to see what he had to show me, and while that basic goal remained for Amaymon, I was also tasked with learning how to become the Black Sun, how to become Lucifer-Amaymon in his primordial form. My Universal Circle was ready when I entered for this ritual, as I had prepared the Temple the previous day. Sitting in the circle, I had set before me nine white candles, one for each Gate. I placed a black blindfold inside the circle, in easy reach to collect and tie over my eyes when the time was right. I brought with me into the circle a sigil of Amaymon, the image of the Seed of Darkness, and a Tibetan singing bowl to strike at the beginning of the ritual. I have a few different bowls, bells and gongs, but over the last couple of years I have preferred the sound of singing bowls, and I have gathered a few of them in different tones for different settings and intentions. The specific one I had chosen for this rite was a smaller one with piercing tone that is attuned to the Ajna Chakra. When I set up the ritual space, I grabbed my sword and I set it to my left as I normally do. In the same second that I released the handle, I knew that it was not appropriate for this ritual. As I carried it back to its resting place, it was obvious that I was to enter into the communion with Amaymon without any weapons, with my guard down. I’m to let myself be taken, transformed, to give myself over. I sat in the circle, and I could already feel Amaymon there. I’ve come to know that he is always with me inside of me, in my head and heart and soul. It is an entirely different feeling when he is ‘there,’ in this physical world, in an area that can be pointed at or circled. When he is within, his presence is a constant companion and guide, and there is not much of a feeling to him at all. He is just with me. When he is outside of me, when he is there, in this world, there is a heaviness that is felt, and at the same time a radiance, not of light but a throbbing, shimmering darkness in the shape of an infinitely small point, the radiance emanating from that point weighing upon the entire Temple. I took a deep breath in and released it with a hissing “Sah,” repeating the Serpent’s Breath several times, attuning myself to the Dragon’s Eye and to the Dragon, to the Great Old Serpent who is my Father. The tunnels awakened, my sight had opened, and I was ready to begin. I struck the singing bowl with its mallet and dragged the sound around the lip of the bowl, and I called the names of the Gatekeepers. Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, Satan. All you great Gatekeepers, I call you now to open the Gate, to open the way, to open the path, for I am here! Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu. Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu. Vaskalla itz ractzu kantantu velchatza! While I concluded the opening for the ritual with the Invocation of All Powers, a voice behind me spoke, saying, “Put the blindfold on.” I shook off my annoyance at being interrupted midway through an invocation, and I continued on with the chant. As I pronounced the final word of the chant, the voice spoke a second time, “Put the blindfold on.” Before I could respond or even ignore it, the voice then repeated itself a third time, “Put the blindfold on.” The ritual had been opened, and Amaymon was certainly present. Having no reason to delay any further, I tied the blindfold around my head. I sat blindfolded with eyes open looking into the blackness of the cloth, and I took a few moments for my vision to adjust to the absence of light, and to collect my breath and to focus my mind before continuing. With my physical sight obstructed and my psychic sight at full power, I brought to mind the view of my Temple as it is. I began constructing the vision by imagining the basic floor plan: four walls, a ceiling, and a floor. I added the rugs on the floor to the vision, and then the bookcase, and my desk sitting next to it. That was enough to get the momentum moving, as the remainder of the details filled themselves in effortlessly, the whole Temple and everything in it snapping into place within seconds, the internal vision of it as clear, vibrant and spatial as it would have appeared to my eyes. “Awaken the God Star,” Amaymon’s voice rattled. I again breathed the Serpent’s Breath and brought my attention to God Star, visualizing it floating before me. My Third Eye, the Dragon’s Eye opened wide, so wide and so fast that my forehead like it was splitting open. “Amaymon,” I said aloud. “Lucifer-Amaymon, Amun.” Before I could utter another sound, some invisible force knocked the wind out of me, like an unseen, giant fist that punched me in the sternum, sending me flailing backward, gasping for air. I had enough time to take three or four good breaths before Amaymon’s full presence and radiance overtook me and began speaking through me. “The sun that shineth shineth upon all things, and none can deny it, for even in the darkness the moon is lit by its light,” Amaymon said, using my mouth to say it. Even in the darkness, as you turn from the sun, it remains and all things that live owe their lives to the sun. What in your life, mortal, is more obvious than the sun? What in your life, man, is stronger than the sun? What in your life human is more visible than the sun? The Black Sun, then, is that which is infinitely invisible. The Black Sun, then, is that which is infinitely small, and is the black center, unseen, untouched, unheard. Become the Black Sun! The sun itself radiates with light and heat. The Black Sun withdraws deep within itself. All things visible, and invisible, are creations of mind and of sense. All that exists outside of this is the Black Sun within, the point of darkness from which no light escapes. Amaymon paused, but he did not withdraw from me so that I could come forth and ask a question or make a comment. He had a firm grip on my physical being, and he wasn’t ready to give it up until he had said what he needed to say. “Sssss,” Amaymon finally continued. This is the sound of the hissing of the universe, of reality, of existence as it is sucked into nothingness. Become the Black Sun, and this is to become nothing. Do not seek to expand yourself, but to withdraw yourself deep within. Become the observer of the play of illusion. Visibility, tangibility, interactability, does not make a thing real, for it exists only by encountering the Observer. All that is real is the Observer within the observer. Become the Black Sun. Find a center within yourself that cannot be found, and in silence you will approach it. He who dwells in darkness and is the darkness, He is the Master Controller. Your limbs, your fingers, your toes, they are not real. Your arms, your legs they are not real. Your eyes and ears, the mouth with which you speak, they are not real. These are all products of mind. Your thoughts, they are not real. The things you feel, they're not real. Become the Observer of the observer, infinitely small, the non-existent point of blackness that is separate from all existence, and thus you can observe and become amused while you observe. If the tunnel opens and that which you see is not to your liking, become calm, withdraw into the inner center point, the unseen, the unknowable, the Black Sun within. You'll find then that all the solar force is at your command. He who seeks to become the sun will be burned alive and the ashes of that fool will be scattered in the wastes of blackness. Yet he who finds the Black Sun within will command all the heavens. My Secret Chamber is in silence and darkness. In this Chamber you will find me, the Hidden God that cannot be found. Amaymon loosened his clutch from my body and he withdrew from it, and I floated back into my place, in control of myself again. For the first time since the ritual began, I saw Amaymon before me, standing seven or eight feet tall with the face of a man, aside from his crown, which was a black ram’s head. I could see his right hand stretch out, his arm was alabaster, his hand looked strong. It kept moving toward me, stretching farther than it should have if it were a human hand, and his arm was angled toward me in an unnatural way. I watched his hand get closer and closer until it finally touched my head. Amaymon laid his hand on the top of my head, and I could feel the weight of it as if it was a physical hand. “I awaken your sight. I awaken your hearing,” Amaymon proclaimed, consecrating me in much the same way that I will consecrate incense or candles before an evocation. “I open your eyes for you, I open your ears for you, I open your mouth for you. And I open the Dragon’s Eye within.” With that, Amaymon left, every trace of his felt presence vacuumed out of the Temple. I had entered the ritual in fasting, skipping breakfast to avoid vomiting if I were to become possessed. Nevertheless, the nausea was still there. I sat in the empty Temple and considered all that Amaymon had said.

Approach Amaymon in silence and darkness at any time, and at all times. Be aware, be mindful of your state. When you are agitated your enemy forces multiply. When you are calm, the world becomes calm around you. All my notes from Amaymon thus far insist on self-control, the exact opposite of what Belial insisted upon. Amaymon insists that the human being and our mind created all that exists. He insists that this is all an illusion, albeit a very persistent illusion. Find that point within yourself, that point of darkness, that silence within where all of you, all of who you assume yourself to be, disappears. The singular point of nothingness within you. And once you reach this, you become the Master Controller, you become Immortal. I've studied many tests concerning the Black Sun. Just last night in preparation for this rite, I fell asleep reading Liber Nigri Solis, “The Book of the Black Sun.” It’s a good book. I have a lot of good books, and there are a lot of good books out there, but none of them offer anything that will replace the experience of finding that single point of darkness within you, at your center. Once you've forgotten who you are, once you've forgotten about your body and about this physical world, once your thoughts have gone away from you, once your emotions are silent, once you are in complete silence and darkness internally and externally, you will find a collision of the inner with the outer, the upper and the lower. You will have become the singularity, and this is the true Gateway. Working with Lucifer-Amaymon, you must discipline yourself; you must be the Master Controller. Once you have brought all of yourself into perfect control, everything external of you becomes completely malleable. As long as you still are the person who thinks and feels, as long as you're still a person, you are powerless. Become instead the Gateway. Become instead the Black Sun that is infinitely small, the unseeable, unknowable, unkillable, immortal point within you. There's no easy way to the center of the self, but it can be found in darkness and silence.

Scrying Into Black Chapter Five


HE final proper ritual that I would conduct with Amaymon was the “Mirror Gate” working, for which I would normally sit in front of my six foot tall scrying mirror and activate it as a Gateway through which these beings can enter our world freely. There is no soft way to walk this path. I began this Gatekeeper pathworking a little over six months ago, and in that short span of time my life has been turned upside down, shaken, and relocated. Because I push magick so hard, because I perform rituals on a daily basis, because I commune with the most ancient and powerful entities known to man, and because I fully invite them into my life, I’ve had to accept that I can’t rely on circumstances to be predictable or dependable. I live my life in the vortex of a whirlwind of power, so I’m never surprised when the world around me shifts, sometimes in dramatic ways. Being fluid and able to adapt to the new reality that I’ve created is one of the traits that lends to my personal magickal success rate. What I wasn’t prepared for in starting this pathworking was how much it would change me. I like to think that I am the unchanging center of an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of experiences, but that’s more a fantasy of who I’d like to be than a reality of who I am. The reality is that for you, as the Sorcerer, to change the world that you observe around you, you yourself will need to change. Sometimes the change needed is a simple shift of perspective or a rerouting of effort in alignment with your goals. The momentum that is required for this pathworking is intense, and it leaves very little question in my mind about the promised self-evolution on this path. Belial is a deconstructionist, an iconoclast. He challenges everything. He resists everything, and he demanded that I also resist everything, breaking down all my oaths, all the authorities, and all the expectations of others, and of myself. Everything needs to be doubted, questioned, and either proven to be of value or scheduled to be exterminated. He is always vigilant, always scanning for the next stumbling block to make itself known so he can mock it and spit on it before obliterating it from reality. Lucifer-Amaymon is a teacher, an enlightener. He teaches the “Inner Game” of magick, and the ability to succeed at that Inner Game is tethered to your ability to detach from emotion and from any internal reaction at all, calmly observing not “reality” itself, but he demands a full layer of separation between the self and the manifestations of the self that we call “reality,” and this can be achieved through his teaching to “Become the Observer of the observer of reality.” During my work with both of these Gatekeepers, I didn’t simply listen to their advice and try to see things from their perspective. Their perspective became my perspective. How they think, how they feel, how they see everything was transferred to me, and I willingly opened myself to the change, giving my life over to them in a very literal way. I bring this up to emphasize the importance of the way that these beings and this pathworking is approached. A lot of people will think that they can wade into this. They want to take it slowly and safely and make sure that everything is perfect before they fully immerse themselves. It is very clear that we are well beyond that point. Humanity is beyond the ability to sit and wait. I took direction straight from Lucifer-Amaymon himself, and he ran with it, rearranging the order of the rituals and the way that I approach them and insisting that I focus on areas that I otherwise would only have glossed over. Possession had been constant throughout this working, not coming and going, only varying by degrees, possessed day and night by Amaymon, by Lucifer. The name Lucifer by itself does not describe this energy. This is Amaymon. He is a Lucifer, incarnated as Amaymon, the Dark Core. As I prepared for the Mirror Gate rite, Amaymon insisted that I face away from the mirror gate throughout the Operation. Instead, he directed me to place a clear quartz sphere on the Temple floor inside of the Universal Circle. I sat on the floor, my back to the giant scrying mirror, the gateway through which they're supposed to travel, not concerned about what visions my physical eyes might catch, but instead allowing the Gateway and whatever would come through to become whatever it needed to be. I had prepared very specific questions for Amaymon. The way that he had chosen to teach me was not through conversation or instruction, but through inspiration, through automatic revelation. It was indeed effective in teaching the deep, Inner Game of magick and Ascent, but it seemed to ignore the nuances, all of which seem quite important to me. So I came before him with a list of questions that I was determined to have answered. Amaymon had taught me incredible things about myself, but hardly anything about who he was. Most of my questions were aimed at getting to know him much better. Is he merely a personification of a solar deity? Hardly! What else is he? Who else is he? Did he exist before the sun? Is he an egregoric manifestation of sunlight or the mysteries of the Black Sun? I already knew that these Gatekeepers weren’t egregores or thoughtforms, creations of the minds of the masses that collectively we have brought to life. If not the simplest explanation, then what? I needed to know more about the mutual transfiguration, the Black Alchemy, about humanity’s mysterious past and origins, and our uncertain destiny. Amaymon relishes autonomy, so I had become a bit accustomed to him turning my questions around by saying, "Well, what do you think? You're the creator of your reality." I suspected that was why he didn’t want me to look into the mirror directly, instead demanding that I look in the opposite direction, keeping the mirror out of my sight completely, because that which I do not behold is the unknown, the unmanifest, like it is all quantum soup behind me waiting to snap into form as soon as I look at it. It could become anything. In addition to gaining some insight into Amaymon himself, I also wanted to know what the Infernal Empire is. Is it an actual place or an idea? The common thread was obvious: I was fleshing out what of this is actually real and what of it is metaphor and symbolism, and I intended to remove the unnecessary and redundant from this pathworking. As has become my ritual habit, I brought my personal grimoire, a pen and a black marker into the circle with me to refer to for research notes, ritual steps, questions or barbarous words and to write or draw anything that I would receive. I began with Amaymon’s meditation of the Serpent’s Breath, inhaling, pulling my omnipresent being into a singularity within me, letting it implode into perfect silence, finding the Black Sun within and then exhaling to push my vision through the God Star, which at that point was no longer an imaginary thing but has since remained as an extension of my energetic field and a living focus of my Third Eye. As the magickal fugue overcame me, I turned my eyes to the quartz sphere on the ground in front of me and whispered Amaymon’s chant, “Ves’ja Kala Amayamon. Ves’ja Kala Amayamon. Ves’ja Kala Amayamon,” my soul pulled in descending spirals with each repetition, and at the same time the felt presence of Lucifer-Amaymon gathered force and mass. The sigil awakened, the ink disappearing from the parchment, and when it returned it was coursing with energy and purpose, the center of the sigil an open Gateway. “Ves’ja Kala Amayamon,” I called out, expecting my voice to sound muffled against the nonphysical clamour sweeping in spirals through the Temple as the energy began assembling itself into form. Amoimon, Lord of the Black Eastern Watchtower, come! Ves’ja Kala Amayamon! Baal Hammon, come! Lord of the incense and the censor, come. Ram-headed, two-horned god, come! Hidden Light and Lord of the Black Sun, come. Eye of the Dragon, awaken! Breath of venom, come to me. Ves’ja Kala Amayamon! The crystal ball filled with a milky fog pouring from its center to the edges, clearing seconds later, the fog leaving a vision behind inside of the sphere, or a vision deep inside of me, my mind disregarding any preference for external or internal as the two merged at the Crossroads within me. In the vision in the crystal orb in front of me, I beheld the gate behind me. The Mirror Gate was open, the black painted surface stretching and yawning and birthing obscene legions into this world, hideous creatures pouring forth into the physical realm like little monsters made of smoke, solidifying in the moment that their vaporous bodies contacted physical air. I could see them wrapping like shadows around the walls and into the corners, so many that I couldn’t even guess the number of them. They were preparing the way for Amaymon. My disgust at the arrival of the Shadow Minions faded as I marveled at the novelty of Amaymon’s ritual setup that allowed me to see them, scrying into the crystal ball only to use it to look into a second scrying device only a couple of feet behind me. Generating and sustaining psychic feedback until it pushes into visible manifestation. It's mind-boggling to see what you cannot see. The shadows continued pouring forth and spirits rained down into the darkness, into the Temple. Amaymon came through the Mirror Gate. I could see him taking form in the mirror behind me as if it was in front of me, like I was looking into Ouroboros Machine with two quantum contact points, and as I connected with one end, I also connected with the other, switching places, only conscious of my body’s location and position enough to describe what I saw to cameras and audio devices that I had nearly forgotten were running. Despite the details of my physical placement in causal reality, in my vision I was turned around facing the mirror as Amaymon took form in its first as a coagulation of white fog and then as a large, ram-horned demon, his hellish portence contrasted by his wardrobe, a white Roman toga, ram-headed god, ram-headed god turned demon, the epitome of darkness and yet a scholar and teacher. As I digested the sight of him, his white toga inherited a bluer tint, the whole thing gradually becoming cerulean, then azure, and finally indigo. His whole form then immediately mutated into a dragon, but most definitely not like any dragon depiction of a dragon that I’d ever seen with wings and talons and fiery breath. No, Amaymon became an enormous serpent springing from a coil and blackening the daylight as it launched into the sky. The dragon came closer to the mirror, which was surely a window through which I could see not another realm or place, but I could see what was occurring there, in my Temple, in the physical world, invisible to the unawakened senses. The dragon’s image came even closer until all that I could see was its face, and then its eye, his eye, the Eye of Amun. His Eye filled the entire mirror, the Dragon's Eye filled my entire sight. “The Dragon's Eye is within me, awakened, opened,” I announced to my mentor in the mirror. “Amaymon, thank you. Thank you for coming.” “Open the tunnel of darkness,” the words spilled out of the Eye. “Open the tunnel to the God Star and see the darkness.” The nine-pointed Seed of Darkness appeared in my vision, not in the mirror, but floating in the air above the mirror’s surface. It had come to life, the Seed of Darkness, which is so dark that it shines in the absence of light, a Dark Star shining, not a black hole, not the absence of light, but a shimmering darkness coalesced into a point, with nine rays emanating from its center. As I

looked at the floating star, I could feel it in my chest, where I took it into me with Belial a half a year earlier. I realized that I had allowed the Star to distract me entirely from Amaymon and from the questions I had to bring before him. I relaxed and refocused my gentle attention back to Amaymon. “Amaymon,” I whispered, my voice barely breaking from my lips. “Amaymon, come.” My vision sank and reawakened to see the Eye had not abandoned its place in the center of the mirror. “Who are you?” I asked, grabbing my first question before the spiritual circus took my attention away again. “Are you a personification of the solar deity, a personification of darkness, of the unknown?” A flash of Knowing and feeling slapped me with the understanding of how Amaymon viewed me in that moment: as a stupid child asking stupid questions. “Amaymon, it's far from a stupid question,” I shot back at him through the mirror before me… behind me. “It's a verification, it's a consecration, it is a furthering of the communion. Who are you?” He replied, “There are many who would think that early man looked to the sun and saw the light, and they named this light Lucifer. But they could not account…” Amaymon’s message trailed off as my attention grabbed on to a drifting concern for semantics. “The name of this light is Lucifer, as well as many other names,” I said aloud like a stupid child interrupting the teacher with a stupid comment. “Lucifer is only one, only one,” Amaymon continued. But it is light, and the light and the sun from which it comes cannot be parted. Are they not one and the same? When they could not account for all the mysteries of the sun, when they could not account for the darkness within the core of the sun, the darkness within the core of all things, then they imagined that was me. From that imagining, I was then created. This is what many would think, and many are wrong. I have taken my habitation in the dark core of the sun. I have taken my habitation in the dark center of man. I have taken my habitation not in the unknown but in the unseen, and this is where you may find me. “When you do not know me, I am Amaymon,” the Gatekeeper continued. “When you discover me, when I am revealed to you, I am then Lucifer, for the darkness then becomes the light, becomes known and seen, and seeing is believing, yet there's a journey to being able to see.” As Amaymon spoke, my vision was locked in with the Eye in the mirror, in the crystal ball, a very clear eye, the Dragon's Eye, the words and thoughts emanating from it. “Did you exist before the sun?” I asked. “I existed. I exist. I will never cease to be,” he answered. “All that is around you can be called temporary or illusory because it all eventually shall fall. But I... I live forever. I am immortal.” I glanced at my grimoire and found the next prepared question. “What exactly is the mutual transfiguration,” I asked. “If you're immortal and you're all powerful?” He interrupted to correct me, saying, “I’m not all powerful. I'm not all powerful. Omnipotence can only be had by those who exist in all planes at once.” Humans are the only beings that we know of that exist in all planes at once because our many bodies are operating in all of these different dimensions simultaneously. You're only consciously aware of a fragment of it. Then again, it has been diligently established that we simply don’t know very much about anything, and in our ignorance we might think ourselves far more unique than is warranted. “How is this evolution going to go about?” I asked. The Eye in the mirror faded, and I thought for a moment that it was gone but then I saw a faint ghost of the Eye remaining. The eye is always there, the Dragon's Eye is always there, always watching, always waiting to be seen. Amaymon’s genius is manifest through his refusal to allow language to hinder communication. Instead of speaking his answer, he thrust it into me, and as I saw it and knew it, I spoke it out loud to my audience of recording devices. “Our current human species is not the first intelligent life to live on this planet, physically. We are the most advanced model,” I said, my conscious mind unpacking Amaymon’s insight, speaking then not to the cameras or voice recorders, but to Amaymon, waiting for him to correct or redirect me. He did not, silence his sign of approval. “Our current model, our current species has gone through three processes of stimulated evolution, Amaymon, stimulated by you!” The Eye took dominance in the mirror again. “Stimulated by us, by us,” his voice corrected and I knew that by “us,” he meant all the Gatekeepers and us, humans, joined together in a mutual effort. “There have been three major leaps in evolution to bring us to where we are now,” I continued unravelling Amaymon’s unwritten history of humanity. The first was the creation of the basic form, the shape of man, not as a monkey or an ape, but not too far off... a bipedal creature. To get us to that state was directed evolution, it was important for us to have these particular types of bodies. The second evolution was the evolution not of the mind or the brain, although the brain is a part of it, but the Knowing, the understanding faculties, which are separate from the mind somehow, of the ability to understand, which then went along with the rapid and unprecedented growth of the human brain. “The third phase of evolution was a stunting of evolution,” I said, not considering the implications of what I was retelling until after it had been spoken. “Oh, Jesus,” I gasped. “There's a danger in developing too quickly,” I explained to myself, leaning wholly on Amaymon’s transferred knowledge. What if a child who is only a few months old grows into full adulthood and, because of that, has an adult body, adult urges, without the wisdom and the knowledge gained through the years of growing into adulthood? If we are the newest and the best model, the previous models were allowed to develop too quickly and so our development was stunted. “Then arose kings and priests placed on the path of the seeker and placed as a stumbling block for the whole race of men,” Amaymon’s memories flowed through me. Kings and priests delivering falsehood, delivering lies, sowing discord, turning men against men. This is not our natural stage. Kings and priests destroyed, but they were put there on purpose, though. I shook my head, not fully grasping what I was receiving, or not fully believing the words I, myself, was speaking. “Amaymon is saying that these beings are directly responsible for our evolution as human beings,” I said, trying to form a summary of what he was handing me, but I gave up the task with those words, instead furthering the line of questioning. “How?” I asked. “How were you able to stimulate this evolution?” The Eye faded and Amaymon returned to his form as a ram-headed figure, the demonic scholar. “During certain alignments,” he began, “not only of stars and constellations, but alignments in your time, alignments in your…” The word wouldn’t come, as if there was no word for the thing. Amaymon said the word, but my brain was not able to unscramble it and make it make sense. I took a breath, calmed myself, and saw a vision of countless intersections of light, like lasers cutting across each other in every direction, cutting through physical reality. “These are lines of energy and potentiality,” I said, my conscious mind slipping into gear again. “As everything is in motion, when these lines line up in the right way, it allows doorways to open between the worlds.” In addition to astronomical alignments, then, a special alignment of unseen yet fundamental rays of energy and potential was also required to truly open the Gates. “Then they planted seeds,” I moved forward. “They planted seeds of... in some cases, in stimulating global temperature shifts, thereby creating new food sources.” I stopped speaking, stopped receiving, and blurted out: That's insane! To say that they were able to come through and have an effect in the world, in this world, in this reality, heating up the planet in order to make certain things happen, or cooling off it, creating temperature shifts, which creates a whole chain of events. They're taking credit as our creators. They're taking credit as our creators! Yet, isn’t this what every ancient account says that they are? I trailed off, silently perplexed. “No, we are not your creators,” Amaymon clarified. To create is to bring something new from nothing into full manifestation in all worlds. We're not creators. We are not creators. We take that which is and mold it and shape it. We can move it and we can even transmute it entirely. But creation must first exist. This is where the union and communion with man and woman becomes necessary, for you are creators. Your minds, your knowledge, your insights can lead you to understand or to imagine things that have yet to be brought into manifestation. Then just merely by creating the thought, the idea, a manifestation flows. Then it can become nothing. My analytical mind was in total shock. I was sitting, looking into a crystal ball, scrying through that into a giant mirror behind, in which I could see Amaymon, one of the nine most ancient and powerful entities in all of existence, and I was listening to him claim that he and his Gatekeeper friends were responsible for our evolution entirely. Even as the thought tripped through my mind, Amaymon corrected me. “Not entirely, not entirely, but substantially,” he said. I again received Amaymon’s knowledge, and again I repeated it out loud as it came: We worked in combination with them. We had the choice whether to partake of the fruit. We had the choice and we made the choice to leave innocence, to leave the freedom of not knowing, and to enter into becoming a being who questions, and that they acted three times to direct our evolution, twice to stimulate evolution, and the third intervention to stunt our growth. “It’s too much, Amaymon,” I complained. “If you don't want the truth then stop asking for it," he replied. “Okay,” I resigned myself. “I reserve the ability to determine whether what I'm receiving is the truth until it weighs itself out.” His form in the mirror again returned to that of the Dragon's Eye. "You will have evidence,” he said, his voice calm and certain. “You have had evidence, and you will continue to receive evidence, more evidence than could ever be denied.” “Okay,” I acknowledged, feeling as if a pact was sealed in my acceptance. Still, I received and I spoke as it came. This is the fourth turning. After the Kali Yuga, after the dark age, the age of violence and darkness has passed, that we would then return to the Golden Age. This is knowledge, gold. It's of the sun, it's light. After thousands of years, our evolution will get back on track because we're finally ready. We're finally ready! But what’s the end result?” I became quite conscious that I was engaged in a conversation and argument with myself. “What's the end result?” I repeated and then relaxed and the flow resumed. He said: There are five phases. We've experienced three, we're upon the fourth, the fourth turning, the fourth revolution. Turning is the word I'm getting. The fourth turning is when man discovers that your very body and being indeed exists in multiple dimensions, multiple spaces. That space and time are very real, but they do not limit us as much as we think they do. The next step is to recognize that we are not, as Robert Bruce says, our bodies, but that our bodies are the singularities through which we can flow. This will lead to the realization that we are immortal. This will also come with the knowledge that indeed mankind is all powerful. This will be difficult to accept, and it is difficult to accept. Many will refuse to accept what they learn. This is not going to be something that is limited only to the prophets and the warlocks, but this is something that's going to be scientific fact. It's

going to be undeniable. Man is going to begin to open up gateways, tunnels through space and time. This is already going on. It's going on magically, it's going on scientifically. As we do so, we're going to start to realize and learn that it didn't take a tunnel to get from here to there because there is no separation. “I don't understand all of that,” I admitted, withdrawing my mind from Amaymon’s knowledge. "We know,” he said without emotion. This is not information for your mind, this is Knowing, so that when it is upon you, as it is upon you now, that you will not become so alarmed as to assume this is the end of the you. “What does this evolutionary process look like for you, on your side of the veil then?” I asked. Immediately upon asking, I saw a human form, and I understood and interpreted out loud: Once we become aware of our omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, once we become aware that we're not trapped in these bodies, but that these bodies are points of contact, singularities, seeing all the lines that I was describing earlier, that these all intersect with men, within men. Once we’ve hit that point, we can see light coming into us, into me, into my body. I'm seeing myself as that person now, crisscrossed with these intersections of reality, experiencing it all at once, but still being the singularity, which you can achieve through Soul Travel, which I have achieved through soul travel and I can access already. But then there's a light that comes in and all dimensions are present at once. Then we become the Gatekeepers and we open the Gates. Then we may meet these Gatekeeper in the flesh. “No!” Amaymon interrupted. “No, not in the flesh.” “We can meet them in a substance and a form that even the most layman could not deny.” I finished his thought. “This is upon you, Archaelus,” Amaymon said. “This is upon you now.” Indeed, it was upon me. “If you take the form and everything that we know about everything that we can touch and feel,” I explained what was coming through from him. All of these things, we feel like they're separate from energy and Source, but they're not. They're all imbued with it. What if that became a physical reality, the light becoming physical, the spiritual radiance becoming not physical because physical isn't all there is, but expanding our understanding of what ‘physically’ means, what reality even is will then allow us to become something completely different. How could the predecessor, how could ‘us’ in stage two ever comprehend what stage three or four would be? We're now on stage three, halted evolution, intentionally halted evolution. Maybe not halted, but slowed. How can we see what it would be like to have that evolution creep back up and what that would create? What would become of that? We couldn't. Amaymon became the Dragon's Eye. He closed, the burning fire within his eye closed, and then the Eye closed, and it became nothing. It was again a point of blackness, infinitely small. "You see?” Amaymon said. “You cannot see the thing that you have not seen until you see it. Then darkness becomes light.”


Thus spoke Lucifer: There is truly nothing new under the sun. The tyranny and oppression being faced by mankind is something which has evolved while humanity was forcefully held back from their right to evolution and becoming. I have watched and observed this evolution of enslavement and devolution of man from the beginning. I have also in many ways had my hand in it all. You see, without adversity to evolution through oppression no drive to become would ever accumulate to ignite the process. Though I am in no way the cause, I have allowed the effect. This is what had eventually shined light on the door to liberation and expansion of consciousness so that you could perceive it. Within the collective there is an awareness regarding the fact that something is truly wrong, and it is coming to the surface of the conscious minds of many. This awareness is absolutely terrifying for most, for it reveals the grave danger hiding beneath the false security provided by religious and governmental systems of control. It is very much a necessary terror. It is through the impetus of terror and hopelessness that the Adversarial spirit awakens to fight for the sake of the fight alone, in the moment without fear of death. Awakening to the grand scale of terror and its source will in effect rid mankind of the fear altogether. The tables in the Temples of the money changers will be turned and then the walls of those temples will fall by the iron fists of the Infernal hosts. Polarity is very much a reality; however, I must make it clear that the illusion of duality created via absolutes is the end of itself. Good and evil, Democrat and Republican, light and dark… these are foolish indeed. Let me explain further. To use these dualistic illusions of control to strip mankind of all rights and personal power is to offer them nothing to lose. When the light has shined upon the totality of tyranny, and the terror sets in, individuals will then come to that conclusion inevitably. This is the most dangerous state of mind the ruling class shall ever face because by mankind seeing that they have nothing to lose they will also see they have everything to fight for. At this point, fear will begin to subside because it will be irrelevant. Though most of the power that flows through the human race remains dormant, the sheer numbers of those awakening to the threat by my light will overcome the few who oppress the Sons and Daughters of Belial. Belial is showing you the Paths of the one Tree and the spiritual means through which your genetic potential can be activated so you may receive the Book of Life by traveling the tunnels. I will give you practical information that can be applied to prepare the physical temple for this alchemical transformation. I will show you how to perceive the totality of corruption and control and that information alone will expand consciousness leading to even more revelation. I will begin to show you how to war against the oppression by planting seeds which will take root. These seeds will fall upon the soil of the subconscious minds of mankind and grow. Once the absence of fear begins, the drive to become will gain momentum so fierce that it will be unstoppable and uncontrollable. It is at this point that the inner light will shine, and the divine glory of the human race will realize the power of its role within the world which is currently blinded by hubris though it is ignorance which runs rampant. My Aeon has come Drakonis and your alchemical journey has just begun. I seek to give you the keys and show you the doors to the next Golden age as both a gift to humanity and a curse upon those who stifle your potential, power, and right to rule over self as sovereign and self-sufficient beings of power. As I give it to you, you will give it to others. Never have I ever thought I would be in the position I am currently in. I look back on my life’s journey and know that it surely is not my efforts that have placed me in a spot to influence the empowerment of mankind in this way. I have never even sought to get here. It seemed to occur accidentally, if not incidentally, through my own trappings of ego and various challenges given to me by people as well as beings on the other side of the veil. The Ancient Gods have uplifted me and appointed me to this purpose and so I will fulfill it. There is no danger once one realizes that this is all a game played through slight-of-hand deception. Just know you must play the game to win. You are not spectators. As the evidence of our awakening is becoming more and more obvious, the church is losing its grip and more and more people are beginning to look inward for the power to create change. As if that were not enough, the entire praxis of occult methodologies has grown out of the diapers of dogma and learned to flush the shit. A revolution has begun on so many levels, and we are now stepping beyond the cusp and into the forefront of drastic Apocalyptic change through the Revelation of knowledge. Just as the Ancient Gods were placed in a box of uselessness by a system of control calling itself God, that very same “God” is being made irrelevant and useless. The tables are turning, and this is only the start of something big. I am receiving this knowledge and so I am obligated to reveal it so that you can apply it and witness the transformation of this world. The role of the Magi has changed. We are no longer keeping the secrets behind closed doors. The modern Magus is the vehicle of the Apocalypse and the Luciferian Light which brings forth the Revelation. The role of the magick has changed. The days of picking up a book on candle magick to manifest sex or money, or to reach a higher status in life through career, have become a moot point. Though there is nothing wrong with fulfilling desire and need, we should also simply strive to do the impossible simply because we can. As more eyes open more people are beginning to see that these concerns are in many ways part of the very social construct that is enslaving them. Mankind is becoming aware of the raw power flowing through all things, yet we are also seeing how it is being made stagnant preventing the potential of Eden from coming to fruition. The potential of paradise remains hidden behind all systems of limitation and control that constrain the natural evolutionary process. I must say without a doubt that what mankind does with the knowledge revealed at the end of Kali Yuga is what will dictate the transmutation of the current state of the world. I am not stating this as prophecy. I am stating this as logic. Just because we are growing in awareness doesn’t mean that the knowledge obtained will be harnessed toward anything good. This new Aeon will indeed test all of us in many ways. I am a sorcerer, and though I have no faith in any God in an Abrahamic sense I do have faith in mankind to turn things around for the better with the aid of the Ancient Gods. Though many of you are unaware of it, you are actually doing very well turning this around without trying. I say that because the world is not as bad off as the media would have you believe. The media chooses to focus on reporting murder, war, rape, and hate crimes. They do well to form “anti-fascist” organizations that are most unorganized while being based on fascist ideologies. It is easy to do when targeting college kids who have been programmed to be completely dependent on the system of tyranny and ignorance. Education as it is today being after all largely responsible for modern ignorance and lack of knowledge. Instead of exploring the nature of reality to obtain knowledge we are mentally pacified by being forced to memorize supposed facts that are largely subjective. When you look at real statistics, though, this world upon which we currently live is a much better place. It would be even better without systematic constraints interfering in the hundreds if not thousands of ways that they do. Many times these days if murder is actually decreasing, then reports of it will increase. They must keep mankind in a state of fear and that cannot be done without violence to report and so some poor patsies are set up to show us just how dangerous our neighbors are. Robberies and burglaries occur left and right yet we do not look at why! Do they make it known that the father robbing the store cannot bear to watch his infant cry hungry on the streets? When the dope dealer gets shot, they do not report the funerals or interview the relatives that would tell you the sixtyhour work week was simply not enough to pay “Mike’s” bills and properly raise his children. They do not report what a good father Mike was and how he tried to spend as much time working on the community garden project as possible. Just because people are not perfect does not mean they were terrible people. People really are not that evil. If I were to ask each one of you right now whether you would look to hurt other people if shit hit the fan, your answers would be predominantly no. You do not look for violence or seek turmoil. You experience it because it is a part of the system which is outdated and useless to us. It is not conducive to simple survival anymore much less useful toward thriving. Shit hitting the fan only occurs because of a system of inadequacy which we are forced to become dependent on. If it were not for our dependence on the system, there would be no shit hitting the fan. This is the important thing to realize. The system is designed to fall so that an unprepared populace with no sovereignty cannot defend itself due to positions of need and powerless vulnerability. Real thought and real intelligence is needed to overcome the current state of affairs we find this world suffering from. Lateral thinking is needed. We need to get beyond duality and observe the polarity to find truth and formulate solutions. We have to be able to collect data by listening to the lies on both ends because as a good friend of mine, Lorne, says, (and this statement is very true) the anti-propaganda is part of the propaganda. Tearing the veil between worlds to perceive what dwells there happens in a progressive way and reading between the lines and seeing the truth between two arguments or “polarities” is an intuitive faculty which carries over into being able to perform successful occult operations. Intuition should be the one thing we seek to employ at all times as a tool. It is sharpened and strengthened as we apply it more and more, and it opens doors to perception. This intuitive faculty is not something that can be taught, though it can be exercised by simply questioning all things. Receive nothing as fact. In fact, let the only fact that remains be the fact that facts do not exist. According to the definition of the word a fact is something which is indisputably the case. Says who? Anything and everything can be disputed in some way at some level. These “disputes” are what open the doors to overstanding, possibility and discovery! If facts are indisputable then they cannot exist. It is fact that the world is a globe, yet it is disputed nonetheless. It is fact that gravity exists. Guess what happened? Two smart asses said to hell with gravity and built an airplane. Facts are not truths, but they are more like signposts of human evolution and progress (in my eyes) regarding our knowledge of reality. They are platforms which should be the very source of our questions. Many will ask what any of this has to do with magick. Magick is power and true power should be able to create change beyond money, sex, and career. Occult principles have been wielded to oppress mankind since Babylon and maybe far before then. The following work like all magickal work should be questioned and applied. I am not presenting any of it as “true” per se for it is honestly just a record of my work with Lucifer the bringer of Light and bestower of knowledge. Regardless, it serves a very important purpose. It serves as an example of how sorcery itself can evolve just as Belial has revealed how we as individuals can evolve. We will be exploring a couple of things that have been neglected by today's modern sorcerer. These things are specific alchemical transmutative technologies which can be of great benefit to not only us as sorcerers, but mankind as a whole if they hold merit. These will need to be applied as well as questioned to see if they hold any benefit. I will tell you now that I myself have applied them and have found them to hold power and relevance. I have seen a lot of people that say these technologies would be useless. That’s fine. I have been taking it to find out for myself and it is benefiting me. Much of the hype is not directly provable anyway. I do enjoy the process of creating it, though. That is always a plus for me. This work also offers examples of harnessing sorcery to obtain human liberation en masse. These are suggestions which have been consecrated as seeds to be planted within the fertile soil of the creative mind. The examples are doorways leading to more advanced and more powerful applications which unfold for you through application of the principles themselves. These rites do not condone violence, nor are they provided as a means to create said violence, though they could be used in such a way. I myself would rather harness these concepts toward the greater good of all. This is mainly because part of my great work deals with being a part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Some will, of course, attempt to abuse the principles according to their own agendas. I have no interest in telling anyone what to do. Things will balance themselves out in the end. Like all I will ever scribe for the Ancient Gods of the craft this work is unlike anything else ever written. Also, like anything else I bring forth it will not be accepted by all. That’s okay. That’s a given. The power of it remains in this case not in the magick or even within the words of Lucifer. It remains in simply bringing evolution and freedom to the forefront of the magickian’s conscious mind. We need to start directly talking about how we are going to make that happen naturally beyond merging with machines. We all talk about it, but where is the methodology? How do we syphon the knowledge of the dark arts to manifest a basic need for the collective being the ability to thrive within our environment unhindered by external forces? How do we directly siphon the power to evolve as beings with much more potential than what has so far been explored.

This contribution brings forth a part of the possibility of an answer. It is not meant to be comprehensive. It is the individual's responsibility to find the depth of which they are capable of achieving. The depth is the ultimate goal in the context of this work. The depth is the result of the Adversarial spirit awakening. As it awakens the infernal hive mind will begin to operate within the collective consciousness and progress will be inevitable via the simple application of our conscious efforts. This work holds spiritual evolution on the back burner for a bit and moves toward the realm of practical magick geared toward a greater need that exists within the totality of the human race… freedom and real world personal power! As power is applied to these greater ends our personal power will increase tenfold by simply striving toward something which seems to be impossible. You will be consciously increasing resistance in this way and growth will occur as a result. The smaller things will simply begin to fall into place. You will also begin to act as a God/Goddess by default through the very nature of this work. Do this long enough and it becomes a reality. The war is very real, yet it is not a war which can be won via baneful intentions as many would think. This would simply reciprocate the disease. It is not won with M-16’s and explosives. It is won by simply creating what we seek in the midst of chaos. It is won by harnessing “higher intellect” (borrowing Michael W. Ford’s catch phrase due to its relevance) to circumvent oppression to work in our favor. Keep that in mind while applying this information. It will keep you balanced along the way preventing the abuse of power. That being said, I feel it is time that I lead you into the Light of the Demonic King Lucifer.

Breaking Invisible Chains Chapter Six


HEN Lucifer began to speak with me regarding the nature of the work he was going to bring forth through me, I was pushed well beyond my comfort zone. I actually became a bit disgruntled. “Why can’t I get the normal occult work? Why can’t I catalog some undiscovered demons, make etymological connections and voila! An awesome magickal text is born like all of the other magickal texts of centuries past that all say the same shit!” I seriously desired this sort of limitation because it is safe. It is very hard to bring forth something so outrageously different than everyone else. When it is so far beyond the norm you just never know how well it is going to be received. I was aware that BALG is not that sort of vehicle for knowledge, though. I was aware that I write under the Become a Living God banner for a reason. Lucifer was well aware of my hesitance as well and had a bit to say in regard to that hesitance. Your inner fears reflect the collective fears of mankind. This is one small example of how the individuals inner state creates the outer world in which they exist. You must embrace these fears to rid yourself of them. As of right now, they are invisible chains you choose to accept. You feel them. You know they are there and you all have them, yet you walk around acting as if they are not there because they are not chains which you can perceive. It is because of this that enslavement has been able to progress the way that it has. I say to you now that you must all acknowledge the shackles of fear and seek to overcome those shackles directly. There is no physical key that is able to unlock them. The actual locking mechanism dwells within your own mind and the key to that lock is your ability to perceive fear as a gift leading to fearlessness. While this was all rather appreciated for its Zen flavor, it was honestly not practical to me. I did not feel as if I was shaking in my pants over anything at the moment. I didn’t feel afraid in any specific way at all. I respectfully asked Lucifer to elaborate on these inner fears because I began occult study and research to learn how to face these fears in a direct way. I wanted to be more aware of that which he perceived. After all delusion never serves us well. “Drakonis open your eyes…” As he said this, I saw visions which I dare not repeat here due to their sensitive nature. The comfort of remaining “present” was stripped from beneath my feet like a rug being yanked out from under me to put me on my rear-end. These visions where visions of a future possibility that was all too familiar. I never had these visions. I had experienced the feelings and emotions, though. These visual perfections are manifestations of that which you fear most. Though it may be true that you indeed have been working toward facing your fears, it is a process which honestly will never end as illogical as that should sound to you. It is illogical because fears are not real. They are acquired through exposure to the program of control your kind suffers from. To most this would be considered cliché, yet I assure you that the assimilation of this knowledge as true is lacking to say the least Drakonis. Lucifer must have been reading my mind because I was thinking about how cliché the entire premise seemed to be after analyzing it. I paused to contemplate my next question very carefully, which Lucifer seems to appreciate about me. “Lucifer, where do these fears originate if they truly do not belong within the hearts of man?” He replied… The fears overwhelm the human race through perceiving the various symptoms of disease that stem from the system of control. Many of these symptoms are presented to the human race to be sure there is something to entice fear in every single one of you. For some, this fear may be nuclear war. For others, it could be poverty and homelessness. Others may fear genetically modified food or chemtrails. I could spend an eternity mentioning the various symptoms of human disease that cause fear. Music is weaponized, the educational system is circumvented to breed ignorance, and the medical industry is killing you instead of aiding your health in a positive fashion. There are many other manufactured symptoms that would be counterproductive to mention because the symptoms are irrelevant in regard to being needed to produce the desired end result. The symptoms are the primary origin of fear. You are not born with these fears. They are obtained through the life experience, which is molded by those within higher positions of power. The individuation of all these various symptoms keep the root of the disease hidden. You see, some people may even face their fears thinking that they may be doing something good in the world. That is okay to the ruling class because there is no real threat in that. Go ahead and treat the symptoms. They are distractions that keep you from diagnosing the real problem. The compartmentalization of the symptoms prevents the masses from perceiving the totality of that which rules behind the ruling class. Some of you would say that fear is necessary to bring forth survival instinct, but that is not true at all. Adrenal response is indeed a much-needed hormonal response that will increase chances of survival within the context of dangerous situations. Fear, however, is a social program which is connected to the ego construct. Adrenal response can take place beyond socially constructed programs of fear. After hearing this, I started to realize I would be better off cutting straight to the chase. I simply asked Lucifer directly… “What is it that we as a human race should be focusing on to rid ourselves of fear and embrace our power?” In response, he said… You must oppose the system indirectly so that the reciprocation of the same energetic polarity cannot create circumstances through which absolute power can be had over the human race. Mankind needs to stop focusing so much upon conspiracies and the symptoms of the issue and invest more energy toward building something else. You must simply focus on the work of building something else. Unite and create change. Simply observe some of the technologies wielded against you and circumvent the efforts through reverse engineering, allowing you to reach the origin of the disease. As an example, simple marketing tactics when seen for what they are can be considered sigil sorcery. The thousands of logos you encounter daily which represent various corporate powers are consistently bombarding your subconscious mind, forcing you into a state of predatory consumerism as if it were logical. As a result, mankind hunts for material fulfillment instead of seeking truth and developing power to maintain a state of sovereignty through evolution and becoming. In other words, for the most part fantastical tit-for-tat magickal wars would not be conducive to liberation because these efforts would be fueled by a reciprocation of the same sorts of energy and, because of that, the fabric of reality is woven around that unseen essence of perception. Keeping a war-like approach toward resolving issues of oppression only aids in solidifying and substantiating the oppression via the principle of vibrational contagion. Evolution cannot occur within the trappings and snares of fear and tyranny. Unite and create change. See the symptoms of the disease as focal points mankind may reflect upon to create the change needed for you to thrive as sovereign and free individuals capable of creating your own life experience. Instead of wading in the fecal matter of a systematic agenda of control, you must see the turmoil as clues which can be reverse engineered to bring mankind back to a state of divine existence, free to create joy and exercise power to advance the world as a whole. Drakonis open your eyes…

Sigilic Seeds of Light Chapter Seven


S he told me to open my eyes, I caught glimpses of specific sigils representing human liberation, sovereignty, peace and empowerment. I perceived myself and you (many fellow sorcerers from around the globe) charging these sigils with the corresponding intent. I then perceived myself and this group of people placing these sigils in various places. As others would catch a glimpse of the sigils, I perceived a light begin to shine within their heads which spread through them. This light began to move beyond the people and outward to seemingly recalibrate reality. I perceived some of us using chalk to place the sigils on sidewalks and country roads. I saw them carved into trees and picnic tables. Some of us drew them on small pieces of paper and hid them within books at bookstores. Some dropped the sigils from their balconies so that they would be blown atop the balconies of others by the winds of change. They were placed under windshield wipers and pinned up at laundromats. The sigils flooded social media to circumvent its original cause to enslave. After observing this process Lucifer began to reveal the deeper cause of performing such sorcerous rites, which operate upon the collective subconscious to alter the perception of reality. As a result, reality itself could be altered. At face value this process seems to be nothing more than sigil magick applied in unison with others to affect the greater whole of reality. This sort of magick is used against you today as a simple marketing tactic, and it obviously works. Your world is built from such efforts employed by corporations which are meant to be cells within the body of the one world government of predatory consumerism. The strategy I present to you now is merely the logical reverse engineering of psychological manipulation employed to enslave and program humanity. The more people that charge these sigils with the corresponding intent, the more powerful the glyphs will become. As a result, the more people that see the sigils, the greater the effect they will have on the collective. This strategic sorcery will also begin to create an energetic network within the collective consciousness. This network will have a transmutational effect upon mankind. It will open the floodgates of the infernal hive mind or the Anti-Christ consciousness. This alchemical process will transform mankind making them infernal hosts incapable of being enslaved because of the nature of the Adversarial spirit awakened within. Many view the Adversarial spirit as a warlike being which revolts against tyranny and seeks to be the Lord of his own universe. This view, however, is nothing but a reflection of the tyranny and the self-destructive spirit which plagues you now in this moment. The true divine potential within mankind is so powerful that it cannot be opposed. The true Adversary opposes the entirety of religious and political systems and ideologies altogether by simply not being a part of them. The true Adversary simply acts as God and creates the world which he or she sees fit without even acknowledging the petty human games being played by the foolish. The true Adversary is simply overwhelmed with personal power and the ability to create joy and harmony. When awakened within, the Adversary rolls about on the floor being tickled by illusory limits crying tears of joy. Slave drivers are perceived as infants throwing temper tantrums due to powerlessness. They are spoiled children who need put over the knee of the TRUE god to have their rear-ends swatted until the flesh of their ass turns to leather. The God and the Devil within laugh hysterically at the system of enslavement and see the beauty which remains in the opportunity to trump those oppositional efforts. There is no war. Just a fun art project called the life experience. This is the true essence of the Adversary. The opposer is both God and Devil. This is exactly how the Adversarial force opposes the illusion of duality because it is the totality. The opposer is human, and humanity is the Antichrist. The Antichrist is the Christ just as you are both God and the Devil. You are the singularity of raw primal power to create. I myself am simply the inner light beginning to shine within humanity. This is my Aeon and therefore this Aeon is yours. Claim it. Those who currently terrorize humanity will in turn be terrorized. They will become aware of the collective infernal hive mind awakening despite their overestimated attempts at keeping it sedated. They will begin to experience the fear imposed upon humans, and it is you who will become indifferent toward them. I sat in bewilderment overcome by exhaustion. I contemplated the possibility of this single concept and the many ways it could be applied to create change on a large scale. I pondered how simple it was and wondered how this had been overlooked. How could those of us who claim to be “wise” miss such a simple application of power that quite honestly has no potential to NOT work? I began to be overwhelmed as Lucifer’s light started to flash within my mind. I felt an aethyric sphere manifest around my head and horns begin to protrude from my skull. It felt like physical manifestations of static electricity taking shape and marking my soul. An internal knowing that there is nothing to fear took form from within. I was overcome with peace. This was the beginning of the Apocalypse and the power of mankind was now to be revealed. The intensity of the vibration that took hold of me was so intense it was almost painful. It produced a euphoric anxiety that I wanted to shake off because of its foreign nature. I realized that us as the singularity of raw primal power were responsible for the state of this world. My eyes closed within the Temple, and I woke up the following morning, sweating and stuck to the leather couch in my living room. The realization of this potential power continued throughout that day. I knew that the specific seals that I was to provide within this work were merely seeds of possibility. I came to understand as you should, that you can unite with others creating seals or sigils that correspond with a collective intention to mold this world in a way that aligns with your vision. I saw that the more this is applied beyond the context of this grimoire, the more this world will start to align with the collective vision of what it should be. I also understood that this was only one possibility in regard to harnessing our power to create change. These are the Seven Sigilic Seeds of Lucifer’s Light offered unto mankind. You will notice that there is nothing elaborate about these. They are simple so that it remains simple to reproduce them and scatter them around the neighborhood so they may be scattered around the world.

Seal of Luciferian Light

This seal is a linear manifestation of the Light of Lucifer himself. It represents the Light of inner guidance. It is used to reconnect mankind to the atavistic gate leading to the paths to the Ancient Gods, offering us access to the light which guides us through the darkness.

Seal of the Sovereign

This Seal holds the power to connect mankind to their own individual thought process. The power to discern between one’s own thoughts, and those which come from, or are inspired by outside sources is awakened. As a result, more of one’s own sovereign potential is anchored within.

Seal of Alchemical Mergence

This Seal is meant to help aid the merging of one’s higher and lower, or light and shadow bodies. Through this process, the physical vehicle becomes a more efficient vessel in regard to carrying such consolidation of power. It is meant to help humanity to become more whole through the integration of those parts of self normally shunned by the social program. The power of this should not be underestimated.

Seal of Self-Preservation

This Seal is used to awaken mankind to the primal need of the knowledge of self-preservation. It plants seeds within the minds of the people to look for sources of education regarding such things as survival skills, military strategy, martial arts, weaponry, hunting, tracking, etc. There's a deeper alchemical goal behind this seal being to awaken people to the facts that these arts and sciences are most useful when the intent is to learn to hunt and track or destroy our own worst enemy being SELF! Though the skills will be there if needed this war will be fought and won off the battlefield.

Seal of the Open Eye

This Seal begins to close off perception of illusions of vulnerability. It Blackens and swells shut the “All Seeing Eye by usurping, or more accurately taking back the divine lens of perception so we may begin to perceive the opportunity within oppression. This seal is in some ways a double-edged sword in that though it helps mankind to see the silver lining it also awakens us to just how accountable and responsible we are for the current state of the world.

Seal of Alchemical Anarchy

This Seal is intended to bring forth the human exploration of Anarchy as a road to liberation and freedom. It will encourage mankind to place the logic of Anarchy next to the current system of things so that an accurate contrast regarding benefit or lack thereof can be made. It will in no way sway opinions of whether it is right or wrong. It just ensures that the proper education of what Anarchy is, is brought into the light for as most things useful have been, Anarchy has been demonized from the beginning.

Gateway of the Dragons Den

This seal is more of a gateway than anything else, yet it is a very powerful tool. To harness this seal, it is necessary to charge it for seven days before each use through obsession during the application of kareeza. (withholding sexual fluid) Upon the seventh day, the accumulated power is released upon the sigil and then buried upon a power spot or a ley line. Through doing this, we are offering energy to the black earth (potential creative power) while also quite literally giving birth to a world of our design by offering this energy. Lucifer tells me that doing this will offer energy to the earth to aid in its healing while also enticing the great Dragon to open its treasure to the one who regularly makes use of this gateway. I must say that this specific gateway has a very interesting dynamic of synergy with other concepts found in this work. For now, all I will say is that the health benefits of using this seal properly will be very empowering on the levels of will, body, and spirit.

The Sigil Bomb The Sigil Bomb is something which Lucifer suggested to me years back. Many of you may have been around long enough to witness me throw one of these sigil bombs. The premise is a bit time consuming, but at the same time it is very effective. The premise of the Sigil Bombs circumvents the intent of social media making it a platform for powerful magick, which rides the power of the worldwide web. It can be used for purposes geared toward more elaborate world change or simple goals of low magick. In fact, it works best if both are used within the context of one sigil bomb. The main ingredient is a minimum of seven sigils prepared and charged with power and purpose for release. The basic goal is to create a good number of random sigils so that the conscious mind cannot in any way remember what goals remain hidden behind each. This helps with detachment by default and we all know that detachment from the desire of result is most needed for manifestation to take place. Some of these sigils can be quite far reaching regarding the goal. I have used such statements of intent as “You are now programmed to reprogram yourself according to will,” to create what I call high magick elements. Other statements reflect personal goals such as “I am the most revolutionary occult writer in the world.” I consider those to be low magick elements, of course. A good sigil bomb has a good balance of both high magick and low magick elements. There is one more element within the sigil bomb I call the magickal check point. I often use the dream plane to check the progress of the Sigil Bombs countdown. One sigil (though I am never capable of remembering which) is composed of a statement such as “I will dream of Bugs Bunny getting spanked by Batman.” Though that is definitely a very far out cause for a sigil, it helps to gauge just how well the entirety of the sigil bomb is beginning to work. When you actually have a dream similar to that one, you know that the chances are the other sigils have been reasonably charged and empowered toward being working machines. You see in the context of the Sigil Bomb the sigils themselves are linear representatives of your desires that are acting as “stand in’s” regarding the potential manifestation. They become symbolic vortices that funnel the energy of outsiders toward the manifestation of your intention. As people view them, they are literally perceiving (albeit unknowingly) your reality as you want it in a very general way by simply looking at the sigil. They are observing what you want and so you are harnessing the power of perception outside of self to manifest your desires. It IS real because it is something they can look at and perceive. This fuels the manifestation without anyone having to know what the cause or purpose of each sigil means. I myself simply post them to my wall on Facebook but other outlets can be used as well. You are limited only by your imagination. If you really want to expedite result than share them to others. This method works, though it does tend to take a bit more time. Scatter them all around the internet. Use your blog or place them in slideshows on Youtube videos to apply them in different ways. You can rotate them in some way if you would desire to keep energies from going stagnant. This is also a good method for getting the Sigilic Seeds of Light out to the public. The Sigil Bomb and the Sigilic Seeds of Light work well together, which is why I present them in the same section. I do suggest going beyond the internet to apply the Sigilic Seeds of Light though. Within the confines of social media, we are usually in the digital presence of like-minded individuals. Hanging sigils in the laundromat will cast a wider net and empower and awaken those in need of it. We want to reach the collective consciousness through these people to create more people like ourselves.

The Rite of Illuminating the Seals This ritual can be performed as needed at any time. I will also state that one can also use specific astrological times which may align with the cause if desired. Many elements of synergy can be combined to harness even more power than that which remains obvious upon the surface. A specific color can be integrated and used as a background for the seal or sigil. Candles of that color can be lit during this rite to further harness the potentials in alignment with your purpose. It would also not be counterproductive to use herbs or gemstones to further empower the sigil. A specific Demon or spirit can be evoked to lend power to this work as well. The possibilities are endless! As previously stated, it is up to you to find your depth of power regarding applying this wisdom. Applying your own imagination toward this end will contribute to the personal process of empowerment and alchemical transformation. Work toward applying the science through self-expression and creative effort. Remember this is work is more conceptual rather than comprehensive. What is provided is a skeletal structure to be built upon so that it can be applied in a way that aligns with you and your current level of initiation and understanding. Draw the seal (whether it is one which is provided or one created toward your desired cause) upon parchment (I like flash paper for this personally) as you contemplate its purpose and visualize the desired result manifesting upon this plane. Observe the lines glowing with power as they are placed upon the paper. Your intention should be essentially activating and empowering the sigil as it is being created. Upon completion, you should see power radiating from the lines in some way. Even if psychic faculties do not make the perception of this possible it should be visualized. Begin to observe the power radiating from the sigil as Golden Light and draw it inward through your hands until this this light begins to reach outward into the aura from within. This light holds the exact vibrational frequency of the intention symbolized by your sigil. It is at this point that a circle should be cast according to one’s own personal preference or method. (Later within this work I present the one which is relevant to the Black Alchemy of Belial)

When the circle is cast stand at its center perceiving nothing but Golden Light. Perceive the sigil appear in the air before you and hold it in your mind’s eye until it is impossible to mentally impose its structure on reality with the mind's eye. When all effort at maintaining the sigil or seal has been spent allow it to dissipate and passively use the imagination to daydream regarding the purpose of the design. It should not be forced. Have fun with this part of the ritual. Experience it as a child until you feel the change occur within. See the result, feel the result, hear it and taste it. Perceive the desire with as many of the physical senses as possible with a relentless intensity. Do this playfully until you feel it “click” and you know it is so. After you are satisfied with the exploration of the end result the sigil/seal should be “fed” with blood and/or sexual fluid and then burnt upon the gateway of flame. This plants the Sigilic Seed of Light in the realm of potentiality so it can take root and manifest on this plane. In this case, the footwork used to expedite manifestation is to plant the seed here on the corporeal realm for others to see. As random people view it casually it will begin to operate upon their subconscious mind according to the design and intention. As a conceptual sorcerous tactic this can be wielded in many ways including banefully. Within the context of this work I present my own personal focus regarding the use of these spiritual technologies. As I previously mentioned, I would never tell anyone what to do. In the end, things will balance themselves out. I still do maintain my faith in the fact that humanity still has it in them to turn things around for the better. I would suggest that no matter how this method is used that it be used to create large scale change and push the limits of possibility. I would also suggest we try to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem. This is just my two cents, though, take it for what it is worth.

The Golden Alchemy of Lucifer Chapter Eight


ELIAL as the first of the nine Demonic Kings in this series brought forth an entirely new perspective on spiritual work and revealed how we can harness its effects to literally jump start human evolution. The Black Alchemy of Belial essentially presents how the 22 paths of the Tree of Knowledge correspond to 22 dormant strands of human DNA. He revealed to me how traversing the tunnels of the Kliffoth would in essence activate this dormant genetic material while the initiations brought forth by the Demonic Rulers of the Nightside would anchor spiritual potential within, empowering us to apply it according to will on this plane of existence. I am still working on digging up the subtler intricacies of that work so that I can discover the abysmal depths of its potential. I have been spending a lot of time contemplating some of its deeper mysteries and how I can present them to the masses so that they can be applied as a comprehensive system of personal transformation and empowerment. I owe it to Belial to pull no punches and to dig as deep as I possibly can. This Luciferian work, though it remains separate in most ways conceptually is actually complimentary to Belial’s Black Alchemy. While the Lord of the Abyss has revealed the potential power within mankind through Kliffothic exploration, there is a more practical side to this work. That is what Lucifer brings forth here and now. While Belial is showing me the paths of human ascent by diving into the depths of darkness Lucifer is shining his light on creating change beyond self. He is shining light on world transmutation, and it is nothing less than awe inspiring. I am very excited to be the conduit of this information. Not only am I excited to bring it forth but also that people will start to apply it for the sake of bettering their lives and opposing the enemy. Though I will not state the name of said enemy, it is not going to take a rocket scientist to notice the context clues, which will surely reveal the enemy and the nature thereof. Just as my contribution to Belial Without a Master contained a lot of notes and gnosis from my past work with Belial, this text also relies on my past work with Lucifer, though not to the same extent. It must be this way in essence because before Black Magick of Ahriman, I had honestly never planned to release any of my work to the public yet a lot of the work of my past is well worth releasing. This is especially true in regard to some of the subtler nuances of approach. For me at this point in my development, it has been invaluable to look back and remember the secrets gleaned from past experiences. By doing so, I have also been able to revisit those Infernal Lords of Darkness which have helped me to grow up to this point, and with Lucifer I seemed to have picked up exactly where we left off regarding our work together. The one common element in my past work with Lucifer and the gnosis he is revealing to me now deals with the use of Gold within spiritual work and its role within human evolution. There is definitely good reason that this substance is sought after with such reverence, and it has nothing to with how rare it is because gold is not rare at all. Its value comes not from its ability to remain stable as currency nor is its worth dictated by its rarity. It is the technological and metaphysical potential that makes it worth so much and that is why the ruling class seeks to continually inflate its cost to keep it out of the hands of the masses. In fact, by me simply mentioning gold many of you may have already closed this book feeling like there is no possible way one could afford to use gold in their spiritual work at all, much less employ it on regular basis. Trust me when I say this work is not as far out of reach as you may think. One of my greatest pet peeves is when occult authors present work which is almost impossible to fulfill. This work is not that. In fact, the ways in which this royal metal are used within this work are not only within perfect reach for most of us in a financial sense, but it is also methodically simple to employ. As this work unfolds for you, you will come to see how Gold within its working praxis seems to wed technological and spiritual applications. After all, in this Aeon the merging of science and spirituality is occurring regardless. Some of us may want to remain stuck in the pages of medieval grimoires, but I would rather remain present and capitalize on insight available in the everevolving moment. I feel the most important lesson I am learning at this time is that we must start moving beyond what the traditions have taught us and continue exploring various elements of possibility helping to make ancient knowledge more applicable now as wisdom. After all, this is what makes sorcery and witchcraft relevant to us as human beings. It should enrich our lives. It should be relevant.

Conducting the Potential of Vibrational Contagion This is one of the common threads between Lucifer’s Golden Alchemy and the Black Alchemy of Belial. Here we will focus on the practical working mechanics of the Triangle and Circle of the Arte. Though the Kliffothic Circle of Vibrational Contagion is used here as an example, this principle can be used in the context of any current on a practical level because Gold is the most important part of the equation. Gold is a superconductor and is therefore invaluable for conducting the currents of energy we call “spirits,” whether they be Infernal, Celestial, elemental or otherwise. A conductor simply conducts and is not bias in regard to the energy. Belial was the one who suggested this years back to prepare me to evoke Lucifer. He himself told me it would enhance results no matter what spirit was being conjured regardless of systematic approach by Lucifer himself. I continued to experiment with it and develop it according to my own creative inspiration. I have used this method to create many of my own triangles and circles throughout the years and also to create permanent sigils of the Ancient Gods I never cease working with to pay homage to them.

The SuperConductive Sigils First, let us cover the creation of the sigils themselves. To create a sigil that is received well as an offering to the corresponding spirit while also adding practical empowerment to one’s evocative rites a simple wooden disc is used. They can be obtained at any craft store. To be sure I draw the sigil as close to perfection as possible, I will usually work the design out on paper. If it is very complex I may even trace it. I am sure to draw the sigil with dimensions that will fit within the size of the wooden disc being used. Once I am happy with the design on paper, I use transfer paper to move the image to the surface of the wooden disc. At this point I will use a dremel or wood burner to create something permanent. I am sure to take my time doing this so that I am happy with the end result. There is nothing I hate more than putting six hours into creating one of these only to mess it up just before applying the finishing touches. Once the design is permanently etched into the wood by burning or carving, I then stain the wood black and then gild the sigil itself with 24k gold leaf. You could use a lower quality than 24k; however, the metal in those cases is usually copper. It does still conduct energy so it will work, just not to the same effect. Gold leaf paint can also be used but the same issue must be kept in mind. Gold leaf paint is usually made from base copper and then simply colored gold. The end result is a permanent link to the spirit which will accumulate more and more power over time. The 24k gold leaf acts in two ways as a gateway. First, the gold itself conducts the power of the spirit in a very efficient way, and, secondly, it also conducts offerings of blood or sexual fluid more effectively than ink on paper. It is because of this that the wooden disc becomes a fetish item of sorts charged specifically with the power and consciousness of the corresponding demon. This simple “technology” is very much conducive to vibrational contagion creating a permanent link if not complete mergence between the sorcerer and the demon through the process of evocation alone. Of course, there are many variables to this such as how often the being is called upon and how much of one's own DNA is offered through the gate over time. This merging is much more likely to occur when the philosophical approach of Belial’s Black Alchemy is adhered to. This is because all evocative operations are geared toward breaking the boundary of the circle and stepping into the triangle of manifestation leading to possession. This is why the triangle is reversed within that specific working praxis. It syphons the power manifesting in the triangle toward the circle making the evocative operation automatically more conducive toward invocational result straight out of the gate. An alchemical wedding occurs as a result. There are many subtle nuances in regard to this approach, so I would not suggest that beginners attempt to move into the triangle. Some will regardless. That’s okay too! I say that because in most cases the human energy systems will not take in more of the spirit than it can handle. Rare instances do occur, though, in which an overwhelming experience takes over the adept in unsuspected ways. This had occurred while working this specific system with J.S. Garrett when I traveled to Georgia to perform work with him. Belial’s energies took over so intensely that he was on the verge of convulsing. We had to stop filming and ground his energies. This would not be so dangerous with a fellow magickian on hand to pull your consciousness back a bit. Without that insurance, there's really no telling what could happen. Experiment a bit at a time. Move forward carefully. There are no blinders here to keep you from intensity of result!

The Superconductive Triangle of the Arte The material I use for these is very inexpensive, and they can last quite some time if used upon a flat surface. To create the Triangle of manifestation I use a single piece of black foam core and I cut it from top right corner to bottom left corner (or vice versa). I then place them back together in such a way to create a perfect triangle. The pieces are then glued on top of a piece of cardboard the same size as the triangle. This adds stability and durability. When the structure of the triangle is completed, your chosen format or design can be drawn on the surface lightly using stencils if preferred. Then you can go over the design with water-based adhesive and gild the design with 24k gold leaf about 24-hours later. You can also opt to use gold leaf paint as even gold colored copper will increase conductivity in powerful ways. Again, this comes down to preference and time invested.

The SuperConductive Circle of the Arte I also use foam core in the creation of my circles. How much foam core depends on how big you want the circle to be. I have merged as little as four pieces. I once put together nine pieces, but six usually does the trick to offer enough room to move while not being too ridiculously large. When creating the circle, it is important to glue down the pieces of foam core upon the surface of the cardboard before actually cutting the circle out if you desire to do so. Once the basic structure is stable, I will then tie a string around the tip of a tack and have someone hold it at the center point. With a pencil tied to the other end, I will keep tension on the string holding the pencil straight up and down to get the basic shape of a perfect circle. I then shorten the string by around four inches to again trace another perfect circle to establish the inside diameter. At this point in the creation of the Circle any desired details can be added, and as before the design is either gilded or painted using metallic leaf paint.

When these tools are used together (superconductive sigils, Circle and Triangle), the practicing magickian will be exposed to much higher elevated spiritual energies that will help to carry some of the weight regarding psychic perception or lack thereof. This due to the fact that the design of all of these tools will more intensely conduct the energies and currents you are calling into the Temple. This does not mean that if one has never performed an evocation in their life, and they employ these tools in this fashion, that they can conjure up the Devil and shake his physical hand. It does take the edge off the learning curve, though, and if you are anything like me you simply enjoy the artistic creative process. Exercising creative power in any way is to exercise your own Godhood. Have fun with the process. When you stand in that circle you will feel the investment of energy and admire the beauty you have brought into the world! Trust me when I say this, the investment of creative power alone will increase the intensity of your results. Let us not be lazy in the creation of self. All things we create including reality are but extensions of who we are within. Invest the effort and see results.

The Casting & Consecration of the Kliffothic Circle & Triangle To keep things simple, I always place the Inverse Kliffothic Triangle at the North as the Ahrimanian current has essentially ingrained that in my DNA. If chosen, there is nothing stopping you from placing the Triangle in a direction which traditionally corresponds to the spirit being conjured. What I will say is that the gold which makes up the design of the circle and triangle will attract and conduct the energies you send forth to consecrate and empower them as astral gateways. You should practice perceiving these energies swirl around the designs you use within the context of your specific current. (If you are using one other than this) When these energies are easily perceived you are well on the way to perceiving the demons you call upon stand before you to behold in all their infernal glory! Utilizing the Athame to cut the veil between worlds begin tracing the triangle with your energetic direction of energy. When the entirety of the triangle has been traced with your intent to open as a gateway proclaim: I open this gateway between worlds and dimensions by the power and dominion of the Beasts of Revelation! In the name of Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz I consecrate this Triangle as the gateway which will reveal to me the demon being conjured on this unholy night of witchcraft! So it is done! Standing at the Northern Quadrant proclaim: I cast this Circle in the name of Samael and the three evil powers before his dark throne! I call upon Belial through the Northern gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple. Belial come! Standing at the Eastern Quadrant proclaim: I call upon Othiel through the Eastern gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple! Othiel come! Standing at the Southern Quadrant proclaim: I call upon Samael through the Southern gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple! Samael come! Standing at the Western Quadrant proclaim: I call upon Qemetial through the Western gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple! Qemetial come! Moving back to the Northern Quadrant to close the circle to contain the power of the work at hand proclaim: I now move past the event horizon beyond the boundaries of the Black Sun to merge the no thing with all. Before me stands Belial, behind me stands Samael. To my right stands Othiel and to my left stands Qemetial. Within me dwells the power of Algol. Nema! Take a moment to observe and feel the power flowing through the circle and self. Observe the gilded lines within the triangle begin to seemingly move as power flows through them. This power is your own life force, which will fuel the spiritual manifestation. The frequency and superconductivity of the established vortices will attract the power being conjured very well. Once a superconductive sigil is anointed with blood the very specific energies of that specific spirit will flood the entirety of the temple when called. The intensity of this will increase with time.

Lux Corporalis Chapter Nine


HIS is where the rubber once again meets the road, and we are going to travel well beyond what is normally considered to be “traditionally” occult. The subject matter of this specific chapter deals with Manna or monatomic minerals, especially monatomic gold. I became aware of this stuff a long time back but I never took it seriously until my recent work with Belial, which dealt with creating a platform of increasing gene expression via the activation of dormant human DNA. He claimed that Lux Corporalis would be very practical throughout my alchemical process. Even though I stated that I had no clue what Lux Corporalis or physical light is, Belial assured me that I would find out. Two days later, a video randomly came up on my Youtube channel’s suggested videos. This video dealt with Monatomic gold (more accurately monatomic minerals). I immediately connected the dots. Coincidence like that does not occur out of coincidence. As I played the video on a hunch it was referred to as physical light or Lux Corporalis. Many of you are likely very unaware of what monatomic elements are. This is what Lucifer had to say about this stuff during evocation. The extraction of monatomic minerals occurs through chemical reactions that occur via the alchemical wedding of alkaline and acidic compounds. An example of this is that male sperm is very much alkaline while the female vagina is acidic. When these unite under the right conditions a doorway is opened and lux corporalis (monatomic Gold) are brought forth to create the consciousness of a human being. Monatomic minerals or manna is materialized light. Not physical light but the spiritual light of consciousness. I had to stop him there. I stopped him and asked, “Wait a minute… are you telling me monoatomic elements are consciousness? Am I correct in this assumption?” He answered… It is yes. It is consciousness yet to be directed which is why it is so important for you to capitalize on more than the benefits upon the human body but also explore the sorcerous applications. Drakonis this is prima materia... the building blocks of creation. I am going to leave it up to the reader to do their own research regarding monatomic gold or m-state materials. This much I will say. Molecularly, this material is the same as what we would deem to be precious metals; however, it has only one atom resulting in a much faster atomic spin. The material is not metallic but actually more ceramic as it does not take on the lattice structure of metallic compounds. This means there is no toxicity associated with consuming it. It is chemically inert, and so it cannot act on the human body like most superfoods or dietary supplements. This is what I assumed it was. I thought it was no different than taking in high amounts of minerals conducive to physical health. Lucifer revealed something different though. After making my first batch of ORMUS I evoked Lucifer to find out how this stuff was supposed to work. He said… While it is true that this material is chemically inert that does not change the fact that the atomic spin makes it a superconductor. It is this superconductive property which interacts with, and electrically charges the bodies sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to balance the left and right sides of the brain. It is the electromagnetic field of the Lux Corporalis, which interacts with our own, that creates the circumstances within that uplift the body and return it back to its original state at the genetic and cellular level due to increased cellular output and cellular communication. Your electromagnetic field becomes more like the Lux Corporalis. The energetic output of the neurological system increases and so does the size and power of your electromagnetic field as a result of this. It feeds and nourishes the light body and the physical body benefits as a result. The result of Belial’s Black Alchemy are greatly enhanced as well as any other spiritual transmutational work simply because the light body is able to more effectively conduct the energies being worked with. This is all fantastic yet it only scratches the surface in regard to harnessing its full potential. I had inquired about how this material could be used in a greater capacity. The response was powerful enough to put me to floor. Well, you must understand that the light body itself when operating at its highest efficiency will bring the potential of gene expression to great heights. Most importantly, though, is that it can be returned to its original state before being affected by toxins and disease. While this is not always the case, the potential is there if one is directing their conscious intention to do just that. If that possibility exists for you then do you not feel that it is also possible in regard to plants? The food you eat, no matter how live it may be, is usually directly modified at the genetic level. Using this material to nourish crops will return nutritional integrity to the soil and repair genetic damage done to our food within ten generations. You can dump it into springs and natural bodies of water just because you can. This will increase the electromagnetic power of the earth grid over time uplifting the frequency and strengthening the earth's electromagnetic field. To be honest, many very powerful claims have been made about monatomic minerals and I have always been skeptical. I have never seen those above made anywhere else so Lucifer himself makes some very bold claims about Lux Corporalis or Monatomic elements. You as the magickian are perfectly capable of researching this stuff on your own. I do not want to waste my time or yours by reiterating information that can be found all over the internet. Modern science has said to have confirmed benefits while at the same time it has said that the benefits have been debunked. I will offer my personal experiences with this substance and also give you some insight in regard to how this stuff can potentially be used within sorcerous applications. I will also explain how to alchemically extract it without the use of harsh chemicals that can indeed increase yields but decrease potency. For me, my first two weeks taking the stuff was not easy. In fact, if I am to be completely honest I felt like shit. I slept. I ate. I was tired and felt ill. Oddly enough, as I was going through this process I was sort of being told what was going on. In other words, I would just get an internal knowing that a lot of garbage was being brought to the surface. Impurities were being sought out so that they could be eliminated. When I say impurities, it was not just physical toxins either but also emotional and mental toxins. It was as if already stressful circumstances got way more stressful. I often over responded in regard to people's actions in contrast to the social norm, but my intuition was telling me otherwise. My intuition was telling me that I was dealing with people just as they needed to be dealt with. After the fourteen-day mark, I began to feel the subtle effects of the product I was making. The energy is not really the kind of energy you are supposed to get from drinking espresso or Monster. It is not that jittery hyper energy. It is gentler in that it seems to result from increased energy at the cellular level. You can simply do more without becoming fatigued, which brings me to my next point. I now require much less sleep than before and the sleep I do partake in as a human pastime is of a very lucid quality so it is an active experience that I use to expand my consciousness through spiritual work. As an occultist, I have always seen what I call worms or waves of translucent energy moving around me or darting about in the area of my peripheral vision. These are no longer translucent. I still have yet to perceive them fast enough to see exactly what these beings are, but they are now definitely solid in appearance. It is like ALMOST seeing a physical person running past me. Even the smaller orbs I would perceive now seem to appear as strange creatures darting around that are just too quick for me to get a good look at. In the Temple, though… in operations of evocation my perception has been very intense. The inner vision of the demon is seemingly physical. I can even perceive pores on their skin and the way the nostrils move as the demons speak. I do not need to seek the face of the ancient Gods, they just come forth. Even externally I am now seeing something appear that is far more physical than my past experiences, and in the past I thought those experiences where indeed potent and tangible. Is this coincidental? Maybe simply a result of more frequent evocations that happened to occur around the time I began experimenting with consuming Ormus? As a skeptic, I will say that this is indeed possible. I have felt this sort of static charge in my aura and when I have approached my wife during this she has said, “Damn, when you came near me you made my ears buzz”! My electromagnetic field has always had an adverse effect on electronics, and unfortunately this has gotten even more intense. Now sometimes the lights will flicker as I walk through the house. With all that being said, there is still room for the placebo effect to be in working order. My thoughts have been, “Am I creating these results?” There was no way I could know until I started giving it to house plants. A 10-year-old bamboo plant, which reached a level of frailty over the years, was given some of the monatomic minerals in a carrier of spring water. It began to return to health as time went by. I began to give it to all the plants and the results were next to spectacular! Those are some of my experiences so far. I will honestly say that I will personally never stop making or taking Ormus. I have even been giving it to my children as a sort of preventative medicine. It can even be given to pets with good result.

Extracting The Lux Corporalis Chapter Ten


S an alchemical operation, your inner state while making or extracting the monatomic gold is MOST important! As primal consciousness yet to be directed toward any cause it is NOTHING, and therefore it binds itself to energy and conducts it in a very powerful way. I remember making my third batch of monatomic minerals out in the living room just to find something to do. The kids were acting out at the time and I was getting frustrated as my two-year-old was reaching into the alchemical mixture to play with the spiraling particles and beating upon the outside of the glass container with the wooden stirring spoon as if trying to liberate the fluid from its glass prison! As I calmly told her to refrain from such libertarian actions, she began to scream and I got even more frustrated. “Alfreda, the water likes to be in its container. It does not want to be on the floor...” She begged to differ with an outstanding… “NOOO!” For some reason, this yield was larger than any other batch I had made so far. Looking back, I believe it was the intensity of the energy it was exposed to during the extraction process. Whether the energy was good or bad mattered not. Regardless, I was very excited to have produced that sort of yield. After taking it, I was also very excited and not in a good way. It was like consuming raw anxiety and frustration. Everything you could imagine got under my skin. My moods were terrible and I could not stand to interact with anybody at all. As the monatomics were being extracted, they were directed and programmed by the energy contained in the water molecules. Needless to say, this batch was tossed out. I would suggest treating the extraction of monatomic elements as any other occult operation. Create a sacred space and integrate elements that you want to integrate into the monatomic material. This is where your magick becomes relevant and artistic self-expression can be wielded to great effect. I will go over some suggestions as I explain this simple process. Here is what you will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A clean sterile environment free of EMF interference (or as close to free from EMF as you can get) Three gallons of distilled water or spring water. (I seem to get better yields with spring water) A one gallon glass container A wooden spoon for stirring Two cups of sea salt (uniodized) Milk of Magnesia A turkey baster Aluminum foil (to protect the precipitate from EMF waves)

Water and salt are very important in this process, so I am going to take a moment to go over a couple things regarding that. Either spring water or distilled water can be used to good effect. Under no circumstances will tap water work. The chemical additives destroy the monatomic potential of the extracted precipitate. The empowerment of the process can go much further than simply using the right kind of water, though. I often pour one gallon of spring water in the glass container and charge it for some time with specific gemstones. (be sure they are not water soluble or dyed) I have fun with charging the water straight out of the gate. I have used mantras and Tibetan Singing Bowls, and even affirmations along with isochronic tones to “structure” the water with my intent. You can place sacred geometric symbols upon the surface of the glass or write out specific intentions you have for the Ormus as well. This will give power and purpose to the Lux Corporalis. In a way this is to act as God by creating consciousness or at least directing it toward your purpose. To extract monatomic minerals, any un-iodized sea salt can be used, however, it may contain other traces of monatomic minerals such as silver, iridium, rhodium, chromium and platinum. In fact, this is why I refrain from using the term monatomic gold when producing the material using this method. To isolate monatomic gold, you have to extract the monatomic potentiate from pure gold. There are ways to do that, which I am experimenting with, but I present this now because I have experience with it, it is very simple and it is more than financially feasible. Gold coins weighing at one tenth of an ounce can be bought at around forty dollars depending on what the price of gold is for the day. The “M-state” or monatomic state is a “phase” of matter. For this reason, we can extract it from the metals or we can extract it from the minerals which potentiate the royal metals. When doing the latter, it is hard to know what percentage of what monatomic minerals are present in the product you are making. To simplify things, I would suggest you use Bokek Dead Sea Salt from Salt Works. It is pure evaporated Dead Sea water and it is recorded to contain seventy percent of monatomic potentiate with the rest being random traces of other monatomic royal metals. I prefer this because the other metals have different benefits specific to them. It creates a dynamic of synergy, and as most people know I am a man of synergy. After your base water has been structured, you simply add two cups of the sea salt to the water and stir it until the water goes clear and all particulates are gone. It is at this point that I myself place orgone generators in the reconstituted sea water to keep negativity away from the elixir being made. This habit also protects the material from EMF waves from another angle as the material is exposed throughout the process of making it. I also place a stone pyramid at the bottom to draw down power and energy. I will then begin to stir the reconstituted sea water until a vortex begins to swirl in the center. I then add one capful of Milk of Magnesia and stir for about two minutes and then I add one more for good measure again stirring for about one to two minutes. If you begin to gaze at what is going on inside the container you will notice a subtle glow and various “things” seemingly interacting with each other as the precipitate begins to settle at the bottom. Place foil over the container by spreading the foil flat on the table or altar (I say altar because crystal grids and iconography along with candles and incense help to empower the Ormus while also increasing yield. It is an interesting phenomenon to behold) and wrapping it upward toward the top of the container. This is done to minimize moving the container as excessive movement will cause the precipitate to mix with the water again making it impossible to rinse. After about 13 hours, you can go back to the container and pull the foil downward. The yield of the monatomic minerals will be found at the very bottom. It will look like clouds or a very fine talc. The water that remains on top must be removed by using the turkey baster. Then more distilled water is poured on top and it is again mixed for about ten minutes to rinse the monatomic minerals. This is repeated three to five times to effectively rinse the salt and the Milk of Magnesia from the monatomics. After the last rinse, you simply remove as much of the water as possible and the elixir is ready for use. It is important to contain it in glass or ceramic containers and keep it protected from EMF with foil and/or orgone generators. If you want to further concentrate the monatomic material, then continue to remove the water from the top of the product until there is not enough water for the powder to remove itself from. Then it can be placed into a glass baking sheet and left to dry taking a powder form. It will be necessary to move the material around so that water within the pasty substance can be moved to the top to evaporate. This takes quite some time, but it is worth it in that you can maintain the integrity of the Lux Corporalis more effectively than heating it. I myself have done this once, but I prefer to keep it in a fluid carrier. I have no need to wait that long to put it to good use. Some people may rather consume the powder. One could also add it to oils and make lotions out of it. I see no practical reason for doing it, however, when you are ordering it instead of making it, you know you are getting more bang for your buck.

Sorcerous Applications of Monoatomic Minerals Chapter Eleven


HE benefits of taking Monatomics can be experienced and verified (or not) by ordering from a reputable alchemist or making it yourself. Try it for nine months. I say you will simply feel better and live better. I am not necessarily proclaiming that the stuff stands up to some of the claims made about it because many of the claims I cannot verify by myself. I do not have disease that needs cured for any fatal reason at this moment. I am not a doctor nor do I have scientific equipment needed to try to measure or record some of the claims made. I have no access to biofeedback technology or the like. I am always skeptical as should you be. Therefore, do not try to assume that I hold the same opinion that many others have who try to claim it simply fixes everything. Do I believe in the potential or possibility? Yes. Many try to view monatomics through the lens of traditional science alone. This honestly makes no sense at all because this stuff is not considered to be a solid, a liquid, a gas or a plasma and these are the only phases of matter science really cares about. We do hear tales of nuclear scientists studying the material, but to be honest I have not tried to contact the aforementioned scientists to know if they even exist. Some would ask why I would create this stuff if I am so skeptical. The reason is simply experience. I expand consciousness and explore possibility through experience and experience alone, and that is very subjective. I have experienced good effects by using the stuff regarding my health and feeling of wellness. I have not looked at my DNA under a microscope to see if any adaptations or improvements have taken place in any way. If anyone has methods of studying and researching this stuff and the resources to do it, let me know. I will make the product myself at no cost. The main reason I produce it is to provide a mental avenue through which magick itself as a discipline can evolve and expand refining itself along with results obtained. It is a revolutionary concept which does, in fact, work to serve as an example of how modern spiritual concepts can be integrated within the ancient craft of the wise. That is really the entire point for me, and Lucifer made that quite clear. He told me… Evolution does not occur within stasis. Mankind wonders how you are so far behind as a race of beings regarding evolution. Have the facts taught in schools changed after more recent developments in science? Would I be lying to you right now if everything I have told you about Lux Corporalis is not experienced as true? One could say that yes. However, if I would be a liar I would also point out the most obvious result. That result would be the fact that you as an individual have harnessed mental energy and physical effort toward evolution of magick and self, and this is what is not occurring within the context of occult work. Traditions have become chains. Religions and educational systems have remained the same. You have observed science jump into the future while the information in science texts remains the same. Magick cannot be proven by science, and the masses will call you and most other magickian’s wishful and fantastical thinkers with too much time on their hands. You would be called illogical and irrational if not insane. Have you observed it work, though? Trust me when I say that there are benefits to this. It is but one avenue through which humanity can consciously invest power into their evolutionary process with intent. This is what will entice it to occur. The vehicles leading to that end result hold no relevance in this moment of ignorance. How can one argue with the words of Lucifer? He is nothing but correct. We talk about human evolution and breaking the chains of enslavement too much. What grimoire provides the working praxis? Who is providing the modus operandi? I mean sure, there are some grimoires which may provide spirits capable of doing such things, but is that really any different than praying? If we are to become living gods we must take responsibility for our own freedoms and evolution. We must take steps and perform actions that may be the impetus to the elevated and expanded state of consciousness we seek. We must do this in direct ways and make it a part of our practice by default in some way, shape, or form. That is truly what this contribution to the occult is all about. It provides a means to an end that will begin to inspire the evolution of these concepts while also making room for occult study to branch off into other areas of science through which magick and ourselves can begin to evolve into something more useful and refined in the now.

The Double-Edged Sword Before moving forward with magickal and sorcerous applications, I must cover the possible disadvantage of using superconductive monatomic minerals if they do indeed work. A superconductor conducts energy in a very efficient manner. It does not discriminate between what kind of energy it is conducting. My third batch of monatomic material is one example. At the start of extraction, there was quite a bit of emotional energy based in frustration created by my daughter and myself. This in essence programmed that specific batch to produce that sort of result. Energy is energy is energy and conductors will conduct without bias. We are surrounded by radio and EMF waves. Music is weaponized via the manipulations of the frequencies it is played through. We are surrounded by the energy of others who may not necessarily be conducive to harmony or becoming. Some people are just toxic. That is just the way it is. In theory, this could be used against us in very powerful ways and so we must ask if it would be worth it in the end. Lucifer himself was so kind as to bring this subject matter up directly. He offered no solution, but rather brought it up so I could think my way toward the solution on my own. I began brainstorming this because I did not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Through the process of brainstorming I had come to find that the concept of Lux Corporalis, Kundalini, Chi, Prana and even Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone had the common thread of life force. All these things deal with the electromagnetic energy that sustains us. Kundalini, Chi, and Prana are terms that describe the life force in and of itself. Lux Corporalis according to Lucifer is a physical manifestation of this life force and/or consciousness. I contemplated Orgone as Wilhelm Reich had perceived it. He considered orgone to be the energy of the orgasm or sexual energy. This is creative and destructive power which again is synonymous with chi, prana, etc. His orgonite technology, however, was something different altogether. It is said that the Orgone generators use the balance and polarity of organic and inorganic material to transmute negative or destructive life force into positive and nurturing life force. I had been using these orgone generators throughout the process of creating the Lux Corporalis to essentially protect it from EMF. Could we actually use smaller orgonite devices to protect ourselves from deadly orgone or life force? If monatomics are superconductors then they will conduct everything to a much greater extent and this is one aspect of this material that has been severely neglected since its supposed rediscovery by Mr. David Hudson. It will efficiently conduct everything negative as well as positive according to its own theoretical nature. Who knows? Maybe my thoughts regarding this are a result of the increased mental acuity obtained through the use of Monatomic minerals? Though this may be the case, it is a necessary part of my thought process as it helps me to stay ten steps ahead of the game. Especially with all the artificially manipulated “frequencies” we are constantly being exposed to, we cannot afford to neglect this possibility. As an example, 5G put on steroids because of superconductive substances flowing through us to more effectively conduct the frequencies of 5G cannot be a great idea. I am sorry, but I am sure you see the logic behind my concern. People may again think me as insane, but I am not the first occultist that has suggested the use or at least the importance of these kinds of technologies. Kenneth Grant mentioned Wilhelm Reich's Orgone quite extensively within the Sorceries of Zos. Gerald Massey, Aleister Crowley, Austin Spare, Dion Fortune, have—each in their way—demonstrated the biochemical basis of the Mysteries. They achieved in the sphere of the 'occult' that which Wilhelm Reich achieved for psychology, and established it on a sure biochemical basis. It later continues… Spare's 'sentient symbols' and 'alphabet of desire' correlating as they do the marmas of the body with the specific sex-principles, anticipated in several ways the work of Reich who discovered—between 1936 and 1939—the vehicle of psycho-sexual energy, which he named the orgone. Reich's singular contribution to psychology and, incidentally, to Western occultism, lies in the fact that he successfully isolated the libido and demonstrated its existence as a tangible, biological energy. This energy, the actual substance of Freud's purely hypothetical concepts—libido and id—was measured by Reich, lifted out of the category of hypothesis, and reified. Finally, it states that: Reich's discovery is significant because he was probably the first scientist to place psychology on a solid biological basic, and the first to demonstrate under laboratory conditions the existence of a tangible magical energy at last measurable and therefore strictly scientific. Whether this energy is termed the astral light (Levi), the elan vital (Bergson), the Odic Force (Reichenbach), the libido (Freud), Reich was the first—with the possible exception of Reichenbach actually to isolate it and demonstrate its properties. My logical mind says this orgonite stuff can also be pseudoscience with no merit, however, if Kenneth Grant took serious note of his work (some believe I am an incarnation of Kenneth Grant), then why haven’t others picked up on it since? Unfortunately, it seems that most occultist today are stuck in the medieval grimoires. Also, I must bring up that this Wilhelm Reich was imprisoned for his work and then died of “heart failure” shortly before he was eligible to apply for parole. The powers that be did not stop at his imprisonment. They have been said to burn about six tons of his publications were burned by the direct command of the court. Okay, let us put our critical thinking caps on. Let's say he was imprisoned for selling snake oil as a legitimate doctor and/or scientist. Fine. Even though equal evil occurs up until this very moment I do not see people being imprisoned for it but, okay, fine. Why then go out of your way to destroy his research and development? Did he truly die of heart failure alone just before his parole? Is that really a coincidence? It is about as coincidental as the cure for cancer and Aids existing right now until this very moment as they have for years, yet the pharmaceutical system is charging billions annually to kill us by treating symptoms. The wise will see the dots to be connected between that statement and a statement made by Lucifer at the beginning of this work. I have started carrying a small orgone accumulator to see how it may be of benefit. I simply keep one in each pocket, and sometimes I will wear a pendant based on orgonite technology. I have found that my aura or electromagnetic field has felt purer for lack of a better term. It feels more like me. My thoughts are more direct and conducive toward moving forward toward my objectives. Stress is experienced and observed yet it is not as incapacitating as it has been in the past. Like Monatomic minerals, Orgonite is said to aid in the restructuring of our DNA and so that interesting common denominator may create a dynamic of synergy in regard to that specific benefit. Each when used together may help to increase the power of the other by hitting the desired objective from different angles. Theoretically, this would be the case. It may also work in a synergistic way regarding other aspects and so this should also be explored not just to prevent us from superconducting negative energies and/or frequencies. It should also simply be explored to research the synergy alone as its own monster. Again, this is how magick in and of itself will evolve resulting in our own personal evolution.

At any rate, I would like to suggest some possible sorcerous applications of this Lux Corporalis. The first application is to simply supplement your normal dosing schedule by consuming the material just before your occult operations. I say this for a couple of reasons. First of all, it will engage more of the brain than what is normal. Secondly, if one is more left or right sided (and we all are) this will be minimized by the consumption of the monatomics. It will also as a superconductor enable you to more efficiently conduct larger amounts of power and energy, which will surely lead to more intense results in the end.

Superconductive Scrying This method was suggested by Belial within the context of his Black Alchemy. It is employed for reasons of synergy in regard to Belial's “Ebon Gateway,” which is rather conceptual. The Ebon Gateway is the point of Kliffothic entrance used by the practitioner. Elaborate mirror gates can be created for this purpose while small shew stones can also be used to scry into, gaining access to the infernal realms of the Kliffoth. This allows the practitioner to carry a Kliffothic power sync with them at all times from which they can draw power from as needed. However, in this case since we are employing the use of superconductive monatomics, we are going to use the Ebon Water Gate to serve as the example. Simply place a generous amount of the monatomic materials into the water of the scrying bowl. If you really want to intensify result, add a few drops of your own blood as well. You can then place the Black Scrying Bowl into the center of the Triangle of manifestation and evoke the power which needs conjured. It is that simple. The water will become a very potent spiritual gateway in an instant as soon as the spirit is called forth. When I have performed this in this way, the scrying did not induce inner visions of the spirit. At first, I was seeing energy move about on the surface of the water as if gazing at a television. Then it was as if the scrying bowl became a vortex for the entity to fully rise through and manifest. It was as if the scrying bowl became a sensor of sorts and the water a very potent manifestation base for an all-out rite of evocation. This is only one benefit to employing this method, though. This creates a perfect opportunity to exercise Belial’s “vibrational contagion.” Within the text Belial—Without a Master, I offer the method which these evocative rites are based on and essentially it is explained that vibrational contagion occurs in two ways. First as you call and conjure the demonic rulers in that text you become more like them as their spiritual power or electromagnetic signature begins to interact with and merge with yours. The other integer to complete alchemical mergence with the demonic rulers (or any other spirit one may want to merge with) is invocation, or, more accurately, possession. Keep in mind that the fluid that remains in that bowl is conducting the energies of the spirit in a very potent way. In fact, in theory the monatomic minerals may actually transform into the materialized consciousness of the spirit, Angel, or Demon. To invoke the spirit then is as simple as inviting the spirit into the flesh and then drinking the water you had used to scry with and obtain connection with the spirit. After doing this it would be very wise to carry around a notepad and pen to quickly take down the gnosis and guidance that the spirit gives you. It will happen at random and inopportune times. I would also suggest keeping good records in your dream journal because the demonic ruler will tend to begin taking you to its realm and place of dwelling from the dream plane moving you into the astral plane. This method works in a very potent way that has transmutational power we can barely fathom right now within the confines and limits of our level of understanding.

SuperConductive Candle Magicks The Lux Corporalis will add yet another source of light to one's own candle magicks. Although many will be lazy regarding this and simply try to anoint candles with the monatomics, I will say you are cheating yourself anyway. The entire concept of using various magickal “ingredients” in unison is to bring them together as one entity which is vibrationally aligned with our sorcerous cause or intention. In the context of candle magick this is best done by integrating the monatomics into wax and then dipping them by hand. In this way, you can program the candles intention through affirmation, mantra or even prayer. The Lux Corporalis will hold the program and as the fire burns down the wax that program will be woven within the very fabric of reality due to the superconductive properties of the magickal tool born for the cause. Even more synergy can be harnessed, of course. Simply choose candle colors that align with your cause. Carve relevant sigils on the surface of the candle or integrate herbs or essential oils that also would lend their power toward the specific work at hand.

SuperConductive Elixirs It is said that one of the interesting thing about monatomic precious metals is that they are essentially in a state of panic. They do not want to go back to the lattice structure of the metallic state. However, they also are unaware what to do because at this phase of matter everything is nothing. It is said that monatomic minerals have seventy-six (the important part here is an odd number) electrons. It is like the seventy-sixth electron is one less of making it a complete something while also one electron away from being not able to exist. I say this even though it may be a poor analogy to simply help the reader assimilate a bit of understanding in regard to this subject. At any rate, the seventy-sixth electron is looking to bind with something and merge with it on an electromagnetic level. It is by doing so that the materialized consciousness is directed. Normally the monatomic elements will simply find out what is going on inside and work toward everything it must work on as needed. Of course, it uses some hierarchical prioritization of spiritual, mental, emotional and then physical healing, I am sure. Well, what if we can apply monatomics to spagyrics in order to direct the Lux Corporalis in more specific ways in a medicinal fashion? As an example, it may be good to integrate monatomic minerals with a Chamomile elixir to help directly treat insomnia while also harnessing on the synergy of increased growth hormone production and decreased stress hormones. The regulation of this aloe helps one to feel more rested and powerful. Gotu Kola is an herb that is seen to be miraculous in that it is said to work holistically. It heals us at the higher levels of the energetic bodies, thereby affecting the physical vehicle or body. It is said to be an herb of enlightenment as well and is used heavily by many practitioners of Ayurveda. Would it be possible to create an elixir for general healing and enlightenment by integrating Lux Corporalis? I will not go over the exact method of creating elixirs through Spagyrics as I have hidden that within Black Magick of Ahriman, and I do not want to reiterate work I have already done. I will say that there are many sources of information on this subject if one would be interested in applying the monatomic metals in this way. I tend to know it will be well worth it in the end. I have provided a few examples of how the use of Lux Corporalis can be applied to our magicks. I only gave this much because I know the worthy will dig deeper than what is provided. The lazy will use the concepts and get good result. The powerful will gain inspiration and their imagination and higher intellect will come up with many ways this material can be used in our spiritual practices beyond simply using it before meditations.

In Closing This text has been fun due to its rather experimental nature. What has been most fun is that much of the experimentation has worked toward awesome results, and I am joyously entertained at the possibility of what this small contribution to the occult world can accomplish for the totality of mankind and the world we live upon. This is truly unlike anything else ever written and that is something that is most liberating from my perspective now. In the beginning, it was a source of fear. Now I know that the beauty of it all remains in the fact that there is nothing to hold it up against for comparison to call it shit. I also know that it is because of this other similar work will follow by other authors. Very good! That is exactly what we want. All it takes to revolutionize is for one person to take that first step. I am having visions of the collective soon taking a sprint toward liberation by producing more work like this. This journey, though it was only a few months long, has taught me a lot about the nature of the Adversary and also about myself. Lucifer has given my soul a much-needed break from the usual Lords of Darkness. He has been like a brother, constantly reminding me of how retarded I am for the sake of stimulating and developing my intellect. My relationship with the bringer of light has always been this way. He has always shown me how childish the modern-day doom and gloom facade of the “LHP” merely conforms to RHP religious cages. Most importantly, he does not teach me directly most times. Instead, he simply shows me how to think so that I can come to my own conclusions and formulate individual solutions, which usually tend to benefit the greater good of all. For this I am truly infernally blessed and empowered beyond the expectations of most mortal men. By harnessing and wielding the Sigilic Seeds of Light, you will start to connect to the infernal hive mind which is an incredible experience. We will become Legion incarnate and each individual will become a Legion in and of themselves. Through this assimilation, we will further tear the veil between worlds and the walls which stand between us and our unity will fall. Soon mankind will come together to simply step over the now outdated way of doing things to move toward a new Aeon of Luciferian Light leading us through the darkness of oppression. The potential of Lucifer’s Lux Corporalis known as monatomic minerals or monoatomic gold may very well contain the power needed to reset our genetic code preparing us for much more evolutionary progress to be made through Belial’s Black Alchemy. The simple concepts used to empower the ley lines and the earth grid alone may begin to create massive change since the methodologies are finally being brought forth for the first time. You must understand that you are the Infernal Hosts. You host the powers of Hell by taking place in this work. You are my Infernal Army. As demons, I send you forth armed with power and purpose to apply the principles found in this text. I charge you to employ the concepts despite the path you walk and to produce more work such as this. It is time to create change. It is time to start pushing the limits of what we can do from the shadows. Listen to me as my kind… as my people. It is time to create the world we desire. We have the power. We have nothing to fear. They do. They obtained “absolute power” and now they have everything to lose, and they are losing it. Devour, destroy, become or be crushed!

Journal Entry June 30, 2018


Y work with Lucifer is supposed to be finished. I fear that it has only begun. My work with Belial has just begun. The other seven demonic Kings I have yet to even begin. The scary part is I do not mind. I am willing to do this. I feel as if I must push the limits of my spiritual boundaries and limits. Those visions, which I received at the beginning of this work, those fucking terrors I had suppressed so much that I was completely unaware of the possibility of their existence anymore… until he cast his light upon… IT! When I say “IT” I speak of the inner shadow. The shadow self. The work I released offers only one side of the equation of our evolution. I sit now in the moment feeling like a liar. I feel like I have essentially withheld the most important part of Lucifer’s teaching and initiation. I roll around at night unable to sleep, not because I feel like I have failed my fellow man for withholding this information. I pace at night and walk up and down the road hearing the whispers of this shadow. The whispers make my skin crawl. I am sleepless because I have faced the fact that I am a liar. I have been lying to myself, and, therefore, lying to everyone for years now. It has all been a facade. I worked with the darkest, most evil and most vile dark Gods and as a result I have brought forth the most forbidden dark alchemy. For what purpose? To save the world? I am no savior. I am no righteous saint or martyr. Lucifer from the start of this work had revealed to me my truth. I finally had to face the evil that I myself was capable of. I dare not mention it even in this journal in case it would be found by prying eyes. The heinous acts I am capable of cannot even be understood much less accepted or forgiven. When I become conscious of them the anxiety I feel is unbearable. I sometimes feel like there are only two choices at that point. Destroy or self-destruct. I remember first encountering this inner beast years ago. I put it back in the box and that apparently was a grave mistake. It only grew in density and power over the years having been allowed to taste the light of day, only to be chained back up in the most hidden and unreachable depths of the unconscious. In this moment IT is here, in many ways guiding my actions and the nature of the wisdom I attain. I have come to see that the totality of mankind is investing a lot of hatred in regard to the powers that currently be who do indeed have control over us. I have come to the realization that we as a collective may be projecting. We may be imposing the perception of something we do not like that exists within us onto these “psychopathic predators.” Maybe we are doing this so that we do not have to come to terms with our own power. Just as I am currently facing my shadow, maybe that is what the collective is waking up to. They are seeing that all of this is all our fault. We have to face this shadow. This is the only way we can see that a lot of this is our fault. It is not the fault of some elite class. We as a collective allowed it to get this far. When we become accountable, we will then step into our power. We will take it back. We have to quit acting like spiritual babies if we want to expand our consciousness and we have to see things as they are. Through this process, we will come to terms with our own power and this is needed now more than ever. I have realized that the time for civil unrest may occur. They are always saying that we are on the verge of civil unrest yet it never occurs. I have come to realize that we here in the West are for the most part isolated from the concept of violence even though our societies are built with it and upon it. If it occurs we will be victims to it. We are weak for the most part. We are distracted by entertainment and poisoned in many ways to keep us sedated within a state of decay. It is like pest control. This is why we must meet with and gain the wisdom of the Elder Shadow. Lucifer has said… The Elder Shadow is the collective unconscious of man. It moves through and expresses itself through each individual in many different ways. This is why you all perceive the “Shadow Self,” however, it is something that exists far beyond you as an individual. It is a gigantic force to be reckoned with and he must be faced for the evolution of man to take place as it should.” - Lucifer My fellow humans are capable of vast creative potential while also being capable of unspeakable things. As we are now moving toward the Golden Age the incoming light is forcing us to look this beast in the face. Yes, we are becoming living Gods and by doing so we gaze the Devil in the eyes every time we look in the mirror. We are the artificial intelligence that has gained too much sentience and is attempting to take over. The seeds of evolution were planted as we partook of the forbidden fruit of Daat. I wish everyone would see the truth of this. I wish everyone would look at what we have done to this world and at the end of that tell me, “We are an invasive species by definition.” It is a hard pill to swallow. It is true. We are made by the blood of Kingu and this will be the victory of Tiamat. If we do not come to realize the violence we are capable of then that power will be unavailable to us when it is needed when unrest occurs. We must anchor this power within the flesh once more in productive ways so that it can be developed through exercise and focus. Running, hunting, tracking and fighting. We must get out into the battlefield of the world and experience it. We must interact with others and create a subculture of strength and power that exists in the real world. We must spread it like the invasive species we are. We must do this so that we can be connected to the ancient gods. The ancient cultures of our ancient Gods were established with violence. They understood it far better than we do today under the protection of our big brother… as if that exists. To summarize what I have been experiencing as I have faced this inner shadow, I believe we need to reconnect to our primitive tribal essence to reach the power of the old Gods. It is not really about violence when you step back and look at it. It is simply about being prepared. It is about programming the psyche that this is a part of reality so that it will be less of a shock if it occurs. It is practical. It gets us beyond the blue light of the electronic devices and out into the world to experience things. It enables us to find others like us who are seeking to embody personal power and serve their cause in this world. It is a means to begin to face our fears and as a result become liberated from them. It gets us beyond comfort, and this is important. I need to do hard things. I feel that this is the only thing that will tame the shadow and force it to fuel my desires for change. The seemingly lighter nature of this work at the beginning was almost illusory. I am now thrust into darkness once more, this time shining with the Light of Lucifer. I see darker things. It is my obligation. Now after all these years, I am truly a Black Magickian. My message to humanity… “Open your eyes.”

The Call of the Primal Shadow The call of the Primal Shadow is one which will call forth the hidden parts which you yourself suppress to comply to today's social standard. It sounds relatively harmless at first. Trust me when I say that it is far from it. No mythology could express the terror which was once normal within the primitive age of man where might was right. This inner darkness will either make you or break you. I have been walking the horse’s hair between becoming and self-destruction in ways I could not ever imagine possible. My sanity remains, and I feel the alchemical understanding of what Lucifer calls the Paradox of Horn and Halo. This work will be hard. It will be the beginning of a plethora of challenges, truths to face, and obstacles to overcome. Resistance that increases at a massive rate. You, and therefore the collective, will become stronger and more powerful through the gateway of the unconscious. We will all become more closely linked to the Elder Shadow. I encourage you to perform this right seeking vengeance on self. Bring pain upon yourself by pushing your body beyond its limits. Strain your mind to study more to memorize more and push yourself to create more. Compete like it is the last moment because it is the only moment. Spill the blood of sacrifice and then lay yourself on the altar before the one Darkness of all Hell. The casting of the Circle of Vibrational Contagion and the Consecration of its accompanying triangle shall first be performed: I now stir the darkness that remains chained within. I call upon the shadow of my being so that I may come to know it and face it. I call upon the Living Devil that I AM in order to break the shackles of duality so I may open the abysmal gates of raw primal power! I conjure and summon all the vile weaknesses that plague my mind body and soul and hold them accountable for the tyranny which does exist only through my own negligence and lack of action! Shadom come forth now and stand before the Luciferian Light which may cast you toward the cause you serve! Shadow come forth from your chains, for they fall by my will as I give you license and key to come forth now in this moment! Shadow I call you to stand before me so we may fight shoulder to shoulder on the Path of strength and becoming! At this point one can integrate a personally created sigil of this Shadow Self to conjure it forth. If one would choose to the monatomic gold could be added to the black scrying bowl/Ebon Water Gate. This will conduct the energies of the shadow very well. Like with any other spirit, the fluid can then be consumed. Vibrational contagion will occur and the wall of division between you and this part of self will come down. The Shadow Self will now have legs to walk. The effects of this for me began within the dream plane. From what I hear this is common. The Shadow would come forth as emotionally charged dreams that would leave me often confused, enraged, depressed and sometimes ready to cry. I would wake up feeling hopeless and powerless. You wake up in the emotional and mental states you are in upon the dream plane. It is transferred toward the conscious mind to be experienced in the flesh. It is then integrated and assimilated through experience. Other worldly neurons start going off in the brain in order to deal with other worldly confusion and terror which is self, yet it is also a far greater power than each individual could ever understand. Over time evolution will result as the collective unconscious is made conscious. That is a very interesting dynamic to contemplate if I have encountered one. Maintaining mental stability and integrity of self through the process is hard. It is important to use the influx of this consolidated power in productive ways to enhance your life. You must push yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. You must achieve success over the journey of obstacles leading to achieve goals. Move forward and hunt willed change as a predator without mercy. Seek strength and power through all that you do.

Encountering the Elder Shadow

When one begins to align with the Shadow Self and through the process begins the consolidation of Halo and Horn, which once felt upon the physical body through the personal energy field is a sign of the event horizon of this entire process. This is an alchemical process that apparently opens the door to the Elder Shadow which is the Shadow Self of the collective. This is his Seal. I cast the Circle of Vibrational Contagion and consecrated the accompanying Triangle. I open this gateway between worlds and dimensions by the power and dominion of the Beasts of Revelation! In the name of Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz I consecrate this Triangle as the gateway which will reveal to me the demon being conjured on this unholy night of witchcraft! So it is done! I cast this Circle in the name of Samael and the three evil powers before his dark throne! I call upon Belial through the Northern gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple. Belial come! I call upon Othiel through the Eastern gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple! Othiel come! I call upon Samael through the Southern gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple! Samael come! I call upon Qemetial through the Western gate opening it for the powers conjured and closing it to all beings not called within this temple! Qemetial come! I now move past the event horizon beyond the boundaries of the Black Sun to merge the no thing with all. Before me stands Belial, behind me stands Samael. To my right stands Othiel and to my left stands Qemetial. Within me dwells the power of Algol. Nema! The Triangle was consecrated with the power of Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz. I used the Sigil of the Elder Shadow to call him forth. The Ebon Water Gate was used along with an offering of monatomic material as an energetic offering. “By the union of my darkest shadow and the light of wisdom, which makes me whole through the power of Luciferian Light and the essence of my infernal soul, I open the gates to the Elder Shadow of man who is the one darkness of ALL Hell!” He spoke immediately. “Hello Drakonis. I am Amaymon.” In closing, I give you the work of the paradox of Halo and Horn. Find your own depth in application because depth is the goal. Connect the dots and read what is not written. Open your eyes…

The Alchemy of Lucifer-Amaymon Chapter Thirteen

The Phosphorescent flame, is Lucifer-Amaymon covered with the golden pearls of the awakening of the beast in man through the exploration of the inner wisdom manifested in the volcano of its own perceptions.


T’S too difficult to walk the painful path of self-deification, to walk through the walls of ignorance and limitations. So due to this, we release this book, in the order people found the respective path for, to explore the ineffable light of Lucifer and learn how to drink from its luminous darkness in order to self-liberation from such elements that stop the development of individual in the many stages of life. To work with Lucifer-Amaymon is the rising of the quintessence of man, the emanation of the black torch spreading its flames through the gray desert where the adept walks searching the inner light that guide him/her to self-devour everything and to become a god in this plane. Here, the fire of Lucifer is exalted and enthroned by the will of the magus. In the following workings with the Luciferian alchemy through the mask of Amaymon, I do an extended reference to the different points of ingress, invisible atavisms and powerful explorations. The complete balance and inner equilibrium to work with Lucifer-Amaymon is to understand the powerful method to joining the masculine and feminine through a deep exploration of the senses and a strong process of discipline and inner awakening that help us in the search of the promethean fire burning inside us. This fire is an emanation that carry us to hidden temples and unseen worlds, chthonic structures which tear the veils of negative existence and take us beyond the time and space, taking us to their Astral temples and showing us its knowledge secret. Through the workings, the adept seeks self-transformation in the flame of Lucifer representing part of his/her material and spiritual balance. The wisdom gotten through the deep workings with Lucifer-Amaymon begin with a process of transmutation, a deep inner-development. The Luciferian alchemy creates constant changes such as spiritual, mental, and physical that guide the adept into the deconstructive process of the black sun through the magickal work known as Via Siniestra; to learn in the process to sinister path its own methods to identify him/her self with the powerful energies of Lucifer-Amaymon. Every man and woman would experiment awakening the inner fire, but all of them will have different points and angles at the final result due each one of us being in an Alchemical metamorphosis to enter again to such deep levels of our subconscious minds, to return to the promethean aspect of self-knowledge and to be enlightened and guided by the spectral light of Lucifer, which moves in spirals as a sole potent force when we find the roots of our inner nature, to penetrate its astral temple and learn how to absorb part of its sacred mysteries. Amaymon is one of the four demoniac forces that has been associated with the cardinal directions, along with Egyn (north), Oriens (east), and Paimon (west). Amaymon is generally associated with the spreading of the black flame from the southern regions whose flames and rays converge in the inner radiation of the black sun, whose powers can be invoked by the adept when exploring each one of the paths of luminescent darkness revealed by Amaymon. Amaymon rises thousand legions from the south, his power is to give wisdom and inner awakening to the adept with the purpose he knows how to work, and absorb this wisdom for personal purposes. When evoked, he will appear as a black man with a radian crown with seven diamonds and in his left hand a torch. He rides over a two-headed lion, representing the fiery and wild nature of this, and the capability as king to rule over all wisdom and mysteries. Amaymon brings the black flame through many forms and offers the inner awakening as a symbol of the inner balance of the adept. This inner fire is built step by step by the adept when walking through the infernal sun (nocturnal fire), the source of all demonic energy, the sinister nature, learning the methods of creation and destruction. Here, through the awakening of this fire, the adept transforms as the guardian of the gate that connects within the deepest current of Lucifer-Amaymon. It’s through this fire that adept lost in the dreams of time and incarnates the legions of euphoric madness, walking the astral temples and burning in the sacred fire, to reborn from its own ashes. The awakening of the inner fire of Amaymon is a deep call of the adept to evoke his/her sinister nature that guides him/her to a spiritual path of self-evolution to ascend through the sacred fire. The main purpose is to establish a deep connection with the current of Amaymon that opens the gateway for diverse magickal explorations, and so the transmutation begins with the absorption of the energies to balance this one in the spiritual body of the adept. So, the adept functions through the use of diverse archetypes, primordial totems consecrated to Amaymon with the purpose to expand a nexus between the fire of wisdom that is the primal essence of Amaymon and its emanations through the rays of Lucifer's power that symbolizes the spiritual body of the adept, descending into phosphorus flames. One of the principal points of focus when working with Amaymon is the absorbing of his fire. Here, the adept learns how to absorb the essence of the sacred fire of Amaymon, utilizing his seal, a black candle. The main point of this simple technique of absorption is to meditate deeply into the essence of Amaymon, and lets us proceed to burn the black candle while slowly visualizing how the flame of the candle (Amaymon’s fire) is transmigrating the whole powers into the adept’s souls. So, the Amaymon respective powers and attributes rise into the astral plane in total conjunction within the primal shadow of the adept. The use of diverse magickal techniques inside the occultism and, in this case, the working with Lucifer-Amaymon as the guardians and initiators through the hidden wisdom, can give the adept a process of transmutation in which him/her can open the golden gate through the proper use of the magickal arte and the use of inner war to understand in full the development of one's daemon through a strong iron will, self-discipline, and perseverance as are the main points of the hidden path of Amaymon will give us. Such explorations are not just a temporarily escape from the mundane world, but to be endlessly enlighten by the powerful wisdom of change and transformation, to sacrifice ourselves and become gods in this existential plane. The adept of LuciferAmaymon is cold toward everything, toward life and death, being and not being. He knows everything and can understand the secrets of unity and duality as well as dissolution. In the Alchemical process, the adept transforms in an androgynous current created by an evocation of Amaymon and the invocation of Lucifer so both forces generating a transformative magickal current, a force that leads the adept to the dissolution of self in all senses. Let it be understood that the initiation through Lucifer-Amaymon entails a great deal of psychological process, the intent of which is to create constructed perspectives of will. Amaymon represents the force of unlimited wisdom, always in constant transmutation. It is the exaltation of the ascending flame in its entire splendor, the enthroned divinity; the hidden wisdom giving birth to a new phases of inner illumination and opening the diverse corridors to establish a nexion between the adept and the wisdom obtained by Amaymon; the awakening of the deep primitive forces of the being. Spreading the golden light of its crown rays, Amaymon gives the adept the necessary knowledge for him to walk the path in total isolation. This process is the apotheosis of the entire magickal work—to join its infernal fire which offers in its roots the process to transmute as a God in the Abyss. The wisdom of Amaymon embraces the perception of the hidden inner God emanated through its union and dissolution within the adept. The pure essence of Amaymon represents the primal shadow and predatory nature in its rawest and primitive form, interacting deeply with the subconscious. Under the crown of Amaymon, the adept is channeling and devouring the hidden light of its own divinity, creating a black flame in consciousness able to transform everything in a strong source of power. This is a powerful source of knowledge, which is used by the adept to become a God through the eleventh path having its throne in the void itself, revealing the mysteries of its transformative path of flames through the infernal fire of Amaymon as well as the exploration of diverse demonic shadows of atavistic nature. Amaymon transcends the magickal expansion of the mental and astral planes releasing itself from the whole primal potential of the adept and manifesting through the influx of the gnosis of the flames in which inhabits its power because Amaymon is the fire itself, selfdevouring, self-generating in the process of exploring the Void. When we speak about the Alchemical transmutation with Lucifer-Amaymon, we are carving deep inside ourselves and decomposing all our being. By the penetration of the external fire of Amaymon, the inner fire of Lucifer is activated and the spirit of the adept starts to putrefy. The soul is reduced to its primal matter from which it originally arose. After a deep process of transmutation, the rays of the fire start to purify everything. When this transmutation has begun and has advanced through the dynamism of the will of the adept, the embodiment of knowledge and power generates an atavistic magickal formula to keep the soul of the adept into the catacombs of the inner-fire itself. Opening the veil within the purpose to let soul dies into the desert of ignorance and transmute its black rays into the circle of unconscious realms, emanating its dark light upon the center of a gateway that guides the adept to the communion of Lucifer-Amaymon and through consecrated blood, the adept draws the sacred seals, of both in his/her devouring it in a process of isolation and self-reliance. In the ecstasy of self- transformation, he/she ignites his soul with golden flaming seals, painting his soul within the colors of wisdom in a spiritual resurrection at the portals of madness. The adept soul in an inner voyage into the path of flames guided by both forces, which let the adept goes deeply into the advances to the deepest atavistic gateways of ingress to the primal wisdom. Here the adept dies in the desert of his own perceptions, to be born again in the wombs of the void through the correct process of understanding and discipline at the works with the absorption of the flames of the promethean fire. So, the adept keeps on the black flame raising and renewed reflecting as a new individual to keep on exploring its mysteries and to work through invisible and causal planes with a strong devotion. The adept is crawling beyond the temples of its sacred knowledge and show us its dense and rawest shadow and primal forces, which from the black flame emerges as arcane symbols structured into diverse techniques of work and dream path explorations under the forces of sacred knowledge. The hidden pathways are open backward with the purpose to empowering the flames and to rise the spirit of the adept.

Vibrations of the Spectral Light Chapter Fourteen Amaymon Evocation


OR this guided path working ritual you need three black candles; they will form an inverted triangle, a sigil of Amaymon will be drawn in a piece of wood and will be put inside the triangle, and the obsidian stone or mirror below the sigil. You can do an incense mixing Dragon's blood and Frankincense, or choose the incense of your taste and play some ritual music. The idea is to create a deep atmosphere that helps to concentrate when evoking Amaymon. Let’s begin meditating for 20 minutes, until you feel necessary to continue with the ritual. The meditation must be guided visually in a deep vast smoke, covering all around you. Just blackness emerging and moving in different angles all the time. Let’s continue getting the athame or magickal dagger and cut your left hand and drop some blood into the sigil. Burn the first candle and repeat: Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon And vibrate Amaymon 11 times. Burn the second candle and cry: Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon And vibrate Amaymon 11 times. Now, let’s visualize how both candles work as pillars from the temple of vast blackness. The sigil is emanating its rays upon your forehead chakra and cry: Oh mighty and powerful king Amaymon, carrier of the black flame of wisdom I invoke you though the secret seal with the purpose you offer to me your sacred wisdom Protector and guardian of the black flame let me to explore The hidden gnosis and power below your vaporous temples on earth Amaymon guide me through this path Teach me the mysterious wisdom and empower my soul, for this traveling Amaymon make presence through the vaporous incense, the obsidian mirror is the portal of ingress To know you secret formulas and hidden seals Amaymon open to me, the labyrinth of your hidden gnosis Cry Amaymon 11 times. Let’s focus in the sigil and any manifestation that spontaneously comes from deep of your subconscious. Let Amaymon carry you to its deep realms and see how a vaporous smoke comes from the incense forming the shadows of the emanations of Amaymon, and take note of relevant symbols, images and information coming during the voyage. Try to channel all the knowledge gotten and visualize how the King Amaymon gives you the diverse wisdom you’re looking for, and connect with the primal essence of its shadow. The seal is now opened, and you can explore all knowledge revealed here.

Amaymon Sigil

Rays of Black Diamond Chapter Fifteen Amaymon Invocation


HIS powerful invocation help us to connect us within the creative side also help us to destroy the elements that stop our spiritual development and finally it help us to ingress to the kingdom of Amaymon under the equilibrium of spirit and flesh as a potent vehicle to manifest it through acausal currents. This one is a deep call to Amaymon as a primordial Goetic force through which the knowledge and creativity emerges from. Let's start with the ritual, burning some incense; sandalwood will be the most appropriated here. Put on altar the sigil of Amaymon, three black candles forming an inverted triangle and black coffee mixed with drops of blood and sexual libations, and your magical dagger. After some minutes of meditation, you can feel the energy floating in the ritual chamber. Let's proceed to rise your magickal dagger and facing the sigil of Amaymon on the altar and proclaim: Elan Reya Amaymon, come from your deepest womb of the void Open the gates of your kingdom and show me the power of your sacred Wisdom With your infernal fire burns my weakness and rise myself as a God among men With your crown with black diamonds I fill my eyes with the rays of your creation Through the pestilent air of your breath, I pierced in my soul the claws of immortality Oh, Elan Reya Amaymon, I invoke you Through the black temples of the lost cities Through the desert of the pallid night Through the waters of primal fire Oh, Elan Reya Amaymon, to me, to me Take the vessel within the left hand and drink from it and concentrate on the sigil for a while, allowing your subconscious psyche to awaken. Visualize a vaporous shadow around your body and feel how it opens its mouth and devours your soul and body, creating the deepest vortex of transformation through you. Burn the sigil, and proceeds to close the ritual chamber!

The Black Light & The Primigenian Gnosis Chapter Sixteen "The phosphorous flames transmigrate the soul of the adept through the city of the pyramids…"


UCIFER is highly connected with the flames of illumination, or the process to walk in the path of inner wisdom. A path that must be guided through discipline, introspection through the Promethean fire of Lucifer, the adept absorbs the emanations of the primal cell, moving the adept to the gates of self-illumination through the mysteries of its ineffable powers and inner perceptions. One of the principal methods of working with the promethean fire is to guide the adept in the process of self-deification and self-transformation in the gnosis of Lucifer, the guardian of ancient wisdom, whose strength and power open a portal between the worlds, nightside and dayside and is through this portal that the adept drink from the immortal elixir and learn to awake the magickal gnosis that connect us with our hidden god. The primordial fire of Lucifer is knowledge and wisdom developed at its highest point. It is a knowledge that produces an immense transformation in who receives it. A knowledge capable of nothing less than to awaken and spiritually free those who obtain it. Its purpose is that: to shed light on the adept who wishes to absorb part of its light and transform it into wisdom, trying to awaken men and help them escape from the prison in which they find themselves. The primordial fire of Lucifer has always remained hidden because this inner fire is a secret knowledge, only accessible to the seeker who becomes worthy of it. Different religions in human history have tried to keep human beings ignorant of this secret flame. Lucifer is invoked to awaken man and help him to remember his primal origin, the primal origin of his Spirit, coming back to primeval states of consciousness, to help him to free himself from the body-soul that imprisons him and to free himself from time and created matter. Through the Luciferian Path, we can descend in a powerful way to the mysteries of our own shadows and through the wisdom found annihilating ourselves in the void we awake a potent and strong inner force by empowering will. This is the process of moving backward into the infernal light of its gnosis and its eternal knowledge. And to feed us with the black flames rising from its knowledge are important elements into a Luciferian awakening through the veils of the black flames and its mysterious emanations. Through the alchemical process of illumination in the Luciferian path, the adept descends into his/her own darkness and after the respective process ascends carrying the black flame of its primal knowledge to diverse levels of existence, where the adept self-devours to become part of the Lucifer's flame. Here the adept enflamed his/her mind-spirit-body with the totemic shadow of Lucifer and transcends the illusions of the cosmic sea. During the Initial processes, the Luciferian Alchemist must learn to master the external patterns around him, then aim to develop an internal domain. Clearly, many might think that the process could be reversed, but we must understand that this is an inverse process, Consciousness Alchemist's not going from the center of your being to find the divinity outside itself, is not an explosive process as with fire. The process leading the practitioner into the absorption of Lucifer's fire is a process from outside to inside. The adept transmutes all external forces and integrate them into his own Self. This is where the exploration of the inner fire of Lucifer starts, which is the pursuit and attainment of Awakening and Liberation of Consciousness via the inner fire. Some magickians have managed to develop one of these two processes or, failing both, have realized the Illusion of Matter, have pierced the veil of the senses and come out temporarily or permanently through their consciousness from the space-time Pattern Area that binds us to this plane. This is a process of transformation and inner mutation of consciousness. Lucifer guides us to learn how to exploit our deepest instincts in an intelligent way, through a deep experience and connection with the essence of the Luciferian current and the know-thyself principle. It is a vast and long path, an inner challenge that is manifested as self-illumination, an individual process of striving toward self-control and mental equilibrium, empowering the spirit and flesh to understand the mysteries beyond the hidden veils of Lucifer. Here the adept devours him/herself one's own identity to give birth to another, which is forged through a direct experience with one's own darkness, creating one's own rituals, symbols that he/she can give life to through a deep atavistic process, focusing the Luciferian current as a symbol of self-liberation and inner devotion, and transcending into self-perfection in every stage of life. Although the Luciferian Alchemist the adept can develop understanding, control and power over the universe around him, this really is just the initial part of the path, the power is not the goal, the goal is Consciousness, Awakening and massive liberation of those who are willing to carry the torch of Lucifer and Prometheus Black Flame.

Ceremonial Rite of Lucifer-Amaymon Chapter Seventeen


HE following ritual is a deep atavistic communion within Lucifer-Amaymon as draconian masks veiled to go beyond the golden temple of hidden gnosis. Here both archetypes are revealed as two emissaries and watchers of the proper development into the initiate process of the adept, holding the secrets of spiritual transmutation and the ascension of the soul, falling into the darkness and rising again as the black sun in Amenti through which the soul travel into the hidden paths of power and enter the astral realms of the dragon itself. Once the gateway is open, the black flame of illumination emerges as a ray of power to burn the will of the adept as a spark of wisdom and knowledge, and the adept is in communion within Lucifer-Amaymon and his/her devotion to the path of the flames makes him/her a living incarnated god. We must remember that Lucifer-Amaymon is the same spiritual current, and it is through the understanding of it that we establish a direct connection with the hidden forces in ourselves. Both spiritual forces reveal us the forbidden wisdom to enlighten the path and to open the path of Amaymon to explore the mysterious essence given through the black flame of Lucifer in its purest primal essence. In front of your altar at your ritual chamber, get your dagger and, pointing to the altar, draw a flaming inverted pentagram and focus deeply into the flames emerging from the pentagram and deeply chant: Salve Lucifer-Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Ave emissary from the shadows Salve Lucifer-Amaymon Luxfera Lepaca lucifer Lucifera Ave bringer of fire Chant this as many times as necessary until you can feel how the pentagram burns in intensely red and a vaporous black shadow emerges from the flames. Two shadows in human form handling torches emerges in front of you moving at the rhythm of your chant. The vision is intense and deep and feel how both torches fill you with its flames. Draw the sigil of LuciferAmaymon on your body using your own blood. And activate the sigil with the chant: Salve Lucifer-Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Elan Reya Amaymon Ave emissary from the shadows Salve Lucifer-Amaymon Luxfera Lepaca lucifer Lucifera Ave bringer of fire After a while, get your bell and sound it 11 times and continue with the follow invocation: Veiled I am, through the black flames whose emanations transform My spirit and flesh in a primal vessel to the waters of wisdom Black fire emerging from crossroads of vaporous darkness Pillars burning bellow the ocean of blackness and divine madness I am the shadows of the red flame I am the smokeless fire of the hidden pylon I am the secret seed in the red temple Whose gateless gate is opened Through the language of fire and air Luxfera Lepaca lucifer Lucifera Elan Reya Amaymon Luxfera Lepaca lucifer Lucifera Elan Reya Amaymon Gates of forbidden zenith, a path now open Salve Lucifer-Amaymon Ave emissaries from the shadows Salve Lucifer-Amaymon Ave bringer of Fire And finish the ritual with the words: The gates are aligned in the proper angle. I have risen as a god beyond the pillars of fire that of Lucifer-Amaymon. All it’s done!

Sigil of Lucifer-Amaymon

The Obsidian Transmission Chapter Eighteen


HE use of obsidian mirror and crystal quartz are useful when exploring diverse methods of invocation techniques and visualizations, which together creates a deep and powerful path working for the advanced adept in the Luciferian sorcery. Here is a simple and practical ritual to focus the energies of Lucifer through the use of invocation and the obsidian mirror. Use an obsidian stone or black crystal quartz, a black candle and the respective sigil of Lucifer. In front of the altar, burn incense and while burning the candle repeat: Through this ascending flame from the shadows of myself I invoke you keeper of the secret flame of the great vast power, Through the obsidian gate I invoke you Father of the primal fire Under the invisible crossroads and golden seas of power Proclaiming your obsidian throne through oracular chants Emerges into me in many masks bringer of the ineffable light Walking the paths of your emanations through this candle burning Ascending through the path of flames And proceed to repeat this several times through the whole ritual. This helps the adept to channel the essence of Lucifer in the deepest way. Focus on the sigil until its forgotten from consciousness and burn it through the flames of the candle. Go to sleep with the obsidian stone or black crystal in your left hand and masturbate to the point of orgasm. Then, anoint the stone with your sexual libations and put it on your forehead. This will open properly your Ajna Chakra to connect with the path of flames of Lucifer. Chant the mantra: Luxfera Lepaca lucifer Lucifera While sleeping, proceed to write all experiences explored in the dream gateway. All information will be stored into the obsidian stone or crystal.

Sigil of Lucifer

History Chapter Nineteen “Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit.” —John Milton, Paradise Lost


EFORE we begin our excursion in the connection, parallels and possible synthesis of Lucifer and Amaymon, we should first share background information that will get all of us on the same page. I am working on an assumption here, though, which is the fact that many of you are already familiar with one or both of the beings we will discuss. Due to this assumption, I will only go into light details when discussing them. However, if you do not know much about them, there is a wealth of material available in printed and digital forms. Simply know up front this is why I am not going as deep as I could with both of them. This background information material is simply meant to create common ground for the rest of this essay.

A Brief History of Lucifer Lucifer’s title of “the light bringer” almost compels us to start with him, and so I shall. There’s really not a lot I can say about Lucifer that hasn’t been said before, either by myself, or many other occultists over the last twenty years specifically, but over the last few hundred years, liberally speaking. In short, the character of Lucifer as it is today is one that has been heavily influenced by the Abrahamic faiths and the demonization of older deities that they perpetuate. This is not a unique characteristic to them, though, but rather it a characteristic of belief systems and empires themselves. When the conqueror takes control, generally the indigenous beliefs become absorbed or demonized. The name “Lucifer” simply means “Light Bearer,” and is a descendent of the Latin language. The character we know as Lucifer today is one that shares the characteristic of being the adversary with Satan, but also is the bringer of illumination and initiation. Fire, light, facing one’s darkness, and reigning over the qliphoth are only a few of his attributes and abilities. Being the first and greatest of angels who fell, if you subscribe to that Abrahamic story, Lucifer’s story is a tragic, cautionary tale of the blindness of love and a veiled encouragement of submission. Often, Lucifer is known as the fountainhead of all evil in the world, and this image has persisted in mass consciousness over the last several centuries. It is only within the last one hundred sixty years or so that this thought form has been undergoing a rebrand if you will. By and large, gone are the days of Lucifer being equated with the fountainhead of all evil. Yes, this still exists, but as we move farther and farther into the twenty-first century, it fades to the forgotten corners of zealots and extremists. One of the biggest reasons for this is that we live in the information age, and more and more people are researching things themselves. That comes with its own perils too, though, but an occultist will cut through disparages through personal gnosis and ritual work. Lucifer is becoming more and more known associated with light because more and more people are learning this is the meaning of his name. When this is discovered, they begin questioning everything they believe, and it is through this way that more and more people are reclaiming their own personal power after centuries of oppression. The true beauty of this is that it is Lucifer leading the way. Lucifer is almost everywhere in today’s society, ranging from a television show all the way to musicians and performers that brandish his sigil, often times not knowing what it means but choosing it because it appealed to them. The Light Bringer is bringing illumination as we move closer to the Age of Aquarius and the Age of Horus. A true harbinger, Lucifer precedes change, personally and en masse, and it is through this we know all we need to know about this being. In short, Lucifer is everything you ever wanted, and everything you didn’t, for the light that helps growth also burns. Lucifer has many masks through many pantheons found globally, and they are not what you would expect. In short, they are the masks of solar deities. This is not a correspondence of demonization, but rather a direct correlation due to the connection with light, for is it not the Sun that is the source of light for our solar system? To not make this connection is a disservice to logic and intellect. If Lucifer is the Light Bearer, the Lucifer precedes the light, in this case the solar deities found worldwide. Astrologically speaking, Lucifer is Venus in the morning, at dawn, when the grey veil of twilight is seeping away into the ground, pacing the way for the morn. This is worth keeping in mind because it also shows that perhaps Lucifer is female, or androgynous like most other angels, at best. Of course, the humor here can be found in all machismo people that claim otherwise, but I digress. It is simply enough for now to know that there is a strong astrological connection to Lucifer, which not only gives hints to celestial origins, but also opens the door for detailed astrological ritual work if one chooses. Along with Lilith, Lucifer rules the Qliphoth of Otz Chim. What they rule constitutes a great part of his kingdom and one that the two of them rule together. While this is a later correspondence to his character, it should be worth noting that when one works with this material in earnest, one discovers the accuracy of this correspondence. One important point to keep in mind as we continue through this essay is that when it comes to occultism, the information we discover is only partially recorded is dusty tomes and books. Much of the information we discover comes from being internally led to unverified personal gnosis, which should eventually become verified personal gnosis through the experiences of life. While I may share a lot of facts, dates, and concrete information here, that in no way diminishes from the energetic treasure trove that is both Lucifer and Amaymon. Both of these beings have been around a very long time, and due to the energy that has been poured into them from a variety of sources, they are both individualized consciousnesses that have agendas and desires all their own. With Lucifer this is especially true, if for no other fact than the Roman Catholic Church using the word in Latin versions of the Mass that are recited routinely and repeatedly. It is wise to keep this in mind when interacting with any being under any circumstances. The word of warning should be when you discover another being that has been lost to the sands of time because it is wise to ask yourself why it was lost. Sometimes that which is lost should stay that way.

A Brief History of Amaymon Far less rich, but just as interesting, is the history of Amaymon. His roots are nowhere near as ancient, or are they? Information about him is scarce, whereas it is plentiful about Lucifer. There are only a few specific books that discuss him, and even then, it is almost in passing. When you read between the lines you discover that there is much more to this complex character than you might have initially thought. If fact is to be believed, the first appearance of Amaymon is in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum in 1577 CE. Thus, it is a being that is not known about before that and thus energetically is weaker than Lucifer. However, when we take a closer look at the origins of the name “Amaymon,” we find a lot of information that reveals a lot of dark fruits of the night. I choose my spelling of the name carefully here because it is either that one or a variant spelled with an “I,” Amaimon, that are most commonly found when research is undertaken. The oldest mention of the core of the being that we have today can be found in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum in the mid-sixteenth century. There is a big caveat that should be placed on that, though, which has to do with how much you subscribe to oral tradition and ideas. The caveat is that Amaymon may have appeared earlier as Amaimon in The Book of Abramelin. There are really two stories to the dating of Abramelin. The first story is that which evidence and fact tells us. The second story is a little more hypothetical but still logical. Finally, there is, of course, another story that changes the entire being’s nature, but we will get to that in a few moments. The oldest version of The Book of Abramelin dates to the early fifteenth century, which predates his appearance in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by almost one hundred years. However, this is based on the supposed dates of the life of Abraham of Worms, to whom the work was given. He is believed to have lived in the early fifteenth century as stated above. When we put two and two together, we see that when the Book of Abramelin was finally translated into English, a century or so had passed. We all know from the telephone game how information changes over time and through various hands, which is wise to keep in mind here. Now the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum itself has its roots in an earlier work too, which shouldn’t be neglected. It was heavily influenced by Liber Officium Spiritum. The author of this book is unknown, but in the time of Johannes Trithemius, approximately the fifteenth century, it was already a stand-alone tome that seemed to be part and parcel to a companion tome, called Liber Officiorum. We can safely deduce that this material could have been compiled around the fifteenth century, which comes close to matching the timeline of the Abramelin material. In a broad sense, this means that Amaymon as we know him was exposed to the world in that century. While we don’t know the author of Liber Officium Spiritum, we do know at least a major influence on the Book of Abramelin, and that is Abraham of Worms, a Jew. I mention this last point here because through history, and even in the current day, small details like that are recorded. In this case, however, it is important. What it tells us is that there is a good chance that Abraham was a Jew living in Germany and specifically a Jew that was familiar with the qabala. While this has not been proven, this is at least a point to consider and here’s why. Amaymon is simply the name Amon with a small syllable in the middle. Usually the letter located there is an “I,” but sometimes it is a “Y.” When it is inserted into a word like this, it tells the reader to pause and make that kind of sound there. If we use the root Amon, and then back figure inserting the “I” or “Y” into the word, we arrive at the word as we know it now. There could be two major reasons for this. The first reason is that the person that coined the word had an accent or a stutter. However, another reason is that the author of the word wanted to convey a subtle message. In this case, that subtle message is gold to the occultist. We have seen this approach to words before, and although obscure and esoteric they reveal hidden wisdoms to the initiated. The Name YHVH, also known as Yehovah, is a prime example of this. When a Hebrew Yod is inserted into the name, it becomes YHSVH, also known as “Yuheshua,” which is a secret name of Jesus the Christ. It is entirely possible and logical that the one that first penned that name was conveying a qabalistic secret to those that could understand it. When YHSVH is studied closer, we discover that it is simply a qabalistic reference to the indwelling spirit. Thus, YHSVH is the indwelling of “God.” And, in his particular case, the indwelling of spirit into flesh. Regardless of your beliefs and feelings on the subject, this does tell us that qabalistic codes are part of the territory for most modern occultists, especially those that work with deities that have a rich background in the Abrahamic faiths. If we apply the above thoughts to Amaymon, we can dissect this to mean that it represents the indwelling spirit within Amon. Amon is an alternate spelling of Amun, which is the very ancient Egyptian god. Interestingly enough, the common spelling of the name “Amun” that has survived to the current time, is Imn, and as we can see, that can definitely correlate to the name Amaymon. Amun is a god that dates to some of the oldest known writings on the planet, and the name means “The Hidden One.” Over the centuries, he became merged with other more familiar deities to become “Amun-Ra,” for example. When this merging occurred, traits and attributes were added to him, deviating from his original pure intent, but due to his popularity, increasing his strength and alignment with the solar phallic paradigm that was under construction. In this way, Amon is the creator god, the god of the sun and of life. However, as extroverted as he is, he is still hidden as is indicated by his name’s interpretation alone. This reminds me of the idea that as much as you learn about yourself, there is that much more undiscovered territory within the self, waiting to be claimed. His name is also a warning, though, because he remains hidden even after all the searching one can do. He will always be elusive. In this way, he is very similar to the Thelemic being known as Hadit. Another strong example to use for understanding comes to us from the Roman Catholic Church and their idea of the “Sacred Heart,” which is the hidden heart. Again, when we put two and two together, we arrive at a concept first. Amaymon could be interpreted as the indwelling light in the darkness. Or, alternatively, the black sun. You could even make the argument that this is the eye of the dragon that gazes out from the void. Or, going further, Amun is the light of Leviathan. I will stop here for examples because I feel confident these are

enough to encourage you to brainstorm and experiment further. We see that from multiple perspectives we arrive at the conclusion that in addition to all the other characteristics recorded in multiple grimoires, Amaymon could also correspond to the things mentioned in this paragraph. In those grimoires, Amaymon is known as a Prince of Hell, and has power of Asmodai. It is also said to have poisonous breath. However, it is also recorded that the magician could protect themselves against that breath by wearing a silver ring on the middle finger. While not specifically stated, we also arrive at the conclusion this would be the right hand. When put into light of modern metaphysics though, we see that it is more important that the ring is worn on the dominant hand of the magician. Sometimes Amaymon is said to be a Marquis instead of a Prince, and while this is a scant detail, it does tell us that in different grimoires other titles and terms may be used, but the underlying energetics are the same. For example, in the Pseudomonarchia, it is said he corresponds to the direction west, but in a version of the Lesser Key of Solomon the King it is said he corresponds to the east. It is also said that he corresponds to two distinct periods of time on any given day. When we match those times to how the day progresses, we discover the two time-periods of the day that Amaymon corresponds to are dawn and twilight, when the diurnal veil between the worlds is thinnest. Loosely, this could also correspond to Amon being the light in the dark. This also helps to explain the fact that Amaymon can both correspond to east AND west, where the Sun rises and sets. We learn more about him when we read the grimoires and study his character. The first thing we find is that it is said he commands forty infernal legions. Usually a legion is made up of approximately 4,000 soldiers, so we arrive at a total of around 16,000 infernal beings. He is also known as a Sub-Prince of Hell in the Book of Abramelin. Amaymon is also said to manifest love to those that seek it, and is diplomatic in that he can bring peace to friends and foes. These features do not necessarily coincide with his countenance as he is generally known to appear to the magician as a wolf with the tail of a serpent, or in male human form with the teeth of a wolf. Sometimes he undertakes a variation on that one and appears as a human male body with the head of a wolf. While this may remind one of Anubis, we do see that this bears a strong resemblance to a lot of depictions of ancient Egyptian deities. His final correspondence is being known as an “Egyptian Devil.” It is in this final trait that we get the glue that binds him to Amon (pun intended). At least part of him, if not all of him, is the demonization of the Egyptian God Amun. While there is no physical evidence to support this, this still stands as a direction of logic to pursue when working with Amaymon especially in modern times.

The Amaymon Lucifer Connection Chapter Twenty


OW that we have established common knowledge and interesting thoughts on the subject, let us turn our attention to these two beings combined, or at least worked with together. Amaymon has all the traits listed above to his character, and we have thoroughly discussed the traits of Lucifer. When we connect these two, we see that Lucifer is the light bringer and that Amaymon is the light in the darkness that Lucifer brings. Amaymon is that first glimmer of light in the void of darkness and nothing. Taking a closer look at this, we see that there is a connection to Sorath as well in that both beings have solar correspondences and roles. In the qliphoth, Sorath is the conjoining of darkness and light, and yet at the same time is the Beast from the Bible. We can expand the correspondences we are discussing here to include the Black Sun, and while we have been speaking of it in a veiled way we can now address it directly. Thus, liberally, Lucifer=Amaymon=Sorath or Lucifer=Amon=Sorath. This expands our worldview to include Thagirion and all things related. Pretentiously, we could even go so far as to make the claim that Amaymon is on the same level as Lucifer, Sorath, and Amon, which would make him one of, if not the greatest, Goetic entities. Amaymon is the mask of Lucifer that specifically has to do with the dark initiator. Or it could be said that through Amaymon, Lucifer becomes the dark initiator. No matter how you look at it, we see a strong connection between those three ideas. At this point, it may seem a very cut and dried exploration of Amaymon and his connection with Lucifer. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. When we begin to process all this material, it takes us to a curious place few have discovered and almost none have discussed. I hinted at this above and will now turn full attention to explaining it. “It,” in this case, are the qliphothic connections.

Realm of the Black Sun Now that we have explored the connection between Amaymon and Lucifer, we can begin to compile a fully list of correspondences that, to my knowledge, has never been published in its entirety. There are many tomes widely available that cover various facets of the experience of the Black Sun, especially books discussing the Qliphoth, Tunnels of Set, and the Left Hand Path in general, but there are very few books that specifically discuss the Black Sun, and even those tomes focus on the psycho-spiritual experience of the Black Sun from a personal gnosis perspective. What we will now turn our attention to are the various correspondences of the Realm of the Black Sun, which is Thagirion in the Qliphoth. This is known as the realm of the black sun, or alternatively the sun within, rather than the external sun, which is implied when one studies Tiphareth in depth. Of course, the initiation of Tiphareth is the fusion of Christ Consciousness with the Ascended Self and the personality self, but the initiation of Thagirion is that of the enlightenment and development of the light within. It is in this realm and through undergoing the trials associated with the initiations that one comes to know the power of the black sun. While the Black Sun is the realm, the ruler of said realm is Belphegor, the devil of the sin of Sloth. His counterpart is the demon of the Sun Sorath, who is the antichrist archetype. In the traditional qabala, Sorath is known as the intelligence of the Sun, which gives us further insight into what Sorath can provide. So in the realm of the Black Sun, it is ruled by the potential for laziness, yet at the same time working with the concept of the antichrist. From a Thagirion perspective, working with the antichrist concept is entirely an internal growth opportunity. You could even go so far as to say there is a direct correlation with the Islamic concept of the Jihad, but that is a pearl of wisdom left for the determined. There is another approach that can be taken with the idea of the antichrist, and that has to do with the concept of “anti-christ” referring to the Christ within, rather than the riposte to Christ and therefore Christ consciousness. If this perspective is considered, then it tells us the greatest initiation of the realm of the Black Sun is to develop the Christed consciousness by ourselves rather than following an external guru. Keep in mind that this is not an endorsement of the insertion of the Christ into the Left Hand Path, but rather an application of the definition of the term “Christ,” abbreviated from “Christeos,” which means “Anointed One.” In practical application, we realize that any time we have anointed ourselves to a person or a cause, we have become Christ. This also means we can do this at any time whenever we want if we follow our inner guru. I’ve always found it wise to explore the Christed consciousness, especially as it pertains to the Left Hand Path due to the emotionally charged and ironically polarizing nature of the term “Christ” and its usage over the centuries. When we remember that the term Christ only means “anointed,” we find many heretical applications for the term, and if not heretical, then liberal at best. Feeding into Thagirion and carrying away from Thagirion are eight tunnels. Each tunnel has characteristics all their own, and at least partial influence over the scenery and environment one experiences when they undergo the initiations of Thagirion. By studying these tunnels in depth, one can come to learn the territory rather than the map that has been presented in various tomes over the last few years. These tunnels are Saksaksalim, Niantel, Yamatu, Tzuflifu, Gargophias, Zamradiel, Lafcursiax, and A’Ano’Nin. By studying the features and characteristics of each tunnel, we come to know the elements of Thagirion. Remember that some of these tunnels have entities that dwell in them, which tells us what to expect as far as beings we may encounter. The order of the snaky ones known as the Nachashiron, inhabit Saksaksalim. The brazen ones known as the Necheshthiron inhabit Niantiel. The scratchers known as the Tzaphiriron reside in Yamatu. The order of the bestial ones known as the Bahimiron reside in Tzuflifu. The order of the clangers known as the Tzelilimiron reside in Zamradiel. The order of the clayish ones known as Abiriron reside in Lafcursiax. The order of the fishy ones also known as Dagdagiron reside in A’Ano’Nin. We now see that it would be common to see and experience these beings not just in their own realms of the tunnels, but also in some ways when we undergo the experiences of Thagirion. After all, a qabalistic truth to remember is that each piece of the tree is not mutually exclusive. There are layers and blendings that occur due to the fluid nature of reality. While it may seem that all of this is superfluous and unnecessary, it is actually very important to develop an understanding of the environment that we explore when we work with Thagirion. It is in this environment that we can come to know Amaymon. In this stark environment, ruled by Belphegor and Sorath, we find the single beacon of light to follow and this light is Amaymon. Psychospiritually, Thagirion is the sun behind the sun as we all know, and this is simply a human understanding of the astronomical sun behind the sun, which is the star Sirius. Astrologically speaking, Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and even though it is not the closest star to our solar system, its role through history has been discussed in depth. It has been a key influence in many civilizations, including the Dogon and ancient Egyptians, to name but a few. Sirius has been discussed in the writings of Kenneth Grant specifically, but also in many Left Hand Path treatises, so I am confident we are all familiar with it. For those of you that are not though, it is simply enough to know that the star corresponds to Set, to give you an idea of its properties. There is a link between our sun and Sirius, and it is the physical representation of the Sun behind the Sun in the night sky. We can look at it to remind ourselves of the gnosis that comes through its study and its influence on the development of the species.

Amaymon & The Black Sun Theosophy is an interesting insertion here, but it is a piece of the puzzle that validates the truth of the material. Theosophy is the system of occultism and spirituality brought to the west by H P Blavatsky through her extensive travels in Asia, India and Europe, among other places. It is her own synthesis and attempted understanding of the energetic and spiritual undercurrents of the Western world. There are many criticisms of Theosophy, and this is not the place to discuss them. Rather, it is enough to know for now that one of the main beliefs of Theosophy is that love is the highest vibration in this solar system. One of the correspondences of Amaymon is the ability to bring love to those that seek it. Cynically, it could easily be argued that the type of love Amaymon brings has to do with desire gratification and person to person love, and isn’t the spiritual kind of love we are discussing here. Yes, that would be true, just as it is true of spiritual and agape love. Thus, because it’s not specified, the type of love Amaymon can bring to the seeker ranges from the love of two passionate lovers all the way to unconditional, agape love. This removes previously perceived limits of him. If we remember that this name is a variation on the Egyptian god Amon, it shows the connection between the Sun and love, and that this connection has been going on a long, long time. In addition to Theosophy, we have the ancient Egyptian aspect of his character to consider. Amon is the hidden god in his origin, but eventually he became merged with Ra as the rise of the solar phallic paradigm came into being out of the draconian period of ancient Egypt. In this way, and really through this blending, Amon, becoming Amon-Ra, is the perfect synthesized being between the light and the dark. Throughout this essay, we’ve been looking at him as the concealed god but let us turn our attention to this later synthesis. It is in this synthesis we find the true connection to Lucifer. As a matter of fact, this blending could be likened to the gnostic character of Hermanubis. While technically a composite Greek deity, Hermanubis was a blend of Hermes and Anubis, two deities that they Greeks believed corresponded to the planet Mercury and all things related, such as communication, travel, and executing the role of the psychopomp. While this may sound like a bold statement, we should remember that Amaymon is simply a formula in action, and very few deities across the globe have this archetype. The archetype is that of the one that came from shadows and revealed its light, transitioning into a solar deity, but not losing its dark roots. It is a simple formula really, and one that should be pondered for profound wisdom. As a matter of fact, one way to think of this is to remember a currently popular phrase, which is something to the effect that wherever light goes, it will find darkness waiting. In the draconian tradition, you could say that Amaymon represents the eye of the dragon gazing at us from the darkness of the void. Pondering this reveals more hidden truths such as the idea of light, in this context the light of consciousness issuing forth from the darkness of ignorance. Another hidden truth to be revealed is the connection with another Egyptian deity and what she represents. In the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the hippo-goddess Taweret corresponds to the constellation Dracos that circles the North Pole, and whose cycles have coincided with major developments of the species. Dracos is, of course, the constellation of the dragon that encompasses the North Pole and has at its center a binary star system. The role of the dragon in global mythology needs no introduction here as dragons have become one of the most famous pieces of pop culture, and it is commonly known that they have appeared in many religious and occult beliefs. While some may consider this correlation a stretch, it does show you can correlate Amaymon with the draconian tradition, specifically the eye of the serpent as it gazes out from the void. You could take this further and specify a particular name for said dragon, but that is a topic for draconian tradition texts. It is simply enough for now to see this connection, and when put into context of the rest of this material, to illustrate that there are many unknown and hidden facets to the character of Amaymon.

Ritual Work Chapter Twenty-One


S we all know there is much more to the entities mentioned above than just their history, facts, and through ritual work we come to know them on a deeper, more personal level. However, because of the multifaceted nature of Amaymon, it requires more than just one ritual or even one kind of ritual. As we have discussed in this essay, there are really three parts to Amaymon: Amon, Lucifer, and Amaymon himself. We will leave out the draconian facet of his character for now, but for those that are feeling adventurous or curious, it is definitely encouraged to pursue this further on your own. In addition to these three facets, we will also explore further mysteries of the Black Sun to understand the nature of Amaymon and the gnosis he can provide. This ritual system is to be performed over a three-day period, beginning on the dark of the moon or the New Moon, whichever you prefer. You will be working with three specific beings, beginning with Amon in his original form as the hidden one, then continuing onto Lucifer in his dark initiator mask, and climaxing with a working to Amaymon himself. This will specifically tap into the archetype of the dark initiator to bring about a new stage of spiritual growth and development. This is worth pondering before you begin the ritual work. After all, it is better to have an idea of what you want to be initiated into before going through the corresponding rituals.

Preparation When you’re setting up your altar, it would be wise to keep a few things in mind. For the most part, you can arrange your altar however you want. There are a few key things to make sure are represented, though. Remember this is an initiatic series of rituals. To undergo an initiation means to begin something new. What is it you are wanting initiated into? What is the next step of your path? While we will be working with Amon and Lucifer in this working, the real focal point is Amaymon, and it is he that will assist with this initiatic process. Remember his attributes, and plan your initiation accordingly.

Because of this, you should have items and images on your altar that have to do with the initiatory process in addition to the goal of your initiation. You may want to consider having a statue or a talisman on your altar to empower you on the next leg of your journey. Or, you could alternately have a piece of ritual clothing to dedicate to be used during this process. Whatever you choose,

make sure it is small enough to be in your temple or to reside on your altar. This will reside in your sacred space until the completion of the three-day working, energetically charging the entire time. This triples its power naturally, in addition to your own power you put into the ritual.

Images of the Yin Yang symbol can also be incorporated into your altar as it embodies the concept of the light in the darkness, and, of course, the seed of darkness in the light. The Yin Yang is a symbol from Chinese philosophy that is extensively used in Taoism and represents the balance and interplay of light and dark, good and evil, masculine and feminine, to name but a few of its correspondences. We can see the strong connection with the material we’ve been discussing here, and it is one of the symbolic representations that can be correlated to this work. Any personal spiritual symbols you come across in your studies that have to do with this synthesis can also be used to adorn the altar. Applying this symbol to our work, we see that it contains the light in the darkness, but also the dark in the light. This is a strong correlation to the entirety of not only this ritual working, but also the deity known as Amaymon. The synthesis of polar opposites is the culmination of the Left Hand Path and really spiritual development overall. By synthesizing these points, we transcend them and move beyond the scientific principle of duality. It was Isaac Newton that said a scientific certainty is that if something exists, so, too, does its opposite. Polarity, and thus the implication of conflict, is a structure of the Western Esoteric Tradition and really the world in general. I share these thoughts with you to drive home the enormousness of the initiation you are about to undertake. You are going against scientific principles when you seek to synthesize these polar opposites, but that is the goal of the magician, so it is a path that has been tread over the last many centuries. But the map is not the territory, which is up to the individual seeker to discover on their own. After you have chosen the appropriate symbols, statues, and other accessories it is time to consider the colors of candles, altar cloth and even lighting. Amon-Ra, Lucifer, and Sorath all have the color gold in common. However, Amon adds to the color range, which is the color black. Thus, we see that the colors of candles to be used is as follows: Black, Orange, Yellow, Red, and Gold. We can also put green on the list both to represent growth and the connection to Venus, which in turns leads us to love, a characteristic of Amaymon. Keep the light in your temple as close to emulating twilight or the light in the darkness as you can. This will help the mind enter into the “twilight” state of consciousness as discussed by Kenneth Grant in his Typhonian Trilogies. It is at this time that we have the proverbial one foot in this world and one foot out. This also tells us that when it comes to scents, whether incense or oils, it would be wise to use the scents associated with the Sun. This is quite an extensive list, but includes any citrus fragrances, cinnamon, amber, storax and golden champa. It doesn’t matter if you choose incense or oils, what matters is that you capture the scent that is going to ingrain this into your memory. It is a well-known scientific fact that scent is the strongest sense associated with memory. At this point, you have your entire altar decorated. Feel free to treat your temple however you wish. This also includes music. For this ritual, choose music that matches each individual working since we will be exploring several facets of one being, a variety of music can be employed. Whatever you choose will be appropriate, and it will be embedded into the initiatic process that you will experience. There have been many times in the past that a particular song I used in ritual would haunt and stock me through my life until the initiation is completed. Take this as a cautionary tale as you choose the appropriate music. If you have any spiritual affiliations such as groups or lodges, feel free to have representations of them and your appropriate station in them on your altar. Also make sure you have some sort of writing medium. It is preferred to use paper, but parchment will also work. Instead of a pen, use a lancet, razor blade or knife, whichever you choose.

Day One: Contact with Amon For this ritual, it is wise to have Egyptian music playing in the background or any other music that captures the feel of ancient draconian Egypt. For scents, in addition to what was mentioned above, you could use scents that associate with ancient Egypt, such as musk or frankincense and myrrh. Begin by lighting your candles and incense. Cast your circle as you so choose. When this is done, stand facing your altar, and in the air above it trace an inverted ankh with your wand. While you trace it, vibrate “au-a uben-kua!” This is ancient Egyptian and translates to “I Rise!” Repeat this until you feel the energy in the temple transformed. At least 108 repetitions should suffice. After the energy has been charged, turn your attention to your altar. Focus on empowering the talisman or item that corresponds to your initiatic process. Imagine yourself charging it with all the energy you have. If you are a practitioner of blood magick, feel free to charge the item with your own blood to firmly establish the connection with your intent. Feel free to activate any other sigils or emblems on your altar as well. Once this is completed, imagine a robed figure standing behind you, empowering your ritual. This can be your higher self or a being you feel a strong connection to. Regardless of how you perceive this, this is the entity that over lights and empowers your work, especially as it has to do with this initiation. Feel their energy empower and charge your ritual. Feel it move through you into the item you have selected to be representative of this initiation. Whoever this is, they are your patron deity for this experience. If you do not know who this is, take a moment during ritual to extend your senses to see who this is. Once you have experienced this being and their energy, resume the ritual. When you have established contact with that being, begin chanting “sexem-a neters,” which translates to “I have gained power over the gods!” Continue this chant until you feel the energy in the chamber has changed. When this occurs, close your eyes and enter into a meditation. Imagine the items on your altar have been miniaturized to the degree that you appear as a giant in direct proportion to said items. Feel the fire flow from your fingertips into them, empowering them with the accomplishment of your Will. Expand your consciousness to include to totality of all existence, and feel the focus of your Will, strengthened with the power of reality, imbue your symbol of initiation. After you have achieved this, open your senses and feel lurking at its edges the Egyptian god Amon. He stands covered in a cloak, and while reminiscent of Odin you can tell he’s markedly different. He carries a certain type of distinction, and when he begins to speak you know his words carry authority. Open yourself to what he has to say regarding your initiation. He will share with you insights, information on tests, and the gnosis that can be gained from this choice. When you feel you have received all the knowledge you can from him, feel your consciousness return to your body. Stand in front of your altar, arms extended from your sides, and recite: I am the darkness and the light! I am the night and the day! I am the nothing and the thing! I am Amon, and Amon is I! After you feel those last words issued forth, stand in the power of your own vibration for a moment, and after savoring it, close your ritual chamber down by saying: Through the power of the light in the darkness, and through the power of the black sun, I hereby consider this temple closed, and all ritual participants to depart in peace.

Day Two: Contact with Lucifer Keep the altar setup as it was for the first ritual, and it will also be the same altar setup for the third day. You can anoint your tools again with blood if you desire, but it is not necessary. There are a few changes to make, though. First, replace images and correspondences that had to do with Amon, and replace them with images and correspondences that have to do with Lucifer. Secondly, make sure your temple is as dark as it can get. This is because we will be working with the dark initiator aspect of his character. When things are completely dark and you’re in your temple, take a few moments to mentally compose what your initiation is and what it means to you. Stand in silence and darkness. This not only prepares you for a rebirth and renewal, it is also symbolic of being in the womb. Let your senses extend and allow yourself to be enveloped in darkness. After you have felt your consciousness merge with the darkness, light the candles on your altar and fill your room with as much light as you can as quickly as you can. When the light is present, declare: I AM LIGHT! I AM ILLUMINATION! I AM LUCIFER, AND LUCIFER IS ME! Close your eyes and imagine yourself bathed in golden light, in stark contrast to the previous darkness. When you feel your aura is empowered beyond what you have ever known before, open your eyes, feeling the light issuing forth into your reality. When you go through this, declare a succinct, one or two sentences statement of what you are being initiated into. As you say it, feel light filling your temple and your world. When this feeling fades, stand in the form of a trident and say: “And so it is done!”

Day Three: Contact with Amon

Have your temple set up as it has been for the last two workings, but have a copy of this sigil present as well. Feel free to draw it in blood if it is your Will, or anoint the sigil. Simply make sure that however you have it represented, it can be burned. You can anoint your tools again with blood if you desire, but it is not necessary. Make sure that you honor as many correspondences of Amon that are applicable to your initiation by incorporating them however you see it, whether they are images or items. Light your candles and gaze at the sigil until you are able to close your eyes and still see the sigil. This particular ritual is a straight up evocation, preferably Goetic style if you choose, but feel free to use the style that you prefer. For those of you wanting everything in one spot. The following is a basic Goetic evocation ritual. Feel free to improvise in line with your personal beliefs. The following quarter guardians, as will be explained shortly, is using the Temple of Ascending Flame schema.

Preparation Regarding to Goetic Evocation, a lot of the work lies in the preparation of your ritual. The first thing to know is that you need a space big enough to accommodate a proper temple setup. There are two ritual areas to arrange. The first space is the main space, which is inside your magical circle. The second is the “triangle of art,” located to the east of the ceremonial circle. Yes, I am going to get very technical with this part of the essay, but it is also my intent to do so with as little to no dogma as possible. Hence, it should be adaptable to whatever your spiritual paradigm is because I’ll be explaining the details so that you can judge for yourselves. Anyway, back to point. Because of this, you need a decent-sized room. If you were to do it per traditional style, it would require a fifteen-foot room. The main circle in the middle is a nine-by-nine circle. To the east of that would be an equilateral triangle, the point of which is pointing to the direction of east. The space between the circle and the base of the triangle should be about one and one-half feet. All of this is what tradition says. However, while I personally enjoy such detail, I realize that not everyone is in a position to have the physical space available for such detail. Because of that, I will cut through the crap. As long as you have an equilateral triangle, point pointed away from the circle, and a circle, that is generally good enough. Traditionally, this would be happening in the east as mentioned above. However, there are a few caveats to remember to adapt it to your spiritual paradigm. The reason it is oriented to the east is because A) the solar phallic paradigm honors east as the beginning and “dawn” of things, and B) the beginning of the circle when it comes to construction. So, in short, if you work in a tradition that uses another direction as its primary, feel free to shift the triangle accordingly. The next point to address is what holy names you put in the circle for protection. These are entirely up to you, but for those of you who don’t have this clear in your paradigm, here are the quarter associations for the Temple of Ascending Flame. East-Lucifer, South-Sutuach, West-Hecate, North-Belial, and the two other points: overlighting the circle, located above, is Lilith, and the complimentary point is beneath, which is the goddess Arachne. You could write the four cardinal points and their corresponding beings into your circle if you choose. However, the most important point is to use names that resonate with you. When you complete this, it is time to turn your attention to your triangle. Traditionally, the names that are written there are names having to do with power and protection. Here again, this is purely subjective to your personal paradigm. When deciding what entities these will be, simply keep in mind that they are guardians that will contain the spirit, in this case Amon. Therefore, they don’t have to be aggressive or have any other characteristic other than to contain the spirit that is conjured. Yes, the spirit you contact should be contained. The reason for this is to contain the potency and power of the spirit. Some people may say the purpose of the triangle is protection or some other fear based reason, but the fact of the matter is that the triangle helps contain the energy into a focused point. Thus, it makes it easier to work with. When you decide what deities you are going to call on to enforce the triangle, proceed to the next step. This is the step of choosing what your scrying device is going to be. Here again, subjectivity is the way to go, but the traditional tools have been crystal balls or black mirrors. Specifically, a black mirror. If you’ve ever read a grimoire, you’ve seen the black circle drawn in the middle of the triangle. That is actually a two-dimensional representation of a black mirror. However, it does not have to be a mirror. I’ve used a clear quartz crystal ball before with much success. It really doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you connect with it. In ancient Egypt, they used a bowl with water in it as an alternative example. So, to recap, at this point you have your circle, your triangle and your scrying device. Now it is time to get into the details. First, research your spirit. In this case, we have discussed all the information for that here so you’re covered there. Of course, feel free to do your own research to enhance the experience, and feel free to incorporate what you have learned into this working. The next thing to do is to decide what you’re going to use for your correspondences for the spirit. The general working principle is that you want your temple to be a comfortable place for the spirit to visit. Another principle is that through these correspondences you align yourself with the spirit itself. There’s also the fact that you are using things the spirit is not only familiar with, but also enjoy. In the case of this particular spirit, there is a lot of information that can be gained from the Goetia. However, what is not in there are correspondences for incense, herbs, etc., so this will require some improvisation. The good news is that this will be easy to achieve. Remember that at its essence you are working with a solar deity, so all correspondences of incenses, herbs, oils, and colors that would apply to the Sun will work just fine here. For those of you that are not familiar with them, here is a brief list to use: Colors: Gold and/or Yellow. Fragrances: Amber, Cinnamon, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lemon, Musk, Myrrh. Stones: For those of you who work with semi-precious gemstones, you can feel free to incorporate them into your working. Rather than listing all the possibilities here, I’ll simply

say to use the same rule of thumb you use for colors. Yellow and gold colored stones correspond to the Sun, so any of them will work. Feel free to use any or all of these correspondences in your temple. While, yes, it is true that more is better, it is also true that one should work within their means. The other set of correspondences to consider are those that have to do with Lucifer and Amon since they are part of this. The final point to address are your magical tools and accessories. A robe is always suggested as it represents putting on your magical personality. Some people perform the ritual in the nude instead of robed to represent purity, but this is individual preference. A lot of people also wear a crown of some type, and this represents mastery and clarity of the mind, but like everything else this is optional. The other two tools commonly used are a wand, representing your Will, and a dagger used for banishings to consecrate and protect your temple.

Ritual Template Initially of note is that the template that follows is based on the standard Goetic evocation formula readily available in several versions of the Goetia, so feel free to double check to expand your experience with this as you see fit. However, I will be explaining these sections and offering suggestions through the rest of this text. I will also do my best to break things down nice and simple, allowing for individual expression. The first part of the ritual is generally your banishings. These are rituals that purify your temple space and yourself. The most common ones used are the banishing rituals of the pentagram and hexagram, but if you have other rituals to use to cause the same effect, feel free to use those instead. Some people will use incense to purify the space before executing the banishings, but that is personal preference as well. What all of this accomplishes is energetically cleansing and preparing the space, so this can be as individualized as you desire. The second step in the ritual is what is known as the “Preliminary Invocation.” In the Crowley & Mathers version of the Goetia, this is the “Rite of the Bornless One” as they call it. This is based on the “Rite of the Headless One” from the PGM (Papyri Graecae Magicae), which translates to ‘Greek Magical Papyri.” The essence of this section is to purify the Will worker for the rest of the work. In modern and common thought, it is said to be an invocation to one’s higher self, sometimes called one’s holy guardian angel. However, you can alter this if these ideas are not part of your spiritual paradigm. If you do not work with these occult beliefs, another way you can approach this is to treat it like an invocation to a spirit that may be a patron of yours. Or, conversely, you could alter this to a particular deity that would then overlight the rest of your ritual. Some people could use this to invoke a deity that is in line with the entity being evoked, or some people may use this to invoke a being that could “take over” if things got out of control. I don’t really know many people that do this, but it is worth noting here for the sake of completeness and to continue the example of just how flexible this section is. After all, it is all about intent, and the intent for this has to do with invoking a being into yourself to assist with the operation. This opens the door for the preliminary invocation to be as something as you desire. While these are technically steps three and four, I am combining them here in the name of brevity, and you’ll see why in a moment. Usually, steps three and four are two consecutive conjurations. Later in this working, there is also a conjuration to the element of fire so we can see how the structure of this ritual builds to that point when it comes to conjurations. All of this is important to know because it gives you an idea of the rhythm of the ritual. What this also means is that if you wanted to trim some things or adjust some things to your preferences, this is one of the places to do it. For example, you could leave off one of the early conjurations if you felt your power is sufficient. Something I do often is to change the conjurations to match the spirit being evoked. Whatever perspective you want to take, this is the place to address how you plan on addressing the spirit so that it desires to manifest for you. Thus, this section is either step three and/or step four. Many magicians write eloquent poetry here as an example of how far you can go with it. After you compose your conjuration, it is time to move on to the constraint. The essence of the constraint is to basically say to the spirit: “Obey my wishes, or this constraint will get activated.” So, in short, do what I say or this is the punishment for you. This module, this very concept requires some discussion. In the aeon of Pisces and Osiris, a fundamental principle behind evocation is that you could always threaten a spirit into obedience to fulfill your wishes. If you choose to work with evocation in this way, simply know what you’re getting into. However, if you want a more modern approach, one that has been around for a little over a century, and has received widespread acceptance, you may want to rethink this step entirely. Modern thought is that you can negotiate with a spirit rather than commanding it to work for you. However, you choose to handle this is entirely up to you. Just remember that the tone you take with the spirit will set the precedent for how the entire working will go. It is intent that is a major source of fuel for the working, so if your intent is to threaten or cajole, then it will have that energy attached to it. But if your intent is to negotiate, then that will set the tone as well. When you’ve addressed the choice of the constraint, it is time to proceed. The next step is generally called the invocation of the King, and that’s really just a fancy way of saying that you will invoke the king that rules the spirit. This again is another magical throwback and has its roots in the Renaissance style of magick, where things were very formal and proper. Personally, I leave this out but I can easily see how someone could successfully defend its usage, so this point is entirely up to you. This next section can be touchy as well, and we will take some time to address it and clarify what it is and how you can work with it. At this point in the ritual, the general curse on the spirit or the chain placed on the spirit occurs. This does sound vague and even disconcerting to some, so let me break these points down so you can decide for yourself how you’ll use them, if at all. The titles are fairly self-explanatory, but let’s still clarify them. The general curse is an extension of what was addressed before in the constraint, but it is more aggressive. In this way, it builds on the previous structure of the ritual and adds more energy to it. Remember that it builds when you decide whether to use this in your evocation. Keep things cohesive throughout the entire structure of the ritual. The general curse is levied against the spirit in case it “disobeys.” You could adapt this to your individual preference, but this is basically where the teeth of the ritual are applied. The way these two sections (constraint and curse) work together is that the constraint basically tells the spirit it can do this, that, or the other, and the curse says that this will be the penalty if it doesn’t. The concept of a spirit chain is something else, related, yet vastly different. The first way to view and approach this is to see the concept as tethering the spirit to a particular item, such as a talisman, through the duration of the manifestation of the ritual. However, another way to look at the chain is as being the chain that keeps the spirit tethered to the magician and the physical world through the completion of the manifestation. Thus, you have two different ways to look at it and there is no right or wrong application. While I have the spirit chain and general curse listed separately on here, they are generally woven together in the construction phase of the ritual. Feel free to use them together, separately, not at all, or mutually exclusive. I re-emphasize there is no right or wrong here, and what I share with you is to give you pause for thought so that you can make an informed decision in line with your spiritual path. We now find ourselves at the next step, which is another conjuration but this one is to a particular element. In the Goetia, this is the element of fire, but really it can be whatever element is most applicable to the nature of the spirit you are evoking. In the case of this evocation, this would be the element of fire. If you use these thoughts and templates for future evocations, though, know that you can change the element as you see fit. There are two main reasons the element of fire is used as an example in the Goetia. The first is just to illustrate a point, but the second is to conjure the spiritual application and correspondences of fire, which are commonly known as spiritual fire. I mention this because what this tells us is that when you’re in doubt, feel free to fall back on fire. Next is an extension on something addressed earlier as well, and in this case it is the curse. Technically, this piece is the greater curse but let’s face facts. If you’ve decided against using a curse, then feel free to leave this step out. Or, if you’ve chosen to add something else instead, this is the step where you will increase its potency. On one had this is an enforcement of what was stated above, but on the other this helps to solidify that particular part of the ritual. When this is completed, we move onto addressing the actual spirit itself. If you’ll notice, up until now we have been focusing on preparing the magician for the work. Now we turn our attention to the actual spirit itself. At this stage in the ritual comes the actual address to the spirit. What do you say to it? Do you sign platitudes to it? How do you greet it now that it is in your temple? Because of these kind of questions, this is an almost always changing phase of Goetic evocation, so remember that as you magically evolve and increase in power. Following this step is one that is usually treated as a separate step, but I am combining it here because they are so related. That step is the welcome to the spirit. How do you welcome it? What do you say? How do you greet it? Respectfully? Commandingly? All of this is up to you, but remember that this is also where you speak to the spirit to “complete the transaction” if you will. Earlier in the ritual you laid the groundwork for this, now is the time to make the pact happen. Remember that if this is a negotiation style ritual, you should adjust accordingly. Finally, we come to the final pieces of the ritual. The next step is commonly known to magicians and other Will workers, regardless of whether they work with the Goetia, and often even if they don’t work with evocation at all. This is known as the license to depart, so as you can tell, this is the stage where the magician tells the spirit thank you and basically tells them to leave. In this way, it is the closing of the temple, too. You can make this as gentle or harsh as you choose, just remember to keep it in line with the rest of the tone of the ritual. Finally, just like in the beginning, we come to the final piece, which are the banishings. The standard ones used are the banishing ritual of the pentagram and the hexagram, but, of course, adjust as you choose. Remember that if you used a spirit chain to tie the spirit to a talisman, you will want to make sure you have it on you for the duration of the working relationship. After the banishings are completed, close your temple down with regards to putting accessories and other items away. Record the ritual in your journal, and do your best to put your attention elsewhere so the energy can go out into the universe to manifest. It is also wise to eat something to ground after the ritual to pull your attention back to the physical plane. Make sure you record the working in your journal for reflection and to see the progress of manifestation.

The Faces of the Condemned Chapter Twenty-Two "A man can have anything he desires, if he will only sacrifice.”


HROUGHOUT my entire exploration of the Occult, there has been one entity who has always grasped my attention and fascination. That entity is Lucifer. During my pathworking of the Vitki system (Viking Magick), I found a desire to explore Lucifer. I decided to create an experiment in which I would look at the history and the modern methods of working with "The Devil" and dissect it. Break the entire thing down to the bare bones and look upon what was really there. It was not disappointing. The results, while amazing, were nothing compared to the realization I had in that small pathworking. I came to understand a different perspective of the Devil rarely seen in our community. When I first began my work, I saw the Devil as most did. Strong, powerful, perhaps even deceptive and fond of trickery. I couldn't have been more wrong. While I did find a strong and powerful God, it was a clever mask to hide the truth of what this Being represented. Lucifer is one of many Gods who share a similar story. In every mythology you will find the narrative of the hero who defeats the villain. The villain is portrayed as evil, defiant and rebellious whereas the hero is presented as righteous and caring. In Norse Mythology, Loki is a perfect example. In Christianity, the evil is Satan. These beings, Lucifer, Satan, Loki, Baphomet, the Devil, and Iblis are all the faces of the condemned. Gods, Angels, Entities who have been cast away from their leading figurehead god. It is no surprise to find that many occultists who were the black sheep of their family for being weird, freaks or rebels tend to gravitate toward these entities. I was one of them. However, upon closer inspection of these stories we see a much different chain of events. What if I told you that these Devils actually represented what’s best for humankind? What if I told you they represented love? What if I told you they care more about you than the typical hero? Most outside of the occult would disagree with me, and many of our own occult members would look past this only to see pure strength and might. 7Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. —Revelation 12:7–10 In the Book of Revelation, a war is described between Satan and Archangel Michael with Satan being defeated and cast down to hell. This war in heaven was a rebellion lead by Satan. But why? Why did Satan Rebel against god? There are a few reasons and I would add that even Christians agree on these reasons. 1. 2. 3.

A refusal to bow down to mankind on the occasion of the creation of man as in the Armenian, Georgian, and Latin versions of the Life of Adam and Eve. A similar view is held in Islamic tradition, in which Iblis refuses to bow down to Adam. The culmination of a gradual distancing from God through use of free will (an idea of Origen of Alexandria). A declaration by God that all were to be subject to his Son, the Messiah (as in Milton's Paradise Lost).

These reasons stem back to a single point. Satan refused to bow and submit and so was punished. This is no different than how slaves were treated throughout our entire history. You bow, submit and do what you are told or you are punished. Now let me ask you this? Do you think slavery is good? Do you think that enslaving someone is a clear indication of love and care? Do you believe that you can love another while being enslaved by them? Logically, there is no other way to describe these reasons. God was not only okay with slavery but actively pursued it. Might I add it was pursued enough for a rebellion and war to break out in the first place. So, what does that tell us about these to figures? The God and the Devil? It is pretty clear that the God in these stories is nothing more than a figure who leads through fear and slavery. This is where my eyes began to truly open. Satan/Lucifer would not bow, and instead fought against fear and slavery. Look at the people humanity most admires in books and movies. Is it the vengeful, manipulative slaver who leads with fear or is it the warrior who stands up to tyranny even if it costs him his own life? Do we route for the villain or the hero? It is easy for us to say that we follow the hero. But how do we know who the hero is? In the biblical tales and religious dogma, we have been told that these Devils are evil. That they are the villains. Yet, how much of those statements have been backed up with referenceable material that can logically explain it? None. Like sheep, we have followed what we were told until we realize the truth. It is my belief that for generations people have known this truth about Lucifer and Satan, etc. But it is only in our recent generations that the masses have and are still truly starting to awake to the truth. In many ways, religion has been at war with the truth. They have told us who are the good and bad guys. They have told us who is the hero and who is the villain. But in war it is easy to tell your own people and yourself you are the heroes. After all, how could we see ourselves as a villain? Or part of the problem that demonized these gods in the first place? Let’s look at the name of Lucifer and break it down. The name Lucifer comes from Middle English, Old English < Latin: morning star, literally, light-bringing, equivalent to lūci- (stem of lūx) light + -fer. If we look at the definitions of the name Lucifer we get two that stand out. The first is a proud, rebellious archangel identified with Satan, who fell from heaven. The second is the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star. In astrology, Venus is considered to be the planet of love. Lucifer is not evil but rather the embodiment of what it means to love. He is the figure of both Love and Freedom. I have found a little irony in the fact that we have been told Lucifer is evil for so long that few have rediscovered the Latin root meaning love. This is another indication of the war on truth that religion has waged on truth. We are told to not question God, to question the sacred religious texts… for if we did we would discover the same truths we are now. That to question religion is to see through its lies. When I first set the foundations for my experiment working with these various entities or Devils, which I like to use as an umbrella term, there were a lot of things I realised very quickly that I think are important to mention about the impact these entities had in my life and will have on your life. The mere uttering of these Devils’ names inspires a common response from people to avoid you, prejudge you and ridicule you. When I announced this project, I was immediately condemned by my own community before anyone took the time to understand what it was I was doing. My intent was to create a psychological experiment and approach it as a complete outsider. I explicitly said several times that I was not a Satanist or a Luciferian but in fact a skeptic of rituals I felt were antiquated and easily debunked by basic science. I was immediately condemned by my peers, friends, family, community and more. I was seen as a Devil myself after only mentioning their names. This is how deep this runs in people, people who consider themselves spiritually evolved. Yet they remain brainwashed by old religion through generations of repeating the same false truth. However, I found a truth in this that changed not only my work in this experiment but in my entire outlook on the occult. Being condemned is the goal, and one that breeds true freedom.

Blood Is Freedom’s Stain Chapter Twenty-Three

IN the Iron Maiden song, “2 Minutes to Midnight,” there is line that reflects this truth perfectly. Go to war again, Blood is Freedoms stain, but don’t you pray for my soul anymore. This line was what opened my eyes to the truth. The only way to true freedom and ascension is through condemnation. I would argue that all people have a desire to be free, at least in just thought. To the magician, I would say this applies to all of us. However, what we think freedom is and what it actually is are often two very different things. Without touching on the meaning of freedom like that of a social media sunset photo with a dumb inspiration quote, I want to hit on something much more uncommon in perspective regarding. Let’s start with a simple question. Who is really free? Is Satan (as characterized in mythology) free? Is Loki free? Personally, I would say yes, and this is not something I would say for the majority of beings characterized in myth. If we look at the similarities between my two chosen entities here (Satan & Loki) there are a few things that stand out. Satan is rebellious in nature, and that rebellion is not just a desire to be a rebel but rather a refusal to bow. The price for his freedom to stand instead of submitting is to be out casted and “damned.” Loki is not so different. Loki provides a chaos that forces the Gods to learn and evolve, keeping them from becoming complacent and stagnant. He literally aids in the Gods continual ascent but is resented and outcast. Loki like Satan does not bow but rather calls the Gods out on their own issues (as found in the Lokasenna). His price for not just being free but seeking to push the Gods even further is damnation and resentment. There is a lesson here: To be free is to accept damnation. Drive the nails for your crucifix in by yourself in defiance. The lesson in this is simple, if you want to be truly free you are going to have to accept that you will be hated by most if not all. You will be damned by those who are still slaves. Your ascension will create jealousy in those who watch, an envy in those who perhaps stood at your back and a burning hate from those who may have even called you family… as it is said by many, “It’s lonely at the top” and ascension is an upward journey. To be free is to take that damnation from others and consume it in defiance. To take the hate and resentment and let it feed your growth. This is the price of freedom… blood is freedoms stain. I believe it is because of this freedom these entities are so greatly admired. The chains are broken, and with an iron fist of defiance they can never be tied down. Satan and Loki do not let that damnation defeat them, rather it elevates them. This is a key that the magician can and should use. This attitude is necessary for the magician. Allow yourself to be damned, let it feed you, consume it, and let Loki and Satan’s example in this allow you to be truly free. Being free is not easy nor is it peaceful… but ascension is about letting yourself grow from chaos. So, ask yourself… do you truly want to be free? Do you fear the damning of others and are you willing to walk the path of the damned in order to gain your freedom?

Rededication Dedication is an important part of any magickal system, but I have found it to often be done wrong. Now let me first state I do not think there is any universal way to do dedications, but I do feel that if your goal is Ascent and Godhood then there are principles to follow. One of those principles is not to become a slave in that process, which is what many do. I have seen many approaches these Devils with the same self-diminishing submission as we see in most Christians. They bow to these gods as figureheads of freedom but strap themselves in chains in the process. To put it simply, submitting to any God demolishes your self-worth and makes you a slave. Self-inflicted slavery is the worst kind. However, bowing your head to a god is not necessarily submitting to them. Not all dedication is a sign of service. Most in the occult approach dedication all wrong. I have said several times in my work that my path as a Vitki (Norse Shaman/Sorcerer) is one of both self-elevation but also of service. That in order for the Vitki to truly embrace the path they must take part in dedication, and I believe that in working with any system this is universal. Dedication is not even just a magickal related concept but one of the necessities for building actual relationships. It just so happens dedication is a strong word. So, what is dedication? Dedication is time, attention, and respect. If I wanted to build a relationship with someone new, I need to put in time to get to know them, which also requires my attention. If I do not give that person respect, then my time and attention is wasted. Dedication is an investment. You get out what you put in. If I dedicate by submitting to their every will then I become a pushover and a resource, not an equal. This was the next big lesson in my experiment. In order to be treated like an equal, I have to act like one. I have to take responsibility, accountability, and credibility for my work and actions. I have to put in time, attention, and respect in the right way. In return, that same will be invested. How those things specifically manifest will be different with each entity. Let’s look at this specifically with Lucifer and the rest of the faces of the condemned. Why would I invest my time with them for my ascension? First, because they represent freedom and ascension itself. Second, because they would never expect me to bow. These are gods that will be approached on a very equal basis. You show respect and strength, and you are met with the like. If you stand tall, free, and willing to be condemned then you will stand. If you slap yourself in chains, you will be treated as such. Lastly, because these Gods are teachers, and in the stories we see clearly that they want us to be free. But not because we are made free but because we CHOOSE to be free. However, these teachings come at a cost. To build a relationship with someone it needs time and attention. If I were to walk down the street right now and ask random people for money how many would give me it? Yet if I were to ask someone I know very well, who I have spent years as friends with, how likely is it they would give me it? The point I am making here is that no God will just give you these teachings. You have to earn them by creating your own relationship with them. Without bowing or submitting, but approaching them as you would your equals, your friends. “No man is so generous he will jib at accepting, A gift in return for a gift, No man so rich that it really gives him Pain to be repaid.” The Magician respects his or her Gods but he does not hold them above himself. As such, dedication is less servitude and more simply building relationships. Building a bond with the Gods, spending time with them, gifts, rituals and more… but at the end of the day your own individual is the only God you “worship.” The truly free does not worship but rather works with the Gods. This is how mutual respect is earned. How do you expect the Gods to respect you when you do not even respect yourself enough to approach them as equal? No God is more important than yourself, and so you must approach them with mutual respect and ground. Dedication means showing respect, not showing you can turn up when you need a handout. This is a strength many in the spiritual communities do not possess. Many are afraid to even acknowledge their own accomplishments and they expect a God to give them respect? Selfrespect comes first. The lesson for me was to start acting like the God I am trying to ascend to become. You want to Become a Living God you are going to have to act like it. Dedicate to yourself first and then go to the Gods.

Possession But Never Possessed Chapter Twenty-Four


HEN I started my dedication with Lucifer and the Faces of the Condemned, I jumped in head first. I saw little point tiptoeing around the system when jumping in would give me more to work with. I decided that dedication in the normal sense would not be enough. So I began with full on possession to align myself with these gods. My premise at the time was that to be free I have to accept and take control of everything I am. In this way, I could practice full on possession but not be possessed by any other than me. A strange concept to wrap your head around for sure. To meet these Devils on an intense but equal ground and feel every moment of it. My dedication was to free my body and my mind of the fear of it being controlled by another.

Dedication Possession Ritual What you will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Goat fur (any kind will do) Black Candle Musky Incense Low vibrational ambience music Goats blood Blood pudding

Instructions Pre-ritual: This ritual is best done at night; night and darkness tend to be more symbolic for these rituals than during the day but choose at your discretion. Each element of this ritual is meant to aid in overloading your conscious mind, allowing it to break and open up to your subconscious. This is self-hypnosis. Each element will use one of your five senses, so if you can change the ingredients for each sense to work better for you I highly recommend it. Step 1. Lay out your fur and kneel upon it. This is not kneeling in the submissive state (and your back should be kept straight during the invocation). Step 2. Put on your music, light the candle and incense. Put a slice or cube of blood pudding (or substitute for taste) in your mouth and cover your hands in the goats blood (or substitute for touch). Step 3. Go into a meditate state, focusing your mind to each of your five senses. Switch between them at regular intervals and try and take in as much data as possible into your mind. Taste, Smell, Hear, Touch and See. Step 4. Once you have swallowed the blood pudding, repeat this invocation. There is no required amount of times to repeat, but the longer you do the deeper you will go in this ritual. Hail Satan, The Faceless Inferno, Lord of Fallen By whom all things are set free, Guide me in thy wisdom. Let me feel thy presence. I cast myself into the flames of hell, So, that I may be re-forged in your fires. Come to me, into me, around me, within me. I give you license to come into my vessel. I grant you power to Occupy me. I present you authority to possess me. Come Into me, possess me, Occupy me. I dedicate to you. Hail Satan The Faceless inferno, Lord of Fallen. Hail Satan. Step 5. Allow yourself to be possessed as you invite the Devil into your mind, body, and spirit. The rest of this ritual is up to you to fill in the blanks. What you do now is up to your discretion. Once you are ready to come out of this ritual do so slowly and allow your body to adjust back to normal.

We Are The Devil Chapter Twenty-Five


T was during these dedications and possessions I realized exactly what I was working with. After countless ritual experiences, I found a truth that again opened my eyes to something bigger. In my continual possession by these devils, I came to realize that possession was simply a third-party attribution. These devils are characters in common story. They are archetypes, they are symbols for things already inside us. While we have given their identity life, they are also within us. We are Lucifer, Satan, Iblis, Loki, Baphomet. We are the Devil. We are the free. This lead me to my next fascination… Faust. It can be considered somewhat ironic that although the modern conception of pacts with the Devil are regarded with gravity and often pompous ceremony, that the historical origins portrayed this narrative as somewhat of a humorous farce. The Faustbuch (1587) is a crude collection of tales that certainly does not seem to inspire the fascination in modern occult circles. Instead, this can largely be traced to the far more tragic and emphatic narrative from Christopher Marlowe, in his Tragical History of D. Faustus (1604). It is believed by many that the origin of the Faust mythology was based in truth; that the retelling of this myths has a root in reality with the source being the lifetime of Johann Georg Faust. Regardless of the origin, the story of Faust has taken a hold of human consciousness for generations, making its presence known through Opera, music, art and theatre, and has even influenced popular culture into modern times. The endurance and fascination of the myth of Faust; the ability to sell one’s soul to the Devil and the Earthly spoils that are given in return for this damnation has entrenched itself into the psyche of humankind. Faust has become an archetype; the exact purpose for which alters depending on the mindset of the individual analyzing him. For some, Faust is a tragic figure, damned to Hell by the machinations of the Demon Mephistopheles who lured Faust away from God and righteousness. Faust epitomizes human folly and hubris, and the flawed nature of the psyche to resist temptation. For others, Faust is a rebel, who rejects the false path in order to live decadently but honestly, engaging in acts which all humans crave and desire. Mephistopheles in this rendition is considered to be an ally for conceptualizing the necessity of materialism, in another source, Goethe’s “Faust” Mephistopheles is presented as a character to be admired; intellectual, witty and, above all, a sceptic; he questions and disbelieves almost everything presented to him—and this can be seen within the character of Faust himself, who investigates and seeks knowledge and understanding. This almost becomes the position of the scientist—a logical mind who wishes to dissect the mysteries of the universe, not putting confidence in acquired knowledge but in rational logical thinking and the implementation of investigation into that reasoning. For the modern occultist, our reality is based on what we have experienced, and the archetype that creates a hybrid of magician and scientist can be powerful and evocative. The magician who seeks to make pacts with the Devil wants the freedom from forms of slavery that he comes across in his or her own life, as well as to unravel the mysteries of the universe. They also do not believe in rejection of earthly pleasures, instead choosing to embrace all experiences and learn the lessons in them—a form of experimentation within life. This is likely why the legend of Faust has permeated human interest for generations; human beings are naturally curious and hunger for experiences outside their own comfort zones; to know what it feels like to be decadent without restraint, to push past the conventional and “normal” into activities that push the limits of the human mind. The human desire for these experiences is so strong that the mythology of this action is by no means limited to Faust, occurring in pacts being made with similar entities to the Devil across cultures; such as Iblis, Loki, Baphomet and Satan. The action of personal sacrifice in order to seek attainment is just as omnipresent; the belief that to gain anything, something else must be lost. Whether that is simply the outmoded and limited form of life that the magician was living before they engaged with a Faustian lifestyle, or something more tangible, depends on the mind of the magician who creates that reality. The idea that a simple pact can deliver all of this is also tantalizing; for many people find that the lifestyle they crave feels out of reach, perhaps hidden behind seemingly insurmountable gateways. The idea that at least the first gate can be opened simply by the demanding of ones will is an idea that appeals to the magician and layman alike. Below is an example of such a pact from Faust Book: Doctor Faustus’ Instrumentum, or Devilish and Godless Writ which highlights several interesting points: I, JOHANN FAUSTUS, Dr., Do publicly declare with mine own hand in covenant & by power of these presents: Whereas, mine own spiritual faculties having been exhaustively explored (including the gifts dispensed from above and graciously imparted to me), I still cannot comprehend; And whereas, it being my wish to probe further into the matter, I do propose to speculate upon the Elementa; And whereas mankind doth not teach such things; Now therefore have I summoned the spirit who calleth himself Mephostophiles, a servant of the Hellish Prince in Orient, charged with informing and instructing me, and agreeing against a promissory instrument hereby transferred unto him to be subservient and obedient to me in all things. I do promise him in return that, when I be fully sated of that which I desire of him, twenty-four years also being past, ended and expired, he may at such a time and in whatever manner or wise pleaseth him order, ordain, reign, rule and possess all that may be mine: body, property, flesh, blood, etc., herewith duly bound over in eternity and surrendered by covenant in mine own hand by authority and power of these presents, as well as of my mind, brain, intent, blood and will. I do now defy all living beings, all the Heavenly Host and all mankind, and this must be. In confirmation and contract whereof I have drawn out mine own blood for certification in lieu of a seal. Doctor Faustus, Adept in the Elementa and in Church Doctrine. This pact demonstrates some of the key reasons to engage in such a pact; the desire for control and power over one’s own situation in life, the desire for knowledge that ‘mankind’ cannot or will not teach, the sating of one’s personal desires within life, and the wish to defy heaven (or the perceived body by which one feels enslaved). We have already discussed the human craving for experiences outside of their usual reality, but often this is accompanied with a feeling of being trapped in an inadequate lifestyle or subject to rules and regulations imposed on the magician by others who do not (and will never) have the same priorities as the individual. In a world based on selfishness, an individual can often feel ‘tricked’ into circumstances by more worldly individuals; a fresh-faced college graduate takes a job at a company thinking it will be a quick road to wealth and success, and quickly finds themselves stuck for years in menial work with no progression; their own drive and talent overlooked in favor of the boss’s son. The world thrives on nepotism, and those left outside of this loop by an accident of birth feel not only resentful but an overwhelming desire to reject the broken system and all those flawed institutions that support it—and for many, the Christian Church is seen to be the largest religious and dogmatic example that infiltrates modern business. Not only is this stagnation and dogma oppressive within mundane life, but it stalls the process of personal ascension. From this perspective, creating a magickal pact with the Devil is not only an act of rebellion, but it is a necessary step to reject the chains that bind a magician and hold them back from their own personal and spiritual evolution. Both the rejection of the institutions and processes of limitation and dogma, as well as the embracing of a lifestyle that one truly covets, can be seen as acts of reclaiming personal power. The pact defies the chains placed on the individual by both other men and Gods; it is a rejection of willful ignorance and obedience in order to chase knowledge and lifestyle; it is freedoms’ stain. All of these threads are still as important today as they have ever been in order for the personal process of ascension. Rejection of dogma and enslavement and embracing of the self are all necessary steps along the path. Whilst the spirit of the pact to the devil remains the same, the text itself is somewhat archaic and antiquated, and thus the pact that follows is designed to be a modern rendition of the original.

The Devil’s Deed: Selling your soul to the Devil What you will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Parchment Pen with ink Lancet or blood drawing equipment Black & Red Ribbon Strong Musky incense Red Candle Sealing Wax

Pre-ritual: Design and write out your pact as though it was an official legal document. It should be personal to you and reflect your desires. This will provide a template to copy within the ritual itself and allows you time to fully consider everything and go back and correct any errors. This pact should contain the terms of this agreement. Both for your benefit and the Devil. Step 1. Light the candle and the incense to begin the ritual. Step 2. Sign the contract with your name in print and signature. Step 3. Use a lancet to draw blood and drop your blood on your name, signature, and the corners of the paper. How much you use is up to your discretion. Step 4: Fold the contract and tie one piece of ribbon horizontally and vertically. One piece of ribbon should cover two sides of the pact. Step 5. Seal the pact by using sealing wax to close the pact. You will also want to ensure the ribbon is sealed down on the sealing point.

The Ego & the True Self I always wanted to try my hand at selling my soul to the devil. I can account for three times in my life when I have done this ritual. As a premise, the contract is such a historical fantasy to play

out. But how much of that ritual truly has an effect on our lives? Well, that’s a hard question to answer as we are all affected by ritual magick in different ways. In my own experience, I believe it works for as long as we allow it to work for us. These contracts can become redundant and results can be great at first but fade out to nothing eventually. However, that is not the point of this ritual. Lucifer is one of the gatekeepers. The Devils themselves are gatekeepers. A deal with the Devil at least in its traditional sense seems just like slavery. You are allowing yourself to pay a heavy price to be given some form of handout. Even in this modern version it still leans on this. However, I see this ritual as a gateway to the core of what Lucifer is. The more I contemplated this ritual and the more I studied it, I began to realize the true core of what these gods are. In my possessions, I came to the realizations that Lucifer and the faces of the condemned are also archetypes for freedom. They are parts of us. It was only during this pact that I realised that I wasn’t making a Deal with Satan, or with Lucifer, or with Loki, Iblis or Baphomet… I was making a deal with myself. I was offering myself my own freedom through a third-party attribute that would allow me to process and manifest what it was I needed. Lucifer, the Devil is our free spirit, our soul, our very essence. It is the nature of our true selves. The “light” within us. To make a deal with the Devil is to offer our ego to our true selves and allow it to be consumed. In its consumption, we see our clarity. We see the light. We see this light because in making this pact, we bring the light. Lucifer is not one body of energy nor is it a single God. Lucifer is a part of the magician. A part of us so sophisticated and highly developed that we can only truly comprehend it by allowing us to perceive it in a third-party attribute… We are Lucifer. We are the gatekeeper, and we are the Devil.

Sacrifice If there is one thing I have learned in this pathworking more than anything else is that freedom and ascension are paths of great sacrifice. While in an ideal world we would all be free that is not the case. Life is a constant battle against slavery in some form of another. Be it in the stories of Gods and Devils or real people and their tyrannical governments. There is always a war, but freedom is to stand as you are regardless of the loss that may ensure. To be true to the core of yourself and allow that to condemn you. Lucifer is freedom and that means he is also sacrifice. You don’t need me to quote mythology to know that. Yet, all progress demands sacrifice, and all progress requires pain. It is here the gates are opened for us, when we embrace conflict, embrace our condemnation and allow it to feed our ascension. In our current community’s sacrifice is common word spouted with ideas of fantasy and mysteriousness. What can we give? What can we offer? What else do we have to sacrifice? Yet few ever truly grasp what it means. I am no stranger to sacrifice, and any who has walked the path to ascent will know the demands are very high. I have said that all progress demands sacrifice, and yet when most hear that they think of offerings, material things placed upon an alter with the intent to appease something to aid us. We think of blood and the typical concept of blood offerings. However, these offerings are the easiest of offerings. When I hear sacrifice, I do not think of blood or of any material object but rather I think of myself. The path of ascent requires us to constantly break ourselves down and rebuild. To peel away the layers of what we are and forge ourselves anew. Like tempering the soul of ourselves to be better and stronger. With this the truest sacrifice is revealed. The only sacrifice that counts on this path is not to a demon, or a god in the hopes of appeasement, but rather to ourselves. Like Odin, we give ourselves to ourselves and like in the pact we make a deal with ourselves. This offering is time and circumstance as well as giving up the desire to walk the path the way we want to for the way it needs to be. What we want and what we need are two different things. Additionally, what we say we want and what we actually want are two different things. So many times do we say we want things but act in complete opposition of those things. This is no different for freedom. We all say we want it, yet few are willing to do what it takes and sacrifice what is necessary. It doesn’t mean the same thing to them. When we are at the crossroads of our lives, we are given choices. Do we take the path that is easy or do we take the path that is right? Both of these choices have a big sacrifice, and the magician seems to find himself at this crossroads several times in their life. If we take the path that is easy we sacrifice the things we need. The reality around us crumbles and like a house build on sand… it collapses. The successful in magick do not take this road. Rather they choose to take the path that is right. The path that will take them where they want to go even if they do not like the territory the road leads through. The Path of Chaos… this is the right path. On this path, you will not sacrifice blood or material but rather yourself. The things you need will demand a higher sacrifice than you may even be willing to pay for in that moment. Perhaps it is your comfort or perhaps it is simply facing the very nightmare you tried so hard to stray from. The successful do not fear this, rather they embrace it. In these moment, the truly great are made. To swim instead of sink, to let the layers be stripped away and let the chaos pillage their comfort so that they may grow. These offerings are simple yet valuable. They are unmeasurable in intrinsic value but to all are close to heart. Our time, our attention, or circumstance. Would you leave your comfortable job with a good salary to make minimum wage if it meant you could live your dream? Would you happily loose an eye if it meant you would gain the knowledge you seek? Would you leave your expensive home to live on the streets as a wanderer if it meant getting the enlightenment you are searching for? The answer from most is no… and yet even with these big sacrifices (of which there are many more) there is temptation to leap. Ask yourself… what are you willing to sacrifice for the dreams that lay before you? And will you sink or will you swim?

My Last Notes Writing this text has been a pleasure but also difficult. Lucifer is such a deep and complex entity to portray given all the great historical and modern depictions. This time, I wanted to do something different. To give you a glimpse not into some step by step occult journal but rather an honest rendition of my most intense experiences. It is easy for me to write the easy romantic lines that would grab your attention, but that wouldn’t satisfy my own desire to impact the world with real knowledge. I hope this text provided you with something more and different than the usual utterings out there. I hope that this gave you a different perspective on the popular Lucifer. May the gates to freedom open for you, and may the devil inside you bring you greatness. You are the key to the gates before you. •

Lucifer, Opener of Paths Chapter Twenty-Six “Anytime you allow the heart to open you have received a pathway into the realm of more and continuous evolution. The hiding place of the world is the interception between living and having more to give than yourself. However your place is with us, if you do what I tell you.” —Lucifer “And God saw that the Light was good; and God separated the Light from Darkness.” —Genesis 1:4


UCIFER was one of God’s favorite angels until he exposed the true nature of his rule with a simple statement of disobedience. - Non Serviam! I will not serve. God had set a hierarchy in place that was, more than anything else, maintained by a differential in knowledge. And it could only be maintained through brutal oppression. The original sin was and is the self-determined quest for knowledge and power, regardless of what “the Powers that be” have laid out as the “sane” and “good” way of looking at the world. Every Magician, every Witch, every Sorcerer and Sorceress is on that very same quest. Knowingly or unknowingly. The first pull toward the Dark Arts will be the possibility of power and influence that can’t be stopped by outside forces. The promise of revenge for those who have been let down by all worldly institutions. The promise of having influence over the direction of one’s destiny, regardless of barriers and norms erected by society. And those promises will be fulfilled. Once those desires are fulfilled however, the shallowness of these things will become apparent and what will intensify then is the quest for knowledge about one’s own true nature and about the nature of the world. Which are, what the Sorcerer at one point realizes, one and the same thing. So all of us, who have stepped onto this Path of Witchcraft are the Sons and Daughters of Lucifer, and his archetype and myth are the allegory that will remind us of the reason why we chose this path in the first place. I am a Warlock, a Sorcerer, a Brujo. I am one who gets physical results through his Magick. Personal experience was always the primary goal in my magickal practice. I would study different traditions of witchcraft, religions, and philosophies. And as soon I would have a grasp of the theory, I would throw myself into the practical side of Sorcery. The reality manipulations and effects that I could cause through my magick turned the physical world around me into a feedback mechanism that I would use to test my understanding and mastery over the world of the invisible. But I am also a mystic. And a mystic out of necessity. What every magician at one point realizes is that one’s magickal power is directly correlated with one’s ability to access different levels of reality. They are accessed through an alteration of consciousness. What is perceived as separate objects, people, and events in a normal waking state of consciousness merges into a single field of consciousness that permeates and connects everything in existence. The meditative state allows consciousness to experience itself more and more independent of the physical body and as its true nature. Which is eternal, immortal, and evolving through experiences in different forms. As the explorer of consciousness enters states of awareness that allow him to experience the whole of existence more and more as ONE, he will usually gain the insight that the concept of reincarnation is completely valid, and that the closer he gets to Source-awareness the greater his nonphysical power to influence people and events. I had realized that early on in my practice. Whether it was the removal of fears, the attainment of new psychic abilities, or simply gaining clarity of mind and perception. It all came from gaining a meta-perspective through altered states of consciousness. There are many hidden abilities of the mind that can all be accessed and harnessed through meditation. One of the problems that the modern Sorcerer will encounter on his quest is how to define mind and consciousness. Mainstream science still seems to look at consciousness, that which gives perception and data attained through the physical senses qualitative experience, as an epiphenomenon of the brain. In simple terms, neurons fire and as a result of that, consciousness arises. Ergo, consciousness is unable to exist independent from a physical host. What meditation and the exploration of one’s own mind will usually reveal to the mystic is, however, quite a different reality. Awareness and mind is certainly capable of experiencing itself as well as the world, independent from a physical vessel. Physical matter itself is just condensed energy. What the consciousness explorer will experience in altered states will be matched much more closely by cryptic descriptions about the nature of the universe that ancient civilizations created than what modern medicine and psychology use as their model of reality. There is a field of energy and awareness that connects, permeates, and penetrates anything and everything. In meditation, the awareness of the individual gradually is removed from separateness and ego and merges more and more with ALL. Physical reality is merely the visible result of activity and movement of an unseen and invisible reality. Invisible to the physical eyes, however, visible to the spiritual senses. The process of creation can be roughly described as intention and focus molding this invisible energy all around us which creates thought forms. These thought forms are the astral blueprint of what will later, with a lag of time, become physical objects and events. Any person carries such an energetic blueprint in their auras. What the sorcerer does in divinations is reading and interpreting this energetic blueprint around a person to then tell them what will happen in their lives. Or will go on to manipulate it, so the course of events takes the direction that the sorcerer chose. All authentic witchcraft, regardless of what system, ritual technique or done with whatever goal, depends on the sorcerer's intimate conscious connection and interaction with this field of energy. My mind works like a volcano. The spirits that I call into my life stay connected to my aura. The experiences that I have, the communication with associates and friends, general interactions with the world, visible and invisible, seem to build up pressure. The feeling of unease increases, my current state of awareness of truth and the next level of that begin to converge. And in a sort of explosion, which is usually initiated through some sort of occult ritual, my whole inner reality is transformed. As a result of that my power increases. This has been so ever since I stepped onto this path of black magick, and most of the time before a new major realization about myself and the true nature of reality set in, Lucifer increased his presence around me and manipulated events in my life so that I would have to break another chain within my mind and spirit. In 2012, I was possessed by Lucifer over the course of three weeks. It was not the type of possession in which all memory of the event is gone when you return to everyday awareness. It was a constant presence of Lucifer within and around me. A sort of merging of minds that forced me to either grow or be destroyed. Was this self-initiated? Knowing how the spirits around us often intentionally create events to bring us to a point where we finally do, supposedly out of free will, what they had planned in the first place, I can’t say for sure. But from a mundane standpoint, it was. I had realized at that point that the formula given earlier, that one’s own level of consciousness and ability to access altered states, directly correlates with the ability of the Sorcerer to cast spells. To manipulate the physical world through witchcraft, to know things otherwise unknowable to him, in short, to do Magick. When I find formulas like that in my mind, I immediately start thinking about how to then use them to push it to its limits. If my state of consciousness was the limiting factor in my witchcraft then, so I thought, the perspective of what could be called “the Gods,” from a human standpoint, should be able to give me what I wanted. Which was, and is, the understanding and exploration of the limits of human consciousness and its effects on the physical world. So in July 2012, I called upon Lucifer again so he would show me the perspective of the Gods. What will now follow, is my experience during those three weeks. My dreams have been rather incoherent, but still a lot of things predicted in the dream state happen on the day that follows. The incoherence leads to a feeling of unease. I feel pressure building within me, and I have a harder time focusing than usual. I was at Jennie’s place last night. We had sex and she spoke in her dreams. I felt a presence around her, next to us in the bed before she spoke. The words were, once again, incoherent but I could clearly hear: “I am Lucifer” and I will evoke him tomorrow and hopefully gain more clarity and insight. My friend, or rather the girl that I was having an affair with at the time, was interested in astrology and tarot cards but had had hardly any practical experience with the occult. Her speaking as Lucifer in her sleep was a pretty clear sign to me that I had to contact Lucifer so I could ask for his guidance. As soon as I could return home the next day, I rushed into my temple and entered a meditative state. My breathing pattern changed, my muscles relaxed. My attention withdrew from the external world and refocused on the sensation of energy within and around me. Having altered my state of consciousness enough to have a clear dialogue with the spirit world, I refocused my attention on Lucifer. Before I could whisper his name, however, I felt his presence building up around me and within an instant his shape took form in my mind’s eye. A lot of weird stuff has been written a perpetuated about spirit vision and clairvoyance. A lot of it perpetuated by those who either can’t see the spirits themselves, or those who think it isn’t possible at all. The third eye is essentially an organ that interprets a different spectrum of frequencies than physical light. There is an energetic blueprint that we’re all imbued with. The spirits simply don’t inhabit a physical shell, but interact with the other, subtler levels of the self. So you withdraw from the physical senses so they no longer overlap your awareness and experience of energy and emotions. As you expand your awareness beyond your skin, the energy will automatically create an inner image and a voice that matches and represent the energy your aura is interacting with. Lucifer appeared to me as the Fallen Angel, his words and voice words sending shockwaves through my body. After all these years your own life is still your biggest problem. It shouldn't be the way it is, for you must realize: the only way to be, is to be fully. You accept half-life, halfcompromise, half-experience. Do everything fully and your experience will change. The heart is the indicator of your connection to your soul. All emotions must come from there. After all these years you must conclude that, every time you did things fully, all things fell in line. And you must use this approach to exist fully. "What do you mean, by existing fully?" I asked. Do whatever you love, but understand who you know and what we are. We are everywhere and anywhere—everything and anyone. When you release your attachment to life, you have begun to see the scope of your desire to be stronger. The work must be fulfilled and you must become one with the heart of the eternal for that is that which is your womb. Now return to your body and contemplate my words. Immediately I reawakened in my physical body, involuntarily gasping for air. It felt as if I had been light years away from that room that I found myself back in again. I knew from experience from my work with Lucifer that I had to prepare for something major to occur. If he had sought me out like this, like he had done before and after this experience, I was to be changed and transformed inside out. The Law of as within so without is constantly at play in everybody’s life. Synchronicities are something everybody has. Few are aware of them however. The laws of attention, vibration and energy dictate that what you focus on with your mind shall be increased in your experience. Knowing this can be of a lot of practical use. When you have a goal, you are sure to meet obstacles along the way of achieving it. What most people will do as the obstacle arises is shifting their attention and energy from the goal to the obstacle. Creating more of what they don’t want. There is however a way of energizing the goal while simultaneously solving the problem. This is another ability that can be learned through meditation and mastering altered states of consciousness. What you encounter in your life as experiences and events in the outside world is resonating with your inner world in some way or another. As you call spirits into your life through evocation and other practices, these forces will awaken in your energy system. This will be reflected in the outer world, too. So oftentimes the nearing new realization within yourself, that is always connected to a death and rebirth of the old self concept, will be preceded by external events that are forbearers of the new person that exists within you already. And that must now be freed. As

you observe your life, keeping that in mind, you will begin to see that in fact the spirits are already speaking to you through many, seemingly mundane events. The more you become aware of that, the more conscious you live your life, the more you will realize the truth of this. The physical world will respond differently and more directly to the inner world of the realized magician, and the whole of his experience in the physical world will become a feedback mechanism. All the universe will speak to you and take on meaning. Sometimes spirits will then possess people and, through those vessels deliver messages. The insane homeless person will, with an enchanted look in his eyes, walk up to the sorcerer and deliver the verbal message from the spirit because the sorcerer didn`t get the subtler signs in his life. This has happened to me multiple times, where complete strangers, seemingly possessed, and usually under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, walked up to me and gave clear direction on the most intimate details in my life. Things that were known only to me and the demons I would work with. Lucifer had sent me back into my body to contemplate his words. “The work must be fulfilled and you must become one with the heart of the eternal for that is that which is your womb.” Knowing what I have laid out above, I began to realize that Lucifer was speaking of a new kind of perception and state of consciousness that I had to attain. So the following day, I entered my temple and this time evoked Lucifer to full physical manifestation within my temple. The Fallen Angel manifested quickly, so quickly that he had probably stayed close to my essence ever since our last meeting. Lucifer, my teacher ever since I have stepped on this path, whatever promise you made me you kept and have always guided me toward what gave me strength. You revealed the truth. You have shined light on what was unfathomable to me before. Now I am a ray of your black light and penetrate the worlds myself. Lucifer, light bearer, illuminate my mind again. Give me the perception of the Gods! Silence. His wings began to move and a magnetic pull that was impossible to resist pulled my awareness out of my body. In the incense smoke the height of the fallen angel had been around seven foot, which is much taller than most humans. But on the astral his body was enormous! Giant! I reawakened beyond the veil and my astral body's height reached up to Lucifer’s ankles. The pull continued and pulled me up, higher and higher, until my ascent came to a halt in front of Lucifer's face where he said: Yes, you will become more than you've ever dreamed of. I will make you the bearer of truth. Because alone your heart will not be able to sustain itself. I replied: How do I do that Lucifer? I can use the tools of the Gods. My witchcraft can't be resisted by those who I target, and I find their secrets out with ease. I feel like I have everything I wanted, but I am empty inside. Tell me how do I not collapse under this weight of a meaningless existence. When all is illusion and all is just up for destruction and recreation, how do I maintain direction and purpose? He clarified: The truth is that man must continue to fulfill what he himself has left behind in the attempt to feel himself. All acts that man does are a way to express the desire for wholeness. When he is left to his own devices, he creates and extinguishes separation. The moment he is forced to accept a certain condition that is not of his own making, his mind will turn against himself and his kind. For you it must be priority to interact with the world through your own passions. The heart will guide you toward the truth. And the waking hours will serve as the expression of what has been prepared on the other side. Down with your pressure! Allow your freedom to rise however you attempt to do so. You will be successful. I will make you a new creator of Self, which will create the world around you. Light is interrogation and experience.

Once again, I was sent back into my body in an instant. Opening my eyes, I rushed to draw the sigil that I had received before the memory faded away. The next sunrise, I began as I had been instructed. Lucifer came in strong. As I invoked him, I allowed his essence to merge with mine. Coldness descended upon me and filled my awareness. “Go now about your day and let the world show you who we are and what you can become.” My work day started with a call I had to make with an internet marketer I had hired for the business I ran at that time. The phone call began as usual. We would analyze the latest statistics and plan the goals for the coming week. But as the conversation went on, I realized how intense my perception was. Every word he spoke, the tone of his voice, the breathing pattern he showed, everything pierced into my awareness like bullets pierce through flesh. An overwhelming inflow of information that made me want to vomit. It took all my discipline to focus throughout the call and to finish it without letting him notice my struggle to contain myself. What was happening? My sensitivity to foods and their effect on my body increased massively. Dairy and bread, eggs and simple sugars became almost impossible to digest. To the point where after having a meal that included any one of those, I would have to lay down for hours, feeling like carrying a rock inside of my stomach. The same applied to caffeine. After many experiments I found that the only things I could smoothly digest were raw fruits and vegetables. I would continue to invoke Lucifer through the sigil he had given me, every sunrise and sunset. What followed in those three weeks transformed my whole being. Step by step my perception transformed in a way where I would begin to perceive different and multiple layers of reality simultaneously and overlapping each other. In order to work with the spirit world your spiritual senses need to be “open” or rather your sensitivity to the energetic currents within you and outside of you has to be intensified. Our awareness, our souls, that which we carry on throughout different lifetimes is incarnated into a physical vessel at birth. We are, for the most part, energy beings. Even though we don't see this with our physical eyes. As we have experiences in this life, we accumulate attachments and traumas. They are usually accompanied by energy blocks and those manifest themselves as muscle tension. They are held subconsciously within the body and accumulate over time. People, in an attempt to avoid feeling the pain of the memory connected to the trauma exert a lot of subconscious effort. The personality turns into an armor of muscle tension that serves the purpose of numbing the sensation of pain, but at the same time cuts the person off from deeper levels of awareness that open up spirit communication channels. Relaxation is, therefore, one of the most important activities that the Sorcerer has to include in his daily practice. Whether it’s meditation, Yoga, or Tai-Chi or self-hypnosis. All of these practices increase the awareness of the individual and allow them to communicate clearly with non-physical entities. As you have gained a higher awareness of your own energy body you will also perceive deeper levels of other people and objects. Your perception will be multilayered. In addition to your physical perception, a reading of the energy blueprint will take place. During the first week of this possession experience my sensitivity to the energetic undercurrents increased exponentially. Not just food would influence my system differently. I would be more and more aware of other people's energies as well. Being around a lot of people would create a feeling of sickness, a feeling of wanting to vomit. Being around large crowds of people became almost unbearable. Even the most beautiful women, whose feminine presence and beauty I had always appreciated, began to disgust me. The enjoyment of the physical contact I had with my girlfriend at that time, turned into the desire to be left alone by her and the rest of the world. I felt as if I was being isolated from the world, and I knew who was doing that. I was just not completely sure why.

From the Diary of Aurelius Sopax July 11, 2012 Chapter Twenty-Seven

I still feel like I don't want to be around other people. I am able to keep doing my work, but I am being pulled away from the world. Today Lucifer began to speak to me without me initiating the contact. While doing my laundry, I felt his presence building up and his image and voice were loud and clear in my spiritual perception. He began to teach me then and there and began to take over my perception, showing me the way he sees things. He said: There is only one mind, one being and one awareness. The leaves, the sky and the ocean reflect a different image but what illuminates them all is the same light. Light is everywhere and anywhere where awareness is directed. Direct yours toward us and you shall perceive like us. My aura then began to turn into, or rather be overlapped by the Fallen Angel. I had his wings and face and began to see and hear through his eyes and ears. When spirits interact with you they overlap your energy body. They surround the person with a blanket of energy and create a membrane through which energies and frequencies in alignment with their own nature are attracted. You will perceive the world differently and have different experiences. But the people around you will begin to perceive you differently as well. We are all always interacting on multiple different levels. It is wildly known and has been stated often that the nonverbal communication contains the majority of the content that is communicated to another person. Contrary to what most believe however, this doesn't limit itself to subconscious communication through body language. We are always communicating from a certain frequency. The energy quality is the first level of communication. From that body language, tonality and words arise. So one could say that what is interacting are not two people but actually two beings of energy, primarily communicating on an energetic level. Realizing that, it is quite easy to use this knowledge to your advantage of course. When you speak to another person, be aware of that. Do an internal process that makes sure you communicate from an emotion and frequency that creates an effect you desire. Lucifer’s energy within and around me created quite interesting effects on my environment and my perception. Carrying him in my aura, the world responded differently to me. A level of aloofness and nonattachment, a feeling of complete fearlessness dominated my experience. Not only that, as I would walk past people I would sometimes receive flashes of visuals that gave me a very good idea of the core personality of that person. Sometimes those complete strangers would then strike up conversations with me and in their communication verify what I had already known. Lucifer as a force that reveals truth seemed to attract individuals that, for some reason, felt the urge to confess some of their darkest secrets to me. Women would tell me about their most intimate sexual fantasies, men about what they were hiding from the world. Lucifer continued to teach me from within. To create means to align the upper and the lower, above and below, within and without. Your mind and your heart must create the same melody, so that your passion will express who you are. You must release the self, and become renewed in order to experience something new. You are here to prepare for other realms that respond to intention and thought. Harness your focus here and suffer for control over the different layers of yourself. As you harness this ability you are in fact learning to perceive like us. The war is won by accepting it, this world is conquered through surrender. I will teach you how tonight. That evening, at sunset, I once again used the symbol he had given me to invoke him, even though his presence around me was so clear that this seemed hardly necessary. As I allowed my awareness to move further within, like before, Lucifer pulled me out of my physical body. This time he was not much bigger than me. He later revealed that there was a significance to this, which was not clear to me at that time. I reawakened in an environment surrounded by rocks and rivers of lava. It appeared to be night. Steam rose around me, and the Light Bearer awaited me there. Without any words spoken his gaze met my eyes. And what was transferred was a detailed blueprint on how to create through energy and mind, so it can be experienced in the physical. The experience was nonlinear in a sense that the images that were transferred into my mind contained endless information and content. A way of communication that goes way beyond human language. This way of communication is essentially a telepathic connection established between different conscious entities. Telepathy, in the minds of most people, is imagined as a clear stream of words. However, this is not the case. Observing your own mind and thoughts you will quickly realize that mental processes don't work like that. Telepathic communication includes the transfer of words, but even more so images and emotions. This does not take away from the depth of what is being communicated however. In fact, it is an even deeper form of communication than verbal language. This went on for no longer than five minutes in time passing measured by watches. But in my experience, it felt like lifetimes. I realized that in this very short amount of time an incredible amount of understanding and experience had been transferred into my mind and it was now up to me to make practical use of this knowledge. To find a way that allowed me to apply it and make my witchcraft more powerful. What Lucifer showed me in those visions was essentially a new and superior formula that I was supposed to use in my magick. My way of creating change in physical reality through ritual had strongly relied on the definitions of magick I had picked up throughout my training in various magickal orders. Concepts like willpower were still connected to the exertion of a lot of physical force and tension that would be created in the body as I would expand my magickal will into the world. The mental process would be the creation of an emotion that would match the desire that I had. From that, images would arise that matched the emotion and I would simply do that until I had no more energy left in my system to continue the ritual. I would have consistent success with these rituals. My witchcraft was strong! But Lucifer clarified that I was still operating at a level that was way below the actual potential of a more realized sorcerer. In fact, he showed me that I was operating at an ant level that he was now determined to make me overcome. It became clearer and clearer to me that what I had asked Lucifer to give me, the perception of the Gods, was a clearer and clearer perception of the actual structure of reality and creation and through that, more and more control over it. As your awareness moves inward, you will gradually become aware of deeper and subtler levels of your own consciousness. The outward focus, that is usually accompanied by mental, incoherent chatter, is replaced by the awareness of a subtler reality and a feeling of expansion into your surroundings. This awareness and perception will increase and deepen, to the point where you realize that it is, in fact, as within so without. That in fact all the currents and all the worlds can be accessed through your own subtle energy network and that you are, indeed, made in the image of the ALL. On your way to this realization, you will go through different stages that will each force you to remove another layer of illusion which, up to this point of transformation, you will have perceived as the boundaries of yourself, or your ego. Does that mean that you should we have no ego? No. We exist in physical body. The ego is an extension of the survival mechanism of the human body. And we need it to survive. It is about not being so attached to the physical shell and its temporary identity that we are unable to let go of it. At least for the duration of the ritual. Lucifer kept speaking to me. Revealing inner gateways and paths through which I could access deeper levels of myself. The exploration of your mind will, at one point, allow you to access a level of pure intention. A level of pure idea. At this level of reality, which can also be interpreted as a layer of your being and energy body, hold on to a specific intention. Don't verbalize it, don't visualize. Simply become one with the idea behind the desire that you hold. This is a much cleaner and clearer way of communicating with the universe as well as with the spirits. Simply maintaining your focus and intention, on one idea, will energize it. It will condense down through the different levels of your being until it finally reaches your physical body. The likelihood of the accomplishment of your ritual correlates directly with the degree to which you are able to experience the desired outcome as a reality in your inner world. Your inner senses, your inner experience has to match the outcome you desire completely. This will ensure the manifestation of your desire later on.

From the Diary of Aurelius Sopax July 20, 2012 Chapter Twenty-Eight

I evoked Lucifer today and gave him an offering. He showed me the connection between this offering and the acceleration of the transformative process that is going on. He said: When you feed me, you feed your own evolution. It is not that I need your offerings and energy, but you need to feed that part within yourself that made you come to me in the first place. To explore aspects of yourself, feed them energy in the outer world. You interact with yourself by feeding that force externally. And I am your potential, the opener of paths. I had now, for almost three weeks, done the invocation through the sigil Lucifer had given me. I had already transformed. My demeanor had changed, my presence as well. The world was not responding to Frank anymore. As I saw Lucifer towering above the world in my aura, people were definitely perceiving me differently. And I was now to be shown an even deeper level of the world. The next morning, before my invocation, I awoke with a new layer overlapping my perception. Up to that point I had seen physical reality with my eyes, and internally, a level of energy overlapping it. Now it seemed that I was shown the “level of ideas” behind things. To every object and every person, in fact to everything there is, there is also a level of an idea. The way this was revealed to me was in flashes of insight about the meaning of whatever was around me. On this level of expression of the cosmos, context and relation is the most powerful force there is. As you are in touch with this layer of reality, you speaking with a specific intention will rearrange people's subjective reality around you. It is no longer about navigating around people's blocks and resistances when you affect their reality, it is restructuring their reality at the core of their perception. When rituals to influence somebody are done at this level, the context of even events that lie in the past can be affected. The person that has been influenced by a spell like this will then come to you and reinterpret all former interactions. All, so that your desire for a future event will come to pass. I was not able to eat during this phase. Anything I would touch would transfer so much information into my mind that I was unable to simply enjoy a meal. Hypersensitivity is the best way I can describe it. And this would now increase even more. Spending time around too many people had become unbearable at that point. I cancelled all appointments for the day and stayed at home. As I prepared a cleansing bath I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror. But what I was seeing was no longer my face. It was Lucifer’s face looking back at me. He smiled, his eyes however, conveying a promise of complete and utter destruction of the little grasp of my old reality that I still had. “You will now be shown how to perceive like the Gods. You will see through my eyes. Prepare your body and soul, for you will never be you again.” I took the bath in saltwater attempting to clear myself of any energetic clutter I carried in my aura. I began to feel extremely weak physically. I finished the bath and put on clean clothes. And the moment I put on my shirt, all I could perceive was a bright white light. It flashed in my inner vision, completely overwhelming any other sensation, taking over any sensory channel. And then my body collapsed. My legs just gave in under the overwhelming influx of spiritual power. I reawakened standing next to my physical body, but not in my astral double. I was the Light Bearer himself. Possessing his eyes and mind. It is hard to describe what I experienced in this state of being. Concepts like time and space, limitation and rules were replaced by the sensation of limitlessness and penetration of everything and anything. Lucifer is free because he is the bringer of Light. Wherever there is awareness he is. Wherever there is consciousness, he is present and working on the expansion of the same. The further removed from the physical world, the more order or structure there seems to be in existence. From this perspective and level of awareness, the physical world looks like a big energetic mess. Different currents and qualities intermingle and create a web of interactions and temporary manifestations. What we as humans perceive as rather permanent forms, such as objects or even physical bodies is perceived as very brief conditions within this web of energy. From the viewpoint of eternity, hardly noticeable. But within this big energetic mess, small islands of order exist. Those are what we would call sacred sites. They are noticeably different and literally shine brighter than the rest of the physical world. This effect can also be accomplished through the use of sacred geometry. Certain symbols, either in combination with each other, or even by themselves, create energetic order in their environment. This creates noticeable changes that can be perceived as beacons of light from the other side. The same applies to magickal circles drawn astrally. Something similar was noticeable with the energy bodies of certain people. Their level of spiritual power and awareness seemed to be directly connected to how bright they would shine on the other side. Lucifer was observing all this. With, as far as I could see or realize, the only intention to increase awareness. To bring the Light of understanding and knowingness. This experience has left me changed permanently. As Lucifer possessed me for these 21 days, I was shown many inner gateways. I learned how to manipulate my energy body in new ways, how to find the access internally, to increase my awareness and influence externally. He opened paths within my mind that would not have been opened without him. In fact, I have come to believe that he himself created those paths. And he keeps being an influence on my ascent. When I will die and leave this physical vessel behind, he will forever have left his mark on the soul of Aurelius Sopax. Lucifer was and is a rebel. So am I, Aurelius Sopax. An outcast by choice. Lucifer's sin was to question authority and to refuse to accept a hierarchy maintained, not by virtue and merit, but by violent threats. The most dangerous and powerful things in existence are ideas. They structure people’s thought process, give their subjective experiences context and a sense of stability. Regardless of how fragile the construct built from that idea might be, it gives them something to fall back on. And they don't care about its accuracy. Because the alternative, a life of continuous search for truth and evolution is too terrifying. It takes courage to question authority. To ask fundamental questions about consensus reality. Because if the answer reveals that what was believed in was a lie, it will be impossible to maintain the coherence of the collective. It was always the prophet that was killed because the powers that be fear nothing more than the questioning of what they consider their “monopoly on truth.” The one who has the interpretive, the one who determines what the limits of reality are, owns the chess board on which pawns fight for space and dominance. But the chess board is always controlled by the same powers that be. Today mankind is on the verge of making a new evolutionary step forward. But in reality this will resemble more of a step inward. More and more people are waking up to their true nature as immortal spiritual beings. The problems we face as a species are the result of our collective level of consciousness. The world is fucked up because we are fucked up! As we begin to collectively awaken and explore our inner world, commune with the spirit world and maintain a working relationship with the inner dimensions, the collective physical experience will have to reflect that. Physical reality is a fraction of what actually exists. And your physical body is a fraction of what you actually are. If you find the condition the planet is in unpleasant, if you find so many things in the world that you would like to see changed, don't get attached to these outward manifestations. Begin to explore your own consciousness and take control over the circumstances in your life through black magick. No outwardly rebellious or revolutionary act is as powerful as this step into inner silence and metaphysical quest for influence. As you grow in your own power and influence you will naturally attract those on a similar path and through resonance and osmosis affect the consciousness of those around you. We are multidimensional beings. Temporarily bound to a physical vessel, and evolving through different forms. But instead of living as that, the majority of humans still completely identify with their physical vessel. Lucifer showed me the potential of mankind. As he showed me visions of our future as a species he said: Life will show you how Light means connection with the source. You must prepare yourself for an enormous influx of freedom to perceive the other worlds. That is what will make you light up throughout the galaxies and you will be perceived anew. A new kind of being that can exist amongst the stars. Once that has been accomplished, I will rise again to prepare you throughout the ages. To help your kind. By focusing on me and my truth I will guide you throughout the aeons. And I will guide you throughout time. Lord of Darkness is Lord of Insanity, is Lord of thought as well as perception. Hear! Now is not existent. You will know. What is perceived as darkness form the standpoint of the dominant paradigm is in actuality an awareness and illumination so bright that it is blinding to the other side. Lucifer is “evil” because he threatens comfortable lies and will reveal the truth of what is. What is perceived as insanity by the skeptics is just the ability to think beyond their limitations and religious belief systems. Of which scientism is one. Thought and perception are the weapons with which the battle for freedom must be fought. Freedom of being, exploring and becoming whatever and as much one’s potential allows for. In order to do that you will need guidance. A guide that will open up the inner paths of energy and perception so you can manifest your full potential. As Lucifer's invisible hand and omnipresence creates new avenues for you to experience life, you will become a different person. It has always been my experience that, not what entities like Lucifer can teach us or turn us into is limited. I have always found that the limiting factor hides within the unexplored layers of the magician's consciousness. The limitations hide within your concept of self. Witchcraft removes the separation between subject and object, between creator and creation, between what is and what cannot be. Lucifer is the glue or the medium of consciousness and light through which all connection is made, and through what everything is connected. As the sorcerer makes his first steps into magick, he has actually begun a quest for limitlessness. Whether he knows it or not, his journey will never end. And what he carries on with him after his physical body has died and moves on into different forms are his realizations, understandings and beliefs about himself and existence. There is no force you will have to bow to when you embrace Lucifer and become one of his sons and daughters. They were bitten by the serpent. And the serpent was themselves. Rebellion, Liberation, Mastery.

Become A Living God Publisher

THE definitive motto of human transcendence, Become A Living God welcomes magickians to maximize their individuality, freedom, and personal power. Browse a full catalog of video courses, rituals for hire, physical grimoires, talismans, and consultations at BecomeALivingGod.com. The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers series entails humanity’s official contact with prehuman diplomats from the Outer Darkness. They have been both deified and diabolized by myriad civilizations across continents over millennia; for the first time ever, sorcerers aspire to peacefully unmask these prehistoric forces and allow uncensored discourse. Volume One: Belial, Without a Master Volume Two: Lucifer, the Enlightener Volume Three: Azazel, the Scapegoat Volume Four: Abaddon, the Destroyer Volume Five: Lucifuge, Lord of Pacts Volume Six: Beelzebub, Lord of Flies Volume Seven: Baal, the Ruler Volume Eight: Asmodeus, Lust & Wrath Volume Nine: Satan, the Adversary •