Weather and Temperature

Academia de música e idiomas Proyección Musical [Año] The temperatures given are only an approximation to give you an

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Academia de música e idiomas Proyección Musical


The temperatures given are only an approximation to give you an idea of when to use them. 28°C (or more) – Hot  It’s 28ºC / the (maximum/minimum) temperature is 28ºC. 15 to 28°C - Warm 10 to 15°C - Cool 5 to 10°C - Chilly 0 to 5°C - Cold 0°C (or less) – Freezing


Academia de música e idiomas Proyección Musical

The Temperature in English The temperature is how hot or cold something is. We use a thermometer to measure the temperature of something. Temperature is usually measured in degrees. The ° symbol after a number means degrees. 30° = thirty degrees There are two main systems used for measuring temperature: °F = degrees Fahrenheit (used in United States) °C = degrees Celsius (used in the rest of the world)

When talking about the temperature we normally use: It + is/was/will be + adjective 

It is chilly today.

It was warm yesterday.

It will be cold tomorrow.



Academia de música e idiomas Proyección Musical

The Weather in English In English, we usually use it is when we talk about the weather. This is normally: It is + adjective OR It is + verb-ing It is + adjective = A description of the weather 

It is sunny today.

It's hot and humid today.

It'sa nice day today.

It is a + adjective + day (or morning/afternoon/night) 

It's a fine day.

It's a windy afternoon. 3


Academia de música e idiomas Proyección Musical


Nouns and Adjectives Many times when we are talking about the weather, we can add the letter Y to the end of a noun to make it an adjective. 

rain (noun) - rainy (adjective)

sun (noun) - sunny (adjective)

wind (noun) - windy (adjective)

cloud (noun) - cloudy (adjective)

fog (noun) - foggy (adjective)

Questions about the weather People commonly ask about the weather by saying: 

What's it like out(side)?

How's the weather?

What's the weather like?

What's the temperature?

What's the weather forecast?

Vocabulary about the weather in English Clear or Cloudy Bright: (adjective) full of light; when the sun is shining strongly Sunny: (adjective) the sun is shining and there are no clouds Clear: (adjective) without clouds Fine: (adjective) not raining, clear sky Partially cloudy: (adjective) when there is a mixture of both blue sky and clouds Cloudy: (adjective) with many clouds in the sky Overcast: (adjective) covered with cloud; dull Gloomy: (adjective) with dark clouds and dull light; some people consider this weather depressing.