The Role of Women in Society

“The role of women in the Albanian society” Teacher: Sherry Noel Subject: Creative and Critical Thinking Working: Agn

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“The role of women in the Albanian society”

Teacher: Sherry Noel

Subject: Creative and Critical Thinking

Working: Agnesa Rexhaj

Albanian women in customary law of Lekë Dukagjin.

Entry I have taken this subject to explain since this subject is still relevant and touchy in our society. While in written and theory male and female have equal rights, in practice that’s a different story.

Family, betrothal and marriage Albanians, some more, some less, have known and practiced, apart from civil laws, even some customary norms contained in the "Kanun of Lekë Dukagjin" In this review the role of women customary rates were regulated and protected by fiat. Under the "Kanun of Lekë Dukagjin" woman, essentially, was under the rule of the father, and after the marriage she was under the rule of her husband. "The woman did not have a social life, her activity was completely in the family and home, determined to renewed life, so her only interest is this." (Badalenti Rosaria, 1956, pg. 193)

Female, on the worldview of that time, was not considered as a person but as a tool, as a simple object destined for the service of man, without freedom and willingness to more important things such as: engagements, weddings, etc.. In this society that regulated relations between people-men free to define their rights, the woman had a submission role because she did not order, but just listened. Woman at that time was not maltreated, but simply did not participate in the company of troopers for whom the law was written ... it was merely victim because she was a female.

At that time, patriarchal worldview existed, a family where all family members, regardless of age, had to obey the father, or husband. One of the most inhuman rights that had the master of the house was that of betrothal and marriage of his sons and daughters no matter the desire of the parties involved in the marital agreement. Daughters betrothal was definitive, but not for the boy. "If the girl does not want to go with the one who has been chosen for her, she can not marry with another person while she lives.” (Cozzi E., 1912, pg. 309). "Even if the boy takes another bride the girl doesn’t have the right to get married until the boy it has died". (Pupovci Syrja, 1972, pg. 14). Here we highlight the differences between the sexes and backward mentality, patriarchal, who does not respect the woman as a person but only as a tool, while a man was privileged and absolute master of the female world.

In a paragraph of the Kanun, the discrimination that already existed, at that time was this: "If the girl who was promised to marriage didn’t want to marry, her husband had the right to take her against her wish and the girl’s family gave some bullets to her husband so that he could kill her if she wanted to escape and the blood wasn’t lost and no revenge was required from the girls family since he would be killing her with her families permission”. (Pupovci Syrja, 1972, pg. 14). Even while the boy had the right to decide his own fate the girls fate could be decided even by distant relatives. For the boy it was said: "The boy has the right to marry to his thought, if he doesn’t have parents. If the girl doesn’t have a father she has no right to the thought of marriage but her fate is decided by her brothers or her male relatives”. (Pupovci Syrja, 1972, pg. 10, 11). The birth of woman was admitted as an inevitable evil, because with her birth were born many problems and concerns. The first question, when the news arrived that a woman had given birth, was this: "rifle or forks? Males were needed in the family for work, as well as protection while the girls were overweight and needed great care, because of the male reign, so they went away in the hands of men who made their life difficult. The family knew these things and was unable to interfere in any way to facilitate her life, because man was the absolute master of women, whereas womens escape caused feuds and revenge”. (Ernest Koliqi, 1972, pg. 253).

Albanian Mother

In each nation the mother has a high place. This is particularly true for the Albanian people. She is the personification of goodness, the suffering, the patience, the wisdom, the ring that supports and connects family members. "The Albanian woman as a mother does not have to lust those of the West because she is the mother of the family in the deepest sense of the word. It is loved and honored, especially when she gives birth to many male children. " (Ortenzi Bice, 1951- 52, pg. 27).

Albanian woman with more self-denial and suffering has been the ideal mother, has suffered lived and did much for her children because, at that time, having children has been the sole aim of her existence. The woman was toad in bytes children God has given, she had no other rights, nor taken nor given (for the marriage of children), but only the owner of the house and father had these rights. Children were to provide the woman's life purpose. They, as we have seen before, are God’s gift toher. Life of Albanian women is totally for kids: it passes near the cradle the most beautiful moments of her life. The same thing also it is said in "Kanun of Lekë Dukagjin": "Woman it is made to give birth." (Pupovci syrja, 1972, pg. 19).

But, although the mother gave birth, bred and sacrificed everything for her children, still they had no right to take the children because they belonged to the husband. "If the man decides that he wants to get separated from the woman she doesn’t have the right to take her children unless the husband decides to give her a girl”. (Valentini Giuseppe, 1944, pg. 950 96).

The situation of Albanian woman today

Today women in Albanian society are equal with men before the law, but equality before the law and in everyday life are two different things. We need women – working women to achieve equality, not only before the law, but also in life, equality with men, quality with husband. We can never be rid of patriarchal

society if the womans freedom is achieved. Despite developments in many areas of life that are taking off, in Albanian society great patriarchal family is still present, especially in villages where many still live under the articles of the "Kanun of Lekë Dukagjin." The stopping method of females from schools is still used and also their early betrothal. However a deal worthy to note for the prevention of these engagement it has been made by residents of Prizren. Here's an important point of this deal: "If anyone disobeys the decisions that prohibit buying and selling of girls and prevent engagements before sixteen years, will be held from law and the case will appear to the competent bodies of the law" . (Stara Jelena, 1958, pg. 159-60).

On the other hand, female education and work are increasing day by day, so from a tradition of close-household it has gone to a broader experience-socially. Albanian woman in the past had no role, it was socially dead and lived a vegetative life. Today the situation has improved slightly, but still isfar from what it should be.In Albanian society, in the present moment, two things are more urgent and important: 1) Try to become aware that female is a person, with all rights and duties and 2) participation of women in family and in society, which can be achieved through school and work.

One thing is already certain, every day a woman becomes aware of the real possibilities, of what it is today and what can and should be in reality. A popular question that is used many times, says so: A good measure of the culture of a population is the position of women. Today in the letter (the law) women have the right to study, work, but there are many difficulties such as environmental, unfavorable circumstances that make them unable to emerge from family environment. Little has been done for the emancipation of women, we can not be satisfied even with today's situation, but I believe that we are on the right path and if we continue in this direction the womans position is expected to improve further.