The Real Equinox Rule

Wheel of Stars: The Real Equinox Rule 1 Introduction In recent months, I have been most gratified by the positive

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Wheel of

Stars: The Real Equinox Rule



In recent months, I have been most gratified by the positive reception I have received on these calendar presentations, which are an attempt to simplify the grand themes in my book Wheel of Stars. In particular I have seen a good deal of enthusiasm for the real Biblical calendar, as discussed in the basic “The 4 Calendar Laws” and “Philo and the New Moon”. 2


Recently also I have encountered folks who seem to largely agree already with these rules and the way I parse the Biblical and historical data. They understand very well, for example, that the Rabbinic calendar is a product of the exile, that the role of the stars has been totally lost or at least greatly downplayed in calling the seasons and a variety of other points of concordance that 3 I appreciate.


For me, this is a big deal, because it basically means these calendar folks, moreso than many others I have seen, have really been diligent in searching the Scriptures for the data that seems “lost” to so many others. One group I met even agrees that the month begins at conjunction! (The other does not.) And yet, all that said, one major area of disagreement between myself and these 4 well meaning folks remains…


After a lengthy discussion in “The 4 Calendar Rules” about astronomy in Scripture, the wider historical record and physics, two different ideologies about the role of the equinox have emerged. My position is that the new moon nearest the start of spring must always be counted as Abib. Others though disagree, saying the New Moon AFTER the start of spring is always Abib. We will see who is right and why… 5


These people, sincere and thoughtful as they are, have asked me to go deeper into my position on equinox than I normally do. They have also asked me to do this twice in a little more than a week, once in Florida where we were celebrating Sukkot and the other time teaching calendar on Shabbat in Georgia. As a result this presentation is way more narrowly focused than the others.



What is at stake here? Basically, for me the issue is that the moedim were always meant to go along with key parts of the harvest season in ancient Israel. This is about a time, place and people that had no refrigeration, no artificial preservatives and no genetically modified produce that would allow them to extend their harvest times. Instead, they had to rely on Abba YHWH’s 7 Torah to literally survive each year.


As a result, Abba YHWH’s calendar was set up so that, no matter what variations existed between the Hebrew and Solar Year, the moedim would always mark the ideal time for each phase of harvesting in ancient Israel. What we moderns are able to do to extend or alter that natural timeline is quite irrelevant. The fact is Abba YHWH designed the growing season, what 8 ripened, and when—He knows His job!


So what we need to do in order to see which equinox rule is correct is see how equinoxes were dealt with in Scripture and Israel’s history. We will also see why, in spite of our modern “enhancements the original ancient method is superior and still works perfectly, totally setting aside of our attempts to “play Elohim”. We begin by recapping our evidence of the lost role 9 of the stars according to Scripture…

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!


The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

 The fact is, the stars have been commanded by Abba YHWH as being part of His original calendar from Genesis 1:14-19. The role of the stars (or mazzaroth) was further defined in the book of Job which is also very ancient. Let’s see this up close! 11

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

Elohim said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of heaven to divide day from night, and let them indicate signs, seasons, days and years. Let them be lights in the vault of heaven to shine on the earth.' And so it was. Elohim made the two great lights: the greater light to govern the day, the smaller light to govern the night, and the stars. Elohim set them in the vault of heaven to shine on the earth, to govern 12

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

the day and the night and to divide light from darkness. Elohim saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came: the fourth day. (Genesis 1:14-19) So the sun, moon and the stars “govern the day and the night, divide light from darkness”. Where then is this role for the stars utilized in the calendar schools of today? Now look at this… 13

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

As long as earth endures: seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. (Genesis 8:22) These terms “seed-time and harvest and summer and winter” are known as equinoxes and solstices today. In order to track them properly, the role of the stars must be taken into account! Let’s now 14 see what the book of Job says…

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth the constellations in their season, and guide the Bear constellation with her satellites? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens, or fix their rule over the earth? (Job 38:31-33- Matara) The Pleiades was anciently used to help determine the time of spring. 15

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

Therefore, whether it’s “constellation in its season” as some render it or “constellations in their season” as I have it, the point is the stars were being used to determine the start of spring, the start of the Hebrew calendar! Other words in Tanakh, such as tekuwfa and teshuvah mean “equinox” or “turns of the year” as Scripture defines it. For 16 instance…

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

The heavens are telling of the glory of Elohim; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their utterances to the end of the world. In them He has placed a tent for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out 17

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

of his chamber; it rejoices as a strong man to run his course. Its rising is from one end of the heavens, and its circuit (tekuwfa) to the other end of them; and there is nothing hidden from its heat. (Psalm 19:1-6 NAU) It is very interesting that the next line after this, the perfect solar year, is “the law of YHWH is perfect, converting the soul”! 18

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

This strongly suggests that part of Abba YHWH’s “perfect Torah” is keeping His feasts on time! And then there’s this… [Samuel] used to go annually on circuit (shana b’shana ve’saviv/ ֙‫ )שָׁ נ ָׁ֙ה בְּשָׁ ָָׁ֔נה וְּסָׁ ַבב‬to Bethel and Gilgal and Mizpah, and he judged Israel in all these places. (1 Samuel 7:16 NAU) 19

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

The word saviv literally means “to go around in a circle”, and the fact that Samuel is said to do “a yearly circle” strongly proves he knew that same “yearly circle” was driven by the sun, because he always returned to where he started from, which does not happen in a lunar year! And then there’s “the turns of the year”… 20

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

You shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, that is, the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the ַ ְּ‫)ת‬year (tekuwfa ha shana/ ‫קּופַ֖ת ַהשָׁ נָׁ ָֽה‬ Exodus 34:22 NAU There were two “turns of the year”, which again relates to the equinoxes, in this case, the one in fall, for Sukkot. Here is the other one, in spring… 21

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

Then the prophet came near to the king of Israel and said to him, "Go, strengthen yourself and observe and see what you have to do; for at the turn of the year ַ (teshuvah ha shana/‫שּובַ֣ת ַהשָׁ ָָׁ֔נה‬ ְּ‫ )ת‬the king of Aram will come up against you." (1 Kings 20:22 NAU; see also: 1 Kings 20:26, 2 Chronicles 24:23; 36:10) And finally, I’d like to return to Job 38… 22

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth the constellations in their season ( ‫)ב ְִּע ּ֑תֹו‬, and guide the Bear constellation with her satellites? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens, or fix their rule over the earth? (Job 38:31-33- Matara) 23

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

This word eth (‫ )עת‬means “season” and is often a synonym for moedim or appointed times/feasts that must coincide with those seasons, such as here… Therefore, I will take back My grain at harvest time and My new wine in its season ( ֙‫ירֹושי בְּמָֽ ֹועֲ ּ֑דֹו ו ְִּה ַצלְּ ִתי‬ ַ֖ ִ ‫)ב ְִּע ָ֔תֹו ו ְִּת‬. I will also take away My wool and My flax given to cover her nakedness. And then I will 24

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

uncover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and no one will rescue her out of My hand. (Hosea 2:9-10 NAU) In addition, eth actually refers to the seasons themselves—directly—which the moedim technically must be attached to in order to be relevant. In other words, you cannot have Pesach without barley, Sukkot without grapes, etc. Let’s see… 25

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out, then I shall give you rains in their season ( ‫תם‬ ּ֑ ָׁ ‫)ב ְִּע‬, so that the land will yield its produce and the trees of the field will bear their fruit. (Leviticus 26:3-4 NAU) Eth clearly means the agricultural year, and this is far from the only example I have to share with you… 26

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

He will give the rain for your land in its season ( ‫ָֽר־ַארצְּכֶ֛ם ב ְִּע ַ֖תֹו‬ ‫)מְּ ַט‬, the early and ְּ late rain, that you may gather in your grain and your new wine and your oil. (Deuteronomy 11:14 NAU) They all wait for You To give them their food in due season ( ‫תת ָאכ ָׁ ְַּ֣לם ב ְִּעתָֽ ֹו‬ ַ֖ ָׁ‫)ל‬. (Psalm 104:27 NAU) 27

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

Therefore, since the stars bring in the eth per Job 38:32… …and the eth are either synonyms for the moedim or the structure to which the moedim are inextricably attached to the eth in which they occur (i.e. you can’t have Pesach in summer, etc.)… …it must be the case then that the stars bring in the eth and the moedim! 28

The Lost Role of the Stars…Restored!

The question then is: Since we know the Scripture commands the stars to bring in the Hebrew year, how exactly is this done? Well, with the right foundation now laid, you are going to see that complete answer with your own eyes. The fact is, the star’s role in the calendar has survived, and it is coming up next! 29

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!


Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

The fact is, the barley had nothing to do with the timing of Exodus because the entire crop was ruined and couldn’t be inspected (Exodus 9:31)! And the barley isn’t mentioned for 42 years as spring and Pesach come and go. It was never mentioned as part of their calendar, even when Joshua is keeping Pesach in Gilgal (Joshua 4 & 5)! 31

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

But perhaps the most important fact is this: The barley ripens when the sun returns to a particular point in space and shines down on the earth at a particular angle! If you can predict spring, you can predict barley without looking at it! There also has to be a standard timing linked to vernal equinox, because the barley ripens over 3 weeks in different 32 areas in Israel.

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

But there is a way to calculate the timing of the ripening of barley through most of Israel, and it has to do with finding the right New Moon to count the year from… Observe and guard the month of Abib and celebrate the Passover for Yahweh your Elohim, because it was in the month of Abib that Yahweh your Elohim brought you out of Egypt by night. (Deut. 16:1 Matara) 33

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Again we must remember that Moshe was a prince of Egypt with advanced astronomical training that goes far beyond merely looking at a slivery moon near a barley field! Egypt used the stars to tell them when to plant and harvest, as did every other culture around Israel, so if Israel didn’t know, they are stupidest people in the 34 Middle East.

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

But the fact is, Israel did know how to seed and harvest by the stars, as the advanced astronomical language in the Tanakh proves. Also there is the testimony of two historians descended from Hebrew priests and kings—Josephus and Philo—who were eyewitnesses to the calendar that both Y’shua and the Pharisees used. Let’s 35 hear their testimony now…

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

In the month of Nisan…the beginning of our year, on the 14th day of the lunar month, when the sun is in Aries, (for in this month it was that we were delivered from bondage under the Egyptians,) the law ordained that we should every year slay that sacrifice which I before told you we slew when we came out of Egypt, and which was called the Passover. (Josephus, Antiquities, 3:248) 36

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

At first glance, “the 14th day of the lunar month of Nisan, when the sun is in Aries” seems a very precise astronomical convergence of star, sun and moon data. But Josephus is relating his astronomy as it existed at the time of the Exodus some 1500 years before his time and 3400+ years from our time, not how the stars are positioned today! 37

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

In 128 BCE, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered what we now call “precession of the equinoxes”. Hipparchus figured out that every 72 years, a so-called “fixed” star’s position in the sky will shift a degree backwards from where it started. So, after 2,160 years (72 x 30), that star has “precessed” 30 degrees. 38

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

That is why Aries the Ram is no longer the first constellation of spring—the fixed stars precessed so that the previous sign from the previous month—Pisces—is now the first constellation of spring. But the key time marker has nothing to do with constellations. It has to do with the Vernal Equinox, which remains a fixed moment each year. 39

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

In Moses’ time, the beginning of the sign of Aries and the beginning of the Vernal Equinox were one and the same timing. That is why the historian Philo decided to not use the short hand “in Aries” when explaining the same secrets that Josephus just did about 50 years later. Instead, he uses terms that prove the Exodus sky was frozen in Hebrew memory… 40

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Moses puts down the beginning of the vernal equinox as the 1st month of the year…for it is through the bounty of nature that the seeds which are sown to produce the necessary food of mankind are brought to perfection. (Philo, On Moses, 2:222) This phrase “beginning of the vernal equinox” is a huge and critical clue for piecing the system together. 41

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Philo recognizes the importance of dating the start of the Hebrew Solar Year at the “beginning” of spring, because this will give a fixed point in time completely independent of the stars precessing backwards over time. It will never go out of date! Therefore “beginning of vernal equinox” is understood as being the same as the when the sun begins to be in Aries. 42

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Then, going back to Josephus, we see the importance of the 14th day of that lunar month, which is the time of the full moon. Putting it all together it means this: The New Moon nearest VE is Abib and the first full moon of Aries is Passover! This proves, stars, sun and moon cycles are all part of the Hebrew calendar. 43

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

But an important question and this point might be: How do we know the ancient Hebrews were keeping these kinds of detailed records? To answer this question, what follows are quotes from across the spectrum of Jewish tradition, from Scripture, Dead Sea Scrolls, Talmud and important modern commentaries on their calendar… 44

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Then taking [Abraham] outside, [YHWH] said, 'Look up at the sky and count (saphar) the stars if you can. Just so will your descendants be,' he told him. (Genesis 15:5 NJB) Saphar/sefer is the same word/root for “writing, scroll, or book”, so Abraham is literally commanded to record the stars for prophecy understanding! 45

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Yahweh, Builder of Jerusalem! He gathers together the exiles of Israel, healing the broken-hearted and binding up their wounds; He counts out the number of the stars, and gives each one of them a name. Our Lord is great, all-powerful, his wisdom beyond all telling. (Psalm 147:2-5 NJB) There’s way more where these came from! 46

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

The chief of the Beth Din then said: "It (the new moon) is consecrated," and all the people repeated after him: "It is consecrated; it is consecrated." Whether the new moon was seen at its proper time (after twenty-nine days) or not, they used to consecrate it. R. Elazar b. Zadok said: If it had not been seen at its proper time it was not consecrated, because it had 47

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

already been consecrated in heaven (i.e., of itself). R. Gamaliel had on a tablet, and on a wall of his upper room, illustrations of the various phases of the moon, which he used to show to the common people, saying: "Did you see the moon like this figure or like this?" Rodkinson Mishnah, Rosh Hashanna, 2:4-5 48

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

On the 4th day of the week of the sons of Gamul in the first month of the first year. On the 5th day in the week of Jedaiah corresponding to the 29th day of the lunar month, which falls on the 30th day of the solar month.-Mishmarot A (4Q320), as translated by Geza Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, p. 336 49

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

IV…and on 13 and 14 Pisces; and on 15 and 16 Aries; on 17 and 18 Taurus; on 19 and 20 and 21 Gemini; on 22 and 23 Cancer; on 24 and 25 Leo; on 26, 27 and 28 Virgo; on 29 and 30 Libra…Tishri. On 1 and 2 Scorpio…4Q318, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, p. 361 50

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

On the 5th day of the (solar) month, 12 fourteenths of the moon’s surface was covered and thus it enters the day. On the 6th day, 13 fourteenths of the moon are covered and thus it enters the day. On the 7th day of it, 14 fourteenths of its surface is covered and thus it enters the day.- 4Q317, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, p. 360. 51

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

This is just a very tiny sampling showing the extent of which ancient Hebrews recorded stellar, solar and lunar data while also tracking the Moedim. Not only would the idea of Hebrews not keeping these lists be un-historical, it would also make them, as I said before, the most primitive civilization in the history of the Middle East! So here’s our rule again, officially speaking… 52

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Rule #1: The New Moon nearest the start of spring (Vernal Equinox) is always Abib!


Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Another way to put the same rule is: The Full Moon that happens first, within 30 days on or after Vernal Equinox, must be Passover. This is because Passover can never take place prior to VE day or the start of spring, but my research has shown that even if the full moon precedes VE by a few hours on the same day, it’s still Passover. 54

Rule #1: How the Stars Set the Year!

Relating these facts to Josephus’ description, the first constellation of spring (then Aries, now Pisces), anchors for us a time roughly between March 21st and April 19th in our current calendar. The first full moon that happens during this time—even on VE day itself—is Pesach. Josephus again is thinking about Exodus, when 0 degree Aries and VE were one 55 and the same timing!

The Gezer Calendar


The Gezer Calendar

The picture you just saw was a large scale replica done for clarity of reading. The original however, though smaller and harder to read, is dated to the 10th century BCE and contains some of the oldest calendar information ever recovered from ancient Israel! It was found in the ancient Canaanite city of Gezer (20 miles west of Jerusalem) and 57 is inscribed in Paleo-Hebrew script.

The Gezer Calendar

Dating from the time of David and Solomon, it reckons “civil time” from fall to fall (Tishri-Elul) as we know the southern kingdom of Judah would do, starting under David’s grandson, Rehoboam. It is also signed by a man named “Abijah” who might be simply its scribe or could refer to King Abijah, the son of Rehoboam himself (2 Chronicles 12:16). Here’s what this this key piece of evidence said... 58

The Gezer Calendar

Two months gathering (September, October). Two months planting (November, December). Two months late sowing (January, February). One month cutting flax (March). One month reaping barley (April). 59

The Gezer Calendar

One month reaping and measuring grain (May). Two months pruning (June, July). One month summer fruit (August). Obviously the Paleo-Hebrew isn’t naming our Gregorian months…they were put in () by the scholars translating it. Nevertheless the Gregorian is accurate because… 60

The Gezer Calendar

…it is based on a solar year, and my point is, so was the ancient Hebrew calendar when all its mechanisms are properly understood. In order for the calendar though to work, it had to deal with two challenges each and every year. First, the season for the ripeness of the barley be linked to the right month for its 61 usage at Passover.

The Gezer Calendar

Choose your Abib New Moon too early, and your barley simply won’t be ready to wave on the 16th. I know some of you though will say, “But that doesn’t matter…there is no priesthood or Temple to fulfill the mandate”, but I say, irrelevant because of what the Scripture itself indicates… 62

The Gezer Calendar

Yahweh spoke to Moses and said: 'Speak to the Israelites and say: "When you enter the country which I am giving you and reap the harvest there, you will bring the priest the first sheaf of your harvest, and he will present it to Yahweh with the gesture of offering, for you to be acceptable. The priest will make this offering on the day after the Sabbath, and 63

The Gezer Calendar

on the same day as you make this offering, you will offer Yahweh an unblemished lamb one year old as a burnt offering. The cereal offering for that day will be two-tenths of wheaten flour mixed with oil, as food burnt as a smell pleasing to Yahweh. The libation will be a quarter of a hin of wine. You will eat no bread, roasted ears of wheat or fresh produce before 64

The Gezer Calendar

this day, before making the offering to your God. This is a perpetual law for all your descendants, wherever you live. (Leviticus 23:9-14 NJB) So basically, once the clock starts forward as Israel enters Canaan, it keeps the ritual described 100% intact and unchangeable. More than that, the ritual cannot ever be altered regardless as to 65 where the Israelites live.

The Gezer Calendar

Now granted, modern Judaism still doesn’t do this ritual exactly as described either, again for the reasons given, no priesthood or Temple is available to receive the offering. Nevertheless, the ideal of the ritual remains and the proper time of year that it would have been done is forever fixed and remembered with the omer 66 count that we still do each year!

The Gezer Calendar

So that means a double layer of complexity for the start of each Hebrew year. It’s not enough to hit a new moon that allows you to wave the sheaf during Passover… …you also have to hit a time AFTER that new moon, where 64 days later your grain harvest is completed! What’s right for barley may not be for grain. 67

The Gezer Calendar

In other words, picking the New Moon that is always after the start of spring/VE may work some or even most years…. …but it will also fail quite often to meet these multi-level agricultural requirements, that the eth or “seasons” mentioned in Job and elsewhere always match up with their intended moedim, based on the original agricultural cycle in ancient 68 Israel!

The Gezer Calendar

This is also the heart of the Gezer Calendar’s design. It has allotted one month of reaping barley, what we call in our calendar April. This is because the barley is not picked at Abib New Moon, which can be as early as about March 7th. Instead it’s from the earliest time you could begin the harvest, 2+ weeks later, late 69 March, after vernal equinox.

The Gezer Calendar

Most of the time though, say roughly 75% of years, the harvest time will hit in what we now call April, but never, ever in May. No part of Passover can ever touch May, because if it does the barley will be long gone, and your timing for the rest of the agricultural year will also be off, making grapes also irrelevant for Sukkot. 70 Let’s see this clearly…

The Gezer Calendar


The Gezer Calendar

This small chart tell us a lot, as it shows that nothing has changed for Israel’s harvesting timings in more than 3,000 years! The proof of its accuracy is that this pattern holds in Israel, year after year. And notice the calculations for the end of the harvest are just as intricate as those at the start in the spring. This goes back to the Torah’s own terminology for the feasts… 72

The Gezer Calendar

You shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the first fruits of the wheat harvest; and the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year. (Exodus 34:22 JPS 1985) Again, “turn of the year” means equinoxes, in this case the one in fall. But I also want to focus on this other name for Sukkot, “Feast of Ingathering”—now what exactly does that term really mean? 73

The Gezer Calendar

ִ ִ Ex 2316: ingathering from 648‫ָאסיף‬, ‫ָאסף‬ threshing-floor & winepress before beginning of rainy season, Ex 2316 3422. † (pg 23)-Holladay Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon. So this is not just around the time of the start of fall, but specifically early fall, before the rainy season begins, referring also to the only time of year 74 when the most could be gathered.

The Gezer Calendar

This means we have to have our “Feast of Ingathering” only when the vast majority and variety of grains and fruit was either peaking in harvest season or ending altogether. The rainy season in turn will begin in late October in Israel, so Sukkot can’t touch that time of year. But if you have an April 17th Abib NM, you will also have a Sukkot that reaches into November! 75

The Gezer Calendar

Here’s the problem with that… The rainy season from October to May may be divided into three parts, the former, the winter, and the latter rains, and they are often referred to under these names in the Old Testament. The "former rains" are the showers of October and the first part of November. They soften the parched ground so that 76

The Gezer Calendar

the winter grain may be sown before the heavy continuous rains set in. ISBE Bible Encyclopedia So Sukkot must be at a full moon that takes all these things into the account: Fixed to the season of the fall equinox (will show later), after the harvest of most of the fruits has peaked or is over, and be before the start of the former or early 77 rains.

The Gezer Calendar

These requirements then lead us to the second and final harvest for Israel, both then and now. This is a precise and exclusive time of year for the rest of the produce to get picked and stored, again and we saw, both before the rains and before the onset of winter. Now let’s see our chart once again and how all this lines up in terms 78 of practical agriculture….

The Gezer Calendar


The Gezer Calendar

As you can see, the harvest is peaking for grapes, figs, pomegranates and olives specifically in the SeptemberOctober time frame…only olives can still be harvested a little into November. This time is also not far from when sesame (July), flax (July) and millet (JulyAugust) would have been stored, but wait until November and it’s all over. 80

The Gezer Calendar

Your grapes will be done, so where is your new wine for Sukkot? Again, never mind that modern grapes may last into November, that’s not the point. The point is the grapes that Abba YHWH originally intended you to use for Sukkot will be gone! So if your Sukkot occasionally touches November, it’s just as bad as when you 81 Passover touches May.

Simple Math and History

Now it simply comes down to the math and what first century eyewitnesses to the Hebrew calendar have to say about how it worked. Every once in a while, 2026 will be the next time this happens, you will have your “new moon after VE” around April 17th. When that happens, your Passover will begin May 1st and throw off the 82 entire year.

Simple Math and History

This is true, regardless as to how you count the omer… …do it my way and you will start about May 3rd, the 16th day after “Abib” New Moon. …do it the other way, fixed to the Sunday after Pesach starts, and it’s even worse, up to May 7th. Either way, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. 83

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An Abib Full Moon hitting May 1st will have that month end May 16th. 29 days later, for the 2nd month of Iyar, will bring you to June 14th, with Sivan starting June 15th. Keep adding: 30 days for Sivan, 29 days for Tammuz, 30 days for Ab, 29 days for Elul, and your fall feasts now begin with your Tishri 1 on October 11th, with 84 Sukkot hitting on the 25th.

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Your grapes, figs and pomegranates have all been harvested by the end of September or into the first third of October. After that time, only the olives might still remain to be harvested. So what’s the point of a harvest festival, or an ingathering feast if there is almost nothing left to harvest or ingather? 85

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That to me is the central problem with the supposed “new moon after Vernal Equinox is always Abib rule”. On the surface, it appears to work many years in a row. But scrutinize it’s utility over decades and centuries and the practice very quickly falls apart and becomes inaccurate and chaotic. One time off, is 86 one time too many!

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On the fourth day [YHWH] adorned the heaven with the sun, the moon, and the other stars; and appointed them their motions and courses, that the changes of the seasons might be clearly signified. (Josephus, Antiquities, 1:31) So says Josephus…but his predecessor Philo is even more specific and comprehensive on this matter, tying feasts 87 to equinoxes directly…

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And the sun, the ruler of the day, making two equinoxes every year, both in spring and autumn. The spring equinox in the constellation of Aries, and the autumnal one in Libra, gives the most evident demonstration possible of the divine dignity of the number seven. For each of the equinoxes takes place in the seventh month, at which time men are expressly 88

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commanded by law to celebrate the greatest and most popular and comprehensive festivals; since it is owing to both these seasons, that all the fruits of the earth are engendered and brought to perfection; the fruit of corn, and all other things which are sown, being owing to the vernal equinox; and that of the vine, and of all the other plants which bear 89

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hard berries, of which there are great numbers, to the autumnal one. (Philo, On Creation 1:116) Now wheat and barley are among the things which are very necessary; as, likewise, are all the other species of food, without which it is impossible to live. But oil, and wine, and almonds are not among necessaries, since men often live without 90

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them to the very extremity of old age, extending their life over a number of years. Accordingly, in this month, about the 14th day of the month, when the orb of the moon is usually about to become full, the public universal feast of the passover is celebrated, which in the Chaldaic language is called pascha; at which festival not only do private individuals bring victims to the 91

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altar and the priests sacrifice them, but also, by a particular ordinance of this law, the whole nation is consecrated and officiates in offering sacrifice; every separate individual on this occasion bringing forward and offering up with his own hands the sacrifice due on his own behalf. (On Moses, 2:223-224) And Philo is just as specific about Sukkot 92 in the fall…

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The last of all the annual festivals is that which is called the feast of tabernacles, which is fixed for the season of the autumnal equinox. And by this festival the lawgiver teaches two lessons, both that it is necessary to honor equality, the first principle and beginning of justice, the principle akin to unshadowed light; and that it is becoming also, after witnessing 93

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the perfection of all the fruits of the year, to give thanks to that Being who has made them perfect…Again, the beginning of this festival is appointed for the fifteenth day of the month, on account of the reason which has already been mentioned respecting the spring season, also that the world may be full, not by day only but also by night, of the most beautiful 94

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light, the sun and moon on their rising opposite to one another with uninterrupted light, without any darkness interposing itself between so as to divide them. And after the festival has lasted seven days, he adds an eighth as a seal, calling it a kind of crowning feast, not only as it would seem to this festival, but also to all the feasts of the year which we have enumerated; 95

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for it is the last feast of the year, and is a very stable and holy sort of conclusion, befitting men who have now received all the produce from the land, and who are no longer in perplexity and apprehension respecting any barrenness or scarcity. (The Special Laws, 2:204, 210-211) And finally, echoing the words of Job, Philo makes this last connection… 96

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And besides the stars above mentioned the band of the Pleiades is also made up of seven stars, the rising and occultation of which are the causes of great benefits to all men. For when they set, the furrows are ploughed up for the purpose of sowing; and when they are about to rise, they bring glad tidings of harvest; and after they have arisen, they awaken the 97

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rejoicing husbandman to the collection of their necessary food. And they with joy store up their food for their daily use. (Questions and Answers on Genesis, 1:115) It was the Pleiades that was mentioned in Job 38:31-33 that talked about the constellations bringing in the seasons. Philo then says those stars looked like a plow in the ground when it set below 98 the horizon—right at spring!


At the end of the day, what we see in Torah and further explained without contradiction by Philo and physics, is that the New Moons of harvest season had to be calculated in a precise way so that all stages of the agricultural year perfectly aligned with the Feasts. Taking the New Moon nearest spring will always guarantee this will happen 99 exactly as originally intended.


However taking a New Moon that could start as late as April 17th and calling it Abib will most certainly wreak havoc with the entire agricultural year on a fairly regular basis. Because we know now about the role of the stars in the original Hebrew calendar, and we know how critical it was to get this right over decades, centuries and 100 millennia or Israel would starve…


…it is absolutely critical that Abba YHWH pick a system that guarantees prosperity for the vast majority of Israel every year. If not, then the Scripture is broken. If not, then Abba YHWH does not care if His “treasured possession” has enough food or if they are harvesting and celebrating on time or not. If not, then this Scripture makes no 101 sense…


Today, I call heaven and earth to witness against you: I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, then, so that you and your descendants may live, in the love of Yahweh your God, obeying his voice, holding fast to him; for in this your life consists, and on this depends the length of time that you stay in the country which Yahweh swore to your ancestors 102


Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he would give them.‘ (Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NJB) Abba YHWH then chooses life… He therefore begs Israel to also choose life through obedience to His Torah. How then can that same Torah that promises life for keeping it, create death when Israel keeps it exactly as written? Therefore, the rule must be, new moon 103 nearest VE is always Abib!

abr hdwt

Todah Rabbah

Peace and blessings Andrew Gabriel Roth