The Amazing Reading Technique

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The Amazing Reading Technique

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Copyright © 2006 sawahid –

The Amazing Reading Technique By sawahid Brain Optimizer Coach © 2006 sawahid All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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The Amazing Reading Technique

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Table Of Contents Table Of Contents ......................................................................................................... 2 Copyright ......................................................................................................................... 3 Dear Reader…................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5 What I found? ................................................................................................................. 6 How to PhotoReading? ............................................................................................... 7 Getting Ready ................................................................................................................ 8 PhotoReading Session ................................................................................................ 11 Activation....................................................................................................................... 12 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 15

The Amazing Reading Technique

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Copyright © 2006 sawahid –

Copyright This report is a free report, with the copyright is still own by sawahid of . Any duplication in form of physical or electronics still has to get permission from me. This report is given free with the subscription to my mailing list. To subscribe to the mailing list go to: The material presented in this report is a collection of free information that is available on the internet – it can be from product websites, forum and product reviews pages. The PhotoRead ® technology and all of its related technologies (PhotoFocus ® ) are trademark of Learning Strategies Corporation of 2000 Plymouth Road • Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 • USA . Please check the resource section for information about Learning Strategies Corporation

The Amazing Reading Technique

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Dear Reader… ..soon to be dear PhotoReader. Thank you for downloading this free report and become member to my mailing list. Before I go further, I should put out my disclaimer – that even I have tried my best to give you the most accurate information there is no guarantee that there is no mistake in this report. Since this is a free report, I also don’t guarantee any outcome, and not responsible for any outcome of the method that describe in this report. My purpose is just to give you enough information for you to judge if this is something that you want to pursue further. You might even try it and works than its good for you. My advice is for you to buy the actual PhotoReading products, which are come with guarantee. Please refer Learning Strategies web site. I have learnt a lot during the process of writing this report. There actually a lot of other technologies that I have encountered during the research of this report. I might include these new findings into the next version of this report. As I mention in the introduction section, PhotoRead® requires a little bit of leap of faith to work. So please open your mind before you start reading this report. There are so many unknown phenomenas and misteries in the world that we as human being still can not fathom. For any comment of feedback write to me at [email protected]

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Introduction How fast do you read? Few hundred words per minute? Or since you just attended those speed reading seminar, then maybe you can read up to 2000 words per minute. With this “common” speed from few hundreds to few thousands word per minute have you been able to go through all the information that you want to know in the newspaper, megazines, books, and internet? If you are like me and thousands of other people, then you also don’t have time to actually catch up on your reading. There are always new things to be read at work and at home. Left alone all those leisure readings which we wish have time to do. Let say if some one offer you the silver bullet…..something that enable you to read at least 3 times faster, and even can be 10 times faster. And using this silver bullet people has been able to actually read up to 700,000 words per minute and comprehend 75 percent of the contents. 700,000 words per minute, how can people read that fast ? For example, this article has around 2000 words in a page. 700,000 words is equivalence of 350 pages of written material. Even if you spend 1 second per page it will take 350 seconds which is equivalence to 5.8 minutes. It takes more time just to flip through pages of books that contains that many words, forget about actually try to understand and memorizing the contents. Actually this experiment is done using computer screen at Cray Research. The computer flashes 20 pages of contents in one second to the participants. After that the participants took test to test their comprehension of the flashed contents. Yes, when I first heard this story, I thought it was full of crap also. But when I researched through the source, I found out that this method has been used by for hundred thousands of people successfully. Some of the testimonials come from high regarded people in self improvement arena such as Anthony Robins and Jack Canfield.

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This make me interested to learn more about the system.

What I found? What I found out is that in order to be able to take in this much of information to our brain we have to use SUBCONSCIOUS method, since our conscious mind ability has been limited by our environment and education system. Why we have to use our subconscious mind ? This is because experiments have indicated that our conscious mind only able to goble seven chunk of information at a time – that is why we group our phone number into 7 numbers. On the contrary our subconscious mind has been demonstrated to be able to absorb 10 million bits of information at one time. Because of this we are said to have been only using either 1 percent to 10 percent of our mind. Most of the abilities of our mind lie in the subconscious area that not that many people can control. So what is this method called ? It is called PHOTOREADING, not speed reading. Speed reading is to speed up the common reading method that is going through our conscious mind. It teaches you how to read more words at a time, and how to scan through the printed lines faster. Photoreading on the other hand focus on how to tap into our subconscious mind and use it for our benefit. It is easier for people to understand the underlying principle in speed reading because it is just an incremental enhancement to what is normally done. But PhotoReading requires leap of faith because we are handing part of the process to our subconscious mind – which we don’t know.

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How to PhotoReading? In very simple word PhotoReading ® is to read using our subconscious mind, and try to recall either using our concscious mind or subconscious mind. When our subconscious mind is exposed to the reading material, it captures the whole page just like photo taking process. This is where the “Photo” part in PhotoRead® comes from. Off course this has to be done in stages – since we don’t know how to tap into our subconscious mind. There are 3 steps: 1- Getting ready 2- Doing it…the PhotoReading 3- Activation…using it That’s all to it. Off course even the simplest thing in the world can be very hard to do. Simple does not mean it is easy.

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Getting Ready The goal of this phase is to put you into accelerated learning state. Studies shows that this specific physical posture helps you read faster and comprehend more: place your feet comfortably on the floor, sit up straight, and fully relax your shoulders as you exhale Then prop up or hold up the magazine about 45 to 60 degrees and slightly tilt your head downwards. Next is to prepare your mind on what is coming. Since the information flow will not be controlled by us (remember..subconscious), at least we have to inform our subconscious mind to be ready, and get it into the correct state – to absorb the information. How do you tell your brain to be ready? First is to tell your mind the intention. What you want to achieve from the reading. We also know that self affirmation can have big influence to our mind on what can be achieve. Once you get your intention straight – and your mind (or your heart) agree with it you can further prepare your mind by previewing the material. Go through the table of contents and just flip through some of the major headers and titles. The goal is for your brain to understand the structure of the information that it will need to capture. You can also create list of keywords representing the structure. This keywords are called trigger words, which later can be used during activation session. Other than collecting trigger words, some people represent the structure in form of mind mapping. Mind map also can be used during the activation session. These are all conscious steps that we hope able to get through our subconscious mind ..somehow.

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The next step is to actually physically (or biologically) bring our whole brain (both conscious and subconscious – left and right brain) into state ready to accept information. This is where our knowledge on brainwave is useful. Studies have shown that the brain generate electrical impulses. These impulses cumulatively form electrical signal waves that we call brainwave. We also know that for different type of activity, the brainwave that is generated is also different. Using electroencephalography (EEG) device scientists have been able to categorize the relationship between human brain state and brainwave: State Delta Theta

Frequency range 0.5Hz - 4Hz 4Hz - 8Hz

Alpha Beta

8Hz - 14Hz 14Hz - 30Hz

State of mind Deep sleep Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep) Relaxed but alert Highly alert and focused

If you want to sleep, then your brainwave should be at the Theta then move to Delta states, but if you want to learn and read your brainwave should be at the Alpha state. In PhotoReading technique, in order to bring your mental state to the Alpha, a technique called “tangerine technique” is used. This is how a tangerine technique is done: 1- Use your hand to reach out in front of you and pick up an imaginary tangerine. Imagine its color, skin texture, and maybe even the sweet, tangy smell. Then, lob it from hand to hand to sense its weight. 2- With your dominant hand, position the imaginary tangerine on the upper-rear portion of your head. Touch that area gently with your hand and imagine the tangerine floating a couple of inches above your head. Bring your hand down and relax your shoulders completely. Pretend this magical tangerine always stays there no matter how your head moves.

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3- Close your eyes and let the tangerine float above and behind your head a few inches. Notice how much more relaxed and alert you feel. Imagine your field of vision opening up. 4- Maintain this feeling, and gently open your eyes. Make sure your book is properly propped up, and read for another 20 seconds. Tangerine method is not a must for PhotoReading. It is just one of the method to get into the state. Personally I also recommend those special audio and video brainwave entrainment devices. You can get the list of brainwave entrainment devices here.

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PhotoReading Session Now you are ready to PhotoRead®. 1. Opened the book until you can see the book's corners and margins, propping the book at a 45-degree angle. 2. Stare at the fold between the two pages. If you stare long enough while diverging focus on the white area in the middle part of the book, an imaginary cone sprouts between the two pages. This is called a "blip" page. 3. If you see this "blip" (not everybody does) everything else becomes a blur. Then you are ready. 4. Flip through the pages, while maintaining the same state. “Blip” page is also sometimes referred to as “cocktail winnie” ? There are lots of different answers for how it's supposed to look, and sometimes the blip can be many different shapes and sizes for most people. Most of the time, it generally takes on the form of a long, skinny cylinder. It's always down the center crease/line of the two pages in front of you. Some people have hard time to get their eyes diverge to a point beyond the book page. This is the same method that is used when people looking at the 3D stereogram. If you can not see the 3D image in a stereogram, then you might have problem to get the blip page also. Maybe the instruction to view a stereogram can help – check it here The technique use in stereorgram is called “soft gaze”, and the one that we use in PhotoReading is called “PhotoFocus” or “soft focus”.

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Activation The hardest step for most people is the activation. This is when you do a recall on what you have read. During the PhotoReading session don’t try to memorize or recall anything. It is good to let the information settle in the subconscious for at least 5 to 8 hours before you try to activate it (or plain language..recall it). There are 2 ways how the PhotoRead® information can be activated: automatic or manual. Automatic activation is unplanned. It happens unconsciously. There are reports of how the information that was PhotoRead® just come up in people daily conversation or their writing. Manual activation is where you want the information to be available when you want it. For example if you have to present something or sitting for a test. How to do manual activation? Proposed method for activation is to do SuperRead. This is where you just scan through the book – at the center part of each page and dig deeper when your brain tell you there is something interesting there. You can use trigger words or mind map. Using the Pareto’s 80/20 rule it has been proven that we can select 20 percent of a content as keywords or trigger words that represent 80 percent of the information. Remember that list of trigger words or mind map of the structure of the contents is done during the preview stage. Another method is to ask questions about the subject material to yourself. Keep asking with the aim that at certain point your brain will start to answer the questions. Rythmic perusal The below description about rythmic perusal technique by its own inventor is taken from a section in a document “Private Pesticide Application Training Manual” that is available here:

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Copyright © 2006 sawahid – tro.pdf This step is a specific reading style called Rhythmic Perusal. The term Rhythmic Perusal refers to an ordered recurrence of eye movements conducive to careful examination and consideration, while at the same time doubling or tripling your “normal” reading speed and your long-term memory. Rhythmic perusal is not an especially radical form of reading, nor is it an extreme departure from standard reading practices. It is, however, sufficiently different to warrant special attention. The lessons learned up to this point must be consistently and rigorously executed to make Rhythmic Perusal work. The critical difference between Rhythmic Perusal and “normal” reading has to do with eye movements. The average adult reader, for instance, fixates on almost every word. Consequently, the eyes move across the line in jerky little movements called saccades. This more or less natural habit is tiring, a waste of time, and unnecessary because all words do not have equal importance. Therefore, the efficient reader will want to develop proficiency in thinking selectively. That is, in processing words in different ways because of the importance of certain words in conveying meanings the author intended. PagexiiPrivatePesticideApplicatorTrainingManual

The following are the steps to take when practicing Rhythmic Perusal: A. Review in your mind the common good and bad reading habits and their relationship to your reading skills. B. Read and think about the title of the reading selection you are about to begin. C. Move your eyes smoothly and rapidly across each line in a left-to-right progression. However, attempt to traverse each line in one movement. Smooth is the same thing for all of us; rapid will vary from person to person. Do not allow your eyes to fixate on each word — just keep moving. When you make the return sweep to the next line, do it very quickly. Then begin a smooth and rapid examination of the next line, and so on, until you are finished. That is Rhythmic Perusal. D. Practice moving your eyes across the tops of the words; not quite

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between the lines, but across more of the top than the center or bottom. It is an interesting oddity that most English-language sentences can be comprehended even if you can see only the top half of the letters. You needn’t go quite that far (at first), but by focusing on the upper half of the sentence, you can resist fixations and increase your reading rate. Also, you can avoid giving undue attention to minutiae and unnecessary words and, as a result, increase your reading comprehension of thoughts and ideas. E. Don’t worship words. Read for thoughts, not for words. THINK AHEAD OF THE PRINT. Notice phrases and word groups (ideas), and keep your mind alert. The word is not the thing, not the idea you are reading for; it is just one of many options for expressing the thoughts and ideas of the writer. F. Look at each word as you rhythmically scan each line — See phrases, word groups, and notable words— Think with the writer about ideas and topic development. With practice, and with the confidence that results from practice, you will learn to rely heavily on Rhythmic Perusal as your “workhorse” reading style. This is the safe one! There is not much selectivity going on because you are not asked to skip any print or leave anything out. Other styles may demand this of you, but Rhythmic Perusal is careful and sure. It is not slow, however. The benchmark speed is 500 words per minute.

Skittering – reading each paragraph at an angle instead of normal horizontal orientation. Last step is to do RapidRead if needed. In rapidread you scan through page contents from top to bottom very fast. This step acts as confidence builder to beginner PhotoReader.

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Conclusion There, you have it some basic information on PhotoReading. If you are able to improve your reading speed based on the information in this report, good for you. But if it does not work then before you saying that PhotoReading does not work you should get the actual PhotoReading book, or the home study kit, or even attend the seminars. This report only serve as an introduction to PhotoReading concept – I don’t give you any guarantee as what given by the actual PhotoReading seminar and home study kit. Please refer to the resource section if you want to find out more about what are available commercially in order to help you with PhotoReading. Is there any other method that can help you to use your brain better? Yes off course. There various methods to improve your brain consciously or subconsciously. You can look up for keywords: brainwave entrainment, accelerated learning, subliminal Good luck with your journey.