Summit 2 workbook Answers third edition

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Workbook Answer Key Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable. UNIT 1 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. 3. Answers will vary. 4. Simple past: wanted, took over, required, oversaw Past perfect: had done, had come Past continuous: wasn’t giving up Past perfect continuous: had been working 5. 1. had been trying, became 2. died, took over 3. led 4. was studying, was giving 5. had been helping, was 6. 2. He was taking a nap 3. she got tired of waiting 4. everyone had heard about it 5. Mr. Green was waiting for a phone call 6. They had sent several messages to the company 7. Nancy had been engaged to someone else 8. they’d been expecting it for three weeks 9. she was looking through the newspaper 10. I had called the office three times 7. Multiple combinations of verb tenses are possible. Possible answers below. 1. was considering / had been considering, dared 2. said, was thinking / had been thinking 3. started / had started, told 4. heard, got 5. was rolling, decided 8. 1. enroll in, apply to 2. apply for 3. sign up for 4. rejected by

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5. take up 6. switch to 7. decide on 8. accepted into 9. Present perfect: ’ve arrived, ’ve worked, have given up, have been, have never complained, has supported Present perfect continuous: ’ve been dreaming, ’ve been training, ’ve been watching 10. 2. have been talking 3. has seemed 4. have made 5. haven’t forgotten 6. have been watching 7. have seen 8. have been 11. 2. correct 3. correct 4. How many jobs has he applied for? 5. correct 6. Have you ever thought of a career change? / Have you been thinking of a career change? 7. correct 8. I haven’t decided on a career yet. 9. I’ve owned my car for a year now. 10. correct 11. correct 12. I’ve been traveling around Italy for the past few months, and I’ve loved every minute of it. 12. 1. have achieved 2. have done / have been doing 3. have been 4. have tried / have been trying 5. have learned 13. 1. ambitious 2. achievable 3. pursuing 4. unrealistic 5. put off 6. fulfill 7. set a goal 14. Answers will vary. Summit 2, Third Edition

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15. Possible answers 1. You won’t have to rack your brain for answers during the interview, and being prepared with some responses will make you more confident. 2. You should include information that highlights your qualifications for the job. 3. You should not be negative about your current job. 4. They might be uncomfortable bragging about themselves. 5. You should provide examples of specific times you have demonstrated each strength. 6. To choose a real weakness, but one which you are working to overcome. 16. Answers will vary. 17. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1. c  2. b  3. c  4. c  5. b  6. a  7. c  8. a  9. b B. The following should be crossed out. 1. was bothering 2. used to work 3. was walking 4. was leaving 5. had been seeing 6. has studied 7. were waiting C. Answers will vary. D. 2. C (also possible) I; The secretary remembered that she had left the file on Mr. Johnson’s desk. 3. I; Do you have a few minutes to discuss our plans for the project? 4. I; John knows your brother because they went to school together. 5. C 6. I; This bag is really heavy. How much does it weigh? 7. C 8. I; I believe that it’s important for family members to live near one another. 9. C 10. I; This sauce tastes a little too salty. E. 1. has, is having 2. weighs, is weighing 3. see, am seeing 4. have, am having

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5. think, are thinking 6. tastes, is tasting 7. am looking, looks UNIT 2 1. Answers will vary. 2. Possible answers 1. Charlie admitted making a mistake. / Charlie took responsibility for drawing on the wall. 2. Sally expressed regret. / Sally admitted making a mistake. 3. Billy shifted the blame to Sally. / Billy avoided taking responsibility for the drawings on the wall. 4. Jane made an excuse for drawing on the wall. / Jane avoided taking responsibility for the drawings on the wall. 5. John took responsibility for the kids’ actions. / John said he would make up for the mess they made. 3. 1. making fun of 2. that’s not the worst of it 3. couldn’t help myself, owned up to 4. make it up to 5. let things get out of hand 4. 1. F  2. T  3. T  4. F 5. Possible answers 2. He’s making an excuse to avoid being punished by his boss. 3. He’s making an excuse to avoid being punished by his father. 4. She’s lying to avoid hurting the woman’s feelings. 6. Answers will vary. 7. 1. who 2. who 3. when 4. whom 5. when 6. who, whose 7. which 8. where 8. Answers will vary. 9. 2. which I find annoying 3. which was OK, since I was busy anyway 4. which was very sweet of him Summit 2, Third Edition

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5. which I don’t think is necessary 6. which I thought was unfair 10. 1. c  2. b  3. b  4. a  5. a  6. c 11. Answers will vary. 12. Answers will vary. 13. Answers will vary. 14. Answers will vary. 15. Possible answers 1. He donates blood regularly. 2. He is a donor because he donates blood. He is a humanitarian because he is dedicated to doing what he can to help others. 3. Answers will vary. 16. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 2. X; The company for which I worked was very generous. 3. ü 4. ü 5. X; The First Avenue Market is one place where I’ve always gotten fresh fish. 6. X; Her ideas are ones that / which aren’t very common. 7. X; Is that the teacher who / that / whom all the students have been talking about? 8. ü 9. X; The author whose stories won the contest was previously unknown. B. 1. all of whom 2. half of which 3. none of which 4. one of whose 5. a few of whom 6. neither of which C. 2. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis in 1950. 3. Those photos, proving the innocence of the defendant, have been turned over to the police. 4. People smoking inside the building may be fined. 5. Guadeloupe, an island territory of France, is located in the Caribbean Sea. 6. Any student breaking school rules will be punished. 7. The file holding all the documentation of the study was accidentally misplaced.

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UNIT 3 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. 3. 1. You look like you’ve lost your best friend 2. be in hot water 3. got cold feet 4. pulled the rug out from under 5. just chill 6. with all my heart 7. take the plunge 8. jump to that conclusion 9. a big deal 10. freak me out 11. it’s not the end of the world 12. mark my words 13. have a minor case of the jitters 4. 1. a  2. b  3. a  4. a  5. b 5. 2. no matter how 3. No matter who 4. No matter when 5. No matter what 6. No matter where 7. No matter why 6. 1. so beautiful that 2. so delicious that 3. such a loud concert that 4. so scary that 5. such a good speech that 6. so well that 7. so messy that 8. so quickly that 9. such fresh lemonade that 7. 1. So few 2. so many 3. so many 4. so little 5. so many 6. so few 7. so much Summit 2, Third Edition

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8. 2. such a pretty blouse that I think I’ll buy it 3. such a frustrating day that I’m glad it’s almost over 4. such an encouraging voicemail that I feel much better 5. such bad weather that we canceled the party 9. Answers will vary. 10. 1. (Possible answer) Terry Fox’s obstacles included cancer in his leg, trying to raise money for cancer research, running across Canada, and cancer in his lungs. 2. Answers will vary. 3. Answers will vary. 11. Possible answers Marlee Matlin: had her handicap from a very young age, has inspired some controversy Both: faced physical handicaps, were determined, overcame physical obstacles, inspire others Terry Fox: got sick when he was older, died young, were generous, worked to help others 12. willing, willingly, willingness courageous, courageously, courage heroic, heroically, heroism fearless, fearlessly, fearlessness confident, confidently, confidence 13. 1. confidence 2. bravely / courageously / heroically / fearlessly 3. brave / courageous / heroic / fearless 4. willing 5. bravery / courage / heroism / fearlessness 6. fearless 14. 1. Answers will vary. 2. Rusesabagina was an exceptionally effective businessman, skilled at using his connections with the rich and powerful to keep his hotel running smoothly and to obtain the best of everything for his guests. 3. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1. I wonder why Jane is afraid to fly. 2. Do you know when our guests will arrive? 3. Can you tell me where the office is? 4. Would you mind telling me how far it is to San Francisco? 5. I don’t know how the pilot landed the plane safely in the water. 6. Do you think Mary is disappointed that she didn’t get the job?

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7. Let’s ask if / whether we can stay after class. 8. I’d like to know how many people were at the event. 9. I can’t remember if / whether I turned off the stove. 10. Let’s ask Dana if / whether she’d like to come with us. / Let’s ask if / whether Dana would like to come with us. B. 1. cloud 2. box 3. loaf 4. ray 5. cup 6. clove 7. gust C. 1. a piece of 2. a state of 3. a sense of 4. an act of 5. a sense of 6. a sense of 7. a piece of 8. a state of D. 1. a  2. b  3. b  4. b  5. a  6. a  7. b UNIT 4 1. 1. Get in shape. 2. Help others. 3. Spend more time with loved ones. 4. Manage your money. 2. Answers will vary. 3. 1. disorganized 2. a procrastinator 3. oversensitive 4. hot-tempered 5. negative 6. controlling 7. a perfectionist 4. Answers will vary.

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5. Possible answers 2. Even if you don’t mean to criticize Ellen, she still tends to feel hurt. 3. Even if you tell Daniel his work is excellent, he will probably tell you how he’d like to improve it. 4. Even if it’s not a big deal, my boss will still make a big issue out of it. 5. Whether or not I try to be organized, my room still ends up being a mess. 6. Whether or not I had brought the issue up privately, Jen would probably still have overreacted. 6. 2. only if he 3. only if, will she 4. only if you 5. only if he 6. only if, will I CHALLENGE: 2. Only if Tom works hard at it will he succeed in controlling his temper. 3. Jennifer will get a promotion only if she gets more organized. 4. Only if you make a big issue of it will your problem affect your career. 5. Only if he thinks positively will Tony do well. 6. I will remember to run that errand only if I write a note to myself. 7. 1. a  2. b  3. a  4. a  5. b  6. a  7. b  8. a 8. 2. What I love is getting surprised with flowers. 3. What you need is a day off. 4. What made Eileen happy were the dozens of people who visited her at the hospital. 5. What made me grateful was seeing so many people at the reception. 6. What I didn’t expect were the many rules and regulations here. 9. 2. What surprises me is that James is so sensitive. 3. What she means is that you need to be more organized. 4. What I was trying to say is that I really appreciated your help yesterday. 5. What made us uncomfortable was that we didn’t know anyone at the party. 6. What I think is that you need to be more easygoing. 10. 2. It’s Yuki’s perfectionism that annoys me. 3. It was the fact that you forgot your anniversary that made her angry. 4. It’s Karl’s negativity that bothers his co-workers. 5. It’s good friends that make all the difference. 6. It’s the final exam that’s the most important.

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11. Possible answers 1. When Joe gets angry at work, he holds it in. Then, when he gets home, he vents to his wife. 2. Beth takes short walks when she needs to let off steam. That helps her calm down. 3. After being badly treated by his boss, Luis finally lost his temper. 4. Maggie had a bad day at work, but she shrugged it off. 12. Possible answer The woman learned not to blow her top at someone before allowing the person a chance to explain. There may be a good reason for the behavior that you don’t know about. She decided that the next time she was about to lose her temper, she would hold it in until she knew all the facts. 13. Answers will vary. 14. Possible answer 1. A real friend is really there for you when you need help, not just with encouragement online. 2. Real friends can be there in person to support you, they can help you when you need it, and they love you despite your negative qualities. 3. A real friend actually does things that over time demonstrate her or his friendship. 4. They know only what you choose to post online, which are probably just the positive aspects of your personality. 15. Answers will vary. 16. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1. Although 2. Still 3. That is 4. Unless 5. Moreover 6. For instance B. 1. Likewise 2. Whether 3. Nonetheless 4. Now that 5. Besides 6. As long as 7. In other words 8. so

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C. 2. Karen has a good head for numbers; furthermore, she’s very good at chemistry and physics. 3. Even though we’re facing a big challenge, we’re managing to stay positive. 4. Sharon is saving money right now so that she can buy a house in a few years. 5. Though I don’t really like vegetables, I eat them because they’re good for me. / I eat vegetables because they’re good for me, though I don’t really like them. 6. Lucia disliked the ring that her husband gave her on their anniversary, yet she wore it every day to avoid hurting his feelings. D. Possible answer 2. what my friends like is listening to music at home. 3. what bothers me is someone chewing gum when they talk. 4. what they’d say is that I’m not very sensitive. 5. what I enjoy is watching sports. 6. what I’m looking forward to is seeing my friends. E. 1. it was Janie who yelled at our boss. 2. unnecessary meetings that bother her. 3. it’s from 7 to 8:30 that it’s crowded. 4. it was Houston where they decided to have it. 5. it’s because she’s always late that I’m mad. UNIT 5 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. 3. Answers will vary. 4. Direct Speech 1. (Explaining a little about the method,) he said, “In a nutshell, laughter yoga is a combination of self-induced laughter, yoga exercises, yoga breathing, and stretching exercises.” 2. He advised, “Start with a large group—the bigger, the better.” 3. Dr. Kataria explained, “With a little bit of playfulness it becomes real laughter.” Indirect Speech 1. He has said that the idea for a laughter club came to him “like a divine light.” 2. Most group members said that at first it felt strange to laugh for no reason. Direct Speech Rewritten 1. (Explaining a little about the method,) he said (that) in a nutshell, laughter yoga was a combination of self-induced laughter, yoga exercises, yoga breathing, and stretching exercises. 2. He advised to start with a large group—the bigger, the better. 3. Dr. Kataria explained (that) with a little bit of playfulness it became real laughter.

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5. 1. One woman reported (that) she had never laughed so hard in her life. 2. A laughter yoga teacher advised me to let go of my inhibitions. 3. A man admitted (that) he had been laughing to the point of crying! 4. Before his first session, he thought (that) he couldn’t make himself laugh in front of other people. 5. An experienced member warned me (that) I might feel a little uncomfortable at first. 6. After her first meeting, a woman said (that) she would be there again next week / the following week. 7. Some laughter club members claim (that) the group has changed their lives. 8. One doctor, who is also a club member, said (that) he / she was recommending laughter yoga to all his / her patients. 9. The doctor insisted that laughter was good medicine. 10. He said (that) he would join the health club if it didn’t cost so much money. 6. 1. had heard 2. was, the next day 3. would be, that week 4. he was 5. couldn’t wait 7. Answers will vary. 8. That’s too much! I don’t get it. that’s pretty silly 9. 1. Ann asked if I thought that comedian was funny. 2. Sophia asked if I was going to the party that night. 3. Tom asked me how I remembered all those jokes. 4. Maya asked Jake how many years he had been working there. 5. Steve asked Hanna what time she was going swimming tomorrow / the next day. 10. 2. Mr. Jensen how he would get to the city the next day / how Mr. Jensen would get to the city the next day, (that) he would take the train 3. Alex how many children he had / how many children Alex had, (that) he had / has two boys 4. Stu asked Ben how he could laugh at that childish movie / how Ben could laugh at that childish movie, (that) actually he thought it was really funny 5. Dan how long he had been taking comedy classes / how long Dan had been taking comedy classes, (that) he had been taking them for two years 11. Answers will vary. 12. 1. c  2. b  3. a  4. b 13. Answers will vary. 14. Answers will vary. Summit 2, Third Edition

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15. Possible answers 2. Jane played a practical joke on Mark. Mark thought that Jane’s joke crossed the line / was in poor taste. 3. Jack played a joke on people walking past his apartment. The people walking past his apartment were the butt of his joke. 4. The woman was a good sport. She can take a joke. She was the butt of Sue’s joke. 16. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 3. could expect - circled word: she 4. was, had left - circled words: her, he 5. was doing, was going - circled word: he 6. didn’t know, hadn’t heard - circled words: he, he 7. to give, wanted - circled words: her, he 8. would be able - circled words: she, them 9. wasn’t, would have, would call - circled words: she, she, her, she, her, her 10. to move, was blocking - circled words: Steve, his, her 11. would move, finished - circled words: he, he B. 1. Jackie asked Beth when she had seen Barbara. 2. Seth asked me if I could make it to dinner on Tuesday. 3. The teacher ordered the boy to put his books on his desk. 4. John promised (her) (that) she wouldn’t be disappointed. 5. Jen told Ben to come to the party at her house on Friday. 6. The patient admitted that he / she hadn’t filled his / her prescription yet. 7. My mom told me not to put too much sugar in her coffee. 8. Heather asked her sister whether (or not) / if she wanted to go shopping with her. 9. Steve said not to tell him that joke again. C. 1. X; Hana told to her friend that she didn’t find the movie funny. 2. ü 3. X; Tori asked to Joe if he wanted to get something to eat. told to 4. X; My boss said me that I was getting a raise. / My boss said me that I was getting a raise. ^ 5. ü 6. ü



7. X; Yoshiko told that the party would be on Friday. / Yoshiko told that the party would be ^ on Friday. D. Answers will vary.

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UNIT 6 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. 3. 1. I’m drawing a blank 2. it’s a safe bet 3. the way I see it 4. I’m toast 5. we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it 6. no sweat 7. I’m off 4. 1. had taken, wouldn’t be sitting 2. hadn’t been talking, would have heard 3. had slept, wouldn’t be arguing 4. weren’t traveling, wouldn’t need 5. wouldn’t be using, were taking off 5. For some items, other tenses may be possible. Possible answers below. 2. hadn’t been sitting, wouldn’t have met 3. had used, wouldn’t be looking 4. were hanging out, would be watching 5. were traveling, would be 6. had been paying, wouldn’t be getting 7. wouldn’t be eating, had packed 6. Answers will vary. 7. 5 2 1 4 3

Brian: Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. Amy: What’s that? Brian: Amy, could you do me a favor? Amy: Of course not. I’d be happy to. Brian: I’ve got a horrendous headache. Would you mind getting me some aspirin?

8. 1. If 2. if 3. If 4. If 5. if

it hadn’t been for it weren’t for it hadn’t been for it hadn’t been for it weren’t for

9. Note: Clauses can be reversed. 1. If it hadn’t been for your help, I never would have passed this class. 2. This would be a perfect flight if it weren’t for the uncomfortable seats. 3. If it hadn’t been for the confusion at the airport, our bags wouldn’t have gotten lost.

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4. If it weren’t for a scheduling conflict, we would go to your party. 5. We would have gotten lost if it hadn’t been for that stranger’s help. 10. Possible answers 1. Would you mind turning down your music? 2. Would you mind grabbing my bag off the carousel? 3. Would you mind watching my things for a minute? 4. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction? 5. Would you mind helping me put this bag in the overhead bin? 11. Answers will vary. 12. Possible answers 1. She’s a computer security specialist. She uses her computer hacking skills to help people keep hackers from stealing their information. 2. It allows her to intercept signals from people’s computers and devices. 3. It tells her where they’ve been and what they like to do. She can tell if they are wealthy by the types of places they’ve been and their interests. 4. Because he is probably wealthy. 5. It’s a hidden wireless access point that impersonates a real access point. It allows hackers to get information like names and passwords from the people who use it. 6. Encrypted information. 7. Answers will vary. 8. Answers will vary. 13. Answers will vary. 14. 2. stained 3. broken 4. stolen 5. damaged 6. burglarized 15. Possible answers Things kayo did wrong: She didn’t make a list of what she packed; she packed the wedding gift in her checked bag; she checked in late; she didn’t fill out an identification tag for her bag; she didn’t look at the destination label the airline put on her bag; she had a tight connection in Los Angeles. Things she should have done: She should have made a list of what was in her bag; she should have included her contact information and itinerary in her bag; she shouldn’t have packed the wedding gift in her checked bag; she should have looked at the destination label the airline put on her bag; she should have scheduled her flights to avoid a tight connection.

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GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1.  F, F  2.  F, T  3.  T, T  4.  F, F  5.  F, T B. 1.  c  2.  a  3.  d  4.  c  5.  b  6.  a  7.  b  8.  c  9.  d  10.  d C. Answers will vary. UNIT 7 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. 3. 1. What’s on your mind 2. I may be imagining things, Keep in mind 3. If I were in your shoes 4. Don’t get me wrong 5. the cat’s out of the bag 4. 2. The, unique 3. X, generic 4. an, indefinite 5. The, definite 6. X, indefinite 7. The, definite 5. 1. a, the, an, a, The 2. X, the / a 3. a, the, the, The 4. A, a, The, X, the 6. Answers will vary. 7. Answers will vary. 8. 1. c  2. a  3. c  4. a 9. Answers will vary. 10. 1. It is believed 2. It is said 3. It is estimated 4. It was (once) thought 5. it is believed 6. It used to be said 7. It used to be believed 11. Answers will vary.

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12. Possible answers 1. It is visualizing, or imagining, every aspect of a process or event, including everything that your body does during the event. 2. They use it to build focus, reduce stress, tune out distractions, and block negative images. 3. During visualization, athletes tell themselves what to do at every step of the process. 4. It may train the muscles to react more quickly. 5. It is using imagery to get rid of negative images or thoughts. 6. Things such as a balloon popping or an elastic band snapping. 7. By getting rid of negative thoughts, athletes can focus fully on competition. 8. Visualization involves thinking about every little detail, slowing down and imagining or seeing every single step in an event. 13. Answers will vary. 14. 2. is all in my mind 3. am out of my mind 4. made up my mind 5. change your mind 15. 1. T  2. F  3. T  4. F  5. T  6. T 16. Answers will vary. 17. 1. acrophobe 2. claustrophobia 3. xenophobic 4. aerophobe 5. arachnophobic 6. ophidiophobe 7. agoraphobic GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1. the, the, X 2. a, the, a 3. a, The, a , a, X, a 4. a, The, the 5. The, a, X 6. a, the, the B. 1. a time 2. a victory 3. superstition 4. fear Summit 2, Third Edition

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5. victory 6. a superstition 7. a fear 8. time C. 1. were reported to be getting close to a deal 2. is said to have never lost a match when wearing his lucky tennis shoes 3. is thought to be one of the best in the country 4. are said to affect elderly people far more than the rest of the population 5. wasn’t thought to have had much effect on physical performance UNIT 8 1. Possible answers 1. You should think before you speak. 2. You need to examine your own weaknesses. 3. You should practice empathy. 4. Don’t take things so personally. 5. You need to think about how you react under stress. 2. Answers will vary. 3. Answers will vary. 4. Answers will vary 5. 1. F  2. T  3. T  4. T  5. T  6. F  7. T  8. F  9. T  10. F 6. Conversation 1 Diana has a head for figures. / Diana doesn’t have a knack for learning languages. Conversation 2 Aidan is mechanically inclined. / Aidan doesn’t have a way with words. Dave has a way with words. Conversation 3 Darla has an eye for detail. Emily is good with her hands. / Emily has an eye for detail. Conversation 4 Andy has an ear for music. / Andy is not mechanically inclined. / Andy is not good with his hands. Ethan is mechanically inclined. / Ethan is good with his hands. / Ethan doesn’t have an ear for music. Conversation 5 Joseph doesn’t have a way with people. Barbara has a good intuitive sense. / Barbara has a way with people.

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7. Answers will vary. 8. 2. ü 3. X; The company will insist that people will not smoke on company property. 4. ü 5. ü


6. X; If you demand that your daughter doesn’t keep secrets from you, she’ll want to share things with you even less.


7. X; It’s desirable that no one knows the details of the project before it is announced.


8. X; It’s essential that each person remembers his or her role in the process. 9. ü


10. X; They recommended that everyone be sleeping well the night before the test. 9. Answers will vary. 10. First paragraph: According to the researchers, if we truly want to measure intelligence, it’s essential that we test for different types of intelligence. Second paragraph: According to Sternberg, it’s important that we value all three of these types. Last paragraph: Based on the results of their studies, the researchers advised that we not assume that the cognitive skills valued and useful in one culture are the same as those valued by another. Therefore, they recommend that traditional IQ tests not be the sole method of assessment in non-Western countries. 11. Answers will vary. 12. Answers will vary. 13. Answers will vary. 14. Possible answers 2. Jennifer would benefit from learning to boost her energy so that she can keep working when she feels tired. 3. Ana needs to learn the skill of visualization to help her get the confidence to perform well at her job. 4. If Pietro learned the skill of positive thinking, he might feel better and more satisfied about his job. 15. Answers will vary. 16. 1. T 2. No information 3. F 4. No information

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5. T 6. F 7. No information 17. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. Possible answers 2. Amy isn’t good with her hands. She does have an ear for music, though. 3. Gail doesn’t have a knack for learning languages. She is talented in other ways, though. 4. Kyle doesn’t have much confidence. But he does have all the skills he needs to succeed. 5. Victor doesn’t have a lot of experience. He does have a good intuitive sense, however. 6. Suri hasn’t found a job yet. She is persistent, though. 7. Tara hasn’t been to Africa. But she has traveled to many other countries. 8. Travis doesn’t have a teaching certificate. He would make a great teacher, though. B. 1. stopping 2. getting 3. to work 4. to get 5. to start 6. arriving C. 1. exercising 2. to protect 3. to arrive 4. seeking 5. writing 6. to make D. Answers will vary. UNIT 9 1. Answers will vary. 2. 1. are going to be relied (on), will have been made 2. will have been (completely) redesigned, will have been harnessed, will be moved, will be built, are (even) going to be made 3. will have been replaced, will (still) be valued, will be done, will be eliminated 3. Answers will vary.

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4. 2. would be sold 3. will be made / will have been made, will be taken / will have been taken 4. will be accepted / will have been accepted 5. will have been made 6. would be replaced / would have been replaced 7. would be sent 5. 2. By the year 2050, inventions that seem incredible now will have been accepted (by people) as a common part of life. 3. I thought the phone would be answered by a secretary, not the boss. 4. At this time tomorrow, the package will have been delivered (by the courier). 5. Because of its global themes, the film is going to be appreciated by audiences all over the world. 6. After years of war, news of the peace treaty will be announced by government leaders. 6. Answers will vary. 7. 4 Because it’s a slippery slope. No one knows how this new technology is going to be applied. 1 You know, they say that new technologies are going to totally change the way we live our lives. 5 True. Sometimes technology develops faster than people can decide how it should be used. 3 Do you really feel that way? How come? 2 If you ask me, I think that sounds a little frightening. 8. 1. g  2. e  3. c  4. a  5. b  6.  f   7. d 9. Answers will vary. 10. 2. were permitted, might / would be learned 3. had been made, might / would have been warned 4. were developed, might / would be used 5. had been used, might / would have been saved 6. were granted, might / would be created 7. had been informed, might not / wouldn’t have been bought 11. Possible answers 1. were used; fewer people’s identities would be stolen 2. were allowed; it’d be like opening a can of worms, in my opinion 3. hadn’t been developed; information wouldn’t be shared as quickly or easily 4. had been introduced; the train wouldn’t have been used by so many people 12. 1. turned things around 2. absorb / neutralize 3. unregulated

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4. dramatically 5. native 13. 1. c  2. c  3. b  4. b  5. c 14. Answers will vary. 15. 1. T  2. T  3. T  4. F 16. 1. high, high 2. the same as, lower than 3. lower than, the same as 4. third 5. low 6. second GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1. P; circle - must be passed 2. A 3. P; circle - was interviewed, have been published 4. A 5. P; circle - will be attended 6. A 7. P; circle - have been written 8. P; circle - are made, are constructed B. 1. had been cut, was taken 2. are picked, wash 3. have reduced 4. will be discussed 5. should be taken, must keep 6. will be announced C. 1. Numerous studies have been conducted (by researchers) on the topic. / Numerous studies on the topic have been conducted (by researchers). 2. First onion, basil, and tomatoes are chopped (by the chef). Then, all the ingredients are combined. 3. This medication should be taken (by patients) with food to avoid stomach discomfort. 4. Patricia Marks was declared winner of the country’s largest singing contest (by the judges). She was awarded a check for $100,000 and was given a new car. 5. Tickets and identification must be provided (by passengers) before boarding. 6. The Good Table Café was visited by members of the health board, who make sure that restaurants meet state health standards.

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UNIT 10 1. Answers will vary. 2. 1. on the fence 2. it’s bad enough that 3. a fish out of water 4. pulling my leg, how do you like that 5. a losing battle 6. money talks 3. 1. bring about, go without 2. wipe out, carried out 3. comes down with 4. put up with, laying off 4. Answers will vary. 5. The following phrasal verbs should be circled. cater to Check out come across pick up find out Try it out count on it go without 6. Answers will vary. 7. 1. start it over 2. counting on us 3. carry it out 4. try it out 5. put up with a crowd 6. put off our visit 7. taking up knitting 8. pick it up 9. talk you into 10. come across anything 8. 1. Globalization 2. exports, infrastructure 3. prosperity 4. outsource 5. homogenization 6. investments Summit 2, Third Edition

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9. Answers will vary. 10. 1. F  2. F  3. T  4. T  5. F  6. T  7. T  8. T  9. F 11. Answers will vary. 12. Possible answers Stage 1: new foods, like New York pizza and sushi; huge stores with many items and choices; people from many cultures Stage 2: too many people; overwhelming; hard time understanding English / lack of fluency; not knowing what topics were okay to talk about; too many choices Stage 3: homesick; missed family and friends; missed communicating easily; hard time making new friends; withdrawn and depressed Stage 4: English improved / communication easier; made some friends; discovered some of her own special places in New York; crowds no longer bothered her 13. Possible answers 1. Positive: There was more variety in food and people in New York than in her hometown; there was more choice in stores in New York Negative: New York had large crowds, unlike her hometown; she didn’t have friends at first in New York; she had a harder time communicating in New York than in her hometown; she sometimes felt like there were too many choices in New York compared to at home. 2. Answers will vary. GRAMMAR BOOSTER A. 1. I; dress up 2. T; called off 3. T; think back on 4. I; grew up 5. T; cut (someone) off 6. T; look (your essay) over 7. T; go along with 8. I; sit down 9. T; came away with B. 3. T; fill with air 4. I; suddenly become very angry 5. I; end an argument 6. T; create 7. T; raise, increase 8. I; appear

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C. 1. P; thrown out 2. A; used up 3. P; done over 4. A; passed out 5. A; leaves out 6. P; let off 7. P; filled out

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