Starting with Lenormand - Lenormand Oracle

The Basics Lenormand is a card system that is influenced by a card game called The Game of Hope. The Lenormand meanings

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The Basics Lenormand is a card system that is influenced by a card game called The Game of Hope. The Lenormand meanings are based on the meanings of the symbols in tasseomancy or tea leaf divination. Lenormand is named after the French fortune-teller Madame Lenormand. Madame Lenormand was a historically famous reader who read many celebrities, including Napoleon. However, Madame Lenormand herself never read Lenormand cards. The system was probably named after her to add mystique to the method. There are 36 cards in a standard Lenormand card deck. While some decks include extra cards, Lenormand readings are typically always performed with the 36 traditional Lenormand cards. Modern decks often include extra cards, which can be confusing. Not only that, but modern decks can also be heavily illustrated, have a lot going on in the picture, and be hard to read. Also, a lot of modern deck creators have made Lenormand cards bigger, which they should not be; your deck should only have cards the size of playing cards. Therefore, I recommend that (if you’re a beginner) you stick to one of the more traditional Lenormand decks such as: • The Destroyed Dondorf Lenormand Deck • Lenormand by Lo Scarabeo • Blue Owl Lenormand • My Lenormand Oracle deck, which will be available in 2020 You may be tempted to purchase decks which have cards that have the same dimensions as Tarot, but I do not recommend this. A Lenormand Grand Tableau spread will require you to use all of your Lenormand cards in one spread, hence why the cards are smallish. Once you buy your first Lenormand deck, I recommend that you form a relationship with it. Carry your deck everywhere, handle it often, and go through the images. I also recommend that you sleep close to your deck so that it can gather some of your energy.


To house your deck, you can keep them in a drawstring Tarot deck (silk is best) or in their own special wooden box. If you’re into magic or crystal healing, you may want to put magi- cal herbs, crystals, or other items into your deck’s bag or box. I also recommend that you do not let other people touch or play with your deck; your deck is yours and yours alone. If I am performing a reading, I do not even let the seeker shuffle the cards - I shuffle for them. Nobody else is allowed to touch my decks, but you do not have to be as strict as I am. If you do buy a deck that has extra cards, you can either keep them in the box and not use them, or you can have fun with them. Some readers I know use the extra cards from their decks as bookmarks or use them for journaling; it is a personal preference. It may take weeks or months for you to feel as though you have bonded with your deck. However, don’t let this stop you from performing readings. You should start performing readings with your deck straight away as this both helps you bond with your deck and gets you used to using the Lenormand system. Lenormand is not like Tarot in that there are hundreds of spreads. Lenormand is most commonly read with only three basic spreads; Strings, Squares, and Grand Tableaus. Strings are strings of Lenormand cards that use two, three, five, or seven cards. Cards are laid out in a line and read from left to right (some readers read from right to left but I recommend you read from left to right as it is easier to form a story this way). Squares are sometimes called nine card spreads. To perform a square, all that you must do is make three rows of three with nine Lenormand cards. You then read the cards as a story by reading the rows from left to the right, and then the columns from top to bottom. Grand Tableaus are performed by using the entire Lenormand deck. To create a Grand Tableau, you will place down four rows of nine cards. Each position in the spread are called a house, and they have their own special meanings. You will read each house position in relation to the card which lands there. For example, Snake symbolizes enemies, so if the Snake lands in the House of Letters, you might receive a letter from an enemy. Lenormand cards are always read in combinations. To read Lenormand, you will have to add the meanings of two cards together to form a prediction. For example, the Bouquet card can symbolize gifts, and the Child card can represent children. If you pull a string of two cards and receive Bouquet and Child, this can predict that there will soon be a gift for a child in the future. Finally, I recommend that you record your predictions in a journal so that you can test out their accuracy in the future, remember your readings, and refer to them later on. 4

Lenormand Meanings Below is a rundown of what every Lenormand card means. This is how I interpret these cards, but other readers may interpret them differently depending on the tradition which they learned Lenormand from at the start of their journey. I have also included some alternative names for each Lenormand card. Again, based on the tradition or system which they learned Lenormand from different readers may call these cards different things. 1. The Rider/The Cavalier/The Horseman: Messages, information, delivery people, visitors, sporty people, young man, active, approach, coming, going, progress. 2. Clover: Luck, fortune, small amounts of money, grass, easy, humorous, playful, not serious, small, gambles, risks, positivity, good results, chance. 3. Ship/Boat: Travels, holidays, voyages, transport, journeys, boats, ships, foreign, exotic, strange, far away, immigration, emigration, international, trade, trading. 4. Home/House: Home, house, close family members, surroundings, where you feel safe, shelter, homely, familiar, comfort, safety. 5. Tree: Health, healing, genetics, extended family, ancestors, origin, roots, sturdy, stability, boring, growing, woodlands, forests, trees, nature, oxygen. 6. Clouds: Confusing, confusion, the weather, clouds, rain, negativity, negative thinking, doubtful, cloudy, ambiguous, complications, an air of negativity, difficulty. 7. Snake: Enemies, secret enemies, cheaters, infidelity, seduction, lies, a young woman, clever, complex, manipulative, twisted, jealous, devious, sociopathic, reptiles. 8. Coffin: Being put to rest, boxed, closed, slow endings, drawn-out endings, declining, depleted, illnesses, sick, depression, death, completion, forgotten, a coffin. 9. Bouquet/Flowers: Appreciations, beauty, happiness, gifts, presents, an invite, joy, traditional values, flowers, decorated, beautiful, surprising, happy, charming, artistic. 10. Scythe: Quick endings, quickly, sudden, cuts, dangerous, dangerously, accidents, accidentally, cut out, the unexpected, surgery, warning, death, scissors, a scythe. 5

11. Whip: Things that happen repeatedly, multiple, pain, painful, arguments, critical, dramatic, strife, discord, abuse, abusive, punish, physical, sports, practice, whips. 12. Birds: Gossip, small talk, communication in real-time, chatter, verbal communication, social networking, social media, texting, curious, curiosity, twins, an older couple, birds. 13. Child/Children: Children, little, small, childish, innocence, innocent, inexperienced, new, naive, trusting, vulnerable, fresh starts, beginnings, youth. 14. Fox: Job, work, slyness, flyness, trickery, competitors, cunning, originality, creativity, fraud, con artists, predators, predatory, streetwise, in the know, woodland animals. 15. Bear: Authority figures, bosses, parents, personal finances, strength, strong, big, power, powerful, large, heavy, lifestyle, force, bears or places where bears are common. 16. Stars: Hope, hopeful, wishes, dreams, progress, improved, improvements, optimism, blessings, blessed, clarity, clearly, celebrity, inspiration, looking up to others, stars. 17. Stork: Pregnancy, babies, change, alterations, migration, emigration, movement from one location to another, the seasons, periodically, seasonally, metamorphosis, storks. 18. Dog: Friends, friendly, loyalty, loyal, faithful, respect, respectful, confidants, confiding, followers, following, comply, conform, dependent, dependable, trust, trustful, pets. 19. Towers: Authority, government, legal, legality, official, politics, political, organizations, standing out, standing alone, isolation, lonely, independence, ambitious, buildings, towers. 20. Garden: Parties, barbecues, socializing, your circle, your social standing, the public, meetings, networking, society, celebrations, open, out in the open, made public, obvious, not a secret, no longer secret, actual gardens, gardening. 21. Mountain: Long-term problems, challenges, obstacles, blockages, impassable, the long-term, mountains, for the foreseeable future. 22. Crossroads/Roads/Paths/Ways: Choices, choose, decisions, decide, paths, walking, options, plans, planning, tracks, an actual crossroad, roads. 23. Mice: Stress, anxiety, deterioration, annoyances, toxicity, inconvenience, disease, something eating away at you over time, infected, infectious, spoilt, theft, rodents, loss. 24. Heart: Love, loving, passion, relationships, care, caring, priorities, what you care about, where your heart lies, affection, attraction, desire, hearts. 25. Ring: Commitments, committed, proposals, engagements, promises, relationships, contracts, bindings, rings, cycles, circles, connections, jewelry. 6

26. Book: Secrets, secretly, education, informed, knowledge, research, what is revealed, what is hidden, an expert, wise, wisdom, discoveries, books, and bookcases. 27. Letter: News, emails, packages, letters, faxes, invoices, certificates, documents, paper, private or direct messages, communicate, contact, email, write, advise, mail, record. 28. Man/Gentleman/Masculine: The seeker if they are male. If the seeker is female, Man symbolizes their boyfriend, partner, husband, or future lover. 29. Woman/Lady/Feminine: The seeker if they are female. If the seeker is female, Man symbolizes their girlfriend, partner, wife, or future lover. 30. Lily: Purity, sex, sexuality, peace, peaceful, calm, discreet, serene, older men, maturity, aged, antique, retirement, contentment, signs and messages from spirit, wintertime. 31. Sun: Success, success, achievements, accomplishments, confidence, confidently, triumphs, nice weather, masculine, holidays, summertime, daily, warmth, enlightened. 32. Moon: Recognition, reputation, influence, fame, honor, spotlight, cycles, emotions, psychic ability, intuition, magic, creativity, manifest, the moon, the ocean, monthly, nightly. 33. Key: Significance, that which is important, what needs to be paid attention to, that which is urgent, what needs to be opened up, what needs to be locked away, keys. 34. Fish: Finances, money, investments, resources, business, sales, alcohol, rivers, lakes, fish. 35. Anchor: Stability, security, lack of worry, consistency, long-term, steadiness, stuck, anchors, the beach. 36. Cross: Burdens, struggles, suffering, crosses we bear, pain, sacrifices, religion, symbolism, fate, destiny, the cross. *The House/Home card should not be confused with Lenormand Grand Tableau Houses (spread positions). Kind of confusing, but one is a card and the other is a name for spread positions.


Performing a Basic Reading Reading with Lenormand is super simple once you get the hang of combinations. To make a combination, all that you must do is add two card meanings together to form one interpretation. There are two ways to combine with Lenormand. I recommend that you just say the first thing which comes to your mind. The initial impression which you get from your Lenor- mand cards is the one you should go with - trust your intuition.

For example, let’s say I am reading about my business, and I pull a string of Clover and Fish. The first thing which comes to my mind is ‘luck in business’ because Clover symbolizes luck, and Fish symbolizes business. These two cards are also good money cards, so I would read them as fortunate. This is a rather intuitive way to read, and it is accurate. However, there are more traditional ways of combining with Lenormand, and that is to take the first card as representing the ‘thing’ and the second card to be the card which describes that thing. In our example, Clover would represent something such as fortune and a describing word for Fish would be flowing. Therefore, my prediction is money will be flowing. An easy way to remember this is to imagine that the first card is a thing such as a shaped block. The second card is a describer such as a color. So, the second card (the color) tells you more about the first card (the shape block). Although the second combination is more traditional, I feel it takes away the intuitiveness of Lenormand because you have to actually think about forming an interpretation instead of just taking what jumps out at you. I recommend that you always use the interpretation which pops up for you first, but you can use the second method if you’re really stuck. That’s it, you now know how to perform a basic Lenormand reading!


Performing a Square

After two or three-card strings, Squares are the next type of spread/layout that Lenormand readers learn. These spreads are a little more complicated than string readings. For Squares, you must ask a question and lay your cards out, as shown. You will then interpret the lines and then interpret the columns. All three cards in each row or column are interpreted in relation to each other in a way that flows easily and makes sense. Let’s pretend we have a woman called Monica, who wishes to know how she can grow her Instagram following. Monica has received the above cards. First, we will interpret the rows. We can say that Monica (woman) will see success (Sun) on social media (birds). Her growth (Tree) will be both long-term (mountain) and seasonal (Stork). However, her following (Dog) will come to an end (Scythe) if she doesn’t commit (Ring). Next, we interpret the columns. Monica (Lady) will grow (Tree) her following (Dog). Success for the foreseeable future (Mountain) will happen suddenly (Scythe). The current state of her social media (birds) will change (Stork), but only if she commits to it (Ring). As you can see, I read all cards in combination with each other in a way that forms a story and makes sense with regard to the question. If the question were different, I would have interpreted this reading a completely different way, so asking the right question is very important for the accuracy of your reading. 9

Performing a Grand Tableau

Although the Lenormand Grand Tableau (as pictured above) looks intimidating, it is not so bad! If you know all of the card meanings, chances are you already know how to read a Grand Tableau, without even realizing it! Each position - known in Lenormand as houses - of the Grand Tableau corresponds to the card of the same number. So, the first house (which, in the example, Garden has landed in) is The House of Rider. The second house (which Book has landed in) is The House of Clover). The tenth house (which Whip has landed in) is The House of Scythe. The thirty-sixth house is The House of Cross, and so on. The meaning of each house also corresponds to each house. Therefore, The House of Rider predicts news you will receive, The House of Clover predicts where you will find luck, The House of Ship will contain information about holidays and so on. It is that simple! From this reading, we can say that our seeker is going to receive news about a park because The Garden is in their House of Rider. Due to the fact that their Heart is in The House of Ship, they may also experience a holiday romance. Yes, it really is that easy to read a Grand Tableau, you can now perform these readings! 10

Lenormand Dictionary While I have given you all you need to know to begin reading Lenormand cards, there will be some words that will creep up on you during your Lenormand journey. Therefore, as an added bonus, I am going to give you my ‘Lenormand Dictionary’ below which you can refer to if one of these words pop up. Before you read through this dictionary, I should point out that it is not essential to know these things if you want to read Lenormand. However, I am going to cover them here so that, if they do pop up, you’ll be prepared! Ancestral Work: For your Lenormand readings, you can work with your ancestors just as you would with spirit guides. I recommend ancestral work over other forms of spirit work. Cartomancy: Cartomancy is the name given to divination using cards. Playing card divination, Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle, and Kipper decks are all forms of Cartomancy. Charging (Deck): Some Lenormand readers believe that leaving your deck under the full moon or in a box with crystals charges the deck and makes it more powerful. Crystals: Crystals are believed to attract certain things into your life. For example, Rose Quartz is believed to attract love, and Lapis Lazuli is supposed to increase psychic development. Some readers keep crystals nearby so that they can strengthen their readings. Diagonals: Diagonals is an advanced Lenormand technique. Readers who use diagonals read what is diagonal to a card in a Grand Tableau for more information. Diviner: Diviner is the name for a person who practices divination, fortune-telling and/or seeks the advice and assistance of spirits during readings. Diviner is another name for a reader or fortune teller. Ethics: Most readers develop their own code of ethics for their Lenormand readings. For example, some readers will not read people who are not present, but some will. Some readers will not read pregnant women, but some will. Your ethics depends on your personal preferences and what you value as a reader.


Game of Hope: An 18th century game of chance which Lenormand fortune-telling cards are said to be based on. General Reading: A general reading is a reading which is performed without a question. General readings look at the seeker’s life in general as opposed to a reading with a specific question. Grand Tableau: A thirty-six card spread used in Lenormand divination. Houses: A house is another name for a spread position in a Lenormand Grand Tableau spread. Each house corresponds to (and has the same meaning) as the cards numbered in Lenormand. For example, house one is called The House of the Rider, and card number one in Lenormand is the Rider card. Both represent news and messages. Interpretation: In divination, the term interpretation is used interchangeably with the term meaning, but they are different. A card meaning is what the card symbolizes on its own, but technically an interpretation is what a card means when the meaning is combined with the spread position. However, do not stress too much about this as everyone uses the word interpretation to mean a meaning, and it still makes sense! Journaling: A divination journal is like a Witches Book of Shadows but for divination. In your journal, you can record your readings. When recording your readings, you can include the date of the reading, the spread used, where the reading was performed, the time of the day, what you question was, which incense you burned, candles used, spirit petitioned, your interpretation, the deck you used, any important astrological information, pretty much anything you think makes a difference to the accuracy of your readings. Kipper: Kipper is a German method of Cartomancy. A Kipper deck includes thirty-six cards and depicts matters of life; there are Marriage and Illness cards, for example. Kipper is a different system from Lenormand, and it is not essential to read Kipper to read Lenormand, but it is good to know that they are different and not the same thing. Knighting: Knighting is an advanced Lenormand technique. Knighting reveals someone’s subconscious thoughts, feelings, and motives. You can only knight when using a Grand Tableau spread. To knight, you must read the cards which appear around a card in the same positions you would if you were to move a knight on a chessboard. Layout: A layout is another name for a spread, but the term 'spread' is more common. Madame Lenormand: Madame Lenormand was a French diviner during the time of Napoleon. While Lenormand cards were named after her, she never personally used them. Mirroring: Mirroring is another Lenormand technique that is used to get more detail out of one card in a spread. To mirror a card, you combine it with the card that is exactly 12

opposite and mirroring it. For example, in a five-card string, card one and cards five mirrors each other, and cards two and cards four mirrors each other. Card three is in the middle, so it mirrors none. Playing Card Inserts: Some Lenormand decks have playing card inserts (pictures of playing cards) in the corner. Some Lenormand readers who can read playing cards for divination also like to take the playing card meanings into account. However, I do not recommend you use playing card inserts as their meanings can be contradictory. Querent: The querent is another word for the seeker. The querent or seeker is the person who is getting the reading. If you’re reading your own fortune using your Lenormand cards, you are both the reader/diviner and the seeker/querent. Seeker: The seeker is the person who is getting the reading from the reader. If you’re read- ing cards for yourself, you will be both seeker and reader. Self-Published Tarot Deck: A deck is self-published when the creator publishes them themselves without a contract from a major deck creator. Often, these decks are crowdfunded through Kick Starter or Indigogo, but not always. Significator: A significator is a card that signifies a particular person. In Lenormand, the Woman card signifies the seeker is she is female or, if the seeker is male, the Woman signifies the most important woman in his life. The Man card signifies the seeker if he is male, or the most important man in her life if the seeker is female. Signifier: A signifier is another name for a significator. Spirit Guides: Spirit guides are guides that the reader feels helps them with their readings. Spirit guides can be ancestors, people who once lived on earth, Gods, Goddesses, mythical beings, animal spirits, or any spirit which is supernatural in nature. Spread: A spread is a design for the way in which you layout your Lenormand cards. In Lenormand, there are three main spreads; Strings, Squares, and Grand Tableaus. Strings: A String spread is a two, three, five, or seven-card spread in Lenormand. It is typical for strings to answer specific questions. Squares: Squares are nine card readings in Lenormand. Squares can be used for general readings, but it is more common for them to be used for specific questions. Tasseomancy: Tasseomancy is the correct name for divination using the shapes which you see made by tea leaves in teacups. It is believed that the symbolic meanings behind the Lenormand cards are derived from tasseomancy meanings.


Combining with Lenormand

Rider Combinations Clover: The arrival of luck

Mountain: Slow mail, something arriving too late

Ship: A message from overseas Home: A house guest

Ways: Being told something which causes a dilemma

Tree: A message from a family member

Mice: A message which causes stress

Clouds: News which causes confusion

Heart: News from a loved one

Snake: The arrival of a nemesis

Ring: News about an engagement

Coffin: News of death

Book: Being told a secret

Bouquet: A delivery of flowers

Letter: A postman, a package

Scythe: A warning to be cautious of mail

Man: The arrival of a man

Whip: A sporting competition

Woman: The departure of a woman

Birds: A message on a social media platform

Lily: Arrival of an older man Sun: News about your success

Child: News about a child

Moon: News about your reputation

Fox: News about a job

Key: Special delivery

Bear: A message for a parent

Fish: A message about money

Stars: News from a well-known person

Anchor: Someone who brings stability

Stork: The arrival of a baby

Cross: News which burdens you

Dog: Arrival of a friend Tower: Mail for the government Garden: Something heard at a party


Clover Combinations Rider: A postal competition

Mountain: Little progress

Ship: Winning a trip

Ways: Options which are too good to choose from

Home: Homely superstitions

Mice: Short-term release from stress

Tree: Irish ancestry

Heart: Winning heart

Clouds: A positive experience which is dampened

Ring: A contract which is in your favor

Snake: Luck with regard to an enemy, temporally upper hand.

Book: A little book Letter: A money order

Coffin: The end of a struggle

Man: A lucky man

Bouquet: An unexpected gift

Woman: An Irish woman

Scythe: The grass needs cut

Lily: A successful time during Winter

Whip: Strokes of luck

Sun: A successful time during summer

Birds: A good meeting, harmful chit chat

Moon: Positive recognition

Child: Finding small amounts of money

Key: A lucky break

Fox: Success at work

Fish: Finding money

Bear: Investments which pay off

Anchor: Success which is here to stay

Stars: A small but loyal fan base

Cross: Possible gambling problem

Stork: An unexpected pregnancy Dog: An Irish friend Tower: Small money from the government Garden: Opportunities for fun


Ship Combinations Rider: A foreign messenger

Ways: Moving forward with choices

Clover: A trip to Ireland

Mice: Stressful travel, rush hour

Home: A move overseas

Heart: Travel for love

Tree: An exotic tree

Ring: Progression of relationship

Clouds: Torrential rain

Book: Learning a different language

Snake: An enemy with a foreign background

Letter: A letter from overseas Man: A foreign man

Coffin: A death overseas

Woman: A well-traveled woman

Bouquet: An exotic gift

Lily: The Sun, a zodiac sign

Scythe: Plan cut short

Sun: A holiday

Whip: Frequent trips

Moon: Travel at night

Birds: A couple’s trip

Key: Key to a ship, important boat

Child: A small country

Fish: International trade

Fox: A job on a boat

Anchor: The seaside, a beach

Bear: Foreign parents, foreign boss, etc.

Cross: Sickness abroad

Stars: A northern star Stork: Emigration overseas Dog: An exotic friend Tower: A international government Garden: Party by the sea Mountain: Progression of a problem 5

Home Combinations Rider: Special delivery

Mice: Mice in the house

Clover: House in Ireland

Heart: Contentment

Ship: A house boat

Ring: Family commitments

Tree: A tree house

Book: A bookcase

Clouds: Confusion at home

Letter: A message from a relative

Snake: A traitor on your doorstep

Man: A family man

Coffin: A death in the family

Woman: A homely woman

Bouquet: A vase

Lily: Family during Christmas time

Scythe: Accident at home

Sun: Holiday home

Whip: Safety threatened

Moon: Reputation in the neighborhood

Birds: An old folks home

Key: House keys

Child: Youngest in the family

Fish: Investment property

Fox: Work from home

Anchor: Lasting stability

Bear: Your mother’s house

Cross: Family burdens

Stars: Stable progress Stork: Change of home Dog: A Friend’s house Tower: Council house Garden: Your garden Mountain: Issues in the family Ways: The route home 6

Tree Combinations Rider: News about health

Mice: Health stresses

Clover: A lucky family member

Heart: A loving family

Ship: Foreign ancestry

Ring: Family heirlooms

Home: Family home

Book: Books on health and fitness

Clouds: Confused family

Letter: A letter from a family member

Snake: Deceptive family member

Man: A homely man

Coffin: A slow illness

Woman: A family woman

Bouquet: A family gift, an inheritance

Lily: Sexual health

Scythe: A sudden death in the family

Sun: Family happiness

Whip: Arguments in the family

Moon: A family's reputation

Birds: Chatting to family on social media

Key: Health as a priority

Child: A younger relative

Fish: A family business

Fox: A relatives job

Anchor: Stable health

Bear: The head of the family

Cross: A genetic or inevitable illness

Stars: A famous ancestor Stork: A baby in the family Dog: A pets health Tower: Genealogical records Garden: A family barbecue Mountain: Long-term health problems Ways: A family's options 7

Clouds Combinations Rider: Further information to clear up confusion

Mountain: A long-term inability to make decisions

Clover: Confusion over winnings

Ways: Choices made

Ship: Bad weather at sea

Mice: Negativity which slowly affects you

Home: Negativity at home

Heart: Confusion over a relationship

Tree: Health complications

Ring: Confusion over a contract

Snake: An enemy puts confusion in your head

Book: Learning more facts Letter: Mixed up information

Coffin: A difficult illness

Man: A confused man

Bouquet: Confusion over a gift

Woman: A difficult woman

Scythe: The end of confusion

Lily: Dementia

Whip: Negative competition

Sun: Bad weather

Birds: Confusing conversations Child: Small amounts of confusion

Moon: Inability to tell between intuition and thoughts

Fox: Gas-lighting

Key: Rain on an important day

Bear: An uncertain authority

Fish: Confusion over finances

Stars: Recognition for something negative

Anchor: Rain at the beach

Stork: Decisions executed

Cross: A difficult burden

Dog: Uncertainty over a friend Tower: Confusion caused by the government Garden: Confusion at a social event 8

Snake Combinations Rider: The arrival of an enemy

Mountain: Cheating, are long-term obstacle

Clover: A false friend gets a lucky break

Ways: An enemy makes a decision

Ship: A back-stabber moves

Mice: A back stabber creates problems

Home: Enemy lines

Heart: A love/hate relationship

Tree: A rival lays down roots

Ring: An enemy's jewelry, valuables etc.

Clouds: A double agent are in your life

Book: A false friend who likes books

Coffin: A nemesis dies

Letter: A misleading message or contract

Bouquet: A false friend which brings gifts

Man: A deceptive man

Scythe: An advisory goes in for the kill

Woman: A false female friend

Whip: An adversity is stopped in their tracks

Lily: A gold digger

Birds: Gossip heard about a false friend

Sun: An enemy who is successful

Child: An enemy results to pettiness

Moon: Curses, witchcraft

Fox: Unsuspecting false friend

Key: The reveal of an enemy

Bear: An nemesis gains power

Fish: Shady investments

Stars: A false friend makes progress

Anchor: A rival who is not going away

Stork: An enemy gets pregnant

Cross: A religious deception

Dog: An secret enemy who is a close friend Tower: Deception causes isolation Garden: A nemesis shows up at a party


Coffin Combinations Rider: A contagious illness

Tower: Government assistance such as disability allowance

Clover: An inheritance

Garden: A funeral

Ship: An end to travel plans

Mountain: A chronic illness

Home: A death around the home, your town etc.

Ways: Choices to make after endings

Tree: Taking care of health after a serious illness

Mice: A deteriorative illness Heart: Death of a loved one

Clouds: A deep depression

Ring: The end of a contract

Snake: Negativity which attracts negative people

Book: End of term at school, university or collage

Bouquet: Dead flowers

Letter: Wills and inheritances

Scythe: One death after another,

Man: A negative man

Whip: Strife which keeps resurfacing

Woman: A dying woman

Birds: Death of grandparents, death of twins

Lily: Death of an older man

Child: Death in youth, death of a child

Sun: Good news regarding health

Fox: The end of a job

Moon: Menopause

Bear: A highly negative boss, critical parents

Key: A significant death or illness

Stars: Dashed hopes and dreams

Anchor: Bad health which is under control

Stork: Running away from the past

Cross: A death which results in responsibilities

Fish: A drowning

Dog: A sick pet


Bouquet Combinations Rider: The arrival of a gift, possibly by special delivery

Garden: Gardening, botanical gardens Mountain: A habit of apologizing too much

Clover: A gift of money, a gift of something green

Ways: Decisions over an offer

Ship: A romantic trip

Mice: Recognition which fades away

Home: A beautiful house

Heart: Romantic love

Tree: Wild flowers, flowers which grow in woodlands

Ring: An engagement

Clouds: Values which are conflicting

Letter: A present in the form of paper, such as concert tickets

Book: A secret gift

Snake: Kindness designed to manipulate Coffin: Gifts for a gravesite, flowers associated with death

Man: A traditional man

Scythe: Joy which is short-lived

Lily: Lily flowers

Whip: Values that cause arguments

Sun: Kindness which pays off in the future

Birds: Affection displayed on social media

Moon: A good reputation

Child: A present for a child

Key: A life changing gift

Fox: Flattery

Fish: A gift of wine

Bear: A gift for a boss

Anchor: Considerate acts which are frequent

Woman: A beautiful woman

Stars: Well-known values and ethics

Cross: An offering which become burdensome

Stork: A surprise pregnancy Dog: Gifts for a friend Tower: A tax rebate


Scythe Combinations Rider: The end of communications

Mountain: An injury which takes long to heal

Clover: Cutting the grass Ship: Travel plans canceled

Ways: An accident during a walk, a hike, etc.

Home: An accident in the house

Mice: A cut which gets infected

Tree: Cutting down a tree

Heart: Heart surgery

Clouds: Confusion clarified

Ring: Broken valuables

Snake: The end of an enemies interest Coffin: The end of an illness

Book: Leaving school, or university suddenly

Bouquet: Pruning flowers, trees, etc.

Letter: A letter opener

Whip: Strangulation

Man: An accident-prone man

Birds: Deleting social media accounts

Woman: A sharp woman

Child: A fresh start, possibly too soon

Lily: Contentment after shocks

Fox: Accidents at work

Sun: Happiness after nasty surprises

Bear: A lifestyle change after a health scare

Moon: Negative emotions

Stars: Progress after disaster

Fish: The end of a stream of income

Stork: Change after disaster

Anchor: Accidents at sea

Dog: The end of a friendship

Cross: Endings which are fated, something which is not meant to be

Key: Keys cut

Tower: The end of government involvement Garden: An accident at a party


Whip Combinations Rider: News from an estranged person

Ways: Sports choices

Clover: Strokes of luck, such as luck in 3's

Mice: Physical stress

Ship: Disagreements over travel plans

Heart: Abuse of a partner

Home: Discord at home

Ring: Physical commitments

Tree: Abuse in a family

Book: Secret conflicts

Clouds: A conflict which causes confusion

Letter: A fitness plan

Snake: Arguments with enemies

Man: An argumentative man

Coffin: Conflict laid to rest

Woman: An abusive woman

Bouquet: Gifts given repeatedly

Lily: Sexual abuse, sex as a weapon

Scythe: Serious psychical abuse

Sun: Repeated accomplishments

Birds: Arguments on social networking websites

Moon: Consecutive awards, recognition etc.

Child: Child abuse

Key: Significant abuse

Fox: Psychological abuse, a sociopath

Fish: Multiple income streams

Bear: Abuse of power

Anchor: Consistent arguments

Stars: An abundance of opportunities

Cross: Physical pain

Stork: Contractions Dog: A trainer Tower: A gym membership Garden: An abuse made public Mountain: Long-term abuse 13

Birds Combinations Rider: An older couple receive news

Mountain: Gossip which causes problems

Clover: Twins get lucky

Ways: Opportunities for chit chat

Ship: Friends online from overseas

Mice: Social media related stress

Home: Talks about home

Heart: Talks about love

Tree: Birds in trees

Ring: Talk of commitment

Cloud: Gossip causes confusion

Book: A secret social media account

Snake: Friends who talk behind your back

Letter: General chit chat through text, PMs, etc.

Coffin: Being alerted to a death over social media

Man: A twin man

Bouquet: Gifts from an older couple

Woman: A gossiping female

Scythe: The unexpected separation of an older couple

Lily: Rumours about someone’s sexuality

Whip: Addiction to validation

Sun: Chats which lead to happiness, happiness to socialize

Child: Small talk with younger peers

Moon: A reputation for gossip

Fox: Gossip around the workplace

Key: A significant conversation

Bear: Selfies at the gym

Fish: Business discussions

Stars: Being 'tweeted' by your idol

Anchor: Chats at the seaside, near water, etc.

Stork: Gossip of pregnancy

Cross: Hearing gossip which becomes a burden

Dog: Chats with friends Tower: Talks with or about an organization Garden: Social Networking


Child Combinations Rider: A child who brings news

Mountain: A little mountain, such as a hill

Clover: Small luck

Ways: Small choices

Ship: Small travels

Mice: Children's diseases, such as chickenpox

Home: A children's home

Heart: A new lover

Tree: A new tree

Ring: A child's ring, jewelry

Clouds: Rain showers, a small amount of rain

Book: A youngster's secret

Snake: A younger individual who is deceptive

Letter: A small letter Man: A little man

Coffin: Negativity which is small in amount but obvious

Woman: A female child

Bouquet: A beautiful youngster

Lily: A virgin

Scythe: Little accidents

Sun: A little sunshine

Whip: An active child

Moon: Puberty

Birds: Twin children

Key: Something which appears small but is actually significant

Fox: The beginning of a new job

Fish: Tiny investments

Bear: A baby bear, a teddy bear

Anchor: A child's stability

Stars: A child Stars

Cross: A youngster's destiny

Stork: A newborn Dog: A puppy Tower: A small organization Garden: A child's party 15

Fox Combinations Rider: Deceptive news

Mountain: A problem with creativity

Clover: A fraudster's luck

Ways: A con artist who has choices

Ship: A trickster from overseas

Mice: A trickster who irritates you

Home: A con-artist close to home

Heart: A sweetheart scam

Tree: A charlatan in the family

Ring: Trickery into an unwanted commitment

Clouds: A trickster brings confusion

Book: A fake education, a degree mill

Snake: Someone who appears as a friend to con you

Letter: A letter of a job offer

Coffin: A calculating individual brings negativity

Man: A cunning man Woman: A sneaky female

Bouquet: A job offer

Lily: Deception related to sexuality

Scythe: The end of a career Whip: A trap set for animals

Sun: Accomplishment as a result of creativity

Birds: A fake social media account

Moon: Recognition for creativity

Child: A child's job

Key: Manipulation which is significant

Bear: An authority who is not as they seem

Fish: A Ponzi scheme

Stars: Cunning results in advancement

Anchor: A long term job

Stork: Change of job

Cross: A job at a religious centre

Dog: A friend who is wolf in sheep's clothing Tower: Governmental red tape Garden: Creative social maneuvers 16

Bear Combinations Rider: Arrival of a new authority figure

Mountain: Lifestyle becomes a problem

Clover: An authority figure grants luck

Ways: Authorities make choices

Ship: Foreign bosses

Mice: Health scares serve as powerful motivators for fitness

Home: Parents

Heart: Heart health, cholesterol levels

Tree: The head of a family, ancestors

Ring: Commitment to a healthy lifestyle

Clouds: Powerful confusion

Book: A secret authority (such as a secret shopper)

Snake: A strong enemy Coffin: An unhealthy lifestyle Bouquet: Gift for a teacher, parents etc.

Letter: Signing contracts, partnering with powerful people

Scythe: A boss's death

Man: A strong man

Whip: Arguments among authority figures

Woman: A health-conscious woman

Birds: Small chit chat with authority figures

Lily: An older man with influence

Child: An elder's child (such as an aunt)

Sun: Rising above peers

Fox: A job in the health and fitness industry

Moon: A reputation for hard work

Stars: A promotion

Key: An important matter, person or influence

Stork: An authority becomes pregnant

Fish: Money from parents

Dog: A powerful ally

Anchor: Stable influence

Tower: Heads of state, kings and queens

Cross: Too overweight

Garden: Rubbing shoulders with important people


Stars Combinations Rider: Steady progress made with a dream

Tower: Hopes of establishing an organization

Clover: A lucky break

Garden: An A-list celebrity

Ship: Being well known in foreigner countries

Mountain: Nature, climbing an actual mountain

Home: Being well-known at home

Ways: Enough influence to have choices

Tree: A famous family member or ancestor

Mice: Fame which causes stress

Clouds: Momentary clarity shone on confusion

Heart: the love of the spotlight

Snake: An enemy who is famous or well-known

Ring: Commitment to your dreams Book: A secret exposed

Coffin: Progress which comes to a halt

Letter: Fanmail

Bouquet: Recognition for generosity or beauty

Man: A famous man

Scythe: The end of attention, 15-minutes of fame

Woman: A fantasy woman

Whip: Lashings of attention

Sun: Great fame

Birds: A social media star

Moon: Recognition

Child: A small amount of inspiration

Key: Optimism is the key to progress

Fox: Progress with a creative project

Fish: Progress in business

Bear: A celebrity

Anchor: Unwavering optimism

Stork: Change for the better

Cross: Fame which is burdensome

Lily: Being favored by older generations

Dog: A famous friend, a famous pet


Stork Combinations Rider: Change of news

Mice: A stressful development

Clover: Newfound luck

Heart: Pregnancy

Ship: Move of country

Ring: A bird charm

Home: Move of home

Book: Change of school

Tree: Health during pregnancy

Letter: A new address

Clouds: Change brings an air of negativity

Man: A male baby

Snake: Change in a female

Woman: A migrating woman

Coffin: The beginning of the end

Lily: Migrating to a cold country

Bouquet: A makeover

Sun: Migrating to a hot country

Scythe: A C-section

Moon: Metamorphosis

Whip: Repeated change

Key: Change is key

Birds: Water birds

Fish: Change in business

Child: A pregnancy

Anchor: A final move

Fox: Change of work

Cross: Change of spirituality

Bear: A pregnant boss Stars: Change of status Dog: A pregnant friend Tower: Change of government Garden: New social circle Mountain: Fertility problems Ways: More choices, new decisions 19

Dog Combinations Rider: A friend brings a message

Mountain: A friend’s problems

Clover: A friend who gambles

Ways: A confidant’s choices

Ship: A friend of a foreign background

Mice: A therapist

Home: A dog house

Heart: A lover’s friends

Tree: Marking territory

Ring: Someone who is loyal and committed

Clouds: A loyal but negative person Snake: A pet snake

Book: Someone who is loyal behind the scenes

Coffin: The death of a friend

Letter: Letter from a follower

Bouquet: A gift from a follower

Man: A friendly man

Scythe: A pet’s accident

Woman: A loyal woman

Whip: Animal abuse

Lily: Friends with good intentions

Birds: Older friends

Sun: Your fans

Child: Younger friends

Moon: An intuitive friend

Fox: A friend who only thinks of themselves

Key: An important pet Fish: A business partner

Bear: Respect for an authority

Anchor: Long-term respect

Stars: A friend’s fame

Cross: A priest

Stork: A pregnant friend Tower: Independence, a lack of close friends Garden: Your social circle


Tower Combinations Rider: Arrival of an authority figure

Mountain: Long-term isolation

Clover: Luck with the government, a tax rebate

Ways: Choosing to be alone Mice: Stress over the government

Ship: Progress alone

Heart: Independence, lack of a relationship

Home: The security of your home

Ring: A contract with an organization

Tree: A lone tree, a tall tree

Book: A library

Clouds: Governmental red tape

Letter: Letter from the government

Snake: A liar who seems to be untouchable

Man: An organized man

Coffin: The death of an authority figure

Woman: An isolated woman

Bouquet: Happy to be alone

Lily: A retirement home

Scythe: The end of independence

Sun: A travel agents

Whip: Always alone, always single

Moon: A observatory

Birds: Older authority figures

Key: Skeleton keys, master keys

Child: A child who stands out

Fish: Business tax

Fox: Working alone on a project at work

Anchor: A lighthouse

Bear: An authority figure (boss, lawyer, doctor)

Cross: A church

Stars: Recognition, fame Stork: Move of premise Dog: Friends in high places Garden: An organized party or event 21

Garden Combinations Rider: Arrival of guests

Mice: Mice or rats in the garden

Clover: A literal garden

Heart: Meeting a lover at a party

Ship: A boat party

Ring: Commitment to a party

Home: Your garden

Book: A book club

Tree: Growing trees

Letter: An invite to a party

Clouds: Bad weather during a barbeque

Man: A public man

Snake: A snake in the grass

Woman: A social woman

Coffin: The end of a party

Lily: An older man who gardens

Bouquet: Pruning flowers

Sun: A party outside

Scythe: An accident at a party

Moon: Female friends

Whip: Strife among friends

Key: A key in the garden

Birds: Social media groups

Fish: Networking for business

Child: A mommy/daddy/ group

Anchor: Security is found in their social standing

Fox: A liar in your social circle

Cross: Social circles which cause burdens

Bear: A weight loss group Stars: Networking with important people Stork: Change of social circle Dog: Close friends, family friends Tower: Change of social status Mountain: Problems with public image Ways: Decisions about gardens 22

Mountain Combinations Rider: Beginning to tackle a problem

Garden: Problems with gardens

Clover: Short relief from a long-term problem

Ways: Hill walking, mountaineering Mice: Chronic stress

Ship: Issues traveling

Heart: Problems in relationships

Home: A house on a hilltop

Ring: A long-term commitment

Tree: Issues in the family

Book: A secret issue

Clouds: A confusing issue

Letter: A problematic contract

Snake: Denial of a problem

Man: A problematic man

Coffin: The end to a problem

Woman: A difficult woman

Bouquet: A challenge you find joy in

Lily: Problems with arousal

Scythe: An accident on a Mountain

Sun: Issues at summertime

Whip: A problem which keeps popping up

Moon: Female issues

Birds: An older couple who cause problems

Key: An important issue

Child: A problem child

Fish: Money issues

Fox: Issues at work

Anchor: Being trapped

Bear: Issues with authority figures

Cross: Long-term suffering

Stars: Long-term fame Stork: Fertility issues Dog: Issues with pets Tower: Problems with government


Crossroads Combinations Rider: Choices based on news

Mountain: Decisions over problems

Clover: Choices result in luck

Mice: Choice causes stress

Ship: Choices over travel

Heart: Choices over love life

Home: Choices over home

Ring: Choices overcommitments

Tree: Choices over health or family

Book: Decisions made secretly

Clouds: Choices cause confusion

Letter: Choices put in writing

Snake: Choices based on depiction and fantasy

Man: A picky man Woman: A decisive woman

Coffin: Choices over health concerns

Lily: Choices over sex

Bouquet: Choices over gifts

Sun: Choices around Summertime

Scythe: Choices which are painful

Moon: Magic, sacrificial objects

Whip: Choices which cause suffering

Key: Important decisions

Birds: Choices on social media

Fish: Business decisions

Child: Choices about children

Anchor: Choices at the beach

Fox: Choices about work

Cross: Decisions which cause burdens

Bear: Choices about health Stars: Positive choices Stork: Decisions for a change Dog: Choices over pets Tower: Choices over official matters Garden: Decisions made in public 24

Mice Combinations Rider: Chinese whispers

Mountain: Long-term unhappiness

Clover: Loss from gambling

Ways: Choices which all seem terrible

Ship: Inconvenient travel

Heart: Heart problems related to stress

Home: A bad home environment

Ring: A commitment fading away

Tree: Deteriorating health

Book: Deterioration of mental sharpness

Clouds: Anxious confusion, mental health issues

Letter: Loss of a letter Man: A stressed man

Snake: Stress caused by a nemesis

Woman: A sick woman

Coffin: Death from stress

Lily: Pure stress

Bouquet: Discontent with looks Scythe: Suicide

Sun: Achievements which leaves you feeling unfulfilled

Whip: Physical scars, pain

Moon: Nightmares

Birds: Social anxiety

Key: An important loss

Child: An anxious child

Fish: Financial loss, theft

Fox: A con-artist

Anchor: Chronic stress

Bear: Stress-related weight gain/loss

Cross: A difficult destiny, cruel fate

Stars: Troubled but optimistic Stork: Difficult changes Dog: A stressed friend Tower: Loss of governmental aid, benefits Garden: A toxic social circle 25

Heart Combinations Rider: Lovely news

Mountain: Problems in a relationship

Clover: Love at first sight, lucky in love

Ways: Choices in a relationship

Ship: Love of travel

Mice: A love of conflict

Home: A homebody

Ring: An engagement, a marriage

Tree: Healthy heart

Book: Admiration which is there but is not always shown

Clouds: Love of confusion, playing hard to get

Letter: Priority post

Snake: Infidelity

Man: A loving man

Coffin: The end of a relationship

Woman: A caring woman

Bouquet: Gifts from a loved one

Lily: Sexual activity

Scythe: A broken heart

Sun: Love of the summer

Whip: Physical love

Moon: Love of the ocean

Birds: Talk with a lover

Key: An important relationship

Child: A love child

Fish: Love of business

Fox: Love of work

Anchor: Stable relationship

Bear: Cardio

Cross: Love of spirituality

Stars: Progress in a relationship Stork: A baby Dog: Love of pets Tower: A lonely relationship Garden: A passion for networking 26

Ring Combinations Rider: Commitment to a sporty person

Mountain: A long-term commitment

Clover: A charm

Ways: Commitments which are flexible

Ship: A contract for a holiday

Mice: Read the fine print of a contact

Home: A mortgage

Heart: A marriage

Tree: A promise you make to your family

Book: A secret commitment

Clouds: Commitment designed to confuse

Letter: A contract

Snake: Commitment to someone who deceives

Man: An engaged man Woman: A committed woman

Coffin: A contract coming to a natural end

Lily: An agreement made in Winter

Bouquet: A proposal

Sun: An agreement made in Summer

Scythe: Sudden end to a contract

Moon: A reputation for reliability

Whip: Repeated commitment

Key: An heirloom

Birds: A promise the seeker makes online

Fish: An expensive ring

Child: A short-term commitment

Anchor: A long-term commitment

Fox: A unexpected clause in a contract

Cross: A commitment which is meant to be

Bear: A contract with an authority figure Stars: Perseverance which pays off Stork: A baby for a couple Dog: Unwavering loyalty Tower: A contract with an organization Garden: A commitment declared in public 27

Book Combinations Rider: Special recorded delivery, currier, etc.

Mountain: A long-held secret Ways: Knowledge means easier choices

Clover: A lucky find

Mice: Stressful education

Ship: A cultural discovery

Heart: A private relationship

Home: A bookcase

Ring: A secret commitment

Tree: Family secrets

Letter: Physical books

Clouds: Confusing information

Man: A knowledgeable man

Snake: A backstabber is discovered

Woman: A secret woman

Coffin: A secret illness

Lily: Education later in life

Bouquet: The gift of a book

Sun: Success as an expert

Scythe: An affair

Moon: Recognition as an authority figure

Whip: Private abuse

Key: An important discovery

Birds: A private message

Fish: A secret bank account

Child: A knowledgeable child

Anchor: A hidden beach

Fox: A secret job, a secret task

Cross: Education sacrificed

Bear: A health expert Stars: Fame in a chosen field Stork: A secret pregnancy Dog: Confiding in a friend Tower: A local library Garden: A discovery in the garden 28

Letter Combinations Rider: A letter on the way

Ways: A flexible contract

Clover: A lottery ticket

Mice: Lost documents

Ship: News from overseas

Heart: A marriage certificate

Home: Deeds to a house

Ring: A commitment on paper, a contract

Tree: A medical bill

Book: A certificate from school

Clouds: A negative communication

Man: Letter from a man

Snake: A message from an enemy

Woman: Letter from a woman

Coffin: News of a death

Lily: Messages from spirit

Bouquet: A love letter

Sun: A postcard

Scythe: News of an accident

Moon: A birth chart

Whip: Junk mail

Key: An important document

Birds: An email

Fish: A bill

Child: A birth certificate

Anchor: A message in a bottle

Fox: A work contract

Cross: A baptism certificate

Bear: A gym membership Stars: A certificate of achievement Stork: A green card Dog: A pet’s papers Tower: A building permit Garden: An invite Mountain: A long-term contract 29

Man Combinations Rider: A new man

Ways: A man's choices

Clover: A man's money

Mice: A man's annoyances

Ship: A man's holiday, lads holiday

Heart: A man's intentions

Home: A man's home

Ring: A man's commitments

Tree: A man's family

Book: A man's books

Cloud: A man's confusion

Letter: A man's text

Snake: A man's enemy

Woman: Most important woman in a man's life

Coffin: A man's death

Lily: A man's sexuality

Bouquet: A man's gift

Sun: A man's happiness

Scythe: A man's accident

Moon: A man's reputation

Whip: A man's abuse

Key: A man's priorities

Birds: A man's twins

Fish: A man's wine

Fox: A man's job

Anchor: A man's security

Child: A man's child

Cross: A man's burdens

Bear: A man's boss Stars: A man's progress Stork: A man's change Dog: A man's pet Tower: A man's authority Garden: A man's garden Mountain: A man's obstacles 30


Woman Combinations Rider: A new woman

Ways: A woman's options

Clover: A woman's luck

Mice: A woman's inconveniences

Ship: A woman's transport

Heart: A woman's love

Home: A woman's house

Ring: A woman's rings

Tree: A woman's health

Books: A woman's knowledge

Cloud: A woman's uncertainty

Letter: A woman's private message

Snake: A woman's deception

Man: The most important man in a woman's life

Coffin: A woman's illness

Lily: A woman's maturity

Bouquet: A woman's beauty

Sun: A woman's success

Scythe: A woman's accident

Moon: A woman's hormones

Whip: A woman's argument

Keys: A woman's keys

Birds: A woman's grandparents

Fish: A woman's investments

Child: A woman's child

Anchor: A woman's stability

Fox: A woman's trickery

Cross: A woman's destiny

Bear: A woman's parents Stars: A woman's dreams Stork: A woman's pregnancy Dog: A woman's followers Tower: A woman's organization Garden: A woman's social circle Mountain: A woman's delays 32

Lily Combinations Rider: An ice skater

Garden: Open sexuality

Clover: Small amounts of sex

Mountain: Long-term calmness

Ship: Retirement to an exotic country

Ways: Mature choices

Home: Retirement home

Mice: Boredom

Tree: Evergreens

Heart: Love of sex

Clouds: Bad weather, snow

Ring: Commitment in old age

Snake: An older man who deceives

Book: Hidden sexuality

Coffin: An illness associated with old people

Letter: A letter from an older relative Man: A mature man

Bouquet: A gift from a will

Woman: A sexual woman

Scythe: The death of an older relative

Sun: Winter sun

Whip: Kinky sex

Moon: Contact with spirits, intuition

Birds: An older couple

Key: The key to peace

Child: Innocence

Fish: Money for retirement

Fox: Cunningness used for good

Anchor: Lasting peace

Bear: A older female

Cross: Pain with good intentions, painful medical treatment

Stars: Hope for sex Stork: A baby called Lilly Dog: An older pet Tower: Old age benefits from the government


Sun Combinations Rider: Triumphs approaching

Mountain: Obstacles fading

Clover: Winning a holiday

Ways: Holiday choices

Ship: A cruise ship

Mice: Stress in the summertime

Home: A holiday home

Heart: A passionate achievement

Tree: Health improvements

Ring: A longed for commitment

Clouds: Clarity

Book: A holiday brochure

Snake: A lie which took place during the summer

Letter: Passports Man: A successful man

Coffin: A cure

Woman: An accomplished woman

Bouquet: Beautiful weather

Lily: A happy sex life

Scythe: A sudden but happy ending

Key: An important accomplishment

Whip: Sunburn

Moon: Success with psychic development

Birds: Exotic birds

Fish: Great financial increases

Child: A longed-for child

Anchor: Long-term success

Fox: Career accomplishments

Cross: Being destined for triumph

Bear: A male authority Stars: Great achievements Stork: A baby born in summer Dog: Holidays with friends Tower: Standing out Garden: A barbeque 34

Moon Combinations Rider: Recognition approaching

Mountain: Being known for something long-term

Clover: Positive reputation

Ways: Using intuition to make decisions

Ship: A boat

Mice: Stressful cycles, menstrual problems

Home: A psychic family

Heart: Love of the psychic world

Tree: Hormones Clouds: Confusing emotions

Ring: Commitment to intuitive development

Snake: Suspicion

Book: A spiritual book

Coffin: Hormonal trouble

Letter: Psychic messages

Bouquet: The gift of psychic ability

Man: A famous man

Scythe: Magic/intuition used for evil

Woman: A psychic woman

Whip: A period

Lily: The menopause

Birds: A lesbian couple Child: A female child

Sun: Great achievements, incredible success

Fox: Creativity

Key: An important opportunity

Bear: Strong emotions

Fish: Creative business

Stars: Fame, celebrity status

Anchor: The ocean

Stork: Psychic development

Cross: Mainstream spirituality

Dog: A pet fish Tower: Standing out, being recognized Garden: Recognition out in public


Key Combinations Rider: Do not ignore what you have been told

Garden: The key to public respect Mountain: The key to your problems

Clover: Remarkable coincidences

Ways: Important decisions

Ship: Important travel plans

Mice: A burglary, a break in

Home: House keys

Heart: The key to your heart

Tree: A special tree

Ring: A life-changing commitment

Clouds: The solution to confusion

Book: A locked book, a diary

Snake: An enemy who needs to be dealt with

Letter: Important contract

Coffin: A cure

Man: A remarkable man

Bouquet: An important gift

Woman: A significant woman

Scythe: A significant warning

Lily: Wintertime is key

Whip: A life-changing competition

Sun: Remarkable success

Birds: Important social media communication

Moon: Significant recognition

Child: A special child

Anchor: A notable result

Fox: An important job

Cross: The key to your suffering

Fish: The start of a business

Bear: A parent Stars: A great dream Stork: A significant change Dog: An important friend Tower: A large cooperation 36

Fish Combinations Rider: Money on the way

Ways: Choices with investments

Clover: Good investments

Mice: Financial stress

Ship: A trip over water

Heart: A passion project

Home: Working from home

Ring: Antique jewelry

Tree: Money growing on trees

Book: Antique books

Clouds: Unsure about money

Letter: Stocks and shares

Snake: A loan shark

Man: A rich man

Coffin: An inheritance

Woman: A businesswoman

Bouquet: A costly gift

Lily: A wealthy older man

Scythe: Loss of money

Sun: Financial success

Whip: Strokes of money

Moon: Business creativity

Birds: Business chat

Key: Financial solutions

Child: A water baby

Anchor: A sea, a lake

Fox: A new job, a raise

Cross: Money as a burden

Bear: A considerably large raise Stars: Business success Stork: Financial change Dog: A business partner Tower: Money from the government Garden: Wealthy friends Mountain: Alcohol problems 37

Anchor Combinations Rider: An expected arrival

Mountain: Trapped in a situation

Clover: Luck that lasts

Ways: Lack of choices

Ship: An Irish shore

Mice: Feeling stuck

Home: Stable home

Heart: Long-term relationship

Tree: Seaweed

Ring: Long-term commitment

Clouds: Consistent confusion

Book: Reliable information

Snake: An nemesis who lives next to the beach

Letter: Plans on paper, a will etc. Man: A stable man

Coffin: Lasting end to a situation

Woman: A secure woman

Bouquet: Good for engagements

Lily: Contentment

Scythe: Lack of accidents

Sun: A beach holiday

Whip: Stockholm Syndrome

Moon: Recognition which lasts

Birds: Lasting into old age

Key: Important consistency

Child: Secure beginnings

Fish: Reliable sources of income

Fox: Stable job

Cross: Permanent suffering

Bear: Stable health Stars: Success which lasts Stork: Inability to change Dog: A reliable pet Tower: Trapped in a building Garden: Lifelong friendships 38

Cross Combinations Rider: A spiritual messenger, a prophet

Ways: Difficult decisions

Clover: A lucky charm

Mice: A deteriorating illness

Ship: Traveling despite it being a burden

Heart: A heavy heart

Home: A church

Ring: An unwanted commitment

Tree: A genetic disorder

Book: Suffering in silence

Clouds: An uncertain sacrifice

Letter: A paper cut

Snake: A burdensome enemy

Man: A religious man

Coffin: A painful illness

Woman: A burdened woman

Bouquet: A religious gift

Lily: Arthritis

Scythe: A difficult end

Sun: Destined for success

Whip: Crucifixion

Moon: Destined for greatness

Birds: Old church goers

Key: A painful solution

Child: A child who suffers

Fish: Money which causes problems

Fox: Struggling at work

Anchor: Burdens which remain consistent

Bear: A parent who suffers Stars: A lucky star Stork: A change of fate Dog: A dog who is a burden Tower: The church as an institution Garden: A religious meet up Mountain: Permanent suffering 39