SpecForce Anabolic Finishers-Legs

Disclaimer - Please Read This The information provided in this workout program is for educational purposes only. The aut

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Disclaimer - Please Read This The information provided in this workout program is for educational purposes only. The author, Todd Lamb, is not a doctor and this information shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. You should get a physician’s approval before attempting any of the information in this program. This program is designed for healthy adults of 18 years and older. If you have any existing injuries, conditions or health issues, please seek your physician’s approval before attempting any type of information in this program. The author is not liable or responsible for any damages, resulting from the use of this program. **The user acknowledges any risk of injury, caused or alleged, with the use of this information. If your physician advises to not use the information provided in the program, please abide by those orders.** All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or translated in any language, without the written permission and signature of Todd Lamb and Rogue Syndication Inc.

Anabolic Finishers - Legs The concept for securing the leg bands is really no different from that of securing them on your arms. In this Manual I show you how to secure the bands on your legs and provide you with a fantastic workout regimen that will add some serious size to your legs. As far as the theory goes, it too is the same as what is outlined in the arms manual. I highly recommend browsing through the ARMS manual to ensure you have a good grasp on the process.

Other Limbs The question that is often asked is will my non-restricted limbs see a benefit? So can it be used for chest, back and glutes. The answer is...YOU BET! Surprised? Well don’t be. We are talking about nervous system activation throughout your entire body. By wrapping the arms or legs, the nervous system senses extreme fatigue in the limbs. To compensate, your nervous system recruits more muscle from in the limbs that are not restricted or occluded. Basically your body is going to do whatever it can to maintain force and keep itself from failing. Research published in Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging found that restricting blood flow to the arms and performing the bench press actually resulted in a 16 percent increase in muscle activation of the pecs.8 Research has also found that individuals who train their legs with BFR and follow it with an arm workout actually get more growth in the arms than when training them separately. While the reason for this is unclear, it is possible that growth factors released from BFR and/ or circulating metabolites are able to enhance the metabolic effects in the non-BFR arms. Thus, training chest, back, or glutes with the arms or legs restricted may be beneficial for inducing growth in those muscles.

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Securing Leg Bands (Video Demonstration)

For Legs use knee wraps which you can find from any fitness supply store.

Wrap the bands on the upper thigh. You can go around twice and add some tension in the band.

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Once you have gone around your upper thigh twice tuck the band under the wraps and let the excess fall to the ground. If you can’t feel your legs its too tight.

It might take a few attempts before you find the perfect amount of tightness, but keep at it and you’ll quickly find what works for you.

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The Anabolic Finishers Protocol Anabolic Finishers will trigger a huge hypertrophic response in your muscles and they will truly finish off whatever gas you still have left in the tank, if any! Integrating Anabolic Finishers into your current training program is really very simple. You have a couple options. The first is to do this protocol in complete isolation. This will produce exceptionally exciting gains. Doing this in complete isolation is more typical of recovering from injury, rehabbing an injury or when lifting is restricted as a result of issues with your joints or ligaments. So if you still want to grow and be strong then you can enjoy doing this protocol in isolation. Your second option is to add an Anabolic Finisher at the end (hence the word finisher) of a particular workout. So if you are doing a workout related to upper body, then select an appropriate upper body Anabolic Finisher or conversely if you are doing a lower body workout then use the lower body Anabolic Finisher most suited to what your workout is.

Anabolic Finishers Cycle Anabolic Finishers are performed by doing three high-rep sets in short succession, followed by another three sets for the antagonistic muscle group. Notice that with these we are predominantly using isolation exercises. This is because by the end of your workout you are going to be fatigued, and performing these Anabolic Finishers is going to be incredibly taxing on your system. Your form will likely break down as the burning pain sets in, so using isolation exercises with minimal weight will ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk of injury. As you get to the second and third sets of these Anabolic Finishes every fiber of your being is going to be screaming at you to stop because of the pain, so your job is to ignore these impulses and get through it no matter what it takes. If you really want to develop an Alpha Physique then you have to adopt an Alpha Mindset, and that involves going above and beyond when performing crazy monstrous finisher sets like these!

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Before Starting... Before you start the Anabolic Finishers, remember that the emphasis is on light weight for high reps. The studies proving the benefits of occlusion training typically used around 20% of subjects’ 1RM, so leave your ego at the door and prepare for pain! It is recommended that you take a couple of minutes rest between each exercise as this will allow you enough time to remove the bands, compose yourself, and then reattach the bands after a minute or two. Removing the bands between exercises will also allow your blood flow to return to some semblance of normalcy, making the second exercise even more painful when you occlude the muscles again.

The Workouts Legs (Quads & Hamstrings) A Workout

• Seated Leg Curl • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps Immediately followed by... • Leg Extension • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

B Workout

• Goblet Squat • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

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Immediately followed by... • Glute-Ham Raises • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

C Workout

• Barbell Squat • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps Immediately followed by... • Lying Leg Curl • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

D Workout

• Leg Press • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps Immediately followed by... • Glute Ham Raises • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

Calves A Workout

• Calf Raise on Leg Press • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

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Immediately followed by... • Ankle Dorsiflexion • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps

B Workout

• Seated Calf Raise • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps Immediately followed by... • Standing Calf Raise • 1 x 30 (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps (rest 30 seconds) • 1 x max reps Note: There are three calf raise exercises listed so it is recommended that you alternate between them in order to stimulate balanced development. When your knee is bent - as in a seated calf raise - you will be predominantly working your soleus which is the small muscle running from the ankle behind the larger muscle of the calf - the gastrocnemius. As for the gastrocnemius, this is worked by the standing calf raise; performing calf raises on a sled-style leg press seems to work both the soleus and gastrocnemius fairly evenly.

The SpecForce Anabolic Finishers Supplement Stack Now that you know what will be expected of you throughout the Anabolic Finishers Protocol, it’s time to take a look at some supplements that you will seriously want to consider adding to your regimen especially during this training. This supplement stack will help to cover the basics of recovery, training performance, and overall health and longevity.

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Testosterone Supplement Without question when you are lifting, recovering and working to add size and strength supplementing your Testosterone levels naturally is a must. You will be working your body to its maximal output and you are using science to give you an advantage in your workout protocol, why not do the same with your nutrition? Using a natural testosterone supplement can be a bit confusing so I have always looked for ingredients that perform dual roles. I want ingredients that promote natural test production but that also block estrogen. A great choice is Test Reload. Listen, guys can’t afford to be running a system that is missing the most critical ingredient for losing low belly fat and building muscle. Give yourself the best opportunity for success and support your system with a natural testosterone supplement.

Whey Protein The first supplement to think about is perhaps the most basic of them all - whey protein. A whey protein powder supplement provides you with an incredibly convenient and costeffective way of increasing your protein consumption on a daily basis. As far as I am concerned there is only 1 or 2 brands worth mentioning and I highly recommend BioTrust Low Carb protein. Everyone wants to know why. I will keep this short. It has no artificial crap that can actually make you sick. It is a 4 protein blend as well as ProHydrolase for maximum absorption of the protein. It is also worth mentioning that whey protein is a very high-quality protein source, with a full profile of essential amino acids, a relatively low amount of fat and carbs. If you purchase a fast-digesting whey protein powder, such as whey protein isolate or hydrolysed whey protein, then you can also use it as an effective post-workout shake to speed up recovery and boost your gains.

Creatine Monohydrate Creatine monohydrate is one of the safest and most extensively researched sports supplements ever created, and one that should be a staple in just about everyone’s supplement stack.

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To quote the International Society of Sports Nutrition: “It is the position of the International Society of Sports Nutrition that the use of creatine as a nutritional supplement within established guidelines is safe, effective, and ethical. [...] creatine monohydrate remains one of the most extensively studied, as well as effective, nutritional aids available to athletes. Hundreds of studies have shown the effectiveness of CM supplementation in improving anaerobic capacity, strength, and lean body mass in conjunction with training. In addition, CM has repeatedly been reported to be safe, as well as possibly beneficial in preventing injury.” Creatine helps to increase intra-cellular concentrations of a substance called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP acts as a medium of energy exchange between cells, which basically means that consuming more creatine will cause your body to have a greater availability of energy for high-intensity, short-duration activities; namely, lifting! An additional benefit of creatine monohydrate is that it helps to pull fluid into the muscle cells and keep them thoroughly hydrated. This action also promotes a greater delivery of nutrients into your muscles while enhancing pumps and creating a moderate strength boost.

BCAA Branched-chain amino acids or BCAA’s are essential amino acids which play a pivotal role in the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. Because BCAA’s are free-form amino acids they are able to enter the bloodstream extremely rapidly, making them a fantastic supplement to use during your workouts. The most important BCAA is L-Leucine because it is this amino acid, in amounts of approximately 3 g per dose, which is responsible directly for triggering muscle protein synthesis and essentially jumpstarting the muscle-building mechanisms within the human body. To illustrate this we turn to a 2004 study published in the Journal of Nutrition which showed that supplementing with BCAA’s can help to reduce exercise-induced muscle breakdown: “[...] BCAA supplementation before and after exercise has beneficial effects for decreasing exercise-induced muscle damage and promoting muscle-protein synthesis; this

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suggests the possibility that BCAAs are a useful supplement in relation to exercise and sports.”1 Another study which was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2010 had this to say about amino acid supplementation: “Athletes’ nutrient intake, which periodically increases amino acid intake to reflect the increased need for recovery during periods of overreaching, may increase subsequent competitive performance while decreasing the risk of injury or illness.”2 This is an important consideration to make when you are embarking upon an intense training program. If you make sure you don’t neglect the recovery aspects of your training then you will almost definitely reap the benefits both in the gym and outside the gym.

Citrulline Malate L-Citrulline is an amino acid which essentially acts as a precursor in the production of L-Arginine. You may be familiar with nitric oxide supplements which are used to enhance pumps and vascularity during training. These products can be very effective at improving performance and enhancing the delivery of nutrients to muscles; however, citrulline is arguably more effective for this purpose than arginine itself. There was a very interesting study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology in 2010 which showed that citrulline malate has an interesting effect on the way that the body utilizes BCAA’s, suggesting a powerful synergistic relationship between the two. The researchers found that citrulline malate not only increased concentrations of growth hormone in subjects, but that it can also “[...] enhance the use of amino acids, especially the branched chain amino acids during exercise and also enhance the production of arginine-derived metabolites such as nitrite, creatinine, ornithine and urea.”3

1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15173434 2 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20300014 3 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20499249

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Other research has shown citrulline malate to be of general benefit to athletic performance while also potentially reducing muscle soreness from training.4

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Krill Oil or Fish Oil The average Western diet tends to be excessively high in omega-6 fatty acids5, such as those found in vegetable oils such as canola oil. Ideally we should seek a ratio of around 1:1 or 2:1 in favor of omega-6, but many people eat a ratio of as much as 30:1. 40:1, or even 50:1! It is argued that this imbalance contributes to a great many ailments such as heart disease, rheumatism, and metabolic syndromes such as Type II diabetes. By increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you can help to reduce your risk factors for hyperlipidemia6 or high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream, while also reducing total cholesterol levels7. At the very least, omega-3 fatty acids offer powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, and as one study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition states: “There have been a number of clinical trials assessing the benefits of dietary supplementation with fish oils in several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in humans, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis and migraine headaches.”8 Even if the more serious conditions amongst these are of little concern to you, you can at least rest assured that you are providing your joints and ligaments with some assistance in terms of recovering from training.

Fish Oil vs. Krill Oil The two omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA come in the form of triglycerides when found in fish oil. A promising alternative to fish oil is krill oil, which features these two fatty acids in what is known as a double-chained phospholipid structure, mimicking the way fats are constructed in the cells of the human body.

4 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20386132 5 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17353582 6 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17353582 7 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21042875 8 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12480795

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This makes the omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil far easier for the human body to absorb and utilize. What’s more, the EPA in krill oil contains a powerful antioxidant known as astaxanthin, as well as vitamins A, D, and E. The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC value of a compound is, simply put, a metric used to determine the degree to which something provides the cell with protection against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Due to its far enhanced absorption rates and additional nutritional content, krill oil boasts an ORAC value that is a 48 times higher than that of fish oil.

CoQ10 Coenzyme Q10 is another interesting substance, particularly for the health of men entering into their 30’s, 40’s, and beyond. CoQ10 in its more bioavailable form called ubiquinol has been shown to significantly lower blood pressure9, and according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Biofactors, can even help to improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes10. What’s more, another study from 2013 set out to investigate the effects of CoQ10 in trained athletes, finding a significant increase in physical performance as measured by maximum power output. It is also worth noting that: “While adherence to a training regimen itself resulted in an improvement in peak power output, as observed by improvement in placebo, the effect of Ubiquinol supplementation significantly enhanced peak power production in comparison to placebo.”11

9 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25369277 10 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22887051 11 http://www.jissn.com/content/10/1/24

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Conclusion Alright... there you have some of the most powerful training secrets pulled from the government labs and training facilities and finally released to the general public. This is powerful training and as I mentioned you only have to put in the work, and thanks to science, a lot less with a significant reduction in time and weight yet you will make massive gains. Follow this closely and enjoy the significant gains in your strength and size. As always… STAND APART!

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