Some Any

IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Inglés how much, how many 1. Complete the dialogue with a, an, some or any: A

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IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Inglés

how much, how many 1. Complete the dialogue with a, an, some or any: A: Have you got any fruit? B: Yes, we’ve got


A: Good. Please give me

apples and


B: Do you want

other food?

A: Yes, I want

bottle of milk and

B: Fine. Do you want


A: Ok! Please give me


orange and

oranges. grapes.


B: Here you are. Is that all? A: Yes, thank you. 2. Write some or any: a. There aren’t any letters for you b. Have you got any

brothers or sisters?

c. We need some


d. She has got some

interesting friends.

e. Are there any

restaurants near here?

f. I’m having some

problems with my car.

g. I didn’t have any

breakfast today.

h. Do you know any

people from America?

3. Write questions using how much or how many: a. How many symphonies did Beethoven write? b.

How many

cents are there in a dollar?


How many

kilometers are there in a mile?


How much

blood is there in a person’s body?


How much

air do we breathe every minute?

4. Put in much or many: a. I haven’t got much time b. There aren’t many

people here

c. Are there many

Americans in your school?

d. I don’t eat much


e. Do you know many

songs in English?

5. Complete the sentences with How much or How many and then answer the questions: a. How much homework have you got today? Some English activities. b. 2º E.S.O.

How many

people have got glasses in your class?


How many

cousins have you got?


How much

coffee do your parents drink?


How many

books are there in your schoolbag?


How much

chocolate do your friends eat?


How many

students are there in your school?


How much

paper is there on your desk?

6. Tick the words we can use with the objects below. a chewing gum box furniture glue posters shampoo envelope wood

a n

so me x

How many

How much x