SLA Cold Reading Handbook

The Complete Cold reading Routines Handbook A quick guide to cold reading, tarot cards, and seduction Includes: • Int

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Cold reading Routines Handbook

A quick guide to cold reading, tarot cards, and seduction Includes: • Interpretations for each individual tarot card

• Ways to become a master of the esoteric arts

• A quick method for doing in-field cold readings

• A method to fix of a cold reading gone bad


Special Edition

and compliment them and accept disrespectful treatment in order to win their approval. Instead, they push-pull, demonstrate value, do cocky funny teasing, and disqualify them in order to win their approval. In other words, the intention is still the same. They’re still trying to win the approval of a complete stanger. Thus, all they’re doing is showing their desperation in a new way, rather than in the traditional way. The general principle is that anytime you do

Congruency is key

something you wouldn’t normally do in order to win someone else’s approval, you are supplicat-

Lessons about the game from Neil’s book tour


One of the things I enjoy most about book tours

guys after studying attraction. They begin to un-

So instead of becoming social artists, some men end up just becoming better supplicators.

is that it’s a chance to meet many of you. And

derstand how things work, and change the way

I’ve notice lately that a big difference between

they dress, act, and behave around women. They

Stylelife students and other attraction students is

do things that they have learned cause attraction

This doesn’t mean you can’t change. But you

that you guys are, by and large, a cool bunch.

in women: push-pull, demonstrating value, cocky

should change because it makes you a better,

funny teasing, role-playing, disqualifying, and the

happier person – not because it will make people


like you more.

There are certain guys I’ve met in the community who I’d never be able to take to dinner with my regular friends or family, because there’s some-

Yet even though they’re learning so much, going

One of the subtleties of the game, which sepa-

thing about them that just makes people uncom-

out so much, and changing so much – especially

rates the champs from the chumps, is being cen-


compared to before the game, when they rarely

tered in yourself, and going out to have fun and

even approached women – they’re not improv-

learn new things rather than show off for anyone

ing at the pace they should. Especially considering


For a long time, I could never figure out what the difference was. I thought those guys were just not cool or too cheesy or not interested in any-

all the work they’re putting in.

thing in life but pick up.

Here’s why:

But then I realized the difference, and I want to

What’s one of the biggest turn-offs to women?

share it with you all in this newsletter because it’s an important trap to avoid. Most of us got into the game because we want more success with women. And the reason for many of our failures, besides approach anxiety, was that we were too needy and desperate around women, and didn’t understand how at-

a woman will be impressed by your knowledge and thus find you interesting, it will usually fall

I mean, besides a massive buildup of ear wax and

flat. If you do the “Ring Finger Routine” or “The

nose hair.

Cube” because you’re interested in learning it or you’re curious to know more about the person

Right – it’s neediness. So then what’s one of the biggest mistake guys who are deep into the game make?

traction worked and how to generate and em-

They replace one form of neediness with an-

body attraction.


But a strange thing happens to a certain subset of

In other words, they no longer buy girls drinks


If you do the “Ring Finger Routine” or “The Cube,” for example, with the expectation that

you’re talking to or you just find it fun to do, then you’re far more likely to create a real connection with her. The same goes for push-pull and disqualification and cocky-funny. If you’re making these bold statements and then expecting a reaction from her, they’re going to seem needy. And she’s going

to become uncomfortable, because she’ll sense you want or expect something from her. But if you’re doing them because you’re truly confident, and you un-


derstand and appreciate her, and you enjoy pressing her buttons because you’re in such deep rapport, they become powerful tools of attraction. And this is why some guys you will meet in the community you may not want to bring out to dinner with your friends and family. It’s not that they aren’t cool.

Introduction: Congruency is the key

By Neil “Style” Strauss

It’s that they’re needy, and in every social interaction they’re trying to prove something or impress someone or get a certain reaction. And so they end

Page 1

up making the people they want to validate them uncomfortable. Thus, they

The Esoteric Arts Overview By Evolve

never get the validation they’re seeking, and begin to grow negative and bitter and incongruent with the fun, successful, happy, and confident personality they

Page 3

display. Their personality becomes a theater mask, hiding a very different sort

Cold Reading Basics By Evolve and Gypsy

of person underneath. The game is an art form full of ironies. One of them is that to attract a woman who isn’t interested in you yet, you can’t let her know that you’re attracted to

Page 4

Blood Type Cold Reading By Evolve

her. Another is that the harder you appear to be trying, the worse you’ll do. And a third – and the lesson for today – is that in order to get the best reaction

Page 5

from a woman, you can’t appear to be seeking a reaction.

And, the truth is, this irony is a good thing that will help you become a better, happier, more successful person. Because your power, your self-esteem, and your enjoyment of each moment are yours to keep. Don’t give them away every night to complete strangers.

Hands of the Gods By Neil “Style” Strauss

Page 6 I Heart Routines

By Evolve

Page 7 The Guide to Tarot Cold Reads Page 17

By Evolve and Gypsy Apologia Esoterica By Gypsy



The Esoteric Arts The overview By Evolve

By Bolshevik

If you’ve been alive and at least partially con- cards, tions the palm Stylelifereading, crew and I would It was sheer were in full party mode Astrology, Tarot andreceive runeif stones havelunacy. been We part scious in America during the last few months we hit thesince town wearing Snuggies. It dawned onstrauss’ and geared to turn the town upside down so of the seduction community its conception. In Neil the up Game these then you’ve no doubtarts been were exposed to the “chick lat- mecrack” that thisbecause could be aof wonderful social experi- we piled into Gypsy’s car and floored it for Holcalled women’s insatiable appetite for the unest infomercial productknown. sweeping the nation. I’ll ment. of Would it be possible to attract lywood. These four styles fortune telling, andwomen manyinmore like them, are all give you a hint: it’s blue andof softaand ridiculous. a toasty warm body-length blanket?arts. After a few part group of disciplines called the esoteric First seen on silly low budget commercials late at clicks of the mouse our Snuggies were ordered As we approached the first bar we were pumped The primary purpose the esoteric arts, in regards to seduction, is to help build night, it has had a meteoric rise in exposure and of and we were about to find out. up to burst through the doors and make a splash. comfort as well as an emotional connection. Comfort building routines, such become a cultural phenomenon as the latest high The Sneak busted out some impromptu freestyle as “The or “Strawberry Fields,” allow you to build a deep emotional connecprofile gimmicky consumer itemCube” guaranteed to The fateful rap about the joys of wearing a Snuggie as we day of the Snuggie adventure arrived tion with season. your target. The esoteric arts do the same with the added benefit of become the hot gag gift this holiday strode up the street towards the entrance. We and we met at the Stylelife office to don the reaching a person spiritually. handed the bouncer our ID’s and he barely batcomfy robes and sarge Hollywood. The crew ted antools eye at how obscenely ridiculous we were consisted of me, Gypsy, Sneak,been and Mike, Yes, I’m talking about Religion, the Snuggie.spirituality, The sleeved and the occult haveThe always powerful of seducdressed. I world, suppose aand doorman in Hollywood is software developer. Afterof some blanket to be worn while lounge on the They allow us anStylelife’s escapecrack from the constraints the material prone to becoming jaded and we might have over who would sofa watching TV like aoffer fleece us robe to hope keep you the that useless we arearguing not merely specks ofwear dustwhich in an indifferent universe; been one of the least curious spectacles he’d Snuggie (they were all the same size and color) comfortably wrapped spirituality in your own warmth and makes us feel like there is something larger out there working in our seen onand a Friday night. The doors swung opon gleefullyhave threwbeen on our and added shame. Much like the favor. FlowbeeThis in the is 90’s, whythis thesewe systems soSnuggies powerful for so long why they before us and we bounded inside the bar to additionalto accessories to make ourselves quirky item has become its owngreat punchline. It is forsome remain tools seduction this day. make a grand entrance, expecting the arrival of all the more outlandish: sunglasses, headbands the target of ridicule from high profile comedians The four most popularand esoteric artswore are aastrology, reading, and rune wildly dressed Snuggie freaks to ignite the Gypsy even duck pin. It’s Tarot, surprisingpalmfour such as Jay Leno who mercilessly mock its cheesy stones. These arts arehow relatively complex and can seem overwhelming at first quickly four grown adults regress to play- crowd into an eruption of joy at the mere sight commercial and the gullible dimwits who buy glance, but with a fewfulsimple tips you candressed appearupasand though been studying of us. But there was no burst of applause, laughchildren once they’re feeling you’ve them. The derision is well deserved as anyone any of these arts for years. ter, or high fives. We found ourselves standing in giddy. We were riled up and giggling like four who’s seen one can attest that people wearing a Japanese school girls in a Hello Kitty store. We

the middle of a quiet, near-empty bar with half-

joked and rough housed and made up names for

asleep patrons. There were mostly small groups

I took this as a challenge. After all, absurdly silly

our Snuggie alter egos. I became Snoop Snuggie

scattered throughout all transfixed on a multi-

is my specialty. I wondered what kind of reac-

Snug and Gypsy transformed into DJ Snugglebug.

tude of flat screen TV’s watching various sport-

Snuggie look absurdly silly.



rapid fire banter. The riotous laughter and smiles Know the history of your art.

confirmed that we were a hit. But it was time to

Mentioning a few facts about

press on.

the roots of your art will add to the perception that you are a master. Many esoteric arts have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, so

We walked proudly up the street charged from

there is plenty of history to choose from. A master should always know

Red Bull and attention and arrived at the hottest,

where his art came from.

most prestigious club in Hollywood. After flirting

Develop a root. Every social artist should have a story that explains

how he became interested in an art that most people disregard. The story

shamelessly with some gorgeous, short skirted


you come up with could involve a best friend who became interested in astrology, a mother who taught her son to read Tarot cards, or an interest in Viking culture that led to learning rune reading. This story helps flesh out the perception that you are truly interested in the esoteric arts, and not just a guy trying to pick up women. Be sure to include some of the art’s history as well as a personal story that supports your interest in which ever art you’ve chosen.

women lingering in front of the club we made an ill-conceived attempt to skip the entire line

Western: The first evidence of astrology dates back to 3000 BCE. How-

and waltz right in. Apparently, the bouncer didn’t ever, it wasn’t until the Greeks adopted it from the Babylonians that it beshare our view that four men in Snuggies are akin came what most of us know as astrology today. Western astrology is the to celebrity and deserve instant access to the most common form of star reading. What you read about in magazines and most exclusive nightspot in town. We even tried in newspapers is a small fraction of Western astrology. to convince him we were “Snuggie VIP’s” but he didn’t go for it and we went rambling on com-

Vedic: Vedic astrology comes from India and is referred to as Jyotishi. Sev-

Learn the variations. Astrology exists all over the world in many

different forms. The same is true for many of the other arts. A pick up artist who practices the esoteric arts will eventually run into women who talk about very specific styles of an art. If you know at least a few facts about the most common variations of the arts, you’re ahead of the game. Have Personal Experience. Whether you read the stars or read

the stones, it’s crucial to have stories about other people whose fortunes

pletely offer unfazed. eral universities in India actually degrees in astrology, due to its cul-

tural importance. The Vedic system is similar to Western astrology in many Our walk along Hollywood Boulevard was conaspects. It shares the same 12 signs that western astrology does (Aries, stantly interrupted by partygoers stopping us to Taurus, Gemini, etc.) as well as the same planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, pose for pictures. We were quite the rambuncetc.), however the difference is that its 28 degrees behind the Western tious crowd: Gypsy singing improvised Snuggie zodiac, meaning that, if you are a Scorpio in the Western zodiac then you’d melodies, Mike flirting and enjoying all the atbe considered a Libra in Vedic. tention, and Sneak riffing an endless barrage of Snuggie jokes. A strange thing occurred as we

you’ve told. Comparing one person to another helps an esoteric artist flesh

stepped through the door of the next bar on our

out the world that he’s created. The best way to obtain this information is

tour: the crowd instantly burst into applause as if

by doing as many readings as possible, including your own.

they had somehow been expecting us. We piled


through the door all at once with huge smiles

negative traits for each of the signs to help you tease the women of the

on our faces and everyone in the bar laughed


and clapped as a single unit. We felt obliged to Aries: Competitive, CHILDISH


Arrogant, overconfident


Tarot Decks

perform so we broke out into a spontaneous dance and hopped around to the rhythm of the

Rider Waite: The famous Rider Waite deck is one of the most popular

Taurus: Lazy, self-indulgent,




gemini: Judgemental,

sagittarius: NARCISSISTIC,

manic-depressive, bitchy


cancer: Moody, cRY-BABY, over-

capricorn: COLD, MISERLY,



leo: Egocentric, obnoxious,




music. People loved us. We even picked up our Tarot decks in the world. The cards contain an immense amount of astrofirst groupie. Unfortunately, he was a guy. He follogical and occult symbolism and are one of the best decks for any beginner lowed us around like a puppy dog for the rest of Tarot reader. the night just standing there in numb amusement laughing at our antics.and influential member Thoth: Aleister Crowley,and a world famous occultist of an early 20th century occult group called “the Hermetic Order of the The next bar we entered was a dimly lit dive but, Golden Dawn” created this deck based on a number of different occult like most spots in L.A., filled with lovely women. systems. It features symbolism from cultures the world over. The deck has a Gypsy and Mike wasted no time and were each book of interpretations that accompanys it called The Book of Thoth. chatting up sexy blondes within minutes of walkingstyles in theofdoor. hisagirl hanging his The others: Many other decksGypsy exist.had From Lord of theon Rings every word, her language completely fixdeck to a fairies deck. These alternate sets body are used much more like rune

Virgo: FOLLOWER, obsessive




ated on him as she significance seemed entranced by the fasstones where each card has a more personal rather than a specific meaning.

cinating mind of this charismatic man in a fluffy monk robe. Mike and his blonde snuck off to the


08 02


Cold Reading Basics How to talk like an expert By Evolve Sound Bytes: Always think about the words you use. They should sound mystical and deep. They should also make the person you’re reading feel like everything is specifically about them. Here are a few common sound bytes to think about when cold reading: Personal Journey… The way you experience… The feeling you get… Breaking the common pattern… There’s no way I‘d date a Scorpio.

Two paths to choose… You have this positive (or negative) energy…




Make sure that nothing you say is definite. Peo-

Get them to accept your authority by respond-

Most emotions and actions have a dual nature.

ple can easily say “No, that’s not right.” to a

ing to them with words like,

Combine opposite qualities into the same sen-

definite statement.


tence for a powerful cold read.

Do not say, “You are confident.”


Say, “I’m certain at times you can be lazy or

Say, “You can be confident at times.”

lethargic, while at other times, when you are doing something you’re interested in, you work like a maniac.”

False Specification:



Imply specificity by comparing this person’s

Act like everything you say is true.

People agree with positive statements about

traits to everyone else’s.

Don’t doubt what you say.

Say, “Though most people don’t think before

Do say everything like you’re the authority.

they act, you almost spend too much time thinking before acting.

themselves and disagree with negative statements about themselves. Merge the two principles. Say, “Some people think you lack confidence, when you’re really a confident person. Generally, they confuse the fact that you like to watch and learn before you speak.”


Instant Cold reads


Blood Type Cold Reading By Evolve

Type A People with blood type A are known for being able to stay calm under pressure. They like to keep the peace and live comfortably. They feel like they’re outcasts which leads to an amazing artistic quality, but also shy and sensitive personality. They secretly crave success and are known to be perfectionists.

Cold Read #1

“They say that women with bangs like that are known for having a nasty darkside.”

Type B Type B’s are the most dependable of the blood types; they can be counted on to finish any project they start. They always try to find their own way to complete a task, although they are good at following directions. They’re minds are one track, always focusing on what they’re working on at that moment and nothing else. They can seem cold because they tend to stick to the logic rather than emotion when dealing with people. They are individualists who can sometimes seem selfish.

Type AB Type AB people are known for having a very dualistic nature they are known for being hot and cold, timid and confident, the life of the party and shyest person you know. They are easily overwhelmed

Cold Read #2

“You look around a lot. Supposedly that means you’re some one who needs to feel safe.”

with responsibility. AB types are known for being trustworthy and honest. Most AB’s are extremely critical when it comes to their personal beliefs.

Type O People with Type O blood are known for being energetic and social. They are said to be flighty and undependable especially when working on a project that doesn’t interest them. They love attention, and listen well to others. They say what’s on their mind (sometimes without thinking) and are extremely confident.

Compatibility by Blood Groups Type A is most compatible with type A and Type AB Type B is most compatible with Type B and Type AB

Cold Read #3

“The way you hold your glass is interesting. It means you’re really confident.”

Type AB is most compatible with Type AB, B, A and O Type O is most compatible with Type O, and Type AB


Some girls hate blood, if they don’t want to talk about it, turn pale, or pass out – then you might want to stop the routine and move onto something else.

Some people don’t know their blood type. If the girl you’re speaking with doesn’t know hers you can still run a story telling routine using only “the root” section of this Underground that segues into a different cold reading paradigm, like astrology or tarot.

If you have a pivot, I’d suggest having her come up and agree that it’s right on and that she couldn’t believe how accurate it was.



hANDS OF THE GODS The Ring Finger Routine by Neil Strauss Notice a gleam of metal on her fingers (a ring)

nant person.” (Wave your index finger at them

trace a line from her finger up her arm as you

and say, “I have to ask before I run: Why did

like “no no no” or “don’t do that.”) It represents

say this.)

you chose to wear that ring on that particular

power and immense energy.

finger….Interesting…Do you always wear those rings on the same fingers?” Note: Of course they always do, because that’s where they fit.

“The pinky is represented by Ares. who is the

Your middle finger is represented by Dionysus

God of war, and that’s why you see mobsters

who is the god of wine and partying. He is a very

wearing pinky rings, It represents conflict.”

irreverent God. So if you have a ring there, it

If she is wearing a pinky ring, ask, “Did you buy

Then continue, “I have a friend who’s a spiritual

means you tend to do what ever you want and

type, and she just told me that the fingers you

can be less about what others think.” (Then lift

choose to wear your rings on says something

your middle finger up on its own and give the

about your personality…”

bird and say, “It’s like fuck you to the world.”

If she is not wearing any rings, just ask instead, “Out of curiosity, and I’ll explain why I’m asking

that yourself or did someone give it to you?” If she bought it herself, it means she is sometimes at war with herself and has some inner conflict, maybe an emotional conflict or something she is

When they are wearing a ring on that finger, they

not comfortable with herself about. If she was

always laugh at this.)

given it by someone ask, then ask by whom and

in a second, when you do wear rings, what fin- “Your ring finger is of course represented by Aph-

tell her there may be some tension below the

gers are they usually on?” If she normally doesn’t

rodite. She is the goddess of love, and that is why

surface between the two of them, some unre-

wear wings, ask, “Well, if you were to wear a

we wear our wedding rings on that finger. (You

solved problem that she just hasn’t solved yet.

ring, and it wasn’t a wedding ring obviously, what

can add all kinds of romantic cold-reading lines

finger would it be on?”

here, like, “When you fall for someone, you tend

Then go on to explain: “Each one of these mounds” – the pads on the palm where the fingers join the hand -is represented by a different God, and in Greek culture, you wear a ring on that finger to praise and pay homage to that particular god. “For example, the thumb represents Poseidon

If a woman asks, “How do you know this?” You may respond, “An ex-girlfriend of mine was into

to fall completely for them.”)

mythology and taught it to me.”

“Interestingly, it is the only finger that has a vein

If she has a ring on her wedding finger ask, “Is

that goes straight to the heart without branching

that an engagement ring or do you just wear that

off, and so when someone puts a ring on that fin-

to keep the womanizers away?” You’ll be sur-

ger, they’re actually making a direct connection

prised how often the latter is true.

with your heart.” (If she is comfortable, you can

The Ring Finger Routine Map

which as you know is the god of the sea. And he

Ares, representing conflict, aggressiveness, com-

are therefore very individual and independent ar

Dionysus, representing irreverence, rebelliousness, and decadence

Zeus, representing dominance, power, and energy,


travel, expansion


of all gods, and the God of Thunder and Light-

m s/

The index finger is represented by Zeus, the king


and generally do their own thing. They don’t fol-

odit Aphr


does its own thing. People who wear thumb rings

Aphrodite, representing love, romance, beauty

Zeu s/j upi ter


thing. And the thumb kind of sticks out, it kind of


didn’t live on Mount Olympus. He did his own

low trends, but prefer instead to set their own.



was very independent. He was the only god who


ning. That’s a very dominant finger, and having a


ring there means you tend to be a more domiPo









Poseidon, representing imagination, individuality


I Heart Routines

Evolve’s fast and easy Heart drawing cold read

By Evolve To set up this cold read simply, grab a napkin, a pen, and a girl. Ask her to draw a heart on a piece of paper. Be sure to “root” the cold read. In other words, let them

broken Heart:

know why you know this game, for example: “I want to try out this little psychology test my friend taught me.” Now simply cold read her based on the heart she drew. Pay attention to the size, shape, and line structure.

The Basic Shapes: Uneven, Perfect, and broken Uneven: One side is larger than the other.

Quickly falls in and out of love Lives for adventure. Understands “the big picture.” Lives for the moment. Not concerned with details. The ends justify the means. Cutting and quick witted. Extremely social.

Meaning: indicates some sort of imbalance in her life, you can easily associate it with right and left brain behavior, the larger side being more dominant. (Left: logic Right: creativity) Perfect: both sides are even, the heart is full and round Meaning: indicates a perfectionist, talk about how she has a need for control over situations concerning their love life and professional life. Broken: Lines don’t meet in the dip on the heart. Meaning: indicates someone who thinks and acts quickly, talk about how they are impulsive in relationships and outside of them.

uneven Heart:

Large Right Side:

Caring, Motherly, Artistic, Creative, Emotionally Impulsive, Socially unique, Romantic, Passionate Large Left Side:

Perfect Heart:

Knows what she wants in life. She’s well organized, but neurotic at times. She believes love, but not at first sight. She lives for the moment. She tends to be a perfectionist when it comes to things she loves. She has huge dreams of success.

Easily excited, Logical, Analytical, Philosophical, “no time for drama,” Emotional coldness




By Gypsy and Evolve

Prepare yourself for the tarot experience The idea of cards telling the future seems nonsensical to most men, but to millions of women the tarot is no joke. By learning to read these ancient cards you’re peering outside the average guy’s pick-up world into a new realm of seduction. The following is a guide to help you map out your first steps. Acquire a deck of Tarot Cards:

For the beginning Tarot enthusiast the “Rider Tarot Deck”, also known as the “Waite Tarot Deck” and the “Rider Waite Tarot Deck”, is the only deck you should be using. This is the standard deck of most Tarot readers because it has strictly codified illustrations that also present the same images and symbols with each publishing. There are a myriad of other decks in circulation, including one illustrated by Salvador Dali himself! However, many of these decks differ in their imagery and symbols so it will be highly difficult to learn with the information we are providing you on one of these alternate decks. As you rise in skill level feel free to experiment with other decks. For now the “Rider Tarot Deck” can be found in several varieties, even a smaller playing card size for easy transportation. Care and Storage of Deck:

When you first get your cards take them out of the pack and play with them as much as you like. New decks can be very stiff and they require a period of breaking in before they can be shuffled and dealt with relative ease. Try to keep your cards clean and stain free. Do not expose them to liquids as this will warp cards and affect your dealing of the cards. Find a nice way to store your cards that says something about your personality. I personally keep mine in a decorated silk bag that a friend got me from Thailand because it references my interest in


Asian art and massage. I know other Tarot readers

Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles (sometimes

much as possible and when they are speaking be

that keep their cards in beautiful carved wooden

also known as coins).

quiet and listen attentively. People will often lead

boxes. When you retrieve your cards for a reading

you and the cards to the correct answer to their

the receiver may view the receptacle for storage so

Pre-read setup and patter

own problems just by discussing it aloud. Whenever, the receiver is done manipulating the cards

make it a meaningful one that can be commented upon and displays that you care for your important

Set the mood:

in any way she seems fit, urge her to take her


As with performing magic and other fortune

time, have her hand the cards back to you.

Preparing to Read:

telling rituals the environment and presentation of your Tarot reading will definitely effect the

Become as familiar as possible with the short and

perception of the receiver. Set the mood with

pertinent themes provided in this document for

dim lighting (not too dim that you cannot see

each card. Initially, you do not have to have every

the cards clearly), scented candles, incense and

meaning for each card memorized. With Tarot, just

music that is evocative, relaxing and exotic. This

as with attracting women, you will learn exponen-

sort of environment is also conducive to kino

tially as you do. Keep the sheet of card themes that

escalation for after your reading.

is provided here close to you when you do a reading and feel free to reference it if need be. As long

Give a quick explanation of Tarot:

as the receiver of your reading is aware that this is a

Let your receiver know that the history of Tarot

new passion of yours than you should not be called

is a rich and powerful one. It is a tool that has

out for referencing your “cheat sheet”.

been used for ages to solve problems and por-

Giving your reading The Gypsy Easy Spread:

There are as many placements or spreads of Tarot cards as there are cards in the deck. For my beginning days with Tarot I kept things extremely simple so as not to complicate my readings and to focus more on learning how to read and experiencing giving actual readings. I use a very simple four cards spread with one leader card placed face down above three cards following placed faced down below it. (Pg. 16, Fig. 1)

tend the future for everyone from peasants to

The leader card will be the first card that you

presidents. Tell them that the Tarot deck also

draw off. Then proceed to deal the three other

works in mysterious ways and often chooses

cards and place them in a row as pictured above.

its own best answer for the receiver’s question

After having dealt all four cards you will turn over

The individual receiving the reading of the Tarot

(this line allows you to be more creative in your

the leader card first and begin your reading.

cards for the Tarot reads. The receiver’s input

reading). You will be the humble interpreter of

and reception of the cards is vital to an insightful

the Tarot’s message as it guides you to the an-

The leader card will set the theme of the read.


swer for the receiver’s query.

You must relate it to the question of the receiver.


Involve the receiver:

The individual reading and interpreting the cards

Hand the deck of the 22 Major Arcana cards

for the receiver.

to your receiver. Tell her to shuffle and cut the

Vocabulary of Tarot Terms: Receiver:

Major Arcana:

deck anyway that she feels appropriate. She must manipulate the cards and lend some of her

The 22 special face cards (not the suit royalty

own energy and spirit to them. As she does this

cards) of the Tarot deck. These cards are num-

action the receiver must also ask the Tarot her

bered 0-21 beginning with “The Fool” as zero

specific query aloud. In general, most people’s

For example let us imagine that this read is for a receiver asking how an on-again-off-again relationship with a boyfriend should be ended. The theme card is the Justice card. (Pg. 16, Fig. 2) You know form the short themes given above that the Justice card denotes a need to find balance in life. So the eventual dissolution of this chaotic relationship means that it will put the receiver’s life back into balance and focus. However, the Justice card also warns their relationshipis should

and ending with “The World” as twenty-one. In

questions can fall into four easy categories:

a sense the Major Arcana cards can be the most

health, wealth, relationships, and travel (which

powerful in the deck. Important life issue read-

is sometimes somehow included in or related

ings that need immediate and powerful answers

to one the other three categories). After many

are often done with only the Major Arcana. The

readings you will have experienced most of the

twenty-two cards are a visual metaphor for the

possible permutations of questions again and

experiences encountered in life’s journey.

again and your calibration at reading will greatly

The next card revealed is the Death card. (Pg. 16,

improve. Get as much information from your re-

Fig. 3) Using our quick reference guide again we

Minor Arcana:

be ended in a fair manner that offers equality to each party. As you turn over the next card the story of the read will continually unfold.

ceiver as possible and feel free to ask follow up

know that the Death card although it appears

The 56 suited cards, including both the court

questions about his/her main original question.

ominous is really a card that marks a vital change

cards and the numbered cards. The suits are

Encourage your reader to participate verbally as

in the life of the receiver. Certainly a break-up of


this sort is a major change. The important thing

As you weave the story that the cards reveal

For example, if my receiver drew, the Two of

is how the receiver deals with this change. Con-

be attentive to your receiver and listen to all

Pentacles (minor arcana), the Knight of Wands

vey to the receiver that this change is imminent

that he/she has to say. They will help guide you

(court card) and Judgment (major arcana) the

and must be received in the most positive light in

as much as the Tarot cards do throughout the

reading might go something like this:

order to move on with her life. Death is merely


the precursor to rebirth. Next turn over each successive card in turn and

Evolve’s Tarot Method:

weave a story throughout the reading that con-

This method of Tarot reading is very quick as

tinues the receiver’s journey. (Pg. 16, Fig. 4)

well as easy. You are going to use the cards to tell a story. The better you are at coming up with

Our next card is Temperance which is a card that

stories on the spot the easier this method will

conveys the need for moderation in life. So the

be for you.

receiver will enter a period of renewed balance from her break-up this will bring about a great change in her life that if embraced positively and

Preparation: Divide the cards into the three

groups listed here

“You drew Judgment, a symbol of choice, and a decision that you will have to make that is very polarized. It’s a very yes or no choice, a good and evil choice. This is the theme of your story. It’s very black and white. Next, we have the Knight of Wands, the character in your story. This could be and active male, who is impulsive and sometimes unpredictable. This person, who in a bad mood will refuse to change his path, is a person who can prove to be sincere and brave. This person is the center-

in moderation will lead her further down her

The major arcana: Fool card up to The

piece for your story. He may be the root of the

life path. The last card revealed is the Hanged

World card – 22 cards total

theme or just a helper in the story. This person

Man which is a waypoint in all journey’s representing a voluntary sacrifice made to gain a new perspective or life goal. The receiver’s sacrifice in this case could very well be her relationship which although chaotic offered some sense of comfort. The letting go and sacrifice of this relationship will lead her to a renewed perspective on life but only if she enters into this endeavor seeking fairness for all parties, embraces change and finds a way to a path of moderation in her new and more care-free life.

The minor arcana: 1- 10 of each of the

cup, wand, sword, and pentacle cards – 40 cards total

is often the cause of change and is a major player in stories. His sign is of fire. Fire represents ego, generally its accurate to say that people like this will pull themselves into a good friend’s life when

The court cards: All the pages, knights,

they feel it’s necessary, acting as the glorious fi-

kings, and queens – 16 cards total

ery knight depicted in the card.

The Receiver:

Last we have the Two of Pentacles, a card that

1. Have the receiver shuffle each group of cards individually. Tell her to “only think of what comes to mind first, because that is what may be most important right now.” 2. Next, have the receiver draw one card from each pile of cards. (3 total)

represents change and balance. As the card portrays a juggler, balancing out the two coins. This is how the story goes. The event that will take place is an event that concerns the balance of your life. Generally this card has financial significance. This is because pentacles or coins represent earth. Earth cards correspond to the material world, and by that, of course, I mean money,

3. Let them hold on to the three cards or have

assets, business and other worldly things. Also,

them place the cards on the table, while you

it can represent imbalance in a relationship. It’s

put the others away. Have them place the cards

possible that since no water cards were drawn

in this order. First the minor arcana, second the

in this reading that there is a lack of emotion. It’s

court card, and third the major arcana.

possible that you were not viewing the relationship with emotion; rather you were viewing it as

How to Read Her Cards:

Each group of cards represents a different component of any story. In this case:

Note about Aces:

• The major arcana are the theme

If the receiver draws an ace. Read it as raw energy

• The court cards are the characters

and have them chose another Minor Arcana card.

• The minor arcana are the events in the story


an object, something material and not emotional or spiritual.”

Interpret the ace like so; “you’re going to put in a lot of [ego (wands), thought (swords), your material

It is your job as the reader to put these pieces

self (pentacles) or emotion (cups)] into this story

together in a way that makes sense to the re-

if you haven’t already.” Use the Ace card to em-


phasize any other card with a matching elemental

quality, or use it to emphasize the lack of a specific elemental quality.

Tarot Card Interpretations Major Arcana 0. The Fool:

The fool is above reality. He playfully moves toward the edge of the cliff fearlessly to fall into the realm of worldly things. He represents silent

V. The Hierophant:

The hierophant represents the spreading of secret knowledge to the people in portions. He sits in front of the people in his religious garments spreading the words of his spirituality. He is the connection between the message and the people. He represents education in a system of belief as well as conforming to an idea. VI. The Lovers:

issue is solved. It is one of the few cards that are not represented by a human looking figure. The wheel is above man, it exist outside our world. It brings fortune from the divine. XI. Justice:

The Justice card conveys the need to achieve balance in the receiver’s life, in particular the balancing of the mind. Also, represents a need to resolve unfinished life issues with a sense of fairness (e.g. when ending a romantic relationship

intuition. When his card is drawn it usually rep-

This card represents division as well as symme-

the receiver should be sure that his/her partner

resents new beginnings and taking chances.

try. It can relate to any interpersonal relationship

is told respectfully and given the opportunity to

where one person is another’s counterpart. It

express his/her feelings about the break-up). If

can relate to both equal and opposite partners

being interpreted as an individual in the receiv-

The magician can be seen with the four objects

in any relationship: lovers, friends, business part-

er’s life it may be someone that brings balance

of the minor arcana on his table; he has one hand

ners, and enemies alike.

and fairness, perhaps a strong female figure of

I. The Magician:

in the air and one pointing to the earth. He represents a connection between heaven and earth,

VII. The Chariot:

an authoritative stature or position. XII. The Hanged Man:

as well as the world around us (represented by

The chariot represents using will to exert con-

the four objects on the table). He generally rep-

trol over an emotional state. It is usually present

The Hanged Man represents a waypoint in the

resents the transition of knowledge from source

when the receiver is needs to come to grips with

receiver’s journey. This point will require a vol-

one to another, the experience of power, and

the state of both their ego and their emotions.

untary sacrifice to be made by the receiver in

signals a need to be active.

It represents direct action and control, as well

order to make a gain towards a life goal. The

as confidence inherent in a strong positive emo-

card itself is a strong metaphor for the sacrifice

tional state.

of control as the hanged man evidently is bound

II. The High Priestess:

This card is feminine in nature and is a sign of

Viii. Strength:

emotional receptivity. She sits balanced between

and has no control over his destiny. The card may also represent a need to sacrifice a particu-

the sun on her crown and the moon at her feet;

This card is representative of both inner and

lar way of viewing life in general or a particular

on either side she has a pillar of light and of

outer strength. It can relate to strength in all

subject. The Hanged Man after all is strung up

darkness. She represents a need for people to

aspects: physical, mental, or spiritual. This card

with his head pointing down suggesting a com-

look deeper in themselves into the unconscious

can be associated with compassion and patience,

plete 180 degree change of perspective.


both, of which are products of specific types of strength.

III. The Empress: IX. The Hermit:

This character represents femininity, mother-

XIII. Death:

Due to its ominous title this card is generally met with a gasp by the receiver. Be quick to assure them that this card does not always represent a

hood and beauty. It can represent the creation

The hermit lives alone, he is drawn away from so-

of new life and the abundance of pleasing things.

ciety in order to spend his time in introspective

physical death but rather signifies a coming life

She represents a great number of material quali-

thought. This card if drawn represents searching

change or the need for one. It should be empha-

ties as well as a number of spiritual qualities.

for guidance. If it is drawn it may mean that the

sized that the Death card represents not just an

receiver is in need of some serious “alone time”

ending but a new beginning as well. The receiver

in order to gain guidance through introspective

must be prepared to accept these endings in


life’s journey and begin anew.

X: Wheel of Fortune:

XiV. Temperance:

represent a need for organization as well as an

This card deals with fate, fortune, and luck. It

Demonstrates the importance of moderation

assumption that one has both power and con-

is a positive card that can mean good fortune

and toleration. If this card is dealt after a card

trol over a specific situation.

for the one who draws it as long as a specific

that resonated strongly with the receiver than

iV. The Emperor:

The emperor is a figure of strength and fortitude. He is representative of maleness, both as a father figure and as a political authority. He can


Temperance shows that the previous card’s sug-

of the moon nothing is as it really seems. The

gestion should be received or dealt in a mild

receiver must be careful to inspect all things and

manner. The temperance card by itself suggests

relationship closely on his/her journey lest he/

to the receiver that he/she ought to cooperate,

she be betrayed.

compromise, practice patience and tolerate the differences of others. XV. The Devil:

XIX. The Sun:

A polar opposite of The Moon card. In the sunlight all things are as they are and it is not at time

The devil represents man’s attachment to the

for deception and betrayal but rather for lively

material world. A man and a woman are chained

activity, enjoyment and clear perception. The

to a block of stone. The stone represents the

Sun card foretells a promising new day to come

material world. Above it sits the devil. He is

for the receiver. A day when all of the receiver’s

the ruler of all things material, and reminds us

hard work is reaped and is bountiful. This card

that, as humans, we are forever attached to this

may also predict a particular festivity to come,

world. The man and woman are depicted as

perhaps it is a future moment for the receiver

having horns to let us know that on this earth

to shine amongst all his/her loved ones and

we are his creatures; that we all have limitations


and we are all subject to lust and desire. It also represents the things we must get done in order to move on.

XXI. The World:

This card represents the end of a journey and the reaping of the knowledge from that journey. This card can be interpreted to the receiver as the light at the end of the tunnel; whatever path or life complication he/she is engaged in a finite end will be reached and wholeness and an understanding of one’s place in the world will be achieved. The World does not represent the complete end of life but rather the end of one life cycle so that another may begin. It may also be interpreted on a microcosmic scale as a physical journey to come to another geographical location, perhaps a vacation or a visit to a loved one in need.


XX. Judgment: Also known as rods or staves

Can signify the final settling of a matter that has thus far gone unfinished in the receiver’s life. On

Wands are representative of fire. Fire, in most

a larger scale it can symbolize a reckoning of the

esoteric systems, represents ego or willpower.

Many people initially interpret The Tower as an

receiver’s karma. There may soon be an occa-

Wands usually appear when there are issues

ominous card. The truth is that it is no more

sion in which the universe will take into account

concerning identity. Fire can also represent ac-

ominous than any other card. The Tower is a

the receiver’s good and bad deeds, hard work or

tion, as well as the will to act.

XVI. The Tower:

card foretelling that an immediate and dramatic

lack there of, and reward or punish accordingly.

change is going to happen to the receiver. This

This is the evaluation of one’s journey.

Ace of wands:

change that strikes like a lighting flash will be no-

Raw fire, the creation of an identity, the motiva-

ticeable but it may be for the good or the bad

tion to action.

there is no way of telling. Whether the outcome is negative or positive depends on how the receiver reacts to this change. XVII. The Star:

Two of Wands:

A man looking out to the sea with the world in his hand. This card represents power given to man in its most raw form, as well as the will to

Indeed a truly promising card. It represents a

go fourth and be great. It is the firs step in a new

strong meaning of hope and inspiration. The Star

creative process and almost always has to do

can be seen as the receiver’s muse reinvigorat-

with newfound power.

ing his/her life with her pitcher of crystal water, a universal sign of knowledge. Other meanings

Three of Wands:

are personal renewal of life forces, strong op-

A man looking out from the sea to the moun-

timism and joy. The Star can often represent a

tains. This card represents the exploration of a

person of these particular qualities entering the

newfound power. The man is looking to explore

receiver’s life particularly if their question to the

the mountains in an effort to find and explore

cards pertains to seeking romance.

himself and find his true identity.

XVIII. The Moon:

Four of Wands:

An omen that deception may be on the horizon. The old saying about this card is that by the light


a completed task. This card is a well-deserved celebration the full manifestation of power and

will now, given a structured solid form. It is de-

of struggle. It represents the refusal to let go of

themselves. He is often quick to share his point

fined by and understanding of one’s true iden-

one philosophy in hopes of no longer carrying

and is an utter victim of indecision. Though he


a burden.

is prideful he is often willing to look at an idea

Five of Wands:

Page of Wands:

Five men each with their own wands, all in dis-

Represents a charming, excited, and creative

agreement. This card is representative of strife.

character. He is extremely individual. He repre-

The wands, which were once held by one indi-

sents a person that can fuel his or her own fire.

vidual, are now split between many. It is a sign of

Someone who can inspire others while inspiring

disagreement and dissention.


Six of Wands:

Knight of Wands:

A man wearing laurels rides with other men.

This card represents a person with an unpre-

This card is a sign of victory and recognition. The

cards. Pentacles represent earth and the mate-

dictable nature. This character is impulsive and

rial world.

PENTACLES (EARTH) Also known as Coins or Disks

The key thing to remember about the Pentacles cards is that they are related to the receiver’s money and/or possessions. These cards are more wealth and physical related than any other

men who were once in dissention now have a

passionate. He is an extremely self-confidant

leader. This card represents the recognition of

crusader who is willing to risk everything in or-

a success.

der to succeed. At times he can be much to full

Seven of Wands:

from all sides.

Ace of Pentacles:

Signifies the beginning of a prosperous endeavor

of himself. When someone stands on the other

or the aquisition of material goods.

side of his ideals he can be cruel and bigoted.

A man stands on a hill fending off others. This card represents a drive to make a stand. The leader of other men now uses his power to try and change the world; he must now face the masses. It can also be seen as an individual who was once known for something being pushed into the background.

A self-assured adaptable character. She is often She is the initiator for all of her friends and lovers. She is creative, energetic and generally optimistic. She is a competitive person who tends to be prideful, and often vain.

The wands shine down like rays from the sun.

King of Wands:

the people or a person. It represents a message or an action from outside of ourselves.

The juggler or fool depicted is juggling funds this

impatient due to her overabundance of energy.

Eight of Wands:

This card represents the wands as a message to

Two of Pentacles:

Queen of Wands:

This card represents a theatrical character,

too may become the receiver’s future fate or be his/her current state. It may also suggest needing to get a handle on a business or financial situation that is beginning to get out of control. Three of Pentacles:

In this card an artisan’s work is being admired by onlookers. Soon the receiver will be recognized

someone who can easily communicate their

for his/her own business endeavors and be clos-

enthusiasm, especially when it has to do with

er to reaping the rewards related to them.

Nine of Wands:

A bandaged man uses the wand for support. The

Tarot Cards and Astrology

wand representing a philosophy is now a crutch

By Evolve

for this battered soldier. He clutches the wand because it is the source of whatever idea caused

Almost every culture in the world has had some sort of system for using the stars to divine answers about people and society.

his injuries, it is the rational behind his suffering.

So it’s no wonder that astrology was incorporated into the

It is the defense of an idea in order to feel that

tarot decks.

any trials and tribulations faced were not in vain.

The astrological symbol for Venus

Many of the cards have very obvious symbols incoprated into the art. Some appear in the form of planetary glyphs. The em-

Ten of Wands:

A man carries the heavy wands to the city; he

press card, for instance, has the glyph for venus on it. Alternaely, the justice card has a man holding the scales - a sybmol of the zodacal sign Libra.

carries them in front of his face blinding him as

Once quick way to DHV and prove that you are a master tarot

he stumbles forward. The power has become

card reader is to point out the astrological symbols on the cards

a great burden. He lets the power blind him as

as you read them. With a little research this techniuqe could

he pushes himself too hard. This card is a sign

make your tarot reading more powerful than ever before.

Venus as it appears in the Empress card from the riderwaite deck.

The Empress is representative of the planet venus from astrology. Both the planet and the card signify love, relationships, and beauty.


Four of Pentacles:

This card expresses a strong financial foundation rightly earned, symbolized by the man’s solid stance and firm grip upon the pentacles. It can also portend a warning to be wary of monetary attachment. Do not let it rule in the face of all other life endeavors. Five of Pentacles:

Describes a position of poverty due to neglect. The stained glass window with shining pentacles

profession and the rewards that will follow. The

ing one’s self firmly in the throne of financial

only caveat to the receiver form this card is not


to remain overly focused on one task so that he/ she misses other opportunities.


Nine of Pentacles:

The swords represent the mind. They are associ-

The woman in the card is dressed opulently and has a serene sense about her. This card shows that self-sufficiency and financial independence

This new prosperity could come in many diverse

Ten of Pentacles:

This card represents, raw intelligence, justice, and logic. It is pure air and therefore, raw mental energy.

can portend a large purchase such as a house or automobile. Page of Pentacles:

forms: a promotion, a raise, inheritance or lotto winning are just a few of the many possibilities.

all things on an intellectual level. Ace of Swords:

This card is a representation of great wealth and

Indicates a new wealth coming to the receiver.

intelligence and communication. They represent

will be eventually achieved.

is a sign of hope in the future if it is embraced. Six of Pentacles:

ated with the air element, which corresponds to

Two of Swords:

A woman sits blind folded with swords crossed against her chest. This card represents peace

The page can be seen as an image for the receiv-

and balance. Arms crossed at the heart and

er who is entering into or ahs recently entered

eyes blindfolded she sits alone blocking off all

into a new financial or business endeavor, pro-

outside stimuli both physical and emotional. She

fessional career or new job. The page displays

awaits coming change.

the hope and optimism of this new journey and looks forward to the rewards, represented by the pentacle in his hand, that might be received. Knight of Pentacles:

A step above the page in a business or financial endeavor. The Knight represents a growing in

Three of Swords:

Three swords driven through a heart. It represents the heavy truth. It can represent the heartbreak that can occur when the honest truth is revealed. Four of Swords:

one’s business position (perhaps even a promotion), showing that the receiver will begin upon

The tomb of a knight or saint. This card repre-

the road to mastery of his/her trade or begin to

sents the manifestation of intelligence in the ma-

understand more clearly the benefits and nega-

terial world, the creation of dogma and author-

tives of investments and other financial endeav-

ity in the intellectual realm.

ors. Queen of Pentacles:

Seven of Pentacles:

Reflects the end of a hard labor that will eventually reap many profitable rewards. The farmer in the card is contemplating his many labors and

Five of Swords:

A man gathers the swords of his defeated friends.

Shows a further blossoming in the receiver’s

This card can represent open betrayal and dis-

business/financial life. The receiver has already

honest defeat. The defeat may also be due to

or will begin to realize how to get more from

lack of action or a tendency toward pacifism.

his/her career or investments. The benefits will become bountiful and the receiver’s life will be well managed.

Six of Swords:

The card depicts a child with a pilgrim or missionary being brought to a new land. The boat

the harvest he will soon realize.

King of Pentacles:

Eight of Pentacles:

Represents the ultimate in financial and career

the missionary brings with him to the new land.

mastery. The King of Pentacles is a symbol of

This card is representative of the movement of

having conquered the material world and seat-

thought, a change in ideas that is brought from

Shows a gaining of great experience at one’s


has in it six swords representing the ideas that

one place to another. It represents a new frame

and emotion is no longer valid. This card repre-

of mind.

sents a complete loss of feeling due to do pro-

Seven of Swords:

cedure and routine. A change needs to be made in order to preserve the mind. It can represent

A man runs away from a military camp with

depression, regret and worry, as well as an in-

swords in his hands several are left in the back-

ability to forgive yourself and others.

ground. He finds their battle to be futile and runs away to save his own skin. He no longer pays attention to the ideas of others; he has his

Ten of Swords:

A man lies dead, on cracked, dry land with ten

own plans and his own thoughts. He looks back

swords stuck in him, the sea is in the background.

to remember what thoughts he is running from.

This is the logic of madmen. Emotion is no lon-

The Seven of Swords represents the betrayal of

ger part of the system. This man’s mind has been

an idea.

destroyed by lack of feeling. The cracked land

Eight of Swords:

represents this mans lack of water or emotion. This is where the idea has so many variables that

This card depicts a lone woman bound and

it no longer continues to make sense. The idea

blindfolded within a prison of swords. This card

dies because it has been thought out too much

represents intelligence blinding us. The woman

and has become convoluted and confusing. This

represents intuition, feeling and emotion; the

card represents the end of an idea or frame of

swords represent intelligence and logical thought.


Dogma and policy binding our hands and blinding us from the truths that emotion may bring. Nine of Swords:

Page of Swords:

This character is known for bringing “the news” no matter how positive or negative the news

Intelligence, reason, and routine have over-

may be. The problems they bring will usually re-

whelmed this man. He cannot sleep and is on

quire logic, and intelligence to solve rather than,

the verge of madness. He is intelligent yet un-

emotion. This character generally materializes

enlightened. Reason has taken control of his life

whatever ideas you may have had about a situation. Knight of Swords:

This character can appear emotionless as he judges the world around him with only logic and reason. He is a diplomatic character, who is intolerant of stupidity and will always be prepared to voice his opinion. Queen of Swords:

his ideas honestly and with clarity. He can be a harsh judge of morale or intellectual matters.

CUPS (WATER) These cards are related to the emotions and feelings of the receiver. Cups are associated with water, which is generally symbolic of the emotion and intuition. Ace of Cups:

As the first card of the suit of Cups it is a representation of the beginning of the opening up of the heart. The receiver will begin to allow new emotion and possibly romance to enter his/her life. Two of Cups:

The queen of swords is a character of truth. Be assured that this character will “tell it like it is” The card shows two individuals exchanging cups revealing the truth even if it’s unwanted. She is representing the beginning of a new friendship witty and perceptive. She can often come off as

or relationship and the exchange of emotion


that occurs in the initial stages of creating this bond.

King of Swords: Three of Cups:

The king of swords is an intelligent, analytical character who is able to absorb and interpret

This card shows the joyous culmination of an

information very quickly. He prefers to explain

emotional undertaking. Perhaps an endeavor


entered into by the receiver and his/her friends will end on a highly positive note followed by a festive gathering as seen on the card Four of Cups:

This card shows an individual detached from the world and the emotions of others. This may represent the receiver or an acquaintance of the receiver. This individual is not willing to accept any more emotional responsibility than he already has acquired.

Ten of Cups:

This is the ultimate reward that the suit of numbered cups offers. The card displays that future


rewards are near at hand for emotional investments the receiver has put forth in family ties and in other relationships. Page of Cups:

The youthful page of this card has a gentle nature and is quite ready to give of his emotions willingly. This card represents a readiness to

Five of Cups:

enter into new emotional bonds. These new

A powerful and ominous looking card that por-

the page is a figure of little experience.

bonds, however, may be entered into naively as trays the recent or potential loss of something or someone dear to the receiver. It is important for the receiver to accept this loss, grieve and continue on with life. Six of Cups:

Knight of Cups:

The noble knight on this card is portrayed as just about to cross over a river. This symbolism foretells that the receiver is about to enter into or is now ready to enter into a relationship of a

This card represents a possible encounter with

romantic nature. The card may also suggest the

an individual that held emotional sway over the

emotional strengthening of a pre-existing rela-

receiver in the past or a strong remembrance of


that individual and emotions. Queen of Cups: Seven of Cups:

This queen is shown looking forth across a sea This card reveals the many choices that need

of water (emotion). She is one who tenderly

to be made in the matters of emotion and the

looks after the emotional well being of others.

heart. The need for such a choice is quickly ap-

This card foretells the need of the receiver to

proaching the receiver of this card.

also do so or allow such a giving person into his/

Eight of Cups:

Represents a spiritual departure from matters of emotion. The man in the card is walking away from his emotional attachments in order to gain clearer insight. This card suggest the receiver do the same if only for a short period of time. Nine of Cups:

her life. King of Cups:

Represents a mastery of emotion. This is displayed by his calm manner as he floats on a body of water, the symbol of emotion and matters of the mind. The king foretells that the receiver will learn to master his/her own emotions just as the receiver will calm an existing uneasy emo-

This well known Tarot card is commonly called the wish card. The wish card is a card of strong affirmation. If a receiver is asking a pure yes or no question and this card turns up, it can be viewed as an emphatic yes. It portrays that all that we dream can be realized especially when dealing with emotional satisfaction.


tional situation.

shuffle THE DECK

Make the shuffle an experience. Start by telling her to close her eyes and think of a personal question that she would like answered. While she’s thinking continue to shuffle. After a minute put the deck down in front of her. Tell her to place her hand on the deck and focus on the question. Now pick up the cards, cut the deck, and quickly shuffle one more time. Choose the card

After shuffling, place the cards in front of her one last time and tell her to choose a card from somewhere in the deck. Move the rest of the deck away and place the cards between the two of you.


Once you’ve placed the card between you and her, ask her, “at first glance what does this card make you feel?” She should begin to tell you her thoughts on this card. Be sure to remember what she says, because you can use what she says later on when you read her. rEAD HER CARD

After she tells you about her first impression of the card it will be your turn to read the card for her. Start by describing the images on the card. For example, if the card looks like an angel raising the dead then say, “It’s an angel raising the dead.” Now combine what she told you about her first impression with some basic metaphors for the card to create a short but intriguing cold read. -Evolve


Gypsy’s Terot Card Reading Layout (Description on page 8)

Figure 1. The four card placement, with the leader card at the top.

Figure 2. The Justice card is revealed as the leader card and sets the theme for the reading.

Figure 3. The Death card is revealed, and the story continues.

Figure 4. The final cards, Teperance and The hanged Man are turned over taking the reading to it’s end point.



Apologia Esoterica Always have a better answer: how to defend a cold reading. By Gypsy article Social Meanings of the Occult, by Danny L. and Lin Jorgensen it is stated that when deciphering life problems people have “many possible paths to addressing recurrent problems, seeking solutions, creating identities, and associating on the basis of common beliefs. While some people are inclined to do this on a casual basis or as a matter of entertainment, other people make it a career or a way of life.” One could easily replace the incense and Tarot cards of a Gypsy with the “It’s all bullshit,” the sarcastic buxom redhead quipped as she called me out on reading her Tarot cards. “I wrote a paper about this stuff last semester entitled, A History of Fortune Telling and the Sociological Effects on the Masses.”

unraveling their analytical minds buried deep in

leather couch and dream journal of a psycho-

the history of the esoteric arts.

therapist, both inducing similar effects. In good fortune telling there is no actual reading of the

All esoteric arts across cultures, languages, reli-

future. The real art is in drawing out someone’s

gions, and times have the common denominator

questions and the inherent anxieties and answers

that they serve as devices for psychological in-

that are attached to those questions in the mind.

“Wow, that’s amazing,” I stated, knowing my nor-

vestigation. The modern field of psychology was

mal routine stack wouldn’t work on this one. She

born in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt founded

wasn’t going to start telling me her dreams and

the first laboratory dedicated to psychological

demons just because I cold-read her Tarot for-

research at Leipzig University. Prior to this, out-

tune. She was a tougher nut to crack, an intellec-

side of religion and philosophy, humanity was

tual, like me. And strangely I was more attracted

on its own to seek answers to the anxieties that

to her because of it.

plagued daily life and for council on the weighty

Based on these philosophies I’ve never thought of the esoteric arts as ways to predict an individual’s future. What I do view them as is a quick way to get to the mental meat of someone you just encountered. Normally, people aren’t apt to dissect their fears, desires, and secrets with a ran-

decisions that must be made.

dom person they meet at a bar. This means that

ot to get their phone numbers?” She was drilling

The esoteric arts evolved to fill this void encom-

tions volleys, sometimes dragged out over weeks,

into me again, probing for cracks in the founda-

passing diverse types, from the cliché crystallo-

occurs before you really get to know someone.

tion of my game. But, all the while she was do-

mancy, seeing the future in a crystal ball, to the

It’s almost improper by our social morays to ap-

ing it with a slight devious smile. My calibration

involved Zi Wei Dou Shu, the combined art of

proach a woman and say, “Tell me what you want

said she was interested, or else she would’ve just

reading Chinese astrology along with constella-

the most from life.”

walked away, instead of verbally fencing.

tions to determine one’s fate path. The point was

“Is this what you do? Go around reading girls’ Tar-

that for most people distraught about the pres“No, it’s more than that. Allow me to explain.” I’d been here before with my back pushed against a wall by analytical women that just didn’t completely swallow my “Gypsy” routine. They had

ent, worrisome about the future, or concerned about the past these methods brought them peace so that they could lead fulfilling lives. The esoteric device in every varying art is re-

generally speaking a routine of boring conversa-

But, if you approach with a Tarot deck and tell her to “Ask the cards a question that is dear to your life” then that’s a different story. Suddenly you have broken down a barrier between two people immediately sharing their real selves with one another. The next time you find yourself be-

deeper questions and they knew that the an-

placeable. It is required only as a root designed

ing busted on a cold read by and intelligent skep-

swers weren’t in my cards or their palms. But

to draw individuals out of their mind to reveal to

tic feel free to paraphrase my thoughts here. This

what they never knew is that I had the key to

the fortune teller their problems. In the scholarly

intellectual diatribe is a DHV in itself.


It’s okay, I expected that from a Libra.