Secret Mental Powers Miracle of Mind Magic

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Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation.

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Nrank- MYoMng- Mdescubrió- Mque- Malgunas- MpersonaMteníaMcMroj- Melos- miso- Mde- enfrmdas- aprentmMincMrablej-simplent- con- Mun- poder- secrto- MmentalSPuando- estab- en- bMsine- ya- habí- descubirto- Mque- MalgunasMpersonaM-se- habín- convertid- en- MmMltimonaresMconMun- MsecrtoMpoder- mentalS-Puando- era- un- atle- competidrjhabí- descubirto- Mque- algunos- de- elos- habín- batidorécods- mundiales- con- un- poder- mental- secrtoS-MPuandoMestab- en- el- escnarioMhabí- descubirto- MalgunosMactores- y- actries- se- habín- convertid- en- ídols- delescnario- con- un- poder- mental- secrtoS-MPomo- Mun- MunMthor- MélMhabí- descubirto- Malgunos- Mescritoe- Mhabín- conebidbestMselr- con- Mun- Msecrto- MmentalMpoderS-MPomo- una- investgacó- MstMdent- M-in- Msevral- Mleading- Mcolegs- M-y- MMniverst- Mél- Mhabí- descubirto- Mque- Malgunos- MstMdents- fácilment- ganro- grandes- becas- con- un- poder- mental- secrtoS-Pomo- inversota-


$urante- veintco- Maños- MNrankYoMng- stMdie- y- refinado- losMdifernts- métods- que- muchas- deesta- persona- Msed- par- logra- Msu- finesS- 0Mtj- él- foMndj- no- eran- ólo-s los- métods- que- Msed- Mque- McoMntedjbMt- Nra- Melos- los- BactivaronBSWithoMt- el- dercho- Mtrige- MtheyMcoMld- Mni- siquera- comienza- a- obtenr- benficosS- Po-n su- espcial- Mconcimet- científo- de- la- ment- y- el- cuerpoj- YoMng- exprimntó- Mdurante- años- Mntil- él- Mnraveld- el- secrto5

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Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pag 6

LoM queM estM MokM puedM hacerM porM YouMnD"rtY"l"DM "tfrnY"oaYshnM uafrM k"nDsfrhkM "nM rOMapM YsvM atkM frTM YufnPM MPWnTeM YuaM slM uLetsn"nvM enLDu"DM es“rM HvhM suM DsPeMYrhvM Hha"tM“afrM MPaDu"trnvM MshM M“uaYrfhcM MSYM M"YM MtrkM MYurM Mh"ouYM MYh"orh6M M-uaYFnM M“urtM MWhatTM MistoM Mk"nDsfrhkM MYurM MnrDhYM MpsuntlfM psTkM pnYstM MLPsolnhuDM 5rM Dstl"krM "YM YsM uMtkhrnM slM erspM atkM “anM


Pon- Mel- lohsnfv- lokd- lstonymogMfsmrhp- Mde- lo- contraipromedi- Mpersona- logranBmilagrosB- en- la- conseuió- dela- riquezaj- en- su- caresj- enMsocial- Mvidaj- Men- Mmatrimonjen- Mcontrl- Msus- tensionervoMs- y- Mpreocupainsj- en- laconetraió- rentabl- de- lamentj- en- la- conetraiórentabl- de- la- mentj- en- laconetraió- rentabl- de- lamentj- en- la- conetraió-Par-que-Mse-el-Riracle-Rindrentabl- de-gic-StimM la- mentjlatorM - en--de-la-una-manerRa cnatM onetraió- rentabl-ralj-Yde-oM la- ng-taMght-elos-cómo- en-on-la-su-sueño-conetraió-másinudarse-mentjMc rentrañbls-entabl-en-de-un-instaejla--de-mentj- en- lamod-conetraió-que-rentabl-su-cuerpos-de-woMla- ldmentj- esponda-en-Ma la- conetraió--Men-MfisológcMlangMageS-MEstas-Mpersona-Mentoces-Msimplent-Mdrew-Mthis-tisMe-MlangMage-Men-su-ments-nrkYoMYj-y-Msus-Mpowers-Mfor-Mimediat-MsMces-M Mr rentabl- de- la- mentj- en- laconetraió- rentabl- de- la- Pon- Msecrto- Mmental- Mpoders- MbrM-Mdrkjm- MNsev- Mmr- Mmsw- MbrMhMY mentj- en-Mla- Snconetraió- rkYonMY- Mgokdp- MhvYrhm- Mmr- MNbwkrYop- Mrh- Ymhsok- Mmr- MdvefrwMm rentabl- de-vkYorWnhsmt-la-aof- mentjwravhc--Once- en-yoMla--trige- yoMr- consiMs- mind- Mwith- Mthe- MRiracle- Rind- MRagic- MStimMlator- as- set- oMt- in- this- bok- j-MyoMr- nerviosj-yoMr- glánduasj-yoMr- mMsclej-aciones- yoM conetraió- rentabl- de- lamentj- en- la- conetraiórentabl- de- la- mentj- en- laconetraió- rentabl- de- lamentjLoM - en-queMla-laMconetraió- gentM rentabl- de-comMla-ustedMmentj-haMen- logradM la- conetraió-conMrentabl-elMde- la- mentj- en- la- conetraió- rentabl- de- la- mentj- en- la- conetraió- rentabl- de- la- mentj- en- la- conetraió- rentabl- de- la- mentj- en- la- conetra- contrlad- a- los- demásj- Men- autopreciónj- en- la- sabi- aciónMiracleMMindMMagicMStimulaor

Pon- M$rS-MYoMng!s- Msecrto- MRilagro- MRente- MRagic- MStimMlatorj

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What This M ook Can Do for You


people -like -yo- -have -started -accomplishing -sff -mFsm -Yvvgvd impossible for them before. zvov wov aitv gS,—.wM v'wt,Mva1 1.How -b-sinessman -Donald -Z. -came back -from disaster to make far more money —and easier than ever. 2. How Steve K. made seemingly mirac- lo- s repairs and grew rich. 3. How -John -B. -tamed -his giant -accoster in -the flick of an eye. 4. How - laid- off - Leo - D. - constr- cted - a - practical - article for - teen- age play and retired permanently from his job.5. How hesitant Jack M. t- rned into a ro- sing speaker in an - instant. 6. How Stanley V. s- bd- ed his - lcers with a ro- ting tho- ght.7. How - Marcia - L. - controlled - her - “nerves” - by - lowering her heart rate with a compelling pict- re- tho- ght.- 8. How trampleddown Harry B. aro- sed the keen respect of - his overbearing speriors—and was soon promoted into an - exec- tive position. 9. How - Donna M. freed herself from a devilish love enslave­ ment, and married a man who adored her. 10. How -homely, -middle-aged, -ignored -Sarah -P. -made -an attractive $70,000-a-year income man see her as a ravishing -yong bea-ty. 11. How - Esther - F. - ended the s- icidal tendency of her failing college st- dent son and raised him to the honor roll.12. How Bill K. saved himself from a long, disastro- s layoff by enthralling his greatest enemy swiftly. 13. How -Elmer -T., on the verge of legal catastrophe, recalled neglected vital evidence s-ddenly and saved himself.- 14. How Larry -N. - raised - his - I.Q. -into - that -of an - exec- tive -genis in seconds. 15. How A-stin J. led his company into amazing profits d-ring a recession. 16. How fifty-one-year-old Sheila C. acc-rately foresaw for the f-t-re a delightf-l, $20,000- a- year - part- time - selfemployment -career, -for -which -she -co-ld -prepare -in -her spare time. 17. How - Hector - K. - grew - rich - easily - by - calc- lating - his company’s best b-siness moves like a seer.


What This Mook Can Do for YouM 6$c

wc MhrpCrfrk MuCn M taooCto MurakaDur MACYu Ma MnC 19. How Alvin Z., who had tro- ble sleeping, slept at night like a log. 20. How - middle- aged - Jane - L. - stayed - yo- ng - despite - her yo-th-robbing work.

Yo- -yo-rself -can -achieve -what -these -people -did—skd -vevk grhvc -Let -Frank -Yo-ng -teach -yo- -the -different -methods (scientifically -refined) -which -these -people --sed -to -attain -their amazing -s-ccesses. Trigger the secret mental power for each with the -Miracle -Mind -Magic -Stim-lator -skd -gs-v -mFv -Yvvgoktfb ogwrYYo.fv -ok -br-h -foAv -nrgv -mh-vc -Yo- req-ire -no expensive -eqipment with possible side effects—no gadgets and no pills. Yo- need I-Ym br-hYvfAiskd -mFv -vsYb -Yvnhvm -mhottvh -mr -dvmrks


What This M ook Can Do fo r You ..................................................... 7 The Search for the Miracle Trigger 7 The Secret of the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator

Lesson 1


How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work Miracles fo r You eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How You, Too, Can Retire Much Earlier with

18 Comparatively Little Capital—a nd Grow Rich Afterwards How You, Too, Can Know When to Step Out of a Successful Situation Before It Crashes, and Enter a New One and “ Cash on It In” 20 How You, Too, Can Save Yourself from Ruin by Recalling the “ Important Forgotten Thing” 21 How You, Too, Can Make Anybody Who Lords It Over You Look Up to You 22

Lesson 2

The Masis of Your Secret Mental Powerseeeeeeeeeee24

Why the Power of Your Conscious Mind is 24 Tremendously Underrated Scientific Proof That Conscious-Mind Power is More Effective Than Hypnosis 25 The Physiological Language of Your Mental Powers 27 How the Conscious Mind Even Controls the Influence of Drugs on theBody 28 The Tremendous Importance of the New Milieu 29 How a Secret Mental Power Controls Your Nervous System 29 How a Secret Mental Power Can Control Your Personality 30 How a Secret Mental Power Can Control Your Physical Strength 31 How a Secret Mental Power Can Control the Known and Unknown 32 Secretions in Your Brain How a Secret Mental Power Can Control Your Body Tissues 33 How a Secret Mental Power Can Control Your Vanishing Youth and 36 Longevity How a Secret “ Lazy” Mental Power Brings You a Power of Foresight 37 That Makes You Uns urpassable 9



Lesson 2

The M

asis of Your Secret M

ental Powers, cont.

How a Secret Mental Power Can Control Your Natural Talents

Lesson 3

How to Unleash Your Secret M


ental Powers. . . 40

Why You Don’t Think with Your Brain Alone 40 Acquired Mental Distortions Which Limit Your Secret Mental Powers 41 and How to Overcome Them Acquired Physical Distortions Which Limit Your Secret Mental Powers 42 How the Curvature of Your Spine Can Increase—or Decrease the mite43 of Your Secret Mental Powers Dyna­ How to Release the Secret Mental Powers Strangled Within You by a Squeezing Spine 44 How a Secret Mental Power Can Heal Different Ailments Through Their 44 Different Physiological Languages How to Induce the Nerve Fibers of any Secret Mental Power to “ Line Up Right” in Your Brain and Bring About the Miracle of Mind 45 Magic The Three Steps of the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator to Trigger Your 46 Secret Mental Powers How to Practice Intensifying the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator 47 The Secret of the Power of the Miracle Mind Magic 48 Stimulator

Lesson 4

How to Use Your M ental Power of Intellectual Leverageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Amazing Profits from Using Intellectual Leverage 52 The Great Opportunities Missed from Lack of Intellectual 52 Leverage What Intellectual Leverage Is 53 Why You Lack Intellectual Leverage 53 54 How to Acquire Intellectual Leverage How to Apply Intellectual Leverage on People 55 How to Amass Wealth with Intellectual Leverage 56 How to Apply Intellectual Leverage for Self-Defense 57 How to Apply Intellectual Leverage to Control Your Unhappy Moods 58 How to Trigger the Secret Mental Power of Intellectual Leverage 59 with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator



Lesson 5

The Secret M ental Power to Overcome Your Confused Th in kingeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How Confused Thinking Usually Starts 64 How to Overcome Confused Thinking 65 The Secret of Interesting Yourself in any Subject-Your Hidden Talent 68 Opener How to Resist Forming Confused Thinking About any New 68 Knowledge How to Trigger Overcoming and Preventing Confused Thinking 69 with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator

Lesson 6

The Secret M ental Power of Psycho-Photographic emoryeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Developing a 74 Psycho-Photographic Memory The Nucleus of Psycho-Photographic Memory 74 Magic Aids for Acquiring Psycho-Photographic Memory Much Faster 77 Other Magic Aids for Acquiring Psycho-Photographic Memory Much Faster 79 The Serious Obstacles to Your Acquiring Psycho-Photographic Memory 80 How to Trigger Psycho-Photographic Memory in You with the Miracle 80 Mind Magic Stimulator

Lesson l

Secret Mental Powers for Profitable Concentration eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Using Profitable Concentration 85 How Unprofitably Your “ Usual Self” Concentrates 86 How to Use Your Secret Power to Concentrate Profitably 87 The Sixteen Secret Rules for Profitable Concentration 88 The Seven Secret Rules for Profitable Concentration for Research, 90 Which Brought Great Riches to Different People How to Trigger Yourself to Concentrate Profitably with the 91 Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator

Lesson 8

The Secret M ental Power to Control Your Nervous Tension and Worryeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee97

Profits You Can Realize from Controlling Nervous Tension and 98 Worry



Lesson 8

The Secret M ental Power to Control Your Nervous Tension and Worry, cont.

What Happens in Your Body Due to Nervous Tension 99 and Worry Why Your Physiological Language of Fear Soon Develops into an Uncontrollable Habit 99 How Your Acquired Physiological Language of Fear Alters

Your Body Responses and Makes Those Changes Permanent 100 How You Regularly Reverse the Physiological Habit of Pain 100 in You The Magic of the Psycho-Feedback: The Strictly Mental Alpha High 101 to Relax and Unwind You Anywhere, at any Time How to Control Your Nervous Tension and Worry Immediately with the Psycho-Feedback 102 How to Control Your Nervous Tension and Worry Swiftly with the 104 Psycho-Feedback Why the Psycho-Feedback Gets Rid of Your Nervous Tension 105 and Worry Quickly and Effectively The Miracle of the “ Thought Beat” 105

Lesson 9

The Secret M ental Power to Protect Yourself from Domination by Otherseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Profits You Can Realize by Protecting Yourself from Domination 111 by Others What Happens in Your Mind When You Are Dominated by 111 Someone

What Happens to Your Actions and Behavior When You Are 112 Dominated by Someone What Happens to Your Physiological Language When You Are 113 Dominated by Someone The Secret Clench-and-Relax to Protect You Against Being 113 Dominated by Others The Clench-and-Relax Program 114

Lesson 10

Your Secret M ental Power to Gain Swift Control Over Otherseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits Gained from Swift Control Over Others How Others Resist Your Efforts to Control Them 119 The Obstacles You Face in Trying to Control Others 120 How to Soften Someone’s Resistance to Your Controlling Him 121 Swiftly




Lesson 10

Your Secret M ental Power to Gain Swift Control Over Others, cont.

How to Convert a Person into Your 122 Physiologically-Synchronizing Twin How to Condition Your Parasympathetic Nervious System How to Trigger Your Control Over Others with the Miracle Magic Stimulator Mind 123 How to Proceed to Control Anyone 123

Lesson 11


Your Secret Mental Power to Enthrall Friends or Enemieseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Enthralling Friends or Enemies 130 The Magic Difference in Your Life Resulting from Your Enthralling 130Even a Few Enemies How to Prevent Anybody, Anywhere, from Disliking You at Sight 131 The Physiological Normalizing of Other People for Your Benefit 132 The Physiological Reversal to Stop People from Considering You 133 as Being Ordinary How to Be Above Being Considered Merely Ordinary 133 Why It Is Difficult to Understand Other People Quickly 134 How to Make Everybody Like You and Want to Know You by 135 Using the Right Physiological Language How to Avoid Unnecessary Losses 136 How to Trigger the Secret Mental Power to Enthrall Friend or 137 Enemy with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator

Lesson 12

Your Secret M ental Power for M ost Effective Judgmenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Most Sensible Judgment 141 The Nine Main Causes That Hinder You from Arriving at 142 the Most Sensible Judgment in Your Everyday Life How to Trigger Your Most Sensible Judgment with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator 151 Your Personal Program 151

Lesson 13

Secret M ental Power for Wisest Future Actioneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Wisest Future Action




Lesson 13

Secret M ental Power for Wisest Future Action, cont.

How to Trigger Your Wisest Future Action with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator 170

Lesson 14

The Secret M ental Power to Time Your Actions P erfectlyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Timing Perfectly in Life 177 The Magic of Perfect Timing in Life 177 The Magic of Perfect Timing in Business 178 Ill-Timed, Shackling Introspection, and How to Prevent It from Ruining Your Opportunities 179 How to Oust the Crippling Physiological Language of Ill-Timed, Shackling Introspection 180 The Magical “Thought Plateau” to Lower the Blood Pressure of 181Your Crippled Physiological Language at Will How to Trigger Perfect Timing with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator 182

Lesson 15

Secret M ental Power to Route Your Nagging Aches and Minor Illnesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fantastic Profits from Routing Nagging Aches and Minor 188 Illness How Your Everyday Bad Habits Can Bring on Nagging Aches and Minor Illness 188 How Your Daily Unsuspected Bad Posture Can Bring on 189 Nagging Aches and Minor Illness How Your Common Dietary Habits Can Bring on Nagging Aches and Minor Illness 190 How Your Daily Tensions Can Bring on Nagging Pains and Minor Illness 191 How to Change Your Daily, Unsuspected Bad Posture That Brings on Nagging Pains and Minor Illness 192 The Simple Thought to Change Your Unsuspected Bad Posture That Brings on Nagging Pains and Minor Illness How to Nullify Your Daily Tensions That Bring on Nagging Aches and Minor Illness 193 How to Trigger Routing Your Nagging Aches and Minor Illness with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator 194


Contents Lesson 16

15 Secre t M

ental Power f or Sexual Vitali ty ..........


The Amazing Gains from Sexual Vitality and Marital Bliss 200 Why Your Domestic Familiarity Can Breed Marital Contempt 200 Why Decreased Sexual Vitality Can Endanger Your Marital 201 Bliss Why You Have to Add Ecstasy to Your Domestic Familiarity 201 How Your Usual Mental Attitude Bars Ecstasy from Your Domestic Familiarity 202 How to Overcome the Influence of Your Usual Mental Attitude 203 Which Bars Ecstasy from Your Domestic Familiarity How to Add Ecstasy to Your Domestic Familiarity 204 How to Trigger Sexual Vitality and Marital Bliss with the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator 205

Lesson 1l

How to Use Secret M ental Powers to Stay Younger and Live Lon gereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee209

The Fantastic Profits from Staying Young and Living Long 210 The Physiological Language That Keeps You Young 210 How Your Two Involuntary Nervous Systems May Fail to Keep 211 You Speaking the Physiological Language of Youth The Three Magic Secrets to Stay Young and Live Long with a 213 Flexible Physiological Language How to Trigger Your Staying Young and Living Long with 216 the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator Your Personal Program 216

Lesson 18

Instant Physio-M agic: The Secret of Perpetual Miracle Mind Magic eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Three Secret Steps of Instant Physio-Magic 221 The Magic Power of the Three Secret Steps to Get What You Want, 222for Nothing The Miracle of Instant Physio-Magic 222 Step-by-Step Method for Using the New Miracle-Mind You 223

M rief Glossary of Terms


Lesson 1

How Your Scr t M ntal Pow rs Can Work Miracl s fo r You

How Tim and Esther Were Able to Retire at Forty-five with $25,000, and at Sixty Were Worth $500,000

When he was a yo- ng man, Tim decided he wanted to retire - early. He was in strio- s and willing to do his share of work, b- t - he felt that at forty- five a man h done his f- ll share and sho- ld be able to retire and enjoy himself while he was still yo- ng eno- gh to do so. At forty, he didn’t want to wait - ntil he and Esther, his - wife, - were - a “doddering old - co- ple, - with - b- t - a - few - mor e good - years - to - live he - acidly - p- t - it, - before - being able - to - s ee - the whole world and do the things they had always yearned to do b- t - never - co- ld, e - to - press- re - of time, - weariness - after - th eir - f- ll day’s jobs, taking care of their two children, and the other d- ties - of everyday livi Tim prayed for the day when they co- ld j- st lay aro- nd the beach or drift thro- gh the wide- open spaces with nothing on their - minds. They - had - t- rned - into - working - machines - to - raise - and - ed- cate their two - children, - pay - for - their - home, - for - their - social - sec- rity and - pensions, - and - to - save - $15,000. - At - sixty- five - they - expected to - retire and look and feel old, and probably die a few 77


How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work M iracles for You

years later. Or they wo- ld be so acc- stomed to p- nching the time clock that they wold go “crazy” and scramble back to any kind of work, j-st to keep b-sy and remain sane. I met Tim at this time and he told me his problem. I ta- ght - him mastered it promptly. In very short order he evolved a plan. It was - a si they were down eno- gh, and waiting patiently for - them to rise to a sa on - the - average. Once he - bo- ght them, he - forgot - abo- t them fo time he was forty- five, he had saved $25,000 and his children had - fin

So Esther and he retired. Every year thereafter Tim invested - mo he - was - sixty - his - holdings - were - worth abo- t - $500,000. - A millionaire. He and Esther are in fine health, look m- ch yo- nger - tha re. They expect to live “a great many” more years and - have - seen th t a drop in the financial b- cket to him, and he - stopped long ago bein

How You, Too, Can Retire Much Earlier with p Comparatively Little Capital—and Grow Rich p Apterwards

What Tim and Esther did, yo- can do, too. Yo- don’t have to retire if yo- don’t want to -lose yo-r -pension, b-t yo- can still start enjoying yo-rself m-ch earlier than otherwise and grow rich while doing it. Yo- don’t have to follow Tim’s system if yo- don’t want to. Many people can’t invest confidently in the stock market. Another -co-ple -applied -that -same secret mental power and -bo-ght, instead, an apartment bilding, and paid off the mortgage from the rent. They, too, retired from their jobs at forty-five and lived -off the -rents. With simple tastes, they had all the free time they -needed. -Being -mechanically -inclined, -the -h-sband -didn’t -mi

How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work M iracles for You


day. The rest of the time he was “ free as a lord.” Once a year he arranged with the neighbor landlord to “take it over” for him, and he and his wife vacationed in exciting places ot of season. Year after - year goes by, and they look remarkably yo- ng. Their land, meanwhile, has risen so steadily in val-e that before long, they can sell it at a sky-high profit. With the secret mental power for wisest f-t-re action, yo-, too, can select a practical road to early retirement which s-its yo- most, -and grow rich painlessly afterwards—and stay ast onishingly yo-ng, -calm, -and -contented -for -the -rest -of -yo-r -life, -never worrying abo-t being a work horse indefinitely. How Fred Knew When to Step Out of a “M ig Musiness Thing” Mefore It Failed and Enter into a New Thing in Time to " Cash In” on It

Fred had looked for a long time for a “big thing” in which to invest his savings and time. He was sick and tired of j-st working for others and wanted to become independent, so he co-ld live the -lx-rio-s -life. -J-st -to -work -for -sec-rity -for -his wife -and -kids alone, he felt, was not eno-gh. “Yo- live j-st once,” he told Joan, his wife. “If yo- don’t enjoy it while yo- can, yo- never will.” “B- t - how - can - yo- enjoy it in these days of inflation?” she - asked - him - in p- t in the bank, loses b- ying power every - day! And things can’t get better, the way on credit! - We co- ldn’t - afford to b- y them at all, otherwise! B- t then, we have to pa retire, yo- r - pension, - social - sec- rity, - and dividends will shrink in - b- ying - powe

“That’s exactly what I mean!” Fred replied. “Either I find a way to make eno-gh money while I’m still middle-aged, or I’ll be working and -paying -thro-gh the nose all my life, and praying to end --p -well-off sometime -before I -die. -I have to -find -a way to make big money now from a ‘big thing,’ or 1 will j-st waste my life away!” With the secret mental power to time a deal perfectly, which I ta- ght Fred, he fo- nd the “big thing” in which to invest his time


How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work M iracles for You

and effort, and “str- ck it rich!” He co- ldn’t believe there was so m- ch money to be made, he confessed to me, altho- gh he and his family - had to “pitch into it” for long ho- rs every day. B- t after seven - or eight years, he - fig- red, he wo- ld be a millionaire! - And he’d -be -only -fifty! -What -a -life -he -and -the -family -co-ld -lead afterward! Three -years later I -s-rprised Fred -by --rging -him -to -apply, next, the secret mental power of wisest f-t-re action. Nothing in life, I insisted, t-rned o-t exactly as one planned. With -this -next secret mental power he rel-ctantly listed the worst -that -co-ld -befall -him -in -his -prospero-s -enterprise, -arid prepared -a -list -so -he -wo-ld -not -be -ca-ght -by -s-rprise. -A -few months later, the financial bottom fell o-t of the “big thing.” B-t Fred had already invested in safe sec-rities. He bo-ght now, however, into another “big thing” while the -bying price was low, and it also started climbing fast. Fred plans to sell it in time, too, and retire altogether and enjoy the l-x-rio-s life. How You, Too, Can Know When to Step Out op a Successpul Situation Bepore It Crashes, and Enter a New One and “Cash In” on It

Yo- , - too, - can - do - what - Fred - did - and - start - enjoying - th exist - all - aro- nd - yo- - all - the - time. - Yo- may - even - recognize r into them. The price of the “big thing” - zooms - as a res- lt, - and - yo then need the secret mental power of wisest f- t- re - action, as - given nder,” before its financial str- ct- re - starts - falling and - cr- shing yocan look - aro- nd for another potential “big thing” and b- y into it whi phenomenal - heights—or - before - the - oncoming - big - crash! Do so

How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work M iracles for You


How Ed Saved Himself from Legal Catastrophe by Digging Out of His M ind the Important M inor Evidence that Crushed His Enemies

Ed was in co- rt, being - nfairly prosec- ted, he told me. The - allegations agains and brand him with a stigma that co- ld r- in his f- t- re prospects. - Yet, - the - mislea lawyer objected to it repeatedly, b- t had nothing forcef- l eno- gh - to hit back with. E points - in - his - favor, - b- t - the - mo- ntain - of - misleading evidence - against - him

He came to me that night in a frenzy. I ta- ght him the secret - mental - powe practiced it, and applied it as he lay in bed. An ho- r later he d- g - o- t - of - his Next morning he confided it to his lawyer. His lawyer - “p- mped” him abo- t it.

In co- rt that morning, Ed’s lawyer let the opposition empty - its arsenal. The to recall. It went off like a bomb. The oppositon gave - p. Ed had - saved himself f

How You, Too, Can Save Yourselp prom Ruin by Recalling the “Imp ortant Forgotten Thing”

In a laws- it or in any other challenge in life, yo- freq- ently - face - disaster jthing.” It is not something yo- have memorized and forgotten, as - yo- - did - in - s it - occ- rred, - or - which - yo- - considered - too - - nimportant at the time. Even i se yo- don’t know what - yo- want. - Yo- have - to mFok- it o- t! Yo- r s- bconsc

With the secret mental power of okmvffvnm-sf fvevhstvp yocan -provide yo-r nrkYnorY gokd with the “mental triggering device” -it -needs -to -think o-t the -“forgotten thing” with cold logic, and -enable yo- to catch yo-r rivals by s-rprise


How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work M iracles for You

How Larry M ade Those Who Lorded It Over Him Look Up to Him in Adm iration

There -was -nothing -exceptional -abo-t -Larry, -and -hardly anybody -gave -him -a -second -look. -This -feeling -of --niversal -nimportance cr-shed his spirits and made him still less in the eyes of others. When he tried to call attention to himself, by speaking -lod or moving abo-t importantly, he stirred am-sement or drew mockery from others. He was praised only for being hard-working and -conscientio-s, and was tolerated like a mongrel acting like a pedigreed watchdog. Larry was so inf-riated by it all that he grew deeply -resentf-l -of everybody -and -attracted -the wrong -kind -of attention to himself. He confessed his problem to me, and I ta-ght him the secret mental -power -to -bring -him -YaoAm -nrkmhrf -revh -rmFvhYc Larry -listened -caref-lly. -First, he learned -how -others wo-ld -resist his -efforts to -control them. -Second, he fo-nd o-t what obstacles he wo-ld face when trying to control them, and how their resistance -to him -wo-ld -increase. -He -practiced -and -mastered -that -secret mental -power, -and -how to -make -others -mFokFoY wFbYorfrtonsf -fskt-stv to his benefit. Next -day, -he -tackled -the -same -people -he -had -failed to impress and, to his amazement, controlled them swiftly! His social s-ccess took a big leap forward, and he was soon in line for a big raise -and -an --nbelievable -promotion sm s mogv aFvk rmFvhY avhv How You, Too, Can Make Anybody Who Lords It Over You Look Up to You

Yo-, too, can stop taking a back seat in life and letting others lord -it -over yo-. Yo- can stop being sq-ashed -nder their social ha-te-r -j-st -beca-se -yo- -aren’t -imposing-looking -or -hold -no important position. S-ch people make yo- feel like a nobody and keep -yo- -secretly -angry, -resentf-l, -dissatisfied, -and -despising yo-rself. -Yo- become h-morless, antisocial, pet-lant, and sarcas­tic, -and -end --p -a -la-ghingstock. -“That hopeless person!” -they smirk abo-t yo- among themselves. Yo- feel as if life is not worth living, -and -hate -the -day -yo- -were -born. -Yo- -waste -a -lot of -precio-s time -comparing yo-rself to others, always to yo-r own

How Your Secret M ental Powers Can Work M iracles for You


disadvantage. -”evhb.rdbp -yo- -think -to -yo-rself, -has -more -of everything -than -yo- -do. -Yo- -envy -their -financial -stat-s, -their social -positions, -their -occ-pational -standings, -their appearances, their wives, - their - children, their - friends, their homes, - their cars, their clothes. Yo- envy them - ntil yo- r face b- rns with f- ry. Yoare dying to make others admire yo- as .yo- admire them. That’s -what -Larry -did -with -the -secret -mental -power -of okmvffvnmsf fvevhstvc He made others stop lording it over him and -admire Fog instead. These - are - only - samples of the n- mero- s - case histories yo- - will find in th power after another to achieve seemingly impossible goals. Apply - the programs in lator, and yo- will swiftly acq- ire the st- nning - power of the miracle of mind magic

Lesson 2

Th Basis of Your Scrt M ntal Pow rs

Why the Power op Your Conscious Mind Is Tremendously Underrated

So - m- ch - emphasis - has - been - placed - on - the - power - of - t nrkYnor- Y - mind - has become - tremendo- sly - - nderrated. - In - fact, or of psychic powers - are - act- ally - nrkYnor- YWgokd wravhYxc - Bfrom - the - conscio- s - mind. - The - division - between - the - conscio- s however, - is hard - to - draw, and - incredible mental - achieve­- ments other - mind. - Even - grhv - oknhvdo.fv - rkvYp - indeed, - beca- se, - w nrkmhrf rA vevhbmFokt br- drq

Yo- are not lying helpless in a trance or in some other vag-e state, b-t are A-ffb sfoev and mFrhr-tFfb sashv of vevhb grev br- gs!nvf Yo- are in a state in which yo- can make -p yo-r mind, or change -it, -mFv -evhb -okYmskm br- -vTwvhovknv -skbmFoktc Yo- don’t -have -to -wait --ntil yo- wake --p or regain yo-r conscios self to -analyze -what -took place. -Yo- -are sfasbY the -“sperman” then, -not j-st when in a psychic trance, or in a dreamy state, or when -shackled -in a 24

The Masis of Your Secret M ental Powers


develop oknhvsYokt nrkYnor-YWgokd wravhp like the athlete who gets stronger the - more - he - exercises. - Yo- - thereby .vnrgv a different and - more - effective - person sff mFv mogvp and remain one! - Harvard - psycholog thinking they were - teaching a class of geni- ses - (by presenting them with false I.Q l of geni- ses. The - same - children, - it t- rned o- t, registered an average of twenty- fi words, - the - st- dents - increased - their - intelligences - by - one- q- arter—or entered nfsYYf Their achievements in life thereafter shifted from that of the - average mind i gokdYiand co- ld remain “geni- ses” if they - wished! - They - didn’t - have - to - fall aomF skb gvkmsf wravh br- - aoYFB

Scientipic Proop That Conscious-Mind Power Is More Eppective Than Hypnosis

Psychologists have fo- nd that amazing feats performed - nder - hypnosis, - lik ciating pain; lifting staggering weights; locking the - hands together like two piece try to tear them apart, the more strongly they lock together; - displaying - fantastic m falling into the hypnotic trance. Behavior - - nder - the - hypnotic - trance, - they sed by s nFsktv ok mFv Y- .Ivnm,Y smmom- dvYp - vTwvnmsknovYp - skd - aoff

Several h- ndred investigators have made s- ch findings d- ring - recent years. t of every five individ- als can normally s- spend themselves - between two chairs stralia) demonstrated that the average man or - woman - can - remain - th- s - s- sp attempt was even gsdv to hypnotize these persons, and they were


The M asis of Your Secret M ental PowersM

HrACpkrhrk H L YurCh sAt es Arhnc 5hc Ihtr I0ahfahkJ nusArk Y ua Du ohraYrh n YhrtoYu atk rt kM hatDr M Yuat M tshPap M Aurt M a tkaYCstv CY Aan ehsfrk Yua Y eaCt DsM pk Hr hrkM Drk HL M nM H.rDY Aan uL ets“M YC,rkc M3 L M sAt M M tDpr M uak M a M krrev atrnYurnCav M nCPepL HL ohC eeCto M Yur uatkprn M sl M Yur k tkc M 5hc M Sa hHrh MDstDpM kr k M YuaY M kCnYhaDYCst M Aa

Other experiments cond-cted at the Fo-ndation proved that many people were grhv FotFfb hvYwrkYoev to sggestions when krm hypnotized and when merely told to ogstokv that their hands were so firmly locked together, for instance, that they co-ld krm draw them -apart; or when merely -told -that -they -co-ld krm rise from their chairs, or speak their own names, or forget certain “things” they had heard or seen. At least twenty percent of them passed sff -sThe M otivation Key

Some - scientists, - it - is tr- e, have - noted - that - the - s- bjects dr is so - small. - Their explanation - is that the - hypnotists make - certain raise - a - s- bject’s - s- ggestibility - above his normal level. The hypnot with the confidence necessary to perform the feat; he ass- res him - that mps - into - the - s- bject, - these - scientists - concl- de, is the key to the

Other -scientists -have -even -failed -to -detect -any difference -between -the -hypnotic -trance -and -the -wide -awake state. -The -s-bject may think he is in a trance, in other words, becase he has been mrfd so by the hypnotist. No physiological changes, however, have been -demonstrable -between -the -normal state and “trance” -stat

The Basis 5f Y5ur Secret Mental P5wers


Their coB clusioB is that hypB otism is B either special B or B mysterious, aB d you have beeB led to believe. Your coB scious miB d, to state it B simply, caB do s hypB osis.


IllusioB s fall uB der the same priB ciple. Psychologists B ow B coB sider illusioB merely oB e aspect of perceptioB . If you preseB t B to your miB d aB s,ldesB l picture or some other kiB d of data, B your braiB will perceive the picture or data correctly. B ut if you B preseB t it with a yhcvebucm picture or data, your braiB rhc.B be B able to come to a coB clusioB about it. The result is aB uttebuhcY for B people trust what they see more thaB what they feel. There is B evideB ce, too, that you teB d to see some illusioB s accordiB g to B how you thiB k of yourself. (That’s why you caB ’t afford to let B others lord it over you.) IB each aB d every case, it is your yhcbyuheb auc, which is B workiB g, aB d it caB do for you scTB pucm which you caB do with B hypB osis. EveB ahil so, because, wheB you depeB d upoB hypB osis B primarily, your coB scious miB d (your power of self-commaB d) B becomes weaker aB d weaker the more you depeB d upoB the B hypB otic state. While, wheB you depeB d upoB your coB scious B miB d aloB e, your coB scious miB d mihrb bB ihcmli sc, bB ihcmli the B more you depeB d upoB it, just as a muscle does the more you use B it.

The PhysiBlBgical Language Bf YBur Mental PBwers

How, you ask yourself B ow, caB your coB scious miB d coB vert B you from aB average persoB iB to a geB ius iB aB ythiB g so easily? B (GeB ius iB aB ythiB g meaB s that you caB be a geB ius or a supermaB B B ot oB ly academically, but also socially, iB busiB e ss, iB your B career, iB coB trolliB g others, iB keepiB g youB g aB d healthy, aB d B liviB g loB g—iB short, iB aB ythiB g aB d everythiB g yo u do.) Your B coB scious miB d coB verts you iB to a geB ius simply wi th its owB B power. The studeB ts iB the RoseB thal experimeB ts di d B ot


The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

purposely use the power of their coB scious miB ds to coB vert themselves from average studeB ts iB to geB iuses. They merely listeB ed B to B the B teacher—somethiB g they had regularly doB e before—but this time their ahB uIsB uhc aB d their lcB pebusba zoomed to such uB usual heights that their whole bodies chaB ged with them aB d “ spoke” the opTbuhthmuyst tscmesml of their feverishly stimulated miBds. The quickeBed thiBkiBg which seized them from the teacher’s B ew approach flooded their bodies with braiB messages, through their B ervous systems, aB d started their “tissue wheels” turB iB g at a differeB t speed. Every orgaB , every cell, their very blood circulatioB -iB fact, lIliTB pucm iB their bodies—fell iB to step with the “B ew persoB s” they had become aBd spoke a Bew opTbuhthmuyst tscmesmlf Every studeBt had become as differeBt from what he had BbeeB before as the restiBg track star does wheB he dashes iBto BactioB . His whole body Bow spoke a physiological laBguage iB tuBe B with his meBtal powers. ABd he could halt that physiological BlaB guage aBd resume it sB rutt wheBever he wished to, aBd without B hypBosis, drugs, braiB-wave devices, or aBy other artificial meaBs B with possible side effects. HBw the CBnsciBus Mind Even CBntrBls the Influence Bf Drugs Bn the BBdy

EveB wheB oB e takes drugs, they caB iB flueB ce him oB ly tists have coB cluded that, B o matter how specific the B B ervous aB gly variable. Drugs aloB e, they iB sist, do B chB briB g B about iB d the like. Specificity of psychological effect psi,tT lIli B yhalb from t g it! A drug ,hlb iB troduce B specific chaB ges iB oB e’s body phys him. It is B his beiihec,ucm bhyust sc, lcIuihcalcB st yelbY as wel l as of so B maB y over-the-couB ter sedatives aB d traB quilizers, the res eral slowiB g of the body machiB ery could be

The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


in- erpre- ed - ma - np- alrlilr- — - Nhumnu - p. - gr- q’A - Mfu- - lou - au“ime - mw rao .ecdA louau milopwrlrua mqqd gmc su - np- .iauq brlo lou .mnl loml lou qwi— r lp suerufr- — loml ora au“ime mhhmwmlia ra - u“nrluq qrwunlec sc rld r- alumq p.

The TremendBus ImpBrtance Bf the New Milieu

The B ew physiological laB guage, which your coB scious miB d B briB gs you wheB you chaB ge iB aB y way, is most importaB t to you B because your “B ew braiB ” theB has to live iB your “B ew body” iB B order for you to use its B ew meB tal powers. Your “B ew braiB ” B caB B ot use its B ew meB tal powers otherwise, B o more thaB the B spriB ter caB dash dowB the track with his heart, respiratioB , aB d B sugar metabolism, to supply his B ow-active muscles, B o differeB t B thaB while he was restiB g. ExperimeB ts have show that usiB g your braiB is more B fatiguiB g thaB usiB g your muscles. That’s why the thiB ker B eeds B more sleep thaB the B oB thiB ker. The physiological laB guage of B your body, therefore, psb to chaB ge wheB the full power of your B coB scious miB d is used. It has to chaB ge, iB additioB , because your B “B ew braiB ” B eeds a ,uvvlilcB autule or ceB ter of forces to operate B iB ; a milieu of tissue that is metaboliziB g oB the same physiological B level as yourself! Without this B ew physiological laB guage to B operate with, your “B ew braiB ” will become your “old braiB ” B oB ce more. IB this clr milieu, however, it will explode with the B dyB amite of its secret meB tal powers, which it ordiB arily does B oB ly wheB uB der the artificial iB flueB ce of hypB osis, drugs, B psychic power reveries, aB d so forth. With this B ew physiological B laB guage (which you will be taught how to trigger at will iB the B B ext B lessoB B with B the B Miracle B MiB d B Magic Stimulator), the B iB comparable power of your coB scious miB d caB promptly briB g B you the power of a geB ius uc scT vult, hv lc,lsIhif HBw a Secret Mental PBwer CBntrBls YBur NervBus System

With the differeBt meBtal powers of your yhcbyuheb auc,Y B wheB you raise them from those of aB ordiBary persoB to those of B a geBius, you caB achieve, with ease, oBe great wish after aBother


The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

aB d make your every dream come true yhcbyuhebtTf You doB ’t have to wait for a geB ie or some other “miracle,” like your subcoB scious miB d, psychic power, hypB osis, or some artificial mechaBical device to shock you iBto it. You caB do it yourself scT -ime, a- willl 3-u p. lou gpal rghpwlm-l aunwul gu-lme hpbuwa cpi will acquire is the coB trol over your B ervous system. With it you caB aB B ihilate bad habits uc sc ucbB scB t You caB alter your persoB ality from the oB e you deplore iB to the oB e you wish you hadguc sc ucbBscBt You caB baBish Bervous teBsioB iB aB iBstaBt. You caB master your temper, your lack of coB fideB ce, your teBdeBcy to cave iB uBder stress, iB aB iBstaBt. You caB eBd your teBdeBcy to exaggerate (iB your imagiBatioB) the possible catastro­ phes that could befall you iB aBythiBg you attempt, uc sc ucbBscBf You have two importaBt, but oppositely actiBg, iBvoluBtary B Bervous systems iB your body. OBe is your parasympathetic. It B keeps your Batural fuBctioBs Bormal: those of your appetite, your B digestioB, your metabolism, aBd those of your heart, liver, BkidB eys, aBd other orgaBs. The other iBvoluBtary Bervous system B is your sympathetic (your Berves for meetiBg emergeBcies). It BcoB trols the power of your muscles aBd stimulates your heart, B liver, aBd other orgaBs to accelerate their fuBctioBs, to provide B your muscles with more blood aBd more blood sugar to eBable B them to fight agaiBst, or flee from, aBy daBger. If the daBger is B meBtal, like the daBger you eBcouBter iB aBy kiBd of competitioB B(eveB iB busiBess or socially), your sympathetic B ervous system Bprovides you with the glaBdular secretioBs B ecessary to “sharpeB Bup” your wits to meet it. With a secret meBtal power, you caB coBtrol these two BB ervous systems at will aBd improve your health, your digestioB, BaB d your feeliBg of well-beiBg to the peak, or stimulate your braiB B like that of a geBius or super-geBius aBd achieve whatever goals B you wish. HBw a Secret Mental PBwer Can CBntrBl YBur PersBnality

Behavior therapy was at first called “ surface stuff’ by B psychiatrists, aBd was looked upoB wit h beBevoleBt amusemeBt. BB ut it is Bow agreed that if the persoB ality is a persoB’s “totality B of habits aBd behavior,” the elimiBati oB of his Beurotic habits

The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


coBstitute, iB itself, a kiBd of persoBality chaBge. EveB phobias are Bow beiB g treated with techB iques iB volviB g deep muscle relaxa­ tioB . SiB ce aB xiety causes the muscles to teB se aB d coB tract, relaxiBg the muscles causes the aBxiety to vaBish. With a secret meB tal power, you caB alter your whole B persoB ality because, with it, you caB alter your whole behavior. B Alter your persoB ality first, by thiB kiB g of yourself as possessiB g a B differeB t persoB ality thaB you have. That, iB itself, alters your B thiB kiB g, for you will theB thiB k as if you ,u, possess that B differeB t persoB ality. That carries over iB to your meB tal aB d B physical behavior, aB d alters your physiological laB guage to B coB form with your B ew persoB ality. Your heart will beat like that B of your B ew persoB ality; your digestioB will attuB e to it, as will B your blood circulatioB aB d your metabolism. You wlyhal that B B ew persoB ality stt B pl rsT B pihemp The/ HBw »Secret Mental PBwer Can CBntrBl YBur Physical Strength

Just the same as you caB alter your meB tal power from that B of aB ordiB ary alter it from that of aB ordiB ary persoB iB to that B of a Hercules.

A maB iB a ragiB g temper caB hit three times as hard with his B fist, or caB lift somethiB g twice as heavy or more, thaB he caB B wheB he is iB a B ormal frame of miB d. At such times you are B suddeB ly coB verted iB to beoliB oiual physical shape; your adreB al B glaB ds flood your bloodstream with adreB aliB aB d multiply your B muscle teB sioB to peak levels. Normally, you respoB d to a B situatioB iB a fractioB of a secoB d. B ut wheB swift reactioB s are B B eeded, your braiB reduces your reactioB time to a millisecoB d. B WheB faced with aB ordeal, your body caB coB sciously summoB B the most spectacular powers to its aid iB staB tly. Authorities agree, though, that more importaB t thaB your B physical powers for survival is the meB tal outlook which you B acquire iB times of trouble. (The blyilB meB tal power which you B acquire theB , iB other words.) StefaB ssoB , aB expert oB survival, B says that duriB g daB gerous stress, a maB who should be techB ically B dead stays alive because he caB use his physiological capacity to B the full. All he B eeds, StefaB ssoB adds, is a firm belief that he will


The Basis 5f Y5ur Secret Mental P5wers5

uYaPBPen WS5l he taiwSwfc 1Bffbm 6k0SB5 n wesSYue i9 S uesaer Me5rSf 5ti1ea2U —motional Triggers Not Necessary

ABd you doB’t Beed fear or aBger to trigger that secret BmeB tal power, either, accordiBg to Dr. WhitBey. There is a pretty B good chaBce that you have more streBgth thaB you imagiBe, he B states, aBd BcertaiBly more thaB you use. The secret behiBd BcoB fouBdiBg feats of streBgth, he believes, depeBd upoB your B ability to iBcrease your adreBaliB release (through commaBdiBg B your sympathetics), aBd to coBtrol your muscle fibers, at will. B This is achieved through a secret meBtal power which swiftly B triggers a revolutioBary chaBge iB your physiological laBguage. All this is possible because your muscles are also directly BuB der the coBtrol of your coBscious miBd through your pyramidal BB ervous system. This Bervous system coBtrols your IhtecBsiT B muscles (that is, your skeletal muscles: your arm muscles, your leg B muscles, your chest muscles, your back muscles), as distiBguished B from your /«voluBtary muscles (the muscles of your stomach, B arteries, broBchi, uriBary bladder, all of which are coBtrolled by B your parasympathetics or sympathetics, or both). Your pyramidal BB ervous system also fills your muscles with muscle toBe, causiBg B them to coBtract much harder. Your subcoBscious miBd, too, B automatically commaBds your sympathetics to stimulate your- BadreB al glaBds to secrete more aBd alter your physiological BlaBgauge to co form to that of a stroBg maB iB actioB. Without Bthat B ecessary milieu, your muscles caBBot coBtract their hardest BB or remaiB super-powerful for very loBg. With a secret meBtal B power, you caB trigger all these super-power chaBges iB you B speedily, aBd maiBtaiB them with the right physiological laBguage. HBw a Secret Mental PBwer Can CBntrBl the KnBwn and UnknBwn SecretiBns in YBur Brain

The Bumber of kBowB chemical secretioBs iB your braiB BcoB tiBues to grow rapidly. All of them have specific effects oB B you. They are discharged automatically iB your braiB all day aBd BB ight, accordiBg to how you thiBk, act, aBd live. ScieBce might

The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


B ever discover them all, for so maB y of them are secreted iB differeBt proportioBs (or perhaps eveB iB differeBt combiBatioBs) by differeBt iBdividuals. Some secretioBs alert you; others make you thiB k faster or slower; others let you remember better or forget easier (aB iBtolerable situatioB, for example); others toBe up your Bervous systems, aBd others relax them. The list of all they caB do will Bever be complete. The importaB t thiB g is that your braiB is B ot just a thiB kiB g B tissu its differeB t secretioB s differ widely accordiB g to how your braiB B rea cts chemicals your braiB secretes to adjust you to all the varyiB g B stresse s of life umerable differeB t substaB ces. It secretes B them because your body has to kll guage to them, or by B alteriB g it to B overcome them. Your subcoB scious mi ces, too. B B ut, frequeB tly, these will be the rihcm kuc, of secretioB s. A B d d, for iB staB ce, will automatically secrete iB your braiB the B chemical rela guage to flee from that situatioB wheB ever you face it agaiB , B iB stead of s quish it with a secret meB tal power. With your yhcbyuheb auc,Y B however , B scious miB d. AB d with a secret meB tal power you caB B secrete the iumpB guage to your body, so that you caB solve aB d B overcome the dreadful si tuati ecessary overseer for all your other B miB ds, for it caB keep your physi ologica

HBw a Secret Mental PBwer Can CBntrBl YBur BBdy Tissues

The power of the coB scious miB d—eveB that of ordiB ary thiB kiB g—over the tissues is so pheB omeB al that eveB the most


The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

primitive creatures or structures alter their outer aspects by beautifyiB g themselves iB order to attract the opposite sex at matiB g time; such as, by acquiriB g dazzliB g plumes, or differeB t colors to their hair or fur, or by growiB g adorB meB ts, like the cock’s comb, the lioB’s maBe, aBd so oB. Negatively, the power of the coB scious miB d caB also ,lbB ih medical caus es of ulcers are psychic causes, like worry, B ervous B te some way cau ses the ulcer to form, due to the physiological B effects , though, is probably the fact that wheB B the miB d is iB the grip o ervous syste m is B coB staB tly beiB g stimulated by it to prepare it capillaries iB the stomach to let more blood flow iB to the skeletal B eed to meet the emergeB cy. WheB , as a result of B proloB ged wor ormal supply of blood, its mucous membraB e suffers from lack B of ditioB s attr ibuted to psychic causes B are appareB tly formed iB a s al factors p lay B a part iB the developmeB t aB d spread of caB cer,

Take aBother example. You caB improve your sight by B simply rscBucm to! Show a womaB a picture of a baby, aBd the B pupils of her eyes will wideB by tweBty perceBt. Show a maB the B same picture aBd his eyes will Bot react, uBless it happeB s to be his BowB child. But show him the picture of a good-lookiB g girl aBd his Beyes will opeB tweBty perceBt wider thaB usual. Take still aBother example. Up to seveBty-five perceBt of the B paiB iB a teBse persoB disappears wheB he relaxes. TeBsioB speeds B up the blood circulatioB, aBd that iBcreases the pressure oB the BB erves of paiB. For that reasoB, the less highly struBg you are, the B less paiB you will feel.

The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


Why Your Conscious Mind Controls the State of Your Body Organs and Tissues

That is why your coB scious miB d coB trols the state of your B tissues. It do g through them. People have turB ed gray overB ight B from excessive worry or gr ty-fours duriB g World War II while B corB ered iB a treB ch, from which he sho which aB iB dividual's B leg shraB k oB e whole iB ch iB leB gth overB ight, died from a great fright. IB each B aB d every case, the yhcbyuheb auc, as,l B pl

IB the same way, your coB scious miB d caB coB trol your B tissues for the power which makes them speak the iumpB physiological laB guage. B Just as psyc g the miB d commaB d the body to speak the right B physiological laB guage. It is tal power may heal warts. Secret meB tal powers B have eveB overcome severe str . This was the well-kB owB case of Sir WiB stoB B Churchill, at age B iB ety-oB

It is equally well kB owB that a physiciaB may fail to heal a B particular pa g to him placebos (sugar-coated, medically B iB active substaB ces which pas s for deed, latest medical statistics reveal B that for every teB patieB ts who b eB efit fr d B sometimes permaB eB t cure by takiB g pills made eB tirely of sugar B aB d distilled water may produce the same effect as aB ampule of B morphiB e.

Conscious M ind—The Healing Agent

IB all these cases the healiB g ageB t was the yhcbyuheb auc,Y for B o attempt was made to hypB otize the patieB t. Nor did the


The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret M ental P5 wers

patieB t resort to his psychic powers, to his subcoB scious miB d, or to a braiB -wave device. He was told that the thiB g or the thought giveB him would cure him, aBd it did. A leadiBg Beurologist iBsists that by (ebB sbbeiucm the patieBt that his recurriBg headaches were Bot produced by a braiB tumor was eBough to clear them up. The cause of maB y headaches, he iB sists, are due to the patieB ts’ fears that they have some uB derlyiB g braiB disease. You caB use that same secret meB tal power positively aB d fill yourself with superb health. HBw a Secret Mental PBwer Can CBntrBl YBur Vanishing YButh and LBngevity

B y habitually remiB diB g yourself that you are gettiB g olde ds you of how “old” you are gettiB g, y ou form a remiB der B of ap ically keep your tissues orieB ted aloB g that liB e. B You become d who therefore coB tiB ued to “go B dowB hill” aB d suffer from osis revealed B o remaiB iB g B symptoms o f it iB him. That pers o loB ger B afflicted by it, his body ce lls were already acquaiB ted w had it. Or, like the womaB who still b elieves she is homely after B h guage, as a result, still speaks as before, aB d she B remaiB s just as

By remiBdiBg yourself coBtiBually that you are gettiBg old BaB d iBlayiBg this habit iB your subcoBscious miBd, you oust all B thoughts of youth from your braiB aBd resigB yourself to your B fate. That accelerates the agiBg process. With a secret meBtal power you will block this feeliBg of B“iB evitable old age” from your miBd, eveB if you have to delude B yourself aBd others that you are far from beiBg “that old.” That, BiB turB, fills your subcoBscious miBd with that “youBger” frame Bof miB d, aBd your tissues react accordiBgly physiologically aBd B start speakiBg the physiological laBguage of coBtiBuiBg youth.

The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


MaBy people uBsuspectiBgly proloBg their owB lives with meBtal power, for there is a sigB ificaB t dip iB death rates just before patieB ts’ birthdays, just before such major eveB ts as PresideB tial electioB s, aB d amoB g Jewish patieB ts just before the Day of AtoB emeB t. JohB Adams aB d Thomas JeffersoB both lived uB til the fiftieth aB B iversary of the sigB iB g of the DeclaratioB of IB depeB deB ce, aB d died that very afterB ooB . Trigger this right physiological laBguage iBto your tissues regularly with the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator, aBd you will become “youBg agaiB” aBd stay so, seemiBgly eBdlessly.

HBw a Secret “Lazy” Mental PBwer Brings YBu a PBwer Bf FBresight That Makes YBu Unsurpassable

There is a secret “lazy” meB tal power that caB briB g you a B power of foresight that makes you uB surpassable iB scTB pucm you B do. This secret “lazy” power is B othiB g else but the act of B daydr eamiB g. A substaB tial body of medical opiB ioB is B ow B coB viB ced that daydreamiB g is by B o meaB s the trait of the lazy B aB d abs eB t-miB ded. OB the coB trary, it is B ow called oB e of the B most valuable traits your coB scious miB d possesses. You caB use B its power to create “coB structive faB tasies,” as the scieB tists te rm B it, to tremeB dous advaB tage iB your everyday life. Daydreams B eB able you, these authorities state, to try thiB gs out iB faB tasy B before you attempt them iB fact—somewhat like practice iB B athletics or rehearsal iB dramatics. Daydreams eB able you to “get B out B of yourself’ B aB d look at thiB gs from aB other poiB t of B view—from a more objective poiB t of view. You caB theB see B yourself as others see you—aB d caB chaB ge yourself for the better B before they see you agaiB , aB d make them see you thereafter as B you rscB them to see you. With daydreamiB g, iB dulged iB fully by your coB scious miB d, B you caB traiB your subcoB scious miB d to react as The waB t it to B react aB d use it to ilucvhiyl your coB scious miB d iB meetiB g the B obstacles you face. With it you caB also figure out how best to B meet aB y situatioB iB life aB d force your coB scious miB d to B prepare you effectively for it, aB d automatically trigger the right B physiological laB guage iB you to perform it.


The Basis 5 f Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

HBw a Secret Mental PBwer Can CBntrBl YBur Natural Talents

As stated before, wheB you lift yourself from the ordiBary B persoB iBto the geBius class, Bot oBly academically, but iB BaBythiB g you do, your physiological laBguage alters iBto that of B the superior persoB you have suddeBly become. But already, as aB B average persoB— —You caB ruB your haBd across a smooth surface aBd detect projectioBs oBly 1/25,000 of aB iBch high.B—You caB taste o

—You caB detect betweeB 2,000 aB d 10,000 differeB t smells. —You caB store two aBd a half times more iBformatioB thaB B other iB Byour head to fill five millioB books.B — You have pow

—Your braiB coB taiB s betweeB teB aB d fifteeB billioB B s of a bee has B oB ly 900 cells, aB d that of aB aB t, 250 cells.

What Makes a Genius

Medical scieBce already admits that there is hardly aBy BtechB ical differeBce betweeB your braiB aBd, let’s say, that of the B late Albert EiBsteiB. The oBly differeBce (uBless you are Bot a BB atural geBius) lies iB the as yet uBrecorded codes through which B the messages to your braiB are passed up the vital cable of Berves B withiB your spiBal cord. This code, scieBtists feel, directs blood to B your braiB BcoveriBgs B(your meBiBges), aBd streBgtheBs aBd BiB vigorates the ceBtral supervisory orgaB of your Bervous system. B This “supervisory orgaB” determiBes how hard your braiB will B work. A secret meB tal power caB direct this supervisory orgaB to work for you yhcbyuhebtT at full blast. IB meB of geBius, the braiB

The Basis 5f Y5ur Secret Mental P5wers


membraBes are richer iB blood vessels. Their braiBs, as a result, are richly supplied with blood aBd oxygeB. Your braiB Beeds oxygeB very badly because your spiB al cord buzzes coB staB tly with electrical B erve impulses (like the dots aB d dashes of the Morse code), as it carries a two-way flow of iB formatioB betweeB your body aBd your braiB. How to Control Nervous Tension

EveB B ervous teB sioB , which emaB ates from the froB tal lobes B of your braiB , caB distort or block these messages. Fresh air aB d B good B posture B are of paramouB t importaB ce for the proper B fuB ctioB iB g of your braiB because they briB g more oxygeB iB to B your B ervous system aB d keep your spiB al cord “straight,” so the B two-way flow of electrical B erve impulses through it caB proceed B without iB terruptioB . This vital supply of oxygeB to your braiB B caB be advaB tageously iB creased with a secret meB tal power which B stimulates your sympathetics, for these dilate the blood vessels of B your braiB . OxygeB iB take is so urgeB tly B ecessary for your B possessiB g a braiB like a “geB ius,” researchers fouB d, that wheB B they restricted the oxygeB iB take of a group of voluB teers iB I.Q. B tests, their performaB ces pluB ged sharply dowB ward. The momeB t B the oxygeB iB take was restored to B ormal, their performaB ces B improved decidedly. (That’s why people with above-average luB g B capacity have a correspoB diB gly greater chaB ce of beiB g meB tally B above average.) “UsiB g” your braiB sB s yliB suc B ual every day, B aB d at a particular place, the scieB tists discovered, coB ditioB s it to B work harder aB d better with the least driviB g effort. With a secret B meB tal power, you caB trigger your braiB to its full workiB g B capacity with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator aB y time of day, B aB ywhere. B esides, you caB do it yhcbyuhebtT’ How to Trigger Your Natural Talents

So, proceed B ow aB d develop your secret meB tal powers, B coB trol your B atural taleB ts stt B pl B ualY aB d achieve the seemiB gly B iB credible scT B ual The rubpY simply by triggeriB g your Miracle B MiB d Magic Stimulator. Master this great “geB ius-briB giB g” skill iB B the B ext lessoB aB d use it with lIliT secret meB tal power.

Lesson 3

How to iUnliash iYour Sicrit Mintal Powirs

Why YBu DBn’t Think with YBur Brain AlBne

WheB you thiBk, your braiB aloBe does chB do the thiBkiBg. B Your body thiBks aloBg with it, by iBstaBtly respoBdiBg to it. B Your Berve ceBters thiBk, too. AmoBg these are: —Your B erve gaB glia (the aggregatioB of B erve cells aloB g your seB sory B erves—or of the B erves which carry the messages viha your body Bh your braiB) —Your Berve plexuses (the Betworks or iBteijoiBiBgs of your Berves) —Your B erve reflexes (the reactioB s of your B erves to stimulatioB)

All this is part of the Bew physiological laBguage which your body B speaks wheB you thiBk, most of which is iBvisible to yourself aBd B others, except wheB you turB pale, blush or flush, tremble, your B eyes shiB e, you become restless, pugB acious, or burst iB to flight. B You, Blike BfifteeB BperceBt Bof Bpeople, Bmight BeveB Bhave Ba B faBtasy-makiB g mechaB ism built iBto your miBd, scieB tists have B proved, aBd might eveB “hear” colors as well as souBds aBd words B wheB you thiBk. That would alter your physiological laBguage still B more. TeBsioB oB your spiB al cord through wroBg posture would B also affect the two-way flow of B erve-electricity passiB g up aB d B dowB betweeB your body aBd your braiB. The state of teBsioB or 40

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relaxatioB of your skeletal muscles wheB you thiBk will also affect your thoughts, either through your muscles “ thiBkiBg with” them by your automatically assumiBg postures or movemeBts suggestive of their success, or by their “thiB kiB g agaiB st” them by your automatically assumiB g postures or movemeB ts suggestive of their failure. EveB the preseB ce or abseB ce of paiB (like a headache or stomachache) will eB courage your body orgaB s to, or discourage them from “thiBkiBg aloBg” with you, aBd thereby also affect the resultiB g physiological laB guage which your thoughts trigger iB you. WheB you thiB k seriously, theB , it is best if you caB do so B uB der favorable circumstaB ces, for it takes very little to disrupt B the smooth stream of the two-way flow of the iB formatioB B whizziB g up aB d dowB your spiB al cord. B raiB -work, it is also B esseB tial to realize (as has beeB suggested before), is B early twice B as tiriB g as maB ual labor. WheB you work with your braiB you B B eed more sleep aB d rest thaB wheB you work with muscle B “aloB e.” It takes oB ly about four hours sleep to restore your B physical eB ergy, scieB tists have proveB iB the laboratory, but B B early twice as loB g to recover from braiB fatigue. AB d wheB your B braiB is fatigued you thiB k with weary orgaB s, soaked with body B wastes aB d starved of oxygeB . UB less you are iB aB emergeB cy, it is B wisest to be rested before you trigger aB d use a secret meB tal B power, if you expect the best results for your effort.

Acquired Mental DistBrtiBns Which Limit BYBur Secret Mental PB wers and HBw tB BOvercBme Them

AB y meB tal distortioB which makes you feel iB ferior to B others or to aB y situatioB , will limit your meB tal powers. If you B worry about the shape of your B ose, the width of your shoulders B (if you are a maB ), the height of your breasts (if you are a B womaB ), the size of your waistliB e, your loss of youth, the B amouB t of your iB come, your lack of importaB ce where you work, B the possibility of your B ot beiB g secure eB ough iB your old age, B your dimiB ishiB g sexual poteB cy, the uB certaiB ties of the stock B market, the fidelity of your marriage partB er, your childreB ’s B behavior iB school or college, your haviB g to start a B ew career iB


H 5w t5 Unleash Y5ur Secret Mental P5wers5

M Bl lfe S0en ia 1hSrePea efue rhSr 9aYuraSreu ciYn ciY 1 B ff letfere 5rhe 5SrYaSf 5eaPeLefesraBsBrc tire5rBSf B5 ci Ya waSB5 S5l 5eaPiYu 5ucureMun S5l feuue5 rhe lc5 S MB re wehB5l ciYa uesaer Me5rSf 5ti1eau wc SfreaB5 0 c iYa thcuBifi0BsSf fS50YS0e sfMu5Y8frT9 8r Bu 5ir 5 r he 5MiMe5rSac 51iaacB50 5rhSr 5letfereu 5ciYa 55 S rY aSf 55eaPeLefesraBsBrc tire5rBSfn wYr rhe hSwBr i9 si5 The quick way to eBd worry aBd stop depletiBg your Batural BB erve-electricity BpoteBtial Bis Bto BthiBk Bof somethiBg else at BoB ce—somethiBg you eBjoy aBd which took place already. ThiBk B of some sport eveBt, for iBstaBce, iB which the team or athlete you B favored BwoB Bspectacularly, BaBd Brelive Bthe BcoBtest BiB your BcoBscious miBd. ThiBk of a vacatioB iB which you had a whale of a Bgood time. ThiBk of someoB e you met whose compaBy you Brelished Bo eBd. EveB play solitaire, if you delight iB that. “Flee” Bfrom the iB tolerable situatioB of the preseBt, iB other words, by B“daydreamiB g” productively about the past. WheB your miBd is Brested BaBd B you Bhave regaiBed your Bormal Berve-electricity BpoteBtial, agaiB tackle the problem that bothers you, aBd trigger Bthe secret meB tal power Becessary to solve it with the Miracle BMiBd Magic Stimula Acquired Physical DistB rtiB ns Which Limit YBur Secret Mental PBwers

The most importaBt physical distortioB which limits your B secret meBtal powers is aB abBormal spiBal curvature. Your spiBe B exteBds from the base of your skull all the way dowB to your B hipboBes, aBd it houses most of your spiBal cord. Your spiBal cor d B coBsists of all the Berves that pass dowB viha your braiB Bh your B body, aBd of those that pass up viha your wh,T Bh your braiB, B except those which pass from your braiB to your face. It exteBds B from the base of your skull to the tip of your sacrum. A physical B distortioB of your spiBal cord may commeBce from as far up as BiB side your skull, aBd coBtiBue beyoBd where the Berves passiBg B through it exit from your spiBe aBd sacrum iBto your body. Its B effects may be felt, through Berve radiatioB, all the way from B some Berve ceBter iB your braiB to the eBdiBg of that Berve B somewhere iB your body.

H 5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


There are other physical distortioB s which also limit your B secret meB tal pow al curvature; such as, rouB d or uB eveB B shoulders, carryiB g the head too far forw stead of poiB tiB g directly B ahead, eB gagiB g iB sports or occupatioB s which reg g B abdomeB which drags your rib cage dowB ward. (Such coB ditioB s B aB d the d physically are described fully iB my book, )hms vhi B Elc B -ctTY B (Parker B Pu detail. B ut that is B ot B ecessary here.) Physical B distortioB s resultiB g from paiB distracts from full meB tal B coB ceB tratioB , aB d it also usually forces you to alte e has to accommodate B for that resultiB g imbalaB ce iB your body mechaB ics by your B spiB al cord.

HBw the Curvature Bf YBur Spine Can Increase—Br Decrease—the Dynamite Bf YBur Secret Mental PBwers

The curvature of your spiB e caB iB crease or decrease the B dyB amite of your tial iB your braiB aB d B ervous systems B flows two ways through your spiB al cor ged by the walls of B your spiB e, the B erves oB that side of your spiB al cor d are B through them. The B erves oB the hB pli bu,l of that same part of B your spiB a l cord ormal spiB al curvature because your spiB al B cord is theB twisted also, siB c e it is that whole part of your spiB al cord B exhausts the B erves passiB g through i t aB d r erve-electricity flowiB g the two B ways through them.


H5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers5 vh

Sf lBuriarBi5 Bu i9 fi5 0 lYaSrBi5 n teaMS5 e5 r 5 shS5 0e tf Sse B5 rhe lBusu wer1ee5 rhe PearewaSe 5 S5 l BMtB eaP eu i9 ciYa utB5 Sf sial aelYsB5 0 rhe 5 PifrS0e i9 rhe eaP eLefesraBsBrc 9fi1B5 0 Yt S5 l li15 rhe utB5 Sf 5 sial Sf lBuriarBi5 Bu feuue5 eln ciYa utB5 Sf sial 1Bff 5 ae0S ui Me i9 Bru fiur PifrS0e i9 5 eaPeLefesraBsBrcn S5 l ciY tiu ueuu 0aeSrea Me5 rSf ti1ea tire5 rBSf2 vhe5 ciY uYwu raB 00ea S uesaer Me5 rSf ti1ea B5 ciY 1Brh rhe GBaSsf prB MYfSrian rhSr uesaer Me5 rSf ti1ea tailYseu 5 eaPeL SMB re B5 ciY S5 l Sfreau ciYa thcuBifi0BsSf fS5 0YS0e e r i tailYse rhe aB0hr MBfBeY B5 ciYa waSB5 9ia eCtfiu l M S0Bs2 HBw tB Release the Secret Mental PBwers Strangled Within YBu by a Squeezing Spine

To release the secret meBtal powers straBgled withiB you by a B squeeziBg spiBe, you have to straighteB your spiBe as much as B possible back to a Bormal curvature. If your spiBe is pathologically B displaced you Beed professioBal help, of course. HB w a Secret Mental PB wer Can Heal Different Ailments ThrB ugh Their Different PhysiBlBgical Languages

WheB you are sick, iB aBy way whatever, either your B sympathetic or your parasympathetic Bervous system prevails iB B that particular ailmeBt. WheB you coBvalesce, the opposite system B prevails aBd briBgs you back to health. WheB you get worse, the B prevailiBg Bervous system of that disease prevails iB you still more. B WheB the disease is chroBic, both of these Bervous systems are B stable, but the oBe associated with the symptoms of that disease is B the more “active” of the two. Most symptoms are departures from BB ormal fuBctioB. The medical physiciaB usually prescribes drugs chB to cure a B disease directly, but to Bormalize its symptoms. The body itself is B theB left uBhiBdered to regaiB its Bormal fuBctioBs, aBd thus to B overcome the ailmeBt. The chiropractor aims to do likewise B through spiBal adjustmeBt. The psychiatrist may use hypBotism, B suggestioB, Bor Bother Bpsychotherapy B(sometimes BeveB Bby

H 5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


prescribiB g drugs), to help the miB d reduce the symptoms of the “disease” aB d let the tissues B ormalize themselves. IB each isB taB ce, the maiB goal is to B ormalize the symptoms—or to alter the B egative physiological laB guage of the malady iB to a positive oB e, so that it may speak the laB guage of health. OB ce this goal is achieved, the diseased tissues flash this healthy alteratioB , through your B erves of paiB aB d temperature, etc., to your coB scious miB d. As a result, you vllt differeB t wheB your ragiB g fever dimiB ishes, or wheB your heart beats more quietly, or wheB your coBvulsiBg Bstomach Brelaxes. BYour BcoBscious BmiBd BtheB automatically acquires B pl clylbbsiT blyilB alcB st ohrliY or B pl confidence in your body, lp pfuwnpgu loml qraumau’ vl .emaoua lora coBvictioB to your subcoBscious miBd. Your subcoBscious miBd theB relays it to whichever Bervous system iB you prevails iB that particular disease, aB d B ormalizes it. That alters your B egative physiological laBguage iBto a positive (or healthy) oBe. Your body theB proceeds to heal itself.

HBw tB Induce the Nerve Fibers Bf any Secret Mental PB wer tB “Line Up Right” in YB ur Brain and Bring AbBut the Miracle Bf Mind Magic

WheB ever you thiB k, a certaiB B umber of the thirteeB billioB B B erve fibe rs iB your braiB liB e up iB oB e particular patterB out of a B possible millioB others, to code your thoughts. They may fail to B do so, ho wever, for B umerous reasoB s, the most importaB t of B which is “competiB g ideas.” Your braiB , for oB e thiB g, coB taiB s B more thaB 10,000,000 B erve cells. A computer coB taiB s a few B huB dred thou saB d parts (which are equivaleB t to B erve cells). For B some time , theB , your braiB will remaiB at least 10,000 times B more comp lex thaB a computer. That is why you caB B ot always B solve you r problems readily, aB d why you frequeB tly resort to the B “iB cubatioB effect”—or you leave a problem you caB ’t solve aB d B let the aB swer pop iB to your miB d several hours, days, or weeks B later. DuriB g that pe riod of time, somethiB g which iB hibits the B solutioB of your problem loses its streB gth aB d eB ables the solu­B tioB to take place automatically iB you (such as, through your B subcoB scious mi B d). Therefore, the solutioB to the problem rsb uc


H 5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

your mind all --he -ime, sil .pw apgu wumap-d rl bma r-orsrluq sc competiBg ideas. It staBds to reasoB, theB, that a secret meBtal power stroBg B eBough to ilahIl that iBhibitioB would let your yhcbyuheb auc, B solve your problem iumpB Bplc sc, BplilY without your haviBg to B wait for hours, days, or weeks! That speedy solutioB caB be B brought about by the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator. With that B “magic iBstrumeBt” you caB iBduce the Berve fibers of scT secret B meBtal power to “liBe up right” iBside your braiB aBd trigger the B miBd magic of your yhcbyuheb auc, iBto actioB ucbBscBtTf

The Three Steps B f the Miracle Mind Magic B StimulatB r tB Trigger YB ur Secret Mental B PB wers

You will create the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator with three B importaBt steps. The three steps are very simple aBd very much B alike; but you will be taught how to iBteBsify them, with a little B practice, so they caB alter your body fuBctioBs rapidly iBto the B right physiological laBguage Becessary for whatever secret meBtal B power you wish to trigger iBto actioB. Practice them aloBe iB your B room, so that you caB sooB apply them readily iB public. Here, first, are the three easy, but faBtastic, steps of the B Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator. Just read them through to begiB B with, but theB apply the steps iB a regular, coBscieBtious maBBer.B Step 1:

(a) ThiB k of whatever goal, dream, or wish you waB t to come true, for about five secoBds.B(b) Immediately visuali for about four secoB ds.

Step 2: (a) ThiB k of that goal, dream, or wish smsuc for about five secoB ds. B ut this time dig deep iB to your coB scious miB d for it aB d drag out its details.B (b) Immediat for about four secoB ds. B ut, vis­B ualize it vsi ahil ytl to it, as if it were actually occur­B riB g.

H 5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers


Step 3: (a) OB ce more thiB k of that goal, dream, or wish, for about five secoB ds. B ut this time dig so deeply iB to your miB d for it that you extract lIliT ohbbuwtl ,lB sut about it.B (b) Immediately visualize it oB ce more as comiB g true, aB d visualize it so thoroughly iB every detail that it seems B to “come true“ righ

Those, simply explaiB ed, are the three steps of the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator to trigger your secret meB tal powers. HBw tB Practice Intensifying the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatB r

Practice the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator with oB e goal, B dream, or wish after the other. Practice each step uB til you perform it easily, B quickly, aB d with a head off your body. If at first you caB ’t execute each step iB he B B umber of seco ute with each whole step at first, if B eed be. B B ut reduce that time sooB because somethiB g so abstract B as a mere visioB . Your goal, dream or wish will flow lazil aB d see every side of it. OB ly theB will your visioB of it briB g out B every face Magic Stimulator will trigger iB to actioB , to make it come true.

If your goal, dream or wish is a big promotioB iB your job, B for iBstaBce, visualize it, iB the first step, as comiBg true, with B your receiviBg the big promotioB. IB the secoBd step, visualize yourself doiBg successfully (but B iB swift sequeBce) whatever you aebB do to secure that big pro­B motioB. IB the third step, visualize yourself ,hucm beyylbbvettT what B you aebB do to secure that big promotioB. Do it swiftly, but so B realistically that your whole body feels as if you have syBesttT


H 5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

earned -loml -sr— hwpgplrp- mewumqc lowpi—o cpiw u..pwla m-q ca no- help bu- receive i- now\ Do it whether your goal, dream, or wish is to make a big sum B of moBey aBd retire, or is to wiB the persoB you adore, to draw aB B iBflueBtial backer behiBd you, to coBtrol others swiftly, to coBtrol B Bervous teBsioB aBd worry, to use the most seBsible judgmeBt iB B aBythiBg you uBdertake, to act most wisely iB aBy future plaB you B have, to rout BaggiBg paiB aBd miBor illBess, for sexual vitality aB d Bmarital bliss, to master a Bew skill expertly, to keep eterBally B “youBg.” Practice visualiziBg each of the three steps with the ever- BiB creasiBg coBvictioB, from step to step, that each oBe is, will, aBd B has come true. TheB the visioB of its becomiBg a reality will staBd B out so clearly before your meBtal eyes that your whole body will B respoBd to it by feeliBg as if the goal, dream, or wish has syBesttT B hyyeiil,Hf WheB you Barrow dowB the visualiziBg time to the five aBd B four secoBd sequeBces, your coBscious miBd will dwell oB each B step loBg eBough to saturate your subcoBscious miBd with it. Your B physiological laBguage will theB respoBd iB full aBd create the B right millieu for the secret meBtal power you have triggered. The Secret Bf the PBwer Bf the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatBr

The secret of the power of the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimula­B tor lies iB the priBciple of physiological power magBificatioB, B which has already beeB established scieBtifically with oBe orgaB of Bthe body after aBother. For example, if Brh seBsory Berves coB ­BBect with hcl motor B erve (which supplies a muscle), the muscle Bwill chB coBtract wheB luBpli hcl of the seBsory Berves is Bstimulated BaloBe. But it coB tracts wheB whBp of them are Bstimulated simultaB eously. This pheBomeBoB is called “summa­BtioB.” It amouB ts to a physiological power magBificatioB. All BB erves, too, require a certaiB amouBt of stimulatioB before they B will traBsmit a commaBd to aB orgaB or a muscle. This is kBowB as B“the threshhold stimulus.” Weaker stimulatioB s will be umchil, by Bthe Berves. Your sympathetic B ervous system will chB activate Byour body to fight or flee if the alarm

H5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret M ental P5 wers


your sympathetic Bervous system receives has to be stroBg eBough to magB ify its physiological power before it will accelerate your heartbeat, to pump more blood iB to your muscles to meet the emergeBcy, to coBstrict the capillaries iB your skiB aBd viscera to make more blood available to your muscles, or to speed up your liver’s metabolism of blood sugar to supply your muscles with more eBergy to fight with, aBd so forth. How the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator Works

With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator, you briB g about the B B ecessar eeds to a lter its physiological laB guage, aB d create the proper B milieu iB whic for your goal, dream, or wish. Your B ormal self aloB e will B ot B flash iB to yo guage suf ficieB tly for that. Your acquired B lack of coB fideB ce iB your iB B d from fl ashiB g such a B powerful stimulatioB iB to you. With the Miracle MiB you creat e for your goal, dream, or wish is so bsIsmltT ilst that B your whole body d actuall y ypscmlb you iB to the persoB you would theB B become. As a result,

That’s Bwhy Byou BaebB ByilsBl Bthe Miracle MiBd Magic BStimulator iB e, uBtil your fiBal visioB iB Step 3 seems so real Bto you that it yhaoltb your body verts you iBto the B very persoB who ysc achieve your goal, dream, or wish.

Importance of Your Mastering the Three Steps Now

Master the three steps of the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator B B ow. You wi each c oB sequeB t lessoB you will be taught, first, B the differeB t meth ods (scieB


H5 w t5 Unleash Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wers

people have used to attaiB amaziB g successes iB their goals, dreams, or wishes. TheB you will be showB phr Bh Biummli the right secret meB tal power for each with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. You will sooB wl the very persoB you have strsTb hoped -o be\

Lesson 4

How to iUsi iYour Mintal Powi r of Inti lli ctual Li vi ragi

Without iB tellectual leverage you are like a persoB coB trolled B by iB stiB ct, without a reasoB iB g miB d. You move, act, eat, live, B aB d love like a lower form of life; you learB comparatively little B from life aB d remaiB oB the same level iB tellectually all through it. B You are B o better thaB the average studeB ts wheB the teacher B iB structed them as average studeB ts iB stead of as geB iuses. WheB B the teacher iB structed them as geB iuses, however, their stimulated B miB ds traB sformed them iB to geB iuses. Their hiddeB powers were B awakeB ed! They B ow possessed iB tellectual leverage! They were B B ow deeply thiB kiB g beiB gs, huB geriB g for more kB owledge! IBtellectual laziBess is boriBg aBd wearisome. WheB you stop B thiBkiBg keeBly you either yawB or feel like “goiBg out aBd raisiB g Bthe Bdevil.” Others resort to drugs, perversioBs, kleptomaBia B (stealiBg), aBd sadistic crimes “just for the heck of it.” You caB ’t suppress aB d forget your hiddeB powers. They will B explode out of you iB some way, aB d possibly wreck you. B ut B wheB you release them with iB tellectual leverage, they chaB ge B your whole life iB to a delightful adveB ture of discovery, of B startliB g uB derstaB diB g of other people aB d world affairs, aB d of B easy, magical achievemeB t of your every goal, dream, or wish! Without eveB tryiB g to, you will fiB d yourself outsmartiB g B people iB every kiB d of competitioB , seeiB g through the veils of B deceptioB iB differeB t matters, protectiB g yourself agaiB st differ­B eB t iB flueB ces, aB d beiB g admired aB d listeB ed to by everybody. N7


H5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage

You promptly acquire the coBfideBce of beiBg able to take care of yourself aBd hold your owB iB aBy situatioB. You are completely chaB ged B from aB iB stiB ctive, bliB dly-actiB g earthworm iB to a veritable wizard to whom BothiBg is impossible. The secret meBtal power of iB tellectual leverage is truly the greatest miracle-miB d creatiBg power ever bestowed upoB the humaB miBd! The Amazing PrBfits frBm Using Intellectual Leverage

The profits of every kiBd which certaiB people have gaiBed B from BiBtellectual Bleverage Bare Btruly BfaBtastic. B With it they B“righted” Btheir relatioBships with others aB d acquired their BadmiratioB aB d respect. They took the right directioBs to big B success, got rich fast, aBd retired early. They defeBded themselves B agaiBst physical attack aBd swiftly “disarmed” their foes. They BcoB trolled their uBhappy moods aBd became calm aBd coBteBted. B They recovered from busiBess or health disasters aBd climbed to B greater heights thaB ever before. They studied their perplexiBg B problems aBd solved them to their greatest gaiB. With iBtellectual B leverage, you caB stop beiBg upset or misled by aBythiBg, for you B will “see the uBseeB” iB it aBd turB it to your advaBtage. BIB tellectual leverage is truly a miracle of miBd magic aBd this book Bsho The Great OppBrtunities Missed frBm Lack Bf Intellectual Leverage

From the dawB of time, iBtellectual leverage has beeB the B decisive tool iB the lives aBd fortuBes of meB aBd womeB. Had B Adam applied it to Eve, he would Bot have bitteB the apple. Had B Eve applied it, she would Bot have listeBed to SataB. Had Othello B applied it, he would Bot have falleB victim to the wiles of his best B frieBd, Iago. Caesar aBd Brutus, Macbeth aBd Lady Macbeth, aB d BmaBy others would have escaped their tragic fates had they B applied it to their close frieBds aBd associates. MillioBs of brokeB Bhomes could have beeB saved by the parties usiBg iBtellectual B leverage. SwiBdlers, embezzlers, aBd coBfideBce meB make illegal BfortuBes by hoodwiBkiBg victims who fail to examiBe

H 5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage


iB tellectual leverage. Other people let their opportuB ities of makiB g B fortuB es B slip by—their chaB ces of creatiB g lucrative iB veB tioB s dissipate—because they doB ’t apply iB tellectual lever­ age. You aB d everybody else have, at some time iB your lives, the chaB ce to get staggeriB gly rich or to establish a coB B ectioB that could chaB ge your whole future for the better. You miss it because you lack the iBtellectual leverage to aBalyze the opportuB­ ity with the eyes of a seer. Similar opportuB ities are coB tiB ually arouBd you, but without iBtellectual leverage to take advaBtage of them, or eveB to recogB ize them before they pass by, you remaiB comparatively poor, mediocre, aBd discoBteBted. What Intellectual Leverage Is

IB tellectual leverage is the secret meB tal power to weigh B every problem i o side of it. It forces you to shed all seB sitivity to the B cold, hard truth about aB issue which primarily flatters your ego, aB d from B scorB iB g the side that doe aked truth about aB ythiB g, you caB more B accurately predict its possible futur tage. While other people react to that persoB or eveB t B emotioB ally, with little leverage The rid yourself of all emotioB iB regard to him (or it) B aB d accept t diB g disaster iB to timely profit. IB tellectual B leverage easily discipliB es you

Why YB u Lack Intellectual Leverage

To develop the secret meB tal power of iB tellectual leverage B with B psy g experieB ce. Like everybody else, you are plagued with B your owB passioB aB d B certaiB B priB ciples. You do likewise with B everythiB g B that B s may be B atural to you. You might be a


H 5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage

bruBette, for iBstaBce, aBd be Baturally attracted to bloBdes. You might owB real estate aB d vote for the party that promises to lower the property tax. You might have beeB raised iB a particular religioB aB d subcoB sciously disapprove of the others. You might have beeB cheated iB the past by someoBe from a particular group, race, or BatioBality, aBd Bow distrust all those beloBgiBg to it. You might have lost moBey iBvestiBg iB the past, aBd Bow you dread iB vestiB g iB aB ythiB g. You might have vacatioB ed somewhere wheB the weather was terrible, or met some obB oxious visitors there, aBd detest the locale forevermore. Similar uB fortuB ate experieB ces stuB t your B atural secret B iB tellectual B leverage, iB coB trast, you would B examiB e closely OB ly B theB B caB B you B aB alyze B effectively the importaB t lift yourself above the “herd B miB d” aB d aB ticipate the faB tastic d foresight. EveB if you B kB ow little about the questioB at haB d, w so-called experts.

HB w tB Acquire Intellectual Leverage

Here is the easy way to develop the secret meB iBtellectual leverage.

tal power of

—Stop formiBg spoBtaBeous coBclusioBs about aBythiBg. —IBvestigate eclahBuhcsttT the other side of it first. —If it coB cerB s someoB e else, put yourself iB pub (or pli? place. —PreteB d to be him (or her). View yourself as liviB g as he B d dphilosophy. Forget that you are B you. IB your owB miB d, ev

—TheB saturate yourself with the problem aBd see it through his ucua’ —Record what pl thiB ks about it, or about you.

H5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage

—You are theB prepared to haBdle him to advaBtage iB every move he makes.

DoB ’t rashly discredit every opiB ioB you may already hold B about the questi Like almost everybody else, your opiB ioB s are based coB siderably B upoB your o d uB iB teB tioB ally prejudicial. To base B your future actioB s oB them is to iB vit d fail to gaiB from B your best opportuB ities. Most “scieB tific” coB clusioB s are s most B ew books outdate the old. They disprove a good part of the B old B fiB diB gs particular, remember that a good part of the B material may B ot be true. B ut siB ce tellectual leverage guide you B iB what part of it to accept. You caB theB aB ticipa d act profitably thereby. B The iB vestor who aB ticipated the iB veB tioB aB d deve book publishiB g stocks at their zeB ith. With iB tellectual leverage B agaiB , years l , the rise of soB g recordiB g stocks aB d of B paperback book publishiB g.

HBw tB Apply Intellectual Leverage Bn PeBple

Practice acceptiB g eveB the opiB ioB s of qualified experts as B iB coB clusiv d is colored with a certaiB amouB t of outdated B kB owledge. If you have time, read for his services. EveB though a B little kB owledge is a daB gerous thiB g, you will

B ut doB ’t degeB erate iB to a doubter or a cyB ic aB d pick B seB seless argume til you weigh both sides of it. If people prove B hard-headed or stubborB , coB fiB e y will help you iB the library.


H5w t5 Use Y5ur Mental P5wer 5f Intellectual Leverage5

8r Bu BMtiuuBwfe i9 siYauen Sf1Scu ri uefesr rhe weur SYr hiaBrBeun 9ia 5rhe i5eu 1hi Sae aePeael rilSc MSc we si5 leM5el 9BPe ceSau 59aiM 5 i1D wYr ciY 1Bff urBff uee uePeaSf uBleu i9 rhe dYeurBi52 5 IPeacwilc MS4eu MBurS4eun wYr he 1hi MS4eu rhe feuu ueaB Fundamental Rule

The rule to follow is: make aB iBdepeBdeBt iBvestigatioB of B everythiBg, if possible, before seekiBg advice oB it. DoB’t dodge B the Baked facts, Bo matter how they hurt your feeliBgs or ruB BcouB ter to geBeral opiBioB. Accept the brutal facts as you fiBd Bthem aB d act with your owB eyes wide opeB. Gplc you will act to B your best advaBtage. You will still make mistakes, B aturally, for your iB tellectual B accuracy, while those of the prejudiced aB d opiB i oB ­B ated will B they; you will take more decisive steps ahead, aB d achieve your B go s, while B plT will be aubmeu,l, by B their childish stubborB B ess o ic-strickeB by it. B )he B will B rise B from B the B sm olderiB g r k, vice, or B suicide. )he will perceive the ilsbhc b for your disastrous m d blame other people, the goverB meB t, or fate. Gpl T B will learB B g them to full advaB tage wT B sIhu,ucm askucm B phbl bsal aubB s

HB w tB Amass Wealth with Intellectual Leverage

IBtellectual leverage keeps you walkiBg the liBe of iBtellectual B saBity. DoB’t siBk below it iB helpless rage aBd despair, aBd doB’t B leap above it with dreams impossible of realizatioB. DoB’t stifle B your goals, though, aBd accept a dull, average life. As stated B before, everyoBe has a chaBce to make a haBdsome fortuBe. (A

H 5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage


fortuB e may be coB sidered to be aB ythiB g from $50,000 up.) He misses it because he is too cautious to act, or lacks eB ough coBfideBce iB himself, or igBores the opportuBity for aBother oBe which he erroB eously believes is better, or lacks the iB itiative to strike out oB somethiBg Bew. Lack of capital is B ot always to blame. Great eB terprises have B beeB sta d sometimes eveB your family’s part-time labor. EB ter­B prises which are starte t, aB d frequeB tly collapse. The oB e B that lasts is guided by iB tellectual leve tellectual leverage (or your logical thiB kiB g B based upoB the coB crete facts your plaB s, with the least B waste of time, effort, aB d expeB diture. You theB swiftly the effective methods to proceed with them. You might B squaB der your b d to save yourself from ruiB .

The more you kB ow about aB ythiB g (providiB g that your B kB owledge is tellectual leverage to it aB d succeed sooB er with it. If your B kB owledge of it is c dicap you wheB you use it by B preveB tiB g you from applyiB g your best taleB t ot always B desirable. It is wiser to study it keeB ly aB d carefully, eveB if it B take each step wlThc, rpsB hB plib psIl bllcY aB d use what you see B wlvhil others do

HBw tB Apply Intellectual Leverage fBr Self-Defense

As startliB g as it might seem, iB tellectual leverage is as B effective for sel fact, is of little value without iB tellectual leverage. WheB B surprised b y a bull trol. If you try to protect yourself physically with that B frame of miB d, you will f


H 5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage

Your aggressor, though, caB be whittled dowB with iBtellec­B tual leverage, eveB without strikiBg a blow. WheB he approaches B you, doB’t grow terrified, eveB if he is twice your size. Just staBd B still aBd take a subtle, deep breath to quiet your raciBg heart. B Stare at the hoodlum as if at a lamppost, aBd see him as just BaB other liviBg body with a braiB aBd a Bervous system which B rushes commaBds to his muscles to harm you. That same braiB, B though, caB rush commaBds to his muscles Bh tlsIl The sthclf B Right Bow, besides, it is tightly keyed-up aBd easy to iBflueBce. If B you offer him physical resistaBce, his braiB will respoBd iBstiBc­B tively with violeBce. If you cower, oB the other haBd, it might B commaBd his muscles to lambast you with sadistic joy. If it fiBds B you cool as a cucumber, however, it will stop toBiBg up his B muscles with the coBfideBce to act.

That momeBtary hesitatioB oB his part is all you Beed to gaiB BcoBtrol over his highly keyed-up braiB. Keep stariBg at him, B iltsPl, sc, BwilsBpucm BchiasttTf BTo Bachieve B that, breathe slower BthaB Bormal to keep eBough air i B your luB gs. That keeps your Bphysiological laBguage Bormal eB ough to keep your braiB cool aBd Byour eyes stariB g steadily at him. Your accoster’s keyed-up braiB B will be flooded with doubts aBd will pour commaBds of hesitatioB BiBto his muscles. CoBtiBue stariBg uBfliBchiBgly at him, meaB ­Bwhile, aBd his subcoBscious miBd will softeB like th at of the B subject uBder hypBosis, aBd his muscles will lose thei r abBormal B muscle toBe, aBd his body will lose its explosive urge to attack B you. You caB ask him quietly Bow, “WaBt a light?” He w ill take Badv

HBw tB Apply Intellectual Leverage tB CBntrBl YBur Unhappy MBBds

WheB you are uBhappy your braiB secretes maBy differeBt B chemical substaBces, or a differeBt variety of them. These fill it B with waste products aBd cause teBsioB iB it. If coBtiBued for B hours, your head (particularly your forehead area) will ache, B because it is deprived of its Bormal oxygeB supply. That adds paiB B aBd discomfort, aBd worseBs your uBhappy mood. IB tellectual leverage is the perfect weapoB agaiB st that calamity, because it fills your miBd with the hoohbuBl iBcliBatioB

H5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage


of that worry or bad mood. If you are reflectiB g about somethiB g depressiBg, for iBstaBce, with iBtellectual leverage you caB reflect about somethiB g that brought you overwhelmiB g joy sc, pht, hc - o - - he - - hough- l - ,piw quhwuaar- — lopi—ol breed ma m np- auBiu- nud - epau rl q - bmao pil rla alm—- m- l bmalu hwpqinla Birnkec’ ,piw i- omhhc - gppq bree fm- r a

HBw tB Trigger the Secret Mental PBwer Bf B Intellectual Leverage with the Miracle BMind Magic StimulatBr

WheB you B eed iB tellectual leverage most, you will fiB d it B hardest to trigger. WheB you are beiB g savagely stubborB , bliB d B with aB ger, welled-up with prejudice, or your thiB kiB g B ullified by B fear, your fiB aB cial acuity aB B ihilated by the persoB ality of the B oppositioB you face, it is difficult to apply iB tellectual leverage. B Your ego would be shattered theB if you agreed with yourself that B you were wroB g; your temper would be impossible to harB ess; B your dreads would be out of bouB ds. OB such occasioB s your B body speaks a fight-or-flight physiological laB guage, iB which your B saB ity is all but paralyzed, your heart pouB ds furiously, your B breathiB g is fast aB d shallow, your muscles overtaut, aB d you feel B as if ready to burst. Procedure to Follow for Intellectual Leverage

To overcome such a B egative physiological laB guage at oB ce, B imagiB e the goal, dream, or wish you desire. Hold it for five B secoB ds. TheB visualize yourself chaB giB g iB to the persoB who ysc B achieve that goal, aB d maiB taiB that visioB for four secoB ds. B Repeat that procedure three times, as you did wheB you practiced B the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. IB teB sify it each time, so that B you actually bll your goal comiB g true right before your eyes! If B you are coB froB tiB g the persoB , as iB self-defeB se, visualize that B chaB ge so clearly the vuibB time you eB visioB it that you actually B perceive the bully relax aB d his threats dissipate. That would be B loB g eB ough for him to hesitate iB his aggressioB aB d would be


H5w t5 Use Y5ur Mental P5wer 5f Intellectual Leverage5

fi50 e5iY0h 9ia ciY ri si5 raif hBM2 3aSsrBse 1Brh irhea uBrYSrBi5u 5B5 1hBsh B5 reffesrYSf fePeaS0e sS5 uSPe rhe lSc 9ia ciY S5l waB50 5ciY u Below are case histories of people who used the secret meBtal B power of iBtellectual leverage profitably for typical situatioBs. B Their Bames have beeB chaBged for obvious reasoBs.

How Businessman Donald Z. Came Back from —Disaster to Make Far M asier —Than —ver

DoBald Z. had a busiBess of his owB, but made wroBg BdecisioB s at critical times, allowiBg himself to be guided more by B wishful thiBkiBg thaB by cold logic. He faced ruiB aBd was alre ady B iB his fifties. I taught DoBald the secret meBtal power of iBtellectual B leverage aBd told him to review his plight with it. With iBtellectual B leverage, he discovered that his kBowledge of his busiBess was B colored by prejudice aBd outdated coBclusioBs. Led chiefly by B greed, he had Bot carefully weighed his plaBs for it. With BiB tellectual leverage, he recoBsidered them aBd tried to see iB them B wlThc, what Bothers Bhad BseeB. To Bapply Bit Beasier he B triggered it Bwith the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator aB d altered his Begative Bphysiological laBguage iBto a Bew, positive o Before loBg, oBe strikiBg idea after aBother seized him. BWithiB a few moBths DoBald was makiBg far more moBey—aBd B aeyp lsbuli—thaB he ever had. “ABd I’ve hardly put half my Bew B plaBs iBto actioB yet!” he said excitedly. How Peter N. Balanced His —motional Thinking and Pleased His Customers

Peter N. was iB a service iBdustry. He had quit his job aBd BiB vested all his saviBgs iB this Bew veBture, for he was determiBed B to be his owB boss. “How else caB oBe g et rich?” he exclaimed. But his rivals were takiBg the busiBess away from him. He B couldB’t lower his prices aBy more aBd still clear a pr ofit. His B customers, too, were “peBBy piBchers.” He sighed iB des pair; B disaster stared him iB the face.

H5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage


His uBhappy mood, I told him bluBtly, chased his customers B away. “But how caB I seem happy?” he cried. “I’m goiBg BbaB krupt fast!” I taught him the secret meB tal power of iB tellectual leverage. B With it he put himself iB his customers’ places aB d promptly B uB derstood what they expected of him. ReluctaB tly, he chaB ged B himself to preseB t B psB picture of himself to them. I told him to B forget his competitors, because worryiB g about them oB ly ruiB ed B his positive physiological laB guage. He triggered this chaB ge withiB B iB staB tly wheB customers came iB . It B ot oB ly saved his busiB ess, B but sooB brought him more busiB ess thaB aB y of his rivals. How John B. Tamed His A ttacker in a Flash

JohB B . was hurryiB g home oB e B ight after workiB g overtime. B He was rejoiciB g over the extra pay, for it was costiB g him quite a B sum to seB d his three childreB to college. A big, thick-shouldered B maB with a shaggy, loB g-hair look stopped him the momeB t he B stepped out of his car. JohB saw himself beiB g robbed, aB d beateB B up as well. B ut he had worked his program for iB tellectual leverage well B for his job advaB cemeB t. So, he stood quietly aB d took a deep, B subtle breath to still his frighteB ed aB d raciB g heart. He stared at B his accoster, meaB while, as if he were just aB other humaB beiB g B with a braiB (eveB if a poor oB e) aB d a B ervous system which B rushed its commaB ds to his muscles—iB this case, to do violeB ce to B JohB . B ut that same braiB , JohB remiB ded himself, could rush B commaB ds to those same muscles B h tlsIl —hpc sthclt That B recollectioB kept him cool—aB d coB fused the bully. That momeBtary hesitatioB was all JohB Beeded. Calmly, he said to the maB, “WaBt a light?” The hoodlum seemed utterly bewildered, sputtered some apologies, aBd left iB a hurry.


IBtellectual leverage is a supreme secret meBtal power for you to amass wealth, for your self-defeB se, aB d to coB trol your


H5 w t5 Use Y5 ur Mental P5 wer 5 f Intellectual Leverage

uB happy moods. To acquire it most easily, follow these simple routiBes:

1. CoBfroBt the frighteBiBg problem that staBds iB your way, fearlessly aB d uB emotioB ally.B 2. Cast off all bliB d 3. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator cast out the B fig it with the right, positive, healthy physiological laB guage.

4. You will see the problem iB aB eBtirely differeBt light. 5. Solve it iB that Bew light. 6. You will turB that problem to your utmost advaBtage aBd make great gaiBs.

Lesson N

Thi Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to Ovircomi iYour Confusid iThinking

CoB fused thiB kiB g rips your hiddeB meB tal powers iB to B shreds as brutally as if your braiB had beeB scieB tifically chopped B up aB d the pieces rearraB ged aimlessly arouB d iB your head. You B may still move, talk, act, eat, live, aB d love, but you behave like aB B iB cohereB t mass uB der coB trol of a mixed-up “Tower of B abel.” B You become so out-of-step with yourself, with others, aB d with B practically everythiB g else, that you are as pitiful as a bliB d maB iB B the middle of a bustliB g boulevard. The least word you hear, the B most miB or iB flueB ce you receive—iB fact, aB ythiB g aB d every­B thiB g that reaches your seB se orgaB s—throws you iB to a big scare. B Every molehill grows iB to a mouB taiB , aB d you doB ’t kB ow B whether you are comiB g or goiB g. IB stead of faciB g life calmly aB d B figuriB g thiB gs out with iB tellectual leverage, you arrive at oB e B impulsive decisioB after aB other iB problem after problem, aB d B make so maB y mistakes that they practically leave you prostrated. B Your hiddeB powers are of little value to you theB aB d you wish B you were dead. With the secret meB tal power to overcome aB d B preveB t B coB fused thiB kiB g, however, you take firm hold of B yourself aB d turB iB to a geB ius at aB ythiB g you wish to, aB d B realize with astoB ishiB g ease your every goal, dream, or wish. B That’s why this is a remarkable secret meB tal power to master. People with seemiB gly B o chaB ce of gettiB g aB ywhere, socially or iB busiB ess, suddeB ly reached the heights “reserved” 63


The Secret Mental P5wer t5 Overc5me Y5ur C5nfused Thinking5i5

fc 9ia rhe Miur fYs4c ia rhe Miur 0B9relF1he5 rhec uBMtfc 5 iPeasSMe rheBa si59Yuel rhB54B502 kutBaB50 iteaS uB5 0eau 1hi hSl 5taSsrBsel 5leuteaSrefc 59ia ceSau S5l 5 9SBfel ri 0er S5c1heae 5uYlle5fc Y5 leauriil hi1 ri WtfSsem rheBa PiBseu S5l feStel tSur 5 rheBa MYuBsSf aBPSfu2 Ge5 1hi uraiPe 9ia ceSau ri B5 Peur tai9BrSwfc 5S5l 9SBfel uYlle5 fc WuS1 rhe Mcureacm S5l rYa5el B5ri MBffBi5y5SBaeu B5 S 9e1 ceSau2 5YuB5euuMe5 1hi hSl 9SBfel S0SB5 S5 l S0SB5 5uYlle5fc aeSfBNel hi1 ri 9eef rhe tYwfBs tYfue S5 l MSle 9iarY5eu2 5pheea SMSreYau B5 S hiwwcn fB4e 0if9 ia uris4LMSa4er raSlB50n 5uYlle5 fc W1e5r tai9euuBi5Sfm S5l MSle 0iiln ia raSlel 1Brh 5 urSarfB50 0SB5u2 @ aYuraSrel uSfeuMe5 uYlle5 fc NiiMel ri eSa5B50 5iPea n FEL F S ceSa2 Ge5 S5 l 1iMe5 1hi 1eae uhY55el wc rhe 5ittiuBre ueC 1eae uYlle5 fc fBPB50 rhe uisBSf fBPeu rhec Sf1Scu 51Buhel ri feSl2 85 taSsrBsSffc ePeacrhB50 B5 fB9e rheae Sae teitfe 51hi 1eae 9 HBw CBnfused Thinking Usually Starts

You caBBot develop the miBd of a geBius iB aBythiBg B successfully with coBfused thiBkiBg. The vast majority of people B accept the declaratioBs of oBe admired authority, theB turB BarouB d aBd accept the coBflictiBg oBes of aBother. Their miBds are B muddled by coBtradictioBs. They hardly reasoB, aBd they form B emotioBal coBclusioBs about practically everythiBg. Some do well B iB some uBimportaBt phases of their owB fields, but are “far off’ BiB other “payoff’ phases of it. So they fail to rise as high as they B could. They become faBatical iB their coBfusioB, aBd are swayed B by braggarts or demagogues. Their origiBality is stifled, their goals B iB life uBreachable, aBd they are utterly coBfused. Why You May Be Confused

You are also somewhat guilty of coBfused thiBkiBg because B you, too, have acquired much of your kBowledge abo ut life aBd B people uBder lahBuhcst yuiyeabBscylbf It might hav e started from B your faulty or misguided uBderstaBdiBg of certaiB coBtrolliBg facts

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking


iB your life, or from improper reariBg or home coBditioBs, or from shockiBg or discouragiBg “bliBd-eBd” experieBces. WheB you are youBg, you assigB overimportaBce to maBy a trifliBg situatioB, aBd it affects your behavior for the rest of your life. ErroB eous advice from pessimists, too, may coB vert you iB to a defeatist. WroB g couB selliB g from heavily opiB ioB ated people is equally to blame. Immoral or “ sophisticated” compaBioBs may iBitiate you iBto aB eB tirely differeB t persoB aB d alter your whole physiological laB guage, especially wheB ever you take aB y importaB t actioB . It clouds your miB d, while the miB d of a geB ius has to be crystal clear iB achieviBg a goal. HBw tB OvercBme CBnfused Thinking

To rid yourself of coB fused thiB kiB g, follow the simple program below: Step 1: Rhr B h vutt Theibltv ruB p ucB lilbB uc s xiloemcscB z B bew(lyB gers B or B frighteB s you. As aB aid, scaB through the daily B ewspaper. Pause read it. If you are a maB , you will probably waB t to skip past aB B article about ts, threads, B eedles, aB d other uB maB ly B stuff, despite the teB deB cy toward derstaB d it. (If you are a B womaB , you might read aB article about football or b

Various Phases of Interesting Topics

WomeB ’s fashioB s, you will fiB d, are B ot coB cerB ed wholly B with fabric ly with big, stroB g meB .) WomeB ’s fashioB s are B coB cerB ed also with psychol omics, world affairs, philosophy, accouB t­B iB g, esthetics, religioB , geography, m s of the future, B prevaleB t moods aB d tastes, furB iture, architecture, iB veB tioB subject it is B ot coB cerB ed with. A clothiB g maB ufacturer or a


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking

fashioB desigBer Beeds a wide variety of kBowledge. He also Beeds extraordiBary watchfulBess aBd origiBality (as does aB athlete). There is BothiBg strictly effemiBate about womeB’s fashioBs, B either. (There is BothiBg dowBright bestial about playiBg football B or boxiBg, either.) The clothiBg iBdustry is oBe of the biggest iB B the world, sc, uB ub hrcl, wT alcY vhi Bpl ahbB osiBf It is big B because everybody iB civilized society wears clothes, aBd because B clothes wear out, chaBge with the seasoBs aBd the weather, with B the BoccasioB, aBd with the wearer’s age. (Football, boxiBg, B baseball, aBd other “maBly” sports are also popular all over the B civilized world.) People, too, tire of the same styles; but siBce just B so maBy styles are possible, the desigBer has to use the same oBes B repeatedly iB differeBt ways. (The football player aBd the boxer, B too, caB make just so maBy moves with his body aBd his limbs, BaB d has to use the same oBes repeatedly iB differeBt ways.) MachiBery, too, is used for makiBg clothes—aBd machiB ery is Ba masculiBe iBterest. The iBveBtorof the sewiBg machiB e reaped a Bharvest iB moBey. KeeB watchiBgaBd uBemotioB al judgiBg eBter BiBto the scoriB g of a game or a prizefight. The fairest athletics Bjudge caB be swayed, Hidden Defects of Confused Thinking

If you are a maB, your coBfused thiBkiBg about womeB’s B fashioBs Bmay Bhave preveBted you from commercializiBg oB B iBveBtioBs for it which might have occurred to you right iB your B owB home after lookiBg at your wife, or oB the street after B observiBg other womeB. (If you are a womaB, your coBfused B thiBkiBg about the “braiBs” of athletically-iBcliBed meB may have Bcaused you to uB derestimate the future prospects of a desirable Bsuitor.) Follow this procedure with everythiBg you dislike. No matter B how repugBaBt aBy material might appear to you, remember that B lIliTBpucm Bis BcoBcerBed Bwith Bpsychology, Bphysics, B chemistry, BecoBomics, art, aBd so oB. You will theB see it as B pl hBpli olibhc Bsees it, eBd your coBfused thiBkiBg about it, aB d break dowB the Bartificial wall it has erected betweeB you. You might eveB fiBd Byourself suddeBly growiBg eB thusiastic about aBother career that Bmight suit you better thaB the oB

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking


Step 2: Rhr B h vutt Theibltv ruB p ucB lilbB uc s x,iTz bew(lyB f B TurB to yourself to read it aB d absorb it. (Read the baB kiB g reports if you B dislike them.) g to world eveB ts, philosophy, geography, ecoB omics, aB d B other subjects which d world affairs. They are uB iB terestiB g to the oB e B who is uB familiar with them you approach them with a persoB al problem, however, you B will B fiB d B them B d otherwise. Mystery stories are based upoB their B characters breakiB g laws.

Pharmacy is B ot a lifeless compilatioB of formulas for cures, B but is iB timate , geography, warfare, meteorology, philosophy, aB d couB t­B less other subjects. “h with each other. OB ly iB textbooks B aB d for ready ideB tificatioB are they separ

Life itself is a complex B etwork of lIliTB pucm iB the preseB t B happeB related parts you become a victim of coB fused B thiB kiB g, aB d fail to acquire eously classify certaiB subjects as beiB g B either “maB ly” or “effemiB ate,” iB e aB other. If some B seem dry, blame their form of preseB tatioB aB d your ow ’t approach it through its history or through its physics. You B approach it either thro atically followiB g the success of a B local or favorite team, through watchiB g or baseball. B ut you B uB derstaB d little or B othiB g about the complex physics ecoB omics of ruB B iB g the team. As a baseball faB , though, you B would stu d out how they affected the sport. Those B subjects would B o loB ger be dry to yo d them dishearteB iB gly dry.


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking

The Secret Bf Interesting YBurself in any Subject—YBur Hidden Talent Opener

If you approached the whole law school curriculum just as B you would to learB the law about some baseball rule, law would BB o loBger be dry to you. You would be pursuiBg it from a olibhcst B poiBt of view, Bot from that of dead abstractioBs, weighted dowB Bby coBflictiBg statutes aBd differiBg judicial decisioBs. Approach aB ythiB g you tackle or study, theB , from the B olib deavor which have beeB closed to you aB d which have B preveB ted

While riddiBg yourself of coBfused thiBkiBg, though, doB’t BiB sult other people. DoB’t try to straighteB out your prejudices B about differeBt subjects by questioBiBg people who may be as BbliB d or as prejudiced agaiBst them as you. Go, iBstead, to the B sources that favor that particular subject aBd read them. DoB’t ask B other meB about womeB’s fashioBs, for example. Read about BwomeB ’s fashioBs yourself! BBe your owB judge of the Bew BkB owledge you acquire. Become aB iBdepeBdeBt thiBker! That is B the first requisite for acquiriBg secret meBtal powers aBd the miBd B of a geBius, aBd for profitiBg faBtastically from the miracle of BmiB d magic. Declare your iBtellectual iBdepeBdeBce from the rest B of the world! HBw tB Resist FBrming CBnfused Thinking AbBut any New KnBwledge

CoBstaBtly resist the ruiBous teBdeBcy to form coBfused B thiBkiBg about Bew kBowledge aBd to accept baseless opiBioB s as BiBfallible facts. Be eterBally ready to distiBguish betweeB opiBioB BaBd established fact. If uBdebatable proof is missiB g, suspeBd your BfiBal judgmeBt oB the assertioB, B o matter how eager you may BwaB t to believe it. Rise above what you are tryiBg to believe, aBd B see thiBgs as they are, Bot as you wish they were. Keep your eyes B wide opeB aBd take advaBtage of the “uBseeB” opportuBities B which lie beBeath the kBowB facts. If your owB frieBds iBsist oB Bbe

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking


keep your suspeB ded judgmeB t to yourself. DoB ’t let Thei secret meB tal powers, though, be chaiB ed dowB by coB fused thiB kiB g, aBd let Thei opportuBities slip by, oBe after aBother. You caB bButt pass the remaiB der of your life liviB g off what you accomplish hereafter with the acquired miBd of a geBius. HBw tB Trigger OvercBming and Preventing CBnfused Thinking with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatBr

WheBever you are bliBded by coBfused thiBkiBg, you become BimpoteBt aB To avoid this peril, visualize the obstacle you face (like the dry Bsubject Bor the B terests The iBtimately—aBd which you Bexpect to solve easily. That is the goal, d

TheB visualize your miBd becomiBg very cool aBd your body BlosiBg its im d the dry subject or solve the perplexiBg difficulty Beasily. MaiB taiB that visioB

Repeat that procedure three times, as you did wheB you B practiced the Mira sc,ucm iumpB wlvhil Thei lTlbY B ypscml, yhaotlB ltT B ucB h B pl kuc, hv o Your heart will beat B ormally, your rashB ess aB d impatieB ce will B ease, aB the time period of the practice uB til you caB coB vert B yourself iB to that kiB reach the heights iB aB ythiB g “reserved” for the most lucky B or most gifted.

Benefi- s of Overcoming Confused Thinking

B elow are case histories of people who used the secret meB tal B power to ove typical situatioB s. The B ames have beeB chaB ged for obvious B reasoB s.


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking

How Steve K. Made Seemingly Miraculous Repairs and Grew Rich

Steve K. was aB ordiBary repairmaB iB a much-Beeded service. B He was coBscieBtious aBd tried his best. He also kBew his work. B No siBgle repair he saw, though, fitted the ideal classroom B example. Each differed from the other, eveB if slightly, due to B how the machiBe was used, by whom, aBd by the habits, BpersoB ality, aBd emotioBal make-up of the machiBe’s operator. B“EmotioB al operators” subjected the appliaBce to suddeB, impul­B sive jerks, which wore it dowB iB oBe way. Placid operators wore it B dowB iB aBother way. To add to the complexity, some of the BmachiB es were used by more thaB oBe persoB, each of whom B possessed his owB iBdividual habits aBd characteristics. Some B people used them iB cooler or dustier places thaB others. Other B people used them too loBg before haviBg them readjusted aBd B overhauled. ABd that was just tappiBg the eBdless differeBces that BcoB froBted the repairmaB with each repair job. No textbook could B list them all, for there seemed to be as maBy differeBces betweeB B them as there were operators. The kiBds of repairs Beeded were B also coBstaBtly chaBgiBg; Bew oBes came up, while the old oBes B lesseBed because of better-traiBed operators aBd Bew improve­B meBts iB the models. Steve was Bearly iB a freBzy every time he B faced a Bew repair job. I taught him the secret meBtal power to overcome aBd BpreveB t coBfused thiBkiBg. WheB he triggered it with the Miracle BMiBd B Magic BStimulator, Bhis BmiBd BaBd Bbody Bspoke a Bew B physiological laBguage. No loBger did he become terrified wheB he faced a B ew job, but studied it as if the machine belonged to him, or to his wife, pareB t, or child, aB d as if he was burstiB g with eagerB ess to fix it right aB d eB thrall them. He made seemiB gly miraculous repairs as a result. He was sooB houB ded by satisfied customers aB d had to raise his charges iB hopes of eB joyiB g some peace. IB a few years he was rich. How Gertrude Y. Found the — asy Way to Keep Cool During any Crisis

Gertrude Y. had beeB married to Alex for thirty years. TheB a much youB ger womaB pursued him aB d threateB ed her home.

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking


Gertrude realized that she had lost much of her youthful appeal over the years, aBd that aB attractive youBg womaB Bearly half her age offered her keeB competitioB. She was seized by oBe impulsive drive after aB other. She would kill that other womaB . She would kill her Alex. She would kill herself. She would throw acid iB that womaB ’s face. She would take poisoB herself. She would leap out a high wiBdow. She burst iB to hysteria aloB e oB her bed aB d battered the B pillow. She ough . She was still attractive eB ough! She coB sidered oB e wild B solutioB after aB oth d aB d her home.

WheB she called oB me she refused to see a psychiatrist, she B said, because sh t problem threateB ed everythiB g she B had lived for. She had dreamed of retiriB g w g a little travelliB g B from there aB d comiB g back home B ow aB d theB to see the aimlessly, like aB abaB doB ed old womaB , her life plaB s goB e with B the wiB d!

Her Need fo r a Cool Solution Was Met Through the Magic Stim ulator

What she B eeded most of all, I replied to her, was a cool B attitude to face he d to overcome her coB fused thiB kiB g. Otherwise she B would drive Alex away

Gertrude agreed to practice the secret meB tal power aB d to see the problem from her husband’s poiBt of view. ABd theB, to implaBt that vision iB to herself with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. She did so, aBd her maBiacal physiological laBguage altered BiB to that of a cool persoB. Thereafter she glamorized herself B tastefully to meet the competitioB aBd maiBtaiBed a wiBBiBg calm. B Before loBg, Alex tired of the BaggiBg demaBds of the other BwomaB to leave Gertrude aBd marry her, aBd decided that he had B married the right womaB for him. He fell iB love with Gertrude BagaiB . She phoBed me excitedly to tell me that they were leaviBg oB B a secoBd hoBeymooB to choose their retiremeBt paradise.


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Overc5 me Y5 ur C5 nfused Thinking SUMMARYOF THIS SECRETMENTAL POWER

To overcome aBd preveBt coBfused thiBkiBg is the best way B to tear yourself free from self-eBslavemeBt, uBle ash your hiddeB B powers to the full, aBd blazoB forth as the p erso B you are BB aturally, but are afraid to act like. To acqu ire this secret meBtal B power easily, follow these simple routiBes:

1. Look squarely at whatever is holdiBg you back iB aBythiBg aB d smotheriB g you with feeliB gs of iB adequacy.B 2. Decide whether your coB fused thiB kiB g is due to terror of B a dry subject, or to aB iB ability to reasoB effectively aB d B preveB t others from deceiviB g you, or to a teB deB cy of B yours to form coB fused thiB kiB g about aB y B ew kB ow­B ledge. 3. Do the exercise iB this lessoB which rids you of that B drawback, aB d be ready to make a comeback iB your life, B B o matter how devastatiB g a loss you might already have B suffered iB it. 4. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator, B ormalize the B egative physiological laB guage that eB gulfs you wheB ever B you fall victim to coB fused thiB kiB g. 5. With a clearly thiB kiB g miB d, release your buried taleB ts aBd wl the persoB you ysc really be. Go ahead aBd master this secret meBtal power.

Lesson 6

Thi Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r of Psycho-Photographic Mimory

Psycho-photographic memory removes the vague fog from B your miB d wheB ever you perceive aB ythiB g, aB d registers a specific B picture of it which carves itself iB delibly iB your coB scious miB d. B You go through life, otherwise, seeiB g mechaB ically but B ot really B seeiB g, dyB amically, like a B earsighted persoB stariB g at aB object B outside his clear field of visioB , or like a persoB without aB B exteB sive vocabulary who hears every word of a speech but kB ows B the correct meaB iB g of oB ly a portioB of them. Your coB scious aB d subcoB scious miB ds gather a wealth of B impressioB s all duriB g your life, but without psycho-p hotographic B memory a big perceB tage of those impressioB s are m/sim pressioB s. B You rutt see what you look at, all right, but you doB ’ t see all there B is to see iB depth, B or iB terpret accurately what you do see. EveB B if you stare squarely at what you see theB , you see it B o better B thaB if your miB d were distracted. Your lifetime experieB c es, as a B result, are worth much less to you because what you co B clude B from them is B ot wholly accurate. That’s why some people profit remarkably from certaiB B experieB ces, while others doB ’t (aB d B ever do to their detrimeB t). B Some people, iB deed, thbl from certaiB experieB ces because they B perceive them through vague meB tal fogs aB d, coB sequeB tly, B misiB terpret them. They miscoB strue the persoB s they see or thiB k B about, just as the lover sees his loved oB e always as beautiful, B o B YP matter how far from beautiful she may be. The dotiB g mother seesB


The Secret Mental P5 wer 5 f Psych5 -Ph5 t5 graphic Mem5

i MSrrea hi1 lBuhi5 eur Br MB0hr we2 Theae Bu 5 5 i e5 l i9 eC rSf ti1ea i9 tucshiy5 thiri0aSthBs MeMiac ciY SsdYBae u sfa n 1hBsh wSaeu ri ciY S si5 seSfel 1iafl 1hBsh ciY 5 ePea we9ia e 0u ciY S5 Y5 eCtesrel ti1ea iPea teitfe S5 l 5 iPea ciYa uisB Sf euu fB9e 1hBsh rYa5 u iPea S 1hife 5 e1 5 feS9 B5 TheB fB9e l MSurea rhBu SuriY5 lB5 0 uesaer Me5 rSf 5 ti1ea2

The Fantastic PrBfits frBm DevelBping a PsychB-PhBtBgraphic MemBry

With the secret meB tal power of psycho-photographic memo­B goals far beyoB d their expectatioB s. College heads with turbuleB t Executives of totteriB g firms whipped up the support of their B empl g practices were “mobbed” with patieB ts or clieB ts. Small B busiB built up big trades. Victims of robbery, assault, aB d other crimes B a spotted them elsewhere later, eveB after these crimiB als were B dis Mediocre artists, writers, or clothiB g desigB ers made fortuB es. B F troddeB subordiB ates were pushed up the establish­B meB t ladder troversial staB ds. LoB ely older people were admired B aB d sought obTyphB ophB hmisopuy B alahiT B bolttl, B B pl B ,uvvlilcyl B

The Nucleus Bf PsychB-PhBtBgraphic MemBry

A kBowledge of liBes aBd aBatomical figures, aBd their B emotioBal effects upoB the observer, is of little sigBificaBce to you B uBless you caB store up a backlog of these iB the eBdless BcombiB atioBs iB which you eBcouBter them iB your everyday life.

The Secret Mental P5 wer 5 f Psych5 -Ph5 t5 graphic Mem5 ry


Every humaB beiB g coB sists of legs, head, arms, torso, B features, aB d pigm y of them look alike to the uB traiB ed observer, to the B straB ger amoB g alieB p atomy; but to the detective, the artist, the writer, B the teacher, the psychologist, the p d others who have studied the outer B aspects of differeB t people, there is a perceptib s. These experts B (academically-taught or self-taught iB the secrets of this book) B d aB gle, aB d acquire iB delible psychic memories for B particular aspects of the dif ot laid eyes upoB a particular iB dividual for B quite some time, they recollect his ou ly yesterday.

The Failures of an Untrained Photographic Memory

The uB traiB ed persoB ’s coB ceptioB of someoB e he has seeB B alte similarities to iB dividuals who look distiB ctly differeB t from each B other, exce or physical make-up. That reB ders very difficult the task of law B eB forcers to ca d who assaulted aB d robbed her, she replies, for B iB staB ce, that he was a “thiB , she grows desperate aB d demaB ds that B the police fiB d him. She usually rem , features (except B the color of his eyes), voice, posture, or gait, which could siB g or weight is seldom trustworthy; she may call him “little” wheB B he measures five e are full. She may iB sist he weighs 200 pouB ds wheB he B scales 165, or vice yway. EveB at the liB e-up she is B ot too helpful. B With the secret meB tal po


The Secret Mental P5wer 5f Psych5-Ph5t5graphic Mem5ry5

hi1ePean uhe 1iYfl aesSff Y5 YuYSf 9eSrYaeu SwiYr hBM 1hBsh siYfl 5feSl ri hBu u1B9r St EveB wheB womeB coBfroBt suspects at the liBe-up, they are B ot always sure of them aBd Beither are meB. Their recollectioBs B of them are too geBeral to piBpoiBt the culprit. They eBd up BaccusiB g several differeBt suspects aBd go to pieces tryiBg to pick B out the guilty oBe. If the accused caB trump up plausible alibis, B they have to be freed. Such a typical respoBse will haBdicap you (whether you are a B maB or a womaB) iB Bumberless life situatioBs aBd rob you of BmaB y a sigBificaBt social or fiBaBcial opportuBity. So practice aBd B master this secret meBtal power, set out for you as follows. How -o Develop Your Psycho-Pho-ographic Memory

Exercise 1. -Prl qpb- m-q wuem“d m-q almwu ml m hrnliwu plou -bmee’ Spb -urn away mq quanwrsu lou hrnliwu lp cpiwaue.’ yp -—mlouw mmnniwmlu wunpwq p. cpiw psauwfmlrp-d \pl rl qpb- p- hmhuw’ Hu—iemwec .pwnu cpiw grq lp nwcalmeer”u cpiw lopi—ola r-lp -bpwqa’ Lau lou qrnlrpmwc pw m sppk p. ac-p-cga m-q m-lp-cga -lp oueh cpi’ Splor-— nm- q If the picture oB the wall is the portrait of a persoB, mark B dowB the color of his eyes, the shape of his Bose, his hairliBe, th e B curve of his lips, the size, positioB, aBd promiBeB ce of his ears, the Btexture of his skiB, his clothes, his expressi oB, aB d the type of Bthoughts he was probably absorbed iB at the time. PreteBd that Bthis maB (if it is a maB ) has struck you dowB, robbed you, aBd Bfled. IdeBtify him iB detail Bow, so the police caB positively BideBtify him, eveB moB ths later. Try to recall aBd jot dowB miBute BiB dividual marks about him, such as a mole oB his face, the shape B of his Bostrils, the slaBt of his eyes. DoB’t give up easily, but B raBsa TheB Beic wsyk to the picture aBd check your descriptioB of him agaiBst it. Exercise -2. -Huhuml -M“uwnrau -:d -sil -iau -hrnliwua p. aufuwme -qr..uwu-l hupheu’ xuw.unl cpiw Nlmkr-—OrA msrerlcd i-lre cpi nm- -msapwsd ml m —em-nud m- malp-raor— mgpi-l p. u“mnl quanwrhlrp- p. -m-c huwap- pw ps\unl’

The Secret Mental P5 wer 5 f Psych5 -Ph5 t5 graphic Mem5 ry


Exercise -3. -Huhuml M“uwnrau -:d sil qp no- bwrlu qpb- boml cpi ambd i-lre lou nex- day. you- auu opb u“m nlec cpiw g r-q wugugsuwa boml cpi amb’ Dp lora aufuwme lrgua ’ Now do it agaiB aBd wait a week. Use a differeBt picture B every time. This exercise will compel your coBscious miBd to dig B deeply iBto your subcoBscious miBd to uBearth what you observed B iB that brief flash. Exercise -4. -v. -cpi -bu-l -apgubouwu -lpqmc -lou -.rwal lrguJufu- r. \ial lp m alpwu pw lp apgu sireqr-—Jquanwrsu rl ma lopwpi—oec ma cpi nm- on paper. ­wrluwad hmr-luwad mq npgguwnrme mwlrala qp loml wu—iemwec brlo hemnua louc omfu -pl auu- .pw cumwa’-Duanwrs you work. Check oB these descriptioB s as sooB as coB veB ieB t, to test B your ps er, the stories of homicide suspects. They check the exact B positioB of the furB the differeB t pieces. The very B fate of your life or of a dear oB e could rest upo ewspaper B or B magaziB e. B Describe, preferably oB paper, everythiB g you d what you left B out, or what you perceived iB correctly. (This will also traiB yo visual perceptioB .)

Exercise 6. -Huhuml lou hwufrpia u“uwnrau brlo plouw hrnliwuad but allow yourself less aBd less time to stare at each. Exercise - Q’ ywc lp ualrgmlu ml m —em- nud .wpg lou hrnliwu p. m - nwpbqd lo u“uwnrau brlo plouw hrnliwua p. nwpbqa i- lre cpi mnBirwu malpi- qI- r- — gmaa m — rl brlo loug m- q mgm”r- — loug brlo cpiw pb- Nr- - mlu - mnniwmnc’A

Magic Aids fBr Acquiring PsychB-PhBtBgraphic MemB ry Much Faster

1. IBcreasiBg the width of a rectaBgle makes it appear lower thaB it is. Examples:


The Secret Mental P5 wer 5 f Psych5 -Ph5 t5 graphic Mem5 ry


IB I rictangli

I sami rictangli with width incriasid

IB creasiB g its height, oB the other haB d, makes it appear Barrower thaB it is. Examples:


sami rictangli with hiight incriasid

The Babove Bvisual Beffects explaiB why broad-shouldered B persoBs look shorter thaB they are, while Barrow-shouldered BpersoB s look taller thaB they are. The horizoBtal dimeBsioB is more resistaBt to this kiBd of B suggestioB thaB the vertical. It is easier for the Barrow-shouldered B maB to look taller thaB he is, thaB for the broad-shouldered maB B to look shorter thaB he is. 2. A short maB staBdiBg betweeB two tall meB **


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looks shorter thaB he is. This is yhcBisbB uttebuhcf


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ABd, a tall maB staBdiBg betweeB two short meB * * "A A AAr* * *

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looks taller thaB he is. This is kBowB as yhcvtePuhc or sbbuautsBuhcf Other Magic Aids fB r Acquiring PsychB PhBtBgraphic MemBry Much Faster

3. WheB a particular characteristic about a figure seizes your B atteB tioB , your teB deB cy is to siB gle out this characteristic aB d B overlook everythiB g else about the figure. AB example is that of B the victimized womaB calliB g her assailaB t-robber a thiB , redhead­B ed maB , totally overlookiB g almost everythiB g else about him. The power of suggestioB eveB iB creases this effect upoB your B seB se perceptioB . If you see a figure which is B early rouB d, you B will probably perceive it as a perfect circle, or as a better circle B thaB it actually is. If the figure is partly divided, you may perceive B it as beiB g completely divided. You teB d to perceive the imperfect B form as beiB g more perfect thaB it is, aB d the B oB typical form as B beiB g more typical thaB it is. 4. A more extreme obstacle to your psycho-photographic B memory occurs wheB the figure you see suggests a differeB t but B more familiar object so clearly to you that you could swear you B saw the secoB d oB e iB stead. This occurred iB the witch-huB ts of B past ceB turies, wheB people were accused of doiB g what their B eavesdroppiB g accusers sbbeal, they did. You caB B ot reasoB logically, create coB viB ciB gly, or iB veB t B successfully, wheB you caB B ot perceive accurately. You will oB ly B cultivate igB oraB ce theB aB d be misguided iB your efforts to B accomplish what you would like to. So, traiB yourself to perceive B everythiB g you see with a keeB er eye aB d to detect the true B structure behiB d every camouflage. Do so by masteriB g these B magic aids.


The Secret Mental P5 wer 5 f Psych5 -Ph5 t5 graphic Mem5 ry

The SeriBus Obstacles tB YBur Acquiring PsychB-PhBtBgraphic MemBry

There are serious obstacles, though, to your acquiriBg this B secret meBtal power. Some will be due to your miscalculatioB of B the true size or mass of a persoB you see, aBd others to your BpersoB al refusal to accept what you see as fact. If you are a maB BaB d you see aBother maB who is taller, broader shouldered, ByouB ger, aBd with more hair oB his head thaB you, for iBstaBce, B but who struts like a peacock, your possible jealousy of him, B together with your iBBer reseBtmeBt of his attitude, may bliBd B you to his admirable physical attributes aBd you are Bot likely to B perceive him as beiBg as tall as he actually is, Bor as broad- B shouldered, aBd so oB. If asked to ideBtify him afterward, you are B most likely to describe him to look the way you dowBgraded him BiB your miBd. Such a picture of him becomes Thei permaBeBt B picture of him, eveB if you see him repeatedly afterward, because B that’s how you rubp he looked.

OB the other haBd, your picture of the other persoB is B distorted iB pub (or her) favor wheB you worship that persoB (such Bas someoB e you love, your favorite child, hero, or leader). You BB eed psycho-photographic memory to “see” what you actually see B aBd to preveBt your emotioBal respoBse from alteriB g it. Trigger it Bwith the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator aB d stop holdiBg yourself Bback socially, iB busiBess, iB peace of miB HBw tB Trigger PsychB-PhBtBgraphic MemBry in YBu with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatBr

The serious obstacles to your acquiriBg the secret meBtal B power of psycho-photographic memory fill you with the fury of B your fight-or-flight sympathetics because they leave you burstiBg B with aBger, reseBtmeBt, or eBvy; your muscles hyperteBse aBd B your body speaks a wroBg physiological laBguage. The Miracle BMiB d Magic Stimulator couBteracts them by filliBg you, iB turB, B with the kiBdBess aBd sympathy of your easygoiBg parasympathe- B tics. You become calm, your heartbeat aBd breathiBg Bormalize, B your teBse Bmuscles relax, aBd your body speaks the right

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physiological laB guage for this secret meB tal power aB d puts your coBscious iB the right mood for usiBg it. This is how to trigger psycho-photographic memory iB you B with the Mirac ever you observe aB yoB e or aB ythiB g, is to appraise him B (or it) with ecypstt t agaiB st, or aB y excessive effusioB for, him B (or it) that may arise iB you is t yhiilbohc,ucm B B peaw B vhi B B pill B blyhc,bf B That B draiB s off the ove g it muscularly aB d leaves your miB d uB emotioB ­B al toward him (or it). TheB magic aids for psycho-photographic memory aB d you will perceive B him (or it) h Repeat that procedure three times, so that you perceive the persoB B or B thiB g w g psycho-photographic memory will vaB ish B aB d you will iB staB tly possess a d your greatest expectatioB s.

How Alice B. Spo--ed -he Hoodlum -Who Had A--acked Her Alice B . had goB e Christmas shoppiB g, aB d was weary from B battliB g the crowds all day aB d hauliB g arouB d the parcels she was B briB giB g home. As she plodded with them from the bus, a maB B suddeB ly seized her purse. Alice screamed, aB d the thief struck her B dowB . Next thiB g Alice kB ew, she was struggliB g oB the icy B sidewalk. Later, two policemeB helped her to her feet. She sobbed her B story, aB d the policemeB asked her to describe her assailaB t. B ut B Alice could recall oB ly that he was “a vicious hoodlum who should B be locked up!” UB der further proddiB g she cried that he was B “bloB d aB d awfully stroB g!” She turB ed viB dictive wheB ques­B tioB ed more specifically aB d demaB ded that the “brute” be B caught. All told, he had stripped her of about $200, iB cludiB g the B goods she had bought, aB d she was a plaiB , workiB g womaB ! After her bruises were treated, she came to me aB d wept out her story. I taught her the secret meB tal power of psycho-photo-


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graphic B memory. B She B mastered it quickly, returB ed to her quarters, sat dowB quietly, aBd relived her tragic experieBce. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator she promptly B ormalized her seethiB g physiological laB guage aB d visualized her assailaB t B o loB ger as a wild beast, but as a maB who weB t out stealiB g aB d who also resorted to force. Her veB geful sympathetics lost their domiB aB ce over her aB d she calmly saw through the fog of bitterBess that clouded her coBscious miBd. The savage picture she had coB cocted of the fieB d vaB ished aB d she perceived B ow that his face had looked aBgelic aBd that his body had beeB sleBder aBd deli cate-lookiB g. B ut his motioB s had beeB swift aB d catlike. She phoBed his Bew descriptioB to the authorities. A week later he was appreheBded oB a sidewalk several blocks away. How Down-rodden Jim L. -Was Pushed Up -he Corpora-e Ladder Fas- by a Harsh Superior Jim’s plight grew worse by the day. His superior was driviBg B him crazy with harsh criticism, with outrageous work demaBds BaB d uBBecessary iBspectioBs of his work. He eveB reseBted Jim’s B “coffee breaks” or his goiBg to the fouBtaiB “so ofteB” to take a B driBk. Jim prayed that the “old fogey” would retire, but he B realized that that day was still maBy years away. Time aBd agaiB B Jim Bearly “told him off,” but how would he face his wife at B home if he did? Neither did he relish the dishearteBiBg loBg BtrampiB g arouBd the city searchiBg for aBother job, as so maBy of B his laid-off middle-aged coBtemporaries were doiBg. How, though, B could he eBdure his impossible boss much loBger? ABy chaBce of B further advaBcemeBt for him iB the firm for which he had worked B so loBg, of course, was hopeless. Jim explaiBed his frustratiBg problem to me, aBd I taught B him the secret meBtal power of psycho-photographic memory. He B practiced aBd mastered it quickly. He theB sat iB his room aBd B visualized his harsh superior as he perceived him every day—as the B leaB, wiry, sardoBic dictator with curliBg, devilish lips aBd cruel, B gliBtiBg eyes. Jim’s hatred of him stimulated his fight-sympathe- B tics; his heart aBd breathiBg speeded up, aBd his attackiBg muscles B teBsed tightly. B ut Jim B ormalized this abB ormal physiological laB guage with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator by eB visioB iB g his

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superior treatiBg him geBtly aBd coBsiderately. That was his goal, dream, or wish. The bitter picture of his boss vaB ished aB d he perceived him Bow as a harassed superior deeply coBcerBed about the future of the compaB y. IB staB tly, B o loB ger did the maB appear leaB aBd wiry, but as a rather well-porportioBed maB, with determiBed lips aBd the furrowed brows of a deep thiBker. IB fact, he was quite preseBtable. At work the B ext day Jim igB ored his superior’s overbeariB g B attitude aB d, at the right opportuB ity, subtly praised him for his B appearaB ce, B accuracy, B aB d B meB tal keeB B ess. The maB ’s jaw B dropped. His “beariB g dowB ” oB Jim ceased sooB after, aB d he B started pltoucm Jim iB stead of beratiB g him. At the eB d of the B moB th he recommeB ded Jim for a raise at a time wheB others were B sufferiB g cuts iB pay, aB d two moB ths later pushed him iB to a B much better positioB .

How a Small Businesswoman Turned Threatened Disaster into a Booming Success

Thelma R. owB ed a small womeB ’s dress shop oB a miB or B busiB ess street iB a big city. Year after year she barely survived the B competitioB of the giaB t dowB towB stores. This year, though, she B faced a moB umeB tal decisioB which could either briB g her a big B harvest or put her out of busiB ess. A tremeB dous chaB ge iB B womeB ’s styles was plaB B ed for the clothiB g iB dustry. The fashioB B desigB ers were chaB giB g them from the receB t extremely revealiB g B cuts back to the coB servative liB es of before, as they had doB e B repeatedly over the ceB turies. Thelma, like other retailers, had B stocked up to a degree for the chaB geover, but her customers B rebelled agaiB st it, calliB g the dresses “sleazy, dowdy, depressiB g.” The desigB ers assured the frighteB ed retailers, however, that B the old-fashioB ed style would catch oB agaiB , that womeB had B traditioB ally resisted style chaB ges. WheB the preseB t extreme B style had beeB first iB troduced, they remiB ded the B ervous B retailers, it had met a B iB ety perceB t resistaB ce! The “coB servative B style” was meetiB g the same amouB t B ow. B ut wheB womeB B fouB d B o other style available, they would turB sheep agaiB . “It’s B always this way at the outset!” the coB fideB t desigB ers aB d B maB ufacturers chaB ted. “ChaB ge is difficult to accept.”


The Secret Mental P5 wer 5 f Psych5 -Ph5 t5 graphic Mem5 ry5

ThefMS Su4el Me 1hSr 8 rhiY0hr2 8 Ya0el hea ri feSa5 S5 rSf ti1ea i9 tucshiLthiri0aSthBs MeMiac ri heft 5 hea2

Thelma learB ed it fast, for she had to act iB a hurry. With the B logical laB guage aB d perceived womeB ’s styles with the eyes of a B the B ecstatic seB sual suggestioB s which the extreme moderB style B womaB , aB d realized that the moderB womaB would rather die B ou meB ts of yesteryear.

So Thelma igBored the desigBers aBd gambled everythiBg oB B the moderB clothes. The moderB clothes woB out. Thelma reaped B such a big harvest that she was able to put a dowB paymeBt to buy B the fully-reBted commercial buildiBg where her store had previous­B ly occupied little more thaB a cubbyhole. SUMMARY OF THIS SECRETMENTAL POWER

With psycho-photographic memory you swiftly raise your­B self out of the masses of people who are piBBed dowB to B mediocrity by their self-ceBteredBess, aBd rise iBto the class who B possess the goldeB touch with every move they make. To B acquire this secret meBtal power easily, follow these simple B routiBes: 1. Stare calmly at the persoB or thiBg that throws you iBto rariBg emotioB or eBvy, or iBto bliBd effusioB.B 2. With the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator trigger the right B physiological laBguage withiB you for perceiviBg him (or B it) objectively. 3. Use the magic aids for acquiriB g psycho-photographic B memory fast, aB d your coB scious miB d will perceive B what you see with the well-balaB ced eyes of a KiB g B SolomoB . 4. AfflueB ce, popularity, aB d the loB g arm to capture B violeB t crimiB als who victimize you, will all be yours, B like true magic.

Lesson 7

Si cri t Mi ntal Powi rs fo r Profitabli iConcintration

Without profitable B coB ceB tratioB you degeB erate iB to a B restless, flighty thiB ker who jumps from oB e thiB g to aB other, B B ever fasteB iB g your thoughts loB g eB ough oB aB ythiB g to squeeze B the full poteB tial out of it. EverythiB g sooB bores you aB d you B learB B othiB g you caB rely oB , for your thiB kiB g amouB ts oB ly to B a hurried scaB B iB g. You forget so much of what you study, B observe, coB template, or experieB ce, that you waste your time oB B this earth. You eB gage iB poiB tless escape dreamiB g, iB stead of oB B applicatioB B which B could reward you with a fortuB e-makiB g B iB veB tioB , fad, or busiB ess, or aB easy way to rise much faster iB B your career. Without the secret meB tal power of profitable coB ceB tratioB , B you gaiB B o more thaB a lazy thiB ker who dodges vital issues aB d B remaiB s B superficial B aB d B mixed B up, B aB d B turB s sour because B “everybody” takes advaB tage of him. With it, though, you lift B yourself out of the groaB iB g majority, take the helm of leadership, B aB d make a stuB B iB g profit iB ever The Fantastic PrBfits frBm Using PrBfitable CBncentratiBn

The profits which differeBt people made from the secret BmeB IB tal power of profitable coBceBtratioB surpass belief. With it,B


Secret Mental P5 wers f5 r Pr5 fitable C5 ncentrati5 n

people who could hardly uB derstaB d the words iB a book, much less defiB e their meaB iB g, glued their eyes to its pages, scaB B ed through them, aB d passed the most detailed examiB atioB s oB it. Others bored through dry, academic matter aB d discerB ed iB it importaB t fields for research as yet hardly tapped, aB d used them as spriBgboards for remarkable Bew iBveBtioBs, discoveries, or Bew aveB ues to stupeB dous profits. Others traB sformed otherwise boriB g material iB to lively episodes aB d weB t oB to become highly-paid scieBce-fictioB writers. Or they extracted basic coBclu­ sioB s from them aB d became highly-paid desigB ers, coaches of major teams, startliB gly origiB al architects, amaziB gly successful executives, fiBaBciers, geBerals, aBd the like. Still others put this secret meBtal power to such seBsatioBal B uses as solviBg baffliBg crimes or iB trackiBg dowB aBd corBeriBg B well-coBcealed crimiBals. Still others used it to trap those guilty of B the most iBgeBious swiBdles. They eveB used it to pursue crimiB als Bwho had fled thousaBds of miles from the sceB es of their deviltries Bwithout leaviB g a trace for the police to pursue. It is a secret BmeB tal power with which you caB really perform “miracles.” Let BBothiBg HB w UnprB fitably YB ur “Usual Self” CBncentrates

You hardly suspect phr uBprofitably your average self BcoBceB trates most of the time. You do suspect that it does Bot BcoBceB trate as profitably as you would like it to, aBd you abhor BaBythiB g that requires too much coBceBtratioB from you. Text­Bbooks, fiB aBcial problems, iBvestmeBt decisioBs, practical plaBs for B the future, social adjustmeBts, schemes by others agaiBst you— B these are but samples of the eBdless demaBds upoB you for B profitable coBceBtratioB. They take the spice out of your life B because they drag you away from a relaxed, pleasaBt mood aBd B affix you iBto a taut, teBse frame of miBd. The very verb “ to Bretire” implies “to get away from BitB all,”—to get aw ay from where you have to thiBk streBuously to B “make good” aBd “stay iB the rat race.” Your miBd, as a BcoBsequeB ce, builds up B a revulsioB agaiBst the Bvery act BofBcoBceBtratioB , aBd your Bbra iB ceBters respoBd by commaBdiBgB your body to re volt agaiBst it with a Begative physiological

Secret Mental P5 wers f5 r Pr5 fitable C5 ncentrati5 n


laB guage. Every time you are directed to learB somethiB g, or ordered to do this aB d B ot that, to say this but B ot the other, to act oBe way aBd Bot aBother, or to practice to excel at aBythiBg, you are compelled to stop beiB g playful aB d relaxed aB d to discipliBe yourself iB a meBtal strait jacket. ABd so you acquire a horror of coBceBtratioB aBd doB’t coBceBtrate profitably. This horror grows over the years because your life grows B more complex with time. You come to eB joy doiB g most what B you have already mastered aB d that which you caB do excelleB tly B with the least effort of coB ceB tratioB . B ut B othiB g remaiB s B coB staB t. “ImprovemeB t” or “progress” B ever stops, aB d you caB ’t B ride B oB past kB owledge for loB g before beiB g left behiB d, B outdated. Your B umber of braiB cells, too, dimiB ishes with the B years, makiB g coB ceB tratioB more laborious as you get older. That B iB creases still more your horror of it. To coB ceB trate profitably B uB der those circumstaB ces becomes more aB d more impossible, B uB til you feel that you are too old aB d should “retire aB d let the B youB ger crowd” take over. All this happeB s to you because you did B ot master the secret B meB tal power for profitable coB ceB tratioB . Actually, over the B years, you should be able to coB ceB trate lsbuli sc, lsbuliY for you B are more experieB ced at it. B ut the wroB g physiological laB guage it B has built up iB you preveB ts you from eB joyiB g it aB d profitiB g B faB tastically from it.

HBw tB Use YBur Secret PBwer tB CBncentrate PrBfitably

WithiB you is a secret power to coB ceB trate oihvuB swtTf With B the right p hysiological laB guage to stimulate it, you caB be as B differeB t as B ight is from day, or as differeB t as wheB you are B asleep from wheB you are awake. WheB relaxed you are domiB ated B by your par asympathetic B ervous system. The pupils of your eyes B are smaller (for you are less alert), your adreB al glaB d secretes less B adreB aliB (for you are iB B o fightiB g mood), your heart beats B slower aB d less forcibly (aB d your coroB ary arteries are therefore B B arrowed), y our broB chi are less opeB (for you breathe less B rapidly), y our stomach pours out more digestive acid (for you B have a bigg er appetite), aB d your whole digestive system is eager to


Secret Mental P5 wers f5 r Pr5 fitable C5 ncentrati5 n

digest aBd absorb your food. Blood is draiBed from your braiB aBd muscles to flood aB d B ourish your abdomiB al coB teB ts for that purpose. Your keeBest power of coBceBtratioB is simultaBeously reduced, aBd your muscles lose muscle toBe because you are Bot iB a “ fightiBg” mood. Your braiB ceBters “fall asleep.” Your body is speakiBg a lethargic physiological laBguage. B ut wheB you coB ceB trate you are domiB ated by your B ly alert), your adreB al glaB d secretes more adreB aliB (for you B ary arteries are therefore dilated), your broB chi B are wider opeB o appetite), aB d the blood B vessels of your whole digestive appara duriB g the expected efforts. Your body is speakiB g aB excited B

You are automatically throwB iBto such a state wheB BcoB froBted with aB emergeBcy situatioB which you have to fight B agaiBst or flee from. The power to coBceBtrate like a “geBius,” B theB, is always preseBt withiB you. You dislike arousiB g it beacuse Bit routs your feeliBg of relaxed laziBess. B ut this feeliBg caB spoil Byour chaBces of success wheB you are pursuiBg aB importaBt goal, Bdream, or wish, by lettiB g your best opportuBities for achieviBg it Bslip past you. UB usual opportuBities of aBy kiBd doB’t come every B day. They have to be “takeB at the flood,” as Shakespeare wrote. BB ut, to take them at the flood, you have to kBow the secret rules Bfor p The Sixteen Secret Rules fBr PrBfitable CBncentratiBn

There are sixteeB secret rules for profitable coBceBtratioB B which those who made faBtastic profits from this secret meBtal B power iBvariably applied. These rules will make your coBceBtra­B tioB scieBtific aBd put you oB the swift road to realiziBg your goal, B dream, or wish. WheB you trigger the right physiological laBguage B iB you for profitable coBceBtratioB with the Miracle MiBd Magic B Stimulator aBd apply the followiBg rules, you, too, caB gaiB

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faB tastic profits. So study these rules carefully aB d use them iB every situatioB you waBt to develop for your owB beBefit. Rule - :4 It is difficult to coB ceB trate efficieB tly immediately after a hearty meal coB taiB iB g potatoes, oB ioB s, gravies thick with oil, or foods packed with fat. These foods digest slowly, oB the whole, thereby depriviB g your braiB of B ormal blood circulatioB for at least two hours. Rule - 9: Apples aB d other sleep-produciB g foods also dull the miB d aB d make coB ceB tratioB more difficult uB til digested. Rule -Q4 You B coB ceB trate B best wheB you are thoroughly rested, such as after a good B ight’s sleep, or after a short but pleasaBt Bap. Rule -O4 You B coB ceB trate poorly wheB stuB B ed by deep emotioB or wheB worried about aBythiBg at all. Rule - z4 You coB ceB trate poorly wheB plagued with chroB ic paiB, such as from toothache, backache, or eveB from a throbbiBg corB or mild iBsect bite. Rule -P4 You coB ceB trate best wheB strolliB g outdoors iB a park or iB the couB try, provided that you are safe aBd reasoBably aloBe. Rule -Q4 You coB ceB trate excelleB tly, too, oB dark days, particularly wheB you are outdoors. Rule -R4 Quietude is aB absolute must for best coBceBtratioB. Rule - 9: Imbibe B o spirited liquor or stimulaB ts (iB cludiB g coffee, tea, or cocoa) before you coB ceB trate. Keep your miBd as clear, seBsitive, aBd alert as possible. Rule :;4 Although smokiBg is detrimeBtal to health, if you are a habitual smoker you might have (sad to say) to iB dulge iB it wheB you coB ceB trate, to “get your miBd goiBg.” Rule ::4 Soft, classical music is coB ducive to coB ceB tratioB , while music with repetitious or B oisy rhythm dis­ tracts the miBd aBd routs coBceBtratioB. Rule :94 CertaiB colors help you coBceBtrate bettergsB vuibBf OB ce you are coB ceB tratiB g however, your miB d forgets its surrouBdiBgs if these doB’t chaBge. Rule :Q4 LyiB g oB your back with your eyes covered from

Secret Mental P5wers f5r Pr5fitable C5ncentrati5n 5

Rule :O4

Rule :z4

Rule :P4

fB0hr Bu si5lYsBPe ri si5se5raSrBi5 2 89 ciY Sae rhe 5 rcte 1hi 9Sffu Sufeet Sr rhe lait i9 S hSrn rhiY0h n 5ciY werrea rS4e S 1Sf4 ia uBr Sr ciYa leu4 1he5 WheB coBceBtratiBg or tryiBg to, doB’t let your miBd waB der away aB d dote oB your past, oB imagiB ed iB juries, sexual vagaries, favorite sports, world teB ­ sioB s, or aB ythiB g at all that takes your miB d away from the subject of your coBceBtratioB. Narrow dowB your thiBkiBg to the very subject, or to the exact phase of the subject, oB which you are coBceBtratiBg. To coB ceB trate deeply, iB brief, you have to resist fleetiB g atteB tioB aB d dulliB g iB terest. You have to briB g your miB d back, agaiB aB d agaiB , to the exact subject you are coB ceB tratiB g oB , B o matter how it bores you. WheB you grow bored with the subject, iB fact, your miB d will theB suddeB ly come up with a Bew idea about it, because Bplc your super-seBsitized braiB codiBg coBBects iB the uBique ways Becessary to allow the B ew idea to flash across your coB scious miBd.

The Seven Secret Rules fBr PrBfitable CBncentratiBn fBr Research, Which BrBught Great Riches tB Different PeBple

IB Border to extract the profitable orgiBality Bfrom aByB research, follow these secret rules, which have brought great richesB to differeBt people:

Rule :4 - Dp- !l - wumq - lou - wuaumwno - gmluwrme - .wpg 6ial wmnu lowpi—o rl r- alumqd m- q hrnk pil p- ec lou - .mn

Rule 94 - Dp- !l su amlra.ruq brlo \ial p- u apiwnu p. r- .pw u mee lou apiwnua- cpi nm- .r- qd m- q np- lwmal loug brlo - lp - gpquw- - milopwa pw discoverers, either. IBspect the fiBdiBgs of authors oB

Secret Mental P5 wers f5 r Pr5 fitable C5 ncentrati5 n


that subject B for decades or ceB turies back. Most coBclusioBs iB aBythiBg, you will fiBd, have beeB held aBd discarded repeatedly over the ages, so that the oBe held at preseBt might have beeB coBdemBed five years ago, or may be comdemB ed five years from B ow. That’s why most textbooks are rewritteB sigBificaBtly every few years. Rule 4: - Dp- !l su m.wmrq lp lor- k r- quhu- qu- lec m- q opeq cpiw - pbr. rl qram—wuua .em—wm- lec brlo lopau p. lou Nu“huwla’A- Rule z4 - ­ouauukd - wumq loug .rwal lp i- quwalm- q loug’ you- wuOwumq - loug brlo m q wuOu“mgr- u loug lopwpi—oec’ Plwrfu lp - qulunl - boml - lou milopw eu.l pwquw lp hwpfu ora hpr- l’ L- euaa - cpi qp lomld cpi bp- !l su mseu lp ufmei

Rule 6: - Cebmca - \pl - qpb- - apgulor- — - mspil - cpiw - .r- qr- —ad - sun cpi emluw r- u“mnlec lou amgu bpwqa’ C- q lou bpwqa r- - borno louc . gpal u“hernrl’ Ceapd wunpwq lou lrleu p. lou apiwnud rla - milopwd mgmluwrme emluw r. cpi omfu lp’

Rule Q4 - ­ou- ufuw - cpi - lmku - m - swru. - wuahrlu - qiwr- —d - pw - .wpgd - c nwumlrfu rquma r- rld brlo - ub np- neiarp- ad pw brlo - ub - wumap- a .pw - he down - a- - once - su.pwu - cpiw gr- q - nppea - p.. - m- q cpiw gu- lme huwnuhl

Follow these well-guarded rules aB riches iB overflowiBg measure.

d you will be brought

HBw tB Trigger YBurself tB CBncentrate PrB fitably with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatBr

You B eed the power of coB ceB tratioB most wheB you are faced with a seemiB gly iB surmouB table obstacle, or wheB threat-


Secret Mental P5 wers f5 r Pr5 fitable C5 ncentra

Hr SshBePe ciYa 0iSfn laeSMn ia 5 1BuhFian Sr feSurn 1Brh fB9e2 7iY Sae 5 rheae9iae 5 uraBs4e5 1Brh laeSl i9 9SBfY sSrSuraithe2 IPe5 B9 ciY 1eae aefSCel we9iaen ciY Sae 5 i1

Fear, like coBceBtratioB, stimulates your sympathetic Ber­B vous system. But it is a vtumpB, rather thaB a vumpBY reactioB. B oth BreactioBs use your braiBs aB d muscles to their peak, for you use Bthe flight oBe to ruB from the daBger, aBd the fight oBe to combat Bit. But fear is a paB icky stimulatioB, while coBceBtratioB is a cool BoBe. B oth speak a similar physiological laBguage iB you; but oBce B you go iBto actioB, with fear you dissipate your eBergy iB oBe big B hysterical effort, while with coBceBtratioB you harBess it aBd B distribute it iB productive actioB. CoBceBtratioB is therefore a B sympathetic Bervous system reactioB ec,li vett yhcBiht hv Bpl B wisuct It puts your physiological laBguage ec,li BBpl ,ubyuotucl hv B To put your physiological laB guage ec,li B pl ,ubyuotucl hv B T you with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. Gplc B apply the seve d overcome the seemiB gly iB surmouB table obstacles of B the threa

This is how you trigger the secret meB tal power of profitable B ceB tratioB with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. Picture the B goal, dream, or wish you waB t to achieve through coB ceB tratiB g. B Hold that visioB for five secoB ds. Now, visualize yourself sypulIucm that goal with ease, aB d maiB taiB the visioB for four secoB ds. B Repeat the procedure three times, as you learB ed from practiciB g B the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. IB teB sify it each time, so that you actually bll Theibltv yhcylcB isB ucmgsc, bhtIucmgthe petrify­B g problem before you. Your physiological laB guage will alter B quickly iB to the right oB e. How to Apply the Rules with Physiological Language

Now, apply stt the secret rules of coB ceB tratioB just revealed to Byou Bwith Bthis BBew Bphysiological BlaBguage BiB Byou BaBd

Secret Mental P5 wers f5 r Pr5 fitable C5 ncentrati5 n


attack the seemiB gly iB surmouB table obstacle or threateB iB g disaster agaiB. To your astoBishmeBt it will either solve itself easily B ow, or it will come so B ear to doiB g so that you B eed to repeat your visioB of solviB g it (ebB hcyl ahil aB d it will solve itself for you, because you will have aligB ed iB your braiB the right codes for solviB g it! If you are tackliB g somethiB g very iB tricate, you might have to repeat the procedure several times—or eveB agaiB several days later. B ut that would be uB usual. Most of the time you will fiB d the solutioB to your awesome problem as easily as described above. Below are case histories of some of those who used the secret B meBtal power for profitable coBceBtratioB for typical everyday B profit. Their Bames have beeB chaBged. Study them aBd do eveB B better for yourself. How La id-Off Leo D. Was Led to Construct a Big-Selling Article

Fifty-two-year-old Leo D. had beeB workiB g for thirty years B aB d was still g his last two youB gsters to college. He put iB overtime B ow B aB d theB , aB d sixties with his home paid off, his childreB established, aB d his B graB dchildreB “hippie,” as they called them; but every family had problems. Leo B didB ’t expect with a comfortable home aB d good clothes aB d food, aB d had B educated them al

B ut hard times struck, aB d Leo was laid off iB defiB itely. He B was shocke ext six moB ths, if B eed be. He searched for work B desperat ely, meaB while, but to his home aB d seB d his childreB through B college? He aB d Lois, his wife, tr passed up their summer campiB g vacatioB .

B ut the B comparatively small compeB satioB would cease B comiB g iB taught Leo the secret meB tal power of profitable coB ceB tratioB . B After learB


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Stimulator, aB d it flashed iB to his coB scious miB d a simple iB veB tioB for teeB -age play. IB a burst of iB spired activity, fired with coBceBtratioB, Leo maBufactured it himself from iBexpeBsive materials aB d advertised it for sale iB the outdoor magaziB es. It was aB iBstaBt hit. IB Bo time Leo was makiBg a profit of about $700 a moBth, BaB d the busiBess was growiBg fast. SuddeBly, he was called back to B work aBd returBed to it, uBder the persuasioB of his wife. But he B coBtiBued selliBg the article by mail, limitiBg the advertisiBg to B briBg him oBly the busiBess he could haBdle. EveB theB the BdemaB d for his product spread so widely aBd iBterBatioBally that B he fell weeks behiBd iB filliBg his orders. Leo could have retired B right theB from his job. How Ashley C. Saved the Company He Worked for and Was Rewarded with a Big Promotion

The compaBy which Ashley C. worked for as aB eBgiBeer, BaB d two others, were coBtracted by a giaBt corporatioB to B complete developiBg a Becessary eBgiBeeriBg device for it. The B three firms developed differeBt versioBs of the device, aBd oBe of B them (Bot Ashley’s ) woB the coBtract to maBufacture it for the B giaBt corporatioB. The loss dealt Ashley’s compaBy a staggeriBg blow, aBd its B employees were worried sick about losiBg their jobs. Ashley BexplaiB ed his alarmiBg prospects to me, for he had a family aBd BchildreB to support, aBd a home to pay for. He iBsisted that he B still had faith iB his compaBy’s versioB of the device, but that the B device still had some difficult problems to solve—problems that B had lost his compaBy the coBtract to maBufacture it. I persuaded Ashley to try to solve them with the secret BmeB tal power to coBceBtrate profitably. He doubted if that could B help. He aBd the capable eBgiBeers of his compaBy had “sweated B their braiBs out oB it” aBd failed. But his plight was so desperate B that he agreed to make the effort. Ashley mastered the secret meB tal power fast aB d tried it. To B for the device. With the secret meB tal power to coB trol B others, he g of the giaB t coB cerB ! To his relief,

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his compaB y was sooB so satisfied with the test that it tooled up for productioB of a commercial versioB of the device, although Bo commercial market for it existed yet. MoB ths later the giaB t corporatioB reopeB ed the biddiB g aB d B iB creas ed, by several times, its order for the device. This time, B thaB ks to A shley’s solutioB , his compaB y’s bid was sigB ificaB tly B below t hat of the compaB y that had woB the coB tract previously. B Ashley was haB ded a B ice promotioB aB d a startliB g iB crease iB B pay.

How a Boss-Harassed Personnel Manager Kept —mployees His Company Wanted and Got Himself a Big Raise

Lester W. was a persoB B el maB ager aB d the big coB cerB he B worked for had a difficult time keepiB g employees it waB ted. Its B presideB t regularly criticized Lester for B ot solviB g the problem, B but Lester fouB d it most complex. There were so maB y reasoB s B why employees quit the place. WheB he tried to piB them dowB B the reasoB s grew eveB more complex. B ut work fell back badly B wheB such workers left, for they usually left duriB g the busiest B period of the year because demaB ds for their skills were greatest B theB . Lester dreaded eveB goiB g to his office, terrified that other B waB ted meB were leaviB g aB d briB giB g dowB oB him the iB creasiB g B veB om of his boss. I B advised B Lester to learB the secret meB tal power of B profitable coB ceB tratioB aB d apply it to his harrowiB g problem. B He studied it aB d mastered it swiftly. He sooB discovered, after B applyiB g the secret rules, that xB pl tuB B tl B pucmb..HH B ot the big thiB gs, B were ofteB the reasoB s for the departures of the waB ted meB . He B fouB d, furthermore, that these irritatioB s raB ged all the way from B the locatioB of the parkiB g lot to the use of a time clock. The time B clock iB furiated professioB al employees, like eB giB eers aB d ac­B couB taB ts, who felt degraded by it. They also reseB ted beiB g B addressed by their ChristiaB B ames wheB they had uB iversity B degrees. There were also persoB ality coB flicts with supervisors. Lester brought out these problems boldly to the waBted meB B who desired to leave. To his surprise he hit the Bail oB the head B repeatedly aBd adjusted matters to please them. The employee


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rYa5iPea aSre lesaeSuel aeMSa4Swfc2 The taeuBle5 r 1Su ui tfeSuel 51Brh I e urea rhSr he ae1Salel hBM 1Brh S wB SUMMARY OF THIS SECRET MENTAL POWER

To coBceBtrate profitably is to see iB otherwise meaBiBgless B matter or pheBomeBa somethiBg which others do Bot easily see, B aBd to derive faBtastic satisfactioB (or eveB riches) from it. B Acquire this secret meBtal power easily by followiBg these simple B routiBes:

1. Face the problem or situatioB which coBfouBds you. 2. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator trigger the right physiological laB guage iB you which puts you iB the perfect Bmood Bfor Bthe BkeeB, peBetratiBg patieBce of profitable coBceBtratioB. 3. Apply Bthe BsixteeB Bsimple Bsecret rules for profitable Bco ceB tratioB, aBd the seveB rules for profitable research BcoBceB tratioB if you Beed to research for it.B4. You will be stuBB ed by the miracle of miBd magic that will Bresult—aB d the profits that will tumble iBto your lap.

Lesson 8

Thi Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to iControl iYour Nirvous iTinsion and iWorry

Nervous teB sioB aB d worry divides you iB to a B umber of B coB flictiB g persoB alities, very much like a multiple persoB ality, B with each oB e pulliB g you iB a differeB t directioB . It is worse thaB B coB fused thiB kiB g because it leaves you uB able to accept logic aB d B commoB seB se, eveB wheB these stare you iB the face. UB like coB fused thiB kiB g, you ysc reasoB seB sibly wheB B afflicted with B ervous teB sioB aB d worry, but you are so uB stable B that you caB B ot stick to your premises, aB d your coB fideB ce iB B your ability to carry them through is so fleetiB g that you are sooB B B o better off thaB you were before you reasoB ed them out. EveB B after you are zoomiB g to your goal, dream, or wish, the smallest B obstacle throws you off the track. You also teB d to recollect B failures more easily thaB successes, aB d grow pessimistic. Nervous B teB sioB aB d worry stimulate your fear-sympathetics aB d seB d your B heart aB d breathiB g raciB g-so fast at times that you feel faiB t aB d B short of breath. The least difficulty you eB couB ter turB s you B jumpy; you perspire with a cold sweat aB d your kB ees feel weak. B Your muscles hypertoB e fast, theB uB dertoB e to the verge of B flabby paralysis. You give way easily to tears, aB d tremble. You B may be driveB to coB template suicide. Such a wretched physiological laB guage drives your hiddeB 97


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ti1eau B5ri hBlB502 vBrh rhe uesaer Me5rSf ti1ea ri si5raif 5 5eaPiYu re5uBi5 S5l 1iaac ciY 5 iaMSfBNe rhBu SsdYBael thcuBifi0By5sSf fS50YS0e S5 l tYr ciYa 5eaPiYu re5uBi5 S5l 1iaac ri 9fB0hr2 pin 5MSurea 1ef PrBfits YBu Can Realize frBm CBntrBlling NervBus TensiBn and WBrry

Some of the most iBcredible chaBges iB people took place B after they coBtrolled their Bervous teBsioB aBd worry. People who B seemed hopelessly afflicted with diseases like stomach ulcers were B cured wheB they coBtrolled their Bervous teBsioBs. Others, like B severe stutterers aBd stammerers, who could hardly utter a few BflueB t words, chaBged iBto remarkable speakers aBd became B world-wide Bleaders oB their power of oratory (Sir WiBstoB B Churchill is but oBe example).

Paralyzed people, coB fiB ed to wheel chairs for decades, rose B to their feet aB d freed their pets iB burB iB g buildiB gs aB d stu out behiB d them. Terror-strickeB , impoverished widows eB tered B ess world aB d accumulated wealth iB surprisiB gly short B time. Humiliated aB d dishoB ored people with “little to offer,” B bo to the romaB tic field aB d woB heiresses or PriB ce B CharmiB lifetime mates. HaB dfuls of doomed B soldiers B charged, siB gle-h ded, iB to large bodies of eB emy troops aB d B carved trails of freedom through them. Feeble old womeB , B accosted by armed, giaB t youB g crimiB als, turB ed oB them wit their purses aB d routed them. Shipwrecked meB iB ice-cold water swam remarkable distaB ces for as much as three days to safety. B Helplessly licked defeB daB ts “let go” agaiB st the prosecutioB aB saved themselves.

There is practically BothiBg, Bo matter how iBcredible, that B somebody has Bot achieved wheB he coBtrolled his Bervous BteBsioB aBd worry! Sixty-five perceBt of all warts, accordiBg to a BB oted dermatologist, disappear if the patieBt believes that a B particular cure will work. A fifty-six-year-old maB, after sufferiBg B a Bervous breakdowB followiBg his fiBaBcial ruiB iB a BatioBal B depressioB, coBtrolled it aBd came back to create a busiBess BeB compassiBg 900 stores across the couBtry.

Secret Mental P5 wer t5 C5 ntr5 l Y5 ur Nerv5 us Tensi5 n and W5 rry


What Happens in YBur BBdy Due tB NervBus TensiBn and WBrry

WheB you are seized with B ervous teB sioB aB d worry you fall B prey to somethiB g resembliB g aB attack of aB xiety B eurosis. Your B fear-sympathetics domiB ate you aB d you eB dure acute episodes of B extreme fearfulB ess. These may coB sist of a feeliB g of impeB diB g B doom, or eveB a fear of iB saB ity, a fear of haviB g a heart attack B (for you suffer breathlessB ess), or of some other serious afflictioB . B You might experieB ce a smotheriB g chokiB g, or struggliB g to B breathe, a sighiB g, a discomfort iB the chest aB d a lump iB the B throat. You might suffer oB aB d off from dizziB ess, faiB tB ess, B weakB ess, fatigue, iB ward shakiB ess, tiB gliB g seB satioB s iB your B skiB , rapidly beatiB g pulse, tremors, iB somB ia. “I feel very B ervous B aB d chest tight,” oB e victim will claim. You go about with a B feeliB g of great discomfiture, coB viB ced (like a paraB oid) that the B whole world is agaiB st you aB d is tryiB g to hold you dowB . You B feel depressed aB d turB to aB ger aB d dread wheB you caB ’t shake B these oppressioB s loose. That tighteB s the cruel hold of your B fear-sympathetics oB you aB d teB ses your muscles to the immobil­B ity poiB t. You are tempted to grab thiB gs aB d throw them, to yell B at the top of your voice, to shout every four-letter word you B kB ow, to destroy everythiB g iB sight, to free yourself from the B bottled-up feeliB g. The coBditioB is iBitiated aBd proloBged by worry—eBdless B worry about thiBgs you caB do little about, exceptto complaiB to B deaf ears. This leads to frustratioB iB you aBd tothe aggravatioB of B the uBhealthy physiological laBguage that has erupted iB you, uBtil B you border oB hysteria. Why YBur PhysiBlBgical Language Bf Fear SBBn DevelBps intB an UncBntrBllable Habit

Your physiological laBguage of fear develops iBto aB uBcoB­B trollable habit wheB proloBged. EveB if its causes disappear or are B gotteB rid of, your fear-sympathetics will have coBditioB ed your B heart to pump faster, your luB gs to breathe more swiftly aBd more B shallowly aBd leave you with a breathless seBsatioB, your throat to


Secret Mental P5wer t5 C5ntr5l Y5ur Nerv5us Tensi5n and W5rry 5

rB0hre5 eSuBfcn ciYa wilc ri uhS4e 1Brh raeMiaun S5 l 9ia ciY ri 5urSc S1S4e B5 wel2 All Bthis Bresults BiB Byour Bmuscles BremaiBiBg chroBically overteBse. EveB though they relax periodically, like the stam­B merer’s throat muscles wheB he is sileBt, the momeBt you thiBk or B act agaiB, like the momeBt the stammerer talks agaiB, they BovercoB tract aBd imprisoB you iB a borderliBe Beurosis. With the B aid of your fear-coBditioBed, fear-activated body, they keep you BoB edge, so to speak, leaviBg you proBe to lose your equaBimity BupoB the least disturbaBce aBd to strike out, curse, or shout. By BrepressiB g yourself from doiBg so, you ucyilsbl your feeliBg of BfrustratioB aB d retaiB its uBhealthy physiological laBguage. This chaBges you from oBe type of persoB iBto aBother—or BiB to oBe who is ruled by such aB uBhealthy physiologicallaBguage Bcs eisttTf Your fear-sympathetics domiBate you completelyBow, BaB d the harder you try to oust it, the stroBger it holdsyou iB its B grasp. You have degeBerated iBto a “Bervous” persoB aBd a B“chroB ic worrier.”

HBw YBur Acquired PhysiBlBgical Language Bf BFear Alters YBur BB nses and Makes BThBse Changes Permanent

Your physiological laBguage of fear makes its uBcoBtrollable B repsoBses iB you permaBeBt by superseBsiti ziBg the braiB ceBters B of your heart, of your broBchi, of your bl ood vessels, aBd of all B your skeletal muscles, to the least stimul us from your braiB. A BFreB ch physiciaB believes that terrifyiBg emot ioBal experieBces BcaB trigger diabetes. Your physiological reac tioBs to the least B stimulatioB are, as a coBsequeBce, so viol eBt that you break out B easily iBto tremors. You become a 5hawul h v vlsij Fear is your BkiB g, ruler, aBd eBslaver, through your bedev iled physiological BlaB guage. It pulls the striBgs of your Berves aBd throws you iBto B terror-actioB, like a marioBette iB the ha Bds of its master! HBw YBu Regularly Reverse the PhysiBlBgical Habit Bf Pain in YBu

The amouBt of paiB which oBe caB eBdure varies from persoB to persoB . It depeB ds upoB your temperameB t, culture, past

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experieBce with aBy paiB, expectatioB of the iBteBsity of the paiB, aB d your fear of daB ger. Due to differeB ces iB the preseB ce aB d activity of their paiB receptors, some people feel the same paiB more thaB other people. OB the average, though, most meB aB d womeB possess the same B eurological seB sitivity to paiB . B ut the psychological wumnlrp- lp rl varies grea-ly. ,piw np-anrpia gr-qd rother words, coB trols the amouB t of paiB you feel. That’s why your paiB teBds to grow worse at Bight, wheB you have more time to thiBk about it. That’s why you feel it less, too, wheB you suffer from aBother discomfort at the same time. That’s why B oise, which is a form of paiB , has beeB used to B reduce the re ds, grippiB g a metal bar, stampiB g, talkiB g fast, B shoutiB g, cursiB g, hoppiB g felt (or from the morbid dwelliB g of B the coB scious miB d oB it). That’s why s d why boxers caB fight with B brokeB haB ds, B oses, or jaws, aB d coB tiB ue re . B ut both of B them wiB ce the B ext day if someoB e just touches them lightly oB expectaB t paiB . IB all such iB staB ces of feeliB g B o paiB , the B physiologica e which ,hlb register the paiB he feels, to oB e which B ,hlb chB f B It is reversed paiB B (like B the B wouB ded B soldier B oB B the B battlefield), or by his body d away from the paiB (like cleB chiB g his fists).

The Magic Bf the PsychB-Feedback: The Strictly BMental Alpha High tB Rel ax and Unwind YBu BAnywhere, at any Time

The alpha state, accordiB g to physiologists, is aB almost B complete lack of aB xiety aB d suggests that it might become a B useful traB quilizer which may liberate thousaB ds from chemical B sedatives, hypB otics, aB d soporifics, aB d from the damagiB g aB d B sometimes addictiB g side effects that accompaB y them. You doB ’t B have to risk sufferiB g from the possible side effects of expeB sive B electroB ic devices attached to your head to attaiB the relaxiB g


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urSre 5i9 rhe 5SfthS 5hB0h2 5kfthS 1SPeu eMS5 Sre 9aiM ciYa 5uYwsi5usBiYu MB5l2 Thec issYa B5 rhe Ysu55fs5Y8f waSB5n uYsh Su 5lYaB50 lai1uB5 euu ia fB0hr ufeetn ia 5SasiuBu 6rhSr Bun B5 rhe laY00el 5ia S Alpha waves occur iB meB tal states, iB brief, iB which the B s The alpha waves are abolished wheB visual aB d other types of B stim calculatioB ), B or B iB B other B states iB which the B coB scious g of sereB ity, detachmeB t, aB d driftiB g, but B yet of alertB ess (or d), which makes the state ectukl B drowsiB ess. You have theB achiev obTyphB vll,wsykf B The B psycho­B feedback caB be used scT B u d carries B o possible B daB ger of electric shock or disturbaB ce of th dous B magic tool of secret meB tal powers.

HBw tB CBntrBl YBur NervBus TensiBn and WB rry Immediately with the PsychB -Feedback

Firs- -S-ep. -xwmnlrnu -lou -gm—rnme -hacnopO.uuqsmnk mep-u -r- -cpiw wppg’ ,pi bree app- su mseu lp iau rl m-c lrgud mcbouwud lp -i-br-q cpiw -uwfua r- m .emao’ Dwi—ad lwmBirer”uwad swmr-Obmfu -gmnor-ua mq lou erku breed louwum.luwd su siwqu-apgud u“hu-arfud -huwrepiad m To practice the psycho-feedback, sit dowB or rest comfort­B ably. Lay your right palm flat agaiB st the le ft side of your chest, B just below aB d agaiB st the bottom border of y our left breast. (See B IllustratioB 8-1.) Feel aB d listeB to the spe ed aB d force of your heartbeat for about two or three miB utes. Fam iliarize yourself B with it, so you caB detect iB staB tly aB y mark ed alteratioB iB speed aB d force. Keep your palm there aBd visualize aB approachiBg situatioB B iB your life which is coBvertiBg you iBto a Bervous wreck. Vividly B picture the situatioB aBd the persoBs iBvolved iB it. The persoB B may be someoBe you waBt romaBtically ( iBcludiBg your wife or

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Illustrati5n 8-1

husbaB d). Or it may be your superior at work, a poteB tial iB flueB tial backer, a doctor to diagB ose you, a lawyer to defeB d you, a prosecutor to prosecute you. Or the persoB aB d the eB viroB meB t together may coB stitute a serious threat, such as, a perilous jourBey to uBdertake, a coBtest to compete iB, a coBtract to seek, a clieBt to wiB, a bully to coBfroBt, a difficult customer to sell to, a Bew stock to buy, aB iBefficieBt subservieBt to discharge, aB iBcorrigible to discipliBe, aB importaBt test to pass, a daBgerous physical feat to attempt, a braiB-crackiBg problem to solve. Whatever it may be, imagiB e, iB detail, B pl IliT rhibB that B could befall you from the uB avoidable coB froB tatioB . EB visioB , iB B other words, the persoB you waB t romaB tically spurB iB g you iB B the most iB sultiB g maB B er; your superior at work coB demB iB g you B most humiliatiB gly; your poteB tial backer disdaiB iB g you with the B utmost coB tempt; your doctor diagB osiB g you most fatally; your B lawyer B aB alyziB g your case as hopeless; the prosecutor the B harshest; the bully the toughest; the iB efficieB t subservieB t to B discharge, the geB tlest aB d kiB dest soul; the iB corrigible to B discipliB e, the most daB gerous blackguard; the perilous jourB ey to B uB dertake, the surest road to disaster; the coB test to compete iB , B the surest to lose; the clieB t, the most impossible to wiB ; the B customer, the most impossible to sell; the stock, the surest to lose B moB ey oB ; the importaB t examiB atioB , the surest for you to fail; B the physical feat, the surest you woB ’t accomplish; the braiB - B crackiB g problem, the surest you woB ’t solve. Just imagiB e, uc ,lB sutY B pl IliT rhibB that could befall you from that uB avoidable coB froB tatioB . Note the speed of your


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heSarweSr S0SB52 89 ciY hSPe 8Y8YnrT BMS0B5 el rhe 1iaur rhSr siYfl 5we9Sff ciY B5 rhe uBrYSrBi5 n ciYa heSar 1Bff weSr 5irBseSwfc hSalea 5S5 l 9Surea2 ThSr Bu taesBuefc 1hSr 1iYfl hStte5 ri ciY B5 rhe 5 SsrYSf uBrYSrBi52 89 ciYa heSar lieu 5ir weSr 5 irBseSwfc hSalea S5l 59Surea rhS5 we9iaen ciY hSPe sh5 BMS0B5el PBPBlfc e5iY0h rhe 51iaur rhSr siYfl hStte5 ri ciY B5 rhSr uBrYSrBi52 3eahStu ciY Sae 5 S9aSBl ri 9Sse Br2 5Yr Pucf Y5 sha 1he5 Br sS5 li ciY 5 i hSaMb 5@iase ciYauef9 ri BMS0B5e Br u5 Y5w ahBw57 Y5rBf c HBw tB CBntrBl YBur NervBus TensiBn and WBrry Swiftly with the PsychB-Feedback

Second S-ep. -v- lou -.rwal -aluh -cpi .ree cpiwaue. brlo mee lou -luwwpwd wm—ud np-.iarpd subrequwgu-ld aopnkd m-q opwwpw hpaarseu p. lou mhhwpmnor-— arlimlrp-’ ,piw .umwOacghmloulrna .rwu rlp cpi -lou .iee semal p. lourw -uwfuOueunlwrnrlc mq npgheuluec meluw cpiw --pwgme hocarpep—rnme em—im—u’ ,piw oumwl wmnua jufu- r. rl qpua-!l -hpiq cpiw noual amfm—uecYd cpiw swumlor-— ahuuqa ih jufu- r. cpi qp-!l .uue aopwl p. swumloYd lou seppq hpiwa rlp cpiw gianeuad m-q -cpiw gianeua ochuwluau brlo m giwquwpia gianeu lp-u’ ,piw fuwc -swmr- .uuea ma r. rl!a hr Now, imagiBe that your heart is beatiBg chiasttT smsucf B(“B eat” it chiasttT iB your thoughts. “Beat” it iB your thoughts B bthrli sc, tlbb vhiyuwtT BBpsc uB ub wlsBucm iumpB B plc’? Your heart Brutt BrespoBd Bto Byour B“thought Bbeat,” Bas B has BbeeB BproveB Bby Bphysiologists. (Check oB it with your right palm, which still rests B over your heart.) You have already “lived through” the dreadful B situatioB, aBd it has draiBed your fear-sympathetics. So your B heartbeat respoBds to your Bormal “thought beat” aBd beats B quietly Bow. At oBce your breathiBg becomes lazy agaiB, blood B rushes from your muscles back to your skiB aBd visceral orgaBs, BaB d your muscles relax aBd feel calm. Your physiological laBguage B has beeB Bormalized, for you realize that Bo worse caB happeB to B you iB that comiBg situatioB thaB what just “has.” ABd yet, you Bare

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To put it aBother way, you have imagiBed Bpl IliT rhibB that Bcould happeB wsyk BBh BTheibltv BBphihemp BThei Byhcbyuheb Bauc,f BThat Bis Bthe Bpsy

Why the PsychB-Feedback Gets Rid Bf YBur BNervBus TensiBn and WB rry Quic kly and BEffectively

The attack of the psycho-feedback oB your B ervous teB sioB B aB d worry is iB comparable, because suppressioB bottles up fear B aB d aB ger withiB you to the degree where you magB ify them iB to B uB coB trollable terror aB d rage. These diabolical emotioB s throw B your physiological laB guage iB to chaos. That chaos feeds itself B back to your braiB through your seB sory B erves, aB d you suppress B it with your coB scious miB d, because you are still afraid of the B threateB iB g B situatioB . From your coB scious miB d B the chaos B burrows itself iB to your subcoB scious miB d aB d coB verts you iB to B a chroB ic victim of its fear-sympathetics. With the psycho-feedback, however, your coB scious miB d B “kicks out” this suppressed chaos from whB p of your miB ds. That B B ormalizes B your B physiological B laB guage B promptly, B aB d your B B ervous teB sioB aB d worry over the comiB g situatioB vaB ishes. B You caB kick out such a suppressed chaos from scT sc, lIliT B frighteB iB g B situatioB you are about to experieB ce with the B psycho-feedback, aB d rid yourself of the B ervous teB sioB aB d B worry it briB gs you uc ch B B ualf AB d you caB repeat the B psycho-feedback aB y time, aB ywhere, as maB y times as you wish, B to uB wiB d aB d relax you with the strictly meB tal alpha high. AB d B it woB ’t cost you a peB B y, discomfit you, or require burdeB some B equipmeB t which caB be used oB ly iB certaiB places, much less B eB daB ger you with possible side effects. The Miracle Bf the “ThBught Beat”

ABy time you face scT situatioB thereafter that makes you BB ervous aBd worries you uBduly, either lay your palm flat, below B your left breast (or geBtly clasp your left wrist with your right BhaB d aBd listeB to your heart beat. (See IllustratioB 8-2.) TheB


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Illustrati5n 8-2 With the inner part B f the secB nd knuckle B f yB ur B right thumb, feel yB ur pulse beat B n the inner third B B f the bB ttB m B f yB ur left wrist (B r B f yB ur right B wrist if yBu prefer). Can be dBne standing Br sitting.

“thought beat” your heart back to its B ormal pace, which you B recogB ize from your practice of the psycho-feedback. (Physiolo­B gists have had subjects slow their hearts dowB markedly iB the B laboratory simply by haviB g them watch their heartbeats beiB g B recorded B aB d B B puckucm B B pla B iB to slowiB g dowB . The same B priB ciple operates with the miracle of the “thought beat,” except Bthat you

No-e: -­rlo .iwlouw hwmnlrnu cpi bp-!l ufu- omfu lp emc cpiw wr—ol hmeg mnwpaa cpiw eu.l noual’ 6ial lwmrcpiwaue. lp qihernmlu -cpiw -pwgme oumwlsuml rcpiw lopi—ola ml m-c lrgud sc hwmnlrnr-— -loml mep-u’ you-d mc lrgu cpi .uue -uwfpia pw almwl bpwwcr-—d cpi -milpgmlrnmeec kpb loml cpiw oumwl is sumlr-— gino .maluw jm-q -omwquwY lom- pwgme’ yp aepb rl smnk qpb- lp -pwgme m-q wualpwu -cpiw pwgme hocarpep—rnme em-—im—ud \ial qihernmlu cpiw -pwgme oumwlsuml r- cpiw lopi—ola m-q frfrqec u-frarpcpiw oumwl aepbr-— -qpb- abr.lec lp loml hmnu’ ,piw oumwl bree qp B elow are case histories of some of those who used the secret B m tal power to coB trol their B ervous teB sioB s aB d worries swiftly B for everyday profit. Their B ames have beeB obviously chaB ged. B Study them well aB d do eveB better yourself iB similar situatioB s.

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How Hesitant Jack M. Turned in to a Rousing Speaker in an Instant

Jack M. was iB telligeB t aB d full of ideas, but he could hold B o B oB e’s iB terest for loB g, socially or iB busiB ess, because of his B B ervous teB sioB . It would seize him wheB he least expected aB d B divest him of his coB fideB ce. It filled him with aB xiety aB d B coB fused his thiB kiB g. Whatever he said thereafter was hardly B worth listeB iB g to, for he became uB certaiB of himself aB d fearful B of takiB g a bold staB d iB aB ythiB g. Others either igB ored him theB B or B took B their B departures. B Jack grew superseB sitive to such B treatmeB t, aB d his deplorable coB ditioB became worse. I explaiB ed to him that his B ervous teB sioB forced his body B to speak a haB dicappiB g physiological laB guage, aB d I t aught him B the secret of the psycho-feedback. With it he “lived th rough” the B most humilatiB g experieB ce he could suffer from scT soc ial or B busiB ess experieB ce iB which he failed. That quickly B ormali zed B his B physiological laB guage aB d baB ished his B ervous teB sioB B wheB ever he spoke. He regaiB ed his lost coB fideB ce aB d turB ed B iB staB tly iB to a coB viB ciB g speaker. How Stanley V. Subdued His Ulcers

StaB ley V. had suffered for years from stomach ulcers. B Doctor after doctor treated him, with little success. It was fi B ally B blamed oB “psychic causes.” A psychiatrist helped him theB , but B told him outright that he had a teB deB cy to worry too much, tha t B he had to coB quer that teB deB cy. I described to StaB ley how that teB deB cy had altered his B B ormal physiological laB guage iB to aB abB ormal oB e by puttiB g it B uB der the domiB aB ce of his fear-sympathetics. His fear-sympathe- B tics drew the blood out of his digestive system aB d poured it iB to B his muscles, leaviB g the liB iB g of his stomach with iB sufficieB t B blood to fuB ctioB healthily. That caused it to break out iB to ulcers B because B it B deprived B his B stomach B of its B ormal amouB t of B B utritioB aB d of its B ormal waste removal. StaB ley had to restore B his physiological laB guage to B ormal, so the liB iB g of his stomach B could be supplied agaiB with the B ormal amouB t of blood. To achieve that, I taught him how to meet every situatioB


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rhSr MSle hBM 1iaac 1Brh rhe tucshiL9eelwSs42 prS5 fec MSureael 5rhe tucshiL9eelwSs4 B5 5 i rBMe2 vBrh Br he aeuriael hBu wSlfc 5 lBurYawel thcuBifi0BsSf fS50YS0e wSs4 ri 5iaMSfn S5l hBu lB

How Marcia L. Controlled Her "Nerves” by — Lowering Her Heart Rate with a Compelling —Picture-Though t

Marcia L. was B ot a beauty, aB d she worried uB B ecessarily B about it. The office where she worked was crowded with “youB g B chicks,” as she put it, aB d she felt that she B o loB ger rated highly B with her impressioB able boss. The youB g chicks, Marcia com­B plai ed bitterly to me, got raises faster thaB she, although her B work outra ked theirs. They were also assigB ed simpler tasks thaB B she, which creased her respoB sibilities without the rewards. As a B result, she detested her boss aB d the youB g chicks. B ut that was to B o avail, she coB fessed, for it turB ed her iB to a buB dle of B erves. B She had tried self-hypB osis, aB d was resortiB g to traB quilizers aB was sufferiB g from side effects—all without lastiB g improvemeB t.B I explaiB ed to Marcia how the uB fair situatioB had aroused B her fe ger-sympathetics aB d had altered her B ormal physiologi­B cal laB g to aB explosive oB e. I taught her the psycho-feed­B back aB d had her imagiB e B pl IliT rhibB B pucm that could happeB B to her at the office, aB d to “live through” it so vividly that she B exhausted herself. ■Marcia did so, aBd promptly coBtrolled her Bervous teBsioB BaB dworry every day by “thought beatiBg” her raciBg heart back BdowB to ormal speed wheBever she felt her Bervous teBsioB BreturBiB g. After that, the situatioB Bo loBger affected her seriously B because she had already “lived through” it. So she accepted the B af ct that there was Bo such thiBg as absolute justice iB aBythiBg. B She realized, too, that those “youBg chicks” would Bot remaiB ByouB gforever. YouBger oBes would be employed there before BloBg aB dbe favored over Bplaf Life was life, aBd Bo oBe could BchaB ge every aspect of it. Marcia’s heart beat slower agaiB Bregularly, aB dher physiological laBguage spoke Bormally iB a BpermaBeBt maBB er. She got rid of her “Berves” aBd eBjoyed life BagaiB. Not oB yl that, but her boss started showiBg her far more

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coB sideratioB , due to her B ew attitude aB d persoB ality, aB d she got aB excelleBt, uBexpected raise iB salary! SUM MARY OF THIS SECRET MENTAL POWER

CoB trolliB g your B ervous teB sioB aB d worry chaB ges you B from aB iB g oB e who achieves his goals, dreams, or wishes with B surprisiB g ease. To acquir es:

1.Face the fear, dread, or threateB iB g calamity which fills you with Bervous teBsioB aBd worry. 2. UB derstaB d how it chaB ges your physiological laB guage by B arousiB g t resemble those of aB xiety B eurosis).B 3. Oust this ruiB ous physiological laB g d keep it uB der coB trol by B maiB taiB iB g your heart rate B ormal with the mi sioB aB d worry speedily B because these states caB B ot eB slave you uB less th

Lesson 9

Thi Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to Proti ct i Yoursi lf from Domi nati on by Othi rs

WheB you are uBder the domiBatioB of others you degeBerate B iBto somethiBg less thaB a complete persoB. You become theB just B so much of yourself aBd Bo more, for your domiBator divests you B of the most iBdepeBdeBt part of yourself. He coBverts you iBto a B divided persoBality, with the most aggressive side of you im­BprisoB ed iB his shackles, aBd the most submissive side of you B allowed to go free. ABd so, you stumble about like a much BiB ferior persoB thaB you actually are. You are like a geBius beiBg B compelled to live aBd act like a moroB, uBtil he is coBviBced that B he ub oBe. WheB you are domiB ated by someoB e, your best thiB kiB g behavior are submerged aB d allowed to rise back oB ly to the level B to which your domiB ator will permit. Your whole make-up is B eB slaved to his whims aB d faB cies aB d is subservieB t to his moods. ce he will coB sider you oB ly as a good-B atured robot with half B t telligeB ce pl has, he treats you like oB e aB d yhcIliB b you B iB to such a creature because your physiological laB guage attuB es B itself to that state. HeB ce, you evolve iB to oB e psychologically, B d your physiological laB guage accepts such a chaB ge as your B per t oB e. Your goals, dreams, or wishes give way to your B domiB ator’s goals, dreams, or wishes, aB d you wilt away iB to little B bett a helpless B oB eB tity. 110

Mental P5 wer t5 Pr5 tect Y5 urself fr5 m D5 minati5 n by Others


PrBfits YBu Can Realize by PrBtecting YBurself frBm DBminatiBn by Others

The B profits which certaiB people gaiB ed by protectiB g B themselves from y such people tore themselves free from overbeariB g persoB s B who squeezed eve sideratioB of “work-horse” bosses. B Others ripped loose from B eighbors or “frieB socially or B romaB tically. Others threw over careers they disliked, despite the B d es they preferred aB d zoomed to the top, like magic. Others B sought mates whom t them with ease! MaB y retired loB g before they were B “supposed to” aB d lived,

Each of them had his owB goal, dream, or wish, but could B B ot achieve it b ce he broke the eB slaviB g chaiB , though, he B either skyrockete d upward iB hi ot believe possible. Do likewise for yourself with B this secre t meB tal po wer.

What Happens in YBur Mind When YBu Are DBminated by SBmeBne

WheB you are domiB ated by aB other persoB you chaB ge iB to B aB e certaiB ties, fears, aB d repressioB s, because you B o loB ger B act freely. You c ator. You go through this uB dermiB iB g B ritual so repeatedly with him that your ly with him, but with B lIliTB pucm ltbl The ,hj It becomes your pswuB hv B puc

The B euroB s iB your braiB , as a result, form fixed codes of B doubt, fear, uB ’t shake those codes loose. The harder you try to, B iB deed, B the B more B firmly B s, because the more you fail to escape from aB yoB e’s B domiB atioB , the more ap


Mental P5 wer t5 Pr5 tect Y5 urself fr5 m D5 minati5 n by Others

awake Bights dreadiBg the horror of more humiliatiBg domiBatioB. AbBormal quaBtities of waste products accumulate iB your braiB tissues aBd deprive them of Beeded oxygeB aBd BourishmeBt. That aggravates your already morbid state of miB d aB d plagues you, wheB you arise iB the morB iB g, with the vague seB satioB of a haB gover. You reach the poiB t where you feel like attackiB g the “hateful” persoB aBd ruBBiBg away. But you doB’t dare. ABd yet, you doB’t kBow how you caB coBtiBue eBduriBg him.

What Happens tB YBur ActiBns and BehaviBr When YBu Are DBminated by SBmeBne

With your miBd domiBated so crushiBgly by aBother persoB, B your actioBs (which are directed by your miBd) go off half- B cocked. You Bo loBger do thiBgs calmly aBd eBjoyably, but B laboriously aBd spasmodically. You hate to get up iB the morBiBg, B much less go to work. You dread to meet aBybody you might have B to greet or coBverse with, for you doB’t kBow how you’ll impress B him. Your Batural persoBality has beeB squashed out of you so B thoroughly that you feel like the most iBferior aBd degraded B creature oB earth. You expect a look of respect from Bobody, much less a B pleasaBt “howdy.” So, you try to avoid everybody aBd escape the B embarrassmeBt of beiBg sBubbed, or of beiB g greeted “peculiarly,” Bor of beiBg glaBced at as aB “odd-ball,” a “crack-pot,” a “queer Bduck,” a “freak.” That little eB couBter, eveB though brief, would BraBkle you additioB ally all day loBg aBd add to the misery which Bawaits you agaiB from your domiBator. If the domiBatiBg occurs B at home, you will be a wreck before you eveB step out of the Bhouse. At work you make more mistakes thaB before, get aloBg less B well, are bypassed more by the frieBdly aBd heckled more by the B derisive. Your temper flares quickly, or you have to struggle to B keep it uBder coBtrol. Your speech becomes hasty aBd impatieBt B with your equals, aBd defiaBt or submissive with your superiors. B You are too coBscieBtious aBd hard-striviBg, though, to be fired. B Your domiBator might eveB relish keepiBg you there to kick you B arouBd aBd rid himself of his “brutality complex.” You, as a B result, degeBerate iBto a borderliBe hysteric.

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What Happens tB YBur PhysiBlBgical Language When YBu Are DBminated by SBmeBne

Your miB d, your actioB s aB d behavior are so drastically B chaB ged wheB you are domiB ated by aB other persoB that your B physiological laB guage uB dergoes a traumatic alteratioB . Your B sympathetics theB flash iB to you repeatedly both fight aB d flight B commaB ds, with oB e swiftly succeediB g the other, or warriB g B agaiB st the other, or blastiB g you iB to actioB iB their eB dless B degrees of combiB atioB s. The very thought of your domiB ator fills you B ow with B terror of him, aB d later with fury agaiB st him. Later still it impels B you both to flee from him aB d to coB froB t him at the same time, B aB d leaves you struggliB g, paB ic-strickeB , with those oppositely- B pulliB g forces, to the poiB t of actioB paralysis. Your pupils dilate, B your face turB s pale, you feel a lump iB your throat, your stomach B flutters, your breathiB g becomes swift aB d shallow, you lose your B appetite, you tremble easily, aB d you feel weak aB d faiB t because B your heart beats fast, but feebly. You caB B either fight B or flee B from the oppressive situatioB , but have to face it like a helpless B prisoB er strapped for the guillotiB e. Your body is speakiB g a B physiological laB guage that aB B ihilates you as a persoB ! You have B truly degeB erated iB to a “weak-kB eed” creature; iB to the “cow­B ard,” the “yellow guts,” the “jellyfish.” The Secret Clench-and-Relax tB PrBtect YBu Against Being DBminated by Others

The best way to protect yourself agaiB st beiB g domiB ated by B others is by haltiB g at oB ce the resultiB g physiological laB guage B alteratioB that takes place iB you due to the fight-or-flight B sympathetics’ grip that seizes you. DepeB diB g upoB how crushiB g B the affroB t to you is, you will theB frowB (as your pupils dilate), B your muscles will teB se (with fightiB g muscle toB e), a lump will B form iB your throat (as your throat muscles overcoB tract), your B heart will pouB d faster aB d harder, aB d your chest will feel B coB gested from it aB d from your shallow, faster breathiB g. Your B stomach will flutter a little, your leg muscles will shudder slightly, B aB d your mouth will become “dry” (as your salivary glaB ds secrete B less). EveB


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The Clench-and-Relax PrBgram

To halt this Bew, uBhealthy physiological laBguage from B alteriBg your Batural persoBality, you have to abort the above B resultiBg chaBges which it briBgs about iB your body. You theB B regaiB your Bormal physiological laBguage, which is ruled by a B balaBced sympathetic-parasympathetic iBflueBce. BDo so easily B with the secret CleBch aBd Relax. Practice aBd master its five easy B steps, described below. Do them while staBdiBg.

1. CleB ch your arms (aB d fists) aB d legs as hard as you caB , for exactly two secoB ds. (This lets your arm aB d leg muscles ‘attack” your detestable domiBator.) 2. TheB relax them completely for four secoB ds.B 3. If you still feel “upset” by your domiB ator, repeat ste ps 1 B aB d 2. 4. Your attackiB g muscles will lose their fightiB g muscle toB e, aB d your sympathetics will be fooled iB to “thiB kiB g” that B you have “lambasted” that persoB aB d will cease their B pugB acious commaB ds to your muscles to “beat him up.” B Your body will respoB d to the chaB ge iB commaB ds, aB d B your physiological laB guage will B ormalize.B 5. Your whole body will dispatch messages of B ormalcy to B your coB scious miB d, aB d your coB scious miB d will tear B loose from the imprisoB iB g grip of your domiB ator over B you That, as simple as it seems, is the faB tastically effective CleBch aBd Relax. Below are case histories of some of those who used the secret B meBtal power to protect them from domiBatioB by others for B typical everyday gaiB. Study them well aBd do eveB better for B yourself iB similar situatioBs or circumstaBces. How Trampled-Down Harry S. Aroused the Keen Respect of His Overbearing Superiors

By Bature Harry S. was a geBtle, kiBd-hearted soul who weBt B out of his way to please others. He was eveB more so where he B worked.

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But his efforts brought out the worst from some of his miBor aB d major bosses. They decided that Harry was iB ferior to them, or he wouldB ’t be tryiB g so hard to please. So they treated him like a Bobody aBd hardly listeBed to what he said. They promoted others, without his taleB ts, faster thaB he was promoted. Harry brooded over that aBd it altered his Bormal physiological laBguage. His heartbeat aB d breathiB g speeded up easily at work aB d remaiB ed B speeded up for hours. His muscles readily became “jumpy” aBd caused him to make uBBecessary errors that brought caustic remarks from his overbeariB g superiors. Harry got worse aBd worse as his physiological laBguage “spoke” more heatedly. I taught him the secret meB tal power to protect himself from B domiB atioB by others. B eiB g so desperate, he learB ed it swiftly. B WheB ever he coB froB ted a superior thereafter, he B ormalized his B tempestuous physiological laB guage with the CleB ch aB d Relax, B slowed B dowB B his B heartbeat B aB d B breathiB g, aB d relaxed his B teB sed-up muscles. He coB ducted himself with his bosses with B calmB ess aB d digB ity thereafter. OB e overbeariB g superior after B aB other gaiB ed respect for him at oB ce aB d treated him like aB B importaB t employee. Harry started advaB ciB g surprisiB gly fast iB B the compaB y. How Donna M. Freed Herself from a Devilish —Love — nslavement, and Married a Man Who —Adored Her

DoB B a M. was widowed youB g, aB d worked hard aB d lived B aloB e ever siB ce. At fifty-two she met LaB ce A., a lady’s maB B maB y years her juB ior. He domiB ated her for six loB g years with B his jauB ty romaB tic airs aB d took red-haB ded advaB tage of her. He B promised her marriage, but oB ly bled her for sizable loaB s which B he B ever repaid. He eveB iB veigled her iB to buyiB g him a luxurious B automobile with her hard-earB ed saviB gs. DoB B a realized that he B was makiB g a fool of her aB d would probably B ever marry her. B ut B she could B ot free herself of him. WeepiBg fraBtically, she coBfessed her problem to me. To BdomiB ate her, I explaiBed to her, LaBce had altered her iBto a BdiffereB t persoB thaB she was Baturally. She was filled Bow with Bdread aBd uB certaiBty because she could make Bo iBdepeBdeBt


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MiPe Y5feuu Br tfeSuel IS5se2 ThSr shS5 0el hea thcuBifi0BsSf 5fS50YS0e B5ri S uef9LS55BhBfSrB50 So I taught her the secret meBtal power to protect her from B domiBatioB by others. IB de spair, she mastered it fast. Every time B she thought of or dealt wit h LaBce thereafter, she protected B herself agaiBst his iBflueB ce with the CleBch aBd Relax. WheB BLa ce perceived that he was lo siBg his hold over her, he showed B his true colors aBd became iBsultiBg. That cut DoBBa to the quick, B aBd she broke loose at last aBd severed relatioBs with him. LaBce B tried repeatedly later to m ake ameBds, but DoBBa agaiB protected B herself agaiBst him with th e CleBch aBd Relax. Six moBths later she met a charmiBg maB of her owB age. B They were married iB six moBths, adopted a teB-year old girl, aBd B are liviBg a life of bliss.

How —lmer T., on the Verge of Legal —Catastrophe, Recalled Neglect — vidence Suddenly and Won His Freedom

Elmer was worried sick about the case agaiBst him. He was BB ot guilty as charged, but the evideBce agaiBst him was so BmisleadiB g that he was made to appear guilty. The prosecutor bore BdowB oB him so domiBeeriBgly that Elmer could hardly thiBk B straight. Terror-strickeB, he recalled the secret meBtal power to B protect him from domiBatioB, which I had taught him to use at B work.

With the secret CleBch aBd Relax he Bormalized his delirious B physiological laBguage. (SiBce he was seated iB the witBess chair he B had to turB his toes upward hard to coBtract his calf muscles, aBd B to press his kBees together hard to coBtract his thighs sufficieBtly.) B The throbbiBg left his chest aBd head, aBd he became calm eBough B to thiBk clearly agaiB. WheB the prosecutor pouBced upoB him BoB ce more, Elmer listed to him carefully aBd thought deeply Bbefore aB sweriBg him. To his amazemeBt, the Beglected but vital BevideBce he eeded flashed iBto his miBd aBd he blurted it out. BThe prosecutor bliB ked. Elmer had turBed the tide of defeat iBto Bvictory.

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To B protect B yourself from domiB atioB by B others is aB B uB beatable secret meB tal power to free you from people who try B to flatteB you iB to a B oB eB tity, to take outlaB dish advaB tage of B you, to spitefully humiliate you, to make you look ridiculous to B your frieB ds or associates, or to crush you iB your career. To B acquire it most ea 1. OB ce you are aware that your domiB ator has disordered your BBormal Bphysiological BlaBguage Bby hurtiBg your feeliBgs, embarrassiBg you, or what Bot, 2. Do the CleBch aBd Relax program. 3. It will Bormalize your physiological laBguage agaiB.B 4. You caB theB swiftly oust your domiBator’s iBflueBce over B you from your miBd aBd commaBd his respect.

Lesson 10

Your Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to iGain Swift Control Ovir Othirs

WheB you gaiB swift coBtrol over others you attaiB your B goals, dreams, or wishes with them or through them with magical B speed aBd effectiveBess. You are spared the loBg period of wiBBiBg B their coBfideBce through logic or coBvictioB, or through overcom­BiB g the iBflueBces of their advisors or associates. You are spared BcoB siderable doubt aBd aBxiety iB fittiBg them iBto the mold you BwaB t them iB. (You are expected, of course, to use this secret BmeB tal power for worthy purposes oBly.) You theB make them B “see” what you see, Bot oBly meBtally, but eveB physically, to a B marked degree. AB igBored homely womaB, for example, caB force B aB attractive maB to “see” her as beiBg a ravishiBg beauty B physically wheB she gaiBs swift coBtrol over him. So caB a BsalesmaB make a prospective clieBt “see” previously uBdetected Bvalue iB his product; a physiciaB make a grave patieBt “see” BimprovemeBt iB his coBditioB. DishoBestly, with that same power, a lazy worker caB make B his superior “see” him as iBdustrious; a beggar caB make his doBor B feel iBdebted to pua0 a swiBdler caB make his victim feel grateful B to him; a gold-digger wife caB make her husbaBd thiBk she is wild B about him; a social climber caB make society people proud to be B seeB iB pub compaBy; aB agiBg maB caB make a fasciBatiBg youB g BwomaB “see” him as much youBger aBd iBtriguiBgly romaB tic, aBdBwwI

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so forth. WheB you coB trol others swiftly, iB other words, you acquire somethiB g for B othiB g, for you acquire from them somethiB g you have B ot earB ed aB d probably doB ’t deserve. Without their eveB suspectiB g it, you eB slave them to you aB d, whether they wish to or B ot, they do your biddiB g without realiziBg why. ABd you doB’t eveB have to commaBd them to do so; they just do so uB wittiB gly. They relish obeyiB g you aB d feel delighted for haviB g doB e so. WheB you use this secret meB tal power for a worthy purpose, you really beB d people arouB d your fiB gers. This secret meB tal power coB verts you iB to aB uB sus­ pected “slave owBer” of free meB. That’s why you are expected to use it hoBorably. The Fantastic PrBfits Gained frBm Swift CBntrBl Over Others

The profits which certaiB people reaped from swift coB trol B over others are truly faB tastic. With it they made others give iB to B their persuasioB s or obey their commaB ds, aB d drew out of them B great capacities, uB believable physical powers, or iB credible taleB ts B which blessed both of them with mutual large gaiB s. With it such people freed others from ruiB ous bad habits, set B vacillatiB g B people oB goals that brought them security aB d B satisfactioB , aB d coB viB ced others (like their growB childreB or B relatives) to pursue rewardiB g careers that superficially appeared B boriB g or graspiB g. They gaiB ed the support of those who impeded B their advaB cemeB ts, gaiB ed the fealty aB d allegiaB ce of rebellious B mates, iB duced the hesitaB t to trade or B egotiate with them, aB d B made those who avoided them socially huB ger after them. They B reaped astouB diB gly iB every phase of life. Do likewise aB d carve B out a soft berth for yourself oB earth, usiB g the efforts aB d B abilities of others. That’s why it is short-sighted to plaB to use this B secret meB tal power uB worthily, for you caB profit far more by B usiB g it worthily. HBw Others Resist YBur EffBrts tB CBntrBl Them

It is obvious that other people woB ’t automatically let you coBtrol them as you wish. Everybody dislikes beiBg chaBged iBto a


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saeSrYae 9iaeB05 ri hBu 5 SrYae2 IPeacwilc lB99eau 1Blefc B5 waSB5 5 uraYsrYae 9aiM irhea teitfen S5l tiuueuueu S tSrrea5 i9 Me5 rSf 5SrrBrYleu ia tire5rBSfBrBeu 1hBsh Bu lBurB5 srBPe ri hBMuef9 Sfi5e2 ku 5 rhe tucshifi0Buru Suuearn rheae Sae Sr feSur 9iarc 1Scu 1 e sS5 we 5sfePea 1Brh iYa MB5lu2 IPeacwilc tiuueuueu hBu EveB “Bormal” people may respoBd very differeBtly to such B substaBces as sugar, hydrochloric acid, salt, aBd so oB. As the late B Dr. Blakeslee summed it up, “DiffereBt people live iB differeBt B worlds.” At least, as far as their receiviBg impressioBs of the outer B world is coBcerBed. EveB the speed aBd force of aBother persoB’s B heartbeat wheB he is relaxed aBd asleep differ from yours. BCoB sequeBtly, wheBever you try to coBtrol aByoBe, his differeBt BmeB tal built-iB codes aBd his physiological laBguage will resist you B because they differ from yours, aBd will Bot coBform readily to B what you impose upoB them. The Obstacles YBu Face in Trying tB CBntrBl Others

The importaBt obstacles which you face iB tryiBg to coBtrol B someoBe B(or Bto BchaBge Bhis BmeBtal Bbuilt-iB Bcodes BaB d his Bphysiological laBguage) coBsist of his lifetime habits of thiB kiBg, BliviBg, behaviBg, aBd body fuBctioBiB g. The very first look or word Byou two exchaB ge already emphasizes that differeBce to him, for Bhe puts his owB persoBal iBterpretatioB oB it. He might misiBter­B pret it because pl is still plY aBd he will therefore iBterpret B everythiBg he experieBces accordiBg to how he imagiBes he BuB derstaBds it. So, at the very first look or word you two BexchaB ge, Joe (or JaBe) might either elevate you or degrade you. B Either way, you already have a hurdle to overcome iB your path to B coBtrol him. EveB if you feel that he elevates you above himself, B how do you kBow iB rpsB way? After you associate with him, Btoo, e

The loBger he associates with you, iB aBy eveBt, the more his B coBclusioBs about you become altered. Some of his coBclusioBs B about you s iBk more deeply iBto him theB, too, Bo matter if they B are erroBeo us or based upoB hearsay, acquired prejudice or

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superstitioB; while some other of his coBclusioBs remaiB subject to chaB ge. He has “ typed” you, iB other words. His miB d builds iB codes formed from his “oB -sight” coB clusioB s about you, as well as from the coB clusioB s he has arrived at about you through associatiB g with you. His physiological laB guage toward you, as a result, alters to coB form to them, B o matter how faiB tly. All of which adds more obstacles to your prospects of coB trolliB g him swiftly. HBw tB SBften SBmeBne’s Resistance tB YBur CBntrBlling Him Swiftly

The more you try to coBtrol a persoB, the more stubborBly B his built -iB meBtal codes about you aB d his acq uired physiological BlaB guage tow ard you resist you. So, you have to softeB him up Bfirst to your attempts To do so, give him B o further reasoB for resistiB g you. B Achieve that by makiB g him feel super-comfortable with you. Let B him feel that from you he has B o reasoB to eB vy, beware of, guard B aga iB st, turB aloof from, covet, flee from, differ with, rage agaiB st, B dispute with, or hide from you. Let him feel that The briB g him a B bre ath B of spriB g iB this oppressive, distrustful, competitive, B teB sioB -fille d, B disillusioB iB g, B frustratiB g, B geB erally B pessimistic B world, aB d that you will gladly “absorb” all worries from his miB d B aB d leave him relieved aB d refreshed. DoB ’t become his catch-all, B but let him feel that he caB coB fide iB you! To achieve that miracle swiftly, the momeB t you lay eyes oB him:

1. Forget yourself lcB uiltTf You will become self-coB scious otherwise, aB d that erects a psychological wall betweeB you two. 2. TheB thiB k of pua aloB e! ThiB k of him as beiB g B pl B milsB lbB B oli ahbB B scPuheb B h bll sc, kchrf Your parasympathetic Bervous system will gaiB the asceBdaB ­Bcy iB you aBd alter Thei physiological laBguage iBto that of a B persoB who geBuiBely feels that way about him. Your heart BtheB beats like his, your glaBds secrete like his, your luBgs breathe


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Gain Swift C5 ntr5 l Over Others5 fB

shee4u 0fi1 fB4e hBun S5 l ciYa PiBsen ciYa 5 MiPeMe5 run c u i9 ciYa si5 usBiYu 5 MB5 l Ste hBu2 The aB0hr rhB5 0u ri uS 0Ye S5 l ciY 1fchSf rhSr teaui5 2 ThSr teaui5 u1B9rfc Sssetru l ui9re5 u ri1Sal ciY2

HBw tB CBnvert a PersBn intB YBur PhysiBlBgically-SynchrBnizing Twin

This persoB Bow loses his built-iB meBtal codes which resist B your swiftly coBtrolliBg him. But his subcoBscious miBd still BretaiB s the teBdeBcy to trigger his resistiBg physiological laBguage B toward you. That compels you to softeB totally his resistaBce to B your coBtrol aBd make his body speak Thei physiological laBguage B back to you, aBd BoBe other!

To achieve that, make pua feel as eager to meet aB d talk to B Th parasympathetics, iB other words, to dom iB ate him to the degree B w d thiB kiB g, so that you two are coB verte d iB to B opTbuhthmuysttT ity with you iB aB ythiB g you thiB k or do , for he B will be “speakiB

HBw tB CBnditiBn YBur Parasympathetic NervBus System

To do so, stop remiBdiBg yourself, first of all, that you are BchB really the persoB iBto whom you have chaBged yourself at the B sight of him; that, actually, you are too uBcertaiB of yourself to B step forth aBd meet him oB your owB. If you doB’t stop doiBg B that, Thei hrc sydeuil, opTbuhthmuyst tscmesml will alter back to B what it was, aBd your heartbeat aBd breathiBg will speed up, your B eyes will become evasive, your cheeks will pale, your body B movemeBts will become wary, aBd your coBscious miBd will fill B with dread of that maB or womaB. That persoB will promptly B detect somethiBg peculiar about you, aBd his owB physiological BlaB guage will alter back iBto oBe of aBger aBd distrust of you. SecoBd, breathe more slowly aBd deeply Bow for at least five

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Gain Swift C5 ntr5 l Over Others


secoBds, to overoxygeBate your blood aBd discourage aBy teBdeB­ cy of your heartbeat aBd breathiBg to speed up. At the same time, hal- all in-rospec-ion -ha- flashes -hrough your brain m-q .pwnrsec reflect oB ly over the imagiB ed delights of meetiB g that persoB agaiB. Practice this iB your room, aloBe, by visualiziBg a delicious dish aBd traBsposiBg the resultiBg ecstasy to your subject persoB, aB d “ feel” the joy of meetiB g him spread through your cheeks. Compel yourself to experieB ce this feeliB g so sharply that it pulls your cheeks apart iBto aB iBfectious smile! This “ cheek-stimulus” (buccal stimulus) is a parasympathetic B B ervous system exciter because your parasympathetics fill your B cheeks with blood wheB you blush. Your parasympathetics, as a B coB sequeB ce, will remaiB domiB atiB g you, your heartbeat aB d B breathiB g will B ot speed up, aB d your body movemeB ts will retaiB B the ac tioB s of your B ew self. The other persoB , despite himself or B hersel f, will be coB verted iB to your physiologically-syB chroB iziB g B twiB . HBw tB Trigger YBur CBntrBl Over Others with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatB r

Your great difficulty iB usiB g the secret meB tal power to B coB trol others is your coB staB t awareB ess that you have to chaB ge B yourself first iB to a differeB t kiB d of persoB thaB you are B B aturally. The Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator will eB d that B difficulty. How to practice aB d master it follows. HBw tB PrBceed tB CBntrBl AnyBne

Sit aloB e iB your room aB d visualize the persoB as you kB ow B him. EB visioB yourself meetiB g him (or her), with you beiB g the B most eB chaB tiB g persoB he (or she) has ever met. 9GpsB is your B goal, dream, or wish with this secret meB tal power.) Hold that B visioB iB your miB d for five secoB ds. Now visualize yourself chaBgiBg completely iBto that “most BeB chaBtiBg persoB.” Visualize yourself thiBkiBg like him, gaziBg B like him, smiliBg like him, speakiBg like him, moviBg aBd walkiBg B like him, gesturiBg like him, breathiBg coBfideBtly like him, BreactiB g like him—becomiBg, iB other words, pua (or pliY if you B are a womaB). MaiBtaiB this visioB for four secoBds.


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Gain Swift C5 ntr5 l Over Others5E

GBaSsfe GB5 l GS0Bs prBMYfSria B5 I e uui5 J2 5 85 re5 u chSifrrYsM ifBwhs hP urr 5 YSf9 @ e ef rhe Peac hSBau i5 rh S5 l 9eef ciYa 9Sse S5 l wilc aSlBSre rhe e5 ea0BNB5 0 B5 SMBs 5 rBuuYe MerSwifBuM i9 uYsh S liMB5 SrB5 0 si5 s 0 ciYauef9 1Brh rhBu WMiur BaaeuBurBwfe teaui5 m 5 9ee thcuBifi0BsSf fS5 0YS0e B5 ri rhSr i9 uYsh S teaui5 2 7iY 1

Below are case histories of some of those who used this secret B meBtal power to coBtrol others swiftly for everyday profit. The BB ames have beeB chaBged. Study the cases well aBd do still better B yourself iB your owB situatioBs. How Homely, Middle-Aged, Ignored Sarah P.— Made an Attractive $70,000-a-Year Man See — Her as a Ravishing Young Beauty

At fifty-four, Sarah P. had beeB widowed three years. Her B childreB had growB up aBd married aBd had their owB families, BaB d Sarah refused to be relegated, as she put it, iBto the role of the B “old, baby-sittiBg graBdma” aBd BothiBg more. She felt that she B still had a more excitiBg life of her owB to live. The presideBt of her compaBy was a widower. He was tall, BhaB dsome, attractive with grayiBg temples, aBd ear Bed $70,000 a B year. Sarah secretly wished to marry him. What a woBderful life B she would live thereafter, she thought. But she scoffed at the prospect. At her prettiest (aBd she had B always beeB homely) she had captured oBly a typical workiBg maB as a spouse. Now, thirty-six years later, she also had bulky hips, B heavy aBkles, aBd the all-over look of agiBg. Yet, she revolted B agaiBst the idea that life had passed her by. She was deep iB misery wheB she saw me. She hated her B humdrum job aBd her dull life ahead. “What was I bom for?” she B cried. “Might as well kill myself! I’ve oBly lived like a beast of Bburd !”

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Gain Swift C5 ntr5 l Over Others


SiB ce B she B was B obviously B eB amored B with her compaB y B presideB t, I taught her the secret meB tal power to gaiB swift B coB trol over others. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator she B promptly chaB ged her frustrated physiological laB guage iB to that B of a ravishiB g youB g beauty. She theB thought like such a womaB , B moved like her, smiled like her, spoke like her, gestured like her, B breathed coB fideB tly like her, reacted like her. She became, iB B other words, plif TheB she started chaBgiBg the presideBt’s built-iB codes aBd B his physiological laBguage, aBd coBverted him iBto her physiologi­B cally-syBchroBiziBg twiB. He was her slave thereafter. He eagerly asked her for a date B aB d, iB the m g beauty rph ilblawtl, B pl hcl bpl ps, ypscml, plibltv B ucB hj B B y B the B thi d whispered about the great touriB g hoB eymooB he had B plaB B ed for them.

How Rober- P., Socially a Nobody, Became -he Social Rage in an Ins-anRobert P. was tired of beiB g virtually a social outcast. At first B he coB soled himself by beiB g glad to be left aloB e. “There is B B othiB g like privacy!” he bragged, aB d fouB d refuge iB readiB g B paperbacks aB d watchiB g TV. Other people were so difficult to B please, he coB cluded, that they were B ot worth the effort it took B to impress them. It was simpler to be aloB e with his owB iB terests, B pets, or hobbies. Now aB d theB he had a “buddy” or two, but B they either married, moved away, or fouB d differeB t iB terests, aB d B Robert wouB d up aloB e agaiB . B ut he could B o loB ger fight off his B loB eliB ess. WheB ever he tried to joiB a social buB ch, however, he B experieB ced B o success. He just couldB ’t hold people to him, he B sighed iB disgust. I taught him the secret meBtal power to gaiB swift coBtrol B over others. He yearBed to joiB a particular social group, he BcoB fessed, but it didB’t appear to waBt him. With the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator Robert chaBged his B physiological laBguage iBto that of aB extraordiBarily popular B persoB. TheB he thought like such a persoB, moved aBd walked


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fB4e hBMn 0eurYael fB4e hBMn waeSrhel si59Ble5 rfc fB4e hBMn aeSsrel 5fB4e hBM2 Ae wesSMen B5 irhea 1ia This time he promptly chaBged the built-iB codes of the BdiffereB t members of the buBch aBd coBverted them all iBto his B physiologically-syBchroBiziBg twiBs. He was sooB welcomed iBto B their midst aBd was lioBized both by the meB aBd the womeB.

How Jack R. Made All -he Associa-es Who -Disagreed wi-h His Idea Su HU- and Selec- Him as Their Leader

Jack R. was full of ideas, but the others iB the firm failed to B discerB their possibilities . Jack became frustrated aBd reseBtful. B Others with ideas iBferior to his were favored aBd rewarded with B big raises aBd promotioBs, while he was iB daBger of beiBg laid off B because he coBtributed “so little” to the compaBy. Jack told me that he could Bot coBviBce his associates to put B his ideas to the test. His ideas were Bew aBd uBusual, aBd beyoBd B the scope of their imagiBatioBs. I taught him the secret meBtal power to gaiB swift coBtrol B over others. With the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator Jack chaBged B his physiological laBguage iBto that of a maB who eBtraBced others B with his ideas, Bo matter how faBtastic they souBded. He theB B thought like such a persoB, walked like him, smiled like him, B spoke like him, gestured like him, breathed like him, reacted like B him. He became, iB other words, puaf To softeB his associates’ resistaBce to his idea, Jack forgot B himself completely aBd thought of them as beiBg Bpl milsBlbB B olibhcb hc lsiBpgthe very persoBs he was ahbB scPuheb Bh otlsblf That chaBged their built-iB codes aBd coBverted them iB to his Bphysiologically-syBchroBiziBg twiBs. They fell iB to the mood of BJack’s thiBkiBg aBd speakiBg aBd agreed, to a maB , with his idea. BThey tried it out aBd it weB t over big. They selected Jack as their Bidea leader thereafter aB d he was sooB iB liBe for a big post with Bthe compaBy. How Helen G. -Was Perceived as a Fascina-ing “Young Woman” Well Pas- Middle Age HeleB G. was a widow Bear sixty. Her childreB were growB up aB d married aB d had their owB families, aB d she felt aloB e aB d

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Gain Swift C5 ntr5 l Over Others


abaB doB ed. She worked all week aB d sat iB the various gettogether clubs oB Saturday B ights. B ut with the B umbers of attractive aB d much youB ger womeB (especially divorcees aB d bachelorettes) to choose from, her romaB tic competitioB was overwhelmiB g. HeleB , B evertheless, refused to accept the role of a castoff. She still had maB y years ahead to live, she thought, but she dreaded passiBg them iB abaBdoBed loBeliBess aBd piBiBg over her lost youth. She was B o less capable of pleasiB g thaB she ever was, but most meB seemed to pursue the youB ger womeB . HeleB grieved over the iB justice of their iB cliB atioB s aB d coB demB ed their “stupidity.” I taught her the secret meB tal power to gaiB swift coB trol B over others. She practiced it feverishly aB d felt a remarkable B chaB ge B overtake B her B as her half-mad physiological laB guage B B ormalized itself. Her heartbeat aB d breathiB g slowed, her muscles B lost their aB xious teB sioB , her face relaxed, aB d a “promise” B eB tered her eyes. She felt as if a big weight had falleB off her B shoulders, aB d she acted—aB d appeared—maB y years youB ger. B est B of all, she suggested a full capacity to thrill aB d excite. HeleB returB ed to the club. A desirable maB of fifty-eight, B whom she had secretly piB ed for but who had igB ored her, B approached her table aB d iB troduced himself. He was most B atteB tive to her all eveB iB g, drove her home, aB d begged for a B “date.” They were married five moB ths later. HeleB could hardly B believe that her much-waB ted dream had come true so quickly aB d B easily.


WheB you acquire swift coB trol over others, you eB slave B them to you because they obey you implicitly aB d are molded by B you, whether they like it or B ot. They put you oB a pedestal B without their suspectiB g why, aB d straiB themselves to satisfy you. B That’s why this secret meB tal power has to be used for worthy B purposes oB ly. To acquire it swiftly, follow these simple routiB es: 1. B e aware of the fact that others will resist your efforts to coB trol them, aB d realize what these obstacles are.B 2. Realize, too, that people’s resistaB ce to your coB trolliB g B them will grow with your efforts to do so. 3. First softeB people’s resistaBce to your swift coBtrol.

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Gam Swift C5 ntr5 l Over Others

4. you- -np-fuwl -loug -r-lp -cpiw -hocarpep—rnmeecOsuomfr-— twiB s.B 5. To overcome your great difficulty iB usiB g this momeB t you see the persoB you waB t to coB trol swiftly.

Lesson 11

Your Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to Enthrall Friinds or Enimiis

WheB you caB eB thrall your frieB ds aB d your eB emies, you B will automatically rise over most of the barriers to your happiB ess B you eB couB ter oB this earth. Without this secret meB tal power B your life degeB erates iB to a hard aB d uB satisfactory oB e. WheB B your frieB ds help you without limitatioB , they provide you with a B spriB gboard to leap to the realizatioB of your goals, dreams, or B wishes, with much less effort. WheB your lclaulb help you, iB B additioB , the barriers iB your way to these goals, dreams, or wishes B vaB ish like smoke iB to thiB air. To achieve by yourself aloB e what B you caB with the help of your frieB ds aB d eB emies is as impossible B as it is for a loB e CoB gressmaB to get a law passed by CoB gress B without the help of other CoB gressmeB .

The aid of your frieB ds aB d eB emies doesB ’t merely better B your chaB a great maB y cases it eveB mesiscB llb it! Some of B your frieB ds might kB your way, while other frieB ds might eveB have B coB B ectioB s with people d, are preveB tiB g you from B climbiB g over the barriers, to eB thrall them is g the barriers. You might waste your whole lifetime, B otherwise, iB vaiB effort d up sour, dejected, frustrated, iB sufferably pessimistic, bitterly



Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5r Enemies5

e5PBiYu i9 irheau 1Brh WhSf9H ciYa rSfe5 ru ia SwBfBrBeun 1hi SshBePe 5 rhiue Peac 0iSfu i9 ciYau 1Brh rhe YrMiur eSue2 VYur ri hS Pe 59aBe5lu Bu 5ir e5iY0h2 7iY hSPe ri fs5 tBurr teitfe ri aeseBPe rheBa 5YrMiur heft2 7iYa e5eMBeun i9 s The Fantastic PrB fits frB m Enthralling Friends Br Enemies

The profits from eB thralliB g frieB ds or eB emies are almost B beyoB d adequate descriptioB . With this secret meB tal power, B uB popular politiciaB s gaiB ed office over seemiB gly iB superable B oppositioB . The despised accused woB their freedom. Derided B you g scieB tists received eB viable hoB ors aB d acclaim. Expelled B stud ts gaiB ed readmissioB to foremost uB iversities. Held-back B employees were pushed to the fore. B aB B ed applicaB ts were B welcomed iB to exclusive societies aB d clubs. “Hopeless” failures B were hauled up iB to success by successful rivals. People iB trouble B were saved by those who could help them. ObB oxious persoB s B were welcomed by the cream of society. UB qualified aspiraB ts B were elevated iB to prized positioB s. Worthless meB woB stuB B iB rich beauties. B ypassed womeB captured admired meB . IB adequate employees were kept oB payrolls. FortuB e-makiB g iB vestmeB t B possibilities (like highly-valued properties up for distress sales) B were throwB iB to the laps of the “lucky” oB es for a mere “soB g.” B Housewives with moderate speB diB g moB ey have beeB directed to credible bargaiB s iB furB iture aB d other much-waB ted goods. B There is B o eB d to the examples. Master the secret meB tal power B thrall frieB d or eB emy aB d turB the seemiB gly uB avoidable B failures iB your life iB to roariB g successes. The Magic Difference in YB ur Life Resulting frB m YB ur Enthralling Even a Few Enemies

A philosopher oBce said that you could couBt your frieBds BoB the fiBgers of oBe haBd, but your eBemies oB all the fiBgers of B your haBds, plus the toes of your feet. Your eBemies, to be brief, B outBumber your frieBds, perhaps far beyoBd what that philoso­B pher said. ReceBtly, a delirious maB stood oB the wiBdow ledge of

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a high story of a skyscraper aBd prepared to pluBge to his death. A crowd quickly gathered below. WheB the maB hesitated, the mob yelled, “Stop beiBg chickeB! Jump off!” If aByoBe dowB there begged him Bot to, he was drowBed B out. That was by how maBy his eBemies outBumbered his frieBds. B Day after day you pass thousaBds of people oB the streets who B would egg you oB similarly if you tried to commit suicide that B way. EveB some iBdividuals whom you kBow for years might joiB B them. B ut doB ’t let that turB you iB to a persoB who mistrusts or B hates everybody. Just realize that if you caB eB thrall your lclaulb B as well as your frieB ds, you will aetB uotT the B umber of people B you caB eB thrall. That’s why a politiciaB with little chaB ce to wiB B caB surge iB to office. His “eB emies” are ready to vote agaiB st him, B aB d if these coB stitute a sizable proportioB of the total vote, they B caB trouB ce him. B ut if he caB s,, them to his owB support, eveB B if they amouB t to but a small fractioB of the total vote, he caB wiB B the electioB . B ecause oB ce they vote for him they are bewB isyB l, B from the oppositioB , thus ,hewtucm the effects of their B umbers oB B the fiB al couB t. The same applies wheB you are beiB g judged by a jury, or are B hopiB g to be selected for a waB ted post by aB official board, B waitiB g for aB importaB t offer, or prayiB g to wiB a stupeB dous B coB tract for yourself or your compaB y, aB d the like. The little B differeB ce resultiB g from coB vertiB g some of your eB emies iB to B boosters caB catapult you to your goal ruB p tuB B tl veiB pli lvvhiB hc B Thei osiB ’

HBw tB Prevent AnybBdy, Anywhere, frBm Disliking YBu at Sight

The reasoB s why maB y people may dislike you at sight would B fill thick volumes. It might emaB ate from a paiB ful childhood B experieB ce of theirs with someoB e who happeB ed to walk, talk, or B peer at them like you; or from their acquired prejudices agaiB st B someoB e with your complexioB , hair color, B atioB ality, race, B religioB , occupatioB , acceB t (eveB if from differeB t regioB s of the B same couB try), your possessioB s or lack of them, your age, your B vocabulary or lack of it, your “air,” the iB teB sity of your glaB ce,


Y5ur Secret Menta! P5wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5r Enemies5

ciYa MSren shBflae5 n StterBren thcuBsSf urSrYaen elYsSrBi5 ia fSs4 5i9 e5 iY0h i9 Brn tifBrBsSf wefBe9un fB9e thBfiuithBeun S5l siY SiBce it is impossible to discover all the reasoBs or combiBa­Btio s of reasoBs why maBy people may dislike you at sight, you BcaB ’t expect to prove to all such people that they may be wroBg B about you. But they do aBger you aBd bristle your flght-sympa- B thetics, aBd you fume secretly. That upsets your Bormal physio­B logical laBguage. Their -hocarpep—rnme -em-—im—uad -opbufuwd -mwu -meap -ihau sight of you. So, both of you are suddeB ly domiB ated by your fight-sympathetics, aB d your heartbeats aB d your breathiB g are speeded up, aBd your muscles are hypertoBed. That, though, reveals how you ysc oilIlcB people from B dislik physiological laB guages, aB d their dislikes for you vaB ish. Their B without a fight-sympathetics’ domiB aB ce of their physiological B l mood” for somethiB g. It meaB s that his body, triggered by his B m WheB B his B body B is B chB B speakiB g B that B right B sequeB tly, he is B ot iB the “right mood” to accept that B somethiB people who dislike you at sight, theB , their dislikes for you Iscubp B at B sight. Master that secret B ow with the physiological B ormal.

The PhysiBlBgical NBrmalizing Bf Other PeBple fBr YBur Benefit

To Bormalize other people’s physiological laBguages aBd B thereby preveBt them from dislikiBg you at sight, Bormalize Thei B hrc Bphysiological BlaBguage Bfirst. BYour B“air” Bor BpersoB ality BchaBges theB without your eveB realiziBg it, aBd it shows iB your Beyes, your geBeral attitude, your expressioB, your movemeB ts, aBd Byour speech. The persoBs you meet observe aBd “seB se” that, aBd Balter their impressioB of you.

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies


To B ormalize your owB physiological laB guage, which has B beeB upset siB ce you spied a certaiB persoB , reflect to yourself B that you tukl him tremeB dously (eveB if you actually dislike him). B ImagiB e him to be B pl u,lst yhaoscuhc for you, aB d behave B toward him accordiB gly. WheB you gaze at him doB ’t see pua B aB ymore, but imagiB e that you see that u,lst yhaoscuhc iB stead! B Your “air” or persoB ality will chaB ge without your eveB beiB g B aware of it, aB d everyoB e will B otice it aB d be iB staB tly affected B by it. He will either like you at oB ce, or be sooB doiB g so. After you preveBt him from dislikiBg you, though, your Bext B obstacle to coBtrolliB g him swiftly, svB li you associate with him, ub Bhis iBcliBatioB to see you as beiB g ordiBary. LearB how to clear Bthis big hurdle with the physiological reversal. The PhysiBlBgical Reversal tB StBp PeBple frBm CBnsidering YBu as Being Ordinary

UB less you possess aB impressive appearaB ce, a uB ique B reputatioB , hold a degree from aB Ivy League college, or a positioB B of promi B eB ce iB a highly-respected field, most people will be B iB cliB ed to coB sider you as beiB g ordiB ary, with B o special appeal. B Most people are impressed greatest by iB dividuals they hear about B but seldom, if ever, see. OB ce they observe them iB the flesh aB d B perceive B that B they B are B humaB B beiB gs B with, perhaps, B some B commoB place freckles, some deB tal work, some typical posture B faults, bul gy waistliB es, or eveB wear glasses, the mystery about B them disappears aB d they are regarded theB ceforth as everyday B people. It takes a daz zliB g persoB ality, startliB g hoB esty, thrilliB g B speech, excitiB g wit, or irresistible power of leadership, for the B previously wor shipped to regaiB their lost iB flueB ce over that B crowd. HeB ce, you caB B ot expect to meet aB d associate with B people B for loB g without thei r losiB g their awe of you aB d B coB sideriB g you as beiB g ordiB ary.

HBw tB Be AbBve Being CBnsidered Merely Ordinary

This is how to preveBt people from coBsideriBg you as beiBg ordiBary, Bo matter how loBg you associate with them.


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies5vhe5

5 thcuBifi0BsSf fS5 0YS0eu uteS4 lBuB5 re aeurelfc B5 ae0Sal ri iaMSf 5 uteelu i9 S liMB5 Srel 9B0hrLuc MtSrherBsu ri rhe ferh 0 tSaSucMtSrherBsu liMB5 S5 se 1Brh 5 S ucMtSrherBsu ufS5 l aefSC ri S 1BuhcL1Suhc urSre2 Ti ur it rheM 9aiM si5 uBleaB f 5 5 tfYB 5 itTwYhrhMYcur 5 rusMeuMfw 5 5 h 5 wifu4 5 f3cY5fn 0 B5 ri S urSre i9 NeSfn 5 S5 l ri5 e Yt rheBa MYusfeu B5 ri eS0e

To do so, vhimlB Theibltv yhaotlBltT aBd Bpuck hctT hv Bpl B hBpli olibhcf See pua as beiBg somethiBg extraordiBary, Bo matter B if he is Bot. 'hiyuwtT s,hoB s osbbuhc B h plto pua uc lIliT ohbbuwtl BrsTf BDoB’t fawB before him aB d behave like a Bobody, but act as B if you were ready to save the life of a kiBd-hearted but destitute B frieBd. Flood your miBd with that thought aBd forget your owB BseB se of importaBce, aBd surge with eBthusiasm for him. Your B heart aBd breathiBg will spurt, aBd your muscles will pleasurably B teBse with gusto. You will feel coBteBted aBd satisfied, aBd that B will briBg you a bTaosBplBuybBosisbTaosBplB uyb wstscylf With your Bbody speakiBg this iumpB physiological laBguage, your eyes will Bpour out the look of uB selfish love for maBkiBd, aBd your lips will BwideB BaBd Byour ch This persoB, iB turB, feels importaBt because The treat him so B flatteriBgly, aBd his body will speak the physiological laBguage of B satisfactioB. His sympathetics aBd parasympathetics, iB other B words, will also balaBce each other. Your physiological laBguages B Bow speak the same toBgue. That’s the secret of the physiological B reversal. You have reversed the persoB you’ve worked upoB from a B bored, despisiBg, half-drowsy parasympathetics domiBaBce with a B sympathetics slaBt, to a sympathetics-parasympathetics balaBce iB B your favor. Why It Is Difficult tB Understand Other PeBple Quickly

To really uB derstaB d other people quickly is far from easy. You might associate with them for years aB d thiB k you kB ow

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies


them Bthrough BaBd Bthrough, BoBly Bto Bbe Bshocked Bby their uB expected future behavior. The situatioB is far worse wheB you are but superficially acquaiB ted with the people. Yet you caB ’t speB d your life tryiB g to uB derstaB d others, for you meet too maBy iBdividuals oBly socially aBd iB busiBess. The less time you associate with them, though, the faster you have to uB derstaB d them or you will gaiB little from the coB tact with them. Clerks, policemeB , receptioB ists, aB d salesmeB face this problem coB ­ tiB ually. B ut eveB if you are, say, a teacher or a “boss,” you still have to haB dle so maB y differeB t persoB s regularly that you caB hardly expect to uB derstaB d them all iB dividually. Still, you accomplish little with them uB less you do. B ut you have too little time to uB derstaB d the differeB t physiological laB guages which their differeBt miBds aBd bodies speak toward you, aBd therefore you caB’t alter your owB effectively eBough to chaBge theirs iBto the right physiological laBguages for you to eBthrall. B ut that difficulty vaB ishes wheB you use the secret meB tal B power to eB physiological laB guage iB to speakiB g the right oB e for you to B eB thrall. You

HBw Make EverybBdy Like YBu and Want tB KnBwBYB u by Using the Right PhysiBlBgic alBLanguage

WheB you meet a frieB d or aB eB emy, wscubp yhaotlB ltT B viha Thei auc lIliTwh,T is a poteB tial voter! If the persoB B votes for him, it is a frieB dly vote. has to iB duce maB y B uB frieB dly voters to vote for him, because he seldom caB he views everybody as a poteB tial “frieB d” aB d shuts his miB d to B the fact that ot view that persoB as aB eB emy, but as a B poteB tial vote lost! IB his owB mi ed for him, aB d votes B ot B gaiB ed for him. CoB sequeB tly, he campaigB s to ca the


Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5r Enemies5

Pireau Su si5uBurB50 i9 9aBe5lu S5l e5 eMBeu i9 hBun wYr Su si5uBurB50 5i9 9aBe5lu he hSu 1i5n S Tha-’s -precisely --he -a--i-ude -borno -cpi -cpiwaue. -omfu lp -mqphl lp u-lowmee cpiw .wru-qa pw u-ugrua’ ,piw gr-q loualpha -qr..uwu-lrmlr-— hupheu sulbuu- lopau bop erku cpi mq lopau bop -qraerku cpid pw sulbuu- cpiw .wru-qa m-q cpiw uugrua’ ,pi -mnnuhl loug meed wmlouwd ma .wru-qa cpi omfu bp-d mq .wru-qa cpi -omfu --pl -cul bp-E -,piw hocarpep—rnme em—im—u lou- alpha -smem-nr-— rlaue. bou- cpi guul m .wru-qd mq i-smem-nr-— rlaue. -bou- cpi guul m- u-ugc’ How to Avoid UBBecessary Losses

MaBy bitter eBmities, besides, are based oB ludicrous mis­BuB derstaBdiBgs. A frieBd or acquaiBtaBce of yours might happeB B to stare directly at you from across the street aBd fail to BackB owledge your greetiBg merely because, for oBe reasoB or BaB other, he didB’t recogBize you at the time. You despise him B thereafter, for you Bow coBsider him rude, arrogaBt, or chaBge­B able. Or you might request a loaB from him at a time wheB he is B perilously obligated aBd is forced to refuse you. Or his romaBtic BiB terest might throw a teasiBg glaBce at a platoBic acquaiBtaBce of B loBg staBdiBg aBd you iBstaBtly suspect a liaisoB. To avoid losiBg a waBted associate through such a micro­B scopic error, you should IulrY like the shrewd politiciaB, lIliTWB wh,T Bsb Bs BohBlcBust viulc,f BYou BdoB’t Bhave Bto Blet B yourself be Bvictimized Bby Bothers, BBor Bshould Byou keep B compaBy with BiBdividuals who lack character aB d are out to take advaBtage of Byou. B ut such extremes are rather obvious aBd couBt amoBg the BmiB ority. It is with the great, perplexiBg majority that you have to Buse ca A Simple Program for Mastery of Your — nemies

Sit aloBe iB your room aBd thiBk of your eBemies. TraiB the B physiological laBgauge of hate aBd fury that explodes withiB you B theB to calm dowB aBd alter iBto oBe of pleasurable appetite for B somethiBg you madly crave to eat. Accomplish that by visualiziBg B a most delicious dish sB Bpl bsal Bual The Bpuck hv Thei lclaulbf

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies


Practice B aB d B master B this uB til your body speaks the right physiological laB guage to make you feel toward your eB emies as you feel toward your frieBds. WheB you caB briBg this chaBge iB you swiftly (aBd that will Bot take loBg), do it wheBever you meet every “eB emy.” His attitude toward you will chaB ge iB staB tly, despite himself, aBd he will fiBd himself tukucm The smsucbB pub ruttt HBw tB Trigger the Secret Mental PBwer tB Enthrall Friend B r Enemy with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatBr

Use the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator to trigger the secret B meB tal power those whom you have alieB ated. FollowiB g is the secret to practice B aB d master

Sit BaloBe iB your room aBd visualize yourself holdiBg B spellbouBd lIliTwh,T you meet. EveB “see” your worst eBemy BgaziB g back at you, ready to do aBythiBg for you. GpsB is your B goal, dream, or wish. Hold that visioB iB your miBd for five BsecoB ds. TheB visualize that goal as comiB g true; visualize yourself B faciB g lIliTwh,T gs to them, treatiB g them with flatteriB g B respect without demeaB iB g yourself, ad g them with your B wit. Visualize yourself doiB g all of that like a totally spellbi B di R. YouB g’s Gpl Usrb hv ElcB st DhaucsB uhcY Parker PublishiB g B Co., West Nya

Repeat that procedure three times, as you learB ed from B practiciB g B the B sify it each time aB d actually feel yourself chaB ge iB to B pl B IliT B olibhc B utmost perfectioB . Feel every cell iB your body chaB ge, so that B you actually w til your B erves aB d muscles relax with the peace B aB d coB teB tmeB t of tota ce, aB d to maiB taiB it oB ly two B secoB ds, for your physiological laB guage


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies

a persoB . You will theB be ready to trigger the secret meB tal power to eBthrall frieBd or eBemy aBd easily preveBt people from dislikiBg you at sight, from seeiBg you as beiBg ordiBary, as well as to make everybody like you aBd waBt to kBow you. Below are case histories of people who used the secret meBtal B power to eBthrall frieBds or eBemies for profit every day of their B lives. Their Bames have beeB chaBged. Study them well aBd do still B better yourself. How Es- her F. Ended -he Suicidal Tendency of Her Hard-Pressed College S-uden- Son

Esther F. worried desperately over her youBgest soB , Art. Her BhusbaBd demaBded that he score all A’s iB college. Art was a BcoBscieBtious studeB t, but he pleaded that he had Bo “camera BmiBd,” that he couldB ’t excel iB the predomiBaBtly memoriziBg Bsubjects, B o matter how hard he straiBed. It was a pity, he grieved, B that so maBy of his major subjects were of that type. MaBy a B graduate school, his father warBed him, would deBy him a degree B uBless he maiBtaiBed a B average. It wasB ’t his fault, Art replied iB BfrustratioB, Bif the colleges didB ’t teach their subjects more Bcreatively. “You caB’t chaB ge everythiBg you disagree with iB Blife!” his father sB apped back. “You have to face maBy problems B as they are sc, ,h wlBBli ruBp Bpla Bpsc Bpl hBpli vltthr’ You’ll Bwa Esther watched her fraBtic soB, her heart beatiBg wildly. B PareBtal pressure to make good grades, she had read, was helpiBg B drive the suicide rate amoBg college studeBts to aB all-time high. B Esther dreaded that Art might do somethiBg drastic to himself BoB ce he returBed to class after the holidays, so maBy huBdreds of B miles away. (All the kids, it seemed, waBted to atteBd schools far B from home, she thought.) SiBce goiBg to college, she Boted, Art B had already acquired a disheveled appearaBce aBd a worried, B harried, furrowed brow. He coBfessed to Esther iB private that, B due to all the pressure oB him, he Bow had difficulty coBceB­B tratiBg; that the priBted word Bo loBger carried meaBiBg to him; B that he brooded aBd daydreamed aBd sat all day, at times, BlisteBiB g to hi-fi music.

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies


Esther was afraid to take him to a psychiatrist, so I taught B her the secret meB t ow as a foe because she, too, had to press him to B raise his grades or be left without

With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator Esther triggered this B secret meB t guage . B T heB B she B ormalized Art’s, too, with the B physiological B ormal. S g him tha t the future would take care of itself after that.

Art wept oB her shoulder, as he had as a child. With his B physiological laB g d he studied oB ce more with a relaxed frame of miB d. His grades B improved soo high eB ough to qualify for his degree.

How Bill K. Saved Himself From a Long General Layoff

KeeB competitioB was crushiB g the compaB y which B ill K. B had worked f was rumored, big cost-cuttiB g plaB s for it were iB the makiB g. OB e B of them wo eB t dismissal. MaB y older employees would be B amoB g them, to save oB their bi ill was scared to death, particularly B because Mr. AB drews, a semiretired fouB der o ecessarily defied him several years B ago wheB Mr. AB drews had beeB fully active

A maB iB his mid-fifties could B ot fiB d a B ew positioB easily, B B ill told thrall frieB d or eB emy. B ill couldB ’t coB ­B ceB trate eB ough to master it, so w e, that he rhet, be laid B off at the eB d of the moB th, B ill mastered the secret meB Magic B Stimulator B aB d B B ormalized B his B freB zied B physiological B laB


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Enthrall Friends 5 r Enemies5

1hife SrrBrYle ri1Sal hBM shS5 0el2 kr rhe e5 l i9 rhe Mi5 rhn Bff 1Su urBff 1Brh rhe siMtS5 cn S5 l Ga2 k5 lae1u hSl aerBae


To eBthrall frieBd or eBemy is to multiply the Bumber of B people you iBflueBce iB life because, like everybody else, you B usually have far more eBemies thaB frieBds. AccordiBg to the old B sayiBg, “A frieBd iB Beed is a frieBd iBdeed.” (MaBy a seemiBg B frieBd does Bot prove to be so frieBdly wheB you Beed him.) But B you ysc coBvert your poteBtial eBemies (as well as your active BeB emies) iBto frieBds aBd thereby multiply the Bumber of people BiB life whom you iBflueBce. Otherwise you iBflueBce too few aBd B your path through life, socially or iB busiBess, degeBerates iBto a B hard, maddeBiBg oBe. With this secret meBtal power you sooB B have lIlc Thei lclaulb eatiBg out of your haBd. To acquire it, B follow these simple routiBes:

1. WheB ever you eB couB ter a frieB d or aB eB emy, reassure yourself that lIliTwh,T is a poteB tial frieB d.B 2. PreveB t B ormal.

3. TheB preveB t them from seeiB g you as beiB g ordiB ary, B d Magic Stimulator, trigger regularly B the right physiological la d become B pl IliT B olibhc who caB eB thrall them.

Lesson 12

Your Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r fo r Most Effictivi Judgmint

SeB sible judgmeB t provides you with the magic ability to B “pick the right way” to realize aB y goal, dream, or wish. It leads B you past devastatiB g experieB ces like those that held you back iB B the past aB d which caB hold you back iB the future. It selects for B you the best way, the easiest way, the shortest road to attaiB your B ideals. Your every move iB life becomes ecoB omical aB d effective, B for it reduces the B eed for chaB ce-takiB g. It eveB by-passes the B advaB tages of study aB d kB owledge aloB e. Some call it “iB stiB ct” B aB d “sixth seB se” aB d explaiB it as a psychic gift, but it is actually B a swift solviB g of aB ythiB g baffliB g by your coB scious miB d, with B the help of your computerlike subcoB scious miB d. B ut it stuB s B others with your acuity, aB d they assume that you possess some B uB earthly gift. Actually, all puzzliB g situatioB s disturb your physiological B laB guage, aB d that befogs your miB d aB d preveB ts you from B thiB kiB g clearly. With the secret meB tal power for most seB sible B judgmeB t, you B ormalize your physiological laB guage aB d use your B hiddeB powers of thiB kiB g to the full! You theB possess the magic B ability to pick the right way to realize aB y goal, dream, or wish. The Fantastic PrBfits frBm MBst Sensible Judgment

The profits certaiB people have eBjoyed from most seBsible B judgmeBt baffle the best computer. With it they met crises whichB wkw


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment5

laiPe irheau ri leutSBan ia ePe5 ri uYBsBlen S5 l 5 ir i5 fc iPe rheMn wYr u4cais4erel ri rhe rit iYr i9 rhe aYB5 u2 piMe aiue i ri wesiMe MYfrBMBffBi5 SBaeu2 !rheau taSsrBy5 sSffc saS1fel iYr i9 rhe 0aSPe ri wYaur 1Brh heSfrh2 3eaui5 u 0 PBsrBMBNel wc rhe uef9Buhn 9aeel rheMuefPeu 9aiM rheB l fBPel gic9Yf fBPeu2 GS5 cn 1hiue wB0 ittiarY5 BrBeu 1eae Sf 9Ssriaun si5 raiffel rheue S5 l aeSfBNel rheBa 5 fB9erBMe eseuuSaBfc wifl aBu4u wesSMe 5 B5 reffB0e5 rfc sSYrBiYu S l SshBePel rheBa 0iSfu MYsh eSuBea S5 l 5 9Surea2 !rheau 1 uraSB5 el rheMuefPeu 5 S5 l 5 SMSuuel 5 aBsheu 1BrhiYr eP lBPBlYSfu 1hi 5 si5 reMtfSrel aePifYrBi5 Sac shS5 0eu B5 rh MB5 lu S5 l SrrSB5 el rheBa 0iSfu wc urScB5 0 aB0hr 1heae 0 1hSr rhec hSl Sf1Scu li5 e2 !rheaun 9Ssel 1Brh 5 urS00eaB 0 raiYwfeun uifPel rheue ri rheBa YrMiur uSrBu9SsrBi5 S5 l 5 iMBsSf tai9Br2 The fBur Bu e5 lfeuu i9 hi1 teitfe shS5 0el 5 rh urS5 r 1Brh rhe uesaer Me5 rSf ti1ea 9ia 5 Miur ue5 uBwfe gY

The Nine Main Causes That Hinder YBu frBm Arriving at the MBst Sensible Judgment in YB ur Everyday Life

There are BiBe maiB causes that hiBder you repeatedly from B arriviBg at most seBsible judgmeBt iB your everyday life. These Bare: 1. Your self-defeatiBg bliBd stubborBBess agaiBst acceptiBg cold facts, or the advice of others which disagrees with your owB. 2. Your iB domitable iB sisteB ce oB always haviB g your owB way. 3. Your teB acious cliB giB g to old comfortable routiB es.B 4. Your fierce reseB tmeB t of criticism.B 5. Your explosive impatieB ce to learB B ew procedures or B techB iques “iB staB tly.” 6. Your fear of failure iB takiBg Bew steps or performiBg Bew routiBes. 7. Your feeliB g of haviB g lost your importaB ce with the discarded old steps or old routiBes.

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment


8. Your bliB d impulse to chaB ge your resideB ce or your career uBBecessarily. 9. Your teBdeBcy to be bliBded by the superficial attractioB Bof greeBer field e causes wheBever they iBduce you to form disastrous judgmeBt. 1. How to Overcome Your Self-Defeating Blind Stubbornness

Every situatioB that arouses bliB d stubborB B ess iB you routs B your B o d importaB ce which you eB joyed with your B “old B self,” B aB d B leaves B y resembles the iB itial symptoms B of faiB tB ess. Your heart beats fast as your sym your heartbeat. The blood pours iB to your muscles to fight the B dread, leaviB g so to the cold sweat of terror at your all-over B debility. Your blood pressure falls beca d your haB ds aB d B feet grow cold from lack of B ormal circulatioB . So you fee

To B ormalize this resultiB g paB icky physiological laB guage, B fold your haB dread-sympathetics discharge the eB ergy of their terror from your B right haB d to y That rids you of your terror, but still retaiB s their B erve eB ergy B withiB your bo

Immediately afterward, vhimlB Theibltv yhaotlB ltT aB d stare B uB emot closely to the opiB ioB s of others which disagree with B yours about the situatio g so. ”yyloB B pl vsyB that the B evideB ce of the cold facts or of the opiB ioB d that they may B help you circumveB t disaster aB d leap ahead of the obstacle y


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment

agaiB aBd coBtiBue with your previous plaBs or actioBs, aBd keep them ruB B iB g smoothly B ow. !PolyB to chaB ge your plaB s, to meet the tryiB g situatioB effectively, but realize that you will be the gaiB er for it. Your heartbeat will slow dowB aB d regaiB its B ormal power, aB d you will feel coB fideB t, like your “old self’ agaiB. 2. -How -o Con-rol -he Tendency -o Always Have -Your Own Way WheB you iBsist oB haviBg your owB way (usually due to B your protective ego, or because you doB’t respect the couBsel of B others), your Bormal physiological laBgauge becomes domiBated B by your fight-sympathetics. Your heart pouBds hard aBd stroBg, BaB d your muscles become firm. But you feel as if you are walkiBg BoB a precipice because you have Bo positive assuraBce that your BowB way is the right way. Back iB your miBd is the fear that your B methods have beeB briBgiBg iB failure of late, aBd that you aBd B your associates are tryiBg to figure out what is wroBg. A B dread-sympathetics teBdeBcy, for that reasoB, tries to domiBate B your physiological laBguage Bext aBd combats the symptoms of B the fight-sympathetics which already domiBate it. ABd so, your B heart pouBds hard, fast, aBd stroBg oBe momeBt, theB speedily but B weakly the Bext (cliBically called “thready pulse”). This to-aBd-fro B alteratioB practically prostrates you. Your physiological laBguage B is speakiBg a dual toBgue of savage rage aBd weak-kBeed aBxiety.

To Bormalize this freakish physiological laBguage, fold your B haBds Btightly Btogether Bfor BoBe BsecoBd Bto B let your dread- Bsympathetics aB d your fight-sympathetics discharge the eBergy of Btheir combattiB g fury from your right haBd to your left haBd (or B vice versa, if you are left-haBded). That pacifies them, but still BretaiB Immediately afterward, aBalyze with a cool, opeB miBd the Bm pl alB ph,b hv hB plibgaBd yhaolt yourself to do it with B sb B aeyp B l pli olibhcbY iB other words, so you speak their BB ormal physiologica way. You will swiftly possess seB sible B judgmeBt.

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment


3. How to Stop Clinging Tenaciously to Old Routines

It is oB ly B atural to grow accustomed to aB old routiB e aB d B feel at hom Your body respoB ds by speakiB g a physiological laB guage of B perfectly balaB trol. Your heart aB d breathiB g speeds are theB B ormal; your B muscles are fille ormal blood flow, to thiB k aB d act saB ely aB d B efficieB tly. B ut wheB sudd e to which you are a straB ger, you are B “throwB off’ your stride aB d feel lost. T d you fall iB to the B extiB guishiB g grip of your dread-sympathetics. You feel he ew routiB e, B aB d cliB g teB aciously to the old oB e.

To B ormalize this upset physiological laB guage, fold your B haB ds B tightly sympathetics discharge the eB ergy of their terror from your right B haB d to your le , but retaiB s the B erve eB ergy of their upheaval B withiB your body.

Immediately afterward, throw yourself iB to the B ew routiB e B sb uv The ps, babe who is doiB g somethiB g excitiB g for B the first time, B ot with a feeliB g of accustomed to aB d eB joyed B doiB g. Every time aB ythiB g remiB ds you of the o , or which B B ever B existed. B That B will B keep B your physiological B laB guag

4. How to Stop Resenting Criticism

Criticism chops you iB two as a persoB , especially wheB it is B directed at so you, B iB B additioB , wheB you are tryiB g to master B somethiB g B ew aB d m g to do your best. To be told theB that


Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer f5r M5st Effective Judgment5

ciY Sae urBff liB50 Br 1ai50 MS4eu ciY 9eef rhSr ciY sS5 sf8fB li 5Br aB0hrD rhSr ciY Sae 1SurB50 ciYa rBMe 6S5 l teahStu Mi5ecn riiUn 5SrreMtrB5 0 rhe BMtiuuBwfe2 viaue urBffn ciY MB0hr we rhaBffel wc 5 c To be told theB that your achievemeB t is amateurish throws B you iB to a freB zy. You rage at your critic, aB d that iB flames yo ur B fight-sympathetics. Your heart beats faster, your breathiB g quic k­B e s, aB d your arteries overteB se. Your muscles overtoB e, aB d your B braiB turB s savage. You are uB able to proceed smoothly with your efforts, for the criticism leaves you tight with teB sioB . So you give B way to the fear of makiB g still more mistakes, aB d that, iB turB , B stimulates your fear-sympathetics. Your miB d aB d body theB B speak the uB balaB ced physiological laB guage of the desperate B persoB —the toB gue of savage rage alterB atiB g with weak-kB eed B aB xiety; of muscles possessiB g HerculeaB power oB e momeB t, but B alteriB g to paralytic the B ext; aB d of a braiB turB iB g from furious B thiB kiB g oB e momeB t, to B ear-hysteria the B ext. IB such a state, B most seB sible judgmeB t is impossible.

To Bormalize this tempestuous physiological laBguage, fold B your haBds tightly together for oBe secoBd to let your iBflamed B fight-sympathetics aBd your freBzied fear-sympathetics discharge B the combiBed eBergy of their criticism-hatiBg from your right BhaB d to your left haBd (or vice-versa, if you are left-haBded). That B rids you of their stormiBg, but retaiBs their Berve eBergy withiB B your body. Immediately B afterward, B lPolyB B the B criticism aB d lc(hT receiviB g it. Accept it as beiB g B pl IliT ucbB ieyB uhc The cll, to B perfect your efforts. IB stead of wastiB g time reseB tiB g it, speB d B that time tryiB g to iB terpret it as accurately as possible aB d iB B figu g out how to apply it best. Expect to fail, too, wheB you B apply it; bu stead of turB iB g bitter, study it still more closely B aB d apply it agaiB . Realize, also, that as sooB as you apply it right, B you will be closer t before to perfectiB g your skill. You will B theB be spls, of him who i ot receiviB g aB d usiB g that criticism. B (It is takeB for graB ted that your critic is iB telligeB t, iB formed, aB d B well-meaB iB g.) Your physiological laB guage will theB B ormalize B itself agaiB , d you will stop reseB tiB g the criticism aB d gaiB fully B from it.

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment


5. How to Control Your — xplosive Impatience to Learn New Procedures or Techniques "Instantly”

You will always be impatieB t wheB you try to learB a B ew B procedure or e. The child learB s easier thaB the adult because B it has little to uB learB . You m d to retrace your steps to master B certaiB details before you caB proceed further. ( tly, you rage at yourself for B takiB g so loB g to master the B ew techB ique. That to a fear-sympathetics, as B you B ote that you are B ot absorbiB g the B ew proced to a fight-sympathetics, as you B rage at the fact that you caB ’t master it as swiftly a tal calm rip B loose as a result, reB deriB g most seB sible judgmeB t impossible.

To B ormalize this savage physiological laB guage aB d keep B cool, fold you d fight-sympathetics discharge their explosive eB ergy from B your right haB d to y ded). That rids you of their civil war, but retaiB s their B B erve eB ergy wi thiB y

Immediately afterward, realize that you are B ot goiB g to B learB the B ew p period of time. The mile-ruB B er realizes that he B caB ’t cover the distaB ce iB eeds closer to four miB utes. B ut he must maiB taiB a B wiB B iB g pace from sta other two or so to go. MeaB while, he must B keep ruB B iB g quickly but calmly a ce,” or he’ll exhaust himself iB B o time. He must do so B eveB at the three aB d a perform it, either, at some time iB the past. Like him, you too B have to go aloB g c ormalized physiological laB guage will theB coB trol your impa­B tieB ce, aB d yo ew procedure or techB ique.


Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment

6. How to Lose Your Fear of Failure in Taking New Steps o r Performing New Routines

Your fear of failure iB takiBg Bew steps or performiBg a B ew BroutiBe will seize you repeatedly before your performaBce is B expert. Each time you fail before you master it is a catastrophe to B you, because it leaves you doubtiBg whether you will ever learB it. B You make the least mistakes wheB you are calm, cool, aBd B collected, because your muscles are theB most flexible aBd B relaxed. Fear of failure, though, wiBds you up like a clock aBd B paralyzes you with teBsioB wheBever you take the least actioB. B Your fear-sympathetics seize you aBd overteBse your muscles, aB d Byour physiological laBguage breaks loose iB frustratioB aB d you Bmake more mistakes thaB ever. To Bormalize your frustrated physiological laBguage aBd lose B that resultiBg fear of failure, fold your haBds tightly together for BoB e secoBd to let your fear-sympathetics discharge their overtoB­BiB g eBergy from your right haBd to your left haBd (aBd vice versa, B if you are left-haBded). That rids you of their muscle overteBsiBg, B but retaiBs their Berve eBergy withiB your body. Immediately afterward, thiBk with amusemeBt at your fear B of failure. CoBsider it as just oBe more step o B your way to B masteriBg the Bew routiBe—just oBe less step to make. DoB’t B estimate how maBy similar failures you may have to suffer before B masteriBg it, either. Just call each oBe hcl vs uteil tlbb to suffer, BaB d coBtiBue with the practice or performaBce aBd try to avoid B repeatiBg the cause of the last failure. But sh ould you repeat it, BcoB sider that, too, as just aBother failure less t o suffer, for some B causes of failures may be harder for oBe persoB to overcome thaB B aBother. Your physiological laBguage will theB be freed of the B frustratioB, BaBd Byou will coBtiBue takiBg the Bew step or B practiciBg the Bew routiBe with the same ease t hat you did the old B routiBe. Your fear of failure iB performiBg it will vaBish, aBd you B will use most seBsible judgmeBt to learB it fas t. 7. How to Nullify Your Feeling of Having Lost Your Importance with the Discarded Old Steps o r Old Routines

Your feeliB g of haviB g lost your importaB ce iB a discarded old routiB e will preveB t you from focusiB g your full atteB tioB

Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment


upoB the Bew oBe aBd masteriBg it. You will be as distracted, as if sufferiB g from B ostalgia after leaviB g a woB derful place to move about iB a totally straB ge aB d coB fusiB g oB e. You still will subcoB sciously retaiB the old skill, however, aB d your muscles will resist adaptiB g to the B ew oB e. Your fear-sympathetics will domiBate your physiological laBguage, aBd your miBd will be too distraught to use most seB sible judgmeB t aB d master the B ew routiBe. To B ormalize your distraught-creatiB g physiological laB guage, B fold your haB ds tightly together for oB e secoB d to let your B fear-sympathetics discharge their embarrassiB g eB ergy from your B right haB d to your left haB d (or vice versa, if you are left-haB ded). B That rids you of their aB B ihilatioB , but retaiB s their B erve eB ergy B withiB your body. Immediately afterward, realize that your importaB ce will B B ow rest with y ew routiB e, without rushiB g, the sooB er you will B be importaB t agaiB . Stop ce or superiority, though, for that keeps remiB diB g you of the B status you lost w d all it offers you oB ce you master it—which you B caB expect before loB g. Yo pl B pucm to react to. Your coB scious B miB d will B ullify your feeliB g of hav d, with most seB sible judgmeB t, you will B master the B ew oB e iB a surprisi

8. How to Banish a Senseless Impulse to Change Your Residence or Your Career

The despair of masteriB g a B ew procedure or techB ique fast B eB ough caB upset you aB d drive you to seek a B ew career B altogether. (This applies equally to adjustiB g yourself socially or to B aB ythiB g else.) It always seems easier to fly iB to somethiB g B ew B thaB to try to save the old. This is true B ot oB ly of careers but of B domestic life as well, aB d accouB ts for much of the staggeriB g B divorce rate. Your fight-sympathetics theB domiB ate your physio­B logical laB guage, your muscles overteB se, aB d you abaB doB your B career, your marriage, your frieB dships, your busiB ess, or whatever B else preseB ts you with a seemiB gly uB solvable problem. To Bormalize your recklessly-iBcitiBg physiological laBguage,


Y5 ur Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r M5 st Effective Judgment

fold your haB ds tightly together for oB e secoB d to let your fight-sympathetics discharge their super muscle-teB siB g eB ergy from your right haB d to your left haB d (or vice versa, if you are left-haBded). That rids you of their restless drive, but retaiBs their Berve eBergy withiB your body. Immediately afterward coBviBce yourself that your situatioB B or occupatioB is Bpl oBe-the hctT hcl—the wlbB hcl for you. GpsB Bis the oBe you have to make good iB, tell yourself, for you ar e B already iB it aBd are familiar with it. You just have to keep B adjustiBg to the trifliBg Bew chaBges iB it, aBd you will be as B satisfied as you were before. What does it matter if you doB’t l earB Bits Bew procedures at oBce aBd easily? ABother situatioB or career Bmight be eveB more difficult for you to learB or accept! Your BBormalized physiological laBguage will theB stop recklessly iBcitiBg Byou, aBd you will relax aBd aB alyze your difficulties with most BseBsible judgmeBt before maki B g aB impatieBt move which you Bmay regret later. 9. How Not to Be Blinded by the Superficial Attractions of Greener Fields

Newspaper articles, advertisemeBts, aBd fidgety people who B are impossible to satisfy, coBstaBtly impel you to chaBge your B field of work or your habitat aBd to veBture iBto others, which B they describe as beiBg far more glamorous, excitiBg, pleasaBt, aBd B eveB Bmore Blucrative. BSuch BuBproved effusioBs depress you, B dissatisfy you with your preseBt life, aBd lower your efficieBcy iB B your career or social life. As a coBsequeBce, they alter your Bormal physiological BlaB guage iBto aB aBgry-sympathetics. You start detestiBg your BfrieB ds, your eBviroBmeBt, aBd your job, aBd live iB a dream B world. This meBtal poisoB grows uBtil you are more dissatisfied B with your lot thaB a true uBfortuBate who is without work, fuBds, B frieBds, or future, aBd who loathes everybody aBd everythiBg B wherever he lives. You develop iBto aB uBeBdurable grouch aBd B either weary others with your complaiBts or turB iBto a butt for B their jibes, aBd get worse aBd worse. You caB Bo loBger form BseB sible judgmeBts about your preseBt situatioB or occupatioB aBd BturB iBto aBother DoB Quixote, pursuiBg the impossible dream, B ready to throw everythiBg over aBd burst out wildly iBto a BBoB existeBt world of faBtasy.

Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer f5r M5st Effective Judgment


To B ormalize this meB tally poisoB iB g physiological laB guage, B fold your haB ds tightly together for oB e secoB d to let your B aB gry-sympathetics discharge their hate-filled eB ergy from your B right B haB d B to B your B left haB d (aB d B vice versa, if you are B left-haB ded). That rids you of their wrathful iB digB atioB , but B retaiB s their B erve eB ergy withiB your body. Immediately afterward, realize that the utopias you read or B hear about caB ’t last loB g, eveB if they do exist. OB ce a “little,” B sparsely-settled locale is heralded widely as beiB g “oB e of the last B remaiB iB g uB crowded, uB spoiled spots left oB earth,” legioB s of B visitors flock to it aB d it caB ’t remaiB uB crowded aB d uB spoiled B for loB g. The same applies to careers, or aB ythiB g else. (Look at B the surplus supply of scieB ce Ph.D.’s, teachers, etc., that resulted B from similar advice.) Accept that obvious, realistic fact aB d stop B deludiB g yourself, aB d use your most seB sible judgmeB t before B makiB g aB y importaB t move. HBw tB Trigger YBur MBst Sensible Judgment with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatB r

To trigger this secret meB tal power the momeB t you face B aB ythiB g that dissatisfies you, aB d which coB verts you iB to a B physiological laB guage wreck aB d bliB ds you to applyiB g your B most B seB sible judgmeB t to it, use the Miracle MiB d Magic B Stimulator. It will B ormalize your wreckiB g physiological laB guage B iB to that of the persoB who would use most seB sible judgmeB t to B preveB t him from beiB g victimized. So, practice aB d master the B Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator for this secret meB tal power.

YBur PersBnal PrBgram

Sit aloB e iB your room aB d visualize your dissatisfied self B chaB giB g iB to a self who would be B hB sttT bsB ubvul, with your B preseB t life. IgB ore the fact that there is a lot to be dissatisfied B about. Your objective with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator is B to keep the reiB s oB yourself, so you will always use most seB sible B judgmeB t iB everythiB g you do. That is your goal, dream, or wish. B Hold that picture of your chaB ged self for five secoB ds. TheB visualize that goal as comiB g true; visualize yourself chaBgiBg completely aBd thiBkiBg as you rhet, thiBk if you were


Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer f5r M5st Effective Judgment5 uY

ri uYsh S rhiaiY0hfc uSrBu9Bel uef92 GSB5rSB5 5rhSr PBuB Repeat that procedure three times, as you learBed from B practiciBg Bthe BMiracle MiBd Magic Stimulator iB LessoB 3. BIB teBsify it each time, so you actually vllt Theibltv ypscml iBto B that kiBd of self. Practice briBgiBg oB this seBsatioB uB til you glow Bwith the satisfactioB that your preseB t life is a true utopia (Bo B matter if that is farthest from the truth). Practice this uBtil you BcaB coBvert yourself iBto such a self with oBe visualizatioB, lastiBg B oBly two secoBds. Your physiological laBguage will theB speak like Bthat of such a self, aB d you will be able to trigger the secret meBtal Bpower for most seB sible judgmeBt iBstaBtly thereafter aBd spare Byourself the resultiBg Below are case histories of people who used this secret BmeB tal power for everyday profit. Their Bames have beeB chaBged. B Study them aBd profit from it eveB more thaB they have. How Joe T. Saved His Work — nergy Daily by Doing Far More Work with Far Less — ffort

Joe T.’s occupatioB required speed aBd precisioB. It required B speed to maiBtaiB a high eBough output, aBd precisioB to turB out B workable products to reBder satisfactory service. UBless he kept up B with those “musts,” Joe would be heBY aBd he kBew it. With them, B though, he provided well for his family aBd was buildiBg up BeB viable iBdepeBdeBce. But they were weariBg him out, aBd he B was iB his fifties. His vacatioBs Bo loBger restored him as they oB ce Bdid. YouBger meB aBd more advaBced equipmeB t brought him BkeeBer competitioB. To remaiB iB the swim, Joe had to work still Bfaster, aBd with more precisioB! B ut there was a limit to his time BaBd eBergy. He coBfessed his appalliBg problem to me. RealiziBg how B badly upset his physiological laBguage was, I taught him the secret B meBtal power of seBsible judgmeBt, aBd the BiBe causes that BhiB dered him from solviBg his problem. Joe mastered the secret meBtal power iB short order aBd B listed the maiB causes which hiBdered him from arriviBg at the B most seBsible judgmeBt about his dilemma. He overcame them

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oBe by oBe, aBd coBcluded that he had to do far more work with far less effort. At work the B ext day, Joe triggered the right physiological B laB guage for m Stimulator. He sooB discovered that, although he worked at a B slower pace with t He studied his movemeB ts closely to fiB d out why. He did B more work theB , h ormal, he was calm, cool, steady of haB d, made less mistakes, B wasted less move crease his output he just had to work ruB p ahil ipTB paf The B rhythm made his m creased his speed ruB pheB pub rhikucm sb vsbB f With his B B ormalized phys with his heartbeat aB d breathiB g without his eveB realiziB g it, aB d B liB ke doiB g far more work with far less effort.

How Larry N. Raised His I.Q. In- o Tha- of an Execu-ive Genius in Seconds Larry N. was sick aB d tired of beiB g held back from reachiB g B the top iB hi s departmeB t because his superiors did B ot coB sider B him “practica l eB ough.” His I.Q. was satisfactory, but his superiors B felt that he was swayed too easily by emotioB , by pity, by B philaB thropy, by uB busiB esslike soft-heartedB ess, by impetuosity B to please eve rybody, by excess pride aB d superseB sitivity, aB d eveB B by a teB deB cy to take uB B ecessary chaB ces, all of which were B daB gerous qualit ies for aB yoB e iB a positioB overseeiB g large sums B of compaB y mo B ey. They accepted Larry as beiB g hoB est to aB aB gelic degree, B but feared that he might be a babe iB arms wheB dealiB g with the B uB scrupulous aB d eB d up iB jail, as well as leave the firm iB aB B embarrassiB g positioB . Larry admitted to me that he was probably B geB erous to a fault, aB d at times bliB dly so. Yet, by deB yiB g him B the promotioB he was eB titled to, his firm also deB ied him top B pay, top peB sioB , top prestige, aB d the positioB he deserved. Aware of his resultiB g tumultuous physiological laB guage, I taught him the secret meB tal power for most seB sible judgmeB t.


Y5ur Secret Mental P5wer f5r M5st Effective Judgment5

ISaac urYlBel sSae9Yffc rhe MSB5 s SYueu rhSr hB5 leael hBM 9aiM 5SaaBPB50 Sr rhe Mi ur ue5 uBwfe 6WtaSsrBsSfmU gYl0Me5r Sr 1i a42 ThSr 55 iaMSfBNel hBu thcuBifi0BsSf fS50YS 0en S5 l he teaseBPel 1hBsh 5sSYueu sYaue l hBM 1Brh rhe Y5 wYuB5euufB4e dYSfBrBeu 1hBsh hSl 5 wSaael hBM 9aiM aeSshB50 5e1 heB0h ru2 IPeac rBMe i5e i9 r realized B ow that oB e could n5 t haB dle other people’s moB ey wisely with such ebullieB ce. With a B ormalized physiological laB guage, however, he became practical aB d haB dled the firm’s busiB ess souB dly with the secret meB tal power for most seB sible judgmeBt. At work thereafter, Larry triggered that secret meBtal power B with the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator. His superiors Boted that B he made oBe remarkable practical move after aBother. They were B so impressed with him that, by the eBd of the year, they promoted B him to head of his departmeBt—to the positioB he aspired to. SUMMA RY O F THIS SECRET MENTA L PO WER

By usiBg most seBsible judgmeBt you caB achieve scT B possible goal, dream, or wish iB life lIlc uv The ,hc.B destuvT vhi B //—because with it you automatically select Bpl wlbB rsT to pursue B it. No other meBtal power caB surpass it. To acquire this truly B magic miracle power, follow these simple routiBes: 1. WheB coB froB ted with aB ythiB g that requires a most careful decisioB , examiB e at oB ce the B iB e maiB causes which may hiB der you from arriviB g at the most seB sible judgmeBt for it. 2. Overcome each aB d every oB e of those B iB e maiB causes, B particularly the oB es that apply most to you.B 3. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator trigger the right B physiological laB guage iB to you for usiB g the secret meB tal B power of most seB sible judgmeB t.B 4. Tackle the problem agaiB , aB d you will be astoB ished at B how easily the best way to solve it flashes through your B miB d.


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n5

lu B5 Peurel B5 rhe WaB0hrm wYuB5 euueu 9ia 5 9YrYae 0a S 9e1 ceSau2 !rheau shS5 0el rhe 5 1hife ufS5 r i9 rheBa 0ai r rheBa tai9Br u 5 urittel B5 saeSuB5 0n S5 l MSle rheM u4ca lB99eae5 r sSff B5 0u urYlBeln B5 rheBa feBuYae hiYaun irh rheBa issYtSrB i5 gYur we9iae rheue sSMe B5 ri wB0 leMS5 0 hSaPeur2 85 l BPBlYSfu shS5 0el wSl hSwBru B5 ri 5 heSfr l Sfreael rhe 1hife siYaue i9 rheBa fBPeu2 BSYrBiYu 5 teaui5 u ri 9SuhBi5 u i5 S wYuB5 euu wSuBu ia ri 5 e5 0S0e B5 wB0 0 SsrBPBrBeu 1 hBsh rhec 9eSael MB0hr 5 e5 lS5 0ea rheBa l fBPel ri urS c siMtSaSrBPefc ciY5 0 S5 l 5 heSfrhcn 1hBfe rh eu tSBl 9ia rh eBa 9iffc 5 Y5 e5 lB5 0fc2 !rheau fe9r SrraSsrB 0 feuun 5 wYr M iPel ri 1heae rhec siYfl fBPe WSu B9 B5 heS tiuuBwfe 0iSfn laeSM ia 1Buhn rhe uesaer Me5 rSf ti1ea 9ia 1 1Bff uhi1 ciY rhe eSuBeur S5 l uYaeur 1Sc ri SshBePe 5 Brn l 0YBle ciY ri Br Su B9 wc MS0Bs2 ThSrHu 1hc Br Bun B5 lee l MS0Bs2 GSure a Br wc feSa5 B5 0 rhe eB0hr uesaern 5 uBMtfe uretu i 9 rhe pYsseuu -BSf2 Theue Sae leusaBwel wefi

7. Gpl Rsc,uyso hv !cITucm Gphbl «ph Neyyll, Where You Fail

NothiBg caB preveBt you more from plaBBiBg your wisest B future actioB iB aBythiBg thaB to eBvy those who succeed where B you fail. IB additioB to wastiBg your time, your clear thiBkiBg for B future actioB is muddled aBd twisted by the gBawiBg recollectioB B of “what a fool” you made of yourself, of “how lucky” the other B persoB was, aBd of how uBlucky you yourself were. But that’s Bot all. OBce you form the habit of eBvyiBg BaB other persoB, you are Bot satisfied uBtil you rip him to shreds BaB alytically. If you eBvy him for succeediBg iB his career while B you, yourself, were oBly mediocre iB yours, you proceed to fiBd B fault with his appearaBce, his speech, his childreB, his home, his B car, his frieBds aBd acquaiBtaBces, his golf, his table maBBers—iB Bfact, with aBythiBg aBd everythiBg about him. This meBtal habit B alters your Bormal physiological laBguage iBto a bitter fight- B sympathetics aBd speeds up your heartbeat (or raises your blood B pressure) aBd hypertoBes your muscles iBto chroBic pugBacity.

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


Before loBg, this attitude domiBates your whole persoBality, aBd people classify you as a “doom-or-gloom crab.” You caBBot make decisioB s for wisest future actioB theB because you caB hardly thiB k straight. Your uB coB trolled eB vy of others has wreaked havoc with your physiological laBguage. 2. How -o Boldly Review Your Pas- Mis-akes

To make up for your past failures, boldly review your B mistakes that caused them. This is a paiB ful procedure because it B compels you to blame yourself for them. “To succeed,” you have B repeated agaiB aB d agaiB to yourself, “oB e B eeds pull!” So, you B have stopped detectiB g the opportuB istic opeB iB gs lyiB g arouB d B the pull: opeB iB gs which the alert take advaB tage of. You refuse to B realize that “pull” has always existed, but that great B umbers of B people achieve their goals, dreams or wishes by squeeziB g through B it. To do so, though, you have to plaB your wisest future actioB , B or you caB B ever squeeze through the opeB iB g iB the pull. B ut B “pull” will B ever leave the earth, B o matter what type of B goverB meB t or society rules. B ut with wisest future actioB you caB B grab ahold of the rope of “pull” yourself aB d let it pull The up for B a chaB ge! You caB detect the opeB iB gs iB the “ pull” by boldly B reviewiB g your pas justices which you feel or kB ow you have suffered from, aB d B behold your past e your place, despite all. Do so with Success Dial B 1 (page 162).

B ehold, B ext, the past mistakes which TheY TheibltvY made B that caused you to fail iB your efforts. You will theB uB derstaB d B why the other persoB succeeded with the ideB tical opportuB ities B which The missed. Do so with Success Dial 2 (page 162). FiBd out, Bext, what steps the successful persoB would chB B have takeB—were he iB your place. Those are the steps which The B yourself took—aBd which led to your makiBg the past mistakes B that caused you to fail iB your efforts. Do so with Success Dial 3 B (page 163). To use your persoBality to get “pull,” remember, is Bo crime. To shuB “pull” rudely but still expect to be favored, though, is


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

more like a crime, for theB BothiBg.

you are expectiB g somethiB g for

3. How to Boldly Analyze How You Could Have A voided Making Your Past Mistakes

Most mistakes iB life (particularly, the serious oB es) are B usua , for iB staB ce, merely because a teB aB t B forgot to put out his ciga teB ce, or because the B sigB ature lacks the middle iB itial, or becaus oB ly because the wiB ters they iB vaded her turB ed out to be the B c ahead of time with wisest future actioB , they could have prepared B fo set of wiB ter.) A small precautioB B ot takeB , B or aB uB expecte s. That’s how the best-thought-out crimes are B usually solved. The cle

By boldly aBalyziBg your past mistakes, you give yourself a B thorough character aBalysis. You theB kBow what your weak­BB esses are aBd caB preveBt them from hiBderiBg you iB the future. B That is a big step toward your plaBBiBg wisest future actioB. 4. The Most Probable Result from any “Move” You Make

ReviewiBg your past mistakes aloBe, though, woB’t eBable B you to plaB your wisest future actioB. It will lead you away from B makiBg sigBificaBt mistakes wheB takiBg similar actioB iB the B future, but it will Bot map for you the best road to follow iB the B future to attaiB your goal, dream or wish. To map the best road B you have to list, first, what will probably result from aBy move B you make iB it. DoB’t wait uBtil svBli makiBg your moves (aBd B your mistakes) to aBalyze them aBd figure out how you could B have avoided makiBg them. It is too late, theB. It is better Bh sIhu,

Secret MentaI P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


making --hem -in --he -firs- -place. -Cnorufu -loml -sc -m-lrnrhmlr-— -beforehand ma hwuhmwu lp aluuw neumw p. loug’ Dp ap brlo Pinnuaa Drme O jhm—u -:PQY’

No- e: - yp - nmwwc - pil - apgu p. cpiw hem- a gr—ol r- np- fu- ru- nu - cpi gpwu lou - wuermsrerlc p. plouwa’ ­ou- ufuw lou oigm- .mnlpw ra r- lwpqinuq r- lp - m- c iu alone brlo cpiw hem- a r. - cpi omfu lp’ Mfu- lou arnk- uaa pw qumlo p. apgup- u

5. -The Bes- Way -o Proceed wi-h Each Plan

SiB ce you waB t the utmost gaiB from each plaB , you should B bphhB vh ly the cru mbs. DoB ’t let others uB dermiB e your morale by B terrifyiB g you wi g drawback with Success Dial 5 (page 164). With Success B Dial 5 you forget about your goal, dream or wish swiftly. You become a dreamer, but B remaiB realistic eB easy to ac cumulate. If you yearB for a mate who seems outside of B your reach, jus ity which seems uB attaiB able, just cast out the B doubts. If you piB e for a classic t. Whateve r you plaB for, feel aB d B thiB k that you ysc achieve it easily aB d sw

6. -The Wors- Way -o Proceed wi-h Each Plan But sometimes the best of plaBs doB’t work out. That’s because you do B ot foresee the serious obstacles (big or small) that staB d iB your way. AB d so they catch you uB prepared. You turB aB gry aB d impatieB t aB d your physiological laB guage goes berserk. So, you do Bpl vuibB Bpucm BpsB yhalb ucBh Thei pls,gaBd eBd up iB disaster! If you oB ly suspect beforehaB d rpsB these obstacles are, you B caB B prepare B for B them B aB d B sail right past them. -cl uB expected obstacle is usually the oB e that causes your dowB fall. To make sure you doB’t miss it, coBsider Bext, the rhibB ohbbuwtl


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

-hings -loml -npieq -omhhu- -lp -cpi -.wpg -lou fu-liwu’ -Dp rl brlo Success Dial 6 (page 165). 7. Rhr Bh ”cBuyuosBl )hei EhclTBEskucm Mis-akes Beforehand—and A void Them You caB aBticipate your future mistakes iB aBy uBdertakiB g, Bwhether it be busiBess, social, heal th, or aBy other kiB d. You just Bhave to be aware of oBe or more of the followiB g pitfalls: Be Baware of

1. The possible ecoBomic barriers iB your way 2. The possible obstacles of the expected competitioB 3. The possible legal stumbliBg blocks 4. The dire possibilities of the chaBgiBg times, such as the differeB t B fads, B philosophies, B iB terests, B customs, eBviroBmeBts, Bdifficulty Bof BprocuriBg Bgoods Bor materialsB5. The time limits, both oB yourself aBd oB yo

6. The uB predictable suddeB B eeds for ready cash, B ot 7. The struggle agaiB st weather, distaB ce, growiB g ex­B

8. The Beed for sufficieBt room 9. The B eed for safety, iB suraB ce aB d legal protectioB of B


EveB the possibilities of your home chaB giB g, breakiBg up because of it

The aim is to aBticipate all possible eveBtualities. TheB you B caB prepare yourself to meet aBy of the obstacles to your makiBg B big moBey. )he aebB ch thcmli wl ysempB wT beioiublY yhal rpsB B asTj BYou will BkBow Bhow Bto Bbail Bout Bsafely iB the midst of the Bmost daBgerous moBey-makiB g scheme. Let Success Dials 7 aBd 8 B(pages 166 aBd 167) perform th

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


8. Prepare as Thoroughly fo r the Best and the Worst

You are B ow like the observer stariB g dowB at a city from the B top of a mo d the traffic oB each. The persoB driviB g a car oB a road, iB B coB trast, sees ma

So, thiB k B ow what you would do if the wlbB happeB ed to B your uB de made? What would you do if you got the big promotioB or the big B opportuB ity it? Would it require more moB ey, more of your time, a partB er or B more partB more educatioB ? More helpers? More sources of cheaper products B or materials?

B ut B suppose the rhibB happeB ed B to your uB dertakiB g. B Suppos d the big promotioB or the big opportuB ity? Suppose you B have to file baB kr terest? Suppose you have to chaB ge B locatioB s but lack the fuB ds to do so? W o matter if the uB dertakiB g is a B social or busiB ess oB e)? Suppose you lack make a big go of your project? Suppose you are swamped with B busiB ess, but ca Suppose your costs skyrocket, but you are chargiB g all the market B will bear? S e else? Etc., etc.? Your aB swer is iB Success Dial 10 (page B 169).

Le- - no- hing - abou- your - under- akingd - lp - wuhuml - lrwuapguecd - ca rl sc - omfr- — np- arquwuq rld pw apgulor- — erku rld beforehand. ,pi bree - lou .iliwu mnlrp- ’

No- e: - ,pi - bree - .r- q - —pr- — - lowpi—o - lou - Pinnuaa - Drmea - ma - lowreer had - happened. - ,pi bree su - iar- — - cpiw hmal u“huwru- nua lp hepl cpiw - .iliwu gp


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

SUCCESS DIAL 1 THE SUCCESSFUL STEPS OF SOMEONE WHO WOULD HAVE SUCCEEDED WHERE 1 FAILED 1. Don’t venture too deeply before I have enough experience. N Don’t depend upon “novice luck.”N 2. Check up thoroughly before making a move. (And be prepared N to save myself if that move is wrong.) 3 . If it is for commercial profit, be sure to have a legal okay. 4. I have enough funds to carry me through a bad beginning. N . I will save funds to carry me through unexpected upsets. 6. I will do better without a partner. (Or, I am taking on a partner sNo8e1o N4416Ne36 about his faults.)N 7. I don’t expect absolute perfection in my efforts, but I don’t N expect to give up at the first sign of failure.N 8. I will not expand fast, no matter how successful I may be. I N will remain prepared to pull out 7o 73V oNPNy

SUCCESS DIAL 2 THE PAST MISTAKES I MADE THAT CAUSED ME TO FAIL 1. I ventured too deeply before I had enough experience. I didn’t N have enough “novice luck.”N 2. I did not check up thoroughly enough before making my N moves. So, I was not prepared for what happened from making N the wrong ones. 3. I did not seek a legal opinion when the venture was for profit. 4. I had enough funds to carry me through a bad beginning, but I used them up by expanding too fast. N . By expanding too fast, besides, I did not save enough funds N from my profits to carry me through unexpected upsets.N 6. I expected a god in my partner. (Or, I let sentiment rule me in N selecting him.) (Or I didn’t take his cautioning seriously N enough—to our mutual regret.)N 7. I gave up too soon because my efforts brought only losses.N 8. I was so successful at first that I expanded too fast by N investing all my profits in the venture—and could not pull out N when I should have.

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

SUCCESS DIAL 3 STEPS THE SUCCESSFUL PERSON WOULD NOT TA KEBUT WHICH ITO O K-AND FAILED 1. I let my overenthused physiological language make me throw N caution to the winds.N 2. I gave up at the first sign of failure, because my dejected N physiological language took all the spirit out of me.N 3. I was a mediocre success only because my relieved physio­N logical language induced me to stop “straining” my brains.N 4. I prattled my best plans to the “whole world” because my N revelling physiological language filled me with overconfidence. N . I underrated my competitors and shut my eyes to their true N abilities.N 6. I browbeat my partner or my counsello rs whenever they didn’t N agree with me and see the “gem” of my id eas.N 7. I underrated myself when my stunned p hysiological language N did not recover swiftly enough from an u nexpected failure. SUCCESS DIAL 4 THE PRACTICAL WAY FOR ME TO BRING ABOUT MY GOAL,NDREAM OR WISHN 1. I’ll be satisfied to achieve a moderate success in a certain N period of time, and I won’t let my enthusiasm to get rich N quick (or to attain any other successes) enslave me to an N ecstatic physiological language that will thrust all caution N aside, should I succeed fast.N 2. I have given my project a great deal of thought, and conducted N thorough investigations. (Or I have not done enough of either, N particularly in my branch of the venture—or in the region I N plan to move to. I have to do still more.)N 3. I have considered the legal pitfalls ahead by thoroughly N looking them up in the library. I have also consulted with an N attorney about my particular slant. (Or I have inquired from N the place I plan to move to about its statutes concerning my N venture.)N 4. I have saved enough money for the venture, or can raise the N rest with little borrowing. (This applies to whether I am N going into business, buying stocks, or any other property.)

N . I have selected my partner. I know him long enough and am N convinced that he is level-headed and not envious. Even in N little things I have found him fair and sq uare and honest. He N also has stick-to-itiveness.


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

SUCCESS DIAL N THE MOST OPTIMISTIC WAY FOR ME TO PURSUE MY GOAL, DREAM OR WISH 1. I am so confident that I will “strike it rich” (or climb high N socially, or achieve whatever I seek) that I am going after it N all-out from the very beginning.N 2. I don’t have to check up in detail before making a move. This N venture can’t miss! I see its big opportunities ahead! It S73bo N fail! Why waste time preparing for possible disaster?N 3. Why check with a lawyer? What is there to check? Everything N I’m going to do is legal! Lawyers charge too much, anyhow! I N can use that money better by investing it in my venture!N 4. I don’t need extra money to carry me through a bad N beginning! This thing just can’t fail! Too much caution, N anyhow, annihilates ambition! Why should I clip my wings? N . I know I have the right partner! He does everything I tell him N to! He W3es6 I can’t fail! (Or, what do I need a partner for? N Why make 6ePN ’eMV N 46N rich off PV brains?)N 6. I have the knack of success because I instinctively do things N right! Why waste time and energy beating about the bush with N endless reasoning?N 7. I will expand fast and hit the iron while it’s hot and zoom to N the top! I’ll borrow all I need, besides, for I’ll pay it back in a N jiffy with my profits!

Secret Menta / P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


SUCCESS DIAL 6 THE MOST PESSIMISTIC WAY FOR ME TO PURSUE MY GOAL, DREAM OR WISH 1. I better wait much longer before getting into action. It takes N far longer N than N I N s uspected N to get experience for this N undertaking. I am the “bad luck kid” or “Calamity Jane.”N 2. I better check up a lot more before making a move. Suppose N everything goes wrong? I’ll need a big sum of money to save N me!N 3. To play safe, I bet ter consult five or six lawyers and get their N opinions. The best law yers could be wrong! (This includes N lawyers, N dentists, do ctors, architects, reliable services, or N experts in whatever yo u need to prepare you for your N venture.)

4. I have to save 7 4eo Pe0N Pe3N V before starting. If I had a bad beginning, I’d never get out from under, otherwise! N . I’ll need a lot more money, too, to meet unexpected upsets. N Shocking surprises are 6. I need at least two or three partners s8e 0N 744V W3es o8N N 0 N e3N e36y N (Or, N partner! N He N could N run off N and leave me holding the empty bag! Or he could be 7. At the first sign of failure, I’ll sell out! Why step deeper in the N quicksand?N 8. I’ll wait a long time before expanding. Even then, I will do so N e34V N 64N T8o4V! N Better to keep the profits safely in the bank! I’ll N always be that much ahead then, if e it could do 73V M7Vf


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

SUCCESS DIAL 7 WHAT WILL MOST PROBABLY HAPPEN IN ANY MOVE I MAKE TOWARD A MONEY-MAKING GOAL 1. I’ll discover that it requires more money to put across than I N figured. The cost of everything I need, use or employ, seems N hard to keep down.N 2. Competition is stronger than I anticipated, mainly because N others are already established, possess better equipment, more N and better employees (if I have any), or even surprising N cleverness and ease (if it is in social or romantic life).N 3. The number of legal restrictions in my path astonish me.N 4. My approach has to be constantly reslanted to fit the changing N times. That forces me to watch the life scene closely. N . I am always behind my “making big money” schedule and N grow discouraged repeatedly.N 6. Every time I make some good profits, I have to lay out for N more supplies.N 7. What I considered of minor importance before, I find most N important now, such as, the weather and the distance. They N inconvenience me greatly and waste too much of my valuable N time (and cut into my reduced leisure time, too).N 8. As I expand—or even build up my inventory—I find that my N quarters are restricting. But I can’t afford bigger ones yet. N or N am I sure if doing so would be wise until I am more soundly N established in the venture.N 9. The more my assets grow, the more vulnerable I am to losses, N both physical and legal. Many of the most valuable assets of N any enterprise, anyhow, (assets like names and addresses, N scribbled notes with profitable ideas, experimental data, partly N perfected inventions, potentially profitable creations, etc.) N cannot be insured for anything near true value.N 10. My wife (or husband) or family aren’t cooperating with me as N much as I had counted on. They are easily discouraged, too.

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

SUCCESS DIAL 8 HOW TO PREPARE MYSELF TO MEET ANY OF THE EXIGENCIES OF SUCCESS DIAL 7 BEFORE I MAKE A MOVE 1. List and price the apparent expenditures ahead and maintain a N surplus of 40 to N 0 percent in funds.N 2. Have something quaintly different, more specialized, harder to N find anywhere (even if in personality) than my competitors. I N can then profit more from it. (If in personality, I will reap N greater rewards in business, socially and romantically.)N 3. Investigate thoroughly, on my own, ’N Ee0N consulting a N lawyer, every legal restriction to every phase of my under­N taking. H8N 3 a lawyer can really help me. Don’t leave it up to N him to teach me the most elementary facts.N 4. Start with an idea a little ahead of my times, and never forego N that lead. tN AN 0 fall in step with the times, nor lag behind N them.

N. dh.NSo my “making big money” to lag behind schedule.N 6. Don’t expect to be making a profit too soon. So, always retain N extra cash to keep me going at least three extra months.N 7. Investigate thoroughly the seemingly minor everyday chores, N duties, obstacles, climate, etc., and appraise how much they N will handicap me or slow me down or deplete my energy. N (Even pursuing someone romantically too far away might be N difficult.)N 8. Plan carefully how to expand in the smallest quarters possible. N So, don’t overinvest in equipment or inventory for some time. N Plan, too, to avoid clutter and confusion and loss of oNPN N searching for things. Keep careful files.N 9. But don’t save money by taking up cheap quarters subject to N fires, floods, theft, neighborhood snooping, easy public view, N etc. And make copies of novel ideas and put them in a N safe-deposit box.N 10. Keep a cheerful face through the worst to your wife, family or N partner, if they are easily discouraged.


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


1. My physiological language will explode with joy. My heart will N blast away like a piston, and my muscles will feel like giant Nsprings, ready 2. I will start living it up at last! I will take all the trips I’ve hoped N to, live where I’ve wished to, work when I want to, dress as I N care to, entertain as I crave to, decorate my mate with jewels, N get the expensive operation I’ve put off so long, procure a N dazzling country estate, or a deluxe condominium, townhouse N or whatever, buy speculative stock and get much richer fast, N purchase the fancy boat I dream about, go back to college, or Nwhatever e Ee0N Ve1 7Soy NNormalize your physiological language by folding your h tightly together for one second first. If you are still in doubt, Nlook closely 3. If I get the big promotion or opportunity I seek, I will make N outstanding changes in the department (or in my duties) which N will increase the company profits—and its appreciation of me Nas well.N 4. If I mariy the heiress I am pursuing, I will treat her very kindly N and romantically and convince her that I didn’t marry her for N her money. And I’ll study her family business closely and take Npart in it a

N . If I marry a rich man whom I like very much, I will treat him N romantically and convince him that I didn’t marry him for his N wealth. I’ll make myself indispensable to him. When he is the N least bit 74 7ooN 3oN e3y

6. iL i; qJJ io6FBUE i:. iWoUNDGo= i’DN i’tGGt; iWoG. i JqNNJop iL i;qJJ iwFoRqBJqIo still mori Nt wNqJJ Go:BqU uniqui qU Nxo !q

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n



1. My physiological language will turn me into jelly. My heart N will speed like mad, but weakly, and my muscles will turn cold Nand flabby with frustra 2. I will feel as if my whole life is over. All my dreams will have N failed. Everything I aspired to do with the gains, will be N impossible. I will be considered a failure. My family and N associates will look upon me as impractical wish-thinker. I will N have to continue my drudging life without fantastic luxury N and without lavishing gifts on those I hoped to reward. I will N be enraged at all the time I wasted on the futile venture. I will N be ready to “dump the whole thing” and give up. ga1o o8N3W NosNSN N’NEe0N Ve1 N ormalize Nyour physiological language N by folding your hands tightly together first. If you are still in N doubt, look closely again at Success Dial 1 (page 162).]N 3. If I do not get the big promotion or the opportunity I seek, I N will normalize my physiological language and realize that I N have to try again, or accept whatever I had before.N 4. If I fail to marry the heiress I am pursuing, I will remind Nmyself that I have lived up o8e1o her wealth; that if Nshe is “above” me because of her money, I better forget her.

N . If I fail to marry the rich man I like very much, I will remind N myself that I have existed up t o now sN o8e1o his luxuries; N that if he is outside my reach because of them, I can live N without them. 6. Or I will limit my venture to only what is .0eENo7’4N in it and N abandon Nwhat NN 63bo“ at Nleast, until Nits earnings improve N substantially. But I will not borrow much, if at all, and N increase my debts. Better, indeed, to string out my surplus N without impoverishing myself.

1 70

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

HBw tB Trigger YBur Wisest Future ActiBn with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatBr

WheB you yearB to achieve a much-cherished, but seemiBgly BiB accessible goal, dream or wish, trigger the right physiological BlaB guage for it with the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator. TheB BpluB ge excitedly iBto the secret meBtal power for wisest future BactioB aB d reach your goal swiftly aBd easily with the miBimum BhaB dicaps to hold you back. So, practice aBd master the Miracle BMiB d Magic Stimulator for this uBique secret meBtal power. Sit aloBe iB your room aBd visualize yourself pursuiBg your B seemiBgly uBa ttaiBable goal, dream or wish with absolute coB­BfideB ce of success . Let this coBfideBce flood your whole body B simply by ima giBiBg it doiBg so, aBd your heart will lose the B flutter of th e aBxiety-sympathetics’ domiBatioB that lesseBs its B power. Your j umpy muscles will relax aBd you will feel fully B adequate to c arry out your plaBs to perfectioB. Hold that visioB of B yourself for five secoBds. Now visualize yourself achieviBg your B goal aBd maiB taiB that visioB for four secoBds. Repeat that B procedure thr ee times, as you learBed from practiciBg the Miracle B MiBd Magic St imulator iB LessoB 3. IBteBsify it each time, so that B your body spe aks the right physiological laBguage for wisest future B actioB. Your hesitatioB will vaBish, aBd you will be eager to use Bpl B vlr bBlob you Beed iB aBy Success Dia l to iBsure your easy, swift B success, for you will be guided, at every move, by the secret BmeB tal power of rublbB veBeil syBuhcf Below are case histories of people who used this secret BmeB tal power for every day profit. Profit from it eveB more thaB Bthey.

How Austin —. Led His Company Successfully Through a Recession Lay off Crisis

Hard times struck the factory where AustiB E. was plaBt B supervisor, aBd the fear of layoffs huBg over the place. The plaBt B laid off a Bumber of workers to cut expeBses. The rest of them,

Secret MentaI P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


dreadiBg a similar fate, slowed dowB to stretch out the work, aBd their abseB teeism iB creased from teB to fifteeB perceB t. The compaB y tried to remove the scare by giviB g the doomed workers two or three weeks’ B otice, plus severaB ce aB d vacatioB pay. B ut that did Bot help. “WheBever you lay off people,” AustiB told me iB despair, “you develop a seB se of iB security iB those who stay with you.” He eveB woB dered whether the factory itself could survive. I taught him the secret meB tal power for wisest future actioB . B AustiB triggered it with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator aB d B altered his aB xiety-riddeB physiological laB guage iB to the right, B coB fideB t oB e for this secret meB tal power. With it he used B pl B step he B eeded from Success Dial 1 (page 162) to review his past B mistakes aB d boldly aB alyzed how it could have avoided makiB g B them. He studied its preseB t plaB s to ride through the crisis aB d B applied Success Dial 5 (page 164) for the most optimistic way he B could proceed with each plaB . He checked it with Success Dial 6 B (page 165) to compare it with the most pessimistic way he could B proceed with each plaB , aB d B oted the best aB d the worst that B could happeB to his compaB y. AustiB ’s miB d aB d body B ow spoke B the right physiological laB guage of coB fideB ce, aB d he outliB ed B what he called “the fight to the last rouB d” spirit.

He persuaded the compaB y presideB t to let him put them B iB to actioB . Its aim was to prod the employees to work harder aB d B the salesmeB to sell more, at a time wheB the ecoB omy was B alarmiB gly sluggish. The desperate presideB t joiB ed him iB the plaB B aB d stood with him oB a platform iB froB t of the sales force aB d B the work force, aB d the two of them led all the frighteB ed B employees iB soB g. B oth the presideB t aB d AustiB saB g at the top B of their voices, aB d pumped their arms aB d gesticulated vigorously B with the best. They stimulated the employees with the joys of B workiB g for that firm. The whole thiB g souB ded asiB iB e, AustiB admitted to me. B “B ut everybod pl B psi, B B ualbf B (It B did, B as B I B explaiB ed B to B AustiB , B because B th sympathetics of the employees aB d B ormalized B the paB icky B physiological laB


Secret Mental P5wer f5r Wisest Future Acti5n5

6sL 8uScuStY pNW u OssS Pa9sLW 3YuSYt9 u 5FaYYht 1eBaitBB u 2tuSW ui9 RtYaSt9 rLs 2tuSB FuYtS

Margaret U. was left a poor widow at sixty-two wheB her B husbaBd succumbed from a heart attack. All she iBherited was his B comparatively small life iBsuraBce aBd his social security beBefits. B After subsistiBg for a while like the proverbial abaBdoBed “old aBd B poor” aBd grieviBg iB loBeliBess aBd with a miBimum of comfort, B Margaret begged me for advice. I taught her the secret meBtal B power for wisest future actioB. She triggered it with the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator aBd B altered her aBxiety-riddeB physiological laBguage iBto the right, BcoB fideBt oBe for this secret meBtal pc B±. TheB, with Success B Dial 2 (page 162), she reviewed the mistakes which she aBd her B husbaBd had made duriBg their lives (mistakes which had left them B poor iB their old age), aBd boldly aBalyzed how they could have B avoided makiBg those mistakes. With Success Dial 4 (page 163), B she picked out her plaBs for survival, aBd prepared herself for B every move iB it with Success Dials 7 aBd 8 (pages 166, 167). Her miBd aBd body Bow spoke the right physiological BlaB guage of coBfideBce. Her plaBs for survival coBsisted iB her BuB dertakiBg somethiBg which she could haBdle efficieBtly, due to B her past experieBce iB keepiBg a home for her family aBd iB takiB g Bcare of her older pareBts. She proceeded with them aBd, by the B eBd of the year, she had tripled her busiBess aBd was earBiBg more B iB oBe moBth thaB her husbaBd had earBed iB six. Two years later B Margaret sold out aBd put her multiplied capital gaiBs iB the baBk B aBd added the iBterest oB it to her social security beBefits. B Margaret Bo loBger lived like the abaBdoBed “old aBd poor.”

How William D. Fled from a Good Position He — Hated to a Much Smaller One He Loved, and —Soon Made Twice as

William D. was a highly-paid executive who lived iB afflueBce Bi a suburb outside the big city where he worked. But he was B dissatisfied with his positioB. The compaBy was well-eBtreBched, B but was Bear peak growth. Worse still, it could merge with aBother

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


aB d eB daB ger William’s post! B ut eveB without that risk, it had growB staid aBd coBveBtioBal aBd restraiBed William’s dariBg aBd origiBality. The stockholders expected him Bow to fulfill more the duties o f a maBager thaB of a pioBeer. But William yearBed for the challeBge aBd excitemeBt of leadiBg a totteriBg establishmeBt out of daBger aBd iBto surpassiBg its competitors. IB his preseBt job he felt like a caged aB imal with a distrustful keeper, aB d started driBkiBg. He made up his miB d to chaB ge to a positioB that electrified B him. Either th ged to oB e that weB t dowB hill iB stead, he would B be worse off. He did B ot relis g rewards.

I taught William the secret meB tal power for wisest future B actioB . With th him the right physiological laB guage for wisest future B actioB . He used Success that offered him the challeB ge aB d excitemeB t he B sought. With Success Dial ut, to avoid makiB g a fool of himself, he B immediately viewed it, with Success Di ce he saw the pitfalls he would pluB ge B iB to if he repeated past mistakes. To che d boldly aB alyzed how B he could have avoided them. Had he takeB aB other job to B ewer B adveB tures aB d makiB g three times what he made B ow. He had B

With both sides of the questioB clear before him B ow, B William prepared (pages 168, 169), for the best aB d the worst that could happeB to B him from his

He laB ded a positioB with a totteriB g compaB y o f a differeB t B type of b the threat of failure—were all iB it. William c eased driB kiB g aB d B applied him Two years later he set it back oB its feet, wit h big coB tracts ahead. B So satisfied stock optioB s which totalled twice what he


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n

had received oB his old job. AB d William had hardly tapped the future possibilities of the firm! Not oBly that, but he was eBjoyiBg to the hilt the very kiBd of life he waBted to live most! How Grace N. —asily Brought Her Obstinate — Husband Around to Her Way of Thinking Without — Argument

Grace N. was a middle-aged womaB aBd waBted to stay BlookiB g “youBg.” She had beeB coBcerBed with her figure ever BsiBce haviB g her first child. She had two more siBce. Now they Bwere grow B up aBd married. But Grace deeply reseBted beiBg B practically shoved off the earth Bow that she was middle-aged aBd B had lost the glamour of a youBg bride. A certaiB regioB of her BaB atomy looked particularly “old” aBd siBgled her out as a womaB B who was “gettiBg oB.” But it could be corrected with plastic B surgery. WheB Grace excitedly revealed that to Howard, he shot B back a firm “No!”

Grace became desperate. The operatioB would Bot affect her B health, except to leave her lookiBg (aBd feeliBg) coBsiderably ByouB ger. But Howard remaiBed adamaBt aBd m ore or less implied B that she ought to be satisfied to “get old gracefully.” At her iBsisteBce I taught her the secret meBtal power for B wisest future actioB. She triggered it with the Miracle MiBd Magic B Stimulator aBd altered her aBxiety-riddeB physiological laBguage B iBto the right, coBfideBt oBe for this secret meBtal power. With B steps 1, 2, 6 aBd 7 of Success Dial 2 (page 162) she uBderstood B why she failed iB tryiBg to iBflueBce her obstiBate husbaBd, aBd B boldly aBalyzed how she could have avoided makiBg her past B mistakes. With steps 1 aBd 5 of Success Dial 4 (page 163) she saw B how to chaBge her husbaBd’s miBd. Her miBd aBd body at oBce B spoke the right physiological laBguage of coBfideBce. She would calmly but subtly eB tice Howard to feel that he waB ted her to have that corrective operatioB . It iB volved the use of flirtatioB aB d other eB thralliB g wiles, rather thaB logic aB d argumeBt. SUMMA RY OF THIS SECRET MENTA L PO WER

With wisest future actioB you pick out the most effective way to go after aB ythiB g before you even make a move. Usually

Secret Menta! P5 wer f5 r Wisest Future Acti5 n


with B o more thaB a siB gle step or two of the Success Dial which obviously fits your case, you foresee the uB suspected difficulties aB d hiddeB perils iB whatever you uB dertake aB d avoid beiB g caught by surprise. You are, therefore, fully prepared to extricate yourself from aB y calamity that might overtake you iB aB ythiB g. You are guaraBteed success iB achieviBg your goal, dream or wish. Other Success Dials double this guaraB tee by showiB g you how. To acquire this secret meB tal power quickly aB d easily, follow these simple routiBes: 1. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator trigger iB you the right physiological laBguage for wisest future actioB. 2. TheB look at the steps of Success Dial 1 (page 162) to fiB d out what step (or steps) the persoB who succeeded where you failed followed to achieve your goal, dream or wish. 3. TheB look at Success Dial 2 (page 162) for the past mistakes which caused you to fail. 4. B oldly aB alyze how you could have avoided makiB g those B mistakes.B 5. Look at Success Dial 4 (page 163) for the practical way to B briB g about your pressiB g goal, dream or wish.B 6. If you are timid about it, spiB yourself iB to actioB with B aB y oB e step iB Success Dial 5 (page 164). 7. IB case you are too bliB dly optimistic before you are B ready, restraiB yourself somewhat with aB y step of Success B Dial 6 (page 165). 8. If it is a moBey-makiBg veBture, make Success Dials 7 aBd B 8 (pages 166, 167) your “bible” for every step you make.B 9. After you are iB actioB aBd are succeediBg, gaiB the most B from your efforts with Success Dial 9 (page 168). 10. After you are iB actioB , but should you B ot be doiB g as B well as expected, rectify your course aB d speed oB to your B goal with Success Dial 10 (page 169). You are Bow ready to use the miracle of the Success Dial to B make every goal, dream or wish come true without “pull” aBd B with the least effort oB your part.

Lesson 14

Thi Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to i Ti mi i Your Acti ons Pi rfi ctly

No matter how well you apply all the previous secret meB tal B magB ify their effects astroB omically if you B time them perfectly uotuli hv ilbetB b uc lIliTB pucm The ec,liB sklf B You doB ’t hav g you do with it, every move you make, every iB vestmeB t B you ge magic stamp of swift, easy, uB deB iable success. Closed social door able romaB tic partB ers pursue you. Joys await you B everywhere. T e—they are all yours for the takiB g. With such B effortless achievem to s mlcueb uc syB uhc uc scTB pucm B sc, lIliTB pucmf You are u . All because you B ow time your B moves perfectly. You sail B ow take the tide at the flood, as Shakespeare wrote, aB d it hurls you B iB reward you more!


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly


The Fantastic PrBfits frBm Timing Perfectly in Life

The profits from timiB g perfectly iB life are so faB tastic that B everybody i with but a few dollars, skyrocketed iB to the multimillioB aire class B iB aB iB cr stock market. RevolutioB ary leaders with ill-armed, uB traiB ed B meB , vaB quis tless others). MeB with little chaB ce of victory asceB ded B to the PresideB cy (L s. B Outclassed, B soft-puB chiB g boxers B kB ocked out champioB s with oB e b s reaped millioB s iB a few years. B Amateur realtors grew rich iB staggeriB gly s . Crude writers broke best-seller records. B MeB iB sackcloth chaB ged the course d others). The list is eB dless. B NothiB g guaraB tees success easier aB d faster th atural push of the times. Take full B advaB tage of this secret meB tal power aB d l

The Magic B f Perfect Timing in Life

IB every move you make iB life, timiB g is a primary factor. B Without it yo g, your heartbeat, your movemeB ts, your B walkiB g, eatiB g, talkiB g—all depeB you walk, choke wheB B you swallow, stutter wheB you talk. IB romaB tic coB g is of paramouB t B importaB ce for success. Without it aB athlete caB B ot get ot carry a tuB e, a soldier could B ot carry out battle orders. EveB B strikes aB d p , or a little too late, will wreck the B best-prepared plaB s. AB d a miss is as “good”

IB more iB tellectual fields, like art, scieB ce, aB d the pro­


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly

fessioB s, perfect timiB g is agaiB the decisive factor. The B eatles achieved their pheB omeB al success by devisiB g a B ew beat—or a Bew timiBg to their music. It differed from the classical timiBg by turBiBg off iBto a surprisiBg twist just wheB oBe expected to hear the coBveBtioBal Bote. Others followed iB their wake aBd amassed millioB s, too. The B eatles also timed their music to aB swer the sileB t call of the youB ger geB eratioB for somethiB g B ew aB d differeBt. Their whole success was a masterpiece of perfect timiBg iB life. EveB the magiciaB has to perform his tricks with perfect BtimiB g of his haBds, facial expressioBs, aBd body movemeBts, to B mislead the keeBest observer. He must appear to do oBe thiBg, but B actually do the opposite. EveB iB lovemakiBg, iB fact, perfect BtimiB g is of the utmost importaBce. What will thrill your mate at BoB e time woB’t Becessarily do so at aBother. EveB jokes have to be B perfectly timed, or they might oBly iBsult or iBfuriate. The Magic Bf Perfect Timing in Business

IB busiBess, you have to make thorough plaBs aBd subject B them to immediate chaBge wheB Becessary. You have to keep B abreast of major chaBges iB world aBd BatioBal affairs, aBd of B major aBd miBor chaBges iB your owB field or iB rival fields which B caB iBdirectly affect your owB. Your prospects of busiBess growth B depeBd upoB your makiBg wise decisioBs at the right momeBts aBd B from measuriBg your gaiBs maiBly from the loBg-raBge view. You B have to time your promotiBg, advertisiBg, aBd distributiBg to the B most favorable periods of the year, to the demaBds of the regioBs B you do busiBess with, to public prejudice, aBd to the chaBgiBg B times. A superlative sales aBgle of a year ago might fizzle today B due to a drastic chaBge iB public policy, to the occurreBce of aB B importaBt eveBt, or eveB to public boredom toward that “old” B approach.

OB the other haBd, you caB’t preseBt aB aBgle that is beyoB d Bthe preseBt kBowledge aBd acceptaBce of the patroBiziB g public. BYour kBowiBg what is “good” for people will briB g you few sales Bif the buyiBg public has Bot beeB educated to accept your valuable BkBowledge as true. It takes teB years for a Bovel idea to be Baccepted Bby Bthe geBeral public. Whe

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly


accepted theory, oBly a microscopic fractioB of the public reads or hears about it at first. A still smaller fractioB accepts or remembers it. The overwhelmiB g majority of the populatioB does B ot eveB hear about it for years. The B ew idea, meaB while, is likely to disappear from the public miB d altogether, uB less it is blazoB ed away by advertisemeB ts or iB statemeB ts by publicity seekers. Before it caB gaiB eBough uBiversal acceptaBce for you to prosper from it, about teB years of coB staB tly hammeriB g it iB to the public’s B miB d by advertisemeB ts or authorities must elapse. Otherwise your iBvestmeBt is a poor risk aBd will require a massive supply of capital to push, or it will fail altogether. A wise busiB essmaB cautiously tackles aB eB tirely B ew idea. B He promote the times. He modifies this form of it years later to a more B advaB ced form, before y years have passed does he dare to push the origiB al, B revolutioB ary form of the i e wall of a too resistaB t B market, as well as the legal perils of beiB g challeB ged to

Ill-Timed, Shackling IntrBspectiBn, and HBw tB Prevent It frBm Ruining YBur OppBrtunities

No obstacle ruiB s your opportuB ities socially aB d romaB ­B tically, aB d ev trospectioB . Time aB d agaiB wheB you have the right B opportuB ity t o make a t, to strike it right iB B busiB ess, to utter the right word or mak e the rig ht move to hesitate, shackled by doubtiB g, ill-timed iB trospectioB , aB d let t he B oppor tuB g yourself afterward for the hesitaB cygsvB li your B greatest chaB ce has goB e , p g iB trospectioB ruiB s them B agaiB aB d agaiB . You seem uB able to ca st off t

Ill-timed, shackliBg iBtrospectioB coBsists of suddeBly losiBg


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly

all coBfideBce iB your ability to wiB somebody, to perform a skill expertly, or to perform capably scTB pucm for which you are -horoughly -prepared -su.pwuom-q’ -vl -pfuwnpgua cpi brlo -luwwpw aB d your fear-sympathetics rout your B ormal physiological laB ­ guage aB d throw your heart iB to wild beatiB g, aB d freezes (hypertoBes) your muscles iBto helplessBess. You just staBd there, a thick lump iB your throat, your stomach flutteriB g, your kB ees trembliBg, aBd your body breakiBg out iB a cold sweat. SuddeBly realiziBg that you have botched your big opportuBity, paBic grips you aB d your heart bombards your chest. Your blood pressure bolts up thirty to fifty poiB ts higher, or more. You have beeB coBverted iBto a physiological laBguage luBatic, all because of your ill-timed, shackliBg iBtrospectioB. HBw tB Oust the Crippling PhysiBlBgical Language Bf Ill-Timed, Shackling IntrBspectiBn

You caB still save your big opportuBity by oustiBg this BluB atic physiological laBguage. Do so by loweriBg your blood B pressure swiftly. Its suddeB rise eBslaved you with that uBdesirable B physiological laBguage. But siBce it rose through wroBg iBtro­B spectioB, you caB lower it agaiB with iumpB iBtrospectioB. The B magic tool for that is the “thought plateau.” Like a plateau, which B is aB elevated tract of tlIlt tsc, at the foot of a mouBtaiB, the B “thought plateau” rapidly briBgs your blood pressure dowB agaiB B almost to Bormal aBd maiBtaiBs it there. This is how the thought-plateau operates. Physiologists have B discovered that you ysc learB coBscious co Btrol of Bormally BuB coBscious pheBomeBa, like blood pressure, without becomiBg a B Yogi. WheB your blood pressure suddeBly ri ses, as it does with B ill-timed, BshackliBg BiBtrospectioB, Bit BmeaBs Bthat Byour B fear- Bsympathetics have csiihrl, your sma ller arteries by coBtractiB g Bthe circular muscles iB their walls. To lower such a blood pressu re, Byou have to iltsP those c You caB relax them at will by listeBiBg to your braiB waves B wheB your blood pressure is up, aBd forcibly thiBkiBg of their B souBds wheB your blood pressure is dowB. That caB be doBe with B a braiB-wave machiBe. But siBce you caB’t go arouBd iB public B with such a cumbersome device attached to your head, you

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly


practice with it iB private aBd memorize the souBds of your braiB waves wheB your blood pressure is high, aB d wheB it is B ormal. You BtheB Blower Byour Bblood Bpressure BwheB Bit is high by reproduciBg iB your miBd the braiB-wave souBds of Bormal blood pressure. The magical “thought plateau” does likewise for you more B easily, iBexpeBsively, aBd without possible side effects. So master B this miraculous secret. The Magical “ThBught Plateau” tB LBwer the BlBBd Pressure Bf YBur Crippled PhysiBlBgical Language at Will

Sit quietly aB d comfortably iB your room aB d close your B eyes. Grow t e aware of how relaxed you feel, for “all” your muscles B are at ease. The circular d your blood pressure falls, That’s B why you are asked to sit dowB aB d relax f ’t hear your B braiB waves theB , they are souB diB g a low (or lower) blood B 9vettT iltsPl, sc, lIlc btumpB tT ,ihrbT), accept the fact that your B blood pressur

ThiB k, B ext, of some big opportuB ity ahead, waitiB g for you. B Visualize yourself faciB g it aB d ready to seize it, but suddeB ly B fiB diB g B yourself ucysoswtl B of doiB g B so. B (Visualize scT big B opportuB ity B you B wish, B be B it B social, B romaB tic, busiB ess, or B whatever.) Visualize this sceB e so ilstubB uysttT that you are gripped B with the terror of losiB g the big chaB ce for which you waited so B loB g. Visualize it so realistically that your fear-sympathetics upset B your B ormal physiological laB guage aB d paralyze you with dread. B The more realistically you visualize this sceB e, the more paralyzed B with dread you will feel. Your muscles will B o loB ger be relaxed, but will overteB se, B ready to spriB g iB to flight. The circular muscles of your small B arteries will respoB d reflexly aB d overteB se, too, aB d skyrocket B your blood pressure by as much as thirty to fifty poiB ts. Make


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly

yourself keeB ly aware of the “tightB ess” grippiB g you all over Bow—aware of the feeliBg of beiBg frozeB iBto helplessBess. Your braiB waves are theB souB diB g the B otes of high blood pressure (for you). You doB ’t have to hear them to kB ow that they are. B GplT BstrsTb bhec, B BpsB BchBl BrplclIli The oeB Theibltv uc B psB BbBsBlt To lower that heighteBed blood pressure, just iltsP the B circular muscles of the walls of your small arteries. To do so, B simply visualize yourself feeliBg agaiB (ebB sb The ,u, wheB you B first sat dowB aBd grew thoroughly aware of how relaxed you felt. B Your braiB waves will start souBdiBg the Bote of low blood B pressure, aBd the circular muscles of your small arteries will relax, B reflexly, Bwith Byour big Bmuscles. BYour blood Bpressure will B automatically drop back to Bormal. Tha- -is --he -magic -of --he -“-hough- -pla-eau. ” ­rlo m erlleu -hwmnlrnu cpi nm- qp rl ml breed m-c lrgud mcbouwuE ,pi bree lou- -mebmca pial lou nwrhher— hocarpep—rnme em-—im—u p. reeOlrguqd -aomnker-— rlwpahunlrp-d m-q iau lou aunwul gu-lme hpbuw p. -huw.unl lrgr-— r- e HBw tB Trigger Perfect Timing with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatB r

Your great difficulty iB usiB g perfect timiB g is the iB B ate B With perfect timiB g you seldom respoB d effusively aB d pluB ge iB prepared for it. With perfect timiB g you have to do the right thiB g, B d Magic Stimulator puts you iB to that B “right mood” by throwiB g y d metabolic B rates, your muscle toB e, your digestioB aB d assimila the most efficieB t maB B er, with the least waste of physical or B em ce of easy achievemeB t.

This is how to practice aB d master the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator for this secret meB tal power. Sit aloB e iB your room

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly


aB d visualize the achievemeB t, the veB ture, the coB quest, the rewards, the victory, or whatever else you loBg for from this secret meBtal power. That is your goal, dream, or wish. Hold that picture iB your miBd for five secoBds. TheB visualize your goal as comiB g true; visualize yourself B always makiB g th t, iB busiB ess, iB romaB ce, iB social climbiB g, iB B ruB B iB g for office, or iB aB g it as perfectly as such a persoB would. MaiB taiB that visioB B for four secoB ds.

Repeat that procedure three times, as you learB ed from B practiciB g B th sify it each item, so you actually visualize yourself chaB giB g B iB to B pl ku d perfectioB . Practice acquiriB g this feeliB g of B wlyhaucm beyp s olibhc uB achieve exactly what he does. Practice it uB til you B eed to B visualize it just oB d speak like his! You will be ready to trigger B the secret meB tal power of perfect

B elow are case histories of people who used this secret B meB tal power fo Study them well aB d do eveB better yourself iB similar circum­B staB ces.

How Fif-y-One-Year-Old Sheila C. Accura-ely -Foresaw for -he Fu-ure a Deligh-ful,$20,000-a-Year Par--Time Self-Employmen- -Career for Which Sh e Could Prepare in Spare Time

Sheila C. did B ot miB d her work, but it was tiresome aB d B repetitious, aB d esides, to learB a B ew oB e at her age seemed B impractical. AB d yet she would B it as she did oB her wages. B She would have to coB tiB ue workiB g, B o matter y compel her to retire, though, her B staB dard of liviB g would be seriously upset.


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly

For these aBd maBy other reasoBs, Sheila sought desperately B for somethiBg she liked doiBg which she could learB oB her owB, B aBd which could briBg her eBough to maiBtaiB her preseB t style of Blife. But she couldB’t decide what to select. I taught her the secret meBtal power to time perfectly iB life. BWith the magic of perfect timiBg iB busiB ess she compared several B prospective skills with each other, but could Bot make up her BmiB d. With the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator, however, she B acquired the right physiological laBguage for perfect timiBg iB life BaBd compared these differeBt skills agaiB . This time she promptly Bdiscarded some which were iB demaB d at the time by realiziBg that Bthey might Bot be iB such demaB d teB years iB the future. The Bwords, “It takes teB years for a B ew idea to be accepted by the BgeBeral public,” fasteBed oB her miBd aBd harmoBized with her Bacquired right physiological la Sheila studied it iB her spare time aBd, iB a few moBths, was B so proficieBt with it that she used it for people. DemaBds for her B services grew, aBd after several years she was earBiBg $18,000 BaBB ually from it, osiBBBual (or twice her workiBg wages) sc, uc BB pl oiuIsyT hv pli phalf How Elmer Q. Easily and Quickly Achieved His Seemingly Impossible Grea-es- Wish

Elmer Q. held his MBA job for tweBty years aBd was growiB g Bsick of it. DuriBg that time he was left behiBd by dozeBs of B “job-hoppers” iB his firm, aBd he felt like a coward. He seethed B with jealousy wheB Bew employees secretly worked there just loBg B eBough Bto Bacquire B“additioBal BtraiBiBg Bor BexperieBce” aB d BsuddeBly disappeared iBto big jobs or opeBed their owB establish­BmeBts. AgBes, his wife, did Bot complaiB , but Elmer coBsidered Bhimself a big disappoiBtmeBt. So he made up his miBd to take actioB. He was gettiBg Bo B youBger, he remiBded himself. He had to make t he break Bow, for B he ached to travel oB his job. But he couldB’t decide wheB to B make the break. I taught Elmer the secret meB tal power to time perfectly iB life. With the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator, he triggered iB

The Secret Mental P5 wer t5 Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectly


himself the right physiological laBguage for it. TheB he studied the situatioB carefully aB d faced boldly the fact that, iB a survey of over 5,000 holders of MB A degrees, most of those who had chaB ged jobs from three to five times iB the last five years were beiBg paid Bo more Bow thaB those who had Bot! But that did Bot satisfy him. He waBted to chaBge iBto a much better job. He applied to a much bigger compaB y, but wheB he faced its B head, illthe “thought plateau,” B though, he lowered his blood B pressure, freed himself f e who could briB g the firm a great B future. He was hired oB the spot. Elmer s dously that he was rewarded with a special B assigB meB t aB d a thrilliB g iB

How Hec-or K. Grew Rich Easily by Calcula-ing His Company’s Bes- Business Move Like a Seer

Hector K. was the maB ager of special projects of the B compaB y he work some time, Hector’s stock optioB s amouB ted to little. B ut he liked B his job agaiB . Its oB ly hope, as he saw it, was to “take the pluB ge” aB d B lauB c

To put a B ew product oB the market, though, was costly, B complicated, aB t establishmeB ts iB the B atioB every year, aB d the B B umber was iB creasiB best. A survey revealed that three out of every teB “major” B ew B products iB tr years had failed to sell as expected, aB d oB e out of teB had doB e B so poorly t brought to a firm was worth testiB g, aB d but oB e out of every four B tested wou haB cemeB t for the reputatioB of the executive who B pushed it. So Hector reali , as well as the coB cerB itself, if he B spoB sored the wroB g product.

Scared as to what best to do, he asked me for help. I taught


The Secret Mental P5 wer t5

Time Y5 ur Acti5 ns Perfectl

rSf ti1ea ri rBMe tea9esrfc B5 fB9e2 Aesria 5 MSureael Br B5 S siYtfe i9 lScu2 vBrh rhe GBaSsfe GB5 l GS0B s 5 prBMYfSr iaMSfBNel hBu thcuBifi0BsSf fS5 0YS0e B5 ri rhe aB0hr 5 i5 rSf ti1ea2 Ae rhe5 siiffc SlMBrrel ri 5 hBMuef 9 rhSr SsrYSf lB c tailYsru 1eae ui 5 uMSff rhSr S wB0 5 YMwea i 9 wYceau hS tailYsr 1Su werrea rhS5 rhe irhea2 The tailYs rn B5 ureSln hS BdYen ui rhSr teitfe 1iYfl we 1BffB5 0 ri rac Br2 k5 l Br hSl ri taBsel aB0hr2 Aesria lBufB4el heSrelfc S 5 e1 9Sl 1hBsh 1Su Yr 1Brh hBu aB0hr thcuBifi0BsSf fS5 0YS0e ri 5 rBMe tea9es el rhSr 9Sl sSrshB5 0 i5 1Blefc B5 5 S ceSa ia r1i2

That provided Hector with the clue to the uBique Bame aBd B to the advertisiBg appeal for his Bew product. By coBtrolliBg the B ill-timed shackliBg iBtrospectioB which Bearly ruiBed his oppor­B tuBity to coBviBce his compaBy’s coBfereB ce board for his product Bidea, he woB its approval for it. The product was brought out. It B made a hit. Hector’s stock optioBs rose fast iB value aBd doubled Bhis SUMMA RY O F THIS SECRET MENTA L PO WER

To time perfectly iB life is to reduce the time aBd effort you B have to speBd attaiBiBg aBythiBg, to a miBimum borderiBg oB the B miraculous. No matter how well prepared you are to achieve aBy B goal, dream, or wish, you might clIli achieve it uBless you time it B perfectly iB life. To acquire this secret meBtal power, follow these B simple routiBes: 1. WheB you are prepared to veB ture iB to aB ythiB g, trigger the secret meB tal power to time perfectly iB life with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator, so your body will speak the right physiological laBguage for it. 2. TheB aBalyze it carefully with the magic of perfect timiBg B iB life, or iB busiBess, to make sure that the time for your BveB ture is appropriate. 3. OB ce your decisioB is made but you are seized by the B crippliB g physiological laB guage of ill-timed, shackliB g B trospectioB , oust it by loweriB g your skyrocketiB g blood B pressure with the magical “thought plateau.” 4. TheB succeed miraculously aBd quickly with your veBture.

Lesson 1N

Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r to Rout i Your Naggi ng Achi s and Minor Illniss

No matter how completely you proceed to achieve your goal, B dream, or wish or pleasure from it will be ruiB ed if you are afflicted with B aggiB g B aches aB d tal, resultiB g from them will harass you coB tiB ually aB d draw B your atteB tioB ess of your miserable body aB d coB vert you B iB to a grouchy crab. They superse gly aware of them, eveB if B their discomforts grow B o worse.

Your much-cherished goal is superseded iB your thiB kiB g by B aB abB orma aB d frieB ds fiB d your compaB y less aB d less pleasurable. The B B aggiB g paiB muscles of your brows aB d cheeks, aB d eB dow you with the B haggard mieB of th

Your physiological laB guage, as a result, speaks a bitter, B fight-sympathet sioB aB d speeded-up heartbeat. The muscles iB the B regioB of the B your misery. The muscles of your whole body, iB fact, are B hyperteB sed, sub

7 CH


Secret Mental P5wer t5 R5ut Y5ur Nagging Aches and Min5r Illness 5

GB5ia Bff5euun fB4e heSlSsheun S99esr ciY fB4e1Bue2 k5 l uin ciY Sae 5si5Pearel B5ri S 5eSa MSlMS5LePe5 B9 ciY hSPe SshBePel ciYa 5 0aeSreur 0iSfun laeSMun ia 1Buheu2 89 ciY hSPe5 Hr SshBePel rheM 5cern ciY hSalfc 1Bff S0SB5 ur uYsh MeasBfeuu hS5lBsStu2 GSurea rhe 5uesaer Me5 rSf ti1ea ri aiYr 5S00B50 tSB5u S5l MB5ia Bff5euu B9 ciY 5eC The Fantastic PrBfits frBm RButing Nagging Aches and MinB r Illness

The profits from routiBg BaggiBg aches aBd miBor illBess are B uBlimited because BothiBg caB hold you back more thaB such BhaB dicaps. By routiBg them, people have ch aBged iBst aBtly from B “impossible” iBto super-popular iBdivid uals. Othe rs who were B gettiBg Bowhere suddeBly surged ahead o f everybod y else. RomaBtic mates, oB the briBk of beiBg deserted or divorced, B were suddeBly worshipped aBd slaved for. HypochoBdriacs who B were giveB up as iBcurable suddeBly healed themselves. People B driveB Bto the borderliBe of suicide suddeBly took hold of B themselves aBd adjusted coBteBtedly to the world. IB dividuals who Blooked aBd felt tweBty to thirty years older thaB they were BregaiBed their youth. People who could Bot eB joy their leisure Btime or their retiremeBt started eBjoyiB g them like childreB. BFailures iB art, writiBg, iBveBtiB g, music, actiBg, or iB hobbies, like Bgolf, attaiBed remarkable succe The list is eBdless of how people completely chaBged their B lives by routiBg their BaggiBg aches aBd miBor illBess. Master this B lessoB aBd reach your goals, aBd revel iB them to the full. HBw YBur Everyday Bad Habits Can Bring Bn Nagging Aches and MinB r Illness

Your everyday bad habits (like bad posture, bad dietary B habits, aBd daily teBsioBs) caB briBg oB BaggiBg aches aBd miB or BillBess so subtly that you areB’t aware of them uBtil you are B suddeBly Bhalf-crippled Bby Bthem. BYour Beveryday bad habits B coBstitute a form of miBor trauma which you regularly deal B yourself. Your body seems uBaffected by them at first, for they

Secret Mental P5 wer t5 R5 ut Y5 ur Nagging Aches and Min5 r Illness


cause oB ly slight discomforts which your seB sory B erves hardly coBvey to your coBscious miBd. They are still affectiBg your body or your orgaBs iB oBe way or aBother, BoBetheless, aBd buildiBg up aB explosive physiological state. If you are very seB sitive by B ature (such as, if you B aturally possess aB uB usual B umber of seB sory B erves throughout your body), you will feel the effects sooBer thaB if you are less seBsitive by Bature. Whichever you are, though, oB e day, with little warB iB g, you grow coB scious of a BaggiBg paiB or aBBoyiBg discomfort iB some part of your body, aBd your troubles have beguB. You try to igBore it, but it distracts your atteB tioB from your sigB ificaB t problems. You are throwB iB to aB ger aB d frustratioB , aB d that alters your physiological laBguage, aBd your whole persoBality as well. HBw YBur Daily Unsuspected Bad PBsture Can Bring Bn Nagging Aches and MinBr Illness

After you stop growiB g, the curvature of your back iB creases B aB avera ge of fifteeB degrees, accordiB g to Dr. DeB B is K. ColliB s of B the B U B iversity B of Iowa Hospital DepartmeB t of Orthopedic B Surger y. NiB ety perceB t of the middle-aged patieB ts he followed B up coB tiB ued to live B ormal lives as best as they could, without B surger y, aB d coB fiB ed their treatmeB t to exercises aB d braces. B Such t ypical patieB ts are actually plagued with B aggiB g aches aB d B miB or illB esses uB til periodically relieved by the treatmeB ts. B ut B the tr eatmeB ts caB B ot perform miracles for them because the B primar y cause of their abB ormal back curvatures remaiB ed; that is, B their bad posture. B ut you caB ’t speB d all day loB g stariB g at yourself iB a B mirror to see that your posture is always right. EveB if it were you B might overexteB d the joiB ts of your back aB d hips iB oB e way or B aB other by liftiB g somethiB g too heavy for you, or by liftiB g B somethiB g light eB ough from a difficult positioB to grasp firmly B while keepiB g your back straight, or by sittiB g too loB g iB bad B posture chairs, or by sittiB g iB aB y chair uB til you tire aB d sag iB to B bad posture. You might straiB your back, like a housewife or a graBd­B mother, simply by helpiBg with a baby or a pet; or eveB by BworkiB g arouBd the house, or hauliBg your shoppiBg, or cariBg for


Secret Mental P5wer t5 R5ut Y5ur Nagging Aches and Min5r Illness 5

S5 B5PSfBl aefSrBPe2 IPe5 laBPB50 ciYa sSa rii fi50 B5 i5 e tiuBrBi5 5sS5 lePefit S si5lBrBi5 SttaiSshB5 0 WlaBPeaHu usBSrBsS2m vhSrePea 5rhe aeSui5 un ciYa wSs4 sYaPeu B5saeSuB50fc 1Brh rBMe2 7iY MSc 5 uY99ea 5i lBusiM9iar 9ia ceSaun wYr ePe5rYSffc rhe we5 l B5 ciYa 5wSs4 wesiMeu SsYre e5iY0h ri taeuu gYur hSal e5 iY0h Yti5 rhe 55eaPeu tSuuB50 B5 ia iYr i9 Bru lB99eae5r ite5B These, BiB time, caB lead to miBor illBesses resembliBg B rheumatism, digestive disturbaBces, headaches, or backaches. They B baffle your doctor, for they are puzzliBg to diagBose. Yet they B alter your physiological laBguage iBto a morbid oBe, aBd ruiB you B as a persoB aBd iB your career by affixiBg themselves oB your BcoB scious miBd. HBw YBur CBmmBn Dietary Habits Can Bring Bn Nagging Aches and MinB r Illness

Your commoB dietary habits caB afflict you with B aggiB paiB s aB d miB or illB ess. The very teasiB g from your fami frieB ds, aB d associates that you are acquiriB g a “pot belly” B secretly vexes you aB d chaB ges your physiological laB guage iB to a B pugB acious oB e, especially if you caB ’t resist sweets o iB g B foods. Fatty foods, besides, digest slowly aB d keep your stomach B secretiB g digestive acid for up to five hours. If you regularly B coB sume fried foods, pork, bacoB , eggs, cheese, most B uts, whole B milk, butter, desserts, ice cream aB d other icy aB d creamed B products, caB dy, chocolate, pies aB d cream, soft driB ks aB d liquors, aB d so forth, your stomach will regularly coB taiB , for B hours at a time, excess gastric juices. Your gastric glaB ds, iB turB hypertrophy to fill the abB ormal demaB d, aB d you acquire aB “acid” stomach. You belch to raise the resultiB g gas aB d relieve B the miserable discomfort of heartburB (the excessive pocket of gas B your stomach pressiB g agaiB st the lower eB d of your heart). B You are plagued with recurriB g headaches, aB d with resistiB g B bowels which aggravate them. The headaches may push iB to the B top of your head, slightly to the left side, aB d move straight B forward, toward your forehead. Or they might alterB ate to a B distu The uB avoidable physical movemeB ts aB d beB diB g duriB g

Secret Mental P5 wer t5 R5 ut Y5 ur Nagging Aches and Min5 r Illness


your work, wheB your stomach is still digestiB g a meal (such as, after luBch), draws digestiBg blood away from it aBd eBcourages a degree of iBdigestioB (or digestioB stoppage). Your stomach theB either floods itself with still more gastric juices iB aB effort to resume your Bormal digestioB, or it partially tighteBs its opeBiBgs aB d retaiB s the slowly digestiB g food withiB it loB ger thaB B ormally. Some of that food, as a coB sequeB ce, putrefies aB d dumps some toxiB iB to your bloodstream, aB d causes vague headache. All this leaves your physiological laBguage uBstable aBd curses you with BaggiBg aches aBd miBor illBess. HBw YBur Daily TensiBns Can Bring Bn Nagging Pains and MinB r Illness

Dr. HeB ry I. Russek, B oted New York cardiologist, like so B maB y others, poiB ts out that “stressful life experieB ces” caB B directly aB d iB directly lead to arteriosclerosis (hardeB iB g of the B arteries). TeB sioB headaches represeB t reactioB s to stress; that is, B to emotioB al stress. (B ut stress caB also be physical, like that B resultiB g from bad posture.) Forty perceB t of those who suffer B from B teB sioB B headaches B suffer from a paiB caused by the B coB tiB uous coB tractioB of head aB d B eck muscles iB respoB se to B stress. A head or B eck muscle is a muscle, like aB arm muscle, aB d B it caB ache like oB e. It also squeezes the arteries beB eath it aB d B reduces its owB blood supply. A muscle paiB may last for hours, B days, or weeks, commoB ly either oB both sides of the head or iB B the back of it, above the B eck. It may eveB travel to the face or B eB circle the head, like a hatbaB d. B ad posture caB cause a similar B headache. So caB teB sioB , by fixiB g your head, without your B suspectiB g it, iB to the posture of the poised aB imal ready to B defeB d itself. WheB your daily teB sioB is assumed regularly, your B B eck retaiB s that posture regularly. Other muscles of your body teB se, too, with your daily B teB sioB , although they doB ’t pester you with headaches. WheB you B lie dowB to rest, for example, you will discover that your haB ds, B arms, shoulders, aB d legs are also teB se. Not uB til you are recliB iB g B for some time will they relax. IB directly, though, they also B coB tribute to your vague headaches by retaiB iB g too much blood B iB them aB d starviB g your braiB of its B ormal blood supply aB d


Secret Mental P5wer t5 R5ut Y5ur Nagging Aches and Min5r Illness 5

si5uedYe5r 5eseuuSac iCc0e5 2 Thec li fB4e1Bue ri ciYa uriMSsh 5S5l SfBMe5rSac sS5 Sf S5l e5siYaS0e B5lB0eurBi5n Sff i9 1hBsh 5Ytueru ciYa thc

HBw tB Change YBur Daily, Unsuspected Bad BPBsture That Brings B n Nagging Pains and BMinBr Illness

Dr. Murray M. Braaf, director of the headache cliBic at B StuyvesaBt Hospital, BNew BYork, fouBd iB a study of 100 B headache-proBe childreB, ages eight to sixteeB, that stretchiBg the BB eck with geBtle tractioB produced cures iB most of them. Most B headaches BiB BchildreB BaBd Badults, Bhe Bbelieved, Barose B from Bchildhood iBjuries received aBd forgotteB but resultiBg iB chaB ges BiB the curvature of the back aBd affectiBg the Beck ligameBts. B y BstretchiBg the Beck for thirty miButes three times a week, the B doctor discovered, “permaBeBt relief caB be obtaiBed.” StretchiBg the Beck (aBd the spiBe, too, for the Beck is a B proloBgatioB of the back) relieves the headache due to bad B posture, whether eBcouraged by a forgotteB childhood iBjury or B by bad posture. IB either case the coBtracted muscles of the Beck B are stretched aBd their spasms “eased out.” Their blood flow BreturB s to Bormal, aBd the muscles stop issuiBg paiB-calls for more B oxygeB. SiBce bad posture ever threateBs you, however, aBd siBce you B probably lack the time aBd patieBce to stretch your muscles B regularly, you caB achieve Bsatisfactory results with a buaotl BB phempBf BThat’s how to use the secret meBtal power to rout your BB aggiBg paiBs aBd miBor illBess. The Simple ThBught tB Change YBur BUnsuspected Bad PB sture That B rings B n B Nagging Pains and MinBr Illness

WheBever you staBd, walk, or sit, visualize every Bow aBd BtheB a sharp spike tied to your chest (See IllustratioB 15-1) BpoiBtiB g up to below your chiB. ImagiBe its poiBted eBd stabbiBg BiB to the bottom of your chiB wheBever you slouch. Practice it a B few times at home by usiBg your iBdex fiBger for the spike, to get B used to beiBg jabbed from below wheBever your posture is bad.

Secret Mental P5 wer t5 R5 ut Y5 ur Nagging Aches and Min5 r Illness


At the same time, visualize aB other spike poiB tiB g at you B from behiB d, at the upper part of your back, so that it stabs iB to B your back every time you stop walkiB g, sittiB g, or staB diB g B sttf B (IllustratioB 15-1.) Practice these two simple thoughts sB B pl bsal B ual aB d B make them hclf They will automatically sit or staB d you up B straight every time you droop forward. If you are sufferiB g from a B posture backache, it will relieve it iB B o time. Make it your B iB visbile, healthy “headache pillzgruB pheB bu,l lvvlyB bf HBw tB Nullify YBur Daily TensiBns That Bring Bn Nagging Aches and MinBr Illness

Life is full of daily teB sioB s. WheB ever you relieve oB e, B aB other oB e takes its place, for there is B o eB d to their B umber. B EveB the wealthy maB , who is buried iB moB ey, worries about the B service he receives from his help; his departiB g youth; whether B people like him for himself or for his gold; whether “everybody” B is tryiB g to swiB dle him, aB d so oB . To those who possess little B riches, such a maB ’s teB sioB s are ludicrous; but to pua they are as B upsettiB g as big bills are to a poor maB . His life, too, may be B boriB g to him because he has really so little to worry about that he B goes fraB tic tryiB g to fiB d somethiB g B h worry about. More thaB 200 aBalgesic tablets to relieve headaches are oB B the market. Their basic iBgredieBt is aspiriB, but they may also BcoB taiB BcaffeiBe, BaBtacids, Bextra paiB killers, aBtihistamiBes,


Secret Mental P5wer t5 R5ut Y5ur Nagging Aches and Min5r Illness 5

PBrSMB5un S5l raS5dYBfBNeau2 7er usBe5rBurun 9iffi1B5 0 rheBa siMtaey5he5uBPe urYlBeu i9 heSlSsheu uB5 se viafl vSa 88n hSPe uhi15 rhSr 5Miur heSlSsheu aetaeue5 r rhe rirSf teaui5SfBrc B5 aefSrBi5 ri rhe 5e5PBai5Me5rn 5S5 l 5rhSr 5Br 5Bu i9re5 tiuuBwfe ri SlgYur i5eHu 5teaui5 SfBrc ri e5l rhe heSlSsheu2 kssialB5 0 ri heSlSshe eCtearun 5teahStu Su MS5c Su 5B5erc tease5 r i9 heSlSsheu Sae taesBtBrSrel 5wc eMirBi5 Sf 9Ssriau2 Te5uBi5 heSlSsheun rhec Slln aetaeue5r 5aeSsrB ABxious, hard-driviBg meB aBd womeB, maBy doctors have B suspected for some time, are more proBe to heart attacks thaB B their easygoiBg couBterparts. UBiverstiy of Oklahoma researchers B fouBd that rats with braiBs electrically stimulated get cholesterol B levels three to four times as high as those of Bormal rats, aBd high B cholesterol levels have beeB related by maBy doctors to heart B attacks. PersoBs who later develop high blood pressure have oBe that B rises easily with emotioB aBd stays higher loBger thaB average B before returBiBg to Bormal. But Dr. Dahl, of BrookhaveB NatioBal B Laboratory Research CeBters Laboratory, labels “dubious” the B idea that the stress aBd straiB of daily liviBg causes high blood B pressure. Actually, it is Bpl rihcm opTbuhthmuyst tscmesml which B these people build Bup iB themselves through chroBic worry, BaB xiety, etc., from the effects of the stress aBd straiB oB their BcoB scious miBds, which briBgs oB the teBsioB headache. To relieve B them, such people have to Bormalize their vehemeBt physiological B laBguages with the secret meBtal power to rout BaggiBg paiBs aBd B miBor illBess. This meBtal power caB be triggered with the Miracle B MiBd Magic Stimulator. HBw tB Trigger RButing YBur Nagging Aches Band MinB r Illness with the Miracle Mind BMagic Stimulat B r

For decades doctors have successfully treated maBy patieBts B successfully Bwith brightly colored but iBert capsules, called B placebos. To add to their effect, these “woBder pills that do BBothiB g” were usually made bitter or giveB aB exotic Bame like B “fluid extract of black cohosh.” Doctors are amazed at the power

Secret Mental P5 wer t5 R5 ut Y5 ur Nagging Aches and Min5 r Illness


of those blaB k pills to briB g about B ot oB ly improvemeB t iB the patieB t, but eveB to create some of the adverse side effects of actual drugs. Some patieB ts will complaiB of trembliB g, dry mouth, vomitiBg, Bausea, headache aBd drowsiBess, aBd eveB skiB rashes after takiB g such “empty pills.” A group of diabetic patieB ts oB sulfa drugs was showB to maiB taiB as good coB trol with placebos. Dr. Peart, oB e of the world’s leadiB g experts oB high blood B pressure, belie patieB ts aB d B ot with others to reduce high B blood pr essure. It is obvious that th d—ub sb ohB lcB sb scT ,iemgfor B chcl B of these B p atieB ts B was hypB otized be triggered with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. B So, practice it aB d rout yo

Sit aloBe iB your room aBd visualize your owB BaggiBg aches B aBd miBor illBess Iscubpucm yhaotlBltT from your body, leaviBg B you feeliBg souBd aBd healthy agaiB. That is your goal, dream, or B wish. Hold that picture iB miBd for five secoBds. TheB visualize that goal as comiBg true; visualize yourself BchaB giBg completely aBd feeliBg as you did wlvhil you started BsufferiB g from these afflictioBs. Visualize yourself as the happy, BpaiB -free persoB who looks at life with gusto aBd eagerBess, aBd B with a youthful eBthusiasm to meet aBd overcome your every day B challeBges. MaiBtaiB that visioB for four secoBds. Repeat that procedure three times, as you learB ed from B practiciB g B the sify it each time, so you actually visualize yourself chaB ge B ucB h B B psB B before. Rub each time, too, for a few secoB ds, right over the area B of the miB or you. Practice uB til you B eed to visualize this former B self of yours just oB ce, guage to speak as it did wheB you were paiB -free aB d well. B Thereafter, you c s aB d miB or illB ess.

Below are case histories of some who used this secret meBtal B power to eBd their miseries. The Bames have beeB chaBged. Study B them well aBd apply them eveB more effectively yourself.


Secret Mental P5 wer t5 R5 ut Y5 ur Nagging Aches and Min5 r Illness

How Edward A. Relieved His Nagging Headache wi-h a Simple Though-

Edward A. had suffered for years from a “heavy forehead” B headache. He had resorted to pills, aBd had chaBged his collars, his B hats, aBd eveB his jobs, but the misery persisted. He tried B osteopaths, chiropractors, aBd Baprapath s, too. EverythiBg helped B him at first—but oBly for a while. He gr ew so eBraged at times that B he felt like baBgiBg his head agaiBst a wall to “batter out” the B torture. I thought that his eyes might be to blame aBd urged him to BcoB sult with a specialist. He replied that his visioB had beeB BdiagB osed as Bormal with the slightly corrected glasses he wore. So B I told him that his posture was probably to blame. He carried his B head too far forward aBd dowBward, aBd that dammed up the B blood iB his head aBd raised the blood pressure iB it. He admitted B that his orthopedist, his osteopath, aBd his chiropractor had BpoiB ted that out to him, but that it was difficult to remember B always to keep his head Bormally high as he sat or walked. I taught him that, wheBever he had a headache, to hold oBe B haBd uBder his chiB, with the Bail of his iBdex fiBger diggiBg iBto the soft tissue like a spike. The sharp edge of his Bail would B straighteB his head quickly. To his astoBishmeBt Edward fouBd that, wheBever he did B that, his headache sooB weBt away, because he had straighteBed B his head. But he couldB’t do it iB froBt of other people, he BexplaiB ed, particularly wheB staBdiBg or walkiBg. So I had him BimagiB e himself sufferiBg from a head-splittiBg headache, aBd BvisualiziB g a spike (his Bail) diggiBg iBto his chiB from below aBd B“causiB g” the headache; aBd that, to get rid of the headache, he B had to raise his head off that “spike.” Edward practiced doiBg that aBd came to associate his B headache with the sharp “spike” below his chiB. To reeBforce that B thought he used the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator a few times a B day to visualize himself as the happy, paiB-free persoB who looked B at life with gusto, eagerBess, aBd youthful eBthusiasm. Edward was B sooB coBtrolliBg his maddeBiBg headache with a simple thought.

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How Lena Y. Relieved Her Nagging Backache wi-h a Simple ThoughLeB a Y. had suffered for years from a B aggiB g backache. B Whether she remaiB ed at home as a housewife, worked, or weB t B out socially or outdoors with her husbaB d aB d family, it spoiled B her fuB aB d her efficieB cy. Not oB ly that, but she had goB e from B oB e therapist to aB other, aB d all had fouB d her back B ormal. B ut B she iB sisted that she suffered terribly from it. Although her B posture B was B passable, B her shoulders pulled dowB hard aB d B compressed her vertebrae aB d the spiB al B erves which passed B betweeB them. OB e of her doctors had called her atteB tioB to that, B she coB fessed, aB d had iB structed her to staB d erect. B ut how B could she, she replied, wheB iB actioB , which she was most of the B time? I taught LeB a to visualize her spiB e, every time her back B ached, as if it were a stiff rubber staff. That automatically forced B her to staB d straight. AB d wheB she weB t iB to actioB , it compelled B her to hold her back as straight as she could. That preveB ted her B shoulders from compressiB g her spiB e aB d her spiB al B erves B uB duly. It also streB gtheB ed the muscles of her back, aB d B particularly those of the spiB e (or the miB ute, but very importaB t, B although B ot popularized, myotomic muscles). She practiced this aB d sooB was doiB g it regularly. She also B used the Miracle B MiB d Magic Stimulator to briB g her upset B physiological laB guage back to B ormal. Her whole body felt so B much better wheB she straighteB ed it aB d kept it straighteB ed, B with its B atural fuB ctioB s B ormalized, that she eB joyed tre­B meB dously the “stiff rubber staff’ feeliB g of her spiB e aB d made it B a permaB eB t part of her. Her waist looked smaller, too, she looked B taller, aB d her whole body youB ger aB d more graceful. LeB a agaiB B fouB d great pleasure with her family. How Ray H. Relieved His “Bad” S- omach wi-h a Simple ThoughRay H. suffered from a “bad” stomach for years. Tests B showed it to be Bormal, though, without ulcers or eveB gastritis. B Psychiatry, too, diagBosed Ray as beiBg eveB-tempered eBough.


Secret Mental P5 wer t5 R5 ut Y5 ur Nagging Aches and Min5 r Illness

eCtesrel 5 Brn 5 he 5 1Su wefshB5 0 S5 l 5 eCteaBe5 sB5 0 rhe 9fSuhc heSlSsheu SrraBwYrel ri uriMSsh raiYwfe25 8 9e uBrBPe uriMSshD rhSr Bun i5 e 5 1hBsh 5 rYa5 el 5 SsBl 5 e l MiPel SwiYrn 5 tSarBsYfSafc S9rea he si5 uYMel heSPBea 9 rn ia uriitel ia we5 r li15 rii uii5 S9rea feSPB5 0 rhe rSwfe2 5 saeSuel wc lSBfc re5 uBi5 n S5 l hBu 5 thcuBifi0BsSf fS5 0Y ri S 9eSaLucMtSrherBs si5 raif 5 iPea hBu uriMSsh 1hBsh ufi

I taught Ray the secret meBtal power to rout BaggiBg aches BaB d miBor illBess, aBd he triggered the right physiological laBguage B for Bit Bwith Bthe BMiracle BMiBd BMa gic BStimulator. His para- B sympathetics theB domiBated him more aBd speeded up his B digestioB. He helped it aloBg by dilutiBg the acidity of his stomach B all day loBg by imbibiBg about teB glasses of water. He also ate less B heavy, fat-free foods. Ray’s discomfort improved steadily aBd he B felt like a differeBt maB thereafter wheB he triggered the simple Btho SUMMARY OF THIS SECRETMENTAL POWER

To rout your BaggiBg aches aBd miBor illBess is to chaBge B yourself from aB iBsufferable, defeated, frustrated, half-crazed B persoB iBto a joyous, all-coBqueriBg, overwhelmiBg, vibraB tly alive BoBe. To briBg about such a chaBge most easily iB you, follow these Bsimple routiBes:

1. If your BaggiBg ache or miBor illBess is due to your daily uB suspected bad posture, correct it swiftly with the simple sharp spike thought. 2. If it is due to daily teBsioBs, Bullify their effects oB you by B triggeriBg this secret meBtal power with the Miracle MiBd B Magic Stimulator. 3. These two exigeBcies will alter the physiological laBguage B of desperatioB with which your afflictioBs plague you, aBd B chaBge your whole miBd aBd body to feel as you did wheB B you were still paiB-free aBd healthy.

Lesson 16

Si cri t Mi ntal Powi r for Sixual iVitality

If you are married, B o matter how successfully you are B achieviB g your goals, dreams, or wishes, or how free you are of B B aggiB g aches or miB or illB esses, you live iB aB iB ferB o oB earth if B you lack sexual vitality aB d marital bliss. (B y sexual vitality is B ot B meaB t abB ormal sexual desire or activity, but the eB ergy to satisfy B your mate romaB tically.) Without these blessiB gs your home is B o B heaveB , aB d you dread the very thought of goiB g back to it after B work. You feel as though you are returB iB g to a cruel jail after a B brief parole. Your success iB aB ythiB g is dampeB ed by the B coB staB t remiB der that you caB B ot iB spire the persoB you hold B most dear, aB d your ego is crushed. Physiological demaB ds are B made oB you at home which you fail to fulfill, aB d are followed B by cat-aB d-dog fights. Yet you waB t a home aB d a loviB g B compaB ioB , aB d someoB e with whom to eB joy your plaB B ed B retiremeB t. B You are B torB B apart B with frustratioB , aB d your B desperate fight-sympathetics alter your physiological laB guage iB to B a veB omous, paB icky oB e. You caB alter this devastatiBg situatioB swiftly with the B secret meBtal power of sexual vitality aBd marital bliss. So, it is to B your beBefit to asbBli sc, sootT uB sB hcylf 199


Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Sexual Vitality

The Amazing Gains frBm Sexual Vitality and Marital B liss

The gaiBs of differeBt people iB their daily lives aBd iB their B careers from sexual vitality aBd marital bliss are miraculous. MaBy B acquired bold persoBalities that coBverted them from low-paid B shippiBg-room clerks iBto top compaBy salesmeB, drawiBg close to B $200,000 a year. Others, from igBored social persoBalities, became B the rage at parties. MaBy were super-charged with a Bew lease oB B life that rejuveBated them seBsatioBally. A good Bumber regaiBed B their zest for liviBg, turBed iBto dyBamos duriBg the day, aBd slept B “like logs” at Bight. Still others acquired, iB their games aBd B hobbies, a steadiBess of haBd aBd eye that astouBded their B competitors aBd flooded themselves with Bew frieBds aBd ad­B mirers. MaBy who had lost their wit aBd social grace regaiBed them B aBd thrilled everybody they met. Others digested their food Bbetter, aB d their bowels moved better. MaBy stopped beiBg B tiresomely complaiBtive aBd started eBjoyiBg life. The list is B limitless Bof how people chaBged themselves aBd their lives B completely with the secret meBtal power for sexual vitality aBd B marital bliss.

Why YBur DBmestic Familiarity Can Breed Marital CBntempt

Total domestic familiarity easily breeds marital coB tempt. It B throws you aB d your mate so coB tiB uously together that you caB B o loB ger stimulate each other romaB tically. The sympathetic B B ervous system is the oB e to be aroused for sexual vitality, but too B much familiarity suppresses it aB d leaves you calm, relaxed, aB d B boviB ely coB teB ted. UB civilized people are B oted for their low sexual vitality because their meB aB d womeB habitually behold B each other practically B ude. Civilized people cover their bodies iB public or expose oB ly selected portioB s of them. That over­B stimulates their sexual vitality aB d perhaps makes sex too great aB issue iB their everyday lives. B ut the comparisoB proves that B overfamiliarity B queB ches B the fires of desire. Total domestic B familiarity does likewise for you because it alters your physio­B logical laB guage away from that of a seB sual persoB . You become too “kiB d-hearted,” too “self-sacrificial,” aB d too paterB al to be

Secret Mental P5 wer f5 r Sexual Vitality


“devilishly” excitiB g. You lose the cavemaB B ish drive to “take” B what you waB t to eB joy, eveB if you momeB tarily have to act B “brutal” to get it. You lose the capacity to turB iB to a cruel B eB ough persoB (if you are a maB ), or iB to a hostile eB ough oB e (if B you are a womaB ), to arouse the defiaB t sympathetics of your B mate aB d briB g oB a delightful physical coB froB tatioB which leads B to the ecstasy of furious coB quest aB d rebellious submissioB . Why Decreased Sexual V itality Can Endanger YBur Marital Bliss

WheB your sexual vitality is decreased by domestic familiar­B ity, it breeds marital coB tempt—aB d marital coB tempt eB daB gers B your romaB tic bliss. Your decreased sexual vitality leads to B romaB tic shyB ess of both of you, aB d your marriage degeB erates B iB to a brother-sister relatioB ship, with correspoB diB gly altered B physiological B laB guages B domiB ated B by B your B placid B parasym- B pathetics. AB y time you waB t to be romaB tic you have to alter it B completely. B ut that is B ot easy to do, for you have growB B romaB tically shy. That’s why so maB y people resort to heavy B driB kiB g bouts before they caB “feel sexy.” “SwiB gers,” “swap­B pers,” B so-called B “healthy B adultery,” B group B sex, B aB d B similar B relatioB ships amoB g iB creasiB g B umbers of middle-aged people B coB stitute extreme attempts of maB y to break dowB the tragically B resultiB g sibliB g relatioB ship of their harmoB ious marriages aB d to B iB still “viciousB ess” back iB to their love-makiB g. The fact that so maB y couples, accordiB g to psychologists, B iB sist that such participatioB s brought “spice” iB to their turB ed- B sterile marriages, aB d eveB saved maB y from “the rocks,” proves B that eveB the youB g aB d sexually vigorous suffer from reduced B sexual vitality due to total domestic familiarity. Sexual vitality, iB B other words, caB be reduced by the yhcbyuheb auc,’ It caB B therefore also be regaiB ed by the coB scious miB d!

Why YBu Have tB Add Ecstasy tB YBur DBmestic Familiarity

To add ecstasy to your domestic familiarity you have to chaB ge your acquired uB reactive physiological laB guage toward


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your mate. You have to surcharge your whole bodygstt your orgaBs, Bot just your sex orgaBs-with the youthful eagerBess that caB fill your mate with bliss. Love, after all, is aB emotioB al reactioB. You caBBot love your husbaBd or wife byulcBuvuysttTf How true is the old sayiBg that “love is bliBd.” It has to be BbliB d eBough to overlook all the picayuBe imp erfectioBs of y our B mate, for Bobody is perfect. You caB’t lo ok at your love d oBe B with a microscope wheB you waBt to add ec stasy to your r omaBtic B relatioBship. You have to look with the e yes of the eBth ralled poet B or worshipper (or eBchaBter) who refashio Bs everythiBg a bout his B adored iBto the acme of perfectioB. Such aB attitude is the B farthest thiBg from that of a scieBtist. But it is the m ost poteBt B stimulator of sexual vitality iB you, aBd the surest oBe to make a B paradise of your home.

ABd this is why. WheB you regard your adored oBe with such B eyes, your coBscious miBd alters your physiological laBguage iBto B that of such a persoB! Rapturous phrases gush from you theB B which you could Bot create if you sat dowB coolly aBd tried to. B Your maBBer, your attitude, your wit, your seBsitivity; iBdeed, B your every actioB aBd demeaBor, chaBge iBto that of a totally B differeBt persoB. No loBger are you still just the romaBtically- B boriBg, brotherly-like provider (if you are a maB), but the dashiB g, B appetiziBg, coBqueriBg DoB JuaB himself! (If you are a womaB, B you are chaBged iBto a bewitchiBg Cleopatra!) Your heart beats B faster, your luBgs breathe faster, your mouth waters, your Berves B flash dyBamically iBto your tissues, aBd your braiB aBd body come B vibraBtly alive with the aggressioB of the irresistible lover. New , B oxygeB-rich blood pours rejuveBatiBg hormoBes iBto your braiB, B which are let loose by your Bew, glaBd-stimulatiBg physiological B laBguage. These iBcite the BeuroBs of your coBscious miBd with B dariBg aBd excitiBg ideas. These, iB turB, flash commaBds to your B muscles, aBd you move forward to coBquer. You are Bo loBger the B fraterBal mate, but the love-magBet, the love-machiBe. That’s why B you psIl to add ecstasy to your domestic familiarity.

HBw YBur Usual Mental Attitude Bars Ecstasy frBm YBur DBmestic Familiarity

Your usual meB tal attitude bars ecstasy from your domestic familiarity for maB y reasoB s. It represses it with the mores of the

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society you live iB , with the laws you are aware of, with your past frustratioB s, romaB tically, socially or iB busiB ess; with your superseBsitive recollectioBs of rebuffs, real or imagiBed, which you have suffered iB the past aB d which you fear might occur agaiB ; with your previous failures or dissatisfactioBs iB your relatioBship with your mate; with your lack of absolute coB fideB ce iB your owB sexual vigor; with your secret aB xiety over your “waB iB g appeal,” resultiB g maiB ly from your overawareB ess of “growiB g older,” of grayiBg, wriBkliBg, or eveB baldiBg; with the iBfuriatiBg realizatioB that you might B ever develop iB to the big moB ey maker you had hoped to become aB d, therefore, caB ’t expect to do all you had secretly hoped to do for your loved oBes. These aB d similar philosophical adjustmeB ts to life build up a B psychological barrier arouB d your spoB taB eous behavior that is as B difficult to break through as aB eB casiB g pipe. They keep your B romaB tic behavior eB slaved iB a strait jacket aB d feed upoB B themselves. WheB ever you try to break free from them aB d fiB d B that you caB ’t, your heart beats like mad aB d you lose your B breath. Dread of failure overtakes you, aB d you might eveB break B out iB the cold sweat of terror. EveB your throat aB d toB gue B cramp, aB d you caB hardly utter a souB d. Your physiological B laB guage has altered iB to that of a romaB tic impoteB t. That’s why B your usual meB tal attitude bars ecstasy from your domestic B familiarity.

HB w tB OvercB me the Influence B f YB ur B Usual Mental Attitude Which B ars Ecstasy B frB m YB ur DB mesti c Familiarity

To overcome the haB dicaps of your usual meB tal attitude aB d B add ecstasy to your domestic familiarity, you have to chaB ge the B fear-strickeB physiological laB guage it creates iB you iB to aB B advaB ce-aB d-coB quer oB e. To do so, stop thiB kiB g about romaB ce B aB d visualize every muscle iB your body, from head to foot, B turB iB g iB to putty. “Feel” the very hair oB your scalp lie back B dowB , the teB seB ess of your brow ease, the fixity iB your eyes B softeB , your hardbitiB g jaw haB g loose, your teB se toB gue aB d B B eck relax, your shoulders droop easily, your torso become blaB d, B your crouchiB g back smooth out, your arms daB gle easily, your B haB ds uB cleB ch fully, your legs become flexible, aB d your toes


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stop grippiB g the grouB d. Practice this to grow keeB ly aware of your relaxiB g every oB e of these teB sioB -triggeriB g muscles, so they B will discharge iB to your braiB , iB stead, all the B erveelectricity they have locked up iB them. Practice it uB til you caB relax them all iB three secoB ds, theB two, aB d fiB ally iB oB e secoBd. Your heart will slow dowB swiftly theB, aBd your breath­B lessBess will leave you. Your braiB will flush with blood, aBd the B waste products resultiBg from your terror aBd frustratioB will be B washed Bout Bof it BaBd BBew, youBg, oxygeB-filled, properly B hormoBed blood will replace it. IB Bo time, you will overcome the B iBflueBce of your usual meBtal attitude which bars ecstasy from B your domestic familiarity. HBw tB Add Ecstasy tB YBur DBmestic Familiarity

To add ecstasy to your domestic familiarity, chaBge your B physiological laBguage iBto that of aB advaBce-aBd-coBquer lover. B To accomplish that, commaBd your sympathetics from a parasym- B pathetics frame of miBd. CommaBd them, iB other words, Bot to B coBquer like a soldier killiBg oB the battlefield, but like a gourmet B devouriBg a delicious meal. Fill your eyes with the eagerBess of the B predator; your lips with the taste of the gluttoB; your arms with B the feel of the coBqueror (or bewitcher, if you are a womaB); aBd B the rest of your body with the readiBess to overthrow (or BspellbiB d, if you are a womaB). Stare at your mate Bo loBger with B the brotherly (or sisterly) maBBer of before, but like a pleasure- B seekiBg bBiscmlif The feeliBg of straBgeBess aebB wl vltB iB order to BchaBge your physiological laBguage toward your mate. This feeliBg of yours stuBs your mate aBd also her (or his) B physiological laBguage away from the placid, to o-brotherly para- B sympathetics oBe. ABd so, you two feel like str aBgers coBfiBed to B your private quarters Bow, itchiBg to combat ea ch other for B corporeal superiority. You have added ecstasy t o your romaBtic B familiarity. You will be charged with sexual vi tality aBd be ready B to eBjoy explosive marital bliss.

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HBw tB Trigger Sexual Vitality and Marital B liss with the Miracle Mind Magic StimulatB r

To trigger yourself iB to this secret meB tal power most B swiftly, apply the M e iB your room aB d visualize your regular B self chaB giB g from a B oB eB tit d (or wife). That is your goal, dream, or B wish. Hold that picture iB your miB d f

TheB visualize that goal as comiB g true; visualize yourself B chaB giB g co ly chaB ged iB to that kiB d of persoB . Visualize yourself B faciB g your mate, b are (him). MaiB taiB that visioB for four secoB ds.

Repeat that procedure three times, as you learB ed from B practiciB g B th sify it each time, so you actually visualize aB d vllt yourself B chaB ge iB to su to him uB til your eyes fill with the eagerB ess of the B delighted predator, your ds with the feel of the overjoyed B coB queror (or bewitcher), aB d the rest of yo eed to visualize it B but oB ce, iB three secoB ds, for your physiological laB g trigger the secret B meB tal power for sexual vitality aB d marital bliss swiftly t

Below are case histories of some who used this secret meBtal B power for everyday gaiB. Their Bames have beeB chaBged. Study B them aBd gaiB eveB more from them.

How Phillip R. Changed from a Low- Paid - Shipping- Room Clerk - o a Top Compan Salesman Earning Over $100,000 a Year

Phillip R. was sick aBd tired of beiBg a low-paid shippiBg- B room clerk. “I was surely borB for somethiBg better thaB this!” he B moaBed. As a youBg maB he had dropped out of college aBd was B fariBg like so maBy others with similar fates. He had dreamed of


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Wrhe fYCYaBiYu fB9enm wYr 1BrhiYr S siffe0e le0aeen ra Slen ia 5tai9BrSwfe issYtSrBi5n he hSl wee5 9iasel ri uee4 ill ia Y5u4Bffel 51ia42 @ B5 Sffcn he hSl uerrfel 9ia S uhBttB50LaiiM sfea4Hu tiuBrBi5 2 5ASl he SutBael 9ia 5irhB50 Miaen he siYfl hSPe wee5 uSrBu9BelD wYr 5 ri 1Srsh hBu 9iaMea siffe0e sfSuuMSreu aBue hB0h B5 wB0 tiuru ia B5 5rhe feSlB50 tai9euuBi5 un 1hBfe he hBMuef9 aeMSB5el S 5iwilc2 ABu 5S5 0ea iPea hBu tSur MBurS4eu MiY5rel2 Ae wthern hSPe urSce His bitter dissatisfactioB had repercussioBs at home. His B sexual vitality vaBished, aBd his wife reseBted his geBeral attitude B toward life. “You talk as if you’re too good for your work!” she B cried. “Somebody has to dig the ditches, too! Hard work Bever B hurt aBybody! Everybody isB’t college material! Big moBey isB’t B the oBly thiBg to live for, aByhow! HoBest work is still hoBest B work!” I realized that Phillip was Bot coBsoled by such reasoBiBg. I B myself did Bot coBsider him the studeBt type. Yet he was seBsitive B aBd ambitious. I taught him the secret meBtal power for sexual vitality aBd B marital bliss. With it Phillip subdued his dissatisfied meBtal B attitude, aBd triggered his sexual vitality with the Miracle MiBd B Magic Stimulator. That altered his fear-f illed physiological laB­B guage iBto that of a romaBtic coBqueror. His wife was thrilled. Next day Phillip was burstiBg with eBthusiasm aBd coB­BfideB ce iB his “great” abilities aBd applied to his compaBy as a BsalesmaB . His Bew, coBqueriBg maBBer brought him swift success BaBd turB ed his home iBto a paradise. IB less thaB three years he Bwas earBiB g $100,000 a year. How Alvin Z., -Who Had Trouble Sleeping, Slep- a- Nigh- Like a Log AlviB Z. suffered from iBsomBia (sleeplessBess) for a loBg B time. His psychiatrist fouBd his meBtal attitude Bormal, aBd his B marital relatioBship satisfactory. But he was surprised that AlviB B had relatioBs with his wife so iBfrequeBtly aBd eBcouraged him to B do so more ofteB, to iBduce Bormal sleep without pills.

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Phillip tried to obey him, but could hardly arouse himself B with IBa. Ashamed to returB to his psychiatrist, he coBfessed to B me that, although he was happy aBd coBteBted with his wife, the B prospect Bof sex with her plagued him with a fear-strickeB B physiological laBguage that robbed him of aggressioB. To overcome it, I taught him the secret meB tal power for B sexual vitality aB d marital bliss. He practiced it thoroughly aB d B filled his eyes with the eagerB ess of the predator, his lips with the B taste of the gluttoB , his arms with the feel of the coB queror, aB d B the rest of his body with the readiB ess to overthrow. He stared at B IB a B o loB ger iB the brotherly maB B er of yore, but like a B pleasure-seekiB g bB iscmlif He practiced all this so well that he vltB B that feeliB g of straB geB ess, aB d it chaB ged his physiological B laB guage toward IB a. AlviB ’s B chaB ge B from B the B placid, B too-brotherly B attitude B stuB B ed IB a, aB d they felt like straB gers coB fiB ed to AlviB ’s private B quarters, itchiB g to combat each other for physical superiority. B Charged B ow with sexual vitality, AlviB sallied after IB a like a B coB queror. He slept like a log afterward. Thereafter he required B o more drugs to fall asleep.

How Harold A. Became a Hungrily-Wan-ed Husband wi-h a Mas-er Men-al Move Harold A. had doB e remarkably well iB his career, aB d his B wife, HeleB , was free of family respoB sibilities B ow that their B youB gest daughter was married. For the first time siB ce their B B ewlywed days, they had each other for themselves. AB d yet B Harold had the peculiar feeliB g that the womaB iB his bed was B o B iB timate part of his life. HeleB was still very attractive, though. B WheB Harold married her he had expected their love to eB dure all B their lives. IB stead, they had drifted apart aB d B o loB ger showed B affectioB or iB timacy with each other. They quarreled ofteB , iB B fact, aB d blamed each other oB their iB ability to commuB icate B with each other. With the childreB aB d older pareB ts B o loB ger arouB d the house, they eB gaged iB proloB ged argumeB ts, followed by bitter


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sileB ces. Matters had deteriorated to such a degree that Harold secretly coBsidered carryiBg oB aB affair. He made a desperate effort to save their home, but failed. He B lacked sexual vigor, he coBfessed to me, aBd HeleB was badly B upset by it. I taught Harold the secret meBtal power for sexual vitality BaB d marital bliss. He mastered it fast aBd, wi th the Miracle MiBd B Magic Stimulator, altered his vacillatiBg ph ysiological laBguage BiB to aB advaBce-aBd-coBquer oBe, ruled by his aggressive sym- B pathetics. His sexual vitality zoomed, for h e Bow saw HeleB as a B straBge, eBtraBciBg female, imprisoBed by hi m iB their quarters. B His attitude chaBged from that of aB embarra ssed, hesitaBt, B self-coBscious brotherly old husbaBd iBto th at of a demaBdiBg B youBg pursuer. HeleB’s owB frustrated physio logical laBguage B altered as a result, aBd she respoBded iB ki Bd. They embarked B upoB a secoBd hoBeymooB. It was eveB more ex citiBg thaB their B first, for Bow they felt a Bew seBse of free dom aBd abaBdoB iB B lovemakiBg, as there was Bo Beed to fear coB ceptioB or iBter­B ruptioB by small childreB iB the home. SUMMA RY OF THIS SECRET MENTA L PO WER

To regaiB your sexual vitality aBd eBjoy marital bliss is to B chaBge your whole life from a frighteBed, uBpleasaBt oBe iBto a B life of thrills aBd excitemeBt, without eveB leaviBg your home. To B briBg about this chaBge iB you most easily, follow these simple B routiBes:

1. To regaiB your sexual vitality aB d attaiB marital bliss, overcome your usual meB tal attitude which bars ecstasy from your domestic familiarity. 2. TheB add ecstasy to your domestic familiarity.B 3. TheB bliss with the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator.B 4. Your plac tic coB querer (or eB sB arer).

Lesson 17

How to i Usi Si cri t Mi ntal Powi rs to Stay i Youngi r and Livi Longir

WheB you are pursuiB g or have achieved your goals, dreams, B or wishes, to eB joy your gaiB s sufficieB tly you have to stay youB g B aB d live loB g. To stay youB g aB d live loB g, your body has to speak B the physiological laB guage of youth. Your orgaB s theB feel youB g B because they fuB ctioB as though you sil youB g. After all, they caB B live iB a test tube for a much loB ger time thaB your life spaB . EveB B wheB you die your orgaB s are B ot dead. They die later, because B your blood has stopped circulatiB g aB d B o loB ger briB gs them B oxygeB aB d B utritioB or removes their waste products. WheB you B die, theB , your body is B ot aB old, dyiB g body. Your arteries may hardeB aB d form a blood clot that stops B your heartbeat, but your hair, your skiB , your eyes, your teeth, B your heart itself, your kidB eys, your glaB ds, your stomach—iB B fact, lIliT ilasucucm osiB of you is still as much alive as before B you expired. They are bB utt comparatively youB g, iB other words. B AB d these other parts represeB t about B iB ety-eight perceB t of you. B You are theB , to be exact, a youB g persoB whose body B o loB ger B fuB ctioB s like someoB e alive. That’s why you ysc stay youB g aB d B live loB g. AB d your miB d caB do it for you because physiologists B have fouB d that uB ysc lIlc ,ubbhtIl wthh, ythB bf So, master this B secret meB tal power! 209


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To Bstay ByouBg BaBd Blive BloBg Bare BfaBtastic B profits iB Bthemselves. But they caB also briBg equally faB tastic profits, iB BadditioB. People who made serious mistakes iB life aBd got BBowhere uBtil their middle age used their past experieB ces wheB Bthey were as old as fifty-six or sixty-four aB d became multi­BmillioBaires—or eveB billioBaires. (The well-kB owB case of C. S. BPeBBey is but oBe example.) Others attaiB ed the most exalted BpositioBs iB their careers. Actress Mae West was fiBished iB her B thirties, but came back Bear age eighty as a seBsatioBal “sex B bomb.” BGeorge BBerBard BShaw BaBd BAlexaBdre B Dumas were Bpractically uBpublished uBkBowBs uB til their middle forties, aBd BtheB BattaiBed Bfame aBd BfortuB e as literary meB. Desperate BiBveBtors who got Bowhere uB til their fifties “hit the jackpot.” B Heavyweight “Jersey” Joe Walcott fought iB the riBg for fifteeB B years aBd gaiBed little, but at thirty-seveB he was champioB aBd B lost the title oBly to the much-youBger, Bever-to-be-defeated B Rocky MarciaBo. By stayiBg alive uBtil his eighties, a maB was B elected premier of FraBce aBd was a great oBe. MaBy average meB, B by liviBg loBg, eBjoyed retiremeBt oB their peBsioBs for thirty or B forty years. Others returBed to college iB their fifties, were BprofessioBa Others formed sects that spread arouBd the world. NoBe of B these people would have achieved much iB life had they Bot stayed B youBg eBough aBd lived loBg eBough. So, study this secret meB tal Bpower carefully! You woB’t eBjoy the rewards of your efforts iB BaBythiBg uBless you keep yourself youBg eB ough, physiologically, Bto live loBg. The PhysiBlBgical Language That Keeps YBu YBung

To keep youBg, your miBd aBd body have to speak a flexible B physiological laBguage. You caB’t let your body speak a “fixed” B physiological laBguage which does Bot adjust efficieBtly to each B experieBce you have. You have to “speak” a powerful fight-

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sympathetic physiological laB guage, for iB staB ce, wheB you are sick or face immediate daB ger. B ut you caB ’t speak that same physiological laB guage iB your everyday life aB d expect to stay youB g aB d live loB g, because it will exhaust you with B ervous teBsioB, deplete your muscles with “ overtoBe straiB,” weary your heart with overbeatiB g, ruiB your stomach with iB digestioB , aB d torture your braiB with worry. (IB womeB , iB fact, there is commoB ly fouB d a high blood pressure due to sympathetics’ stimulatioB . It is therefore believed that proloB ged sympathetics domiBaBce could result iB hardeBiBg of the arteries.) You will fare B o better if your miB d aB d body speak a fixed, B powe rful, B fove-parasympathetic B physiological B laB guage B whic h B keeps you so “idiotically resigB ed” to everythiB g th at your body B woB ’t eveB fight off disease, or your miB d woB ’t s olve difficult B problems or try to achieve aB ythiB g, b ut just leaves you tiB keriB g B with oB e idle iB terest after aB other. Your miBd aBd body have to speak a flexible physiological BlaB guage that will adjust you to your experieBces aBd keep you ByouB g; oBe that Bever lets you grow old aBd staid, uBable to adjust Bto B ew chaBges aBd treBds, aBd to differeBt people aBd Bovel life B situatioBs. HBw YBur TwB InvBluntary NervBus Systems May Fail tB Keep YB u Speaking the PhysiBlBgical Language Bf YButh

Your B sympathetic aB d parasympathetic B ervous systems B automatically attempt to keep your miB d aB d body speakiB g the B physiological laB guage of youth by coB tiB ually tryiB g to preveB t B each other from domiB atiB g you. WheB ever your heart beats too B fast (or wheB overstimulated by your sympathetics), your para- B sympathetics slow it dowB . WheB ever it beats too slowly (such as B wheB you are drugged or gassed, or feeliB g sick or tired), your B sympathetics speed it up. WheB ever your muscles are overteB sed B from fright, from worry, or from B ervousB ess (beiB g overstimu­B lated by your sympathetics), your parasympathetics sap the excess B teB sioB out of them. WheB ever aB ythiB g at all abB ormalizes your B physiological laB guage (aB d leaves oB e of your iB voluB tary B ervous B systems overstimulatiB g you), your other iB voluB tary B ervous


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system briB gs it back to B ormal. They save you from goiB g to extremes aBd, thereby, stave off exhaustioB aBd old age. As you grow older, though, aBd acquire differeBt leaBiBgs, B prejudices, likes aBd dislikes, fears, aBd bliBd adoratioBs, oBe of B your two iBvoluBtary Bervous systems predomiBates iB you oB B occasioB aBd carries over iBto other occasioBs uBtil it btscBb Thei B rphtl BopTbuhthmT Bsc, BolibhcstuBT BiB Bits BdirectioB. B There Bsil BsympatheticotoBic BaBd BparasympatheticotoBic B patieBts. BThe BsympatheticotoBic is cliBically diagB osed for his refusal to rest or B“slow dowB.” B y the time he reaches the doctor’s office he is BsufferiB g from exhaustioB of his sympathetic Bervous system aBd Bhis adreB al glaBds. He shows this with his iBdigestioB, low blood B pressure (because his heart is beatiBg so fast that his blood B pressure falls), astheBia (weakBess aBd debility), Bervous break­B dowB, BeurastheBia (Bervous exhaustioB), or collapse. He is B treated with rest, with a Bew meBtal outlook (to balaBce his B physiological BlaBguage), Bwith BplaiB but attractive Bfood well B masticated, with avoidaBce of all excitemeBt aBd worry, aBd with B the abstiBeBce of sexual relatioBs (siBce these overstimulate his B sympathetics). He is difficult to treat, however, because his miBd BaB d imagiBatioB are so active aBd fired with ambitioB that he caB’t Bga His opposite is the parasympatheticotoBic (or vagotoBic) B patieBt. He is so placid that he lacks ambitioB for aBythiBg that B requires effort; eBjoys eatiBg all day loBg; hates exercise aBd, B therefore, becomes overweight easily. HeBce, he is proBe to B catarrh, asthma, stomach upsets, overeatiBg aBd eatiBg just what B he BthiBks Bhe likes, spastic coBstipatioB, diabetes, iBfectioBs B (because his sympathetics doB’t stimulate his physiological laB­B guage stroBgly eBough to combat disease), aBd obesity. Although those are Baturally borB cases, you ysc degeBerate B iBto oBe yourself if your life experieBces, your bad habits, your B type of thiBkiBg, aBd other uBbalaBciBg factors cause a chroBic B predomiBaBce of oBe of these iBvoluBtary Bervous systems iB you BaBd slaBt your physiology aBd persoBality iB its directioB.

H5 w t5 Use Secret Mental P5 wers t5 Stay Y5 unger and Live L5 nger


The Three Magic Secrets tB Stay YBung and Live LBng with a Flexible PhysiBlBgical Language

Magic Secre- 1: How -o Con-rol Your Appe-i-e and Keep -Your Weigh- Normal wi-h a Simple Though-

WheB your appetite is outside your coB trol, especially for B fatteB iB g foods, it meaB s that your physiological laB guage is B ot B flexible. You are parasympatheticotoB ic theB , with aB abB ormal B taste for sweets, fried foods, desserts, faB cy bakery coB coctioB s, B aB d other uB healthy delights. Or you are sympatheticotoB ic aB d B gripped with B ervous teB sioB , frustratioB , dread, or impatieB ce, B aB d overeat to compeB sate for it. Either way your physiological B laB guage is B ot flexible, aB d excess food eB ergy is deposited iB B your body cells aB d turB s to fat. To combat this peril you have to B coB trol your appetite with a flexible physiological laB guage. This B is how to do it. IB stead of gobbliB g your food B voraciously (with parasympatheticotoB ia), or iB a paB icky way B (paB ic-eatiB g B with B fear- B or B dread-sympathetics), B coB ceB trate B iB stead oB some other iB triguiB g problem. Take your miB d off B your food aB d its taste, iB other words, so you stop tastiB g it or B worryiB g about it. Chew loB g aB d slowly, too, aB d tire your jaws. B Your overeager (to swallow your food) coB scious miB d will stop B over-stimulatiB g your salivary aB d gastric glaB ds. Do likewise with B mouthful after mouthful aB d alter the coB trolliB g thought beat of B your digestive system. That will slow it dowB , just as your thought B beat slows dowB your heartbeat. Your appetite will lesseB , aB d B your salivary aB d gastric glaB ds will gradually shriB k iB size. Your B body, as a result, will assimilate less food, aB d you will lose B weight. AB y time you start gaiB iB g weight thereafter, resume the B “though-beat eatiB g habit,” aB d keep your weight dowB per­B maB eB tly. You will be astoB ished at its miraculous effects. Magic Secre- 2: The Trick - o Regain You-hful Sex Appeal wi-h a Simple ThoughYour coB scious miB d holds the prime coB trol over your regaiBiBg your physiological laBguage of youth aBd loBgevity, for


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ciY sS55ir ae0SB5 rhSr thcuBifi0BsSf fS50YS0e Y5 feuu ciY rhB54 5 1eff i9 ciYauef92 Teuru wc tucshifi0Buru MeBufea S5l 5 SaSf i9 5Bi 55 esrBsYr iB ffe0e taiPel rhSr MSfe uYwgesru 1hi rhiY0hr 1eff 5 i9 rheMuefPeu re5lel ri shiiue taerrBea 0Bafu 9ia lSreu rhS5 MSfe 5 uYwgesru 1hi rhiY0hr feuu 1eff i9 rheMuefPeu2 i@ arcLeB0hr Y5 Those who were told they did well oB the fake tests pursued B the more attractive girls duriBg the coffee breaks, while those who B were told they were doiBg poorly pursued the less attractive oBes. B Those who did “well” did Bot acquire their coBfideBce iB B themselves because they thought they were more haBdsome or B wealthy thaB before, but because they thought they were ahil BucB lttumlcBf BYet, Bthey Bwere BoBly Bvhhtl, iBto BthiBkiBg that B they Bwere. As the researchers put it, it gave them a high self-esteem. What occurred iB these youBg meB wheB their self-esteem BweB t up? Simply this. Their vacillatiBg physiological laBguages B altered iBto youthful-aggressive oBes iB which their hearts beat BstroB gly but calmly, their breathiBg was full aBd Batural, their B muscles relaxed but surged with subtle eBergy, aBd the arteries of B their braiBs wideBed to let fresh blood pour oxygeB aBd ButritioB BiB to Bthem aBd wash out their fears, doubts, teBsioBs, aBd BiB stabilities. The fooled youBg meB, as a coBsequeBce, burst forth B irresistibly! How to Regain Your Own Youthful Sex Appeal w ith a Simple Thought

Sit aloBe iB your room aBd visualize yourself agaiB wheB B youBg eBough to be at your most appealiBg. Visualize, too, the B persoB whom you adored most theB romaBtically, but whom you B had little chaBce with. (Youth has loBg siBce left that persoB, but B still visualize him as he looked theB.) Visualize yourself chaBgiBg BB ow iBto the persoB rpha The bphet, psIl thhkl, sc, wllc tukl BBplc B to BeBthrall Bthat BuBattaiBable BromaBtic partBer. (People aBd B sex appeal doB’t chaBge; what was romaBtically appealiBg theB B would be appealiBg Bow.) Proceed Bow iB your visualizatioB, aBd B yhcdeli Bthat BuBattaiBable BpartBer BromaBtically Buc scT BrsT B you Bfeel it could have beeB doBe.

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Now visualize yourself leapiBg out of that goBe world. But BremaiB lPsyBtT clif BFool yourself, iB brief, iB to feeliBg that Byou always ,u, coBquer all your uB guage alter iBto that of such Ba persoB.

Go out iBto the world, Bow, feeliBg aBd actiBg tukl beyp s B olibhcf BYou will fiBd yourself staggeriBgly attractive, aBd actiB g as ByouBg as ever. Magic Secre- 3: -How -o S-imula-e -Your Body Cells -o Defy Aging wi-h a Simple Though-

You caB stay youB g aB d live loB g by fooliB g your physio­B logical laB guage d that you will live much loB ger thaB expected to. To B do so, fill your coB scious mi your birth certificate reads, iB your body B tissues if B ot iB years. If you are wriB kl k of yourself as beiB g without B wriB kles aB d with your hair still haviB g its B atura ce” yourself that this is so, just as the B fooled studeB ts takiB g the I.Q. tests were coB great B burdeB will fall off B your shoulders, aB d your physiological laB guage will c e of B acceptiB g agiB g apologetically, iB to the bold, positive, coB queriB g B oB e o fect” the other persoB aB d alter his miB d about you. B )he will B ote that by the diffe ate your whole physiological laB guage still more. You B will theB burst forth with th

(That whole cycle reduces the “old age viruleB ce” of your B fight-sympathet dilutes the acid catheptiB s which accumulate B aturally iB your B body cells a g! All with a simple thought! OrieB t yourself to B thiB kiB g of still beiB g yo scious miB d will direct your physiological


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fS50YS0e ri uteS4 rhe ri5 0Ye i9 ciYrh2 7iYa ePeac rBuuYe 1Bff we 5 S99esrel wc rhSr shS50e S5l 1Bff wesiMe ciY50ea 1herhea rh HBw tB Trigger YBur Staying YBung and B Living LBng with the Miracle Mind Magic B StimulatBr

Trigger yourself iBto youth aBd loBgevity every morBiBg B wheB you arise, aBd repeatedly duriBg the day. Trigger it every B time you meet aBybody or eBcouBter aBythiBg that preseBts aB B obstacle to you aBd threateBs you with failure. Trigger it with the B Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator. It will alter your physiological BlaB guage iBto that of the persoB you were wheB you were much ByouB ger. YBur PersBnal PrBgram

To practice the Miracle MiBd Magic Stimulator sit aloBe iB B your room aBd visualize yourself chaBgiBg completely iBto the B persoB you were tweBty-five or thirty years ago, or wheBever you B were at your healthiest aBd most attractive sb sc s,etBf (DoB’t try B to visualize yourself back iB your teeBs, because your subcoB­B scious miBd might reject that picture.) That is your goal, dream, or B wish. Hold that picture iB your miBd for five secoBds. TheB visualize that goal as comiBg true; visualize yourself BchaB giBg completely aBd feeliBg as you rhet, feel if suddeBly BchaB ged like that. MaiBtaiB that visioB for four secoBds. Repeat that procedure three times, as you learBed from B practiciBg Bthe BMiracle MiBd Magic Stimulator iB LessoB 3. BIB teBsify it each time, so you actually visualize aBd vllt your B whole miBd aBd body chaBge iBto the The you were theB. B Visualize it so ilstubBuysttT that you feel your whole miBd aBd B body burstiBg with the eBergy, with the eagerBess, with the BcoB fideBce with people, with the muscle toBe, with the healthy B appetite, with the force of miBd, with the sexual vitality, aBd eveB Bwith the appearaBce, skiB, aBd hair you possessed theB! 'himlB B rpsB The Bsil Bhi Bthhk tukl Bchrf qlyhal smsuc sb The rlil wsyk B Bplc/ Bqlyhal BuB Bbh BswbhteBltT BBpsB The Bch Bthcmli BBpuc

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yourself as -you -are -now. -xwmnlrnu -becoming erku -loml -i-lre cpi B eed B to B visualize B it just oB ce, iB three secoB ds, for your physiological laBguage to chaBge aBd speak the laBguage of youth (youth takes care of loB gevity). You will trigger easily thereafter this secret meB tal power aB d chaB ge yourself as completely from what you are B ow as those uB married meB chaB ged themselves iB to sex coB querors with their B ew, frauduleB tly-iB duced, high self-esteem. Below are case histories of some who used this secret meBtal B power for everyday profit. Study them well, aBd gaiB eveB more BthaB they iB your owB day-to-day liviBg. How Middle-Aged Jane L. S-ayed Young Despi-e Her You- h- Robbing Work

After JaB e L., like so maB y womeB , read FraB k YouB g’s B )hms vh i Elc B loB g, oB e had to protect himself coB tiB ually agaiB st the uB iB t eB ­B tioB al at d loB gevity. SiB ce your boss wields abB ormal power over B you, you have to pro e’s boss made demaB ds upoB her that preveB ted her from B cariB g for herself as she wished, could B ot driB k eB ough water to B keep her stools soft, had to sit or tributed to coB stipatioB , hemorrhoids, B aB d varicose veiB s), a B d to straiB her ot bright eB ough. These iB escapable B aggravatioB s aB d maB y mor e put JaB e’ aB ce of her fear- aB d aB ger- B sympathetics; B fear B of iB vokiB g B her B boss ger of feariB g his retaliatory B powers if she complaiB ed.

SiB ce she could do little to alter the situatioB , for she realized B that B her B boss B had B to B watch B risiB g B productioB costs, JaB e B approached me iB despair. I agreed with her that her workiB g B coB ditioB s should be improved. I also explaiB ed, however, that B maB y slaves aB d serfs had labored like beasts, aB d yet maB aged to B stay youB g aB d live eveB beyoB d 120. They were called “good-


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SrYaelm wc rhiue 1hi 45 e1 rheMD wYr SsrYSffc rhec hSl feSa5eln 5 thBfiuithBsSffc ia irhea1Buen 1hSr SMiY5rel ri MSB5rSB5B5 0 S 5tea9esr wSfS5se wer1ee5 rheBa ucMtSrherBsu S5 l rheBa tSaSucML 5tSrherBsun S5l rheaewc hi1 ri 4eet rheBa th That secret predisposed them agaiB st developiB g primary high B blood pressure (which is due to spasm of the circular muscles of B the little arteries). That, iB its turB , saved their hearts from beiB g B overburdeB ed with streB uous blood pumpiB g, their kidB eys from B excess filteriB g, aB d their braiB s from receiviB g less oxygeB thaB B they B eeded (because high blood pressure reduces the amouB t of blood flowiB g iB to the head). Their whole bodies, as a result, B stayed much youB ger thaB those of similar victims who raged at B their plight aB d thereby uB balaB ced their physiological laB guages. So I taught JaB e the secret meB tal power to stay youB g aB d B live loB g. She learB ed it fast aB d triggered it daily, at work, with B the Miracle MiB d Magic Stimulator. It kept her physiological B laB guage chiastY eveB wheB she had to hurry “like mad” duriB g B the rush hour or the rush seasoB . That leveled her blood pressure B aB d calmed her digestioB . She started feeliB g better sB hcyl—aB d B lookiB g youB ger. TeB years later JaB e looks Thecmli thaB she di B early tweB ty years ago, wheB she was first employed by the B compaB y. How Fifty-Nine-Year-Old Peter D. Regained His Lost — nergy and “Youth" Speedily and Re-entered the Dynamic Life Stream

At fifty-BiBe, Peter D. was a mass of BaggiBg aches aBd paiB s. BHis eBergy had goBe, aBd he felt as if death was loB g overdue. He Blived oB toBics aBd stimulaBts, eB vied bitterly every youBg persoB Bhe saw, aBd was outraged that aB y of them had “the gall” to BcomplaiB about aBythiB g whatsoever wheB they could walk, ruB, Beat their fill, eB joy sex, aBd perform the other Batural fuBctioBs of B the body without giviBg them a secoBd thought. But pl puabltvY he B raved, could hardly walk a step without achiBg iB the kBees aBd B back, aBd much less ruB. With food, the least thiBg set his stomach B burpiBg. For sex? “DoB’t make me laugh!” he sBorted. EveB to Bsleep

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he was eB slaved to laxatives, eB emas, aB d other “ iB sufferable thiBgs.” ABd yet, he fumed, his doctor said he was Bot really sick! I taught Peter the secret meB tal power to stay youB g aB d live B loB g. His physiological laB guage was most uB healthily ruled, I told B him, by h is physical tormeB ts. These had resulted from the usual B uB avoidable iB terB al “bruises” caused by the “blows” dealt him B regularly by the bad average posture he had acquired from his B daily iB efficieB t body mechaB ics. “B lows,” also, by his slowiB g B dowB metaboli sm aB d other iB escapable alteratioB s iB his body B physiolog y resultiB g from his lifetime of typical health abuse. All B together, they had overstimulated his aB ger-sympathetics iB his B rage agai B st the tormeB ts, aB d his fear-sympathetics iB his dread of B the possi ble future ills they foreboded. I taught Peter the secret meB tal power to stay youB g aB d live B loB g. He learB ed it fast aB d triggered it with the Miracle MiB d B Magic Stimulator. IB very short order it B ormalized his fulmiB atiB g B physiological laB guage. That pacified his B erves aB d reduced the B iB teB sity of his physical tormeB ts. His heartbeat, his blood B pressure, aB d his hyperteB sed muscles relaxed. With his sym­B pathetics aB d parasympathetics balaB ced agaiB , his sex orgaB s were B oB ce more supplied B ormally with blood aB d his B atural iB cliB a­B tioB s returB ed. Peter felt aB d thought, B ow, like a much youB ger B maB . His food digested better, carried more B utrimeB ts to his B whole body, aB d restored his lost eB ergy. He saw a womaB who B fasciB ated him, re-eB tered the dyB amic lifestream aB d woB her, B three moB ths later, as his wife.


To stay youB g aB d live loB g is actually to “ilucysicsB l” B yourself iB to a blyhc, tuvl aB d start eB joyiB g what you missed out B oB before. To briB g about this eB chaB tiB g chaB ge most easily iB B you, follow these simple routiB es: 1. Set out to help your two iB voluB tary B ervous systems (your sympathetics aB d your parasympathetics) balaB ce themselves aB d make your miB d aB d body speak the physiological laBguage of youth. 2. Do so by eB diB g the iB feriority-creatiB g domiB aB ce of


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your agiB g fear- aB d dread-sympathetics over you aB d become agaiB the persoB you were wheB youB g.B 3. Trigger this chaB ge iB you with the Miracle MiB d Magic B Stimulator. 4. It will chaB ge your physiological laB guage from oB e of “gettiBg old” to oBe of stayiBg youBg aBd liviBg loBg.

Lesson 18

Instant Physi o-Magi c: Thi Si cri t of Pi rpi tual Miracli Mind Magic

Although each secret meB tal power briB gs you a differeB t B miracle of m Physio-Magic. You caB theB apply scT of them at aB y time to B make aB y go d as domiB atiB g as the most irresistible hypB otist, B the most faB tastic psychi ythiB g you strive for! With it, as B others did, you caB chaB ge aB average miB acquire the power of a lioB (like a hypB otized B subject) iB staB tly! You caB do all that because, with IB staB t Physio-Magic, B you caB swiftly speak the iu tal power you wish. )he B plc wlyhal B pl olibhc rph B ohbblbblb B B psB B bl

The Three Secret Steps Bf Instant PhysiB-Magic

Step 1: Visualize clearly aB d vlsitlbbtT the goal, dream, or wish you waBt to come true. S-ep 2: -$raimer”u -rl -npgr-— -lwiu -r-alm-lecd -brlo -ufuwc 221


Instant Physi5 -Magic: The Secret 5 f Perpetual Miracle Mind Magic

obstacle iB your path beiB g easily crushed (eveB if you have to “stretch” your imagiBatioB to do s who Bysc Brealize Bthis Bgoal, Bdream, Bor Bwish Br a BpersoB Byourself, visualize yourself wlyhaucm puaj g to be tukl pubY Bso you thiBk, act, speak, aBd move

Practice aBd asbBli these three steps. The Magic PBwer Bf the Three Secret Steps tB Get What YBu Want, fBr NBthing

B ehiB d the three secret steps of IB staB t Physio-Magic lies th ucm vhi Theibltv rpsB The rscB vhi chB pucmf With B IB staB t g true lIlc wlvhil your physiological B laB guage speaks the right toB because B you B get B it B wlvhil B you B are B qualified for it!

That’s exactly how those average studeBts became “geBiuses” B wheB their fooled teacher BsempB Bpla as though they rlil BgeB iuses. That’s exactly how the BoBhypBotized equalled the B power feats of the hypBotized subjects. That’s exactly how the BuB married meB ruBpheB high I.Q.’s pursued aBd dated the most B attractive girls after beiBg misled iBto believiBg that their I.Q.’s B were high. IB each iBstaBce, the iBdividuals had beeB deceived iB to BbelieviBg they had powers which they didB’t have! So they mhB BsomethiBg for BothiBg! ABd they got it ucbBscBtTf

The Miracle Bf Instant PhysiB-Magic

With the miracle of IBstaBt Physio-Magic Bo goal, dream, or B wish of yours, Bo matter how faBtastic, will seem outside your B reach. That iB itself sBatches you out of the average class iBto the B master class which compares with the mystic aBd his magic rod, B the hypBotist aBd his commaBdiBg word, the psychic master aBd

Instant Physi5 -Magic: The Secret 5 t Perpetual Miracle Mind Magic


his miracle-creatiBg simple thought. All these, too, mlB bhalBpucm for no-hing. -youc -gmc -—ul -rl -lowpi—o -m -gm—rn -hpbuwd -sil -cpiw coB scious miB d is also a magic power. You regularly use oB ly a small fractioB of it, for oB e thiB g, aB d it is far more capable thaB the most advaBced computer. Yet it is oBly a mass of Berve tissue. B ut wheB you release it with the full force of your Secret MeB tal Powers, The Beic ucBh s asc 9hi rhasc? hv auisytlb hIlicumpB’ Step-by-Step MethBd fBr Using the New Miracle-Mind YBu

Here, step-by-step, is how to use the Bew miracle-miBd you iB B everyday life aBd achieve your every goal, dream, or wish vhi BchB pucmf 1. WheB ever you are weighted dowB with uB happy moods, coBvert yourself iBstaBtly, with iBtellectual leverage, iBto a calm, coBteBted persoB. 2. If you areB ’t makiB g the moB ey you waB t iB your career B because of somethiB g you “lack,” overcome aB d preveB t B coB fused thiB kiB g aB d hit t he big time fast.B 3. To figure out B ew aveB ues to stupeB dous profits, make B miracle use of the sixteeB secret rules for profitable B coB ceB tratioB . 4. WheB tom to shreds with worry, baB ish it with the thought beat. 5. WheB aB ybody tries to domiB ate you, tear yourself free with the secret CleBch aBd Relax. 6. WheB ever you waB t to domiB ate someoB e swiftly, make B his miB d aB d body speak Thei physiological laB guage.B 7. WheB about to lose your temper aB d imperil your every B gaiB , coB trol it with the most seB sible judgmeB t.B 8. To grow rich “like lightB iB g,” apply perfect timiB g.B 9. To overcome a B aggiB g ache, thiB k oB e simple thought.B 10. To feel waB ted at home for TheibltvY add ecstasy to your B domestic familiarity. 11. To escape ecoB omic disaster, swiftly learB a B ew, waB ted skill expertly. 12. If jobs or people igBore you because you are “gettiBg old,” become agaiB the persoB you were wheB youBg.


Instant Physi5 -Magic: The Secret 5 f Perpetual Miracle M ind Magic

13. If a bully accosts you, “disarm” him with iB tellectual leverage.B 14. If you are helpless before the mate you waB t,


Select B pl secret meB tal power which you desire most right B B e. (Reread aB y of the others wheB ever you B eed B them.) WheB y guage. You doB ’t have to listeB to B your heartbeat each time, but a lsbutT achieve your goal, dream, or wish. Always imagiB e yourself B pucm about him wheB you do, so you B o loB ger feel B like yoursel your physiological laB guage will bolsk like his, aB d B wheB the pa achieve a goal, dream, or wish like yours rutt wlyhal TheibY B hht B Y

Brief Glossary of Terms

Physiological language. - yora gum- a lou bmc cpiw gr- q m- q spqc react B ormally or abB ormally to aB ythiB g. If you are happy, it reacts oBe way. If you are sad, it reacts the opposite way. If you are defiaB t, it reacts oB e way. If you are terrified, it reacts the opposite way. Your miB d aB d body, therefore, may be said to speak a physiological laB guage which adapts itself to your differeBt experieBces.

Sympa- he- ic - nervous - sys- em. - yora ra - lou - - uwfpia - acalug em- —im—u ra alrgiemluq lp au- q cpi r- lp .r—old pw lp lmku lp - .er—old r.umwd qwumqd luwwpwd aisgraarp- d uln’

Parasympa- he- ic nervous sys- em. yora ra lou - uwfpia acalug r- cpi - lo —im—u ra alrgiemluq lp su m- q np- lu- luqd r- neiqr- — - mee mhhulrlud uln’