Sailor boy.doc

Sailor boy We go walking in the green grass Thus, thus, thus Come all you pretty fair maids, Come walk along with us. So

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Sailor boy We go walking in the green grass Thus, thus, thus Come all you pretty fair maids, Come walk along with us. So pretty and so fair As you take yourself to be I´ll choose you for a partner, come walk along with me. I would not be a blacksmith That smuts his nose and chin, I´d rather be a sailor boy Thats sails thro´ the wind Sailor boy for me If ever I get married A sailor´s wife she´ll be.

Marinero Vamos caminando en la hierba verde Por lo tanto, así, así Ven a todas esas hermosas doncellas justas, Ven a caminar con nosotros. Tan bonito y tan justo Como te llevas a ser Te elegiré por pareja, Ven a caminar conmigo. Yo no sería un herrero Eso hiere su nariz y barbilla, Prefiero ser un chico marinero Eso es velas por el viento Marinero para mí Si alguna vez me caso La esposa de un marinero ella será.