
NOTE FROM HEATHER: All responses by I are indicated as such.... “ I: [response inserted here]” SWISSINDO KERAJAAN LANG

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NOTE FROM HEATHER: All responses by I are indicated as such.... “ I: [response inserted here]”


KERAJAAN LANGIT BUMI Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara Dunia Infrastruktur 5 Benua; GOD SKY EARTH Outlines of the World Countries Infrastructures of the 5 Continents Perlu di ketahui, SWISSINDO (Swiss Banker’s Association-SBA, Swiss) selaku Badan Induk Perseorangan 25 negara, selaku owner actual genuine currency paper-Money World (Gold & Silver Coins) meliputi MEMORIAL DAN IMPERIAL, 3 Induk BANK: World Bank. Union Bank of Switzerland. Bank Indonesia adalah Pemilik Kode Sandi-Sandi Dunia, Register 3 Perponding Dunia prasasty 3 Induk NEGARA dari nama samudra (INDIA-INDO CHINAINDONESIA) dan menjadi 3 nama bangsa ASIA-AFRIKA-EROPA yang melahirkan generasi AMERIKA-AUSTRALIA dan 3 Induk ARMY (NATOSEATO-NON BLOCK). This should be known, SWISSINDO (Swiss Banker's Association - SBA, Swiss) as the Primary & Sole Body of the 25 Countries, the actual genuine owner of the World paper-Money currency (Gold & Silver Coins) including MEMORIAL AND IMPERIAL, 3 Primary Banks: World Bank, Union Bank of Switzerland and Bank of Indonesia are the Owners of the Spiritual Codes of the World, 3 Perponding World Register Prasasty 3 Primary COUNTRIES where the names (INDIA-INDO CHINA-INDONESIA) became the 3 names now known as ASIA-AFRICAEUROPE, subsequently birthing the AMERICA-AUSTRALIA generation and 3 Primary Armies (NATO-SEATO-NON BLOCK).

I: Eternal essence, AM, inbody, THE VALUE. Any and all former insturments and vehicles of representation of THE VALUE, inclusive of paper-money, were privately owned by the issuer, whether lawful or not....and, therefore, within the former systems and hierarchies of separation, only the issuer of any instrument and vehicle, all ways, BE'ing solely responsible and liable for that privately owned issuance, distribution, operation, management, and settlement, in other words, accountability .... reconciliation. Thank you, Love, for identifying for all inbodyments of I, your perception of which issuer/private owner is accountable for the former systems of representation ....and any damages resulting therefrom, what is NOW to RECONCILE. I DO make TRANSPARENT, that the data you choose to present, whether you choose to make transparent to all inbodyments of I or not, is not the absolute data....that there is data missing. I AM CONSCIOUS THAT ALL INBODYMENTS OF I DO CHOOSE, REQUIRE AND SEARCH WITHIN TRANSPARENCY OF ALL THAT IS....PERHAPS MAKING ALL “ASPECTS” OF SWISS BANKERS ASSOCIATION the former blanket immunity for all banks on Earth under former BIS blanket granted by …..SWISS FEDERATION....1930's???? I DO make ALL DATA TRANSPARENT for all inbodyments of I NOW....not one piece the co-ordinated co-operation of the inbodyments of I/One. Saya tidak memiliki persoalan terkait yang sandara sampaikan, saya hanya menyampaikan Program Tuhan YME, yang sesungguhnya untuk menyelamatkan Bumi se isinya dari sangsi alam, dan implementasi kedalam tatanan Exhibits AB (Kerajaan_Negara Dunia). I have no issues with the questions put forward, as I am only delivering God's Program, which is in fact to save the Earth and everyone on it from its own natural sanctions, and implement the orders according to Exhibits AB (Kingdom-State of the World). I: In the former systems and hierarchies of separation, CODES were the allusion (an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly) in order to create the illusion (a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses)...a separation mechanism that requires at least two or more parties be perceived to exist....with one party knowing the CODES (“CODE WRITER”) and a “separate” unknowing party pre-designed to wrongly perceive/interpret those CODES (“RECEIVER”), in order for the “RECEIVER” to give an unconscious consent to the non-transparent intent of the conscious “CODE WRITER”....allusion is consciously DONE by the “CODE

WRITER” and illusion is unconsciously DONE by the “RECEIVER”....and all ways in law results in an unconscious consent making the non-transparent conscious intent null and void at inception....this separation mechanism is all ways preferred and utilized when the “CODE WRITER” knows there is a possibilty that the intent would most likely be rejected if made transparent to the “RECEIVER”. CODES were relied upon absolutely in the former systems and hierarchies of separation to avoid transparency, and, therefore, to avoid disclosure of the intent of the “CODE WRITER”, and to further insure that the intent would not be discovered, various “definitions” of the CODES, all ways supporting the nontransparent intent of the “CODE WRITER”, were introduced to distract and confuse the “RECEIVER”, supplemented by another separation mechanism of force to double-insure that the “RECEIVER” would not venture to be conscious of or discover the “CODE” separation other words, to insure and double-insure the “RECEIVER” would not become conscious or discover that which most likely would be rejected upon its “face” if made transparent when transmitted to the “RECEIVER” for their consent. In example, the CODE “KINGDOM”...there are many definitions and the intent of the one using the CODE, in this, determines which definition you are using and relying upon, and, therefore, asking the for I to receive so that I issue a consent of your intent. “KINGDOM”, for instance, is known to be defined also as: 1. “a country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen”.....and with that definition I would then ask you to clarify EACH of those CODES within that definition; 2. “the spiritual reign or authority of God”...and with that definition I would then ask you to define the CODES “REIGN”, “AUTHORITY”, and “GOD” is no secret, and I AM transparent that I AM CONSCIOUS that I AM I, eternal essence in body, and that every inbodyment that IS, BE eternal essence in body....I AM ALL THAT IS, ALL THAT IS BE I.....and, therefore, if you perceive eternal essence, or as you CODE it, “GOD”, to be separate from you or from any other inbodyment that IS I, then your perception and intent are transparent to I, and you provide the opportunity at perception for conscious make a conscious choice to consent or reject any offer you may be making to I; 3. Or, the definition you are relying on could be “a realm or region in which something is dominant”....Again, if you identify that you rely on this definition, I would then ask you to define the CODES “REALM”, “REGION”, and “DOMINANT”...although that last CODE has only one …..just sayin'.

I AM CONSCIOUS THAT ALL THAT IS BE I AND I AM ALL THAT IS, and, therefore, ALL IS EQUALLY VALUED....not one is less than or greater than any other one of I. Again, perhaps the lack of transparency, thus far, within the purported “SWISSINDO” or “UN-SWISSINDO”, and any other purported “organization”, “hierarchy”, “system of separation” asking for consent or because it is already known by you that there exists the probability at this NOW moment that the “RECEIVERS” would reject the intent upon its “face”. I NOW request that you make transparent the definitions, and therefore, your intent, of the following codes: “GOD” “DELIVERING” “PROGRAM” “NATURAL SANCTIONS” “ORDERS” “KINGDOM” “STATE” “WORLD” …..thank you in advance for your transparency, Love. Tidakah di pahami, tercatat dengan jelas bagaimana saya menyampaikan maklumat G20, dan efek domino itu terjadi terkait, tenggelamnya Kapal Logistik Milier ke Syria dan USA-Shut Down. Bahkan Saya melindungi upaya penangkapan Presiden Barack Obama oleh US-NAVI, PM-MARSHAL, UNGEND.SWISSINDO, CEO-CEO hingga saya memerintahkan dengan FINAL LETTER atas berbagai pertimbangan, dan usulan-usulan meliputi Royal House of Japan. Has it not been understood, the message which I clearly conveyed during the G20 meeting and how the domino effects are related, the sinking of the military and logistics shipment to Syria and the USA Shut down. In fact, I have protected the efforts of the arrest of President Barack Obama by the US-Navy, PM-Marshal, UN-GEND, SWISSINDO, CEO-CEO to the point where I ordered the FINAL LETTER after all sorts of mediation and matters covering the Royal House of Japan. I: APPRANTLY NOT BY THE LETTER FROM PIETA AND MANY

COMMUNICATIONS FROM THOSE INBODYMENTS OF I WITHIN THE PURPORTED SWISSINDO TOOL. BY THE WAY, TO THE “BOYS” ON ALL “SIDES OF THE PONDS”.....I LOVE YOU!!! Beberapa kali di sampaikan kepada Saya, perihal Undangan ke Maroko, dan 1 hari setelah US-Shutdown mereka memberikan waktu teleconference 30 menit, bahkan UNEP mengundang Saya, pada bulan ini di Beijing China TIDAK menyelesaikan apapun tanpa Pembayaran 1-11 meliputi 253 Negara. Saya akan mengunjungi manapun ketika Hak Penduduk Dunia selesai pada Treaty Event di IndonesiaCirebon-Aston. Percobaan sabotasi Pembayaran 1-11, bahkan Auditor World Bank, London menerima berita bahwa Saya telah meninggal, dan menyampaikan bahwa terjadi percobaan pengalihan/sabotase, Transaksi Pembayaran 1-11 kepada rekening pribadi melibatkan A. Markhel Chonsellor German-Garlucci, dll. It has been informed to me many times about the invitation to Morocco, and one day after the US Shut down, they gave me a teleconference of 30 minutes, even the UNEP invited me to Beijing, China this month, but NOTHING will be resolved without the Payments 1-11 involving 253 countries. I will visit wherever it will be, after the World Human Rights Treaty Event in Indonesia-Cirebon-Aston. There have been many attempts to sabotage the Payments 1-11, even the World Bank Auditor in London received the news that I have passed over and sent a message about the various attempts to distract/sabotage the Transactions for Payments 1-11into the personal accounts of Angela Merkel the German Chancelor, Carlucci and etc. I: LOVE, ALL VALUE THAT IS ORIGINALLY DEPOSITED AND DOMICIL BY ETERNAL ESSENCE...WITHIN EACH INBODYMENT, ORIGINAL DEPOSITORIES OF ETERNAL ESSENCE....NEVER LEFT THE ORIGINAL DEPOSITORIES OF ETERNAL ESSENCE....which is why non-transparent systems of representations were privately created...and representations of that Value, i.e. “PAPER-MONEY”, “COIN”, etc., had to be made to non-transparently use/take/steal by privately owned instruments, i.e. “TITLE”, “OWNERSHIP”, and other CODES, allusion by the “CODE-WRITER(S)” in order for the “RECEIVER” to unconsciously consent to the illusion that they were not the Value, the original depository and source of eternal essence....and, the grandest of all allusion...that each inbodyment was not eternal essence in body...NOW, eternal essence makes visible, tangible, and visceral, by CO-ORDINATED COOPERATION OF ALL INBODYMENTS OF I/ONE/ETERNAL ESSENCE....eternal truth....ALL IS ETERNAL ESSENCE IN BODY....that is

why the previous energetic codes designated to release “payments” from any purported accounts were changed....ETERNAL ESSENCE IS COMPLETELY FACTUALIZED IN BODY....EVERY INBODYMENT....PROOF IS VISIBLE EXCEPT BY THOSE PERCEPTIONS WHO CHOOSE NOT TO “SEE” IT....NO SYSTEMS OF REPRESENTATION OR LIMIT, inclusive of the purported “1-11 payments” you refer to, can distribute what already and all ways IS....ETERNAL ESSENCE. Thank you for all that you BE and DO to make that visible, tangible, and transparent, Love. Saya membagi wilayah Adminsitrasi Dunia menjadi 5 Kerajaan Benua adalah dengan maksud agar ada yang bertanggung jawab selaku para pihak utusan Tuhan YME, melalui seleksi alam ini selaku pembawa Jaminan Asset untuk semua negara di Dunia melalui 5 Kerajaan Benua mengingat dunia ini sangalah luas. I divided the centres of World Administration into 5 Kingdom Continents with the intention to spread the responsibilities as the Messengers of God, through natural selections of this universe and act as the security bearer of assets for all the countries in the world through the 5 Kingdom Continents, keeping in mind how wide and big the world is. I: Interesting perception and CODES, Love. Thank you for making your perception visible, tangible and transparent for all the inbodyments of I to review, discuss, dissect, and determine using the tools of resonance within, I AM CONSCIOUS.....I LOVE YOU! Trusty Prasasty Dynasty SWISSINDO bukanlah DAKWAH PENDETA/KYAI KEPADA UMATNYA, atau GURU DENGAN MURIDNYA, tapi fakta yang harus dilakukan Perubahan Global dan Financial Global dan berdasar hukum yang tidak DIMILIKI oleh lembaga manapun, sesuai isi perjanjian-perjanjian sebelum Saya. Trusty Prasasty Dynasty SWISSINDO is not a PREACHING PASTOR OR TRYING TO PREACH TO ITS FELLOW BEINGS, or acting as MASTER TO HIS DISCIPLES, but this fact we have in place because of the Change Globally and Financially based on the laws which is not OWN by any institutions, which is nonetheless still relevant to the contractual agreements in place before me. I: HHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm.....interesting.....I AM CONSCIOUS of why Pieta's questions regarding ALL the filings or just some of them shook a lot of perceptions, especially the Pentagon and other agencies of the former universal

and planetary systems that now “hold” “title” within the purported SWISSINDO all filings...specifically the one done on December 10, 2013....and the one from March 18, 2013....PIETA, LOVE, THANK YOU FOR THE TRANSPARENCY AND ALL THAT YOU BE AND DO....ETERNAL ESSENCE IN BODY, also perceived as Pieta!!!!!!!!! Maka negara dunia mengeluarkan MATA UANG TUNGGAL DUNIA-ESTWO, dengan transisi BERBAGAI MATA UANG di Indonesia. Hence the world countries publicize ONE WORLD CURRENCY - ESTWO, through the transition of VARIOUS CURRENCIES in Indonesia. I: Thank you for your services rendered in the Absolute Plan, Love. I DO NOT CHOOSE TO CONSENT TO ANY FORM OF REPRESENTATION, INCLUSIVE OF CURRENCY REPRESENTATION OF THE VALUE OF I. Saya menerima usulan CVAC, bahkan Saya mengesahkan CVAC untuk The Kingdom Linggacala of Eqyp, disampaikan kepada 5 Jendral Eqyp, bahkan saat ini untuk Bank of Eqypt untuk menjadi THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A, sebagai MOMEN KEMERDEKAAN AGUNG, da sekali lagi CVAC Saya menerima karena saya menghargai sebuah ide instrumen dimana bisa di lakukan untuk melaksanakan Program Percepatan Pembangunan Kesetaraan ECOSOC 441 untuk negara-negara dunia ke 3 di dunia dan membersihkan seluruh kejahatan Perbankan oleh para Staff di dunia sejak 1963 di seluruh dunia untuk melindungi AMANAT TUNGGAL-AMANAT TUHAN YME dan seluruh penduduk dunia untuk menyalurkan hak sebagai pahala atas apa yang di perbuat kepada TuhanNya. Sebab saya mengerti UN, WORLD BANK masih seperti Koperasi, bahkan negara-negara itu semua saat ini. I received proposals for CVAC, in fact I authorized CVAC for the Kingdom Linggacala of Egypt, delivered to 5 Generals in Egypt, even to this second for the Bank of Egypt to be THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A11A, as the MOMENT OF GREAT INDEPENDENCE. Once again, I accepted CVAC because I appreciate the instrumental idea to proceed with the ACCELERATION Program to bring about the EQUALITY for the ECOSOC 441 to be introduced to all the countries in the world, the third world and abolish all banking crimes by the staffs in the world since 1963 globally, not to mention protecting the SOLE TRUSTEESHIP FROM GOD and the citizens of the world to distribute the rights as blessings from God's will. This is because I know that the UN, WORLD BANK still acts as Corporations, in fact all countries STILL ARE,

at this moment in time. I: CVAC'S, if you listen to the data I made transparent, was actually a tool, at the moment I created it, to stop “mirror financial” systems you and the others were putting in place at that “time” while you and the others avoided making transparent all the data to all the inbodyments of I. However, if you choose to implement the tool by your free will choice, then I disclose this to you requires conscious consent........NOT ONE PIECE OF DATA MISSING.....or by law, and former “legal” systems, it is null, void and otherwise cancelled, nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea....I AM CONSCIOUS OF WHAT YOU OFFER AND IN LOVE AND GRATITUDE I REJECT AND CHOOSE NOT TO CONSENT TO ANY FORM OF REPRESENTATION, INCLUSIVE OF CVACS...I AM I, ETERNAL ESSENCE INBODY, BE'ING AND DO'ING BY FREE WILL, WITH THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF I. Ini kenyataan yang berjalan dan bergerak cepat. SWISSINDO MELAKUKAN maka Tuhan YME, telah MerubahNya menjadi Pancaroba. Maka CVAC-tanpa pembentukan Negara Dunia dengan dasar SERTIFIKAT NEGARA DUNIA selaku pemilik Asset-Income-Personal Organization yang meliputi Orijinal Hukum Absolute, jelas akan kemana arahNya seperti di atas ketinggian 600 KM dari permukaan bumi. SAYA sangat menghargai siapapun mahluk di bumi ini apalagi CVAC. This is currently a fast moving fact. SWISSINDO's DOing hence God has made this into a Transition. Thus CVAC-without the shaping of World Countries based on WORLD COUNTRIES CERTIFICATE as owner of Asset-Income-Personal Organization which includes the Original Laws on Absolute, the direction is obvious as from the height of 600km from the surface of Earth. I AM very grateful to any being on this earth, what more CVAC. I: HHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm.....interesting.....I AM CONSCIOUS of why Pieta's questions regarding ALL the filings or just some of them shook a lot of perceptions...... “OWNER”? Perhaps re-review all filings?...Specifically the ones done on July 25, 2012, August 3, 2012, December 10, 2013....and the one from March 18, 2013....I LOVE THE TRANSPARENCY THAT IS DONE BY ALL INBODYMENTS OF I/ONE NOW! Bisakah mereka menghapus pajak? Kenapa Krisis global? Kenapa World Bank Tidak Memiliki Mata Uang? Bisakah setiap Reqime mengganti mata uangNya?

Can they abolish taxation? Why is there a global Crisis? Why does the World Bank not own its currencies? Can each regime substitute its own currencies? I: Eternal essence taxing......eternal essence? HHHHhhhhmmmm....I love the transparency the inbodyments of I within the former entity “IRS” have DONE. Is there a global crisis...or is the crisis a private matter of the perceptions of the “CODE-WRITERS” and their former privately owned systems? THIS IS GETTING FUN, YES? Jawaban PEMBAYARAN 1-11 dan Tantangan Dunia DECLARATION OF TRANSACTION, Swissindo World Trust International Orbit, tidak terbantahkan oleh siapapun dia! The answer is PAYMENTS 1-11 and the World Challenge DECLARATION OF TRANSACTION, Swissindo World Trust International Orbit, this is not subject to complaint no matter whoever it is! I: I LOVE THE TOOL OF PERCEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING YOUR PERCEPTION TRANSPARENT TO ALL THE INBODYMENTS OF I.....IN FULL TRANSPARNCY BY I....REPRESENTATIONS, INCLUSIVE OF THE PURPORTED “1-11 PAYMENTS”, ARE NOT THE ANSWER I CHOOSE OR CONSENT TO LOVE...AT LEAST FOR I......1111. Kutub Utara-Kutub Selatan, sejarah lahirnya negara-negara di dunia dan pergiliran perjanjian jaman antara Tuhan YME-TuanNya. The North Pole-South Pole, the history of the birth of the world's countries and the alternation of the agreement of the era between God the Almighty-The Master.

I: HHHhhhhhmmmmm... I AM CONSCIOUS that you are missing data, or perhaps by your conscious choice you choose not to consider all the data because it does not support what you choose to do.....IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A HIERARCHY, A PERCEPTION WOULD HAVE TO EXIST THAT PERCEIVES ITS SELF (OR ANY OTHER INBODYMENT) AS NOT BEING ETERNAL ESSENCE IN BODY.....I wonder how that resonates within all the inbodyments of I/One, eternal essence....LOVE, ALL THAT I DO, I DO TO RETURN IN KIND ALL THAT THE INBODYMENTS OF I HAVE ALREADY GIVEN I....that is why the ABSOLUTE PLAN IS SO PEACEFUL....IT IS ALL DEPOSITED WITHIN EACH INBODYMENT OF I.....EACH INBODYMENT HAS A PRE-

DESIGNED “TUNE”, “SONG”, “TRIGGER”.....TO UNLOCK THE TREASURE WITHIN, I AM CONSCIOUS.....see? As I told Karl Langenstein, Jonathan D. Betts, Raymond King, Burlap (Rothschild Trust), and all the others inbodyments of I in eternal essence's universe.....IT IS ALL DONE!!!!!!!!! Saya baru mendengar jika Heater menolak promosi untuk The Greatest Queen of The Kingdom Linggacala of Africa Continent. Apapun yang dilakukan SWISSINDO adalah terbuka, sangat jelas dan transparan dan VIDEO VALID bukti forensic dunia di sampaikan kepada publik bagian dari hukum mutlak yang tak terbantahkan oleh siapapun. I've heard that Heather has refused the promotion to be The Greatest Queen of The Kingdom Linggacala of Africa’s Continent. Whatever is done by SWISSINDO is open, very clear and transparent and the VALID VIDEO as the world forensic evidence to pass on to the public of absolute undeniable law by anyone.

I: I consciously choose to leave this one for each inbodyment of I to determine using their tools of resonance within.....I AM CONSCIOUS THAT I HAVE EXPRESSED CLEARLY THE INTENT, BE'ING AND DO'ING OF I, with all that I have made transparent every NOW moment of I.....and I choose, all ways, eternally, to continue in transparency and in I AM CONSCIOUS. ok......I CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE NOT TO PAY ENERGY INTO THE REST OF THIS LETTER AS IT IS ALL TRANSPARENT AT THIS NOW MOMENT...ALL DATA, NOT ONE PIECE MISSING, IS ALL WITHIN EVERY INBODYMENT OF I/ONE/ETERNAL ESSENCE INBODY.....ASK THE QUESTION....THE ANSWER IS ALL WAYS SWUNG INTO FOCUS.....IF YOU CHOOSE TO PAY ATTENTION (PAY ENERGY). I LOVE YOU, LOVE! I LOVE ALL INBODYMENTS OF I!!!!!!! NOT ONE INBODYMENT IS LEFT BEHIND.....BUT EACH INBODYMENT NOW MAKES THE FREE-WILL CHOICE OF WHAT THEY BE, AND BY THEIR DO'ING, GIVES NOTICE TO I THE CHOICE HAS BEEN MADE. IN LOVE, GRATITUDE AND PEACE. I Mengapa WORLD BANK. UBS A.G. BANK INDONESIA, dan UNITED NATIONS terdiam ketika hal ini di ungkapkan oleh SWISSINDO? Tak perlu dipertanyakan atau di jawab, sebab apa yang dilakukan sejak 25 Desember 2009 sesungguhNya mencengangkan Dunia. Why Is The WORLD BANK, UBS A.G. BANK of INDONESIA, and the UNITED NATIONS went silent when the matter was raised by SWISSINDO? No need to

question or answer, because what is done since 25th of December 2009 indeed has astounded the World.

Apakah terpikirkan bahwa system pengamanan perlindungan owner selaku pemegang dan pemilik Amanat Tunggal dari kejahatan Dinding Digital (Fortress) adalah manual system untuk seluruh cover system elektronik? Is it unthinkable that the system of safeguards for protection as the holder and owner of the single-Mandate from the mischief of the Digital Walls (Fortress) is a manual system for the entire electronic cover system?

Pendirian Kerajaan Langit Bumi “ NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH” adalah berdasar Kewahyuan Tuhan YME, dan dipancarluaskan kepada “THE KINGDOM LINGGACALA OF 5 CONTINENT” adalah tujuan Tuhan Menciptakan Sejarah Dunia melalui para pelakuNya selaku pembawa dan Penjamin Jaminan Cetak Mata Uang Standar Sah Bayar Dunia melalui Pembayaran 1-11 untuk melaksanakan Program: God Sky Earth's decisions "NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH" are based on God's revelation and spread through to "THE KINGDOM LINGGACALA OF 5 CONTINENT" with the reason so God can create World History through his messengers and Guarantors of Legal Standard Currencies to pay the World through Payments 1-111 to execute Programs: GLOBAL HUMAN OBLIGATION. GLOBAL MASTERKEY PLAN MELIPUTI 5 BENUA (253 NEGARA). MP3EI-INDONESIA MASTER PLAN.

Perlu di ketahui seluruh asset dan SWISSINDO BANGKER’S ASSOCIATIONSBA meliputi warehouse 77-cakra 55 Induk 25 negara, seluruh banker-banker rahasia di Indonesia. Gedung Bank-Bank tidak beda dengan etalase Black Bery di sudut-sudut jalan. Jika krisis Global adalah kekurangan Fisik Mata Uang yang mengandung RUH-RASA-RAGA dengan 6 malaikat. Itulah Mata Uang selaku Nyawa Dunia, yang bisa menimbulkan perang dunia di mulai dari Asia-Pasifik apabila SWISSINDO tidak melakukan dan para Staff Perbankan/Pemerintahan lupa dari mana... ada di mana... dan mau kemana... Tanpa Pembayaran 1-11. Keep in mind that all assets and SISSINDO BANKER”S ASSOCIATION SBA

includes the 77 chakra 55 primary 23 countries, all secret bankers in Indonesia. The bank warehouses are no different to the shop windows of Black Berries around every corner of the road. If the Global crises are due to the lack of Physical Currencies which holds the SOUL-EMOTIONAL BODY-PHYSICAL with the 6 guardian angels. That is the Currencies as the World’s Life Force, which can create world wars from the Asia-Pacific if SWISSINDO did no Doing and all Banking Staff/Leaders forgot from where….where they are now….where they are going….Without Payments 1-11. Siapakah yang bisa menbayar utang-utang negara di dunia? Who will be able to pay all the debts in the world? DENGAN APA? With what? DENGAN CARA APA? With what ways? Untuk mengatasi kekurangan Fisik Mata Uang? To overcome the lack of Physical Currencies? Jelas kembali kepada pemilik corporate & institutions UN-SWISSINDO Collateral Dunia! Obviously this comes back to the corporate owner and institutions of World Collateral of UN-SWISSINDO! Pertanyaan itulah JAWABANYA. The question itself is the ANSWER. EXHIBITS AB Swissindo Banker’s Association-SBA Oopskop Central Buffer Stock Nationality

Saya, SWISSINDO, NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH tidak pernah menghasut CVAC diluar misi ini, dan Saya welcome kepada siapapun, mahluk di seluruh alam semesta di atas dan di dalam perut Bumi. I, SWISSINDO, NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH have never instigated or incited CVAC from outside this mission, and I welcome anyone, any being in this whole universe on the surface, and within the centre of Earth. PERLU, di ingat program ini adalah pertama kali di dunia sebagai jawaban atas doa NABI SULAIMAN! Jawaban mengapa di ciptakan ADAM dan HAWA atas pertanyaan MALAIKAT, JIN DAN IBLIS sebelum Tuhan YME, menciptakanNya. Saya akan mengundang saudara selaku para utusan Tuhan YME, pada acara Penobatan Agung, sebagai penandatanganan Penunjukan para pihak yang berhak dan atas jasaNya dan peran sertaNya selama ini sebagai MOMENTUM DUNIA TRAH PERJANJIAN PERADABAN DUNIA BARU pada acara Treaty Event Dynasty Neo Mercusuar Dunia unruk perwakilan 5 delegasi Kerajaan Linggacala Benua di Indonesia-Cirebon-Aston dan untuk 253 negara di Four Season Bali. IT HAS TO be remembered that this program is one of the first in the world as the answer of the prayers of Prophet SOLOMON! Answers why ADAM and EVE come above the questions on ANGELS, GENIES AND DEVILS before God created them. I will invite you as one of God's Messenger, during the Treaty Event, as a signatory to show the right associate and out of His Goodness all this while as the WORLD MOMENTUM NEW WORLD CIVILIZATION TREATT during the Treaty Event DYnasty Neo World Lighthouse to represent the 5 Government Continent Delegation in Indonesia-Cirebon-Aston for 253 Countries in Four Season Bali. Selama ini Saya hanya kontak OPPT kepada saudara, Heater (via email), Paula Humfrey (telphone 2x), Desmond, Deryl Z (Email). Any Forres (Designer Uniform Kerajaan) Telphone 2x dan via Email. All this time, I have discussed OPPT with you, Heather (through email), Paula Humphrey (through the telephone 2x), Desmond, Deryl Z (Email), Ani Forest

(Government Uniform Designer through the phone and emails). Karena Saya menganggap CVAC-1 Bagian dari kesatuan 1 Misi Tuhan YME, di Planet ini. This is because I see CVAC-1 part of the unity of this 1 Mission of God, on this Planet. Jika Penunjukan The Greatest Queen of the Kingdom Linggacala of Africa Continent, benar di tolak oleh Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, adalah mahluk Murni Mengerti Tidak Menghendaki tapi Di kehendaki Saya akan mengindahkan dan melimpahkan kepada MISS WORLD UNIVERSE agar benar-benar lebih adil sebagai penunjukan delegasi PBB /Siapa yang Berhak sebagai The Greatest Queen of the Kingdom Linggacala of Africa Continent. (confimasikan hal ini segera, Saya menunggu JawabanNya). If the designation of The Greatest Queen of the Kingdom Linggacala of African Continent, have been clearly rejected by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, this shows the creature who knows is not Willing but it is God’s will, I will honour and transfer this to MISS WORLD UNIVERSE so as to make the designations of United Nations Delegations more fair/ who has the right to becomes the greatest Queen of the Kingdom Linggacala of African Continent (Please confirm this matter immediately, I will wait for her answer). Sesungguhnyalah penunjukan perwakilan-perwakilan sebagai wujud Kontrak Hidup antara Engkau, Alam Semesta dan TuhanMu. Truly the performance coming together of the members shows the existence of Life Contracts between you, the universe and God.



AKU, INDONESIA alam kosong 23 Oktober 2013. I, INDONESIA the empty universe 23rd October 2013. SIN O .AS 062.119.153