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February 22, 2011 12:26 AM


February 22, 2011 12:32 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible


Unit 1A The World's Game Before You Read A: True or False: Look at the information on page 10 about soccer. Are these statements true or false? 1. More women play soccer in North America than in South America. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 2.

A2 2. Soccer is the most popular sport in the majority of European countries. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 3.

A3 3. Soccer is the most popular sport in most countries of the world. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 4.

A4 4. The continent with the largest number of soccer players is Europe. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5



Reading Comprehension Read the text on pages 11 and 12 A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. the history of soccer 100% B. the popularity of soccer around the world C. the increasing popularity of women's soccer D. China's passion for soccer Score: 9/9 6.

P13A2 2. Which game is NOT mentioned in the passage as a popular sport in China? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. table tennis B. basketball C. badminton 100% D. soccer Score: 7.


P13A3 3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. In Asia, soccer is a very competitive sport. 100% B. In Asia, soccer has increased in popularity in recent years. C. Soccer has helped to promote peace in the Middle East. D. The 2002 World Cup was held in Asia. Score: 8.


P13A4 4. According to the passage, South American soccer teams don't pay as well as ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. African teams B. Asian teams C. European teams


D. North American teams Score: 9/9 9.

P13A5 5. In line 79, the word drew could be replaced with ________ Student Value Correct Response Answer A. painted B. controlled C. arrived


D. attracted


Score: 10.


P13B1 B. Classification. Match each sport with the region in which it is most popular, according to the passage. Statement


Value Correct Match

a. American football

North America

12.5% North America

b. Australian rules football


12.5% Australia

c. baseball

North America

12.5% North America

d. basketball


12.5% Asia

e. cricket


12.5% Australia

f. ice hockey

North America

12.5% North America

g. rugby


12.5% Australia

h. table tennis


12.5% Asia

Score: 5/5 11.

P14A A. Completion. Complete the information using the correct form of words from the box below. One word is extra. version enthusiasm evolve award prospect intense Soccer is an extremely popular sport, supported by 1. 1.----- fans all over the world. There is, however an indoor 2. 2.----- of the game that 3. 3.----- in Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom, where it was known as "table football" because it was played on top of a table. In addition, Germany developed a similar game, called "kicker." The games eventually crossed the Atlantic to America where the game of "Foosball" was born. Foosball is played on a special table where each player controls their "team" by turning sticks, to which the "players" are attached. As in real soccer, points are 4. 4.----- by putting the ball in the other player's goal. Foosball, or table soccer, requires 5. 5.----focus, and excellent hand-eye coordination, making it a fast and exciting game. Student Response 1. enthusiastic


Equals enthusiastic (20%)

2. version


Equals version (20%)

3. evolved


Equals evolved (20%)

4. awarded


Equals awarded (20%)

5. intense


Equals intense (20%)

Score: 10/10 12.

Value Correct Answer


B. Words in context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. 1. For many things ________ is an excellent source of data. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. the internet 100% B. a supermarket Score: 13.


P14B2 2. A decade is a period of _______ years. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. ten



B. twenty Score: 4/4 14.

P14B3 3. An example of an enormous animal is ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. a mouse B. a whale Score: 15.

100% 4/4

P14B4 4. The frontiers of science are things that are _______. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. known by everyone B. near its limits Score: 16.

100% 4/4

P14B5 5. If we are talking about something's prospects, we are interested in its ________.

Student Value Correct Response Answer A. future



B. past Score: 4/4

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February 22, 2011 12:34 AM


February 22, 2011 12:40 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

96.664/100 = 96.664% possible score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0



Unit 1B Pushing the Limit Before You Read A. Completion. Read the text on page 15. Then complete sentences 1-4 using the correct form of the words in blue. 1. The world's biggest athletics competition-held once every four years-is the 1.----2. If you want to award someone for something they have done, you might give them a(n) 2.-----. 3. Athletes need to 3.----- very hard before a competition. 4. Michael Phelps is one of the world's most famous 4.-----. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. olympics


Equals olympics (25%)

2. medal


Equals medal (25%)

3. train


Equals train (25%)

4. athletes


Equals athletes (25%)

Score: 11/11 2.


Reading Comprehension

Read the text on pages 16 and 17 then answer the questions that follow. A. Multiple choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


100% A. factors that make someone a super athlete B. the different muscle types of a super athlete C. the size of a super athlete D. how to qualify for the Olympics Score: 11/11 3.

P18A2 2. The word more in line 24 refers to ________. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. Olympic weightlifters B. fast-twitch fibers


C. muscles D. the average person Score: 4.


P18A3 3. When lactate builds up in their muscles, athletes feel _______. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. strong B. energized C. dizzy D. pain


Score: 5.


P18A4 4. Having a lot of slow twitch fibers is particularly important for ________. Student Response A. cyclists

Value Correct Answer



B. divers C. weightlifters D. table tennis players Score: 6.


P18A5 5. What is the main idea of paragraph 6? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. Genetics is an important part of athletic success. B. Divers must train to be successful. C. Marathon runners must train hard to succeed. D. Success in 100% sports comes with a lot of practice. Score: 10/10



P18B B. Classification. According to the passage, are the following related to marathon runners, to gymnasts or to both? Statement



Correct Match

a. training


16.66% both

b. slow twitch muscles

Marathon runners

16.66% Marathon runners

c. repeated motions


16.66% Gymnasts

d. psychological health


16.66% both

e. ability to control fatigue and keep moving for a long time



Marathon runners

f. small body size

Marathon runners



Score: 6.664/10 8.

P19A A. Completion. Complete the extra information with the correct form of words from the box. Three words are extra. champion genetic attribute enhance adjust motion automatic generate psychological differentiate Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympics 1. 1.----- known as "The Blade Runner," has pushed forward the boundaries of what those who are physically challenged can do. Because of a 2. 2.----- problem-a bone missing from both his lower legs-he had both legs amputated below the knee when he was 11 months old. Now he runs on artificial versions of his lower legs, made of carbon fiber. Pistorius's artificial legs make his running 3. 3.----- the same as other runners. They enable him to run as fast as, or even faster than, a man can on human legs. In fact, some other athletes 4. 4.----- his success to his artificial legs, and think that they 5. 5.----- his speed compared to other runners. This has 6. 6.----- intense debate about whether he should be allowed to compete in able-bodied sporting events, and has even led to some sports organizations trying to 7. 7.----- their rules to exclude athletes with artificial legs. Despite this, Pistorius's enthusiasm for success and spirit for life has won him not only medals (he was awarded three gold medals at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing), but also international respect and admiration. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. champion


Equals champion (14%)

2. genetic


Equals genetic (15%)

3. motion


Equals motion (14%)

4. attribute


Equals attribute (14%)

5. enhance


Equals enhance (14%)

6. generated


Equals generated (15%)

7. adjust


Equals adjust (14%)

Score: 15/15 9.

P19B B. Definitions. Match the definitions to words from the box in A. Statement



Correct Match

1. working by itself


16.66% automatic

2. related to the human mind

psychological 16.66% psychological

3. show dissimilarities between differentiate 16.66% differentiate two things 4. make something better, improve it


16.66% enhance

5. produce or cause something to begin


16.66% generate

6. regulate or change something to fit properly






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February 22, 2011 12:42 AM


February 22, 2011 12:49 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible


Unit 2A What is Beauty? B. Scan. Quickly scan the reading on page 23 and 24. Match the people with their attitudes towards beauty. Statement


Value Correct Match

1. The ancient Maya

cross-eyed people are 20.0% cross-eyed people attractive are attractive

2. Most women

large shoulders and narrow waists are attractive

20.0% large shoulders and narrow waists are attractive

3. People of the

men with painted

20.0% men with painted

Huli culture

faces are attractive

faces are attractive

4. 18th century French people

large wigs are attractive

20.0% large wigs are attractive

5. Most men

smaller noses and chins are attractive

20.0% smaller noses and chins are attractive

Score: 12/12 2.


Reading Comprehension A. Multiple choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is the reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. the search 100% for the true definition of beauty. B. the history of beauty C. the world's most beautiful people D. how beauty is power Score: 11/11 3.

P25A2 2. In line 29, perceived can be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. known B. seen


C. treated D. compared Score: 4.




3. In paragraph 4, the babies in the study ________. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. were shown photos of college students B. were entered in a beauty contest C. were rated for beauty 100% D. were able to tell attractive from unattractive faces Score: 5.


P25A4 4. What is NOT mentioned in the passage as a sign of a genetically acceptable partner? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. strong shoulders B. full lips C. a straight 100% nose D. clear skin Score: 11/11 6.

P25A5 5. Perceptions of beauty ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer 100% A. change over time B. are the same for every person C. have little influence


on a person's success D. can be easily defined Score: 11/11 7.

P25B B. Summarizing. Complete the summary using words from the passage. Beauty has been an important part of many cultures for at least 1. 1.---- years, and people have gone to great lengths to achieve the perceived ideal look of beauty. Today, people spend a lot of 2. 2.----on how they look; spending on cosmetics, fitness programs, and aesthetic surgery ranges in the billions of dollars a year. The reason for this desire to be beautiful? It is proven that good-looking people get noticed more often in class, seem friendlier to others, and 3. 3.----. However, the different sexes view beauty in different ways. For example, men show 4. 4.----- for women with large eyes, while women think men with wide shoulders and a narrow waist are attractive. Differences in perception of beauty appear to be mainly 5. 5.-----. In the Western world, people strive to be thin, while natives of 6. 6.-----, for example, prefer a heavier figure. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. 4,000


Equals 4,000 (16%)

2. money


Equals money (16%)

3. make more money


Equals make more money (18%)

4. a preference


Equals a preference (18%)

5. cultural


Equals cultural (16%)

6. Peru


Equals Peru (16%)

Score: 11/11 8.

P26A A. Completion. Complete the information using the correct form of the words from the box. Two words are extra. fundamental alter predominately notion conform devote gender uniform

Anita Roddick Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, was a person who was committed to enhancing the world we live in. She was not prepared to 1. 1.----- to business practices that she saw as destructive to the environment, or harmful to people's well-being. Her beliefs in social and environmental responsibility were 2. 2.----- to the way in which she established her own business, and led her to 3. 3.----- energy to

raise awareness of the need to protect the environment. She insisted that her business was "green" and supported developing countries. When Roddick died in 2007, Adrian Bellamy, chairman of Body Shop International, said that one of Roddick's achievements was to 4. 4.---- the world of business. She believed that, traditionally, the business world does things 5. 5.----- for personal gain. However, she believed in the 6. 6.----- that "business can and must be a force for positive social change. It must not only avoid must also actively do good." Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. conform


Equals conform (16%)

2. fundamental


Equals fundamental (16%)

3. devote


Equals devote (17%)

4. alter


Equals alter (17%)

5. predominantly


Equals predominantly (17%)

6. notion


Equals notion (17%)

Score: 11/11 9.

P26B B. Completion. Complete the sentences using the correct form of words from the box. Three words are extra. mate uniform gender subjective notion predominant devote 1. People don't have 1.----- ideas on what beauty is; opinions vary greatly. 2. Nowadays, in many places, people of both 2.----- buy and use cosmetics; it is not a practice restricted to women. 3. When looking for a(n) 3.-----, female peacocks are attracted by the male peacock's large, brightly-colored tail. 4. Our ideas of what is beautiful can be highly 4.-----. What one person finds attractive may be unattractive to another. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. uniform


Equals uniform (25%)

2. genders


Equals genders (25%)

3. mate


Equals mate (25%)

4. subjective


Equals subjective (25%)

Score: 11/11

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February 22, 2011 12:50 AM


February 22, 2011 12:58 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible


Unit 2B Unmasking Skin Before You Read A. Labelling. Look at the diagram on page 27. It shows a close-up of human skin. Read the descriptions (1-4) of each part of the skin, and match which feature it refers to. Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1. The epidermis is the skin's outer layer. It is replaced about once every month.


25.0% B

2. Hair follicles and surrounding nerves send messages to the brain.


25.0% A

3. Glands produce sweat to cool the body.


25.0% D

4. Thin blood vessels, just below the epidermis, help distribute nutrients and remove waste.


25.0% C

Score: 10/10 2.

P27B B. Scan. Quickly scan the reading. Match each practice with the place in the world where it takes place. Statement


Value Correct Match

1. Modern Europe

b. sun tanning in a salon

25.0% b. sun tanning in a salon

2. New Zealand

d. full facial tattoos

25.0% d. full facial tattoos

3. Japan

a. full body tattoos

25.0% a. full body tattoos

4. West Africa

c. scarring (cutting or 25.0% c. scarring (cutting burning the skin) or burning the skin)

Score: 10/10 3.


Reading Comprehension.

Read the text on pages 28 and 29. A. Multiple choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. the importance of skin to health 100% B. the ways people change the appearance of their skin C. reasons people get tattoos D. cultural ceremonies Score: 10/10 4.

P30A2 2. Why are tattoos disapproved of in Japanese society? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. They are 100% often associated with crime.

lines 51-53

B. They are painful. C. They take too long to complete. D. They are illegal. Score: 5.


P30A3 3. What is NOT true about henna tattoos?

Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. They are used to celebrate religious holidays. B. Some Indian brides decorate their skin with them. 100% C. They are permanent.

lines 74-80

D. They are made with ink. Score: 10/10 6.

P30A4 4. In the final paragraph, the word explosion can be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. bombing B. destruction C. increase


D. decrease Score: 7.


P30A5 5. What is the main idea of paragraph 8 (starting line 81)? Student Response A. Body marking is used today as a means of identity. B. Body marking is a dying art. C. Body marking is an old practice.

Value Correct Feedback Answer 100%

D. Body marking is a modern phenomenon. Score: 8.


P30B B. Matching. Match the ways in which people have changed the appearance of their skin (1-5) with their reasons for doing so (a-e). Statement


Value Correct Match

1. henna

b. to celebrate weddings and festivals

20.0% b. to celebrate weddings and festivals

2. tattooing

a. to show bravery or 20.0% a. to show bravery or indicate indicate achievements achievements

3. scarring

e. to mark the reaching of adulthood

20.0% e. to mark the reaching of adulthood

4. tanning

c. to show leisure time and health

20.0% c. to show leisure time and health

5. skin whitening

d. to indicate membership of the upper class

20.0% d. to indicate membership of the upper class

Score: 10/10 9.

P31A A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of the words from the box. Two words are extra. fade denote criminal chemical bravery permanent crucial external mature leisure Tattooing was traditionally a(n) 1. 1.----- part of life for members of the Iban tribe of Sarawak, Malaysia. Iban tattooing was considered a spiritual art form, and it was believed that the tattoos helped protect the Iban people from harm and disease. Common images for tattoos related to the world around them, and images of plant and animal life were predominant. By simply looking at the tattoos, which were first done when a child grew into a(n) 2. 2.----- adult, other members of the tribe could know things about the wearer, such as his or her life experiences. Specific designs like flowers and spirals 3. 3.----- concepts such as a man's skill and 4. 4.----- in fighting, or a woman's skill in weaving, dancing, or singing. In the past, weaving was considered the female's equivalent to fighting, and was known as "women's war." Nowadays, Iban women weave as a(n) 5. 5.----activity, or to provide souvenirs for the tourist market. Originally, the tattooing was done using ancient recipes involving natural dyes from plants and traditional wooden tools. The dyes are 6. 6.-----; they cannot be removed. Newly-done, Iban tattoos look

dark, but they gradually 7. 7.----- somewhat from sunlight, or as the dye is absorbed into the skin. Today, for the Iban people, Western tattoos are more popular than traditional designs, and modern tattooing machines are used. Modern 8. 8.----- dyes have mainly replaced the plant-based ones. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. crucial


Equals crucial (12%)

2. mature


Equals mature (12%)

3. denoted


Equals denoted (12%)

4. bravery


Equals bravery (12%)

5. leisure


Equals leisure (13%)

6. permanent


Equals permanent (13%)

7. fade


Equals fade (13%)

8. chemical


Equals chemical (13%)

Score: 10/10 10.

P31B B. Definitions. Use the correct form of words in the box below to complete the definitions. fade denote criminal chemical bravery permanent crucial external mature leisure 1. A person who breaks the law is a(n) 1.-----. 2. If you walk at a slow pace, you are walking 2.-----. 3. If something is 3.-----, it lasts forever. 4. If something is on the outside rather than the inside, it is 4.----. 5. You need to be 5.----- to handle the extreme pain of getting a traditional tattoo. 6. A person's 6.----- can be measured by their physical and mental development. 7. If something has become lighter in color over time, it has 7.----. 8. Substances that are created by a reaction between two or more other substances are 8.-----. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. criminal


Equals criminal (12%)

2. leisurely


Equals leisurely (14%)

3. permanent


Equals permanent (12%)

4. external


Equals external (12%)

5. brave


Equals brave (12%)

6. maturity


Equals maturity (13%)

7. faded


Equals faded (13%)

8. chemical


Equals chemical (12%)

Score: 10/10

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February 28, 2011 10:24 PM


February 28, 2011 10:52 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

91/100 = 91% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P34A

Before You Read A. Matching. Match each description below with the picture it describes. Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1. A newborn panda cub looks nothing like its mother. It's pink, hairless, and blind. Baby pandas don't open their eyes until they're six weeks old.


25.0% C

2. At three months old, baby D pandas are just starting to move on their own. This cub, born in captivity in a zoo, is being weighed and measured.

25.0% D

3. Little pandas living in their natural habitat—the mountain ranges of central China—usually stay with their mothers for three years.


25.0% B

4. A fully-grown panda eats about 18 kg (40 pounds) of bamboo


25.0% A

shoots and leaves every day. Adults stand up to 1.8 meters (6 feet) tall and weigh up to 113 kg (250 pounds). That's about 900 times the size of a newborn. Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P37A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. the reasons panda numbers are decreasing B. the problems faced by pandas in zoos C. the differences between wild and captive pandas 100% D. the expense of caring for pandas in captivity Score: 9/9 3.

EX3 P37A2 2. What is NOT stated in the passage as a way China spends the money it receives in donations? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. educating children about wild pandas

100% B. care of captive pandas in zoos C. building up the bamboo forests in China D. protection of pandas Score: 9/9 4.

EX3 P37A3 3, What is the main idea of paragraph 5 (line 55)? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. The standard of care has improved in recent years. B. Successful 100% captive panda births have increased.

5th paragraph

C. The number of wild pandas has increased. D. Training for carers has improved. Score: 5.


EX3 P37A4 4, In line 76, the word boost can be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. increase B. reduce


C. halve D. double Score: 6.


EX3 P37A5 5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "many pandas born in captivity are being trained to be more self-sufficient and not to rely on their human keepers" (lines 82-84)? Student Response

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A. Human keepers are training many pandas born in zoos to rely on them. B. Pandas in the wild are self sufficient. 100% C. A lot of pandas in zoos today are learning to be more independent of their human keepers. D. A lot of pandas in zoos today rely on their human keepers to survive. Score: 9/9 7.

EX3 P37B B. Summarizing. Complete the summary using words from the box. expensive three visitors population decade Baby panda Tai Shan could be seen by the public soon after his birth. In the first 1. 1.----- months after his birth, the number of 2. 2.----- to the zoo increased by half. However, caring for pandas in zoos is 3. 3.----- . It can cost over $2.5 million a year to look after the adult pandas alone. But the expenditure seems to be paying off. As a result of improvements in care over the

last 4. 4.-----, the captive panda 5. 5.----- has risen rapidly—to almost 300 pandas today. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. three


Equals three (20%)

2. population


Equals visitors (20%)

3. expensive


Equals expensive (20%)

4. decade


Equals decade (20%)

5. visitors


Equals population (20%)

Score: 6/10 8.

EX3 P38A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information below using the correct form of the words in red. With its black-and-white coloring, cuddly shape, and sad-looking face, the giant panda is a precious animal to the people of China. Sadly, with the loss of the bamboo forests in which they live, the panda is becoming scarce. To restore the dwindling number of pandas, various projects are in progress. One of these is the Wolong Panda Reserve in Sichuan Province, which is the bestknown panda reserve in China. The center was founded in 1980 to accommodate captive pandas for the purposes of research and producing baby pandas. The success of the program has been dramatic, and has resulted in pandas being given or loaned to zoos around the world. However, on May 12, 2008, disaster struck when the area in which the reserve is located was hit by a powerful earthquake. Two pandas died as a result of the earthquake, but fortunately most of the others escaped injury. 1. In order to preserve the history and culture of a country, the 1.----- of old buildings is important. 2. During the 2.----- events following the 2008 earthquake, a number of pandas escaped from the reserve, but they were soon found. 3. Conservationists agree that endangered animals are a(n) 3.---- that we should protect. 4. For tourists who want to volunteer at Wolong Panda Reserve, 4.----- is available at a nearby hotel. 5. An animal species may become extinct if its food becomes 5.----.

Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. restoration


Equals restoration (20%)

2. dramatic


Equals dramatic (20%)

3. precious


Equals precious (20%)

4. accommodation


Equals accommodation (20%)

5. scarce


Equals scarce (20%)

Score: 10/10 9.

EX3 P38B1 B. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. 1. On most highways, you exceed the speed limit if you drive at ________. Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. 40 kph B. 160 kph


Score: 5/5 10.

EX3 P38B2 2. Animal lovers ________ hesitate to help an animal in pain. Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. would B. would not 100% Score:



EX3 P38B3 3. If you eliminate something, it is because you ________. Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. want it B. don't want 100% it Score:



EX3 P38B4 4. An example of a zoo's revenue is ________.

Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. the money 100% it brings in from tourists B. the money it pays its keepers and other workers Score: 13.


EX3 P38B5 5. Wolong Reserve offsets the cost of doing research by ________. Student Response

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A. bringing in tourists B. constructing 0% more buildings Score:


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February 28, 2011 10:55 PM


February 28, 2011 11:07 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P39A1

Before You Read A. Quiz. How much do you know about big cats? Read the information below. Select True or False for each sentence. 1. Compared to other cats, lions are unusually social; they live in groups (called prides) that consist of adult males, related females

(called lionesses), and cubs. Once widespread, lions today exist only in Sub-Saharan Africa and in a small area of northwest India. 2. Jaguars are found only in remote regions of South and Central America. The name is derived from the Native American word yaguar, which means "he who kills with one leap." Unlike many other cats, jaguars are quite good swimmers; their prey often includes fish and turtles. 3. Leopards can be found in Africa, Central Asia, India, and China. However, many populations are now endangered. Like jaguars, most are light colored with distinctive rose-shaped dark spots called rosettes. 4. Most wild cheetahs are found in eastern and southwestern Africa. A quiet and deadly daylight hunter, the cheetah is the world's fastest mammal on land, and can be easily identified by its spotted coat and dark eye marks. Perhaps only 12,000 remain in the wild. 5. Out of the original eight sub-species of tigers, three are now extinct. Today, this powerful predator can be found in places such as Indonesia, India, and Russia. No two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. 1. Each tiger's stripy pattern is unique. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 2.

EX3 P39A2 2. Lions are found only in Africa. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 3.


EX3 P39A3 3. Jaguars are good swimmers. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 4.


EX3 P39A4 4. The cheetah is the fastest land mammal. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True




EX3 P39A5 5. Leopards can be found in South America. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 6.


EX3 P42A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 (line 13)? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. Local herders are uncooperative in attempts to save snow leopards. B. The snow leopard's endangerment is due in part to the black market. C. Snow leopards are killed for their fur and body parts. 100% D. It is difficult to enforce the laws made to protect the snow leopard. Score: 7/7 7.

EX3 P42A2 2. In line 21, the word bodies refers to _______. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. the big cats B. snow


leopards C. local herders D. the herders' animals


Score: 8.


EX3 P42A3 3. In line 27, the word trend refers to ________. Student Response

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A. the fall in the cat population


B. the pressures caused by the black market C. conflict with the herders D. the opinions of conservationists Score: 7/7 9.

EX3 P42A4 4. In line 44, the word address can be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. solve


Feedback line 44

B. locate C. discuss D. change Score: 10.


EX3 P42A5 5. Why is the Mongolian women's status in the community "elevated"? (Paragraph 9) Student Value Correct Response Answer A. They can encourage their neighbors. B. They are


saving the snow leopards. 100% C. They are earning money for the community D. They are living higher up in the mountain. Score: 7/7 11.

EX3 P42B B. Classification. Match each answer (a-g) with the program it describes. Statement



Correct Match

a. Local women sell homemade products.

Snow Leopard 14.28% Snow Leopard Enterprises Enterprises

b. Herders provide accommodation to guests.

Himalayan Homestays

14.28% Himalayan Homestays

c. Members become nature guides.

Himalayan Homestays

14.28% Himalayan Homestays

d. Visitors provide income.

Himalayan Homestays

14.28% Himalayan Homestays

e. Herders receive 20% extra Snow Leopard 14.28% Snow Leopard if no protected animals are Enterprises Enterprises killed in the year. f. Herders receive help to build fences.

Himalayan Homestays

14.28% Himalayan Homestays

g. Encourages herders to protect snow leopards.


14.32% both

Score: 10/10 12.

EX3 P43A

Vocabulary Practice A. Matching. Read the information below and match each word in red with its definition. The cheetah, an expert hunter, sits silently atop a hill and scans the herds of feeding animals looking for the perfect prey. Finding a target, it moves quietly through the grass until it is close enough to know it can get its reward—perhaps an antelope or a wildebeest.

The cheetah is perfectly built for the kill. Its coloring allows it to disappear into the landscape to avoid being seen. And its speed over a short distance, the fastest in the animal world, allows it to chase its target. Once the prey is killed, the cheetah drags the carcass to a safe place, even pulling It up into a tree to stop Other predators from stealing it. However, the cheetah is also a highly endangered animal. To reverse the fall in cheetah numbers, game wardens are working to enforce the anti-poaching laws that should protect them. Also, conservation groups are providing incentives to local farmers to protect cheetahs that come on their land. It will be a sad day if this beautiful animal disappears from our planet. Statement

Response Value

Correct Match

1. the prize for doing something successfully


16.66% reward

2. the reason to do something; the motive


16.66% incentive

3. to pull a heavy weight across the drag ground

16.66% drag

4. to go backwards


16.66% reverse

5. to make sure people obey rules


16.66% enforce

6. the broad view that can be seen around you in the countryside

landscape 16.7%


Score: 10/10 13.

EX3 P43B1 B. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. 1. Someone who lives in poverty ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. is in poor health B. doesn't have enough money


Score: 5/5 14.

EX3 P43B2 2. Conflict between two countries may result in ________ between them. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. war


B. increased trade Score: 15.


EX3 P43B3 3. Workers who receive a bonus are usually ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. pleased



B. displeased Score: 16.


EX3 P43B4 4. An example of a trend in recent years is ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. the 2008 earthquake in China B. the use of the Internet for shopping Score:



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View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 1, 2011 11:10 PM


March 1, 2011 11:17 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

EX3 P52A

Before You Read

Maximum possible

A. Definitions. Read the information on page 52 and match the words in blue with their definitions below. Statement

Response Value

1. used to describe a volcano that could erupt at any time


2. a shaking of the ground caused by the Earth's movement

earthquake 14.28% earthquake

3. (for a volcano) throwing out melted rock and smoke


14.28% eruption

4. to send people away from a dangerous place


14.28% evacuate

5. a sudden, violent burst of energy


14.28% explosion

6. the top of a mountain


14.28% summit

7. believed to have a connection to sacred God, and given respect

Correct Match

14.28% active

14.32% sacred

Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P55A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is paragraph 3 (from line 19) mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. why Mount Fuji is a sacred place B. the healing properties of Mount Fuji 100% C. reasons people climb Mount Fuji D. the visitors to Mount Fuji Score: 10/10



EX3 P55A2 2. Which of these statements about Mount Fuji is NOT true? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. It is the largest volcano in Japan. B. Scientists believe it may erupt soon. C. It has erupted quite recently.


D. Locals have traditions concerning the mountain. Score: 4.


EX3 P55A3 3. In line 78, the word symptoms could be replaced with ________. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. earthquakes B. signs


C. sounds D. lessons Score: 5.


EX3 P55A4 4. Scientists can date the last eruption of El Popo ________. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

A. by talking to witnesses B. from videos of the eruption 100% C. from investigating


the geological evidence in the earth D. from religious books Score: 6.


EX3 P55A5 5. What was the reason for evacuation from El Popo in 2000? Student Value Correct Response Answer


100% A. ash and smoke were seen coming from the mountain B. a large explosion was heard C. a change in the mountain's surface was noticed D. a powerful eruption took place Score: 7.


EX3 P55B B. Classification. Are the following related to Mount Fuji, to El Popo, or to both? Statement

Response Value

a. last explosion A.D. 820

El Popo

14.28% El Popo

b. less than 100 km from city

El Popo

14.28% El Popo

c. more than 100 km from city

Mount Fuji 14.28% Mount Fuji

d. active


14.28% both

e. locals present gifts to the volcano both for protection

14.28% both

f. provides rich soil for the production of bananas and coffee

14.28% El Popo

El Popo

Correct Match

g. last explosion 1707

Mount Fuji 14.32% Mount Fuji

Score: 10/10 8.

EX3 P56A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. ancestor dawn

disaster inevitable

monitor abandon


Many legends (stories passed down from 1. 1.----- surround volcanoes. One famous legend, The Legend of Popo, is about the two volcanoes of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl in Mexico. These volcanoes lie side by side, and the latter is said to have the shape of a sleeping woman's body. So perhaps it was 2. 2.----- that a story grew to explain this. In the story, Iztaccihuatl, an Aztec princess, and a soldier called Popocatepetl, fell in love—with 3. 3.----- consequences. In one version, Iztaccihuatl dies of grief after she is told by her father that Popocatepetl has been killed in battle. When Popocatepetl returns from war to find her dead, he carries her body to the top of a nearby volcano and waits to die. Eventually, snow covers them both and they become two mountains. It could be said that Mt. Popocatepetl is a(n) 4. 4.----- place. The gods were touched by Popocatepetl's sacrifice of refusing to 5. 5.----Iztaccihuatl's body until he died. Smoke can often be seen at 6. 6.----rising from the summit of the volcano. According to legend, this is the torch of Popocatepetl, who still stands guard over his beloved's body. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. ancestors


Equals ancestors (17%)

2. inevitable


Equals inevitable (17%)

3. disastrous


Equals disastrous (17%)

4. holy


Equals holy (17%)

5. abandon


Equals abandon (16%)

6. dawn


Equals dawn (16%)

Score: 15/15 9.

EX3 P56B B. Completion. Complete the passage with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. disaster displace expand monitor witness

The islands of Hawaii rose out of the sea as a result of volcanic activity on the ocean floor. One of the volcanoes on the islands, Mt. Kilauea, is

still active—currently it is the most active volcano on Earth—and Hawaiians have 1. 1.----- its evolving shape over hundreds of years. Often, sections of earth are 2. 2.----- by a sudden jolt, or pressure builds up under the surface as the hot molten rock 3. 3.-----, causing an eruption. Nowadays, the shape of the volcano is closely 4. 4.----by scientists, who hope one day to be able to predict when the next eruption might occur. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. witnessed


Equals witnessed (25%)

2. displaced


Equals displaced (25%)

3. expands


Equals expands (25%)

4. monitored


Equals monitored (25%)

Score: 15/15

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View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 1, 2011 11:17 PM


March 1, 2011 11:22 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P57A1

Before You Read A. True or False. Look at the map and read the sentences below (1-4). Select True or False. 1. Many of the world's most serious earthquakes occur in Europe and Asia. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 2.

EX3 P57A2 2. Quakes generally occur along the boundaries between plates in the earth's crust. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 3.

EX3 P57A3 3. There is a major fault line that passes through Greenland. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 4.

EX3 P57A4 4. Many of the costliest earthquakes in the last century have occurred in China. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 5.

EX3 P60A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is the reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. earthquake prediction failures B. the Japanese government's work on earthquakes 100% C. efforts to predict when an earthquake will happen D. the Parkfield investigations Score: 10/10 6.

EX3 P60A2 2. In line 56, what does do this refer to?

Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. wait for an earthquake B. study the fault


C. predict an earthquake D. set up equipment Score: 10/10 7.

EX3 P60A3 3. In line 64, the word reviewed could be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. recorded B. deleted C. saw D. studied Score: 8.

100% 10/10

EX3 P60A4 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? Student Response A. A major earthquake occurs in Tokai roughly every century. B. Scientists believe that "pre-slip" theory can help predict earthquakes. C. Data supporting "pre-slip" theory was found in Parkfield.

Value Correct Answer


D. The last San 100% Andreas earthquake was 22 years ago. Score: 9.


EX3 P60A5 5. Which of these statements is true? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. Earthquake research happens mostly in Japan. B. Earthquake 100% research is happening all over the world. C. Earthquake research is most successful in California. D. Earthquake research has so far given no answers. Score: 10/10 10.

EX3 P60B B. Sequencing. Sequence the events at Parkfield, California in the order they happened. Statement

Response Value

Correct Match

a. No change was registered before the quakes.


16.66% 4

b. Scientists set up the equipment.


16.66% 2

c. A change was registered before the earthquake.


16.66% 6

d. Scientists drilled deeper into the fault, to depth of 3 km.


16.66% 5

e. Scientists reviewed the data.


16.66% 3

f. Scientists drilled into the fault.




Score: 10/10 11.

EX3 P61A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. identical schedule

precede track

precise zone

drill random

1. Scientists 1.----- holes into the ground near earthquake fault areas to learn what is happening under the surface. 2. One reason why earthquakes are so hard to predict is that they don't seem to follow any 2.-----; they appear to occur 3.-----. 3. Scientists 4.----- the movements of the earth's crust believe that a massive earthquake, known as "the Big One," will eventually occur in southern California. 4. Despite all the research done on earthquakes, seismologists still cannot tell the 5.----- time an earthquake will strike. 5. In 1975, in Haicheng, China, residents noticed dogs behaving strangely during the days 6.----- an earthquake. This enabled them to escape danger by moving to a safer place. 6. Research after the 2004 Asian tsunami found only two dead buffaloes and no other dead animal of any kind in a large wildlife conservation 7.----- in Sri Lanka. This led to renewed belief that animals are sensitive to the near arrival of earthquakes. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. drill


Equals drill (14%)

2. schedule


Equals schedule (14%)

3. randomly


Equals randomly (15%)

4. tracking


Equals tracking (15%)

5. precise


Equals precise (14%)

6. preceding


Equals preceding (14%)

7. zone


Equals zone (14%)

Score: 10/10 12.

EX3 P61B B. Completion. Complete the information with the words from the box. One word is extra. detect identical laboratory schedule

Research done by scientists—both in the 1. 1.----- and in the real world—suggests that animals are much more aware of the world around them than we human beings. For example, if you watch a number of sleeping dogs, you will see them all show 2. 2.----behavior; notice how their ears often move, as they listen for any sounds or movement nearby. Dogs can also be trained using whistles that make sounds we humans can't hear. Some scientists believe that dogs can be used to predict earthquakes. Mitsuaki Ota of Azabu University, Japan, claims that dogs can 3. 3.----- big earthquakes about three hours before they happen. "Dogs and cats tell you a quake is going to happen with just enough time left over to make your escape," he says. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. laboratory


Equals laboratory (33%)

2. identical


Equals identical (33%)

3. detect


Equals detect (34%)

Score: 10/10

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View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 26, 2011 1:53 AM


March 26, 2011 1:57 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P67A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is the reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. Brazilian beach tourism B. an educational tour of


South America's beaches C. the search 100% for the author's dream beach D. littleknown beaches of South America Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P67A2 2. In line 49, the word legendary could be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. oldest B. isolated C. picturesque D. famous Score: 3.

100% 10/10

EX3 P67A3 3. Which of these beaches is the most isolated? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. Copacabana B. Prainha C. Jericoacoara 100%

Lines 58-59

D. Maceio Score: 4.


EX3 P67A4 4. The islands of Fernando de Noronha are now used ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. as a prison B. as a national


lines 81-82

park C. by the army D. for fishing Score: 5.


EX3 P67A5 5. In line 85, the best one refers to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. the collection of Fernando beaches B. Praia do Leao


line 85

C. the pale blue water D. the marine life Score: 6.


EX3 P67B B. Matching. Number the beaches listed below 1-5 in the order Stewart visited them. Then match each beach to its description. One description is extra. Statement Response


Praia do Leao

16.66% b. the author's perfect beach

b. the author's perfect beach

Copacabana a. beautiful but too crowded

Correct Match

16.66% a. beautiful but too crowded

Copacabana e. one of the most 16.66% e. one of the most famous beaches in the famous beaches in the world world Prainha

16.66% f. picture perfect but not wild enough

Jericoacoara c. remote village with beaches great for windsurfing

16.66% c. remote village with beaches great for windsurfing



Score: 10/10 7.

f. picture perfect but not wild enough

EX3 P68A

d. great place to fish, eat, and relax

d. great place to fish, eat, and relax

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. pursue ultimate eager isolated prohibited destination

Writer seeks "wife" for a year on a tropical island. How many women do you think would answer this advertisement, which was placed by writer Gerald Kingsland in a London magazine in 1980? Well, 24 yearold British woman Lucy Irvine did. The opportunity to survive in a(n) 1. 1.----- place provided her with the 2. 2.----- challenge. In her own words: "The desert-island dream is one that has been seducing people's imaginations for centuries, yet strangely, there seem to be very few people who have been willing to give it a go in real life." As an adventurer herself, Irvine was 3. 3.----- to try living on an empty tropical island. There were other applicants in 4. 4.----- of the job, but Irvine eventually got it. And not long afterward, in May 1981, she was heading for a(n) 5. 5.----- on the other side of the world . . . Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. isolated


Equals isolated (20%)

2. ultimate


Equals ultimate (20%)

3. eager


Equals eager (20%)

4. pursuit


Equals pursuit (20%)

5. destination


Equals destination (20%)

Score: 20/20 8.

EX3 P68B B. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of the words from the box. One word is extra. eager spoil magnificence diverse rank prohibit

The story continues . . .The island Irvine and Kingsland were to live on was Tuin, situated in the Torres Strait between the north coast of Australia and Papua New Guinea. As living there was 1. 1.----- by law, they needed Australia's permission for this unusual experiment to take place. In addition, Australian law required the couple to be legally married in order to continue with their plan, and Irvine eventually agreed. At first sight, the island looked like paradise, with white beaches lined with palm trees, and clear blue water in an untouched bay. Unfortunately, however, their experience was 2. 2.----- —as a source of drinking water 3. 3.----- highest on their list of survival needs, the pair had to set up camp on a less attractive part of Tuin.

Over time, the stress caused by the enforced marriage, and the fact that their opinions on how to survive were so 4. 4.-----, caused deep problems in their relationship. Ultimately, the difficulties of working together proved too great, and despite the 5. 5.----- of their surroundings, the adventure, although lasting a year, was unsuccessful. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. prohibited


Equals prohibited (20%)

2. spoiled


Equals spoiled (20%)

3. ranked


Equals ranked (20%)

4. diverse


Equals diverse (20%)

5. magnificence


Equals magnificence (20%)

Score: 20/20

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March 26, 2011 2:00 AM


March 26, 2011 2:04 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P69A

Before You Read A. Matching. Match each description below with the island it describes. Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1 . In 1704, Scottish sailor C Alexander Selkirk's ship left him behind on Isla Mas a Tierra, a small island hundreds of kilometers from land. Before being rescued, he lived on the small island completely alone for four years. His impressive story inspired the 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe, and in 1966 the island was renamed Robinson Crusoe Island.

25.0% C

2 . Also known as the Rock, AScatraz Island is now a national

25.0% D


park and popular tourist attraction. However, until 1963 it was one of the most famous prisons in the world—one from which no prisoner ever successfully escaped. 3 . The World is a spectacular group B of 300 man-made islands that is literally shaped like a map of the world. Most of the islands have been sold for tens of millions of dollars each, mainly for tourist resorts or to the very wealthy.

25.0% B

4 . Although you might expect A Iceland to be a very cold place, its temperature is actually quite mild. As well as dramatic natural beauty— including volcanoes, hot springs, and glaciers—the country has a lively and exciting capital city, making it a great destination for tourists.

25.0% A

Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P72A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to: "Despite its small size, there are many reasons to visit this remarkable country" (line 12)? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. There are many reasons why this country is too small to visit. B. There are 100% a lot of attractions in this interesting country, even though it is so small. C. It is an unusual

country because it is so small. D. Small countries are usually boring, but Iceland is different. Score: 10/10 3.

EX3 P72A2 2. Where is the mid-Atlantic fault most noticeable? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. Reykjavik B. The Blue Lagoon C. Thingvellir 100% Valley

lines 91-96

D. Geysir Score: 4.


EX3 P72A3 3. The hot springs of the Blue Lagoon are heated by ________. Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. solar energy B. volcanic activity


lines 36-37

C. electrical power D. fossil fuels Score: 5.


EX3 P72A4 4. Where is the best place to go if you like to party? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. Vatnajokull

B. Reykjavik


line 22

C. The Blue Lagoon D. Thingvellir Valley Score: 6.


EX3 P72A5 5. Who is this passage probably written for? Student Value Correct Feedback Response Answer A. tourists


B. scientists C. business travelers D. Icelanders Score: 10/10 7.

EX3 P72B

B. Labeling. Match the places from the map with the activities from the list below (a-f) that visitors can do at each location. Statement



Caves near the Vatnajokull glacier.

a. go caving

16.66% a. go caving


b. view the midAtlantic Fault

16.66% b. view the midAtlantic Fault


c. see a large waterfall

16.66% c. see a large waterfall


d. look at art

16.66% d. look at art


e. visit huge rock formations on a black-sand beach

16.66% e. visit huge rock formations on a black-sand beach

Blue Lagoon

f. relax in steaming hot water


Score: 10/10 8.

EX3 P73A

Vocabulary Practice

Correct Match

f. relax in steaming hot water

A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. Two words are extra. architecture convert cure migrate vast vehicle visible Taroko National Park is about four hours southeast of Taipei, and is probably the island of Taiwan's most magnificent tourist destination. The 1. 1.-----, towering cliffs on each side of the deep gorge were created, and are still being created, when two volcanic plates collided, pushing the earth upward. The extremely high pressure 2. 2.----- some of the volcanic rock into marble. The journey there by 3. 3.----- is an exciting ride. The highway that runs through the gorge is truly a(n) 4. 4.----- wonder, passing through long tunnels and across high bridges. Once you leave your car, you can go on foot along a narrow walkway built into the sides of the cliffs, and if you are lucky, you may see some monkeys, just 5. 5.----- in the trees on the other side of the gorge. This amazing area also features waterfalls and pools of spring water, as well as caves. Overall, it's a place that no tourist should miss. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. vast


Equals vast (20%)

2. converted


Equals converted (20%)

3. vehicle


Equals vehicle (20%)

4. architectural


Equals architectural (20%)

5. visible


Equals visible (20%)

Score: 20/20 9.

EX3 P73B B. Definitions. Read the information below. Then complete the definitions using the correct form of the words in red.. 1. The islands of Okinawa, Japan, have a subtropical climate. Their mild winters never drop below 10°C (50°F). 2. The rainforests on the island of Madagascar have many plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. Some scientists think it is possible that some of these plants could contain cures for diseases like cancer. 3. A strange creature with legs, flippers, and a beak-like mouth, now referred to as the "Montauk monster," washed up on the beach in Montauk, New York, on July 30, 2008. 4. The island nation of Singapore was built by the hard work of people who migrated there from other countries. 5. A few relaxing days on a beautiful beach would relieve the tension most of us feel from the stress of our everyday lives.


Response Value Correct Match

a. something that restores health


20.0% cure

b. a beast-like animal


20.0% monster

c. gentle, not severe or harsh


20.0% mild

d. mental strain, stress


20.0% tension

e. move to a new or different country.


20.0% migrate

Score: 10/10

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March 8, 2011 1:25 PM


March 8, 2011 1:32 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P76A

Silent Stones Visit Mysterious Britain From monster legends to mysterious stones, Britain has more strange places and unexplained phenomena than perhaps anywhere in the world. Loch Ness Monster {1) For years, people have claimed to have seen a huge monster in the waters of Scotland's Loch Ness. The mystery still puzzles investigators, as no evidence for the monster has yet been found. Stonehenge (2) One of the most famous ancient artifacts in the world, this mysterious circle of standing stones in southern England has stood for more than 4,000 years. No one knows for sure who built it—or why.

Excalibur (3) Many places in Britain are closely associated with the legends of King Arthur. Some people believe the king's magical sword, Excalibur, lies hidden near Pembroke in south Wales, waiting to be rediscovered. . Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1. If you ________ something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.


20.0% associate

2. If something ________ you, you do puzzles not understand it.

20.0% puzzles

3. A(n) ________ is an object made by human hand that is culturally or historically interesting


20.0% artifact

4. A(n) ________ is a very old and popular story that may be true.


20.0% legend

5. ________ is anything that makes you believe that something is true or has really happened.


20.0% Evidence

Score: 5/5 2.

EX3 P79A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is the reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Answer

A. Stonehenge as a burial site B. the healing powers of blue stones C. how Stonehenge was built 100% D. the mystery surrounding the purpose of Stonehenge Score: 10/10



EX3 P79A2 2. Which of these statements would Mike Parker Pearson most likely agree with? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. Stonehenge was designed by Malagasy people. B. Durrington 100% Walls and Stonehenge were used by the same people.

lines 34-42

C. Stonehenge was inhabited all year round. D. Durrington Walls was used as a graveyard. Score: 4.


EX3 P79A3 3. What is NOT mentioned in the passage as a feature of the summer solstice? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. People gathered to celebrate religious ceremonies on this day. B. It is the longest day of the year. C. People prayed to the dead on this day.



D. Eating and drinking was an important part of the day. Score: 5.


EX3 P79A4 4. The lack of human remains at Durrington suggests ________. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. Stonehenge was the local burial site B. no-one lived there C. people didn't 100% bury the dead there

lines 53-56

D. the archeologists are not digging deep enough Score: 6.


EX3 P79A5 5. How were the stones transported from Preseli? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. on wheels B. by boat along the River Avon C. on rollers of wood D. It is not known. Score: 7.


lines 85-87 10/10

EX3 P79B1 B. True or False. Which of these statements about Stonehenge are True and which are False? 1. Historical records about Stonehenge exist.

Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 8.

EX3 P79B2 2. Archeologists don't agree on the reason Stonehenge was built. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 9.

EX3 P79B3 3. A lot of pottery has been found at the Stonehenge site. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 10.

EX3 P79B4 4. The blue stones of Stonehenge are local to the area. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 11.

EX3 P79B5 5. Few monuments of ancient England were built after Stonehenge. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 12.


Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of the words below. One word is extra. deposit



transport inspire

The lost city of Petra is a magnificent World Heritage Site in Jordan. Originally, it was the 1. 1.----- of the Nabataeans, the people who ruled the area between 400 B.C. and A.D. 106, and was an important crossroads on the 2. 2.----- routes between Arabia, Egypt, and other countries. However, over time, Petra become "lost" to the world, due

in part to numerous earthquakes that continued to 3. 3.----- more and more dirt and rocks on the city, until in A.D. 363 a large earthquake caused the city to be mostly abandoned. The city remained hidden from the rest of the world until it was rediscovered in 1812 by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Today, it is a major archeological site. Modern researchers and scientists are analyzing the many tombs and 4. 4.----- that exist throughout the area; many more clues to the religion and lifestyle of the original residents are still buried beneath the present surface of the ground. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. domain


Equals domain (25%)

2. transport


Equals transport (25%)

3. deposit


Equals deposit (25%)

4. graves


Equals graves (25%)

Score: 10/10 13.

EX3 P80B B. Completion. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the words in red. One word is extra. The ancient city of Ephesus on Turkey's western coast is cited as being a "lost" city, having remained hidden for centuries. Excavations on the site, which only began in the 1920s, have already uncovered fantastic archeological riches, inspiring archeologists to keep looking for more artifacts. For some of their discoveries, such as die Temple of Artemis, the original purpose and use is definitively known. But for others, archeologists are less sure of the builders' motives. For example, the avenue leading up to the Temple of Artemis is very wide; perhaps rather than just being a beautiful road, it was built wide enough to allow diousands of people to walk to the temple together. Historians and scientists continue their research to not only discover more secrets, but also to trace the lifestyle of die people who lived in the city at that time. 1. Using very modern technology, scientists are able to 1.----- the history of the Earth. 2. From studying Tutankhamen's body archeologists have 2.----proven that he was just a teenager when he died. 3. While most archeologists have excavated sites to learn more about ancient people, the 3.----- of some was greed—they wanted to sell the ancient artifacts they found. 4. Scientists often 4.----- the importance of their research as a reason for being allowed to explore historical areas. 5. The Greeks' love of drama 5.----- the creation of the amphitheater, a kind of large outdoor theater.

Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. trace


Equals trace (20%)

2. definitely


Equals definitely (20%)

3. motive


Equals motive (20%)

4. cite


Equals cite (20%)

5. inspired


Equals inspired (20%)

Score: 10/10

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View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 8, 2011 1:32 PM


March 8, 2011 1:37 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

92/100 = 92% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P84A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. Scientists probably assumed Homo floresiensis was not very intelligent because ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. they were very small B. they lived in isolation 100% C. their brains were very small D. they lived so long ago Score: 10/10

lines 30-31


EX3 P84A2 2. Why do scientists now think Homo floresiensis was smarter than originally thought? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. They made tools from bones. B. They may 100% have designed and sailed boats. C. They built bridges. D. They were able to travel large distances. Score: 10/10 3.

EX3 P84A3 3. In line 42, the word they refers to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. modern humans B. tiny beings C. females from Flores D. scientists


Score: 4.


EX3 P84A4 4. What is paragraph 6 (starting line 71) mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. the reason 100% for the small size of Homo floresiensis


B. scarcity of food on Flores C. the lack of natural predators on Flores D. Homo floresiensis' isolation on Flores Score: 5.


EX3 P84A5 5. According the passage, which of these is an adaptation to limited resources? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. a reduced body size


Feedback lines 79-83

B. the use of tools C. a high intelligence D. a smaller population Score: 6.


EX3 P84B B. Completion. Match the information in the anthropologist's notebook on the discoveries made about Homo floresiensis. Statement



1. Where they lived.

a. Flores, Indonesia

16.66% a. Flores, Indonesia

2. When they lived.

b. 95,000 to 13,000 years ago

16.66% b. 95,000 to 13,000 years ago

3. Appearance

c. short, forehead and 16.66% c. short, forehead and jaw like Homo erectus, jaw like Homo erectus, small brain small brain

4. Reason for size

d. several theories regarding resources, no selection for larger size

5. Abilities

e. tool making, hunting 16.66% e. tool making, hunting

6. How they f. not known, theories

Correct Match

16.66% d. several theories regarding resources, no selection for larger size


f. not known, theories

died out

include conflict with homo sapiens sapiens and a volcanic eruption

include conflict with homo sapiens sapiens and a volcanic eruption

Score: 8/8 7.

EX3 P85A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion, Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. abnormal minimize

contrary phenomenon

cousin unique


The pygmies of the Kalahari are not 1. 1.----- in their small size—they seem to be 2. 2.----- with other small peoples around the world. There are similarities between these groups of short people; not only are they 3. 3.----- short in height (under 150 cm, or 4 foot 11 inches), but they share reasons for being so. The 4. 4.----- of their extremely short height was initially thought to be due to lack of nutritious food. But according to Andrea Migliano, the author of a study on three separate tribes of pygmies, there is a problem with this theory. From 5. 5.----of their poor diet, you would expect the Masaai and Samburu peoples of Kenya and Tanzania to also be short. But, 6. 6.----- to this expectation, they are extremely tall. So why are pygmies short? Migliano found that pygmies have a very brief life, often dying at the age of 16, and her theory is that therefore they need to have babies at a younger age. She states: "The idea is that pygmies have to stop growing earlier, because when you start reproducing—at least for women—all the energy you would put in growth is put into reproduction." Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. unique


Equals unique (16%)

2. cousins


Equals cousins (16%)

3. abnormally


Equals abnormally (18%)

4. phenomenon


Equals phenomenon (16%)

5. inspection


Equals inspection (18%)

6. contrary


Equals contrary (16%)

Score: 10/10 8.

EX3 P85B1 B. Words in Context. Read the passage on page 85. Then select the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1. The population of nomadic tribes like the Kalihari Bushmen of southern Africa is ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. shrinking


B. increasing Score: 8/8 9.

EX3 P85B2 2. One reason is that they can easily die from diseases that come to them from the outside world, and for which they have no resistance. Another reason is that they find it difficult to ________ to a different way of life when they are forced to move to a more modern lifestyle. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. enhance B. adapt


Score: 8/8 10.

EX3 P85B3 3. Outsiders who observe these people are amazed by their ________ ways of surviving by understanding perfectly the environment in which they live. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. astonishing B. external


Score: 0/8 11.

EX3 P85B4 4. Researchers believe that the importance of preserving cultures like this should not be ________, and that losing them would be a loss to humankind. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. minimized 100% B. inspected Score: 8/8

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View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 14, 2011 5:41 PM


March 14, 2011 5:49 PM

Time spent: Total score: 1.

00:07:38 98.6/100 = 98.6% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P97A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. the popularity of coffee B. the effects 100% of caffeine on the body C. Thomas Murphy's need for caffeine D. the health risks associated with caffeine intake Score: 8/8 2.

EX3 P97A2 2. In line 31, which refers to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. adequate sleep B. losing sleep C. food containing caffeine D. consuming caffeine Score: 8/8




EX3 P97A3 3. In line 32, the word adequate could be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. deep B. long C. relaxed D. enough


Score: 8/8 4.

EX3 P97A4 4. Which of the following is NOT listed as a possible side effect of drinking caffeine? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. addiction B. mood swings C. painful headaches D. heart disease Score: 5.


line 82


EX3 P97A5 5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to: "And despite its nearly universal use, caffeine has rarely been abused." (line 85)? Student Value Correct Response Answer 100% A. Even though caffeine is consumed almost the world over, there aren't many instances of misuse. B. Even though caffeine is

Feedback line 85

often misused, it is consumed almost the world over. C. Despite caffeine's popularity addiction isn't a problem. D. Caffeine is used all over the world, so it is commonly misused. Score: 8/8 6.

EX3 P97B B. Completion. Which of the following are pros and which are cons of caffeine consumption? Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1. lose sleep, create headaches


20.0% cons

2. counters physical fatigue


20.0% pros

3. eases pain by reducing muscle inflammation


20.0% pros

4. cause physical dependence


20.0% cons

5. fights illness including cancer


20.0% pros

Score: 10/10 7.

EX3 P98A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information below with the correct form of words from the box. Two words are extra. depend abuse severe contradictory fluctuate facilitate furthermore temporary awake exhibit

Chocolate News Did you know that growing trees to produce chocolate is

saving a rain forest? At first, the idea sounds 1. 1.-----; you would expect that to grow cacao trees you would first have to clear the forest. But, in the Dominican Republic, local people who 2. 2.----- on the land for their income have 3. 3.----- to the brilliant idea that they can plant and grow cacao on land that was previously cleared for cattle. Their secret is to grow organic cacao, which can be sold for a much higher price than that grown with the use of chemicals. So, growing organic cacao provides a permanent income for farmers, and, 4. 4.----- , does it without destroying any more forest. Did you know that you are 5. 5.----- your dog if you feed it chocolate? Many dogs love chocolate snacks, but too much chocolate can be harmful for dogs. Chocolate contains "theobromine," a chemical found in cocoa beans that can cause a variety of medical problems for dogs. Some of these are quite 6. 6.-----, and could possibly lead to death. So if your dog 7. 7.----- symptoms such as a(n) 8. 8.----- heartbeat, or vomiting, it's possible that a chocolate "treat" was the cause. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. contradictory


Equals contradictory (12%)

2. depend


Equals depend (12%)

3. awakend


Equals awakened (14%)

4. furthermore


Equals furthermore (12%)

5. abusing


Equals abusing (14%)

6. severe


Equals severe (12%)

7. exhibits


Equals exhibits (12%)

8. fluctuating


Equals fluctuating (12%)

Score: 8.6/10 8.

EX3 P98B1 B. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. 1. If you facilitate something, you ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. make it easier



B. make it more difficult Score: 8/8 9.

EX3 P98B2 2. Something that is temporary continues ________.

Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. forever B. for a limited time Score: 10.



EX3 P98B3 3. You are most likely to find exhibits ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. in a bank B. in a museum Score: 11.

100% 8/8

EX3 P98B4 4. If you contradict someone, you ________ with him or her. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. agree B. disagree Score: 12.



EX3 P98B5 5. Fluctuating prices ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. are going up B. go up and 100% down Score: 8/8

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March 14, 2011 5:50 PM


March 14, 2011 5:55 PM

Time spent: Total score: 1.

00:05:05 100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P102A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% A. possible replacements for fossil fuels for energy B. the causes of the energy crisis C. the benefits of solar power D. over dependence on fossil fuels Score: 8/8 2.

EX3 P102A2 2. In line 18, the word emissions is closest in meaning to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. panels B. electricity C. pollution


D. accidents Score: 8/8 3.

EX3 P102A3 3. Which of these statements about solar energy is stated in the text?

Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. Solar is the biggest contributor to the world's energy. B. Solar energy is cheap to produce. 100% C. Solar space stations could be the solution to the energy crisis. D. Solar panels are coming down in price. Score: 8/8 4.

EX3 P102A4 4. What is NOT mentioned as a disadvantage of wind power? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. The turbines are uneconomical. B. The turbines 100% don't work well on cloudy days. C. The turbines are noisy. D. Local residents think the turbines are ugly. Score: 5.


EX3 P102A5 5. Which of these statements is NOT true about nuclear energy?

Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. It is cheaper to produce than coal or gas. B. Nuclear energy produces no carbon waste. C. Safety concerns made nuclear energy unpopular for several decades. 100% D. Nuclear energy is becoming less popular than other energy sources. Score: 6.


EX3 P102B B. Classification. Match each description (a-g) with the energy source it describes. Statement



a. fastest growing energy source today


14.28% wind

b. expensive to produce


14.28% solar

c. produces no carbon emissions

all three

14.28% all three

d. there are safety concerns


14.28% nuclear

e. no constant power supply

wind and solar

14.28% wind and solar

f. requires a way to store surplus energy to be effective


14.28% wind

g. unpopular with nearby residential communities


14.32% wind

Score: 6/6

Correct Match


EX3 P103A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information using the words from the box. Three words are extra. utilize guarantee

dispose steep

equivalent substitute

finite utilize

The Singapore government, recognizing that fossil fuels are a(n) 1. 1.---- resource, is keen to 2. 2.----- traditional energy production with "renewable energies." It has decided to turn Pulau Ubin, a small, undeveloped, but inhabited island off the coast of Singapore, into a "green island." It will be powered entirely by clean and renewable energy, providing the 3. 3.----- amount of electricity as it does now, but without using fossil fuels. Residents on the island who presently 4. 4.----- old, inefficient diesel-run generators to supply their power will be pleased to 5. 5.----- of them when the new system starts running in 2010. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. finite


Equals finite (20%)

2. substitute


Equals substitute (20%)

3. equivalent


Equals equivalent (20%)

4. utilize


Equals utilize (20%)

5. dispose


Equals dispose (20%)

Score: 6/6 8.

EX3 P103B1 B. Words in Context. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. Advocates of an idea ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. are for it



B. are against it Score: 9.


EX3 P103B2 2. If a country's energy capacity increases, it means ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. it needs more energy


B. it can produce more energy Score: 10.



EX3 P103B3 3. A country that utilizes nuclear power probably ________ nuclear power plants. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. has



B. doesn't have any Score: 11.


EX3 P103B4 4. Over the last 100 years ________ has been declining. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. environmental 100% quality B. the world's population Score: 12.


EX3 P103B5 5. A steep price rise takes place over a ________ period of time. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. short



B. long Score: 13.


EX3 P103B6 6. If you guarantee that something will happen, you ________ that it will occur. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. promise B. doubt Score: 8/8



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March 15, 2011 6:56 PM


March 15, 2011 7:20 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

96.5/100 = 96.5% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P106A

Nearly a century before Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas, a Chinese admiral named Zheng He led one of the most powerful trading fleets the world has ever known. From 1405 to 1433, he and his armada sailed seven voyages that spanned over 16,000 kilometers (10,000 miles), 30 countries, and three decades. By establishing trading ports throughout Asia and as far as Africa, Zheng He's voyages established China as the world's major sea power.

Before You Read A. Matching. Read the information and match the words in blue with their definitions. 1. a very large group of ships


2. towns where ships load or unload goods or people

ports trading fleets

3. groups of ships that are organized to buy and sell goods


4. a very senior officer who is in charge of a large number of ships


Response Value Correct Match

1. a very large group of ships




2. towns where ships load or unload goods or people




3. groups of ships that are organized trading to buy and sell goods fleets

25.0% trading fleets

4. a very senior officer who is in charge of a large number of ships

25.0% admiral

Score: 3.5/7



EX3 P109A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is paragraph 4 mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. Zheng He's time in the Middle East B. Zheng He's last voyage C. a summary of Zheng He's voyages


D. the trading routes to China Score: 5/5 3.

EX3 P109A2 2. How many voyages did Zheng He make in his lifetime? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. 4 B. 7


lines 1-2

C. 28 D. It was never recorded. Score: 4.


EX3 P109A3 3. In line 59, the word ultimately could be replaced with _____ Student Value Correct Response Answer A. quickly


B. all C. eventually 100% D. somehow Score: 5.


EX3 P109A4 4. Why did China's foreign exploration stop in 1422? Student Response

Value Correct Answer

A. A new ruler came to power.



B. Zheng He died. C. Zheng He's fleet sank. D. Zheng He had completed his explorations. Score: 6.


EX3 P109A5 5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to: "The end of Zheng He's sixth voyage in 1422 coincided with a new emperor coming to power." (lines 63-65)? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. In 1422, a new emperor came to power and ended Zheng He's sixth voyage. B. When Zheng He finished his sixth voyage in 1422, he became China's emperor.


C. Zheng He completed his sixth voyage in 1422 because China gained a new emperor. 100% D. A new emperor came to power in China in 1422 at the time that Zheng He's sixth voyage came to an end. Score: 7.


EX3 P109B B. Completion. Match the events with the year in the timeline of key events in the life of Zheng He.


Response Value

a. Ma He was born


16.66% 1371

b. Ma He renamed Zheng He and given a job as Admiral


16.66% 1402

c. Zheng He departs on 1st voyage, lands in Vietnam


16.66% 1405

d. End of Zheng He's 6th voyage, new 1422 emperor comes to power with change in policy

16.66% 1422

e. Final voyage to Africa's East Coast, 1431 pilgrimage to Mecca

16.66% 1431

f. On return voyage to China, Zheng He dies.



Score: 8/8 8.

EX3 P110A

Vocabulary Practice

Correct Match


A. Completion. Complete the information using the correct form of words from the box. Two words are extra. accompany accumulate coincide command commodity depart fascinate subsequent terminate via As a young man, Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl had long been 1. 1.----- by Pacific cultures and island life. Heyerdahl developed an innovative theory for how the Pacific islands of Polynesia were first settled. He believed it was possible for humans, even in very basic craft, to travel from South America to Polynesia 2. 2.----- the strong ocean currents near the Equator. 3. 3.-----, he claimed, it was South American Indians who first settled in Polynesia, not Southeast Asians as was commonly believed. Despite all the evidence he 4. 4.-----, however, few people took his viewpoint seriously. To prove his theory, Heyerdahl decided to build a basic raft himself— called the Kon-Tiki—and sail it from South America to Polynesia. In 1947, he 5. 5.----- from Callao, Peru on a 101-day voyage, 6. 6.----by a team of only five men. Later he remembered how he felt when he arrived on the Polynesian island of Raroia: "I crawled up on the dry sand and counted the men around me. That feeling can never be matched. We had really made it and we were all alive!" In April 2002, Thor Heyerdahl's life of adventure was 7. 7.----- as a result of a brain tumor. The year 8. 8.----- with the 55th anniversary of his historic voyage in the Kon-Tiki, a voyage that changed forever the way we view one of humanity's greatest journeys. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. fascinated


Equals fascinated (13%)

2. via


Equals via (12%)

3. subsequently


Equals Subsequently (13%)

4. accumulated


Equals accumulated (13%)

5. departed


Equals departed (13%)

6. accompanied


Equals accompanied (12%)

7. terminated


Equals terminated (12%)

8. coincided


Equals coincided (12%)

Score: 10/10 9.

EX3 P110B1 1. Generally, you give commands to people who are ________ in rank. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. below you 100% B. your equal


Score: 10.


EX3 P110B2 2. Examples of commodities include ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. bread and 100% coffee B. love and happiness Score: 11.


EX3 P110B3 3. Accumulating wealth usually happens ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. suddenly B. over a period of time Score: 12.



EX3 P110B4 4. To terminate something means to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. start it B. finish it


Score: 13.


EX3 P110B5 5. Two things that coincide happen ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer 100% A. at the same time B. one after the other Score:

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March 15, 2011 8:20 PM


March 15, 2011 8:28 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

96.368/100 = 96.368% possible score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0


EX3 P114A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. the author's recreation of Sindbad's voyages



B. the adventures of Sindbad C. the author's experiences in Sri Lanka D. Sindbad's voyages with Severin Score: 12/12 2.

EX3 P114A2 2. What nationality were Severin's crew? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. Indonesian and Chinese


B. Omani C. Omani and 100% Western

lines 18-19

D. Chinese Score: 12/12 3.

EX3 P114A3 3. Severin's ship relies on what to move? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. a modern ship engine B. wind in its 100% sails

5th paragraph

C. the crew with oars D. the passage doesn't say Score: 12/12 4.

EX3 P114A4 4. Who or what is Hashish (line 67)? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. one of Sindbad's sailors B. a type of food C. a place the author visited D. a plantbased drug


line 67

Score: 12/12 5.

EX3 P114A5 5. Where did Sohar experience the worst weather? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. in the Arabian Sea B. between Sri Lanka and Indonesia C. between Sumatra and Singapore 100% D. in the South China Sea Score: 6.

lines 84-91


EX3 P114B B. Classification. Match each statement (a-g) with the person it describes. Statement

Response Value

Correct Match

a. journey paid for by Omani government


14.28% Severin

b. visited Sri Lanka


14.28% Both

c. saw "valley of the diamonds"


14.28% Sindbad

d. visited Sumatra


14.28% Both

e. crew drugged by locals


14.28% Sindbad

f. captured by an old man


14.28% Sindbad

g. experienced terrible storms




Score: 8.568/10 7.

EX3 P115A

Vocabulary Practice A. Matching. Match the words in the box to the words in red (1-5) with the same meaning. A cultural festival took place in Seoul in June 2008 to celebrate cultural links between South Korea and the Arab world. The "Arabian Nights in Seoul" festival, named after the famous collection of Arabian (1) stories, featured music, dance, and poetry from a group of Arab countries (2) consisting of Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Despite covering only a (3) short 4-day period, the festival was packed with events, including exhibitions, food-tasting, and dance performances. "Cultural understanding is one of the key channels of communication," said Bae Jae-hyun, speaking (4) for the Korean government's foreign affairs (5) department which helped to

organize the event. Statement


Value Correct Match

1. stories


20.0% tales

2. consisting of


20.0% comprising

3. short


20.0% brief

4. for

on behalf of

20.0% on behalf of

5. department


20.0% ministry

Score: 10/10 8.

EX3 P115B B. Completion. Complete the information below using the correct form of words from the box. One word is used twice. accelerate brief comprise crew struggle tale violent generous In 1873, author Jules Verne wrote Around the World in Eighty Days, a fictional 1. 1.----- about a British man who attempts to travel around the world within eighty days. Over a century later, Michel Palin, a British adventurer, attempted to make the same journey, using only land and sea transport. Palin was accompanied by a TV 2. 2.----which 3. 3.----- five people including a cameraman and director. Palin 4. 4.----- through a number of challenges in the early stages of the journey, including missed connections and often 5. 5.----- weather. After crossing Europe and the Middle East overland, he stopped in Dubai, where he met a boat 6. 6.----- who 7. 7.----- agreed to take him to Bombay. Once in India, however, he realized he would have to 8. 8.----- if he was going to get home in time. Palin made 9. 9.----stops in Singapore and Hong Kong before departing for North America. After racing across both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, he finally arrived back in London, England—79 days and 7 hours after his journey began. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. tale


Equals tale (11%)

2. crew


Equals crew (11%)

3. comprising


Equals comprised (11%)

4. struggled


Equals struggled (11%)

5. violent


Equals violent (11%)

6. crew


Equals crew (11%)

7. generously


Equals generously (12%)

8. accelerate


Equals accelerate (11%)

9. brief


Equals brief (11%)

Score: 17.8/20

View Attempt 1 of 1




March 22, 2011 8:08 PM


March 22, 2011 8:12 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P121A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. how 13 people died in a plane crash 100% B. how survivors of a plane crash managed to get help C. how a rescue team managed to find the site of a plane crash D. how survivors of a plane crash survived the wait to be rescued Score: 15/15 2.

EX3 P121A2 2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

Student Value Correct Response Answer 100% A. the preparation to go for help

Feedback paragraph 3

B. the three volunteers C. the clothes the men wore D. the account of the crash Score: 15/15 3.

EX3 P121A3 3. In line 40, the word summit could be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. top


Feedback line 40

B. valley C. base D. north side Score: 4.


EX3 P121A4 4. Why did Vizintin return to the crash site? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. There wasn't enough food for three people. B. He had become ill. C. He was too weak to climb. D. The weather had become


Feedback lines 55-56

too cold. Score: 15/15 5.

EX3 P121A5 5. After the crash, a rescue team did not arrive because ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. no one knew the plane had been flying B. the plane could not be found


C. the rescue team knew where the plane was but couldn't reach it D. there were no rescue teams in the Andes Score: 6.


EX3 P122A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with words from the box. One word is extra. rational tough

steady aircraft

rescue blanket

urgent sustain

sew volunteer

In January 2000, photographer Alison Wright was injured in a bus accident while traveling in Laos. It was the start of her long struggle for a new life. When the truck hit, the impact instantly broke my back and ribs; my left arm was cut open by broken window glass; my heart and stomach tore loose and ended up near my shoulder. Later, doctors told me that the injuries I 1. 1.----- in the accident were so severe that I shouldn't be alive. Somehow I managed to get out of the bus and lay by the side of the road. I remember thinking about my situation in a very clear, 2. 2.----- way I knew I had to calm down, so I focused on making my breathing slow and 3. 3.-----. I heard people shouting, "My God, someone do something! This woman is bleeding to

death!" I wondered who they were talking about. Then I realized it was me. Eventually I was 4. 4.----- by some people who were passing by. They took me to a nearby village. A teenager in a T-shirt poured alcohol on the cuts in my arm, and used a needle to 5. 5.----- them up. There were no drugs to reduce the pain. Some hours later, an aid worker arrived. He realized it was 6. 6.----- that I get to a hospital quickly, so he 7. 7.----- to drive me to the capital, Vientiane. From there I was taken to Udon Thani, Thailand. Three weeks later, I boarded an 8. 8.----- to return to the U.S. There, I went through more than 20 operations. Although my body was weak, my mind was still strong and 9. 9.-----, and I never gave up. In December 2001, almost two years after the accident, I achieved my goal of hiking to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, in Africa. It was the start of a new day, and, for me, a new life. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. sustained


Equals sustained (11%)

2. rational


Equals rational (11%)

3. steady


Equals steady (11%)

4. rescued


Equals rescued (11%)

5. sew


Equals sew (11%)

6. urgent


Equals urgent (11%)

7. volunteered


Equals volunteered (12%)

8. aircraft


Equals aircraft (11%)

9. tough


Equals tough (11%)

Score: 15/15 7.

EX3 P122B B. Matching. Match words from the box below with the definitions. rational steady rescue urgent sew tough aircraft blanket sustain volunteer Statement

Response Value

Correct Match

1. based on reason, not emotion


16.66% rational

2. a thick cloth usually put on a bed


16.66% blanket

3. strong; difficult to break


16.66% tough

4. gradual; without quick changes steady

16.66% steady

5. to save from danger


16.66% rescue

6. to do work without pay



Score: 10/10

View Attempt 1 of 1





March 22, 2011 8:14 PM


March 22, 2011 8:26 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P126A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. the experiences of Afghan refugees B. Sharbat Gula's early life C. the life of photographer Steve McCurry 100% D. McCurry's quest to find the subject of his famous photo Score: 12/12 2.

EX3 P126A2 2. In line 36, the word erased could be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. made stronger B. taken away C. changed D. rubbed away


line 36

Score: 3.


EX3 P126A3 3. What was still the same about Gula after 20 years? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. her clothes B. her hair C. her stare


lines 37-39

D. her home Score: 4.


EX3 P126A4 4. Why did Gula's husband have to travel to Pakistan? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. to fight B. for medical help C. for work


lines 62-63

D. to see his family Score: 5.


EX3 P126A5 5. In line 91, us refers to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. Afghan women and children B. Boyd Matson and Steve McCurry 100% C. National Geographic D. refugees Score: 12/12

lines 90-91


EX3 P126B B. Sequencing. Put the events below in order from 1-9. Statement

Response Value

a. She married at the age of 16.


11.11% 4

b. Her husband traveled to Pakistan to work.


11.11% 8

c. She returned to Afghanistan.


11.11% 5

d. Her parents were killed.


11.11% 1

e. One of her daughters died as a baby.


11.11% 6

f. Her husband became seriously ill.


11.11% 7

g. She was photographed by McCurry. 3

11.11% 3

h. She learned from McCurry how her 9 picture has inspired people to help refugees.

11.11% 9

i. She and her family fled to a refugee 2 camp in Pakistan.

11.12% 2

Score: 7.

Correct Match


EX3 P127A Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with words from the box. Two words are extra. border mobilize

clinic stable

convince terror

explosion tragic

mercy wages

John Dau was one of thousands of young African males caught in Sudan's civil war. This is his story of survival. One night in 1987, 13year-old John Dau was woken from his sleep by the sound of loud 1. 1.----- close by his family's hut. Outside, he saw people running in 2. 2.----- from armed soldiers. "The women and children were running and crying," he remembers. "I could hear bullets, zzzzing zzzing, whistling past us. I can still hear that sound." As his village burned, Dau joined thousands of other boys, now known as the "Lost Boys of Sudan," who escaped the war on foot. Together they faced dangerous wild animals, disease, and hunger, often depending on the 3. 3.----of villagers who offered them food. Fewer than half of the children completed the journey and crossed the 4. 4.----- into Ethiopia. Some years later, Dau found his way to Kenya, where he began rebuilding his life. In 2001, a volunteer organization arranged for Dau and some of his fellow Lost Boys to fly to the U.S.A. Dau began working 60 hours a week in New York, and used his 5. 5.----- to cover the cost of studying at university. Dau has since established the American Care for Sudan Foundation, which has helped to build a health 6. 6.----- in southern Sudan. Dau remains hopeful and is 7. 7.----- that one day his country will become 8. 8.----- and peaceful again. "Hope must not be lost," he says. "All those miles in the desert, I always said, maybe

tomorrow will not be like this." Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. explosions


Equals explosions (14%)

2. terror


Equals terror (12%)

3. mercy


Equals mercy (12%)

4. border


Equals border (12%)

5. wages


Equals wages (14%)

6. clinic


Equals clinic (12%)

7. convinced


Equals convinced (12%)

8. stable


Equals stable (12%)

Score: 20/20 8.

EX3 P127B B. Matching. Match words from the box in A with the correct definition. border clinic convince explosion mercy mobilize stable terror tragic wages Statement

Response Value

1. to succeed in encouraging people to take (political) action


Correct Match

16.66% mobilize

2. not likely to change or come to an stable end soon

16.66% stable

3. extremely sad


16.66% tragic

4. a building where people go to receive medical treatment ___


16.66% clinic

5. the dividing line between two countries


16.66% border

6. make someone believe that something is true




Score: 10/10

View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 23, 2011 11:35 PM


March 23, 2011 11:51 PM

Time spent:


Total score:

100/100 = 100%

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

score: 100 1.

EX3 P136A

The human brain contains roughly 100 billion cells (neurons), each having more than 10,000 connections. We now know that different parts of the brain specialize in different functions. This brain scan shows four areas. The prefrontal cortex (1) is key to an individual's self-awareness. The hippocampus (2) enables people to recall long- term memories. The amygdala (3) helps to process emotional memories, and may be related to social behavior. The temporal lobe (4) is associated with speech and perception.

Before You Read A. Matching. Read the information above. Use the words in blue to complete the definitions. Statement


Value Correct Match

1. If you have ________ it means you are conscious of your own identity.


20.0% selfawareness

2. If you are in a(n) ________ mental state, you display strong feelings.


20.0% emotional

3. If you are able to ________ something, you can remember it.


20.0% recall

4. _________ is the recognition of Perception things using your senses, especially sight.

20.0% Perception

5. ________ is the way that someone acts, performs, or functions.

20.0% Behaviour


Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P136B B. Skim. Read the headings below and quickly skim the passage on pages 137-138. Which heading is most suitable for each break in the text? Label the headings A-D. Statement


Value Correct Match

Who am I?


25.0% A

Why do I have emotions?


25.0% C

How do I remember?


25.0% B

Can I control how I feel?


25.0% D

Score: 10/10


EX3 P139A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. how memory works B. mind reading C. how our emotions are processed in our brain D. how the mind works


Score: 10/10 4.

EX3 P139A2 2. In line 8, piece of flesh refers to the ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


1. body 2. mind 3. heart 4. brain Score: 5.


line 8 10/10

EX3 P139A3 3. Which of these statements is NOT true? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. Selfawareness develops around the age of two.


B. The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed at birth. C. The pre- 100% frontal cortex is located at the back of the brain.

lines 28-30

D. The prefrontal cortex affects a person's emotion's. Score: 10/10 6.

EX3 P139A4 4. The word corresponding in line 76 is closest in meaning to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. powerful B. sending C. changing D. related


Score: 10/10 7.

EX3 P139A5 5. Why do most people not remember what happened before they were three years of age? Student Value Correct Response Answer


1. Early memories disappear soon after they are formed. 100% 2. The part of the brain that forms memory is

lines 55-58

not fully developed at this stage. 3. The prefrontal cortex is not developed at this stage. 4. People tend to forget emotional memories. Score: 10/10 8.

EX3 P139B B. Matching. Match each part of the brain (1-5) with its function (ae), according to the passage. Statement


Value Correct Match

1. amygdala

c. stores very emotional memories

20.0% c. stores very emotional memories

2. hippocampus

a. helps in forming long-term memories

20.0% a. helps in forming long-term memories

3. left pre-frontal d. the activity center 20.0% d. the activity center cortex for positive emotions for positive emotions 4. right prefrontal cortex

e. the activity center 20.0% e. the activity center for negative emotions for negative emotions

5. pre-frontal cortex

b. responsible for self-awareness

20.0% b. responsible for self-awareness

Score: 10/10 9.

EX3 P140A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information below using the correct form of words from the box. accomplish reinforce flexible visualize perspective presume welfare transform underlie entity Memorizing information is something that all of us need to do, but it is particularly essential for students. There are various ways to improve your memory, and one technique is known as "mind-mapping." This method is the invention of a British man called Tony Buzan. His 1.1.---- is that no matter how weak you are as a student, no matter how

bad your exam results, the use of mind-mapping can 2. 2.----- you and help you to 3. 3.----- more in your life. A mind map is like a diagram of thoughts, starting from a single idea, and spreading outward to new ideas, showing the connections between them (see example below). The 4. 4.----- theory behind it is that by drawing the map on paper, you are made to 5. 5.----- the information clearly. Later, as you look at the mind map again and again, you 6. 6.----your knowledge of the information and you memorize it. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. presumption


Equals presumption (18%)

2. transform


Equals transform (16%)

3. accomplish


Equals accomplish (16%)

4. underlying


Equals underlying (18%)

5. visualize


Equals visualize (16%)

6. reinforce


Equals reinforce (16%)

Score: 10/10 10.

EX3 P140B B. Definitions. Use the correct form of words in the box in A to complete the definitions. accomplish reinforce flexible visualize perspective presume welfare transform underlie entity Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1. A(n) ________ object or material can be bent easily without breaking.


25.0% flexible

2. If you _________ that something is presume true, you think it is true, but are not certain.

25.0% presume

3. A(n) ________ is something that exists separately from other things.

25.0% entity


4. The ________ of a person or group welfare is their health, comfort, or happiness. Score: 10/10

View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 23, 2011 11:51 PM


March 23, 2011 11:55 PM

Time spent:


25.0% welfare

Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P144A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. ways of teaching animals to become more intelligent B. how human and animal intelligence are different C. animals that can communicate 100% D. the discovery that intelligence is not limited to humans Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P144A2 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? Student Response

Value Correct Answer

A. how birds and chimps evolved toolmaking abilities B. the language ability of dogs C. ways in which



elephants can communicate D. how an octopus displays basic emotions Score: 3.


EX3 P144A3 3. What could Alex do that showed self-awareness? Student Value Correct Response Answer A. copy human sounds


Feedback lines 36-45

B. understand the concept of zero C. count D. learn vocabulary Score: 4.


EX3 P144A4 4. In line 44, it refers to _______. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. talking B. counting C. selfawareness D. imitation


Score: 10/10 5.

EX3 P144A5 5. In line 75, the word link could be replaced with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. view B. match



C. count D. take Score: 6.


EX3 P144B B. Summary. Complete the information with words from the reading. photographs 2 year old spit hunting laugh tools

Examples of animal intelligence. Chimps Use basic 1.----- for eating, drinking and 2.-----. 3.----- and 4.----- to show their feelings. Dogs Have vocabulary learning skills of a(n) 5.----- human child. Can recognize relationships between 6.----- and real objects. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. tools


Equals tools (18%)

2. hunting


Equals hunting (16%)

3. Laugh


Equals Laugh (16%) Equals Spit (16%)

4. spit


Equals spit (16%) Equals laugh (16%)

5. 2-year-old


Equals 2 year old (16%) Equals 2-year-old (16%)

6. photographs


Equals photographs (18%)

Score: 20/20 7.

EX3 P145A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of words from the box. Three words are extra. acknowledge dismiss abstract extraordinary master humble primitive reveal pronounce simulate Research into chimpanzees in the Fongoli region of Senegal has 1.1.---- behavior that could change the way we view our closest cousins. The research suggests that the Fongoli chimps seem to have 2. 2.----the art of basic tool-making. Furthermore, a chimp was observed

sharpening a stick with her teeth before using it as a(n) 3. 3.----- tool for killing a bush-baby. Although few people 4. 4.----- the findings completely, some researchers question their significance. Primatologist Craig Stanford, for example, while 5. 5.----- that the behavior is fascinating, 6.6.----that the research findings are only important enough to be "... a short note in a journal." However, researcher Jill Pruetz claims that the discovery is remarkable, as it shows that chimp behavior can be 7. 7.---- human-like. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. revealed


Equals revealed (14%)

2. mastered


Equals mastered (14%)

3. primitive


Equals primitive (14%)

4. dismiss


Equals dismiss (14%)

5. acknowledging


Equals acknowledging (14%)

6. pronounces


Equals pronounces (15%)

7. extraordinarily


Equals extraordinarily (15%)

Score: 20/20 8.

EX3 P145B B. Definitions. Complete the definitions using words from the box below. acknowledge dismiss abstract extraordinary master humble primitive reveal pronounce simulate Statement



1. To ________ something means to become skilled in the use of it.


16.66% master

2. If you ________ an action or a feeling, you pretend to do it.


16.66% simulate

3. To ________ something means to show it, or make people aware of it.


16.66% reveal

4. A(n) ________ person is not humble proud, and does not believe they are better than other people. 5. If you ________ a fact or situation, you accept or admit that it is true.

16.66% humble

acknowledge 16.66% acknowledge

6. A(n) ________ idea or way of abstract thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events. Score: 10/10

Correct Match



View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 29, 2011 12:58 AM


March 29, 2011 1:03 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P151A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. how color 100% influences our lives B. the sources of color C. how views of color have changed D. how color can have a calming effect Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P151A2 2. The first non-natural colors were produced ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. in the 19th century B. in the 20th century


Feedback 1800s, lines 16-19

C. only recently D. centuries ago Score: 3.


EX3 P151A3 3. According to the passage, which color causes the heart rate to increase? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. black B. yellow


line 65

C. blue D. pink Score: 4.


EX3 P151A4 4. Which color has been used to help children study better? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. red B. yellow


lines 66-68

C. blue D. pink Score: 5.


EX3 P151A5 5. In line 86, this idea refers to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. inhibiting hunger B. blue food C. relaxation 100% D. painting rooms Score: 10/10


EX3 P151B


B. Completion. According to the passage, which color (red, blue, or yellow): Statement

Response Value

Correct Match

a. is most easily seen?


16.66% yellow

b. is associated with mourning in Iran?


16.66% blue

c. can cause you to be less hungry?


16.66% blue

d. represents success in some cultures?


16.66% red

e. has a calming effect?


16.66% blue

f. creates trust?




Score: 10/10 7.

EX3 P152A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. bold


extract highlight inhibition neutral

One of the 1.1.----- of the year in India is Holi, also known as "The Festival of Colors." The annual event, which takes place on the day after the full moon in late February or early March, represents the end of winter, and has great significance for Hindus. It is celebrated by lighting bonfires and throwing colored powder and water on friends and family. Days before the start of the festival, the markets are filled with 2. 2.---- colors of all shades, from bright red to the deepest blue. Many families create their own colors at home, often using dyes 3. 3.----from flowers such as tesu and palash. On the day of the festival, children and adults alike put aside their 4. 4.----- and enjoy throwing paint at each other while celebrating the start of spring. The Holi festival is a popular event with both locals and visitors. However, a note or 5. 5.-----: Don't wear your best clothes. It's likely they'll be covered with paint by the time you return home! Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. highlights


Equals highlights (20%)

2. bold


Equals bold (20%)

3. extracted


Equals extracted (20%)

4. inhibitions


Equals inhibitions (20%)

5. caution


Equals caution (20%)

Score: 20/20 8.

EX3 P152B B. Definitions. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. aggressive bold depressed neutral package passive

1. If you are 1.----- about something, you feel neither strongly for or against it. 2. If you are 2.-----, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything. 3. A(n) 3.----- is a small bag, box, or envelope in which a quantity of something is sold. 4. A(n) 4.----- person or animal behaves angrily or violently toward others. 5. A(n) 5.----- person does not take action, but instead lets things happen to them. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. neutral


Equals neutral (20%)

2. depressed


Equals depressed (20%)

3. package


Equals package (20%)

4. aggressive


Equals aggressive (20%)

5. passive


Equals passive (20%)

Score: 20/20

View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 29, 2011 1:03 AM


March 29, 2011 1:07 AM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P153A

Before You Read A. Completion. Read the information above. Then complete the

sentences below using the correct form of the words in blue. 1. The 1.----- of a theory or movement are its basic rules or laws. 2. An artist's 2.----- are the particular methods that he or she uses. 3. A 3.----- is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a particular person. 4. The 4.----- of a painting is the place or type of surroundings in which it takes place. 5. A 5.----- is an extremely good painting or other work of art. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. principles


Equals principles (20%)

2. techniques


Equals techniques (20%)

3. portrait


Equals portrait (20%)

4. setting


Equals setting (20%)

5. masterpiece


Equals masterpiece (20%)

Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P156A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. Which statement is NOT true about van Gogh's youth? Student Response

Value Correct Answer



line 15

A. He grew up in Holland. B. He was born in a small village. C. His parents encouraged his artistic talent. D. He tried several jobs but was unsuccessful. Score: 10/10 3.

EX3 P156A2 2. What is the purpose of paragraph 3 (starting line 22)?

Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. to advise when van Gogh was. born 100% B. to describe how van Gogh became a painter C. to show that van Gogh was a troubled man D. to show how van Gogh survived on his own Score: 4.


EX3 P156A3 3. What is the main idea in paragraph 4 (starting line 28)? Student Response

Value Correct Answer

A. Van Gogh was unhappy working with painters in Holland. B. Van Gogh's move to Paris changed his attitude toward art. C. Van Gogh was less successful than other Impressionist painters. D. Van Gogh's paintings of flowers were very popular in Paris.



Score: 5.


EX3 P156A4 4. In line 72, the word took is closest in meaning to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. left B. moved into


C. stole from D. sold Score: 6.


EX3 P156A5 5. What is NOT suggested as a possible motive for van Gogh's suicide? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. lack of financial success B. mental illness 100% C. a failed relationship

lines 84-85

D. loneliness Score: 7.


EX3 P156B B. Sequencing. Number the events in van Gogh's life in the order in which they occured (1-5).


Response Value Correct Match

shows artistic talent in his hometown Zundert (a), but receives little encouragement


20.0% 1

produces a painting a day for just over 5 two months in Auvers (b), near Paris

20.0% 5

studies the techniques of Impressionist 2 painters in Paris (c) and changes his use of colors

20.0% 2

spends hours painting in the fields of

20.0% 3


Aries (d); argues with fellow painter Paul Gauguin recovers from depression in a hospital in St. Remy (e); paints The Starry Night


20.0% 4

Score: 5/5 8.

EX3 P157A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. appreciation classic subsidize innovative resist wander Many Impressionist painters greatly admired the woodblock prints of Japanese artists such as Hokusai and Hiroshige. The techniques of these woodblock artists, such as the use of strong black lines and uniform shades of color, were new, exciting, and 1.1.-----. However, Western artists who 2. 2.----- the movement toward Impressionism felt these methods were "vulgar." Instead, they advocated a return to a more 3. 3.----- view of art and the use of more traditional techniques. Van Gogh especially 4. 4.----- the work of Japanese woodblock artists. Durin g the time he spent 5. 5.----- in the fields near Arles, he felt a close relationship with Japanese art and culture, and even shaved his head to "look like a Japanese monk." From Arles, he wrote to his sister: "Here I need no Japanese woodblock prints, because I am here in Japan." Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. innovative


Equals innovative (20%)

2. resisted


Equals resisted (20%)

3. classical


Equals classical (20%)

4. appreciated


Equals appreciated (20%)

5. wandering


Equals wandering (20%)

Score: 10/10 9.

EX3 P157B1 B. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. 1. If you describe someone as greedy, you mean they want to have ________ of something. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. more



B. less Score: 5/5 10.

EX3 P157B2 2. When you recover from an illness or injury, you become _______. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. well again 100% B. more sick Score: 11.


EX3 P157B3 3. If a decision is sensible, it usually means it is based on _______. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. emotion B. reason


Score: 12.


EX3 P157B4 4. If you are sensitive to other people's needs or feelings, you _______. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% A. show understanding of them B. are not aware of them Score: 13.


EX3 P157B5 6. If a government, authority, or person subsidizes something, they ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer 100% A. pay part of the cost B. take ownership Score: 5/5


View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 30, 2011 12:18 PM


March 30, 2011 12:22 PM

Time spent:


Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

Total score adjusted by 0.0

Maximum possible

EX3 P163A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A. a fantastic voyage 100% B. how nanotechnology can be used in medical science C. the dangers of nanotechnology D. detecting cancer Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P163A2 2. In line 42, the word determine could be replaced by ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. discover


Feedback line 42

B. report C. miss D. hide Score: 3.


EX3 P163A3 3. Exposing human cells to large amounts of nanoparticles ________.

Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. has no effect B. should remain a priority C. is how cancer can be treated D. can result 100% in 50% cell death Score: 10/10 4.

EX3 P163A4 4. What is the main idea of the second last paragraph (from line 85)? Student Response

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A. Nanotechnology has not proved useful and scientists want research halted. B. Scientists want 100% to see research into nanotechnology continue, but carefully. C. Nanotechnology is so useful that scientists refuse to stop researching. D. Many scientists think that nanotechnology is too dangerous to be permitted. Score: 5.


EX3 P163A5 5. On line 98, Vicki Colvin says "Even ten years ago, a lot of these applications would have seemed pretty unrealistic." What does she mean?

Student Response

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A. Nanotechnology 100% has evolved a lot in the last decade. B. Ten years ago, nanotechnology applications weren't very realistic. C. Some of these applications are ten years old. D. In ten years, there have been few realistic applications for nanotechnology. Score: 10/10 6.

EX3 P163B1 B. True or False. Which of these statements are true (T) and which are false (F)? 1. A nanometer is the size of a comma. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 7.

EX3 P163B2 2. Doctors use X-rays to see colored quantum dots. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 8.


EX3 P163B3 3. Nanotechnology may make diagnosis of cancer possible earlier. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 9.

EX3 P163B4 4. Resistance to drugs is a problem in the treatment of cancer today.

Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 10.

EX3 P163B5 5. With nanotechnology, doctors can avoid destroying healthy cells. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% True

Score: 5/5 11.

EX3 P163B6 6. Nanotechnology is completely safe for humans. Student Response

Value Correct Answer


100% False

Score: 5/5 12.

EX3 P164A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One word is extra. allocate bond meanwhile multiply

insert priority

laser radical


Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world today, and finding ways to prevent and cure it is a medical 1. 1.----- . Every year, governments and private companies 2. 2.----- huge amounts of money to cancer treatment. Here are two recent developments: The new science of nanotechnology is receiving a lot of attention, both because it is revolutionary, and also because there have been great claims for its potential. For example, some scientists claim that it will be possible for doctors to 3. 3.----- nanoparticles into a patient's body to find and attack cancer cells before these unhealthy cells 4. 4.-----, group together, and become a tumor. 5. 5.----- a 6. 6.----- new way to detect cancer uses dogs. It works on the fact that many animals' sense of smell is much better than that of a human. Dogs, because of their unique 7. 7.----- with that of a human, are the obvious choice of animal for this. The method hasn't been 8. 8.----- tested yet, but early studies have found that dogs can identify a person who has cancer by sniffing either sores on the skin, or the person's breath. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. priority


Equals priority (12%)

2. allocate


Equals allocate (12%)

3. insert


Equals insert (12%)

4. multiply


Equals multiply (12%)

5. Meanwhile


Equals Meanwhile (14%)

6. radical


Equals radical (12%)

7. bond


Equals bond (12%)

8. thoroughly


Equals thoroughly (14%)

Score: 10/10 13.

EX3 P164B B. Definitions. Match the definitions to the words in the box. One word is extra.

meanwhile priority multiply laser allocate extensive Statement

Response Value Correct Match

1. the most important thing


20.0% priority

2. give to someone for use for a particular purpose


20.0% allocate

3. covering a wide range or area


20.0% extensive

4. a narrow beam of concentrated light made by a special machine


20.0% laser

5. while a particular thing is happening

meanwhile 20.0% meanwhile

Score: 10/10

View Attempt 1 of 1 Title:



March 30, 2011 12:22 PM


March 30, 2011 12:26 PM

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Total score: 1.

100/100 = 100% score: 100

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Maximum possible

EX3 P165A

Before You Read A. Discussion. Look at the map showing the spread of the H5N1

virus. Then match the answers to the questions. Statement



Correct Match

1. Where did the first cases of H5N1 occur?

China in 2003

33.33% China in 2003

2. In which continent were there the most human cases of H5N1?


33.33% Asia

3. Where are there cases Central Asia, 33.34% Central Asia, of H5N1 in birds, but not Europe, India and Europe, India in humans? Japan and Japan Score: 10/10 2.

EX3 P168A1

Reading Comprehension A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is this reading mainly about? Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. the unexplained deaths of horses B. the symptoms of zoonotic diseases C. the effect of international travel on the spread of disease D. the rise in the spread of viruses from animals to humans


Score: 10/10 3.

EX3 P168A2 2. In line 76, a deadly disease refers to ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. a. Hendra


B. b. Ebola C. West Nile Virus


D. HIV Score: 4.


EX3 P168A3 3. Which of the following is at the greatest risk of contracting a zoonotic disease? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. a nurse B. a teacher C. a chicken farmer


lines 67-70

D. a zookeeper Score: 5.


EX3 P168A4 4. How is it thought that the West Nile virus found its way into the United States? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. An infected passenger traveled from Africa to the U.S. B. An infected African doctor came to work in a U.S hospital. C. A U.S. citizen picked up the virus while in Africa. D. An infected 100% mosquito or bird was transported from Africa

lines 87-88

to the U.S. Score: 6.


EX3 P168A5 5. Which virus is not mentioned in the passage as being zoonotic? Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. SARS B. HIV C. the common cold


D. Hendra Score: 7.


EX3 P168B B. Completion. Match the words to complete the notes below with words from the passage. Statement



Correct Match

1. destruction of _________

animal habitats

14.28% animal habitats

2. international ________


14.28% travel

3. contact bite ________


14.28% scratch

4. exposure to ________

animal waste 14.28% animal waste

5. _________ diseased animals


14.28% eating

6. human to human eg. by ________


14.28% handshake

7. or ________


14.32% sneeze

Score: 10/10 8.

EX3 P169A

Vocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of words from the box. Three words are extra. accustom conservative emergency fever incidence poisonous root swell transmit victim Polio is a very serious disease, the 1. 1.----- cause of which is a virus called Poliovirus. The virus is easily 2. 2.----- to other humans through

contact, especially in a humid or wet environment. It is particularly common in summer. One of the first symptoms of polio is a high 3. 3.---- , making it seem like ordinary 'flu'. Later, 4. 4.----- of polio may suffer from varying degrees of paralysis affecting the arms and legs. In severe cases, the heart and lung muscles are also paralysed, causing death, unless 5. 5.----- treatment is received. In the first half of the 20th century it was one of the most feared of childhood diseases, affecting, at a(n) 6.6.----- estimate, tens of thousands of people a year. There was great pressure to create a vaccine, and in the 1950s and 60s vaccines created by Jonas Salle and Albert Sabin become widely available. This managed to reduce the global 7. 7.----- of polio from many hundreds of thousands a year to around a thousand. Polio vaccination programs are so effective that there is a possibility that—at some point in the future—the disease could be completely wiped out. Student Response

Value Correct Answer

1. root


Equals root (14%)

2. transmitted


Equals transmitted (16%)

3. fever


Equals fever (14%)

4. victims


Equals victims (14%)

5. emergency


Equals emergency (14%)

6. conservative


Equals conservative (14%)

7. incidence


Equals incidence (14%)

Score: 5/5 9.

EX3 P169B1 B. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. 1. If something is poisonous it is to eat. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. safe B. dangerous 100% Score: 5/5 10.

EX3 P169B2 2. When something swells it becomes _______ in size. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. larger


B. smaller Score:




EX3 P169B3 3. You are more likely to be accustomed to something you have had _________. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. for a long 100% time B. for a short time Score: 5/5 12.

EX3 P169B4 4. A conservative estimate of a number is probably _______ than the real number. Student Value Correct Response Answer


A. higher B. lower


Score: 5/5 13.

EX3 P169B5 5. If you discuss something's incidence, you are concerned with ________. Student Value Correct Response Answer A. how old it is B. how often 100% it happens Score: 5/5
