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TEST 1A Grade: Name Group: Read the story. Abraham Lincoln’s Last Days Abraham Lincoln was the President of the Unit

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Read the story. Abraham Lincoln’s Last Days Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States from 1861 to 1865. Lincoln led the Union during the Civil War and worked toward the end of slavery in the United States. The Civil War was a hard time for Lincoln. He had to make important decisions continuously and he slept little. He worried more than he should and may have been depressed. After the Civil War, one evening in early 1865, Lincoln told a friend: “About ten days ago, I had a nightmare. In my dream, I heard people crying and breathing heavily. Then I saw a large table, and there was a dead body lying on it. Soldiers were guarding the corpse. I asked who the person was, and a guard answered: “It’s the American President. He was killed by an assassin.” A few weeks later, Lincoln had another strange dream. In the morning, he called his government to a special meeting. “I called you to give you a warning,” he said. “You will have bad news soon.” That night, President Lincoln was at Ford’s Theater to see a play. There, while watching the show, he was shot. He was alive for a few more hours, but died at the next morning, April 15, 1865.

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

opportunity a) chance


c) ghost

b) depressed

c) toward

b) chance

c) alive

b) depressed

c) turn into

in the direction of a) toward


b) chance

unhappy a) alive


c) alive

spirit a) toward


b) warning

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Since then, many people believe that President Lincoln has turned into a ghost, and he is still living in the White House. Visitors have seen the ghost of Lincoln walking in the rooms. Nowadays, you can take tours in the White House, and if you are lucky (or unlucky), you may have a chance to see a glimpse of this famous president.

change a) alive


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Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the story? a) Lincoln was a good president.

c) Lincoln “saw” the end of his life.

b) Lincoln lived in the White House.

d) Lincoln was important in the Civil War.

Which of the following statements support the main idea of this story? a) Lincoln died at 7 a.m.

c) Lincoln sometimes went to the theater.

b) Lincoln had nightmares.

d) You can visit the White House today.

Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the story? a) Lincoln gave a warning.

c) People have seen Lincoln’s ghost.

b) Lincoln was married.

d) Lincoln was murdered in a theater.

Why did Lincoln call a government meeting? a) He made an important decision.

c) He wanted to vote on a law.

b) He wanted to give a warning.

d) He had won the Civil War.

Why did he probably tell his friend about his nightmare? a) He was worried about his dreams.

c) His friend was a doctor.

b) He thought it was a funny story.

d) He liked to tell stories.

What conclusion can you draw about Lincoln? a) He was a good president.

c) He felt that something bad would happen.

b) His government was loyal.

d) His ghost is an important tourist attraction.

What conclusion can you draw about the story? a) Studying history is important.

c) You shouldn’t go to the theater.

b) You should visit the White House.

d) Maybe dreams can tell us something.

What happened first? a) Tourists visit the White House.

c) Lincoln changed into a ghost.

b) Lincoln had strange dreams.

d) The Civil War ended.

Which of the following events happened in the middle of the story? a) Tourists visit the White House.

c) Lincoln was a good president.

b) Lincoln had strange dreams.

d) The Civil War ended.

How does the story end? a) Some people see Lincoln’s ghost.

c) Children learn about Lincoln.

b) Lincoln had strange dreams.

d) The Civil War ended.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a fictitious story that happened during a historical event in your country. Think who your characters will be, when and where the action will take place, and what your story will be about. 149

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Read the story. My Ghosts I believe I saw ghosts today. My parents had a chance to buy an ancient house in the countryside. It was terribly old and had a big, messy yard with gnarly trees. We moved during summer vacation: my parents, my big sister Hailey, our dog Pig (yes, Pig), and me. The second day in the new house I was painting my bedroom walls when Pig started barking angrily at the wall. “Calm down, Pig,” I said. “If you don’t appreciate the smell of fresh paint, go the yard!” Shortly afterwards, in the quiet room, I thought I heard some scraping noises behind the wall. Later that day, the kitchen lamp flickered on and off, and suddenly the electricity went off in the whole house. My parents couldn’t fix it, and I fed Pig in the dark. The next day, a technician managed to fix our electricity. The man told us about an old couple that had lived in our house: a thin woman and a man with a long gray beard. They suddenly disappeared, and nobody knew where they had gone. That night, right before bedtime, I entered the kitchen to get my cheese sandwich from the counter, but it was gone! I only saw bread crumbs. Then I heard it again–something was alive behind those walls!

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

understood a) fed


c) ground

b) ground

c) alive

b) manage

c) turn into

b) toward

c) alive

change a) alive


b) chance

opportunity a) chance


c) realized

living, not dead a) alive


b) showed up

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Finally, this morning, I was looking at some strange little brown balls on the ground outside the entrance of the house. Suddenly, two old people showed up at the gate. I realized the woman was skinny and the man wore a long beard. A young man in a nurse’s uniform was leading them carefully toward our house. Had the old couple turned into ghosts? Oh, no!

in the direction of a) chance


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Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the story? a) The boy was happy in the new house.

c) The boy moved to a mysterious house.

b) The family’s new house had ghosts.

d) The family bought an old house.

Which of the following statements support the main idea of the story? a) The boy heard strange noises.

c) The dog’s name was Pig.

b) There were many trees in the yard.

d) The boy liked cheese sandwiches.

Which of the following statements is mentioned in the story? a) The boy went to a new school.

c) The boy’s father was an engineer.

b) The boy had a sister.

d) The boy liked sports.

Why did the boy study the little brown balls on the ground? a) He was bored.

c) He wanted to play.

b) He liked them.

d) The balls were strange.

Why did the boy mention the old couple that lived in the house? a) It was strange that they disappeared.

c) The electrician was their friend.

b) The man looked like Santa Claus.

d) They were famous in the town.

What conclusion can you draw about the sounds behind the wall? a) The walls are collapsing slowly. c) They shouldn’t play loud music. b) It’s the boy’s imagination.

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d) There are probably mice.

What conclusion can you draw about the old couple? a) They are probably dead.

c) They existed in the boy’s imagination.

b) They wanted to see their old house.

d) They came back to live there again.

What happened first? a) The boy saw the old couple.

c) The boy went to his new school.

b) The electrician fixed the problem.

d) The family moved to the big house.

Which of the following events happened in the middle of the story? a) The boy saw the old couple.

c) The boy went to his new school.

b) The electrician fixed the problem.

d) The family moved to the big house.

How does the story end? a) The boy saw the old couple.

c) The electrician fixed the problem.

b) The boy went to his new school.

d) The family moved to the big house.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a fictitious story that happened during a historical event in a foreign country. Think who your characters will be, when and where the action will take place, and what your story will be about. 151

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Read the story. Recycling Plastic Bottles There is a lot of plastic in the world. We use plastic plates, containers, toys, and many more objects. But many plastic products—like water bottles and bags from the supermarket—are used only once and then thrown in the trash. A lot of plastic trash ends up in the oceans; that’s a major problem for sea animals. Scientists are doing research on how to get the plastic out of the oceans. The good thing is that scientists discovered how plastic products can be recycled: They become new plastic products. How does that work? How do we turn, for example, old plastic bottles into new, clean plastic bottles? •

First, we need to collect the plastic. Many places have special trash containers for plastic.

Next, machines separate the plastic from a few other recyclables like paper and metal.

Then, machines clean the plastics and sort them by type and color. (They use infrared light to do this.)

A different machine cuts all the plastic into “flakes”: very small pieces. The flakes are washed again.

Then, the flakes are heated so that the plastic becomes a heavy liquid soup.

Finally, machines create new plastic products from the liquid plastic; for example, new bottles!

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

A research is a careful a) plan


c) increase

b) create

c) increase

b) therefore

c) just

b) therefore

c) just

for this reason a) a few


b) create

to get bigger in amount or quantity a) discover


c) exercise

to find out something new a) discover


b) study

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As you can see, there are many steps here, and we need several machines. This makes recycling plastic bottles an expensive process. Therefore, the best way to deal with plastic is: Just try to use plastic products several times. If you can avoid buying or using plastic, that’s even better! Fortunately, the number of recycled products increases every year.

a small number a) a few


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What is the first step to recycle bottles? a) put it in a machine

c) make the plastic into “flakes”

b) collect lots of plastic bottles

d) separate plastic and other recyclables

What is the last step, before making new bottles? a) put it in a machine

c) heat and melt the plastic

b) separate plastic and other recyclables

d) collect lots of plastic bottles

How many steps does the process of recycling plastic bottles have? a) 5

c) 7

b) 6

d) 8

Which step is NOT part of the process of recycling plastic, according to the text? a) returning plastic bottles to the store

c) cutting the plastic into little pieces

b) separating recyclable trash

d) heating the plastic

Based on its function in the passage, identify the part of speech of the word major. a) noun

c) adjective

b) verb

d) connector

What are “flakes”? a) very small pieces of plastic

c) the plastic that is collected

b) liquid forms of plastic

d) the plastic sorted by color

What plastic products are used only once, according to the text? a) containers and toys

c) the plastic in the oceans

b) supermarket bags and bottles

d) the plastic in the trash

What happens when you heat plastic, according to the text? a) Machines can sort it by color.

c) It becomes liquid, like a soup.

b) The plastic becomes cleaner.

d) They use infrared light.

What happens when plastic ends up in the oceans, according to the text? a) We think it becomes pollution.

c) Scientists do research about it.

b) We cannot recycle that plastic.

d) It becomes a problem for sea animals.

What happens if we use plastic products several times, according to the text? a) We can recycle it.

c) We spend less money.

b) We don’t create much plastic trash.

d) It’s more expensive.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a biography of a famous person; for example, an actor, a singer, or a historical person. Include subheadings and key events. 153

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Read the story. Building a Tree House There are thousands of tree houses in the world. Some are simple and tiny, others are elaborate and big. Some are intended for kids, others for grown-ups. There are even hotels that rent out tree houses! Would you like to create a tree house? It’s a major project that involves the following process: First, choose a good tree. You can also use a group of two or three trees that stand close together. The branches need to be thick and strong. If the tree is old or sick, then the tree house might fall. Therefore, the selection of your tree(s) is essential. If you don’t have any suitable trees, you can build your “tree” house on poles one or two meters over the ground.

Next, consider what and who the tree house is for. Is it for children or teens? How much weight should it carry? Are you planning to sleep in it?

Before you continue, verify if you need a permit from the government to build a tree house. Talk to your neighbors if they are OK with a tree house in your yard.

With your friends, make up a general plan for your tree house. Use the Internet to discover fun designs. The height should be within one to three meters over the ground.

Then, make a detailed plan for the construction. Include a platform, walls, and a window, and a ladder to get up into the tree house. Research what materials are appropriate and buy the ones that you need.

Finally, call friends and adults to help you build your tree house. If you aren’t a good carpenter, convince your parents to contact a professional tree-house-building company who can do the whole process for you! And just remember: safety first!

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

to imagine and invent a) discover


c) almost

b) create

c) increase

having a long distance between two sides a) thin


b) also

to make something exist a) discover


c) make up

only, simply a) just


b) research

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b) thick

c) clear

important or serious a) unique

b) peculiar

c) major


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What is the first step to build a tree house? a) make a general plan

c) select a tree or trees

b) check if you need a permit

d) buy the materials you need

What is the last step, according to the text? a) the building process

c) pay the carpenter or company

b) give an inauguration party

d) invite your friends to see it

How many steps does the process of building a tree house have? a) 5

c) 7

b) 6

d) 8

Which step is NOT part of the process of making a tree house, according to the text? a) use the Internet

c) buy the materials

b) plan a window

d) make furniture

Based on its function in the passage above, identify the part of speech of the word permit. a) noun

c) adjective

b) verb

d) connector

What is the meaning of the word stand (first bullet)? a) climb

c) eat

b) are

d) sleep

What is a fun design? a) an interesting plan or diagram

c) a quantity of money

b) a group of friends

d) a large space

What happens when you select a bad tree, according to the text? a) The tree house doesn’t look good.

c) The tree house can fall.

b) The tree house should be on poles.

d) The tree house must be small.

What happens when you need a permit, according to the text? a) You can get it from the government.

c) Your parents can give you one.

b) You need a good general plan.

d) Your friends can help you.

What can you do if you and your family are bad carpenters, according to the text? a) You can take classes and learn.

c) You can have a swimming pool instead.

b) The Internet will show you how.

d) A company can build your tree house.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a biography of a person you know, for example, a person from your family or community. Include subheadings and key events. 155

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Read the story. Penguins: Birds, Mammals, or Fish? 1 When we think about penguins, we are likely to imagine blackand-white animals standing in a field of snow near ice-cold water. And those penguins exist; emperor penguins are like that. But there are many other penguin species that live in warmer situations. Penguins exist in many countries and on many islands, from Antarctica all the way up to the equator. 2 To determine if penguins are birds or fish, we need to compare the animal classes first. The division between birds, fish, and mammals can be complicated. • Birds lay eggs, and fish do, too, but mammals give birth to live young. Birds have feathers, while mammals have skin and fur, and fish have scales. Most birds can fly, but not all of them. • Fish are cold-blooded animals that live in the water and it is true that all fish are excellent swimmers. Birds don’t normally swim, but some mammals (like otters, monkeys, and dogs) can swim. • Mammals mostly live on land, although whales are mammals that live in the water. And whales swim all their lives, but they are not fish.

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

not useful a) useless


c) wing

b) likely

c) true

how fast something goes a) speed


b) speed

possible a) useless


c) true

body part used to fly a) skin


b) likely

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3 Biologists will tell us the answer. Penguins are birds because: 1) they lay eggs, 2) they have feathers, and 3) they are warm-blooded. Penguins are unusual birds that depend on biological adaptations for living in cold, wet places. Penguins’ feathers are dense and very short. The purpose of their special feathers is to protect the animal from the cold wind and the icy water. But penguin wings are useless for flying. There is no penguin species that can fly, but they can all swim at a high speed. Most penguins dive about 10 meters deep into the ocean, but some can dive 250 meters under water. Penguins are truly amazing animals.

b) purpose

c) likely

b) speed

c) purpose

reason a) depend on


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Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the text? a) Penguins cannot fly.

c) Penguins can swim fast and deep.

b) Penguins are unusual animals.

d) Penguins are usually black and white.

Which of the following statements support the main idea of this text? a) Penguins are birds that cannot fly.

c) Penguins eat fish and other seafood.

b) Penguins live in Antarctica.

d) Penguins lay eggs.

What is a similarity between penguins and fish, according to the text? a) They live on the equator.

c) They are mammals.

b) They can both fly.

d) They can both swim.

What is a difference between penguins and fish, according to the text? a) Fish have scales and penguins don’t.

c) Fish dive deeper than penguins.

b) Penguins can swim better.

d) Penguins eat more food.

What is a difference between penguins and mammals, according to the text? a) Penguins have scales, and mammals don’t.

c) Penguins lay eggs, and mammals don’t.

b) Mammals can’t fly.

d) Penguins swim, and mammals don’t.

After comparing the animal classes, how do biologists know that penguins are birds? a) They can swim and are warm-blooded.

c) They lay eggs and have feathers.

b) They lay eggs and swim very well.

d) They lay eggs and live in the ocean.

Which sentence summarizes paragraph 1 correctly? a) There are many kinds of penguins.

c) Penguins like cold water.

b) There are penguins in many places.

d) Penguins are normally black and white.

Which sentence summarizes paragraph 2 correctly? a) There are three classes of animals.

c) It’s easy to identify animal classes.

b) Three classes of animals live in the water.

d) It’s not always easy to identify animal classes.

Which statement paraphrases the first sentence of paragraph 1? a) Most people like penguins.

c) People imagine observing penguins.

b) People think of penguins in the snow.

d) All penguins live in the snow.

Which statement paraphrases the first sentence of paragraph 2? a) We should compare the classes of animals.

c) It’s not necessary to compare classes of animals.

b) We cannot compare the classes of animals.

d) Comparing classes of animals is irrelevant.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write down a descriptive article of a place you like; for example, a zoo or a park. Include an introduction, descriptive adjectives, and a conclusion. Also include sense verbs. 157

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Read the story. Should We Eat Meat or Vegetarian Food? 1 Many people are trying to live a healthy life, and that includes choosing the food that is good for their bodies. One of those choices is eating meat vs. being a vegetarian. 2 Billions of people around the world are eating meat. Humans have eaten meat since prehistoric times. Meat is a good source of protein, iron, and other substances that our bodies need. Meat is part of a healthy, varied diet. 3 A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat, and there may be various reasons for that: • Some animals we eat were treated badly at industrial farms. If we eat less meat, fewer animals will live in bad conditions. • In countries like India, millions of people are vegetarians for religious reasons. • Poor people are likely to become vegetarians because meat is expensive. Vegetarians eat mainly vegetables, grains, legumes, and fruits. Vegetables are high in fiber, which is good for our heart. Many vegetarians drink milk and eat cheese and eggs, and some vegetarians eat fish. 4 People can stop eating meat as long as they follow a healthy diet that provides protein, iron, and the other nutrients from meat, such as beans, lentils, and other legumes. There are natural meat substitutes like tofu, and commercial, industrial products. Also, there is a nutrient that only exists in meat: vitamin B12. Vegetarians depend on supplements (pills) to get that vitamin. A lack of vitamins can damage the body!

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

probable a) mainly


c) likely

b) until

c) likely

b) purpose

c) support

b) purpose

c) support

reason a) damage


b) until

not before something happens a) mainly


c) likely

mostly, primarily a) mainly


b) until

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5 Nobody should stop eating meat until they have visited a nutritionist. The purpose of a nutritionist is to support a new vegetarian with the changes in their diet. They will probably start by eliminating meat little by little: First, one day per week without meat, then two days, and so on. Becoming a vegetarian is not easy!

help a) damage


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Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the story? a) It’s easy to become a vegetarian.

c) Vegetarians are healthier than meat-eaters.

b) It’s not easy to become a vegetarian.

d) Meat-eaters are healthier than vegetarians.

Which of the following statements support the main idea of this story? a) Vegetables can prevent cancer.

c) A nutritionist needs to help vegetarians.

b) Vegetables contain fiber and vitamins.

d) There are lots of vegetarians in India.

What is a similarity between meat-eaters and vegetarians, according to the text? a) They both eat meat.

c) They both need to follow a healthy diet.

b) They should both visit a nutritionist.

d) They both lack vitamin B12.

What is one difference between different kinds of vegetarians, according to the text? a) Some eat eggs, and others don’t.

c) Some lack certain vitamins, and others don’t.

b) Some eat legumes and others don’t.

d) Some see a nutritionist, and others don’t.

What information should not be included in a summary or in a paraphrase? a) There are lots of vegetarians in India.

c) A nutritionist should help vegetarians.

b) Vegetables contain fiber and vitamins.

d) Vegetables can prevent cancer.

Which sentence summarizes paragraph 1 correctly? a) All people want to be healthy.

c) Eating meat is good for your body.

b) People can choose to eat meat or not.

d) Being a vegetarian is good for your body.

Which sentence summarizes paragraph 2 correctly? a) Many people don’t like meat.

c) Meat is a traditional and healthy kind of food.

b) People ate meat 5,000 years ago.

d) If you eat meat, you need to be on a diet.

Which sentence summarizes paragraph 3 correctly? a) People treat animals badly.

c) There are different reasons for becoming a vegetarian.

b) Meat is expensive.

d) There are many vegetarians in India.

Which statement paraphrases the last sentence of paragraph 3? a) All vegetarians have the same habits.

c) Milk and eggs are good for your body.

b) Not all vegetarians follow the same diets.

d) Vegetables are good for your body.

Which statement paraphrases the first sentence of paragraph 4? a) Vegetarians can replace meat with other foods.

c) It’s necessary to eat healthy food.

b) Legumes are healthier than beans.

d) Meat contains many nutrients.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write down a descriptive article of a place where you can buy food or eat food. Include an introduction, descriptive adjectives, and a conclusion. Also include sense verbs. 159

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Read the story. What’s the Best Way to Get to School? You go to school from Monday to Friday, but how do you get there? If you are like most kids, one of your parents takes you to school, possibly by car. Other ways of getting to school are walking, by bus, or by bike. Have you ever thought about the best means of transportation for you? There is usually a lot of traffic early in the morning. Adults often feel stress because they have to first take you to school and then they have to get to work on time. In many countries of the world, cycling is a growing trend. In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, both kids and adults are fond of cycling. Bicycles are part of the local lifestyle. The majority of school children cycle to school. For primary school, a parent takes them. In secondary school, kids ride by themselves or with a big brother or sister. When you cycle or walk to school, you can enjoy the scenery along the way, and you will work out at the same time. You will be fresh, cheerful, and ready to start your classes. However, walking to school might be a bad idea if you have to carry a heavy backpack over a long distance, or if you need to cross dangerous streets or avenues. Also, cities will need to develop a system of bicycle paths—separate from where the cars drive—so all cyclists can travel safely. And public buildings like schools need special parking spots for bikes.

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

to build or grow more advanced a) develop


c) be fond of

b) work out

c) stress

a general tendency a) stress


b) work out

to do exercise a) walk


c) be fond of

to like something very much a) develop


b) work out

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What do you think? Do you like getting to school by car or bus, or are walking or cycling smarter ways?

b) smarter

c) trend

b) smarter

c) trend

more intelligent a) stress


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What is the author’s purpose? a) to persuade

c) to express feelings

b) to entertain

d) to inform

Who is this text intended for? a) adults

c) education professionals

b) school children like me

d) little children

What does this sentence express? You will be fresh, cheerful, and ready to start… a) a beneficial effect

c) interest

b) a sad fact

d) disapproval

Does the author answer the question of the title? a) Yes, cycling is the best way.

c) No, the writer doesn’t know the answer.

b) Yes, by car is the best way.

d) No, it depends on your situation.

The article includes… a) only facts.

c) both facts and opinions.

b) only opinions.

d) no facts and no opinions.

The sentence Adults often feel stress… is an example of… a) an original idea.

c) a fact.

b) an opinion.

d) both a fact and an opinion.

What is the opinion of people in Copenhagen? a) They like to drive cars.

c) Cycling is stressful.

b) Cycling is good.

d) The text doesn’t say.

What is an argument in favor of cycling or walking to school? a) Walking to school might be a bad idea.

c) You can enjoy the scenery along the way.

b) There is usually a lot of traffic.

d) Schools need special bike parking.

What is an argument against driving to school? a) Walking to school might be a bad idea.

c) You can enjoy the scenery along the way.

b) There is usually a lot of traffic.

d) Schools need special bike parking.

What is an argument against walking to school? a) You can walk with a big brother or sister.

c) There are no cycle paths in your city.

b) You need a backpack with wheels.

d) Maybe there are dangerous streets.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a diary entry. Write about facts and feelings in chronological order. Use past tense. Include time connectors. 161

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Read the story. Study Online or at a School? You go to school from Monday to Friday. In your free time, you probably play with a phone or a tablet connected to the Internet. You can talk to and play with your friends even when you don’t see them. Studying at school–A school is a good place to meet new people and spend time with your friends. But there are many children in your classroom, so you don’t get a lot of personal attention from your teachers. Also, getting to school in the morning can be difficult, with all the stress of traffic. Going to school five days a week seems hard work! Online learning–Nowadays, there is a trend to take courses or even study university online. Online courses have practices, explanations, audios, and videos. You can talk to a teacher whenever you have a question, and you can work on projects with your friends. A solution–Will classes in person disappear? Probably not. You can benefit from a combination of school work and online practice. This is called blended learning. Blended learning is still new, but there are already schools that work with the system. One of them is Island Academy. Blended learning fits your lifestyle! Your solution–Island Academy is the first blended school in our region. At Island Academy, you only go to school from Tuesday to Thursday. On Monday and Friday, you can stay home—or with a friend or at your grandparents’ house—and meet your classmates and teachers online. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

to give the impression a) sound


c) benefit

b) abroad

c) trend

b) lifestyle

c) stress

a tendency a) trend


b) seem

the way a person lives a) lifestyle


c) benefit

to have an advantage a) sound


b) seem

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Tell your parents about Island Academy and visit us in person or online at Be smarter and study at Island Academy!

feeling of worry caused by difficult situations a) lose

b) spoil

c) stress


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What is the author’s purpose? a) to persuade

c) to express feelings

b) to entertain

d) to inform

Who is this text intended for? a) adults

c) education professionals

b) school children like me

d) little children

Which of these words tells you this is an opinion? Doesn’t that sound wonderful? a) wonderful

c) that

b) sound

d) doesn’t

Identify the sentence that best describes the author’s opinion of blended learning. a) This is called blended learning.

c) You can work on projects with your friends.

b) Blended learning fits your lifestyle!

d) Blended learning is still new.

The article includes… a) only facts.

c) both facts and opinions.

b) only opinions.

d) no facts and no opinions.

The sentence Blended learning is still new is an example of… a) a fact.

c) an emotion.

b) an opinion.

d) both a fact and an opinion.

Whose viewpoints are included in the text? a) those of students

c) those of parents

b) those of teachers

d) those of the Island Academy

What is the strongest argument for studying at the Island Academy? a) There is a trend to take courses online.

c) A school is a good place to meet new people.

b) Be smarter and study at Island Academy!

d) You can talk and play with your friends.

What is an argument in favor of studying at a school? a) You can use online devices.

c) You can make friends.

b) The traffic can be terrible.

d) There are many children.

What is an argument against studying at a school? a) You can use online devices.

c) You can make friends.

b) Morning traffic is stressful.

d) There are many children.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a diary entry. Write about facts and feelings in chronological order. Use past tense. Include time connectors. 163

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Read the text. An E-mail to the Mayor To Ms. Susan Williams Mayor of Harristown Dear Ms. Mayor, First of all, I’d like to thank you for giving citizens like me the opportunity to express our opinions about our city’s renovation plans for the Logan neighborhood. I’ve lived in Logan all my life, so I believe I can add some valuable insights to the discussion. I understand that the city is growing and there is a problem with affordable housing. It is true that Logan has certain empty lots and there are a few old factories that are currently empty. Apartment buildings could be constructed there for many families to live. For this reason, the city is thinking about building apartment buildings in the available spaces. However, let me tell you that what Logan citizens enjoy is exactly the wonderful quiet, relaxed atmosphere. If high buildings were built, the area could be terribly crowded. We must avoid overpopulation of our neighborhood. The answer would be adding facilities to take care of more people: schools, stores, restaurants, etc. Some neighbors and I are already managing a public garden in Fern Park. We plant tomatoes, onions, carrots, and other crops. The garden has been a great success. We would like to have more public gardens in the area. Could you allow us to use the space where the Harris Tire Factory used to be? In my view, apartment buildings are okay if we also have sufficient facilities and recreational space. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person to discuss this further. Best wishes,

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

refers to something not mentioned specifically a) certain


c) allow

b) success

c) crop

when you achieve what you wanted a) certain


b) view

opinion a) view


c) already

to permit a) avoid


b) avoid

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Frank Bale

b) view

c) success

a plant grown for food a) certain

b) crop

c) view


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What type of point of view is used in the text? a) third-person point of view

c) unclear

b) first-person point of view

d) second-person point of view

What pronoun(s) help you know who is doing the talking? a) I, we, our

c) I

b) we

d) they, their

What words express that the author is happy with Logan? a) valuable

c) wonderful

b) terrible

d) great

Is this text fiction or non-fiction? a) completely fiction

c) neither fiction nor non-fiction

b) completely non-fiction

d) part fiction, part non-fiction

The problem is that the city is planning… a) to construct many buildings.

c) to construct public gardens.

b) to destroy many buildings.

d) to destroy public gardens.

The author’s solution is… a) to construct several new parks.

c) not to construct any new buildings.

b) to construct many buildings.

d) to construct some buildings and facilities.

What is a signal word for the solution? a) answer

c) success

b) already

d) more

How much does the author support the arguments in favor of the construction plans? a) completely

c) not at all

b) in part

d) The text doesn’t say.

The author expresses the need for… a) more gardens.

c) fewer factories.

b) more high schools.

d) more factories.

What does the author hope for? a) an apartment in the new buildings

c) a meeting with the mayor in person

b) the construction of schools

d) that they won’t construct any new buildings

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a tall tale. It can be a story you know or one that you invented. Carefully describe the main character and an extraordinary adventure that he or she had. Include funny exaggerations. 165

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Read the text. “New” Logan Neighborhood Still Not Ready? The reconstructed Logan neighborhood was officially opened by the mayor of Harristown, Ms. Susan Williams. The place of the opening was the new public garden in Harris Park, where citizens grow crops like carrots and tomatoes. Ms. Williams spoke about the new apartment buildings in Main Street and the new elementary school in West Elm Street. The advantage of the reconstruction is that a total of 120 families can now find a place in the Logan neighborhood. But there are still issues to be solved. The city government promised the community a secondary school and a place for a supermarket and other stores, but these don’t exist yet. According to Frank Bale, spokesman for the Logan community, the original reconstruction plans included housing for 60 families, but now 120 families will be added to the neighborhood. (24 families have already moved into their new apartments.) Mr. Bale explained that there are four secondary schools in Harristown, but none are close to Logan. Among Mr. Bale’s additional complaints are difficulties related to traffic, parking, and buses. He expressed his view that the government offices on Main Street can be better used as a space for a supermarket and shops. “Also, I propose that the former milk factory be made into a market. These things would have a positive effect on the neighborhood,” said Mr. Bale. “The challenge is to find results that make everybody happy.” This paper will keep you informed of new developments in Logan.

Circle the correct word. 1

an opinion a) advantage


c) challenge

b) view

c) challenge

b) none

c) among

result a) effect


b) view

something that is difficult a) advantage


c) challenge

something good that helps you a) advantage


b) view

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in a particular group of things a) effect

b) none

c) among


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What type of point of view is used in the text? a) third-person point of view

c) unclear

b) first-person point of view

d) second-person point of view

Are newspaper articles like this one normally fiction or non-fiction? a) fiction

c) neither fiction nor non-fiction

b) non-fiction

d) part fiction, part non-fiction

What pronoun(s) help you know who is doing the talking? a) I, my

c) he, his

b) we

d) she

Does the author express his/her personal opinion? a) No, he/she doesn’t.

c) Yes, he/she likes the new public garden.

b) Yes, he/she likes the new apartments.

d) Yes, he/she sees problems in Logan.

According to Mr. Bale, the problem is that the city government… a) constructed too many buildings.

c) constructed schools.

b) destroyed many apartments.

d) destroyed public gardens.

Mr. Bale’s solution is… a) to construct several new parks.

c) not to construct any more shops.

b) to construct many buildings.

d) to construct a school and shops.

What is a signal word for the problem? a) original

c) issue

b) buildings

d) government

What is a signal word for the solution? a) moved

c) made

b) expressed

d) propose

How much does the author support Mr. Bale’s arguments and solutions? a) completely

c) Not at all; he/she disagrees.

b) in part

d) The text doesn’t say.

What will the author’s next step be? a) to give new information

c) to convince Mr. Bale

b) to write to the mayor

d) nothing

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a tall tale. It can be a story you know or one that you invented. Carefully describe the main character and an extraordinary adventure that he or she had. Include funny exaggerations. 167

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Read the text. A Message from a School to the Parents Dear parents, I. ______________ Starting next school year, students will be given a smartphone to use in our school. There are multiple benefits to having a cell phone at school. Many famous schools around the world are using phones effectively. It’s modern. In this letter, we’ll explain why we’re taking this measure. II. ______________ During the last two decades, cell phones have become part of students’ lives. Almost all kids use cell phones all day. They usually participate in social networks, play games, and send text messages. A. Studies showed that children have an improved understanding of technology, that 94% of school children would love to use their phones in school, and that they feel in a better mood. B. Smartphones have many uses in class. Our phones will contain programs to help with math, sciences, and languages. Phones can also help students in arts and crafts projects. C. Some people say that cell phones have the risk of causing distractions. This is true, but our students will only use the pre-installed apps. Most social networks will be disabled so that students cannot use them. D. And remember that cell phones help children in case of emergencies. III. _______________

Best wishes, Gerald James, Principal

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

a) failure 2

b) improved


b) craft

c) decade

b) improved

c) increase

a period of 10 years a) risk

c) increase

a possibility for something bad a) risk



a rise in the amount

b) decade

c) mood

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Finally, students will have clear rules for cell phone use in school. Failure to follow rules will have consequences for the student. We will start using phones for a few minutes a day, and little by little, we’ll increase the time for phone work. We are convinced that you will be happy with this new development.

the way you feel at a particular time a) risk

b) decade

c) mood

better than before a) failure


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The sentence During the last two decades, cell phones have become part of students’ lives is a generalization. Is it valid or faulty? a) It’s valid because there is evidence.

c) It’s the author’s opinion.

b) It’s the school’s opinion.

d) It’s faulty because there is no evidence.

What can you say about this sentence? Almost all kids use cell phones all day. a) It’s an opinion.

c) It’s an example of bandwagon.

b) It’s a generalization.

d) It’s an example of loaded words.

What can you say about this sentence? Many famous schools around the world are using phones effectively. a) It’s an opinion.

c) It’s an example of bandwagon.

b) It’s a generalization.

d) It’s an example of loaded words.

What can you say about this sentence? It’s modern. a) It’s an opinion.

c) It’s an example of bandwagon.

b) It’s a glittering generality.

d) It’s an example of loaded words.

What is a generalization about phones at school, according to the text? a) Children won’t want to use phones.

c) Parents will like their kids to use phones.

b) Parents won’t want their kids to use phones.

d) Children will like to use phones at school.

What headings would you add to the three main topics of the school message? a) Introduction, Problems, Solution

c) Problem, Solution, Conclusion

b) Introduction, Benefits, Conclusion

d) Solution, Benefits, Conclusion

How many subtopics are there? a) two

c) four

b) three

d) five

Which section are they related to? a) the introduction

c) the problem

b) the benefits

d) the conclusion

What are examples of loaded words and phrases? a) smartphones, benefit, mood

c) smartphones, people, risk

b) better, games, some

d) love, help, happy

Which of the following words signal generalizations? a) many, usually, almost all

c) some, also, people

b) multiple, effectively, feel

d) only, little, happy

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write an urban legend, or a short mystery or horror story in past tense. It can be a story you know or an original story. Describe a clear setting and characters. Write a surprising ending.


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Read the text. A Message from a School to the Parents Dear parents, I. ______________ Starting next school year, our students will not be allowed to use electronics in our school anymore. Cell phones and tablets will not be permitted. In this letter, we’ll explain why we’re starting this policy. II. ______________ As you know, digital devices like phones, tablets, and laptops have become part of students’ lives over the last two decades. The use of digital devices has spread in schools, too, and this needs to be stopped. Many famous schools around the world are banning phones now. A. We have seen an increase in computer-based homework, and students aren’t writing much anymore. I’ve seen that most children have awful handwriting. With the right support, we can have your children have beautiful handwriting again. B. Students tend to look more at their screens than at their classmates or the teacher. At our school, we want to stimulate loyal friendships between children. C. Digital devices cause addiction. As an important study states, “In some cases, teens even need therapy for their smartphone addiction.” D. Some international studies show that children don’t sleep well when they use cell phones late at night. Children that don’t sleep well can’t concentrate well at school and they have a higher risk to catch colds and other illnesses. Plus, relaxed kids are usually in a better mood.

For these reasons, no cell phones will be allowed in our school starting August. Failure to follow this rule will have consequences for the student. We are convinced that you will be happy with this new development. Best wishes, Juliette Geraldi, Principal

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

to say or write officially a) state


c) spread

to often do something a) state


b) tend


b) tend

a) mood 5

c) spread

the possibility of something bad b) therapy

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III. _______________

c) risk

showing constant support a) decade

b) loyal

c) failure

to cover a larger area a) follow

b) catch

c) spread


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The sentence I’ve seen that most children have awful handwriting is a generalization. Is it valid or faulty? a) It’s valid because there is evidence.

c) It’s the author’s opinion.

b) It’s the school’s opinion.

d) It’s faulty because there is no evidence.

What can you say about this sentence? This needs to be stopped. a) It’s an opinion.

c) It’s an example of bandwagon.

b) It’s generalization.

d) It’s a fact.

What can you say about this sentence? Many famous schools around the world are banning phones now. a) It’s an opinion.

c) It’s an example of bandwagon.

b) It’s a generalization.

d) It’s an example of loaded words.

What can you say about this sentence? It’s the intelligent thing to do. a) It’s an opinion.

c) It’s an example of bandwagon.

b) It’s a fact.

d) It’s a glittering generality.

What is a generalization about phones at school, according to the text? a) Children don’t want to use phones.

c) Phones affect good learning positively.

b) Parents don’t want their kids to use phones.

d) Phones affect good learning negatively.

What headings would you add to the three main topics of the school message? a) Intro, Problems and solutions, Conclusion

c) Problems, Solutions, Conclusion

b) Intro, Benefits of phones, Conclusion

d) Solutions, Benefits of phones, Conclusion

How many subtopics are there? a) two

c) four

b) three

d) five

Which section are the subtopics related to? a) the introduction

c) the problems and solutions

b) the benefits of phones

d) the conclusion

What are examples of loaded words and phrases? a) smartphones, screens, mood

c) increase, some, stimulate

b) beautiful, relaxed, awful

d) smartphones, children, risk

Which of the following words signal generalizations? a) digital, international, cold

c) concentrate, stimulate, awful

b) most, some, usually

d) friendships, important, development

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write an urban legend, or a short mystery or horror story in past tense. It can be a story you know or an original story. Describe a clear setting and characters. Write a surprising ending. 171

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Read the adapted excerpt. Alice in Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole Alice and her sister were sitting in the green grass on the river bank in the outskirts of their town in England. Her sister was reading, but Alice was bored. She had nothing to do. It was sunny and hot. Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. When the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket and looked at it, Alice stood on her feet. It flashed across her mind that she had never seen a rabbit with a coat and a watch, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and saw it pop down a large rabbit hole beneath some large plants. Without hesitation, Alice jumped down after it with great determination. She found herself falling down a very deep hole. As she fell, she had plenty of time to think. The hole had brick walls with thousands of books. Alice was impressed: “This must be the largest underground library in the universe!” she thought. She took a book and held it close to her chest, but it was too dark to read. Down, down, down she went. “My mother and father will never find me here. This is a serious matter. What should I do?” Then, suddenly, thump! Down she came upon a stack of dry leaves, and the fall was over. Alice was not a bit hurt, and she was quite relieved. She jumped up on to her feet in a moment. The White Rabbit turned a corner and disappeared. Alice found herself in a long, low hall. There were lots of doors, but they were all locked.

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

the area on the outside of a town a) determination


c) beneath

b) determination

c) brick

a situation you need to discuss a) determination


b) impressed

firm intention to achieve something difficult a) matters


c) outskirts

happy that something unpleasant didn’t happen a) relieved


b) beneath

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Now Alice was all worried about how to get out of the rabbit hole again.

b) outskirts

c) matter

a small, hard block used to build houses a) beneath

b) brick

c) chest


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What phrase describes Alicia’s personality? a) Alice was bored

c) [she was] burning with curiosity

b) “This is a serious matter.”

d) she was quite relieved

What phrase describes an action? a) it flashed across her mind

c) Alice was impressed

b) she had never seen a rabbit

d) Alice jumped down after it

What phrase describes a thought? a) it flashed across her mind

c) Alice was impressed

b) she had never seen a rabbit

d) Alice jumped down after it

What phrase describes the place? a) a White Rabbit ran close by her

c) in the green grass on the river bank

b) she ran across the field

d) burning with curiosity

What phrase shows the situation at the start of the story? a) “This is a serious matter.”

c) burning with curiosity

b) Alice was bored

d) she was quite relieved

What phrase shows that the main characters meet? a) A White Rabbit ran close by Alice

c) Alice and her sister were sitting in the green grass

b) “My mother and father will never find me.”

d) Alice jumped down after it

Which phrase tells you there will be problems? a) it was too dark to read

c) she had never seen a rabbit with a coat

b) Now Alice was all worried

d) The White Rabbit turned a corner

How does Alice’s mood change? a) from curious to worried to bored

c) from bored to curious to worried

b) from worried to curious to bored

d) from curious to bored to worried

The story is probably set in… a) our present times.

c) the future.

b) the past, maybe 1,000 years ago.

d) the recent past, maybe 100 years ago.

What season of the year is it likely to be? a) winter

c) spring

b) summer

d) autumn

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a persuasive review of a story or book. Include the title and author, an introduction, a plot summary, your opinion, and a conclusion. Use descriptive adjectives. 173

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Read the adapted excerpt. The Jungle Book: Tiger, Tiger! The human baby, Mowgli, grew up with the wolves and his other animal friends. Father Wolf taught him how things worked, until every movement in the grass and every song of the birds over his head were perfectly normal to him. Father Wolf was impressed by how fast Mowgli learned. When Mowgli was not learning, he sat out in the sun and ate and went to sleep. And he grew tall and strong. He was now eleven years old. Occasionally, he would leave his jungle home and go down the hillside, where he would look very curiously at the human men and women in the outskirts of the town close to the jungle. He was fascinated by the flames of cooking fires. But Mowgli had a mistrust of mankind because Bagheera showed him how people kept animals prisoner in cages or behind fences. The fierce tiger, Shere Khan, was always crossing Mowgli’s path in the jungle. Mother Wolf told Mowgli many times that he shouldn’t trust the tiger, that the tiger represented evil, and that someday Mowgli must kill him. Bagheera, a black panther of great wisdom, knew something of this, and once or twice he told Mowgli in so many words that Shere Khan would kill him some day. Mowgli would laugh and answer: “I have the wolves to help me and I have you. Why should I be afraid?” Bagheera answered: “Little Brother, how often have I told you that Shere Khan is your enemy?” “As many times as there are fruits on that tree,” said Mowgli, who, naturally, couldn’t count. “Be serious now, Little Brother,” said Bagheera. “This is a serious matter.”

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

a situation you need to discuss a) count


c) people

b) mankind

c) matter

hot, bright gas you see when there is fire a) flames


b) mankind

knowledge and experience a) wisdom


c) matter

all humans as a group a) wisdom


b) mankind

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Then, Mowgli kept silent. “But why?” he said to himself, “Why should anyone wish to kill me?”

b) fences

c) outskirts

wood or wire structure that divides land a) flames

b) fence

c) outskirts


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What phrase describes Mowgli’s personality? a) Be serious now

c) be afraid

b) couldn’t count

d) he would look very curiously

What phrase describes an action? a) He was fascinated

c) he shouldn’t trust the tiger

b) he would leave his jungle home

d) he said to himself

What phrase describes a thought? a) he said to himself

c) He was fascinated

b) Mowgli kept silent

d) Mother Wolf told Mowgli

What phrase refers to the place? a) he sat out in the sun

c) every movement in the grass and every song…

b) He was now eleven years old.

d) how people kept animals prisoner in cages…

What phrase shows a situation of danger for Mowgli? a) the tiger represented evil

c) men and women in the outskirts of the town

b) Bagheera, a black panther of great wisdom

d) Mowgli had a mistrust of mankind

What phrase shows some of the main characters? a) Shere Khan was always crossing his path

c) Mowgli grew up with the wolves…

b) men and women in the outskirts

d) Bagheera, a black panther of great wisdom

Which phrase tells you there will be problems? a) “Why should I be afraid?”

c) Mowgli had a mistrust of mankind

b) “Shere Khan is your enemy.”

d) He was fascinated by the flames

What sentence describes the climax of the story so far? a) “Why should I be afraid?”

c) “This is a serious matter.”

b) people kept animals prisoner in cages

d) “Why should anyone wish to kill me?”

The story is probably set in… a) our present times.

c) the recent past, maybe 100 years ago.

b) the past, maybe 1,000 years ago.

d) the future.

What season of the year is it? a) winter

c) summer

b) spring

d) The text doesn’t say.

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a persuasive review of a story or book. Include the title and author, an introduction, a plot summary, your opinion, and a conclusion. Use descriptive adjectives. 175

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Read the adapted excerpt. Little Women 1 As we came down to breakfast on New Year’s Day, Mamma walked into our warm and comfortable dining room. “Children, don’t begin your breakfast till you hear what I have to say,” she exclaimed. “Not far away from here lives a poor woman with six children. There is nothing to eat over there. My girls, will you give the unfortunate children your breakfast, to benefit them, as a New Year’s gift?” 2 We sat pondering this a minute, and looked at the nice oatmeal, creamy milk, and freshly baked bread that should be our present to the children. “I wish we’d finished it already,” thought I, for I was rather a selfish child, and very hungry. “I’m so glad you came before we ate,” said my sister Nan merrily. “I’ll carry the oatmeal,” I yelled quickly, ashamed of my first response, as I was supposed to be. 3 That settled it. We soon hurried over to the woman’s house with our food and coal for the fire. What a miserable dwelling it was, with broken windows, a wailing baby, a sick mother in despair, and a number of cold, hungry children all under one quilt. 4 Then we started our effort. Papa made a splendid fire in the old fireplace and Mamma gathered the children round the warm fire. Nan and I fed the little ones. We could see the joy in their eyes. They appreciated it so much! “Oh, you are angels!” cried the poor things as they ate. What a remarkable comment!

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

to understand how good something is a) hear


c) ponder

b) settle

c) appreciate

b) gather

c) suppose

to help someone a) benefit


b) settle

to admit something a) confess


c) appreciate

to solve a problem a) confess


b) settle

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5 We promised to bring them clothes and food later, and we returned home to our own poor breakfast. I confess that our bit of bread and apple never tasted so delicious.

to collect and form a group a) benefit

b) gather

c) suppose


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What is the underlying theme of the story? a) empathy and brotherhood

c) injustice

b) indifference toward neighbors

d) inequality of people

What other theme is implied in the story? a) It’s easy to make decisions.

c) We are sometimes selfish (egotistic).

b) It’s hard to make decisions.

d) We are always hungry.

What makes the story still valid nowadays? a) We still celebrate New Year’s Day.

c) Many poor people still need our help today.

b) We still eat breakfast every day.

d) Some families have many children today, too.

What synonym of gift (paragraph 1) is mentioned in the story? a) breakfast (paragraph 1)

c) oatmeal (paragraph 2)

b) hungry (paragraph 2)

d) present (paragraph 2)

What synonym of poor (paragraph 1) is mentioned in the story? a) unfortunate (paragraph 1)

c) glad (paragraph 2)

b) hungry (paragraph 2)

d) selfish (paragraph 2)

Which could be synonyms of nice (paragraph 2) in this context? a) amusing, calming

c) delicate, refined

b) tasty, delicious

d) friendly, amicable

Which could be synonyms of splendid (paragraph 4) in this context? a) elegant, impressive

c) excellent, great

b) comfortable, adequate

d) interesting, nice

What gradable antonyms are used in the story? a) cold - warm

c) poor - warm

b) cold - hot

d) poor - rich

Why does the author use antonyms like comfortable - miserable? a) to describe the two places

c) to make the story more difficult to read

b) to avoid repetition of words

d) to show the contrast between two places

What pair of words in the text is an example of relational antonyms? a) begin - finish

c) mother - children

b) cold - warm

d) comfortable - miserable

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a persuasive letter to your teacher or principal about something that you feel is important for your school to do. Introduce the topic, state your opinion, give reasons, restate your opinion briefly, and write a closing. 177

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Read the adapted excerpt. The Happy Prince 1 In the old city stood the statue of the Happy Prince, covered with leaves of exquisite gold and with two superb sapphires for eyes. One day a tiny bird arrived, a Swallow, on his way to spend the winter in Egypt. 2 The statue spoke to him. “I lived a remarkable life in happiness in the palace. But now that I am a statue, I can see all the poverty and all the misery of my city. Look! There is so much suffering. I can see a poor woman by a bed where her little boy is lying ill. Little Swallow, can you bring her the sapphire from one of my eyes, for her benefit?” The Swallow picked out the sapphire and gave it to the boy tossing feverishly on his bed. 3 “It is curious,” the Swallow said to the Prince, “but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.” “You feel joy because you’ve done a good action,” said the Prince. “Now, Little Swallow, I know about an underprivileged young man who lives in endless misery. Take out my other eye and hand it to him.” “Dear Prince,” said the Swallow, “I cannot do that. You’ll be blind!” But in the end the Swallow plucked out the Prince’s eye and took it to the poor man. 4 “It is winter now,” said the Swallow, “I’ll find sapphires as a replacement for your eyes in Egypt.” “Wait!” said the Happy Prince, “I can hear a little girl in despair. Take some of my gold and give it to her.”

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

when something takes the place of another thing a) benefit


c) despair

b) effort

c) despair

a series of actions that you take a) process


b) poverty

something that helps someone a) benefit


c) appreciate

a feeling of having no hope a) pain


b) replacement

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5 Every day the Swallow took more gold and gave it to the poor. In the process, the poor little Swallow grew colder and colder. And one day the Swallow died and fell at his companion’s feet.

b) endless

c) remarkable

b) endless

c) remarkable

without end a) process


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Reading Skills Circle the correct answer. 6






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What is the underlying theme of the story? a) indifference toward neighbors

c) inequality of people

b) empathy and brotherhood

d) injustice

What other theme is implied in the story? a) We can do good things that are bad for us.

c) Many unemployed people are hungry.

b) It’s sometimes hard to make decisions.

d) We are sometimes selfish (egotistic).

What makes the story still valid nowadays? a) Some princes still help people.

c) Many poor people still need our help today.

b) Some princes need our help.

d) Some families have many children today, too.

What synonym of exquisite (paragraph 1) is mentioned in the story? a) happiness (paragraph 2)

c) tiny (paragraph 1)

b) remarkable (paragraph 2)

d) superb (paragraph 1)

What synonym of poor (paragraph 2) is mentioned in the story? a) underprivileged (paragraph 3)

c) feverishly (paragraph 2)

b) misery (paragraph 2)

d) suffering (paragraph 2)

What synonym of misery (paragraph 2) is mentioned in the story? a) poor (paragraph 2)

c) happiness (paragraph 2)

b) suffering (paragraph 2)

d) endless (paragraph 3)

Which could be synonyms of blind (paragraph 3)? a) dark, shadowy

c) unhappy, depressed

b) unsighted, eyeless

d) feverish, sick

What complementary antonyms are used in the text? a) warm - cold

c) hot - cold

b) poor - rich

d) lived - died

What gradable antonyms are used in the story? a) hot - cold

c) poor - warm

b) warm - cold

d) poor - rich

Why does the author use antonyms like happiness - misery? a) to describe the people

c) to show the contrast between feelings

b) to avoid repetition of words

d) to make the story more interesting to read

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write a persuasive letter to your teacher or principal about something that you feel is important for your school to do. Introduce the topic, state your opinion, give reasons, restate your opinion briefly, and write a closing. 179

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Read the text. Bodies and Houses 1 In A. C. Doyle’s story A Study in Scarlet (1887), Sherlock Holmes says: “I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.” Doyle compares a body to a house. He believes that when a child learns, the attic (the mind) fills up with materials (knowledge and memories). 2 This is a common analogy. You live in a house that takes care of you, shelters you, and protects you—brick by brick—from cold and rain. Your body does the same, but on a smaller scale. It defends you from heat, cold, and infections. You live in your body your whole life, and you need every cell of it. 3 A house has a brick or metal frame, and we humans have skeletons. Bodies have a circulatory system that moves oxygen into your lungs and a nervous system that takes care of sending impulses to the brain. Similarly, a house distributes electricity, water, and gas in its interior. You can adapt to extreme conditions by wearing clothes or a helmet, and houses adapt to the weather conditions, too. 4 We need to take care of our houses and bodies equally, otherwise we get chaos. The body needs healthy food and drink, exercise, and sleep. You need to sweep a house, otherwise you get muddy floors. You need to wash yourself constantly and brush your teeth to avoid infections. If you don’t follow these rules, you will ruin your body. In the same way, a house in dreadful conditions will fall apart. 5 Don’t you agree that bodies are like houses?

Circle the correct word. 1

the smallest basic unit of a plant or animal a) part


c) keep

b) adapt

c) cell

extremely bad or unpleasant a) muddy


b) adapt

a border that surrounds an object a) frame


c) cell

to change your behavior to a new situation a) frame


b) adapt

b) constantly

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c) dreadful

a state of confusion and disorder a) chaos

b) ruin

c) dreadful


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Reading Skills Circle the correct answer. 6






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The furniture (paragraph 1) is compared to: a) the mind

c) an empty attic

b) knowledge and memories

d) a child

Brick or metal frame (paragraph 3) is compared to: a) your body

c) infections

b) the skeleton

d) human cells

Muddy floors (paragraph 4) are compared to: a) hands

c) infections

b) teeth

d) conditions

Bodies are like houses is an example of: a) a simile

c) a connotation

b) an idiom

d) a metaphor

What analogy is stated between the needs of a house and a body? a) They need to be taken care of.

c) They need to be washed and swept.

b) They need water and food.

d) They need to be adapted to the person.

Match the word infections to its connotation. a) safety

c) problems

b) disease

d) health

The word chaos has a negative connation. Which word has a neutral connotation? a) extreme

c) war

b) noise

d) disorder

What is the denotation of attic? a) the brain

c) a room at the top of a house

b) storage

d) none of the previous

What connotation does the word attic have in the text? a) positive

c) neutral

b) negative

d) none of the previous

Which word in the following sentence has a negative connotation? In the same way, a house in dreadful conditions will fall apart. a) same

c) way

b) conditions

d) fall apart

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write an encyclopedia entry of a legend. Include a title, a definition or description, subheadings, and relevant information. Include passive voice. 181

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Read the text. Time Is Money 1 The famous phrase “Time is Money” is attributed to the American politician, inventor, and author Benjamin Franklin in 1748. But what does it mean? 2 The saying claims that time and money are both valuable resources: time is capital, just like money. We are born, we live, and we die; there is a limit to our time in this world. Therefore, it’s better to live without wasting time. If you constantly spend your time doing things that are not worth your time, you will probably feel bad about it. The same will happen if you buy products that are not worth your money. As you can see, there is a striking similarity to time and money. 3 Alternatively, the expression can mean that we should spend time and effort on things that get the results we really want. You can save time by doing something faster or more effectively. If you are a good economist, you can save money by adapting your spending habits. 4 It is good manners to help others. You can contribute to the community by helping your granny with time, for example, helping her cook or clean up, or by donating money to a good cause like the Red Cross.

Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1

to ask for something in an urgent way a) claim


c) help

b) adapt

c) beg

the part of a plant that grows under the ground a) manners


b) adapt

to change your behavior to a new situation a) claim


c) beg

to say something is true a) claim


b) complain

b) source

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5 But time is not always money. An expression tells us that “the love of money is the root of all evil,” but no one claims that money is the source of all evil. You can kill time, but you can’t kill money. When you meet people who have nothing to do, you tell them: “You have too much time on your hands,” but nobody complains of having too much money. You can beg for money and maybe get it, but nobody can give you more time. So, is time really money?

c) root

polite ways of behaving with other people a) manners

b) source

c) root


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Reading Skills Circle the correct answer. 6






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The expression Time is money is an example of: a) a simile

c) personification

b) a metaphor

d) an idiom

In paragraph 2, time and money are compared to: a) a similarity

c) capital

b) the world

d) a life

The phrase buy products (paragraph 2) is compared to: a) live, die

c) spend your time

b) feel bad

d) do actions

The root of all evil (paragraph 5) is an example of: a) a simile

c) an idiom

b) a metaphor

d) none of the previous

What analogy is stated between time and money? a) They are both precious.

c) They are both necessary.

b) There is a lot of them.

d) They are both evil.

What is the denotation of the expression kill time? a) time goes by fast

c) to do something instead of just waiting

b) time is like money

d) time goes by slowly

The word spending has a neutral connation. Which word has a negative connotation? a) having

c) using

b) donating

d) wasting

What connotation does the phrase too much time on your hands have? a) neutral

c) positive

b) negative

d) none

What connotation does the word granny have in the text? a) positive

c) negative

b) neutral

d) none

Which word in the following sentence has a negative connotation? An expression tells us that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” a) expression

c) money

b) love

d) root

Writing Skill On a sheet of paper, write an encyclopedia entry of a legend. Include a title, a definition or description, subheadings, and relevant information. Include passive voice. 183

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