
The following is my take on an idea from Robert Watkins I first published in his and Lance Sinclair's first release to t

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The following is my take on an idea from Robert Watkins I first published in his and Lance Sinclair's first release to the magic community TFOBW and later published in Watkin's first hardback book Jhana. His idea was to take a property not commonly known about credit and debit cards and use it as a number force that would allow him to seemingly guess the pin code to his audience member's bank accounts. So what is this commonality? It is a little known fact that all types of credit/ debit cards start with the same number and share the same prefix on the long number on the front of the card, depending on what type of card it is. This is true even with different brands of bank and credit agencies. In fact, this was first discussed by John Thompson in his Naked Credit Card Test and was independantly discovered later on by Watkins – so credit must also go to John for

this idea. Although, these vary across different regions around the world with a little bit of online research you will be able to easily find which cards are local to you and the audience's you perform for. For instance, practically all debit cards in the United Kingdom use the prefix of a number 4. I have hardly had a problem forcing this number at the start of my routine and it is so reliable, it's now my go to reverse pin guess when I'm performing. Here are a list of the common prefixes found on debit and credit cards around the wrold. Issuer Prefix (Starting no.) Visa 4 Mastercard 51-, 52-, 53-, 54-, 55 Diners Club 36-, 38 Discover 6011-, 65 JCB 35

American Express 34-, 37 These prefixes should be the same all over the world but it is important to check within your own Country first before going out and performing my routine. I will now show you how I have used these force numbers to create a beautifully justified reverse pin guess, where the spectator successfully guesses the pin number to my bank account. My routine uses the Springboard technique by Michael Murray. He is a genius and much of what myself and my friends now create would not be possible without Michael's thinking so I suggest you check out all of his work including his award winning book A Piece of My Mind that contains other applications of this principle from his website www.mindfx.co.uk. As Peter Turner has already expressed in his

effect Your Pin, it is much better to use the Springboard how it was intended to be used, within the context of an effect that has been flipped on it's head – where the spectator guesses information about the performer such as their pin number. The reason for this is due to the nature of the Sprinboard. Essentially, it involves the spectator trusting their intuition to guess how much higher or lower they think something is compared to something else. Therefore, it works perfectly within the context of a reverse pin guess due to the fact, it is theatrically sound and is entirely justified as the spectator using their intuition. This will make more sense as I teach my routine and you learn what the Springboard is – for those who don't already have an understanding of it's workings. I wanted a way to use the force number of 4 – found on debit cards in the Country where I

perform the most, the United Kingdom – to enable the spectator to use their intuition to guess my pin number and realised I could create this effect by shifting the premise of the effect half way through the perfromance. My solution was to set up the premise of the effect I was about to perform as trying to guess the first four digits on the spectator's debit/ credit card and then seamlessly transition into the effect of the spectator guessing my actual bank pin number. I feel this is the first time a shift in premise has been utilized as a method. In this way, I would ensure their anonymity was left in tact and their would be no security risks by revealing such a private and personal piece of information as their actual pin code to their bank account, whilst at the same time not lessening the effect. By revealing the four digits on their card I would be proving that I could guess 4 random digits

from out of the mind of the spectator and could therefore, also guess their actual pin number if I wished to do so. Here is the script I use. “I used to guess the pin number to people's bank accounts and quickly stopped doing so because I realised what a potential security issue this could be – someone could note down the numbers I reveal and then steal that person's card, later on and have full access to that person's bank account. Another reason I stopped doing it that way was because often they would lie to me because they didn't want everyone knowing their pin number, so no one would know if I was correct. So instead I decided to use the numbers on their bank card”. “So do you have a debit card on you? Yes. Good”. “In a moment, I want you to take out your

card and remember the first four digits on the long number on the front of the card – I will look away as you do this – now place it away, so theirs no way I can see these numbers”. They take it out and remember the first four digits on their card. Because I have asked them if they have a debit card this is usually enough to ensure the card they bring out is a debit card which also ensures we get a hit on the correct force number. I would usually only mention this once and then refer to the card as just “the card” but if you want to be certain they will take out their debit card then you can mention it a second time, right before they are asked to take it out. I now express how impossible guessing these numbers would be and at the same time equate doing so with being able to also guess their actual bank pin number. “So the numbers you are now focusing on are random. I'm guessing when you use your card

you keep it hidden and it is not something you just hand out to anyone – you keep this hidden away and safe in a wallet or pearce – so there is no way I could know what numbers are on the front of your card and therefore, couldn't guess the numbers you are now thinking of?” They will agree with you. “So for all intense and purposeses this may as well be your actual pin number?” Again, they will agree with you as these numbers really do appear as private and random as their actual pin number due to the way you have contextualized the effect. “Good. So just focus on the first digit for me.” This is where we now shift the premise in such a clever way you can use the force number they are now focusing on as the first

number in your pin number – using it to then unlock the rest of the numbers utilizing the Springboard technique. “Okay. I feel this number you are focusing on is actually the first digit to my actual bank pin number – so I feel it would be more interesting if we were to reverse the process and you were to guess my bank pin number – so you have got the first digit of mine, just write it down so you don't forget it but don't let me see what you write”. What is beautiful about this is you are getting a seeming moment of mind reading for free. This is how far back the specator will be able to back-track the effect later on and the effect will still seem impossible – usually, they will just believe they were able to use their intuition to successfully guess each of the remaining digits to your pin number. I always get the spectator to write this first digit and the subsequent thought of digits

down, so they don't forget. It also allows for a nice reveal at the end when the piece of paper is turned around to confirm they did in fact, successfully guess your pin number. Now I use Springboard in the following way. “Okay, just trust your intuition. Do you feel the second digit to my pin number is higher or lower than this first digit, you just wrote down?” Say they say it is higher. I would then say. “By how many?” Spectator: “2”. “Okay, think how many higher two is that the first digit and write that number down next to it”. I then repeat this process with the remaining 2 digits until the spectator has written all 4

digits of what they believe my pin number to be. All I have to do is remember the answers they give and follow along in my own head silently to construct what pin number they are writing down. For example, if I know my force card is a debit card from the United Kingdom and it starts with a 4 then I know the first number is 4. If they say the second digit is higher than the first by 2 then I know the second digit is 6, so on and so forth. I always get the spectator to compare this new number to the preceeding number or number they just wrote down and always get them to write the newer number down after that number, to essentially build my pin number. Now it is a simple matter of mis-calling what my actual pin number is as the one I have

followed in my head and know they have written down, to create the illusion they have actally read my mind and successfully used their intuition to guess my actual bank pin number. Additional Thoughts To speed up the process of Springboard when the spectator is on the last digit I will sometimes just say, “The fourth and third digits are actually the same, so just write the same number down again”. Or I might say, “Two digits are actually the same which ones do you feel these are?” Now they have to answer the fourth and another one of the numbers they have already written down, as they are still yet to fill out

the fourth digit. Again, all you have to do is listen to what they say to know which of these numbers they will repeat in the last position. If they don't include the fourth digit then you can simply reiterate the other number they mention and say. “Actually, it is the [other number they say] and fourth digit which are the same. So just write [the other number] down as the fourth digit”. This ensures they don't start to change any of the numbers they have already written down. Ross Tayler has a nice idea he has allowed me to include in this short manuscript that allows the spectator to seemingly unlock your phone using the pin unlock code. He tells his spectator that each of the digits

are one higher than the previous digit. If you were to place this into a whisper earlier on in a set or you mention it off the cuff to one of the spectators on an off beat when no one is paying attention, you can then use them later on and have them unlock your phone. You would perform the effect as written and then when you reach the point in the routine where you shift the premise say. “In fact, I feel that the number you are focusing on now is the first digit to my phone unlock code – trust your feelings and go with what you know my code is – just type it in”. Once they have typed in the correct code simply say. “Great! Don't tell them how you did it!” This is a line from Kenton that ensures they

won't tip what it is you have secretly told them. They won't want to take away from what they were seemingly able to do and will usually keep it a secret that you essentially gave them all of the information! Of course, the spectator will still be impressed that you knew they were thinking of the correct first digit. To the audience it will just seem like you are jokingly saying “Don't tell them how you did it!” and that the spectator still doesn't actually know how they did it. If you want to use a whisper then you can simply start to give a reading and then say. “This is personal and just for you so please keep this to yourself and because it is personal please no one ask her what this is”. Lean in an whisper:

“Each digit of my phone unlock code is higher than the previous one. This will be important later on – remember it and I will make you look like a genius – if anyone asks just tell them I have whispered something personal and just for you. Nod if you want to play along”. They will usually nod at this point and it will look to the audience they are confirming you have whispered a correct piece of personal information that you didn't feel was right for everyone else to hear. Of course this is Peter Turner's brilliant Bob principle – of which there are many varients and justifications for the whisper you shouch check out if you want to go this route. The line about making them look like a genius is again from Kenton and helps ensure they play along and don't want to expose what has happened after the fact.

Who would want to take away from themselves and ruin looking like a genius to everyone else? No one would and this is why they usualy keep your secret safe. If you are worried it will be obvious that all of a certain card type starts with the same numeber then something I have done is take out a different type of card such as my PayPal card and say. “You can see my card starts with a 5”. I feel this is over proving and may get you into more trouble by raising the suspicion s it might then prompt others to take out their cards and compare them. You may want to ask if anyone in the group you are performing for work in a bank or are an accountant before beginning the effect, talk a little about secreuity and then avoid performing this routine and just use a traditional method to guess a made up pin

number, at that point. This will ensure anyone familiar with this little known piece of infomration about credit and debit cards will not tip the method or work it out.