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NAME:________________________________SURNAME:____________________________ CAREER :_____________________ DIDACTIC UNIT:__

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NAME:________________________________SURNAME:____________________________ CAREER :_____________________ DIDACTIC UNIT:_________________________________

Complete each gap with much, many, some or any. 1. We didn't have 2. I haven't got

time to get to the concert. sweets, but Sally has got

3. We're getting

in her bag.

better at mountain biking.

4. I met

old friends at the restaurant yesterday.

5. Unlike

of his close friends, Paul had not had

opportunities in

life. 6. How

courses are you taking this semester?

7. If we don't sell more clothes, there won't be

point in keeping this

shop open. 8. Here's some money. Go and buy as

tins of beans as you can.

9. Some of the children were vegetarian, so they didn't eat 10. If I hadn't eaten so


sweets, I wouldn't have needed

medication. 11. "How

homework have you got to do?" "I don't have to do

12. Aren't there going to be 13. Karl was

famous people at the party tonight?

older than I had at first thought.

14. There have been too 15. "Put

reality shows on TV recently.

old clothes on and help me cut the grass." 'Which clothes?" "

." 16. Some days are 17. There are


warmer than others around here. great reasons for learning English.

18. I didn't have

to do yesterday, because there weren't


clients to register. 19. This tree was planted

years ago by

previous owner.

Complete the questions with how much or how many. 1.

lemonade have we got? We've got only one bottle.


bottles of juice are in the fridge? Three.


meat do we have? We have got two steaks.


bananas have we got? We haven't got any.


sugar have we got? Enough.


bread do we need? Two loafs of bread.


pens are in your bag? Six.


money have we got? We haven't got a lot.


bikes are there in the garden? Two.


children have they got? Two girls and a boy.


milk have we got? About one and a half litres.


steaks have we got? We've got eight steaks.


time do you need to finish your homework? An hour.


friends does she invite to her party? More than 30.


people work in your father's company? Seven, I think