Practical English A difficult celebrity 1. ROBS’S INTERVIEW a. Watch or listen to Rob interviewing Kerri. What is she ha

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Practical English A difficult celebrity 1. ROBS’S INTERVIEW a. Watch or listen to Rob interviewing Kerri. What is she happy / not happy to talk about?  She is not happy to talk about her private life and what happened with the band. She is happy to talk about her new song.

b. Watch or listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the F sentences. 1 Kerri's song is about love. F  Kerri’s song is not about love 2 Kerri plays in a band. F  She plays solo. 3 She used go out with a member of the band. T 4 Only one of his parents was a musician. F  Her father was in a band and her mother is a pianist. 5 Kerri started playing the guitar when she was six years old. F  She was about four years old. 6 His new album is very different from the previous ones. T 7 She's been recording and touring recently. T 8 She's going to give a great concert in New York F  She is going to play at some clubs.

2. GIVING OPINIONS a. Watch or listen to the conversation at lunch. What do they disagree about?  They disagree about which city is better, New York or London.

b. Watch or listen again. Answer the questions. 1 What does Kerri think about…? a the waiters in New York compared to London  The waiters in New York never leave the customer alone. London waiters are friendly, but not too friendly. They don’t bother you all the time.

b people in New York compared to London  The people in New York are less easy-going.

2 Who agrees with Kerri? Who disagrees? What do they think?  Rob agrees. Don and Jenny disagree. Don thinks New York is the greatest city in the world and Jenny thinks New Yorkers are very friendly.

3 Who phones Rob? What about?  The taxi driver phones Rob about Jenny or Kerri’s phone.

c. Look at some extracts from the conversation. Can you remember any of the missing words? Watch or listen and check. 1 Kerri

Personally, I think people in London are a lot more easygoing. London’s just not as hectic as New York.


Sure, we all like peace and quiet. But in my opinion, New York is possibly…well, no, is definitely the greatest city in the world. Don’t you agree?


To be honest, I definitely prefer London.


Come on, Rob. You’ve lived in both. What do you think?

2 Don

OK, I agree, London has its own peculiar charm. But if you ask me, nothing compares with a city like New York. The whole world is here!


But that’s the problem. It’s too big. There are too many people. Everybody’s so stressed out. And nobody has any time for you.

Jenny I don’t think that’s right, Kerri. New Yorkers are very friendly. Kerri

Oh sure, they can sound friendly with all that ‘Have a nice day’ stuff.

3. A SURPRISE FOR KERRI a. Watch or listen to the end of the lunch. Why is Kerri surprised?  Kerri is surprised because the taxi driver returned to the restaurant to give her back her phone, which she had left in the taxi.

b. Watch or listen again and complete the information. 1 Kerri thinks the waitress is friendly when they leave because Don left a big tip. 2 Jenny is worried because she thinks Rob misses London. 3 Kerri thinks that the taxi driver is very kind. c. Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words?

Social English phrases ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Jenny: Did you mean what you said in the restaurant, Rob? Jenny: It’s just that… you seemed homesick in there. Rob: Oh, hang on a minute. Rob: Our taxi’s come back. Kerri: That was so kind of him!