Planetary Aspects: Astrology

Planetary Aspects • zn Astrology By Prof. O.P. Verma Preface Astrology is the scientific discipline concerned with po

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Planetary Aspects • zn Astrology

By Prof. O.P. Verma

Preface Astrology is the scientific discipline concerned with possible actions of cosmic bodies upon organic life and inorganic substances on our planet earth. Astrological science for this purpose has been divided into many branches, Natal Astrology is one of them and is directly concerned with the birth of a being as a physical body. From the chart cast for the positions of heavenly bodies for the moment, date and place of birth can be delineated character, temperament, mental tendencies, physical peculiarities, ailments and events which will affect life to a marked extent. For this we require to study characteristics of planets blended with the characteristics of houses and signs they occupy in relation to quality of aspects they behold so that they reveal the truth. The correct delineation of aspects is very essential requisite for interpreting a horoscope. In Vedic Astrology emphasis has been exclusively on the conjunction of two or more planets irrespective of their sign positions. Though some of the aspects have been delineated in Brihat Jataka, Saravali and Vriddha Yavana Jataka but they seem to be inadequate in modern context and changing circumstances when newly discovered planets Uranus,

Neptune and Pluto are also showing their influence in our day to day affairs. We may not accept this truth today but we shall have to accept it tomorrow. Ancient masters ofVed. r: Astrology were not inflexible otherwise Tajaka system and Vriddha Yavana Jataka would not had found a place in Vedic Astrological literature. For this reason we have included the aspects of newly discovered planets in this volume. Our this view has the support of great modern savant Dr. P. S. Sastri vide his "Text Book ofScientific Hindu Astrology". It is for the firsttime that this volume perhaps gives the exhaustive delineation of various planetary aspects. In the introductory chapter elementary assessment of the aspects has been taken up. In the chapterAspects Defined- it is told that aspects should be delineated and understood in the light of one's level of evolution i.e. one's environment, mental, social and financial status. Then we have a chapter-Aspects Vedic vIs Western where we have tried to establish that there is no major difference in two systems of aspects and a balance is stressed upon. In this chapter it is told that adverse aspects are more vital than good aspects as previous ones provide more scope for improvement and advancement by overcoming hindrances caused by them. In the chapter on planetary conjunctions, various conjunctions from ancient classics along with modern view have been discussed. To us conjunctions mentioned in "Hora Sara" a classic are of important value particularly that occurring in the 9th house because 9th is the house of fortunes or luck denoting how the luck will function in one's life. In Vedic Astrology more impetus has been given on the conjunction of planets in Kendra houses representing environmental factors which are more instrumental in shaping one's destiny.

In framing this volume writings of ancient masters and suggestions of modern savants and practitioners of this holy science of Astrology have been given weightage. Only that matter have been included which have appealed to reason. The author feels highly indebed to the Prop. of MIS Ranjan Publications for considering the author worthy to write on this most difficult subject, the Astrological Aspects. Healthy criticism and suggestions for improvement from our esteemed readers will be gracefully accepted. The author also appreciates MIS Ranjan Publications for bringing out the book nicely in print.

O.P. Verma

CONTENTS Preface Content · · Introduction 1. Aspects Defined 2. Aspects- Vedic Relative to Western Planetary Conjunctions 3. Planetary Conjunctions of the Sun Moon Sun Conjunct Mars , , Mercury Jupiter " II Venus " , " Saturn , " Rahu Ketu " " Uranus , " Neptune n Pluto " 4. Planetary Conjunctions of the Moon Moon Conjunct Mars II " Mercury , Jupiter " Venus " " Moon Conjunct Saturn II

3 6 13 18 24

36 36







Rahu Ketu Uranus 0::: Neptune " 0::: Pluto Planetary Conjunction of Mars Mars Conjunct Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto Planetary Conjunctions of Mercury Mercury Conjunct Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto Planetary Conjunctions of Jupiter Jupiter Conjunct Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus " Neptune P1uto Planetary Conjunctions of Vtnus Venus Conjunct Saturn Rahu II

Conjunct II





























Ketu Uranus Neptune

Pluto 9. Planetary Venus


of Saturn



Rahu Ketu Uranus

Neptune Pluto

10. Planetary Conjunctions of Rahu Venus



Uranus Neptune Pluto


11. Planetary Conjunctions of Ketu Venus


Uranus Neptune

Pluto 12. Planetary Conjunctions of Uranus Uranus Conjunct Neptune 13. Planetary Conjunctions of Neptune

131 134

Neptune Conjunct Pluto

Planetary Conjunctions ofPluto 14. Harmonious and Inharmonious Aspects Sun in Aspect to Various Planets Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Moon Inharmonious Harmonious Inharmonious Harmonious Inharmonious Harmonious Inharmonious Harmonious Inharmonious Harmonious










Mars "

















" II


Inharmonious Aspect to Uranus ,. Harmonious ,. Neptune ,. Inharmonious Harmonious Pluto Inharmonious "

" Moon in Aspect to Various Planets Moon in Harmonious Aspect to Mars , Inharmonious " Harmonious Mercury Inharmonious " , Harmonious Jupiter " Inharmonious " Harmonious Venus , " " Inharmonious Moon Ill inharmonious Aspect to Saturn " " Inharmonious " 11 Harmonious Rahu-Ketu " Inharmonious , Harmonious Uranus Inharmonious " " Harmonious Neptune Inharmonious " " " , Harmonious Pluto Inharmonious " " Mars in Aspect to Various Planets Mars Ill Harmonious Aspect to Mercury Inharmonious " ," Jupiter , Harmonious , " Inharmonious " , Harmonious Venus ", Inharmonious Harmonious Saturn " " lnharmonio, " 11 Harmonious Rahu-Ketu Inharmonious " " Harmonious Uranus II






















Mars Ill , inharmonious Aspect to Uranus , II Neptune , Harmonious , , II II Inharmonious , , , Pluto , , Harmonious II II Inharmonious Mercury· in Aspect to Various Planets Mercury in Harmo'nious .Aspect to Jupiter , , , Inharmonious II , , II• Harmonious Venus , , " Harmonious Saturn , II II Inharmonious , ·" Harmonious " Rahu-Ketu , II Inharmonious , , Harmonious Uranus , Inharmonious Mercury Ill Harmonious Aspect to Neptune , Inharmonious , Pluto ," Harmonious II II Inharmonious Jupiter in Aspect to Various Planets Jupiter Ill Harmonious Aspect to Venus Inharmonious , Harmonious Saturn , , Inharmonious n Harmonious " Rahu-Ketu , , II II Inharmonious Harmonious " . Uranus ft Inharmonious , , Harmonious Neptune n , II Inharmonious , Harmonious " Pluto , II II Inharmonious Venus in Aspect to Various Planets Ill Harmonious Aspect to Saturn Venus II II Inharmonious ," , , Harmonious " Rahu-Ketu []



































II ti










Venus "

inharmonious Aspect to Rahu-Ketu II Harmonious Uranus II " " Inharmonious ,, II Harmonious Neptune II II II Inharmonious II Harmonious Pluto II Inharmonious "

Ill II



" "




Saturn in Aspect to Various Planets Ill Harmonious Aspect to Rahu-Ketu Inharmonious " " Harmonious Uranus " II Inharmonious " " Harmonious Neptune " " Inharmonious Harmonious Pluto II Inharmonious Rahu-Ketu in Aspect to Various Planets Rahu-Ketu in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus " Inharmonious Harmonious Neptune 11 " " Inharmonious " Harmonious Pluto Inharmonious Uranus in Aspect to Various Planets Uranus Ill Harmonious Aspect to Neptune " Inharmonious " " Harmonious Pluto ·" Inharmonious Neptune in AspeC' to Various Planets Neptune Ill Harmonious Aspect. to Pluto " " Inharmonious Saturn II



















































INTRODUCTION Astrology is the science which comprises the study of heavenly bodies in relation to elements and creatures on the earth, particularly the human beings. Statistical data reveal that human beings are influenced by the movement of stars and planets. There are various methods to assess and arrive at conclusions about certain areas of life. The planetary aspects are modifying and determining influences in a birth horoscope. Unless aspects are properly computed and studied, the necessary modifications cannot be read and the delineations not being properly made. The influence of a planet in a house can be understood only under the perspective of its sign placement and aspects it receives, for its own influence undergoes great modification by these two factors. In other words the natural sympathies and antipathies of the aspected and aspecting planets are the keys in delineating the aspects. In Vedic Astrology all aspects are counted from sign to sign. The benefic or malefic influence of an aspect greatly depends upon the relation of aspecting and aspected planet e.g. the aspect between the Sun and Saturn is bad one for both planets being natural enemies to each other. But in Dasa conn xt i.e. in their

mutual Dasa and Bhukti for a Taurus Lagna native this aspect is good one, for then the two planets work as functional benefics. For more elaboration see our " Laghu Parasari". In Vedic Astrology all the planets have a quarter (V~ glance or aspect on the 3rd and lOth houses and planets there in, from their own placement; a half (\12) glance or aspect on the 5th and 9th houses and planets therein; a three-quarter (%) glance or aspect on the 4th and 8th houses and planets there in and a full glance or aspect on the 7th house and planets there in. In other branches of Vedic Astrology viz. Tajaka and Jaimini different aspects are used. In Jaimini all movable signs aspect all fixed signs except the adjacent ones. All fixed signs aspect all movable signs except the adjacent ones. All common or mutable signs aspect each other. This theory applies also to the planets in such signs. In Tajaka system the scheme of aspects of Western Astrology is followed including orbs of influences of planets in aspect. In exception to general quarter etc. glances Saturn, Mars and Jupiter have special aspects also. Saturn in addition to his 7th house full aspect also aspects the 3rd and lOth houses from himself with full aspect. This means that if Saturn is in Taurus, he aspects Cancer, C:corpio and Aquarius and planets there in respectively. Mars in addition to his full 7th house aspect also aspects the houses and planets 4th and 8th from himself. And Jupiter in addition to his full 7th house aspect also aspects the houses and planets 5th and 9th house from himself. The special and 7th house aspects of Saturn and Mars are considered bad, for these two planets being natural malefics. The special and 7th house aspects of

Jupiter are considered good being the aspects of greatest fortune. Generally the aspect of Jupiter over the Moon is considered good but for a Taurus Lagna native this aspect is not as good as for a Cancer Lagna native. In the former case both are functionally evil while in the latter functionally and naturally very auspicious. Similarly, the aspect between the Moon and Mars is generally evil. For a Virgo lagna native this is disastrous while for a Cancerlagna native very auspicious. The effects of such aspects are functional particularly in the Dasa and Bhukti of planets concerned. The 3rd aspect of Saturn is referred to as sextile aspect in Western Astrology; the 4th and lOth aspects of Mars and Saturn as squares; the 8th aspect of Mars as quincunx or inconjunct, the 5th and 9th aspects of Jupiter as trines and the 7th aspect of all the planets as opposition aspect. These aspects of Western Astrology are reciprocating aspects i.e. both the planets mutually aspect each other. We shall discuss these in detail in a later chapter. In Western Astrology mutual longitudinal distances between the planets determine the type of aspect and its nature. The following are major Western aspects Conjunction : When the planets are on the same longitude. Sextile :When the planets are 60° apart. Square :When the planets are 90° apart. Trine : When the planets are 120° apart. Quincunx : When the planets are 150° apart. Parallel of Declination : When the two planets are at the same declination either on the same side or in opposite sides of the celestial equator. Parallel is strictly

a position actually not an aspect. The position is such that both planets be in north declination or both be in south or one north and other south of the celestial equator. Certain orbs of influence are allowed. Orbs means when the aspect begins or ceases tQ ~how its influence. The intensity of aspect is full when the planets are exactly at the above mentioned degrees apart. The orbs of aspects are areas of their influence around the planets in aspect and vary with the intensity of aspect. The orbs of various aspects are :










Trine Sextile










1t [ Parll] Parallel We may allow 3° more to the Sun and 2° more to the Moon for their luminosity. For aspects on the Ascendant, M.C., Descendant and l;C so or 6° orb is enough.

The influence of an aspect begins when the faster moving planet is behind the slower moving planet by degrees of orb mentioned for a particular aspect. The influence of an aspect ceases when the faster moving planet is ahead the slower moving planet by degrees of orb mentioned for a particular aspect. For example if the Moon 18° and Mars 27° are in Aries, the conjunction has just begun and if Mars 18° and the Moon 27° are in Aries, the conjunction is just to cease. For Quincunx aspect planets should be 150° or

210° apart. Taking 2° orb of influence, this aspect begins when the. planets are 148° apart, full when exactly 150° apart and ceases when 152° apart. All signs of the same quality are in square (90°) to each other. All signs of the same element are in trine (120°) to each other. Aspects are usually formed between the signs and the planets there in. Thus a planet in 2° in Aries is in square to a planet in 2° Cancer, the sign of same quality and in trine to a planet in 2° Leo, the sign of same element. A planet in 2° Aries is also in trine to a planet in 29° Cancer according to the theory of orbs of influence. Such aspects are accepted by Western Astrologers and are supposed to be weak. Beginners should not confuse themselves with these and should stick only to aspects formed from sign to sign. Some Western Astrologers even consider aspects from house to house irrespective of the longitudinal distances between the planets and signs occupied by them.

1 ASPECTS DEFINED An aspect is a certain angular distance between two points in zodiac. It is from one planet to another or from a planet to certain house cusp in a chart. Certain distances are assigned certain names like conjunction, trine etc. In other words an aspect is a certain angle formed between two planets as seen from the earth. These angles formed at the earth influence the earthy matters according to harmonious or inharmonious vibrations amongst the bodies in aspect. Human being, the supreme creation is greatly affected by these vibrations due to his power to think, analyse and act some what independently. Planets have different wave lengths depending on their intensity of illumination and colour. These wave lengths are planetary viberations manifesting differently at different angles. Some are pleasing to our sensibility and some are agitating that affect and try to arrange chemical constituents ofthe body accordingly. Human mind senses these bodily changes and conditions subconsciously. These changes and conditions


Planetary Aspects in Astrology

ultimately affectour thought process as all this happens at subconscious level. We sometimes feel mentally energised and at other times depressed without realising the cause. At the conscious level apparently there is no reason for the condition. We are not able to explain why sometimes we are so tricky to solve the problem in seconds and at other times inspite of best application of our brain we fail badly and all our efforts seem to go in vam. The human body is a highly sensitive instrument very much vibrated by the solar, lunar, planetary and zodiacal activities. The degree of development and understanding discussed ahead determine our response to planetary aspects for the good or bad. Aspects are classed as harmonious and inharmonious according to nature of actions or responses they produce. Harmonious aspects may be termed as pacifying, appeasing rather fortunate, where flow of energy is smooth. Inharmonious aspects may be interpreted as stimulating, irritating rather unfortunate, where flow of energy is zig-zag and obstructed. All aspects should be studied under the perspective of one's degree of evolution. Degree of evolution is ascertained by the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant. The Ascendant, its ruler and planet rising there in give important clues regarding degree of evolution. The sign on the Ascendant represents the physical body which is the instrument for manifestation in this material world. The character and temperament of the native as well as his relations with his environment can be assessed to fair degree from the rising sign, its ruler, planets rising there in, aspects there to, the quality and

Planetary Aspects in Astrology


element of the rising sign. The sign and house occupied by lord of the Ascendant indicate the native's tastes and interests as well as how he is placed in every day life. Aspects to lord of the Ascendant indicate sources of strength and weakness in character and help and hindrance in fortunes. The Ascendant is a lens through which all influence must go through, if they are to manifest i.e., harmony between the Ascendant and rest of the horoscope is a must. This includes aspects also. For example for a watery Ascendant preponderance of inharmonious aspects is not an ideal combination. This native finds himself always at war. Most criminals have their lord of the Ascendant badly afflicted or evil planets rising in the Ascendant. It should be taken in a sense that one's character is badly affected. For understanding one's character properly we may add Mercury to the above three factors. Severe criminals and evilly disposed persons have mostly all the four of these factors heavily afflicted, while the highly principled people will barely have one or two of them heavily afflicted. Outer life of an individual is denoted by the Sun. With afflictions to the Sun, the native meets misfortunes due to mistakes made according to the afflicting planet. The Sun is the conscious action. The Sun denotes special and outstanding events and performances. Thus any afflictions to the Sun damages outer life badly. The Moon represents the more inner nature, our feelings and what we have absorbed. The Moon is accumulative, the quality which enables the individual to store up, digest and assimilate what the Sun has delivered to him by his manifestation in the field of action. Thus Moon has much to do with memory and subconscious actions which are generated as habitual


Planetary Aspects in Astrology

characteristics due to great accumulation of past experiences. It is therefore, the Moon is significator of mother, who is first to impress upon the memory of an infant. The Sun and the Moon thus represent the positive and negative poles of an individual's life and energy. The Sun represents the prime vitalizing principle and the Moon, the instincts coming out of subconscious habit pattern. The Sun is the index of fortunes and achievements of the native while the Moon represents the moral character. The Sun afflicted by Saturn may not influence the character but shows hard struggles and obstacles in achieving one's goals in life. The Moon afflicted by Saturn denotes suspicion, timidity, apprehension, meanness, selfish and narrow attitudes and otherwise. Thus we see the Sun and the Moon denote the destiny and character and should be studied carefully to estimate the degree of evolution of an individual. The power of self expression comes from Mercury. A man may be wise and clever but without strong or well aspected Mercury he is unable to communicate his thoughts. The rationalizing factor of an individuality emanates from strong Mercury. It is the rationalizing Mercury who can counteract the dangerous impulsive and instinctive tendencies of the Sun and Moon. An ill placed or ill aspected Mercury is unable to check the above told dangerous tendencies but adds to these his own faults of begotry, carelessness, back-biting, slandering, ill-temper etc. When morality, an attribute of the afflicted Moon and Lagna factors is low, and afflicted Mercury readily lends to such crimes as tempering of accounts, forgery, fraudulent schemes and deception of all sorts.

Planetary Aspects in Astrology


The stimulating effects of inharmonious aspects are often seen in the birth charts of persons with high evolution level who have achieved distinction and touched dizzy heights in their career sheerly by strenuous efforts. On the other hand in the birth chart of persons with many harmonious aspects, we see no such strenuous efforts for success. Opportunities have come their way due to sheer luck and they got the breaks. We can understand like this- The father of an individual bought some land at a distant place from his residence. Due to influx and explosion of population city expanded rapidly and that land came under urban land. The land which was purchased for a meagre amount by his father fetched him crores of Rupees. The degree of mental evolution is the barometer of one's less or fair success with many of good aspects. A low evolved person gets easily satisfied and contented in this case, while a high evolved person goes on reaping the opportunities coming his way and thus advances. Similarly the degree of mental evolution is also the barometer of success or failure for one with many inharmonious aspects. One may succeed with strenuous efforts building his way through the obstacles. A low evolved person is lost in the middle or resorts to unlawful means to be successful but fails. There can be different situations of the same aspect, a man brooding over his condition, or one lying in the hospital; a young one off on his vacation; a man in charge of a progressing business and a woman merrily busy with her children. An astrologer is expected to give judgement only after getting familiar with the client's station in life, his condition and activities in order that he may be able to


Planetary Aspects in Astrology

properly anticipate the client's response to the viberations of an aspect. An aspect should be assessed on the following points: 1. The quality of aspect (good or adverse). 2. If the aspecting planet is angular, succedent or cadet. 3. If the aspecting planet is in a cardinal, fixed or common sign. 4. If the aspecting planet is in a fruitful or barren sign. 5. Ifthe aspecting planet is benefic or malefic. 6. If the aspecting planet is a functional benefic or malefic. 7. If the aspecting planet is also aspected. 8. Shadabala strength of the aspecting planet. 9. If the aspecting planet is exalted, debilitated etc. 10. If the aspecting planet is retrograde. 11. If the aspect is applying or separating. 12. The house owned by the aspecting planet. 13. The house occupied by the aspecting planet. These points should also be judged for the aspected planet too. · When a benefic planet is found to be retrograde, his power to do good is weakened. When a malefic planet is found to be retrograde his maleficence is magnified. It is significantly important to know whether the aspect is applying or seperating. The influence of an aspect that is forming is naturally powerful than that of a separating one. In an applying aspect as the aspecting planet draws near the culminating degree, the aspect

Planetary Aspects in Astrology


becomes stronger and stronger. After the culmination aspect grows weaker and its power wanes gradually. In. Vedic Astrology there are no orbs of influence. The aspect is from sign to sign, however planetary degrees are of vital importance to assess the strength of aspect. It is upto the experience of an Astrologer either to follow theory of orbs or count the aspect from sign to sign. But as far as our experience goes, we have felt the vibrations of aspects formed through the signs; though dilute it is due to planets being far apart from the exactness of the aspect. Perhaps it is due to the factthat occupation of a sign by a planet vibrates the whole sign and the centre of vibration is planet's position in that sign.

2 ASPECTS- VEDIC RELATIVE TO WESTERN No great difference exists between the Vedic and Western aspects. Difference lies only for want of proper reconciliation. Planets are same; zodiac is same; Westerners use Naksatras as fixed stars while in Vedic Astrology lordship ofNakshatras has been awarded to various planets for a set of stars falling in belt of 13°-20', each. Westerners follow fixed zodiac while Vedic Astrologers use sidereal zodiac and the great difference lies only in precession of equinoxes. Basic concept of Astrology is almost the same, however, the difference lies also in the systems of delineation. Let us begin with basic aspect which is conjunction. Conjunction: In Vedic Astrology conjunction occurs when two or more planets are in the same sign. Here no orbs of influences are used, only sign position is considered. In Western Astrology if the conjunction occurs in the same sign with in 9° orb of influence it is good. If two or more planets are placed in the end of one sign and in

Planetary Aspects in Astrology


the beginning of the next sign within orb of influence, then also it is called conjunction. The results of this conjunction would be different from the former as the quality, element, lordship etc. of the signs are different. Conjunction stands symbolically for union, synthesis and blending of two or more in one. The effects of conjunction depend upon nature etc. of the conjoining planets. When two forces meet resultant varies according to their magnitudes and angle between them. When a musical instrument sounds two notes together the quality of resulting note depends on harmony or inharmony of the two basic notes. So is with planetary conjunctions. There are three classes of planets. The first one are the two main benefics Jupiter and Venus. The second class belongs to malefics the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. According to Vedic Astrology, the Sun is only cruel not a malefic while according to Western Astrology he is a lesser benefic changing himself according to the conjunction i.e., outwardly the native displays vigorously the characteristics of the planet conjunct with the Sun, particularly when combust. The third class belongs to lesser benefics rather convertible planets the Moon and Mercury. Jupiter and Venus are called benefics because they harmonise with human values of growth, harmony, increase, balance etc. The· so called malefics are contrary in character to such virtues and stand for irritation, anger, obstruction, delays etc. The third set of planets the Moon and Mercury are lesser benefics when alone; gain more power to do good when with benefics and lose their power to do good or function as malefics when with malefics. In conjunction with Mars tending to extremes of heat, disintegration and impulse; with Saturn to

Planetary Aspects in Astrology


perseverance and will-power; while if the conjunction occurs in airy or earthy signs where Saturn is strong, the expansiveness and elasticity of Jupiter is reduced and rigidity and contraction of Saturn is increased. Conjunctions are the most powerful of all aspects. Too many conjunctions in a chart indicate a strong, self aware and action oriented native. If three or more planets are found in a house forming an unbroken chain of conjunctions, the affairs ruled by signs and houses of these planets indicate vital area of activity in the life of the native. Strong will power, self awareness and impetuous actions in these affairs are noticed. For more detailed exposition of multiple conjunctions in Vedic Astrology, the readers may have recourse to classics like Hora Sara, Garga Hora, Saravali and Vridha Yavana Jataka. However, some of the vital conjunctions we shall discuss in a later chapter. Saturn owns the lOth and 11th signs i.e., Capricorn and Aquarius as counted from Aries. Aries is the 3rd house from Aquarius and 4th house from Capricorn. Thus we get two sets 3rd-llth and 4th-10th. Saturn is the law enforcing agency of the cosmos. If we follow cosmic laws we do not have to face struggle rather remain calm even in adverse times. Saturn is friendly to the law abiding people. Therefore he is assigned 3rd aspect as his full aspect. This is a friendly aspect concerned with moulding of one's views in a practical way based on intellectual thoughts of the sign Aquarius. All the other planets except Saturn have this aspect as quarter aspect. In Western Astrology 3rd/ 11th house aspect is called sextile aspect, it is a reciprocative aspect i.e., the planet in the Ascendant aspects the planets in the 3rd and 11th


Planetary Aspects in Astrology

house and the planets in these houses in response also aspect the 1st house planet. All the planets in Ist/3rd or Ist/llthreciprocate this aspect. There can only be two pair of elements Fire-Air or Earth and Water in these two pairs ofhouses. Fire and Air do not antagonize too hard. Head long rush, enthusiasm and high spirits of Fire sign can be controlled by cool and impartial judgement of Air signs. Earth and Water are uninspiring ·and uninspired combination and there is too much inertia for any discord to arise. The other full aspect of Saturn is lOth house aspect i.e., he aspects the planet posited in lOth house from him. This aspect is purely a material aspect related to the practical and material nature of the sign Capricorn. Any lack in practical judgement has to bear the hard punishment of Saturn. In other words Saturn placed in lOth house from any planet tends to dress the affairs of that planet in the light of ground realities. The planets are thus placed in 4th-lOth houses to each other. This is rather an obstructing aspect for the affairs of the planet or house falling in lOth from Saturn because Saturn brings on discipline and order in the affair of that planet to maintain cosmic order. In Western Astrology this aspect is called the Square aspect as the planets in aspect are placed in the 4th and lOth house to each other. This is a reciprocating aspect as both the planets reciprocate this aspect between them. For example planets in the Ascendant, 4th or lOth houses reciprocate the aspect, similarly the planets in 4th-7th or 3rd-6th and so on. Four pairs of elements occur in square aspects they are Fire-Water, Air-Earth, Earth-Fire and Water-Air. The Fire sign due to its rush headlong manifestation causes much disturbance to a sensitive Watery sign; the disharmony in Air-Earth signs results

Planetary Aspects in Astrology


from the tensions that mount due to difference in intellectual and practical aims in life; the disharmony in Earth-Fire signs is due to common sense and practicality of Earth and enthusiasm and high spirits of Fire and the disharmony in Water-Air signs is due to difference of approach between the mean sensational and animal side of primitive water and refined humane and intellectual side of Air. There is fair compatibility if in the last Water-Air pair the Water is greater evolved. It is due to this contradictory nature of elements of signs falling at 90° to each other the square aspect is considered to be frictional, obstructive and inharmonious. But these factors very much depend upon the nature of planets occupying the signs in square to each other. In Vedic Astrology Mars has full aspect over the 4th and 8th houses from his position. Let us first take his 4th house aspect. Mars is malefic like Saturn and gets debilitated in Cancer. Mars owns Aries and Scorpio. Cancer is 4th sign as counted from Aries. Cancer is also the sign detrimental to Saturn. In Western Astrology 4th house is the house of grave. Therefore the great injury and death inflicting planet Mars has the aspect on the 4th house from himself. The 4th house aspect of Mars is a coercive, irritating and injury inflicting aspect very much according to the nature of Mars. Mars placed in the lOth house from a planet aspects that planet by his 4th aspect as if Mars is aspecting any thing in his debilitation signAccording to Western Astrology as already told the 4th house is the house of grave. Therefore any planet placed at 90° or in the 4th house from Mars feels the coercive effects of Mars. Mars and Saturn being the malefics have this coercive square aspect very much


Planetary Aspects in Astrology

prominent with them due to their basic coercive natute. Elements of the signs at 90° and 270° to each other also do not harmonize. This has been discussed under the 10th house aspect of Saturn. The square is a reciprocating. aspect between the planets at 90° apart. In Vedic Astrology Mars also casts full aspect on the' 8th house. The 8th house is the house of death. Mars very much a death inflicting planet has rightly beenI assigned 8th house aspect. Jataka-Parijata (2/49) says R'i41 .:.i!WI~~~ fH'41=tlz;tQI"fll~'lfflWII~