
Name: Ori Baronin Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 7: The Action Potential: Conduction Velocity L

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Name: Ori Baronin Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 7: The Action Potential: Conduction Velocity Lab Report Pre-lab Quiz Results You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly. 1. An action potential can be propagated along an axon because there are __________ channels in the membrane. You correctly answered: d. voltage-gated 2. The units of conduction velocity are You correctly answered: d. meters/second. 3. Which of the following will affect axonal conduction velocity? You correctly answered: c. both the diameter of the axon and the amount of myelination 4. Which of the following describes an A fiber? You correctly answered: a. large diameter, heavily myelinated 5. Which of the following describes a C fiber? You correctly answered: c. small diameter, unmyelinated


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Experiment Results Predict Question: Predict Question 1: How will the conduction velocity in the B fiber compare with that in the A Fiber? Your answer : b. The conduction velocity in the B fiber will be slower because the B fiber has a smaller diameter and less myelination. Predict Question 2: How will the conduction velocity in the C fiber compare with that in the B Fiber? Your answer : b. The conduction velocity in the C fiber will be slower because the C fiber has a smaller diameter and less myelination. Stop & Think Questions: 3. Note the difference in time between the action potential recorded at R1 and the action potential recorded at R2. The distance between these sets of recording electrodes is 10 centimeters (0.1 m). Convert the time from milliseconds to seconds, enter the time (in seconds) in the field below, and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid. You answered: .002 sec 4. Calculate the conduction velocity in meters/second by dividing the distance between R1 and R2 (0.1 m) by the time it took for the action potential to travel from R1 to R2. Enter the conduction velocity in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid. You answered: 50 m/sec 7. Note the difference in time between the action potential recorded at R1 and the action potential recorded at R2. Convert the time from milliseconds to seconds, enter the time (in seconds) in the field below, and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid. You answered: .01 sec 8. Calculate the conduction velocity in meters/second by dividing the distance between R1 and R2 (0.1 m) by the time it took for the action potential to travel from R1 to R2. Enter the conduction velocity in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid. You answered: 10 m/sec 11. Note the difference in time between the action potential recorded at R1 and the action potential recorded at R2. Convert the time from milliseconds to seconds, enter the time (in seconds) in the field below, and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid. You answered: .1 sec 12. Calculate the conduction velocity in meters/second by dividing the distance between R1 and R2 (0.1 m) by the time it took for the action potential to travel from R1 to R2. Enter the conduction velocity in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid. You answered: 1 m/sec


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Experiment Data: Axon Type


A fiber B fiber C fiber

Heavy Light None

Stimulus Voltage (mV) 30 30 30

Distance From R1 to R2 (m) 0.1 0.1 0.1


Time Between APs (msec) 2 10 100

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Time Between APs (sec) .002 .01 .1

Conduction Velocity (m/sec) 50 10 1


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Post-lab Quiz Results You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly. 1. Action potential conduction velocity is fastest in which of the following fibers? You correctly answered: a. A fibers 2. Action potential conduction velocity is slowest in which of the following fibers? You correctly answered: c. C fibers 3. Why did the timescale have to be changed to measure the conduction velocity of the C fibers? You correctly answered: b. The total time shown on the oscilloscope would have been too short to see the action potential at R2. 4. The axons from touch fibers are A fibers, and the axons from pain fibers are C fibers. When you stub your toe, which would you expect to perceive first? You correctly answered: b. your toe touching something


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Review Sheet Results You have not completed the Review Sheet.


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