
Mysteries Anywhere Compendium of practical mentalism effects for unexpected performances Pablo Amirá Art is a lie tha

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Mysteries Anywhere Compendium of practical mentalism effects for unexpected performances

Pablo Amirá

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth Pablo Picasso

This document is dedicated to my parents and my country Chile, a beautiful place that needs a lot of help right now.



I first Met Pablo in Greece a few months ago, after he contacted me letting me know that he happened to be in Greece. We arranged for a meeting and he was kind enough to show me some of his ideas. I was amazed to see a young performer being familiar with some Mentalism Techniques that some even more experienced mentalists do not know. He then told me about his plans to release soon a book with some of his ideas, which happens to be the one you are reading at the moment. Pablo was very kind in providing me a copy of his work before it was released; I started reading it immediately after I received it. I love the way performers and inventors mix different concepts in order to create a new effect or a new presentation; I love it EVEN MORE when that mixture involves psychology, suggestion or other similar sciences, it fits my style so perfectly. I offered to write the introduction for Pablo’s new book. It is my belief that you will find within these pages some if not new ideas (which I bet you will find) at least some inspiration to find new ways to perform. And even more important, some ways to keep your performances CLEAN and SIMPLE which in my belief is one of the biggest keys to delivering Mentalism in its highest degree to the audience. Pablo, I like your material and I am proud of your work. To you as a reader, I am sure you will enjoy Pablo’s work, as he has made sure to place it in simple terms in these pages for you to understand and therefore put it into practice within your performances. Enjoy then these mysteries anywhere.

Nefesch 2010


uthor’s words

On the fly, on the spot, impromptu, AAA, etc…. Words that we’ve always had as a performers. A magician can say: “I don’t have my Rising Deck with me.” Can a mentalist say: “No, I can’t read your mind right now; I don’t have my Mental Epic board.”? NO! The premise of this e-book is about mentalism that you can perform without carrying any objects such as paper, pen, wallets, cards, NW, etc. I want to share 5 effects that I use constantly in impromptu performances and also in other places such as stage, close up and walkaround. These are simple ideas, easy to follow effects and bold methods. If you as a performer had problems with your impromptu routines and you want to live knowing that you can perform miracles anywhere, consider these demonstrations in your repertoire. Borrow a few things and create mental experiences for your audience. I hope that you enjoy these pages and study the real important things such as the psychology behind each effect and subtleties that you can find. And more important, add your own experience and the things that you consider as important. This is the starting point for these effects. Only your creativity is the end.

I want to say thanks to my “classic” inspirations in Mentalism: Annemann and Corinda. Also thanks to my “modern” inspirations such as Kenton Knepper, Banachek, Max Maven, Bob Cassidy, Richard Osterlind, Luke Jermay, Jerome Finley, Anthony Jacquin and Richard Nongard (for the hypnotic part). And of COURSE, thanks to YOU. Yesterday (27-2-2010) my country suffered a terrible earthquake. The money collected from this document will be destined in the reconstruction of my country Chile. Pablo Amirá, 2010

This is my country… well… photos really.

Photographer: Sol Pérez



1. Perfect Coin, maybe: A miracle in the purse of your participant. He takes a coin from their pocket, hides it in his fist. You can instantly create mysterious things with the coin and your participant, finishing with the revelation of the coin and the date. Borrowed coin, no switches. 2. I.D.S. : This abbreviation is a mystery…. Inside these pages you will know how this idea can build you a reputation as a mindreader. A way to create an impromptu in your face dummy billet, a very easy billet switch and a bold full billet peek, all combined to create a piece of mental miracle. Thought: Text and subtext 3. Chronoincidence: A Watch Routine that looks very clean. One participant thinks of a time, another participant turns the stem of a watch. The 2 hours match. Nothing is written. 4. OHP: Predict the future in an open manner in your hands. One card is predicted in a loud voice, one card is turned over in the deck. Prediction is correct. Thought: Verbal or Non Verbal? 5. The Frankenstein Experiment: 3 participants will be creating life, and you, astonishing moments of mindreading. Each participant thinks in different characteristics of this new creature, and you are able to reveal it. A kind of 4th D Telepathy with an interesting presentation behind it.

A Joke before the effects: (Thanks to my friend Felipe Aravena)

Perfect Coin, maybe An idea/challenge came to me one day in a bus. I wanted to create the purest date revelation with a coin, but I couldn’ t see the picture and the method, so I created the “Almost Perfect Coin” effect, that requires a subtle switch of the coin. But one day the final answer came to me, and now it’s evolved into som ething else that I love and enjoy performing.

Audience and participants perception A participant takes a coin from his pocket. The mentalist instantly can suggest ideas, creating hypnotic rapport, mystery, and also perceived information such as the specific coin that she takes and even the date on the coin.

Effect Suggestion effects and telepathy

You need A borrowed coin and a willing participant

How? The method is simple in nature. Suggestion, psychological finesses and muscle reading for knowing the numbers on the coin. For me this effect is like a way to practice such tools that we as mentalist have (patterns, psychological finesse and MR). If you think about it, there are real mind powers. Creating and changing reality in the life (at least for a few minutes) of a participant is a very important, attractive and powerful tool, and with the first phase of this effect, you can accomplish that. First you borrow a coin. But how can you know which coin he will take and reveal it later? Easy, just ask for it. But I know that you understand that this action needs to be subtle. Imagine yourself talking with your participant about this experiment, and asking for a coin (ambiguous language), and saying with a softer voice, “a quarter” (or a typical coin in your country).

Just wait the moment that you know that your participant has the coin securely in her hands and say: “Or any, of course ” , again, with a very “unimportant” attitude. You need to have in your personal subtext something like “I can do it with any coin “, and immediately say to him: “Look carefully that I a m not near your coin (coin, not quarter), because, believe it or not, in a moment I will read your thoughts and know some things about your coin from your pocket”. After that, the performance itself is a time misdirection factor that allows you to have the revelation of the coin. Now its time for the suggestion phase. My preference is to create first the effect of a “heavy coin”, using suggestion about this idea, and next something stranger like a “hot coin”, but you can do it in reverse or use the coin to suggest other ideas. (Photo 1) (Photo 1)

I see hypnosis as a dual reality experience, because if the participant isn’t in a profound trance, your audience will believe that the coin was heavier, and the participant after that, really feels the coin hotter. So even if this phase doesn’t work very well, the audience with feel that this works wonderfully. In the Possible Dialogue section, you can see a guideline about the patter, but really the important thing is just do it with your total confidence, confidence that you need to express first in your non verbal communication, and also in your verbal communication. You can use A LOT of different psychological bits and finesses to enhanced the odds and create that “hypnotic dual reality “.

For example in the “Hot Coin” part: “And just come back and open your eyes slowly when you don’ t feel the warm th of the coin anymore” (thanks Kenton!). If the participant doesn’t feel a change in the coin, you’re secretly put the idea, in your audience, that he really felt the coin getting hotter, because you said “anymore”. Understanding language patterns is a necessity here, so even if you don’t know anything about this, buy Wonder Words by Kenton Knepper, After the suggestion part, comes the mindreading phase. The first mindreading moment comes with the revelation of the type of coin that he has in his fist. You can jazz here of course, and use your theatrical abilities, because you already know what type of coin he has. After that bold revelation comes the revelation of the date. Here is where contact mindreading and non- contact mindreading comes into play. If you don’t know what contact mindreading is, close this e-book right now and get “Psychophysiological Thought Reading” by Banachek. (You can keep this e-book open), or find the video “Psi-Series” part 3.

If you divide the date in an ABCD format, it will be something like this: A: 1 or 2 B: If the coin has 1, obviously 9 is the 2nd one. If the number is 2, obviously it’s 0 C: If the coin is “19XX”, the 3rd one can be 8 or 9. If the coin is “20XX”, the 3° ones can be 0 or 1. D: If the coin its “198X, can be 0 to 9, the same with “199X” and “200X”.If the coin is “201X”, the last digit can only be 0 ( at least today  ). So as you can see, the route in A and C are binary, the B depends on A. D is the more complicated one but more fun also. My strategy it’s to use MR in A and C (only 2 options), and NCMR for D (0 thru 9). Let’s check the MR part. Just take the participant’s hand and read his unconscious response. I use a “cross” to know what number the participant its thinking. For example, if the first number is “1”, the participant’s thought will be a vertical line. In the other case, if the first number is “2”, the participant’s thought will be a horizontal line.

1 2

If you feel resistance with the vertical move, it means that the number is 2 and the same in reverse. It’s very simple but you need practice. You can practice with any effect where you can force the thought. With this technique, you can know the A number, and with A you know B, so when you recognize and read the number you can announce both: “I a m feeling that you’re thinking in the number 1, am I right? “ If the participant said “Yes”, you can say: “excellent, so of course (with a little laugh ) the 2 ° its 9 ….. I don’ t need to be a mindreader to know that”. With this line you’re implying that you’re really reading the spectator thoughts, and honestly, that’s the truth. For the 3rd digit, use the same “cross” technique”, and jazz it a little bit. In this part your mindreading character comes into play. Act and be as confident as you can. If you have a mistake, it’s ok, just keep going, you know that already. So, you know the first 3 digits; let’s go with the fourth digit, the most fun part. For this one I used NCMR. I used an idea from the Banachek´s book about knowing a thought of number. Just ask to your participant to close the eyes. When he has his eyes closed, you just tell him that when he listens to his thought of number, just imagine in his mind a big red stop sign raising from the ground and touching the sky, and shout in his mind STOP!! (In my experience, this visualization needs to be extremely strong and exaggerated, so tell this to your participants).So, if you pay very close attention to your participant, you can detect when his eyes will move and his body language will change. You can go from 1 to 9, or randomly. My personal preference is going 0 thru 9. Just one time will be enough to detect a few changes in one specific number. If you had trouble with 2 or more numbers, tell them: “Good, I think that you’re thinking in X… (Pause a little bit. If X is the number, you had your climax, but if it isn’t…) or Y“, and proceed again with the NCMR. This subtlety it’s very interesting, because you can know in advance that Y is the number (because there ´s no reaction in X), so you can step back and say: “The year of your coin, your quarter is 199Y, isn’ t it?”

You can use this linguistic subtlety in A and C also, knowing each number without using MR for those. So, these are the techniques to know the date of a borrowed coin, real mindreading. If you fail in the revelation (it’s never happened to me…but) just move on. Perform another effect, or just put the participant into a trance, and do it in the hypnotic way (“Reverse Mindreading” by Anthony Jacquin).

Possible Dialogue (Premise and Conditions)

Ok Valerie , so you want to see something? Do you want to feel and experience strange things? Can you do that? ….Ok. Excellent. Do you know that you have a miracle in your purse? As strange as this sound. Take out your purse. Take a coin, a quarter (wait until she takes a coin), or anyone of course and hold it firm ly in your fist. (Take attention off of the coin at the moment). Look carefully that I am not near your coin because, believe it or not, in a moment I will read your thoughts and know some things about your coin from your pocket. Do you have it firm ly? Ok. Clear your mind, put your feet together and close your eyes (building compliance). (Heavy Coin)

In a moment you will feel that this coin has a heavy weight. An as you are aware of the increasing weight of the coin , you can feel how your hand is pulling down , and as you feel you hand getting a little tired you can feel the coin becoming heavier (Suggestions for heavy coin. Just watch and pace). That’s right, more and more. You definitely feel more weight, Yes , it’s weird. You definitely felt the coin getting heavier. (Hot Coin)

Now, you will feel something more bizarre, because the coin starts to heat up now. (Strong voice) You can feel right now that this coin is pulsing, almost like it’s breathing, getting warmer, hotter, more and more. It’s strange, but it’s ok, it’s all in your mind. Keep your hands closed with your coin and jus t come back (more relaxed voice and attitude) and open your eyes slowly when you don ’t feel the warm th of the coin anymore.

(Participant with tight fist and eyes open) You feel strange things , right? Yes , like warmness in m y hand Excellent, now we will do something amazing, but I need your full attention. (Serious attention) It’s 50 % m y work, but also 50 % is in your hands. Ok? Ok, let’s do it.

I will look in another direction ; you just take a peek and remember the date in your coin (you look in another direction, and continue) (Mindreading)

Remember that I never saw your coin, yes? (Nod your head) Yes , I have it in m y fist. Great, because first I want to know which type of coin you have. Don ’t say anything out loud. Di me, penny, quarter (all the typical coins that the participant could take ). Say it in your mind! (Stare in the eyes) Your coin is a quarter, right? (Wait for answer). Yes Excellent, you are very good at this. (Without pausing) Now think of the first digit in the date of your quarter. (Take the participant’s fist). Of course it can be “1” (Vertical move) or “2 ” (Horizontal move). Just tell me with your mind and think vertical move for 1 or horizontal move for 2 . (5- 7 seconds later) I am feeling that you ’re thinking of the number 1, a m I right? .Yes. Excellent, so of course (with a little laugh) the 2 nd one is 9. I don ’t need to be a mindreader to know that (gag).

Now the third number, the same thing. Just think vertical if the number is “8”, or horizontal if the number is “9”. Think it loudly; tell me with your mind. I am not sure, is it 8? No. Ok, no problem, just focus more, it’s ok. (Utilize that mistake as a dramatic build up). Now the last number. Just close your eyes. Take a deep breath , and let it out. Do you have the last number in your mind? Yes, I have it Ok, I will say the numbers from 0 up thru 9 out loud. When you hear your number, imagine as strong as you can a red shiny stop sign rising from the floor up to the sky and shout in your mind S TOP, ok? Ok 1, 2 , 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9, 0 … (you will see the eyes move up on their sign). Good, I think that you’re thinking of 4…. (Wait a bit for responses, if you see a reaction, take credit for the revelation) or 8.

The year of your coin, your quarter its 1998 isn ’t it? Yes!!! (She opens her eyes, it’s always automatic) Good job, you are very good at this. (End )

Ideas 1. If you enjoy performing hypnosis, you can use this piece as an induction. For example, when you finish with the mindreading moment, you can use the coin for the classic “stiff arm” demonstration in waking hypnosis, and induce trance. (Photo 2)

(Photo 2)

2. Find out what the most commonly found years for your coin are. Make a mini index in your pocket with 3-4 BENT coins of these different dates. If at the end of this effect the date on the coin matches one of your bent, indexed coins; go for a subtle switch on the offbeat (when people are reacting to the first effect) and you’ll have another strong ending. Don’t mention the date again after bending the coin, let the audience find out for themselves. (This idea is from Mauricio Jaramillo)

Credits and Inspiration As I said in the beginning of the effect that the inspiration came to me in a bus as a creative challenge. I know that Derren Brown has a revelation of a borrowed coin, but this effect is different. Credits to Kenton Knepper and his work in language patterns for mentalists and also in the use of trances to engage performances, and Banachek for his work in MR.

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources Albert Einstein

I.D.S. (Impromptu Dummy Sequence) This idea came from an impromptu coin transposition that I performed in my coin magician times. This it a better use I think right now. More than one effect, this it’s a sequence where you can prepare an impromptu dumm y billet for one on one situations preferably and perform amazing Mentalism without prior preparation.

Audience and participants perception A participant thinks of a drawing in his mind. After a few tries, the mentalist says to him that it’s better to write in one word the main idea of his drawing on a piece of paper. The mentalists prepare 2 papers, one for the participant, and the other one stays for a while in the mentalist’s pocket for later. The performer tries to sense some ideas of the mental drawing, ending with the revelation of the thought of drawing.

Effect Precognition or Telepathy (in this case)

You need A pen and a paper (you can be flexible, but a 3x5 aprox)

How? Amongst the many different approaches to mindreading, you need to secretly know the information that you participant is thinking. This one is based on a billet switch and a full peek of the billet. Grab a piece of paper and follow me. I am right handed, so change everything if you are left handed. Tear the paper in 2, and fold each piece into quarters. Leave one on the table for the participant, and the other piece of paper: “Goes to my left pocket for later”, in reality keep the paper in right hand finger palm.

After the participant writes his thought, take his billet (just offer your left hand without saying it, just to help find something to hide the billet) in your left hand and casually do a switch with the dummy in your right hand (basically a false transfer like in a coin move). The important thing right here is that this ISN’T A MOVE, you are just taking the same paper. Your subtext needs to be: “where can we put this unimportant piece of paper? Ahh just under the cup”. Mr. Cassidy talked to me while I am writing; he said:” Please don’t look at the paper when you do a switch” (I am a little crazy. And you too.) So you can put the dummy under the cup (or whatever), maintaining the billet with the information in your left hand in finger palm. You can play as long as you want to, creating a mindreading scenario without knowing anything yet. When you want to know what the participant thought is, just “take your paper” from your pocket (in reality the participant’s billet), read it boldly with the motivation to say: “I will use m y paper just for writing some impressions ”. You can boldly show the billet to someone, hiding any writing with your thumb (thanks Mr. Cassidy), and use this same paper for revealing the thought. (Photo 1)

Of course you need to cover all the little letters (Photo 1)

So, you in reality are capable in this moment of receive some impressions, because you are reading the participant’s billet. (Evil laughs)

I know what you are thinking

In a tree and a car… right? .Joking

You are thinking….. How can I use the same billet as a “blank paper” for revealing the participant thoughts and not be caught?

Well… before that the participant writes his thoughts, you said to him that he needs to write his thought with little letters because he needs to amplify the word in his mind… (Sneaky). (Photo 2)

(Photo 2)

With this you have more room for the revelation and hide the actual word that your participant wrote. Now, it’s necessary to hide the little letters. You can for example: Fake a mistake and boldly scratch out the participant’s written word and proceed with your second thought, or scratch out the word and use it as a floor for a drawing revelation ( I use this idea a lot), (Photo 3) I used the floor of the house to cover the word “house” (Photo 3)

Or just change your mind as an afterthought and reveal the word mind to mind only, discarding all the evidence, taking the 2 billets out of play. So you can use this sequence to reveal a thought via drawing, or via words. After you write your revelation on the participant’s billet, you can give the paper to the participant to hold, while you take the “dummy” billet and “read” their thought (if you follow me, you are reading a blank paper), but we can do it as mentalists, right? You can use the subtlety to “show” the blank paper (just a flash) to another person in the audience and create the idea that you show the paper with the thought of your participant. As I said, this isn’t only one effect. You can use your wonderful creativity and come up with more options and psychological finesses.

Possible Dialogue (Intro, Premise and Condition)

Yes Rose, I am a mentalist . I can give the illusion or in a real manner read your thoughts. Do you want to try something? Of course! (Very open to experience, haha). Maybe we will use this (show the paper and pen). Ok, in your mind just think of a simple image, like a house, a boat, something like that, ok? Say the word also, loudly in your mind, FLOWER, F LOWER (if you see astonishment, just stop there of course ), or anything that you are thinking of. (Real Mindreading state of mind, and guessing), (If this phase works, you had another miracle, but if this doesn’t work)

Ok, I think that you need to focus a little more (with a friendly tone of voice), just write your though in this piece of paper in only one word. If you are thinking in a boat, just write BOAT, but it’s important that you write it in small letters, you will understand why in a second. This piece is for later (false transfer and keep the billet in right hand finger palm).

Ready? Yes,

Just find a good place (offering your left hand in a casual manner) to put this (casually switch it, with the motivation to put the important billet in your right hand) paper (the paper isn’t important any more)

Ok, I asked to you to write the word in little letters because it’s necessary that you actually see in your mind, that word growing more and more. Do it right now. (Mindreading state of mind) Imagine that word growing more and more. (Increase the drama) Imagine that drawing now; see it in your mind. Look at me, Do it! (Relax a little bit) Ok, I will use my paper (put your hands in your pocket and act as you take your billet) to write some things (open the billet and casually read the word. At this moment you can show the billet if you can hide the writing with your thumb) (I will take the classic approach, for me it’s scratching out the word as a floor in the drawing)

Ok, you are doing very good, (Start guessing at this moment) Your thought its something living , isn’t? Yes. Did you change your mind about this? No, this was m y first thought. Yes , eyes, hair… a lot. I think that I got it. (Put the drawing revelation in his palm; take the “participant’s billet” and “read it”)

Ahh , interesting, BEAR. Teddy bear or a wild one? Wild bear Check my drawing (as the participant takes your drawing, just pocket the blank paper, or just swallow it). Interesting , right? Did you enjoy this mindreading experience? (Cool presupposition and also a good line to start a conversation) (End)

Ideas 1. As you can imagine, this sequence can be used with other cool ideas, such as Q&A, direct mindreading about private information or Tervil-esque predictions. 2. The revelation of a “word that can be drawn” is my favorite with this one. So I start this experiment without anything, just creating a scenario where the participant can really feel that I am connecting with his thoughts. I try to sense a few things, and if the participant (not me) cannot do it without any visual stimulation, I take the paper, tear 2 pieces, and proceed with the sequence. 3. In the beginning, I can use a psychological force (or just statistics) and use that excellent verbal subtlety:” Just think, flower, flower, flower, or anything that you had in mind” If my participant its thinking of a flower, you have the best mental effect, but if it isn’t, just move on.

Credits and Inspiration My inspiration is the coin sequence that I created like 3 years ago. The bold full peek is my solution for this sequence. Now I know that in Switchcraft appears a similar idea call “Pusillanimous billet read”. Credits will go to Mr. Kenton and Mr. Cassidy.

Text and subtext Here in this document I will write some thoughts that I collected from readings, classes, and personal moments. This one has a focus on theatre, and the other one in psychology (communication ). I collected a few lines from books that I picked from this theme, and specifically in the importance of subtext. If you feel interest about these topics, find a theatre class or pick up some books. I think that we (as mentalists) must work harder on our knowledge in theatre. Imagine you as a child, playing with your mom. Then suddenly she said to you: “My little monster”, while she’s laughing and giving you hugs. How do you respond? …. But she called you monster…. Why? Because the text here isn’t important, the important thing here is the subtext. The subtext is the implied message or subject of something that is said or written. Let’s take this idea in what we are doing. When you are using “clairvoyance”, to find out which card is turned over, or “telepathy” to connect with the thought of your participant, or “psychokinesis” to bend coins, keys and cutlery, are we really communicating such a demonstration in our subtext? This isn’t of course a debate on whether our abilities are supernatural, but about if we really believe in ourselves as mentalists? Do you see Nina Kulagina’s state of mind when she apparently move objects with her mind? It’s a pure lesson.

Maybe we need (me first, of course!) to believe in our purpose as a Mentalist (entertain, create mystery, astonishment, create real parapsychological experiences, etc.) a little more and work harder in our subtext. Understand who we are, and communicate our message more clearly and credible.

Have no fear of perfection - you 'll never reach it Salvador Dali

Chronoincidence I wanted to have a personal effect in m y watch that didn ’t need a writing procedure, so I came up with this, and it has served me very well. I perform this piece in casual performances and even on stage.

Audience and participant’s perception The mentalist invites 2 people to a coincidence experiment in time. (Peter will be the first participant and Ana the second one) Peter is invited to do some mental relaxation exercises and also to focus on a time. Ana is invited to take off her watch and move the stem freely and stop turning when she feels something strange happening inside her. After that, the second participant freely stops the movement of the stem, the 2 times are revealed and match perfectly!

Effect Coincidence. A freely thought of time matches with a time freely selected on a watch.

You need A Watch, a pen and a pencil (the last 2 are optional)

How? The method for this effect is broken into parts. Basically there are 2 forces and a subtle dual reality. The first participant apparently only thought of any time (or wrote it on a paper if you want, it’s not necessary), but that’s not the whole truth. You invite the first participant to do some mental relaxation (this action is an excuse and a motivation to talk secretly to the first participant), so you grab your 1st participant and create some distance between him and the audience. You invite to him to think of any time, but you also ask him to TELL YOU the thought of time. It’s very important that you use the correct words, so I will give you a guideline, but you need to work on your own patter, memorizing the important words (or all the dialogue as actors as we are, I believe) and just do it, you know that better than me .

Of course, it’s necessary to choose correct participants also. My preference is to go with a man and a lady, both nice looking and willing to participate and create a miracle. You can use your own watch or borrow a watch (even better). I use the man for the mental relaxation and selection of the time, and the lady to turn the stem. You can use also other options. So you have your 2 willing participants in play. When you talk with Peter, you can say something like: “Ok Peter, the mental relaxation exercises are very simple. But first tell me a time . 2:45? Ok. Just focus on that ti me in your mind. Imagine a big clock and see your thought of time. Don ’t tell anyone your thought of time , ok? Because Ana could hear it and the effect is lost. “ So, the 1st participant its thinking of a time, doing the mental relaxation process and facing in another direction , while you tell your audience the truth… well, half the truth. “Peter is there (you point to him), doing a mental relaxation exercise . I asked him to think of any time , and visualize it in his own mind. He will not tell anybody his thought, especially Ana, because with Peter’s thought and Ana’s action, we will see something marvelous”. Onstage, I can give a marker and a pen to Peter, and create another psychological layer. When you are talking with Peter, and you know that the thought of time is 2:45 (for example), you can say to him: “Ok, just write in big letters 2 :45 or 14: 45, it’s your decision, ok? And as you are relaxing your mind, visualize a big watch with your time ”. Afterwards, when you talk with your audience you can add: “Peter wrote an hour. He freely thought of any time and decided how he would write it, it was his decision”, so with this the dual reality is created. Your audience believed that he thought of and wrote the hour on the paper, and even decided how he would write his thought, when you really know what the time is. Now comes the “watch” part. Almost any watch has the stem in 2 positions. The first one where you can change the hour and a second one where, if you turn the stem, nothing happens. So you can use this knowledge to force any hour. In this case, 2:45. You take the borrowed watch, and use some line to direct attention a little bit about another idea, while you are setting the watch. For example:

“You can see that if someone turns the ste m they can change the hour. 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in each hour, 1440 different possibilities to one.” In this moment you have the watch set to 2:45, and with a gentle push you can put the stem in the first position, ready to force the hour. Now you can invite your 2 nd participant to just connect with her intuition, and turn the stem until she feels something, and just stop. She can do this action behind her back or just in front of you. It’s important to tell her that when she stops turning, she must say out loud “Stop”, or “ I stopped”. As you your 1st participant is concentrating, and the 2 nd participant is turning the stem, you can create a good scenario and talk with the audience while this is happening. When she is finished, you just take the watch, push the stem (she can do it also) and let the watch rest on her hand. You can conclude, doing a good false summary, creating new memories, such as: “Peter is thinking of any ti me and she turned the ste m, pushed in the stem, and she had the watch on her hand”. You tell the 1st participant to name for the first time the thought of time, (or show the paper). And after that the 2 nd participant reveals the freely selected hour via turning the stem. If you think about the effect, there are really 3 different realities, the effect for Peter, for Ana, and the most astonishing for the whole audience You can finish with a line for Peter: “Peter. Everything is a secret. Don ’t tell anyone how we did it”.

And these are the basics for Chronoincidence.

Possible Dialogue (Premise and conditions)

“The strangest day is when nothing strange is happening” During our lives we’ve always had strange experiences, or coincidences. I want to live a spectacular moment in time with all of you. If we believe, it will happen. I need 2 participants for this next moment of coincidence. Preferably 2 people that already have some type of connection. Ok, your name? Peter. And you? Ana... Please give them a strong applause. Are you a couple? Yes Excellent, this will work. Each one of you will take part in this memorable moment in time in different ways. Let’s start with you Peter. I will ask to you to just do a simple thing. A relaxation mental exercise, just join me (take Peter aside a few meters) (Talking with Peter) Ok Peter, the mental relaxation exercises are very simple . But first tell me a time. (With an uninterested voice) 2:45. 2:45? Ok. Just focus on that time in your mind. Imagine a big clock and see your thought of time. Don ’t tell anyone your thought of time , ok? Because Ana could hear it and the effect is lost. Excellent, just close your eyes and keep concentrating. (To the audience)

Peter is there (you point to him), doing a mental relaxation exercise. I asked him to think of any ti me, and visualize in his own m ind. He will not tell anybody his thought, especially Ana , because with Peter’s thought and Ana’s action , we will see something marvelous. (Talking with Ana) Ok Ana it’s your turn. Do you have a watch? Excellent. Please tell the audience that we haven ’t prepared something before the show. Yes, I don’t know this strange guy. Of course, you don’ t know the time that Peter is thinking of right? Yes

Ok, you can see that if someone turns the stem, they can change the hour. 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in each hour, 1440 different possibilities to one.

(At this moment, set the watch at the thought of time, and slightly push in the stem)

Ana , just relax and try to connect with Peter’s thought. In a moment you will turn the stem of your watch , ok? Ok Just keep the watch face down for dramatic purposes and just say “I stopped” whenever you feel it. Do it. (To Peter) And as Ana is turning the watch’s stem, just concentrate on your thought and believe that you can send her the time. (Build the dramatic moment) There is 1 in 1440 possibilities, very i mprobable but not impossible . I STOPPED!!

Ok Ana, without seeing the hour, just push in the stem. (To the audience) As you can understand , with this de monstration I take a lot of risks. But I want you to remember 2 things. First, that improbable things aren’t impossible, if you believe and work hard, you can accomplish anything. And second, I want you to remember this m ysterious moment that you are about to see. (To Peter) Peter, for the first time tell the audience in a loud voice what your thought of ti me is . 2:45!!!

Ana , please turn over the watch and in a loud voice tell everyone the time on your watch 2:45!!! A spectacular moment in time to re member. (Applause Pose with your participants) Well done Ana, well done . Peter, don’ t tell anyone how we did it. (End)

Ideas 1, I haven’t tried this idea yet, but I will use it someday. Use the dual reality idea to create a revelation of the time. If the first spectator is concentrating with their eyes closed, and looking away, you can reveal the “thought of” time on a pad or big sheet paper (onstage), after that, the 2 nd participant finishes turning the stem. Because the 1st participant is looking away, he will not understand why the audience starts to applaud. You can interrupt the applause and go directly to the coincidence moment. Give it a try; I will do it someday. 2. Because the theme of this effect is coincidence and preferably you will use a couple, you can ask the first participant to think and tell you an important time that they as a couple have. After the coincidence revelation, you can add something like:” I see in your mind Ana that this time is important. Peter, can you tell to us why this is an important time?” He tells everybody why, and you finish with a lovely moment. (I hope so….haha) 3. In a few performances I’ve used my own watch. My watch doesn’t have the 2 positions of the stem, so I just t give my watch to the 2° participant and instruct her to turn the stem behind her back. She obviously feels the turn, but she doesn’t change the time, because the stem is pushed in. Next I take the watch and “push in” the stem.

Credits and Inspiration I learned the watch “force” from an effect on a video by Luke Jermay called “Synchronicity”. I understand that this force appears to have been developed by Bev Bergeron. I know thanks to my friend Matthew Shepherd that this dual reality idea appears also in a Max Maven DVD, but i came up with this “relaxation exercise” idea independently. Also (as I understand) my routine has similar points with Osterlind´s Watch Routine. Thanks to Kenton Knepper for his dual reality concept and thoughts.

Without m ysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known? Charles de Lint

OHP (Open Hand Prediction) My take on the classic “Open Prediction“ plot. In the hands handling, any deck, no prior setup

Audience and participants perception The mentalist claims that he will do a very special thing, predict the future in an open way for one participant. The open prediction is the 5 of clubs. The participant it’s invited to do a simple procedure with his intuition, and put a card face down in a face up deck. The mentalist checks the face down card, revealing the 5 of clubs. The participant enjoys a strange moment and the mentalist a good applause.

Effect Precognition. One face down card matches with the mentalist’s open prediction.

You need Deck of cards, it can even be incomplete.

How? The method it’s very simple, but needs to be broken down in steps The first thing is the open prediction. After that the audience shuffles the deck and you introduce the idea of your prediction, you spread the deck in your hands and spot the second card from the top (in this case de 5 of Clubs). Next you take any card and put it any place (implicitly saying that you moved the 5 of Clubs to the influenced place), and say something like: “I predict the 5 of clubs ”... (Very creative)

Now, you can say something like this: ” You will do this , it’s very simple. Just take the cards and deal the cards face up onto m y hands like this, and whenever you like, whenever you feel something in your intuition, please stop”. When you say “ take the cards”, you turn the top card face up. When you say “like this ”, take 2 cards back to back, taking the 5 of clubs with the indifferent face up card.

The situation is: Your waiting hand has a face down 5 of clubs with an indifferent face up card on top of it. The participant has the deck. (Photo 1) (Of course you need to have the cards squared up on your hand)

(Photo 1)

The participant deals the cards and stops whenever he likes (likely near the middle). If you sense a little bit of doubt in your participant, just use a little of psychological pressure to stop around the middle. The effect is about influencing the participant’s choice, so using this pressure is totally logical. (Photo 2) (Photo 2)

When the participant stops the dealing process, you say: “Ok, put the next card face down “. When the card is placed face down, you need to get a little finger break below the face down card. After that, the participant freely flips all the other cards face up, meanwhile you can say: “Lets see if the 5 of Clubs is in these cards ”, (obviously it isn’t).

The new situation is … in your hand, a face down 5 of clubs on the bottom, face up cards, little finger break, face down indifferent card, and other face up cards. (Photo 3)

(Photo 3)

Now, you need to switch the face downs cards in a subtle manner. I do it via a simple Slip Cut (you can use a stylish Top cover pass, but I don’t bother). In my presentation I invite the participant to stop somewhere in the middle, so a simple slip cut is the best solution for me. Slip cut the face up card with the guide of your pinky break , and with this simple move, you place the indifferent face down card on the bottom, and put the 5 of clubs face down in the middle. Obviously you need to direct attention when you do the slip cut. I do it via a simple question: ” What did you feel when you put the card face down?” or “What do you hear in your ears’ mind?” Or “What is your grandpa’s last name?” (Joking of course).

At this moment, do the move without even thinking about it. This is the situation now: Your hand, indifferent card face down, face up cards, 5 of clubs face down and face up cards (Photo 4) (In this case, maintaining the ace of clubs on top keeps the cards the same way as the participant saw them before)

(Photo 4)

The last part is the revelation. Just spread the cards in your hands without flashing the face down card on the bottom (you can do a half pass to avoid the flash, but it isn’t necessary for me), and say: “Let see it’s we have a winner”. Turn over the card and say: “We have a winner!”

Your open prediction is correct, and everyone starts going crazy and starts a new religion based on your miracle (this part is optional).

Possible Dialogue (Premise and conditions)

I will do something with your deck that’s look strange but isn’ t, ok? Mm... Ok I will predict the future, but don’t worry, I am not a psychic reader, I am a mentalist. So I will predict a playing card that will be in your future. And also there will be a strange prediction, because I will do it in an open manner. I predict ( just take any card and put it around the middle, spot the 2 nd card from the top, and make your open prediction) …the 5 of clubs . Ok? Ok... Mentalist You will do this, it’s very simple. Just take the cards (here is when you take the double card and put it on your hand) and deal the cards face up in m y hands like this, and whenever you like , whenever you feel something in your intuition , please stop. (The participant deals the card and stop near the middle)

Interesting … Do you want 1 more card? Mm... Yes Ok… Just put the other card face down for m ystery purposes (get a break under the card). Let’s see if the 5 of Clubs is in these cards (face up).

No... Interesting. Tell me, what did you feel when you put the card face down? (At this moment, just do a slip cut) Why did you change your mind at the last second? Did you feel influenced by me at all? Blablabla Let’s check if m y open prediction is correct. Yes ! Your future looks good (Revelation). Wow... You are good.

Thanks, but you know, for me the future doesn’t exist... (Turn that moment into a conversation)

Idea 1. You can use the Dual reality idea in Chronoincidence to create a miracle… Just think about it.

Credits and Inspiration I know that the idea for the Open Prediction is from Paul Curry. My inspiration was the effect itself. Excellent premise.

Verbal or Non Verbal? A. Barbour, "Louder Than Words: Non-verbal Communication." Communication is made up of: 38 % vocal - volume and intonation 55 % body language. 7 % words,

I love scripting my routines and play with words and patterns (Mr. Knepper knows about that), but one day this simple study created an explosion in my mind. 7 % Words!!!!! Wow Also when I began to study hypnosis, I thought that words were magical, and with just a few learned patterns you can suggest a trance state. But I learned that your body language and HOW you say things is more important than WHAT you say. In the end, it’s what you are saying in silence that matters. A very simple thought, but a life time to learn it.

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man 's desire to understand Neil Armstrong

The Frankenstein Experiment I like the idea of creating life. If you liked the classic “Fourth dimensional telepathy “, you will like this one.

Audience and participant’s perception 3 participants are invited to a strange experiment with their thoughts. They will create a new creature. One will decide on the gender, another on the name, and the last one in one hobby for this new life. Strangely enough, the mentalist reveals each thought in an impossible manner.

Effect Telepathy. A twist on the fourth dimensional telepathy effect by Annemann.

You need A few pieces of paper, pens, and a cup.

How? Well, if you know the classic 4D telepathy routine, you are one ahead of me (pun intended). There are a few differences that make this routine more practical and entertaining for me (subjective, of course) 1. No envelopes 2. No “visible compromise” in the force. 3. Logical sequence. 4. A chance to fail Sound strange, but you know what I am talking about. As you know, the classic approach to this effect (Annemann) needs a force. In this routine I used a psychological force for the gender of the new creature.

Read my mind!!

You need 3 participants, pens and paper. Paper for the billets, but also for the impromptu board that you need. You present the premise, borrow a cup or hat, and hand out the 3 billets. The first participant decides on the gender. Of course it can be male or female, so for example, if you want to suggest “male” you can say: “Ok, you will decide in your mind if this new life will be male (snap your fingers and a subtle pause), or fe male right now. Have you decided? Yes Mr. Mindreader. Excellent, just write it on that paper, because I want to check later. Fold the paper in quarters and put a big “1” after you fold it, and put it in the cup “. Now you are one ahead. In the psychological force part you can play with psychological finesses and stack the odds in your favor. Another thing that you can say is (if the 1st participant is female and heterosexual): “Ok, you will decide in your mind if this new life will be male (snap your fingers and a subtle pause), or fe male. The most likely one for you “. Sounds strange, but my experience has proven that it works. Ok, now you have the first billet with a big “1” that says Male (in this case). Now you move on to the 2 nd participant and say: “You will decide on the na me of this creature , so of course you need to know what her decision was (pointing to the first participant) , so quickly just open the paper and read what’s she wrote . It’s important that you put a name that’s very manly or very fe minine . We don’ t want to a have a person with personality problems (gag)”. This last line is very important, because in a moment you will read this paper as paper “1”, and with only the name you’ll know the gender of the creature. Ambiguous names can be a problem. The second participant closes his billet, writes a big “2”, for identification later, and puts it in the cup Now the third participant is invited to think of a hobby (or anything) for this “mental Frankenstein”, so he writes the hobby on the paper, write a big “3” on the outside and put it in the cup. (Photo 1) Now start the mindreading. (Photo 1)

Just grab your paper and use it as a board. Create a mindreading experience for your first participant and say: “I know that the first one is a 50/ 50 chance, but I don ’t want to rely on chance “.

Write &%MALE (scribbles as a correction from a mistake and MALE, this subtlety can help you in a moment) (Photo 2) on the board, and say: “Ok, so you wrote on paper number….”” (Let her say it) “One Mr. Telepathic”.

(Photo 2)

Now comes a bold moment. Just act trying to find (not too long) paper 1, but just take paper 2, flash only a little part of the paper, open it and read it. (Photo 3) When you read paper 2, you are reading the “name billet” (you are reading, for example “Roberto”), so you can deduce the gender: “Ah, a MALE . . . Look what I wrote ”, and show your revelation.

(Photo 3)

If you receive applause at this point, great, but if you feel that someone is thinking that you are using just chance and everyone can do that, just claim to know and utilize that thought:

“I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that a 50/50 chance isn’t too impressive. But this is on a crescendo, just for building up the suspense”. And from this moment on you change your focus and start reading the thought of the 2 nd participant. You already know the name. If the psychological force doesn’t work, say something like: “Oh, I knew that I should have stuck to m y first thought”, and explain that first you wrote FEMALE and next you changed your mind. You can also say some funny lines: “Oh, but it’s fine , its only one chromosome different” or

“Oh , but its only one difference”, and gets another laugh, and you just move on. Now, the name. Look at the 2 nd participant, give him a mindreading moment and write “Roberto” (or whatever you peek) on your “board”. Give the board to him and act as if you took the 2 nd paper, when in reality you took the paper with the number “3”. Act as if you read “Roberto” while you are reading the hobby, and reveal it dramatically. At this moment, I recommend that for dramatic purposes, you start to exhibit demonic behavior (just a joke… or not?). You can of course build up the last revelation (as in the classic routine ), grab the last billet from the cup , burn it or just put it in your pocket, and reveal the last bit of information with your board.

A happy conclusion to mindreading on the street

Possible Dialogue (Premise and conditions) Do you know who Frankenstein was? The green guy!

A lot of people think this, but really Frankenstein was the mad scientist behind him. Do you want to play a mind game about this? Applaud if you want to (applause) ... no, I said applause come on (More applause)! Cool, we will use paper, pens and a cup (borrow all these things) . I need 3 minds for it to work. Great, a warm applause for them. (Talking with the participants) . We will create a new life . Each of you will be thinking in a characteristic for this new creature , I will try to reveal your thoughts and create a weird experiment in telepathy. (To the first participant) Ok, you will decide in your mind if this new life will be male (snap your fingers and a subtle pause), or female right now. Have you decided? Yes Mr. Mindreader. Excellent, just write it on that paper, because I want to check later. Fold the paper into quarters and put a big “1” after you fold it, and put it in the cup (To the 2 nd participant) You will decide on the na me of this creature , so of course you need to know what her decision was (pointing to the first participant), so quickly just open the paper and read what’s she wrote. It’s important that you put a name that’s very manly or very feminine. We don ’t want to have a person with personality problems (gag), fold the paper and just draw a big “2 ” on the outside, and finally put it in the cup. (To the 3rd participant) You will decide on a hobby for this imaginary life . You don ’t need to know the name or the gender, so quickly think of one , and just for proof write it here (pass them a billet) , fold it , draw a big “3” and put it in the cup . Ok

As you can see, I can’t see through the paper, so the only way that I could know the information is reading your thoughts , correct? Yes


Just look at me (looking at 1st participant’s eyes), I know that the first one is a 50/50 chance, but I don ’t want to rely on chance I think…. (Give the paper to the participant) Ok, so what number did you write on the paper? One Mr. Telepathic. (Take paper 2, read the name and deduce the name) Male? Yes Look what I wrote. (Applause moment) I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that a 50/50 chance isn’t too impressive. But this is on a crescendo, just for building up the suspense.

Just look me (looking at 2 nd participant’s eyes and take a serious posture) this is a strange name isn’t? Well, yes Ok… (Write the name on a paper). Why did you choose this name? (Anything to take off attention from the billet) Ahh , Roberto. Yes

Look at the paper and go crazy (Applause moment)

And you, the last one, the most difficult one. Just think about this idea in your mind (take your time) That’s weird… (Write the last info on your impromptu board) (Take the last paper and “read it “ ) Do Yoga???

Let’s take a look and go nuts !!!!! (Applause moment) You are amazing!!

Ideas 1. You can add one more paper and create 3 secure moments of mindreading. 2. Rather than having each participant numbered his own billet, you can do it (as in the original), but boldly write “3” in the first billet , “1” in the second one , and “2” in the last one. 3. Another out for the FEMALE-MALE: Write “FEMALE” in such a way that you can cover with your thumb the “FE” on Female. So if the participant says: “Female”, show the revelation freely, but if the participant says: “Male”, cover with your thumb the “FE” on Female.

Credits and Inspiration As far as I know, the presentation about Frankenstein is my own. This routine has similar points with Annemann´s “Telepathy Plus” also. Credits go to Annemann, Richard Osterlind and Bob Cassidy. If you like this effect, Mr. Cassidy has an excellent e-book called “A Journey Through the 4th Dimension”.

My cat is looking at you. If you illegally copy this e-book he will know. If you do it, suddenly all your stuff will smell like cat’s excrement and urine.



Thanks a lot for read this document. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you had enjoyed the read. I hope also that you used this effects and ideas. Material that’s inspired me and I am still studying (and recommendation of course): 13 Steps to Mentalism by Corinda, Practical Mental Effects (or Magic) by Theo Anneman and all the books and DVDs from my Credits (Banachek, Kenton Knepper, Bob Cassidy, etc) You can check all the Kenton Knepper products in his website: Thanks to Mauricio Jaramillo for his help http: / / / If you had any question or help, contact me at: [email protected]