OTOA Probationer Study Guide

Study Guide for the 1st Year Student of the Monastery of the Seven Rays (O.T.O.A.) 1st Degree – Probationer (Malchut) –

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Study Guide for the 1st Year Student of the Monastery of the Seven Rays (O.T.O.A.) 1st Degree – Probationer (Malchut) – Introduction to the Doctrine of Initiation Dear student and fellow seeker of LVX/NOX. You have been admitted to the initiated studies of the Monastery of the Seven Rays as a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua. This means you already were given previous information on what possibilities you will have in the orders but also what the orders expect from you. We expect your decision to enter this holy fraternity was not lightly taken and well thought over. This short study guide given with the initial papers every member receives are meant to help him with his first steps inside the Labyrinth. Not everyone will need these papers and additional information to achieve the desired results as his imagination, experience, magical link to the current and guidance through his masters in the Orders will be sufficient. But many times students are in need for some additional ideas to get adapted to the particular path we offer here in the O.T.O.A. and the alligned fraternities as it is very different and much more elaborated and demanding than most esoteric organizations. This study guide concentrates on the work within the O.T.O.A. If you have been given papers regarding the LCN, these at this point are self-explainatory and/or should be discussed with your mentor directly. We are concerned here with a guide to the 4 year courses of the Monaster of the Seven Rays, which is a teaching vehicle of the OTOA. However, in the course of your work, keep in mind that the Courses of the Monastery are not the entire teachings of the OTOA. They comprise a basic body of teachings unique to the OTOA. While this is so, one must not forget that the order has many more teachings, some of them only accessible to the inner temples of the orders. There exist special initiatory cells and temples and while much is released to the initiated students of the outer temples, more is retained within the inner sanctuaries for those few and precious students who progress to these portals. The Course of studies in the OTOA is divided into four-year courses (with more courses in preparation) offered through the Monastery of the Seven Rays. These courses again have been subdivided in logical chunks to present the student with most crucial information he must understand, digest and internalize, before moving on to the next level of studies. It is very much encouraged to confine oneself to the level of work one has been assigned to and not to work ahead or divert oneself through too much engagement in the higher level material. This will only cause confusion and distraction and the value of our approach has been proven many times. During each period of study, the student is required to write and send regular reports (how to write a report, see the paper on reports included) to a mentor 1

who will then be able to advice and adjust the studies according to the individual needs of the student. After the intellectually understanding and integration of the principles in the given materials, the student is required to hand in a final report, giving proof of his ability to master the information he has received. He will then receive the next papers etc. The completion of particular phases of studies also corresponds with the degrees/grades of the OTOA. While a student is able to see his development on a certain scale, it does not mean, that these degrees are awarded to him in a formal way and that he will hold the ‘powers’ of this degree. Initiations, empowerments and transmissions are only given on an individual level from master to chela and only very few people within the orders have the sacramental power to do this. When the chela will receive such an initiation or empowerments depends on his level of understanding, work, engagement and potentials, as well as his relationship with the spirits. However, formal completion of the assigned work does correspond with the aquirement of certain magical and occult abilities which correspond in secret ways to the degree system and the level of spiritual attainment. While we do offer help and guidance in various ways, we expect a high degree of creativity and independency when dealing with the information you will receive through the orders. You will have to find individual ways and approaches to work with the Courses and come up with individual results. With the guidance provided this is very possible for everyone, however, determination, endurance and the development of many facilities in the occult psyche are needed. We also expect the student to truly integrate the lessons and ideas presented to him in his course of studies. Apart form a theoretical and intellectual absorption and understanding of the material, he must integrate this practically and directly into his magical persona and transform into a higher being as he walks along the path. To the serious practitioner, it is clear that this is no easy task and involves a lot of courage and will. However, this integration of principles and magical/occult skills goes hand in hand and to be able to wield the powerful magic we possess and to enter the sanctuaries of the Loa, one must be perfectly prepared in body and spirit.

In Gnosis, Tau Melchizedek Sovereign Grand Master Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua & La Couleuvre Noire


Additional commentaries on the first 16 lessons I will begin with a quote from Master Bertiaux which you will find in these first papers: „The first year’s course work at the monastery is a matter of introduction to the teachings of the outer temple. The nature of occult training is such that it is necessary to clearify a number of points, so that the student is ready for entry into the temples of the inner court, where in the course of very intense studies, the keys to occult power, to systems of magic with cosmic dimensions are taught....“ In the first initial lessons the student is confronted with seemingly easy and well-known concepts like the nature of the occult universe and principles of occultism. However, these papers lay many vital foundations in understanding our particular idea of magical work and universes – and these ideas differ fundamentally from other systems of magic. Here we find gnostic concepts joining magical ideas and these are clearly presented and one should take time to really read and integrate them. The initial chapters present in short most secrets of the occult and gnostic world. After many years of studying and practicing our magic, you will find yourself going back to these chapters and reading its content in a different way. There is much contained which the superficial reader will miss easily. Systematically Master Bertiaux explains the nature of the magical and occult universe, our place within it as adepts and the the first steps needed to get in touch with the forces of the occult. These form the basis to be able later to manipulate and build your own magical universe. Like in school be sure you integrate and understand these fundamental ideas, which have many deeper layers, because if you fail to do so, all additional and powerful material which will need to rest on this base, will become confusing and will not work. Like a cosmic puzzle all has its place. You will be explained the nature of occultism, the importance of understanding the symbiosis of art and science in true occult work. To integrate these ideas and to live accordingly, putting them into action is of extreme important for the progress in the orders and our voudon gnostic system. So from the first lessons onward, you will be able and you will be compelled to live occultism. After learning about purification-processes and direction of his desires the student will move on to studying something about the nature and qualities of some the occult powers which he will be able to access. It provides a necessary theoretical basis for the future professional training in accessing and wielding these powers. The necessity for metaphysical surrender are discussed as well as the differences in power and perecption of the occultist vs. the non-occultist. Very important things to know indeed if one wants to have an idea where he is heading – towards the state of superhumanity! We will present to you examples of how occult art is realized within some departments of the esoteric centers of the voudon gnostic continuum, so you are able to get a glimpse of how future work could look like. At the same time you will receive lessons on occult history and the the nature of the occult sciences. This and ideas on esoteric cosmology will help you to find your place within the magicognostic continuum you have joined. Your first step on the path within the voudon gnosis ends with the ‘first occult self examination’, which you will need to complete and attach to your final report before progressing to the next level of work. Fraternally, Tau Melchizedek SGM OTOA/LCN 3

Magical/Occult Diary It is advised that the student keeps a magical diary or magical notebook. In the course of your work, you will find that daily reflection and occult self-awareness are a key to higher magical development. You will want to record dreams and visions, rituals, etc., so you can include them later in your reports to your mentor. It is crucial that these reports are not written from memory, but are based on precise information taken down before and directly after and in some cases during a ritual, meditation or any magical work. This diary then of course must not necessarily include very long daily notes, but should contain the central things of your magical work. Usually an entry in the magical diary may consist of elements such as: • The goal of work • Preparations, the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state before, during and after the working • The elements of the working • Magical experiences during the working • Conclusions It is good to leave some free space after every entry – you may later want to add some notes on the longer-term results of the working. The way you keep a diary and what it contains can be very individual and must not have a certain form – do as you see fit. However, you should be able to extract precise and coherent information from your work.


Requirements for passing to the next degree In the following we list the requirements to be completed by every student before moving on to the next degree: 1. A creative essay showing one’s understanding of the principles of 1st degree and their relation to one’s occult/spiritual path and life. We expect an elaborate and clear presentation of your ideas. This essay must show your intellectual understanding of the materials you worked with, but also indicate a clear absorption of these into your daily life and occult work. 2.

A report on the self-examination ritual from the 16th lesson.

3. A report at least every 6 weeks detailing your magical and spiritual work and progress. You can either send in the magical diary of that period or type up a report covering the period. We expect this report to be elaborate and reflective and including all occult/spiritual activities. We must be able to see a constant level of work. 4. We expect documented regular and thorough practice of exercises and rituals given in the courses and others given to you by your superiors in the Orders. 5. An essay on any spiritual-magical-related topic for Instrumentum. Instrumentum is a major teaching vehicle and communication platform for members of the orders. We expect every member to contribute to Instrumentum and share some of his work with others. The essay (or art or any result of occult creativity in relation to the work in the orders) must be of a certain quality and in English. Don’t worry about language perfection, it is not grammar or vocabulary which count.